OCTOBER 3 2017 BUILD APPSNiL .*' (iffi,E) -loYrr - 3o23 ?2sEF 17 2 ! 3?P1.1 /7 ztP (ofrice use)gtJ NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER AIL QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project ResponsibiliV' CITY PHONT #: CITY: n CITY PHONE Date / SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: APPLICANT'S NAME: PRO.'ECT ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: *2 BLDG LICENSE # ZIP:) EMAIL ADDRESS: n Greenhouse (SF) ls the proposed work changinB the existing footprint? n Yes ! No srNcztp 0-6PROJECT CONTACT PERSON EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration ! Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: ! Erect New Residence n Additionto Existing Residence E Relocation **TPLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER EETOW ALL THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT*** D Att Garage (SF) _E Det GaraBe (SF)_tr Porch (SF) n Pool (SF) zrrTOTAT 5Q FT UNDER ROOF (ror TOTAI- PROJECT COST (Less Lot) Description of Work: da ,Z- Dedorfr ptoposed workl Heatedi ,s lboD ls there Electrical Power on this Buildine? Tl Yes n No --t- ' Property Use/ Occu pancy: lyfigle tamily ! Duplex I Townhouse t4 '^_ lawt and ordinances and reSulations. The NHC Developme n1 Services Cenler will be notilied of any changes in the approved plan5 and specifications or change in contractor information. "'NOTE: Any work med without the appropriate permits ill be in violation of the NC State Bldg Code and subject to fanes up to S500.m"' Contractor: ed Quolifer" Signature: ls the property located in a rloodplain? A Ves & Existing lmpervious Ar€a: _ Sq Ft New lmpervious Area:Sq tt Existing Land Disturbing Permit: ! Yes D No WATER: D CFPUA tr community System \ lrivate wett D Central well ! Aqua SEWER: ! CFPUA D Communitysystem \ PrivateSeptic D C€ntralSeptic n Aqua zone: - officer: - setbacks (F) - (tHl - (RH) - (B) -Approvali - city: - Date:- Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - 8FE+2ft= - --t-( Comment:Permit Fee: S ! Deck (SF)_ LOT }: PHONE: D Sunroom (SF)_I Storage Shed (SF)_ ! Other (5F)_ Unheated: ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ! Yes tr No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesDNo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? ! Yes D No Total Acres Disturbed: _ fi OO NEt^l HAN0VER COUNTY BUILDfNG PERMIT APPtacATIoN rypE; RESIDENTIAL PIE.ASE AIISI]ER ATL QUEsIION5 APPLIGABLE TO \'OUR PRO]ECT .'proj ect Responsibi-Libp crry: BLOCI( ll: CITY: LICENSE $: CTTY: 'Vn krn tn Tottr - lorlT fl'fr&*rr z,irPr,l APPLIC4TTON Nurben (oFftc. Usc) APPLTCA T'5 E PHONE +: ACCOUI.JT }: oarc:Q'A0-l af@l ST:TIP I 1DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADDRESs: SUBDIVISION: PRoPERTY 0|^,I|ER' s Ol,\rNER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: ADDREsS : EIIIIAIL ADDRESs: PRoPERTY UsE / DESCRIPITON OF PHONE #; iTAIil E: 0 zIP PRO]ECT CONTACT PER5ON EGSTTNG CONSTRUCrION: uota.dl:J No I a lrerarrou I nnovnnoru GENERAL REPAIRS ! nerocrrrou NEN cOirSTRtrcTroN, EI entCr NEN RE5TDENCE or ! AOOrrroU TO E0srrN6 RE5TDENCE ''PLEASE CHEC( {ND A',]s}JER BELOI,I ALL THAT APPLY IO YOUN PNO:dCT. [l arr eame e 5D( r sr ! orr eruce sr I roncH SF sUNRoCN4 5F f] eool - sr I sromer sHED _ sFI anrnuorsr _,SF DECK 5F OTHER:SF rorAl HEATED tq fi, *At-l rorAl sQ Fr uNDER noor, 3lQ'J rorAL AREA sq Fr, = (JQ5.q ToTAL pRolECr cosTaslo , SAtfS&x) # oF sToRrEs: L5 Is ArD/ EIECIRTCAL, PUT BTNG ot IIECHAIIICA tlork BeiirB Done to the A.cessory Structure? ff Yes ff the project is a Rekication, is there a Natural Gas Line on the curnent site? [Ves f]ruo Is there Electrical Por.rer on this Building?Yes No fr occ,PA!,lcY I l-l s wonr: ,lTl,\-vl ho'rnrl INCLE FAMILY DUP L E{ffro,tmouse(_!_n 1tf(lrr( 0 I s DrsG-AruEe I hsEby c€.It hai an hlrmadon lfl t iE aPlcbn b ad E0ulstbEs. Iha NHc Dslslopm6n t se&ic€s c€n conuctand .lluDrk$ill cooply wih f|9 $E 8dHb9 Codo tr !ft b€ rlolrad ol a.ly ch8'tgas h fi6 appDv€d dafl6 and ard a! otprapplcabJ€ stab .r'd local la.E F€clrcatq16 ot d|ange h oont&br or Erd slbi€ct tr Fh8s l+ To $500,0cr- 15 THE PROPERry LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? EXIsTLll6 THPERWoUS AREA: -sQ FT tIEI,i INPERVJOU5 AREAI - SQ FT conhcbr htrrma[o6 '-NOTE AnY Wo& Psrt{II|eJ w/o fiE P€rm lb wll b€ ln Vrolalim ol 6e NC Sbb Bldg OHNER/COMIRACTOR:SI6AIATURE: *r* *+ *+ + *+ * ++ *+ +**** * *** ** JiHlJil?*:t***+ i+i+ *** * +** ***+ *** ++***+*+**t* *** **** ++* * **+ * +* YEs Ww TOTAL ACRES DTSTURBED: UIST LAI'ID DTSTURBING PER TT:yrs EI ruo parrnt I-l creun ! coqr4uNrry sYsrEM f] en:vnrr uru I cEMrhAL I,ELL sEr.rER: E cFpuA n cEl,nRAL sEprrc f] pnrvarr sEpTrc f] co$4uNrry sYsrE\,| :.8 SEPA.AiTE, PER}IIT5 SEQUIRED TOR ELECT,.AEC}I, PL86, 6A5 EQUIP, PREFIBs A T}sERTs t-T PAYi4EIII T{ETHOD:E qAsH E cHecx (pAyaBLE ro nncl I arll acco.rrr I n.Tvzsa DISCOVER ***+*** **+*+*t***!i*******at*,**r' *******r r*** itt*:t****** t** *+** i+*+ t t*a*+* t***3*** **i*:l* ZCl,lE: _ OFFICER: (roi orFrcE u5E drly) ta/rsa, o 16 o{/rrlr2 stiBAcKs: F:_ t}l: RH:_ B:_ ADDrovali City: DATE: FL@D: BFE+ttt=)avll Coirreht: 7fP: LOT *:I lt PHONE #: PHONE #: PERI,IIT FEE: C9/14/?O17 13:!-9 lqfi;1P,3,?1 17'lqKL APPLICAIION tlumb€r c t 5,, l;l 'i'r' ia,\iv NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI',IIT APPLIcATIoN IrPE: COMI{ERCIAL P!tA5E AIJSXER AIL QUtSTlONS APPTICABLT TO YOUR PFOIt(',I "Project ResPons ibi.I itY"e\ ,)/of{i(e ui.) DISCLAIMER:lhe /-< z'OATE : ZrP tzt?/t / t i ./ o) -/ J_IL SI: _ ZIP:- APPL ICANI'S NAH[ DEVELOPER: CITY: ) PHONE I E S ocCUPANl,/BUSINESS Nr\ttE : PROPERTY OI,JNER'S NAhE: t5 OIJNER'5 ADDRESS:I 9 CONTRACTOR i .9 ADDREsS:67 Ot lural EXIS] CONSTRUCTION: ll R€location. rs there a Na ALTERATToN I-l nrHovlrlot't Gas Line on the Eirent Sne? [ GENERAL REPAIRS No lS BLDG SPRIN RELOCATION ruene or I v"" I No SHE LL urrrr f| ADD To Exrsr STRUCTURE Is Etect PoHer on this Euiiding E-Yes E *o CITY: LlCENSE g: C]TY: (h.(r All lh.t APPIy) Yes st,4up3t729 il WA -2G2;(7<Z' r:242=6272-PHONE PHONE NEW CON5TRUCTTON, I enrcr NE], STRUCTURE I rlsr rucx ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: lF Yes, what Lras the Previous O(cupancy Type? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL : EN6R DESIGN PROFESSIONAL :PH Cr,.o1o EP A ls lood or bevorag6s ptoParod or selvod ln thls Sructuro? EYes f]No ts Tne rroperty h rhis applaallon rs c .r.1. Is rHrs a CHANGE oF occupAltcy ustl f]vts EHo "-"wtrit 1s the Neu occupancy -TYPe? t-,, he NHC Dcv"'NOTE AnY ^-,- 4k / fs SIGNATU R t.ocat6d ln Ths FloodPlain? B\ril f OF FLOORS: .--, ves flNo reb! cefttv $al sllrnlolmation ordi.ranc€i and rcsulbrions T .lor or conlraclor Lnlormatron. Subjecllo 'lo !500 00"' ONTRACTOOWNE r tE trcilit, or Duiloing *r! lour6 lo oL,non no!fi.lrions E lsb€slos l€rnoval lo D€ subnilt6<, us$ trs oPplcrdon lonn (DHHS'3 {nnBan Asb€nos or mt YolJ Dr€ r6quitod ro aall the NaOoBl Enbsron Stbh&tds tor HlztrdolJ6A. Potlutsnts (NESHAP) tl (91 0)-5950 sr liatrl 10 daYi qior b!n dcnoliuon ol .ny hcit,t, or btrilding So. Asb'slos Wob IOTAL PROJECT COST: TOTAL AREA SO FT TOTAL SO FT UNDER nOOr,..