SEPTEMBER 27 2017 BUILD APPS{./ h Qo\1- \olio NEW HANOVER COUNW BUITDING PERMIT APP LICATION TYPE : RESTDENTTAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibitity,, N1.., LL I ,isEF t7 4144Pu n - eg81 {ofirce use) APPLICANT'S NAME:sVL-Date: q r{ PRO.,ECT ADDRESS: suBDlvtsloN: CITY: hl \Lrwt)lr'l-) NL ZlPl 5 e tu\r e ar) AL\L -'6 -t p tlxna 4 s LOT#: I t PROPERTY OWNEPS NAME: OWNER,S ADDRESS: GIo 5 OLEAp0l A4-. 5"^ <E Znt )."r, ^o^,. LLL PHONE #: Akr 4{Z . 14t. CITY A,+^,.,rrz-..r St: r'r u PHoNE: ci( c 4q2. /4ro BLDG LICENSE #t'lL <Aaz ZIP: Z84o t CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: (n^n-L n 5.r ,L Lblo( oL,eaa O(,4- la . trt<t 7:> EMAIL ADDRESST eA iL\ PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:,r) PHONE:! EXISTING CONSIRUCTION: E Alteration E Renovation D Generat Repairs NEw coNsrRucnot{: p( Erec New nesidence n Addition to Existing Residence I Rerocation 'I*PI"EASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*** E Det Gara8e {SF)D Porch (5F) ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? n ,", E/*o ls any Electrical, Plarmbiog or Mechanlcar work being done to the Accessory structure D v". E(ruo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? n Ves d ruo ls there ElectricalPower on this Building? D yes EfNo Property Use/ Occupancy: n Sintle Family [] Duplex ( Townhouse Description of Work: ?2au,ou Lrr AO|A o v€O -f!*..|bh6 frr4! t <€.€ Bw€.e6ah \ a - ?t3.i DISCLATMER: I hereby certify that allthe information in this application is correct and allaws and ordinances and reaulauons. The NHC Development without the app A. le*n.. violation of the Signature: ply with the nges in th NC State ing Code and all other appltcable State ,nd iocal plans and speclfications or change in contractor d subject to fines up to S50O.OO*t tinformation. r.*NOTE: Any work performed 4or.*, Services Center will be not ropriate permits willbe tn Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolifier" p nt Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? ! yes E/to Existing lmperviousAree: o Sq Ft New lmpervious Area; A9a Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing permit: g/yes n ruo WATER: gf CFPUA E Community System E private We n Centrat Welt n Aqua SEWER: Ef CFPUA Ll aommunity System E private Septic n Centratseptic E Aqua zone: fifi.ico) Officer: - setbacks (F) --J_ (rH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: .*- C.rty: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft: _ TotalAcresDisturbed: e.Dl Comment:Permlt Fee: S ffi CITY: bl,.*,*t-. ,.t c Zlp:7Ulc1 n Att Garage (sFl Z4a E Sunroom (SF)_ n poot (SF) -- ! Storage Shed (SF) _! Greenhouse (sF) n Deck {sF) lio D other (sF)-.- ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E yes E No TOTAT 5Q FT UNDERR@F Vot proposea workl Xeated: l€Lg Unheated: Z4O TOrAt PRoJEcr COST (Less Lot): S_141!pe_r:_ APPI-ICANT'S NAME: 09/15/2O17 11:? r # 217 P.AO1/Oc)1 1,, o5[< I!.irt'.r.J.r ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APP Ll CATIO N ryPEi RESIDENTTAL PLEAST ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROJEC'I'"Proje.t Rerponsibitity,, n- Aqt7 Nr-fi ;!a-Date: q r{ PRO,lECT ADORESS: SUBDIVISION: C ITY ,A f- ( ZtP aL Lor r, LtA PRoPERTY oWNEtrs NAME: 1.).",tolAi,!1 LLa PHONE ri Av" 4(2 . t4t" OWNTR'S AODREsS:a ?."..,,f6d l-r rr-! r, ., , LL (BLDG LtCtNSE f :-!(:TLri o 1CONTRACIOR ADDRES5i clTY: A, i^,-r,-,-- Sr. a!, Ztp f e_{9L EMAII- ADDRISS: h PROJECT CONTACI PERsONi pHOtrE: ci( c ({<2 rlil? il.r^- 4 EXISIING CONSTRUCfIO i D Alteration E Renovation C General Repajrs/NEw CONSTRUCTIOI{: g Erect New Residence ! Additton ro Existjnt Residen.e J Retocation ...PlIASE CHECK ANO ANSWER BELOW ALT THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*' i lj l\tt Garage (SFl Z/i0 :-: Sunroom (5F)_ ; 6.eenhoure (SF)_ D Det Garage (SF)_-- . Pool (sF)*-_ [j Porch (SF)_- t-l Storage Shed (5F) _-- - t-l Deck (SF ) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? fl yes E No TOTAT 5Q FT UNDER ROOF lfor proposed wort) Heated t5l"$ )ia tl Other lSF) u nhe ated: -*f!!_ __ ___. TOTAT PROJTCT COST (Less Lot): S ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? yes i-./no ls a,1y Electrical, Plumbint or MechaDlcal work belng done to the Accessory Stru.ture !_- yes I the c.oject is a Relocatlon, is there a Natu.al Gas Line on rhe current site? I Ves g/ tto 15 there Electrcal Power on this Buildjng? 3 Ves Ef No Propeny Us€/ Occupancy: E Single Family fl Duplex r/ Townhouse Oe5cription ot Work: ?e llc oda ."" ,/*o 6 ,oJ(u!r ACn€"v€c' .a-!E^&l.,^e f.^^., <€(. 8\-v(3c DTICIATMER: r nereby cedlfy th.t.llthe infomalto. in thts applicarion rs corre.t and aI work wil (omptv w,th lhe dnrg Code and allorher apprrcabro 5rate Jnd lo(.1 plen5 and spe(rfications or ci\an8e in aonlricro,awt ind ord'.a.ces 3nd reSulations. The NHc o€velopment sarvic€t ce^ter wiI be notLl:e! of any (hang8 in :hnlornrar'oo "'NOTI Any work performed withour lhe appropri.te permitg writ be h vlotatlon ol !he NC Slate Owner/Contractora ''L!cehsed Quohfier- Sitnature l5 the propeny located in a floodplain? a:l Yes t)(iitint lmpervious Area: ,lZ_ Sq Ft New lmpe rviour Areai Cga 5q Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permir: fil Y€5 t.j No WATERT L/CFPUA Q Communitysystem fl Private We I CentratWelt C Aqua SEWER: y'CFPUA E Community System f] private Septic - CentralSepti. O Aqua ,.0\ 44.*, y'i1-r-,.'r! Tolal Acres Disturbed: e c I rubject to in'c5 up ro 5S!0 C0"' BFE+zft= _: Permit Fee: S --- . -- -- ?one: {4(c offi(er:l)-ro 5"1s36151F) -f (LH) * tnHt-X-rst--L -f1/t\ ort",!![fu] tooa, 61 -1v1-1ru1 ]* E No Approval Comment _-:: ,-- Lrry ?ot1 - to33 o PHONE 4t( ?'14- 1t lI _ APPLICANT'S NAME: \;.,,\i, PROJECT ADDRESS; suBDtvtsroN: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLT CATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICAELE IO YOUR PROJECT "Prored Responsibilit/' ?ot1- lo33f t1-3035 Application Number (oflice use) 1 o"t' 1/;olt1.f CITY CITY: CITY ZIP'. .-\ 'J ./ r'-" PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: PHONE8: C77"; -.1 ,.i -1.)1 ,) ZlP, 4 BLDG LICENSE f ST: \,(ZIP:.' .trEMAIL ADDRESS: n Att Garage (SF)_ ! Sunroom (SF)_ E Greenhouse (SF) Owner/Contractor "Licensed QuoIiJier" PHONE; EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration ( Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation .*TPLEAST CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALI, THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT*I' E Det Garage (SF)_ ! Pool (SF) D Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes E No TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOT \fot proposed workl Hea|f]ldt -4'-,,r,':, Unheatedi TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S Property Use/ Occupancy:'@ Si Family Duplex !Townhouse Description of Work: 9q ooo lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? D yes F No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structu re 3 yes j3( No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? 'li yes - No ls there Electrical Power on this Buildine? d Yes n No r u1".1l,aa DISCLAIMER: I hereby cenifythat allthe information in this application is correct and allwork witlcompty with the State Buitding Code and laws and ordinances rnd reSulations. The NHC Development Services Center willbe notified of anychanges in the approved plans and specinformation. "'NOTEiAny work performed without the appropriat€ permits will be in violation of the NC State Btdg Code and subject to fi allother applicable State and local ifications or change in contractor nes up to 9500.00". 4,.,1 /o Signature: ls the property located in a floodplain? n Yes Existint lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft N No New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: fl yes E: No WATER: El CrpUn E Community System ! private We fl Centrat We fl Aqua SEWER: EI CFPUA ! Community System E private Septic D Centralseptic D Aqua zone: ( Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (S) _ Approval: _ Crty: _ Date: _ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ TotalAcres Disturbed: Comment:Permit Fee: S 1 lot d: ? / /1,'1,. J7\ L / '2J-f1 PRoJECT coNrAcr p eeson: hrati |'L'Q,.y,:, s pHoNE: q,/J ,al-.7)7) n Porch (SF)_ fl Storage Shed (SF) _ tr Other (SF)_ ffi \.; NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERM]T AppLrcaTrov rypEi COITIIIERCIAL PtEAst AtiSu/El ALL QUESIIONT AppLICABIE IO yOUi pRO)ECT ,,proJect ResponslbiJ,lty,, tufi-qq t7 -28L7 APPLICATION Number APPLICANT, S NAIttE: Mi.haeI sal DEVE LoPER: a)ian ACR Des- i;: ELcnenrs (?enai: /l:on!) DATE:28 AUG I? PRO]ECT AODRESS:L 412 8ii rc 1a ?oin Ivci t 111:5 J1n r Che.1 Rest au rant t nr re r,rc n PHoNE fl: 6.16-Jt8-996, ZIP i 213112CfTY: r,l r roin ,,o.,ticoccuPANT,/SUSINESS NAiIE: Hor: asra n 104-334-211) t : NC ZIP:282'..4 d: N/A (o ,1 '1 : |c zlP t #.?r zt>\'..€- 5 9r0-509-1131 I r tr \o NEW CONSIRUCTION: I enecr flEw STRUCTURE !rlsr rnlcx ACCESSORY STRUCIURE: SHELL uPFrT ! ADO TO EXIST SriucTuRE 0ESCRIPTI0N 0F WORK, JI'!., Slaro Eurliing Cod€ a.d all olher sin lh€ approv€d olans andVolaris otth6NC Slzte ENGN DESI6N PROFESSIOML I Gre: Yclo(eIl o.tglovrcl: ir. ,r)PHr 910-2? Nolo: Clomolllon noltlcrtoN 8 6!basto3 rsnov6t p.,rntr epCt.Uofl. !l!to Do.ubmtiod unng l,)..,pllc€lcn to.m (DHh5-3768)contrln lib..tct o. mt yoo ... r.quk d ro call 0ro Nsuonat Emi.3lon SUna6di lor HlzsrdoLt6 AJr PolldrnE (NESHAP) 3t (t19)d€dElitlon ol.ny t.driry oi brj!d.e. Sler Ab..to. W6b Si!6.htlp:/ a1$e od.!rBb.i..u./op,/6!b6! TOTAL PROJECI COST: :sE si2sK BU|LD|NG HE|GI-iT: Esr 23,_0,, ..r.. IS THIS A CHA}IGE OF OCCUPANCY UsEIF Yes, rhat t{as the pravLous O.cupan.y Typei ARCH DESI6N PROFESSIONAI:l,lichaeI Saieed RA, AtA /a<a Mtr:cheLt PAYMENT METHOD: ECASH If UPFIT - Ihe Shell pernlt ,,: h/^Is EIe<t Power on this Buildlng Yes E,ro r Ivrs E What ls the llew Occupancy Type # OF UNITS: rwo a 7 A2 aestaurant Ptl: 91 C -o)-313I NC REC t: 8?73 - 317'1 NC REG $I85r8 Dl9N.i,?.d!/!<ird!$'..4rlr'fud.|] tlaraxr1 k,d.r(f kr d^(',J. i] u6ntd'cl?dt(4cu'0d. r0r ),oa lr ! rli ar 0.a, wlt€lr.r tr. ,.cllry or bllrOho wat tou{ !c 707'5050 st lealt to day! p.tor to tr€ TOTAL AR TOTAL SO EASOFTT ssc 2930 u, r!! SeFTpERFLR: Esr 2910 u, f i.rFT UNDER ROoF: eer e. r c8 # OF STRUcTuRESIGI_L f OF STORIES: one r I lf OF FLOORS: ACRES DISIURBED:EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT?YES EI NoNEW IMPERVJOUS AREA:Not ^, ,.Iicabte SQFT EXISTING IMPERV|OUS AREA: ExisLn, cchrn cenrer PROPERry USE: lOrrtce RESTAUFANT f]nsncarurlle f]eouc [err [coNoo orxen, WATER: EICFPUAsEwER: @ CFPUA .I SEPANATE PCITMITS AIQUIFEO FOR ELECT. MECH PLgG. GAS EOUIP, PREF SS & ]NSERI it, <.Ic)so6. E coMMUNtry SYSTEM flwELL DzoNtNc usE oLASS'F|CATION;f)cENTRAL sEprtc ! ehivnre senrrc E-ol,luururw ivs-reiv- "!l{u/CD CCD) ' ?.3 /orncat: / ctry CHECK (PAYABLE TO NHC)tr stLL AccouNT EMcl,/lsA DISCOVERn $h..\SETBACKST (FOR OFFICE USE FLOOD orlY) /r: *-uf,lZONE Approv DATE 4Q.Nr un tfr A1* 1,1^.r^ r- Co r,, F€MSEO O TE a/lvr2 B N PERMIT FEE: S R: J ,t q I I Comrnent x It.rsa ff\uSr df,r { /,0\(( RH At $^.{o Oct,. lp^ t 5 (o c (o : ,€( '\ I EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION tr R ENOVATION GETIERAL REPAIRS l, R€locsllon. ls lhere a Nalu6I Gas Llne on ihs Curreht Site?tr RELOCATIOIi IS BLDG SPRINKLERED? oISCLAIMERI ls tood or bev€rso€s preparod or served h this structure? pvos ! No ts The propsrty Locat€d tn Ths Floodplstnz fi vos I Ho 7.- frc REcEtlEo sEP tg tst' . ,., ,t1rli'.:.._. '1ffi,i pt7'loN'lAPPROVED AGB NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT A PP Ll CAT I O N TYPE: R€SIOENTIAt PLEAST ANSWER ALL QUEST1ONS APPI.ICAELE TO YOUR PROJECT "Ptoiect Rrsponsibllhf APPI.ICANT's NAMEI F.S. LLC dbe Ram ack Date:9/19/17 PROPERTY OWNER's NAMEI FARMER. JOHN P JR PHo €#: (973) 534-0196 OWNER'S ADDRESS:358 R L HON DR crw: Wilminoton ZIP:28412 CoNTRASIOR: F.S LLC dba Ram BI.DG LICENSE Ii-.=--- ADoREss:4122 Bennett odal Dr., Suite 304 CITY: Durham 5T: Ne- zP: 27705 EMAIL ADDRESS: betsv@ra usa.com PHONE: PROJECI CONTACT PERSON PHONE:919-309-9727 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration - Renovation General Repairs NEWCoNSTRUCTIoN:OErectNewResidenceEAdditiontoExistingResldenceERelocatioo ...PTEASE CHECI( AND ANSWER BEI.OW ATt IHAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT.T' D Att Gara8e (SF) - El Oet Garage (SF)- E Sunroom (SF)- tr Pool [sF)- tr Greenhouse (sF)- tr Deck(SF)- ls the proposed work changlng the exlstlrE footprint? D Yes fl No ToTAL 5q FT UNDER ROo,F Aor proposed wort) Heat€d:Unheatcd: TOrAt PRoJECT CO$ lless Lot): S11.s86.1 3 ls the proposed work changlngthe number of bedrooms? O Yes E No l5 any Electrlcal, Plumblng or Mechanlcal work being done to the AccessorY Structure El Yes E No tftheprojectisaRalocrtlon,isthereaNaturalGasUneonthecurrentsite?DYGsENo ls there Electrlcal Poweron this Euilding? E Y€5 tr o Property U'e/ Occup.ncy: D sin8le Famlly E Duphr E Townhoule Descrlption o, Worl: lnslal Hellca I oerrs to stabilize lndalion