HomeMy WebLinkAboutAUGUST 11 2017 BUILD APPT\TB ,3.,-s 2oryrsdp NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLIiATI9N rYPE; COIIILIERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICASLE TO YOUR PRO]ECI "Project Responsibilit}/' APPLICATION Number (Office Use) - DATE:APPLICANT'S NAI'IE I James Clements 't / t8l2ot7 DEVE LOPER: PRO]ECT AD CITYI pi1,"it,gson PHONE #: ZIP i26461 PHONE S: ST: yg ZIP:2 ga 61 ST:Nc ZIP:28a2e - PHO{E *: 9to-623-4244 . PHONE *:910-431,12o1 DRE55: 5g4 North Fronl streeE OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAIIE: cFCC Bldg F workforce Training cenEer PROPERTY O.INER, S NAI.IE : OIINER' 5 ADDRESS: ail p Cape Pear Communit : :'TY: yi 16i19s6n ADDRESS: po tsox I EMAIL ADDRESS:clement sGke stoflerc. com PRO]ECT CONTACT R : James Clemenls - LICENSE S: e r:-r o - CITY: 96sgtg ilaynq (Ch€ck aIl That Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALT ERATION lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the GENERAL REPAIRS T-I RELOCATIONt_ll-. No lS BLDG SP- INKLEREDT- YesJ- REI{OVATION rrent Site? f CSLJ If UPFIT - The SheII Penmit #:Is Elect Power on this Building li'. Yes J.. N0 rI*** I5 THIS A CHANGE OF O€CUPAT'ICY USE?T YES I!- NO TI*+T IF Yes, what r.ras the Previous Occupancy Typel - what is the New Occupancy TVoe?ARCH DESIGI{ PROF ESSIO}'IAL : H i pp Archl ! ecEure ENGR DESIGN PRoFESSIONAL ;- - PH:910-7G3-8969 t{C REG f: PH:NC RE6 # nd classroom layout. Add lj"ghting . Ceiling replacement,floo!ing & Pa int in !he ol B SIGNATURE DESCRIPTION OF hJORK: Expa ts food or beverages prepared or served in this struclure?f Yesli- ruo ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainf - Yefr- NBcLltuen: t trereoy ccnity that ail inrormation in lhis applicatlo n is cor.ocl ancl allu/ork willcomply with the Stale Building Code and all othor applicable State anc, bcal laws and ordinances and regulations. The or crlanoe ln conlrador or contraclor informalion. "' Sublectlo Finos UP To 5500.00"' NHC Develoom€nt ServicesNOTE Any Wort Perlormed Center willbe notlfied ol anv chaw/O rhe Approprial€ Permrts wl o€crlicatonshg Code and (Ouahfd) (PEl &mo) Note: Demalilion nolificalorts & asbestos removsl p€mit spplications are to be su conlarn Asb€slos or not. You are requi€d to calllhe Natjooel Emisgion Slandads OWNER/CONTRACTOR:,-rames cf ements NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: p,tn bmitred usin€ lhe apdication fom {DHHS.3768) ttiether ihe facilrty or Uralding was foutld to lor Hazardous Air PollulaoB (NESHAP) al (919)707'5950 at loast 10 dsys p.ior to th€ f OF UNITS # oF STORIES: r 8 OF FLOORS: EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? .T YES ]i NO SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA SO FT demolitjon ot any tacility o.building. See Asbeslos Web Sit6: htlplrrww epi.slale nc us/epllasbeslosjahmo himl TOTAL PROJECT COST: 154OOO BUILDING HEIGHT 5 f T TOTAL AREA SO FT : 3ooo SQ FT PER FLR: TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: iOOOO ACRES DISTURBED: N/A # OF STRUCTURES: r CONDO OTHEI SE CLASSIFICATIONWATER SEWER SYSTEM CFPUA CFPUA E COMMUNITY SYSTEM CENTRAL SEPTIC r..I WELL T-I ZONING U Hvare seprrc D?oMMUNtrY pAyMENT METHOD: f CASH l* CnrCx (peynBLE TO NHC) l-- nUteRtCnu EXPRESS {-- tr'lClrtSe [-- OtSCOven ZONE:OFFICER: (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:LH RH B