OCTOBER 19 2017 BUILD APPs'?il]^*l- l;lJ *LDTNG PERMTT aPPLIcaTIoN rYPEr COMMERCIAL tflug li t: l.BP l{ )6t?-tp+z APPLICATION Number (office Use) PLEASE ANSI.IER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" DEVELOPER: McAdams Homes LLC PROJECT ADDRESS: 727s Carolina Beach Rd, BLDG B CITY: wi Iminqron OCCUPANT/BUSINESS tlAlrtE: sourhern sroraqe PROPERTY OI'INER'S NA E: Infet watch Development partners CONTRACTOR: McAdams Homes r,LC LICENSE #: G99o? ADDRESS: 6626 C Gordon Rd CITY: wi lmington EI'IAIL ADDRESS : bianca@mcadamshomes . net/grady@mcadamshomes . net PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: crady Gordon PHONE #:910-?98-3006 ZIP i 2a4t2 ACCOUNT #: ST: NC ZIP:2jjl! PHONE f:910-?98-iooG PHONE *: 9).a-367 -1223 (check All lhat Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION: f] ALTERATION lf Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW STRUCTURE RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION Current Site?Yes n No IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?Yes No FAST TRACK SHELL ! urrrr fl noo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE If UPFIT - The SheII Permit #Is Elect Power on this Building I Yes Eruo ,','',i!i!:,. rs rHrs A cHANGE oF occupANcy user flvesIF Yes, xhat was the Previous Occupancy Type? _ what is the NevJ occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOTIAL : El'lGR DESIGN PROFESSIOTIAL; PH:NC REG #: NC REG *:PH: DESCRIPTION OF WORK ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure? ves [ ruo ls The Prope]ty Located ln The FloodplainZ I V"" fi No 0ISCtAIMER: I hereby cenify that all information in this application is cofiect and allwork will comply wilh lhe Slate 8ui and local laws and ord'nances and reoula ons- The NHC Develooment Services Center will be notffied of anv chanoes r 6r ch,nqe in contractor or conlraclor i-nlormalron. "'NOTE. Any Work Performed WO lhe Appropriale Permils will 5e in Subjectlo Fines Up To S500.00"' BUILDING HEIGHT SQ FT PER FLR: OWNEF/CONTRACTO R: edam sosne SIGNATURE:(ouam8d (Pdnr Namo) Not6: Demolldon notifica{ons & asb€stos removal pemll applletons are to be submitl€d using the 6pplication form (DHHS-3768)lhefacillty or bullding was found lo conlaln Asboslos o. not You are roqulrEd to call flo Nadonal Embsion Standards br Hazardous Alr PollutanB (NESHAP) 3t (919)707-5950 at Isasl 10 d€.nolilion of any hclllty or bulldlng. S€€ Asb€slos Web She: hllp:/I/vww. epl.sEle. nc. us/epi/asbestos/ahm p. htnl devB n tt t prlor to lhe lding Code a all applicable State n lhe app Bldq code andC # OF UNITS: # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS EXST LAND DISTUNSINC PCNI'4 Z I-I YCS TI SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: EDUC APT CONDO OTHER:storaqe flzoNrNc usE c rl CoMMUNTTY SYSTEM tr A t ACRES DISTURBED: NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA pRopERTy usE: florrrce Enesrnumur [ueRceurru WArER: ECFPUA flcoMMUNlrY SYSTEM fl WELL SEWER: E GFPUA fl CENTRAL SEPTIC Ll PRIVATE SEPTIC PAVVIENT METHOD:flcesn flcxecK (eAvABLE ro Nncl fletu-eccouur fiuovrsa f]or ZONE: OFFICER: (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:_LH:_RH:B: Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD:__BFE+zft= ,.SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT,I\,1ECH, PLEG GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *' N fu-1t1lL t1 I Comm€nt PERMIT FEE: d,A & APPLICAT'IT,s tulrE: DATE:._3:jy_ PHONE #: 910-798 3oo5 otlNER's ADDRESS: @ crrY: wilminqton sr: !!- zrP:!!l-l-]- ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: # OF STRUCTURES:,J TOTAL PROJECT COST: $ J.nr,. ToTALAREA sQ Fr, \c]Jid- TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: _l Clear Form Print eMail NEI^I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATI,N TYPE: COMIjIERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" 2otl- llal+LHZt2 APP L ICATION Numben (office use) DATE: ZIP: 294n5 APPLICANT'S NAME: DEVELOPER:PHONE #: i.iilmington OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAI'IE: Li1..i L3:l vanrllit shell PROPERTY OWNER'S NAIIE: 1,1..r;.1.. Tcwn Cen.er Lp OWNER'S ADDRESS: 6815 colservario:r way - PHONE #: 9fi -25.o-51)r CITY:',111n,11E16n ST: 111 ZIP:2g465 CONTRACTOR: DH Gritfi,. construcrion LLC ADDRESS: 6oo Green VaIl.ey Rd. Surte 301 _ LICENSE #: :s3rs EIiAIL ADDRESS: sail,rns0 jhsc. ccn CITY:6.."n.5o..ST: 1,i; ZIP: 27466 _ PHONE #: 316-31i-109g PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: 3re.;e -l-ctar,,i - PHONE S: 135-31a-1098 (Che(k AII Ih.t Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION R ENOVATION lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the urrent site?l-[-l GENERAL REPATRS l-l RELocarroN Yes l- trro rS BLDG SP-RTNKLEREDfi vesl- ERECT NEW STRUCTURE FAST TRAC(SHELL UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE Mr!lnirc Towr Ccntcr Vanilla \hcll Ahcration 9-29-11 DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: 5..4.i.1, Archirecture Btair Gocdrich - PH : 9 1 6 - -1 4 3 - I 6 5 5 NC REG #:7434 €NGR DESIGN PROFESSIoNAL:-PH NC REG #: DESCRIPTION OF t,lORK:Add new reslroom, modify duct. existing elecl., HVAC, install new rear egress door, exisling water and waste line - tie n If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit #:Is E1ect power on this Building [. Yes f NO TvDe )ARIH ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure?f Yesl- No ls The Property Located ln The FloodplainT- Yedi NoDISCLAIMER I hereby cerlrfy lhar all rnformation in this application is correct and allwork will comply with the State Building Code and allother applicable Stale and local laws and ordinances and reoulalrons The NHC Develooment Services Center will be notrtred of anv chanoes in the aooroved olans and so€cifcatrons or change rn conlractor g! lqntfactor 'ifornration "'NOTE Any Wort Perlormed w/O lhe Appropnare Permils wrll 6b in Violalioi of lhe NC Slate Bldg Code andSubiectlo Fines Up To $500 00"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR: (;ary Rcsers / steve Ada:ns SIGNATURE BUILDING HEIGHT # OF UNITS lquar ie, (Pihr Name) conlain Asbestos or not. You are required lo call lhe Natlonal Emission Standards