OCTOBER 24 2017 BUILD APPSNEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE AN5!,/ER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YoUR PROIECT "Proj ect Responsibility" APPLICAITIT'S l{AllE: Muno: Il,r res .f \,ir'-f, :arrlinn. rnc ?,. ofl-) tr) B L7 -3348 DATE::2011 DEVCLOPER: Mungo Homes of North CaroIina, rnc PK)NE S: 9'\9-1:8-,1 968 PROIECT ATDRESS: 429 rslan,l L.,c c.,-rr CITY: witminoton ZIP::a112 SUBDMSIO : Wi l low Glen Estates G Beau Rivase Plantal ion BLOCK *: Phase 3 LOT #: 95 PROPERTY OhNER'S NAI,4E: OI,{N E R' 5 ADDRESS: Mungo Homes of North Ca ro] ina, 1nc schieffelln Road CoNTRACTOR: Munq.r Homes of NorLh Carolina, Inc ADDRESS: 2 521 Schieffelin P.oad EiIAIL ADDRESS: mpinsonuamungo. com (Maggie Pinson) DECK STORAGE SHED PIiO E #: 919 418-r968 ACCOUNT #: sT: C zIP: :rsa.l Pto E *:919-418-7968 SF SF LICENSE #: CITY: ioer 1A466 PROIECT CONTACf PERSON: Brad TiIr'ou (prctecr: m.rnaser)PIONE #: 803-6oo-75:7 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION:ALIERATION R ENOVATION GENERAL RE PAI RS RE LOCATION NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW RESIDENCE OT f] ADDITION TO EXISTING RESIDENCE **PLEASE CHECK AND ANSI'IER BELOw ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROIECT: PORCH 1t I SFDET GARAGE - SF P00t sF TOTAL HEATED 5Q TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 4:58 TOTAL AREA 5Q FT: JJ:8 TOTAL PROIECT COST lress roe 3 $ 2rr,83s # OF SToRIES: Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUIIBING or I.IECHA,UCAL Work Bei.ng Done to the Accessory Structure? [ Ves I lo If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natunal Gas Line on the curnent Site? !ves I uo Is there Electrical. Power on this BuiLding? l-lves l-''l ruo PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY:SINGLE FAMILY DUPLEX TOt^INHOUS E DESCRIPTIoI,I 0F WORK: r.lew sinqle FamiL y Res idence and ordin ances and regulalions The N H C De velopmen t Se ruices Cen br will be no r,fi€d ol any chan gss in h e appoved ptan s a'rd specilicatbns or change in conracbr orcontacbr intomaton "'OTE Any Work Perfomed W/O he AppropriaE Permits will be in Violarion of rhe NC StaE aug Code and Subi,cl b Fines Up To $500.00,.. O{NER/CONTRACTOR: Munqo Homes bv Karherrne Lusk SIGNATURE: Kallvrinz, Lu'\k, ********+****,i,r************(Iit{lJiI"J***************,r,i,r,r,},r)**+,r,i,r,r,*,r,r++,r*,r,r*,*,**,*r.:r,i**r+,*,a,** rs THE pROpERry LOCATED rr{ A FLOODPLATN? n yES E] ruO EXISTING II'IPERVIOIJS AREA: i sQ FT ToTAL AcREs DISTURBED: NEW IIIPERVIOUS AREA: 2363 SQ FT EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT: E YES J-I NO CFPUA COMMUNITY SYSTET4 PRIVATE WELL FT: -i 4l I !,IATER : SEWER: CENTRAL WELL CFPUA CENTRAL SEPTIC PRIVATE 5 EPTIC COI4MUNITY SYSIEM *** 5EPARATE PERIII PAYI4EI,{T IiIETHOO: E CN" ITS I REQUIRED FOR ELECT, I'4ECH, PLBG, GAs EQUIP, PREFABs & INSERTS **i CHECK (PAYABLE TO NHc) E BrLL Accou r I ucTvrsr I orscoven ,r,r +*,i,i* ***+ +* + + + + +,t,*,* )i * *i.*,i+,t,t,t,t,i,i,hr,r + +,t,t,t * * *,t+ * ***,t *,f )* )* ** + + + + +,t,t )* )* rr,r + + +,ti **** +** )r,r*** ** ZoNE: OF FICE R: (fOR OFFICE UsE ONLY) REVISED DATE O4l11/12 SETBACKS: F:_ LH:_ RH:_ B:_ Appnoval. :_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: _ BFE+2ft= Nu-otrQ- a v N tr SF OTHER: APPL I CATION Number (Office Use)/ CITY: 3!S:_ 5T: q ZrP: 2I5i2 I arr cenacr 6e8 sF [surunootr 121 sF ! ene eruxousr - sF lBtrcT 1? I rSSPll L,1' hb bt't-ttL\l A.-1-#b lotfice use) ffi PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDtvrstoN: APPLICANT'S NAME: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APP LICATI O N ryPEi RESTDENTTAL PLEA5E ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Proiect Responsibility,, Nl- il" 5,..t w,o e rtrs ttc lva CITY: L.J \ c{^..J t.ra! N L ZIP: ZV 4o*ta{o"ad s LOT$: ll PROPERry OWNEtrS NAME: )D"v(LD/l,. 6 LLt OWNER,S ADDRESS: GTo<OUA,rt) t\-0L. 7,t<€ Zot PHONE#r Ar, 4<l - /4r. CITY lJ r.u., "Lt'. u. Zl?: Tttlol CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: ?..-,o,,AL 7y,o4BI-DG LICENSE f ST: Agbtol o Lq a- ()<!r-04 1€ ?-st ZIP: ZL4o 1EMAIL AODRESS: EXISTING CONSTRUCTIOT{; D Alteration E Renovation a General Reparrs NEW CONSTRUCTION: / Erect New nesidence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation ...PLEASE CHECT A'{D ANSWER BETOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT* T* f Att Garage (SF) Z4o E Det Garage (SF)_ I Sunroom (SF) aPROJECT CONTACT PCf,SON: I Greenhouse (SF)D Deck (5F) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n yes D No (La l1a IOIAL SQ FT UNDERRo0F lt'or proposed wotkl Heated: I Unheated: Z+O TOTAT PROJECT COSI (Less tot): S lza ls the proposed work changint the number of bedrooms? ! ves /ruo ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structu re _] Ves g/ruo lf the project is a RGlocation, istherea NaturalGas Lineon the currentsite? ! yes g(lo ls there Electricat power on this BuildinB? ! yes dto Property Use/ Occupency: E Single Family ! Duplex E/ Townhouse Description of Worl: 7ee", do.* or qLq A00 tt .C /.ra.r I <66 8w€At At1^ \t -2?'3q OISCLAIMIR: I hereby certify that allthe informaion in thts applicatjon is correct and al work wilicom ply with thelaws and ordinan.es and regulauons. The NHC Devetopmeot SeNtces Center wil be notified ot any chanBes in trnformation. ".NOTE: Any work f,erformed without the approprtate permits wilt be in vrotation of the NC sla 4o*.- A Pr-n-- g Code and all other applicabte State and tocat ns and specifications orchange in contractor dsubject tofines up to 5500.00... in Signature: ls the property located in a floodplain? D yes E/tto Existing lmpervious Area: o Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed i a . D I Permit Fee: S Date: lg,lf lo r1.CITYI I D Pool (SF)_ PHONE: q{o 4\Z - r4ro PHONE: 4rc 774 - 3ti r ! Porch (SF)-- E Storage Shed (SF)_ D Other (SF)-- Owner/ContractOr: "Licensed Quolifier" New lmpervious Areaz A9b q Ft Existing Land Disturbing permit: E/v", tr lo WATER: M/ CFPUA E Community System E private We n Centrat Welt fl Aqua SEWER: gfCFPUA fl Community System E private Septic E Centrat Septic ! Aqua zone: fifr (co) otncer: - s€tbacks (Fl _ (rHl _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ Clty: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment: 10/11/?O17 10:OO 4qftua*,1 ffi ItltlcT l7 tiSgF t#bNEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP I' CAf , O N TY P6.. RESI DENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER AI-L QU€STIONS APPIICAEI.E TO YOUR PROJECT',proiect Responiibilit/, APPLICANT'5 NAME:NI,,Ltc DetePROiECI ADDRtSST SUBDIVISION:ClWi tl LOT#: t t.l PROPERTY OwNrtrS itAME: 5"^-,.c^rr. LLL OWNER,S ADDR€ss: QIos + 0t-La<il 7nt Ctf\: trt r.e,..vt-. ,.t t ZIP:241cl PHONEf: A?" 4(2./,1t. ?n,,o,(n* rn,*CONTRACTOR AODRESS: gtoc ttcensE s. tJL ?(()ab ttt O<w 0a EMAII. ADORESS:CITY: [l,rr^,.q.a- Sf ::L\:- Zlp.. ZC*o\ PROJICT CONTACT PERSON:{Lr^.^0r,.,.- P H ONEi aL( PHONE: li'r <, ?'t4 - j tlt EX,STING CONSTRUCnON; fl Alteration E Renovation D Gene.at Repairs NEw CONSTRUCTION: d Erect New nesidence E Addirion to Existing Residence E Retocation ...PLEASE CHECX ANO ANSWER 8ElOW A[I. TIIAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT* * ':l Att Garare lsF) Z4O al Sunroom (5F)-- . Greenhouse {Sf)_ tr Porch (SF) D Pooi (SF) tr Deck (SF)llo El Storage Shed (SF)--- E Other (SF) TOTAT SQ FT UNDf,R ROOI (for proposed wort) He.tedr (L<Unhert€d: Z4o Property Use/ Occupancy: E Sint,e tamily ! Dupter /Townhou;eDescription of worl: ToTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S_lELlEgr:_ ls the proposed wo.k changing the number of bedrooms? f] ,", /"ols any Electri.al, plumblng or Mech.nlcalwork being done to the Accessory Structure D yes EaNoll the project is a Relocation, is thlre a NaturalGas Ljne on the current site? g yrs !f*No-- " '- ls there Electflcal Power on this Buildint? Lf Vct d No ?et",a0p a < (*u*3G Bw€g t /.r.