Approval:- CitY:- DATE- FLOOD:BFE+2ft,_, (--<') Comment PERMIT FEE: : TDISCLAIHER: SUBMITTING THIS APPLICATION MEANS THAT THE SUBMITTAL CHARGE N 15 NON. RE FUNDABL E L7 -23L6 CONTRACTOR: Keysrone R&C Inc. NoiiEw cotsrnucrroN: n EREcr NEt.l srRUcruRE I rAsr rRAcK f] SHELL n upFrr n ADo ro Exrsr srRucruRE ACCESSORY STRI'CTURE: PRoPERTY USE: floFFIcE f] nesrnunatlr f] rrrencer'rrrue171EDUCTI APrT1 \{v &,'1-8t+5 17 - 1831 APPLICATION Nuober NEI^J HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT aPPLIcatIoN IyPf : C0ti'lMERCIAL PttasE a 5lltR ALL QUt5TIONS AppLI(A8ta TO YOIJR pROlECt "Pro ject Responsibility" APpLICANT'S NAJVIE: -'anres 11 JchoEL',, DFVFI OPFR. ., , PROIECT AOORESS: 2?2i Norroc):ase !ark,,lav sI CITY: i,i i, r rno:c oCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAr'!E: srare Emotovees, .,edir unlor DATE: (!,'rr 2arr PRoPERTY OWiIER'5 ilrrtlE : Ol.rNER'S ADoRESS: rre N Sal r6burv st r E€l CITY: R.,le r,th PHONE T:,Eacr4 lr.,ri..i coNTRAcToR: Monteith Construction Corp ADDRE55 T 52ffi crrv:wilmingt,on 116px5s s; 43319 51; NC 2yp. 2840'1 PHONE s:9 G7e1-S16-r p11ep5 s, sf[To5z6&[-pRolrcr c6Nracr pERsoN. DaviafBuatrner- ((hc( I All Ihat apply) EXIST CONSTRUCIION: E ll Rolo@don, is lhere a Natural ALTERATTON l-l nerOVlrrON Gas Line on lhe Current Srte? Ll GETIERAL REPAIRS E"o rs BLDG s RELOCATION KLERED? E Yes I NoPRIN UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE Yes r{Et,l/ coNsTRUCTrON: I rnrcr NEt,l STRUCTURE ! rasr rnacx ! sxer-r- ACCESSoRY sTRUCTURE: N/A I{ UPFIT - Ihe SheII Permrt *:Is Elect Power on this EuiLding Yes Ero t'... Is THrs a cHAr{GE 0F occuPAflcY usE? EYES I It Yes, l,Jhat ra! the P.evious Occupancy Typel ENGR oES16ll PROftSSIoNAL: vari, T. Arcuri Pu ,oroj391-2929 fiC R€G 3: 24119 DESCRIP-IION OF WORK: Consrru.r new burldinq for use as a credit unicn branch office ,|l f'€ lrclhy o. 5ultsr! w.6 lfl.d lo OWNEFUCONTRACTOR \ulhr,n/((l ()1\ncr\' r.p SIGNATURE: (Ortl!ry) lPrtrr ta.d) Nolsr O€rnolilo. mrf6toll6 E s!b.tt6 rtroval p..tnll.pdb.tort !t! lo b. tuDrnuld 6ll[ lh. trg.k tb.lo.tt (DBHS'3 conrDL t!b.5lon or mt. You E ! E{urcd lo catl tlo N5to.!l Ehbrbn st!.d.r(b h. B.:!l(tn I} Hr'dnr (NESHAP) 3l ( d Errron!,on o1 6n, Iadlry or blldhO. 566 AEb.rG Wo! Sllo: hiPJirwe 6pl rlti..nc.uJ.9!.6bclc,/61h, ht l ! d oF UNITS: ti, n 5950 ol lcarr l0d.y3 fnor ro tn€ TOTAL PROJECT CoST: rE: TOTAL AREA SO FT TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: r,tti ACRES DISTURBED NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: rs r,,r r WATER: UCFPUA SEWER; m CFPUA BUILDING HEIGHT: lr'-10 1rl4' I OF STRUCTURES: I fOFFLOORS:r,trezz -EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT?t YES fl No SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA SQ FT pRopERrYUsE: ZloFFlcE Enesrlumr'n [ueRce.rwtle neouc f] esr [coruoo otuen, r-'ICoMMUNITYSYSTEM T-'IWELL EZoNINGUSECLASSIFICATION -CENTFAT sEprrc fj PRIVATE sEPTlc flcoMMUNlrY SYSTEM SEPAT1AIEP€I{I'.IISREOUIHIDfOSElILI,MECH.PIBG(iASEOUIP,PRLIAAS6I^]STRIS- PAYMENT METHOD flcnsx flcxecx (eAYABLE To NHc) []AMERIcAN ExPRESS EMc /lsA I otscoven (FOR OFFICE USE ONLYJ SETBACKS: F:- REVTSeO 0Al€ r./11/t 2 ZONE Approval:- OFFICER:LH: RH: B: City:- DATE:- FLOOD' - o- u N a\ BFE+zft=__ Comment_ T N K fi v-r-. t' \ \\( Ao rf - '''c\ ,C F (vs<<4,X- PERMIT FEE: $| -,.rri4 Ocl I PHoU€ l: !