lor Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) al (919)707-5950 al leasr 10 days prior ro the demolition of any facility or building. See Asbeslos Web Site: httpJ/www.epi.slate.nc.us/epi/asbestos/ahmp.hlml TOTAL AREA SQ FT : TOTAL SQ FT UNDER SO FT PER FLR ACRES DISTURBED EXST LAND DTSTURBTNG PERTVTT? r yES r NO NEW II\,lPERVIOUS AREA SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: PROPERTY USE OFFICE RESTAURANT I\,lERCANTILE EDUC APT CONDO OTHEI Et\,4 EPARAIE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT T,IECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP PREFABS E INSERTS SQ FT WATER SEWER SYSTEM CFPUA CFPUA COI\4MUNITY SYST CENTRAL SEPTIC T-'1 WELLHvnre seprrc T"] ZONING USE CLASSIFICATION?ouvururrv PAYMENT I\,,IETHOD l- cnsr l- cHEcK (eAvABLE To NHc) f Ar,4ERrcAN ExeRESS f_ Mc/vrsA l-_ orscovrR ZONE: OFFICER: (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:LH RH B $ 37.990 1418 sl II PROJ ECT AUUKE>>; lgll ltlrn center Drixe NoNEW CoNSTRUCTION: Ll ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: rF yes. what ,,"' .n" o;;:::";.H:":r'iil::o'.J.','fo"" "jll... It".[-::;:::;""., Future Fet,air TOTAL PROJECT COST: fOF STRUCTUR_ # OF STORIES: r # OF FLOORS: Approval:_ City:_ DATE_ FLOOD:_ BFE+2ft, AVNComment PERMIT FEE: : *DISCLAII4ER: SUBMITTING THIS APPLICATION MEANS THAT THE SUBMITTAL CHARGE IS NON-REFUNDABLE \rS $\sY ,fi+rydL ,olll lo1+ aFFffeITm l{umber (Offlce Use) Clear Form Prlnt eMail NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERIIIIT APPLICAIION rYPE; C(}IIIiIERCIAL PTEAsE ANSIIER ALL QUE9TIO'{s APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECI6Project Responsibility', APPLICAT{T' S ilAfiE: I Mayfairc rosn center vaitla shetl AheEtioD ffi | - oare:9-29-17 OI.'NER' S ADDRESS Town Center Drive Wilningt'on ZIP i 2a4aa OCCUPANT/BUSINESS l{A}{E: r,and Lord vanitta sherl PROPERTY O},NER'S ilAIilE; Na PlOtlE f: 916-255-5i31faire Town Cen!er LP ' 6835 Conservatioo wa C0iITRACT0R: DH Griffin Consrrucrion l,LC ADORESS: 566 Green va11ey Rd. suite 301 EitAIL ADDRESS: sadansGdhqc. com - LICENSE #: :s:rs : WilminqLo:1 ST: NC zfP:28405 ST: NC ZIP: 27408CITY:6..un"6o.o - PK)I{E #: 336-316-rO9B PROJECT CO TACT TERSON:Steve Adams - PTPNE #:338-316-1098 (Check A1l That Apply)EXIST CONSTRUCTIO{:ALTERATIOTI lf Relocation, is there a N L.'a' Gas Line on the GENERAL REPAIRS T-l RELOCATION I No ts gLoo sphlftxrengpr,l- yes i- _ RENOVATIOTI rrent Site? i-- No NEW COI{STRUCTIOiI: i-.,] CNCCT NEH STRUCTURELJ ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: FAST TRACN SHEL.UPFi'T ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE If UPFIr - The Shell Permit f:Is Elect Power on this 8ui.]d:ng tE yes :{0 .*... rs rHrs A CHAIIGE 0F occupaxcy tsE?T yEs i- no r*.,r IF Yes, rhat ras the Previous Occupancy Type? Retait _ t{hat 1s the Nell Occupancy ;XPfi?DESIGI{ PR0FESSIOI{AL: Goodrich Architecture BIair Goodrich - pH:910_343_l 0 55 NC RE6 f NC RE6 * Future ReEaiI i'l434 EI.IGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL PH DESCRIPTION OF WORK:: --.t.' ':.^ ^)isi3I new rear egress door. exrsting water ano wasl: ? rn Is food or beverages p.epared or served in this structure?f- Yesli t\lo ts The Property Locared ln The F:oodplain ,t- . ye{i _NoDISCLAIMER rherebycenit lhal allinlodnation in this spplication rs conecl snd arlwort wiltcomply with lhe Sraie Buitdinq Code and s[ olher aooticabte Srale ii:;::a'J"ilL?tgry!?i!t6.kdtrf.ii".*'"1id"'r...{8+?i1"J".,&ffiil*ffi;ff3iiy,,[T,J,..,I3.""J,il{.*iis.*;1.::;""frsp,""i,.#ft"is,3t!8ffigtrgr"iSuhedlo Fnes Up To S500 0C"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR: c".v Roqers / steve Adams SIGNATURE:(ouarrrie) end NanE) co,naln Asb€slos or not You aro requir€d lo callths N.tional Emisslon Srandaids for Haza rdous At Pottutants INESHAP)at (913)707-5950 al tsasi 10 dsys pdor:o bedeholilion ot any tucility or buildino. S€€ Asbenos W€b Sile: htrprlrrav epi.srare.nc uyeoi/ssbeslosr:hnD hlml IOIAL PROJECI COST BUILDING HEIGHT TOTAL AREA SQ FT ; ' .;}.:. i SQ FT PER FLR TOTAL SQ FT UNDERIIOO|: - -# OF STRUCTURES NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: # OF UNITS # OF STOR|ES: i # OF FLOORS EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT?.:-- YES 1' NO SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: iFICAIION SQ FT PRC T -- - USE noFFrcE f nrsreuRarur i.IERCANTILE EDUC APT CONDO OTHEI WATER SEWER S.YSTEM CFPUA CFPUA COMMUNITY SYSTEM f-I WELL CENTRAL SEPIC fl PR1VATE SEPTTC Tl ZONING USE CLASS DTOMMUN Y PAYMENT METHOD T CASH f cHEcK (PAYABLE To NHc) f _ AMER|CAN EXPRESS l- rucnrrse l-- DrscovER (FOR OFFTCE USE O\rY/ ZONE OFFICER:SETBACKS: F LHRFS Approval: -. { City: il*!U DATE FLOOD BFE+2ft,AV PER[I lT FEE: I t\ Comment *0TSCLAIMER: sLr?r'11TTING THIS APPLTCIII . . ]BIJIT IA iLg r r1,1 q, qq rrJ,.N I5 NON,REFUNDABLE ii ffl}.l:fP-5 ! i i L..in, in rT L'l aolnru"h \ piug ( n o 1..,. r[4,t4,) LTI Y: is 37 99 ACRES DISTURBED: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLTCAT ION rYPE; RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proi€ct Responsibilit/' ?r)\1- \\Ol5L1-HB6 Appliaation Number (offi.e usel i /:/(/ appLtcANT,s NAMgI Pulte Homes oate: 10-10-17 pRoJECT ADDRESS. 3700 Old Sand Mine Drive CtTy: Wilmington 1p. 28412 SUBDtVtStoN: Del Webb Riverlights tOT S: 01 109 pROpERTy OpNER,S NAMEi Pulte Homes pHONE f: 843-353-51 19 owNER,S ADDRESS: 3504 Faringdon Court CtTy; Myrtle Beach 71p. 29579 coNTRAcToR: Pulte Homes gloe ucrNsr l. 19311 ADDRESS: 3504 Faringdon Court ctw: Myrtle Beach sr: SC zrp: 29579 EMAIL ADDRESS: TiffANY.DUNN@P ulte.com pROTECT CONTACT p6X5g1; Tiffany Dunn EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration E Renovation n General Repairs./ NEW CONSTRUCTION: E/Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation '},}'PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ATTTHAT APPTY TO YOUR PROj ECT* r.