NOVEMBER 1 2017 BUILDING APPSftIEW HAM)VER C(x.lilTY BUTLDI'{G PER'iITT APPLICA-TI(X N'PE: CO{'IERCIAL !o)?- Mqq APPLICATI0.' ttutrber (oFfic. us.) PLEASE A}6TGR AIL qJESTIO.S APPLICAALE TO YOJR PRO]ECI "ProJlct Responslbiliqf APPLICAITT'S W+.: TJLXTEq' SZ.UL DEVELOPER: h PHO{E *: PRO]ECT ADORESS: oCCUPA T/BUSIi{ESS tIA}rE : rlzrt\\A_yrp-> *^-t'-t-tl PROPERTY O'*IER'S NAfi E : $I{ER'S ADoREss, 4td r^iaq- ?+eii be'CITY: LrcENsE *r 135'72 ACCOJNT *: ztq:2b467 P nE *: 47i,bzb.rtq+ srrlgzte .4218- srn/6_zre :294d C ITY: Z CO TRA€TOR: AIDRESS:clrr z 1) E AIL AIrOR€SS : 't-r'I.:r{] NE,9 Eztl t eB, e- € C, ? E- ro!\I pRolEcT conTAcr PERsc,rt: A.Lk < S/ .'d i l-\ t Exrsr c(xsrnr,rcrrq{: n aLrER rrr, d..rJfii'lfi'EE'iL.* nrearns I RErocarr! n Ralocdon, b thare a ltarualG6 Line on t. -c*"* si "z [ves-[ No ls SLDG spii Kteneof I ves f]r.ro NEH colrsTRrrcTror: I enrcr r{EH sTRucTURE f} rlsr rmcr I snrr.r- [ urrrr f] ADD ro Exrsr sTRl]cruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE : If UPFIT - The SheU Penmit #:Is Elect Poxer on this Bullding EfYes E rc PH:ARCH DESIG PROFESSIO AL: ETIGR D€5I6iI PROFESSIO{AL :PH: NC REG *: NC REG *: DESCRIPTTON OF !'rOR(: b food or bo\rcagos pr€psld u sarvrd h t* *r.rcuef [ves [ffi h Th. Pmp€rty Locaod rn Trp Fbo<tdair? E ves fiffi TTSCT.AITER:I ttereby certfy ard oadinancG that atl all ciher STBTE and andor dlanoe in contracloaSuuecllo Finos Up To SIGNATU TOTAL PROJECT COST:# OF UNITS: TOTAL SQ FT UNDER R@F: _ # oF STRUCTURES: # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS: TOTAL AREA SO FT : WATER: ECFPUA SEWER E]CFPUA Cde and ild.: Cdrdtrql nodlkdo.E A &.!o. rrno\.J pdmlt SlbddE 6't b h 4tnllbd r.rdng rha 4plcdql bm (DtHS-!rr88) xrtdE t dky o. hitlro wa ,oqd lo .dEh ASda d nd- Yur r!.qulrla ro d th. ta!ddl.| Enadoh Iadrd! fr. H6doua Al Po&rrl! 0GSHfPl a €19)7Ur{SO al ld 10 dqa pld ro rf, do.nofro.r d 'y 6v d bddhc" sa A$e. tllbb sie hnpl,^i\^,*. ep'. stae. nc. irs./ep/asSesroc/ah mp.ftnr BUILDING HEIGHT SO FT PER FLR: ACRES DISTURBED: NEW IMPERVTOI S ARF _SQ Fr E(STING IMPEFn OUS AREA pRopERryusE noFFrcE nnrsraunerr lnencmrnr-e Ieutc Ensr D@NDO OTHER -@i,MUNrYSYSTE -WELL EZONII{GUSECLASSIFICaTIONlf celnnr seerrc ! en-vare seerrc fl6riluNnysysrErrt -' SEPAFATE PERMITS BEOUIRED FOF EIECT MECH, PLaG. GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS -' pAvrrExr lrErro& Scasx [t-cueo< pAyAatE To rfic) EBtu Accouir ntrc/vtsA I orscorcn SO FI A1VL ;.[b DArE:_)l:_.]f3lf_ Pror{E *: 7f 44t ? z \< etlo,$ *tqJdylzzz3: rr**t IS THIS A cHtl&E oF OgcupAr€y rser flvrs ff]o r**.* IF Yes, rftrt ras thc Prcvlous Occupancy Typ€? _ faat is the d O<cupan€y Type? /2<z<o 'toO Exsr LAND DrsruRBrNG pERMrn E yES fl No (FOR OFFICE tfiE Otfn Hs\,lscDD^tEl,lfi2 ZONE-OFFICER:- SETBACI(S: F:-LH:-RH:- B: Approt d: Ot!f.- DATEI- FLOOD: - - - BFE+2F- AVNCommert pER tT FEE: 3_ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDI hilt+q7 APPLICATIqN rYPr: COHMERC APPLICATION Number (office use) PrtA5E ANSI.IER ALL QUtSTIONS APPIICABI-t r0 9 o z "Project ResPonsibilitY" h^LO PHONE #: ztPt zq 9rot4o7aaPHONE S: ST:ZfP:Z 5 APPLICANT'S NAfiE: DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADDRESS: OCCUPANT/8USINES5 NA}1E : PROPERTY OWNER'S TIAME :lAe... OWNER'S ADDRESS: CITY: a.le CITY: L,-^ CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: lrcENsE #: 70 CITY:srt N.GD.: zg4+S a, {-ro Va4T*fr a, ?rfi 652<784Ei,IAIL ADDRESS: L en PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: (Che.k All Ihat APPIY) PHONE PHONE RETOCATION KLERED? fi v". @f r.roEXrST CONSTRUCTTON: BALTERATTON ll Relocation is there a Nalirlal Gas I ine on the ror [-l GENERAL REPATRS @Fglr" TsBLDGSP RIN ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: NEI^I coNsrRucuon: f] rnrcr NEl\l srRtrcruRE f] rasr rmcx SHELL N UPFIT D ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE If UPFIT - The Shell Permit fl;Is Elect Polrer on this Building p.' E Ho RENOVAT Currenl Site? IF Yes, what was the Previous o€cupancy Type? i*'** IS THIS A IHANGE OF OCCUPAT\ICY USE? EYES OccupancY TYPeINhat is @,*tlle New ARCH DTSIGN PROFESSIOIIAL: ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: PH: PH: NC RE6 $: NT RE6 S: \7'3)3 PROltCl L DESCRIPTION OF }'JORK:-o ls lood or beverages ptoPared or s€rved v""pln this strucluro? I hereby certty and ordinances thal allinlormation in this a ication TOTAL PROJECT COST:BUILDING HEIGHT:tJA TOTAL AREA SQ FT :SO FT PER FLR:A)/+ TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF:d OF STRUCTURES No ls The Propflty Locatod ln The Flooddain?E v", Pr*o srale Building Code and allolher aPPlrcable Sble and lhe andDISCLAIMER 3nd local laws and The NHC Subecrlo Fines Up'[o or conraclot$500.00-JQin conlraclor OWNEFYCONTRACTOR:SIGNATUR Notei Demoliion nodicstons & asbeslos I permil opplicalions are to b€ Eubmilted using ths spplica!;on rorm @nlain Asb65los oI nol You aro toquirod to catt thB Nafonal EmBslon SEo(brds Ior Hszsrdous Air Pollullnts (NESHAP) al (9 demolirion ol sny lacilrty or building Asbesros Web Sire: hnPJru/v,u,-epi stare rc.us,/eprssbeslGrohmP.hunl 68) wheher th€ lacility ot buildrng