-,. i.ti ZIP:.8i:,: 5T: ils ZIP:2'i5!r 66ay1 6e@ Hhet is the ller Occupan(y Type? AnCH DESIGII PROFESSIOIALT B! rar) T. shepard, AtA, NCARts, LE!:o PH: (919)32'r'-0115 NC REG r ls t@d or bov€.e96s Fepared q 6€rved ln thls srru,:trrez I ves I No lE Th€ Property Local€d ln Thg Floodgaln? [ ves fl No SO FT PER FLR: - #OFSTORIES: I l f.i I Y $p &n-8q15 r-7 - 1831 APPLICATION Number (Office Use) 2 = NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IYPE: COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSHER AI.I OUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANT, S NAI4E :Jame R John PROIECT ADDRESS: 2721 Norrhchase parklrav sE oCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAr,lE: Srare Employees, Credir Union CITY: wi t minot on NorEh Carolina State EmpLoyee,s Credil UnionPROPERTY OWNER'5 NAfiE: oWNERJS ADDRESS: 1le N ST: NC ZIP: 27603 CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: Monteith Construction Corp.116s115E x; 43319 32X.FrontSt 611y'Wilmington 51; NC 71p; 28401 EItlAIL ADDRESS:dbuckner@monteithco. com PHONE S:9'l-G791-8-1-cT pRolEcT coNTAcT pEp5gp; David Buckner pHoNE #:910-409-2664 Sal-isbury SEreeE CITY: nalerqh If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #;Is Elect Power on this Building Yes U*o ARCH DE5I6N PRoFESSIOML: Brian T. Shepard, AIA, NCARB, LEED PH: (919)322-011s NC REG *i t2'144 ENGR DESIGN PRoFESSIoiIAL: Mark T. Arcuri PHi 1910)397-2929 NC REG #i 24479 DESCRIPTIoN OF WORK: Construct new buildinq for use as a credit union branch office DISCLAIMER: I hereoy certty lhal all rnformatron rn thrs applcatrcn is correcr and all wor\ willcomply wrlh lhe Stale Auilding Code and alt olher apptrcabte Slareand local laws and otdinances and IeqLrlalions, The NHC Develoomenl Servrces Cenler wrllbe noli,red ofanv chanoes rn lhe aooroved olans and soecrfrcatronsoI chd.rqe rn conlEctor or conlraclor rirlormalion. "'NOTE Any Work Performed w/O lhe Appropriale Permrls wrllbie rn Vrolalron ofthe NC Slare Bldg Code andSublecllo Fines Up To $500.00"' ls tood or bevs-dges p(eparcd or serv€d in this stnrture? [ Yes I No ls The Property Located ln Th€ Ftoodflain? [ ves I No # OF STORIES: r # OF FLOORS: t + tqezz EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT?T YEs ENo SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FT OWNEF/CONTRACTOR: TOTAL PROJECT COST: TBD TOTAL AREA SO FT: 10.570 SQ FT PER FLR: e,:ss TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF::-rrr #OF STRUCTURES: r ACRES DISTI,RBED: r.2e NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: sE,8el 0 pRopERTy usE: EoFFrcE [nesreuReNr luencarrru leouc lenr CONDO OTHER: WATER: ZCFPUA ECOMMUNITY SYSTEM SEWER: m CFPUA flcENrRAL SEPTIC fl flWELL PRIVATE SEPTIC flzoNrNG usE CLASSTFTCATTON: ECOMMUNITY SYSTEM -. SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PL8G, G,1S EOUIP, PREFAAS & INSERTS *' PAYMENT METHOD:Ecrsx EcxecK (eAvABLE ro NHc) EAMERIcAN ExpREss I rucusn I orscoveR (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY)AEUSEO OATE {1V12ZONE:_OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B: I oArEt::J:)J3!]l_ PHONE #: (919)644-3149DFVFI OPFR: ZIP i 28405 PHoNE #i (8or)4is-110,i (check A11 That Appty) EXIST CONSTRUCTION: E ALTERATION I-I RENOVATION I-I GENERAL REPAIRS I-I RELOCATION lf Relocatlon, isrherea Naruralcas Line on the "current Sire? f]Ye;ENo tSBLDGSPfi KLEneoz Ives E]uo NEW coNsTRucTroru: I enecr NEW