^I (:- ?t 3qOlScl,alMEa: r he,e by .rrtit thrt atl tha tnform.ton in drls appli('Uod i, concct and .I wort wil compty w,rJ*s ind o,d,ninc.'.n.t reEut.rronr. Thc NHC Otveloprn€nt S.rvtc.s Cenr.r w,;, * ;;;;;;;;.*"8* ,'1lo'aarion.r.NOTE:A.y*o.lDlrtorriaatwithouttheapprcpdatepermrtrwr,O",n,,o,aionoi,naruCS, Code and jll othpr:pllicabte Sl.l€ and ,or.t,nd rpearficariOni orrh.nte tn con!raclor biccl to finei up io 55oo.oo."Owner/Contractori "Licensed Quolilier' 4o^n- A. 0<-{. - g!Sisnature: ls the properly to.ated in a ftoodplain? E Ve: E/trto Eristint lmperviousArear o sqFt Total Acre, Dirturbed i e,Dt New |rnpervious Area: &t5 Sq Ft Exlstint Land Oisturbing pe,rhit: dyes - No WATERI rl CFPUA E Communitysystem O private Welt E Centralwell n Aqua SEWER:,4 CFPUA E Community System E private Septir E Centratse ptic E Aqua Zone: rrrir. (co)*rbac*sgl* lqLnxl * wk BFE+2:(a)- Fee:5 Approval Commenl Offfcer: ./sz,&fil.a C$-AY(t', (N) fiy lnmectiqr Requrreo I I S254{i:rl r"h'.lrhztP--7-e1oi--- D Del Garage (SF)--- ls the proposed work changing the exilting footprin!? O ye5 E No 10/11/2017 10:O2 ?4ll'4"++a3< IBLICT 17 lrltF< ZPJe46\ $ APPI.ICANI'S NAME: PROJECT AODRESSI suBDtvrstoN: 0- 3e:y&' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLTCATTON fypE; R€StDENTtA! PTEASE ANSWEi ALL OUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT.project Rerponribility,, Nl.,Date CITY: L.l LOT l: t lr PROPERry OWNER'S TIAMT: OWNER'S AODnE5ST (et<.t< Octa, LLc PHONE #: Ar,, 4e - l4("t:q- 1.1-r 6 2..>r CITY CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: R",."G^,n '- ztP jtA 01 8r.DG LtCeNS€ [:NL ?toalotal(Y-a- Oo CITY: tl,€MAIL ADDRESS:Sf:Ar ZIP: 2Z1bZ 4\ PRoJEO CONTACT p!Rtot{: lL *,*,-^0r,,"- ...PTIASE CHECTAND ANSWER BEI"OW AtL TXAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO.'ECT':i Il Att Garage (Sf) Z4O i Sunroom {St) _ 1l Greenhouse (Sf)_ D Det Garate (SF) _ O Pool(sE) tr Deck {sF)l,c D Porch (SF) O Stor.ge Shed (SF) --C Other (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existinS footpriot? O yer E No TOTAL SQ Fr UNDEn ROOF Vot proposed wort) Herted:t4t,Unheatedi Z4a Description ot Work: TOTAI- PROJECI COSr (L€s! Lot):9 lZo, @., .* ls the proposed work ciangint the number ot bedrooms? tr t., E/ruols any Electri.al, plultlblng or Medt.nlcal worl beint done to the Accessory Structure g Ves g(({o l, the project is a nabcation, is there a Narural Gas Une on the current sit€? E Ves flols there E lectrical Power on this Euildin8? 1 yes {ruo Prope.ty use/ Oc.upancy: El SiDgle Family ! Dupler ( Townhouse {(,,.ut <(€Ar^ \t - ??.jc DISCLAIMtR: I h ereby .enify th.! allth€ tnformrion in iht,apPlicatton ir Eo(ecr end atl work wi compty wLth th€ s.wsand ord,nanc€s and &!ut ont. Th" NriC Devrlogmn,o,mation. t..NOTE:Ariypo.tparformadwnnoutlhc ent Scrviclr Cent.r will be notified of any chaotes in the aaprroO.laae oerhrts will be in od. and allorner applicable 5t.ie and lo(it and specificationg or rhange rn.ontrecrcr biect ro fines !p ro S5oo.oo". Perfiit Fee: S owner/contractor 4o"ur-o A. tla-r-- "Li.?nsed Quoliltef ls the property tocated in a floodplain? g Ves y'lo Existiht lmperviolr Ar€a: o Sq Ft Total A.res Oisturbed I o . b \ SEWER:gl crpua e co System E Private Septic n CentralSe ptic New lmperviorrs Are.: Cgb SqFt Eristing Lind Dirturbint permit: dyes ! No WAT€R: gf CFPUA O Community System E private wefl E ceotralwe O Aqua !'orarion ol lhe Nc Staie Brd Si8natuae: *tbzc('/il * rrAI (RH ){B +2ft= Zone: lvr tL D Aquat& Approval Colnment CD un orti?y'/'.41tooa:(A) * (v -g (N) Crry tnpectmn tte$rreo 9i $254{i:'; EXISTING CONSfRUCIION; E Alteration D Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCnON: / EreC New Res;Oenc€ O Addirton toExisting Residence D Relocation PHONE: dir o t|(t . r'.1r ^ PHONE: 4r o 774 - it't' t offlcer: TBBCT l? lrl8Pfl ZotlllZZ) hb .! ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUIIDING PERMIT APPLICATTO N TypEi RESTDENTTAI PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECI"prorect Responsibility,, \..61, b40, N C tF3fls (office use) ..l,.l'. ?.P: ZA4c:a APPLICANT'S NAME:NI.",,tt-Date PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDtvtstoN: CITY: L.l1o .,- e tt -foap*o^ats LOT H ll( PROPERW OWNENTS I'AME: OWNER'S ADDRT'SII: 6t vt PHONE i: A?! 4<l - t(t "D.LLL P5 OLia,',) (l)<-. 5.r.( €- Zot CITY: t lr*,ZlP. ZU)S CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: ?n",o,, L-L C BLDG LICENSE #iL <fro4btol o L€ a- O<.1-0,r . '1.t<< 7n\CITY: A, c-,.vr,-r-- Sf : llLiltp, ZCqo\ PHONE: ci{ e ( PHONE:4r EMAIT ADDRESS:e^ p,PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: 52 .l4ra 1r ...PI.EASE CHECI( AND ANSWER BELOW AtI. THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT * 'f Att Garage (SF) Z4o E Oet Garage (SF)-- tr Pool (SF) ! Deck (5F)lloI Greenhouse (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! yes n No ToTAL 5Q FT UNDERROOT (for proposed wotkl Heetedi l4S, TOTAT- PRO.,ECT @$ (Less Lot): S lza oso .* ?ee,, ls the proposed work changint the number of bedrooms ? tr ,", E/^o ls any Electrical, Plunbing or lrechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure ! ves g/lo lf the proiectisa Relocation, istherea NaturalGas Line on the current site? n yes g/No lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? D V"r g( f.lo Property Use/ Occupancy: fl Sintle Family ! Duplex d Townhouse Description of Work: Unheated: Z4o or <LL/ A00 *^C ?u*ut <66 Bw€CtAk \to'Zl'j4 DISCLAIMERT I hereby certiry that all the informaflon in thls apptication is correct and a work wr comply with the St ldrnB e and all other applcable Stat€ and locat and specifications or chan8e in contractor bject to fines up to S5OO 00... laws and ordinances and rctuladons, Tha NHC Devetophent S€rvlces Center wi be notifred of any changes in the anformanon. "TNOTE: Any work performed without the approp ate permiis wt I be in vrotarron oI the NC State gtd 4orr- A 1r^n-.iTl Signature: ls the property located in a floodplain? tr y"r g/lo Existing lmpervious Area: O Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbe di o . D \ New lmpervious Area: A5b Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing permit: E/yes l-l No WATER: gf CFPUA O Community System E private wefl D Centrat We D Aqua SEWERT gf CFPUA E Community System n private Septic ! Centrat Septic D Aqua zone: & 6r. (co) Oficer: - Setbacks (F) _ (rH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ qty: _ Date: _ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment: &nt,-,, Permit Fee: S EXISTING CONSInUCTIO : tr Alteration E Renovation ! General Reparrs NEWCO STRUCnO : / Erect New Aesidence E Addition to Existing Residence D Retocation D Porch (SF)_ E Storage Shed (SF)_ n Other (SF)_ I Sunroom (SF)_ Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolilier" 10 /11/2017 1c,:03 E}\;bilJ3+ lEr-rc] l7 I !:JtPll E--Za"fffi Nl.,APPUCANT'S NAME: ZtP: Z?46n Date:PROJECT ADDRESSI 5USDtVtSrON: CITY: ti c LOT f: t IL PROPERTY OWNEtrS I{AME: 5"--^a,rt . LLL ?HONE i: Qt ,.) t/< Z - t4 t .OWNER'S ADDRESS: bt<.ts otto Ot-. \.,.t CITY: lr ZIP:.7(Aa7 CONTRACTOR: ADORESS: R",o, CITY: 4,*,.,r'z-- STt r!:_Ztp:_ZC4o \ SIDG UCENSE fl "JL.7Na4 ci( o 412 . tlro btol 6 L€ ^., A<a-0,i . irt<< EMAII. ADDRESSI PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: o r*,,0r,-.- PHONEi PHONE EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration fl Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCnO : ( Erect New Resiaence E Addition to Existint Residence ll Relocation ! Att Garage {sF} Z4o i) Sunroom (5F) _ il Greenhouse (SF) -- ...PI"EASE CHECI( A'{D ANSWER BELOW ALt THAT APPI-Y IO YOUR PROJECT* '* El D€t Garase (SF)-- tl Pool(SF) E Porch (SF)-_--- Q Storase Shed (SF) _ E Other (Sr)D Deck (5 F)liD li the proposed wo.k changiog the eristing footp.int? D yes E No TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF Vor prcposed wotkl Heated: lfb 3 Unhearedr Z+a TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot):lZa) ls the proposed worl chantlng the number of bedrooms? 