AUGUST 23 2017 BUILDING APPS# NE}I HAI{OVER Cq'ilTY BT'ILDIi{G PERIIIIT ,PPLICAII I,Ypg: RESIDEI{TIAL PLE SE l,l*R AlL Qt CSrlO.s A9,PLIGSLE rO YU,R pnOlECT 'Proj ect lespolrs ibll lty"/,il,n #,^c5 (ootl,/C"./).,-. 3ot1-gq,b) 1 -r -)blS APPLTCATIdIt-er (OFfl.. t r.) APPLTO{YT'S irrlE: D€VELOEN: PRO]ECT AOORESS; srrBrrIvIsIot: PR(PERTY fl{EI'S (NER'S ADOf,ESS: ADOf,ESS: ETULTL ADOf,ESS: DATE : P}I E*:crw: LICEEE o ELOCX t:ZIP i LOT T: 5T:ZIP'l eil/ *.1/0- 6 19- 8oU1*iWsoI Pr(nc r: P}II{E ': PIO]ECT C TACT PERsOII: EXISTUrc COaSTn CTtOt: I llrrurron n R ENOiTAT IO}I fl errrn* nrrlrns ft REtocarrol ]{ElJ Cor{srnrrcTlfl , dr*O xH RESIDBICE or I rmrrrm To ExIstIre RESID€EE ..PLEAsE OIECT t.D TII#T f,[<t-r cm,rce {72 fJsunoor _sF! cnreno.re _ IELO' ALt THIT APPTY TO YUN PMTECI:sF I oer ernace _ sF Erot_sF SF fl oecr PORCH 4//6 SF f] sromce etEo _ sF sF oTlt€R:SF * OF STMIES: to the Acc.ssory structurct f] v"s ftffi6as L on the Cument Sltel f] yes No No TOTAL HEATED * ", ?€ roTAL Pnof,EcT oOr5Trr-c..r.a[ t 4Lf Or.<l'.'_7-- Is Any ELECriICAL, PUftX o.. ,GCIIXICAL raq"k 8.1ry t oneIf the project ls a Relocatlon, ls there a ltaturalIs there El€ctrlcal por€r on thls Bulldlng? l--l ves [t srttcte rrurr-v fl urr_ex I rori]ousE TOTAL 5Q F7 IDER R@F:ToTAL AnEA Sq rrr'4FO3 Pf,(PERTY I'SE / OCCI'PIrY: DCSCRTPTT(n OF tfix:.,r)€sr 58 DBq{Ct I hdlby crrtty '|et .l hb.nistbo in hl! +d&aton b co.rEcl,d d Fo.t xrta oo.nply wl6 h6 Stat B(*Utrg Cod. 'rd ddhhc.3 aid rt d.to.t , Th6 *tC btthorrunt S.rvhG! Ca.tbr wl be mtad ot e'ry clr'lge h h€ +p(otDd phncoit&b. hbm6aon. ... OTE: Ary Srrb To i5oo.O0"* *** art' *:l:r aa**,t*+ * ***t,.* .vl bG h Ybbixl ot h. r]c/rro*-*, (Pr1nt r...)r*al r,rr +**r r,rart++r* r*+tr,l* *a t,*r,t* r *,r a+l,t,l*+t,ttr,t,|** r *r,i I5 THE PROPERW LOCATED E Y€S EXISTII{G IIIPERYIq'S AREA rOTAL ACRES DISflNBED: EXIST LAiO DTSTUNEI GI{EI{ANEA YE5 t{o IUITER :CF fl coatrvrw svsren rvATg wELL f] crrrner- well SE}ER :nul fl cE TRAL sEprrc pRrvATE sEprrc I ccnrl.nrw svsrrr.t r*. SEPARITE PEiIIITS RED FOR ELECT, rECH, pL8G, G S €QUIP, PiEFASS I I*rEtTS ... PAYIff,T TETI(X):fJ.^t*CHECT (PAYA8LE TO TC)tr rr€ucrx ErprEss D rmse I orscown*t *+l* r tt**tti+ a**:r,t:ta *a+ta**t +*+ t*t****+ {.att t** tr *,1?,l.,l a *ll t *,t* t,tt*+ *,r*t*t+ t t lt,t,i {.,l * *r ** 8EW5€O D TE r/t1l12zolE: _ of FICER:SETBACXS: Fr_ LH :_ ful:_ B:_ IX A FLO(I'PLAIX?.6 n*. (1{0n q rr Approval:_ Clty:_ OATE:_ Ft@O; _ _BFE+2ft= CC{TRACTOR: crw: ffi{ER/CO{TRACTOR:N (FOA OTFIC8 Utf ot[Y) d\NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERTTIIT APPLIcAfio TypE: COTIIIIERCIAL I()&,LAR SALES OFFICE/TRAILER PLEASE A}ISIIER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responslblllt!/' 1ot7-tqb[ rr- zttb APPLICATIq{ llumber (Offic. Ur.), APPLICAT{TJ S I{AI'IE: KAITIYN MoRGA}I DATE: 6/76/11 DEVELOPER:PH}NE #: OCCIPAIIIT/BUSINCSS tlAIrtE: wrLMTNGToN TREATMENT cENrER PROPERTY OIOIER'S lllAfiE: ACADIA HEALTHCARE ffiiIER,S ADOREsS: 2520 TROY DRIVE CO TRACTOR: THOMAS CONSTRUCIION GROUP ADORESS: 1111 MILI?ARY CUTOFE RD srE 191 EITAII- ADORESS : KMoRGANSIHoMAS coNSTRUcT I oNGRoUP. coM PRO]ECT COI{TACT PERSON: KAITLYN MORGAN PHOI{E *i 9!0 .162 .2'72'l CITY: tlI LMINGToN ST: Nc ZIP: 284 o L ST:S_ ZrP:@ LICENSE *: 57620 CITY: wrlMTNGtON (CHECK ALL TI{AT APPLY) NEt.t INsrALLATroru ! REeLACEMENT PHoNE *: 910.386.12s9 PHO E *i 910.385.12s8 7-bDESCRIPTIOII OF T.IOR(: coNsTRUcTIoN JoB ?RA]tER - 2 HoLDING I FOR SEPTIC AND TRAILERS TO BE SET ON CMU PILLARS AND TIE DOWN AN HORS rnd ordlnlnc.. !'1d r.gubdoB. Th€ NHC Oevsloprnent Serylc€3 Centor wlll b. norlf.d ol eny chEnr.! ln fne sppmved C!'! arld 3peclicatonr or chlngc ln corEsctor d co{itractor ln6.m8uon. *NOTEj Any Work P.rlonn.d w/O $. Apprcpriate P€rmiE wdt be ln Viotaton d die tlc Stltc End t500.00- e{titER/CONTRACTOR: ?cGl KAIILYN MoRGAN (Prht Ns.) SIGNATURE: THIRD PARTY CERTIFICATIOI'I?Yes I No rrtPH cottPLrar{T? [ rze Nru or 15 THE PROPERW LOCATED IT{ A F LOODPLAIITI ?fl ves p ruo TOTAL PROJECT COST: I-!r!r- TOTAL SQ . FT, UIOER RoOF: 1{40 RA P DETATL rt{cLUoED? fi ves p rio DECK: lll ves I ltrto so.Ft. 720 PoRcx: fi ves fi to sq.rt. - Four{oATroft DETATL ATTAcHED? [ ves p ruo I{ATER: SEHER:E cFPqA CFPUA E CO{'IUNITY sYsTEM CENTRAL SEPTIC [-l pnrvlrr werr 4,,t,lwerc seerrc ! coisluNrrY sysrEn TOTAL ACRES DTSTURBED: N/A TOTAL SITE AREA:393,610sF EXIST LAND DISTUREITIG PER'4IT: E YES I I'to .'T SEPARATE PERIiiITS REQUIRED fOR ELECT, I,IECH, PLS6, GAs ES,'IP, PREFABS & II{SERTS "' pAyr4Err Enl(D I I crsx f] cxrcx (payABLE ro r{xc ) f] mer:cat exmess f,r.rrrro I orscwrn *r*,r+'r*a+rt,r * t,t I * *'r *:r:.* ,. r r * t.t rl rr *,r,r *** *ar**a*,1*it*t** + t,t***,t ** *:: + + +*** * * a* * * at a,|tt*,t,tt * + ltla ZONE: _ OFFICER: (FOA OFFICE USC ONLY) SETBACKS: F:_ LH:_ RH:_ B:_ REvrsEo l/r2l12Approval:_ CIty:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: _ BFE+Zft- _AVlt rlcZtl'rliEiVltffi Cordrent: /< ti PROIECT ADDRESS: 2645CARoLINA BcH RD/S2oREFLECTIONS IJP CIW: 'IITMINGToN ZlPr284r2 PERITIT FEE: n-256 ?0fr -ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P LI CATION ryPEi RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL OUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility" l-i. S ) ulr.t aoD 'l l] - 11€ctcutrH Number (office use) APPLTcANTSNAMe M*< I Q of ft$1\t141v1 <TLc€-r Ctr\. t*tLtttNLtoN Ztp. lZLt o IPRO.'ECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION:LOT # pRopERry owNER,s NAME: Lf o?vA L. r4€rccxoAL owNER,sADDRESS' I oo(, L A,viCT I iahL LhNti CONTRACTOR 17,€Pi.,t3u c tLl'I.rotter' t1:r, LL C' ADDRESS: 2 3rt C Yw,t N tl.o € 11 . PHONE f 2"lo'6ol-o0-7Ll 611y. CLrF--7V nO ztp. 7c73, EIDG I.ICENSE fi Cfiy. L,,,tLm)kl'roN 51. tV( ].]p. LE4 ci rvratt eo PRoJEcr coNrAcr prnsoru: flAl sa oTt+t olLTh ' tz E CL t' oll PHONE: q IC -lZ>-_ (/[-r q to - )-C2 - H 6oC ExlSTlNG CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration ! Renovation ffGeneral Repairs NEw CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation ***PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT**' E Det Garage (SF)trPorch (sF)f Att Garage {SF)_ E Greenhouse (SF)_ I Sunroom (SF)! Pool (SF) tr Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existinB footprint? n Yes N No TOTAL SQ FT UNDERROOF (for proposed wo*) Heated:Unheated: TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): 5 1, ooo ls the proposed work changinB the number of bedrooms? fl Yes 2f No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work beingdonetothe Accessory Structure ! yes dtlo lftheproject is a Relocation, isthere a Natural Gas Line on the current site? n Yes n No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes n No Property Use/ Occupancy: S single Family ! Duplex ;l Townhouse Description of work: &aPilft f,1 n storage shed (sF)_ Etr other (sF) orlr4r( FoolvDlf, o^l &€ilItft oNT ilftlck FoLr..OrlTlo^l , lLCPiln Bfi-tLlt CcLcrett< t tLL'tllCL' p1'ctur'L laws and ordinances and regulalions. The NHC Oevelopment Services Center wall be notified of any chanSes in the approved plans and specificetions or chanSe in contraclor informalion. '+*NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violalron ol the NC State BldB Code Owner/Contractor lh*f H. (et,thwoaflt - tZ dz.(A.- trtt Signature: "Licensed Quolifiet" Ptint Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? ! Yes n No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed to fr up to S500.00"' Date: Og/'3/ 2ci] PHONE: New lmpervious Area: _Sq Ft Existint Land Disturbing Permit: D Yes D No WATER: \ CFPUA tr Community System E Private Well E Central Well n Aqua SrWEn: \ CFPUA n CommunitySystem n PrivateSeptic E Centralseptic f] Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date:_ Flood: (A) _ (v) _ (Nl _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment; Permit Fee: $ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP Lt CAT I ON rYPE; RESI DENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ATL QU€STIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility" CITY iptl-87@ it-4601 Application Number lotfice use) 4h. _'1 APPLICANT'S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS:\ OWNER,S ADDRESS:@t SUBDIVISION PROPERTY OWNTR'S NAMT:d['rls [Jalt"s 1o-6b-4oj3aPA4'& tDG LICENli'l,t-st,sld -- *<%2J?zp,K%- ll,\t( l'-L PHONT # LOT H B r15 CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: ! Sunroom (SF) D Det Garage (SF) tr Deck (SF) ,y'storage shed (s F) P"'' lilr PHONE PROIECT CONTACT PERSON EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration ! Renovation [] General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: n Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation .'*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ALLTHAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*IT !#p Ck.< L94kz^ paoNe ffi- 4l,o- 6&'80<9 E Greenhouse (SF)_ ls the proposed work changinB the existing footprint? ! Yes E No TOTAL SQ tT UNDERROOF lfor proposed work) Heated:r unheated: lbO TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): 5 31b,t,sa ls the proposed work changing the number of bedroom s? a Yes 86o ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure I ves {no lf the project is a Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? ! Yes,rd No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? a Yes E No Property Use/ Occu pancy: fi'single Family D Duplex E Townhouse Description of Work: in<,\,^!,Q. dacr,r^p R\[a . iO ltb laws and ordinances.nd regulations. fhe NHC Developm€nt Services Center will be notified of any changes in the approved plan5 and 5 ecification5 or chanSe in cootractor information. "'NOTET Any work perfo thout the appropriate permits will be rn violation ol the NC State B C fines up lo 5500 0O"'I It rOwner/Contractor: "Licensed Quoliliet" Signature:{ Total Acres Disturbed: Existing Land Disturbing Permit: L Yes ll No ls the property located in a floodplain? A Yes /,lo Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft New lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft W ATER F<FPUA D Community System n Private Well n Central Well I Aqua SEWER: Z/tFPUA E Community System E Private Septic ! Central Septic D Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (f) _ {tH} _ (RH} _ (B) _ Approval: _ City:_ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ i) Bffi o,r, A- l4-t7 ztP:E,<Ll?a CITY: CITYI E Att Garage (SF)-n Porch (SF) tr Pool (SF)_ n Other (SF) _ comment: permit Fee: S NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP L, CAT ION rYPE RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Proiect ResponsibilitY' ZDI1.E q6 I}Jfu 43 APPTICANTS NAME: DAV|d DOANC Date:8116117 PRoJEcT ADDRESS: 6134 Timber Creek Lane Clw: Wilminqton ZIP:28411 SUBolvlsloN: Timber Creek PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME: DAVid DOANE PHoNE f: 91 0-352-7410 LOT fl: 15 owNER's ADDRESS: 6134 Timber Creek Lane CITY: Wilminqton ztP 284'11 CONTRACTOR: DAVid DOANE ADDRESS:6134 Timber Creek Lane clTY:Wilminqton ST:!Q ztP | 28411 EMAIL ADDRESS: dave.doane@qmail.com PHoNE: 910-352-7410 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: David Doane PHoNE: 10-352-7410 ExlsTlNG coNsTRUcfloN: hl Alteration ! Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: n Erect New Residence E Additionto Existing Residence D Relocation *ITPLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ATTTHAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT.'T l-l Det Garace (SF)tr Porch (SF) ! Pool (sF)! Storage Shed (sF)_ n Greenhouse (sF)_n oeck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes ! No TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOF Aor proposed workl Heated: N/A TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot):s0500 Xother(sF)Floatinq Dock q ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? fl Yes hl' No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the /c)essory Structure I v"r ( ffo lftheproject is a Relocation, isthere a Natural Gas Lineonthe current site? ! Yes D No. i,- lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? D Yes dNo N/A Property Use/ Occupancy: fi Slngle Family ! Duplex fl Townhouse Description of Work: Add Dre-constructed 6'x16'floatinq dock