* pnOr'rr: 843-353-5119 PHoNE: 843-353-5119 $/ttcaragelsrl 453 El Det Garage (sF) D Pool (SF) _I Sunroom (SF) D Greenhouse (sF)- tr Deck (sr)- ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Yes fl No n storage shed (S0 _ n other (sF) TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOF Vor proposed wotk)gs3gg61 1263 Unheated:685 TOTAI PROJECT COST {Less Lot): S 88645 ls the proposed work ch anging the n umber of bedrooms? E Yes fl xo ls any Electrical, Plumblng or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure fl Yes E tto Ifthe proiect is a Relocation, isthere a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes fI No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes n No ./ Property Use/ Occupancy: E/single Family E Dupler D Townhouse Description of Work: Noir Coast Elevation LC'lA with screened porch laws and ordinan.es and regulations. The l!Hc D€velopment seNiaes Center willbe notified of anychantes jn the approved plans and specifications or chanSe in contractorinfo.m.lion. "tNOT€: Any work performed without th€ approp ate permita willbe in violation ofthe NCState BldgCode and subject to finet up to S 500.00' 'I Owner/Contractor:Tiffany D Dunn "Licensed Quolifier' Pint Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E yes E No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Oisturbed: New lmp€rvious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: D Yes fl tto WATER: E CFPUA E Community System n Private well n central well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E Community System E private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (Fl _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date:_ Flood; (A) _ (V) _- (Nl -_ BFE+2ft= _ Comment: permit Fee: S L2 tCFfllL /:) {Porch {srl 232 NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SAFETY 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE - SUITE 170 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 Telephone; 910.798.7308 Fax: 910.798.781 I Internet : wwu,. nhcgov. com Tiffany D Dunn t, 4 to 7 WORKING DAYS TURNAROUND TIME FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING Tiffany Dunn (Pulte Homes), am submitting an application for a residentia! building permit to New Hanover County. And, as the applicant or person submitting the application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: I have attached an official CFPUA receipt or document that has acknowled ged an approval of the payment made to CFPUA I have attached an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done In the City of Wilmington. I I have attached an official proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. lf the application is correct and complete with the required drawings, and if there are no corrections or revisions to plans and drawings, and if there are no further clarifications required by New Hanover County; New Hanover County can guarantee that the building permit wil! be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submitta! date/time (the stamped dateltime notation made by the Building Safety Department on the application or submittal document). I underctand that the 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days only begins when the application is submitted prior to 4:30 pm on any working-day. Signed in acknowledgment: 10-10-i 7 Signature Printed Name 3700 Old Sand Mine DriveAddress for the proposed residential work: Date ,1.1t;:r':)(&t 16 tot-F ))C-l E17-3331NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P Ll CAf ,O N TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSW€RAIL OU ESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROIECT "Project Responsibllity" AppLtcANT,s NAM[: Bill Clark Homes of Wilmingtoh, LLC Application Nunber {ornce we) s1s;10.13.17 pRotEcT ADORESS: 2332 Lakeside Circle SUBDtVtstoN: Hanover Lakes clTy. wilmingtonq 21p.2840'l LoT fr 176 CONTRACTOR: Bill Clark Home of Wilmington glDG U6sN5s 6. 34586 AoDRESS: 127 Racine Drive/Suhe 201 crry: Wilmington sr. NC ztp. 28403 EMAIL ADDRESs:kpair@billclarkhomos.com pHoNEr 910.350.'1744 pRoJEcT coNTAcT pERsoN: Mike Daniels pHoNE: 910.515.3877 EXISTING COI{STRUCrIO : tr/Alteration E Renovation E GeneralRepairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: B'6rect New Restdence n Additjon to Existing Restdence E Relocation ,.. - 4**PLEASE CHECT( AND ANSWER SELOW Att THAT Appty TO YOUR PRO,ECT.. r /nn carace (sr) 551 o Det Garase (sF) - S ,*rn 1tn 1\-l' /- O sunroom (sF)- tr poot(sF)_ tr storage shed (sF)_ poth*1sfl IZOCf{f,1E Gre€nhouse (SF) _)Il Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? tr yes d/lo TOTAL SQ Ff UNDER ROOF Aot proposed workl Heatedt l?'(o-l unr,""t"a, - II I\{ rorAL PRolEcTcosr (Ler. Lot), S )44, t+9. ls the proposed work changing the nurlber of bedrooras? E yes Ezltto ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Me.hanl.al work beinB done to the Accessory Structure E yes lfthe project is a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas [jE on the current site? A-yes E No ls there Elecuical Power on thts Buililing? E Ves d tto//' Property Use/ (k.upan.y: Sin6e famlly EI Duplex E Townhouse G4; ols<LAlMEi: lhereby(eilt that.ll the infom.tion in rhk.ppliBtin licore.tand allwork willcomgly with rhe sr.re Burldl.g code.nd a[ othe. alplc.ble state:nd ]ocatlaw5 and ordlna.cs and Egul.tlons. Tie NHc oev.lopm..r Seryices center wrll b. rotified ol any cha.aes in rhe approled pta.r ant sr€cifrcrtjo.s d .h.nge in @ntrrdorinloroation'!'NOTE:AnVwotlp€rfomedvltho($e.pprepri.t€p.mit!*illbeinnokttonoltheticStareEldgCodea.debiea!ofi.suptoSsoO.Od... owner/contactor: Kristin Pair tOn",rr". "Licensed Quolifel' p.int Name ls the property located in a floodplain? tr Ve. E/lo €xist{n8 lmpewlous Area: .- Sq Ft ttew lmperviousArea: -ahZf sq rt txisting Lend Disturbing Permit: E Yes E I'to wArER; EI CFTJJA O communrty system CI privare we E centratWe E Aqua SEWER: MFPUA EI Community Sysrem E private Septic 0 CentralSeptic 0 Aque Zone: _ officer: _ Setbacts(F)_(LHl_(Rfl)_(B)_ Approval _ Clty:_ Date:_ Flood: (A) _ (V)_ (Nl _ gFE+2ft=_ Comment:.DrscLAr'rE Permit ree: s pROpERIy oWNER,S NAME: BillClark Homes ofWilmington, LLC. pHoilE *. 