Minutes 05 18 2017 LABMinutes 05 19 2017 LAB Page 1 Library Advisory Board May 18, 2017 Assembly: The Library Advisory Board met in Regular Session on Thursday, May 18, 2017 at 2:00 p.m. at Main Library in Wilmington, NC. Board Members Brewington, Jan EXCUSED Chadurjian, Denise PRESENT Damutz, Amy PRESENT Garner, John PRESENT Jones, Andrew EXCUSED Montwieler, Katherine PRESENT Osinski, John PRESENT Smith, Harriet PRESENT Smith, Paul PRESENT Swearingen, Emilie PRESENT Walker, Bradford PRESENT Zimmer, Ronna EXCUSED Staff Members & Board Reps. Hayes, Hathia (FOL) ABSENT Honchell, Barbara ABSENT Zimmer, Ronna (LF) EXCUSED Tuchmayer, Harry PRESENT Owens, Paige PRESENT The meeting was called to order by Chair, Amy Damutz at 2:00 p.m. Public Comment and Agenda Review Public Comment No members of the public were present. Agenda Chair, Amy Damutz asked if any members of the board would like to remove or add any item(s) from the Agenda. With no changes, the Agenda was approved. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting The minutes from the last board meeting on 04/20/17 were sent to the board prior to the meeting for review. Motion: Harriet Smith MOVED, SECONDED by Brad Walker, to recommend approval of the 4/20/17 minutes. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Correspondence Harry Tuchmayer reported that the library has received several calls regarding the book catalog on our website. TLC had recently moved their catalog to a more secure server. Patrons who were using bookmarks to access the catalog needed to update their link. Minutes 05 19 2017 LAB Page 2 Friends of the Library Report On behalf of the FOL, Paige Owens reported the following:  The Friends of the Library have a new logo that was designed for them at no charge by Karen Traina.  The Friends also awarded the NHCPL a check for $50,000 for Pine Valley. Library Foundation Report Harry Tuchmayer reported the following, on behalf of the Foundation:  The board approved the need for the Foundation’s Mission Statement, By-Laws, Financial Policy to be reviewed for updates and for June Knott to head this project.  The board approved the request for the NHCPL to apply for Grants supporting Pine Valley in the name of the NHC Library Foundation.  They are continuing to work on fundraising plans. Director’s Report Harry Tuchmayer submitted the Director’s Report prior to the meeting. In addition, he discussed the following:  Mr. Tuchmayer recognized Harriet Smith as the outgoing Chair of the State Library Commission and thanked her for all of her exemplarity work.  The Proposed State Budget has appropriated money for a State Aid increase. o Be sure to thank our State Legislators.  NC Kids Digital is a program that allows unlimited access to Preschool – Teen EBooks. This was made possible thru the work of NCPLDA and your State Legislature. We received $200,000 to buy the digital EBooks for kids statewide. In addition, we are working with local schools to set up all students with access to these books. o Brad Walker requested that this information be sent to him digitally so that he can share it with every school through an email blast.  The county has been working with the NHC School Board to complete a program that will allow all NHC Students access to online library services without a library card. We are waiting on the NHC School Board’s final approval.  We are replacing 30-year-old staff chairs at the Main Library.  We received approval to purchase an RFID Wand that allows staff to wand shelves and locate miss-shelved books, lost books, etc. This will be a huge time-saver for staff.  Story Park was recently awarded the Historic Preservation’s 2017 Merit Award.  We have created a new Story Park sign acknowledging our donors & the Merit Award. Once printed, it will be installed in one of the sign post frames in the park. Minutes 05 19 2017 LAB Page 3 Committee Reports None at this time. New Business Volunteer Policy Paige Owens distributed copies of the revised Volunteer Policy. The Library is revamping how we use library volunteers and updating our policy. Some volunteers have expressed interested in working with the Children’s Outreach group. These volunteers will be required to complete drug testing and background checks prior to working with children. The board was asked to review the current policy and the proposed changes. We will discuss and vote at the next meeting. Old Business Fundraising Policy Draft The proposed Fundraising Policy draft was sent to the board prior to the meeting. It has already been approved by the County Manager. After review and discussion, the board voted on the policy. Motion: Harriet Smith MOVED, SECONDED by Brad Walker, to recommend approval of the Library’s Fundraising Policy as written. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Harry Tuchmayer reported that Vines Architect helped the library create a brochure for the Pine Valley Branch to be used for fundraising appeals. We are compiling a list of possible donors so please submit any contacts you may have. A mock-up of the brochure was shared and discussed with the board. Paige Owens & Trish Hatcher are exploring Grant opportunities. Some require a personal letter of introduction to the Company’s Foundation board in order to apply. If you know anyone associated with a such a group, please contact them regarding our interest in raising funds for Pine Valley. Adjournment There being no further business, Chair Amy Damutz adjourned the meeting at 3:05 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Yvette Mays NHCPL Administrative Support Specialist Please note that the above minutes are not a verbatim record of the Library Advisory Board meeting.