and ramp to existino dock structure. Two 8" x 20'DIlinqs used to secure laws and ordinances and reSulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified ofany changes in the approved plansand specifications or chanSe in contractorinformation "'NOTETAny work performed without the appropriate permits willbe in violation of the NC State BldS Code and subject to fines up to 5500.00... owner/Contractor: David Doane Signature:,l'"*A "Licensed Quolifiet" ls the property located in a floodplain? n Yes Existing lmpervious Area: N/A Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: N/A New lmpervious Area: N/A SqFt Existint Land Disturblnt permitr ! yes fl No WATER: { CFPUA f] Community System E private Well n Centralwell ! Aqua SEWER: fi CFPUA tr Community System fl private Septic ! Centralseptic E Aqua zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Ftood: (A)_ (Vl _ (N) _ 8FE+2ft= _ (no l,(A Permit Fee: S Application Number (office use) BLDG UCENSE H N/A n Att Garage (SF)_ ! sunroom (sF)_ unreatea: run 9Qr ,x)2^/ Comment: 1&w'. ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUItDlNG PERMIT AP P Ll CATI ON ryPE: RESIDENTIAL PTEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAETE TO YOUR PROIECT "Proiect Responsibility"Etr+-z,ww 2l JtL 17 I 1:giBtl APPTICANT'S NAME PRO,IECT ADDRESSI ///? Lt>AkII<- LAN tNc.t.>e(vE suBDrvrsroN: A.DAM E )^ *rll)( ^lC PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:Z owNER'S ADDRESS ttt 7- Ad;t-*,5 L Anr/ittct e D ctrY .lJ/L/.l / NC aor/ aP LOT #: )? Date PHONE H:cl /7--?/7"7 CITY L (t , COlr1 €t'c-BLDG TICENSE f 7CONTRACTOR ADDR ESS: EMAII- ADDRESS: k a,b4z{D oma( /,CITY -L/ J-:reL< I /4 nor I sr'fiQte,- #(,/4(,5-7b2/;"o"1 .lrc p11snl; V/o46 9 742alPRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON EXISIING CONSTRUCTION: Eai-lteration I Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: n Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation *i.*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEI.OW ATTTHAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT *T ! Att Garage (SF)D Det Garage (SF)_g'-Porch (SF)r@ I Sunroom (SF)_ I Greenhouse (5F)_ Description of Work: n Pool (sF) tr Deck (sF) n Storage Shed (5F)_ n Other {SF) ls the proposed work cha nging the existing footprint? EZyes ! t'lo TOTAL SQ FT UNDERROOF Vor proposed work) Heated: TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S C) Unheated: i?2 coo, ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ! Yes E-No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure I Yes E-No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes ! No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E4es I No Propefty Use/ Occupa si mt tr Duplex Tow 5e a /,12 g.eterd.i() t fe laws and ordinances and reSulations. The NHC Developmenl services Center wiil be notified oI any changes in the approved plans and specifi.alions or chang€ in contractor information. "'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits witl be an violation of the NC State Bl d subject to fine5 up to 5500.oo'.' -/lft1AAe /L _ P R€J(DOwner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolilier" ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes g-No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Signature Total Acres Disturbed: Existing Land Oisturbing Permit: Yes No $15a Gn+ WATER SEWER:w CFPUA D Community System X private Well ! CentralWell [] Aqua CFPUA ! CommunitySystem ! PrivateSeptic n Central Septic n Aqua zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Ftoodr (A) _ (V) _ (N) BFE+2ft= Comment:Permit Fee: S (u L fr ztP: ),q qlrl NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT CITY: tr-Jqs5 l Uij APPLTCATION l&[beF (Offtc. tbc) ll I I r4?ti APPLICAIIT's MIIE; DEVELOPER,.J PROJECT ADDRESS 3 SUBDIVISION: /Y PRoPERTY o*tlER, s MIE: ObI!IER'S ADDRESS: A oArE.2-3/- ao/7P10{E #: BLI'CK *:_ LOT *:@:2&iiao? PTIONE *:e/e-J /03 CITY:llt.sr:!!c.ZIF:eg 07 Lnt r' LICEIIEE *3 _ AC@t T *: CITY: _ ST:frPr PHONE *: PHoitE *:a/ a -e/U sr I conor c COI{TRACIOR 3 ADDRESS: EI'IAIL ADDRESS: PROJECT COT.ITACT PERSO}I: fl arr cnnase _ sF l_] surunoor qF I eReeura.rsr _ sr DET GAR/C6E PooL _ sF DECK SF SFXsroneee sno 2irl'SF OTHER:SF 2r ocrslrlc cq\ETruCEoil:& alrrmrroN I RBDVATION I oarenr neearns fl RELocArroN NEW coNsTR[rIq{: I rnecr ]iEht RESIDE CE or ! aoorrrox To EEsT[lG RESIITEI{CE **PLEASE C}IECK A}D AIJSXER BELOI ALL TII'IT APPLY TO YOI'R PROSE<I rtrtl TorAL HEATED sQ FT3 -- TorAL sQ FT TNDER RooF: - TorAL AREA sq n, / ?r^fftl TOTAL PROJECT COST(Lsr_os , $ 5/3 ]-7 # oF sToRIEs: /rs Any ELEcrRrcAL, pLUnB[tG or EcHaNrcaL r^,ork Berng Done to the Accessory structure? [l ves ff uoIf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural 6as Line on the Current Sit"l [V", IUoIs thene Electpical power on this Buitding? Flves [ruo PROPERW USE / occrPArrYr fr SrrveLE FAITIILY n ,9EXJPLD(TOT,JT{IOUSE DESCRIPTTON OF hIORK:/ZtN I DlsqAlER lhe..by c€iit h.taU hbcnrlbo h ,lb applceton b.o.rectaE l€gubriorE Tlu N}JC Doyetopn€nt SoMe Gnbr wi!b€ nottod of ury dEtg€6 h he €pprov€d pbl6 sld 6pecifcstims q ald a[ y.rkral co.nplyvrith sle $.re aiEiB cdc €.rd a[ o&o..pp!..bto slrt sld loczt la#e ctlahqs h contacDr oroonr&br in6rm€1ion, -NoTEr AJly or.JNER/CoNTRACTOR: AppnovaJ.:ci t!t:a:i*****i+***i:i*+++**,t** I5 IHE PROPERW LOCATED III A DCISTII'|G IfipERWot s AREA: _ SQ FT NEtl II,IPERUIO{Js AREA: _ SQ FT ZOTJE: (foi orErcE usE OiLY) DATE:1 Ir crs: r:-)l_ FLOOD: s \ rEl'115!o qATE a4ltilr2t * a.X V eFe+2ft=-T"- -G PERflTT FEE: Pe[hibwfll be in Vrohlim offte NC Stab Bldg Cod6 €rld grbirct Ir Fh€e LF To IEOAOS- SfGlflTURE: l) /:7t L f lrla/,8 J"- *:f:!*t****+*** r fl ves **t++***+*t++*** *++* *++,ts*+* +++*:Fr+* ++ 1(} TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED; E(IST LAID DISTT,RBII{G PERI'|II: [-j yes |]]tr rc MTER: E crpue fl cq,mlNrw svsrell I pRrvArE wELL I canml uellsarrR: I cFpuA E CEMTRAL sEprrc I tnrvare seerrc g- cor4uNrTy sysrEu PAY}IEiIT Tt pEprlITS REqUTSED FOe ELECT, AE(H, pLaG, GAS EqUIp, PREFAaS & IIEERTs '.