9.10.350.1744 OW ER,s ADDRESS: '127 Racine Drive /Suite 201 cry. Wilmington p.2A4O3 Description ofWork: new constuction of a single family home rotatlc.es oisturueu, C 25 CMIL NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SAFETY 2]O GOVERNMENT CENTER DRI\'E . SUITE I7O WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 Telephone: 9l 0.798.7308 Fax: 9 10.798.78 t I In te met : www. n hc gov. c om 4 to 7 WORKING DAYS TURNAROUND T|ME FOR pERMtT TSSUANCE STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING am submitting an application for a residential |l I, 10113t17 Signalure Address for the proposed residential work Printed Name Date 332 Lakeside Circle 28401 tor Bill n building permit to New Hanover county. And, as the applicant or person submitting the application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: E] I have attached an official CFpUA receipt or document that has acknowledged an approval of the payment made to CFPUA. E I have attached an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington. [1 I have attached an official proofofan approval granted by the New Hanover county Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. lf the application is correct and complete with the required drawings, and if there are no corrections or revisions to plans and drawings, and if there are nofurther clarifications required by New Hanover County; New Hanover Gounty gal! guarantee that the building permit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submittal date/time (the stamped date/time notation made by the Building safety Department on the application or submittal document). I understand that the 4 (four) to Z (seven) working days only begins when the application is submitted prior to 4:30 pm on any working-day. Signed in acknowledgment: Egi:lllgl-:l NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAt PTEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PROIECT "Proiect Responsibillq/ 2o\l- \aM 17-3333 Appllcation Number (ofiice use) APPLICANT,S NAME:Charter Buildino G Date:10112117 i,l rl L! PROJECT ADDRESS: 315 Grayhawk Circle.CITY: Wilminqton ztP 28/.11 suBDtvrsroN:Forest Creek LOI #:27 PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME:cene & Tiffanv Raoelve PHONE #: OWNE S ADDRESS: CITY:ZIP: EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEw CONSTRUCTIoN: i Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation 'XI.PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLYTO YOUR PROJECT*** d<tcarcselsFt 5'7 I Ll 5unroom (5r, l-l Det GaraEe ISF) ! Pool{sF) D Porch (SF)3+s fl Storage Shed (SF)_ D other (sF)! Greenhouse (SF)_tr Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes E-,l{-o TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF Vor proposed wotk)Heated:2467 Unheated:913 TOTAI PRoJECT cosT (Less Lot): S3209!g-- ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr Yes ts'trlo ls any Electrical, Plumbingor Mechanicalwork being doneto the Accessory Structure E Yes G-(o lfthe pro.iect is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line-on the current site? ! Ves E t(o ls there Electrical Power on this Building? D Yes g/No Property Use/ occupancy gdngle family fl Duplex tr Townhouse Descriptlon of Work: new Sinole familv dwellino with attached oaraoe DISCLAIMER: I hereby certlt that all the lnformatjon lnthis applicatlon ls correct and all work will comply withthe State BuildingCode and allother appliGble State end local laws and ordlnances and reSulations. The NHC Development SeNlces Center willbe notified ofany changes in the approved plans and specificatlons orchange ln contractor lnformatlon. ***NOTET Anywork performed without the appropriate permits wlll be ln vlolatlon of the NC Stale gldS Code aAd s{bject tq fines up to $500.00"* owner/contractor:@sirnature: Alk]CIJ@9a:vc"Ucensed QuoliJiel PintNome ls the property located in a floodplain? S1 ,., 6K Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft New lmpervious Area: 4047 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: ! Yes [y{o WATER: E4FPUA i Community System fl Private Well D Central Well fl Aqua SEWER: tr/CFPUA I Communityiystem f] Private septic D Centralseptic fl Aqua zone: _ Offlcer; _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (Bl _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ TotalAcres Disturbed: < l/3 Comment: c€{trL Permit Fee:9 COI{TRACTOR: Charter Buildinq Group BLDG LICENSE #:6767q ADDRESS: 108 Giles Avenue Suite 104 ClrY: !ryihi!g!g!-- ST: NC AP:28403 EMA|L ADDRE5S: tonva@charterbuildinoqrouo.com PHoNE: .9L920.9244q- pRoJEcr coNrAcr pERsoN: Sean Lewis PHoNE: 9L92.045.999------- a NEWHANOVERCOUNry DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SAFETY 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRTVE . SUITE 170 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 Telephone: 9 1 0.798.7308 Fax: 9 10.798.781 I lnlernet : www.nhcgov.com RESIDENTIAL APPLICATION THAT HAS NO PRIOR APPROVALS STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING am submitting an application for a residential building permit to New Hanover County. And, as the applicant or person submitting the application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: I, ,r ,[E/t Aia M attactr an official CFPUA receipt or document that acknowledged h\W" ,p[o*/fi-tn" p"yment made to GFPUA. E/ I did not attach an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington. ldidn attach an official proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. And because I did not attach the official proof of approvals along with my application for permit; New Hanover County cannot guarantee that the building permit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submitta! date/time (the stamped date/time notation made by the Building Safety Department on the application or submittal document) Signed in acknowledgmentl Tonya Nesselloade Signature Printed Name Date o Address for the proposed residential work: f-T7t()l)^4ol NCI NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT A P PU cAn ON TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PI.EASE ANSWER ALL qUESTIONS APPUCASIE TO YOUR PROJECI "ProJect fl esponsiblllV' 2a\)-llo$(p 1-H355 lppllcatlon Number {offlce use) APPLICANI'S NAME:Herrlnqton Classlc Homes. LLC Date:nhuln pRoJEcTAoDREss: Z'12 Cu nuhia DrtUC 61Ty. Castle Hayne zt?.28429 5Usp1y1516il, Rlvar Bluffs Lo"t #:9 2 PROPERTY OWNTR,S NAMEI .