3 ye, B/NoIr any Electrical, Ptumbirt or Mcchanlcal work belng done to th€ Accessory st.ucture O Ves /HoIf the project is a R€bcauon, is there a Natural Gas Line on t he current site ? O Ves Ernotr there tlectr;cat Powe/ on this Building? O yes Ef No Prop€rty Use/ oc.upancy: D Slntlc tamily g Duplex y'Townhoure Description of Work: ?'*u'c Ar" \t - ZXj4 S1.ldi.8Ols(LArMlii I hereby cE(ifythat allth€ lnfonhadon ir lhla applla6tion i, co.re(t.nd !I wort wi compty with th€i.wr and o,d n..cer and retul.tlons. Thc NBC D"vetogment ae.Ylcas Ce^ter w,I be flo fiedoti;y ch.ntes in thein,orna!,on "'irOT€: Any wo.t perfo.m€d whiout th..pp.opnde perhits wrl b€ in viotation o; rhe NC State Bt anc, all orher appli(ibte Stat€ and,ocal spe.ilications or.hante io ronr.actor io lines up ro 5500 0o... Owne./Conlractor: "t-i.ented Qtolilier' 4,A. Pt-n.-rl Sign.turel ls the property tocated in a floodptain? E y€s /No Eristing lmpervlousArea: J2_ Sq Ft TotalA.r€s Oisturbcd i e. o I New lmpervlous Areai- Arb Sq Et Existing tand Disturblnt permlt: dyer O No I,r'JATER: gf CFPUA El Communitysyrtem El private WeI O Centrat weLt D Aqua d croue o cor.rn System El Private Se s€tback (rl fl (rH) ptic El CentralSeptic n Aqua {<sq k ottZzone: rrrlu (co) E+2ft= P€rmit Fee:sCc,m m.n o"t"lp/b,firood: (A)-- {N) L[y nsecli,rn Requreo, g I &254{ifi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPUCA o N TypE: RESTD€NTtAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUISTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT,.p.oj€.t Re5ponsibility', 7K - 1t1t SiWER: Approval: lg0(T t7 I rl6Fl,l ff.+nlffi NEW HANOVER COUNW BUITDING PERMIT APP LICATIO N TY2E: RESTDENTTAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE ]O YOUR PRO]ECT"proiect Responsibility,, N., lLAPPLICANT'S NAME: 5o*,^ert Lr9 PROJECT ADORESS: SUBDIVISION: CIW: tl Date o NC ZIP4o*tt*o,,t t-s Lor#: llL PROPERTY OWNEtrS IIAME: 1,--"*-),",,nlv-i"rr . LLL PHONE#: qrr 4(2 - 14t"OWNER,S ADDRESS1 AT,I 5 oLa,^,rot<- 0,r-1q<€ Z.ct a I L-LLCONTRACTOR ADDRESS: CITY: lri i *,ZIP: ZtAoT BLDG I.ICENSE fi Nlc aqo 1btolO L6 a- 0<6-At . JJr-la 2n\CITY ST:Iq ZIP: ZC4o jEMAII. AOORESS: Description of Work; enfua PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:lL", ^^ft,="- EXISTING CONSTRUCTIO : E Alt€ration D Renovation ! Generat Reparrs NEW CONSTRUCTION: p( Erect New nesidence E Addition to Existin' Residence E Retocation ."PLEASE C}IECX AND ANSWER SELOW AtI. THAT APPIY TO YOUR PROJECT*'* Il Att Garage (SF) Z4o E Det Garage (SF)_! Porch (SF) PHONE: 4ro 7'?4 - 3ti t D Deck (5F) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n yes a No TOTAf. SQ Fr UNDEi-ROOF ffor proposed work) Heared: 1fb3 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S lZa @o.* l1o Unheated: Z4A ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ! yes E/tols any Electrical, Plunbint or Mechanicar work being done to the Accessory structure 3 yes /ttolf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natu ral Gas Line on the current site? D yes g/No ls there Electricat pow€ron this Buildingl D v", g/wo Property Use/ Occupancy: E Sinde Family n Duplex g/ Townhouse ?et A002"v<^Yt n^€ (rA*t <t€BwEAta$\to'?tj{ Drsc.arMEa: r hereby certify that a[ the information in thrsappfication is correct and ar wor* wrr compry with thelaws and ordrnance5 and returaio*. The NHc Deveropment seryrces ce.ter wir be notifie; of any changes in the '|nformatio" "NorE: Any wofk performed without the.ppropriat€ permi$ wil be in vroratron or rhe Nc stare Er .nd all other applicable State and tocal Specifications or chanSe in contractor to fines up to5500 00... Stat rldrng ap bject Owner/Contractori "Licensed Quoliliet- 4o*.- A 1r*n.-* ls the property located in a floodplain? tr yes E/t{o Existing lmpervious Area: o Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbe di e . D \ New tmperviousAreat A9o 9q Ft Existint Land Disturbing permit: Eayes fl No WATER: J CFPUA E Community System E private We D Centrat We E Aqua SEWER: gfCFPUA E CommunitySystem n private Septic D Centratseptic D Aqua zone: r14 ru (ca) Orfcer; - Setbacks (F) _ (rH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: -.- City: _ Date: _ Ftood: (A) _ (Vl _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Permit Fee: S bb 2o\1-ll)34 {otface use) PHoNE: cT{ o 4<t - t4 t - n Sunroom (5F)_ E Greenhouse (SF) tr Pool (SF)_E Storage Shed (SF)_- ! Other (SF) --..- Signature: Commenti NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION rYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" IU Application Number (office use) AppL;CANT,S NAMs; Fludy Upton ga1s 4'25-17 pRoJEcT ADDRE55: 1 140 Arboretum Drive ctw. Wilmington ztP 59991y1519N; Landfall tOT s: 53 PROPERW OWNER'S NAME: J NE & DEIMA KiNIAW owNER's ADDRE5S: 101 Devonhall Lane pHONE #: 919-649-1524 clTY: Cary z.P. 275'18 coNTRAcToR: Upton & Co., INC BrDG r.rcENsE#:2 4037 ADDRESS: 1 128 Pheasant Wood Court g11y Morrisville Sr: NC Ztp. 27560 EMAILADDRESST rUdyjr@uptonandCO.COm PROJECT CONTACT PTNSOru. RUd U on pxs115. 919-412-9099 p11sx6 919-412-9099 E sunroom (sF)E Pool (SF) tr Deck (sF) 312 E Storage Shed (SF)_ E Greenhouse (SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes E No TOTAL Sq FT UNDERROOF lfor proposed wotkl Heated:4047 gn1',q61g6' 1936 TOTAT PROJECT COST {Less Lot)r S 637 .462 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbint or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes E No lftheprojectisaRelocation,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?EYesENo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No laws and ordrnances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes in the ap plans and specification nge information. '*'NOTE: Any work performed withou! the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State and subject to to S5OO.0O"' Owner/Contractor: Rudy Upton Signature: "Licensed Quolifier" P nt Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes E o Existing lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Total Acres Dlsturbed: .21 New lmp WATER: SEWER: srvieus 41s3; 9347 Sq Ft Zone: - Officer: _- Setbacks (Fl - (LH) - (RH) - (Bl -Approval: - City: - Date:- Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes E No E CFPUA E Community System E Private Well D Central Well E Aqua @ cFPUA E Community system E Private Septic E Central septic D Aqua Comment:Permit Fee: S EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation **.PTEASE CHECK AND ANSWER EETOW ATt THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT*T* A Att Garage (SF) 944 E Det Garage (5F)- E Porch (SF) 440 O other (5F)_ Property Use/ occupancy: E single Family E Duplex E Townhouse oescription of work: Construction ol Sinqle Familv home acordinq to submitted architectural and enqineered plans i! ,a\r Clear Form Print NEt^l HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING APPLICATIoN rYPr: CO|III'IERCIAL PLEASE ANSI,JER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" ?ot1-l((aY PERMIT ].7-30 95 APPLICATION Number (office Use) $9 q a a laz 1 fs DEVE LOPER : DATE: 9/22/17 Dal-Knox lnc CITY: Wilminqton PHONE *: 9:|0-763-5424 ZIP: 2B4OsPROIECT ADDHES-: 2955 Orviii" Vvrignt W"V OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAr,lE: Dat-Knox. tnc PROPERTY OWNER, S NAIIIE: p,1-6no*lnc CITY: g,r;16;69g6n PHONE #: 910-76A-5424 Sf : X6:fP2ga65 ST: p6 ZIP: 26465 PHONE #: 910-763-5424 PHONE #: 910.769.5424 OWNER'5 ADDRESS : 2926 Boundary St - Suite t OO CONTRACTOR: Dat,Knox. tnc aDDREss : 2926 Boundary st - Suite 1oo EI'IAIL ADDRESS: Zack@reaqanmanagement.com CITY: 1y11,1;ng166 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Zack Reagan s Is Elect Pohrer on this Building f Yes r NO ***** IS THIS A CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY USE? f yES f. NO ,ir,r,,r* IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? _ What is the