SEPTEMBER 18 2017 BUILD APP2ortt-reblRECEtvED Srp 15 Z0t7 {*4,.6a^ .=6 toilrw "ffii;:'il .or*{r"'rr r. r, il" O. 8+9."tg %PWn AppLrcArror rypE; cortltERCrAl Q ort*rl ,T PLEA'E artsr/ER aLt g,Esrror{s aPPLTcaBLE ro YouR PR'J # ?9 t.I -\t 261 "Project Responslbilitv" APPLICAT{T'S lll\llE: Ks./i1 5nrlsrl PERMIT l\-2-tPtPt ECT n-ppr rcar r or,t ilumber (oFfice Use) - DATE:09 15 1' DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT AD : TooBB cape Harbor Dr:ive PHONE #: ZIP i 2a4tl 5T: p6 ZfP:26a11 ST: x6 ZIP:26463 _ PHOilE *: e1O-soe-1162 'wilmington OCCUPAT{T/BUSINESS tlAfiE: cape Harbor Agartr1enrs PROPERTY O{I{ER'S MltE: Belt partners rnc Oi{NER'S ADDRESS: trr.: cape Harbor Drive CITY: wi1.i.ts.. CONTRACTOR: pire vatley consLrucLion Co., LLC _ LICEiISE *: x7x CITY: ryi1.rrr1on EitAIL ADDRESS: kevin0p rneval leyconst ruc tion - ccm PROIECT COiITACT PERSON: 6""i" 5.11y (check A1l That Apply) - PHOIE S: 91C-392-51"-"1 - PHOiIE S: 910-264-ss88 EXIST CO{STRUCTION lf Relocation, is there a N .E atural ALTERATION Gas Line on the R ENOVATION [rrent She?rNoNEI{ CO STRUCTION:ERECT NEI,J STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHELL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: ra GENERAL REPATRS l-l RELocArroNG-l-- r.ro rs BLDG SPFfNKLERED{-_ yesl-_ UPFII ADD TO EXIST sTRUCTURE If UPFIT - The shell Permlt t:Is Elect Pover on this Building li Yes r NO +***r, r5 THrS A CHAI{GE oF (xCrrPAIcy UsEt f yEs li. rO rr*r IF Yes, rhat xas the Previous oc.upancy Typel _ t{hat is thc Nex Occupancy Ix8fi?DESIGN PROFESSIOML:, PH:NC REG S: EI{6R DESIGI{ PROFESSIOTAL:-PH NC REG I} DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Drywatr repaj"r frcm !,arer damage ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure?f, Yesli- No ls The Propedy Located ln The Floodplainf - Yefr all olher applicabe Slare plans and sp.cjfcElions NC Stale Bld€ Cods and OWNER/CONTRACTOR: revin smi rh SIGNATURE # OF UNITS: 1 TOTAL AREA SQ FT : 9CO SQ FT PER FLR:900 # OF STORIES: i TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF #OF STRUCTURES: 1 #oF FLOORS: 1 ACRES DISTURBED EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? T YES T NO SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA conleln Asbedos or nor You 8rc rcqIred to clllthe N6tomlEmlsslon Staadards lor Haza(k{s Ar Pollut€nls {NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 at leasr l0 days Fbr to th€ domolilrm of any laoliry o. bdd E. S€e Asbestos lYeb She: nlrp://www ep.93le nc usJepr/asbesloe ahmp hlml SO FT PROPERry USE !orrrcr !RESTAURANI MERCANTILE EDU cEL eer[ cor.rDo orHEr CLASSIFICATIONWATER, T']CFPUASEWER: FiCFPUA SYSTEM LJ T'I COMMUNITY SYSTEM T''I WELL T-I ZONING USE flcrrurner seerc D fRlvArE sEprc B?oMMUNrry PAYMENT METHOD; r CASH l- CUECX leeVealE TO NHC) f-- al,lrntCmt EXeRESS l-- MCA/ISA [- OISCOVEn ZONE: OFFICER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F: LH _. RH_ B__ BFE+2ft.AoDroval: Citu DATE FLOOD N PERMIT FEE: : }EFARATE PERMlTS NEOUIRED FON EI ECT. MECB PI BG. GAS EOUIP, PRETABS 8 INSERTS Comment *DISCLAIMER: SUBI'ITTING THIS APPLICATION Ii1EANS THAT THE SUBI"IITTAL CHARGE IS NON-REFUNDABLE ^\[# ADDRESS: 4 620 cedar AveDue NoDISCLAIMER TOTAL PROJECT COST: Sro,ooo-oo BUILDING HEIGHT: NEW IMPEFVIOUS AREA: Print : NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMTT AP PLI CAT lO N TYPE: RESIDENTIAt PLTASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Proiect Respohslbility" Caviness & Cates Building and Development Company Cffy. Wilmington E 2ott41ssril;-;'l l35EP l7 l2: I trF I' t21? 77 Number Date YAPPLICANT'S NAME PROJECT ADD RESS:ztP SUBDtvtStONT Tarin Woods ll LOT #I,f OWNER,S ADDRESSI 639 Executive Place Ste 400 ClTy. Fayettevillle 2tp.28305 CONTRACTOR: Caviness & Cates Building and Development Company BLDG LICENSE f: 61272 ADDRESSI 639 Executive Place Ste 400 C|Ty. Fayelteville sr: lL ztP 28305 EMAIL ADDRESST pam@cavinessandcates com pHONE. (910) 778-7902 pROJECT CO NTACT pgp5g1. Stephen Dean PHONE. (910) 237-6731 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration ! Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: = Erect New Residence ! Additioh to Existing Residence ! Relocation I,**PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*** E AttGarase(sF) q38 3xD Det Garage (sF)_ D Pool (sF) D Deck (sF) E Porch (SF) U other (sF) ! Sunroom (sF)_- n Greenhouse (SF)_- n storaBe shed (sF)-- ls the proposed work chanBing the existinB footp rint?n Yes = No Heated: ,6q5 unheated: 8:D6 € )o \ "\.il oTAL sq FT UNDER RooF Aot proposed work) lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? ! yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanlcal work bein8 done to the Accessory Structure D Yes E No lfthe project isa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? D Yes E t',to ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes ! No Description of Work:NEW RES]OENTIAL CONSTRUCTION _B a - laws andordinances and regulations. The NHc Development Services Certer willbenotified of inbrmatiorL **'NoTE: Any \,,,ork pertormed without the apprQriate permits will be in violatao x- DISCLAIMER: lhereby cErtifyflat allthe information in this applicaton iscorrect and all',!orkwi the State BuildirE code and all otler applicable sbte and locl ifications or (hanee in @nkactor Ssoo.oo*.teB owner/Contractor:Pamela Geddie for Caviness & cates Sign "UcensedQwlfref Print Ndme lsthepropertylocatedinafloodplain? E Yes E No Existing lmpervious Area: - sq Ft TotalAcres Dlsturbed: New lmpervious Area 3;lr ,IE Sq Ft Exisling Land Disturbing Permit: tr vesS frfo WATER: E CFPUA E community system E Private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E community system n Private septic E central septic ! Aqua Zone: - officer: - setbacks (F) - (LH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - city: - Date:- Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+zfi= -comment: Permit Fee: $tb pROpERTy OWNER,S NAME. Caviness & Cates Building and Development Company pHgl\jg 6. (910) 778-7902 rorAL pRorEcr cosr (1.* L.t), s L9lg. 0oo'D Property Use/ Occupancy: E Single Family E Duplex ! Townhouse .xs$DG ffi Cler Form Prlnt NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICAfl O N TYPE : RESIDENTIAI PLENE ANSWER ALLQUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responslbilitlr 25JUL l? 4:33P1{ Application Number APPuCANTS NAME: Eric Lazzari oal.I-:7125D017 PROJECT ADORESS: 118 Trombay ctTY. wilmington zlP 28409 PROPERW OWfTER'S NAME:Jason Dudley PHONE#. 910-297-2764 OWNER,S ADDRESS:118 Trombay qTy: Wilmington s1p. 28409 CONTRACTO 7. lazzari Construction lnc.BLDG LICENSE #:58894 ADoRESS: 445 Shipyard Blvd C|Ty Wilmington g1; NC 21P: 28412 pRoJEcT coNTAST pgp56p; Eric Lazzari PHONE: 910-200-4187 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E"Alteration ! Renovation D GeneralRepairs NEW CONSTRUCTIOI{: I Ered New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation ...PLEAsE CHECI( AT{D ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECF'' n Det GaraEe (SFltr Att Garage {SF)_ I I sunroom (5F, ! Greenhouse (SF)_ n Pool(sF) tr Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Yes ! No TOTA| SQ FT UNDER ROOI lfor proposed work) Heated Unheated:275 TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S rl CCrO ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ! Yes E/fuo ls any Electrlcal, plumbing or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure E4es ! No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? D Yes Ef'No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? tr Y€s n No Property Use/ occupancy: y'slngle Famiry n ouplex E Townho6e Description of Work: ADo 1-P-FaJ finr*t 'o 'fr*4c' laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development SeNices Center willbe notifled ofany changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. r*.NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits witlbe in violation of the NC State Bldg Code and subject to fines up to 5500-00"' Owner/contractor: ?