{/l +h c lbn*LLt OWNER'S ADDRESS; PHONE Sr Clryi ZlPl 661167q66p, Henlngton Classlc Homos, LLC st 96 U6srUs6 g, 6B106 ADDRESS. PO Box 538 EMATL ADDREss: heather@herrlngtonclassichomas.com c|Ty. Wrlghtsvllle Beach sT. NC ztp. 28480 PHONE. 910399-5688 PRO,IECT CONTACT Pg1561l. Cralg Johnson PHoNE. 910-442-7500 EXISTING cOt\lsTRUcnON: I Alteradon E Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION; El Erect New Resldence 0 Addition to Exlstlng Residence n Relocatlon '+I.PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWSR BELOW AI.L THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT{** El Att oarage 1sr1 442 E Det carase (sF)- E porch (sF)'165 E Sunroom (sF) ..- n Greenhouse (sF) -- tr Pool (sF) D oeck (sF) E Sto.age shed (5F)_ ls the proposed work changlnB the exlstlna footprlnt? E Yes E No ToTAL SQ FT UNDER RAOF (for proposed work) Heatedr eqA un6"r14, QQ1 ToTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 'fl10 ooo Is the proposed work changlng the number of bedrooms? trl Yes fl No lsanyElectrlcal,PlumblngorMecharlcalworkbelngdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesENo lf the proJect ls a Rsiocadon, ls there a N atural Gas Llne on the cuffent slte? E Yes E No ls there Electrical Poweron this Eullding? E Yes E t'to PropeIty Use/ Descrlption qf Occupancy: E Slngl€ Famlly D Duplex E Townhouse Work: Conslruct slngle family resldence DISCIAIMER: I hereby certlfy tiEtall the lnfurma0oal ln thE appll(auon ls coreat and afl wgrt wlllcomply with the State Bullding Code and all other appll@ble State and local Iaw5 and ordhaoces and (€Sulatlonr. Tte NHC oevdopment Servlcej Center wil be notmed of the pl.ns and specmcadons or (hanse ln lnfonnatloo, ,r!NOTET Any rlbrt performed wldlout the appropdate p€rmlt! wlll ba In vtolatlcn of the and subje.t to llnes up to Ssoo.oor.. owner/contractor. Craig Johnson Slgnatur€l 'Uce$ed QudWy' Prlht ll<,ne lsthepropertylocatedlh a floodplaln? E Yes E ruo Exlstlng lmp€rvlou! Area; _Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmp€rvtous.areal 2601 Sq Ft Exlsting Land Dlsturblng Pormlt: D Yes E No WATERT G CFPUA E communttysystem fl priyate Well E Centralwe E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E communtty System Il Private Septlc E Ceotralsepuc E Aqua Zoner _ Offlcer: _.- Sstbacl(s (F) _ (t Hl-..- (RH) -- (S) __ Approvall _ clty: _- Date: _ Flood: (A) _(V)_ (N) BFE+2ftj -__Comment: permlt Feet S _ cftuc\_ C other (sF) 2ot1-l t06l L7 -3337 Appllaatlon Numbet (office use) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPL'CATION TYPE.. RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PRO.JECT "Project Responsibllity" CPRO25 AppLtcANT's NAME: H & H Conskuctors of F IIe, LLC PROJECTADDRESS: 560 Green Heron Drive a21s. 1O11617017 CtTyr Wilmington 1p.28411 suBDtvtsloN: clearwater Preserve PROPERW OWNER'S NAME:H & H Constructors of Fayetteville, LLC OWNER'S ADDRESS: 8209 Market Street, Suite C LOT fr 025 pxoruer:910.219.1485 CtTyr Wilmington z|P. 28411 CONTRACTOR: H & H Constructors of Fayetteville, LLC s1s6 Usstt5E 6 74158 ADDRESS; 8209 Market Street, Suite C 61ry1 Wilmington Sr: NC zlp. 28411 pROJECT CoNTAcT pERsoN: JJ Brenninq p11sx6.910.219.1485 EXISTING CONSTRUCTIONT tr Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: A Erect NewResidence EI Addition to Existing Residence 0 Relocation '*,} I.PLEAS E CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTI'I * EI Att Garage (sF)462 E Det Garage (SF)_E Porch (SF) E Sunroom {sF)E Pool(SF)EI Storage Shed {SF)_ El Greenhouse (SF)tr Deck (5F)tr other {sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? tr Yes EI No unhg2lsd;684 TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 183,486 lsthe proposed work changing the number oI bedrooms? E] Yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure O Yes EI No lftheprojectisa Relocation, istherea Natural cas Line on the current site? E Yes E No ls there Electrical Poweron this Euilding? EI Yes E No Property Use/ occupancy: EI single Family E Duplex E Townhouse Descriptio n of Workr SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING Iawsand ordinances and regulatlons. The NHc D€velopftent Servlces Center will be notllied of any chan8es in theapproved plans and sp€ctflcatlons or change ln contGctor lnformatlon. i"NOTE: AnYwo.k pe.formed without the appropriate pe.mltswill be lo vioiatlon of the NC State Bldg Code and subjectto ilnes up to $sq).Oorrr Owner/Contractor: JJ Brenning signature: 'Licensed Quolrier' Print Nofie ls the property located in a floodplain? El Yes E tto Existing lmpervious Area; _5q Ft Total Acres Disturbedr'20 New lmperviousArea:3601 Sq Ft Existing Land Dlsturblng Permit: E Y€s E No WATER: E CFPUA E Community System El Private Well D Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E Community System E Private Septic E Centralseptic EI Aqua zonei _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (l-H) _ (RH) _ (8) _ Approval; _ City;_ Date:_ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BtE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: S g1y411qpppg55; julicafferty@hhhomes.com/ jerrybrenning@hhhomes.com PHONE:9'10.219.1485 TOTAL Sq FT UNDER ROOF Vor proposed workJ Heated: 3273 c*fu0- ?