*Erfioo: l_l cesa l_lcreo< (IAvABLE ro rucl f] err-u *corrr E,rcrw* [ orscorrn:t +rt:l:t ** 't t r'*:a!a ** +:a* t ',*t a*:a ** ** rtrt a ta*:F:a** *;t*!a:t:tt+**t t**:a*:a**;irat it:t:t* iti it,*r** r:l*t rt**ri,t* OF fr-.\a/LH:-L- RH\_1 **rX rfiL^ (I li\qg ill )PI hUD.-A(hbc({ fS D tt\ ffrt,. d-,-, A{ (R CZ, r n lr\uNli -lthr" ) A 0ly lnpeclion Requreo, g1 0.1"& APPLIUTIoN TyPE: RESIDENTIAL PIEASE A!{SIIER ALT Q|JESIIOI,IS IPPLICTBLE TO YOUR PROJECT rPt oiect Responsrhi IrtyP tr ern-ffit F - )5A{ ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP LI CATION TYPE.. RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICABTT IO YOUR PRO]ECT "Proiect Responsibility" AppLtcANT'S NAME: Bill clark Homes of wilmi N, LLC PROIECT ADDRESS: Z sUBDtvtstoNr Hanover Lakes oate. 08/08/2017 ctTy. Wilmington 21p 28401 tor u: ?-Z-al pROpERW OWNER,S NAME: Bill Clark Homes of Wilmington, LLC owNER,s ADDRESS: 127 Ractne Drive, Suite 201 PHONE #: 910.350.1744 ctTy. Wilmington aP. 28403 CONTRACTOR: Bill Clark Homes of Wilmington, LLC BLDG LTCENSE #. 34586 ADpRESS: 127 Racine Drive, Suite 201 ctw Wilmington Sr: NC Ztp. 28403 pROJECT CONTACT pERSON. Courtney Bain pHoNE 910.350.1744 pxOrur.910.350.1744 TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF Vot proposed work) Heated:t,bcn TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 3 Unheated:W:--1 lsthe proposed workchangingthe number of bedrooms? E Yes s<" ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structu re E Yes lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current sltel El-ies /ruo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? tr Ves /no Property Use/ occupancy: d5ingle Family E Duplex E Townhouse B'i" Description of work: new construction of sinqle familv residence laws and ordinanc€s and regul.tiont. The NHC Development Servi.€s Center willbe notified ofany chanS€s in rhe approved ptans.nd specifications orchange in contractorinformation. "'NOTE: any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State BtdS Code and subject to fines up to SS0O.OO.'. owner/contractor: qqurtney Bain signature: 'Licehsed Quolifier" Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? a V., gd TotalAcres Disturbed:lqExisting lmpervious Area: .- sq Ft New tmpervious Are"' 3,9 V I so WATER: dCFPUA E Community Syst Ft Existing Land Disturbint permit: E yes em E Private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: B/CFPUA E Commun'rv System fl private Septic a Central Septic D Aqua zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B)_ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) BFE+2ft= Comment: g-n, TDISCLAII.4ER: SI,BI,]I TING TH]S APPLICA CCruA TIOI.I MEANS IHAT HE SUBMITTAL CHARGE IS NON-REFUNDABLE Permit Fee: S * EMATL ADORESS: cbain@billclarkhomes.com EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: f Alteration E Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTIOru: /f rect ttew nesidence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation r* IPTEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AI.I. THAT APPI.Y IEI YOUR PROJECT'+ ' --.E/ntt carage 1sr1 91O E DetGarase(sF)- fiorchlsFi ^lV(/(1- r12 E Sunroom (SF)_ - Pool (5F)_ ! Storage Shed (SF)_ tr Greenhouse (sF) - [ Deck (sF) - dotn", lsrl ?aho- lLo ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes n No NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING APPLICATIaN rYPE i €Otilt{tiel*L s\ PERMIT zfi$bz"o&9z o Pes DATE:A -a- r-1 PHONE a, 11o.ol&l zIP: A&j6 3 PHONE $:-?f5.-l sr: l:L zIP -asff PHONE PHONE sr:lf zre:t8€ o. ,qg'otr \,,6uI:lB9 :iffU6 17 4 :r:rF Atam-tloil,seF NuiDer (ofJict use) SO FT REMSED DA PLTASE Al{sliER Al-L QUESTIONS APPI-rCAgl't TO YouR "Project ResPonsibilitY" APPLICANT, S NANTE : DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADDRESS:CITY: 6h-r\PROPERTY O}INER, S O}JNER'S ADDRESS: NAME : CONTRAC]OR : ADDRESS: EI4AI L ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: EXIST CONSTRUCTION: ll Relocalion, is there a Nalural ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIO AL: ENGR DESIGN PROTESSIONAL: CITY: LICENSE S: CITY: \ ij.(\ PH: PH: \ NEW CONSTRUCTTOT: I enrcr NEr'l STRUCTURE ! rnsr rucx I sxrll ! ulrrr I aoo ro ExIsT STRUCTURE If UPFIT - The She1l Permit fl:Is Elect PoHer on this Building @Yes E Ho rr*** I5 THIS A THANGE OF OCCUPANCY USE ?Ivrs frflm "'.' It Y€s, \hat ,as the Previous occ ancy Type?hhat is the Nex Occupancy TYPe? ::rin'i:["H,:Hl]l!fr"!)ffi'r'3T,ti:"H#...Tslffi "*@"" ls tood or b€veragos paoparod d soN€d ln rhb anrarre? [Yes [fNo b rhe erope.ty Locded ln Th€ Floodplain? [ ves @Ho DESCRIPTION OF hIORK: TOTAL AREA SQ FT :fl OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS:TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF 9:1(. T oF STRUCTURES ACRES DISTURBED:Exsr LAND DrsruRetNc penMtrz l--i ves NO SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: PRoPERTY USE: [Orrtc= flnesraunnNr flurnceNrtLE EDUC APT flWELL reby certfy ordinances that all intormalion in this a ication is correcl and all wo Code and all oth€I apPlicable SEle DISCLAIMER: lhe NHC Services andandlataons.lhe Code andand local I Fines Up Toonlraclorand $500.00"'contaclor o 'NOTE:Any Subied'lo OWNEFYCONTFACTOR:A SIGNATURE: Noler Demoliton nolif caiiorrs & ssb€stos lornoval psmit spplicalions oroto bo submhod usinq lho spplicston lofm (DHHS_3766)wh€lhor lh€ hcility oI buildim w.s tound lo 707-5950 rl bc|lo &Ys Fior to tl€ co^tain Asbostos or alot You are rEqdrod lo call tllo Nslional E"tbsloo slsnd'tde ior H.zrrdous Ar Polluenls (NESHAP) sl (919) demoliiion ol any hcllrty or building. TOTAL PROJECT COST: See Asbestos W6b Sne: httPr/wnu,.cpi.state.m p.htnl fl OF UNITS:,\ BUILDING HEIGHT: SQ FT PER FLR:A1'-l WATER: SEWER ZONE rirdcppul fficreue PAYMENT METHOD: ECASH ficxecx lenvreLE ro NHc) flrulentceru e<eness ff".r,.o fiotscown (FOB OFFICE USE ONLY) OFFICER: SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B: EPARA1E PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECI, MECH, PLBG GAS EOUIP PREIABS A INSER'IS COMMUNITY SYSTEM cENTRALsEPTtc D PRIVATE SEPTIC SoNoo orHER:- D,pnppror"T;--City:- DATE:- FLOOD: - - BFE+2fi= N PERMIT FEE: $Comment -- 10.