-9t' e LAZzazt Signature: "Licensed Quolifie/' Pdnt None lsthe propertylocated inafloodplain? D Yes ! No Existing lmpervious Area: -- Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land oisturbinS Permit: n Yes D No WATER: SEWER:2CFPUA D Community System E Private Well ! Centralwell E Aqua CFPUA D Community System ! Private Septic E Centralseptic E Aqua zone: - Offlcer: - Setbacks (F) - (tfll - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - City: - Date: - Flood: (A) -(V) - (N) - BFE+2ft'- Comment:Permit Fe€: S s\u n14Qa SUBDIVISION: LOT#:- EMATL ADDR€SS: eric.lazzari.construclion@gmail.com PHO E: 910-200{187 Vlorcr 611 275 n storage Shed (SF)- n Other (SF) - NtL..,r;,r,r,Rt ,11,ffil t7NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILD]NG PERMIT APPLICATION ryPEi RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROjECT "Pro!ect Responsibility'' ctl\: b1) < l SEP l7 4rl8Pl Applacation Number (oflice u5e) APPLICANT'S NAME:Date 4- t" /7 PROJECT ADDRESSI suBDrvrsroN: ZtP: &/L n.e LOT ':as{oz "JS L 7 ro 311- /q;5PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS:€ PHONE # CITY:ztP CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: EMAIT ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON C BLDG LICENSE #hb480 sr:tgfzn JB{aj au (" ?ro i?f- z/qa 4 ^) 4C. PHONE: PHONE: CITY ( EXISTINGCONSTRUCIIONi,,Ct-Alteration E Renovation E GeneralRepairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: n Erect New Residence B/"Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation ***PLEASE CHECX ANO AI{SWER BETOW ALLTHAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJCCTI*I E Att Garage (SF)_E Det Garage (SF)rtorchlsrl n Sunroom (sF)D Pool (sF) 7Vo s, /^ vla E Storage Shed (SF)_ tr Other (SF)n Greenhouse (SF)_n Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Ves p tlo TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF Aor proposed wor*) Heated: TOTAT PROJECT COST (tess Lot)r S lbtDDo J-JUU unn""t a, $QO F No ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? n ves ff r,ro lsany Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structu re n Yes lf the projectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? n Yes ! No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? f] v"t I rrro Property Use/ Occupancy:{ single ramily f] Duplex E Townhouse Description of Work: Owner/Contractor: "Licensed QuoIifiet" L,L /,I ex,'S {,'o.t d laws and ordinances and re8ulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes in the approved and specifications or change in contractor information. "'NOTI: Any wo med without the appropriate permits e inviolation of the NC State Bldg ssoo.00." .ri.Signature: ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes Existing lmpervious Area: _ 5q Ft h No TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: I Yes E No WATER: fr CFPUA tr Community system E Private well E central Well n Aqua SEWER: $ CFPUA n Community System E Private Septic fl Central Septic fl Aqua zone: _ officer: - setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - City: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - o Comment:Permit Fee: S 16 \i) NEI^J HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLIaATIaN TyPEI COI,UvISRCIAL PI-EAsE ATiSIER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAEIE TO YOUR PSOJTCT "Project Responslblllty" bn-qq APPLTCATION Number (office use) APPLfCANT'S NAiIE: MichaeL Sii€e.l AIA (Arch/Rec)AOR Des-tr, ELe ren!s (Tenan: A:renL) DATE; 28 AUG 17 DEVELoPER: eian Jin r chen (Lease Tenan! Or,rner/Restaurart Entrelreneur PHoNE #r 5{6-3rs-995ipRolECT ADDRESS: 1412 Barcta! pctnt€Blvd. *1006 CfTY; wtrmtn,rton, uc ZIP | 2a412 OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAltiE: Nor ,\sian Iusion Resaauran! PROPERTY ONNER,S NA,IE : collect/cene ron Pror.erlies O|,INER'S ADDRESS: r lt r.1et ror)o.Iitan Ave. ;Sle 700 5T: NC ZIP: 28?O{ ST: NC zfP: N/A CoNTRACToR: To !e Dot ADORESSi N/A CITYi N/A EI'IAIL AoDRESS: msaleedcdesl.nel.e.com (Lease Tenant A.rerr) PHONE fl: PHoNE fi: 910-so9-r13r (Ch.<k All Ih.tlxrsr coNsrRucrror: ! alrenarrou f]RENOVATION lf R€locallon, ls lhero I Natural css Llne on the Current Site?I Yes 6ENERAL REPAIRS E ruo rs BLDG s RELOCATION PRINKLERED?Yes flNo NEW coNsrRUcTroN, f] enecr NEt.l 5TRUCTURE fl rAsr rnrcx I sreu @ uerrr ! ADo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: I If UPFIT - lhe Shell Permlt t: ii/A Is Elect PoHer on this Bullding Yes [rc,i'r Js rHrs a CHANGE oF occupANcy ustr Ives Elro .'.'. IF Yes, trhat was the Prevlour o(cupan.y Typel ARCH DESIGN PRoIESSIoIIAL: Michael Saleed RA, What ls the New Occupancy Type? A2 Restaurant EN6R DESIGN pnoFESsIoMLt Gre{ Mcpore]I (McDo!,,eLt En1,r} Ptt | 9t0-270-3?4? NC REG f l8 518 DESCRIPTI0N 0F WORK: InLerior Rescauran! "Ur.fir" of an exislrn, Buitdinl shelt Lease :enanr srace ls food orbevsragss pr6p6r€d or served ln thls slructure?I ves I No 16 The Propsrly Locat€d tn The Roodplaln?il Yes I No AIA /aka Ml t-chel I PH:9rC-509-3131 NC REG r: 8773 b, rlthd L l,1*4 ,r (r: ^e.f .r) t s.E.d, , ll!, i,(kn.r0, o-c€l(,t|'Clrf 19, r,*. err(ihdr or A(oid,.hrhnr.drd.rr9..hr4 &us DXt &r7,0a2r r'!ri{r 0ao0 One {I OWNEFUCONTRACTOR: M.lchael saleed noR/renaot A ren! TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: Est 9 os ACRES DISTURBED: None ZONE:G OFFIC (FOR OFFICE USE i]0ISCLAIMER: J hcr6by cer6r thar allrnlorrnadon in6,ld locollows End ordinances 6nd reaulallons, Thsor chanoe;n conraclor or co,rlr scr6r lirormarion "'Sublocrlo Fm6s Up Io 1500.00"' lhls applrcalron rs co'.ocl and srl work wittcomoly w,h th€ Sr6le Eu,tdrno Codo aod all other 6oDtlcabl6 StateNllC DevoloprnsnlSorvlc€s C6nr€r wlllb6 nod,l6d ol onv chano€s in thE sooroved otans snd iioci,tc€tronsNOTE. Any Work Podormed w/O lho Appropriote Permils wirr 5s h Vrolariqr oftheNC State BIdg Cod€ and No!o: Domoll{on notficallol!3 & 6!ba!lor r noy6l p.rnlt appli.rdon! r conbln Aeb€sb3 or mt. Yorr sro r.qull.d ro csll lho N6doo6t Elllllslon ro lo la rubhlltod urlno ,l. 3ppllc3lon lom (DHHS.3708) wtl.$.r fi6 f6.illry or bllldho wat lound !o SbM.d3 lor H.zardou! AJr PolluEnt! (NESHAP) .l (019)707-5950 ar leslr 1O dEy! pilor to lh€ dsnlolldon ol ury f.dlity or b(,lldno. Sc€ Arbc.b. WeD Slt : htu,/i1,vtv\x.€pt..r.t6.nc.ude9l/63besto.y'alynp.h!nt RESTAUMNT fluencarurLe fleouc lanr [coNoo orxen: UJ <-litsoE., (i(l, =::r TOTAL PROJECT COST: Esr s3zsK BUILDING HEIOHT: ast 2c'-0"# OF UNITS: rwo 2 TOIAL AREA SO FT ; 8st 2930 uif tr-SQ FT PEB FLR: Esr.293o urfir #OF STORIES: one # OF STRUCTUR€S: ,r)she1-r Bldr #OFFLOORS: EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT?I YEs ENo NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: Nor AiLlicabte SOFI EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: Exisr;o,r ccriin center PROPERry USE: [OrrrCe WATER: ICFPUASEWER; U] CFPUA -. SEPAFATE PERMITS REOUIREO FOR ELECT, MECH. PLBG, GAS EOUIA PREFAES & INSERTS '' PAYMENT [4ETHOD: ICASX r oHECK (PAYABLE rO NHC) EBTLLACCOUNT EMCI/ISA fiOrSCOvsn Rts/ (CDECoMMUNTTY SYSTEM EIWELL EZONTNG USE CLASS|F|CATION:I ceurnel seerrc E p*RrvATE sEplc E-coMMUNtry sysrEM Ccb)J*\ETBACKS FLOOD: "JfL.,, #,1_ C -(oc Ji(_ I ,. I I ) 8E\1SEO DATE 4/11/12 S B Approval:City:,t BFE+2tt= /tq.Nrln lI ^Lq N PERN4IT FEE: $ Ocrq fl^ t 5 I Commentl r It.rs .i.fn u(l d$fA,,- ]ln ,-r- Co ^( rA^.<1 RH: ri/\{t L7 -28L7r1i,'\ PHON€ *: 704-334-2787 CITY; charlorte LICENSE S: N/A ACCoUNT $: N/A PRoIECT CoNTACT PERSoN: MIchaeI sdieed, Arch/Rec (Lease TenanE A,,eoL) $$' @ w L7 -28t7lqq APPLICATION Number (Office Use) DEVELOPER: Oian Jinq Chen (Lease Tenanr owner/Restaurant Ent repreneu r )PHONE #: r.r,r lr! 9]br PROIECT ADDRESS: 1412 Barclav Point Blvd. *1006 CITY: wrtmrr,qrcn, lic OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAII4E: ).Jori,qsian Fusion Res:aura.t PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: ar.lle.: cdrJrer.n Prol)err-ies O[^,NER'S ADDRESS: 111 MerropoLitar, Ave sre 700 CITY: ctrarlotte CONTRACTOR: To Be Dei,e.mi ne LICENSE *: r. A ADDRESS: NiA CITY: N,/A EMAIL ADDRESS: rr,raieec des i ne Ie . com Lease Tenant A PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: :,tL.hae! :r.r=.1, Ar:L/1:..--:: PHoNE #: lr.l-334-2161 sT : J!_ zIP ::j!!l_ ACCOUNT #: : ST: NC ZIP: N/A PHONE #: PHONE #: .-.-!r!-i,,1 (Check All rhat Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION lf Relocation. is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site?I Yes trGENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION No lS BLDG SPRINKLERED?T ves I no UPF IT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURENEt/ CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEI.J STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHELL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #: :i A IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? ***** rs THrs A cHAt'tGE oF occuPANcY usE? EYEs T Is Elect Power on this Building T Yes Eruo ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOML: r'.11chaei saieed RA, ArA /aka MirchelI PH: 91C-509-3131 NC REG *: 8,"3 ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOIIAL: creq M.DoweII (M::l.weIl Ercr'r) DESCRIPTION 0F WoRK: rnterior Restaurant "upfit"of an exisitnq Building SheIl Lease tenant space ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure?I ves I lo ls The Property Locsted ln The Floodplsin? [ Yes I No DISCLAIMER: I hereby cerlify that all information in lhrs application is correct and all wo and ocal laws and ordinances and reoulations The NHC DeveLoomenl Services Centeror chanoe rn conlraclor or conlractor r-nformation. "'NOTE: Anv Work Performed w/O th Sub-ectio Frnes Up To $500.00"' rk wll comply with the State Building Code and all other applicab e Stale will be nolrfied of anv chanoes in the aooroved olans and soecrficatrons e Appropnale Permiis will 6e r1 V.olatror ot lhe NC State Bldg Code ard oigiially r9n.dbyMtrha€lLsa,eed r (,k, Mit h€ll) Or GM'.h&lLs:'eed,irl.k Mr.h.ll),o=D€srGN ELt'\irfNIs, rn(- ou=Arhnd or R(od, oail-mt.een@dell9n.k.coo.