- f OF STRUCTURES ACRES DISTURBED ..Ers rc vrepussbGs:lrErm P hEnl HEtGHl: /5o BUTLDING # OF UNITS: SO FI PER FLR: J+-\lj--f OF STORIES: ,/ EXST TAND DISTURBTNG PERMIT?YES f^o SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOLS AREA: - SO Fr NEW IMPERVIOUS AFE.A: PROPERTY USEl floFFlc,E flnrsreunur ltaencexrtle leouc f]APT flcotloo oruen, WATER. ncFPUA coMMUNITY SYSTEM n WELL flzoNlNG rJSE CLASSIFICATIoN SEWER C CFPUA CENIRAL SEPTIC PHMATE SEPTIC flCoMMUNII'/ sYsrEM sfprnt/.lF t,l nrillS IiEO'.)rttfcr t oli l.Lt!] r'11clr rrltiL (.A5 Eo''nr I'Fi', alis E lNs( ft I s' PAYI/IENT tnErHOD: f clsr f]cnecx 1PAYABLE ro NHC) [*TentcnN E(PRESS flr'ncnrtsn f] orscown RE\4SED OilI '1t 1j1? rFoR OFflCE USE ONLY) I r sFI BACKS: F: N/L:H Llltaa,Nil e,tA ZONE:_:- _OFFICEF FLOOD: -- .-- -)L- BFE*2fi Approval:__- CitYor-DATE /,1c erli'tlenor U zt.{,is\a Y\,lComment N PERMIT FEE: $.-- PRO]TC'T ADDRESS: E'+AI L ADDRESS : PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: D D NT RTG d: NC Rt6 l: If UPFII - The Shell Pe.mit #: DESCR]PI]ON OT WORK: with lhe SEre ril.. l^rna,rlla^ fl-*r.16a nl n na i "; NEW HANOVER COUNW BUITDING PERMIT A PPLICATION TYPEr RESIDENTIAI PTEAST ANSWER ALT QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect ResponsibilitY' FLOOD ZONE a0 f -b5oq AppgcANfs NAME: Cottage Building Company, LLC Oate: 09/06/17 PROJECT ADDRESST 3966 Amaranth Alley ctTy: Wilmington ztp: ?8412 suBDrvrstoN:RiverLiqhts tOT f: 98 PROPERTY OWNER'S NAMEI Cotta Build Co an , LLC pxorur r: 910.343.9203 owNER,s aoDREss: 1 '105 New Pointe Boulevard, Suite 6 C|Ty: Leland 21p 28451 coNTRAcToR: Cottage Building Company, LLC s196 U6gN56 s. 73725 ADDRE5S: 1 105 New Pointe Boulevard Suite 6 EMAtt ADDRESS: reed.thompson@thecottagesnc.com PHONE: 910 343.9202 PRO.IECT CONTACT P5p561 Reed Tho n pnorut: 9'10.367.0730 EXISTING CONSTRUCTIONT D Alteration I Renovation C General Repairs NEw CONSTRUCTION: E/ trect New Residence E Addltion to Existlng Resldence E Relocation rta aat gt Attcarage(sF) 546 tl oetca.age (sF)- E/ Porch (st) [] Sunroom (sF)D Pool(SF) ! Greeohouse (5F)_[/ Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changint the existinS footprint? fl Ye5 D No TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF lfor proposed work)11qs1s6;2218 gnh93ls{;936 ToTAt PRoJECT cosT (Less Lot): S 282,745.00 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberorbedrooms? E ves E lto lsanyElecrlcal,PlumblntorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesDNo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? El yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Buildin8? D ves E ttto P.operty Use/ occupancy: I Single Family E Duplex E Townhouse Description of Work;Construct new sinqle familv residence tawt and ordin.nces and re8utationr. The NxC Oevelopm€nt Servlces Center wlllbe notlfied ot.nych.ntei ln the approved plans and t peciflcallon! or chlnge in coolractor information. ...NOTIi any work perrormed $rithout the appropriare permit! will be in viol.tion of the NC State 8ld8 Code and subject to finei up to 5500 00"' Owner/Cont.actor Reed Thompson Sitnature: "Licensed Quoliliet" Pint Nome rx'h'llvddn'dbrn"d' ;""Etr€rtve Ael' ReedThompson3,tlil;o,,.,,*,,-* ls rhe property tocated in a floodplain? d Yes No +PZA1t.l\lrJA'Xrl PEqt | > LOUA. Exlstint lmpervious Area: - Sq tt Total Acres Dlsturbedi New lmpervlous Ar€ai -SqFt Existint I'and Dlsturbint Permit: E Y€s O No waTER: E CFPUA E communitysystem E Privatewell D Centralwell B Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E community System E Private Septic E CentralSeptic E Aqua zon"' R.?c'olricer:-!!![ setuacks(r] lD' {rxl 5' (nx} 9' {s} 3' rpprovat: OlL cny;t rllLrY\ oaterSliflsltoour 1r1 P€Qr p1 - (N, - 8r FLOOD ZONE E+2ft= _ Comment:l'O usl- (orn u)+ Ptans €.c P€rmit Fee: S L-o^^A ts Ffiytz-t@. &qlire6 a- City lnpeclion Requneo, 9l &254-0im j, ffi L7 -3L28 Applic.!ion Number (offic€ urel ctw: Leland sT: NC ztp: 28451 390 0 storate shed (sF)_ n oth€r (sF)_ +{!&oo- I v NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SAFETY 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE - SUITE I70 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 Telephone: 910.798.7308 Fax: 910.798.781 I Itte nrc t : x'tt'v. n hc gol. c o nt Laurie A Behrens t, 4 to 7 WORKING DAYS TURNAROUND TIME FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE Laurie A Behrens , am submitting an application for a residential building permit to New Hanover County. And, as the applicant or person submitting the application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: tr I have attached an official CFPUA receipt or document that has acknowledged an approval of the payment made to CFPUA. E I have attached an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington. I have attached an official proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. !f the application is correct and complete with the required drawings, and if there are no corrections or revisions to plans and drawings, and if there are no further clarifications required by New Hanover County; New Hanover County can guarantee that the building permit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submittal date/time (the stamped date/time notation made by the Building Safety Department on the application or submittal document). I understand that the 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days only begins when the application is submitted prior to 4:30 pm on any working-day. Signed in acknowledgment: ffi 09/14/ 17 Signature Printed Name 3699 Amaranth AlleyAddress for the proposed residential work: Date STALEM ENT OF UNDERSTAN D fio t'] - lostq hq /'.:-r t1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P LICATIO N TY PE RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility'' a C|TY: /1/ I C O/.LOT #esa ?to 33/-33f / ZP:2?a( ?3SEF l7 3:38Pi Date {office us€) ?- zztTAPPLICANT,S NAME PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDrvtStoN: o ztP 2 C q/a PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:7r.or."PHONE H OWNER,S AODRESS:O 8c* 432-crTY: Lu / ( ,?qa/cl BI-DG LICENSE HCONTRACTOR AODRESS:o&r '12-32-crTY: fu f C *, lL& Z&oC EMArr ADDRESS: AD UetqOOcLl e 6?to)(.Atn L I o q2 tK,,t lbet-?a-L pHoNE: 9/A Tz.o - 933< PHONE 7ra fd-o-f?-?LPRO.'ECT CONIACI PERSON EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration D Renovation E General Reparrs NEW CONSTRUCTION:$rect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation .**PI.EASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT'I'I* xAtt Garace (sF)o n Det Garaee ISF) ! Pool (sF) D Deck {sF) ( Porch (sF)3ro F Sunroom (St) ! Greenhouse (SF)_ n Storage Shed (sF) -ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? [ Yes n No TOTAT SQ tT UNDER ROOF Aor prcposed work) Heated; ToTAt PROJECI cosT {Less Lot): S oc) tr Other (SF) Z lo o unh€ated:3eoo ls the proposed work changingthe number of bedrooms? tl Yes [:No ls any Electrical, Plumbin8 or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structu re 3 Yes! l\lo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the currenl site? ! Yes E No lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? n YesY No Propeny Use/ Occupancy F single Family a Du lex:l Townhouse Description of Work: s in the approved plansand specifications or change in connacior up to 5s0o.00"'laws and ordinances and retulations. The NHC Development services centerwall be notifled of any chan8e information "'NOTI: Any work rmed without the appropriate permits will be in v,olation of the NC ,^ ttt et\,'t4;- owner/Contractor: "Licensed QuoIilier" Signature: ls the property located in a floodplain? D ves S,ruo Existint lmpervious Area:Sq Ft New lmperviour Area t r8r Sq Ft Existing tand Disturbing Permit:V Yes ! No L7Total Acres Disturbed: WATER: ! ararO $ Community System ! Private Well D Central Well ! Aqua stwen: $ CFPUA t] Community svstem E Private septic D centralSeptic f] Aqua zone' ' officer: -- setbacks (F) - (l'H) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - city: - Date: _- Flood: (A) - (v) - (N) '- BFE+2ft= - Permit Fee; S t Comment \oo.oO NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUII.I}ING PERM]T APruUTDN TYPE: RESIDEIIITIAL PI.EASE ANSWER AII QUESNONS APPUCABLE TO YOUR PROJECT 'Proicct RcsponslbilM C]TY:Wilminqton ao('1- to5a>'. bl@'/3iEt 17 ie!:ni.i Applicauon Numter qlt {office use} tluAppUcANrs NAM5; Stevens Bu PRO.,ECT ADORESS: sUBDlvlslOt{r at West PROPERW oWt{EPS NAME: &fens Building Company Date: 5 1p.28409 LOT$: I I pXorr t: 91G79-8699 owNER s ADDRESS: 5710 Oleander Drive Suile 200 g6Y; Wlm ingrton CONTRACTOR:Stevens Building Company srDG g66x5g p. 31626 ADDRESS:5710 Oleander Drive Suite 200 g1y. Wlmingrton St: NC 21p.28403 EMAIt ADDRESS: snicholson@sGvensfi nehomes.com pxOrr: 91S794-8599 pH6xs.910-3324515 E Stordge Shed (SF) -- pRolEcT OOitTAcT pgnsor: Staci Nicfrohon E(STING CO SInUCnO : D Aherdtion D Renoyation E General Repai6 I{EW @t{$trUCnO : d Erea Hew Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation ...PI.EASE CI{ECf, AI{O A'{SWER BELOW AII THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR Pfio,ECTTI d att aarage (sr) { 0 0 E Det Gardse (sF)- d eora, 1sr1 { I ! Sunroom (5F)_ E Greenhouse (SF) _ tr Pool(SF) tr Deck (5F) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes TOIAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 120,000 dno tfi5o Unheated:6ot ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr Ves d fo ls any Electrical, Plumblnt or Mcdrankal work being done to the Accessory Structure El Yes lftheprojectisaRelocation,isthereaNaturalGasFeonthecurrentsite?EVesdm ls there Ele€trical Poweron this Building? E Yes E o dno Propertv Use/ occupancy: E single Family E tupler E Townhous€ DescriFtion of work New sinqle family constsuction laws and ordinances and reSulations. The NHC Developmem S€wices Center will be notified of any dEnrc5 in the plans and specifications or dlan€e in contrdctor irfonnatirn. "'NOTE: Arry work perfonned *hllout the eppropri.te pcrmits will b€ in violation of the Nc StatE Code end subject to to S5oo.oo... (}*mer/Coitractor:Micfiael Craig Stevens Signature: 'ucensed Quolifrel Print Ndrne 16ta1 161s5 9151urbed; 1/3 ErEting tand Dishrbing P€rmit El Yes d No mfrn, d CFPUA tr community System E Private well fl centralwell E Aqua SEWER: dCFPUA EI Community system E Private Septic E centralseptic E Aqua ?enei - Officer: - Setbads (F) - (tH) - (RHl - (Bl -Approv:al: - dty: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (Vf - (Nl - BFE+zft= -Commrlt: Pcrmft Fee: $offi. bo 1p. 28403 TOTAI SQ FI Ut{DEn ROOF lfot ptoposed work} lleated: ! other (sFl ts the property tocated in a floodplain? tl Yes dNo E dsdna tmpervions *", L525 *o rewtJpervrousrrea ' A1TT no t\ 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CATION rYPE: RESIDENTIAL PTEASE ANSWER ALT QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO'ECT "Project Responsibility" gLoll-tos?1 Lffi] Application Number {office use) AppgCANT,S NAME: McKee Homes, LLC Oate: 9/5/'17 pRoJEcT ADDREss: 7312 Springwater Drive crrY: l lllqDslgn 1p 28411 sUBDtVtstoN: Hanover Reserve 161s. 143 pROpERw owNER,s NAME: McKee Homes, LLC pHoNE f: 910-475-7100,727 OWNER'S ADDRESS: 109 Hay St., Ste 301 CITY: Fa etteville CONTRACTOR: GML Development 4ppg655; 109 Ha St., Ste 301 ctTy: Fayetteville EMAIL ADDRESS : krivera@mckeehomesnc.com pRoJEcT CoNTACT pgp5g1. Kenny Jones EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: I Alteration ! Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: I Erect New Residence I Addition to Existing Residence I Relocation 'I*.iPIEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ATL THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT'I'III' ! Att Garage (SF) 746 E Det Garage (SF)_. Porch (SF)226 E Sunroom (SF)I Pool (5F)E Storage Shed (SF) _ 21p 28301 g1p6 1165115E 6. 63970 sT: NC ztP 28301 pHoNE: 91 0-475-7100,727 pxote: 91 0-475-7 1 00,721 ! Green house (SF) _f Deck (5F)tr other (sF) ls the proposed work chan8ing the existing footprint? ! Yes ! No TOTAT Sq FT UNDERROOF Vor proposed work\1193196; 3136 Unheated: 1617 TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 156.800 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbint or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure fl Yes E No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: Q Single Family E ouplex E Townhouse Description of Work:New Construction. Sin le Famil Home laws and ordinances and re8ulation5. The NHC Development Services Center will be notrfied of any chanSes in the approved plans and specifications or chanSe in contra.tor information. r"NOTI: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Eldg Code and subject to fines up to 5500.00"' Owner/Contracto "Licensed Quolifier" p; Kelsey Rivera sicnature. Kelsey Rivera ls the property located in a floodplain? tr yes d uo Existing lmpervious Area: - 5q Ft New lmpe ruisg5 4193; 4753 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes E tto WATER: EI CFPUA tr Community System E Private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E Communitysystem E Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua Zone: - Officer: - Setbacks (F)- (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - City: - Date:- Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= -Comment; Permit Fee: Total Acres Disturbed; .21 Qi.oD 209 NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SAFETY 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE . SUITE I70 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 Telephone: 910.798.7 30tl Fat: 910.798.7811 I nte r n e t : wrvtv. n lt c' got'. co m Kelsey Rivera E z I, 4 to 7 WORKING DAYS TURNAROUND TIME FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE Kelsey Rivera , am submitting an application for a residential building permit to New Hanover County. And, as the applicant or person submitting the application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: E I have attached an official CFPUA receipt or document that has acknowledged an approval of the payment made to CFPUA. I I have attached