[b nu\- NC REG {: NC REG f: the be NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: f-IZONING USE CLASSIFICATION: fl coMMUNrrY SYSTEM NEId HANOVER COUI{TY BUILDING PERI,IIT apPEr.4fiort rypr; R€SIDE IIAL PLE SE lt$a ltt g[sEUrS lrpLlcrx.E m yDui pio]Esr ,'Project iesporEtbtttql CIIYr BLoC'( {: DAT€I PflO',IE f,: LoT $r PHOIiE T:l0 sT: Ale ap: ACCOllilT |r Nn-b788 t1-2$9 APPLICATIOI{ llu$en (ofac. U!.) APPTICAI{T' S oEVELoPER I PRO]ICI .ADDRESS : SUBDTWSTON: PROPERIY OfIER'5 IIA}IE: d.rNER'S ADDRESS: ADDRESST EUTL ADDRESS: PIIOJECI CO}JIACI PERSO :Vn tg.rF ftnu 11 E ,( TICETSE }l CITY: L€la rn "lifl]_ nd sr'a.[ilffii,t3t).-il!qMLPlloltE PrhNE *: q l0-$s.47It grsr$16 co sn0cllour I atrcmrror I nerrcvluon I oueur. REPAJRS. D RELocATro irEU toirsr8l.,6rl0il: El'errcr Hru Rts&EitcE o" I ADorriN To Egsrlir iEsrDEltcE .?LEAsE CHEC{ flO t lS iR FEu),J ILL TI{AI IPPIY TO rc& PTO'ECI: [tarr eemce 5?({E orr eencce _ sF ElponorI sunool _sr fl pol'- sr I sronrcr *tro SFfl cnrauaxr SF fiorcx _ sr orHER: ror^L HEATED tq n, Afr?{^.,]TlL-:l Fr hrDER noor,,3lQ rorAl AREA ,e n, /0O83 TorAL pRorEcr cosT4,si.( , $ f:/{\W {, oF sroRrEsi ,q r, Aru llEcrtrcal, pu,xrnc or ,aEclr 'IIcrL rb.t !.lia Doo. to ti. a.c.r3oiy structu]..i I ves I mrf the'prcjsct le a Reldcation, is "ther€ a Nat{r.r 6as r-ina on tha crt*ent srI? trE tr n"Is there Electrlcal peHer m thls Buildfug? ESVes f]m .. PROPERTY UsE / occl,PerFy DESCRTPTXoN Or [okr: : SIMLE tY E arpra i TO,Ifia./sE oLlNER/CO InACfoR: PCTSTII'IG IIIPERVIoI,S AnEAr _SQ Fr Ed !,tpEByrous Anrtt _ se FT R-t FTC6R;5 &pl:oval c; nt ToTIL. ACBES DBTUBIEot E(rsr tatD Drs1lrnBrr,,6 pEnxrrr Ef vrs E ro EFEr2ft SIGNATURE; rr*1*r***tr*r{r"r**r*J{*i*T}rn+t'*rt*+ttttat+{lt ara***talt}t**:tall+t!:ttrlttt*trtr* rs rlrE pRopERTy LocarED rl A Ft.ooDputl}l? rJ yEs EIrc t ./--- urrn, fi crrue [ .aimw sysren D pftrvATr iEL[ .E cErrML r,,ELr srnra: p crptA D cEilriAr sEpTrc f] PRTVATE ,roII. .fr.aruflw EysTBr r,* u# n,2 t . ,Ers@ wa qn /r2:*' .rr srPAr.aI!|Pmxrrs ttqu:nlo FoB 8LECI, AEcx, pl.ao, as EQ)IF, pSEFlts a rE|IilTs ." PAY'{E[T IETTI@I E fisr I ( Ecr (PAvaBLE ro tac; fforlt rccorrr fftrmsa ffinrscornraatratataart,t*t:t,,ltttatattal,l.*trtatarttrt tllraara:li|rarral'ttr.aat.* (rdr ofrr.t un IJ ,,tuzo.z'azez</-S PERAII FEEI4a*d lZz)z.zu"z.-- aL,cFPJ* P r! TE zll:2Yt11)ill- 44'7 ,o ,-- fity ln$ion Requrco. 9l&254.6. 1l td oidhdr.r .,!d trrolr&^r,$L alldLD ZOYET fufl4qzb Clear Form Print eMail NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPL,CATIO N TY P E: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICAELE TO YOUR PROIECT "Project Responsibility''ffi L7 -2L00 Appliration NLrmber (office usei APPLICANTS NAME: KENNY EASON DAIEI6-24-2017 PlOJECT ADDRESS:1 ,11 CAVAI IFR RD CITY: WILIT,IINGTON ZIP 284Q3 FROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:GINA DtctCCO PHoNE f: 9'10-264-1386 CWNER'S ADDRESS : aq14 Ol trANnFR nRlVtr CITY WII I\,4INGT ZIP 28403 CCNTRACTOR: KEECO OF Wll MINGTON I I C BLDG LTCENSE *:7O545__ ADDRESS: P.O. BOX 725 clTY: HAMPSTEAD 5r: \lQ-ztP. 28443 EVIAIL ADDRESS : I FGtrNDBl IIINC6)AOI aoi,,l PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON KtrNNY FASON EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: a Alteration f Renovation I General Repairs tiEW CONSTRUCTION: frrect New Residence : Addition to Existing Residence I Retocat PHONE q1.,-264-1470 PHONE 910-76n-ii7q aon R PRO,ECT'*' lett earage (sr) zso +PLEASE CHECX AND ANSWER BEIOW AtL THAT APPTY TO YOU E Det Garage iSF)_lPorch (sFl 560 - PoollSF) I Deck (SF) . Storage Shed (SF) _ f, Other (SF) : Sunroom (SF)_ I Greenhouse (5F)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ; Yes E No TOTAI Sq FT UNDER ROOF Vor proposed workl Heated:3788 Unheated: 1310 TCTAL PROJECT COST (Les5 Lot)5403000.00 Is the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? :l Yes : No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructurelYeslNo lf the proiect is a Relocation. is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? : Yes ! No lsthere Eledrical Poweronthis Building? f Yes = No Property U5e,/ Occupancy: g4ingb family I Duplex I Townhouse h6..'i^ri^^ ^a rrr^i. FRFCT SINGI F FA ILY RESIDENCE DISCLAIMER: I hereby cenitthat.llthe information in thit applicat;on ir correct and allwork willcomply with the St.te Euildins Code and ell other applicabte State and loca i.i1ri)anon. ..NOTE: Any wo.k perfo.med without rhe appropriate permitr wrtt be rn violation ot rhe NC St Eldg 500.00.'. Owner/Contractor: KENNY EASON Signaturel "Ljcensed Qudlifiet" tuint Nofie ls the property located in a floodplain? D Yes: No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Oisturbedr New lmpervious Area 5q ft Existing Land Disturbin8 Permitr : Yes -- No WATER: ,t CFPUA I Communitysyst€m I Private Well f Centralwell I Aqua SEWER: O CFPUA I Community System I Private Septic ij Central Septic ij Aqua zqne: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH)_ (B)_ Approval: _ City: _ Date;_ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N)_ BFE+2ft= _^nurocQan tc-Z- Permit Fee: S pD SUBDIVISION: LOT B: Comment: NEW HANOVER COLTNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINC SAFETY 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE . SUITE I70 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 Telephone: 9 10.798.7308 Fat: 910.798.781 t In t e nrct : n,ul,t,. n hc gov. cont County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. And because I did not attach the official proof of approvals along with my application for permit; New Hanover County cannot guarantee that the building permit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submittal date/time (the stamped date/time notation made by the Building Safety Department on the application or submittal document) Signed in acknowledgment: # KENNY EASON 6-20-2017 Signatu Printed Name 111 CAVALIER DRAddress for the proposed residential work Date RESIDENTIAL APPLICATION THAT HAS NO PRIOR APPROVALS STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING |,amsubmittinganapplicationforaresidential building