=uS o.re tor70329 r 3:34:49 {4 00(Aualifier) TOTAL PROJECT COST: rsr r'3:;t< BUILDING HEIGHT: Eirr 2a'- r" contaln Asb€stos or not. You sre requked to csllthe Nalional Emisslon Stsndards for Hazardous Arr Pollutants (NESHAP) at (9'19)707-595,0 at leasl ,0 days prior to the demolition of any faolity or building. S€e Asb€stos Web Silo: htp:/ ww.6pi.state.nc.us/epi/esbeslodahmp.htrnl # OF UNITS: rwo t2 t (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) ACRES DISTU RBED: t'l:r,e NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: ttct, Appticabte SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: E!:i s:nq cc,uul cer.:er SQ FT PROPERTY USE: EOFFICE RESTAURANT MERCANTILE EDUC APT CONDO OTHER: flzoNrNG usE cLASSTFTCATTON fl CoMMUNTTY SYSTEM *'SEPARATE PERMITS REOUiRED FOR ELECT.I\,lECH PLBG. GAS EOUIP. PREFABS & INSERTS *' PAYMENT METHOD Icasr I oHECK (PAYABLE rO NHC) EB|LL ACCOUNT EMC /rsA florscoven WATER: UICFPUA fl COMMUNITY SYST SEWER: [Z CFPUA E CENTRAL SEPTIC EM EWELL PRIVATE SEPTIC RB, (CD) REVISED DATE 4N 1/12ZONE: OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:_LH:_ RH:_ B:Approval:_ City:- DATE:- FLOOD: -- - BFE+m=_ AVN entComm Lz-, C F.rg-xru'rro r Ctrvuq PERMIT FEE: $p ,:,1 , . ffi NEI^I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT aPPLI.A|ION TYPE: COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANT'S l{Al4E: t4i.haeI saieed ArA (Arch/Rec)AoF. Desi.,n ELements (Tenant Aqen:) DATE: _j!_3!.9__ll_ ZlPi,aat) what is the New Occupancy Type? A;l Rest.r!ranr PH: 910-270-3741 NC REG *: 18518 OWNEFyCONTRACTOR: l'ii..,ae, saieed .q:i.':er.a.: .renr- TOTAL AREA SQ FT : -E!__:_9-jjl__gE:l_ SQFTPERFLR: E:j 2e3! upfir #OFSTORIES: o,.e rrr TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: Esr e.rt8 # OF STRUCTURES: _11l_Sl:e_!_t__:-!I_ #OF FLOORS: c::e t:t EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? I-IYES N NO N1-qil i7-u9e( Appllcation {ofllce use) FLOOD ZONE Clear Form Prlnt sMall NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PI-EAsE ANSWER ALLQUE'TIONS APPTICABIE TO YOUR PRO'ECT "Pro.iect R€sponslbtllV, APPLICANT'S NAME:tn Date: 6/9/17 PROIECT AODRTSS:6dol ld i,4ilitarv R.l CITY a!ton ZIP:28409 suSDtvtstoN:t-oI f : -.i AJ () I lJc2 8r9l -.t- I * € >.1(J- 'at, -!2IvJ JU P Lfr ca 3 ADDRESST 7506 eflsh Ct CITY: Wlmington ST: a6_ ZtP: 28411 EMAIL ADDRESS!PSONEt 910-212-2207 PHONE. 91O-212-22n7PROJECT CONTACT PERSON tn EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: O Alteratton ,(Renor"tion O Generat Repairs NEW CONSTRUCflON: E Erect New Resldence D Addlflon to Extstlng Residence E Relocation ''iPTEASE CHECK AND ANSWER EETOW AI.TTHATAPPLY TO YOUN PROIECTII.t E Att Garage (SF) _El oet Garage (SF)_ ! Sunroom (SF)tr Pool(sF) tr oeck {SF)C Greenhouse (SF) _ ls the proposed v/ork changln8 the existing footprint? D yei D No TOTAT 5q FI UNDER ROOF tfor proposed work) Heated:25q1 TOTAL PROJECT COST (tess tot); S 200 000 Property Use/ Occupancy ixslnsle Famlly 0 Ouptex O Townhouse 147 tr Porch (SF) 566 tr Storage Shed (SF) _ tr Other (5F) Unheatedl ls the proposed work changtng the number of bedrooms? Xy€s 0 No lsanyElectrlcal,PlumblngorMechanlcalworkbeingdoneto'theAccessoryStructureDyesDNo lf the project is a Relocatlon, ls there a Natural Gas Llne on the current site? E yes O No Ls there Electrlcal Power on this Buildin8? Xyes E No Descrlptlon of Work: nd Bath Ramnrlal P^rch edditian Rari r.in.! ha.lr.tdms fr m q 4 laws and ordlhancer.nd reSulations. Th€ NHC Oevelopment s€Mcer Centerw lb. notified ofany chang€r tn the approved pt.ns and.pecificitoni or chanSe in conrractorlnformatlon. "rNOTti Anywork performed without the approprlate p€rmlts willbe in viol.tion ofthe Nc state gldg code €nd subr!.t to f:nes up to gsoo.oo.*' Owner/contra.tor: "Licensed Quoliliel I:'r Signature: (N) _ BFE+ rDunA "*See Attached Conditions List El'{zcrr.-,+ (Er4' ls the property located ln a floodplain? pl Yes D irL pruirn i.nan.t *, FLOOD ZONE ExlstlnS lmpervlous Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres dstrii6ad: fi-) -J\-l)o..> New lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Exlsthg Land Dlsturblnt Permlt: f] Yes fl No WATER:glCreUA I Communitysystem D Prtvate We[ E CentralWell D Aqua SEWER:PUA E Community System D Prlvate Septic fl CentralSeptic D Aqua zon"fl--&0 ofltcer: f.f m setlact<s 1r1 -30r1ux1 dc, Approval:crty:U( Lff\ 0"t,9/t4/i krooo,{v} Comment: t?.i reuxd rnnr -r( rgrlGrEer\r&trdn fuoua- Sellit el, .(}{@Pl-io 0/- 0s'LKD AI\hlo.o Bretl oa, ctaru t b-L Fee: I o'. (tc)(3'P/L Pkrk- PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: Jason Reugg PHONE #: 910-239-9344 OWNER'S AoDRESS: 640.t Otd M it"ry Rd Ctlyi Witmington. NC ztp:28409 coNTRAcroR: stsve swarn. coastar cypress Buirding BLDG ucENsE *;JJggg--- Og /06 /2O17 12:-19 -ls7 P.OOl/OO4 910a433661 IT RECEIVEO SEP OS 2017 :D1_qqN rz- l(9o APPLICATION Number (Offl(e U5e) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI{IT APPLICATION IYPE: R ESIDENTIAL PLIASI ANSI{ER Alt QUTSTIOIIS APPLICABLT TO YOUR PRO]ICI "ProJe<t Responsibllity"ffi. APPLICANT,S N'{tE i DTVELOPER:The P,oneer Group. l6c PHONI S:910ad33581 CITY:zIP: 28,109PRO)ECT AODRESS; SUBDIVISToNi 64l2 vlesLpor! Dlive pROPERTY oWNER'S tlAI''lE I Erin and Todd Snyder 6REENHOUSE 5F fl oecx SLOC( fl: _ LoT s: _ PHONE {:1 81 ol,lNER'S AoDRESs: 6412 l.res!porL Drj-ve CITY I CONTRACTOR I LICENSE S: AOORESS:PO 8ox 1 CITY; Ef4AIL A00RESS T hello@th6plo4eerqrouonc.com ST:NC zIP : f!a!l 9104433681PHONE Sl PHONE S: EXTSTTNG CONSTRUCTTON: I AlrenntrOn I AeruOVnrrOn EOrrenAl neearns ! RELocATToN NEN CONSTRUCTION' I eneCr NEl4l RESTDENCE or I mOrrrOr TO EXTSTING RESTDENCE ..PLEAsE CHECX ANO ANSIII€R BELON AIL IHAI APPLY TO YOUR PRO]TCT: ATT GARAGE - 5F SUNROOM ST DEI GARAGE - SF POOr SF PoRCH _ SF SIORAGE SHED 5F OTHER: SF 5t TOTAL HEATED 5Q FT: o TOIAL 5Q FT UNDER ROOF: _ TOTAL AREA SQ FT: a d ordirancos d rcg! lations lhe NH c t)€votop.ncnl so'\/icEs ccnrol wii b6 nollied ol any chrn06s h lhe sppro v€d plm s .nd spoo raalioni or cna.go 'n con troc h I o, conracl,r sb.nalion 1..NoIE:Anyrvo,tpcttormod w0 hoApp,opria|o p!,6nsw b6 i,r virt6t notueNcst t4Brdgcodebdsubl.crtoFi.esupIo150000'-' Oh]N ER/CONTRACTOR:SI6NATURE: rs rriE pRopERTy LocATED rN a rlooonlarNl fl vrs !NO TOTAL ACRES DISTUR8ED: Exrsr LAND DTSTURBTNG PERI'lrr I ff Y€S NO EXISTING IMPESVIOUS AREA: NEl,l II4P€RVIqJS AREA: sQ F1 SQ FT wArER:U crpua E coMHUNrrY svsrelr I PRTVATE I'IELL I cerutnar well SEr..rER: I creul I CENTRAL sEPTrc I lnrvart srprrc D coHr"luNrrY sYsrEr4 ,.. sIpaRA]E t'ERtitIrs RIQUIR[0 FOR ELICT, llE PAYI4Ei{I I.IEIHOD: E COST' DCTTCX (PAYAELE IO NHC) LBG, 6A5 EOJIP, PREFABS & INSERTS tT1 *r*r.* .irrrs D ,c/vrso f] orscovrn ,l+,t * * * *t* *)t * *, * * ** ri.ir* rt** * i* t** *1} * * ti( 'it CH, P I .& zoNE: &lL oFFrcER:of6 rpprova] :-2tL- c*y | /L lvl oAle I J EACKS: f FLOOD $!**r, ,,r, ,tonComment r 2 lrnrnglon I C'L o(p s iiy iirupeciiol isvu,ret, i i,.i-2i,;-iiii L1, OAfEi I / 20tl't sr: E zrP: J26-to-s--i PROJECT CONTACT PERSoN i TOTAL PROIECT COsf[asr.orr : $ rr.ooo.oo S OF STORIES: Is Any fl"ECTRICAL, PLUIISI G or I.IECHAIJICAL l,Jork Eelng Done to the Accesso.y Stru(turel ! Ves El ruo If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site? [ ves fl ruo rs there Electcical Power on this Building? lTl ves l--l Ho pRopERry usE / occupAr.rcY: E] srrucr-e rallrr-v I ouer-ex ! To]lNHousE DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Addinq a 12' s]idinq door to t.he l-ivino r:oorn and ol.her- co6mcli. repairs lWlmington Clear Form Print €Mail NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PTEASE ANSWER ALT QU ESTIONS APPUCABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibiliv' Afl-ffitt 17 -1908 Agplication Number {office ure} APPLICANT'S NAME:tn Date: 6/9/17 PROJECT ADDRESS:64nl Ol.l [,4ilitarv Rd Clw: Wilmington Ztp-29499_ SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:.lasnn R UOO PHoNE #: 910-239-9344 OWNER'S ADDRESS: 640.1 Otr,Militarv R.l CITY: Wilminoton ZIP: 28409 coNTRAcroR: steve swain. coastal cvpress Building BLDG UC€ sEf:21999 ADDRESS:7506 Np lefish Cl clTY: Wilminolon Sf:nc ZIP:. 28/11 EMAIL ADDRESS; steveacoestalcvoressbuildino co PHONE:910-212-2207 PROiECT CONTACT PERSON: Steve n PHONE;910)1 2-2207 EX,STINC COI{STRUCTIO T n Aheration (Renovation E General Repairs I{EW CONSTRUCnON: ! Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation '*IPI-EAs€ CHECI( AND ANSWER BELOW AI.t THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTT*r n Att Garage (SF)_El Det Gardte (5F)_ n Pool(sF) n Deck (SF) tr Storage Shed (SF)-- I Greenhouse (5F) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D yes D No TOTAL 5q FT UNDIRROOI Vor proposed work) Heeted: 2Sg1 Unheated: TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): 5200.000 147 ls the proposed work chanting the number of bedrooms? [ yes ! o lsanyElectrlcal,PlumblntorMechanlcalworkbeingdonitotheAccessorystructureDyeslllo lftheprojectisaRelocition,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?nyesENo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E yes tr Xo Property Use/ Description of SinSle Family n Dupler fl Townhouse Kitchcn nd Bath . Porch adclifion Reducino hcriroa sfromSlo4 DlscrAlMER: I hereby cenir that a ll the lnfoamation in thi5 applicatjon is correct and all*ork will comrly wlth the state guiBingcodeand allother applicablestete and locallaws and ordinances and regulatlo.s. The NHc Development services center will be notified ofany changes in the approved plais and specifications or chenSe in contEctorinformation. **'NofE: Any work performed wilhout the approp.iate pernits will be in violatlon of the Nc strte Bldg code a;d subiect to fines up to Ssoo,oo**t Owner/Contrector: "Licensed Quolif,e," Sitnatu.e: ls the property located in a floodplain? Ff yes fl No Existing lmpervlous Area: _ Sq R Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpelious Area: _ Sq ft Exlstlng Larld Disturblru permit: fl yes n No WATER: El CFPUA n Community System ! private Well I Centralwefl [] Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA. Community System fl priydte Septic n Centralseptic n Aqua zone: _ Officer: _ Setback (Fl _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ Clty: _ Date: _ Flood: {A} _ {V} _ (N}_BFE+2ft= _.s.f a'fComment:Permit Fee:s t) E 0 LOT #: n Porch (sF) 566 n Sunroom (SF)_ tr Other (SF)- l, NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SA.FETY 230 GOYERNMENT CENTERDRWE . SUITE I7O WILMINGTON, NORTHCAROLINA 28403 Telephone: 910.798.7308 Fax: 910.798.781 I Int e rn e t : www - n hc go v. c om RESIDENTIAL APPLICATION THAT HAS NO PRIOR APPROVALS TATS EMENT OF UN DERSTANDING am submitting an application for a residential building permit to New Hanover county. And, as the applicant or person submitting the application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: p. I did not attach an official CFPUA receipt or document that acknowledged approval of the payment made to CFPUA. gJ I did not attach an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of \Mlmington. tr rd not a h an official proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. And beeause I did not attach the official proof of approvals along with my application for permit; New Hanover county cannot guarantee that the building permit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the officiat submittal date/time (the stamped dateltime notation made by the Building safety Department on the application or submittal document) Signed in acknowledgment: teve Swain Signature Printed Name Address for the proposed residential work: Date (,) ;b RECEIVED SEP O6 ?017 zpfl -Q?tV rz- /t?o APPLICATION Number (office Use)# NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSUIER ALL QUESTIONS APPT]CABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" DEVELOPER: 6 412 l"lestports Drive PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: Erin and rodd snvder O[^/NER'S ADDRESS: 6412 l"lestpor[ Drrve CONTRACTOR:lnc PHONE #:9104433661 CITY: BLOCK f: LoT f: PHONE #:9104433681 CITY:Wlm ngton ST:NC z|P ,. 2A4A9 LICENSE f:14322 CITY:Wlmif gton PHONE #:9T 04433681 PORCH - SF STORAGE SHED The Pioneer Gro!p. lnc PRO]ECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: ADDRESS:PO Box 15474 EMAIL ADDRESS:the PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:Ste annie Cov ngton ATT GARAGE - SF DET GARAGE - SF suNRoo[l _ sF GRE ENHOUS E P00L _ sF SF SF5FDECKSF OTHER: TOTAL HEATED 50 FT: 0 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: TOTAL AREA SQ FT: - TOTAL PROJECT COST rress rort : $ qr.ooo.oo # OF STORIES: Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING or IIECHAI{ICAL l,^ionk Being Done to the Accessory Stnucture} n Yes T No rs there Electrical Power on this BuildinS?ves [ ruo ouerrx I TohJNHousEPROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY: DESCRIPTION OF l,.lORK: Addi and ord nances and regulal ons The NHC Deveropmenr Serv ces Cenrer w I be noined ofany changes rn the approved p ars and specifica{ ons or change n contractor o. contracrorr.t'rmator,,,NOTEAnyWorkPerfornredW/OrheAppropriarePermrswlbenVoaronoftheNCSlaEAbgCodeandSublectloFinesUpTo$50000"' OWN ER/CONTRACTOR :Stephannie Covington SIGNATURE: I No If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural 6as Line on the Cunrent Site? [ ves SINGLE FAIqILY ng a 12' slidin q door Lo the livrnq room and ot her cosmetic repair.s (Pri.t Nane)* * * * * * * * * * * * x x;fi * * * * * *,k ** * x,t** *;* *:* *,k * * * * *,k ** * * ** x *xx,t * * ** * *:*,k* {< ** * * * *)k * * *** x,t* x ;t;t * * x * * * ** IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN?YES T NO EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: NEN IMPERVIOUS AREA: SQ FT 5Q FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED:no change EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT: I'ATER:CI PUA COI\4IYIJNTTY SYSTEI{PRIVATE WE LL CENTRAL I,^JE L L SEWER: I creua ! CENTRAL sEprrc f] enrvarr seprrc E coMl4uNrrY sYSTEl4 *** SEPARATE PERIVIITS REQUIRED FOR ELECTJ IIECH) PLBG' GAS HQUIP' PREFABS & INSERTS *'* PAYII4ENT HETHOD: .O', C,,.( (PAYABLE TO NHC)I amERrcAN ExpREss [ ,a/rrro ! orscovrn YES T NO *xj: * ** * **** ** * * **** * {<* * r.** * **+ *** * *** * * * * **** * ** *)k ** **** *,k,k * *,k * * ** * * **)k * ** * *)k* ** * * **** * * ZONE : _ OFFICER (FOR OFFICE UsE ONLY) REVISED OATT O4l11/12 SETBACKS: F: LH: RH: B: Appr oval:- City:- DATE:- FLOOD: -- BFE+2ft= - AVN Comment: PERFIIT FEE: $_ I c:7-, APPLICANT,S NAIIT: DATE: 8,/20/17 ztP | 23!!2 sr: E] zrP: f2€r-ot-l PHoNE #: Ffo44336s 1 -----l ExrsTrNG coNsrRucrroN: ! nrrennrrolr I Reuovarroru ! crruenar neenrns I RELocATToN NEr4 CONSTRUCTTOru: ! eneCr NEW RESTDENCE o" ! nOOtrrOru TO EXTSTTNG RESTDENCE **PLEASE CHECK AND ANSUIER BELOH ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: lWrnington dp r:- '180 AppLtcANTS NAME. Stevens Buildi Com PROJECT ADDRESS; NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUIIDING PERMIT APPUCAflON TYPE : RESIDEIYfl At PLEASE ANSWER At! qUESTIONS APPUCABLE TO YOUR PROIECT 'Proiect R€sponsibiliy 6gy. Wilmi L Application Date t ltr {office ln use) 71p' 28409 suBDlvlsloN:Maple Ridge at Bay LOT #: PROPERTY ow Eps IAME: Slevens Building Company pxore r: 91G79.t699 OWNER'S looness: 5710 Oleander Drive Suite 200 6gy. \Mlmington 4p;284Q3 69 ?. 1 0q CONTRACTOR;Stevens B Company gtD6 g66itgg p. 31626 ADDRESS: 5710 Oleander Ddvs Suite 200 6gy. Wilmington 51; NC p11sxs; 91G,7944699 .PIEASE CHEC( ATID A'ISWER BEIOW ALL ** E Det Garage (sF) - d porar$rl 100 tr Pool (sF)_E Storage Shed (SF)_ ! Deck (sF)tr Other (sF) ls the proposed work changingthe eisting footprint? tl Yo d frfo TOTAL SQ FI UITIDERROOC llor Woposed wo*l Hee@|a+e# LXt 21pr 28403 EMAIL ADDRESST snicholson@stevensfi nehomes.com EXISTIIIG COIISIRUCT|O : D Aherdtion D Renoyation E ceneral Repairs NEWOONSIRUCTIO:dErear,lewResidence!AdditiontoExistingResidence!Relocation d ltt earage (sr),1 E Sunroom (SF) ! Greenhouse (5F) _ TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 120,000 )-0ac fq (a.xe ls the proposed work changingthe number of bedrooms? tr Yes d o ls any gectrical, Plumblng or M€dunkat work being donetothe Accessory Structure E yes d o lf the project is a Relocatim, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes d o ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes O No Property Use/ Occupancy: E Sin6e Family tr Duplex tr Iournhouse Description of Work:New sinqle family constructon DtSClAlirER: I hereby a€rtify that all 6e informatiofi ih tfiis application is correct and all work will comply with the State Blilding Code and all otierapPlicable State and local laws and ordinances and regula6on5. The NHC Development 9wkea Center tvill be nodf€d of arry danges in the plans and g€cifications or dEnge in contractorinformation. r'.NOTE: Any wo.k p€rformed wit rost the app.opriate permhs will be in violation of the NC State Code and subi€ct to to SH]O.O0... owne./contractor: Michael Craig Stevens signature: "Ucerrsed Quolifiea Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes Existing tmpervious *"r, 2 lo I sq rt ,oOt *r"r 9;r1rt5"6; 1/3 d"o ew lmpervious Arear 21ot Sq Ft E.lsting l,.nd Dist rbint Permiu El yes d o WAIER: d CFPUA E Community System E Private Well 0 Centralwell E lqua SEWER: d CFPUA tr Community System E Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbad(s (O _ (tHl _ (RHl _ (Bl _ Approval: _ C,ty: _ Date: _ Flood: (Al _M _(Nl_BFE+2ft=_ Comment: permit Fee: $tAl+h-oo ii/n,a pROJECT COMTAfi pgp56X. Staci Nicfrolson p66Xg. 91G.332€515 unn "t"a, *btl Clear Form pROJECTAODRESS: 8610 Hammock Dunes Drive suBDtvtstoN: Porters Neck Plantalion I ffi" Print NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TY PE : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER Att QUESTIONS APPI,ICABLE TO YOUR PROJECI "Proiect Responslbllity" Srrt? ,ibo! Application Number (office use) AppgCANTS NAME: Vincent Cliflon 931s; 08/05/17 clrY: Wilmin ton 21p. 28411 IOT #: 14 pROpERTy OwNER,S 1141y19; Vincent Clifton OWNER,s ADDRESS: 8610 Hammock Dunes Drive p116x6 6. 252-675-5559 CITYr Wilminglon P. 24411 CONTRACTOR: B|-DG LTCENSE # ADDRESS:CITYI ST: _ ZIP: EMATL ADDREss: vcohdnb50@yahoo.com pHpxq. 252-675-5559 pRoJEcr coNTAcr pEs56x. Vincedctifton pp6x6. 252-675-5559 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: dAlteration D Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSIRUCTION: I Erect New Residence f] Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation I*IPLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER 8EI,OW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO.'ECT'}'* D Att Garage (SF)_ ! Sunroom {SF)_ E Greenhouse (sF)_ E Det Garage (SF)_ ! Pool (SF) D Deck (SF) ! Storage Shed (SF)_ d other (sF)Hall bath ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? M/yes D No TOTAL Sq FT UNDER ROO! llor proposed wotk)11s31s6; 1980 Unheated: TOTAT PROJECT COST (tess Lot): S 11,100 Is the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? D yes g(No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure ( Ves 3 trto lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? D yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this I uilding? E{Yes fl No P.operty Use/ occupancy: f, Single Family D Duptex! Townhouse Description of work: Add a hall bath within existing sp"ce laws and ordlnances and regulations. The NHC Development servlces Center wlll be notified ofBny chanSes tn the approved plans and spectflcatlons or chan8e In contractorlntormation. 