SEPTEMBER 25 2017 BUILD APPS)o n-?v fC ffi *$' APPI.ICANT'S NAME: PROIECT AODRESS: SUBDlVlSlONl Rtt NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPUCAflON TYPe; RESIOE NTIAt PTIASE ANSWIR AtI OUESTIONS APPIIC-A8LT TO YOUR PROJTCl "Prorect Respon5lblllt/' 12 "rn&L L'b\ - Lr.v l7- 1-t < ol_ t ) a-- ??[Uh*; :: : :,,r u-Da CITY: D,' I €llt t,tt t ot4 rOT JJ ztP PROPERTY OWNER'5 NAMT OWNER'S ADDRESS:5 *me - PHONE 'C ITY:.r.2 r\../ tt.Ll B,"ot J"c ,roorrrrrrru, ?kl!@- sT: A( zrP: dB'{o' :-!lQ15 COI.JTRACIOR ADDRES5:I lor?u 'I CITY EMAII- ADDRESS: PRO]ECI CONTACI PTRSON PHONE 10 PHON T l tO t'l'l ?f A-)uy-a.)h.l e..d,rt EXISTING CoN5TRUCTION: X Alleration [) Renovalion L] GeneratRepai.s NEW CONSIRUCIION: n trect New Residence l I Addition to EristinS Residence a Relocation ... PI.EASE CHECK AND ANSWER SELOW A(I.IHAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJ€CI"' D Alt GaraBe (Sf )___ 1.. ls the properly located in a floodpl.in? [l Ye 0 Det Gara8e (SF)_ _fl Po.ch {SF) __ inlor^r ion, '"NOlf:Any wo.t p.rlorm€d wirhour rhe approprtatc p€rnrite will b. h vaolarron ol lh€ NC Stare Sldt owne, I contr actor, -D Q,t 'Liensed Qu0rlPt' TOTAL PROjtfi COSI (l-ess Lot): S )t,0oo 15 the proposed work changinS the number of bedroomt? tl Yes X No ls any Electrl.al, Plumblnt or Mechanlcal work beinS done to the Aciessory Structure fr Ve: O tlo lf the proie.t is a Relo(ation, is the.e a Natural Gas Line on the current site? L-l Yes t_l No (.1 ls there Eleclrical Power on this BuildinE? il Yes I l No properiy Ure/ Occupancl:!j Slngle ramlly [] Duplex fl Townhous /n7-/, rb1 /,eDercription of Work 1. OTSCLAIMER: lhereby<erlify thar.ll rh. hlo.m.tion rn rhit appli(arion r! co(end:llworl willcomplv with lhe State BuildmsCode end all orner applcable 5rale .rnd local liws nnd ordin.h(or and m8ulatioo!.lhe NrlC Oev€lopme.t Servrcer (ente, willb€ Dotrll€d ol any (hanSerrn rhe approv lpe(ili(alion5 or ch.n8e,n (onr,a(lor to lines uo (o 55m 0O"',t Ex!rting lmpervious Area: _-__ Sq Ft XI C[PUA I] Comnruniry Sysrem G Approval Date: a rlood: (Al __ (v) _ , (N) X BFE+2fl' 6 SlEnaturer lAcres Oisturbed: ln8 Land DliturblnB Permiti Ll Yes L-r No CentralWell C Aqua CentralSeptic C Aqua 'frHo Tola Erlrt [_ Private Well :f [_j Private Septic _] New lmpervlous Are6r _____ 5q Fl sEwER:- fi (tPU^ Lt zonu, l]---l-5 om.",, y Sytlem Setback5 r -N/,4r,,r N/A r,, dlL pt d/A(r Comment: (.rii ii;speciioi, irequiieu,'{, u.turii>,', Permit fee: S 6 -sa'tt ztp. n?l''103 '1a,/- 31) -3253 E Sunroom {SF) _. ( l Pool (SF) _ __,_ __ ll slor,r8e Shcd {SF) - - Greenhouse(sF)- Lr Deck(sr)--- )d ott", 1sr1 33! rrz,n.]l.^q //,q'r'i"'i ls rhe proposcd work chanSinS rhe exisrinE foorprinr? n vcs s r.lo 6at, j L.qi.u1 - -r- 4\r ?Lt ToTAL 5q FT UNDER R oot lJot ptoposed wotkl Heatedt - ) 5()D ---- unheared: ' {t,t, \ - crty,-/\lA EMAIL ADDRTSS: og /15/2o17 14:51 *??4 P OO1/ OO2 l5:it! I i fufi4CC(,o b s NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLT CATIO N TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLTASE ANSWTR ALL QUESTIONS APPTICABTT TO YOUR PRO]ECI "Prolect Responsibilitf' crTv -5-Lr-/y I s+ t7 -2qQ8 APP!ICANT's NAME: PROJTCT ADDRESS: Date ztP;> a_2<2J su I Drvts roN PROPERTY OWNER'S NAM€ OWNTR'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR ADDRESS /,L CTY Cll'lt La--) PHOI{E BLDG LICENSE #:--_-. sI: llLtztP: 'Z<.t /a; C.//t tz,u 2t-ro PHON E - iL./ txlSllNG CoNsTRUCTION: D AlterationV Renovation y'General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCIION: C Erect New Residence U AdCition to Existing Residence fl Relocation r.'PLEASE CHECI( AND ANSWER EELOW ALI. THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT'T' n Det Garape lSf)[_] Porch (SF)E Att Garage (SF)_ C sunroom (SF) *_ - _ f) Greenhouse (SF)-,,- TOTAL PROJECI COST (Less Lot): S ! Pool (SF) Ll Deck (SF) (:l Storage Shed (SF) --, -- fl Other (sF) ls the proposed work chan8int the existinS footprlnt? . Yes E No IoTAL sQ rT UNDER ROOI Uor prcposed work) Heatedi Unheated: a(x, ) ls the proposed work chan8int the number of bedrooms? O Yes f No Ir any Ele(trlcal, Plumbing or Methanlcal work beinB done to the Accessory Structu.e d Ves L.l Xo ll the project is a Relo(ation, is there a Natural Gas Life on the current site? : Yes \g:l No ls tnere Elecrrical Power on this Build.ng? D Yes X No Propertv U5e/ Occupancy: O Single Family E Duplex D Townhoute oetcription of work: 2-O0r, l.wr a nd o rd i.. n(ps a nd r€BU lal,on ! lhe N BC Oevelophenr se.vic es Cenr€r wilr bc nor ilied ol a.y c h anger n the approved 3la ns ; nd specilications o. chanE3 in (o.t r.ctor rnf d\nro.'.rNOTL Ariv work pe.tormed withour rhe appropriate permilr wilibe rn violation ol the Nc5lale glO8 Cod? and !ubiect to I nes Lrp lo 5500 00"' Owner/Contractor 'Lrcen5ed QudliJiet' ls the property located in a floodplain? D Yes C No ExistinB lmpervious Areai Sq ft /' ,t"> t /c. t' /&.Signature TolalAcres Disturbed 1f$li uooo, tol -..- (v) -* (N) ) New lmpervious Arear _ Sq tt txisting Land Disturbing Permit: trl Yes 3 No *otr t efd{Uo f] Communily System fl Private well D Central well U Aqua sEwER: gd{uA C Communrry system C Private Septic ! cenlrat Septic C Aqua zon", !-1"1- omcer: -!iL setbacks {r) d&(r ^t l& grtNjt-.- (B} d14 a,oo,ou^t, )L citv: 1L i"4 oate:. , .-:---- commeht: .,1 rt<is.r-Uf! * -- BFE+2ft: Permit teer S /L_/ m'1 PHONE i:D;?;1j, -.,,:1d PROJTCT CONTACT PERSON w-v NC D<yU+ le> t.44.d.P neu xa6vei cqrilTy BurLDrttc pERrtrT ,ottlCilrq rrat: (dllElCIAL xtllll .Er rtr qrtrtG ,t!tc.|l't to El totacl 'trrorcGt r6goifUUttf aot-+ - 95a q' 7.1-3E6 ArPttc rlota!l.rD.l. (Oa6a. ll.) Y.