\Ia ,Aai i! NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEPARI'MENT OF BUILDING SAFETY 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE - SUITE I70 WII,MINGTON, NOR'III CAROLINA 28403 Telephone: 910.798.7308 Fax: 910.798.781 l In l ern e t : u,tctv - n h c gov. c o m JuliCafferty t t, 4 to 7 WORKING DAYS TURNAROUND TIME FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE STA TEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING JullCafferty , am submitting an application for a residential building permit to New Hanover County. And, as the applicant or person submitting the application, I check the boxlboxes below to acknowledge that: tr I have attached an official CFPUA receipt or document that has acknowledged an approval of the payment made to CFPUA. tr I have attached an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the Clty of Wilmington. n I have attached an official proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. lf the application is correct and complete with the required drawings, and if there are no corrections or revisions to plans and drawings, and if there are no further clarifications required by New Hanover County; New Hanover County can guarantee that the building permit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submittal date/time (the stamped date/time notation made by the Building Safety Department on the application or submittal document). I understand that the 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days only begins when the application is submitted prior to 4:30 pm on any working-day. Signed in acknowledgment: 10/16t20"17 Sig natu re Printed Name 560 Green Heron DriveAddress for the proposed residential work Date ] CPRO26 APPUCANT,S NAME: H & H Constructors of Fayetteville, LLC NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT A PPLICATION rYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER AI-L QUESTIONS APPLICABL€ TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility" : !o\l-ltOgq17-3338 Application Namber (olfice use) sap' 1011612017 pR6JECT ADDRESST 556 Green Heron Drive SUBDIV|StON: Clearwater Preserve pROpERTy OWNER,S NAMEr H & H Constructors of Fayetteville, LLC clTY: Wilmirr ton 4p. 28411 pHoNE #: 910.219.1485 CONTRACIORT H & H Constructors of Fayetteville, LLC sroe LrcrNsE r' 74158 ADDRESS: 8209 Market Street, Suite C CITY:Wilmington sTi Nc ztP. 28411 EMAIL ADDRESS:iulicaffertV@hhhomes.coml ierrybrenninq@hhhomes.com pRoJECT cONTA6T p6q5gN; JJ Brenning EXISIING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration EI Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTIONi E Erect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation ***PLEASE CHECK A ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*** 14 Att Garage (SF) +zu tr Det Garage (SF)_E Porch (sF) E Sunroom (SF)tr Pool (SF)E Storage Shed (SF)_ E G.eenhouse {SF)D Deck (SF) r: JJ Brenning PHoNE:9'10.2'19.1485 PHoNE:910.219.1485 ls the proposed work changlng the existing footprint? E Yes EI No TOTAT 5Q FT UNDER ROOF l,for proposed workl Heated;2852 gnhs31s6;658 TOIAL PROJECI COST (Less Lot): S 162,436 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E yes E ruo ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanlcalwork being done to the Accessory Structure E yes E No lf the project is a Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the curent site? El yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? Et Yes E No Property Use/ occupancyr A Single Famlly E Duplex E Townhouse Descrlpti on of Work: SINGLE FAMILY DWELLING laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC oevelopmedt services center wlllbe notified ofanychan8es to the approved plans and speciflcations or change tn contractorlnformatlon. **NorE: AnY work performed wlthout theepproprlate permlts wlllbe ln vlolatton ofthe rut state atog coae ana sublect; fines up to Ss,oo.o0r.. Owner/Contracto "Licensed QuoliJier" Signature: ls the property located in a floodplain? E yes El No Exlstlng lmpervlous Area: _-*.- Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: .20 New lmperviousArg2; 2812 5q p1 Existing Land Disturbrng permrt: EI ves E r,ro WATER: A CFPUA D Community System E private We E centratwell fl Aqua SEWER: A CFPUA tr Community System Et private Septic El Centralseptic E Aqua Zone; _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH)_ (RH) -- (B) _ Approval: -- Clty: -_ Date: _ Ftood: (A)_ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft. Comment: cfQ,iL Permit Fee: $ tOT #: 026 OWNER,S ADDRESS: 8209 Market Street, Suite C CtTv: Wilmington A?. 28411 tr Other (sF)-- t, NEW I{ANOVER COLTNTY DEPARTMENT OF I]UILDING SAFE'I'Y 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE . SUITE I70 WILMINGI-ON, NORTH CAITOLINA 28403 'lblephone: 910.798.7308 Fax: 910.798.781 I ln ternet : v,tt+v.n hcgot,. c o m 4 to 7 WORKING DAYS TURNAROUND TIME FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE STATEMEN T OF NDERSTANDING JuliCa , am submitting an application for a residential building permit to New Hanover County. And, as the applicant or person submitting the application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: tr I have attached an official CFPUA receipt or document that has acknowledged an approval of the payment made to CFPUA. tr I have attached an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington. lf the application is correct and complete with the required drawings, and if there are no corrections or revisions to plans and drawings, and if there are no further clarifications required by New Hanover County; New Hanover County can guarantee that the building permit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submittal date/time (the stamped date/time notation made by the Building Safety Department on the application or submittal document). I understand that the 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days only begins when the application is submifted prior to 4:30 pm on any workingday. Signed in acknowledgment: JullCafferty 10/16/2017 Printed Name 556 Green Heron Drive Address for the proposed residential work Date tr I have attached an official proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Depa(ment, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. Signature ertv X-f,*gF;2or1'lto1Q UNTY BUILDING PERMIT fL-3?24 AP PUCATIO N TYPE : RESIDENflAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Projed Responsibilit/Numb€r (ofrce use) APPLICANT'S NAMEi CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS:LL EMAIL ADORESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: 8," tl or lt VL Date PRO'ECT ADDRESS: suBDtvtsloN: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWN€R'SADDRESS: U CITY CIW: lrr r z L 2 e L-t t a- fl PHONE 6:? /o t," t Pltt CITY: t ;r [l\2sp. r-r e l{ o5\'I t Gr 8tD6 TICENSE f:e51z-r srrl Lzrpiltt/ l t PHONE PHONE t tr LbY r;t Y a- Bru1F [}rt l,'c EXISTING CONSTRUCTTONT tr Alteration n Renovation ! General Repairs,/, NEW CONSTRUCTION: Mrect New Resldence E Addition to Extsting Residence n Relocation /t orrrc"ts1-\u ! Sunroom (SF) n creenhouse (SF) -rt*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AIL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT.'