'r'NoTE: Any wo* performed without the approprlate permit5 willbe ln violatton of rhe NC State Btdg Code and subject to fines up ro 5500_00... owner/Contractor: Vincent Clitton Signature U,C,n r (/. TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E yes E No WATERT / CFPUA E Communitysystem fl private We[ E Centralwe E Aqua SEWER: f,CFPUA E Community System fl private Septic D Central Septic fl Aqua Zone: _ Office.; _ Setbacks (F) _ {t-H} _ (RH} _ (B} _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ )Comment:Permit Fee:35.00 eMail tr Porch (SF)_ "Licensed Quolilier" P nt Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? tr yes druo Exlsting lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft RE0EIVED AIE 2e ?$f ,-. - '*::.,,..r ' .1. ':... , ) APPLICANT'S NA]'IE: DEVELOPER: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIoN TyPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE AI.TSXER ArL QUESrroirS ApPLICAE|€ T0 YOUR PROJECT "ProJect Responsibility'' 11-tgzo APPLICATION Number (office Use) Aahley and Jami Prat ! PHO E S: PRO]ECT ADORESS:5219 Tree Toad CITY: wilminqEon ZIP:284r.1 sUBDIVISION:Tiniber cree BLOCI( *: 5200 LOT f:109 OINER'S ADDRESS; 5219 Tree Toad c CITY: lrilmrnqron ST: Nc ZIp: z84rr ADDRESS: 3934 Marke! slreet CITY:fii I minqt.on ST: Nc ZIP: 28403 EI4AIL ADDRESS: rara@a bl,eok. com PROJECT COMTACT PERSON : Tara Marlev.Sales Manaqer, Able Inst 1a! ions PHONE T:9LO-273 -8921 EXTSTTNG CONSTRUCTTON: f] ALTERATION I nrNOVnrrOt I errenar- nrelrns ! RELocATToN NEN CONSTRUCTTON, ! entCr NEll RESIDENCE o" I mOtrtoN To ExIsTrNG RESIDENCE TTPLEAsE CHECI( AND A'{sUJER SELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: ATT GARAGE _ sF ! otr canacr _ sF suNRooM _ sF E p@L 362 sF! eneerurouse _ sr A DECK B6o 5F I eorctr - sF I sronlee sHED _ OTHER: SF SF TOTAL HEATED 5Q FT: _ ToTAL SQ FT UNDER RoOF: _ TOTAL AREA SQ FT: TOTAL PROIECT COST 6ass r-or1 : $ no,ooo.oo # OF STORIES: rs Any ELEcrRrcAL, pLutitBrNc o. t4EcHAt'trcAL h,ork Being oone to the Accessory structure? [ ves I HoIf the project ls a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site? [Ves I NoIs there Electnical Power on this Buildingl I ves I lto PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY: I Srruele rlFrrlv f] ounr.ex ! TowNHousE Inslallalio[ of a t4,x33, inqround fiberqlass pool wit.h a concrete L deckDESCRIPTION OF I.IORK; up lo 850sf DISCIAIMER lho16by and ordhances snd rog conrac6r lnbmalon. . clnit $rr Eltinfom6tion in Ois 6p9tlcaUon b conEcl and ollwork wil comply wiUt he Sl,|o AuiEing Cod6 ulaljons. The NHC Oovelopment 56 ic6s CenErwtUbo norified otanycnsngos in ho sppDved ptans snd snd 3ll ohe, applic8bto StrE and locst la*s specl,icabns orchanoo in conrs.br or 8nd Subjo.r D Fires Up To t500.0r.. rs rHE pRopERTy LocATED rN l rtoooeurr? [ vrs NO EXISTING IIqPERVIOUS AREA; 2,314 SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: .10 I'lEl,{ II4PERVIOUS AREA: BGo SQ FT EXIST LAilo DISTURBTNG PERMTT: f: yES mrrn: @ creur ! coMMUNrry svsrer,t f| pRrvArE wELL f] cerurnrl well sEwER: fi creul ! CENTRAL sEpTrc I earvnrr srcrrc I comMuNrry sysrEM ..i. SEPARAIE PER ITS REQUIREO FOR ELEC], I{ECH, PL8G, GAs EqUIP, pAyt,lEl{I r,lETHoD: E casn f] cnecx (pAyaBLE To r*nc; !m.nrco" ,xeness "llOTE:An! Work Perlomed WO UeApproprisb PslmiB wi| t'€ tn Vjotsuon ot ho NC S€e OWNER/CONTRACTOR: sun ciry Pools, Inc SIGNATURE: PREFAB ! r I +,i *,r * ** a*,a* r * * **+ * * *,*)****+,i*,** * * t,r * i(,r * * ** ** *** *** + * ** a(,rt * ***,**+* +:r** ZONE :OFFICER: (Foi orFt(a ust o{ty) iavl5rD DArE S4l11/12 SETBACKS: F:_ LH:_ RH:_ B:_ Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FL@D: _ commenti a 5 & INSERTS 11. rlc/vrsA I orscovea r* '**,t**r*r **t* **,i* * + BFE+2ft= N I PERI.IIT FEE:$_____a6 o DATET __31J21JJ_ PROPERTY oWNER'S tlAI\4E I Ashrev and Jamie p!aE! PHONE *: 910-409-1617 CONTRACToR: sun ci!v pools. Inc d/b/a AbIe In6ra11 LICENSE fl: ?689r PHONE *: 910-2s1-0038 t N RECEIVED AUG 18 201/ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP?LICATTO rypE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWEN ALt QUESTIONS APPTICASLE TO YOUR PROJECT,.project R€sponsibilit)/, ;U1-qno t1-7c?/ APPTICATION Numben (0ffi<e Use)ffi APPLICAI'IT,S I'tAr4E: Lorecra and Joe Rini DATE: a /Ia / t'7DEVELOPER:PIO E #: 910-4s9-see4PROIECT ADORESS: 4G3? pine Ho11 ow Dri ve Cfry: l.lilminqronSUBDMSIOI'I: Johnson Falms ZIP:28409 ELOCK t: {600 LOT *: {53? PROPERTY OWNER,S NAfrlE: r_ore!!a and .roe Rin.t Ol.lNER.,S ADDRESS: 463r pine HoIrow Dr i. ve CITY: wi lminqron 5T: Nc ZIP: 2B4oe 5T: Nc ZIp: 28401 PHol'lE f: e1o- CONTRACTOR:cir In bd e InsCaI I ADDRESS: 3 934 Marker srree!CITY: wi.lminoronEioIL ADDRESS: cara@ableok -251-003 PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: rara r.ra rley ExIsrrNG coNsTRUcTroN: ! rrrenarroru ! Renovarroru f] erruenal nrnrrns I NEW CONSTRUCTIOiT: ! enrcr NEut RESIDENCE or ADDITION TO EXISTING RESIDENCE*IPLEASE CHECX At{D At{St{En SELOI,J ALL THAT AppLy TO YOUR PROIECIn RE LOCATION ATT GARAGE - SF suNRooM _ sF GREENHOUS E - 5F DET GARAGE sFn @ eooL :e, srI orcx PORCH <E STORAGE SHED 5Fn838SF5F OTHER: DISCLAIMEft rner6by cenity lhat al inbrnstion h hi6 apptcaron is conectand al nortwilcornplywat he Sl,'E Suitdlng Co<re and Jtoh€rand ordinances lnd teg!tarions lhe NHC Development Servaes C€nDr wil be notfed ol anych6nges h be appro€d pt.os 6fld spec ificalions or chang€ a contrebror app|cable sl,E and locat taws conrracbr htom6!on ...NoTE Any wort P€rlomed w/O ne AppropriaE pemils wil b€ in Vlolarion oflne NC Srab Btdg Code I b Fifles Up To S5O0 OO.'OWNER/CONTRACT0R: su" cr Po 1s I SIGNAT ,** )r * r,r:r *,r *+ *,r +,1* *** *** **** *(ilr{l lil"J * * ** * * ** * *,r * + i * * * rr rt *,r ,iIS THE PROPERTY TOCATEO IN A FLOODPLAIN? TI YES I NO EXISTING IIiIPERVIoUS AREA: 22./ O SQ FT SQ FI EXIST LAND oISTURBING pERMTT: l--l YES NO *,*****'**!t*+t 0 5 & TNSERIS ,ai irc/vrsA I orscovrn +,* * * * * * )* * + *+ * * !* )* * r TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: .r.E NEW II'IPERVIOUS AREA: s3s I,,IATER:CF PUA ! coaruurrrv svsrer,r f] cnrvare wrrl CENTRAL I^.lE L Lsrwra: [] crcua ! cENTRAL sEprrc pRrvATE sEprrc f) comuurrrv svsrem '*. SEPARATE PERHITS PAY,.IEIT ilETHoD: E.as, f]PRE FABREQUIREO FOR ELECT, I{EC8, PLBG, GAs EQUIP, cHEo( (payABLE ro Hnc) E aarnrcAN €xpREss; * * ** * * * * I !t *,r,* * ** * * *,| * + * * +,r * ** + * * * ** * * +* *)i * I * * )t +:t +,i )t rt * )t,t )t *,* i!* * * + t,* (r0R 0rFr(r usr ofrL Y)ZONE; -- OF FICE R SETBACKS: Approval :-- City:_ DATE :-.- FLOOD Conrnent: f,tvJsE0 oatt 04l l1l rtF: LH: Rr.r. BF E+ 2ft = rt PER IT FEE: $f. \\(. PIPNE $: 9lO 497 -59s4 LICENSE #: ?68e1 PHONE : 9l.o-251-0038 TOTAL HEATED 5Q FT: _ TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: _ TOTAL AREA sQ FT: _TOTAL PROIECT CoSTlr.essroq : $ _ S OF STORIES: rs Any ELECTRTCAL, pr-ur.tBrN6 0r IECHANTCAL r.,ork Being oone to the Ac(essory structure? [ ves [ ruorf the project is a Relocation, is there a Naturar 6as Line on the current tra", tr rI 'o *Is thene Electrical power on this Building? lTl ves l-l ruo pRopERTy usE / occupANcy: I srlcr-r FAMTLy n DUpLEx n To]lNHousE DESCRIPTION OF I.'O8K: E tr E tr_?Wf "*'XlP,'.1?,3i$#f#11iil1*,*i,!hofl .q8{F*.,'*'='*' PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APP "proiect Responsibitiv, ,Jrllt",o APPLICANTS NAME:e-€varnS PROJECT ADDRESS; SUBDtVIStON: Date n -3C-t ztP LOT #: PHoNE#: fllo -3go-767 6 ztP:*<ddl PROPERTY OWNER'S OWN€R'S ADDRESS: NAME: Ll & CITY: crw; CITY If8,,,,CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: Description of Work: 'ae c.ct EMAIL ADDRESS: E Sunroom (SF) -- tr Pool (SF) D Greenhouse (SF) -_ n Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? [ yes EI No TOTAL SQ Fr UNDER ROOF (Ior proposed work) Heated: TOTAL PROJECT COST (tess Lot): S 51,s3 1."' _/-Property Use/ Occupancy: Ef single Family I Duplex D Townhouse BLDG TICENSE #: .1 .5 "6 7Z srt &iaP:21sqoS- PHoNr'. (1/o -?qo 4A ./1 PHoNE:ql)'?70'/77 ,i <f I PROJECT CONTACT PERSON EXISTING CONSTRUCTTON: n Alteration E Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTTON: I Erect New Residence I Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation ***PLEASE cHEcK AND ANswER BELow ALL THAT APpLY To YouR PRoJEcT.t* tr Att Garage (SF)_D Det Garage (SF) Unheated:q 25' Is the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E yes d No ls any Electrical, plumbing or M€chanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E[ yes E Nolfthe project is a Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? tr yes e ito ls there Electrical power on this Buildtng? tr yes & No /1i<,,,ilC(?rrtl ilouse-)11 cKr I hereby certify that all the information in this application is correct and allwork willcotnply with theState &rildi allother applicable State and lo.allaws and ordinances and regulations. Th€ NHC Development Services Center will be notified ofany in the a ng information. ."NOTE: Any wort performed without the a pla orchange in contractorppropriate permits willbe inviolation of the Bldg and to fines up to 5500.0011* Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolifiel Signature Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? fl yes R No Existing tmperuiou , aru", 4.b-flsqr, Totat Acres Disturbed: New lmpervlous Area:OO sg Ft Existing land Disturbing permit: D yes E No WATER: N CFPUA tr Community system f] private well n central well n Aqua SEWER: \CFPUA U Community System ! private Septic D Central Septic I Aqua Zone: --- Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tHl_ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: -- Ftood: (A) _ (v) -_ (N) -- BFE+2ft= Comment: Permit Fee:s tr Porch (sF)-- D Storaee Shed (SF) 6rn",tr) 76 -(\LN.o-xr..f, NEttt HANoVER c6urury EUILDIIIG PEAppLrcarro,t naF,. CO |ERCfALpltasE a$lEt iir Q[rESt O$ lpptlc ltc to youi ?mrrcr "projGct i.!pon!lbtlltyx *P r/ 0ot1-,.1,131,, R'{TT _ ADPLICAITSI Iurbcr (O+rtft t|.) OATE:/// 2/ 17ir-_- PHOI{E I J7>r APPLTCANT'g MITI:Z DEVELOPER !5 PiO]ECT ADDRESS: occuPAr{T/BUSI $S iuutE : PiO'EITY C{'IET'5 TIAfit , OfIER'S ADDiESS: co[lTnACrOi crtY:Zl?t Z-//i;t/ E AI'DiESS: Ett tL ADOnEss: PiolECT COI{TACT PEiSd{! CItY! ucEt6E r:7)3clw: SI: SI zt?,:?