\l-lt:.t.r ffi lDDlrc xr'9 rurG ! Jtr pc.lqr rrE. oltE:ilLl!.l1- oEvttDrr:P'I'TG ':mOrtCI AOmEStr !.t2 r-' t^tit tlil i nat CtrY: g!l!l!dL_--ZIP: r!.rtr PIeESW OarEt's r/rnC:Barcl Pto E t: 9lo-231-ll2t AIGi,' ADmC5S: l2ot 6!.:: x.rd.Rd.CIIY: ttt.lrFlcr tI!!LZlt:-1!!!l- (orrn crfi:LICEiSE l: Abz-, '---:'-- tDott s5:ltto A-a 2o clrY: E tlIL ,oDiESS: 41.ffi A<.{<a,^'Z ^JS'*2r<-n o ., - Plo)Ecr c$,rAcr Ptntor:Tar. sulI r rrn ,' .nR D?! I If Urrrr - the 3l:!,1 Pc lt l: 16-!0rr -.i tt rflts a os6! r ooq,rEi t5f, Elvr3 fln ....' fi€$!iLz76.. ZcZZ,tt:3!.*l&Ptolct ffiH:tg HH,* E_,#.F# :m*H,ffiHff ,_ s,. Ea o6rrrrrrtr E arCr Er sIn5117E E gsr rrrCr E] Sr:rr @ rrrrr I 160 tO tlgrr srArcnnE tt YGr, ra.t n th Hq,3 Occrp,r, tYrcf .tEl I n(x DEstGx ?sfa3sloa l:aral-l DJrbt M rr Elcet Pnr on thls Eutldb3 f] vas ft to h It tn Xd Oco?rry rntt -tfftggfpl- ,rl: a!r.t6!-2"r2 aac ttc a: 5?22 - 0ssr tr ttc ,i c 10 a:9il: rla.rll DtSCRlPnO' OF IOR(:flnl.h-o.r! tr, Dav ll brrldiro. ?r?rl"1t l! r rul' .radrlch S-rdfo to -1z.r7.SdN,r.$GI{AN'RE;o-l F.-rrEb-r.- a-,-!rFtrrF!.5-rh c*-?F- FaaqLEt qrtQr tura rdtrtEc|a'l!rt#.ra-,.U Db kttrllaa- OEllPrr(ntp8raoab E+l-D-tfr J a, q Jtq! l-Aar-lsL l+..rd.-ri$a-5.b4rE-#tHHffi;i** r Ed rla,r?r FFd 6rr- tfi,rrlrf @vrrfim tlbmtt.dhrlrrt #i?Elv:r @ r,ro DIElIrCto I lE br.rt 'dru E brr an, odlr.Eaa alld Cd. -d C dtt All. ri 3! EUILODIGI }GIG T:t oF t 0lIT& SO FT PER R.R l-700 .GSTOEB:fG STRIETURE& I I oF H.ooRs:t TCRE6OENNEDlErrpenrr sAREt- pndgryrrE trb.+r EFmnrrr Dracrrme lerr flrnr tr6m OIT-R wlrB r7lCFPnA r-IcolllllrYgllsIEa FIUEI- r.IDOGt EECLimAIIncern fr'cnur ftcernrrerr Efterrsrr gEilrr.urvsrsrar - !€prn^ It ,EEaIB tECrrrED f(R CtEgr EOt rt'A GA 60arr, pRtfraal IttRtS -p^r.l=xrrEnoq Elcrsn fiom<prvra-erouq f]emclraercsa lErcJvra Emcom. .aaaa a_ __ a- - ara a GteGEUE(rl ia/rEutttytt'taf\E-orEEtu SEIB clc$Fl-tlt_Ft_&_rgsudl--*.-D TE--Frffi' OrDnfil ExEiI l^ilD trsn EuB rerrn []vts fl m80fT EXXSTIA lpErn EUS AnG 8(l FI 1a ra. Su I livrn q] rkltsign Steven Fa rnie k) nf fattt , t ar/1.. A A v f t'. I OCOpANI/qrSIEJS ll^rE: nrrch rich aup.:lor s.rd'tcli.t Dl0af t:.r?-s?2-!!sa aEr OtgIGl PFFCgStqAt: 4 1 rgr LaOrTU DER ROoF;1II-- .-l Clear Form Print NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IYPE: COMMERCIAL oLLA5L AN5*LR ALL QUt5l ION5 ADPt I(ABl I lO YoUR PBOJEC- "Project ResponsibiIity" APPLICANT'S NAME: syp properties, LLc DEVELOPER: ni r _rn^v rn^ PRO]ECT ADDRESS:2404 North Kerr Avenue CITYi $itl.t"rt." OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAfiE: Reagan Equine MobiIe veterinary servicesr pc PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: EVR properLies, 7ot7 - lo}lb L7 -2624 AFFITETTio-N Numbe r (Office Use) PHONE #: s1o.161-5424 OWNER'S ADDRESSi 2926 goundary St - suite 100 CITY: wl lmlnggqn CONTRACTOR: Dat-Knox, rnc _ LICENSE *: qgsn ADDRESS: 2926 Boundary St - suite 1OO CITY: 141161nqs66 EfilAIL ADDRESS: zack€ reaganmanagement. com PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: zack Reasan LLC ZIP:2g495 PHONE #: 9ro-"/ 63-5424 ST: p6 ZIP:2g465 5T: nc ZIP: zeaos _ PHONE #:91o-t63-s424 PHONE #: 910-'t G3-5424 Is Elect Power on this BuiLdj.ng f Yes rN0 IXEfi 'orrrur pRoFEssroNAL: l,richelr.e Ginnochio - PH:9tO-342-O?96 NC REG #:7617 ENGR DESIGN PROF ESSIONAL :liob Almstrong, pE , PH:9tO-876-0376 NC REG #:2548S DESCRIPTION OF WORK: application is oNLY for office section (ie, botton-most buitding on plans) ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure?f - Yesl-- No ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainf_ Yesr _ NoDISCLAIMERT I hereby cenify that all information in lhis application is correcl and all work will comply with the State Building Code and all other appticable Stateand tocat laws and ordinances and regulatrons. The NHC Devetopment Servrces Cenler wll be notifted o. anv chanoes tn th; aDDroved otans dnd iD€cificarionsor chanoe rn conlractor or conkaclor information "'NOTE:AnyWork Performed w/O the Appropriate Permils wtllb:e in Violatron of theNC Stale Bldg Code andSubiectlo Fines Up To $500 00"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR: zachary aeasan SIGNATURE: Nole: Demoliton nolficalions & asbestos removal permit applicalons are io be submitted using rhe application form (DHHS-3768)hether Ihe laqlrty or build ng was found lo contain Asbestos or not. You are required to call lhe National Emission Slandards for Hazardous Air Pollutanrs (NESHAP) al (919)707-5950 at teasl t0 days prior to the demolition ol any facility or building. See Asbeslos Web Site: http.//www.epi.state.nc.us/epi/asbestovahmp.htmt TOTAL PROJECT COST: S3OO. OOO BUILDING HEIGHT 25',-0"# OF UNITS: 1 TOTAL AREA SO FT : 59oo # OF STORIES: r TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 59oo # OF FLOORS: 1 ACRES DISTURBED: 1.0 Exsr LAND DTSTURB|NG pERi/tr? _Ji yES r No SO FT EXISTING II\4PERVIOUS AREA SQ FT WATER SEWER SYSTEM T1 ZONING USE CLASSIFICATION COIVIIVlUNITY., SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT I\4ECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP. PREFAAS & INSERTS PAYI\,4ENT METHoD: l- CASH fi cnecx lenvaBLE To NHc) l-_ nventcnlr EXeRESS f-_ r,actvtsn f- DtscovEp (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY)ZONE: OFFICER SETBACKS: F LH RH BApproval:_ City:_ DATE_ FLOOD Comment PERIIlT FEE: I :-.--- BFE+2ftAVN I5 NON-REFUNDABLE _DATE: B/t4/tj eMail (Che.k A1l That App]y) ExIsT coNsTRUcTIoN: E ALTERATION f] RENoVATIoN nGENERAL REPAIRS l-l RELocATIoN lf Relocation. is there a NatiEl cas Line on thetirrent Site? f YE; f No tS BLDG SP-RTNKLERED{- yesl. NoNEr'' CONSTRUCTToN: E ERECT NEW STRUCTURE E FAST TRACK E SHELL E UpFrT E ADD TO EXrsT STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #: rF yes, what ,", ,," p"llLli,,"".:it;":rtiil:: oF occuPANcY "jlf I"t.Fr::;:::;""., SO FT PER FLR: .5900 # OF STRUCTURESI- NEW IN,4PERVIOUS AREA: PRoPERTY USE: EoFFtcE ! nesrnunnrur ! rr,rencnr'rrrr_e l-1 EDUCI-IApTD CoNDo oTHErsquine vet -CFPUA - COMIVIUNITY SYSTEM 17 WELL-icFpuA E CENTRAL sEpTlc EL ffivnre seprrc *DISC LAIM Jieci-grcQ' ..