an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington. I I have attached an official proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. lf the application is correct and complete with the required drawings, and if there are no corrections or revisions to plans and drawings, and if there are no further clarifications required by New Hanover County; New Hanover County can guarantee that the building permit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submittat date/time (the stamped date/time notation made by the Building Safety Department on the application or submittal document). I understand that the 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days only begins when the application is submitted prior to 4:30 pm on any working-day. Signed in acknowledgment: Kelse Rivera 3i1ltlt,tti,i3itffI;:"1"; Signature Address for the proposed residential work: Printed Name 7312 Springwater Drive 9/s/17 Date STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATDN TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PI,EASE ANSWER AII- QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility" Jd t't - I o3q 01 17=trE9 I IOR134 APPI"ICANT'S NAME: H & H CONSTTUCTOTS Of F lle, LLC pRoJECT ADDRESS; 152'1 Eastbourne Drive oate.09l22l2Q17 CtTy: Wilmington y1p. 28411 su BDtvtstoN: sanctua at Hanover Reserve PROPERTY owNER,S NAME: H & H CONSITUCIoTS of FaYetteViIIe, LLC LoT f: 134 pHoNEs:910.219.1485 oWNER,s ADDREss: 8209 l/arket Street Suite C CtTy: Wilmington 1p.28411 coNTRAcToR: H & H Constructors of Fayetteville, LLC g1p6 U66x56 s. 74158 ADDRESS: 8209 Market Street, Suite C ctTy: Wilmington St: NC ztp. 28411 EMAIL ADDRESS:iulicaffertv@hhhomes.com/ ierrybrenninq@hhhomes.com pHoNE: 910.219.1485 pROJECT CONTACT pERSON; JJ Brenning pxorue: 910.219.1485 E sunroom (sF)tr Pool (SF)tr Storage Shed (SF)_ E Greenhouse (sF)O Deck (SF)tr other {sF) ls the proposed work chan8ing the exlsting footprint? E Yes E No TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROO! lJot proposed workl 1193196;3437 Unheated: 911 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 198,269 ls the proposed work chanSing the number of bedrooms? E Yes E No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanlcalworkbelngdonetotheAccessoryStru€tureEYesENo lftheprojectisa Relocation, istherea NaturalGas Line on the current site? E Yes El No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? El Yes E No Property Use/ occupancy: E Slngle Family E Duplex E Townhouse Description of Work: SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING laws and ordlnances and regulations. The NHC Oevelopment Serv,ces Center wlllbe notllled olanythanBes ln the approved plans and specificatlons orchange ln contractor lnformatlon. ...NoTE: Any wor* p€rformed wlthout the appropriate permlts wlllbe ln vlolatlon of the Nc State Bldg Code and subject to fines up to S5m.0O"' Owner/co11y36161; JJ Brenning Signature:CIK/b**- 'Llcensed Quoltiet" Prlnt Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes E No Exlstlng lmpervlous Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed:19 New tmpervious Ares; 3054 5q Ft Existing Land olsturblng Permlt El ves E tto WATER: El CFPUA tr Community system E Private well E centralwell E Aqua SEWER: EI CFPUA E community System E Private septic [f centralseptic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Appioval: _ Clty: _ Date: _ Flood: (Al _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ uu Comment:Permit Fee: S Appllcation Number (offlce use) EXISTING CONSTRUCflON; tr Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation {.*TPLEASE CIIECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTT** E Att Garage (Sfl 483 tr Det Garage (SF) =- El Porch (SF) 428 t i q8Q. r)) I, 4 to 7 WORK]NG DAYS TURNAROUND TIME FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING JuliCafferty , am submitting an application for a residential building permit to New Hanover County. And, as the applicant or person submitting the application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: A I have attached an official CFPUA receipt or document that has acknowledged an approval of the payment made to CFPUA. tr I have attached an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington. n I have attached an official proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. lf the application is correct and complete with the required drawings, and if there are no corrections or revisions to plans and drawings, and if there are no further clarifications required by New Hanover County; New Hanover Gounty can guarantee that the building permit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submittal date/time (the stamped date/time notation made by the Building Safety Department on the application or submittal document). I understand that the 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days only begins when the application is submitted prior to 4:30 pm on any workingday. Signed in acknowledgment: JuliCafferty 9/22/2017 Signature Printed Name Address for the proposed residential work Date NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEPARl'MENT OF BUILDING SAFETY 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE . SUII'E I70 WII,MINGTON, NORTTI CAROLINA 28403 Telephone: 910.798.7308 Fax: 910.798.781 ] Inlerne I : u'vtw. n hcgov.com 1521 Eastbourne Driv€ NEt^l HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPcI@TIott rrpr: RESf DENfIAL PLEASE ANSTER ,[IL QUESTTONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR P8O]ECI .'proj ect ResponsibiJJ.t5d t CITY: BLOCI( rr: n APPLTCATION Nunbe n (offrcc u5€) oo-rr,Q-A a-t'l t!,t7 -5gPtl APPLrcari[, s NA]'rlE : DEVELOPER: PRO]ECI ADDRESs: SUBDf\rlSIONT PRoPERTY 01,'INER' s OI,{NER'S ADDRESS: P}iONE #: 7TP: Lor *: lu.it E:('7PHONE #: ADDREsS: EIUTL ADDRES5: PRO]ECT CONTACT PERsON: E(rSTINC CONSTRUCrION:A LTEPATION R ENOVAIION S UNROO4 SF sr: ![ zrr:5 LICEN5E *: ?3371 crrY: l, t0 tuT_-st:t"lcztp:2.t61 ACCOUNT T: PHoNE #:Qlylfl-,fuQ( enor,te *:Qlp1ffi_a!fl GENERAL REPATRS I nerocnrrou ut ( NEW coNsrRUcEoN, El-etrcr NEt^t REsTDENcE o" fJaoorrrow ro E(rsrrlrc RESTDENCE .*PLEASE CHEC( AND ANSHER BELO}' ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTIpf arr oanaer 441 sr ! orr eemor sF EIpoRor 37Q sr SF STORAGE 5HED 5F GREENHA]5E .sF SF OTTER:SF rorAl HEATED sq fi, A3Q4 rorAl sQ Fr uNDER noor, 3230 rorAl AREA sQ Fr:ao?-4t TOTAL PROJECT COST pa:sr.p : $# oF sToRrEs: l.t Is Any ELECTRICAL, Ptlr,lBJNG or IIECHANTCAL tlork Being Done to the Accessory Structu.e? f] Ver f] lo If the prcject is a Relocation., is there a Natunal Gas Line on the Cunrent Site? flyes [ruoIs thene Elecbrica] Po.wen on this Building? f]V"r f] lio PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCYI UTSING FAI4I L DUP L TO}II\&IOUSE DESCRIPTTON OF I,JOR(: POOL DECK oI{NER/CoNTRACToR:5I6[IATURE: (Prjnt ri!!.)*++++*r+*+++*+++++{++++*++++++*+.