ew Occupancy IXPE?orsret pRoFEssroNAL: Michelecinnocchio - PH: 9.19-342-9799 NC REG #;7017 ENGR oESIGN PROFESSIOTIAL:- Rob Armstrong, pE , PH:910-876-0376 Nc REG #:25488 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Erect .1O,BOO sq ft ottice^tex buitding ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure?f, Yesl-- tto ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainf _ Yef _ NBCfntUen, t n"r"ty certify thal all information an lhis applicataon is correct and all work will comply with the Slate Euildang Code and all other applicable State nt Services Center will be nolified of anv chanoes in lhe aoDroved olans and soecrficalions Performed w/O the Appropnate Permils wll 6e in Violati6n of the |.lC Srare Bldg Code and SIGNATURE: 4*fr'- and local laws and ordrnances and regulations. The NHC Developme or chanqe rn contraclor or conlraclor Informalion "'NOTE Any Wolk Sublecllo F'nes Up To $500 00"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR: zachary Reasan(qualmer) en NEre) conta n Asbestos or not. You are required lo call the National Emission Standa.ds for Hazardous Air Pollutanls (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 al least 10 days prior to the demolition ol any facility or building. See Asbeslos Web Sile: httpJ/www.epi.state.nc.us/epi/asb€stoVahmp.html ;lerornl enolEcr cosr: 4oo,ooo BUILDING HEIGHT: t B TOTAL AREA SQ FT : 1O 800 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: rO,SOO ACRES DISTURBED: 1.0 NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: 41 000 # OF UNITS: 3 SQ FT PER FLR: 19 800 #OF STRUCTURES: 1 # OF STORIES # OF FLOORS EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? -rYES T NO CONDO OTHEI gfiice / Ftex SQ FT WATER: I7(CFPUAsEwER; Ff cFPUASYSTEiiI ...s ASSIFICATION EPARATE PERMITS REQUIREO FOR ELECT, MECH. PLBG, GAS EOUIP, PREFABS E INSERIS (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:B BFE+ZTI COIV]MUNITY SYST CENTRAL SEPTIC El\i]fI WELL i'Rlvnrr spprrc T-'I ZONING USE CL ?ouuururrv Approval:_ City:_ DATE_ FLOOD Z (FPu<* Comment LH RH N PERMIT FEE ,4Ksa- eMail APPLICANT' S NAI'IE: p2;-11nsa. lns _ LICENSE #: +gstZ If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit #: (check All Th.t Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION: fl ALTFRATIoN T--l RENovATToN T- GENERAL REPATRS T-'l REtocATION tf Retocation. is there a Nati;;t Gas Line on theHrrent Site? f *i; *o tS BLDG sPhiNKLEREDtr Yesf NoNErd coNsrRucrroN: E EREcr NEr,{ srRUcruRE E FAsr rRAcK E SHELL E upFrr E ADD r0 Exrsr srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: 1 SQ FT EXISTING IN,lPERVIOUS AREA: O pRopERry usE: EoFFrcE ! nesrnunnrr ! rr,,lencnNrrrefl EDUCJ-1Aprl-1 PAYMENT METHOD: r CASH l-. CneCX lenvnBLE rO NHC) r- AMERTCAN EXPRESS [-- rr,rCrurSn l-- OrSCOven ZONE: OFFICER: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION fYPEr RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUE5TIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility" ).o (?-n aa,f 17-3308 Application Number (office use) AppucANT's NAM6; McKee Homes. LLC 931g. 10/10/17 pRotEcT ADDRE55: 7045 Cameron Trace Drive ctw Wilmington 4p. 28411 sUBDtvtstoN: Cameron Trace tOT #: 85 pRopERTy owNER'5 1141y19; McKee Homes, LLC OwNER's ADDREss: 109 Hay St., Ste 30'1 pHoNE d: 910-475-7100,727 c[y: Fayetleville 21p.28301 CoNTRACToR: GML Development gLoe ucrtsr *. 63970 ADDRESS: 109 Hay St.. Ste 301 ctty: Fayetteville Sr: NC ztp 28301 EMAttADDREss: krivera@mckeehomesnc.com PHoNE 91 0- 47 5-7 1 00,7 27 PROJECT CONTACT p5X5gp; Ron Barnello pxorur: 91 0-475-7 1 00,7 54 J Pool (SF)E Storage Shed (SF)_ E Greenhouse (sF)_n Deck (sF)tr other (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? 6 yes tr trto TOTAT Sq FT UNDERROOF (for proposed workl 11s31g6. '1796 Unheated:607 TOTAI- PROJECT COST (Less Lot)s 89,800 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E yes ! No lftheproject isa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No Property Use/ occupancy: n Single Family E Duplex E Townhouse Description of Work: New Construction, Sinqle Family Home laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHc Development services center wjll be notified of any chan8es in the approved pla;s and specifications or chanSe in contractorinformation. "'NoTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the Nc state Bldg code and subject to fines up to Ssoo.oo..* Owner/Contractor: Kelsey Rivera sicn"1ur". Kelsey Rivera "Licensed QuoIilier" ls the property located in a floodplain? E yes n No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: .2 New lmpervious Areat 2403 Sq Ft WATER: E CFPUA D Community System E private We E Central Well ! Aqua SEWER: El CFPUA D Community System D private Septic E Centrat Septic ! Aqua zone: _ Officer: -_ Setbacks (Fl _ (t H) _ (RH) _ (Bl _ Approval: _ City:_ Date:_ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= Comment: D{dry 3Eed bt tu*, Fwr. Permit Fee: S 3t.oo EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration ! Renovation L- General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation *I.'}PLEASE CHECI( AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO,€CTI"}T !AttGarage(sF)410EDetGarage(sF)197!Porch(sF)- n Sunroom (SF)_ Existing l-and Disturbing permit: fl yes E No NEW HANOVER COLTNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SAFETY 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE - SUITE I70 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 Telephona. 910.798.7308 Fux: 910.798.781 1 Inte rnet : wtlw. n hcgot.cont IE I t, 4 to 7 WORKING DAYS TURNAROUND TIME FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE STATEMENT OF UNDERSTAN DING Kel Rivera am submitting an application for a residential building permit to New Hanover County. And, as the applicant or person submitting the application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: A ! have attached an official CFPUA receipt or document that has acknowledged an approval of the payment made to CFPUA. I I have attached an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington. tr I have attached an official proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. lf the application is correct and complete with the required drawings, and if there are no corrections or revisions to plans and drawings, and if there are no further clarifications required by New Hanover County; New Hanover Gounty can guarantee that the building permit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submittal date/time (the stamped date/time notation made by the Building Safety Department on the application or submittal document). I understand that the 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days only begins when the aDDlication is su bmitted Drior to 4:30 pm on any working-daY. Signed in acknowledgment: Kelse Rive ra Slliilliililii#ffi I il".j: Signature Printed Name 7045 Cameron Trace Drive Kelsey Rivera 10/10117 Address for the proposed residential work: Date RVLrTl NEW I.IANOVUR COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P LICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PI.EAS€ ANSWER AIT QUESTIONS APPTICASLE TO YOUR PRO,,TCI "Prolect Responsibility' )ctt- rt;a,f 17-3350 Appic.tion Numb.. lofrice urc, APPLICANT,S NAME: H & tl Conslruclors of Fayettoville, LLC g31q;10/16/2017 pRo.tEcT ADDRESS: 4845 Waves Polnts vp 28412 sugDtVtstoN: Riverqghts toT [: 171 pRopERTy owNER'S N41yg; H & H Constructors of Fayettevllle, LLC owNER's ADDRESS: 820S Mark8l Streot, $uite C clrYr lryllqlhgton zrp:28.!!. CoNTRACToR: H & H Conskuctors of Faystlsvlllo, LLC 4psxs55; 8209 Market Skeet, Suite C ctTy: Wilmington 51. frlQ 2sp. 28411 EMAIt AoDREsS: iullcafferty@hhhomes.cor jerrybrennlng@hhhomes.com PHoNt:910.219.1485 pROrtCT CONTACT pERSON. JJ Br6nning _ PHONEi 910.219.1485 EXISTING CONSTRUCTIONT E Altersuon El Renovation E GeneralRepalrs NEW CONSTRUCIION: El Erect New Resldence E Addltlon to Existint Resldence E Relocatlon "'PEASE!flEe(_@'*. A Att Garage {SF} 514 O Det GrraSe (SF) -- Et Porch ISF) tr Sunroom (SF)_ tr Pool(sF)_.