Minutes 09 21 2017 LABMinutes 09 21 2017 LAB Page 1 Library Advisory Board September 21, 2017 Assembly: The Library Advisory Board met in Regular Session on Thursday, September 21, 2017 at 2:00 p.m. at Main Library in Wilmington, NC. Board Members Brewington, Jan PRESENT Chadurjian, Denise EXCUSED Conlon, Dennis PRESENT Damutz, Amy PRESENT Montwieler, Katherine PRESENT Shore, Sam PRESENT Smith, Harriet PRESENT Smith, Paul PRESENT Swearingen, Emilie EXCUSED Taylor, Rebecca PRESENT Walker, Bradford PRESENT Zimmer, Ronna EXCUSED Staff Members & Board Reps. Hayes, Hathia (FOL) PRESENT Honchell, Barbara (FOL) - Zimmer, Ronna (LF) EXCUSED Tuchmayer, Harry EXCUSED Owens, Paige PRESENT The meeting was called to order by Chair, Amy Damutz at 2:00 p.m. Welcome New Members Amy Damutz welcomed and introduced 3 new members to the board: Dennis Conlon, Sam Shore & Rebecca Taylor. Public Comment and Agenda Review Public Comment No members of the public were present. Agenda Chair, Amy Damutz asked if any members of the board would like to remove or add any item(s) from the Agenda. With no changes, the Agenda was approved. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting The minutes from the last board meeting on 08/17/17 were sent to the board prior to the meeting for review. One correction needed was noted: Under New Business – Nominating Committee, the word October needs to be changed to September. Motion: Brad Walker MOVED, SECONDED by Harriet Smith, to recommend approval of the 8/17/17 minutes with the correction. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Minutes 09 21 2017 LAB Page 2 Correspondence Paige Owens reported that the library had received a sympathy card from the NHC DSS office for Gus Zelenka. Mr. Zelenka was our long time courier who recently passed away. Friends of the Library Report Hathia Hayes presented the following report:  The FOL Task Force has been working with the Rotary Club to provide junior Friends memberships to Williston School.  FOL has partnered with Barnes & Noble for an October 5th Fundraiser. The FOL will receive a portion of all sales on this date for any purchases made with a FOL Voucher. Vouchers were distributed to the Board.  FOL hosted a Project Grace informational meeting for their members and have attended all other public meetings. They have generated a memo outlining what they would like to see in the new library. Once approved, it will be sent to the NHC County Commissioners.  The board is looking for a new Recording Secretary.  Always looking to increase membership.  At the Annual meeting in November, six NHCPL staff will report on their projects.  The Summer Reading program raised $1,700 for Pine Valley.  FOL is working with DSS & NHCPL on the Foster Kids program. Library Foundation Report No report at this time. Director’s Report Harry Tuchmayer submitted the Director’s Report prior to the meeting. In addition, Paige Owens reported the following:  The Fall Book Sale starts tomorrow. It will run this weekend and next weekend.  We participated in Parking Day on Friday, 9/16. We had a space on Front Street that was filled with plants, music, games and information on our library and services we offer.  We had a booth at the recent Native Plant Festival at the Arboretum.  The Pine Valley bid opening was delayed due to the possible threat of a hurricane. Sept 26th is the new Bid Opening date.  The recent arrest of an armed suspect in downtown Wilmington was made in front of the Library. The Deputy assigned to the library disarmed the suspect outside of the library, cuffed him, and held him until the WPD in pursuit arrived. The Library’s Chestnut St entrance was closed immediately and patrons were rerouted to the parking deck side entrance. Library services inside were not disrupted. o Amy Damutz suggested that the LAB sent out a letter to recognize the Deputy. Committee Reports None at this time. Minutes 09 21 2017 LAB Page 3 New Business Nominating Committee Harriet Smith reported that the committee would like to submit the following persons for the upcoming slate of officers to the LAB: · Chair – Amy Damutz · Vice Chair – Harriet Smith · Secretary – Brad Walker Amy Damutz asked for other recommendations from the board. Being none, she asked the board for a vote on the recommended slate of officers. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Old Business CLASS Project Update – “Connecting Libraries and Schools for Success” The NHCPL has partnered with NHC Schools to provide all NHC students with a Library Card. The CLASS Project uses students’ school identification numbers instead of separate library cards. They will have access to NHCPL research databases, digital material, and can check out 2 print or audiobooks at a time. There will be no overdue fines, but users are responsible for fees on lost or damaged books. Since all NHC students with a student ID number will be automatically activated into our system, parents will have the option to submit an Opt Out form if they do not want their child enrolled in the CLASS project. Librarian, Margaret Miles, reported that the Library has assigned Susan DeMarco as their Project Manager. In order to ensure a smooth rollout, it was decided to push back the original 10/1 start date for all students. The students access will now be rolled out in Phases: 1st – Pre-K & Elementary, 2nd – Middle Schools, 3rd – High Schools. The start dates are still to be determined and will coincide with publication & media support. Registration Policy Update All board members received the updated copy of the revised Registration Policy prior to the meeting. This policy was updated to include the Class Project program and was discussed by the board. Motion: Harriet Smith MOVED, SECONDED by Sam Shore, to approve the 3.1 Registration Policy changes as written. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Project Grace Update Three public meetings have been held regarding Project Grace. The first meeting on 9/11 was organized by a book club who meets at the Main branch. They had invited the County Commissioners to speak to their group regarding Project Grace and how it would affect the Library. As word spread about the meeting, it grew to a crowd of 125-150 people in attendance. Minutes 09 21 2017 LAB Page 4 The following two meetings were hosted by NHC and were held on 9/18 at the Main Library and on 9/19 at the Cape Fear Museum. At these meetings, the public was able to hear from the County Commissioners, hear planner presentations, and view and discuss the proposed plans. On October 2nd, the County will present their recommendation to the County Commissioners. Adjournment There being no further business, Chair Amy Damutz adjourned the meeting at 3:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Yvette Mays NHCPL Administrative Support Specialist Please note that the above minutes are not a verbatim record of the Library Advisory Board meeting.