* D Det Garage (5F)_M{rch{sr)lqL tr Pool (sF) E Deck (5F) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprlnt? D yes /no TOTAL Sq Ff UNDERROOF Aor proposed workl Heated: tWtr Unheat€d:5"7 t rorAt PRoJEcr cosr (Less Lot): g__ [ 0q I 0 0 lstheproposedworkchangin8thenumberof b€drooms? n Yes D No lsany Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanlcal work beingdonetothe Accessory Structure fl yes fl No lftheprojectisaRclocation,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?EyesENo lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes 0 No Property Use/ Occupancy:Fa Ily D ouplex D T Description of Work: t d.i DISCLAIMER: I hereby certtfy that all the lnformatlon ln thts appll€at,on j5 correct and allwork will comply with the State gul law! and ordln.naes and ragulations. The NHC D€velopment Services Center wlllbe notifred ofany chang€s in the approved intormation. "'NOTET Any work performed without tht h appropriate permits will be ln violation ol the dt ldlnS Code and allother appllcable State and local plans end speciflcatlons or change in contractor f\,rtl f,t Nqltare BldB Code/4*"tr subiect to fihes up to 3500.0o. r* Owner/Contractor: 'Licensed Quolliel Signature: ls the property located in a floodplain? tr Ves Ef(o Exlsting lmpervious Area: - sq Ft Total Acres Disturbe a, Z Va Sq Ft HT,ffiil a Existint land Olsturbtng permit: E4s E no EI Community System E private We[ f) Central Well E Aqua E Community System E private Sepflc El Cenftalsepflc E Aqua Zone: _ offlcer: _ Setbacks {F}_ (tH)_ {RH}_ (B}_ Approval: _ Ctty: _ Date; _ Flood: (A) _ (V)_ (N) _ BFE+2ft. _ Comment:Permit F€e: S E Storag€ Shed (SF)_ tr other (5F)_ NEWIIANOVER COLINTYDEpARTMENT oF BUTLDTNG saFerv230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRTVE - SUITE 170WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 Telephone: 9 10.79A.7308 Fax: 9 I 0.798.78 I I Internet : .t*t w. n hcgov.com 4 to 7 woRKrNG DAys TURNAR.'ND T.ME FoR pERMrr rssuANcE STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING am submitting an application for a residentialbuilding permit to New Hanover County. And, as the appticant or person submittingthe application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: I have attached an official CFPUA receipt or document that hasacknowledged an approval of the payment made to CFpUA. Signature Printed Name Date $lrt 0on,.e n r have attached an officiar proof of a Zoning sign-ofi from the c*y ofwilmingrton, for this work that wifl be done in trl city of witmington. tr r have attached an officiar proofofan approvargranted bythe New Hanovercounty Environmentar Hearth Department, for this work that requires an approvarfrom Environmental Health. lf the application is correct and comprete with the required drawings, and ifthere are no corrections or revisions to plans and drawings, and if there are nofurther crarifications required by New Hanover county; trtew nanover countycan guarantee that the buildrng permit wifi be rssued *itt in + tt"rrr to 7 (seven)working days after the officiar submittar date/time (the stamped Jaierumenotatlon made by the Buirding safety Department on the apprication or submittardocument). r underctand that the a ligrrjto i lsevenl working days onry beginswhen the app[ication is submitted piior to 4:30 pm on any working-day. Signed in acknowledgment: Address for the proposed residential work: {r ( t.)ii t uision -* NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMITAPPLI CATTON Ty pE : RESIDENTIAL PLEA5E ANSWER ALI qUESNONS APPLICABLETO YOUR PROJECT"proJect Responsibiliv, )o\1- ) lo ll L7 -332L APPtICANTT NAME: _0 PRO.,ECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'SADDRESS: U $or Lr( clw ClrY: br Date D ZIP:LL ?2 s: PHONE #:/D 1L Pnt CITY; r ,rl 21P; 2J Q BLD6 I.ICENSE :z.f ST/Y' ( ztp PHONE: PHONE:[,s L6\Y rPROJECT CONTACT PERSoN: B ot +1L EXIS'ING CONSTRUCTION; ! Atteration E Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CoNsTRUCTtoru: #ect trlew Residence D Additlon to Existing Residence D Relocaflon /-Garase (sF) Y? q - t,I,LL I Gr tr Deck (SF) Yes -5\(-a4 ItCONTRACTOR: ADDRESS; EMAII. ADDRESS:I0- E sunroom (SF).-..=-..-- E Greenhouse (SF) I tr Det Garage (SF)..--- E Pool {SF) M{rchgr:/qL [] StoraSe Shed (SF)-...- Code and all other a ppltcab,e State and local and spe€ifica ons or change in contrdctorbjectto llnes up to SSoo.Ooi .. R ls the proposed work changlng the exlsting footprint? n TOTAT SQ FI UNDER ROOF tfor proposed workl Heated: rorAt PRoJEcr cosr (Less r_ou: S // 1/ 00 dno lqt!-- unrreatea,- 5? / ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E yes D Nols any Electrical, plumbing or Mechanlcal work being done to ,n*I"rr".,lf the project is a Relocatlon, is there a Natural 6as Line on th" .u.r"n-t-rii"fls there Electrical power on thts Building? E yes a o structureiyesENo EYesENo Property Use/ Occupancy; Description ol Work: y E Duplex E Town ls the property located in a floodplain? B Ves Et 6o Existlng lmpeMous Area: --- sq Ft New tmpervt2s Ar"", f '701 sq n WATER: EllrFpUA D Communitysystem E private W/ SEWER: M CFPUA D Community System fl private Se Zone: _- Offtcer: -.- Setbacks (F)_ (tH) Approval; ..-.-.- City: -- Date: _- Flood: (A Comment: TotalAcres oisturbed; I Yl Exlsting Land olsturblnt permltj El/s tr frro ell E Central Well E Aqua ptic E Centralseptic E Aqua .- (RH) _- {B)_ ) .- (v)_ (N) .- BFE+2ft= Lo) ClRl'C\.