as desioned bv structual enoineer. law5 and ordhancst and regulatlons. The NHC O€velop'lrent Seavices Cenlet wlll b€ notified ofany Ehan8es ln the apptov€d CanS and sPe.ificalioni oa Ehange ln contoclor info.m.tiotr. "'NOIE: Any worl p€rformed wlthout th€ eDpropriale permltr will be In vlol.llon ol$e NC d8 and rubjccr to finEr op to 5500.00"' owner/contractor: fu slgnaturel 'Llcensed Quowe.' Print Nome t!the propertylocated in afloodplain? E yes D No Exlsting lmpervlour A.o.i _ Sq Ft Tolal Acres Dlstu.bed New lmpervioui Area:Sq Fl Existin8 Land Olsturbing permik Cl Yes E No WAIER: O CFPUA E Communitysystem E Private Well El Cent,alw€ll El Aqua SEWER: O CFPUA D Communlty System fl private Septlc E Centralsepdt D Aqua zon.: --- olflcer: _ setbacks (F) _(tH)_ (RH) _(B) _ Approval: _ Clty: _ Date: - Floodr (A) - (Vl - (N) - 8FE+zft= - comme l Permlt Fee: s 75.lb tl itf PROIECT ADDRESS: 358 R L HONEYCUTT DR CITY: WiIMiNOtON ZIP: 28412 su8olvlsloNi SEC 24-A PINE VALLEY: PARTD: R06609-009-001-000 LOTB166 O Porch (SF) -- ! Storate Shed (SF)- tr fther (SF) - ll NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLtCAfl ON TYPE: RESIDENf IAL PTEAST ANSWER ALt QUESTIONS APPIICA6TE TO YOUi PROJECT "ProJ€ct Ro!ronslblllt/' (ftc RECEI'{ED SE? ts tott ffi APPI.ICANT'S NAME: F.S. Ll.C dba Ram Jack Date 9/19/17 PRo,tcI ADDn€ss: 358 R L HONEYCUTT DR clTYr Wilmlnolon zlP 28412 SUBDIVISION:SEC 24-A PINE VALLEY: PARID;60c,009-001-000 PROPERTY OWNER'5 NAME:FARMER- JOHN P JR OWNER'5 AODRIS5:35SRLHONEYCUTTD PtioN€ 8i (973) 534-0196 Ztl:28412 l"ol ri66 -____ clTY:Wilminolor) PROJECI CONTACT P€RSON PHoNE: 919-309-9727 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteratlon U nenovation GeneralRepairs NEw coNsTRucTloN: D Erect New Resldence O Addltion to Exlstlng Resldence B Relo.ation ...PtEAs' CHECK AND AiISWEN BETOW ATT ITIAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJEC'. " E Att Garate (SF) - m oet 6arage (sFl - U Poo'(sF) 0 Porch (st) ---D Sunroom (SF)_--tr Storage Shed (Sr)_-- C) Greenhouse (sF)-- O Deck {SF)-_*.- ls the proposed wor* chanting the erlstlng lootprlntT C] Ye! O No f] Othcr {sFl TOTALSQFT UNOIR ROOFUoT progoted wo.tl Heated:Unheated: TOTAL PROJECI COST {Le5J Lot}: S1 1.586.13 ls the propo5ed workchangln8thenumberof bedrooms? O Yet D No lr .ny Electrlcal, Plumbln8 or Mechanlcal work belog done to the Accessory Structure fl Yei Cl No lf the project is a n6loBtlon, ls there a Natural Gat Line oo the current slte? 0 Y€5 f] t{o ls there tle(rrlcal Powe( on this Building? El Ye3 fl No Property Use/ O€tupancy: E stn8lo Famlly E Ouplertr Townhoute o€scrlptign ot Worli l,ls bilize FoundBt on 5 desioned bv structual enoineer laws andordh.ncar.nd regutatlonr.I?,e NHE Dawloprnenl Scrvlce, C€nter*lllbe trotlfled ol any ah.nS€s ln Lhe.pproved plani,nd 59e(mcalloni or chrnEe l^ (oitraqlof lnlo.nration. r " NoIEi Any work p€rfomed wllhoul lh. . pgolrl.tr P.rmltr wlll be ln vloi.tlon o[ th. NC 5L dB .nd robiect to fina, upto 55@.00"' Botsv TaleOwner/Contraclori "ucehsed Quoliliet" l5the property loc.tcd inafloodplaln? D Yes l.i No Erl5tlnt lrnpervlout Atear _5q tt New lmperviour Arear _ Sq ft WATER: D CFPUA O Commu nlty Systern SEWER: n CFPUA Cl CommunitySystem opr Zonei lQ-15 o,o,u,,Setbacks (F)N otv: !L\14oater 5lgnEture: TotalA(res Dirturbed: fxininE tand olsturbln8 Permitr fl Yer n No tr Prlvate well al cenualwell E Aqua T CenlralSeptlc O Aqua n,,MA ,r,t[z\ 2 loodr (A).__ (v)1n1 I ort+ztt= - Approvalr Comment: V Pormlt toer $ ---. /-//7-/a^b? CONTnACTOn: F.S. LLC dba Ram Jack SIDG LlcENSE r:----_- AooREss: @-_- ClrY: Q.!I!etr---- sr: Nq. zlP: 27705 EMAIL ADDRESS: betsv@rarnlackusa,com PIIONE: _*-----_- Clear Print NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IYPE: COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANT'S NAmE: Christopher Building company DEVE LOPE R : PRO]ECT ADDREss: 43oo Deer creek Lane CIfY: r,iilrnangton OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NA E: Hishfand Roofr-ns PROPERTY OWNER'S NArvlE: Highland Roofing OWNER'S ADDRESS: 4310 Deer Creek Lane CITY: wilninoton CoNTRACTOR: christopher Buitding company _ LICENSE *i i2280 ADDRESS: po Box 1634 CfTY: wrightsvilte Beach ST: Nc ZIP: 28480 ElirlAI L ADDRESS: b j.ll0chr.istopherbuilding. com PHONE #:910-233-3061 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Bill christopher PHONE #:910-233-3061 rorm ]@,1.a\9A L7 -287 8 APPLTCATION Number (office Use) AN DATE: a/ 31/ 1-t ZIP: NC PHONE #: 910-6r 9-8268 5T: Nc ZIP: 2840s (ch€ck all lhat Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ATTERATION RENOVATION lf Relocation. is there a Natural Gas Line on the urrent Site?r ES li No No NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEtl STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHELL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: GENERAL REPAIRS RELOCATION IS BLDG S KLEREDI- Yesli UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE Is Elect Power on this Bullding li Yes r NO IX8fi rorsrc, PRoFEssroNAL :PH PH NC REG #: NC REG #: If UPFIT - The She1l Permi.t f: ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL:- DESCRIPTION 0F WORK: ttew office partitions lrith associated trades ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure?f - Yesli- No ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainii Yef _ NoDISCLAII\.4ER. I hereby cenrty lhal all rnlormalion in this application is correct and all work will comply with the State BUilding Code and all other applicable Slate and local laws and ordinances and regulalrons. The NHC Develoomenl Services Cenlerwll be notif,ed of anv chanoes rn lhe aooroved Dlans and soectfralton!orchanqe rn conlraclor or conuactor inlormalon "'NOTE Any Work Performed w/O lhe Appropnale Permrls wrll 5e rn V'ol4ien of lhe NC Stare Bldg Code andSubiectlo Fines Up To $500.00"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR: Bill christopher TOTAL AREA SO FT 7901 SIGNATURE 7 (Oualiiiea (Pnnt Name) conlain Asbestos or not. You are required to call lhe Nalional Emission Srandards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 ar leasr 10 days prior ro the demolilion of any facility or building See Asb€stos Web Sile: htp/wwY/.epi.slate.nc.us/epi/asbestos/ahmp.html TOTAL PROJECT COST: 30,000 BUILDINGHEIGHT: ls #OFUNITS: 1 NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: 0 SO FT PER FLR; 7e01 # OF STRUCTURES: 1 COI\,4I/ UN ITY SYSTEI\i]WELL # OF STORIEST 1 # OF FLOORS: 1 EXST LAND DTSTURBTNG PERTVI|T? r yES Ji NO SQ FT EXISTING II\,lPERVIOUS AREA EDU APT CONDO OTHET SQ FT PROPERTY USE OFFICE RESTAURANT MERCANTILE WATER SEWER SYSTEI\i] CFPUA CFPUA T1 ZONING USE CLASSIFICATION ?Otvt litUrutrVCENTRAL SEPTIC VATE SEPTIC EPARATE PERIVIITS REOUIREO FOR ELECT. MECH. PLBG GAS EQU P, PREFABS & INSERTS PAYI\,1ENT METHOD f cAsH f- cnecx lenvnBLE To NHc) f_AMERTcAN EXeRESS fi- rvcrvrsn [-_ orscovER ZONE: OFFICER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:LH RH Approval:_ City:_ DATE_ FLOOD BFE+ZII B N Comment PERI\4IT FEE *DISCLAIMER: SUBIV1ITTING THIS APPLICATION MEANS THAT THE SUBMITTAL CHARGE IS NON-REFUNDAB J 4cr.