sTRUcTuRE ! rasr rnacr ! sner-r- ! ulrrr ! aoo ro ExrsT STRUCTURE ArrFq<nPY qTRr rrrr rRF. ***+* Is THIS A 6HANGE oF occUPANcY UsE? EYE5 [ru0 ***** rF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? _ What is the New Occupancy Type? SIGNATURE:(Ou.lrid) (Pint Nln. ) Noter Domollion notflcalJon6 & a6b66to6 rsnoval p€rmit appllc8tons 6re to b€ Eubmlltod uslng lh. sppllcatlon form (DHHS-3768) whothor tho tacttlty or bultdtng wss bund to conlaln Asbeeto6 or not. You aro requk€d lo call tho Naional Emlselon Standad3 lor H6zadou6 Ar Pollutants (NESHAP) st (919)707-5950 st te66t 10 dsys prtor to tho deholition of any f8cility or bulldlng. S€e Asb6sto6 Web Site: hnp/v/ww.ept.stEl€. nc.uJopuasb€slo€y'ahmp.hun I BUILDING HEIGHT: 33 ' -10 T/4tr #OF UNITS: N/A N HC- arcr, N \\c-zorr'. \CtrA)e,Ee6€{'c 8'niho e n"t t' \;yv<rt ,tcvy', -r--tr.t 4l -1-fi7b ,,/*o*Xrr*.ouNwBUIIDINGpERMtr Yt t ll /'$G1t1n'='r'' AppucATtouTypE:*E5/lafllf,it,d'-cptnrnEcrlRr-- App[""6- PLEASE ANSWER ALL OUESTIONS APPIICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT Numbet APPUCAiTT'S NAME: PRoJECTADDRESS:cnY: suBDlvlslo :f: [Vn*tIn 'hoiEcr Rssponslbflltll"(LJ*, <L*,L &,slPROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'5ADDRESS: N -(fas, n,L CL's!.* bcc. (,( c^y t 0 Pool (sf) tr Deck (sR (office use) Date:[o-30-t'l ZIP:-zB.+B \ PHO Ef:qrc ZGN -{)"3z CITY; Bi"OG LICEI{SE *: sr''tf ztPtzg'fiq I.J--@ITTRACIOR: ADDRESS; PROJECT CONTACT PERSOI{: E 0$fr{6 cOl{SIRUcnO :E Aherdtion E Renoyation E GeneralRepai6 tlEW Co sfnucno : E Erect New Residence E Additio to Edstint Residence E Relocation aa aa E Att carate(sF)- tr Det Garage (5F)- C Pord (sfl c, EMAII. AODRESS: E sunroorn (sF) - tr Greenhoue (sf) Descripti,o of Work: OTY: nrc> 28tt,-o1 ]z PHONE:<to'lcrS 3t 37 urfi€s."a S.% til! ((l-*o! -L,-[,."i lJ, ts-Sorqe Shed (5F) - qou*.",t=lelo k a$n% J"d (ls the propo6ed wort changing the eristing foobrint? q Yes E No IOTAL SQ FI UIIDER ROOF W ptop*d rro*l jlf,5frd; ToTAL PRoJBcr @sT (tllsststl:S l2/6:9. - ls the proposed wo.k chan€int the number of bedroorns? tr Yes EF{o ls any Eledri.d, Pll.fnfu or Mechfiical work being done to the Accassory Structure tr Yes EK{o ffthe project is a Relocatioo is tlere a Naturdl Gas Line on the cumnt site? E Yes El^.t{o ls there Electrical Po/rrer on this Euilding? tr Yes ELfo Property lrse/ Occuparcy: tr gngle tr tr hws and ordinances a'ld .€gulatirns. Ttr€ NHC Devdopment S€wkes Center will be hotified of any plans andsp€dfications or dEnge in contra@r hfo.matio{l. "*NOIE: Ary vrork the permits wfll be in violatjon of the up Orrrner/Contractq: "Lkens€d ewtfief Prittt I'lome ls the prcperty lo€ated in a floodplain? tr Yes E llo Edsting hpewious atea: - --/gFt Total Acr€s olsturt€d: l{ew lmperuious Area:sqFt E dsdng tand Dlsfrrbbrg PermiE E Yes E tlo WATER: EIICFPUA E Community System E Priydte Well E Gntralwell EI Aqua SEWER: ,EI-GPUA E Community System E Private Septic Et Central septic E Aqua z*r",?'3 omcer Of(o setta+O MAtrrl 5' (nnl 6' lsl 5'' o*.*n. &-o,+ -l/-r4-o,*, 4h[,?-*1oJ-.g-6r x BrE+2ft=- cornm€nt ?r.olttl'es c onbi'.*) .rrol Aoet atlo.x.l u; Oer-rnr I permlt $t Fee: $T state Agi'ti;I"1, i.tr1t rr oyi;Lrr0i i nfiaurriiJ., il.t_2U".rll.i ^.\0u J= to- ht \'nt{80 rt'?