-_ lJ Greenhouse (SF) -- tr Deck(Sf)_ ls the proposed worl charglnSth€ exlstlng footprint? O Yes @ ilo O Storage Shed (sF)_ Gl Other (Sr) TOTALSq FI UNOER ROOF Uot propoted varkl Hq1166;2010 Unheated:889 roTAt PRoTECT COST {Less tot): S-l!9i9?- ls the propos€d work changing the number of bedroomsT tr Yes El No ls any El€ctdcal, Plumblng or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure EI Ye' EI No lftheprolectlr a Relocatlon,ls there a NaturalGas lineon the current slte? El Yes El I{o lsthere Electrical Power on this Eulldlng? El Yes D No Propertv Use/Occupancyi E Slntlo Famllv O ouplex E Tow$house Descriptlon or Work: !.!!Q!ff$!!!! QWE LLING .".THE RILEY, A ELEVATION''' lnlor.[.tbn- " tl{OTE: Iny $/ort perlo.m€d wlthoul lhe .ppmprl.l. p.rmltr wlll ba ln dolatloo of the ltc Stat. 6UB Cod. sod rubl!.t to nr.r ep loSSm.m"' .!slgnature;-., -, 374 Ovne ContJector: JJ Erennlng "Llc.ns.dQuoltfl.t" Pdn? Nomc ls the property located ln a rloodplalo? E Yes El No ExlstlnS lmpervlou3 Area: --Sq tt "i('r'-'.i -2,. U Total Acres Dlsturbed: .'169 New tmp€rylourArea: !!{!- sq rt f*tsttng tand DBrurblng permlr: El yes El No WAftR! A CFPUA EI Communlty Syst€m D Prtoato Well El ftntratwelt E Aqua SEWfR: E-CFqUA E Communlty System B Pdvate Septic B Centralscpflc E Aqua zon",L1Q\a,"",,. Q( t setuacts p1 g[ 6x t NfAnxtt{LofifA apyovatt-Ql- .ctty,-![1I -o*etlAltrLftuod:(A] (v] (N]. )<-_srEr2rt=_ t 1,,,.conne*:-l)!l^ac4- par apcoj*) t?Cl*B p\cLns- --rermrtree;g I r J\tj J ''' Ciry inqxcrion iequiieo, ii ;;l,i;,;l & - clTY: Wlmln0ton - pxq11g s; 010.219.1485 srDG rtCrr{Sr s; 74158 128 SF - Patlo NEW HANOVER COI.INTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINC SAFETY 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE - SUITE I70 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 Tblephone: 910.798.7308 Fox: 910.798.781 I Inlernet: vt1vtv1t.11figg61t. 96 n 1 4 to 7 WORKING DAYS TURNAROUND TIME FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE E ENT OF NDER TANDI JuliCaffert , am submitting an application for a residential a. t, JuliCafferty 10n6/2017 Signature Address for the proposed residential work Printed Name 4845 Waves Pointe building permit to New Hanover County. And, as the applicant or person submitting the application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: E I have attached an official CFPUA receipt or document that has acknowledged an approval of the payment made to CFPUA. A I have attached an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington. n I have attached an official proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. If the application is correct and complete with the required drawings, and if there are no corrections or revisions to plans and drawings, and if there are no further clarifications required by New Hanover County; New Hanover Gounty can guarantee that the building permit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submittal date/time (the stamped date/time notation made by the Building Safety Department on the application or submittal document). I understand that the 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days only begins when the application is submitted prior to 4:30 pm on any working-day. Signed in acknowledgment: 'I Date RVLl70 AppLtcANT'S NAME; H & H Conslructors of Fayetteville, LLc d-.. l.li NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATI O N TY P E: RESIDENIIAL PLEASE ANSW€R ATT qUISTIONS APPIICASTE TOYOUR PROJECI "Pro.lect ResponslblllV' oale: 10116t2O17 pRorEcT ADDREss: 4841 Waves Pointe SUBDIV|S|ON: River,lghts pRopERTy owNER,S NAME: H & H Constructors of Fayetteville, LLc owNER'S ADDRESS: 8209 Market Street, Suite C CoNTRACTOR: H & H Conskuctors ot Fayetteville, LLc ADDRESS: 8209 Market Street, Suite C Ctry: Wilmington Sr: NC ztp: 2841l CITY: WI 71p. 28412 1_61 y 170 pHoNr r: 910.219.1485 Crw: Wilm y1s 28411 g1p6 11gsx56 6. 74158 EMATL ADDRESS: iulicafferty@hhhomes.com/ jerrybrenning@hhhomes.com PHONET 910.219.1485 PRO,ECI CONIACT PERSON: JJ ETENNiNg pxote:9'10.219.1485 EXlSTll{G CONSTRUCrIONi D Alteration E Renovatlon E GeneralRepairs NEw CONSTRUCIION: E ErectNew Residence E Additlon to gxistlnt Resldence E Relocation aaa aaa tl Att Garage (stl - E oet Garage (sF) 99- El Porch {5F) E sunroom (sF) _ E Greenhouse (Sf)_ tr Pool(SF) O Deck (SF) tr Storate shed (SFl - El other(sF)'128 SF - Patio TOTAI Sq FT UNOER ROOF Vot ptoposed workl 11g31g!;2582 Unheated:844 TOTAL PROJECTCOST (Less tot); S 153,576 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Y€s EI No ls any Hectrlcel, Plumblng or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory structure E Yes El No lf the project ls a R€locatlon, is there a l'latural Gas LIne on the current site? E Yes E No lsthereElectrical Poweron this8uilding? A Yes 0 No Property Use/ occupancy: El Slngle Famlly E Duplex E Towtihouse Descriptlon of Work: SINGLE FAMILY DVVELLING ....THE OLIVER, B ELEVATION WEONUS ROOM'" hwr and ordln.n(.r a nd .e8ul.llonr. ,he NHC oevalopment Servllr Clnt€r willba notillad o, arrychangerln the approved planJ and rpe(ifiaitlonr or ahrnSe in <onkador lnformrtlon. "'Nol€: Any work perlorm.d $.ithout the approrri.ta p€rmil3 will be ln vk atlon of the NC Slate gld8 Codc .nd subl€ar to finrr up to 5500.00"' Owner/Contradoy; JJ Brenning SlSnalure: 'llcensed Quolfie." Pdnt Non e ls the property located in a lloodplaln? tr Yes El No Erl3tlnS lmpervlous Area: _Sg tt Total Acres Disturbed: .166 New lmpervlout 4yg3; 2673 Sq tt Exisllnt Land Dlrturblnt Permlt: El Yes D tto WATfR: @ CFPUA O Communlty System O Private Well tr Centralwell E Aqua Communlty System O Prlyate Septic El Centralseptic E Aqua D(L> setracrs(nNA mN/A rwN/A @l!L! Jt u oo, tdlftlR*,i,l-,r,-(r{} x BFE SEWER! E V, CFPUA E](,8L.",, Zone: apyouat ( /- at1:+2ft= _ Ibac tLc k-Comment: 5 P"''tr""'9 lr t5 t)' o0 t .l,ct'l-ltair-- tf<3351 Arpliaatlon Number {offite u5e) 188 ls the propos€d work changing the exlstint footprint? E Y€s @ No Citv lnspeelion Pequreo, 91 0-254.il'ili t,Irl 4r; NEW I{ANOVEI{ COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUII,DING SAFETY 230 GOVERNMENT CENTEI( DRIVE - SUI'IE I70 WILMINGI'ON, NORILI CAROLINA 28403 Telephone: 9l 0.798.7308 Fax: 910.798.781 I Ir et'ne| : yt11t11t.11 l1gg61t.96111 Juli Cafferty ; I, 4 to 7 WORKING DAYS TURNAROUND TIME FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE , am submitting an application for a residential building permit to New Hanover County. And, as the applicant or person submitting the application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: A I have attached an official CFPUA receipt or document that has acknowledged an approval of the payment made to CFPUA. m I have attached an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of.f\ Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington. tr I have attached an official proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. lf the application is correct and complete with the required drawings, and if there are no corrections or revisions to plans and drawings, and if there are no further clarifications required by New Hanover County; New Hanover County can guarantee that the building permit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submittal date/time (the stamped date/time notation made by the Building Safety Department on the application or submittal document). I understand that the 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days only begins when the aDDlication is submitted orior to 4:30 pm on any working-day. Signed in acknowledgment: 10116/2017 Signature 4841 Waves PointeAddress for the proposed residential work: Date STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING Printed Name !,rlqqG4v NElil HAN0VER COUMTY BUILDING pERMIf *P,.fc,7l0/l| 7y"E: RESIDEITIAL PtBtsE llEIEB Iu gnsrDrs lppllglDtE rl] \gJ& pROlECr dProjsd nesponsth ltlp ctrYl 8L0CJ( ll: )orrl- (tNs APPIICATIOII llurbeF (offrcr Urc) DATE: ZaPt LoT tr APPLIcAJfT, OEVELOPEi; PRO]ECT SUEDII'ISIOIII I PROPERTY OITTER's O{INER'S ADDRESS I c0 IIrAcIon, ADDEESST pfiolEcr co rAcr pERsoit: IOTAL HEATED SQ FT IOTAL PRO]ECT COST PRoPERTY USE / oCCUPANCYT DESCRIPE0N 0F llokKr : Il poou- sr ' I oecx -- sr OTHER: SF TOTAL AREA SQ FT: PBollE *t CITYI LICENSE }: gffY, ur-- FT UNDER R@F: {t 0F STORTES r prelre *r Ql0:f.08',5 . 