- N tfc *'tr(.,'fi_19? eMail PHONE #: rF yes, what ,", .r," ,"lllli,,"".:fi:":rtiilt": oF occuPANcY "jlf I"t.f ,:::::;""., TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 7e01 ACRES DISTURBED: O 09/1s/?o17 11,2I ctw 2r'n'toSS1 l.iiEF i7 { r,153i .4,U( l\ ).t\ ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CATIO N TYPF: REStDENTtAt PItAsE ANSWER ALt QUE5IIONS APPLICAOLT TO YOUR PROJECT "project Responsibility,, il.., t7 -_499 A APPLICANT'S NAME:i.Lt-Date: q PROIECT ADORESS: suBotvlsloN: I ZIP PRoPERw oWNEFS tlAMEr 5.^*"l€,,rt ^t^,,.1 LLL PHONE l,r A 4(t . tir. OWNER'S AOORESSI Gto< ocza ,tq('L flL (t< t 7.a r CIT'(: A,--,,'1tu-z.lP 7(A c1 R",",,Co.. r.,.-"n., , "t.CONTRACTOR; ADDRESSI br ( auao-oco (Ir . Jer.t ( 2:]r CITYr A,r-r.^,,qrr-r BLOG LICENSE ':-*L 4/<a1 sI: l_:.-ztP ZO'43_---, EMAIT ADDRESS:alla PHONE: ti PRO,ECT CONIACI PERSON:lL.,*^Q,',.-PHONE: 4r o 7?4 - lt'J I IXISIING CONSTRUCTIONI f) Alteration i Renovation E Generat Repairs NEW CONSTRUCnON: / EreA New nesadence D Addition to ExtstinS Residence E Relocation .I'PIIASE CHECT ANO ANSWER SELOW AI.I. THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTT*T roTAl- sQ fT uNoER ROAF (for propoted worq Xeatea: I (O 3 Unheatedi Z4o TOTAL PRo.JECT COST {Less tot):s lZo q,;o.* D Stora8e Shed (SF)_ t:] othe. (SF) ls the proposed work changint the number of bedrooms? D Ves /f.ro ls any Electrical, Plumblnt or MechaDlcal work belng done to the Accessory Structure I Va, g/No lf the project is a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the curren t sire ? D yes g/No lJ there Elec(rical Power oo this Suildint? f, Ye5 Ef No P.operty Uee/ Occlpancy: O Single family E Dupler gf Townhouse Oescriptign of Worli Pet",o.....,A0! C o ia, -<ta d. fi.a'\ <Gc BLiJ€crai^ I!,-2t34 OISCIAIM€i: r he.eby ccdfi(h.t altthe inlormauon to this.ppl@tion j5 correcr and al wort witt comply wilh rhe 5t3re Code and arr other applaaole 5tale 3nn locaraw5.nd ordrninces and rcgulatlons, The NHC Oswtopment services Cen1e. wiltbe ^olified ofa^ychar8er n rhe apprntormarion...'NOTE: An Owner/Contractor: "Licensea! Quolilier' y wo.t performed without r 4or^,, A . rt he app.oG,rlate permit5 witl be ,n violation ol the NC St.te Btdg Signature: ts the propeny tocared in a floodplain? i yes /xo Exilting lrnpervious Area: O Sq Ft New lmperviour Ar€at Q9a SqEt Existing Land Disturbing permit: fgayes fl NodCTPUA E CommunitySystem E prlvare Well X CenrralWel D AauaWATERI SEWER:p{ CceOe O Communtty System E private Septic E Central Septic e Aqua -Udg!) om"",, d tpeciric.lbns or chBnae rn contra.tor( lo,ines up ro 5500.00"' ir.! 111 Zone Approvali ot-Cityi D(Lz setlacrc I, * rtttu on",iltdi-[.a Total Acres Disturbed: o o ' LH) * (RH) * (B) tF : (A){v} _ (N) <BFE+2ft=C-r $ ', Comment: (iiiv insoeciion Reo*m ?i4'l;r'- Permit Fee: # 22't P.OO1/OOl LoI e: I 73 3 AtrGaraEe{SF} Z/+o E} DetGarage(SF}_ . Sunroom (SF)_ E poot (SF) _- Cl Greenhouse {SF) _ tr Deck {SF) tlc ls the proposed work changing the exlsting footprint? E) yes D No D Porch (SF)_ NEt^I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI.ATI1N rYPr; CoMMERCIAL PLEASI ANSI,.ITR ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" eon-tobil AF-P LrcATroN Nuflbe r APPLICANT'5 NAME: Kg11y cs111oy DATE i 9/1 )/1 t DEVELOPER:PHoNE f: ta4-2g5-g2._c PRoIECT ADDRESS: I {2.. yi ti.a-y c ll ^r I podrl crrY: wi rmington ttc ZlPi?aa45 oCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAI|E: s6n1 of America PRoPERTY ol^JNER'5 NAl,lE: r.joe t,fennrno PHoNE #: ?04 7.LE 7B90 ST: n(_ ZIP:-,8(i4" ST: NC zIP: ?8045 PHONE #: 7 91;' e ', e;.1 r.;' r r PH0NE *: t a4z9ss2tt)x224 CONTRACTOR: potrer Coostrucrion Serivces, rnc CITY: !,,ri1rnr rr166 - LICENSE i, q et; ADDRESS: tr |Jtm.rr r,1,,r., t,i,r(l PRoJECT CONTACT PERS0N: x.,.111u g..,1., (ahe.k all Ihat Apply) - CIIY: 6h6-1q119 EMAIL ADDRESS: kctLy.confoyGpottctconsLructioDscrvices.com ACCESSORV STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The shell Permit #: EN6R DESIGN PROFESSIONAL : DESCRIPTI0N 0F l^lORl<: ^,1.1 ,;,,r,rr ti Is Elect Power on this Bullding F Yes r NO ***r* rs rHrs a cHANGE oF occupANcy usE?T yEs 5{*o .,.-, IF Yes, what was the Previous occupancy Type? - blhat is {6e\"* o..rp"n.y IXEfi?r,src* PR.FESsT.NAL: (.. -PH PHI NC REG # NC RE6 It-21t-5..1b,.lt e\+1)5o ts lood or beverages prepared or served in lhis struclure?f ves[- No ls The Property Located ln The Flooclplainr-- YesF- s, .dd neu fixtures and r:eplace fi xture:j al 1 !n (]r!er ()l jnformalion n this .pplrcalion is correcl and all work willcomply wilh the State Buil q Code and al olher applicabl€ SlaieNoDISCLAIjVER I hereby cerlily lhat a1l and loca laws and ordinances and re Subicct i $500 00"' oulalions Thc NHC Dev.loomcrl,-ntornralion "NOTE Arly Wo,k Pedomed W/O lho Appropriale Pe SIGNATURECONTt+)t Servrces Center will bc.olified of NC B,IlSraki SO FT OWN ER/RACTOR conlan Asbestos ornot You are requrred ro callrhe NatronalEmisson standards lorHazardous AirPollulanls (NESHAP)at{919 denlolihon otany facililyor buildrng Seo Asb€slos Web Silo: hnpJ pw epi.slato.nc.us/€pi/asbostogahmp htm! b.fktrilL PROJECT COST I ARFA SO FT BUILDING HEIGHT SO FT PER FLR: Note: Oemolilion nolilicalions & asbestos removal permit 60. 