-- t . ab Hft<E_ NE/VHANOVER COUNTYBUI LDINAFFUNOTJT\PE FES DENNRFI"gA^rSA,ERAIL " kol"d lit o1 Qotl - lo??q fip*,vrr /tilT Z-tf; Application I\fumber YOi,'RFRO-Er APfl.]CANTSNAA/paorcrrcrones SJBDIVIgONI; PRopRTkMltrtR O1.4AER SADDRSS Cq!]RACTOR ADD@ f L +to lE#oIr Date. 1. ZP ZP ZoY itl 2,J( n,Q {r OTY lo^ olY #SNAM ,>h' L 4..);Lir oo,aile[,qooRms tr Geenhouse (S) lsthe proposed work changing ]OIAL Q Fr UNOR ROOF(for rOTAL Ff(},Ct @Sr (Less Lot) UCEfS*: 5,1 sr f.ZP ,L,Y,I 'z- LPRO..ETANTACIPERSN 3,/1"'1, D(SrlNG @{SIRJCI OAlr D Alterati,'*.,*** 7;.,;'[; J:"i,*, ],,/,*" -/ / r1?/[r'Att carage (S) b It tr Srnroom (g) C- Description of Wo ftopeny Usd ftqJpancy Lt Sngle &rnil Y tr AJplLc-t Townhouse HiONE ? General fupajrs to &j$ing ftsdenc€! fuiocal ion tr Det C€rage (S) .-z/p.,*,tqo Foot (g O Deck (g)tr Sorag€ gred (S) O Yes B-No tr Orher (S) ed UnheAed No exQ iD K Y 3f3 the exsing footprint? proposed work) l_lea $d lsthe proposed work ctrangingthe number of bedrooms? tr yes Ef No lf the projed isa ls any Eedrical, piu Relo mbi cation is lhere a ng or Medtanical work Natur being done to the A(&ry lsthere Eedrical Prwer on this &rildina) r-l al GasLineon Yes e'fio $rudure tr yes tfthecurrent ste?tr Yes fNo rk FR DS4 \,4R1 hereby certify lhal all Ihe inlorrnar ,nformal O,vner/ 'Llaensed and r€gulat,ons .l.h corred ald all plywith thege NrcDevetopme;l $rM(}s Gnte.wiJjbenoli dEnges in I heapproved plans spe.rficalions or !)hange rn @nltaoor ale &rilding Ode ard all other appitcabte Sate and localwlhourrll Fiinl fJame 0 permits wiltbe in violalion ofihe []C L Sgnature: ande 8dg and 00'.,ntractor $ I 2?qq \sprovai -vrv, bmment "dLe =-- Fiood: PCCo!- frc$ ffi NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERM]T APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDEl{TlAt PTEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responslbllhf tS t Jt'tC . CITY noQ - \0aq8 \\ - )101 (office use) Date:1 5 t1z__\ rblut nte ,LJ. (tsso d ilovnrs , lrto . APPLICANTS NAME: PROJECT AD suBDtvtstoN: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: ZlPl i PHONE #:ID q q-011 ctw:ztP:4..- CONTRACTOR:BLDG AODRESS:CITY EMAII ADDRESS:PHONE PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:0 PHONE: EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration ! Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence E Additioo to Existing Residence I Relocation ... PLEASE CHECK A'{D ANSWER BETOW AI.T THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT"' OWNE S ADDRESS: 1 H/ntt aaraee (sr) r11.[) n Greenhouse (SF) a D 't-7.21n E Det Garage (SF)_ tr Pool(sF) tr oeck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existinS footprint? E Ves I ruo TOTAT Sq FT UNDERROOF ffor proposed workl Healedl (a55 Unheated:D TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S ,6D ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? I Vo 6(no ls any Electri.Fl, Plumbiog or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure t8lYes D No lf the project isa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the cu rrent site? E Yes I No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? F' Yes tr No Property Use/ Occup"n.y, { Sintl€ Family D Duplex E Townhouse il'lrn inq', Descriptlon of Work: avro{ DISCLAIMER: I h ereby certify that allthe information an thls a pllcation is correct and all work will comply wlth the State Buildln8 laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Centerwillbe notified ofany chanSes In the approved information.'**NOTE: Any work performed without the permits wlllbe ln violation ofthe NCState Bldg all other appllcable State and local iflcations or chanSe in contractor nes up to 5500.00'*r owner/contractor: 'Licensed Quolifie/ Signature: ls the property located in a floodplain? n Yes Exlstlnt lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft WATER: tr CFPUA tr Community System SEWER: tr CFPUA tr Community System Exlstlng Land Disturbint Permit; ! Yes ! No Private Well E Central Well E Aqua PrivateSeptic n CentralSeptic D Aqua \" New lmpervlous Area;Sq Ft K "K Zone: _ Office.: _ Setbacks (Fl _ (tHl _ (RH) _ (8) _ Approval: _ Ctty; _ Date: _ Flood; (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: S ( ! Sunroom (SF)_ tr Porch (sF) _ ! Storage Shed (SF)_ C Other (SF)_ L Total Acres Dlsturbed: _ ou \. ;, ?ot1- loasz n - ?qi{ Application Number (offic€ use) APPLICANT'S NAME: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLTASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibilitl/'t CITY kl r I Yn i r^. r^^!.o tur Ztp--------G7 di .rr tsG tr\t PHONE#: q lo v 10 - tr117 CITY zlP: ( tlllof r-it BLDG LICENSE g . CITY ST ztP Yn ol PHONE tO Lz-a )trL PHONE o) to 41o-tt11 ) ! Storage Shed (SF)_ E Other (SF) Date: / PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDtvtstoN: CONTRACTORi ADDRESS: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: o EMA )k enor EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration n Renovation ! General Repairs NEw coNsTRUcTloN: E Erect New Residenc\ Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation I**PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT"* ! Att Garage (5F)_l-l Det Garase (St)D Porch (SF) \--E Sunroom (SF)tr Pool (5F) ! Greenhouse (SF)- Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? Ll YeiE No TOTAL SQ tT UNDER ROOE Vor proposed work) Heat€d: TOTAT PROJECT COST (tess Lot): S z 0-600 - oo ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? I y"r\ tfo ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory s*r-rr\ ve?