permit to New Hanover county. And, as the applicant or person submitting the application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: tr I did not attach an official CFPUA receipt or document that acknowledged approval of the payment made to CFPUA. E I did not attach an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington. tr I did not attach an official proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover @fl47Q'L- L7 -26L2NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSI{ER ALL QUESTIOTIS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project ResPonsiblllty" APPLICANT'S NAME:Robuck Homes Trianqle, LLC DEVELOPER: Robuck Homes Triangle, Ltc PRO]ECT ADDRESS : 70? AnLler Drive cITY: tlilminqton APPLICATION Number (office use) DATE: s/tt/17 PHONE S: 919-s76- 92oo SUBDI VISION: MelLon oaks zIP | 23392_ BLOCK #: LOT #: oo2 PROPERTY Ot,lNERrS NAI1E: Robuck Hoilres Trianqle, tLC OWNER,S ADDRESS: 6131 Fa11s of Neuse Rd, SEe 2oO CITY:Raleiqh sT : I!_ zIP:2:!!:_ CoNTRACTOR: Robuck Hones Triang le, LLC 57083 ADDRESS: 5131 Fal1s of Neuse Rd. ste 200 ST: Nc ZIP: 2760e EIi4AIL ADDRESS:norbech@robuckhomeE . con PHO,{E S: 919 -876- 92oo ara i Norbech norbech@robuckhomea . com pHoNE #: 91-9-2't7 -L12A ExrsTrNG cor{sTRucTroNr I nlrenarrol I neuovarrou I oelrnnl nrnarns RE LOCATION NEI,I CONSTRUCTION: f] ERECT NEN RESIDENCE o" [I NOOTTIOI'I TO EXISTING RESIDENCE i*PLEASE CHECK AND AtlSl,,ER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUi PROIECT: I nrr eaRlee so4 sF n LICENSE *: CITY: Raleiqh SUNROOM 6R E ENHOUSE SF DET GARAGE - 5F PooL _ sF DECK SF PoRCH _ 5F STORAGE SHED - SF 5FSFOTHER: TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: o TOTAL SQ FT UNDER R(X)F I soe TOTAL AREA SQ FT: so4 TOTAL PROIECT COST (ress ro0 : $ :,ooo. OIINER/CONTRACTOR: snartee J. Biqlpp rv SIGNATURE: ++ * t,t+ + *t *,i * f ,t:! * ** * * t{ t* +* {* *t++t +**t * **t * * ** * a+ +** )i +,r *+ +,r:t,| *:ti +{. +*:r * *r,t,t*,t t,rr* * +,r + )*ti,r +* DISCLAIMER] t heroby cer t tlsl sll hbrmadon h hls epplbatbn k conect and ag work wlllcomply wlfl ho Stale Bulldlng Code and dl oher appllcaBe StaE and bcal laws and ordlnancos snd rogulatbns, The NHC Dov6lopm6nt S€Mces C6nEr willbe nouned ofsny chonges ln fto appmv€d plaos ancl sp€clncadons or chdge h contraclrr or contact)r hb(mstoo. "'NOTE: Any Wo{k Porformed wo hg ApproFia}e Pemltswlll b6 h Vblation ol |}ls NC Strb Bldg Code and Subl€cl b Finos Up To 35@.0(r" IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN?vEs T NO EXISTING I!4PERVIOUS AREA: O SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: n/a NEI{ II'IPERVIOUS AREA: O SQ FT EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT:YEs N No waren: I creun I coi{r1uNrry sysTEM PRIVATE t^JE LL CENTRAL I|lELL sEuER: Z creua I CENTRAL sEpTIc I earvare seerrc COiVIMUNITY SYSTEM 'i*r' SEPARATE PERfTIITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, tlEcH, PLBG, CAS EQUrp, PREFABS & JNSERTS *** paytlEr,rr METHoD: I crsr I cxrcK (payABrE ro lrc; fl ar,rrRlcaN ExpREss ! xcrursn f] orscovrn )r,f )r '* t*t *r* * **t,r**** I t* *t+* i ** * **t t* {.***+* **** * i.,} * * * t:a *,r *,r ** t+ t,irt*:r *t*)* +:}*:t*t* * *** **t a if tr] (FO8 OFfTCE USE oa,tLy) REVTSED DATt O4l11/12 SETBACKS: Fi_ LH:_ RH:_ B:_ N I Appnoval:_ City:_ oATE:_ FL@D: _A'z A BF E+ 2ft= PHONE S: 9a9 - a16 -9200 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: # OF STORIES: T Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUI,IBII{G or mECHTINICAL Uork Belng Done to the Accessory Strurture? f] V"t I no If the pnoject is a Relocation, ls there a Natural Gas Line on the Curnent Site? [ ves fl ruo rs thepe Electnical Powen on this Buildlng? lflves l-l uo pRopERw usE / occuPANcY: [l sruele FAMTLY f] DUPLEX E TOblNHousE DESCRIPTION OF UoRK: conver! existinq sales office locaLed in qaraqe location of hou6e Lo qaraqe ZoNE: OF FICER: NEH HAI'IOVER COUNTY BUILDING PE APPLICATI0I, rYPE: CSIIIERCfAL PLEASE A,ISTGi ALI. QIJESTI(,IE APPLICAALE TO YC[N PRO]ECT 'Project Responsibilitf Lu...,tt,i/ nr,ur?0t? -g+5? air-- ) . -(tf ll'iadDftcarrarc J I rihber (OFftce t se) APPLICA T'S MTE: DEVELOPER:PltlE l! 1to L. \ {Lt"t PROIECT AIDRESS: lt-'vt- t t OII{ER' S AI)In Cq{TRACTOR: ESSZ t L'L-L t. {" a,o CITYS L.J r E;\\r? r ZIP: Lt'l,' i PflolE *: rito '1^/o - 76r.' ST | ,e - zlP | 1-YYo t ST i^'c ZI'Pa 1J1. t CITY: U'!- OCCUPANT/BUSIiIESS MIIE : PROPERTY Of,{ER'S 'lA E:{ El,.,t t'$l/LICEIEE *:617s" ADDRESS:I rr - \ U^^t* A.--CITY: ,-.t; i^, ^,4 - EiIAIL ADORESS:eJL'l/ b/J e a q,-n.yl - 7u "t Exrsr co{srRlrrror: (rlrrurrot d"t#il&' f Rdocdon, b lhere a Nalur.l Gas Lino on ths Crrren[ Sit€? Ll Ih.rt Apply) GEI{ERAL REPAIRS tr RELOCAIIO}'I Yes No lS BLDG SPRINXLERED?tr ve" ffxo Er| Gq{srmrrrcr: fl rnrcr rB srRlrcnnE I msr rnrcx I srer-l f] l.PFrr fl ArD ro Exrsr srRtrlrnE If UPFrT - The Shell Per'lit *: IF Yes, r$at Bs thc Pr.vlous OccuP.ncy TyPG? Is El€ct Por.r on thls Bullding rt"' E no ..... rs rxrs l o rier oF ocqrpltrcv user fiws fl io ..... 5rt ts th. a Occup.flcy TyF? ARC}I DESIGII PROFESSIO AL: firtn orsror PnoFEssrottal : Plt: HI: .4,/,-1,-6^ b tbod or bGf,!e|.. !.rpr|td a an rd fr far *rErrZ f]Ve fiffto b Th. Piopity l-oclbd fr ffre noo4bnZ I Ves ffio (o-.,, Ctllb) tao|.: Drnoff;nffilrtd6 llnovC Ffin.F&doo.r!bD.r&riDddrgtu.9eL-otttm(D+l€-grloffitrrbIUqhE!Ehrdboo.r.hA.t..b.6,ELYou.lr,lqHb.Jrrlff Bfido.t ffitrrb{olrAlPlolffi(iG$fADdP1970,€SOtElOdlyr Fb.b!ISa: lrlprrryru.ad.loEistt aplrd*rfimBlrmld€flEldoo ol rlry bcIV d hu{r TOTAL PROJECT COST: TOTAL AREA SQ FT :\,L1 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF:1. ) BI,JILDII,IG HEIGHT: SQ FT PER FLR: # OF STRUqTURES: Wtr t'? p.'