000 uslnq rhe applcalion io.m (DH 768i 7 5950 at least 10 days priorlo lhe # OF UNITS LH RH WOy'{B#L SO FT UN .I ACRES D STURB D4{KlfiF* ,ro.ou,n,,'Iot -. PROPERTY USE: DER ROOF ED # OF STRUCTURES EXST LAND DrsruRsrruc eenurrr |- vrs J_ ruo SO FI EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA I\,lERCANTILE EDU CONDO OTHEts3lr ). rt.:t,r , l # OF STORIES # OF FLOORS WELL VATE SEPTIC T-I ZONING USE CLASSIFICATION 3?onmauurrv S ARFA lorrrcr !RESTAURANT WATER: r-l CFPI.JA T-lsewrn ncreun ll COMMUNITY SYSTEIV CENTRAL SEPTIC SYSTENI ZONE: OFFICER ts Approval:_ City:- DATE- FLOOD BFE+2ft\ Comment PAYNIENT IUETHOD [- cnsH l'- cHECK (eAvABLE ro NHC) li- AMERTcAN EXeRESS l- vcrvtsn f-- otscoven (FOH OIFICT USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F: *DISCLAI[.1ER: SUBI4TTTING THIS APPI-ICATIoN l'1EANS THAT THE SUBMITTAL CHARGE IS NoN REFUNDABLE ot^lNER'S ADDRESS: 112s Mrtitdry Cut ort Road EXrsT CONSTRUCTTON: E ALTERATTON l-z RENOVATTON l-l GENERAL REPATRS l-l RELoCATTON .tlt tf Retocdtion, is lhere a Narii;tcas Line on rhebirrenr Site? [ VEi(- r'ro ts et oc sp"pll.]xLlRED,f Yesf Nff No iriEt^: cousrnucrron: E EREcr NEr,^r srRUcruRE E FAsr rRAcK E sHELL n uPFrr n aDD r0 Exrsr srRucruRE PERMIT FEE: : _ tTT?'ff q_" r)r )l-(. t ipqer rr s,a1pl. NEh HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIoN rYPE; COIYM E RC IA L pi c,r5r ANsr,rIA ^LL QL]asl Io!,rs aprLIcasLt 1O Yo'.rR !rro:lL( I "P roj ect Responsibifity" a-PLrcATroN Numbea APPLlCANT'S NAIIE: (q11y 11 DAlg: t.,1.. DEVEIOPER: PRO] ECT ADD PHONE $r /1, -:e., q, ,. RE55: I lri, lii I jr.r./ (.ir Ott por.l L1i ' .{li lminqton Nc ZIP:280.1; 0CCUPANT/BUSINESS NAIIE: rJ..r.,, ct /\mL,r'r.., PRoPERTY otlNER' 5 NAI4E ol,,lNER'5 ADDRESS i . r25 PHONE ,l; it,r i ,. r"!,. 5T: i. ZfP:CITY: !,r i J r,,i,il .rj ADDR E55 CITY: El'1A11 ADORESS: . .. PRoIECT CoNTACT PER50N: ii,.l tv ..o lCh.ck all rhrt AP9lyl E XISI CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION 6'NERALr CONTRACT0R: L .,, lf Rekxialron, is lhere a NaturalCas Line on irrrenr Sile') NoNEW CONSTRUC-TION: ACCESSORY STRUCTU K No RE PAIRS IS BLDC SffiKt ERFDr yesT 'Jl4r . LICENSE i ST B: zlp: ; PHONE PHONE L'tECT NEH STRUCTURE FAST TRACI(SHETL UPFlT RE LOCATION AOO IO EXISI STRUCTURE It I{ UPFIT - lh{r Shell Perrnit il: IF Ye!, !,Jhat as th€ Previotrs Occtrpancy Iype? I5 TI]IS A CHANGT OF OCCUPANCY U5€?T YES is KN0.r*i lew O(cupan(y Is Elect Pouer on this tluilding [; ves f NC IttS'rrtro" PR.FE ss.roNAL: (-. -,-.-=z<E6 ,lt qt- N( 8EC r N( REG {fNGR oESl6N PRoF ESSIoNAL:- DTSCNIPTICN OF IORK: ,. ii l:r lood or l)everages prepared or seNed in lhis slruclure?f Yesli- No ls ihe Properly Localed ln The Floodplain-,f - Yef -' ,..' :.'I sr,!i., \ Cnnr.ruil br-. iroliic.lo{ c'q|ra9 ,drll.,.rllawr .nd ord * OF UNITS Nor,r t $olirio nol h..lions & rsbeslos re,novarpe,n'l lpp k Prrk),nrLl V\'.'r) llrP Aoproprianr Pc. SICNATU RE rred Ls llt trE apd(aldJ lor (Dllll OWNERiCONT i.Dja,r a\h6.rosor I ol YoLar.,eq!tredlr)calllheNattoM:Lrnr\\onSls.dildsr.,riaze(ld,sArPorhrrsnlslfii:lltAlrlall9l!) dornolrro. oltrrrv laditr o, bu dxrq. Sle rLesllr W(U:ilru h(o reot, n.la n. rsropr8sb3stosrthnp hhi ,OFSIRUCI'URES t: /'5!50 arhlJI lodatr Dnor r. ln.. SQ FT ^ki;A' L PROJECT COST I AREA SO FT BUILDING HEIGHT SO FT PER FI R: ait, ir 0 ! OF S'T')RIES /I OF FLOOHS Wo/t(&Ln P"3's;'lo I P'ror, t SO F T. UNDTR ROOF PAY[,4t:NT lLlE I llOl) MPFRVIOUS,,\RFA ERrY usE LIOFFTCE Ll SO FT EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? T YES T NC EXISTING IMPERVIOUS ARFA WELL VATE SEPTIC Tl ZONII\IG U 3?ovr,turut'rv RES TNURANT MFI]CANTII E EDI]coNDo oTHEt,rar,, SE CLASSIFICA IIONWA TER SE \I/E R SYST E N,I CFPUA CFPUA CENTRAL SEPTIC \i, ; lrr."l . rr, ,: ,': , COMI\rUl'llTY SYSTEIvI ,I DAIL u5f s;h\ f CASH T cHEcx (P^Y^BLE I o NHC) li A[4ERlc/,N txPRI-ss T rr,tc,vts,r f- D scovEH 'r oH ( )!.. l:r r.r+iilNLYl ,,,i lil OI F ICE Ii t;'y;,o'ta 1l!--Ciry Conrnrenl RB ,6a165 ...1[ rr NA za NA sALl I LooD __ X ar[*2tt_ AVN U PERMII FEE TH]S APPI ICATION M[ANS TI]A THE IJBi\4IIIAt (HAR6T I5 NON RFTUNDABI F,DIS(IAIY[R: S 1T I \.[y lnspecllon kequlreo 910-254-{]i .rri.l\ iiiLn i,il. ,i ,rl rr r 'f s n4 L-, Uln)Dn)oZ4 l45EP l7 4:45Fil #NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPL, CAT| O N rYPE; RESI DENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLiCASLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" t7- A9gA appIcation Number (oflice use) APPLICANT'S NAME:NI., (,;L'Date: q PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDtvtsroN: CITY L ZIP a Mi e LL) AL\L 4o t<pth,.a€s PROPERW owNEPS taAME: 1"-*".-^-- l,v4 OWNER'S ADDRESS: Loto< 6tEin . LLL PHONE #: Qru 4(l - t4 t "ALta,Jo{L l\,4-tr-r € 7o\CITYI. V!,*,".t -t--zlP:7tA.1 ?r,"ou 6.g ,. *. r, o,I tLL ADDRESS:bl 1 ocq o*o<o Oo . i.t''( I ?:i\CITY: A,t^.^,.qrz--Sr.l9ZtPtfL4o\ PHONE: 4{ c 4<2 . / BLDG LICENSE #t-lL <Aoz 4roEMAIL ADDRESS:eafu PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:lL,Prur"u PHONE: 4ro 7?4 - 3ti t EXlSTlllG CONSTTCIEN: E Alteration ! Renovation E General Repairs/NEw coNsrRucrlot{: g Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence I Relocation *I'PI.TASE CH€CK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*** n Att Garage (SF) Z4o E Det Garage (SF)_! Porch (SF) n Sunroom (SF)! Pool (sF)E Storage Shed (SF)_ D Greenhouse (SF)I Deck (SF)l1o D Other (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E yes E No TOTAT SQ FT UNDERR@F lfor prcposed work) Heated: 14 J Unh""," d: Z4A TOTAT PROJECT COST (tess Lot): S lZa @o,* ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ! yes E/tto ls a ny Electrical, Ptuibing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory structu re r yes E/nolf the project is a Relocation, istherea NaturalGas Lineon thecurrent site? ! yes dNo ls there Electrical Poweron this Building? a yes g( ruo Property Use/ occupancy: D Single Family f] Duplex d Townhouse ?eq,,"., Description of Wolk: <!!, ac020 u€rr -rl,*l*thh€ f.,*,. ! 3e(-BorEe6A$\ Q. - Za3q DlScl'AlMtR: I herebv certify that allthe info.mation in thlsapplicltion is corect and a work wiltcompty with the Stiaws and ordrnances and.e&lat1or6. The NHc Devetopment services center wi be notifred of any chan8es in the apinlormation. "+NorE: Any work perfonned without the appropriate permits wfl be in vioration of the Nc state BldB ld Code and ai other applicable State and ioca nd specifications or change in contractor ject to fines up to5500.00*.. own€r/contractor: 4rr.^,Sitnature: "Licensed Quolifier" print No'|e ls the property located in a floodplain? ! yes dto Existing lmperviousArea: o 5q gg New lmpervious Area; A9o SqFt Existing Land Disturbing permitr g/ye, ! tto WATER: gf CFPUA n Community System I private Wefl n Centrat Wel E Aqua SEWER: gf CFPUA E CommunitySystem E private Septic E Centrat Septic ! Aqua zone, fifl{co) Officer; - setbacks (Fl I (LH}_(RH}_(B)_ Approval: --=- Cty: _ Date: _ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= Comment: A. 1a-.,..g. TotalAcresDisturbedt A.Dl CZ,CtrR)A Permit Fee: S tor a: I 23 CONTRACTORI ,.4UV N tobi, (_. h't7 - Aqq l4sEP I (office use) : ffi NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPL,CAT| O N rYPE; RESt DENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESIIONS APPLICASLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Pro.,ect Responsibility,, 4 :,i 5Ph APPLICANT'S NAME:9_ItsnJ NI., (o".,LUL.Date q I aL v*Arz-r| tkeu $lan CITY: L.lPROJECT ADDRESS: suBDrvtstoN:^rL ZIP a e "nr eL,;/\.