7a5srr$zm@ ACCoU!,IT }lsrrl]EEp t wnne. *:Qll0.171-QtgL piwtr *:QtX.l,{-27jL (( tlo gaoL EfisrnE cor,STRUCE0[! E AITERAEoI I nAoVrrroH I GBEML REpArRs. I nrLocenoN irElt cot'rsTfttErroi,ti ffrnrcr rm REsTDE CE oe I AoorrrtN To Exrsnffii REsIDEitcE -'PLEASE CHECI D llr${Er FEtdl AlL IHA?'AppIy to yqn plordsrr ffiarr cnnnce 5DLl sr I orr emor - sr fltrxru 38 I srI sunnoov _sFfl enermalst sF E srqnar *tto_ sF ' M5 rorAL sQ a**' s,4Q.(0{) Is Any EIECTRICAL, PtU,lEI{6 or lEcfl,ttlrc,'l. tbrk 8ciilg D,on. to.the Acc6!.o,.y Strusturef [Ye" I mIf the project is a Reldcatlonl ls'there a Natunal 6as Line on the C/rrent Stte? E V"" EmIs there Electrical Pe$er on thts Euilding? f,f Y'is 5 ,l6tE dJPT.D( .Tol\tMlousE l1j0CT l7 ?t25Pl'l t r**** + +r r+r jr** r*r*"*. *+rt#l*f*Jr*++rt+tr***r+i*rt*+*r*r,+|*rt:rt*r+*+.t+t*+r+li* I5 THE PROPERTY LOCATED IlI A FTOODPI.I$II E YEs WW ExlsTlfic $lpERVIoaE AREA: -.......j_- s0 FT IoTAL.AcgEs lIsTUdbEo: NH{ II.IPERUIoI,S .AREA: -sQ FI EIIIiT LAIID fir'IUR?IJ{6 PERHIT: T.:I yrs EI Iro MrERt d.cFpuA I cou.rcw svsrefl [ euvare uru'[ crurinr $,ett srorn: Z'cFpul I ceiwnal sEpTrc f] pRrvATE srnrrc .f] co,t!x,l{Iw sysTBl n * t?=afftr9 EIiIAIL ADDRESS: I0-Irl-r'l ,ld odha,rcsr ud n!d.&|lt. oHNER/CoUrnACron 3 SIGMTURE, 9Dd.rjddlofE lrdc.tle sbD ud lo..l L,tE arYl rr-]Q- u,5 flH, ID atJS' PER'IIT5 E tEqur&o for EtEcr, {rEc[, pls6, 6 5 EqUrF, cHr(r (pAyasLE ro torc; I arlr. 4com PREFSS a llgsEtrs '.3Enczwsl florscovenPAYI.IEIIT zoler R- lforrrcsn:.sEiBAc$r iEvlsEo D rt X . rre+zft= _ll PERI{I]" Apprloval !--- cltlaJd.ILj!0- DArE:lO:lkjJ fLOOD: A eiry h$ldctron nefflreo, 9l S254{-y}l NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATTON TYPE: RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ATL QUESTIONS APPI.ICABI-E TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility" )c r't- tt731 1ffi3 Application Number (of{ice use) AppltcANrs NAME: Bill Clark Homes of Wilmington, LLC oate; 10.18.2017 pROJECT ADDRESS: 5641 Brown Pelican Lane ctTy. Wilminqton 21p.28409 suBDtvtstoN: Kaylie's Cove LOr #:21 PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:Bill Clark Homes of Wilminqton , LLC pxolrer: 910.350.'1744 OWNER,S ADDRESST 127 Racine Drive Suite 201 Wilminqton ztP. 28403CITY CONTRACTOR: Bill Clark Homes of Wlmington, LLC 9196 116gt{gg g. 34586 ADDRESS: 127 Racine Drive, Suite 201 Cry: Wilmington Sr: NC 2tP.28403 EMAIL ADDRESS:cbain@billclarkhomes.com ps6ps.910.350.17214 pROJECT coNTAcT pgpg6p; Courtney Bain p116xg;910.350.'1744 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration E Renovation tl General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTIOII: B/Erect ruew nesidence n Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation tttPLf:lASE CHECK AND ANSW *.* {afiearaee $il 4ZZ E oet Garase (sF) - El'6orch (sr} F- tlo<lY<(m-l6l C Greenhouse (SF) tr Deck(SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the €xisting footprint? tr yes druo TOTAT Sq FT UNDER ROOF (for proposed workl Heated|M@ unteatea: -.lt9 TOTAI PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E yes Er/tno ls any €lectrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure O yes E trlo lf the project is a Relocation, istherea Naturat Gas Line on the current site? E yes Etlto ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Ves O/No Property Use/ occupancy: Etzsingle Family E Duplex E Townhouse Oescription of Work: lqw construction of sinole family residence n Storage Shed (SF)_ E/o,tr"r 1sr1 ?aho- tot DISCIAIMER: I hereby certifo that altthe information in this application Is correct and afl work will comply with the State Auilding Code and .ll other applicable Slate .nd locall.wt and ordinan.eiand regulations. The NHC Development Services Centerwillbe notijled ofanychaintormatioo. +..NOTE: Any work p.rrormed without the appropriate pcrmit! will be ln violation of the Owner/Contracto "Licensed Quolifiel 1; Courtney Bain Signature; ngas in the approved plans and specifications or(hange an contractor State Sldg and rubiect to fin.! up to 95@.00... IUrLA ls the property located in a floodplain? D V", tr/ruo Existing lmpervious Area: - sqFt Total Acres Disturbed: O,Z Comment: ,rtew tmpervious Are", 3, I Lh se Ft Existlng Land Disturbirt permh: E ves dlo WATER; SaFpuA E community system E private well E centralwell O Aqua.,..SEWER: E CFPUA E Community System fl private Septic E Centralseptic E Aqua zone; _ Offlcer: _ S€tback (F) _ (Ut) _ (RHl _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Dare: _ Ftood: (Af _ (Vl _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _OJDISCLAIIlER:ION T Permit Fee: S Dbq E Sunroom (5F) _! Pool (sF) _ Print Nome Vc zl NEW HANOVER COLTNTY DEPARTMENT OF BI.IILDING SAFETY 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE - SUITE 170 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 Telephone: 910.798.7308 Fax: 91A.798.781 I Internet : www. nhcgov.c om i:-) !2:ll:t tz\ "(\ t, 4 to 7 WORKING DAYS TURNAROUND TIME FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE am submitting an application for a residential building permit to New Hanover County. And, as the applicant or person submitting the application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: / t have attached an official CFPUA receipt or document that has acknowledged an approval of the payment made to CFPUA. 1$A- I have attached an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington. dA I have attached an official proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. lf the application is correct and complete with the required drawings, and if there are no corrections or revisions to plans and drawings, and if there are no further clarifications required by New Hanover County; New Hanover County can guarantee that the building permit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submittal date/time (the stamped date/time notation made by the Building Safety Department on the application or submittal document). I understand that the 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days only begins when the aoDlica tion is submitt DflOr to 4:30 pm on any working-day. Signed in acknowledgment: rtney Bain 10t't8t2017 Signature Printed Name 1 Brown Pelican Lane Bain for Bill Clark Homes of Wilmin Address for the proposed residential work: STATEMENT OF UNDERSTAND!NG Date !,. . - t.4:. epprrcarrs raur, /t I , l1f 5t,.[ k. 3 -3?b6 I NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TypE; RESTDENTTAL i PTEASE ANsWT8 ALL QUESTIONS APPTICAELE IO YOUR PRO]ICT t)-t,/,t) "Proiect Responsibilhy"t.!"t,'r,d - t l"tt brt",lt.it>tl, )5)(r 5. l(?rl \c .t-PROJECT ADDRESS: suaDtvtsroN:N ZIP toT 1'l ,uc'i PROPERTY OWNER'S NAMT 1a V",n if * ra! Lc{*PHONE f .,t (n, Il*,) .tI.-\ ) U (_! }I-t OWNER'SADDRE55: l--lt ri 'n'COI{IRAcTOR crrY I \,\,ll-^rL l-+0-r.,rl \U'rZ--t 5(e.. r. c. i.. "11-tc(L ClrY, ' r.lt, s ^(.'L1 PHONE ONE: ) 8l.DG UCENSE fl: ^ i. -' ': L!--zrP A4a f, *Lc'., r' s- ( ) A9DRESs: -!5_3L ?'rt,-; kf\n PERSOI{: D Att Garate (SF) _ D Sunroom (St).-- O Greenhouse {5F)_ TAL PROI€CTCOST (Less t-ot): S A4,/,-a $c" (Jc. EXISTING CONI'Tf,UCTION: Cl Atteration E Renov"atioo E Gener.lReFaiG NEW COI{STRUCTION: f Er.st New Residence E Additjon to fristjng Residence n nEb..tio. ...PI.EA,E CIIECX AIIO ANSWER EETOW AI.I. THAT APPTY IO YOUR PROJECI," U5f *<'tLt! 3 I 3, 4) O Det Garate {SF)_ 0 Pool {5F)-.