# OF UNITS: ACRES DISTURBED:- NEW IMPERVIOT'S AREA # OF STORIES: I f OF FLOORS: _l-_ D(sr LAND DTSTURBTNG PERI rmEYES E NO SO FT E(STING IMPERVIOT'S AREA pRopERryuse fu=* Enrsrnrnarr flmcrmr.e Eprrc flerr ftcoroo OTHER ZONE:OFFICER:SETBACK$F: LH:_Rlt_B: SQ FT wArER: EGPV Ecomilr{rTYs\llrEil EriYEr ErctsGtsEcr ssFrc^rorrr- sewen: p[crer.n flcanrnnserra E]ffiertsernc a-cornnr.rrvsvrrran- .. SEPARAIE PEFMITS REOIJIRED FOR ELECT. MECH. PLBG, GAS EOIJIP, PREFABS E INSEFTS -' "o"r=*u Eoscown FoRoFF|CEUSEO LY) REr,/tsED oArE {ntrtr rIlre:fly1fu. Pt{IlE *: alv " 26q-:/,lt PROJ ECT CONTACT PERSO{ ] PT(XE $3 ACCESSORY STRI'CTIRE: tlc REG I: llc REG *: DESCRIPTIOiI OF IORK: .ll ln sill lho st6to Cod€orEr OVI/NER/CONTRACTOR:fJ-..,1 4l/ be SIGNATURE: Apprcva[ Cnr_DATE_FLooD_ BFE+zts_A v n ,o*-rdCflnmont PERMn Clear Form Print eMail NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERII,IIT aPPLIcarIott rYPE: C0I{I{ERCIAL PLEASE ANSI,IER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICASLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibilit)f 2ot1#?(/Ll L7 -2567 AFFTIEI.iI6N Number (office U5e) APPLICANT'5 llA!'lE: Sreve saieeat DEVELOPER: Barcra Comho n s PROJECT ;1406 BarcIa Poi.nt B1vd. #902 OCCUPAIIT/BUSINESS ltAltE: rnrracoasrat Rearty office PRopERTY Oi'INER'S NAIiIE : rnrracoastaL Reaf t O{tilER, S ADDRESS: 902 BarLcay poinr Blvd !!14f!9ton _ PIONE *: 9rc-44342a2 ZIP i 2s4o7 PK)NE *: gp-443-32a2 Wj.lmington - PHONE #: gto-443-3282 ST: Ns ZIP:26463 . 5T: pq ZIP: 2s4s1 - PIONE *: e1,1-443-3282 COI{TRACTOR: Masonboro Construction and Development,- LICEttlsE S ADDRESS r 115 North 3rd Street - CITY: 1111. EIIAIL ADDRESS: sds a ieedomasonbolocons truct lon . com PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: 5s",ys sliss4 EXIST CONSTRUCTION: lf Relocation. is there a NoNET CO STRUCTION:ERECT NEtil STRUCTURE n FAST TRACK ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: (check All That appty) ALTERATTOfl Tl REMTVATTON r-l GENERAL REPATRS n RELoCATTON Gas Line on thet)u-'urrent Site? f - Gif - No rS BLDG SPkINKLEREDr - yesf _ :'to6s4 l4qton SHELL UPFIT tr ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #:Zotl'toSE Is Elect Power on this Euilding f Yes t**rr rs THrs A CHANGE OF OCCUPA CY USE?r YES li. O r*r*. IF Yes, what rras the Previous Occupancy Type? _ t{hat ts the t{er. Occupancy TvDe?A[tH - PH:916-995-9421 lrlC REG *:16541 EI{GR DESIGII PROFESSTOI,IAL :-Mcdo*eII gngi.neerin g . PB:91,e.tO4.t a.l t{c REG *:fi!fr DESCRIPTION OF I"]ORK : New Upfit fo! Intracoastal Realt If. No v ls food or beverages prepared or served in this struclure?f- Yesli- No ls The Propsrty Located ln The Floodplainf-_Yu{i_NoDISCLAIMER: I h€reby cedi, that allinfornation in this apdicatbn is clnect and allworkwil comply with th6and loc€l laws and ordinances ahd egulatlons. The NHC Develooment SeNices Center wi b€ noif;d oflnvor change in contrector or contactor iirormation. '..NOTE: Any Work Perlormed w/O the Appropriale permi{s Subiocl'lo Fhes Up To $fr0o.00"' Sl,ate Euildlng Cod6 and other appllcabl€ Statelhe a and 3D€cificalions Eldg Code and SIGNATURE: conlaln Asbo6los or not. You ar€ roqulrod lo csll the NstlDnsl Edssion Slardsds for HEzardous Ai PollutanB (NESHAP)el (919)707-5950.t lBast lO days prid to th€ d€molllion of any Ldllly or bolldlng. See Asbo3tos Wob Sito: htts:/rwlrw.oti.state.nc.urrepuasbesto3rehnrg.hlrnl # OF UNITS; 1 TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF ACRES DISTURBED: o NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: s PROPERTY USE E SO FT # OF STORIES: 1 #OF FLOORS: 1 EXST LAND D|STURB|NG pERMtr? _li yES r No EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: o CONDO OTHEI SE CLASSIFICATION SQ FT WATER: SEWER: SYSTEM CFPUA CFPUA oFFrcE n RESTAURANT I MERCANILEf[ EDUCD Apr TI COMMUNITY SYSTEM T.1 WELL T''I ZONING Ufl cEfnRAL sEplc D l,RIvArE sEplc DtCoMMUNtry-. SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIREO FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP. PREFAAS & INSERTS PAYMENT METHOD l- cnsn l-. cnecK (PAYABLE To NHc) f -AMERICAN EXPRESS f- McA/lsA l-_ orscoven ZONE OFFICER: (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:BApproval:_ City: DATE_ FLOOD Comment . PERMIT FEE::*DISC LAIMER : SUEI.IITTING THIS APPLICA CZ,c1=,aFFr-_.r.ra ON ITt THAT THE S LH TAL CHARG E IS NON- REFUNDABLE 3)o a5'3,r5 -DATE: B/B/L-l DESIGN PROFESSIO AL: Rees Archirecture OWNER/CONTRACTOR: srephen saieed TOTAL PROJECT COST: 134, ooo TOTAL AREA SO FT : 1480 BUILDING HEIcHT:.26 SQ Ff PER FLR: .28 # oF srRUcruRESrl- RH BFE+2ft' NEW #ND Fr^rs+ &n+?8? HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLTCATTaII'yPE.. RESIDENTIAL PLEISE AIIS}'ER AI.L QIJE5EO S APPLICABLE IO YOUR PRO]ECT.pFrect Responsibillt}P PloilE *: BLOCK #: PHOI{E *t ACCOUNT *:l2) / ,U )d ST: zIP:.,\ /\.6cr APPLTCAIIT' S ItlAIr DEVELOPER: E Cor ! eoor-_ sr E oecx _ r?'2Lq .,5 APPLTCATIONi unoenL lorrtce uscy DATE:^tL --/I 1 xIP: LOT *: sr:{C m, ^d3yJ PHoilE *: 9/o -Sqo- ft z7 p4)irE *: qlb *Syo-1r?i SF l,t,rl PROJECT ADORESS: SUBDNESION:crw: PROPERW Ohtr{ER's MI4E:L-ou< *ti lt fuSd1\ O9'JNER'S ADERESS:o CITY: CONIRACTOR:J Gt Cdt^-Y-;LICEI{S E ADDRESS:a EWUL ADDRESS: PRO]ECT COiITACT PERSO : DCISTITTIG colSf nUcrrOH, fi ALTERATToN fl naovarror'r I oaren+ REpArRs n RELocATToN r'rE!{ coNTRuCEOir: ! rnecr Ehr RESTDEiEE or I aoornor ro Ecsrr 6 REsrDEr{CE +*PLEASE CHECI( AtD AI|SIER BELOi ALL THAI Apply TO YOUR pROIECT: f| nrr oanese _ sFl-l suNnm'r qE fl oReruro.se _ sr ! orr eamee sr D poncx _sF I sronaee SHED _ sF roTAL HEATED SQ n, lbc)TorAL sQ FT UNDER noor z lZ-u o TorAL AREA se FT:Zoo TOTAL PRoIECT COST 1Ls us : $ 2-7 ,4oo * OF STORIES: I rs Any EL€crRrcAL, purltBrNc or [EcHArEcaL rdork Being Done to the Accessory structure? fl v", f] ruoIf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Curre nt Site ?I v"t Nors there Electnical poh,en on tnis auilding? ft yes l-'l uo PROPERW rlSE / o6ggp41g6y,ts S]MLE FAMILY I u.rer-o<TOU'NIOTJSE DESCR:IPTTO OF HORK:-"b!_s J o,^ u) la-lk SF OTHER: of$eNC SEt Cod6 (t r< tle S€b ArEiE Codc std a[ oflor applcablo Slrb rld lo€t lffiSeryic CsoGr txitl be notfed ofanyc,heng66 h lho applo\€d ptsnEand sp€dic€tions or cfiange h q50q0cr-Wr'O hsAppDprlat Perm SIGI{ATURE :r:l* + +** +:r+ **** **+*+++ * **+**(iHlffi]*** *** **** *:r* ++** ***,!**** *+1*;t** ****:t** +:t++*** a,r ^PSDrSC{.AlrER I nqEby .ordt haial ard ordh8nc€s and r€gulatons, Th6 con!