\.4o *: t Ao,'a 6 9 t-oT #I?L PROPERTY OWNENTS I{AME:, LLL PHONE Si Q,r.u 4(2 - 14 t "5 Dr OWNER'S ADDRESS: bto 5 OLla,!t){L A4-. 1r.t € 7D\CITY : Vt r .,- , -<rr- .Zl?:7tR.3 ?r"(^r.,-.CONTRACTOR ADDRESS:b 161 o ce o.- tx*0,t CITY {,1, o-,-nrz-- ST: r'r,.- BtDG LICENSE #rlL <y1o4 ZIP: ZE4o j EMAIL ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PENSOIT: PHONE: di{ o (\2 . t4ro lL"a PHONE EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration D Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCnON: /EreANew nesidence n Addition to Existing Residence I Retocation ."P]"EASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALt THAT APPLY TO YOUR P ! Att Garage lSFl Z4A n Sunroom (SF) D Greenhouse (SF) _D Deck (SF)l) o ROJECI*1r' D Porch (SF) n Storage Shed (SF)_ ! Other (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? [ yes I No IOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOF (for prcposed workl Heatedl 81 unheated: Z4o TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot):)lc dCo .* ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? n ,", E/"o ls any Electrical, Ptmrbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory structure n yes r/ lro lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the curre nt site ? fl yes g/No ls there Electrical Poweronthis Euilding? ! Ves dto Property Use/ Occupancy: D Sinde Family n Duplex E/ Townhouse Description of Work: DISCLAIMER: r hereby certify thatallthe information in thi5 applicat on s correct and a work w I comply with the State Buitdrng Code and al other app|cable State and local Pe a,,r, < ".,A0?9"&t -{;aa t}.ch€. fi*3t€ BwEestar^ \t4-zt laws and ordinances and reSulations. The HC Devetopment Seoices Center wi be notified of any c,nform.non. "'NOTE: Any wo.k performed without the approp.tate permits wll be in vrotation of t Owner/Contractoa:4"Signature: "Licensed Quolilier" ls the property located in a floodplain? [] Ves E/'tto Existing lmpervious A.ea: o Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: o. D\ Comment: hanges n the he NC State p ns and specifications or change in contractor subject to fines up to 5500.00.r' wa"r A Qe.tu-tt. New lmpervious Area: (t5b q Ft Existing Land Disturbing permit: g/yes n No WATER: Ef CFPUA E Community System I private Welt ! Centrat We[ D Aqua SEWER: gf CFPUA E Community System D priyate Septic f] Centrat Septic ! Aqua zone: rqFu(co) offtcer: - setbactc (F) t (rH)_(RH)_(B)_ Approval: --- cty: _ Date: _ Flood: (Al _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= V,cr^va Permit Fee: S D Det Gara8e (SF)_ n Pool (SF)-- A9 / t5 /2017 11:26 t+220 P.OO1/OO1X1-thlo /7-Aqq I {othe ute) ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLTCATTON rypE; RESTDENTTAL PTEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUB PROIECT"prolect Responsibility,, APPLICANT'S NAMEI PROJECT ADORESS: SUBDlVlSlONl NI,, (VVCaL Oate q L CITY: t,j .v t ) l/',-, ,f("ztP e L\.)tor$: l?L PROPERTY oWNEtrS MME: 5"--D"vt OWNER'5 ADORES': bto L5, A P,/) , LLL PHONE d: A r,, 4(2 . t(t. CIW: Lr,ZIP ?tAn1 CONTRACTORI ADDRESS: R"-,o,.,Gurno-. btt't<A<* O,t SLDG LICENSE *iL qfi6z 41? . r4ro CITY] tA, r^,.-1,2-! SI: l:L?:tp: Ze+o\ PHON€| q( .;EMAII ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON lL,,."^4ru,..., EXISTING CONSTnUCnON; D Alterdtion D Renovation - Generat Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTTON: ( Erect New Residence i Addirion to Existin8 Residence fl Retocation ...PI.fASI CHECKAND ANSWER BE IOW ALI THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT"' f An Garage (SF) Z4o . Sunroom (SF) _ fJ Greenhouse {SF) _ D Det Garate (SF)-- PHoNE: 4r <.i?t - \t1t E Porch (SF) D Pool (5F) tr Deck {5F)l1o n Storage Sh€d (St) _ D Other (SF) ls the proposed work chaoging the existing footprint? D yes D No TOTAL 5Q FT UNDER ROOF Uor proposed work) Neared: TOTAL PROJECI COST (Less Lot);S tLa qCe .* Property Use/ Occupancy:D Sintle family g Duptex g/ TownhouseDescrlptlon of Wo*: ls the proposed wort changlng the number of bedrooms? n yes E/wo Js a ny Elect.ical, Plumblng or Me€hanlcal work behg done to the Accessory Structure tr yes I/Notf the project is a Rolocatlon, is there e Natural Gas Line on the current site? ! Ves g/'No-- '- -' rsthere Etectrical poweron this auitding? g Ves g(ruo .{tr Unheated: Z+O Pe e", o".2oitt q- (rlpul 566 BLvfr(Ao, \(<.- 2Aj4 o,SCLATMER: lhereby centt rhat .| lhe infolawr:nd ordinancer and r€tutattorE. Th€ itHrn,orm.rion.' T.NOTE: Any wort p.rfo.med owner/contracto.i 4orr^, CO€valopDent&Mcer Cente, wiI be notified of anywilhour thespproprtate permrts wiI be ln viot lon ot nr and specilication5 o.Change rn.o.lrocrortuble( !o liner up to ssoo.oo..i esENo rmatlon lo this appliclauon is (o.rect and aI work wiI comply with the slate Suilding code anda| othe. appl.c.bre State and tocal the r\c 5rate a . t2-,"- -r, 'Licensed Quolilier"SiBnaturei ls the property located in a floodplain? 3 ves / o ExistinS lmperviour Area: O Sq Ft TotalA.res Dirturbedt o Dl Neh, lmpervious Area:C90 Sq tt Exisling Land Disturbing permlt: dy WAIER:d CFPUA D Community System E private Well E CentralWell R Aqua SEWER t{CFPIJA D Communitysystem E privateSePtic ! CentralSeptic E Aqua zone: fi (r.[co) offfcer: APproval OL otv: O(b setac*p F1. < 1 I t!t4 o",..!1n11rr,',o rxt rF tnxr *. rer l( : (A) -_ (vl (N) xCJelComment1{ il:rn:rrri:l l::,:::e^ ltl ?F., ,i.,^,) 8FE+2ft= Permit Fee: S .4.?{-',a C1-n(t-' rufi' lcBS t7-Tqqb NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATIO N TYPE. RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER AI-L QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Proiect Responsibility', l45EP 1i 4r4rPfl Application {office use) APPLICANT'S NAME:9-Nl., (o'., ,v,Date: 7ab Q vlAr.* tir"u vJe CITY: !".)'.-," o-.PROJECT ADDRESST suBDtvtstoN:^J c ZIP 3 ,.t "^a z rLe.t nc\L 4oart*tntl-9 LOT # PROPERTYOWNEtrS AME: t"^-1".,,d16.6rt LLL PHONE #: Ar" 4fZ.l4ta OWNER,S ADDRESS: Q\oa OL4ap'ol 0,L. <.1< €7n\CITY: ,-1 , .- ,zlp 7Uc1 CONTRACTOR: ADORESS: a1€.(u^, rn *'btol ncsa- O(,u 0a . irt<t ?r CITY {A,.-,",,,-r."., st' x - BLDG LICENSE f ttrL 4Y\ a4 ZIP: Z84a tEMAIL ADDRESS:h PHONE. 4t c 4\2. t4ro PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:lt 4r",. **.PIIASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEI-OW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT* *:} il Att Garage (Sfl Z4-o n Sunroom (SF)_ ! Greenhouse (SF) E Det Garage {SF)_ PHONE: lir o 77q - iti t n Pool (SF) n Deck (5F)ll o ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! yes n No TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot):l7a @e.* ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? n ,", E/*o ls any Electrical, Plrmtbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure ! ve, y'ruo lf the projectis a Relocatio0 istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? D yes dNo ls there Electrical power on this Building? fl yes EfNo Property Use/ Occupancy: n Single Family I Duplex d Townhouse Description of Work: ?Qeu, ou Al? A c, v€Bw€0qat \t.-2?'1.1 DISCIA|MER: t hereby certhry that allthe information in this application rs correct and at workwi complywith the itdi Code.nd allother applrcabte State and tocallaws and ordinances and regulaflons. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any chang€s in the a s and specifications or change in contractorinformation. *++NOTE: Any work performed without t 4ar"-o A , t)o pl he appropriate permits witlbe tn violation ofthe NC State subject to fines up to 5500.00*i. D -ri.*., r}l,-c f0N4.r a€€ Owner/Contractor; "Licensed Quolifiet" Signature: ls the property located in a floodplain? ! V"r E/t{o Existing lmperviousArea: o 5q p1 N€w lmpervious Area: A9a 5q Ft Existing Land Disturbing permit: E/y", tr 1o WATER: Ef CFPUA E Community System E private WeI fl Centrat We[ ! Aqua SEWER: gf CFPUA E Communitysystem E private Septic n Centrat Septic E Aqua Zone: YI ft"Offcer: _ Setbacks {Fl I (t H} _ (RH) _ (B} _ TotalAcresDisturbed: o.Dl CD Approval: _ City: _ Date: =- Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= Comment:Permit Fe€:s & EXISTING CONSInUCTIOT{: tr Alteration E Renovation E Generat Repairs NEW CONSTRUCnON: ( Erect trtew Residence n Addition to Existing Residence D Rerocation TOTAL Sq FT UNDaRRaOF (for proposea worky Xeatea: lftj Unheated: Z4() ! Porch (SF) -.-n Storage Shed (SF)_ n Other {SF)-*- {il nn-pg?09./15 / 2017 11:2 4 #219 P.OO1,/OOl -4-L \-.. 't7-7qqo {offi(e ute} ?r*n *N],,d,*..APPL'C3NT'S NAMEI PROJECT ADDREiSI IL' ?Lbo d tr,r- *l Date CITY: tl L ZIPSUBDIVISION:a_-{;4t LOT #: lt l2l, PROPERTY OWNEFS TIAME:)"-LLL PHONE Hr Cltr,.,4<z . r,i r "OWNER'S ADDRESS:Qto< o 0,r- . \u <CITY: lrt zto ?a1c1 CONTRACIOR: ADDRESS: ?,G^,"BLDG LICENST S:dL &Ao^Lotb<bti ^-vu Oa CITY: ii.sT: Fle ZtP: ZZ.{utEMAIL ADDRESS: PRO'IECT CONTACT PERSON:It.,,.-ft PHONET cit e .1 <2 -t4rc PHON:: 4r L 7'?4- j 13t EXISTING CONSISUCrIO : E Alteration D Renovation D Generat Repajrs NEW CONSTRUCTION: d EreA New Resideoce a Addirion to Existing Residence D Relocation .T'PI"EASE CHEC( AND ANSWER EELOW ALL THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT+*T ! Att Garate {5F) Z4o D Sunroom {SF) ! Greenhouse (SF)_ - Det Garase {SF I ! Pool (SF) _-==- {J Deck {SF) t .7o D Por(h (5F) [] Storage Shed {SF} _ n Other {SF} ls the proposed work shanging the existing footprint? D yes n No TOTAL SQ FT UNDER R@F Vor proposed workl Heated:qb\unheated: Z4o TOTAT PROTECT COST (Less Lot):)zo oQe .* Oescription of Wo*i ls the proposed work chaoging the number of bedroon s? ! ves /rrio 15 any tlectrlcal, Plumbirg or M€chanlcalwork being done to the Accesso.y Structure tr yes EfNolf the projecr is a Relocatio4 is there a N atural Gas U ne on the current site? i ,", Ei=,roIs the.e Etectrical Powe. on thls Building? ! Ves y'fo Property Use/ Occupancy; f) Single Family D Duplex d Townhouse A??€ o 'i(e fr,*- r <at B i|1a,," oIICLA,MER: I hereby lawr and ordinanc.! a rnfo.mallon. t'.NOIE: Any work pe{ormed owner/contractor: 4o.o*, Code and altothsr apphcabte State a^d lo<atany changes in the a pl and specifkanons or.han8e rn coniraclorwithout the rppropriate permits willbe in viotallon of the NC Slate Ar)t cenifythatall nd reSula onr. tli€ infonn tion inthts application ir cofleat and.llwort willcompty wth theThe NHC D€vel opmeni servic€s Cente. wiilb€ notiried of "Licensed Quolilie,"Signatute: ls the propeny tocated io a floodplain? fl yeg dNo Existing lmpervious Area: o Sq Ft TotalAcresDisturbed; a.al New lmpervious Area: (r'b SqFl Exi5ting Land Distlrbing permit: g,'Ves ; No WATER:d CFPUA E Communitysystem C) private WeI fl CentratWell E Aqua 5EW€R:d CFPUA E Cqmmunity System Cl private Septic D Centratse ptic E Aqua zone: fttr. (co) oficen rnl * lnxt f (8) ,K Approval:: (A) _- (v) - (N) -X_ sFErzft= .-r. - 1!| 5ubject lo lines up ro ssco.oo*' I'Cgmment: ii,i ;ii;peCiiOri l;6;X;, i, ;.air.rl);.1 Permit Fee: S ffi NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILOING PERMIT APPLICATTON Wp E; RESTDENTTAL PI€AsE ANSWER A'L QUESTIONS APPI"ICAsLE TO YOUN PROJE'I,,proiecr Responsibility,, J4! €P 17 {r4iFf a*v, ll/y( C" $r fu11*11 n -7q88 i 4:iEP ti 4r+" Applicadon (office use) ffi NEW HANOVER COUNW BUIIDING PERMIT APPLICAfl O N TYPE: RESTDENTTAL PLEASE ANSWER ATL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility,, APPI.ICANT'S NAME:?,-..Nl.,Date<B \.!4 lltcu ud*<CITY: tlPROJECT ADDRESS: suBDtvtstoN: \.^^t ) vt-N NL ztP 4o a p *os6t LOT #: I PROPERTY OWNEtrS NAME; OWNER'S ADDRESS:\o< OLna p'o {L A4-<-,t'(E 7nt CITY: h1r.o-,-t-r.. rr Ztpt ZZA,I ),,,,,0^,, LLL PHONE #: Ar" 4<z . t4t" CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: ?,(n^olLL6.J . l.LL BTDG LICENSE f t1L,LAo2,blol a,,s c- O(',r- 0a CITY: tI,r*ST: A. ZIP Ze4 r,3EMAIL ADDRESSi lu ,-L\PHONET ci( o 412 . t4ro PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:a PHONE: 4rc 775 - 3t1t EXISTING CONSTRUCTIOT{: ! Alteration n Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCnO : / Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation ...PLEASE CHECK A'{D ANSWER EELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT'*'* n Att Garage (SF) Z4O D Det Garage (SF)_tr Porch (SF) ! Sunroom (5F)! Pool (SF) n Deck lsF)n Greenhouse (SF)_l1o n Storage Shed (SF)_ D Other (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D yes n No rOTAt SQ FT UNDERR@F lfor proposed work) Heated:Unheated: 240 TOTAT PROJECT OOST (tess tot): S lZa @o.* ls the proposed work chanting the number of bedrooms? n ves E1ruo ls a ny Electrical, Ptmrbing or Mechanicar work being done to the Accessory structure ! ve, g/tto lf the project isa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? tr yes g/No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? n yes druo Property Use/ Occupancy: ! Single Family tr Duplex f, Townhouse ?eq 4ecI Qleou<n -rtnr.lfDh€ (,*u,<€€ BwEeEA$ \a. - 2114 DISCIATMER: I her€by certify that a the infornation inthts application is corect and att work wrI compty with the St ilding Code and all other appticabte State and localiaws and ordrnances and regulaions. The NHC Deve lopment Services Center will be not 'NOTE: Any rrork performed wathout the appropriate permts will be in '{o,.^, A. t2-,..o ified of any cha violation ofthe Signature: nSes in the a NC State and specifications or change in contractor subJect to fines up to 5500.00... Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolilier" ls the property located in a floodplain? il yes E/No Existint lmpervious Area; o Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed i a , o I New lmpervious Area: A9a Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing permit: E/yes n lto WATER:d CFPUA n Community System E private Well n Centralwelt E Aqua SEWIR: gf CFPUA E Community System E private Septic n Centratseptic D Aqua zone: r\ ru (co) oficer: - setbacks (F) | (rH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ Crty: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (v) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft=Comment: so"rln ,"", APPLICANT'S NAMI: 09 /1a /2n17 11 27 4t. t6 effi4fi{l t7 -?q88 ii::ii f , im NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P Ll CAf tON TYPE: RESIDENTTAL PIEASE ANSWTS AL! QU€5'] IONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT,,proje.t Responsibility,, Ni.. ("-.. Date PROJECI ADDRTTS: SUBDIVISIONI * dt.e v]er<C ITY ( zlP LOrH l7A PROPERTY OWNEXI'S NAME:L!.rF,;"i: il c0",,PHONE,: Ak, 4<2 . t4t,OWNER's AODRESS: G lo5 oL.L/!F,t(L Aq- CONTRACTOR ADDRESSI ?.",..., CITY] L^r,..*,ZtP: ZUi.,j .26 o1BLDG LICEN5€ S r.l a - cl.IYr Ar+ojrzlr --,-- sr: Fr. ztP:-Z -e-4u\ *_EMAII. AODR€SS: PROJECT CONIACT PERSON: PHONE: ci c 4< PHOl,lE. 4( t ?,1q - 3t1t{ EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration D Renovation [:] 6eneral Repairs NEw CONSTRUCTION: { Erect New Residence D Addition ro fxisring Residence L_- Relocatron ...PIIASE CHECK AND ANSWER EtLOW ATI. THAT APPI"Y TO YOUR PIIOJECT'T ' f l Att Garage (SF) _Z-{o i-l Sunroom (5F) _ f-l Greenhouse {SF) _[j Deck (SF) tla LJ Storage shed (SF) _ iJ Other (SF)- _ E Porch (SF) 15 the proposed work changing the existing footp,int? E yes E No TOTA! Sq FI UNDER ROOF (lor proposed wolk) Heated TOTAL PROI!CT COSI (Less Lot): S tLa 4scI Unheated: Z4o oxo * is the proposed work chnging the number of bedrooms? rJ yes y'r,to ls any Ele.trical, Plumbing or Mcchanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structtjre il ye, lFrhe projectis a Relocation, istherea NaturalGasLine on the(urrenl!ite? gl Ves LalUo,s rhere Etecrftcat Power on this guildint? n yer d No Property Use/ Occupancy: El Singte Family 0 Duptex / Townhouse y'*o Description of Work: Pee,,o.,,,..,All8 " v( r'j fc'r* r <(6 B,-,rEi?\, - 2 e-|q OTSCIATMaR: I herebv c€nify rnrt atl the information in this applcatron is correcr and.I wort w, L.ompry w,th t.eLawt lnd ordrna.ccs .nd re8ulationt. The NBC O€vetopment Ss.vices Cenle, wrI be notiiied oI any cnan8es r. rhc.lolnatron."NCIa:Anyworkperformedwithoutrheapproprtatepermrrsw tbpi.vrotil,onortheNC5t.teBl -._ {N} _X _ 8FE +zk _ _ rdi.g Code a.d allolhe. aogr,caO e Srare aid l.Gl and 5peLnr(rtrons or chante i. (oo(ltclor subiecr ro rl^€s dp ro 550000... Owner/Contractor:Sitnature:''Ltceosed Quoliler" p.jnt Nome li The property tocated in a floodplain? 3 ves /l,to Existing lrnpervious Area: O Sq Ft TotafAcreg Di5turbedt o. a' New lmperviour A.ear A'b Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing permiti g/yer Ll No WAT€R; a/CFPUA D Community System fl privar€We . Cenrrat Wet i: Aqu6 SEWEnr Y( CFPUA O Community {o*..., A ilr-..- tr, Syslem E Private Septic fj CentralSeptic .] Aqua otR".., lI(,,Setb Approval _t-_ crty; _rL{i_L a.ki(FlJ+(.1fu-tlf aooa Lxy # 1nx1**"._(s) Jg_ : (A) _-, (v) t-> rx/ lRspecl0n ke/.Juir4o Y ru-l;qi,) Comment: -$ Date: Permit Feei S *21n P OO 1/OOl 0o D oet Garage (SF)_-* D Pool {SF) --- zone, -[[qls2) APPLICANT'S NAME: \1 - So)b NUA'b'... t,,r5Ep ll lrt6f Application Numbe. (office use) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLTCATTO N TYPE: RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibilit/' 2/ e 9 CITY Date ..a Z ztPROJECT ADDRESS: suBDtvtstoN: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:m LL/,,PHONE f o- zYj-1V,i? OWNER'S ADDRESS:/r1 e CITY \AtrlL ztP:'|iz - CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: PRO.'ECT CONTACT PERSON t.'S /;"./;&-cl\ t, y'- cfl 3/;t?'1/v ,.4/'/L, licENSE #B 2p,.9t.ft-5, r)&'/r'1 5 ./.p0.i//" e q ^/ t/PHONE EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration L Renovation fl General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: ! Erect New Residence U Additionto Existing Residence D Relocation **'PI.EASE CHECI( AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT'** ! Att Garage (SF) _E Det Garage (SF)_E Porch (5F) ! Sunroom (SF)tr Pool (SF) E Greenhouse (SF)n Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? I Ves b f,lo TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF lfor proposed work),""ra, / k'('' Property Use/ Occupancy: fi-single Family n Duplexn Townhouse ToTAL PROJECT COST lLess Lotl: S / b , i'.L, c lstheproposedworkchangingthe numberof bedrooms? ! Ves b no lsanyElecirical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEy-esnNo lf the project is a Relocation, is there 3 Natural Gas Line on the current site? tr yes El No ls there Electrical Power on this Buildingt a ves ftl-No ! Storage Shed (SF)_ tr Other (SF) {,4 1 ?\ 1 Description of Work:l {,nnn Owne "Licensed Quolifier" print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? n yes C No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft New lmpervious Area: -- Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: -, Existing Land Disturbing permit: n yes tl No WATER: fl CFPUA ! Community System fu prirate Well n Central Well ! Aqua SEWER: D CFPUA D Community System E private Septic n Centralseptic n Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: -- City: _ Date:_ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= Comment: J !./ DISCIAIMER: I hereby certtfy that attt information in this application is correct and att work will comply with the State.Buitding Code i/vtt ,t e33 Permit Feer $4CI 0) ..r'a{,tP'''ffi, . , : .:'' <?ur,,.2 -/ J AI ./. z q unneateo: -/)- -) 1'7. s/ c6zz- */-nl*.-i. L/