$to lf the projectisa Relocation, istherea Utural Gas Line on the current site? D Yesh No \ ls there Electrical Power on this Building?ts Yes n No Property Use/ Occupancy: !le Fam E Duplex E u5e Description of work: laws and ordinances and regulations. The NttC Oevelopment Services Center willbe notified ofany chanBes in the ap nd speciflcations or change in contractor ect to fines up to $500.00"'information. "'NOTE: Any work Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolifier" r{ormed without the appropriate permitr will be in violelion of the NC State BldS C Signature: ls the property located in a floodplain? fl Yes N No Existing lmperviousArea: a\ Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbedl New lmpervious Are a: (, S ? SeFt Existint Land Disturbing permit: ! yes ! No WATER: E CFPUA ! Community System D Private Well E Central Well n Aqua SfWfn: h CFPUA ! Community System E Private Septic fl Centrat Septic fl Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= c1 ol Comment:Permit Fee: S LL unheated: f-+ (g .,ii:t r-,.:.ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIO N rYPE; RESIDENTIAI- PLEASE ANSWER AtL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROjECT "Proiect Responsibilit1/' ?or1- lo)58 n-41 Application (office use) 07't0- t1riS Ao,.s.APPLICAN?5 NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS:To Date t/-CITY: LL.! I zlP: 3 ?({ l- SUBDIVISION: C-t^.,-r9 t\c.s<PHoNE#: (q,clslt-' tt rtiPROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S aDDnrSS: Ll3 Ita ctry: t J \I \^,^ ,zrP: otqll J rtG;CONTRACTOR ADDRESS:3l ol r) ..r € BLDG LICENSE # ctw: LL! 1 sr: [ll ,,r. s !'t(r J. EMAIL ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON Q yr^P l/]"rAr ,€ok^ c-.-5€ Lt f .{a-r s {d PHoNE: ( 4lo) Slg-l l!"'<1 PHONE t4ro )5r8- tt Set EXISTING CONSTRUCTION NEW CONSTRUCTION E Det Garage (SF)_ ! Sunroom {sF) ! Greenhouse (5F)tr Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes n No TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF lfot proposed work) Heated: rS at,"r",ion ! Renovation E General Repairs/-\! Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation t**PPq55 CHECX AND ANSWER BEI.OW ALI. THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT"* {eorcn(sr)n Storage Shed (SF) _ tr Other (SF) lf the project is a Relocation, is there lGas Line on ls there Electrical Power on this Build Yes n No ls the proposed work changinB the number of bedrooms? tr YesK No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E &""a Natura iner S the current site? I Ves ff Yes No Property Use/ Occupa Single Family E Duplex n To$rnhouse"a$doescription ot Work:f ws.l L\ \\^rd v^ooQ 61.a61 g1,eeu. j.,..- e,ri\L^drc( laws and ordinances and r€Sulations- The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any chang€s in the approved plans and specificataons or change in contraclor information. "'NOTE: Any appropriate permits willbe in violation of the NC State S, and subject to fines up to S500.m"'Ir!Signature:Owner/contractor: "Licensed QuoIilier" ls the property located in a floodplain? n Yes Existing hpervious Area: _ Sq Ft $ rn" Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existint l"and Disturbing Permit: ! Yes E No WATER: & CFPUA ! Community System E Private Well n CentralWell n Aqua SEWER: ICFPUA ! Community System n Private Septic E Centralseptic D Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: I LOT #: ! Att Garage (SF)_ ! Pool (SF)_ TOTAT PROJECT COST (t-ess t-ot): S lOOO Unneated: ffi 11 ,!.'I:t- ,-,": ", , a. 6a Cz i 7 S NAME: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSI^IER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIEcT "Project Responsibility" ul 1.qffi? 7 -2LL0 APPLICATION NumberL APPLICANT, DEVELOPER: PROJECT AD I DRESS : 4403 G Oleander Drive CITY: l"r-rinrrqrc. PHONE *: 'Z3 t- lgDL ZIP i 2e 1a3 OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAME: y.,, r pre PROPERTY OWNER,,S NAI'IE: HrlI Rc.rers - Ca:reron OWNER'S ADDRESS: 1201 cten I'ieade Rcad CoNTRACTOR: -r!r vlt\l , X,,rc ADDRESS:ot\J.r EIIAIL ADDRESS:ec. Management, Inc PHONE #: !:, - )- :r:i CITY: wi lmrncrton Sf2 L zIP i 28AaI sr I N<-ztP I ziq cL, LICENSE #: LU?Z CITY: t )lLu^ L r.c PHONE T:T3t-l9N PHoNE *: 73i-tglLPRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:Lth (check AIl That Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site?Yes Ero IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?[v"" flno NEW CONSTRUCTION:EREcr NEll srRUcruRE ! rlsr rRAcK f] sHELL UPF IT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #: ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOTIAL: Th.rLas :e.1row Is Elect Power on this Buildlng E Yes E ruo NC REG #: NC RE6 #: PH PH 1618) 111-954A ENGR oESIGN PROFESSIOTIAL: - .: .in Ha rd DEscRrPTroN or wonr' C DISCLAIMER incor chanoeSublecrjo Fines Uo To $500.00"' 618 211-cll252 Zw +la 111,X,* e) whother tho facility or building vras found to 707-5950 at l6ast l0 days pnor to the # OF STORIES: 1 # OF FLOORS ls food or beverages prepared or served in this rez flves ! to ls The Pro Locsted ln The Ftoodptain? [ ves No : I hereby certify lhat all information and ordioances and reoulalions T ontractor or contraclor r_nformatron in this-applicatron is correcl and all work will compty wrth the Slale Building Code and all other app rcable Statehe NHC Developmerr Services Center will be nolified of anv (hdnoes in th; aooroved otans and s;ec,fir ation<"'\O-E: Any Wo l Pefo.-ned w/O lre Aoproo ate Permiis wr 6e rn Vro ation of the NC State gloq CodiliaUl.