w.s lound rc 19)707-5950 er le&sl 10 dsys giol lo lh€ f OF UNITS: ,z # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS: REVISED DATE 4N1N? ACRES DISTURBED EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT?YES NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:4 SQ FT EXISTIN ERVIOUS AREA SO F]G IMP EOUC--1nesrauRelr ffir"lencelflr-e IPRoPERTY USE: LIoFFICE L--l flmr f]cottoo orHER: F"o WATER: SEWER:F CFPUA f:lcoMMUNlTY SYSTEM flwELL -E?gftNG usE cLASSlFlcArloN: creua fi celnRAL sEPTlc I e-nvrre seerlc f]coMMUNlrY sYsrEM PAYMENT METH ..'SEPARA.IE PERMI'IS REOUIRED FOR ELECI ' MECH, PLBG' GAS EOUIP PIIEFABSAINSER]S"' "r,- E;.; El"*i"* tro"*.. ro nxcl [elleRlcAN D<eREss f]ucrutsa E otscoven ***-,.L;* (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B:-ZONE:--OFFICER:Approval:.- CitY:-DATE:- FI-OOD: -- o ---- v - N BFE+2fl=-- Comment LZ I ru,r*ohf $o e\rL In" Pr-"Ul oarE:dilhb/i' 1o z4?fl ( rowrE PERMIT FEE: $-._.--- 3FtU6 l7 I rtsPtl b\NEI^J HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT aPPLICATIoN IYPE: COIVIMERCIAL PLEASE ANSIi{ER AtL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE T0 YoUR PROIECT "Project Responsibility" ?or1-llSCB APPLICATION Number (office Use) APPLICANT,S NAIvIE:McAdams }iomes LLC DEVELOPER: McAdams Homes LLC PROJECT ADDRESS: 7275 Carolina Beach Rd, BLDGTL OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NA}IE : southern Storaqe PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: rnlet watch Development Partners ol,lNER' S ADDRESSi 6626 C Gordon Rd CITY: wi lminqton CoNTRACTOR: McAdams Homes LLC LICENSE #: G9907 ADDRESS: 6626 -c cordon Rd CITY: wi lminqton ElllAIL ADDRESS : bianca@mcadamshomes . net/qrady@mcadamshomes . net PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON : Grady Gordon DATE:__3:1JJ_ PHONE #:910-798-3006 PHONE f: 910 799- loo5 ST: NC ZIP:28411 ACCOUNT *: ST: NC ZIP: 2 8411 PHONE #: 910-798-3ooG PHONE *: 9ro-36'1-1223 If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit f:rs Elect Power on this Building E Yes E to !*:,.'',*'', rs THrs A 6HANGE oF occupANcy user Ives [}Ho ***** IF Yes, !,/hat was the Previous occupancy Type?What is the Nelr Occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: EN6R DESIGN PROFESSIOT,IAL: DESCRIPTION 0F l,loRK: PH: PH: NC REG #: NC REG #: DISCLAIMER: I hereby certfy thal all information rn this applicalion is correcl and all work will comply wilh the and local laws and ordlnance's and reoulations. The NHC Develoomenl Services Center will be notifred ol anv or chanoe in conuacror or contractor riformation. "'NOTE Any Work Performed WO the Appropriale Permits SubFcllo Fines Up To $500.00"' ls food or beverages prepared o. served ln this sruaure? flves I No ls The Property Located ln The Floodplaina f] ves I no State Building Code and all applicable State abecficalrons Eldg Code and SIGNATURE: (ouarn64 (Prlnt NaI.) Note: Demottton notiffcalions E asbeBtos rcmoval p€mft appllcstons sre to be submltted uslng the appllcallon brm (DHHS-3768)lhe facillty or bulldlng was bund to contaln Aebosbs or not You are requllEd io call the Nstonal Embslon Slrndards ior Hazardous Air PollutEntB (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 6l le6st 10 days prior lo th€ d€rnollton of any hcillty or bulldlng. Se€ Asb€stos Web Sil€: htp#^ryw.opi.staie.nc.us/epyasbestos/ahmp.htrnl TOTAL PROJECT COST -, BUILDING HEIGHT: TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: - # OF STRUCTURES: # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS: TOTAL AREA SQ SQ FT PER FLR ACRES OISTURBED EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? E YES E NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:-SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT PROPERW USE: EOrrrCe E RESTAURANT luencerrtlr leouc laer fl @NDO OTHER:storaqe WATER: ECFPUA SEWER: EICFPUA FT: I pAyMENT METH6D: flclsn flcxecr leavnaLE To NHc) fiatu eccourur f]ucnnsn fiotscoven (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) -'SFPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR :LECT, MECH. PLBG, GAS EOUIP. PREFABS & INSERIS '' Comment TICOMMUNITY SYSTEM TIWELL EZONING USE CLASSIFICATION: fr celrnelseenc E P-RIvATE sEPTtc lcoMMUNlwsYsrEM REVISED DATE ,(r1 1/12 ZONE: OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B: Approval:- Ciry:- DATE:-FLOOD:- gFE+2ft= AVN PERMIT FEE: $ DImfol e^qiNirrY^ { p$c Z:r't 846tt' CITY: l:ls]!s!g!