-gsv u P}bN{E ,: PHO'IE I: PIF E t3 l4s 2zt zze.u( Ztpt,,-*{ct lf Rrbcabn, b $ere s Nslursl Grs Linc on the Cunan Sle? [ts EU CO STNUCTIO{:E EiEcT llEtr, STRU(TURE fl rrcr rrlCx SHEI.ACCESSONY STf,UCIUiE:tr If UPFTT The Shcll perolt t: (Cn .r At!EXIST COlsrnUCItOt: fl Alrrurrou tr igto\rATrolt -.-l_ lF Ycr, r,trt Yas thc At(}l DESIG'{ PIOFEISIOIAT: TIJB DESIO{ PI TEISIOIAL: DESCRIPTION OF [ORK: OWIVER/CONTMCTOR;'b6,r-,, 2 f,flr,"H,l:ffjffivcs fiwor Ll uPrII E rDD rc Eltsi s?iucnnE Fg{'r i ls Elcat pouar on thls Buildln8 tr Yes Eno ?rwlons Occupancy TlD.l r.... IS TBIS A Ol^ 6E OF occrrDtlcy wrt flras [ 0 ..... -- Ih.t & thc c, Occuptncy IhG? P+{:pui}@&C REG ,: ric Rt6 t: b The ln the Bood&ir?trves [[Nowlllrll$ llE slrt Code .rd s o0l!rbc tc\4sED DAIE (l!ru PERMIT FEE: S t 0F uN[s: ACRESDISTRBEDT i NEI'V IMPERVIOUS AREA: -j-?rcrrr gq ,, pRopERTyusE: EoFFtcE ftnrsmumnr flr.lenmNnle Ieouc Elerr EomoWATER: fiorscoven SEWER: ECFPUAEl cFPu BUII tiE PAYI{ENT METHOD: lCasx A l,?NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILD!NG PERMIT APP Ll CATION rYPE, RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALT QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility'' t/t cE CITY q t)AJ PHONE B ?ol1-1401r11-Jlri Application Number (office use) APPLICANT'S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: Date Z /7 zt 2 4t+ 4-?as zP:23101 sr/-L zp,J t'?/o suBotvtstoN: NEW CONSTRUCTION { # PROPERTY OWNER'S OWNER'S ADDRESS:, NAM CITY CONTRACTOR:BLDG LICENSE f: ADDRESS:CITY EMAIL ADDRESS:HONE:o- PROJECT CONTACT PERSON EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation ***PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEIOW ALL THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT*TI [] Att Garage (SF)r433 Abo,rD tr Porch (SF)?r-Leol L E Sunroom (SF) ! Greenhouse (5F)_! Deck (sF)>77 o tz)/,(E ,rorrqD t2 ?- 3/ 6 3 ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes ! No lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? n Yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure n yes I No lf the pro.iect is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? n Yes [] f{o ls there Electrical Power on this Building? n Yes n No Propeny Use/ Occup Description of Work: ancy:X Sin8le Family n Duplex n Townhouse Ne) St L f*".,,,4o.zt eAs 4/Z ractor lawsand ordinances and reSulations. The NHC Development Services Center willbe notified ofany changes in the approved plans and specifications or chanSe in contractor information.'t*NOTt:Anywork performed without the a riate permits willbe inviolation ofthe NC State Code a sub to fines u to 550O.m"' Owner Signature: "Licensed Q ls the property located in Existing lmpervious Area: a floodplain New lmpervious Area:L D Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: fl yes E[ No WATER: X CFPUA ! Community System E private Well ! CentralWe I Aqua SEWER: K CFPUA tr CommunitySystem E private Septic n Centrat Septic n Aqua Zone:Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City:_ Date: _ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) BfE+2ft= ? E[ Yes f] No 5q Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: O.l q Comment:Permit Feei S E Det Garage (5F) ! Pool (sF)_D Storage Shed (SF)_ ! Other (SF) _ roTAt sQ FT UNDE R RooF lJor proposea wor*1 xeatea, ZQOI unn.t a, /?{L rorAr pRoJEcr co sr lLess Loit s6o 2t o O o t) *!{.')) . i.. APPLICAN],S NAMEr Se Weot lno, PROIECI AD0RESST NEW HANOVER COUNW BUITDING PERMIT APPLICAfl ON IYP E: IIESIDENTIAI }I.EASE AIIISWER AI.t QUESTIONS A'PUCA8IE TO YOUR MO'ECI '?rolect Relponrlblllty{ 0ot1- 19 t2 L7 -2962 Alflc.do6 lftrmb.r loflke u.d Data!a-22- t'1*WClWl OWNER'SADDf,ESS! CIIY' _-..-- ztpr _ SUBDIVISIONT r.oT,t;'a@l PROPERTY OWNTR'S NAMEI *eN'u ovt l>Uoal PHO,{E fl!- CO!,IThACIOR:sovonty Wosl Bulldor8, Inc,BI.OG UCENSE 'I 64920 ADDRESSI 4? orase -!!6el dryr !l{llnl!g|o!__sr! !g ap! 3gg1_ trvlellAooir6sr{OJl 4 @Towoglbulldero,cotn PH0NEI llslot324-4447 PRoJgcI cONtAcr PIRSON r morut 410'541'1'ZbZ EXlSTlllc coNsTRUcIlol* D Alters on E Renovatlon E Genersl Rsprhr NEW coll$[UclloNl fl trut NaU tesldence E Addltlon to Exlstlng Reddetrce E Saloca(on ..IPIlASEtrf,gCfTNO ANSWEf, 8EIOWAIL THffi II B Att eararq (SF)-E!L- tr Dotcaralo{sFr- tr torcnlsq 21O O Sunroom {SFl - tr pool(Stl_ tr Sloragsshed (Sft_ tr 6roon[o{se (sn- tr Dect( (St)_ _ tl othe! (SFl _ ls the proposed worft chalulnt ths axls ng footFlnt? tr Y€s [] No TOTALSq FTUNDIF RoOF (forgoposctl wotkt Hzatadt ''2rr3g Unhsatod!*l,b , IOtAl, PRO,ECT (OST lLssr tot);lh\,ooo ls the propotod workchEnglng the nur$ar of bedroomr? E yes E I'to Ir any Elo.trlc.l, plumblngor Machanlcal wotkbelngdon€ to the A$eisory Structure El yar E No lf the proJecl 15 a Rglocatlon,ls there a Nstunl Cas Llno on tho drrrsnt slto? El y6r E No ls thar€ Elactrlcd pow6r on thls Eulldlng? d-Y"s tr r't, Prop.rty Uro/ Occupanc$ d Shrb famly fl Drytex tl Townhou$ Doicrlptlon olWorkr N oanslYuonon -s o Farnil ol6clAlMEtu I h.rlby ..rllft lh.t.l lh! hlorm.tlon ln {l!,pptr.lloo l, .or,actrnd lllvqt ull.ornply yllh th.snto rdld Codtmd allohu rpplt .U!st.!o.nd h.ll brr. lnd ordnu..! rnd {.iuLtbnr, lte NBcO.e.hImantSanlca! Ca.l.. l'tll b! oolli.d ol.rv.hq!. h plrllt aid tradtctlbn, or ch.rlo l0 loolraatorhlorn.lhn, ...tloTlt Anywo,kr!rfo,.n d vdtlurt ti!.ror@Lta p.r,ritr w[ ]. hrurllonollh. c t0 rnar !p to$lm00r,r owner/Cont4lon Gralg Smllh stgnaturar Acr,rtod Quolllkf Ptha No|r'/,o It tho p.oplrty locstad ln . tloodplaln? u V.3 S No fd$lng lmpowloo, Aro ^t --.d-Sqn Totel Act€r Dbturbrdi .tv Nawlmpsrulour Aros t 4ZV sqfi E rtln8 Lrnd Dbturbhg Pormtrr E Yor [l o WATER: fl ctPUA E communlty Syitom 0 prlvatowell El Contrrlwsll E Aqua SEWEN! B CfPUA D zon", Rj'7 (Q,r""n Dft sctbactrr il. .turt * tlnt i. p1 * ComrHnltysyitom EI Pdvsts Soptlc E Csntrals.p(c B AAua nprrorol 014 dtyrlld( orrcr , (Al _ (v)_(Nf X p6s+211" _ Comntsntr '* City lnspeclion Requreo, 9i 0'254'0t1m P.rmlt t€orS _ i i I I t : I I I I I I I I i I I t, NEWHANOVER COTINTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SATBTY 230 GOVBRNMENT CBNTERDRIVE - SUITE I7O WTLMINGTON, NORTH CAROLIN A 28403 Telephone: 9 10.798.7308 Fox: 910.798.7E1 I In teflt et : tmnvt th cgov.cont 4 to 7 WORKING DAYS TURNAROUND TIME FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING am submitting an application for a resldentlal lf the application is correct and completo with the required drawings, and lf there are no corrections or revisions to plans and drawings, and if thero aro no further clarificatlons required by New Hanover County; New Hanover County gatr guarantee that the bulldlng permlt wlll be lssued wlthln 4 (four) to 7 (seven) worklng days after the offlclal submltta! date/tlme (the stamped date/tlme notatlon made by the Bulldlng Safety Department on the appllcation or submlttal document), I underetand that the 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days only beglns wtren ttre appllcatlon ls submltted prlor to 4:30 pm on any working-day. Slgned in acknowledgment: Cralg Smlth Slgnature Prlntod Nam6 Date \6Gq 6tD 16urNo gf , West q lz Address for the proposed reeldentlal workl building permit to New Hanover County. And, as the appllcant or person submltting the application, I check the bo:dboxes below to acknowledge that: B I have attached an officlal CFPUA recelpt or document that has acknowledged an approval of the payment made to CFPUA. B I have aftached an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in tho City of Wilmington. A I have attlc,hed ah official proof of un upprovui granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requlres an approval from Environmental Health, ln lans &*No ?or1-,tS*S*NEW HANOVER COUN BUILDTNG PERMIT AP P LI CAT' ON TYPE.. RESI DENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALt QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PRO,IECT "Proiect Responsibility'' A PTY APPLICANT'S NAME: crrY: ll;l*rt-r),tu Application Number (oflice use) o1'ot't?,"JiW-Date /Frt sl(- IPROJECT ADDRESS: suBDtvtstoN:%* PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:K.te ftA(,hUl PHoNE#: 202'Ssz'.