\,'l*OWNER/CONTRACTOR: (qu€md) rh-.n Tedrolr SIGNATURE: Note: Dsmolilion notfcations & asb€otos rcfioval permit applbations a€ to be submited usinO the applic€lbn form (DH contain Asbeslos or not. You are required to call th€ Natjon6l Emission Stsndards ior Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) demolition ofanyfacility or building. See Atb€stos Web Site: http:/ rfttw.epi.state.nc.us/epi/asb€sto€/ahmp.htmta Lqa a._r1) TOTAL PROJECT COST;BUILDING HEIGHT: 3,. , 1 -', TOTALAREASQFT: :558 SQ FT PER FLR: r: !- TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: :5;8 #OF STRUCTURES: r :l ACRES DISTURBED N/A EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? - YES E NO SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT PROPERTY USE: lOrHCe RESTAURANT lr',lencntrLe ! eouc ! mr CONDO OTHER: WATER: ECFPUASEWER Z CFPUA -. SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, I\,,IECH. PLBG, GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *' PAYMENT METHOD:flcnsu ficxecx leavnaLE ro NHc) flauenrcaN ExpRESs I rr,tcrrlrsr fl olscoven flcoMMuNtry sysTEM flwELL flzoNtNc usE CLASS|F|CAION:Ll CENTRAL SEpTtC Ll pRtvATE SEpTtC ECOMMUNTTY SYSTEM (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY)ZONE:_OFFICER:_ SETBACKS: F:_LH:_ RH:_ B:Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: __ gpE.2ft= Comment ! ?*ilPi q (o't C:z'- N PERMIT FEE: $ REVISED DATE 4/11/12 o (office use)''i/z:/t1 DATE : 6-+H1ll+- IFYes,what*,.*o"Iii]J,,;.:l;:":,.lil::oFoccuPANcYUsE;F['.F,[;:::;"".,Type?- # OF UNITS: I .),-',(,- e..<e r, /J-. n6'. *, o- ?. e> Yi\ ) '/.- zl'ro"% ,/rl 2Dt14$Ll3 u\I IsEP l? 9::rAll NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER AtL QUESTIONS APPLICABIE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responslbility" Application Number (office use) AppLlcANT,s NAME: Tribute Construclion, lnc Date pRoJEcT ADDREssT 163 Cormorant Way ctTy: Wilmington 71p 28412"{ t/J\+ 5 ql s T suBDtvtstoN: Beau Rivage t-oT # PROPERW OWNER'S NAME: BEAU R|VA lnvestments, LLC oWNER,s ADDRESS: 10 S. Cardinal Drave puOrur r: 9'10-25'1-5030 ctTy: Wilmington 7p. 28403 ADDRESS: 10 S. Cardinal Drive ctTy: Wilmington St: NC ZtP: 28403 a l.-)\t pRorEcr coNTAcr pERsoNj Kent Tanner pxorur: 910-612-8148 -1 , aY-\.tXYq,! Att Garage (sF)E Oet Garase (SF)! Porch (SF) N E sunroom (sF)! Pool (5F) n Greenhouse (SF)tr Deck (5F) E storage Shed (5F)_ n other (sF) + ql ---+-\l'-J .r/rofnl sq rr ultoERRooF Vor proposed workl 11s31s61 817 Unheated: $ rorel eno:tcr cosr (Less Lot): S 46,840.00 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes O f,lo lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesDNo lftheprojectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: E Single Family E Duplex D Townhouse Description ot work: Construct new town home unit information. +1'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be io vlolation of the NC State Bldg Code and subie fines up to Ss0O.00"r Owner/Contractor: Tribute Construction Signature: -Ucensed Quolilier" P nt Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes E No Existing lmpervious Area: 0 sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: 14 59 New lmpervious Are3; 2348 5q Ft Existing Land Disturbing permit: D yes E No WATER: E CFPUA tr Community System E Private Well E Central Well X Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA tr Community System E Private Septic E Central Sepflc y'Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N)_ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:*DISCLAIME R: SUBT4ITTING THIS APPL]CATION MEANS THAT TH laws and ordinances and regulations, The NHC Oevelopment Seruices Cenler will be notified of any changes an the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor { t1 t 21L{ E SUBI4ITTAL CHARGE I5 NON REFUNDABLE Permit Fee: S r1_: ]_17 o coNTRAcToR: Tribute Construction, lnc. ggp6 11g6tt5g g. 60001 EMA|LADDRESS: clane@tributeconstruction.com pHoNE: 910-25'l-2381 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration E Renovation ! General Repairs NEw CONSTRUCTION: ! Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation .T*PEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALI. THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTJ*' ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes ! No a L/ L' Application (office use) Ir L\ : APPLICANTS NAME: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIO N ryPE RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibilit/' Ctgo^ CJ^'^Date I PRO.IECT ADDRTSS: suBDtvtsloN: CITY ztP LOT #: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: 5end[.r U^L-,o^A,\,*orro,(flo) 6t1 -toslvCITYztP:J Ca*rol"-LICENSE f 'br|6t 1CONTRACTOR ADDR€SS:,lkztp EMAIL ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON ! Greenhouse (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? I ves! ruo TOTA[ 5Q FT UNDER ROOF Aor proposed workl TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S J Aso,^f c ol-t 4^/,rrrr,( Qo)Jq)-oq3> PHONE EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration I Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation *'TPLEASE CHECK AND AI{SWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO.,ECT*17 ! Att Garage (SF) n sunroom (SF) unheated: )oq ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ! Yesk'No ./ ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the i\ciessory Structure f Yes a llo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? ! Yes D No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? A(Yes ! No Property Use/ Occupancy:{sinete ramity ! Duplex fl Townhouse Description of Wo$,/r n e NCState de and rubled to fines up to 5500.m"' "Ljcensed Quolifret" ls the property located in a floodplain? fl Yes Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq tt TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Areai Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: I Yes n No WATER: Yf CFPUA E Community System E Private Well E Central We n Aqua SEWER: XCFPUA D Community System n Private Septic n Centralseptic D Aqua Zone: _ Of6cer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (t-H) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Datei _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment: L oo tt+0,av laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center willbe notified ofany changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. "'NOTE: Any worl2frformed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of th o,,n",tcon'"no,, KoLr'l- /) . (o ha n sisnature: X"o L7- Permit Fee: S ;n1'DM t7: rI?7 E E Det Garage (SF)_ ! Pool (SF)_ ! Deck (SF)_ ! Porch (SF)_ ! Storage Shed (SF)_ ! Other (SF)_ xeatedr S.Soo CITY: APPLICANT's NAME: 09/15/?O17 14.O4 *223 P.OO1/ OO',l UL NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICA|IO N ryPEi RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALt QUESTION5 APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responiibility" Cr[.."^Date /7: a??7 6l rs-lrt PROJECT ADDRESS SUADIVISION: pRopERw owNER,s ruarvre: 5ann) tql-u^.-a.- CITY ztP toT f PHONE H (qp\ 6t1 -tot\\lOWNER'S ADDRESS:CITY zlP: CONIRACTOR ADDRESS: do- CITY LICENSE H Lq6t 1B CL $: lk aP EMAIT ADDRESS:PHONE PROJECT CONTACT PERSON JAso,J L ot-tAil ,ro*r,( flto)3'4)-o1j7 tXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration V Renovation D General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: C Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existin8 Residence fl Relocation *..PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPIY TO YOUR PROJECTI" t, B An GaraSe (SF)_ O sunroom (SF) _ D Greenhouse (SF)_ I-l Det GaraPe lst ) tr Pool (SF) tr Deck (5f) n Porch (5r) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D V"r! ruo TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF $ot proposed wotk) TOTAL PROJECT COST (tess Lot): 5 '5 Property use/ Description of unheated: > lr( ts the proposed work changing the number of beorooms? 6 V"rlf no . ,/lsany Elect.ical, PlumbinS or Mecharicalwork bein8 done to the Accessory Structure E Yes D No lf the project js a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? - Yes U No ls there ElectricalPowe. on this Euilding? { Yes D No Occup ancy: p(single ramily O DuplerE Townhouse wo\k: c without the approprlale p€imits $/illbe in violauon of lhe Lo &,lr n Dl5CLAlMES: I hereby cenilY that all the information in thrs application h correcl and allwork willconply with the State Building code and aI other appticable stsle and tocat laws and ordinantes a nd ,egulalions. The NHC Developm€ni Servicee Center will be nol led ol any chanSer in th. cpproved plans and specifications or chaoge in contradorinlo,miiion. ..i OTEr Any wo Owner/Contraator: 'Licented Quolilier" l- /) ls tl"€ properry located in a floodplarn? ! Ves K ruo [xisting lmpewious Area: _ Sq tt New lmpervious Area: -- Sq Ft (6L.NC Slale gyB,(ode and rubject ro l,nes up ro t50O.00"'E/*,4-/22...--(o11/! n Sienature: Total Acres Dlrtrrrbedi Existing Land DisturbinS Permit: tr yes - No WATER: ECFPUA L.l Community System E privateWe E CentratWeli E Aqua (attrn p Community System tj privat€ Se CenSEWER zone:l!p-- Q once,, -Xb r",o".*, trt,/y'/ t.nt ptic Eut tral Seoti -MA,,r\,lia c fl Aqua I P€rmit Fee: S (RH) 0lL- ,,rr, f tlVl,lood: (A) .. (V)(ru) -X - are*zrr= t)Date: /Approvali Commehti irtv ln*,*n Rmureq, g I &254.G,1{ 'rl1 CxarS<: v,t,it {egtir< CoA apc.{eo-( NlI - ,1r.rr' ,-),; 11ffi? O Stora8e Shed (SF) ___ E Other (SF)-_ tteated: &f J'2 I n11)Mv" 11- 3o2Y NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIA[ PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABIE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility'' CITY PHONE f l95EP t7 1:SlPfi Application (office use) APPLICANT'S NAME:Date 7- p-tz PROJECT ADDRESS: suBotvtstoN: {p LOT # PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: WDG CITY ZlP. Z-&9*BLDG LICENSE f 5T:zte,29*3 9ro 3€r @ CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON CITY +t)1 PHONE PHONE EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration E Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: D Erect New Residence ! Att Garage (5F)_ n Greenhouse (SF)tr Deck (SF) {ooon'on ,o ,r,r,in8 Residence E Retocation ***PLEASE CHECI( ANO ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT"I' E Det Garage (SF)_n Porch (5F) ! Storage Shed (SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ! Yes ! No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructurenyes[]No lfthe project is a Relocation, istherea Natural 6as Line on the current site? fl Yes fl No lsthere Electrical Poweronthis Building? E Yes ! No Property Use/ occupancy: L] Sintle Family ! Duplextr Townhouse l'ftwtt( Description of Work: unneatea: /Oo r l?-@E{ A*rllty. "t i hon + OISCIAIMER: I hereby certifythat allthe intormation in thisapplication i laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Ce Z-bny s correct and allwork will comply with the State Euitding Cod€ and altother applicable State and locat nr€r will be notified of any chaoges in the app plans and specifications or change in contractor and subject to fines up toinformation. '+'NOTE: Any work performed without the a opriate permits willbe in violation ofthe NC State Bld Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolifier" WATER: SEWER: f' lsthepropertylocatedinafloodplain? ! yes E No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: D yes D No L6thnv 1 8*,) Vf ,rruo D community system d ,rruo ! community system n Private Well fl CentralWell fl Aqua ! Private Septic fl CentralSeptic n Aqua *tl ld lnxl to'lel '26' : (A) _ (v)(N),x BFE+2ft= <5 c,t Permit Fee: S\q!eqs. A/zrPt. v Comll -7 ffia ment: Fe'J 1\ c.nrt. c rt'ra r{ *ha^ 3 4.4yala,ltl inli vt J-&3 4to .., "'i '";ffi: (-- ! Sunroom (SF)_D Pool(5F)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes ! No TOTAT SQ FT UNDE R ROOF (for proposea ,or*l Aeatea, 1 ''f I rorAt PRoJECT Cosr lress toi:5 &C,0&) ! Other (SF)_ zone:Q.- 15 omcer: DTG Approvat: OL city: ll-rr'l Date: 2ot?- i a>t9 fr pllslroN npE: RESIBENTIAL PIE!5E AISXER Att qJES.r-Io s ADptIcABLE TO YOUR pRolEcT cproJ€ct Responslbilfq/ APPLICIflT'S Mr,rE:r APPLICATION tuber (offtEc th.) DATE PHOITE *: zfr pnon. *,Ql,fsI:OgAp; ,\?U q AC@WT ': DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT SUBDIIITSION, PAoPERTY q/$lER,S MnE. O}.INER'S ADDRESS: I CO TRACTOR: ADDRESS: EMATL I err eeuae _ sF l-l sunnooa sE f] onrnNolrse 5F -) I crTv: CITY; LTCE,IS,E *3 clw; BLOC( *; ,..r'tF- GI J 5l s PROJECT CO|ITACT PERSON: Dosnritc corsTtucro ! [ alreurroru I aanvarron I aarenar- nennrns I RELocATToN NEH cor'ETntrrloN, [:necr EN REsIDEiIcE or I ADorrror To xrslBrs RESIDE cE.IPLEASE C}IEC( '}D AIISdEI BELOI' PHOIIE PHOt{E AI-L TMT APPLY IO YCUR PROJECT: fforr ulnoee sF/_,I lpool sF l-l orcr qF E ponar - sF I sronnee sHeo _ sF OTHER: TOTAL HEATED Sq rr: )-]LA TOrAL SQ FT I,,I{DER BOOF: II 5J TOTAL AREA Sq rr, I[r':3. ToTAL PRolEcr cosT Gb6sl.0 , $ ffitOO.* * oF sTORtEs ! e rs Ary ELECTRTCAL, pr,t HEE,IG o. t(ECliAlrrcal Ho.k B€j,ng Don6 to the Accessory stiucturc? [| ves I uorf the prcJect is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the curnent sit"l flv"s f] HoIs there El.ectrical peren on this Building? f:'i ves Iuo pRopERw rJsE / ocqpA$cy! [ s:ruoue rruulv I ouer-a I rorououse DESCRIPEON OF UiORK: ollNER/@NrFecTOR:SIG{ATURE: r:r***'t***+r*****+**(hrrt tE )+++*+**:r*+*+++t*+:l++** rs rlrE pBopERTy LocATED rN a rloooruu+l l-l ves **ii+*+:t+*::*+:!+*+:f +*:ii.+:+:t :r+'!+*t*+**+ +++:t++.d* ETSInG r4PERwoIE a*a: /ZLS sQ n ToTAL AcREs DISTIJRBED: NEI^I B.IPE*I'IOUS AREA: S7(" SQ FI DCIST LAIE DETURBITTT ''*-, E YrS I_] ruO MrERr D crpuq E cq{qx\trry svsrem f} pRrvArE ltEu E cannal uEu-se{ERi f] cFpta f} cdvrRAL sEprIc I tuvnre ,eorr, E- ar*r*ay ,vrrfl '.i sipa&A?E PEnAITS REqUIRED F@ ELACTT t{E(H, pL86, cas Egurp, p&EFAas & IrsER.ts .,pAy::rr SrHoo: E *H [o*q. (pAyaBLE ro o*, -E;;i ;;- 'tr;;Io---fr-or""*r* ra*)'r:l'+t'*:l***)t'F*l*c**t**at++**t+****+**********I**'Ftsrq,,*.**ar!:F*:t*i.**rr,t**:,at*r*:rr+*+ar+.ra zof{E:fl- ts OFFTCER: v) r. Fl/rl (toi oaraaE ue ot! ETBACKS: F:f-X: 6 LOOD: A , RelrsED DAF' Ult!/t2 appnovat; OL cityi:l-{-rq,_ 3ir ('( r An: 6 .t X are+2ft.G+o-xri A...s".6ar". 3-tc"-a"te e<c-.4.2- e-( not .ra ige u.Sea A 3 acc_e. t)PERHTT FEE: 9 ^Ci r-^v C n1 ..L 5 F o'1L4 o-cc-es=o-1 b4\:r-cV-< i 1 e^@{t-vv,C./\+, d-'.,4 r.r\o 1 ,1 1l exce<d Codrent: r'4ia\.) oC ?I , cna-Yc{ Si.fuc_tt rr<_ i)iry inpeciron ileourrcc v rrlZ54-ll: NEtlJ HAI{OVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMTT t Tt: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CAT I O N ryPEi RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility'' Lt t\-^plication 'tdilD 7 Numbe, loffice use) ,PI.ICANT'S NAME:1ey rLtt*Date //sn/ ,'1 RolEctADDREsst 6ll[ TOrft- /4rtr4 g-i c.ry:L/U/a/.?//tiF #*.4- ,uBDrvrsroN: .f10AL rz*.L/t-oT # PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER,S ADDRESS CONTRACTOR t( ADDRESS: EMAIT ADDRESS: PROIECT CONTACI PERSON Z at earage lsrl 115- n Sunroom (5F)- n Greenhouse (sF)- rA PHONE i 7 tct_ 6{€- 3t 2C r:lt:UJt t-*t )a,/ztz)ztPZg4Z3 BLDG LrcENsE #: 2Z z*q'Z- st4CztP:M3/tS PHONE PHO NE:q/n -)* -/>-sn 2- a-(-,tu CITY EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration ! Renovation C General Repairs ,/. NEW CONSTRUCTION;,,gErect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation ,}**PLEASE CHECI( AND ANSWER BETOW Att THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT**1 ls the proposed work changin8 the existing footprint? ! Yes E No TOTAL Sq FT UNDERROOF Uor proposed work) Healedl 2553 unheated: 3S--*O TOTAI" PRoJECT COST (Less tot): S ?a8,oC; n Porch (sF)374tr Det Garage (SF) ! Pool (SF) tr Deck (sF) lex E T nhouse OA E storage shed (sF)- ! other (sF) l-\1 No ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? D y", dno ls any Electrical, Plumbingor Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structu re 7 Yes lf the projectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes p no ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No Property Use/ Occup Description of Work: ancy:Single Family E Dup laws and ordinanc€s and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified oI any changes in the approved plan5 and specificatiofls or change in conlractor inform.tion. '+'NOTE: Any work performed wilhout the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC Bldg code and subiect to fines up to 9500.00"'5 Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolifiet" (eu^Signatu ls the property located in a lloodplain? {v", E no Existing lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:1>o Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E ves E t'to,/ WATER: -EacFPUA E communrty system El Private well E central well 0 Aqua sEwER: b/cFPUA U community system f] Private septic E central septic E Aqua zone:- orricer: - setbacks(r)2f, (t-x)2dq(RH) a<- H 20 Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (Vl _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Commenti Permit fee: S /t It o-D1-1oaD ffi tI[- i\t\'t1? 1''""' a APP Ll CAT ION rYPE: REStDENTTAt PtE,..St ANSV. aF AtI OUitTlONS AppUCABLt 't O yOUR pROJt3 "pro,ect Responsibility, ')- ^r-Fp',.",,* suBDrvrsfoN: __ :r10-nu- /ZavA PfiOPIRTY OWNTR'S NAMT owN€R's ADDREssT -17?l [/41# PRorEcr coNrAcr p r^to* lQrle{ H67 )-V4a loT# &r eau?t -onowo, I l0-613-- 3t 2C cny.. U,,t)2zq )/t /72'/.ap2{Sqa3 Date sa/ tLr-cfi\tU)/L ltl,r.4 ztP ,o*,onno^,G/4i 9/e*7o,\ /.J+ GA+. [kt* _B.DGLrcrNsrr 771Jg1- \DDREss: .)j/ -jA9,0 L d+ry4 lrrr.trL . . _i:,i tlq.43d4a __sr,uc.ztp ?-y,,, ;-* EMA'|.AoDREss:_ &*,oy:4!e*, ^6 6r^6ic--.ii ___- ,.__pHoNE: cf ./A--=7*a -Of-*-t EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: D Attprarion i- R€novalion D General Repairs -,/NEw coNsrRucrroNiir Erect New Residence : addition ro Existi.g Residence J Rerocaiion Att Gi,irFe {st) tt-/> >Lr n roc fr \F I Property Use/ Occup Oescription ol UJork: SWER E Oet Garagc {SF } C Pool(sr) W ATI- TH YOUR PROJtCT"' -->-J: Porch (sF) _>1 I _ ! Stora,e Shcd (SF)_-_ Greenhouse (sF) _ . __- C Deck (sF) __._ i:i other {sFl ls the propc!.C work chnnSing the exirtinii foolprinr) [ ] Ves O tto roTAL 5Q FT UNDER ROOF Vor Noposed t orrl xeatea, _ p_551f__ _ Unheired: 35--nO rorAL PRoJECT cosr ltess totl: g-/L$rO Li- ls the fr.p..ed!r'.,r1 .hanirir,gth.numborofbedrocms? : yes /No ls ar'/ Electricat. Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Arcessory structrre [] v"s d ruo lf the p.oject i5 a Relocation. is there a Naturil cas line on ihe currFct site? ! yes ( ruo ls lhere ectrical Pov,,c. on this 6uildirg? D yes : No anci-:Siogle famlly fl ouplex D u5ELTownhot (c*, - r. -.-....ra attl ..i !,I.^-r,r.....!the5r.r.._rnr..a-:j-a^d.t,-.!.r--^1..-rr,(trtc-.,1o(at..rriI$"'tJ|ncii...io,ant.l".-'.'.,r'....-..' Itio le 5ldg C^r, .-, 5r.. --,lc r -- ,rrc- lO.'. Owner/Contr?ctor ''[4ens?d Qlrol r ..' ery ,{er^^ Ir lhe pror. " / located rn a floodolarn ?2f,lyes I tto Existing lmpervious Area: _._. _- Sq Ft New lmpervious Area,/l pta _.sqtt WAItk ,'-.DUA D Cornmunrty Syst,rr D o,,va F :ipi,a tr r - _ Signature ..',/ Total Acres Disturbed: Existing Land Disturbing permit: fl yes .'_ Nc Zone Approval Comment Cityr _ 1p rr",rr I C".1.:jlWe ] /.ir,., ' \ '- p,r\-..< ( Ll a. ,t . . ,. 1 (r 4c:' '"setb.rcks (F) 2 < (rH) 26:x4*{ tet M -h;: oate:f1fufu!?rtoo a, lal .A,€ .iL E ii uLi-)no{t (\/) - (N) f'l/ r(Jn bxx{f,t, ri 1,. APPLT.ANT'' NAME, -G-tty- r! tL L - *- cnorrcr aoontss ]5 111 70i:L 44tq caA.A-1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI carION rvPr: RESIDENTIAL PLEAsE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANT'S NAtrlE: uuno: Hones .f Ncrlh Carolina lnc DEVELOPER: Mungo Homes oi North Carolina,Inc PROIECT ADDRESS: 408 1sl,:.I)d En.L aourL pROPERTY OU,NER'S tlAIllE: I'lunsc Homes ol Nort,h Carolina, Inc OWNERJS ADDRESS: :514 Ii. li.r:lce r\'..liir.CITY: Apex CoNTRACTOR: Mungc Hcmes of North CarcIina, Inc LICENSE #: r-.ia. ADDRESS: 2 514 Reliance Avenue CITY: r.oex EIIAIL ADDRESS: mpinson.amungo - com {Maggle Prnson) PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: EE! 11-'l!u ttlroterr- mqnao-cll **PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: PORCH ra6 L7 -3029 fi1:@to APPLICATION Number (office Use) DATE: l,/ I l, 2 -l I I STORAGE SH ED PHONE f:919-3i3-8r25 sT: NC zIP: ;r.r r39 ACCOUNT #: PHONE #: 9r9-418-r968 PHONE #: a r-ar --'rr- SF SF SF PHONE #: 91 9-41B- I :463 ATT GARAGE 430 SF SUNROOM L2O SF DET GARAGE - SF POOL SF GR E ENHOUS E TOTAL HEATED SQ SF DECK SF OTHE R: FT:25i.TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: -r:13 TOTAL AREA SQ FT: :5,r- TOTAL PROIECT CoSTrressroo: $ 17e,530 # OF STORIES: Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUI4BIN6 or MECHATUCAL Work Being Done to the Accessory Structure? [ Ves [ ruo If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natunal Gas Line on the Current Site? [ ves [ ruo Is there Etectnical Power on this Building? lllv"t I r'ro PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY:SINGLE FAMILY DUPLEX TOWNHOUSE oESCRIPTION OF WoRK: lJeL'' sinqle Familr' F.esider-ce OWNER/CONTRACTOR: Munqo Hcmes by Karherine Lusk SIGNATUREs Katlw.ir,\P/ LuA*, ********r(**,t,t*+tr<tr<******,****)i)B,t)t)k****)*r*r**)t*,a*,*,N,N******,t*,t+,t***+i**,t****+,t*,*,t*,*****,**)i++i.*E I NOIS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN?YE5 EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: NEW ImPERVIOUS AREA: :l '14 EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERIiIIT:T YE5 NO and ordinances and regulaiions. The NHC Oevelopment Services Cenier wrll be nolilied ol any changes in he approved plans sjld sp6cifrcations or chang6 in conlrscbr or contacbr inbrmalion "'NOTE AnyWork Performed W/O heAppropriato Permitswillbo in Violation ollhe NC StaE Bldg Code and Subj.rct b Fines t p To $500.00"' E WATER : SEWER: CFPUA COMMUNITY SYSTEI'4 PRIVATE hlELL CENTRAT WELL CFPUA CENTRAL SEPTIC ! enrvnrr sEprrc fl coMr4uNrry sysrE[4 *** SEPAITATE PERJ'IIT5 REQUIRED FOR ELECT, I'IECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *** PAYIiIENT I.IETHOD: E COS'I cHEcK (PAYABLE rO NHc) EBrLL ACCOUNT I nClVrso Iorscovrni.**{.{.***x*xr(xr.*xx****,},i++**,*,*,t,****xx*,*,t+++********x***+***********+********jt+********+**6tl ZONE: _OFFICER: (FOR OFFICE U5E ONLY) REVISED DAIE O4l11/12 SETBACKS: F:_ LH:_ RH:_ B:_ t Appnoval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: _AV \ BFE+2ft= ,, ,,',:'' .i ,.ffi,. CITY: L zIP | 23lJZ SUBDMSION: "-ri L L.',.. Gle:r Ei--a:ei i! BeaL Ri,.'.rre PIaLtar-ior. BLOCK #: ?i,ase I LOT *: j_ll_ sT:.]:izIP::-,-539 EXTSTTNG CONSTRUCTTON: ! nrrrnnrrON ! neruovarroN ! cel\enar REPATRS E RELocArroN NEW CONSTRUCTTON: E ERECT NEW RESTDENCE o" ! aOOrrrOru TO EXTSTTNG RESTDENCE