__ ZIP | 28aw (Check All That APPIY) Exrsr coNsTRUcTroN: n ALTERATTON E RENOVATTOT I Crutnnl nerlrns I RELocArroN rf Retocadon, is rhere a Naturat cas Line on the Eirenl site? E Y;E No ts aloc spiiixreneoz I v"" fluo NEr4l coNsrRucrrol: @ rnecr NEh, srRUcruRE ! rnsr rnacx ! sxelr- ! urrrr ! mo ro ExrsT sTRucTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: OWNER/CONTRACTOR: ndam sosoe # OF UNITS: 0o }ot-il)5 l6 rH305NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIoN IYPE r COI|IMERCIAL PLEASE AIISWER ALL QUESIIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "ProJect Responslbllity" APPLICATION Number (Office Use) ss1sl LO/9/17ApptICANT,S NAtilE. Rhet6on Coapan.ies, Inc. DEVELOPER: .Par 5 Holdingf LLC PROJECT ADDRESS; 1128 Lake Park Blvd N OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAtlE: sherwin wilriams CITY: Carolina Beach pHoNE #; 9l-0-944-0881 ZIP | 24424 NC REG #: 6838 NC REG $: pROpERTy ONNERTS NAME: Par s Holidng/ LLC PHoNE #: 910-944-0881 Oi{NERTS AODRESS, 2075 Juniper Lake Road CITY: west End CONTRACTOR: Rhetson companies, Inc.LICENSE #: 55e28 ACCOUNT #: ADDRESS: 2075 Juniper Lake Road CJTY: West End ST: Nc ZIp: 27376 EIIAIL ADDRESS: tereaa€lhetsonconpanies.com PHoNE #:910-944-0881 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Teresa Remnenga PHONE #:910-944-0881 (check A11 that Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RELOCATION lf Ralocalion, is there a Natural Gas Llne on the Current Site?C Yes ff *o IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?f,f ves E*" NEW CONSTRUCTTON: zl ERECT NEl^, 5TRUCTURE I rASr rnlCx ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: SHE LL UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE If UPFIT - The She1l Permit #: Is Elect Power on this Building Q Ves (f uO **{.r.{. IS THIS A CHANGE oF occupANcy uSef QVrs QNo ***** ARCH DESIGN PROFESSfONAL: Hiscutt and Associates ENGR DESIGT'J PROFESSIONAL: see attachment : '77 0-753-8787 DESCRIPTION OF |JORK: Proposed construction of a Sherwin Williams ls food or boveragos prepared or s€rvsd ln thls struaure? Q ves pl uo ls The Proporty Locatad ln Ths Floodplalnl I v"" Q no PH PH DISCLAIMER: I hereby cenify that all intormalion in and local laws and ordinances and reoulalions. The or chanoe rn contractor or conlraclor iiformatlon. "' Subjecllo Fin6s Up To $500 00-' ng Codo and all other cable Slale Code and OWNEFyCONTRACTOR. Brian clodf elter SIGNATURE: (Osaliffer){Pnnt N8nle) TOTAL pROJECT COST. 333.s00 BUtLDtNG 691q61. 22.67 feet # OF UNITS: 1 contrain Asb$lo6 or not You ars r6q!lr6d to call tho Nadonal EmbBion S!8ndard8 for Hazsrdous Ajr Pollutantr (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 at l€dst 10 days prlo. to lho demollion ol any faclllty or boilding. See Asb€stcs Wob SlEl htDr^vrvrv.od.3tlE.nc.udod/8be.lo6,/.hmp.htnl TOTAL AREA SQ 97.4.000 SO FT pER FLR' 4,000 TOTALSOFTUNDERROOF. 4,OOO # OF STRUCTURES: .1 ACRES DISTURBED:.81 NEW IMP ERVIOUS AREA. 20, 415 PRoPERTYUSE: fprrrce f] WATER: SEWER: # OF STORIES: 1 # OF FLOORS: 1 EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? OYES EI NO SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: 0 RESTAUBANT MERCANTLE f]eouc f]APT ICONDO OTHER1 171 Lr) CoMMUNTTY SYSTEM EWELL CENTRALSEPTIC LI PRIVATE SEPTIC ING USE CIASSIFICATION:.CFPUA CFPUA SQ FT COMMUNIrySYSTEM -. SEPAFATE PERi,!ITS RECSJIREO FOR ELECT. MECH, PL8G. GAS EQUIP, PRETABS & INSERTS *' PAVUENT METHOD:f,lcasn QlcnecxleevrolEro NHc) Qatllnccoutw OMc /lsA Qotscoven (FOR OFFIC€ USE OIILY) RE\/ISED DATE,I/11/12 ZONE: - OFFICER: SETBACKS: F:- LH:- RH:- B:--- Approval: Clty:- DATE:- FLooD: --- BFE+zfi=- AVN e^mmanr. PFRMIT FEE: $ ST: Nc ZIp: 27376 IF Yes, what was the prevlous Occupancy Typel ___ - What is the Ner.r occupancy Typel br-r- lls)+ .L:14+45 l,&,r APPLICANT'S T,IAME : DEVETOPTR: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLT CAr t0N rYPr; RESI DENTIAL PLEASE ANSWTR ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibilit)d' ROB ROMERO 1516 CASTLE STREET C ITY: wrr,MrNcroN BLOC( # APPL I CAT ION Numbe r (0ffice Usc ) DATE: a9.2't .1'7 PH0NE #: 9ra.22e.313't PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIV IS ION:tOT # PROPERry OHNER's NAIVIE 0,S,IER'S ADDRESS: KELLY & JOSHAH MCKINNEY PHONE #: ST: 9ao .622 .39sA C ITY: wTLMTNGToN ttP CONTRACTOR: Ls sMrrH rlIC ADDRESS: 1G 07 9UEEN srREEr EttIA lL ADDRESS: LssMrrHrNC@cMArL. coM L lCINSE #: Gs24e PH0N[ #: 336.404.oooe PROJECT CoNTACT PIRSoN: RoB RoMERo ,!arrrRlrroru !nrHovlrtou !crrurnnL RrpAtRs E RELocATt0N ERECT NEt.' RESIOEITCE Or ! AOOTTTOru TO EXISTIiT RESIDENCE IX I ST ING CONSTRUCIION NEhI CONSTRUCTION: "PLEASE CHECI( AND AI,ISHER BELO{ ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROIECT: f]nrr clnrcr _ sr I urr ennner sr !eoRCH _sFI suxnoom SF fl eooL - sF I sronlcr sHED _ sFI cnrrruuousr SF 5t TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: gza T0TAL 5Q FT UNDER ROOF: ggg T0TAL AREA SQ FT: szs T0TAL PR0IECT COST Gessrot) : $ j!*-A.9.9__ # 0F STORIES: 2 ls Any tIECTRICAL, Ptu\EING or MICHANICAI Work Being Done to the Accessory Structure?I ves [ ruo If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Curnent Site? [Ves flruoIs there Electrical Power on thj.s Building?I ves fl uo PROPERTY USi / OCCUPANCY:sTNGLE rAMrry f] ourLrx f]ronntousr DESCR I PT ION OT IMRK : TWO- STORY RESIDENCE - PARTIAILY CONSTRUCTED OF SHIPPING COMAINERS - OTI{ER PORT]ON TRADIT]ONALLY WOOD FF,AMED and ordinanccs and requlatrons. The NHC Developmenl Services Center willbe notjfied ofany chan0es in he approved plans and specificatio0s orcha0qe in contrac!or or conractor jnformatjon. " oTE: Any Work Performed W/0 lhe Appropriate PermitswillbeinViolatronoftic NC S(ale Bldq Code and SubjecttoFanes UpTo1500.00"' OVINER/CONTRACTOR WAIiR SMIR cFpuA n co\iilifl,NrTy SYSTEM E PRIvATE wELt I crrurnal wtt-t- cFpuA fl CENTRAL SEPTrc ! eRrvlrr sEPrlc D ccnfvllNlrY sYsTE\, ... STPARAIE PER[,1IIS REQUIRED IOR €LECT, IMECH, PtBG, GAS EOJIP, PREFABS & INSTRTS ,.' E cnsu E*rrcK (pAvABLE r0 NHc) ffA ERTGAN ExpREss tr Mr/vrsA tr DISCOVERPAYIV]TNT METHOD ZONE:OFFICER (IoR 0rt tct ust ofiLY) SETBACKS: F: REVISED DATE O4l11/12 B BFE+2ft=Anoroval: Cit'l: DATL:- FL00D LH RH u ZIP: u seor C IJY: wrl,r"lrNcroN ST: NC I lP | :!l!a PHONE #: e1o . 