\# Clear Form P.int eMail NEI,{ HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATToN TYPE: COiIIIERCIAL PLEAsI ANSI,JER ALT QUESTIONs APPL:CAALE ]O YOUB PROJECI "Project Responsiblli.t}/' ;riu0 I i irgli A FFfi-carrox Number (offj.c. Use) APPLICAIII'S l{A}lE: 16py ssss311- PHONE $ , 284A3 9t zazcz :1TI DEVE LOPER: PRO] ECT ADDRE55: 6819 6o.clor RoaC CITY: :, i r -,i. i-L OCCUPA T/BUSINESS l,/AilE: ?-iIobi;c .j.ire *:,ri:Ji19 PROP€RTY O{NER'S MltE: Cr,rwn .jasL.:rl Ol.lNER'S ADDRESS: :530 Tcr.tr,gcor $.ry CONTRACTOR: ileicon se:vices ADDRESS: !,. c. Box 659irl EIiAI L ADDRESS: ts i..1,,a r l3 Lo:ecansl rc. c.n €lTY:;1".1";gu. PHOIIE si ST: I- LICENSE *i 1a324 - CITY: s.". pcLersburq 5T: 1s ZIP: 33736 PHONE S: PHONE S:PROIECT C0iITACT PERSON: 1,,n, 5;gp31; (che.k all th.t ApPly) I v EXlST Cor,rSlRUCTrON:AL T E RATION RENOVATION If Relocation, is there a Natura Gas Line on the GENERAL REPAIRS T-'I RELO(ATION T No rs BLDG SPFrNKLEREDX- _T esfi _urrenl Sile?Yes No NEI.I CONSTRUCTION:u ERECT NEII STRUCTURE fAST TRACK SHELL UPFIT ADO TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY 5TRUCTURE: IXEfi?D€SIGtl PROFESSIOML: i:!- PH:919-661-63i1 llC nfC, *, O1.,:-, t ENGR OESIGII PROF€SSIOML i..PH DESCRTPTToN OF WOR(: .a?lilliil-lna frber, upsrade cab,.net, no ruc n:cl* ground cr e Iectri ca1 dork ls lood or beverages prepared or served in this structure?f - Yesli No ls T?re Propeny Located lnThe Floodplqinf. _ Yefr_ NSculurn, r trur"ty ."niry that aB inlormaton ln lnls applicstron ls correcr 6nd NHC Develooment ServrcssNOTE Any Wo.k Pedo.med allwork will comply wilh the C€nter wil b€ no!fied ot anvW,O th6 Appropriar€ Pemrls Srare Buildtng cod. and 8tl 6pplcable Slare Code and OWNER/CONTRACTOR {onrid) N SIGNATURE Nore: D€dro{Uon rdirioldls a asbesros removol permir apdieljons are ro b€ s{Om.tred usi,E rhe apdEalio. lofm IDH conlain Alt oslos or nol. vo! 4.6 llquirsd lo cEllthe NsnonalEmisspn Slrnd8rd$ lfl Ha:"rdcus Ak Po,lutanls (NESHAP)9|107 al la93l 10 fays pdor to rh€ demolkiod olany lacikly or bualdrng. Soo Asbeslos Web Sita: -,::r.., .',: TOTAL PROJECT COST: ie.2t!BUILDING HEIGHT: .# OF UNITS TOTAL AREA SQ FT : i]SO FT PER FLR # OF STORIES TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: _S OF STRUCIURES # OF FLOORS ACRES DISTURBED: g_ NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: c PROPERTY USE EIoFFTcE f] nesraunerur I MEBCANTLEI-J ZONE EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? ^T YES SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: il NO EDUC APT CONDO OTHEI BI BFE+2ft, SQ FT ,tJ,-j(C WATER T]CFPUA SEWER: HCFPUA SYSTEM L_I PAYMENT METHOD; T''ICOMI,IIUNITY SYSTEM T'I WELL T1 ZONING USE CLASSIFICATION flcrnrnar seerc fl lnlvArE sEpnc D?oMMUNrry f. casu f. cHEcK (PAYAELE To NHc) T. AMERICAN EXPRESS T. MCA/ISA I- D|scovEn OFFICER {FOF OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F: LH RH Aooroval Citv. DATE FLOOD f.l 't /28 / r1 l.l-o1i-: r:T- LIf UpFIT - The Sh€lI p€rmit #: Is EI€ct Polrer on this Building r-. Yes tI N0 .*r.r rs THrs A cluya6E oF oc6upAllcy UsEl1- yEs f-. m *rrr I IF Ye', rhat ras the p.evious Occup.ncy lype? _ l,lhat ts the lileu oc.upan.y i I Cornment , PERMIT FEE; : I*orscLAlr.r rs NoN-REFUND;dIE-- ?uq- gr{83 ClearForm Prinl e rll NEhI HAI{OVER COUNTY BUILDING PERITTIT APPLICATI(n rYPE: C0IfrERCIAL PLEA5E A}.IS}IER ALL qJESTIOI{5 APPLTCABLE TO Y{I'R Prc]ECT "ProJect nesponslbiuty" APPLICAI{T' S l,lA}lE: s.g.r, Barefoor,Bluewave Deployn€nt obo American Tower DEVELOPER: American To!,e r PRO]ECT : 5?05 Castle llayDe Rd i castle Hayne OCCUPAIT/BUSII{ESS llAltE : American rower PROPERTY OtflER'S IUUTE : (}ltlER,,S AITDRESS i Arnerican Touer Lr,C _ trTY r 6of,r.r, CO TRACTOfi: Netcom services rnc._ LICEI{SE *z zae24 ADDRESS r 3522 EI cenrro sr EiIATL ADORESS 3 CITY: 5s pssq PRO]ECT L7 -2463 AFFmIiid{ Nrnber (Offl.c t i!) DATE: 1/31i1'l - PIO E *3 9L9-'712-2s94TFza*zs 5T: MJ\ ZlP:616g1 ST: EL ZIP:33706 ExIsT COI{STRUCTIOI: f-'l ALTERAUq{l-J It Relocation. is thars E Natulll Gas Lin€ on th€r-r-] 6EI{ERAI NEPAIRS T'] RELOCArIOHF * 6BLDGsful,lKLEREDf-Yef- -Pl0rlE f i'727-940-3507 : Kurt llade Schneider -PIOIE *: 121 -s4o-35o"t (ch€.t Al1 lhat rpply) REN(WATIO' Sit6? ERECT ]IEI{ STRI'CTURE FAST TRACX n S}tE L L n UPFIT n ADO TO EXIST STRITTUREDNtr corsrnucrron, A ACGESSoBY STRUGTURE i If UPFIT - The 5he11 Permlt #:Is Elect Porcr on this Buildlng f Yes f ilo ...r. Is THIS A CllrlFE Or OCCIPAI{CY tSE?r. lF Yes, rihat yar the Prevlous (kcupancy BDei - tar.t fvla? ANtH DESIGiI PROFESSI0I{AL i To,re. Engineering prof essioDats PHr 919-661-5351 llC REG *:6-1794 El6R DESIGiI PROFESSIoIUIL:-PH }lC REG *: DESCRIPTIOI{ OF I.loRK: Replacins existins antenoag uiLh new anLeonas at sane heighL and location ls iood or beverages prspsrcd or sBrysd in this structur€?f- Yesfi- no ls The Property Locaied ln Ths Floodpl8inf- Ve{i- OWNERICONTRACTOR: a.ia" Balef oot SIGI.IATURE: {O,aa..) (Prh trr|l) Nda: Cbmofiion mtficaUo.E E d65ba lrlno.d pendl .pplcdidB arB to b. subrinad tring fi. t aaation brn (DtlH$376t) s,hdEr Ule Hfy contrin A5b6b6 or no! Yqr dr€ rEquiEd to cdl lh6l{alioorl EmEdoi Sirafitarda lo. Haaddr At fdulan$ (NESHAP) Ea (fiSlm7-6950 sr bd 10 dar! Fid b rt denromdr oa any trdlfiy o. bullrtlng. Sc Asb€3b W€b Sha: h[p/, wr.€9i.ai te.nc.lni+i/lsbai6iehnP.himl 15 000 BUILOING HEIGHTI SQ FT PER FLR: YES r, ' .t.r. ts the rI (kcuDancy NoDlSCl,.AlraER: I h€mry cerlity lhst.ll inhflalidl in lhis apdk:ati,l h conecl tnd and lo{al lrys and ordinancB rnd rEgulalion6. Tho NHC Davslorn€n Sorvi:B o. chano€ in contlcno.9r @aitftlcbr iniom8lion. "'NOTE: Any Work Porffi Subj.d'lD FirE6 Up To S5o0,00.- all i/ort will coanDly ivth ttls S:t t0 Buildlng Codo srx, all o$er spplitt 6 Sla16 c6ri€r wi[ be nortf,ed ol anv dlamos in lho aDoroy€d olans and 6Doarfic6tion6 w/o ule Apprcprbte Permis wil Ee ln Vblalion ol th. NC Stat Bld{ Code tld TOTAL PROJECT COST: TOTAL AREA SO FT : TOTAL SO FT UNOER ROOF: # OF STRUCTURES ACRES DISTURBED { OF STORIES:f OF FLOORS: EXST LAND DTSTURBTNG PERMI? r YES r NO SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: OTHET ATION S OF UNITS NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA SO FI pRopERfi usE: EoFFrcE I nesrauneNr f] uencmrrtr-e[ EDUc[-l APrf-l coNDo WATER: nCFPLJA f"ICOMMUNITY SYSTEM f-'l WELL Tl zoNlNG USE CLASSIFIC . g-E!-E-R, ff creua ff cex-rner- seerrc D PrIvArE sEmc Br6MMUNrrysYs I b.M " sEpARATE pERMlrs REoutREo FoR ELECT. MECH, pLBG. cAS Eourp pREFABS 8 tNsERts PAYMENT METHOD: r CASH f-, CHeCX lelVeBLE TO NHC) l-- aUenrCen eXPRESS r- MCAflSA f-- OtSCOVen ZONE: OFFICER: (FOR OFFTCE USE ONL\') SETBACKS: F;LH RH B Approval:- City: DATE- FLOOD:- BFE+2fl!- AVNComment PERMIT FEE: : *DISCLAIIIER: SUBI{ITTING THIS APPLICATIOT{ }IEANS TI{AT THE SUBI'IITIAL CHARGE IS iON-REFUITDABLE PHoflE S: )ot1- 8\gbClearFom Print ellall NEW HANOVER COUI{TY BUILDI]TG PERIIIT APPLICATION TYPE: C(I'lIlE RCIAL PLEASE AIS}IER ALL q.ESTIo}IS APPLICASLE TO YCi'R PRO]ECT 'PrcJect Responiibility" APPLICAT{T' S l{AltlE: syi6n Barefoor-,Bluewave Deployment obo American Tower DEVELOPER: Anerican ?ower PRO] ECT . 5704 Park Ave Wilmington OCCUPAI{T/BUSI ESS tlArlE: American rorer PROPERfY oolER'S MttE: Gtenn D Hushes oI,[{ER'S AIX}RESs:9 w Henderson St +5111 €ITY: g5ig515yit.Le Beach 5Tl xg ZIP: C0 TRACTOR: Ner-com Servj-ces lnc-- LICET{SE *: t 4BZ4 ADRESS: :SZZ sic."r; E _ CITY: st peLe . Sf: p1 ZIP: 33766 L7 -2464 AFTTETTOI Ilurber ((Hl<. Us.) _DATE: 't/3\/t'l _PXO|E : stg-t-t 2-25s4 2L:28403 _ PH0[{E *: gt1-256-4921 EHAIL ADORESS: PRO]ECT COTITAC ITET)Snl ! Kurt wade Schneider PKr E f:121-g4O-35A'j PH(}{E *t l2l -gqo-lsal (Check All lh.t tuply) EXIST CoI{STRUCTIoil | E AITEMTIoil 1, Roloc€tion, is there a Natural Gaa Line on lhe sib? r_ r-I GEI{ERAI REPAIRS T-IH;i-ro rs BLDG sdHll.r ilt* .*or*,*rro*, g1 ACCESSORY STruCTURE: R E I{OVAT IOI{RELOCATIOiI KLEREDI*Yesf- ERECT i{E}I STRUCTURE I resr rnacr f] 5HELL f] upFrr E ADD ro Exrsr srfit cruRE If UPFIT - The SheU Permlt s:Is Elect Porer on this Bullding f. Yes f. No .'t" Is THIS A ctlAr{6E oF occuPAtlcY usE? f YEs J-. to ..rrr IF Yes, rhat xas th€ PrevLou3 Occupancy Typ€? - Ilrat ls the X€r. Occupancy IXEfi trtttc* proFEssroiaL : rower Edsineerin9 Professi"onal6 PHi919-661-5351 |K REG #:6-1794 Eti6R DESIGN PiOFESSIO..AL:-PH:NC REG *: DESCRIPTION OF ['ORK:Replacinq existiag antennas uith new anLennas at same hei qht and Iocation ls food or b€yerag€s prBpared or servod in NoDISCLAIMER: I hereby cstfy ttel ell ln o.rnadon ln End loc.l lsws ad ordlrEnc€. and r€{ulEtions. Theo. d)enoe in @ntftElor gr cootractor iifoamalbn. .- Sublodlo Frs Up To 3500.00- OWNERYCONTRACTOR: e'ia, Bareroo!(alaltbo (Pfi rb'te) Note: Osnolilion mllrbattoos & Erb6t08 llnotral Dennlt apgLaliorB ara ttris struaureZl-- Vesl-t , No ls The Prop€rry Located tn Tho Floodptainf._ Y6f_ thls applha{on b @.r€c't aM all woit wlll coytply wldl trE Strto Blllding Codo and all other sppllcaue Sbie NHC Develootnc,rl Servkes Cent€r wlll be nodfed ot eov chanoas in lh6 aoomv6d olEn! and aEecifcstocNOTE: Ary Work Perormod w/O the Apprwriate Permfo will & in Vrohtiori of tleNC Statri Blijg Co(b end SIG}.IATURE: ro be eariu.d uchg ul. alplicarion tom (DHHS{768} whdld t|e hriUino was fottnd ro contaln Asb65lo6 or no!. Ycu aro mqujrEd to calltE Netonsl Efiiadon Standards fu lleElqJs Ar Hutanl! (NES}IAP) at (919)707.5950 at l€rn l0 days Flor to tlc d€rndltlon of 6ny ladtty or bulEinC. See Asbeslos Web Site: htF:/rve/u.6pi.state.nc.Ldepi/asbesios/ahmp.htrt TOTAL PROJECT COST; TOTAL AREA SA FT : BUILDING HEIGHT: SQ FT PER FLR: . # OF UNITS TOTAL SQ FT UNOER ROOF: _ # OF STRUCTURES # OF STORIES: f OF FLOORS: ACRES DISTURBED:EXST I.AND DISTURBING PERMIT? TYES I- X6 NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SA FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: pRopERry usE: floFFrcE I nesrnunarr I rvreacaNrrc [ EDUCI-L Aprn coNDo OTHET SA FT WATER -ICFPIJA T-I COMMUNITY SYSTEM T-'I WELL T-I ZONING USE CLASS SFWFR. HcFpUA H CENTRAL sEpTtc f] h[vArE sEpflc B\roMMUNtrysYsrEM rJ "' aa"t-o*ra "a*r,a" FrEeurRED FoR ELECT, MEch. pLB6. GAS Eourp. pREFABS & rNsEBrs IFICATION PAYMENT METHOD: r CASH f-, CXECX IeAVnBLE TO NHC) f-_ el,lenrCnX eXPRESS r- MCA/|SA l-_ OISCOVen (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) ZONE: OFFICER:SETBACKS: F: LH RH B Approval:-City: DATE-FLOODI---BFE+2ft- AVNComment - PERMIT FEE: I .DISCLAIMER: SUBHITTING THIS APPLICATIOI{ I{EANS THAT THE SUBMITTAL CHARGE IS NOI{ - RE FUI'IDA8L E Clea. Form Print eu6lt NEhI H'INOVER COUNTY BUILDI]TG PERilTT APPLICATTN Tyipr: COI'SIERCIAL pt_EAsE lnsyEn ALt QUtSTIflS ApptICABLE TO yOt'R PROIECTdProject iesponsiblutf APPLICAT{TtS l{AllE: gsi5n Ba!efoot, Blue}rave Depl,oynenr obo American lower oEvELoPER: Anerican Tower PROJECT 6736 Carolina Beach Rd ; [{ilmingLon Nc PROPERTY O$IER'S iaAltE: NevelEno 1NC OtflER'S ADORESS: 6?35 carolina Beach RD : wilningtoD COiITRACTOR 3 Netcom Servj.ces rnc LfCE SE *; 7a624 ADDRESS:3522 El centro st crw:St. Pete EI.UU L ADORESS: PRO] ECT COi'I (CrEck AII Ihat Appry) Xorl- 84qj L7 -2462 AFEIEiforr Lurber (OffI.c us.) -DATE: 1/ 37 /t1 - P}ol{E *: sts-112-25s4 zlP I zaaiz 5T: x6 ZfP:2g469 . ST: FL ZfP: 33706 _ PlOl{E }: 121-g40-350.1 _ PHoitE *i't2-t-940-3s01 EXIST coilSTRlrCTIo : n ALTERATIo lf Relocation, is there a Natura-l Gas Line on the sita? f- r-,I GENERAL REPAIRS I-'Ik,;--rlo rsBLDos*IIil{ NotlEH coNsTRUcTIOfl: LlACCESSORY STRUCTURE ! RETIO/ATIot{RELOCATIOI KLERED?f _ Y€61-_ ERECT I{EI STRTTCTTTRE E FAST TRACI fI SI{EL L UPFIT tr ADD TO EXIST STRI'CN,NEtr If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #: r.... Is IHIS A CHAITGE OF (rorp XCv usE?r yEs li:IF Yes, rdrat yas thG Prcvlo{s (kcuparcy fryp€! _ t*r.t ts tha Tvoe IARCH DESIGI Pf,OFESSIOCAL: Tower Enqineeri Is Elcct Porcr on thts Buildlng f. Yes ,-' i0 lo.*.rt ieu Occupancy 919-661-6351 NC REG $: g-1194 flC nrG *:- n9 Professionals PH PHEI{6R OESIGI{ PTOFESSIO{AL DESCRIPTIOII OF TORK:Replacing exist i.ng antennag with nec antennas at the same hei qht and iocation - (O'dft.) (Prid t{..n€) NdEi Dernditton notilDetbn. e 33b6lo6 l€rrloral pormit apfaadoftr {!lo bo arbrnitbd uEing tE epplietm torm (DBHS-3768) rttotEr U€bla*to xr6 found ts cofllaan Asb€6to€ or not. Yo! orc rcgurod to call th6 Nalirlal Emb€lrn St rdards b{ l-hzan {u6 Air fulutants (NESHAP) d (919)707-5950 at l€ad 10 deys p.k b tt€ domdiUon ol any hcllty or building. S€e Asb6tos W6b SiE: htts/yyviw.epi.stale.ft us/opi/asbestos/ehmp_htni TOTALPROJECTCOST: ls,000.00 BUILDINGHEIGHT:f OF UNITS: TOTAL AREA SQ FT :SQ FT PER FLR: * OF STRUCTURES EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? T YES T NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: pRopERry usE: DoFFrcE I nesrnuv,nr I uenar{rrr-e[-1 EDUcfl Aprl-l coNDo OTHEIcetf tower TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: _ ACRES DISTURBEO: # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORSI r-lcFPUA r-l COMMUNmY SYSTEM r-l WELL r-I ZON|NG USE CLASS EJcFpuA ECENTRALSEPTE DFElvArESEprc n-doMMUNrTy '- SEPARATE PERMITS R€QUIRED FOR ELECT MECH. PLBG, GAS EQUIP PREFABS 8 INSERTS SO FI WATER: SEWER: SYSTEM IFICATION PAYMENT METHOO: r CASH f.. CAeCX leeVlaLE TO NHC) J-- lUentClr\r EXPRESS f-- trlClVrSe l-- OtSCOVen {FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) ZONE: OFFICER: SETBACKS: F: LH RH B Approvd:_ City:- DATE- FLOOD: BFE+2f,:AVNcommenl PERMIT FEE: t' .DISCLAII,iER: -UBT4ITTING THIS APPLICATIq{ $EANS THAT THE SOETITTAT CFARGE I5 NOI{- REFUNDABLE OCCUPAT{T/BIrSIiIESS MltE : Anerican rower - PHO{E *i ls Tho Property Located ln The Floodplainf_ Vaf _ owNER/CONTRACTOR: Br;aa