***+* ****+** ***+*l+ *+** *** *+tit*+++ +**t *+* **{* t*** +ti t+* DlscLALlEFt I h6€by corl, tral aIa odha.lcas a d lBgul8rioDi Ths 6ont'acb. hbrmald. '-NOIET tuY ii'b.madon ln tri6 applalon b co.rectlrld !I NHC D6lslopnE0r S6rvh6s CEo Er wil b€ rDl Wo* Pe.ttrmel !V,lo fi6 Apploptub P€.mlb vork$ill @flply wlh tlo StlE 8dldbg Codo ted ofany ciangsB h hs apprcv.d plans and wll b6 ln Vt]latoo o f drs NC stab dd d otl€rapptc.bis SEb fld loc.l la#e 5p€drc?t9n6 q.dla g€ h coflt&bror .rd srbi€at b FhiE tb To E500,o(r- ! orscwrn tEvrsED oa.rE n4lt ,/t2 r5 THE PROPERry LOCATED T A FLOODPLAIN? DctSTII'jG IMPERWoUS AREA: _ sQ FT NEI,,, UIPERITOUs AREA: - SQ FT YEs dw TOTAL ACRES'DTSTURBED; E(IsT LAND DrsruRBr c pERfirrr l:1 yrs r.].1 ruo r3. sE2d?tTE, PERATTS SEQUIRED FOR ELECT, .flECB, pL86, 645 EgJIP, PREFAAS & ITTSERTs PAYI.IEIT I,IETHOD i E cA.H E.nr.x lravrar-r ro rncl I BILL ACCOJiIT E..t*to*** * *** f*++i*+**+*l**t****+* ***** *******t +*** fr** ** (roR ofFraa t,sE oflry) SETBACKS: F:_ t-li: RH:_ B:_Appnoval:_ !ity,:_ DATE:_ FLoOD: _ _lrv Colllrleht: *+*****t+++*+******t***** _ BFE+2ft= N PERIiIIT FEE: $ LPfuA CONTRACTOR: ZONE: _ OFFICER: nr rER.: WFpuA f] ccr,,rnluurw sysTEM E pRrvATE urELL ! crmher- wrr-r- sENER:.fl cFpuA E CENTRAL sEpTrc I enrvare sEpTrc f] co4f4uNrry sysTEl4 @ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDTNG PERMIT APPLLCATIoN IyPE: R:ESIDENruAL PIE,CSE AN5DER ,iIL QIJESIIONS APPLICARTE TO \13TJR PRO]ECT ..proj ect Responsib j-Liqd 1-twb l1- 3tat APPI]ICATTON Nutber (oFftc. Us.) DATE:AAPPLICAffT,S II,IAI'IE : DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVIsION: PROPERry OiJNER'S I,IAfi E: OWNER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: Y t1 ( crry: LTCEN5E CTTY: BLOCI( 1r: LI PHol'lE #: PHONE #: ZAP.. LOT X:.1a'\ sr: ULap: UP (1(ACCOUI'JT }: IEIUTL ADDRES5:PHO E #: PROJECI CONIACT PERSON:PHONE *; E(ISTT|'!6 CONSTRUCTION:A LTEPATION I na'ovmoru ! oelrent REpArRs. E RELocATToN NEW CONSTRUCTIOij, ffrtrCr NEU' RESIDENCE o" ! AOOrrrot'l TO D(I5IING RESIDENCE .'pLEAsE cHEcK AND atsrJER BELol,l ALL TIIAT AppLy ro youR pRolEcr: Arr GAFAGE 43Q to suNR@4 _sF CREENHCTJSE SF ff orr aauer sF E poRcH 4lQ tt t0-1r POO L DECK SF ! sronacr sHED _ sF SF OTTER:SF rorAl HEATED rq rr,434( rorAl sQ Fr uNDER noor,33(00 rorAL AREA sQ Fr: rorAL pRolEcr cosr(L€ssGti ' g495&X) # oF sroRrEs: t.6 ;L!D[t * PRoPERTY UsE / ocCUPAttcY I DESCRTPTToN oF I.JoR(: t5]/.1 srMLE FAMTLY [-l ruprp< . n hor.n€. TtsicltB-roururousrn t^uns oHNER/CONTRACTOR:drarunruRr, (Pr:nt [Er.)*** *** * * * ** ** ** +****+ +t*+++r +$+++***3+*+**+**i++*+***++**l**i+ir+**+*i*+*+*+*{+t**+tt**** r5 THE PROPERTY LOCITED IN A FLOODPLAIN? EXTSTING TMPER\IIOUS AREA: -SQ FT NEI^J T.iPERuIoUS AREA: -sQ FT YE5 ( co.nplywirr t|o SEb BJldhg Cods ard a! otpr app5€bl6 SEE rd lo.al14,/. y cje'lgss h h6 app@v6d d46 ar|d eodrcatoos q.han96 h oonr&or o. Vrolalim ol he Nc sbb Bldg lrd e,bhct b Fho6 Lb To $soaoa- tlo T0TAL ACRES DISTURBED: _ D(TsT LAND DI5TURBII'IG PERHTT: LI YTS I I P rurEn: fr creua I co,lyuNrry svsrru f] pRrvATE WELL I crurfur- urLr- sEr.IER: S cFpuA D cEt'nRAL sEprrc E PRTVATE srnrrc f] cour,,UNrry sysTEM 'tr SEP!.[.ATE, PERATTS REqUIRED FoR ELECI,.AEct, pLB6 GAs Egjrp; pREFlrs a rlJsERTs .-. pAy!.rE r flErHoDr Ei*n E.nr.r (pAyaBLE ro nn.1 f] arr-i rcconr -flnc7wsl I orscovrn:l*****t*t**t******:******+*++****+t**i*+tr****#****rFif,rt*;*i**+****t********:rat***i****++ (FoR orFrcE usE otly) .e,fist' oArE n4/71172 sETBAclG r F:_ LH: BH:_ B:_ Approvaf:_ cit)4:_ DATE;_ FLooD: _ BFE+2ft=lrvr CollIrc nt: I ?Jq \kr,'t PERfiTT FEE:t+6D ?65EP l7 2:r6Pt Is Any ELECTRICAL, PtlJHBr-NG or I4ECHANICTTL Uork Beihg Done to the Accessory StFucture? [ Ver f] lfo If the pnoject is a Reldcationr is there a Natunal. Gas Line on the Current Site? [Ves [ruoIs there Electrical Pqwer on this Building? [Ves I r,to DlscX-{LVER lh6.Eby c.rll, hal aI ad ordhaftss.nd lsgulsdons: Th€ conl_acb. hbrmaSon. ZoilE: _ oFFICER: _ ,@ ,rudpr8NEI^I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDfNG PERMIT APP LACATION IYPE.- RESIDENTIAL P!E.{5E AN5]IER AIL Q|JE5IION5 APPI.IC{BIE TO YOUR PRO]E'T ..proj ect Responsi-bi-liqd 2ri 5EF APPLTCATTON Ntmben(offt.. UsG) l7 2i49Pt1 APPLICJNT'5 DEVELOPIR E DATE: PHONE *; PRO]ECT A.DDRESs:CIry:ztp BLOCI( *:LOT *; ,5 PRoPERTY Ot^,tiER) Ob,NER' 5 ADDRESS ta)CONTRACTOR:LICENS *:1 -/l ACCOUNT }: ADDRESs:CTTY:zJP: EI{ATL ADDRES5:PHONE #:lD-'lt' PROJECT CONIACT PERSOII:PHoNE #: q ll)-.a%l EcsTrNG coNslRUCrIoN: I arrEParrol.r ! neruovlrroru [ e er.renrr- REpArRs. fl RELOCATTON NEu, consrRrlcTfoN; Ef EREcr NEt^t REsTDENcE o" ! aoornow ro Egsrruc REsrDErucE S'PLEASE CHEC( AND AIISIJER SELOII ALL THAT TPPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: don **uu -fu-t lorr enuor sF EhoRcH *-10, ,o f] eool_ sr fJ sronqae sHED _ sF DECK 5F OTHER:SF TOTAL HEATED SQ FT!TOTAL SQ FT TJNDER ROOF:rorAL AREA sq rr,!(g[-E ToTAL PROJECT CoSTuoro : $# OF STORTES:.) Is Any ELECTRTCAL, Pl,lrIBJlG or tlECHAr,lICi! tJork BeihS Dohe to the Accessory Structrrre? f] Ver fl m If the project is a Reldcation., is thene a Natural. Gas Line on the Cup.ent Site) flVes [ruo Is there Electnical Po.wer on this Building?Yds No PROPERTY USE / OC : I srrucLr rnurLv DUPLE{ DESCRIPTToN 0F l^,oRK: E:PHONE #:4 ITIPST: suNRocx'1 _5F GREENHOJSE -,SF fi DISq-AITER lhelEby.rra ly hatal hFhadoD ln tr,E apptE[oh b co.rectsrd llluErX$ill6mpJy wlh tle SrE &rlldhg Cod6 cld a! otpr app[csbl€ SEb sd to.d ht,.. ard odhancas.nd Elubtohs. Tha NflC Ds!€lopmen( s3 rulcs CaaErwiU b€ noltod ofaayciBn$6 h fi6 applDv€d pl.n€ and 5p6df.ad4n6 or ciar]g€ h conrEbror conr-.cb. htrrmaton. '"NOTE ,any Wod( P€rbmeJ lvlo ts ApplDprlars P€,'rn lb wll b€ ln ylolaton oI6a NC sbb Elds Cod. .nd slrbJ€ct b Fh.6 tt To A5oo,Orr OUNER/CONTRACTOR:SI6}{ATURE: +***+*++++*+*+++***********(IfJi{i11 ***r**++t+**++**ilt++**r+*****+*1i*tt*+l+{**+*+*****t rS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPUTIN? D(ISTIIIG IMPERVmUS AREA: _SQ FT NEl,i IfiPERUIOUS AREA: _SQ Fr YES \rrtD- ruTER: $ cFpuA E co'4r,4uNrTy sysTEM PRIVATE WELL sErrrER: [l cFpuA f] cEtnRAL sEpEc f] nnrVnrr sEpTrc I ll0 TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: EXIST LAI'D DI5TURBUIG PERfiTT: J]:1 YEs CEMTiIAL I.IELL Col|I4UNIry SYSTEM NO 'tt sEPArrArE, PEEHJTS REqUIRED FoR ELECTT ltEcHr pLB6, 6As EqJIp; pREF,(3s a rllsERTs rrr pAynEHr ,lErHoD: I qasH I cHrcr (payaBLE ro rnr.1 fiarr-i *.a,r* - [ n.Trrro g orr.orr*** * * *** *****r****d*** *****+1+* * *t *;r *t*+** **** #i**+i(+* +*** *++ +:*:r* **t+ ****:i+* t******t*i*rr* ZONE: _ OFFICER: Approvaf:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLoOD; _,A Co rcnt: (fon ofFrci t sE o ry) awrsEb nATa 6471r./12 S ETBACKS: f:_ Lfi:_ gH:_ B:_ BFE+zft= ll TtY(\^l \r-0V0ir) I mln( LIA'rq 1trrr^ PERMTT FEE:t4qQ d SUBDTVISION: . E TOr,'MrOrJS E NEId HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI.IIT APPLIaTIa rypF: RESIDENIIAL PIE4SE ANSI{ER ITI QUESIIONS APPECABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT .'proj ect Responsibiltt5d CIry: BLOCT( il N1-\@t\-1ffi ?6sEp rr : _ LOT *: APPLTCITTON NtrllbeF (offrc. us.) Olfe:Q -a t1 zAP:' C-np APPLICA T'S N,AJ'IE: DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADDRESS: SUBDI\.ISfON: PROPERTY ol,rlNER'5 l\rr$lE: OI,\,INERJ 5 ADDRESS: PROPERry USE /0cCUPANCY r tICEIrrsE iB: 781 I crrY: U lnffi**- PHO''IE #: CITY: PHONE *: ST & CONTRACTOR:ACCOUI'IT *: ADDREsS:5T: EI{AIL ADDRESS:nHoltr *: Q 1 PRO]ECT CONTACT PEPSOIiI:Vo .Rfinnf IA puor'rr *' Qt0 3*.473I E(ISTIN6 CONSTRUCIION:A LTEPATION I naov,moru ! e erueml nrnnrns. ! RELocArroN NEN CONsTRrrcTroNr El-rnrcr NEuJ RE5TDEME o" ! nOOrrrou To BGsTIt{c RESTDENCE '*pLEAsE cHEc( llo lrrltn BELol,l ALL THAT Apply ro youn pRo:icr: DET GARAGE El-poaer 410 rt I eoor-_ sr STORAGE SHED DECK SF OTHER:SF rorAL HEATED tq fir RAStl rorAl sQ Fr uNDER *oorr 3lQ7 TorAL AREA sQ Fr: rorAl PRorEcr cosr6sGq , $ a4aDur # OF STORTES:,5 Is Any ELECTRICAL, Pl.lJl'lBJNc or I4ECHAIICAL Wol.k Bein8 Done to the Accessor-y Structure? fl Yes No f .twt ff the project is a Re1dcation., is there a Natural Gas Line on the Cunrent Site) f] yes f]NoIs there Electrical Pgwen on this Building?Yes No DESCRIPTIoN 0F l,loRK:th l-l srrucrr rp.urv l-l r-)nh0vne ra DUPL ffromnousrE( )tsirn( 1)(Y\l'(l or{NER/CONTRACTOR:dreNnrunr, YP'f ,r -,'----'_ aDrint N.!.1+++*+*****:i+f +*+*++*++**+++i++**+****+***+**+t*l++*+tr*+***+++ii++;tt++**+t++++*+tit*+*** rs rHE pRopERry LocATED rN a rlooopurnt [.]-l yrs DCTSTING THPERWOUS AREA: -SQ FT NEW IfiPERWoUS AREA: . -SQ FT EXIST LA},D DISTURB$IG PER TT: I.I] YrS I]I I,rO Dlsq-ArMEFl, lherEby c€dry tataI ard odhancss ard rBgljlsdohs. Ths cont cbr hbrmador\ '"NOTa Any warra;Fl SELlER: $ hlmaton ln r'iE apldloD b co.,icl snd arl$ork$ilJ comply wlh tlg S6ts AJHhg Codo 6rd a[ ohoraFpic.t'J€ SbD rnd kca, L^c N!1C Dst€bpmsn r S€rvlc5 Canbr wil b6 rlot tud ofar y dpngss h fia appov€d plan6 and Gpsclj.auon6 or.hahgs h contebr or Wo* P5r6.mej lvro he ApPrDprhb P6rnlts wll b€ h Vbhdo.l ot ils NC stab Eldg Cods ad $/b,€ct b Flne6 LF To Esoo.oc- Lto TOTAL ACRES DI5TURBED: cnrue D co,lyuNrry sYsrEH PRIVATE UIELL cFpuA E cEIrRAL sEprrc I pnrvarr srprrc n canlul u,ell CoIII'IUNITY 5YSIEI,I ..t SEP!.A.ATE, PERATTS REQUIREO TON ELECT, AEC}I, PL85, GAs EqJIP, PREFAIS & rtJsERTs .-r PAY',IEIJT I'iETHOD:qlsH cHEcK (rAvABLE ro mc1 [ orr-l acco;w I ncTwsl florscovrn**********++****tl*+***** ZoNE: _ oFFrCER: Approval:_ City:: DATE:_ FLOOD: -- ,A Corfient: *t *+t*+***f,t** i(ii* ***;l **:i ***+:r*t***** *+* t******a * *** t* (ro8 oFFrct t,sE orly) ,eltllEn ba:lf n4ltt/12 5ErEACK5: F:_ Llt; BH:_ B:_ BFE+Zft= ll PEfulTT FEE:r+r\ 0D flarr eemor h-C[\ sr ! sur'rnocu _sFI enernHorsr _ .sr EEo: CfQoq,3ff* wJ169,.) ADDRESS i a, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERIUIIT APPLICAT lott rYPE: COill'tERCIAL PTEASE AIIS}JER ALL QU€STIONS APPLICAALE TO YOUR PRO]E(T *Project ResPonsibiIitY" [r,rr dmavrr fa.rri,t 4hnv / $D &yb\ :}'L7 -7 65 APPLICATIot{ tiunb€r (Offlce Use) DArEt EAolaAPPLICANT'S NA$E : OEVELOPER:I PROI€CT ADORESS: SoOt c,ztilc Qr.CITY: occuPANr/BUsINEss t|A E: (olfut QatY fleoo\sr.'tQh.*l zlP -ee7 Pro{E #: glo, c6.{.tlo6? CITY: !Jrlrnyplan SltHOZtPt ?./691Z. 1 *lics' %oqrJ .l trn"lta PtK{tE #: qto, 7-5q..1o6, ST: zlP: PHONE *: PfO E *:1tb.?5V.\tbA? No PROPERTY otrr{ER'S A E: C{NER' S ADORESS: 69lO hnlieAfihQf.l cONTRAcToR: 16P LICENSE *: crw: ETIIAIL ADORESS : PRO]ECT CdITACT PERSON: (Cteck AII lhat Apply) Exlsr coNsTRUcTIoN: ! arrERArroN [--l netovarror l-l crrennl REPAIRS T-l RELocArrd{ tt Rslocation, istherea Naturat cas Line on rhe;;rent She? EY;ENo tS BLDG SPii(KLERED? XYes NEt{ CONSTRUCTION: ffi eneCr NE}l STRUCTURE f} ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: FAsr rRAcK I sxrr-r- [ unrrr I noo ro Exrsr srRUcTuRE If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #: IF Yes, vhat Has the Prevlous O<cupancy Typel r**r+ rs THrs A CHAN6E OF OCCUpANcy USE? flyEs filNo ****. Is Etect Po{er on this suildlng Kl Yes il Ho !./hat Ls the Nel, Occupancy Type? AnCH DESIGII PROFESSIOIOL r EN6R D€SIGN PROFESSIOML: DESCRIPTIoN 0F IIORK: ts food or b€vsragos prep €d d ssv.d in urs onrctre? fllves [ ruo h Th6 Proporty Locsrad tn The Fto@atn? ff ves [t ruo D|SC|,A|MER. I heroby cenlfy that all rntormalron rn thE applEation is corr€cr afld all e.ort will cornply wilh O|6 Stiate Eu,ldlng tue and all other apdicab/o Srate and local laws aad o,d'nancas and reoulattons. Th€ NHC Dgvelooment Servkos Cefltor will be notified of anv d|ano€s in Ol€ soroved oians and soecilicatbns or chanoo rn conractor or contraclor iiroamatlon. "'NOTE. Any Worft Perrorned w/O lhg Appropnate Pofinfrs wlll 66 rn Vldatroi o( |he NC State Bbg Code a^dSubJecl'Io Fin6s Up To $500.0O- OWNEFYCONTRACTOR: Kqr1fl] C4l^'/'^O- SIGNATURE: bl ,ITL-Q -(O'dn n erh,Lltl )lb: Drrnolldon norifcato{E e B!€!!. rarlord pomlt lpglbdqrs a! b b. rub.nhod u!i{ th€ epdica{o.r to m (DHHS.3788} 'rt|ets rio tcllity or hjtdL{ wr! L[!ld b co.tt h A.b.6. o. not, Yoo .r. rsquir€d b c.ll 66 tLlonll Emirsidl Sb.&.d3 b( Hlzr.dour Ar Folut nt' ( ESfiAP) d (9,l9)m7-5950 , b.r l0 dsyr Fior b th6 d..noliliofl ol sny tuclty or buldng. See Asbc.b. Ubb tlE: hlryJ^t/uw,lpl.ltb.nc.ulr6pi6sb3.rklalmp.tfil TOTAL PROJECT COST: $14M (APPROX )aurLorruc xerGxr:32 FI # oF UNTTS: TOTAL ARFA SO FT :80.349 SF SO FT PER FLR:1 ST:58,253 SF / 2ND:22,096 SB OF STORIES:2 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF:58,253 SF # OF STRUCTURES:# OF FLOORS: ACRES DISTURBED: +l '12 ACRES EXSr LAND DTSTURBTNG pERMtr?ff yES ilNO 239,580 SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA 2 WATER: SEWER: CFPUA CFPUAE flcotsruNlrYSYSTEU EwELJ- ECENTRAL SEPTIC L]PRIVATE SEPnC 145.580 SO FT ff zoNrNG USE CIASSIFICATIOIT EDUCATION (EXISTING) E CoMMUNITY SYSTEM ". SEPARATE PFRMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, MLCH. PL8G, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS E INSERTS '' PAYMENTMETHoD: ffcASH EcHecxpeylaLEroNHc) firuvrenrceHa<eREss EMc,I/rsA Eorscown (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY)REVISEO DAIE 4/11fl2ZONE: OFFICER:SETBACKS: F: LH:- RH:- B;Approval:- citr- DATE:- FLooD: --- BFE+2tt= AVN Comment PERMIT FEE: PH: PH: (.haru;hon<r .dr.ffi qlr.?lp,tr6, Nc REG #: gl?s (t..?9L 7(o? Nc RE6 f: o\'Sql NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: PRoPERTYUSE: florrrce finesrauaerr luencmnrr-e flleouc [*,r lcorioo OTHER (\t7- 1 b5 2c;1\6b7 zl ,APPLICATIOI{ l{umber (office Use) =lzs f ''r Exrsr cd{srRucrroil: E aLrERArro* 3 *.nJffIriii 'ET?lii*. nerarns fl RELocArror{ lf Relocation, is there a Naturar cas Line on the -Cunent Sire? ! ve!-[ ru" tS ALDG SpffixreneOZ ft V"s ! No t{Ett coI{srRucrro{, F(:nrcr Er srRUcruRE ! rnsr rarcr ! sx:r-r- ! uerrr ! mo ro Exrsr srRucruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: 1. APPLTCANT, s MrrtE: Fo t{(E\fA 4oPSnB.rcnon{ CoZ?.DATE DEVE LOPER:PHONE #: PRO]ECT ADDRESS:CITY: u{l\\r-,\\p er\rJ zIP: ag{o3 OCCUPAilT/BUSIiIESS iUWE: (c t\g € t=,naeru OCtr PRoPERTY ot{NER'S IIA}IE: U6ri ]dlree{ee (ou.r nA SaL"otS rxonr *:ip32ji:15$ge? O[{I{ER' S ADDRESS: (oqto <..aC.oLr '.r A B}t Cp,CITY: C-r1teyy1t Nr re-r sr:lLczIP:2g1ta co TRACTOR:@ LrcE[sE *:@_ADDRESS: Br t, r-c-o 5-c CITY:t-r-l sr*lC zrp: lgjlot mou PHONE *: 3to --ra 1- 61o 1 PROJECT CONTACT PERSO :PHONE *: lto - +6 q --?9 q I If UPFIT - The SheII Penmit #: IF Yes, hrhat lras the Previous Occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGT'I PROFESSIOML: Is Elect Polrer on this Building E yes E ruo r'l*rx rs rlrs A CHANGE oF occupAlcy user Ives Iro.