228 . 313? florcr _ sF oTHE R: S I GNATURE : -(l"i,l"-Ilry).....- IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED II{ A FTOODPLAIN? E YES EI rc EXISTING l[/PtRVl0US AREA: - SQ FT ToTAL ACRES DISTURBED: NRII/ l[iPtRVloUS AREA: 4SQ FT EXIST LAND DISTURBII{G PER}rIr: ff YEs n No ,?ol-l-lt5J4- +:t-1++o DEVELOPER: ilEW HAiIOUER COUilTY BUILDING PERMIT APPL, cAttofl IYPE; RES IDENTIAL PLEASE ANSY/ER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "PrcJect Responslbl.lLty'' APPLICATIOI{ tl[ber (office Use) APPLICANT'S llAI.lE; RoB RoMERo DATE: 09.27.1? CITY: wTLMTNGToN Pll0tlE #: eto.22a.3t37 PRoJECT ADDRESS: 1s15 casrl,E srREEr SttsD tv I s t0t:BL0CI( #: _ LOT #: IGLI,Y & .]OS}IAH I,ICKINN PHOTE #: eto.622.39sa C ITY: I,TLMTNGToN ST:-ZlP:_ COIIIRACT0R: Ls sMrrH rNC LICEilSE #: 6a24e CITY: wrr,MrNGToN ST: Iq Z lP: :!l!!AIXTRESS: 1G o? oUEEN STREET EIAIL AITDRESS: LssMlrHrNC@cMArL.coM Pl()l{E #: 336 .404 . oooe PRoJECT ColffACT PERSoII: RoB RoMERo PlOt{E #: sto.22a .3t3'l EXrSTrilc G0ISTRUCTT0tt: ! nrrrnnrroru ! neruovnrroru !cerrnm REPArRS f] RELoCATT0N NEI.] CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEl,l RESIDENCE or ADDITION TO EXISTTNG RESIDENCE IIPLEASE CHECK AND AI'ISI.IER 8ELOI,' ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: I err cRnRcr - sF I oer cnnace sF n poRCH - sF I surunoorur _ sF POO L sF I sronacr sHro SF 5FGREENHOUSESFI orcr _ sr OTHER: ToTAL HEATED SQ FT: s28 ToTAL SQ FT UNDER R00F: e2s ToTAL AREA 5Q FT: s:.a ls Any ETECTIIGAL, PLllIB l]lG or IECHAXI CAL t{ork Eeing Done to the Accessory Structurc?I ves f] No If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? flves I no Is there ELectrical Power on this Building?ves I lto PROPERTY USE / OCCIIPAiICY:sTNGLE FAMTLY I oUrleX I rOwrHOUSr DESCRIPIIOI{ OF IORI(: TT.]o-sToRy RESIDENCE . pARTIALLy CoNSTRUCTED oF SHIPPING CoNTAINERS . oTHER PORTION TRADTTIONALLY WOOD PRAMED PROPERTY O,INER'S ilIfE: Ot.tr'IER'5 ADDRESS: and ordina.ces and regulaljons. The NHC oevetopmenl SeNtes Cenlel will be nolified otany changes in he appo\€d plans and speciications or change in conracbr or conracbr iniimiton. "'I{OTE:AnyWort Pedormed W/O tle ApprcpriaE Pemirs will be in Violatun ot rhe NC Star€ Eldg Code and SubFcr b Fines Up To 3500.00"' OfIIER/COTTRACTOR:S IGITATURE: (Pr int I'hrc)**i{^'irr,r*rr*** rS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAI ? l-I YES I NO EX I ST I ilc I PERV I OUS AREA : _ SQ FT IEI IXPERVI0US AREA: 7ee SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: - EXISI LAND DISTURBING PERI,|IT: T-I YES N NO cFpuA E coM[,ruN rw sysrErr fJ pRtvATE WELL I crrurRnr wrrL CFPUA E 0ENTRAL SEPTIC ! enlvnfe sEPTIc N coMMUNITY SYSTET,I "*. SEPARATE PERIIITS REQI'IRM TOR BECT, }ECH, PLBG, GAS EqJIP, FRETABS & IIsERTS I" pAyrEt{T TETH0D: E clst E cxrcx (PAYABLE To iltE) MERTCAN ExpREss fl tclvrsr I orscoven IATER : SEEER;a/ Z}NE: \)171 OFF I CER; (For oFFrcF I<F ot{LY)1)fU SETBACKS: F: d LH: , RH: , tt/V. ,*r',tt/z{n FLooD: - lionRe.qurm ?10-25{-0i3 A v I iEvrsEo D le 04/71/72 U B: f;! X BFE+2ft= PEXXIT FEE: 3 Approva I Collaent: : 'DF ,,., dilv lnspec I CFarctlcz fbhqA*o ,'' ffi,,, ZIP i 2q4ot Clear Form Print NEW HANOVER COUNry BUILDING PERMIT AP P LlCATlo N TY PE : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALI QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROIECT "Project Responsibility" /ot1-(153C APPLICANT'S NAME: Southern Exoos re Slinrooms Date: 1O11712017 PROJECT ADDRESS: 13'i6 Honor Lane _ sUBDlVlsloN: Ihe Farl€d -Barclay- , PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME : G:rric Gzrn./ l' (]ath\/ LOT #: 69 PHoNE #: 910-508-0606 OWNER'S ADDRESS: 13'16 llonor Lane CITY: Wilminoton ZIP 28412 cONTRACTOR: Southern ExDosure Sunrooms ADDRESS; PO Box 12007 BLDG LICENSE fl:€&:t38 CITY: Wilminqton S'r:Ng ZIP:28405 EMAILADDRESS:iohn@southernexposuresunrooms.com __PHoNE: 910-793-2762 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: John Hrckev EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration I Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: n [rect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence U Relocation ***PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTI''i'i ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? I Yes E No ToTAt SQ FT UNDER ROOF Uor proposed work)Heated:358 TOTAL PROJECT COST {Less Lot)s 12655 Unheated rF ,u [-l JAc do r.gcr.r .'r cn- it*'f .!u r r; f.-ru-tt-/Is the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? : Yes El No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work beingdone tothe Accessory Structure il Yes E No tJ/,c lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes I No ) I + lsthere Electrical Power on th is Bu ilding? L-({es fl No Property Use/ Oc.upancy: !! Single Family U Duplex I I Townhouse Description of Work: esndiffit*e. information. "'NOTE:Any work performed without the appropriate persitswillbe in violation of the NC I Code a to fines up to 5S0O-00"* Owner/Contractofl John Hickey Signature: "Licensed Quolifier" Print Nome ls the propertv located irr a floodplain? I Yes El No Existing lmpervious Area: 3743 Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: q _ - New lmpervious Area: 0 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes L] No WATERT [l CFPUA tl Community System il Private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: l+CFPUA r] Community System I Private Septic ! Central Septic Ll Aqua zone: __ Officen _ Setbacks (F) _ {LH) _ (RH} _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: ____ Flood:(A)_(V) _(N)_BFE+2ft=_ comment: Permit Fee; S La-11+" clTY: Wilmington zlP: 28412 _ _ -_ PHoNE:910-713-27S2 D Att Garage {SF)_ .,,- B Sunroom (SF)35L D Greeohouse isF)___ r-t Det Garaee ISF) tl Pool (sF)_ [] Deck {SF)_ fl Porch (sF)_ n Storage Shed (SF)_ tr other {sF)_ NEW FIANOVEIt COUN'I-Y DBPARTMENT OII ]iUII,DING SAFTTY 2]O GOVERNMI,NT CENTER DRIVE - SUITE I7O WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 'felelthone; 9 10.793.7-108 l-ax: 910.798.781 l I n te r n et : yv u,w. n I rcgov. co nt RESIDENTIAL APPLICATION THAT HAS NO PRIOR APPROVALS STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING t,ohn Hickey am submitting an application for a residential building permit to New Hanover County. And, as the applicant or person submitting the application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: A I did not attach an official CFPUA receipt or document that acknowledged approval of the payment made to CFPUA. A I did not attach an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington. X I did not artta,c,h an official proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. And because I dd_Is1 iltaeh the official proof of approvals along with my application for permit; New Hanover County cannot guarantee that the building permit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submittal date/time (the stamped date/time notation made by the Building Safety Department on the application or submittal document) Signed in acknowledgment: John Hickey 10/17 /17 sig ture Printed Name 'l 316 Honor Lane, Wilminqton 2841 2Address for the proposed residential work: Date hb $(? Cloar Form n I)PLICAN f'S NAME: Southern Exoosurc Sunrooms Prin{e Ir.{ail NEW ["IANOVER COUNTY BUII.DING PERMIl- A P P L I CAT I A N T Y PF. : RESI DE NTIAL PTTASE ANSWER AI.I QUISIJONS APPLICABTI IO YOI]R PNO]ECT "Project Responsllrility" L:t-*ffi (oltice u5c) _-'_ Datei 1011112017 PnOIECT ADDRESS: 1316 Honor Lane CITY: Wilminoton __ZlP: 28412 SUBDIVISION: -IhF' Forkial Bardav PROPEIITV OWNER's NAME: Garris, Garry & CalhJ_ -_l,HoNE lir 91 0-508-0606 OWNER'SADDRESS: 1316 HoI)oIIanL-- CITV: Wilming[on - -.-*zlP:28412 coNTRACIOn: SOUIlheIIIE-xposules,Un room s BtDG LlcENsE,l:68138-.-- 28405ST: trlC zlPADDRESSIPO Bot 12007 CITYr Wilminoton EMAIL ADDRESS: jobn@southernexposue.slntooms com *-PHONE:910-793-2762 PROIECI' CONIACI PLRSON;.iohn llickev PrloNE: gl0-793:2 Z0 L _ _ EXISTING coNsTRUCTloNr & Alteratlon Ll Renovatlon fl General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTIoNT [] [rect NewResidencc ! Additlon to Existing Residence f.l Fielocatlon .','PrEAsE cHEc( ANp ANSWER BELow ALL rl.lAr Attqlg l9g_19{g-'" fl Att Garage (5F)-- n Detcarage(SF)*- [] Porch{SF) B Sunroom (SF)358 t-l Pool (5F)! Storaee Shed (SF) .-- ll Greenhouse (sF) - Cl Deck (SF)tl other (st) ls the proposed work changing the existinB footprint? [..] Yes E No TOTAL Sq FT UNDER R3OF Uot proposcd work)Heated:358 TOTAL PROJECT COST {tess l-ot)r $12655 Unheatedr ''{- v'" !l J ac +1, ."o,, . e n- H A-l l>J Li' lsthe proposed workchanglngthe numbero[bedrooms? 0 Yes E No ls any Electrlca!, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork belng done to the Accessory structure D Yes D No "t 1a. lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Llne on the current site? D yes E No Sl4- ls there Eleclrical Power on thls Building? o/tes ! No Property Use/ Occupancyi E sln8le Family D Duplex D Townhouse Des.ription of Work: €onverdstin$3ereen-poreh{o{lasrsBffoom-BeetridoroderllomeowneFteeondition-iftiuture;- \'*"'to lines up to S5oo.00'r'inlonnitbn. T"NOTE:Any work pe.formed wlihotil the approprlate pcr its will be in vrolation of Iho NC Owner/Contractor: JoblLliCkey--- SISnature "Licenscd Quolilier" Print Nome ls the property located ln a tloodplain? D Yes m No ExistinE lmpervious Area: llLlL 5q Ft Total Acres Dlsturbedr O New lmpe rvious Areai 0 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: D Yes fl No W^TERT El CFPUA 0 CommunitySystem n Private Well [J CentralWell [] Aqua SEWERT lti- CFPUA D Community Systefir f] PrivateSeptic E CehtralSeptic [:] Aqua zonu,8-:/5 on.er: D{G setbacks (r) ,a /(t ttl -lLZ'tsal Tg' tel 25' mrillh;.'r (N) x., Bl'E+2ft= - arrprouot, -.!-L- ciry Commellt: J!M-oor",Iloodr (A) aLl Permit teei S 2ol1-llS3C : LoT l: -6L_.,--.--- l/\a a x.t-b\]sr )t-)ot'l- Pevt+- ItqS? b)t\ Application (offic€ use) NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE RESIDENTIAT PLEASE ANSWTR ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO.,ECT "Proiect Responslbiliv, APPLICANTS NAME. /&4 S BERq €2-Date ro /t3 1,2/oL A ubea&v- l:,-clTYi WlLl. td afoFl ztP:289o5PROJECT AODRESS: suBDrvrsroN:'Seocrc-teut>loT it 26o PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: //?A 5 .B€RAC1?- owNER'S ADDRES5: 3O39 WC-A4sa41 C-1' PHONE fi: !46- r3tu ClTftWtLAt4am ZIP 2 CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: lRA S 'BE72.,c..tt-BLDG LICENSE # 1039 N€+11/r-?87 c4'CITY: Wr<-zl, Jr-rro A sr: ^/cztP: Zfu,AJ- EMAII- ADDRESS: i RA*2(Jr€2--ia e i4o1-/h4tL, c\4 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON S&ha PHONT EXISIING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration D Renovation I General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCIION: dztlrect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation '**PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEI.OW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO.IECT''* ! Att Garage (SF)_ ! Sunroom (SF)! Storage Shed (5F) _ ? a, D Greenhouse {SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes ! No D Other (SF)! Deck {SF) PHoNET ,36 -q4{.- i3}2- _J TOTAI Sq FT UNDER ROOF lfor proposed work) xeated: l? 40 Unheated: TOTAI, PROJECT COST {Less Lot): S o ooo ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? A Ves 6o ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work b€ing done to the Accessory Structure ! Yes C No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? n Yes I No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? fl Yes D No,/ Property Use/ Occu pancy: ffiingle eainily E Duplex fl Townhouse Descriptlon of Work: 6 orr ar1€.s laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services C€nter willbe notified ofany changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor inlormalion. '''NOTE: Any work pedormed wilhout the appropriate permi$ will be in violation of the NC State Bld I Code and s to lines up to SS0O.O0"' ^t/k 6 l3r:rCT 17 18r J4fit, ls the property located in a floodplain? D Yes Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft TotalA.res Disturbed: New lmpervlou! Area: _ Sq ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit; E Yes n No'./ WATER: UaCFPITA E Community System ! Private Well D Central Well E Aqua.,/ SEWER: E/CFPUA D Community System E Private Septic E CentralSeptic D Aqua Zoner _ Ofticer:_ Setbacks (t) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ tlood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BrE+2lt= _ Comment:Permit Fee: S 958. oo tu, @ {eorchtsrt 33o D Pool (SF)_ owner/contractor: / R* S 'A€-PAe-n--- signature: "Licensed Quolifier" Ptint Nome tctl-|i4 *ffi NEW HANOVER APPL,CAT,O N ryPEi RESIDENTIAL PTTASI ANSWER ALI. QUESTIONS APPTICABI-t-TO YOUR PROJTCI "Project Responsibility'' ,s tJo pia n(W COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT /,Date I zlP APPTICNNTS NAMT PROJTCT AODRESS: suE0tvtsroN: CITY oT 11 -a PHONT dPROPERTY OWNER'S NAME OWNER'S ADORESS: )2, \;*CITY toJt/tJ CONTRACTOR aooRtss: /*+a*#r -T),u l-,-- J.. J ETDG LICINSE I cmtt L//fri,Ey'.a' *'p4o, JGlo7 <z-A2"lEMAIL ADORtSST PROITCT CONTACT PERSON D An Gara8e (5F)_ [:] Sunroom (St)_ D Greenhouse (SF)_ D Det GaraSe (SF)_ tr Pool(SF) ! Oeck (SF) n StoraSe Shed (5F)_ PHON E PHONI ExISTING CONSTRUCTION: a Alreration X RenovatiorrEj'General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: l- Ere.t New llesidence D Addition ro Eristin8 Residence :l Relocarion ...PI,EAST CHTCK ANO ANSWTR BEIOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO',ECT"' D Porch (SF) rorAr. piorEcr cosr (Le5s t-ot), S$# J6,A oC>-r/ ls the proposed work chan8ing the nunrber of bedrooms? a Yesf No l5 any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the iccessory Structr.rrer( ye5 l,l No TOTAI SQ FT UNDER ROOI Uot proposed work) Heated . a- Unheated ll the proje.t is a Relocation, rs there a Natural 6as Line on the current site? -l yes,q *o ls there Electrical Power on this Building?Ff Yes - No 15 the proposed work chan8ing the e)(isttng footpnnt? f YesA L.r Other (Sf) No SiSnature: 'f otal Acres Disturbed: txisting Land Oisturbing Permit: . yes .- No :'L ( Property Use/ Occupancy ntle Fimily l-l Ouplex [- Iown Oescription of Work: Ollcl'alutE: I h€r€bY c€.1fi lnal alllhe rnrormaiD^ rn thrs applirerion rs corred and al wort wr co,npty wdh the Srate Buildrn8 Code and alloih€, applicable State Bnd localLpra.d ordina.(es aod retultsllons Ihe NBC Oevetopm€nr S€rv.r€rCenre, wrI De 6ot iedolany chantel rn lhe approved plan! end 59ec'ficationr Or change n contraaior wnl b€ '. volanon o, th€ NC Stale Etdg Code aM sublecl to Ln€s u! ro 55m m"' ,w lntormarlon "'NO-rt: Any wort periormed wnh)ur the aFpropriat Owner/contractor: ''Liccnred Quolifter" ls the property located in a ftoodptain? [l Ves;q'No Ixistint lmpervioug Area Sq Ft New lmpervioos Area :;q fl WATER: flCFPUA D CommunilyStsrem D privateWe ! CentratWelt D Aqua SEWEt WFPUA D Communrty St5tem E private Septi. f Central Septrc ! Aqua Zone: _- Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tli) _ (RH) __ (B) _ Approval: _ City: __ . Dare: _ Ilood: (A)_ (V) _ (N)_ gFt+2tr= Comment:Permit Fee: S I cT 17 ".r.--l) --. /4<: (./L? %..'i i.'4% .r1....tiffi NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION fYPE: RESIDENTIAt PTEAST ANSW€R ATL QUESTIONS APPLICABIE TO YOUR PROIECT "P.oiect Responsibilit/' CITY L PHONE #: Application Number APPLICANT'S NAME Date /0 a-t)/7 PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: td, ztP CITY:zlP *a'r6Li- ADDRESS:CITY EMAIL ADORESS:PHON E PROJECT CONTACT PERSON to.ex\'/L]-{PHONE EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: [] Alteration n Renovation D General Repairs Erect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation I'**PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW Att THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT*** E Att Garage (SF)_D Det Garage (SF)_n Porch {SF} D Pool (SF) /LC BLDG I-ICENSE S -7 tl ST P 4 01 NEW CONSTRUCTION D Greenhouse (SF)tr Deck (SF) ls the proposed work chanBinB the existing footprint? E yes D No TOTAL 5Q FI UNDER ROOF (/or )Heated: {' TOTAI PROJECT COST (Less Lot) ! Storage Shed (SF)_ Unheated:)8 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ! yes E No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureIyesDNo lfthe project is a Relocation, istherea NaturalGas Line on the current site? fl yes E No lsthere Electrical Poweronthis Building? E Yes fl No Property Use/ Occupancyr I Single Family (Orpt", ! Townhouse Des€ription of Work: 24gCT l7 r I !0?8!l iflE|!€E-tl@ i3",tl DISCLAIMER: I herebv certify that allthe information in this application is rorrect and attwork wil comply with the State Buitding Code and all other apphcable State.nd locallaws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Develogment Services Center willbe notifaed ofanyinformation. '..NOT€: Any wo.k performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation ot nz changes in the approved plans and specificatioos the Nc state al and subject p to 5500.00"' Owner/Contractor:Prrvi*6<rv,ar4 'Licensed Quolifie." print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? tr yes { No ExistinE lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft New lmpervious Area:Sq tt Signature: TotalAcres Disturbedi Existing Land Disturbing Permitr ! yes ! No WAf ER: I CFPUA tr Community System D private Well E Central Welt I Aqua SfWfn: f, CFPUA D Community System fl private Septic n Ceniral Septic n Aqua zon", P - (5 ofRcer: D--l (z setbacrs 1ry ? llxy lo'1nx1 i ot @l 25 city: I Ut{V\Date:(A)_(v)_(N)v->( BFE+2ft=Approval: Comment: \ nJ..J '5 t)TFlood: F{ermit ree' S Ll ro, oO PWr*'tr )Ot1-l(53 [ ^IM 4to-ZE1'oqqo CONTRACTOR: D Sunroom (SF)_ /oo ! Other (SF)_ .jl! ', : .. . t.): /,, ''l:lr'. iffi;NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLTCATTO N TypE : RESTDENTTAL PLEAS€ A$IsWER ALL QUESTIONs APPLICJBL€ TO YOUR PROJECT"project Responsibilitlf )ofi- \t532- 1 Application Number APPLICANT,S NAME: Stewart Gunn Y.- ga1e. 14126117PRoJtcT aDDREss: 533 Bubblinq Creek Road CtTy: Wilmin gton ztp: 28412SUBDIVISION: Bass Lake At Woodtake LOT f: 93 PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME: D.R. Horton pBout i: 910-612-7127OWNER's ADDRESST 7483 Chi Drive clw.Wilminglon 21p. 284'11 CoNTRACIOR: D.R. Horton groe lrcrtst r. 29676ADDRESs: 7483 Chiptey Drive CtTy: Wilmington St: NC Zrp. 28411EMAIL ADDRESS drhorton.com PHoNE: 910-612-7127 PRoJECT coNTAcT pgp5gp. Ryan Wiltis n Greenhouse (SF)I Deck (sF) 15 the proposed work changing the existing footprint?$ yes n No TOTAT Sq FT UNDER ROOF Vot proposed ryer11 g6s1s6; .1967 TOTAT PROjtcI COST (Less Lot)128435 ls the proposed work changing the numb€r of bedrooms?tr ve" / no al Gas Line on the current site? Eves$ lo cture { ves p trl PHON€:910-465-19O6 €X|ST|NG CONSTRUCTTON: Il Alteration = Renovation n General Repairs,NEW CONSTRUCTTON:\f Erect New Residence I Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation | *" rr' E att Garage (sF) 397 EI Det Garage (sF)_ ly'eorch (sr1 @ sunroom 1sr1 234 D poot (sF)..._--- [ storage sh 53 ed (sF) _ ! Other {SF) Unheated:450 ls any Electrical, plumbing or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Stru Yes fl Nolf the project is a Relocation, js there a Natur ols there Electrical poweron thisBuilding? El Proprrty Use/Single Family E Ouplex D TownhouseDescription of Famil Residence owner/Contractor: Stewart Gunn "Licensedeudlifre/, k ls the property located in a floodplain? tr v"rff r,ro Exisung lmp€Mous Area: - sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed; .22 O..rp"nayj work: Newbi DISCI-AIMER: lher€bycertify thet al, the information in thi, appliaation as cor.ect and altwort wjI compvwith the Stale Buitdin8 CodeIaws and ordinances and regutations. The NHCOevetopment Servfes Center *-,i,_Ou "*,f,"i ", -r ananges in the approved plans anctinformation' "'NorE: Any wotk p€rtorm€d $ithout the appropriate permi r *iriu.,i ua,Iron or,he Nc state Bldg code and subiect and all other appti.abte State and to.al $eaifications or chaoge jn contraator es !D to s50o.0o'i. Signatu.e: NewlmperviousArea:31s2 s,! rr t , _Sq Ft Existing tand Disturbing permir: f v", tr wo WATER: P CFPUA E Community System E private Well El Central Well E Aqua SrwER: fl CFPUA E Community System E priyate Septic E Centralseptic E Aqua zone: ---* officer: -_ setba.ks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) -- (B) =-Approvalr -. Cityr --- Oat€: _ Flood: (A)_- (V) _ (N) _ BFS}2ft= Comment: Permit Fee: S 0q 7. ooI NEW HANOVER COLINryDEPARTMENT OF BUILDINC SAFETY 230 cOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE . SUITE I70 WILMINCTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 Telephone: 910.798.7308 Fax: 910.798.781 I Internet : wu,w. nhcgov.com 4to 7 woRKlNG DAYS TURNAROUND T|ME FoR pERMrr rssuANcE STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING Stewart Gunn am submitting an application for a residential building permit to New Hanover County. And, as the applicant or person submifting the application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: E I have attached an officiar cFpuA receipt or document that has acknowledged an approval of the payment made to CFPUA. n I have attached an officiar proof of a Zoning sign-off from the city of wilmington, for this work that wiil be done in the city of wirmington. D I have attached an official proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. lf the application is correct and complete with the required drawings, and if there are no corrections or revisions to plans and drawings, and if there are no further clarifications required by New Hanover county; New Hanover county can guarantee that the building permit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submittal date/time (the stamped date/time notation made by the Building safety Department on the apptication or submittal document). I understand that the 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days only begins when the applacation is submitted prior to 4:30 pm on any working-day. Signed in acknowledgment: Stewart Gunn 10/26117 Signature Printed Name Address for the proposed residential work Date t, t *6AMGEI APPTICANT'S NAME. /R4 S BENECE- NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAr ION ryPEi RESIDENTIAL PLTASE ANSWER AI-T QUESTIONS APPLICABTI TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect ResponsibiliV' 11-\\5 l? Pgr t7- bbt* Application Number (office use) Date ro /rz 17/0b (r t44ee&,< r-'-CITY: YVrL H rd (-,,AJ ztP: ZtloiPROJECT ADDRESST SUBDIVISIONT 'Ee_os*CteA>Lor * 260 PRoPERTY OwNER's NAME: ,//?A 5 'd €r?a€tl- owNrR's ADDRESS: 3O39 Wc-Aal€aqj L|' PHONE #z-46- i3L2- ClTltrtJlL,/v.v,la.a zt?:2t4bi CONTRACTOR: lt<A S -84,t2.,c-.r'.BI-DG I-ICENSI d: ADDRESS: -4039 Wa44q1 a;7 CITY: Wrczr, ic<t A ST: _.i!Q ZIP PHoNE: ,36 -'q44.- t3 | ?-94e( >?.-EMAII. ADDRESS:t<A -ia e i+oTlh S'&ha-PHONE CXISTING CONSTRUCTION: fl Alteration D Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCIION: d/6/rect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation r*'PLEASE CHECK AND ANSW€R BTTOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT..i' ! An Garage (SF)_orch n Sunroom (5F) ! Greenhouse (SF)! Deck (SF) Unheated: ! Storage Shed (SF)_ ! Other {SF) @- l30cT l7 t0:348t'l ls the proposed work chanBing the number of bedrooms? a yes rto lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanlcalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructurelyesDNo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? fl yes E No lsthere Electrical Poweronthis Building? ! Yes E No-/ Property Use/ Occu pancy: {Single tanrily D Duplex n Townhouse Description of Work: €cDA cZ'roJ - o*ne coataaon / R* 5 ZE-EGc-n-- signaturei 'Licensed Quolijier" Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? O ,", K txistinB lmpervious Area:Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: Zone: -- Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ {tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City:_ Date: _ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= Comment: New lmpervlout Area: _5q Ft Existing Land Disturbing permitr tr yes ! No,.waflPc B/CFP)A f] Community System ! private We f] Central Well fl Aqua,/SEWER: n/CFPUA ! Community System ! private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua ^t/k ol€Q- lawsand ordinances and reeulations. The NHc Development services center will be nolilied of any changes in the approved plans and specifacations or chan8e in contractor information- "'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits witt be in viotation of the NC State Code and s ct to fines up to SS00.O0r*' Permit Fee: S .,.( ti/ l:l PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: ffiet Garage lsFl {7 6 tr Pool (SF)_ lsthe proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes ! f,,lo TOTAI 5q FT UNDER ROOF Vor prcposed-*-O *..r.0, ,54@ rOTAt PROJECT COS t ltess totl: S lO,Ooo =--