_dDr anbrmatun, "'NOTEI Any oI{NER,/CONTRACTOR: I5 THE PROPERW LOCATED TN A FLOODPLAINI IJ YES firc fa DGsTIM IilPERWotls AREA: V-A 5Q FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED:r'A NE li'lpER\,,ous aREA: _ sQ FT EXIST LA,E DISTTffBI c eenr.rrr, I Vrs l]l ruo inrER:E crpun E co{,i{rNrry sysrE, E pRrvATE 'IELL ! canrnn. weusearR:p cFprJA E CENTRAL sEprrc tr puvore rro* E.*wrw wsralrr. SEPIIATE pEncrs RE9IRED FO8 ELECT, lrEclt, pLE6, cAs Equlp, PREFAaS & IUiERTS '.'pAyriErr rETroD i [.*a fi.*eo< (pAyaBLE ro ;*, -tr ;;.; 0..-* 'E **]o---i'orr"*.*'*;i***:i* )t*!'**!t* ***** ** *(*:i****r.:iart,t:t+**+'t:i:t:trat **-********r *,***+*ii:ti**:t***:trt+ ii:hli *rir* rt*itit,t* , r' P-5 oFFrcER: dlLY) | r rcw5ED oATE calttll2F:N\A LH:_dlA_ nH, r.ll,t e,^{^appnoval: 0l( city: \rltrM DATE: (roR oaElcE t 5E S ETBACK5 : F LOOD:BFE+2ft= comrert: tto flltt*tro,.t To Exrs<,.IG Av r.lGE L1 1,136.PERI{IT FEE: N Iute&'oR t^lorn u"tu{l foorPc'^r1 61 Crty lnwtlon Requreo, 91 $254+i-' $l hrta c /ost* t ,ffi RECEIVED AUG 1? ?ofl 2otv-Wf7 af,;f,z NEW HA]TOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION fYPEi RESIDENTIAL PLEASE A SWER ALL OUESTIOTIS APPI.ICABTE TO YOUR PROJECI "Proiect Responsibilltlr APPI.ICA'{T'S HAME:?ro PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDtvtstoN: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:G o1 C""fn I O,a LLC-Date ztP 28td LOT S: PHoNE tl q lo - bt''1 - 3LZO CITY: u CITY e ztPi zgvol CONTRACTORI Prou<, on A^s{ruohon , tLc ELOG |-ICENSE t:153LtO ADORESST 110 <at loa Lor.tf cfi\t n4Q 84 c-a st/YLaP: 28q q E EMAII. AOORESS:04CQl PROJ€CT CO TACT PERSO :Ln,,e.^c PHONE:qto-q,t3-21 './.ExlSnNG CONSrRUCflON: EzAlteration E Renovation E GenerdlRepai6 NEW CONSrRUCnONT E Erect New Residence fl Addition to Existing Resldence E Relocation ".PIEASE CHECK A D A'{5WER 8ELOW A[ IHAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PRO.,ECT..' [l Att Garace (SF)-Fl Det Gara?e ISF)D Porch (SF) D Sunroom (sF)tr Pool(SF) E Greenhouse (SF)-tr Deck (SF) l5 the proposed work chanting the existint footprint? tr Yes 2ff6 TOTAL 5Q FT UI{DER ROof Vo, ptoposed wo.t) Heated:l3o Unh€ated: TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S I ot ooo D storate shed (SF)- (oth"r1sr1 t so t/- ls the proposed work chanBint the number of bedrooms? D Yel Enqi ls any Ehctrlcal, Plumblng o. Mectankal work being done to the Accessory Structure dyes n Xo lf the proiect is a Relo<atlon, ir there a Natura-lj3as Lin€on the current site? D Yes C g ls there Electrrcal Power on this Euilding? E Y€s n No -/ Property ui!/ (xcupancy: dslnSle Famlly -l Dupl€x fl Townhous€ au) Oescription of WorI: a4verlu €l t l,L lora s k/(a*/ taws.nd ordinancBand rc8ul.ttonr. Th.NHC D.v.lopmGnt s.rviclr Clntcr wlll bG notifi.d of.ny dang.s in th..pprov.d pl.ns.nd sp.dfic.tiMr or crrn8. incontr.ctor information "'NOTE:Any wo.k p.rform.d wlthotx the.PProPrl.te P.rmhs wlllb.ln vlolrtlon of th. NCSt.te Owner/Contractor:il,zlo./ Eno Lau/caze Signature: 'Licensed Quoliler" !p to S5@.@"' ls th€ property located in a floodplain? {l Y€t Exirtlng lmperviourArea: _ Sq ft ,a<. TotalAcres Diiturbed: t't - Qtsal OWNER'S ADDRESS: PHoNe _9tD:_!!3:!3Jp-OlA New lmpe.vlout^rea: _ Sq Ft Existlng Land olsturblnS Pcrmlt: D Yes (l No,,/. wAftfl.t I c)PlA E community system fJ Private well E centrdlwell D lqua o/t 0/c , 5A ERt 1(ffPUA fl Community System tJ Private Septic E Centr.lseptic O Aqu" C,n.C/<, zon€: _ Officer: _ s€tbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ Crty:- Datc: - Flood: (A)-(Vl -(N)- 8fE+2lE - Commenti Permlt tee: S 3x- )oO-??X I APPLICANT'S NAME: PRotEcr ADoREss bzo SUBDIVISION: Y., /, g NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP Ll CATI ON ryPf, RESI DENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility" /uc)(_ 5,F.9 clTY: /) / L,/',,, rl- ]4ll Application Number (office ute) Date LOT f PROPERTY OWNTR'S NAME:\^J. ?Use owNER',S ADDRESS: qzeo wl,+Soq L:-ro €o+r. fr /tD A/*r)- 4/o-52o-t.29 r\c. ztpt2g<J- a- .Q er CITY L L)BLDG IICENSE # ADDRESS: t {/2- _t>. EMAIL ADDRESS: CITY: U sf:Dt,zlp 79qD9 PHONET f /€ - 274 - t/ZD / E,q/" B/*"L pxonr 4,ta- 7Zii'FZ o'/ T EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration ! Renovation E General Repairs nrw cotsrnuc:rrcln'z$I rect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence i Relocation *1*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT'}*'} D Det Garage (SF)! Porch (SF) ! Pool (sF) n Att Garage (SF)_ E sunroom (5F)D storage shed (5F)_ /,L SPE Greenhouse (5F)_tr Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? tr Yes E No TOTAL SQ FT UNDERROOF Vor proposed work) Heated:unheated: / fz sr- TOTAL PROJECT COST {Less Lot): $/o, ot:2 -t j- ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ! Yes ffno ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes U No lftheproject is a Relocation, isthere a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E-No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? ! Yes Zl No Property Use/ occu pancy: /single Family E Du D Townhouse 67'e/.. €- k^ Description of work: /z K lC 'fo a oae 2}{14./' Dart-/ -br 4 / OISCI.AIMER: I hereby certify that all the anformataon in this application as cor and all work will comply with the State BuildinS Code and all other applicable State and local laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or chan8e in contractor rnformation. "'NOTET Any work performed wathout the appropraate permits will be in violation ofthe NC State Code and subject to fines up to 5500.00"'s Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quo1ifier" ?Anr, u 6/*-/r-Signature:( Prrrt Nr." ls the property located in a floodplain? 3 ves fl ruo Existing lmpervious Area:244415qFt Total Acres Disturbed: New lmperviousArea: / 7 L Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: n Yes X No sComment:Permit Fee: CONTRACIOR: PHONE Hl t y',n 7/ zb/ ' ar'-_jz3_1_q?_ PROJECT CONTACT PERSONi Ei other (sF) ?-<__ WATER: p CFPUA E Community System n Private Well n Central Well E Aqua SEWER: F CFPUA D Community System fl PrivateSeptic X Centralseptic I Aqua zonei _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City:_ Date:_ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+zft= _