-..- PH:NC REG #: NC REG #EI{GR DESIGN PROFESSIOML: DESCRIPTION OF I.IORK: 6 PH: 6AO fT €6 ls iood or b6v6rag6 prepared a serrred ln trts *rmrra? @yes I Ho ls The Propo.ty Locatod tn Th6 Ftooddah? E ves ffiruo co.lEln A3be3b6 o. not You e.s roqd7ld !o call tto Nslional Emtsslon S.Lndeda fu xaz.do(B Ar Po utanb (NESHAP) st (919,707-S9SO at t6e5t r0 dsF Fhr b d|od..nolilbn of .ny fecjlity d hitding. Sa Arb6bs W.b Sib: tltlpj ftfl.€tr.ltst .ft.u!/qrsD€it6/dmp.hlnl OWNERYCONTRACTOR:,|1;K6 T-EAVAq.LiA SIGNATUR TOTAL PROJ NG HEIGHT:3or B'# OF UNITS: TOTAL AREA PER FLR: TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: _ ACRES DISTURBED: # OF STRUCTURES; Slate Buitdi Code and allother applicable State of olans andNC State specrfic6uons Bldg Code and f OF STORIES: , OF FLOORS: Exsr LAND DtsruRgrr.rc peRr,lrrz l-lves [ ruo SQ FTNEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY)ZONE:_OFF|CER:SETBAC REVISED DATE /V1t/12 Approval:_ City:_DATE: FLOO Commenl KS: F:_LH:_ RH:_ B:D:-- AfE.ft= N (z,L?, CF@*, ?nvivl PERMIT FEE:$ \NI NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAIION rYPE: COIIIIIERCIAL PTEASE AXSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOTJR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibilitr, E AIL ADDRESS: What is the iler Occupancy Type? with the be a PRoPERryUSE:EoFFlcE!Resraumu!rtlencnmrr-epeouc!4ry!cor.roooTHER:- lvAM:ElglfuA fJcoMMUNnrsysrEM EWELL flzoNtNcUSECt-ASStFtcAloN:sEwER: IBCFPUA E:ICEiITRAL SEmc fl p-RtvArE sEpflc fl-coMMur,rry svs*u -. SEPAFIATF PFRM S REOU RED FOR ELECT MECH PLAG GAS EOUIP. PREFABS & INSERTS *' erwemuernoo: Ecnsx Ecxecx{e florscoven N1lw (l (r NEI.I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDINC PERI,IIT APPLICAT I(N rYPE: C0ltltElCIAL PI.EASE AXSTER ALL QUESTIOI{s APPLICAsLE iO YOUR PRO'E(T 'ProJect Resporsibilitf CITY: \.lrlirrElerr L7 -7 65 APPLICATIO{ t{unber (offic. lr3.) APPLICAT{T'5 NA'iE: DEVELOPER: PROIECT ADORESS : SoOt cr'tol<, Ar, occupA r/B{JsrNEss Ar(E: (olhu &*. fllo*"r,t *h.p\ *IACS OovJ ,{ (luo' lonlitho<h?i,CITY: CONTRACTOR: 18P LICENSE f: ADDRESS : Ei{AIL ADORESS; PROJECT CONITACT PERSO : Pro E *: qlo,t{06? st I Ho ztP | ?,/E lt?> ST: Z,;Pl PfioitE *: oare:|tfbl!- Pto E *: 1to,?.5q.t10a,4 ZlPt ?etlo2 Ptlo E *: 7t6"2tSV.|]bA? J PROPERTY o|'NER'S [Ar,lE : (I,INER'S ADORESS: 6qP (Ch.ck A1l Ihat APPIY) Exrsr coNsrRucrron: f] ALrERArrori I REr{olrArro{ fJSSrrnar It Relocadon, is there a Naturcl Ga6 Llne on lhe Current Sit€? lllYes [_lNo IS BLDG SPRIN REPAIRS RELOCATIOiI KLERED? X Ye.s No NEl,' COT,TSTRUCTTOT{, fl rnrCr irE}r SrRlrcTURE I rlSr rmcr ! saer-r. I wrrr I lm ro ExrsT 5TRUCTURE If UPFIT - The Shell Pemlt *:Is Elect Pd.rer on this Buildlng K Yes il *o rr..* rs rgrs A cHlli6E oF occupAircy user fivrs fitip .*.** IF Yes, tdrat {as the Prevlous O<cupincy T}Del ,&at ls th€ l,l€r, Occupancy Typ€? ARCH DESIGiJ PROFEsSIO AL: EIi/GR DESIGiI PROFESSIO'{AL: PH: qL.?!p,tto, Ptl:(1..?ti. 7(t+ ITSCLAIMEn I horoby cstify lhat all 'niormato.l ln rhls application Is cdraci ald dl tt/qk wll comdy wllh t|€ and local la{s and ord,nancos ano reubtionG, The NHC Devabomdn S€wlcas C€r E willbe noffi€d ol anvor chame rn conlactor pr mn!-actor lifonraioar. '-tlOTE: Arry Wo.t Porlormed WO tle Arpropride Pe.nltsSublecio Flnes Up To 1500.00'- dEno€s in tll€ sDrDv€dwlll b-€ rn Vidanon of lhe Srat Bulhing Codc and all otlEr applicado S:lale olanE end so€cillcationsNC Stat€ Eldq Code anc OWNEFYCONTRACToR: k66d, LAu Urto-SIGNATURE:bt lrLe - TOTAL PROJECT COSr: $14M (APPROX.) BUILDING HHGHT:32 FI # OF UNITS: TOTAL AREA SQ FT :0.349 SF Se FT pER FLBJST:58,253 SF / 2ND:22,096 SB Of SfORteS, 2 Nc REG #: q L?8 NC REG #: 01, ((IatLi (Prx tr|r) t{ob: O..noltoo notnctdortr 0 -D€B rirpvJ p€rmlt appt&.ta a,! 6 b. r/trnlt d uiB t}p arpli)siiqt fo.rD (OHH93rBE} tl.aEr rh6 b.ilv o. hll*rC w.! burd b corn h Ad..e. or IE( You io rlqind b ccl dE l5sr.l EnLho $fiS t l'Hou. Ar PoluEoE (l€S+lAP) d (910)7!75950 i lqr l0 dq/. Fbr b tr€ dgrdtthn ot lny bcaty o. h/id@. 56 ^g5€.8 $r$ St : hty./fu.ry.+1.!ti.ic.G/b!i/b!b.Ak/€lmp.lrrhl TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 58,253 SF # OF STRUCTURES: ACRES DISTUBBED:+/- 12 ACRES NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA; # OF FLOORS: E(ST LAND DrlrrURBrNG pERMrr? E yES fl NO 2 pRopERry usE; EoFFrcE flnesraunanr lueacarnr-e X eorrc [ err flcouoo OTHER WATER: SEWER:E CFPUA CFPI.JA flcor/ofl.rNnYsYsTEM f]wEr f:lcENTMr_ SEPTTC Ll PRTVA1E SEPIC EzoNlt{G usE cllsslFlcATloN EpucAroN (ExrsrNG fl coirMUNrTY SYSTEM 239,580 SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA ." SEPARAIE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP, PFEFAES & INSERTS '' 145,580 SQ FT REVAED DAIE 4/11'12 -2 =Ea,-.o)) x.,3C npAyMENr METHoD; ficnsn flcreo< leevealE To NHc) flemenrclru o<eREss E McNrsA D orscown Comment (trc e) alzt l'? PERMIT FEE: $- CTTY: ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) SETBACKS:F: 'I LH: * (br.tus ho*,t ,dr.r,,t $.,llMl'I ' DEscRIPrroir oF tJoRK: &r,I,lli^ 4 /&iCi1 e,.u ^.1 , ftL:tl il,,t stt^nl b food or b6,ssgoo prtprld q rir.d ln rHs ouctre? flves I No f fre Aopeny Locrud ln The FloodpbtnZ f] ves [l no AVN l.{<)D (w DATE:tlLqlr.l FLooD: Clear Form Prinl L7 -298L AP" L-f. Ar r rtcAT I ON Number (office Use) APPLICANT'S NAME:Halpern Ogden, LLC Halpern Enterprises. IncRESS: ?122 Marker sr. unir,/suiLe #1{O-CI : wilmington OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAflE: Far:, . rr ,te OWNER'S ADDRESS: 52rll RoswelL F.ci, NE CONTRACTOR : -DATE: 69,,1372s1' PRO]ECT ADD PHONE #: : ZlPi ": - CITY: n5g3ns3 _ PHONE #: 7ro-151-0 318 ST:5a ZIP:36342 - LICENSE #: CITY:ADDRESS: PROIECT CONTACT PERSO : Kemp Roberts I kenprobe rr s l,a gmai.L com (ahe.k A1I RENOVATION Ihat Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION ST: _ ZIP: _ PHONE f: - PHONE #: 910-262-5150 lI Relocation. is there a Natural Gas Line on the No NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NE[^J STRUCTUR E urrent Site?l'--tto IS BLDG S trPRIN KLEREDr Yesli GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATIONliES FAST TRACK SHELL UPFIT If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #: 2afl-2066 Is Elect PoHer on this Building li Yes rN0 *r'{'** rs THrs A CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY USE?r YES li. NO ***** IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Typel _ What is the New Occupancy TvDe?ARTH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL;Duane Roof I RLR 4 651 ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL:-Nirnir Desai RLR PHi.7.7A_6-14-26AAPH:ffi1-lf,iS-NC RE6 #: NC RE6 *:0 43341 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: consLrucr re!di.I upri! ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure?f, Yesli- No ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainlf _ YeE- NoDISCLAIMER: I hereby cenify lhat all information in this application is conect and all work will comply with the Slate BualdinO Cod6 and all other applicabte State and local laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Developmenl Services Center wrll be notfred of anv chano€s in lhe aDoroved olans and soecrfrcationsorchanqe in contraclor or conlraclor information "'NoTE Any work Performed wo lhe Appropriate Permils will 6e in violati6i of $e Nc stats Eldq code andSubledlo Fines Up To $500 00"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR: Kemp Roberrs owner's Rep SIGNATURE contain Asbestos or not. You are required lo call lhe Nalaonal Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutanls (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 al teast 10 days prior lo the demolition of any facilily or building. See Asbestos Web Siter http://www.epi.state.nc.us/epi/asbeslos/ahmp.htmt TOTAL PROJECT COST: TBD BUILDING HEIGHT: 22' #OF UNITS: 1 TOTALAREASQ FT: .], ]18 Sf SO FT PER FLR 2,318 sf # OF STORIES: L TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 2,318 sf # OF STRUCTURES: I # OF FLOORS ACRES DISTURBED NA NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA PROPERTY USE OFFICE RESTAURANT IVIERCANTILE Approval:_ City:_ DATE_ FLOOD Comment EDU APT CONDO OTHEI Nt-1.,1A SO FT WATER SEWER SYSTEI\,4 CFPUA CFPUA '-s COMIV]UNITY SYSTEM T1 WELL CENTRAL SEPIC D FRlvArE SEPIC T-'I ZONING USE CLAS Tolrrttturutrv SIFICATION EPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH. PLBG. GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS PAYMENT METHOD f CASH l-. cnecx lenvnBLE To NHc) f - AMER|CAN EXPRESS [-_ lacnrrsn l- orscoven (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY)ZONE: OFFICER SETBACKS: F :LHRH N B- BFE+2ft'_ PERMIT FEE: :*DISCLAIi"IER: SUBMITTING THIS APPLICATION MEANS THAT IHE SUBMITTAL CHARGE IS NON-REFUNDABLE NEI^I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P L I CAT ION TyPE: COIIII{E RCIAL PTEAST ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility" PROPERTY OWNERTS NAME: H;tf.e::L Lrr,t.:rL, LL. eMail N1-6U DEVE LOPER : E!iAI L ADDRESS: tr trtr ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE Exsr LAND D|STURB|Nc pERMtr? _li yES r NO SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: a- NEW !{ANOVER COU].,i-i'Y BUIIDING FEEMI- APPi ICAT,ON 7\:pE: RES|DENTtAt ti:t a5t Ar.Si/r'tR aLt Q _'_ lN: APTLKABT! l(JYCUFpRcjt(:-t,: ject Re!i3rribiliv' 2-A?- LOt 8 l'l: l-,.Jj-, ---l- :- F=r,s5ir- .*:r.:;ti cz:Data lttzl : crTY .i,i ?^ [ --] r ,."-,., ?i0 -9?o'9.J,r^:-1\-^-- zrP._'l&H()3 ; ? :;!:-r owt::-- 5 NAME: Owr.itn'S lOOnrSS, \2? coi,-: Aci- i AOARESS: i\ _ Zt" Q Qa-: > BLDG I.::::,IS€ ;, ST ryiS.::'lG CONSiiUC'llCll: : Alrer.l'.. q'-:.,at,.- l. G€ne.a! Repai*f34ro ygNEWCONJ:cU-'ON..5i.-{.ee Nsw H - }.i1.--rot,ist,rrgRelrrl(e -. R(;( .cn . '' 'LEASE Ci!':X ANO ANST!: i B:I OW ATT THAT qPP:-Y TO YOUN PFOJfCT- -. EMArr" ADlri:ss: Joh.1J_tv,r.:5 gena\f On-:& E.-carr-. PRorEcrcoNrp.i::rsr*, llL," I- $:,' f r1J3 - Ari 6ar.rE( (5I) X€?. G.r?.. isr) lq99 Surtlor)r:l lltj _ poct ]i:; l : G.a-4hou5€ (Sf) .. De(l(,rii l! lhe proposed v,O.t j'' lint ihe er,5i - .o(.i.- -.r^- yel No fC-At SQ FT UNo:-f r.AJF Uo. pi-:..-.ed !,.'ti Hga:ed: __ UoheaiEC?..T::At PROJGCf CC! Les.s Loi).5.- - - rec- li:hear^.x.i.:i,jroll.r--.: i.t.-1. -\,roibcr...-.? -. yas Irt{o 15 .oy Electri..l. Pl.,;ibiiE or Mcc|aflical wo:k br,ing c: - 1 to th€ Ac(e55ory St.uriJre ,,k ye, lilhepro,a.ir<aRet-a;tiari isthe!.€a l::- rra! Ge5 :ine o:r the cl--rr site? - yas _t No ls:here €,€ctricai Power o,l thrs Building? ye, >-:.,1c prcperty U!:, O((rfer.la Tashtl. Family _: DuptEx = Townttosse De<(ngtion gl Wo/-l$i-.I c< :!:.-..:..<)sl: r Oll(l I'llltR I h{cny r, 1'rt .i}t alt !,., r.r..---.-'i.c "- .re'r_.' 'hr f'HC".: 1 r._ 'n6r,'lnr- :-1-,'^--:w.{.i-.-ilt46r}crlr --.i.rf,rhtr,.. ., c-.td ^f c.,rtr 1:,ii,.t(,,. . .. !..,,t,, r,r,,--_r.rj.tvr((!Cir.:(r{rlo.-1,..dorir./.rai[r1r.:tt4---,..,.!i.-:.d1or.tr-r,,rr:.nlor,:,-rt,rr,i....--'^-.,-..--,-:trdilLf(,f,riatEaottncNasr..-.c,-f. _, , ,,.r'llt Jer.r\rti1....,I - ,,1 ., Z-/t' --lScr,sS--.. - s:::1Etu,e: - -4_-": ;_f ---"^--:t"'-- b -.r -Fro ( { 2tP PHONE rnorvrflO-i??.-3tqq Por(t (sFi _ 5lljr.rgo Sl]ed lsf) _ O!hrr (Sri lcio No Owner,r/Cor:.;ctor: -5L^ 't'-^\.d Quolil- ?tl!'ie prc-^-.. to(a..tr | a 1,..-.!tt:i^ Erin':': !m'.-.,:our A- "" \bC:c,<> ? N€w ,-.-.vioui A-:i l*! f , so ,,Erisi'r.. '-E.i Dasturbrnt P.--;:. I ye5 No WATIR: Cf)t rr. C.-,n 'r,riy;ys. TotalAcres C .:r.rbed nrf!;le VJ. -_ Ce.- _,W€. Acta f iva:{, S*rrr (eni'al:__' _,\ou;sEV:il z-re, $- Commenl: Cc-_ '' rniiy S: -'i -'(s ' 1xx1 - .S' p1 /o' be lll {N) ,( =: =+2" = ltaalletJ bre-{A-< o^--"r"- s 15 ori.- 6G .<:r .x,6{Bwr Ql , ,,n, /L3' . -, flrJsnoa rot+ AlJilror) Jo hattie n,tsl-.aL+-ctLhLr 3o.1Je ily lnspection Peourrec a'i 0-?54'fi) APPLICAl{T'S NAMt: -.:]3J[CI ADDRESS: SUADIVISIOI\l: 2ot7- !322- 1-1 lR- L NEW HAT'IOVER COUNW BUII,"DING PERMIT APPLICATTON l|ypE : RESTD€NTIAL PtEASf ANSWIR ar! QUr- o sapptiaa8tt To youS gioJtal 'pro:e<t Rerpor6ibilky. :3!A?PLICAN:'S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: _l?Z ip. e,.r,.ritLa SL',EOrVlStON - --- Da?c: ! /t,l q _ crw' l) i."1,"a1:^ _-_iit-z? * :- '5- PROPERTY OWN:R'S NAME -.:,\\.^c. i I5 pxomo l\O-iio-31+Y ow, (J:t-..Ii.-ro^ zrn-- f.c3' :- -,-- rtfO+fe: Q C-ilo-3t+t-r owNEs's ADDREssi,_il_ L Gec-Sff .,ilk F.3 CONTRACTOR: l^} rner mor:ss, jb\- €-lasrrjSl ea.:= .---LrlY B 'Lc -.PHONE: 8LDG UCENSE r:--!1 sr, lk-zP LtLta3.:2o- agpss5, 1?,1 'Lar<r:;i iir P) EXIS'rlMi COflSrRUCIlgr :Xilrehion = Reno,.;i:.i - GeneGt ReF?,- EW @NSirU6lOlrl: E Erecr N ew a.siren ce { ldft;:n ro erirting Residenc! : nebcaton :j An Grrage (5F) ' '-TPROIECT CO\TACT ?ERY)N: -oV:l.{.r1,^,i9 : sun,oorn (SF) --f Greenhouse i!:i "'PLEASE CHECN ANp aNswEF BEI_OW a& rHrT appll T-o yg-u!.peor€q.,. i'._+ _ t so(s;)E4+'FFE- z pc,,.- tsFI _pa---l1qc-!tF) : Oeck {Stl ls the proporeC $.ift (hantlnt the exist.nq Iootprr:.i) E yes - No rOTAISQ F.r U DER RoO.Vo| pt....?/ wo*) xeatea: -_..1QO O Unhe.ted: -- _-j e_ - TOrAt pRoJEcr aosr russtotl, s l,2,jco l! ahe p::ii:r.C $/ork cir6ri;-B the n,.j-ber of be{..ooms? Xvcs = No ls any Eladrl.el. Plu;'lbir€ or Meahaniaal v..r? trjr: l.rp :r:le &ce(iory Sructure X y6 L oItrhe project is a Rllocrtlon is there a l.:atij:-r!6as line on lha !r-"nt SiIe? = yet k- tyo Ir there Ele.:-..lPower on rhis BuiiCir3? Xy6 J No Prorerty UsG/ Orqipancy, (Si4de f..nitv l- DuDl€r - Townh.u,e -rxsEriprion o{wb*: - A:};liF U];?", ,.' :-*-J- l IiU ^t'f-rlr} f Pool (SF)-- od: (l)_(v) - a,_t L",uJ fc !a:: ___(",..,,, Yio.. ., j .l<jlJ.^ a.:\-lo arJr- -!:u."-.-.r - sEw€Lfi New lnperrious Area: ],(jOo ast wl;at y .- JA : ccrnmun,ry s.a. - - E ilting tlnd Dinlrbi.t pe...r;.:: : y6 I llo Private Wtll : CentralWell tr Aqua Pnvate s€pt( C"-i-a,5eptic a Aqua ..tti] -/D ,ait ./D tst ZS -_ {N)x gFE+2{t: .t,I,..u.tA -_ _P.'rnt F..:5 Zone U:e,: Tdic lppro'rat, -C L atv,I-,I Community Sv.: -iD - setoa.t {rl & - .-L-oat.: C../i_./?-/ Fro co,n,tcnu{- 11. :d -,i8,' .;t-4=Jii-E;|.r: ptirrz C-:":hz.J Qrald ry lns0eelm rteouBo vr0.25a$ D Stot4e Shed (SF) __ I- otf er I i;i