- E Porclr ISO 0 Sto.ete Shed (SF)_ 0f Decr (5F) ls the proposed work changi.t th€ exining tootpnnt? O ,tes fl tto ,- _j AL 5Q FI UwDER ROOF Vot proposed wo*)Heated: ..!/ -,i Unheated: ila 0 other tst) 5> )3 ) )-rt Ll ls the propoi€d work changint the number ot bedroo.ns? E yes 0 Nols any El€.trical, plumbing o, Me(hanical work being done to the fucessory Structu.e Q( yes E folf the pro.iect i5 a Relocation, as there a Nafural Gas Line oo the curr€nt ;ite? 0 Ves O |o fi,,415 there Ele.tncal poweron this guildint? O ye. E No-t- ') , Prcperly U.el.- Descrifijon of OocupancT !i gndc Farnily EI Dt plex El Townhoui. Work: !k-ra+^FF t) -Al e /"1)L,r tr.A F.tu sitnature: i \- No Permit s orsctarMEi: o.dii.ncc$d re8!latir6. th. r,lHC I h{rlby (..t fy rtBt .I rhE informat o. in Uli! OevcioprrE Serua!5 Ccrrer wd be notiild of . .ppllerifi ir c@Ed and .I $!.t eal,ccmply with du SEt? .pp.oved pE.a and rperific.tio.u or BuiUtg Code.nd:[ od!€,.ppti!:bt SEte .rd tccl<)intorm a8or '''ilOIE: l.ly liort p.rtorrncd withorrt dle epp..r'rt E pe.rniB wII b{ tn vbbtton ol dle NC SFle8ld8 Code &d to 6.es !p lo tsm.oo.!r ,< owner/Contractor* ^'ucenred O@tfin ke :+\*rlL {'n,,'-t\ 15the property located i^ a floodplain? 0 ves fffo f.risting trnpe^douJ Are a:2 v' C.l (5q Ft Total A(re5 Disturbed New lrnpewiou! Arca: tg Lt'.,, *rt Exjstin8 Laad Disturbing permit: E yel !WATER: ,E cfPt./a EI cornmrmity system e p.N..te we E Centrelwell E Agua SEWER: 8 CTPUA E System 0 private septjc EI C.entrat Septic E Aquazon.,2-lO om Setback (F)a(,1r-ry lO' 1xsl .lO' 1s /3 Approrral: _ crty: =- oate:|.il,)a.oa,6 ai.Zlvf_6t) .- BFt+2ft.Com.7'ent fyttz I s rce:5fu ,U-.do"<-t .,^rUo fo,fi"SFHA N()6o n ccv'{ r 2^<- -c-o{ ztP: ( t.,J^l PROJECT ADDRESS: suBotvtstoN: \1-x\LPrint NEW HANOVER COUNW BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATION rYPE: RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility' f C"n CcClo*^ 11 ?lc I CITY PHONE f: ctw CITY:a7 rf( -'l(trl zte: A &.1( I BTDG TICENSE f 7 d-s-Q A ^"iha sr:/vLzP:2/(Or PHONE;qlo q7O TGCY qlPHONE0 q70 7Gq& Application Numbe. (ofiice usei APPLICANT'S NAME:Date:-+-l ztP LOT # PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: EMAIT ADDRESS: Ij Att Garage (SF)_ _ Sunroom (SF) E Det Garage (SF) ! Pool (SF) n Deck (sF) O(. PROJ€CT CONTACT PERSON {^EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tf Alteration enovation ! General Repairs NSW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence E Additionto Existing Residence E Relocation ***PIEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW AtT THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT*'* l_l Greenhouse (5F)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n yes n No TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF lfor proposed workl Heated llco TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): $3lo OOd. ge ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? Z Ves Ao ls any Eledrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure Unheated:q00 {r." o "olf the project is a Relocation, is there a Na s Line on the current site? n Yes E4{otvt ca V Yesls there Electrical Power on this Building? ./Property Use/ Occupancy: 7 Sintle Family E Duplex n Townhouse !No * il o €t'Uru S,o! 1o fooifltt'r,uDescription of Work:I J DlSCLAlMtRr I certifythat allthe anformation in this application is correcr and allwork will Building Code and all other apptjcable State an oP) ;aws dnd ordinances and resulations. The NHC Devetopment Services Center wiI b€ notrnformation. .'*NOTtr Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in nges in the approved plans and specifications or €hange in contractor NC State Eldg de and subiect to fines up to S5OO.OO... Owner/Contractor: "Licensed QuoIifiet" rr rrre property located in a floodplain? fr* O "oExistint lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Affes Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existint Land Disturbing permit: E yes n No WATER: fl CFPUA ! Community System Private Well D Central Well n Aqua SEWER: . CFPUA I Community System d{rfuate Septic ! Centrat Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks(F)_(tH)_(RH)_(B)_ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Ftood: (A) _ (Vl _ (N) _ BFE+2ft=Comment: Signature: t Nome Permit Fee:s 1(D.oD Clear Fomr ecll,*t^.Ln ui' Trott-lt a.t+Ei il) / ,TZcon Ln- ( ! Porch (SF) _ n Storage Shed (SF)_ tr Other (SF)_ r.- rl_.. 'ffi' NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SAFETY 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE - SUITE I70 MLMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 Telephone: 91 0.798.7308 Far: 91 0.798.781 I Inlernet : www. nhcgov. com I, RESIDENTIAL APPLICATION THAT HAS NO PRIOR APPROVALS am submitting an application for a residential building permit to ew Hanover County. And, as the applicant or person submitting the application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: tr I did not attach an official CFPUA receipt or document that acknowledged approval of the payment made to CFPUA. !did not attach an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington. tr I did not attach an official proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. And because I did not attach the official proof of approvals along with my application for permit; New Hanover Gounty cannot guarantee that the building permit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submittal date/time (the stamped date/time notation made by the Building Safety Department on the application or submittal document) Signed in acknowledgment: /D^7_^t? Printed Namere Date STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING Address for the proposed residential work: _---.: _:\. ,a r,-' l.-- '). '..ffi; NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PI.EASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPIICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibilit/ ,?or n 'tla+g L7=-33J7 AppgCANT,S NAME. Bill Clark Homes of Wilmington, LLC s712. 1012012017 PROJECT ADDRESST 5632 Brown Pelican Lane 69ry; Wilmington z,P. 28409 SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:Bill Clark Homes of Wilmington, LLC oWNER,s ADDREsst 127 Racine Orive, Suite 201 LOT fl: 25 pxoNs s: 910.350.'t744 CITY:Wilminqton ztP. 28403 CONTRACTOR:Bill Clark Homes of Wilmington, LLC s1p6 Ugsx5s x. 34586 ADDRESS: '127 Racine Drive, Suite 201 691y. Wilmington sT: NC ztP:28403 EMATL ADDREss: cbain@billclarkhomes.com PuOltr: 910.350.17214 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:Courtney Bain p66ps;910.350.17{ EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: dErect New Residence ! Addition to Existlng Residence fl Relocation r**PIEASE CHEC( AND ANSWER BETOW Att THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT**T F. E/ltt Garage (SF)61 E Det Garage (SF) _E/Porch (sF)w{v(a- z@lo"1 E Sunroom (5F)- D Greenhouse (SF) C Pool (sF) ! Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? tl yes tr(o TOTAT Sq FT UNOERROOI llor prcposed workl Heated'265D Unheated: ?O t TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S \.,b1 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? fl Yes d"" ls any Electrical, Plumblng or Mechanacal work being done to the Accessory structure EI yes EfNo lftheproiectisa Relocation, istherea Naturat 6as Lineon the current site? E yes Etltfo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? tr Yes E/trto Property Use/ occupancy: /Sinde famtly E Duplex E fownhouse Description of Work; new construction of single famlly residence DlsclAlMER: lherebycertify that allthe inforhation in this application i5 correct.nd allwork willcomplywlth the State Euilding Code and allotherapplacable State and local laws.nd ordinances and re8ulatiohs. The NHC O€velopment Servlces Center will b€ notified ofany chang€i in the approved planr and speclfications or change in contractorinformation. "'NOTE: Anywork performed withoutthe appropriate permits willbe in vlolation ofthe NC State Bldg code and rubjrct to finer up to S500.C10.. r Owner/contractor: Courtney Bain Signature: "Licensed Quoliliel PdntNome ls the property located in a floodplain? tr Ves E/tto Existing lmp€rvlous Area: - 54 Ft New tmpewious Ar".t !fu4*sqFt Exlsting Land Disturbing permrt B ves Ed WATER; dCFPUA E Community System O private Wefl D Centralwell fl Aqua SEWER: E/CFPUA E Community System E private Septic E Centralseptic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setback (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (Bl _ Approval: _ Cityr _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _(V)_ (r,l) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment: Total Acres Disturbed:0 *DISCLAITTE R:TTING THIS LICATION I4E TTAT THE SUBI1ITTAL CHARGE IS NON.REFUNDASLE Permit Fee: S f 3l.oo Application Number (offce use) Kaylie's Cove D Storage Shed (5F)_ c{otn,$q?aho- l?-o VL L5 NEW HANOVER COI.INTY DEPARTMENT OF BTIILDING SAFETY 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE . SUITE I7O WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 Telephone: 910.798.7308 Fax: 910.798.781 I Internet : www. nhcgov. com t, 4 to 7 WORKING DAYS TURNAROUND TIME FOR PERMIT TSSUANCE am submitting an application for a residential building permit to New Hanover County. And, as the applicant or person submitting the application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: d I have aftached an official CFPUA receipt or document that has acknowledged an approval of the payment made to CFPUA. Jtrl ! have attached an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington. NS' I hav" "tt""h"d an official proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. lf the application is correct and complete with the required drawings, and if there are no corrections or revisions to plans and drawings, and if there are no further clarifications required by New Hanover County; New Hanover County can guarantee that the building permit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submittal date/time (the stamped date/time notation made by the Building Safety Department on the application or submittal document). I understand that the 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days only begins when the application is submitted prior to 4:30 pm on any working-day. Signed in acknowledgment: Courtney Bain 1012012017 Signature Printed Name Brown Pelican Lane Bain for Bill Clark Homes of Wilmi Address for the proposed residential work: Date STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING q - 13?q 70fi-tttZ ffi Clear Form Print eMail NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERT,IIT aPPLIcarIo rYPE: COiIIIERCIAL pLEASE At{st/ER ALL QIJESTIOi{5 APPLTCASLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Project Responslbllity', NJAMI Atz VrceS AFFTK-ATTd Number (offic. Use) - DATE: io .i t 'l PnoNE *:qtl ?b1 LqLb irr, t u r irt Atr\l ZIP I Zgq\i APPLICA T'S NAflE: DEVELOPER: PROJECT N , (oait sf.l?- occuPA T/BUSINESS r{A}tE: g(. ?Av US EVA^I 6€L'cA^,l Llfnl€It]\t cHun{.l+ PROPERTY OI{NER'S OT{ ER'S ADDRESS: AritE : gf .! LJ €\rAN G€ (t'car.l LUTU ETLN aHv rtc.tl -PHq{E s: 1o 1b7-rl0gl Cd{TRACTOR: ,qgp 1*rta,ir.r rc, tI AG.o-l s t'l- Nl .(.Tr{ Ef.. CITY: W,L t4 rDGiD^J sr:Nc zlP:gllgl . sT:nL zrPl.78t+lL _ PKr E *: qb,rL1X1 Lb - LICETISE *:5ADDRE EIITAI L ss:D CITY:rtJ6 E AO @-b-t PROJECT COi{T t)il l{ae(.lJ . PHOiIE *: q,9 q1,1 LlLb Exrsr co srRucrrott: ffi/411g&q11ofllf Reloc€ton. is there a Natura-l Gas Line on the No r-] GEI{ERAL REPAIRS I-'I RELOCATIO J . vH;-- ruo rs aLoc sphitllxLe aeoi7{""fZ ,a o (Che(r ArI rhat Apply) REM)VATIOI{ unent Site?r :::-::::-y:P:. E enecr ilEr srRUcruRE flFAsr rRAcK fl SHELL E upFrr n ADD ro Exrsr srRUcruREACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell permit $: *.*,* IS THJS A CHAI{GE OF OCCUPAI{CYs, yhat was the previous Occupancy Type? DESIGI{ PROFESSIOT{AL: (1 ALLA\z AGc\+(I€ La\DESIGI{ PROFESSIO'{AL DESCRIPTION OF WORK Is Elect Porer on this Building usE?r YEs /n **'., _ t{hat is the l,tex occuPancy ,PH 'tt'gjriz-gogz- Nc REG *: <(r'11 PH IF Ye TvDe? ARCH EiIGR :1vr€(LroB-IJ LECTC((r-Bas n^e EXST LAND DtsruRBtNG pERMtr? -J- ves $4,oSQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: T .$ ..-) q/ C]\J + ACRES OISTUREED: NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA SQ FT PROPERTY USE: !orace ! nesraunarlr WATER #ry,t COMMUNITY SYSTEM CENTRAL sEprc n RVATE SEPTIC WELLSEWERESTE I./ ff r',leacer,rrrr-e l-I eoucl-1 nprl-l coNDo orHEt a55cprRtv -N ZONING US 3?orr,,trr,luuw E CLASSIFICATION \YMENT METHoD: 1- crsx p,Cxecx 1erYABLE To NHc) f AMERIcAN ExeRESS J-- rucnlsa l-_ otscovER(FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) NE:OFFICER SETBACKS: F:LHRHR'oval :_ City: DATE BFE+2ft, E PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP. PREFABS 8 INSER 'ent _ FLOOD N - PERMIT FEE: :b62- [3 50 \: fl l/les f No OWNER/CONTRACTOR: Not6: D€molition clenditbn of any TOTAL AREA TOTAL SQ FT lea$ 10 daF prior to th6 BUILDING HEIGHT:# OF UNITS; # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS: $$e t$ eol}Ioq1q t2t K Clear Form Print eillail NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI{IT APPLICATI@I rYPE: COl4ilERCfAL PLEASE AI{SI,IER ALL QUESTIOI{S APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROJECT "ProJect Responslbtlity" , To"'^1 5tc,lar\ z?sEP 1? 12 !49Pt'1 /7- 3/2,A APPLICATIOl{ I{umber (Offlce Use) _oarc,\-Z5.llAPPLICANT' S I{A'iIE DEVELOPER:PHO E f: PRO]ECT OCCUPAI{T/BUSINESS tlAr,lE : PROPERTY OI{NER,5 T{AitE : 5 5i c lt CRo3 Ar^) Cc.,",,,., Cag \lC -z!:x5 PHO E S: 5T:dL zIP: Zg 1') I sr: GAzrP: ZESS) PHOTIE #: o OUNER'S ADDRESS: 3530 (.,i( (n cot{rRAcroR: H.q\}rO<rAIDRESS: Q-aa 6',y j3DEr,rarLADoffi _ LICENSE *, 1 ar;-18cIrY: L( PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:ZtJrF - PHO{E #: ,Gq.zl\5 -[zZ (che.k A11 Ihat Apply) EXrST CONSTRUCTTON: l-l ALTERATTO T-l REM)VATrOI{ lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on tret/unent Site? l-. NotiEt{ co srRucrro : !enrcr NEH srRUcruRE |-lFAsr ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: ffi[::'.+I{fl""re rrrp aoo ro exr5r srRUcruRE GENERAL REPAIRS ES No lS BLDG S TRAcxESHELLEUP If UPFIT - The SheU Permit f:Is Elect Porer on this Building l-. Yes l- NO *r*t* rs THIS A cHAilGE oF occupAt{cy usErf yEs IF Yes, uhat r.as the Prevlous occupancy Iypet tb\rJ(f - Hhat ts |S',o.-'..the ler Occupancy *uu.ref IXBfi?DESIGI{ PROFESSIOTiAL:Cluulr Cq.gl\C PH PH Nc REG r: \8q13 ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOTIAL:_ be.ND Lx \eclr, NC REG f: ns and DESCRIPTION OF I{ORK: 6. PROPERTY USE { ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure?J-- Vef- Ho ls The Property Located ln The Building Code TOTAL PROJECT COST:l8 oD.oD #OF UNITS: p TOTAL AREA SO FT TOTAL SQ FT UNDE *orsronte5,Z R ROOF #OFF EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? -r YES cohtain Asbe3t6 o. nol. Yoo 6t€ equirEd lo call lhe Natonal Emi*sion Standards lor H62ardous Air Pollursnts (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 at l6ast 10 d6ys prbr to the dorftrftbfl of any tacility or bulldino. S€e Asb€6los Web She: httpr/www.epi.srare nc us/ep/asbesros/ahm p. hrml Eldg code and THEI i\^Je{- SQ FT EoFFrcE ! nesreunnnr ! r,lencar.rrrr-el-1 EDUcn Aprn coNDo WATER: SEWER: SYSTEM E CFPUA CFPUA E COMMUNITY SYSTEM CENTRAL SEPTIC tr ff WELL VATE SEPTIC f-'l zoNrNG u 3\Jon,luururrv SE CLASSI TION SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS PAYMENT METHOD f cASH f , cHEcK (eAvABLE To Nnc; [-- luenrcel ExeRESS l-_ rritcnrrsn l-_ otscovER ZONE: OFFICER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:LH RHApproval:_ City: DATE_ FLOOD: BFE+2ft,AVtt-Comment PERMIT FEE: I c ( ztP I all work will with the Stiate ACRES DISTURBED: NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: BUILDING HEIGHT: .-t) sQ FT PER rta,. T-ror srnucrunr*-fl_ B