| ztP:?2,rYa BLDG TICENSE #({ 7/f .)rc s't: /vc ztP: 2/ VtO ONE:.?7t-/tl 3 .1?S-tl/7 oWNER'SADDRE5i: lltL1zt, tL.CITY CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: tv 2 3 CITY EMAIL ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON TRevaB PHONE EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration ! Renovation ffGeneral Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: [] Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation ***PLEASE CHECX AND ANSWER BETOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*** n Att Garage (SF)U Porch (SF) n Sunroom (5F)E Storage Shed (SF)_ n Greenhouse (sF)_tr other (sF) t nheated: lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes 6 No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure ( Yes A no (rt" lfthe project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? m Yes E No lsthere Electrical Poweronthis Building?,13 Yes ! No arczsSv) Sp.m) Property Use/ occupancyd4ingle Family fl Duplex n Townhouse Dw-,Y-)LODescription of Work: DISCIAIMER: I hereby cenify that allthe i ation rn thrs apphcation i5correct and allwor will comply with the Stale BuildinS Code and all other applicable State and local laws and ordinances and regulations. The t'{Hc Development services center will be notified ofany changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. "*NOTET Any work performed without the appropr,ate permits will be in violation of the NC State Bldg Code and subject to fin to S500.0O+'r Owner/Contractor: "Licensed QuoIifiet" sitnaturei ls the property located in a floodplain? tl Yes d to Existing lmpervlous Area: _ Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq tt Existing Land DisturbinB Permit: n Yes R-t{o WATER: M/CFPUA E CO munity System n Private Well n Central Well n Aqua -,,,SEWER: U/CFPUA D Community System n private Septic E Central Septic ! Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tHl _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date:_ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ {N) BFE+2ft= Comment:Permit Fee: S &\ ' ,^, I .l D Det Garage (SF) ! Pool (SF) _ n Deck (SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? 3 Ves ( ruo ToTAt sQ Fr UNDE RRooF ttor proposed wori xeatedr I t/oo TOTAT. PROJECT CO Sf lLess Loi:s (lroo o N\\(-NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P LI CAT ION ryPf,. RESIDENTIAT PI-EAST ANSWER ALI- QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROjECT "Proiect Responsibility' tott-qq?T,,' t7 - AB?r iE.#Eii.l" ' 'tt\Number (office us€) Date: q t?APPI-ICANT'S NAME:a;t^- F1o c b PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDtvtstoN: ee crw, tOi\._:^ZIP:22t\.o <) toT # PROPTRTY OWNER'S NAME:,m i\ . P" "o-|1,owNER's ADDRE55. \b2 s Lc. n pHoNE#: q\o -S2o- oqzz CIW: t0I ztP.2Po\cq T, F[o,.:n', Qo^rl ". a\.!...c.Jo^BlD6 LrcENst #: bl bzz ADDRESSI 3\b .a .r. OQ +Qa , C o.-'CITY -I.^k sr:bl;ztP LQ)LlLt 7 PHONE clro- Zbz -<)t,zb pHoNE: '1 \o ^ zbz- ooa2 L, TMAIL ADDRESS:lcc PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: AOh* F\O.',T<'> EXlSTlt{c CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration fl Renovation f} General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation i.**PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AI.T THAT APPtY TO YOUR PROJECTT* I D Att Garage (SF)_E Det Garage (5F)tr Porch (sF) fl sunroom (sF)! Pool (sF) E Greenhouse (SF)_! Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? tr Ves $ No TOTAL Sq FT UNDERROO? lJor proposed work) Heated:Zjo Unheated: TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): $tt)o ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? D Ves (, to lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicarworkbeingdonetotheAccessorystructureavesffino lf the project isa Relocation, is therea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes Bl No ls there Electrical power on this Building? E yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy Description of Work: F,Single Family f) ou lex E Townhouse t.,n, J I 3a{neJ,'b:,' . lr 1-o ?r."1.r-L DlscIAlMEnr I hereby ce(ifY that allthe lnformation in this application is correct and all work witl comply with the state BuitdinB codelaws and ordinanc€s and re8ulations. The NHc Development services center will be notified oI any changes in the approved ptan.-s andinformation. 't'NoTfr any work perfolmed wilhout the appropriate permits witt be in violation of the Nc state Eldg code a;d subject and allolher applcable State and local specifications or change in contractor to fines up to S500.O0..r Owner/Contracto "Licensed Quolifier" r: J.l"^ t- LorJc r Signature: Yes ! Nols the property located in a floodplain? X Existing lmpervious Area: -- Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed; New lmpervious Atea:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing permit: ! yes E f,to wATtR: E CFPUA E Community System F private We E Central Welt E Aqua sEwER: ! CFPUA D Communitysystem fi erivateSeptic E central Septic E Aqua Zone: -- Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date:_ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: S CONTRACTOR: I Storage Shed (sF)_ ! other {sF}-_-- .ti(' or.rt\to n* t {N{I NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIOf{ TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASI ANSYJTIT ALI OUESTIONS APPI-ICABLE TO YOUR PNOJECT "?rajeci ResronsibilitY' ?or1- qq?t p-2L3L r( i,L,. ilate it( APPI"ICANT,S NAMEI PRO,'ECT ADOBESS: suBDtvtStoN: lL. r,i ii'', r,r c,TY. i.... r y. I r..j ior # l - i^l! jr'- 2,.,. .. CITY: i II BTD6 LICENSE fl: '))).) {Ll5 iti PBOP[frTY OWNER'S NAME: OiI/NER.5 ADDR[SSI \ 5', ij 'i': ,^:.l CITY: l,u Ii. .,1j:1 'uP: )l:':: :i.sT: /!:(ADDRESS: EMAIL AD (.i.r 3.,r \,r. r i . (. r, ,1:' PHoNE:-11 t{)ORESS PROJTCT CONTACT PER5ON J.'rr :l', \ \.. I .i,1. -i, \"'\ ... , U,ic, ( -' ,.t ;pHONE: irt t\))-\/, t/- EXISTING CONSTRUCTIONi C Alteration 'J Renovation I Ge eralRepait. NfW CONSTRUCTION: = ere€t New Residence L: Addition to Existing Resid€n.e il Relocation "".PI EASE CHECI( AND ANSWER BETOW ALI. THAT APPLY T5 Yorrn pRotECTi"* I:r Att Garage (SF)___ :: Sunroom (St).---** ll Greenhouse (SF)_ 1r,, . )( fl D€t Gara8e {sr) _ Aiool(sr)t I-: D€ck {SF) _ ls the propoied work changing the existin8 footprintl."ij ves il No ToTAa" SQ FI UNDER RaoF lfu proposed r/oi'k) He.tcd TOTAI" PflOTECT COST (Less Lot): S I 1... l<), Unheated: ''., A I \= ls the oroposed work changing tile nurnber of bedrooms? D ls any Electrical, Plumbin8 or Me.harlcal work being done to lf the pro,ect is a f,alocatlon, is there e Natural Ga9 Line on th ls there ,i lecriaa l Power on this Building? tr Ye3 Q No Property Use/ O.cupan.y Asln8le F mily t1 ouplex E Townhouse Dercrlption of Work: Yes! t{o the Aclessory Struclure i\ves tr No € curr6nt site? D ves \ruo a:( ,ni!.5ati.o.'"rr.iOTa:Anyworkpe oi,rd w(h.uttile rppropr8re p?r'n irs yritlbe ln violation ofrhe fC St,te StdgCodoend subJedtofjrls upro 5 0i).0C,"1 ,(..owner/cortractot '' :-i ct nt. il Q! itl i I' c i' ls the propertv located in a tloodplain? . Yes E{lrting hp.rvloss Arear '-.-- Sq Ft Sig11ature: \ 1\ F r,lo New lmparvlous A WATTR: \ CFPU sEw€R: \.FPU reai ___ Sq Ft Exiitlnt tand Olsturbint Pe.mit: n Yes [f No A n Com uniry Systervr Pr;vate well n Centralwel, D Aq{ra AB community System C Private Septic g CentralSeptic E Aqua zone: _ Otticrr _ Setba.kr {F} - (l"H) _ {RH) _ t8}_ approval: - cltt: - oate; - tlood: (A) - (v)- {N} - 8FE+2ft= - Com!rcnt:Permit FeE: $ PHOI'I E 11r zlP: ..?:il-: i: Porch {5F) ---- C Storage Shed (SF)- C other (SF)- .'.'l- Total Acros Disturbed: A w APPLICANT'S NAME: NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT A P PL,CATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANsWER ATL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Projed ResponsibiliV' ?ot? -79af t7-tg/I Application ? ,,\ \}\L\ / /]c cL$61y'Date t1beq {ltttP'> S{CITY u) utliu 1-tr*<> r'-ztPPROJECT ADDRESS: suBDtvlstoN: L L PHONE #:a/to /2o 7 3.(' afYtwlLMtuCroIL i,&c BLOG LICENSE #() PROPERTY OWNER'S OWNER'S ADDRESS: NAME:oo r e CONTRACTOR Ll*f 6utc"zt&o c PROJECT CONTACT PERSON E Att Garage (sF) ADDRESS: EMAII. ADDRESS: Property Use/ Description of )()1'cffrt UUUUI/ t-C-fO t sr pKer'>/' PHONE ,k lt^t CL€W7 PHONE ()7s tr Porch (SF) ! stora8e shed (sF)_ tr other (sF)k4L-C- "<; c ExrsrtNc coNsrRucrro$Qffi te.ation D Renovation d("n"r"t a"p"ic NEW CONSTRUCTION: n Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation .I'PLEASE CHECK AI{D ANSWER BEI-OW ATI THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT"I D sunroom (5F)_ E Det Garage (SF)_ tr Pool (SF) E Greenhouse (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existin8 footprint? D Yes ! No TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF lfor proposed wor*1 tleated: ?12 Unheated: /L4) TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot) ls the proposed work cha nging the n u mber of bedrooms? E Yes No ls a ny Elec$ical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being d one to the Accessory Structu re E yes lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? tr Yes Eflli ls there Electrical Poweron this Building? Ef Yes E No O..up"g.y-(si ngLe Fam it-11 YYorl q,.c:f4t /( \ 'l , E Dq{ex E Townhour- // ) n ^U ltr)r*Docu-1 o-tta,K.J bf ffiAD F Pru qz/iu c laws and ordinances and reSulations. The NHC Development Setuices C€nter will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. "'NOTE: Any work pertormed withoutthe appropriate I be in violation of the NC State Blde Code and to flnes up to S50O.00"' L L ,/r,/Owner/Contractorl "Licensed QuoliJier" Signaturer ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes E No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E yes E No WATER: E CFPUA tr Community System E private Well E Central Well El Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA n Community System E private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:*DISCLAII,IE R: SUEI4ITT]NG THIS AP LI!ATION t1E THE SU 1t I AL CHARGE NON REFUNDABLE Permit Fee: S atl LOT #: tr Deck (SF)_ }ot?'