-. Permlt Fee: S Appllcation Number n other (sF) "Llcensed ewliflel /- ,. ,-j-. . #l',rrdffi,, building permit to New Hanover County.Ano, as the licant or person submitting the application I check the bo)db am subrnifting an application for a residentialappoxes belor,rr to acknowledge that: 4 to 7 WORK|NG DAys TURNAROUND TtIrE FOR pERMt *-at w"o..o* acknowledged an a T ISSUANCE an officiatCFPUA receipt or docum ent that haspproval of the payment made to CFPUA. Wi work that will be d an official proof of one a Zoning In the City of Wilmi srgn-offfrom ngton. the City of D I haye aftached an officlal proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover County Environrnen talHealth Departrnent for this work that requires a n approval from Environrnental Heatth. lf the apptication is correct and sions to complete with plans and drawin the required draw gs, and if there are ings, and if ho there are no corrections or revfurther clarifi working days afiter can guarantee that cations the b reguired by New Huilding permit will be issue anover Cou ntY; tvew Hanover County D when the I have attached rmrngton, for this d I date/time (rh e stamped date/time (four) to 7 (se to 4:30 pm on a ven) workin days onty begis ny working-day.Signed ln acknowledgment: Signature document).1u notation rnade ndersta by the the Buitding Safe nd that the 4 official subm ty Department on the application or submittal itta within 4 (fou4 to 7 (seven ) I ns Printed Name u I Address for the proposed residential work Date 1.,'i 1'1\:\ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUIIDING PERM'TAPPLTCATION W pE : RESTOENTTALPLI:AS€ ANSW€R ALT QUEsNONS APPUCABL€ IO YOUR PROJECT,,proJect Responslbility,, )ot^)- ) lii I L7 -332L PROJECT ADORESS: SUEOlVlSlONr APPI.ICANT'5 NAME 0,. tl .r kr $* Datel U ztP toff LL 2CITY CITY: lr.t r CllY: t I PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADORESS: U CONTRACIOR ADDRESS:GIOLL .e5 EMA!I" ADDRESS: D Sunroom iSF) -- ! Greenhouse (SF)_ Property Use/ Occupancy: Descriptlon of Work: PHONE #/o 16 P\-t t \L.A Gr 21p. r--r Q BIOG LICINSE L.r sr44 ztp PHONE [\ Lb\rtrt y o- L'PHON € PROJEfi CONTACT PERSoN: B rw t}*l KAN AttGarase(sFJ \l?q _ L EXISTING CONSTRUCTIONT D Alteration [:] Renovation D General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCnON: @/Erect New Besjd,:nce D Addition to Existing Residence I Relocation ro AT 15the proposed work changingthe existingf.otprint? n v", f-to TOTAT SQ Ff UNDER ROOF (for prcposed wor() Heated: TOrAL PRoJEct cosr {re5s tot}r S // 1l A0 lq!L-- unheated:_ S1L-_ EI oet Garage (SF)_-- D Pool(sF) C Deck (SF) lJ Duplex D Towhhous drchEa tqL D Storage Shed (SF)-_ 0 Other {sF) lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberc,f bedrooms? ! yes n NotsanyElectrtcal,plumbingorMechsntcalworti:eingdonetottre-Al"rrlr,SVr.trr"!yesONo lf the project is a RelocaUon, ts there a Natulal Gas Line on the curr";; r;;"; ; yes fl Nols there Electrical pov/€r on this Building? f yes n No Far! llyct trA.U-6 LrD OISCLAIMER: lh.r€by cerrify rhar alt rhe lnfo/manon in thls rppllce{oh is corredand atlwol.!vs.nd ordin3nc6t Bnd regulatjons. Tie t{HC oeyelopm€nt Se rylce5 Center willbe nodintormatlon. ...NOTE: Any work performed !vilhout r appropriate permit5 wiltbe ln rk willcomply wlti the St!re BujtdinB Code and att other appltc. btc Sraie and lo.alfied ofanych.n8es in rhe approved nsrnd rpeclfiraUsns or change in aontractor Owner/Contractor: "Licented eudIilier,, rt'Ir ls the property located in a floodplain? D yes E(o {\,,I NCrrrle Bld! cod/4*h subject lo flnei upto $S00.00... Signature: Existlng lmpervious Area: ---. Sq Ft New lmpervious Are.' f '?01 sq rt Waren, dgrlua D Cormunity Svnem/5EW€Ri Ef CFpUA E ConmunirvSvstem zone:_*- offlcer: -- Setbaakri Existing Land Dlsturbtng perm,t: E4s D no E Private Wefl D CentralWell ! Aqua f; Private Septic 5 Centralseptic D Aqua (F) _ (rH)-.- {RH)_-_ (8) _ ClPL\L ).t Totaf Acres Oisturbed, 1 '). Approvat: --- Ctty: -' Date: --_ Flood: {A} -- (V) _ {N) _ SrE+2fr_ _Comment: permit Fee; S NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIO N TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PI.EASI ANSW€F ALL QUESIIONS APPLICABL€ TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibllitl/ ilorl- \rc1fu{F3320 0,"t \rr[.i OateAPPLICANT'S NAME; PROJECT ADDRESS suBorvlstoN: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S AODRESS: U VL CITY 1"ztP: Lf 2 lqLe A a "Lr,bLT PHONE f ? /o t r. I Pc-tt ,( 0- L, CITY: r-r r [la.f1p. t-ra ({ o5\'6,^1:Gc /-f->^ t- BLDG |-ICENSE fi ,5 I L-l srp-! zrp&li1-.:1,-!-- t tu Lb\ (St Y tq'?- CONTRACTOR: ADORESS:t'e|LL Ldr CITY: b, EMAII" ADDRESS PHON € PBONE'PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:B fv ol +-.L EXISTING CONSTRUCIION; tr Alteration - Renovation ! General Repairs,., NEW CONSTRUCIIONT BzErect New Resl,Jence : Additlon to Eristing Residence D Relocation /trcr..c"fsfl-! ,-**TPLEASE CIlECN ANO ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT**I U E Det Garase (sF)- O4/orch lsF) tf Pool (SF)E Sunroom (sF) X Greenhouse (SF)- Property Use/ Occupan.y:{9nste ran)ny E Duplex Df(..f lv u--Townhouse StrA tr Deck (5F) ls the proposed work changing the existin8 lootprint? - yes y'No ToTAt sQ FT UNO€R RO}F Vot prcpased vlort; xeated, / l&1' rorAL PRoJECT cosr (Less Lot):5- lflct I 0 0 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumber of bedrooms? D Yes D No ls any Electrical, Plumblng or Mechanical vrork bein8 done to the Acces5ory Structure n yes D No lftheprojectisa Rclocation, is the.e a Natu.ai GasLineontheciJrrentsite? D yes E No ls there Electrlcal Power on this Euilding? lf Yes [ ruo Unheated: Descrlption of Worl: olsclAlMc R: I herebY cc n,t ihat ali ihe info rmstion n this appllcatlon s co(€ct an d .ll work witt aompt wllh lhe Srale B ultdh8 Code ind allother appllcable State end locallaw! and ordln!n.es ind reSulations. The NHC Oevelopmeht Servlcer Crnter will be notilled ofany rheh3es in th€ approved pleos and sp€ciilrtlonr or ahange ln rootEctorinlormition. "'NOTE :Any work gedormed withoutlhg apgroonate p.(mltswnlbe rn,, b,rft 6*L.N(lrate 6ld! Code/1r"tr 'lbiect !o {ines upto SSOO.o0... Owner/Contracto "LEensed Qudtitier' Signatu.e: ls the propefty located in a rloodplain? C ye, B-(o Existit1t lmpervloui Areai - Sq Ft Total Acres Olsturbe a, Z y'^ New lmpervlous Area:sq F'.Existin8 Land Dlsturbing permit: W{es J no SEWEN: {,, {,,PUA E community Systern E private septic 0 CentralSeptic O Aqua WATERI pUA D Community System fl private We n Central Well n Aqua zonei --- offtcer: .- Setbacks (F)-- (tH)*__ {RH) _ (B)_ Approval: .- City: _ Date:--- flood: (A) _ (V) _ {N} -- BF€+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: $ ,.7-;;' . (@,;' D Storage Shed (SF) _ ! other (sF)_