*q,fu*,/Z=249qaPtrrtAiiolE-risr cu NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAT ION TYPE; COMTIERCIAL PLTASE A SNER Att QUISTTONS APPI-ICABII TO YOUR pROltCT "Project ResPonsibilitY" APPLICANTJ S NA'TIE :fuuezo ,n.,?aro L DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADDRESS:CITY: 9 c z r) CITY: LICENSE #: CITY: oare:4.t-*otT ZTP 4ka -?t o 5T llfrzrP r*t!ZIP I rslt Oro PHONE S: PHONE I -5/, OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAME : PROPERTY OW}IER'5 I.IAIIIE : OhINERJ S ADDRESS:tlt CONTRACTOR:-Z*/,4) ADDRESS: Ue/ EITIAI L ADDRESS : s *PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:o PHONE PHONE -5 (Ch€rk arr That Apply) Exrsr coNsrRucrroN: [l ALTERATToN I nrruovarron flggrlrmr- nrearns I RELocArroN I Retocalion, is rhere a Narurat cas Line on rhe Eirent slrez [veT[r.ro ts eloo spiiixleneoz I ve" [ruo NEt^i coNsrRucrrot: I enrcr NEr{ STRUCTURE ! rASr rmcx ! snrr-r- f} uerrr I ADD ro Exrsr sTRUcruRE Is Elect Power on this Building E Yes E ruo ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #: If Yes, r.fiat was the P.evious Occupancy Type? ***** r5 THrS A CHANGE OF OCCUpANCv USel [VrS [!in'**** tJhat is the New Occupancy Type? ARCH DE5IGN PROFESSIOTIAL: ETIGR DESIGII PROFESSIONAL: PH PH NC RE6 #: NC REG $: DESCRIPTION OF I.JORK:/alsr4zz,tl?7-ail'//ku6 DISCIAIMER: I hereby cerl,ly lhat allinlormalion in and local laws aM ordlnances and reoulalrons The or chanoe in conlraclor or mnlractor i-nlormation "' Sublecllo Frnes Up To $500.00"' OWNERiCONTRACTOR ,@ue"z /Y1'GroL SIGNATURE: (otdme4 (P,h N.h!) Noro: Demolitoo notfcslions & asb€stos l€rnoval psmit spplbalions sr. to be submitbd using $6 applicltion contain Asb€slos or not You srs rEqdlrd lo call lha Nslional Enbslon S'bndords for Hazaldous Ait PollulEnts and all torm (DHHS-3768) vrhetEr th€ tacllity or building was tound lo (}IESHAP) st (919)707-5950 sr le351 10 d6ys pior io the REVISED DATE 1/11N2 , OF UNITS: TOTAL AREA SQ FT :4 /0oO SQ FT PER FLR:# OF STORIES: TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF:# OF STRUCTURES:# OF FLOORS: - ACRES DISTURBED EXsr LAND Drsrunarruo eenurrr I ves I r.ro NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA SO FT pRopERTy usE: EloFFrcE EnesrauneNr [menceNrLe fleouc lner flcolroo orHER: demoliljon ol ony taclliy oI builcling. Soe Asbestos Web Sh€: htlpr ^'rlw.epl.stat€.nc.us/epuasbeslts/ahmP.hunl TorAL pRoJEcr c gg1' l/ono BUTLDTNG HETGHT, t4 WATER: EICFPUA DCoMMUNITY SYSTEM fl WELL DzoNlNG USE CLASSIFICATION: SEWER: [Fl CFPUA El CENTRAL SEPTIC Ll PRIVATE SEPTIC f] COMMUMry SYSTEM ,.. SEPARATE PERi,1ITS REOUIRED FOR ELECI MECI1, PLBG GAS LOUIP, PREFABS 6IIISEFTS "' pAYlrrENT METHOD: ffCASH ftlCneCX leaVlelE TO NHC) fiamenrCm exeneSS f]Ucn/lSl I OTSCOWn (FOR OFFICE USE ONL'ZONE: OFFICER SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B:Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: _ _ _ BFE+m= AVN Comment PERMIT FEE: $- Number (office use)\r. ls tood or bev6ragos prsparod 65 s€rved ln tNs *nnrure? f! ves [l ruo ls Th6 Prop€rty Locatod ln Tho Floodplain? [ v"" [l ruo \i\\L 1]1 7ot1'Q{,3?,,,., rz- /?t1XTW XA!.oVER COt'T{TY BI'ILDII{G PERITIT ,PPLICAfiO'I rvPE; RESIDET{TIAL PL€AS! AtaSl{ER ALL qjfsrloG APPLICTSLE TO mn PflolEcT -PrcJcct RcsPoosibluty" \\r ffi APPLICATIOI Nd€r (offi APPLICATT'S AXE:N\S lAr,\kv $t)fiV DAELPER:crw:PRO]€CT ADDIESS: SUOIVISIOI; PT(PERTY S''ER, S I'ATE I 1)2/r1o &AIA fArr- S DATE : PK"E i: (IfR's ADOnESS:?ut)J. l- BLOCK S: \ru CEXTRAL TELL CC'+I'IITY SYSTEI{ t{ *q\p.Wisd sr:\ig zrP:zefi&O ti ,,z*LzrpzEW ZIP: LOT *: @- tf YE5 fr-,o rtvltlo o^rt o4l11/ 11 BFE+2ft= CITY: LICEI'SE *: CITY; ProaiE accoufi*Mritr.r I 5CO{TRACTOR: ADmESSl EiAIL A)ONESS: Pf,OIECT CoaarAcf PEn9 : EXISTITG COTISTRUCTIOII: tl St llR@4 =-- sF u GR€€rtlclrs E -- sF I5 T}E PiOPESW LOCATED I" A F EXI5TIT6 I'PENTIIq.IS IREA: t{GT DOERYIq,,S ASEA: rror I eetenal REPATRS f] ntroclrrol ADIIIO' TO EXISTIS RESIOCICE ffiot n ST |}tt*rt,t+a*a,lit,l * PHilE ': Qta.l'a.8'l?1 SF l{o fl rr.rrnarror f|REIS\r'A r€ CO.'TnUCTrol., [-l 'rrCr Gn nESIrGiCE or f] ..PLC !X CHCCX rp AGLC{ ALL TttAT APPLY TO Y(IT Pg,fECI: ffirr*SF f] otr eeuee -_-.- sF SFfIsToftacc sttED - sF SF OTTIER: to the Accessory Strlxture ? Current 5 tl Yes 6a5 L on the ite?! ves }{o tao rx E ro*oust ,!d L Irb dld bcll krys E roor- fl otcx SF TOTAL HEATED SQ FT ?sq?rOTAL 5Q FT ITDER ^*r, L/ 1Y y, Of STORIES: AL AREA Arr, {33? tTOfAL PROTECT COST tt"r-crt : I P> DCSCnTFf rox of tfix: Is Any ELECIiICAL, PUl.La6 or' rlCf}ULt(lr rbJ'k 8€1ng Oooc If the project is a Rllocatlon, is there a Xatural Is there Electri€al Pd€r o'r thls Bulldtnt? ElYes proElrY tsE / ocoPIrY, [vs"tct' r+rlLv [nrl ),){t OIECLAER lh..EbY c,rily nr.a h6.m&.t h nr. +ot*Jr b co'rEl "to f *r ",r "-tPtY rfit t S e'ddirg drd duhEtco! t$ r.o0ena"Tha rfiC Cat€bgtranl Sarvrcas &ni' wl b. rcit<t ol rty drrtao h lr 4PreEd co(l.c!. nbrm.bt. "'taOTE A6y\rro.r P.{bnt d wlC rt Afo.opd.r P.'rnit3 wll b. n Vbtr.bi of tho NC S flaER/@ltR^cTOn!sIG ATI8E : (P.rnt l5) a r aa aat a a aa a +l}. aiaa t" t"ll ."|}l}''tt' L tx?YE5 sQ fr FT flro IOTAL AftES OISTInBGD: EXIST LAID DI5TTMI]6 PER'{I IflTER : sEIf R : {,,ilu rua fl colt trrY svsrer I PRrvarE r€LL nn E cE TRAL sEPTrc f] eRrvrt serrrc fI ... SEPA TTT PGNiITS NEQUIIEO FOI ELECI, TECXJLOG' 6A5 EqUIP ' pAl'irrr tlrnsr E cest Elo*c, (F.YltLE ro rr) [l rnl rcorr 'lttl aaai'l'lr. ara aar'! *at at" "|}'' 'ttlt "" t"t "tr t'tlll.'l"t:t'| ilttt',t" (tot ottlla! {,5' (,.lY) PXEFASj'aQlrut*l'-'l orscovcn ttriaat:.aa*a Il6€nrs ... ++tl}ta|}rlar. SETBAC(s: F:- LH:- RH:- 8:-zOlE: - OfFICER: Apprgval:- CltY:-- DATE:- FLoO: - CmentI /) )o PET|,|IT FEE: 2or1- 1q5t APPLICANTS NAME: I i sEP t? 12!?2Pl NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION rYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUISTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Proiect Responsibilit/' 0:i4q,{ Application Number (office use) a^qnon^-- D o"r", 4'tt -tz PROIECT ADDRESS: suBDrvtstoN: 3ii7 faTi6i,6 C+, -l< te-Jo4- C[lt: Nt I ,"'''ztP o n.{ J-PHONE #7a ab7 - q//1 zlP aS PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:)OWNER'S ADDRESS: -))h CITY BOCONTRACTOR ADDRESS:-\,\-- CITY BLDG LICENSE # -4-^-sr:l-tLaP 2g'/Oj PHONE: .IIO (z 1t() Sffi -3lLlb EMAII. ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:A"s PHON E .,/' EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ZJ Alteration ! Renovation D General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: n Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation ***PI,EASE CHECX AND ANSWER EETOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT''* D Att Garage (SF) _ ! Sunroom (SF)_ ! Greenhouse (SF) n Det Garase ISF)! Porch (SF) ! Pool (SF) tr Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes ! No ToTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF \Jor prcposed worl<) Heated:/ rOO unheated: lOO Property Use/ Occupancy Qf single ramilv f] Duplex n r rorAr. pRoJEcr cosr ltess tot1, 5 J 2 t 3 A), /.5 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? 3 ves f no ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the dctessory Structure fr Yes ! No lfthe project is a Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Lineonthe current site? E Yes ! No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? F Yes tr No se ! Storage Shed (SF)_ fl ott"r1sr1 / 00 ,.4, I I 1",'/J, 4l ification5 or change in contraclor nes up to S500.0O"' nfDescription ot Work 0 information. *"NOTE: Any wor rformed without the appropriat€ perm be in violation of the NC State n e p DISCIAIMER: I hereby certify that all the information in thir application is correct and all work will comply with the State ng Code and all other applicable nd laws and ordinances and re8ulations- The NHC oevelopment Services Centerwillbe notified of any chan8es in the tls Owner/Contractor:,1 "Licensed Quolifier" ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft New lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft u0h:9n^o*P d*o Signature: Total Acres Disturbed: Existing Land Disturbing Permit: ! Yes E No Wlffn: I CTPUA D Community System f] Private Well D Central Well ! Aqua SEWER:.,€ CFPUA ! Community System n Private Septic ! CentralSeptic U Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (8) _ Approval _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (Vl _ (N) _ BtE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: I '' ":r-t.i,. m, $'; E' LOT #: