NOVEMBER 2 2017 BUILDING APPSNEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P LICATION TYPEi RESIDENTIAL PI-EASE ANSWER AI.I QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PROJEcr "Proi€ct Responsibilit/' )ol't- it 53] L1157 Applicalion Number (offlce use) SUBDtVtStoN: RiverLights EXISTING CONSIRUCTION: E Alteration E Renovation D General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E/ Erect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation **'PLEASE CHICX AND ANSWER EEIOW AI.I" THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTTT* E Attcarase(SF) 576 tl DetGaraSe(SF)- dporch(Sr)418 E Sunroom (SF) _ n Greenhouse (sF) ! Pool (SF) &l Deck (sF) n storage shed (sF)_ I other (5F) ls the proposed work chanSing the existing footprint? E Yes D No TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF {fot proposed workl gs31s6; 1601 Unhg3lg{;994 TOTAI- PROJECT COST {Less Lot): S 240,950,00 lsthe proposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E No lsanyElectrlcal,PlumblngorM€chanlcalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesDNo lfthepro.iectisaRelocatlon,isthereaNaturalGasLlneonthecurrentsite?DYesENo ls there Electrical Poweronthis BuildinS? El Yes E No ls the property located in a floodplain? D yes O trto Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq tt Total Acres Dlsturbed: New lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft Existlnt tand Dlsturbirg Pe.miu E Yes E No WATER: E CFPUA E community System D Private well El centralwell E Aqua E Community System E Private Septic D Centralseptic E Aqua d( (nxl * (s) # s€WER: E CTPUA ,on", R-7 C(olm cer: (v)(N) X BFE+2ft= rseq (159, ooComment: Ciiv inspection Requrreo, 9I0-254'Ci "i Permit Fee: 9 ,h* AppUcANT,s NAME; Cotlage Building Company, LLC o,slq 101231'l.7 PROTECT ADDRESS; 4535 Old Towne Street (LOT 88) ClTy: Wilmington 71p. 28412 IOT #: 88 pRopERTy owNER,S NAME: cottage Bullding company, LLc pHorue f: 910.343.9203 oWNER'S ADDRESST 1105 New Pointe Boulevard, Suite6 C|TV: Leland 219.28451 66p1pag16s; Cottage Building Company, LLC 9lo6 u6sxg66, 73725 ADDRESS! 1105 New Pointe Boulevard, Suite 6 61Ty; Leland sT: NC ztp: 28451 EMATL ADDRESS: reed.thompson@thecottagesnc.com PHONE: 910.343.9202 pRoJEcT coNTAcr pERsoN: Reed Thompson plOrr: 910.367.0730 Property Use/ occupancy:'E slngle famlly E Duplex El Townhouse Descrlptlon of work: Construct new sinole familv residsnce lawr and ordinanceg and aegulatlon5. fhe NHC Dev€lopme nt Se rvlaes Center willbe notified of enychanSes ln th€ approv€d plaos and 3peclfiaatio8 or chan8e ln contractor lnformation. t"NOTE: Any work pedormed whhout the app.oprlate pe.mlts willb€ ln violatbn of rhe NC State BldS Coda a dlubject lo Iines up to 5500.00"' owner/contractori Reed Thompson Sitnature: "Licensed Quolifier" P nt Nome Reed ThOmOSOn oen lryrendbr&.d I o.r.: IoIr,Io.2l Io2loto4!o' approuar: 0b cry' ll.l( 4 to 7 WORKING DAYS TURNAROUND TIME FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING Laurie A Behrens , am submitting an application for a residential building permit to New Hanover County. And, as the applicant or person submitting the application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: A I have attached an official CFPUA receipt or document that has acknowledged an approval of the payment made to CFPUA. X ! have attached an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington. tr I have attached an official proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. lf the application is correct and complete with the required drawings, and if there are no corrections or revisions to plans and drawings, and if there are no further clarifications required by New Hanover County; New Hanover Gounty can guarantee that the building permit wil! be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submittal date/time (the stamped date/time notation made by the Building Safety Department on the application or submittal document). I understand that the 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days only begins when the application is submitted prior to 4:30 pm on any working-day. Signed in acknowledgment: t, Laurie A Behrens 10/23/ 17 Signature Printed Name 4535 Old Towne Street (LOT 88)Address for the proposed residential work: Date NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SAFETY 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE - SUITE I70 WILMINGTON. NORTH CAROLINA 28403 Telephone: 910.798.7 308 Fax: 910.798.781I Internet: tvvt tv. n lt c:got,. t om /'.,'5''r'...,/- l: .-\ ffi;9 "-/ .d-r \'\ :iffi,! <:r!''- NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CATION rYPE: RESIDENTIAL PL€ASE ANSW€R ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility" Qot'l-ltrlb1,E3/l59 Application Number (office use) AppltCANT,S NAMEi Pulte Homes 9319. 10-20-'1 7 pRoJECT ADDREss: 3858 Floating Bridge Trail 611y. Wilmington suBDrvrsroN : Del Webb Riverliqhts pROpERTy OWNER,S NAME: Pulte Homes 21p 28412 LOT H: 02'142 pHoNEf:843-353-5119 owNER'S ADDRESS: 3504 Faringdon Court CONTRACTOR: Pulte Homes st oc rrceNsr *. 1931 1 ADDRESS: 3504 Farinqdon Court cryr Myrlle Beach Sr: SC ztp: 29579 EMATL ADDRESS: Tiffany.Dunn@Pulte.com PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Tiffany Dunn ** *PLEAS LLT AT APPTY TO YOUR PROJ pxore: 843-353-5'119 pHoNE: 843-353-5119 $n o","r" 1t Vsunroom {sr) E Det Garage {SF) n Storage Shed (SF)_ E Greenhouse (sF)_n Deck (sF)n other (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? [ Yes n No TOTAL SQ FT UNDERROOF (Jor proposed work)xeated: 38'18 TOTAT PROJECT COST {Less Lot); S 235554 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? D Yes 0 tto ls any Electrical, plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure Cl Ves E trto lf theprojectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes fl f'lo ls there Electrical Power on this2uildinB? E Yes E No / Property Us€/ occupancy' M single Family D ouplex E Townhouse Description of Work: DunWoodv Way with 3rd car qarage, 4' qaraqe extension. bdrm ILO of qaraqe storaoe, sunroom, scr porch F) 653 240 orch (SF)260 Loft w/ bed/bath DISCLAIMCRT I hereby cenify that al' the information in this appli..tion i5 .orrect and all work will .omply with the State Building Code and all other applicable State and tocal laws 3nd ordinances and re8ulalions. The NHC Development Services Center willbe notified ol anychantes in the approved plans and speaifications or chang€ in contractor information. +++NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Bldg and subje to fine! up to 5500.00'.' owne./Contractor: Tiffany D Dunn Signature: "Licensed Quolilier" Ptint Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? D Yes D No Existing lmpervious Ar€a: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmperyious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes fl No WATER: E CFPUA D Community System n Private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA D community system E Private Septic E Central Septic D Aqua Zone: _ officer: - Setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (Bl- Approval: _ City: - Date; - Flood: (A) - (vl - (N) - BFE+2ft= - 'Lrl%,ooComment:Permit Fee: S _T ctw: Myrtle Beach 71p. 29579 EXISTING COiISTRUCTION: n Alteration n Renovation n General Repairs wEw CONSTRUCTIoN, dl"a New Residence fl Addition to Existing Residence I Relocation n Pool (SF)_ unhg6lg{; 913 NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SAFETY 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE - SUITE 170 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 Telephone: 910.798.7308 Fax: 910.798.781 I Interne I : www.nhc gov. com Tiffany D Dunn ',/1,,, 4 to 7 WORKING DAYS TURNAROUND TIME FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING t,Tiffany Dunn (Pulte Homes), am submitting an application for a residential building permit to New Hanover County. And, as the applicant or person submitting the application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: /lt/ I have attached an official CFPUA receipt or document that has ac owledged an approval of the payment made to CFPUA. I have attached an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington. n lhavea ttached an official proof ofan approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Depaftment, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. lf the application is correct and complete with the required drawings, and if there are no corrections or revisions to plans and drawings, and if there are no further clarifications required by New Hanover County; New Hanover County can guarantee that the building permit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submittal date/time (the stamped date/time notation made by the Building Safety Department on the application or submittal document). I understand that the 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days only begins when the aDDlication is ubmitted orior to 4:30 pm on any working-day. Signed in acknowledgment: to-Lj11 Sig nature Printed Name 3858 Floating Bridge Trail rl Address for the proposed residential work: Date 2o)l,tlW 0**NEI^I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IYPr: COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUEsTIONs APPL]CABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Respons ibi lity" kffiL APPLICATION Number (office UCe) APPLICANT',S NAI,IE: Ashley cameron - DATE: os . os . rz . 56()/ (]aro1lna Beach Hd Suite Carolina Beach _ PHONE S: e1o. ?63 .6053 ZIP i 2a412 OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAI1E: whire Box PROPERTY OWNER'S NAIiTE : OWNER'S ADDRESS:CITY : PHONE S: ST:ZIP i CONTRACTOR: rEE ADDRESS:c EMAIL ADDRESS: PROIECT CONTACT PERSoN: a EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION (Check All That Apply) t- - LICENSE #: cIrY: Chu r\ a4ui5 o+{t-. sT:6 zrn: ,$eJ? PHONE *: . PHoNE *: d@t c -30 UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE GENERAL REPATRS l-l RE LOCATTON li No rS BLDG SP-RTNKLERED'4i yesflf Relocation. is there a Natural Gas Line on the urrent Site?ES No NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHELL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit #:Is Elect Polrer on this Building f. Yes r NO ***** rs THIS A CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY USE?r YES li. NO ****t IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupan€y Type? _ What is the New Occupancy IXEfi 'rrrron PRoFEssroNAL: Davrd Lisre - PH:916.753.5653 NC REG #:7963 ENG R OESIGN PROF ESSIONAL :_s e e Appendix B PH:NC REG #: DESCRIPTION OF W0RK: Exlsting restaurant converted ro white box ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure?f_ Yesli No ls The Property Located ln The FlooAptainf Vefr NoDlSCLAIlvlER: I hereby cerlify lhat all inlomat on in this application is corect and all work will comply with the State Building Code and all other applicable State anqes in the approvedillbe in Violaton of ihe Bldq ifications Code andand local raws and ordinances and regulatrons. The NHC Developmenl Serv,ces Center will be nolrlied of any chor chanoe rn conlractoror conlractor information "'NOTE Any Work Performed W/O theAppropriate Permits w Subjectjo Fines Up To $500 00"' :fp {f\a.^".: OWNER/CONTRACTOR: A-I"J-.Y...€*.* SIGNATURE: (Qualiiea lPrintName) Nole: Demolit on nolifications & asbestos removal permjt applications are to b€ submilted using the application fonr (DHHS'3768 contain Asbesros or nor. You are required to call lhe Nalional Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollulants (NESHAP) al (919 demolition ol any facllity or building. See Asbeslos Web Sile: hllp://www.epi.slate nc.us/epi/asbestos/ahmp hlml )701 the facilily or building was found to 0 al least 10 days prjor lo lhe TOTAL PROJECT COST: 4Oooo BUILDING HEIGHT SQ FT PER FLR: # OF UNITS: 2 # OF STORIES: r # OF STRUCTURES: r # OF FLOORS: 1 EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? T YES Ji NO SQ FT EXISTING IIVIPERVIOUS AREA PROPERTY USE OFFICE RESTAURANT I\,4ERCANTILE EDUC APT CONDO OTHET whire box SQ FT WATER SEWER SYSTEI\i] CFPUA CFPUA COI\i]I\4UNITY SYST CENTRAL SEPTIC EIV]T'1 WELL T-1 ZONING USE CLASSIFICATIONHvnreseprrc EtoMMUNTTY PAYI\,4ENT METHOD f cASH t- crrcx lervrBlE ro NHc) f AMERIcAN EXPRESS f i,lc^/lsA l- otscoven ZONE OFFICER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:B Approval:- City:- DATE- FLOOD BFE+2ft '" SEPARATE PER[,4ITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT. MECH PLBG, GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS LH RH N Comment PERMIT FEE: I *DISCLAItlER: SUBMITTING THIS APPLICATIoN MEANS THAT T SUBMITTAL CHARGE IS NON. RE FUNDABL E T IT loHctr€Nfiffi DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT tr tr TOTAL AREA SO FT : ] 750 TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF:_ ACRES DISTURBED: NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAEI-E TO YOUR PROJTCT "Projed Responsibilitl/' ANIEL r2L 2o\1- I lS 3l application Number (ofJlce use) to/n /rzAPPLICANTS NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS:5o Date ClfYt /<,t/ l-r<. '.r(.7'v.,ztPt 23'/o fl LOT #suBDrvrSrON: LplBf Az,< t (- Pr*€ S a dtb- rez- pRopERTy owNER,s NAME: S-t tL_t + Sk, RL OWNER'S ADDRESS: MlL. ;P*ac* 386- 868 PHONE #-23 CITY: /z,tt r ,c<. t */>-iEa'J ztP: ?81ro? BtDG I.ICENSE #CONTRACTOR ADDRESS:9rob frtL pt^t€ 6.CITY EMAIL ADDRESS: t)/&vr6 L @ guAzSC lL.allltas e. ao y.,--PHONE PROJECT CONTACT PERSON EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration ! Renovation n General Repairs Dtca.ulw s1Plzp o PHON E 4to- 38G- tr88 NEW CONSTRUCrION: D Erect New Residence ! aaaiaion,o erirting Residence fl Relocation D Sunroom (SF) D Greenhouse (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ***PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AtL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTX** El Det Garase (SF)_ ! Pool (SF) ! Deck (SF) tr Storage Shed (SF)_ ! Other (SF) N TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF llot proposed work) Heated: TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S Unheated: ls the proposed work changinB the n u mber of bedrooms? n Yes ls any Electrical, Plumbing o|. Mechanical work being done to the lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? ls there Electrical Power on this Building?;$ ves I rio ,E ,O Accessory Yes E NoStruaure M tr Yesy' No Property Use/ Occupancy, / sincte ramily tr Duplextr Townhouse Description of Work: ls the property located in a floodplain? n Yes d No Sq Ft Sq Ft t4 I tz AAtrTat FLo,>\- Signature: TotalAcres Disturbed:,05'75 Existing Land Disturbing Permit: ! Yes D No (,ba t77.ftooA) laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Oevelopment Services Center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. '''NOTE: Any worl performed wit hout the a ppropriate permiis will be in violation of the NC State Bldg Code a nd sub !es up to S50O.m"+ Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolifiet" Existing lmpervious or.., il ? lllew lmpervious are ,t '?-bf WATER: ,hCrpUl ! Community System n Private We[ [] Centrat WeI E Aqua- SEWER: lhtFPUA D Community System f] private Septic n Central Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (f) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BfE+Zft= _ Comment: ILZlffi!m Permit Fee: 5 *N \W €til ! Att Garage (SF)_ Yes ! No tr Porch (SF)_ ,r ,r,ffi;; NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPU CAT lO N TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PI,TASE ANSWER AIL QUNNONS APPLICASI.E TO YOUR PROJETT 'Project ResponsiblltV 2ot1-ll5+1 LW64 Applkadon (omrt llse) APPl,lCANTS NAMEr Mary Logan - Logan Homes Datei q\as t r-r pRoJEcr ADDRESS: >i 3-i 'r f-r si.^.t- C; gt-il.ggy; Wlmington 2sp, b8409 suBDtvtsloN: Helms Port pRopERTy owNER,s NAr.ar: SEL Property lnvestors LLC PHoNE *. 910-452-7175 OWNER'S AOORESS:60 Gregory Bd oTy: Belville ztP:2845'1 coNlnAcTotu Logan Homes 66pp55g; 60 Gregory Bd 6n1 Belville El ltt earage (srl I r41 tr] Det Garage (sF) - 0 suhroorn (SF)tr Pool(sF) E Greeohouse (sF) _D Deck (sF] BrDG UCE ISE#, 34408 5T; NC 1p' 28451 EMAIL ADDRESST mlogan@loganhomes.com pxsx6l 91O452-7175 pRoJEcr coMrAcT pgp56p; Mary Logan PHONE! 910452-7175 D(jSIING m STRUCflON: E Aheration EI Renoyation El GenrralRepalrs NEW CONSTRUCnON: E Er€ct New Residence fl Addition to Existlnt Residence D Relocation aa* ar fi ror.rrtsrl SOtt D Storage Shed (SF) _ tr Other (5F)_ ls the proposed work chsntlngthe number of bedrooms? E ve: { f,fo ls any ElccElcat, Plumbiu or Mcch.nk l work beint done to the Aldessory structure, E) Vcs S l{o It the proiect h a lclocadon, is there a NBtural Gas lJne on the current site? E Ves S' lo ls there Electrical Power on this Bulldlng? O ver Ixo Property Use/ occlpancy El stnlle farntly trl Duphx E Townhouie Dcscrlptlon ot WorI: SFR - new constructlon DIS€IIIMER: I h.reby ..dlfy th.t all lhe lnforma{on ln tfils .ppli€tion h comct and .ll rE* wil compv with tha Sttt &lldln3 Cod€ .nd .ll oth.r .pgllcrble StitE and lo.al laws ard ordlnr...s .rd €Buhdlorls. the l.lHC oselopment S€M.as C.nt.r *lll t ! .a{fied of any 6anS.5 ln th. aPproEd phor rn.l rpe.lfication5 o' chant. ih contr.cto. intonnation. "'NOE: Arywort p€dorm€d witho!!th€ appropriate pemiB wlll b€ lnvldatlon of the NCSt t Bldg C.d! aod subi€ct to fih.s up to 55m.00"' slgn.turc:\>,=_Owner/6or116s1q1 D Logan "Liccnscd Qudlilier"Ptint Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E Ye5 EdstlnS lmpet'ious Area, !- sq ft rotal Acrcs Dtsturbedr . LlLl (No l{ew lnpcwlous Area:-Yl5D 5q Ft Existing Lrnd Dlsturbhg P.rmhi El Yer E t{o wATtR: E CFPUA El communlty system E Private Well E central Well E Aqua SEWER: El CFPUA fl Communlty System EI Priv8t€ Septic E c€ntralseptic 0 Aqua zone: -_- offlccr: - Setbacks (F) - (l.H) - (BHl - (q -Approvali --- cttyl - Datoi _- Flood: (Al -{vl - (N} - BFE+2ft= -Commem; Permit FGe: $ _- cfn\01 l\)0'71)NQ- ror r: _llLo__ ls the proposed work chandngthe existing footprint? E Yes El No ToTAt seFT uNDER R ooF (Jot proposcd wotk) x""t u,. JHtLe unmated: -aaL- rorAl PRoJEcr cosT (t-ess t-ot), $.,3SD13P aon-ll55J ITET HAIIOUER GOUTITY BUILDI]IG PERTIT APPLIaATt0 ntPE: RES IDEIITIAL PLEASE AI'ISIIER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE IO YOUR PRO]TCT "Prcject Responslbilit)/' 1,74244 m APPLICATIOII I{llber (office Us€) APPLICANT,S IIAME: RoB RoMERo DATE: 1o . c6 . 17 C ITY: wrLMnrcroN PIOilE #; 91c.228.313-/ PROJECT ADDRESS SI|BDIVISIOil: ],42 STOKLEY DRIVE CITY: RALETGH LOT #; PHoilE #: jtgi-Ltl1::9fz_ STr.l!9_ZlP:_ ST BLOCK #: PROPERTY OI{NER,S iIAIE; or, '/ER,s Ao0RESS: ROYCE & JEB KOURY CoIIRACToR: LS sM]rH rNC AIIIIRESS: :.sor QUEEN STREET EIAIL ADDRESS: :s sy rrHrNc@cMArL . coM Ll CEI{SE #: 582ae CIW: WILMfNGTON PRoJECT C0I{TACT PERSoX: RCB RcM.Ro PH0ltE #: PltOf,E *: Iq ZIP: 28401 336-404.0009 91C.228.313t ! surunoom _sF I eoor- _ sr EXrSTtlic COi{STRUCTToil: I ALTERATT0N I nrrOVerrOr ICrruennr REPATRS E RELOCATTON N EI,I CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW RESIDENCE O" I AOOITTOH TO EXISTING RESTDENCE *.PLEAs€ CHECK AND ANSWER EELOl.l ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: ! arr cenncr _ sF ! orr eanrce sF f] poRcH -- sF STORAGE SHED 150 SF I cnrrruxousr _ sr I orcx SF OTHER ToTAL HEATED SQ FT: _15!__ ToTAL SQ FT UNDER ROoF: 150 ToTAL AREA 5Q FT: 15! ToTAL PRoIECT C05T (ress Ld) : $ -?,-9,9-q-_9-9_ # OF 5T0RIE5: ls Any EECTRICAI-, PLllg lm or IIC||AI{ICAL llrork Being Done to the Accessory Structure?I ves I No If the project is a Relocation, 1s there a Natural Gas Line on the current Slte? f] Yes NoI Is there Electrical Power on this Building?I ves firuo PROPERTY USE / OOCIFIilGY :sTNGLE FAMTLY ! OUelrX I rOWr,rUOUSr DESCRlPTloli 0F loRX: NEW s?oRAGE SHED .nd o.a n.nces an! .egularions. The NHC Devolopme.t Setuices CenE. willbe nodfied olany changes in he app,owd plans and +ec iicarions or change in..nr..bt or conr,acror ^Iomahn. "'!OTE: AnyWdk Perlored w/O tleAppropnate Pemnswirrbe inVDralbn oahe NC State Bldg Code rnd Subject o Fines UP lo !500 40"' 01|JruER/G0P{TRACTOR : a:p ion;ic I5 THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? EX I ST I tc I PERU I oUS AREA : .4_ SQ FT HEE IIPERVIOUS AREA: :3I5- SQ FT SIG ATURE: NO Lti YES TOTAT ACRES OISTURBED: EXIST LAND DISTUREING PERI\4IT: i-] YES F-l ruo cFpuA n CoMMUNTTY SYSTEM E PRTVATE WELL I crnranr werr CFPUA D CENTRAL SEPTIC I ENIVATC SEPTIC E COMMUN ITY SYSTEM ... SEPARATE PERXITS REqJIRE' FOE TLECT, HECH, PLBC, GAS EQIJIP, PREFABS & IIiSTRTS "" pAyrErr TETHoD: D msn E cnrcx (PAYAELE To il]E) E]AltERrcax ExPREss n lclvrto flors.oven (FoR 0FFTCE US! 0r'lL SETBACKS: F: REVISEO DATE O(:/11l12 ZONE R-15 orrrcrn Anoroval: I L l c ity . ,_ DATE : _ FLoCD I Ril - BFE+2ft= N PERIIT FEE: $ Z lP: l!l!: Coloent: - -i:!: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLT CAr t0N rrPf ; RES I DENT I AL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUEST IONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responslbllitld' ilotr- ll5 S 2 L7 -324L APPL ICAT ION Numbe r (0f f rce Use ) APPLICANT'S l,lAI,4E: RoB RoMERo DATE: 10.05.17 DEVELOPER:PHONE #: eto.22a.3a31 PROJECT ADDRESS SUEDIVISION: ]"42 STOKLEY DRIVE C I TY: WILMTNGToN ZIP:133!l PROPERTY OI.JNER'S NtrOVIT : OIflER,S ADDRTSS: ROYCE & JEB KO Y PHONI #: ST 484.'748.593'7 CITY: RALEIGH CONTRACT0fl: Ls sMrrH rNC L ICtNS[ #: G824e ADDRESS: 1507 oUEEN srREEr C ITY: E!!J4!G!oN SI E[tlA lt ADDRESS: LssMrrHrNC@cMArL. coM PHONE #: PHONE #:PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: RoB RoMERo EXTSTTNG CONSTRUCTT0N: !nLrrnlrtOlt !nrruOvlrrou !crNrnlr REpATRS E REL0CATt0N NEhI CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEh RESTDENCE or I AOOITIOH TO EXISTING RESIDENCE I"TPLEASE CHECK AND AI{SWER BELO}I ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: I orr cnnaer sF E poRCH _ sF SF I cnrrHuousr _ sr f] oecr NC ZIP qZlP:.4 336.404.0009 9.t-o .228 .3a3'7 POO L ST0fiAGt SHED 1so SF ST TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: rso roTAL sQ FT UNDER R00F: rso T0TAL AREA SQ FT: rso TOTAL PROIECT COST lress roty I $2,000.00 # 0F STORIES: r ls Any EIECTRICAL, PLUEING or MECHANICAL rry'or k Being 0one to the Access0ry Structure? fl Ves I Ho If the project is a Relo.ation, is thene a Natunal Gas Line on the Current Site? [Ves [l ruo Is there Electrical Power on this Building? lEly". Eno flarr cnnncr _ sF I sur'rnooN _sF PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY: DISCR IPT l0N 0F !\OR(: rgsw S INGLi FAMILY ! uurLrx I ro,rnHousr TORAGE and ordinances and regulations. Thc NHC Dcvelopment Servrccs Ccnter willbc nolilied of any chan0es irr lie approved pla0s and specificatrons or cha0ge rn congac!or or contractor inlormatjon. " NOTEiAny Work Perforncd W/0 Urc Appropriate Pcrmitswillbe in Vrolatiorr olthe NC Stdte Bldg Code and Subjectto Fines Up I0 $500.00'" 0/\il{ ER i C0NTRACT0R: nos nolasno S IGNATURE : {Pr int liame) rs rHE PROPERTY LOCATED rN A FTOODPLATN? E YEs EHo ToTAL ACRES DISTURBED: .14 EXIST LAND DISTURBII'E PERMIT: I YES T-I NO crpuA f] covtvuNtTY sYSTffi fl PRIvATE wELL f] cerurnal well CFPUA E CENTRAL SEPTIC N PNIVITE SEPTIC I CCNA,IJNITY SYSIE\iI WAITR SMER: .*' SEPARATT PEHl,4ITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, I\,ITCH, PI86, GAS TOUIP, PRTFABS & INSTRTS "' pAyMENI METH0D: E cnsH EctrcK (PAYABLE ro NHc) E AfiERrcAr,l ExPREss E m/vrsr I orscoven ZONT OFFICER: (FOR OTFICI USE OT,ITY) REVISED DATE M/11/12 SETBACKS: F:- LH:- RH:- B:- BFE+2f t=Anorova I : Ctl.v; DATE: tL00D N BIOCK " _tOT, SF OTHE R: iXISTING II,PERVIOUS ARTA: 4- SQ TT NEW IMPERVIoUS ARIA: 49- SQ FT 2ot]t-lls55 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICATION WP E : RESTDENTTAL PLEA5E ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibiltty,, Application Number {oftice use) AppICANT,S NAMEr Bill Clark Homes of Wilmington, LLC s21s. 1012312017 PROJECT ADDRESS:qcP, Catamaran Drive Ctry. Wilminqton 21p. 28412 SUBDIVISION: River Oaks Homestead Estates LOT #:q PRoPERTY oWNER,s trtlrur: Bill Clark Homes of Wilmington OWNER'S ADDRESS: 127 Racine Drive, Suite 201 psorur*:910.350.1744 s;Ty. Wilmington ztP. 28403 CONTRACTOR: Bill Clark Homes of Wilmington, LLC g1p6 1166xgg 6. 34586 ADDRESS: 127 Racine Drive, Suite 201 s1ry; Wilmington St: NC 2tp.28403 EMAIL ADDR€SS: cbain@billclarkhomes.com psorur: 910.350.1744 PROJECT CONTACT pERSON: Courtney Bain ptonr. 910.350.1744 EXISTING CONSTRUCTTON: [] Alteration n Renovation D General Repairs NEw coNsrRucfloN: E/Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence E Rerocation {tnearaee lsr) ZV\9 D Sunroom (SF) _ D Greenhouse (SF) Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolifier" ls the property located in a floodplain? E yes El/Uo Existing lmpervious Area: - gq p1 New tmpervious Ar."r4,b3Z sopl. LY Porch (5F) i- Z\ob t/s/u(d- lC'1 ECH DA E ROJ E tr Deck (SF) 33 ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E yes No TOTAL 5Q FT UNDER ROOF (Jor proposed work) Heated: rorAl pRoJEcr cosr (Less Lot)r S_22+0LIQ Unheated: Is the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E yes Descriptlon of Work:new construction of stn fami residence Courtney Bain DlscLAlMERr I hereby certifv that all th€ informauon in thisapplication iscorrectand a worr wiitcomply with the state Buildjng codelaws and ordinances and regulations. The NHc Development services cent",,"irru" iotitui oranv.hanges in the approved plans andinformation. r"NoTE: Anywork performed withoutthe appropriate permits w lbe in violation orthe Nc state 8ld8 code and subject [i No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory structure D yes EIlNolftheproiectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Lirl, on the cu rrent site? E yes ts/tols there Electrical Power on this Building? E yes dt\,o Prop€rty Use/ Occupancy: EtlStngle famity fl Duptex EI Townhouse and allother applicable State and tocal Specifications or rhange in contractor to 6nes up to 5500.00... Signature: Existlng Land Oisturbing permit: tr ves y'frfo WATER: E cFpUA El community system E private We[ E central well Cll&ua S€WER: E cFpUA D community system ff private septic E Centratseptic #qua zone: _ Offcer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ Ctty: _ Date: _ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+Zft_ Comment: NON.RE LE'OISCLAIXE R:B}1I fHIS APPL]CATION I4EANs T}iAT THE suBtrl ITTAL CHARGE IS NoZ0nQ-, Permit Fee: S L#t*2 E Det Garage (SF)_ a Pool (sF).-E Storage Shed (SF)_ n/ot,.r(sO Paho- tzC> TotalAcresDisturbed, 0.LI3 t, eo \-lL NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SAFETY 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE - SUITE 170 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 Telephone: 910.798.7308 Fax: 910.798.781 I Internel: www.nhcgov.com 4 to 7 WORKING DAYS TURNAROUND TIME FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE am submitting an application for a residential building permit to New Hanover County. And, as the applicant or person submitting the application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: t$k I have attached an official CFPUA receipt or document that has acknowledged an approval of the payment made to CFPUA. tfrk I have attached an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington. \Sk I have attached an official proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. lf the application is correct and complete with the required drawings, and if there are no corrections or revisions to plans and drawings, and if there are no further clarifications required by New Hanover County; New Hanover Countlr can guarantee that the building permit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submittal date/time (the stamped date/time notation made by the Building Safety Department on the application or submittal document). I understand that the 4 (four)to 7 (seven) working days only begins when the application is submitted prior to 4:30 pm on any workingday. Signed in acknowledgment: Courtney Bain 10t2312017 Signature Printed Name .1DA YA YrV(-: ou rtn Bain for Bill Clark Homes of Wilmi Address for the proposed residential work: Date STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICATI O N TYPE : REStDENTtAt PLEASE ANSWER ATL QUESTIONS APPTICABI.E TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibiliq/, ?elTll55B L14113 Application Number {office use} AppLtcANT,s NAME: Bill Clark Homes of Wilmington, LLC ss1s. 10123/2017 pROJECT ADDRESS: 425 Catamaran Drive CtTy. Wilminqton 21p. 28412 sUBDtvtstoN: River Oaks Homestead Estates PROPERTY OWNER's ntnur: Blll Clark Homes of Wilmington pHoNes.910.350.1744 oWNER,S ADDRESS: 127 Racine Drive Suite 201 611y. Wilmington 71p. 28403 CONTRACTOR: Bill Clark Homes of Wilmin gton, LLC g1p6 1169x55 6. 34586 ADDRESS: 127 Racine Drive, Suite 201 6ryy; Wilmington sr: NC ap. 28403 EMATL ADDREss; cbain@billclarkhomes.com pROJECT CONTACT pERSON. Courtney Bain pHoNE:910.350.1744 ptroltr:910.350.1744 ! Pool (sF) tr Deck (sF) fl Storage Shed (5F)_n Sunroom (SF)_ E Greenhouse (SF)ts/ott u, 1sr1 ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? tr yes /ruo TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF Vot proposed work) Heated:'z,tool Unheated: I \\ TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): 5 L ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr V"s ts/rrro ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory structure E yes EIlNolfthe proiect is a Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? tr yes g-wo ls there Electrical power on this Building? El yes ts-trto ./Property Use/ Occupancy: EI Sintle Family E Duplex E Townhouse Descriptio n ot Work: new construction of single family residence DlSClAlMtnr laws and ord Owner/contractor: 'Licehsed Quolifie/' Courtney Bain I hereby cen Ifo that allthe information in this appticadon iscorectanat allwork wiltao with theState Eullding Code and allother applicable State and localinances and reSulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified ofaoy '*'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in viola!,on oi changes in the approved plans and specitications or change in contraEtorthe Nc srate BldS and subjecr to fines up ro 9500.00... Signature: {*ls the property located in a floodplain? E yes Exlsting lmpervious Area: -sqFt Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:q Ft Existing Land Disturbing permit: tr yes y'frf o WATER: E CFPUA E Community System E private We E centnl we Efiqua SEWER: E CFPUA D Community system D private Septic E Centralseptic y'lqua Zone: _ Officer: -- Setbacks (F) _ (tH) -. (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (Vl _ (N) _- BFE+2ft= _ Comment: CHARGE IS NON-REFUNDAELE TDIsCLAIHER: SU ITTIN6 THIS APPLICATlON I4EANS THAT IHE SUgIiIITTAL Nolz6'...e./ Permit Fee: S tOT #: 30 EXISTING CONSTRUCTTON: [] Alteration - Renovation E General Repairs NEW coNsrRucnoru: #ect New nesidence fl Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation _/ - _**TPLEASE CHECK ANp ANSWER BE|"OW ALL THAT Apply To youR pRo.,ECT-** t _ 24otd Attcarase (sF) \rt 5 E Detc3rage(sF)_ D/porch (sF) ,Ovryfd - lO| l, VO ZO NEW HANOVER COLINTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SAFETY 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRTVE - SUITE 170 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 Telephone: 910.798.7308 Fax: 910.798.781 I Internet : www.nlrcgov-com 4 to 7 WORKING DAYS TURNAROUND TIME FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING am submitting an application for a residential building permit to New Hanover County. And, as the applicant or person submitting the application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: 1Nx I have attached an official CFPUA receipt or document that has acknowledged an approval of the payment made to CFPUA. \$'. ! have attached an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington. \i# I have attached an official proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. lf the application is correct and complete with the required drawings, and if there are no corrections or revisions to plans and drawings, and if there are no further clarifications required by New Hanover County; New Hanover County can guarantee that the building permit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submittal date/time (the stamped date/time notation made by the Building Safety Department on the application or submittal document). I understand that the 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days only begins when the application is submitted prior to 4:30 pm on any workingday. Signed in acknowledgment: Courtney Bain 10t23t2017 Signature Printed Name 25 Catamaran Drive Bain for Bill Clark Homes of WilmiOU Address for the proposed residential work Date NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLTAsE ANSWER ALI QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Res pons ibility" lc;tl-l ta(IZwtt!2 APPLICATION Number (office Use) APPLICANT'S NAltlE: Munq., Homes of NorLir C.lrolina, Inc DEVELOPER: Mungo Homes of Norr-h Carolina, Inc PROIECT ADDRESS: 4-40 1:lanii End ^.irE SUBDIVfSION: willow clen Estates {-a Beau P.ivaqe Plantation PROPERTY OWNER'S NAI'4E; .:':. :.:.:. a r.:,' . OhTNER'S ADDRESS: 2521 S.href felir.r Road CfTY: epex CONTRACTOR: t-1unoc lilmes of North Carolina Inc ADDRESS: 2 !,21 Scl,ieffelin Roai:t CITY: i,.:e.,: DATE: 10,,2 3 2a I7 PHONE *:543-::1 8424 ZIP: : .: ' BLOCK #: phnsa I LOT *: 115 EMAIL ADDRESS: tberryGnungo . com (Tabarha Berr t)PHONE #: B )3- )2t -84'2j PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: Erad Tilvou (r,irci,.cr- manaqe:PHONE #: 8!.3-6,.a-1521 EXTSTING CONSTRUCTION:A LT E RAT ION RENOVATION GENERAL RE PAIRS RE LOCATION NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW RESIOENCE oT ADDITION TO EXISTING R ESIDENCE **PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELot^/ ALL THAT APPLY T0 YOUR PROIECT: ST. !a ZIp: 2r ra2 ACCOUNT #: sT: rar zIP:2'l:li' SF PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY: PORCH,l STORAGE DECK SF OTHE R SINGLE FAI4I LY DUPLEX TOWNHOUSE ATT GARAGE 1]9 SF suNRoot4 120 5F GREENHOUSE SF DET GARAGE - SF POOL SF SH ED - SF SF TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: q:ii TOTAL 5Q FT UNDER ROOF: A8Ai. TOTAL AREA SQ FT: q:II TOTAL PROIECT COSTrressrorr : $ Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUIBING or MECHANICAL l^/ork Eeing Done to the Accessory Structure? [ Ves I Uo If the project is a Relocation, is thene a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site? [ ves EIs there Electnical Porrer on this Building? l-'l v"t l-l'l ruo No and oldinances and regulalions. The NHC Development Services CenEr will be notiied of any changes in he appoved plans afld specifrcatlirns or change in coniracbr or conracbr inturmalion "'NOTE AnyWork Perforined W/O he Appropriate Pennitswillbe in Violation ofthe NC StaE Eldg Code and Subjecl tc Fin6s Up To $500.0G" DESCRIPTION OF WORK: lJe!r sr!qle . lrrr '7 r.'e,.j ':1.rr,.i: OWNER/CONTRACTOR i tqunqo Homes by (atherrne LLisk SIGNATURE:Katl\ercfiE, Lu,t*, + * + + * ++ ,< i<* r< r< {< * * *,t,t* * * * *,t +,f r. *,1. * 1. + r,1.)****** **** **************,t***+***,t**r(,t,tr(*,i,***,*i.r(****)i* IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? EXISTING II{PERVIOUS AREA: . SQ FT NEW II{PERVIOUS AREA: 2463 SQ FT YES I NO EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT:T YES l-l ruo E WATER: SETJER: CFPUA COT1T1UNITY SYSTEI4 PRIVATE l,lJELL CENIRAL WELL CFPUA CENTRAL SE PTIC PRIVATE S EPTIC COMMUNITY SYSTEI4 *** SEPARATE PERXITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *!** PAYFIENT T4ETHOD: I CASH T cHEcK (PAYABLE To NHc) E BrLL AccouNr I mcTvrsl I orscoven * 1. * t )k * i< * * * ,t * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + * + r. * i. * ,* ,* ,* + ,t * * ,t x x * * * * * * * * * r* + * * + + * + + * )* * * ,* * * ,t * * * * * i( * * r( * * * * * * * * r( ZONE: OF F ICE R: (TOR OFFICE UsE OI{LY) REVISED OATE O4l1Il12 SETBACKS: F: LH: RH: B: Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: a " N BFE+2ft= Cf TY: i,i i lminqron PHONE #: ta. a2:--812' # OF STORIES: TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: ,..r "t),t ''a-- {1 ffi,E) NEW HANOVER COUNry BUILDING PERMIT AP PL, CATION ryPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECI "Prorect Responsibilitl/' 2ot}-lt5e'Cr# Application Number (offic€ use) oate, o cf 2 // -2,/7 zto: 2"t-/ t zAPPLICANTS NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDrvrsloN: OO CITY r-oT f PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: 1 .t..t 4 97^2'7" 6a|.,24 P 4 CONTRACTOR ADDRESS:o EMAIT ADDRESS: PHONT f CITY SdrJ C:BLDG LICENSE #,o ctw: l) . /^st.&ztP *Y/< QcP€7 /l Q< 7 /'. /.'tkr'.C"// pHoNE: 910 t/ c/ J 2- f 5- 7 . PHON E q/o-nz73zrt{) tp,TZ< PROJECT CONTACT PERSON EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: flzAl-teration E Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: n Erect New Residenc€ lzzrfaldition to Existing Residence ! Relocation T**PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ATLTHAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT*** ! Porch (SF) ! Storage Shed (SF)_ tr Deck {SF)! Other (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? des E No TOTAI Sq FT UNDER ROO! Uor proposed workl Heatedt ,fr Unheated:/q Ll TOTAI. PROJECT COST (Less Lot)$ 15006, ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? a Yes ffi ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E4es ! No lI the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Lineon the current site? D Yes ffi ls there Electrical Power on this Buildingl ffis a ruo Property Use/ occu pancy, gffi ,rlmiry ! Duplex ! Townhouse 24 gCT 17 10::5Flll Description of Work: Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolifier" L oc2 L S ,A-. OISCIAIMER: I hereby certafy that allthe information in thisapplication is correct and allwork willcomply with the State Suilding Code and allother applicabte State and tocat laws and ordinances and regulations, The NHC Development SeNiceg Center will b€ notified ol any changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in aontractor informarion ...NOTE: any ormed without the appropriaie permirs will be in viotation oflhe NC State BldS Code and subject to fines up to SS0O.0O.i' sirnatur€: 4fo,l")-4.-- ls the property located in a floodplain? tr yes E-rlo Exisling lmpervious Arear _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Alea:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: n Yes D No Wneni y' CreUl, n Community System fl private We E Centrat We f] Aqua SEWEFc Fl CFPUA ! Community System D private Septic D Central Septic D Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Serbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (Bl _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2fb _ Commenl: t{o?rF! Permit Fee: S ! Att Gara8e ISF) _ E Sunroom lSFl 4* ! Greenhouse {SF) E Det Garage (SF)_ ! Pool (SF)_ /'/ flO - 7qg -73o9 REC aolr- 1t563 Erveo ocr tz lof +ffiNEn' !.1&!{pJ&8 r6X&mASUfDSt6 p€Ref,Ir eFn$ATtd| lW:gEI)S5?!ttpursE AlsrrB l.l qJe xlr6rp?tE^BtITo youa PiorEcridL*odflhf .4 {It: - l/- /7 9rB VXr{:t: ".Llitf Lr-sliElg A..ra: _ Sq }t ica*C zlP: )tg ?a -:) ti EaSflGCu|'l ,cfo* O ff*eo E non*bo tr G.r.rd i.o.i'r tEy OaxtBf'fFrt tr a€ r&v iei(kEe tr terba to Edhrir*tse tr rrbczdqr tr r,tt 6.rr; {56_- f oi63+ {sr}_ ll sIflwntst,_ D UgSr_ D &..dro(Efsr)- g Oi.rSO_ brr|a pfo?cds*dt raittJrq+s1{ltiooh'trtf E V.r Er,lo y'-*ry*a6 ,4i't,7 ,/l€P ,ruE E*T'E Ed ! Hr Fr)- f o$.r{sa} - totAi SQ Fr |.'A}lr t ,r lfu @ao/,*l H!{!& _- tdt e*_ ,rrr^L rroEr6r grs t*9-_&5ff _ ktne p.oredlat dr.tIiIdl.rxr*ebrrof b*oq:rs? A lj Ef&ir.rt A..!ld, S.s!{*!, o.IcMcC rrt bait*ane !o ih iffiry*u(an tr y,r6 li!h. p.oi.at b 6 *.lc..fEr b*sr. nEr.l G8 tj.E o.l t}l. olrtr* &? tr yr El*- !s th.r. Elca&d pcE dr d,*r &d&rS? E v- Ek6--}.Pr!F.rti!? ibFEr f*rrt Ii flrE ?cdEltc nirs .rd oidh.r5rd lr8l}iins, nr I ?t x iL. 4_- - Cod.3d,tddt rlprresbe -E i€:..*rE ha.*r.a6 -{ 4 3 tn. proF..q tocded h ! too4lh? f t $a ;tl/-'L u?.*tm*oa1) (tv fily lnpecfixr [q,xeo, gl &I54.m!0 t :LMDZONE .//4 i:i!*rA ;rrd Ssart&t Fa!!!t: : :, Wat*\CrrjA: Corn,'nlr ty 3!,$!rr tr pdEe Srdl I C8ltEd rr*dt El A6ra ad Dn- ll5^8 o#fr RECETVE0 ocl19 2017 Uen 14a&3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERM]T APPLICArTON IYPE ,' COII1HERCIAL PLCASE Allsl{Efl AtL QIJESIIOIs TIPPIICABLE T0 Yot R PsolECT "ProJect Responslblllty'' PHONE {: AFFT'TTA?T6N Number (oftlce Uie) APPLICANT'S NAME I elrcrs r,st . DATE; DEVELOPER:. PRO]ECT A | 31s n crNE DRrvts OCCUPANT/ EUSINESS NAIiIE : CT,EAR RI,}I APARTMENTS PROPEfl,TY OI,,INER,S NAIiIE I IsnrrI BRAvo I,Lc Ol.tNER'5 ADDRESS : 53oo Natl CENTRB DRrvB CONTRACTOR: ATr,NfaA' s REIIAB1,E R@pINo co ADDRESS: a59a pJNTERS CtrApEt R9AD Ea'lAIL ADDRESSI AlrOrEr,BAoRBLIARLEROOpIr,lc , aI Z i wIlfirNGToN ZIP:28,r o3 - PH0NE ft 336-232-l9oo . LICENSE fl;49a13 . CITYj wrnrrHbmx ST: ltc ZIP:zono: . ST:61 ZIP: 3s35s . P80NE fl ??o-,,rs?- ooo0 . CITY| ATrru{TA PIO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: ANor! l,EA . PSONE 'I;40't-'t20-7}'a9 (Ch.(k rll lll.t Arply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:RELO'ATION lf Relocatlon ,ls lh6r6I NoturolGas Llno on ths KLERED{-L YesliL Ntt .orrr.r.rror,ERECT NEI,J STRUCTURE n FAST rRAcK I sHErL f] upFrT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSoBY STRUCTURE: N/A If UPFIT - The Sh€U Permlt ll: |t/A Is Elect Por.rer on thls BulldlnS li't Yes fl NO "'.' 15 THIS A CHANGE Or OCCUPAT{CY UsEtfr s, what vJas the Prevl.ous Occupan(y Type? N/A - tloi YC5 ls fi; Ho "'t'the Ner.r occapan(yIf Ye I[8fi?DESIGN PRoFESSIoNAL | $/A fz RENoVATToN Tl GENERAT REpArns [-l C-r.r|r6nr slls? l-; v;iliL No rs BLoG SpJll PI' PH NC NEG : HC nre *:-ENGR OESI6N PROFESSIONAL :_x/A ls lood or b€vora0gs propared or ssrvod ln thls st.uctur€?J-;. vesli; t'lo ls ThE Property Locstod ln Tho Ftoodplalof-L Yosl-l- S3curuen: t frorouy csruly lholotllr ormsuon Inth and locsllaw3 End ordlnancoslnd rooulsllons. Tho Nor ci3n0o In clnl,8dor or conlroclor ldonnotlon..,,NSublocl lo Flms Up To 5500.00"' ls applLallon 19 coroctond 6rlwork wltlcomDlv wlti thoHC Doyoloomont Sorvlcss Conror wfl bo norillod o,anvOTErAny lYo.I Pcrformod WO |noApproprl!Lo Pormils WATER: EcFpUA Tl COMMUN|TY sysTEM T-l WELL T'l zoNtNG USE CLASSTF ".''"u,tfi 'o""yi."H:ixm:;fl lf,,H.fl l[::r,::L"*p,fl [:]l:l_,.^," zoNE:'lh l.l4 oFFepprovifu_cICER;Ofr,SETBACKS oNrY) . ,F4&-u,rlfA adfa_eilfA. Sloto Bulldrlo Codo ond OWNER/CONTRACTOR: sco:.r nrocew^y SIGNATURE:, Nolo: Domollron ootjlkallon! E asboslo ofitovol gorm oprlbaron! oro ro bo lub,nllt d 0!tno tho 6ppraltton tom {OHHS-3768) vriohar tio ,ocitityconbh Albostos oa mL You oro r€qokod to collth! Nilbn.l ed{!!loi Sr6,rdodr Id I l6:6rdou3 A. tutubnrs (NESHAP) ol (91 D)707-!950 6t to!!l t0 day! ryto, to 016&molilbo ol lny lrdllly or hlldkg. S€6 Arbrsto! Wlb SIb; htlp/]\rw. opl.!ltI€.nc.u/opv.rt€rroshtnp.lrvnl TOTAL PIIOJECT COST: 1652n . oo BUILoING HEIGHT: 20. TOTAL AREA SO FT : ?9oo SO FT PER FL8:.N/^/l OF STORIES: z ToTAL So FT UNDER RooF: !14__, OF SIRUCTURES: 1 f OF FLOORS: N/} ACRES DISTURBED; N/EXST LAND DISTURBING PERI\rlT? -flYES J-iNoNEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:N/A SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: pRopERry usEi floFFtcE [nesrauneNr I MERcANflLEn Eo CONDO OTHEI ICATION PAYMENT METHODI I-;cITsn I-; cnecx (PAYABLE To NHc) Ji, AMERICAN EXPRESS f-i trlcwlsA f-,-DISCOVER(ton oFFrcE usE DAT FLOOD BFE+2II PERMIT FEE: :'Commgnt City lnspeclion Requrreo, 91 0'254 N czlctsro- 10.18. 17 i ALTERATION DESCRIPTIoN OF l,loRK I RE;6ryBlr;F-cr,Bs r! RooF DEcx AND RBpracE errH NEr{ sHrNclas pER coDE. ,, OF UNITS: ,{/A 2 It DEVE LOPER: PRO] ECT RECE|VED ocl1e 2017 Uen 14d@a NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI.ATIoN IYPE: COITUVIERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALT QUESTIOIIS APPI.ICABI.E TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" PHONE S; . 3I5 RACINE DRIVE . WILMINGTON OCCUPANT/BUSINEss NAI4E: CLEAR RUN APARTMENaS PROPERTY OI.JNER'S tlAilE: LsREr'3 BRAVo Ltc APPL-TCAT-IdN Number (office Use) APPLICANT,S NAME: ANGIE LEA . DATE:10 . 18 .17 ZlPi2s4n3 _ PHONE #: 336 232' Lsoo OWNER'S ADDRESS:5300 NEw CENTRE DRrvE CONTRACTOR: ATLANTA I s RELIABLE R6oFING co ADDRESS: 4s94 WINTER5 CHApEL R9AD EI4AIL ADDRESS: ANGlELEA@RELrABLERooprNG.Brz _ LICENSE $: qgqtz - CITY: s11y11.16161.1 ST: Ns ZIP:26463 ST:ca ZIP:36356 _ PHONE #: ?70-4s7 ooo0 _ CITY: a1p1111a PROJECT CONTACT PERSONI aNerr r,!re . PHONE S: Ao't -120- 7;.a9 EXIST CONSTRUCTION: lI Relocation, is iher€ a Na No NEW coNsTRUcrIoN: fl ERECT NElll STRUCTURE E ACCESSoRY STRUCTURE: N/A RE LOCATION KLERED?f _ Yesli, UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ALTERATION RENOVATION ral Gas Line on the rrsnt Site?r (check A1l That apply) es GENERAL REPAIRS li- No lS BLDG S FAST TRACK SHELL If UPFIT - The SheU Penmit #: N/A Is Elect Power on thls Building li Yes N/A r NO *,r..'r rs THIS A cllaNGE oF occuPANcy usE?r yEs fi. No ***** IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? N/A _ Hhat ls the New Occupancy IIEfi ?rrsrc,r PRoFEssroNAL : N/A PH PH NC RE6 *: NC RE6 #:-ENGR DESI6N PROF ESSIONAL:-N/A DESCRIPTION OF WORK : REMovE sHrNGr,Bs ro RooF DECK AND REprncE wrrH NEw SHTNGLES pER coDE (Ou,irier)\./ Nols: Defllolition oolitic€tions & asbestos rernovsl psrmlt Epptications sr6 lo be sukniled usino the apdic€tbn form (DHHS-3768) wher,\er lhe Iscility contaln Arbestos or rrc! You ar€ roquked !o csll th€ N6tbnal Embslon Standsrds foa }l€zardous A,r polluta d€moiilicn ol any fadllty or bulldlno. See Asbeslos Wab Sirer hupr/wy^ ,.efi.sisre.nc.uJ€pyssb€sros/ahmp. TOTAL PROJECT COST: 15524 . OO BUILDING HEIGHT: 2O' nrs (NESHAP) ot (919)707-5950 sl t€sst 10 dsys prbr to rhe # OF UNITS: N/A TOTAL AREA SQ FT: ? 9oo SO FT PER FLR: .r.r/a # OF STORIES: z TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: N,/A # OF STRUCTURES: r n--"ast-"" OF FLOORS: N/A ACRES DISTURBED: N/A EXST LAND DTSTURBTNG pERMtT? r yES r NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: p7a SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA CONDO OTHEI trtr COMMUNITY SYSTEM CENTRAL SEPTIC ". SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PL8G, GAS EQUIP, PREFAAS E INSERTS # SQ FT CFPUA CFPUA l-1 WELL T1 ZONTNG USE CLASS|F|CAT|ON PFnVATE SEPTTC DTOMMUNTTY PAYMENT IvIETHOD r CASH r CHECK (PAYABLE TO NHC) ti_AMER|CAN EXPRESS l-_ rr4Cnrrsa l-_ otscovER (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) ZONE OFFICER Approval:_ City:_ DATE_ FLOOD SETBACKS: F:B BFE+2ft' Commenl LH RH N - PERMIT FEE: : 2ot1il;66 )xa{Dq ls lood or b€voragos prepared or serv€d ln this structure?f . Yesli_ trto ls Tho Property Located ln Th€ Floodptatnl-._ Ve{-_ OWNER/CONTRACTOR : scorr RTDGEwAy pRopERry usE: EoFFtcE ! nesrnunarur ! MERCANILEI-1 EDUC|TL Aprfl WATER: SEWER: SYSTEM RECEIVED OCI 1O 2017 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT aP P Lr car roV rYPE : col4MERcIAL PLTASI AIISHEII ALL QUESI]ONs APPLICABLT TO YOUN T'ROJECT "ProJect ResPonsibllltY" 2d1-$q)q-\ ,o aFFIItffidtl Nunlber (0fflc! Use ) . DATI:10.10 . l',1APPLICANI's NA|IE I nNGrr: LIi^ PHONE $:DEVELOPER: pRolEcr ADD . CIIY: urLMrNG,top ZIPt2_84o3RE55l 535,1 Null CI1NTRE DLM OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAME: CI,trAR NUN APARIMONTS pROPERTY ol,lNER's NAI{E: r,sRBFs BRAvo r,LC OI,JNER'' S ADDRESS: 5l0o }trilt criN'rRti DRrvE CONTRACT0R: Atl,ANTAr s RELI^DLI; RoorlNc co ADDRESS: 4S94 I,1INTERS CllAPal, Ro11t) - PHoNE {: 336 -232,-1900 CITY; s1p41x61611 5T: xs ZIP:2sa63 LICENSE ll:49a13 - CITY: lrnxte - 5Ti G1 ZIPi 3636s $:'[fa57-s;;;-P 0EMAIL ADDRESS: ANct Ir,r:A@tiDLIAlll,liRooFINo . BI z PRoJECT CoNTACT PERSON: ANGrn r,EA . PBONE l,f 4O't:l2O-'tt1g (ah..r AII I hat ApPly) EXIST CONSTRUCTION: ll nelocation, is th€re a Na ALTERATION BENOVATION Gas Lino on lhe urrenl Sito? f-r o5 GENERAL REPAIRS f-r.- No lS BLDG S NE TOCATION 'R,KLEREo?f - Yesli:, UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCIUREN8, .orsr*ucrtor,ERECT NEI^I STRUCTURE rAST TNACK SHELt ACCESSORY STRUCTUR : N/^ If UPFIT - The shell Permlt il: N/r\Is Elect power on thts Bullding fr,. Yes r NO rr+,r Is THI5 A CHANGE oF occUPANcY USE?fr YEs lit N0 r**r' IF Yes, $rhat vras the Prevtous Occupancy Typc? N/A - What ls thc Ncw Occupancy IX8fi ?orrro,r PnoFEssroNAt : N/A NoDTSCLAIMI:R: lherebycorllly hal 0ll lnlormollon ln rn., tftsttaws 6nd ordln&ncss and tcoulallons. TIo6r.hD.ao ln conlrlrclol or cDnlrocrcr lolonnallon. "'suhledlo rlrlos Up To 3500.00"' N/^ Pli PH NC NEG C RE6 tl faNGn 0ESIGN PRoTESSIoNAL !-ir/A DESCRIPTION Of IIORK; pEM6ys ts food or beverages proparod or servsd In this structure?ft Y6sP1 t'to ls The Proporty l.ocalod ln Tho Ftoodploinf-,- Yo$-L SHIi.IGLES TO ROOI' DTICX AIID RUPI,ACI] III'I'II NI]W SIIINCLES PER CODA (l)tlHS'3r68) wlrollror iho lnclrily or l[^I) Br ig19)707.5950 ol leasl 10 # OF UNll.S; N,/^ c OF SlOnlES:2 f OF FLOORS:N/^ t:-xst.LAN|) DtsIURBING P[:RMIT? -r YES r NO SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREAi SQ FT APT CONDO OTHET SIFICATION noFHcE ! nesraun,I.rr I MERCANTTI.Ef] EDUC Cily OAl-E FLOOD: A lhls 0ptricution ls corrocl snd allwork will comply v''llh lho Stale Eullding Code 3nd oll ic0blo Stalo NrlC flovoloom.nr SoMcos NOIE: Any Worr Pcrlorn)ed OWNER/CONTRACTOR : scort nrDcEl;Av S IGNA'iURE: (oa'lira) (Plhl llao4 Nolo; Darnolltlon nodllcotlons I osbosto3 rcmovrl pormll optllcouoos ,to to bo submllled usln0 lho apdlca on lorm c(xtalo Asbosros or rol. You 0ro roqulrod lo catl lho Nolimal E lisslon Sto,rd.ds lor I lorordous Aj. Polulanlt (NES dornoliior ol rny l.cilily (x boldin0 Sec asbeslo3 Wob Sil6: hllp:/t$.rw.ed.3tolo.nc.lr9opr0sbostos,,stvnp.hla ToTAL PRoJECT COST: r{3,11.00 BUll.OlNG HElGllT: 20' TOTAL AREA SQ FT : 6eoo SQ FT PEf.l FLI| x/^ TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: N ff OI: ST[]L]C'I t]IlES: I ACRES DISTUNBED: N/^ NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: H/a I)ROPERTY USE: WATER: SEWEN; SYSTEM zoNE: Hf.y'l oF Approval: 0!- trtr CI':PUA CFPUA TT COMMUNITY SYSTEM T-l WELL N ZONINGUSECLASfl ceurnrrl seerrc fl FRlv^rE sEprc []?oMMUNtry "' stiPAfiA I t ,,Etttltrs filourrifD l otl ttucl, M[cll. Pl BG, GAs rol,lD. l'iR[, At,s E lN:iEnrs pAyMENr METHOD: l- CASH f-.CneCX 1r'AVrralE TO NrJC) li. AMERICAN EXPRESS r-MCA/ISAf" otscovtn FICER: tlL (roB oFFrcE usE o SETBACKS: l.rLY) r.:y'h Lir /(r RH ^I B-/it- BFEr 2fr._, PERMIT FEE: iconrment r,.h 6*tr.SoJ oN Cr*r^r€ l^l tlse . Rqhrtts o,Ju{ eiry inspeciion Requueo, 9i 0-25d-0iril ,aAab RECEIVEDOCIlg2OIT NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSI{ER ALT QUESIIOiIS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsiblllty" i 5:6r New CENTRE DRrvE .,WTI,MTNGTON OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAME: CLEAR RIJN APARTMENTS PROPERTY Ot^,NERr S NAME: LSREF3 BRAvo LLC _ CITY: g111411.161911 CONTRACTOR: ATLANTA,s RELTABT,E Ro3FING Co _ LICENSE #: agar: ADDRESS: 4594 uINTERs crrApEL RoAD _ CITY: n11pq11 EMAIL ADDRESS: ANGIELEA@RELIABLERooFING.BIz PROJECT C0NTACT PERSON: 91g616 Lsn (Check All Ihat Apply) RENOVATION IS BLDG S trPRIN KLEREDtr YesF_ GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION NoNEtI CONSTRUCTId',I:ERECT NEI.J STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHELL UPF IT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: N/A zofi-r6q) APPLICATION Number (office Use) E v '? APPLICANT,S NAME: ANGIE ],EA DEVELOPER: PRO] ECT . DATE :10 .18 .17 ZIP:2s4n3 _ PHONE fi:336-232-1900 ST: 11g ZIP:26463 ST:ce ZIP::o:eo _PHONE #:'tjo- 45't -oooo - PHONE *: 4o7-'t2o TtBg ExIsT CoNSTRUCTION: E ALTERATIoN lf Relocation, is there a Nalural Gas Line on the urrent Site?r ES li No If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #: p7n Is Elect Power on this Building li. Yes f NO '*'...rri IS THrS A CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY USE?f yEs Ji. N0 r**** IF Y€s, !,hat was the Prevlous Occupan.y Type? N/A _ Hhat is the New Occupancy N/A TvDe?ARtH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: 117s PH PH NC REG #: NC REG #:Et'lGR DESI6t'l PRoFESSIoI'IAL ; N/A DESCRIPTION OF WORK: REMoVE SHTNGLEs To RooF DEcK AND REpLACE wrTH NEw SHTNGLEs pER coDE. ls food or beverages prepared or servod in this structure?f Vesfi- t'lo ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainf_ Ye{-- NoDISCLAIMER: I hereby cenlly that all lnlormalion in th and local laws 6nd ordinances 8nd reoulatlons. The NorchEnoe rn conlGclor or conractor inlormalion. "'Nsubjecllo Flnes Up To $500.00"' WATER SEWER SYSTEM with lhe state Buildino Code and all olher icable State ol lionstheBCode and OWNER/CONTRACTOR : scorr RTDGEwAY SIGNATURE: (Oualilia) Nole: Dsmollton notllic€tlons E osbestos removal permit applicalions sre to be submltted uslng lhe appllcatioo lorm (DHHS-3768) wh€thor th€ facllity or coniain Asbestos or nol. You 3ro requkod to call lh€ Natmd Emission Standards lo, Hazardous Ar Pollulants (NESIIAP) st (919)707-5950 al lsa6r 10 dernolitin ol any laclllly o. butrding. See Asbestc W6b Sita: httpjrurw.epi.state.nc.udepj/asbestodatmp.htrnl TOTAL PROJECT COST: 14341.00 # OF UNITS: N/A TOTAL AREA SQ FT : 6900 EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? T YES T NO NEW IMPEBVIOUS AREA:r,r/r SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA SQ FT PROPERTY USE: lOrrrCe !RESTAURANT MERCANTILE EDUC APT CONDO OTHEI le EM SIFICATION ". SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIREO FOF ETECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EQI'IP, PREFABS E INSERTS PAYIVIENT METHOD J- casr l-. cnecK (eAvABLE To NHc) li AMERIcAN ExeRESS l-- urcrurse f-_ otscovER (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) ZONE: OFFICER SETBACKS: F:_ LH_ RH_ B_ trtr CFPUA CFPUA COMMUNITY SYST CENTRAL SEPTIC TI WtLL fI ZONING USE CLASffivarE seprrc E'CoMMUNtry Comment N PERMIT FEE: I PHONE f: 0 NER'S ADDRESS: s3oo NEw CENTRE DRrvE TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: N/A BUILDING HEIGHT.. 20' SQ FT PER I LF:.N/A # OF STRUCTIIRES: r # OF STORIES: z * or TLOORS: NJE-- ACRES DISTURBED: N/A Approval:_ City: DATE_ FLOOD: _ BFE+2fI, w NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP LI C AT ION TYPEI COI'1I'IERCIAL PltASt A,.lstlER ALt glts]lolls AI']l'tI(ABtt 1O YOUS PROIICT "Prolect ResPonsibilltY" : 321 RACTNL- DRrvE i Hrt,MrNoToN OCCUPANT,/ BUSINESS NAI']E : CI,E^R ITUI,I APARII'IEN.],S pR0PERTY OWNER'S Al4E: Lst.EFl IlItAvo LLc OI^,NER'S ADDRESST s3o0 Naw CENTRB DRrvE CITY: rtr:,urlcrot CONTRACTOR: NttANTA's RuLrAIlt,E RoolrrNc co LICENSE ll; a 9413 ADDRESS: 4594 WINTER5 C1IAPIIL ROAI)- CITYI rtl;ura EI4AIL ADDIIESS; ANGMIJEAollul,IilrLERooPING,BIz PRO]ECT CONTAC ERSoN: ANGIt r,EA zun-l15qq t1 uw AFEfaITIdN Number (0fflce U5e) OEVELOPEN: :i APPLICANT'5 NAME: ^Ncrs r,u,\-DATE: 10,1s . r',/ PHONE Ii; -PllONE fl: 316-232-r9oo ZlPz2san3 STI ps ZIPl26463 ST: cA ZI P: 30360 PHONE f:'i?o-ast-oooo lv . PHONE ,,! 4o1-120-'tLas EXIST CONSTRUCTION: lF Rolocalion, ls thorc I Na NoNEtl CoNSTRUCTIoN: L_l ERICT NEr^r srRUcruRE n rAsT rRAc( f] sHEtL I uPFrr ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESS0RY STRUcTURT; N/A ALTERATION I Gas Llno on lho (Cl,c.l All 'lhet AprlY) RENOVATTON T-l GENERAL REPATRS Tl RELOCATToN rronr sir€? r. *ili, No rs BLDG sPhTfuKLEllED frl- Yesli-to trXBfi?orrro^ PROFES5ToNAL: x71 Pllr Pll: NC REG t': NC RTG 'IEN6R DESIGN PnoF E 55IoNAL :-N/A OESCRIPTION O[ IIORK: Irur.,crvu SEINGI,BS To Roo[ Duc( ANI] I{EpLACE NI,I'T{ NI']II SIIINGI,ES PER COI]FJ l6 tood or bovoragBs propared or sorvod ln thls structuro?f- Yesfi; No ls Th" Prop€rly t.ocalod ln Th€ FloodplainT-- Yesl-; f+**+ IS TNIS A CHAN6E Of OCCUPANCY UsE?TI YES rF Yes, irhat was the Prevlous Occupancy Type? N/A - t'lhat ls t NBCLnttlen, tt,o,oUv.orllly lhol olllntornrsl,on ln lhls applk:Allirn lsmlrrclsnd nllw,rk willcomPly wllh i1o Stll an.r rMrt lsws snd ordlnDncls Dfld rcoulsllons. Ths NllC D6voloomonl ScrvicosCcnlcr Mllbo nolillod ofanychq oiahanoa ln cuDllacloroI conllqclor lir(ornrtlknr "'NOT€: Any WorI Pedormod WO lho AlDroprirlu I)arm,lswl SutrFclio Fhns UP To 1500 00"' If UPFIT - The 5he11 Pennlt l,: N/A SIGNATURE: (Ou&lirtrr) (Pdrr Ns.) Nore: Ddinoll$on notl(rcotloos E osboslos tomovol polmll .pplLll}rnt sro b bo sulflillod usin0 lho apdiciuon lor 6)nl.1h Ashosros or nd You0reroqrrltod to coll lho Nadonol Errlsslo.r Sl6nd.ds,or ll.?stdolsAlr P.'llutanls (N do,D!lirion ol any Lcll,(yor bulldino. Soo Asbosl06Wob Sllaj hltprlaBr.opl.slnlo,nc,0yoprrsboslor8lnlp.hl,rl BUILDING HEIGH't: 2o' TOTAL AREA SQ FT : 6eoo 'TOTAL SQ rT UNOER ROOF: N Is Elect PoNer on this Eull.dlng fil Yes l-r tlo lfrl No *""' he Nee occupnncY N/A NEVV IMPERVIOUS AREA| N/^ lo lluil n0os l the S lo Stolc m (OllllS.3768) $t6lrD, lho ,ocilly or blildino \vos lound lo ESII P) 6r (919)707-5950 sl le6sl l0&y!prlo.lolho # OI: UNITS: .N/^ EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? T.YES T NO SO FT EXIS'TING IMPENVIOUS AREA: CONDO OTHEI SQ FT WAI'ER: SEWER: SYSTEM CFPUA CFPUA ,.. s E[,1 zoNrt fhf-Yl or"FlCEll:. IL SETUACKS: F Approva I :_$J&__ciry:_y\q5__ oarr-11p9_ rrooo E COMMUNI'TY SYST CENTRAL SEPTIC T-I WELL T"] ZONING USHvar s sr.r,rrc rl'tfoMMUNrrYL-J, E CLASSIFICATION LlNtt Te l,!liMll $ nt:QufitD r:oH r l r (ir, Ml or, r,L1]G, cAS loulp, r,lllt,: t]s E tNSt:RTS f CASH f cHEcK (PAYABLE ro NHc) F_AMER|CAN EXPRESS f - MCA/rsA l-_ otscoven (FOR OFFICE USE ONI.Y) PAYI,,IENT METIIOD :rtll LH: rJh n B_{_lA-,#' BFEr2tt, PEliMlf FEE: I N s€ . R€/A'6 d{lr.Cornrrcnt .fi1?l^t<,rrJ 6 {ootflt.;r' * CRA.I6E tn lr Cri,, Insecion Peqt:rec. 910-?5{ f: 1,1 RECEIVED OCT 19 2017 PROJ ECT OWNER/CONTRACTOR: scotr tlDcBr{AY l OTAL PROJECT COST: 14341. oo SQ FT PER FLR: .!ll_ ll OF STRUCIURES: r # OF STORIES: 2 il or TIOORS:lrJI-- ACRES DISTUnBED; N/^ I]BOIJERTY USII: I]OTFICE I NESTNUNITNT [] MERCANTILEN EDUCM APTN a ffi c c RECEIVED OCT 19 2017 NEId HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI'ATIoN TYPE: COIIMERCIAL pLEASE AuSl.,ER AtL QUESTIONS APPI-ICABLE TO YOt R PROIEIT "Project Responsibility" '?Ln-rSD t@l APPLICATION Number (offj.ce Use) E 7 APPLICANTT S NAME: nN61g r,ga _ DATE: ro. ts . r z PHONE #: PROJECT A : f2q RACTNE DRrvE .,WII,MINGTON ZIP:29an3 OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAtlE : crrEAR RUN APARTMENTS PROPERTY Ol,rlNER'S NA E: LsREF3 BRAvo Lirc _ PHONE #: 336-232-1900 OWNER'5 ADDRESS: s300 NEw CENIRE DRrvE CfTY: s1;y1p616p 5T: ryg ZIP:26463 CONTRACTOR: ATLANTA, s RELIABLE RoopING co - LICENSE f: q g+r: ADDRESS: 4s94 wrNTBRs CHApEL ROAD _ CITY: alUqNla . 5T:6a ZIP: 3935s - PHONE S: ??0-4s? oooo PRO]ECT CONTAC PERSON: aNers Lnr , PHONE f: 4o7 -?20-'ttas (check Alt Th.t Appty) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION Irrenl Sile?r li _ No lS BLDG S trPRIN KLERED?f _ Yesli, RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RELOCATION lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the NoNEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEI.I STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHELL UPF IT ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: N/A ATD TO EXIST STRUCTURE If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #: N/A Is Elect power on this Building I Yes l-: N0 ***** IS THIS A CHANCE OF OCCUPANCY USEff yES li. N0 ***** IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? p7n _ l.Jhat ls the New Occupancy N/A TvDe?ARTH DESIGN PRoFESSIoNAL: N/A PH:NC REG *: ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL :-N/A PH:NC REG f: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: REMovE sHrNGr,Es To RooF DECK AND REpLACE wrTH NEll sHINGtEs pER coDE ls lood or beverages prepared or served in lhis slructure?f - Yeslii- No ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainf _ Y"{-_ ilh lhe Sl,6te Building Code and allolher ble Stale calions Code and OWN ER/CONTRACTOR : scorr RTDGEwAY SIGNATURE: conlaln Asbeslos or nol- You aro requked to csll lhe Nalbnal Emlsslon Standards for Hazardous Alr Pollutsn6 (NESHAP) sl (919)707-5950 al least l0 days p(ir to the demolillon of any lacility or buildlng. See Asbesios Web Sle: hltp:/www.epi.6r6le.nc.usrepi/€sbsstos/ahmp.hlrnl TOTAL PROJECT COST: 14341.00 BUILDING HEIGHT: 20 . #oFUNITS: N/A EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? T YES T NO NEW IMPEBVIOUS AREA:u/r SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FT CONDO OTHEI WATER SEWER SYSTEM CFPUA CFPUA "'s COMMUNITY SYST CENTRAL SEPTIC EM T-1 WELL D PRIvATE sEplc E CLASSIFICATION EPARATE PERMIIS REQUIRED FOR ELECI. MECH, PLBG. GAS EQUIP, PREFABS 8 INSERTS PAYMENT METHOD FcASH f cHEcK (eAvABLE To NHc) li_AMERIoAN EXpREss f- rrlcnrrsa l'- DrscovER ZONE: OFFICER: (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:B BFE+2ftApproval:_ Cily: DATE_ Comment FLOOD: LH RH N PERMIT FEE: I DEVELOPER: EMAILADDffi TOTAL AREA SQ FT : 69 Oo TOTAL SQ FT U N DERE6dFM--SQ FT PER FLR: r/a # OF STRUCTURES: r # OF STORIES: z#OFFLOonS:nF- ACRES DISTURBED: N,/A pRopERry usE: f]oFFtcE I nesreunnr.rr f] MERCANILEl-1 EDUoEI_ Aprfl RECEIVED OCT 19 2O1i NEt^l HAN0VER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT aPP LIcAr IoN IYPS; COII1MERCIAL PLtASt ^NSH€R /ltt QUISTIONS APPLI(ru)LE T0 YOUII PROIICT "Project nesPonslbllltY" . CIlYi u11,141y6161 2otlll59 r.1_5\.1t hFi[ierTIoN Number (offlce Use) ( DEVELOPER I APPLICANT'5 NAl,lE: np6lB 1,y1 . OATE :r0.18.1'l PI]ONE #: pRoJECr A00I{E551 126 RACIflE DRlvu OCCUPANT,/BUSINE55 NAl,lE : cl,LrAR RUN IpAIr. r'r'lENrs PROPERTY 0I'INER'S NAI4E: Ls1up3 IJRAvo l,Lc OWNER'S AOORESST s3oo NE1a CENTRE DRrvg CONTRACTOR : ATr,ANlA,s titil,IAlllg Roolrlt,tc cO ADDRESS: 4s94 l{rNT6pS cll1pEt ROAD EMAIL ADDRESS: ANoI IILIrI@RELIAut,linoopt N6 . l.]I z - PHoNE Si f,16-232-leoo . LICENSE #: aea13 CITY: u r t,r.lr r.rcroll ST: Ng ZIP:264q3 . ST:61 ZIP: 3635s - PH0NE {: ??O-{s?-0000 - CITY: 11y;11111 pnolEcT c0NTAC tv ER50N: etlcrr l,rr . P80NE #f 4o't-'t2o-'ttog EXIST CONsTRUCTION:ALTERATION lf Relocation, ls lhero a NaluralGas Line on lho il (Chec* Arl lh.t Apply) RENOVATION T-] 6ENERAL REPAIRS (enl sfie? f *J6,- r'ro lS BLDG s uPRIN KLERED?fL Yoslir- RE LOCATlON No NEI^, CONSTRUCTION: LI ERECT NEl,l STRUCTURE FAST TRACI(SIIELL IJPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSoRY SIRUCTURE : x7n If UPFIT - The Shell Perntlt ll: p7;Is El€ct power on thls 0ullding F!. Yes fr N0 N/^ II8fi loesrcnr PRoFEssIoNAL: N/^NC REG i: NC RE6 II:ENGR 0ESI6N PR0FESSIoNAL !-N/A DESCRIPTION OF I^'ORK : REMovE sltrNcl,Es m RooF DltcK rND REPLACE t.,rrH tlEl{ stlrNGLEs PER coDlt. ts food or bovercoos proparod or s€rv6d in llils structurs?fi Yes[i1 tlo ts tho Rropelly Located ln The Floodplsh'i*! Yssl*r-- .rat. IS TllI5 A CIIANGE OF OCCUpANCY USEIf YES IEL NO *r* fF Yes, what rras the Prevlous occupan(y Typel N/]\ - l,lhat 1s the Neu occupanty No OISCLAIMEII: lhcrcby curlily Ural olllnlorm3tlon hr lhls ond tmatlaws snd ordnancos snd r(oulatlons. Ih6 NH or chsnoo ln corrlroclor ol controctor lnlom0llon, "'NOsubjecl io Flnos Up To S500.00"' PH PH OWNER/CONTRACTOR: scptr r.r u:iuiily SQ FT PER FLR: .N/^ # OF STIIUC l URES: I NEW IMPERVIOUS AUEA: N/^ ldln0 Codc ofld ollolhor llrc nl)Dro!ed SIGNATURE: ,, OF UNITS: ,'rl^ EXST LANO DISTURBING PERMIT? T YES T NO SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREN: MERCANTILE EDUC[-nnr[.coNoo OTHEI SETtsAC , ^Jh_FLOO BFE+2fr, Slolo donlolilion ol ..y Iicilily or buildin0. Sco shoslos Wob Satoi hr rpr\rsv.opi,srolo.nc.usroO/osb6srorahop hfnl SO FT I'I]OPERTY USEI orFlcE RESTAUNANT WAl ER: SEWER: SYSTEM ASSIFICATION "' llrP n I F P[nMr rs nt:ouII D r ok tLEC]. Mtlcl], t,L{lG. cAS r.:ou[,, ptI:, At]s E tNsl:,t I {l PAYMENT [4ETI]OD f- cnst l*. cHrcK (PAYABLE ro NHC) lE, A[aERtcAN EXPRESS f Mcl/tsA f - DlscovEn (roR o,lrilcI u B CFPUA CFPUA Tl coMMUNrTy SYSI EM f-l Wf LL flzoNtNGUsECL E CENTRAL sEplc f] FRlvArE sEpflc [-CoMMUNrry zoue: l'/, y''florrrcea,r:gi*g(,\- Approval: 0lr- City: hllrnn DA'TE klJ Use .teletPt onJt'Y ' N _ PERt\.,llT FEE: iConrnrent [6 $1IAilgOJ Df, cdc(q\b Cilr, !rycfm Peer-lrec Ql0.?54 niil h\ ZlP l2s4s3 TOI L PROJECT COST: 1434r.0o BUILDING HEIGHT: .20, 1'OIAL AREA SO Fl : 6eoo TorAL sO Fr UNDER Roo- Vf_ NCRES DISTURBED: N/A ,, OF STONIES: 2 f OF Fl,oORS: fr6- fl RECEIVEDOCIlg2OlT NEI^J HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI'AII0N ryPE: COMIIIERCIAL PtEASa AI|SXER ALt QUESTIOiS AppLr( sLE To yorS pRoJEcT "ProJect Responsi.blllty,, ZotltSqS #+fr APFEICATTdN Number (0fflc€ Use) APPI-ICANT,S MflE: ANGra LEA . OATE I 10. :.8 . t.? oEVEL0PER ! PRO]ECT AD .PHONE fi: ut(E))i t1: n ctNe Dnrvc CITYI s11,1y1p619r1 OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAI'IEi cLE\11 Ru ^p R$tENrs PROPIRTY 0hJNERTS NAtitE: LBRE!3 BRAvo Lrrc OWIIER.,S AODRESS : s3oo Nts CENTRE DRrvts - CITYT l{rLurNcmN CONIiACT0R: 71rr,ANrA, s REr,rABr,E RoorrNG co . LICENSE S: a9a13 ADDRESS : 499{ t{rNTaRs cIlApBL noAD , CITYI 11;pq1.1 EMAIL ADDRESS I ANoTELBA@RELrABLERooarNG. Drz PRO]ECT CONTACTP ER SoN: Al,lGlE LEA ((ne.l lrl lnrt &rry)EXIST CONSTiUCTION:!ALTERATION RENOVATION GEI,IERAL NEPA RELOCATION ll R€locatlon, ls there a NaturalGas Llne on the ent Site? fL f-r 1- tlo ls Bt rRs T-l DG SPRINKLERED{-p Yesfip6S No t't Etll __7:F 8.o3 - PH0NE $: !36-232-tsoo ST: rc ZIP:2s403 ST:sA ZIP:3s35s _PHoNE {t ??O-{s7-OOOo . PHONE {r ^o7-.t2o-.ttsg CONSTRUCTION ! ACCESSORY STRUCIU fl EREcr NEl,l srRUcruRE RE I N/A !TAST IRACK n SHELL UPTIT ADD TO EXIST SIRUCTUREn If UPFIT - The Sh€U Perml,t l,; N/A Is Elect Power on thls 8u11d1ng Jiri Yes fl N0 Nev occupancy N/A NC REG #: NC RrG *:- .r+r. rs THrs A cHAt/cE 0t occupaNcy usE?rl yEs litIF Yes, r,/hat war the Prcvlour Occupancy Typc) N/A _ l.tfiat ls thc' TvoerARCH DESIGN PRoFESSIoNAI: N/A - p8i NoDISCI TMER: l lrorcby conlry Ust all tnlomsthn h nnd local lawa ond ordinoncoS ond moubllon!. TIoor chEnoo lfl conlrtclaa or clntraclor lhlofi|otlon. "'Subiecr lo flnos Up To S50O.00"' EN6R DE5I6N PROFESSIONAL :_N/A PH: DESCRIPTION OF l,lORK: neffiiE-liiiifiEs ro noor DBCK AND RBpl11cE r{rrfl Nafl slrNcr.Es pBR cbDE ls food or bovgrages prepared or seNod ln lhls sln cturs?fl Vesf-r 1- No ls Tho Property Locstsd ln Tho Floodplalnl-L Yed-l- o tllid OWNER/CONTRACTOR: scryrr nroosnry SIGNATURE: lloo: Oornollloo mu0c5{ons t esbostor ronbvalp€mh sltlc6lbns o,o !o bo 6!b.nltt!d uslm Ul6 Bpplcsrloo to.n (0HHS3788) *iohor ho tsdtity or &.[nq was ,orx{ locootoh fubosros or nol You ar6 roquuad to calltho Nslorul Er sslon Sranda.dr lor I brsrdoJs Alr Potluranb 0{ESllAP) ol (rl9}70r-595,0 sl losrt l0 day6 Flo. to tia bo domolirldl o, ony lo.illly o. buldhg. 8:oo Aibooloa Wob Sttol t p:r Nt{vr.od.it.L,oc.uropu.rb6{or/.lmp TOTAL PROJECT COST: 16524 .00 BU|LDING HEtcHT: 20, TO.I-AL AREA SQ FT : ?9oo SQ FT PER FLR:.N TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF:I/^ f ACRES DISTURBED: n/A OF STRUCTUR 1 NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA;N/^ Yi hg SQlo Bulldln0 Codo ond oll .hrd ,/ OF UNITS: Nl4 EXST LAND DISTURBING PEFMIT? T,YES TINOSQFT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA . APT coN Slslu SO FT .,3'$;'#;EBFEI1.,H^?.PI,^:ft ffi l*,Byli.*::::1"__or?,,,{fil*J:1,,_,."' PRopERry usE: DoFFtcE flnesraunnNr I urnceNtrlr[. eou{DO OTHE' _ SIFICATION PAYMENT METHoO: ;-, cesH f-; cnecx 1eeY1BLETO NHC) fiil AMERTCAN EXPReSS f-l rrlOlrsa f-.- DtscovER (FOR OFFTCE USE ON|-Y) zoNE: mf -l'loFFtc Approvat: AL City ,pA r-H,rr/A nr,r4lt-,_lhER:SETBACKS: I. FLOODDATE BFE+2ft' commenr lrol " eil,v lnsoection Requrreo, gl 0.2j4-0ii, .v N PERMI'I FEE: : i , OF STORIES: 2 r oF FlooRs: !7i-- RECEIVED OCI 19 2017 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE.. COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALI, QUESTIONS APPLICABI-E TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" 261-tsq5 z x c A Number (offtce Use) APPTICANT'S NAME: eNcre Lsa . DATE :10. 18 .17 PHONE #: PRO]ECT ADDRESS: 313 RACINE DRIVE CIIY: TTIUTTINGTON ZIP | 2sa sa OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAI4E: CLEAR RUN ApARTMENTs PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: LSREF3 BRAvo LLc OWNER,S ADDRESS: s:oo 1rEw cEnrns oRrvs CONTRACTOR: ATT,ANTA,s RET,IABT,E RooFINc co ADDRESS: 4594 pINTERS CIIApEI R9AD Et'lAI L ADDRESS : ANGTET,EA@RBLrABr,ERooFrNG . Br z PRO]ECT CONTAC PERSON: aq61s r,sn EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION R ENOVATION _ PHONE #: 336 - 232- tsoo , CITY: w 11,1411.16161,r ST: Ng ZIP:2s4s3 _ LICENSE *: qgqtz _ CITY: a1LAr,J1a ST:6n ZIP: 36356 _ PHONE #: 7'70-As't oooo , PHONE #: 4o7 -'t20 - ttas (Check AII Ihat Apply) lf Relocation, is lhere a Natural Gas Line on the urrent Site?r ES No NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW STRUCTURE FAST TRACK tr SHELL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: p7a GENERAL REPAIRS li- No lS BLDG S RELOCATIONtrPRINKLERED'l-_ YesJi_ tr UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE If UPFIT - The shell Penmit #: N/A Is Elect Powen on this Building li. Yes r NO t*,i+* IS THIS A CHANGE OF OCCUpAt{Cy USE?f-t yES lil NO ***.* IF Yes, what was the Prevlous Occupancy Type? N/A _ What ls the Ne|, Occupancy N/A IXtfi ?ortro, PRoFESSToNAL : p7n PX: NC REG *: NC REG *:-ENGR DESI6N PR0F ESSIONAL :_N/A DESCRIPTION OF WORK: nsMovE sgu,rGr,us r! RooF DECK AND REpLACE wrTH NE14 SHINSLES pER C9DE ls lood or bevarages prepared or served ln this structure?f . Yesli. No ls The Property Located ln The Floodplain{-_ Y"f_ NoDISCLAIMER: lhereby cerlify lhat alllnromlion ln lhls appllcatlon ls conect 6M allwo.kwillco mplywilh lhe Slate Boilding Code and all icable State and local lsws and ordinances and regulalions. Th€orchanoe In conlractol or conLaclor lnformallon. "'Sublecllo Flnes Up To $500.00"' NHC Develooment Services Cenler willbe notmedNOTE: Any Work Perlormed WO lhe Appropriate WATER SEWER SYSTEM . PH: ola wlll in the approved Elda ific3lionsCode and OWNER/CONTRACTOR : scorr RTDcEwAY SIGNATURE: conbln Asbeslos or nol. You ar6 requkod to callthe NEUoml Emlsslon SEndads for Hszsrdous Alr Polluranrs (NESHAP) al (S l9)707-5950 sl l€ast 10 days prior to lhe d€molhlon of any hclllry or bulldlng. So€ Asbestos Web Slte: hlpJ ^/ww.6pt.stste,nc.us/epyasbesbs/strnp.htrnt TOTAL PROJECT COST: 16524. oo # OF UNITS: N/A SQ FT PER FLR: .N/A # OF STRUCTURES: I ACRES DISTUFBED: N/A EXSr LAND DtsruRBtNG pERMtT? r yES r NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: N/A SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA SO FT CONDO OTHET SSIFICATION ." SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ETECT, MECH, PLAG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERIS PAYMENT METHODI l- cesn f . cnecK (eAvABLE To NHc) lf _ AMERIcAN EXeRESs f- urcrursn J-- otscovER ZONE OFFICER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:BApproval_ City:_ DATE_ FLOOD trn CFPUA CFPUA COMIVlUNITY SYSTEM CENTRAL SEPTIC I_I WELL T'I ZONING USE CLApRlvATE SEPTTC DTOMMTUNTTY Comment LH RH N - PERMIT FEE: : TCAT DEVELOPER: BUILDING HEIGHT: 2o' TOTAL AREA SQ FT: 79OO TOTAL SQ FT UNDERToSF;;--f OF STORIES; 2 # oF FLooRS:i7I- pRopERTy usE: EoFFtcE InesrnunnNr ff MERCANILEfI EDUoFL AprD BFE+2ft.-- RECEIVED OCT 19 2017 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION lypf I COMI{ERCIAL PLTASE ANSWER ATL QUESTI(Xs APPLICABLE TO YOt'R PRO]ECT "Project Responsibllity" 2pt-t-Eqb t++fi> APPLICATION Number (Offlce Use) c2 ,c :: APPLICANTTS NAME: aNcre Lee - DATE :10.18.17 PRO]ECT A .323 RACTNE DRTVF] OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAlelE: crrEAR RUN APARTMENTS pROPERTY OlllNER'S NAME: L5REF3 BRAV9 r,LC oWNER'S ADDRESS: s:oo r,lew csNTRp pnrvs CONTRACTOR: ATT,ANTA,s RELTABIE RooFrNG co ADDRESS: 4594 SINTERS cHApEr, R6AD ElvlAIL ADDRESSI ANGTET,EA@REIrABLER99FrNG.Brz i ltr t t'trltcrow PHONE #: ZIP i 284 o3 ST: Ng ZIP:2s4s3 . ST:6n ZIP:3635s - PHONE f: 7?o-4s?-oooo _ PHONE #: 336-232- t9oo - CITY: wrr,MrNGToN - LICENSE *: aglr: - CITY: 11UqN11 PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: a1,r61s 1En - PHONE #: 4o7-72o-ltos EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Urrent Site?r (check AU lhat Apply) GENERAL REPAIRS lf No lS BLDG S RELOCATION KLERED?r Yesfi_ No NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEI,.J STRUCTURE FAST TRACK ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: 117a SHELL UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE If UPFIT - The Shell Permit S: N/A X:i:T** IS THIS A CHANGE OF OCCUPAI1CY USE? IF Yes, what was the Prevlous occupancy Type? N/A _ W IXEfi ?ortro, PR,FEssroNAL : N/A Is Elect Power on this Bullding li. Yes fr No f YEs li'. No r'|+**i hat ls the New Occupancy N,/A . PH:NC RE6 #: ENGR DESIGN PROFESSI0NAL:-N/A PH:NC REG *: DESCRIPTION OF t^lOR(: REMovE SHTNGLES ro RooF DECK AND REPLACE wrrH NEw sHrNGr,Es pER coDE ls food or beverages prepared or servod in thls structure?f_ Yesli, No ls Ths Property Located ln Tho Floodplainl-, Ve$- NoDISCLAIMER: lher€by certlly lhat alllnlormatoi ln and lrcal laws and ordlnances and reoulauons. Theor chanoe in contractoror conr6ctor lnlormallon, "'Subieclio Flnes up To $500.00"' lhls appllcallon ls correcl and NHC Develoomenl SeMcesNOTE Any Wo* Perlormed Bulldlng Code and all lcable Slate l;oi ot the sDecificarionsBhg Code and OWNER/CONTRACTOR : scorr RTDGEwAy SIGNATIJ R E: (Oudite,) (Pnnt N!m) Nole: Demdl{m mullca ons & asbgstos rcmovalpermlt sppllcsllons sr€ bb€ 6ubml(ed uslng lhs appllcslion lorm (DH WATER: SEWER: SYSTEM CFPUA CFPUA COMMUNITY SYST CENTRAL SEPTIC T-1 WELL T1 ZONING USE CLA Fxlvere seprrc E'doMMUNtrY (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:LH RH ts HS.3 wh€lher lhe faclllly or bullding was folnd ro conlain Asbeslos or ml. You 8re r€qulred lo call lhe l{a onal Emlsslon Sbndards for Hazsrdous Ar Polluranrs (NESHAP) st (319)707-5950 st least 10 d6ys prior to ths d€molilloo ol any facillty or bullding. See Asbeslos Web Siter http://www.epi.stale.nc.us/spyasbestos/ahmp.htrnl TOTAL PROJECT COST: 16524 . oo # OF UNITS: N/A SQ FT PER FLR: N/A # OF STORIES: zf OF STRUCTURES: r # OF FLOORS: N/A EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? T YES T NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:N7n SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA SO FT CONDO OTHEI trtr Et\,1 SSIFICATION ,' SEPARAIE PERMI]S REQUINED tOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFAES & INSERTS PAYMENT METHOD:l- cnsn J- cHecK (eAvABLE To NHc) li-AMERIcAN EXeRESS f-- ucnlsn l- DtscovER ZONE: OFFICER: Approval:_ City: OATE_ FLOOD:--- BFE+2ft,-AVNcomment PERMIT FEE: : DEVELOPER: BUILDING HEIGHT: 2o' TOTAL AREA SO FT : 79oO TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: N/A ACRES DISTURBED. N/A pRopERry usE: EoFFtcE ! nesrnunerr ! N/ERCANILEfJ EDUC|TL AprD d 2ot1-t6qh RECEIVED OCT 1S Mfl NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLTCAr TON TYPE,. COIiIUIiERCIAL PLE SE At{Sl{ER AL! qrESrIo}IS /\pPr.lCA8l,€ T0 YOtf pnolEcT "ProJ€ct R€sPons1bl1ltY" : 323 RACTNB DRrvE :.Hlu'trNoroN OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAI'18 : CI,E'III NUN APARTI,IENTS pROPERTy OI.JNER'S NAI1E: 6psp3 BRAvo rJtc OWNER'5 ADDRESS: S3oO NElt CBNTRE DRrvE , CITY: HItgrNGmN C0NTRACIOR: 71TITAN'11, s RBITIABLE ROOlrNs cO - LICENSI lf: aea13 ADDRESS : 4s9{ wrNTERs otApEL noAD - CITY: nluu{11 E[1AIL ADDRESST ANGTBTJBA@nBr,rABLE&ooFrNG.Brz PROIECT CONTACi pERS0l'li 11rore LcA APFtmTlo-N Number (offlc€ ur.) APPI-ICANT'S l',lAIilE : Ar,rcrB LBA -DATE I 10. 18. 17 PRO]ECT PHONE #: ZlPt2s4g3 STI uc ZIP:zrlo: . STlsl ZIPi 3s356 - PHONE *: zio-ss.r-oooo - PHONE ,rl 335-232-1900 - PHONE *f ro't -'t2o-tras EXrST Cor'rsrRucrroN I fl ATTERATToN lf Rolocatlon, ls lhors o NoluralGas Llno on ths srts? rl GENERAL REPAIRS lfi No ls BLDG s,H, REIOCATION KLERED!-; Yeslip RENOVATION es N3, corrr*r,rror: I EREcr NEr4 STRU.TURE ACCESSoRY STRUCTURE: p71 n rAsr TRAct( f] sHErr tr UPFIT T'I ADD TO EXIST STRUCTUREl-J If UPFIT - The Shell Pe.mlt : N/A aara,, I IF Yer, lhat Bas the prevlous TvDelARfH DESIGN PROFESSIONALT N/A S THIS A CMN6E OF OCCUPAXCY USE occupan€y Typs? N/,r Is Elect PoHer on thts Bulldlng li.t Yes l-l HO ?fl YEs fr1 o '.'rrt{hat Ii the NeN O..upancy N/A PHi NC R€G II: C RE6 A:-EN6R DESI6N PROFESSIONAL r-N PUt DEscRrPTl0N oF t"loRK: pffi[f,lfiifilixs m Roop DEcK A]rD REprrlca wrrlr NBr{ srrrNsrrtss paR cEDts ls (ood or boveragos pr6parod or servod ln thls olructuro?ff Ysslif No ts ThB Propony Locarod tn Tho Ftoodptetnl-L yo4-L NoDISCIAIMEn:l hor6uy conuyhal6! tntonnsum tn6rxl hcalhws 6nd ordlrsncossnd toools on6, Theorch3n(lo h aonlrocbro, conus.rorlirlo.mr[m ." Sublocllo Flno8 Up To3500.m',' l,r0 Code snd oll Ststo SIGNATURE: Noloj tbnolluo munca0ons c aibostoa aa.naval potmi 0 a.l lo bo cub.nluod u.lng ti6 apdJco on loim lDltl $tl'lrlor Uo loclty or !dE& l,lns lo0Mconllln tuhoslo. or rpt, Yo{ a,o rDqut€d b c'! lho Nodoml Emb.loo Srondardr lo. tLza rdoo6 All r,olur.nB INESHAI ) .t (S I9)707.1950 .1 lc8s! 10 dayr p.lor lo rhodomolilioo ol my loclllry o. hrldhg. Soo Asboslo3 Wob Sho:hlrprlwDvr,od.st.lonc.uJopl/adD3tos/ahnp.htirt TOTAL PROJECT COST; 1652{ , OO BUILDING HEIGHT: 20 'f OF UNITS: Nlr SO FT WATER; SEWER: SYSTEM TOTAL AREA SQ FT : Teoo SO FT PER FLR:llA ,, OF STORIES: 2 d or FLOOnS:nJI-TOTAL SO FT UNDE R RooF:IlI__ doFsTRUCTURES: 1 ACRES DISTURBED: N/^ SO FT EXST LAND DTSTUBBING pERMtl? rl yES rl NO EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:N/A pRopERry usE: ffoFFtcE ! nesrnunaNr I MERCANT|TED. E APTD CONDO OTt1Er CFPUA CFPUA E COMMUNIry SYSTEM oENTRAL SEPTTC DE T'I WELL T-I ZONING FTRIVATE sEpTlc 5?olar,ruruir'.,slt'An^If p[8MtIS StQUIiED ron El.fct. MEclt, prBo, c,rs Eoutp. ptiEt]Alrs ! NSenrs USE CLASSIFICATION RrcAN EXPRESS l-r- Mcnrrsn J*,- orscoven oNe:ft1i-Pl o*pp,ouJlt)E c LH:N/A nx4a-*/tICER it L DAT BFE+2ft. 31City lnspeclion Requrreo, 91 0'25 N. PERMIT FEE: I +1ffi DEVELOPER: ((h..r Arr Ih.t rrrly) OWNER/CONTRACTOR: scorr nrrxrrway PAYMENT METHOD: T CASH TICHECK (PAYABLE TO NHC) Comnrcnt RECEIyED }cT 1s 2017 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATI0N IYPE: COMIIERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ATL QUESTIONS APPLICABIE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsiblllty" .5359 NEW CENTRE DRIVE . WIIJMINGTON OCCUPANT,/BUSINESS NAME: ctEAR RtN ApARTMENTS PROPERTY OWNER,S NAtvlE: r,sRxF3 BRAvo Lrrc ONiIER'S ADDRESS: s3oo NE14 cEN.r.Rlr DR-LVE CITY: w15y1N5asN _ LICENSE #: ag+ra ADDRESS: 4594 wrNTERs cHAFErr R9AD - CITY: a11Nq1a EFIAI L ADDRESS : ANGTELEA@RELlABLEROOFlNG. BI z PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: ANGrE tEA (ch€.k ^rl rhat Appl.y) Za:-lt}c17 A-PPLIcATIoN Number (offlce U5e) - DATE : E 7 APPLICANI'S l,lAME: ANGrE LEA PROJ ECT 10.18. r7 PHONE *: ZIP | 2.s4 61 , PHONE #: 336- 232 - 79ao ST: Ng ZIP:26a 63 ST:6a ZIP: go:eo - PHONE f: ?70-4s7-oooo - PHONE #: Ao.t - 120 -.t ras EXIST CONSTRUCTION lI Rglocation, ls there a N : E ALTERATION atural Gas Llne on the urrent Site?r ES No N EI,{ CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHELL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: y71 li No IS BLDG S nPRIN KLEREDfl-_ Yeslf _ GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION UPF IT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE RENOVATION If UPFIT - The SheII Permit #: N/A **'*:T IS THIS A CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY UsE s, what was the Prevlous Occupancy Type? N/A Is Elect Power on this Building fr.. Yes |- NO ? f- Yes I t'to ***+* ldhat ls the New Occupancy N/ArF Ye Tvoe?ARfH DESIGN PROFESSIoNAL: N/A NC RE6 #: NC REG $:-ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL :_N/A PH: DESCRIPTION OF WORK : REMovE sHrNGr,Es ro RooF DEC( AND REpr,AcE wrrH NEw sHrNGrrEs pER coDB ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure?f . Yesli No ls The Property Locat€d ln The FloodplainT- _ Ve{-_ NoDISCLAIMER: I horeby cenily lhal oll lnformatlon ln and locsl laws and ordinances 6nd regulalions, Theor chanqe in mntraclor ot conlrsclor Inlormgllon "'Subiecllo Fin6s Up To $500.00"' auldlno Code and all icable Slale in d ific€lions Code andin OWNER/CONTRACTOR: scorr RTDGEwAy r-ln CFPUA CFPUA COMMUNITY SYSTEIV oENTRAL SEPTTC ! PAYMENT METHOD: ZONE; OFFTCER: Approval SIGNATURE:(Oudnad (PftNallp)ible: D€molilion no ,icadons I asbeslos removst permh Epdicatons are lo be submtu€d uslng the gppicadon fo,m (DHH$3769) contain A6b€slos or nol- You a,o requled !o call lhe Na onalEmlsslon Standards for Hazardous Air PoltutEnts (NESHAP) sl (919) demolltbn of Bny ladlity or building. S€€ Asb6stos Web Stt€: htpr/u,r ,h,.ept.stiate.nc.us/epyasb€nos/ahmp.htrnl WATER SEWER SYSTEM whelhor tie lacility or building 707-5950 al l€asi 10 days prlor to rho TOTAL PROJECT COST: 16524. oo BUILDING HEIGHT: 2o '# OF UNITS: N/A EXSr LAND DtSTURBtNc pERMtT? r yEs r NoNEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:1q7n SQ FT EXISTING IIVPERVIOUS AREA SQ FT ZONING USE CLASSIFICATION MMUNITY.'SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ETECT, MECH, PLBG GAS EQUIP. PREFABS E INSERTS TI WELL hdvATr seprrc [- casu f-. cxecK (eAvABLE To_NHC) F_AMERIcAN EXeRESS f-, rvrcnitsn [- DtscovER(FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F B_- City:_ DATE_ FLOOD BFE+2ft' N-- - PERMIT FEE: I Comment LH RH DEVELOPER: CONTRACTOR: ATLANTA' s RELIABT,E RooErNG co - PH: TOTAL AREA SO FT : 79oo TOTAL SQ FT UNDERf OO-FM- ACRES DISTURBED: N,/A SQ FT PER FLR: ,N/A # OF STRUCTURES: r # OF STORIES: 2 # Or FLOORS:nJi-- pRopERry usE: EoFFtcE I nesrauner.rr fl MERCANILEI-1 EDUcfZL AprD CONDO OTHET w RECE|t/Eooci1920t7 NEt^l HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PER[\'IIT APPLICAIION TYPEI COMMERCIAL ptEAsE ANSWtlt nLl QUESIIO S PP!]CASIE I0 Youn PRoltcI "Prolect ResPonslbtllty" a ,,d AF-PfiefTmN Number (offrcc uso),-,.1,]) DATE :10 ,1tj . 1?APPLICANTJS NAHE i ANGII, I,DA PttoNE fir LI IY : r.lrLtlrrcroN ZIPi26a63PRO]ECT AuuHl5>: s359 NEvt CENTRE DRrvE occUPANT/BUSINESS NAiIE: cltxr RtN ApARrl4ENrs PR0pERTY 0NNER'S NAfiE: LsREr?3 llll1vo Ll,c O NEn'5 ADDRESS: sloo NEw csNl,tE uRlvu CoNTRACToR: ATL N'lA's Rnt,rADlu ltoot?1Nc (:o ADDRESS: 4594 1{INTERS cllApBL noAD - PH0NE $: 336-232-rsoo - LICENSE ll: a9a 13 . CITY: wrr,MrNcToN 5T: Nq ZIP:2s463 ST:cA ZIP: sogeoil:ilfia57-o;;;-- CITY: a1r;rul.r,r EI4AIL ADDRESS: ANGr ELEAoRELrAar,ERooFrNc , Br z . PHONE PR0IECT CONTACT PERS0N; 1;961g 1s1 PHoNE ,l: 4o?-'i 2o-710e (Cha(l All rt.t APPIY) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION lf Rolocation, ls lhore a NaluralGas Llne on the r,.urrent slte?es 6ENERAL REPAIRS li, No lS BLDG s D PRIN RELOCATION KLERED{- -. Yesli- ADD TO EXIST SIRUCTURENo NEIJ C0N5TRUCTION: L_l ERECT NEI.I STRUCTURE FAST TRAC(5HE LL UPFlT ACCESSORY STRUCIURE: N/11 If UPFIT * The SheLl Permit ll: N/^ls Elect Powen on thls guilding Ii:Yes NOr', .'.r. rs mrs A CHANGE oF OCCUPANCY USEi r' YES lir NO t' If Ye5, what t.,as the Prevlous Oc<upancy lypet N/A - l'{hat 15 the New occupancy Itr8fi ?orsro,r PRoFsssroNAL i N/A Plli Pll: NC RE6 'I:NC REG $: DBCIarr,luH. r no,orry *.rrty lhal alllnlormarl(m ln llrts appll€drlon ls collccl snd nd tocal lows and ordinan €s Bnd rcttulallons. The NHc Davclonnlcnr S.rvlcos or cl nlo ln conuaclor 9I colllruclor lnlolrnotlon. "'NOTE: Any Work Por(ormodSuhjocllo Flnos tlp To 3500.00"' EN6R DESIGN PROFTSSIONAL :_N/A DESCRIPTI0N OF l.lORK I RdMovE slttNcr,us ro Rool DuCK rrNlt I.EpLAC&: tll'lll NEw SIIINGLES Plln CrCDE Is food or beveragos prepared or scrvcd ln this structure?f, Y€sff - No ts Tho Proporly Located ln The Floodplaln'{-,- Yest-.- sll work wlll comply wllll lhs Stole Suldln! Cods srd sll pliooble Slalo Ccnlcr v/ lbo noiliod o,nldo Corlc on,lin N lhc S domslir,oo otanylaqlityor buildin0. Soo Aslrostos wol, Silc: hlo:/ 4*\rr.eFrsrolo.nc.us/opuosbosloyahmp.hhl OWNER/CONTRACTOR: rror n rmrt*av SIGNATURE: {oblino) (P,hN.t,c) NoloiOcmotition mtilir ons 8 nsbostos rooroval pormh applicalions oro lo ts Eubnrlrled urhg ltx, opplbollon lorn r (l)lll 13-3768) whollol lho l.clllty or lltilda'0 TOTAL AREA SQ FT : ?9OO TOTAL SO FT UNDER FOOF: N EXST LAND DTSTURBTNG PERMTT?,riYES rr NO NEW It4PERVIOUS AREA:N/^SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREAi pnopERr y usE: noFFrcE f] nrsrnunlur MERCANTILE EDUC APT CONDO OTI']EI SO TT WATER SEWER SYS"TT:M CFPUA CFPUA COMN4UNITY SYSTEM cENrRAr. SEP ITC fl H WELL VATE SEPTIC tr MMUNITY ZOt.JlNC] USE CLASSIFICATION "' SiIPAnAI I PUllUlI S flFolnrn:O l Oll I I t:CI. Mt:Oll, l\ll(i, (iAS l(lulP, l'}ln:lj^llS 6 lNSL|l l$ I)AYMFN I MI]I HOI):f cAsH f cHEcK (PAYABLE r-o NHc) Ji. AMERTCAN EXPRESS J*- tucr,rrsn [*- otscove R (FOn OFFTCE USE O ZONE F'/'1orrrc Approval: flL city ER: fu SE,Uir',ri oerF. tLf}ulo Nt_Y) r-: n/[,t Ln/l* nr lh B ^il^BFt+2lt' TBACKS Fl"oot) il' 0rr,rloG t^r tlc.klntt l,ttd PERI,,lIT I:EI:Cornmenl--Nu-lxlurs,o (lllY lntPoction Requm0,9i0"fi44-'T zotl-)sq7 DEVELOPER t TOTAL PROJECT COST: 16s24.00 BUILDING HElGllT: 20, t OF UNITS: N/A SO FT PEn FLR:.N/^ I' OF STRUCTURES: I I' OF STORIES: 2 /l OF FLooRS:w7I- ACRES oISTURBED: .V.L_ I > ) ) I RECEIVED OCI 19 2017 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IYPE.. COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSI{ER ALL QUESTIOI'IS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" ::ut necrNg nnlve i wrll,trNcrou OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAME: CI,EAR RUN APARTMENTS PROPERTY OWNER'5 NAME: LSREF3 BRAvo r,LC OI'INER'S ADDRESS: s3oo NEw CENTRE DRrvn _ CITY: wtlurncroN CONTRACTOR: ATLANTA' s RELTAB1 E RooFING co LICENSE f: aea13 ADDRESS: 4594 wIIflrERs SHAPEL R6AD - CITY: n1uqlqla EMAIL ADDRESS: ANGIEI,EA@REI,IABLEROOFING.BIZ PRO]ECT CONTAC PERSON: nN61s Lga (Check A11 Th.t Apply) Zon-Uz9l 1"t)c2- E 7 A ON APPLICANT'S NAIIE: el{crs Lsa PRO] ECT . DATE: Number (office use) 10.18.1? PHONE f: - PHONE #: 336 - 2)2- rsoo ZIP i2a4o3 ST: Ng ZfP:264 63 ST:6a ZIP: 39356 PHONE #: ?70-4s? oo0o PH0NE Sf 4o7 -'t2o-'tta9 EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION lf Relocation, is there a Naiural Gas Line on the No NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEt^l STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHELL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: 1171 E RENovAlroN f] GENERAL REPATRS EEirrenr Site? l- .6i[ tlo ls BLDG sF-RlN RELOCATION KLERED?r Yesli UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE If UPFIT - The SheLl Permlt S: N/A Is Elect Power on this Building li. Yes f No ***** Is THIS A CHANGE oF occUPANcY USE?T YEs Ii. NO ***** IF Yes, what was the Prevlous Occupancy Type? N/A - what is the New occupancy No DISCI aIMER I hereby cenlfy lhat all lnlormation ln lhls snd locallaws and ordinances and r€OulationS. The NH or chanoe in conlraclor oI conlraclor hformalion "'NO Subjeclio Fines Up To $500.00"' WATER: SEWER: SYSTEI\4 u!CFPUA CFPUA T-'I COMMUNITY SYSTEM T-'I WELL T'1 ZONING USE CLA flcerurnnl seerc f] pnlvArE sEprc EToMMUNTTv ZONE: OFFICER (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F: N/A IXtfi'orrrur PRoFESSToNAL: p71 PH: PH: NC REG f: NC neG *:-ENGR DESIGN PRoFESSIoNAL :-N /A DESCRIPTION OF IdORX: REMovE SHINGLE5 To RooF DECK AND REPLAqE 1ITH NEw 5HTNGLES PER coDE. ls food or beverages prepar€d or s€rvsd in this structure?f - Yesti- No ls The Properly Located ln The Floodptain{-- Y"{- * Code 6nd allother le Slate the the S and OWNER/CONTRACTOR: scorr RTDGEwAY conlain fut€sloE or nor You s.€ requkod ro call th€ Nalbnal Emlsslon Sradards for H6zsrdous Alr Pollutants (NES}IAP) at (919)707-5950 at l€6st 10 day3 prlo( lo lh€ demohion of any lacllhy o. bllldlno. S€o A6besto6 Wob S116: htlp:/le ri r.epi.state.nc.us/eti./asb€sloJahmp.hlrnl ToTAL PROJECT COST: 1a341.00 BUILDING HEIGHT: 2O'# OF UNITS: N//A TOTAL AREA SQ FT : 5 9OO EXST LAND DTSTURBTNG pERMrr? r YES r NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:N/A SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: PROPERTY USE: lOrrtCr !RESTAURANT MERCANTILE ED APT CONDO OTHET SSIFICATION ,.. SEt,ARAlE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR LLEC]. MECH. PLBG, GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS PAYMENT METHOD f- cnsH [-. cnrcK (eAvABLE To NHc) li AMERTcAN EXeRESS f-_ rvrcnrrsn l-- orscovER LH RH B Approval:_ City:_ DATE_ FLOOD: BFE+2ft,_ AVNComment PERMIT FEE: I DEVELOPER: SIGNATURE: TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: N//A ACRES DISTURBED: N/A SQ FT PER FLR: N/A # OF STRUCTURES: r # OF STORIES: z # OF FLOORS: nJI- SO FT t1-tt5V I ./,, i.- . ... ,ffi, APPLICAN?S NAME: Cloar Form Prinl NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMlT APPLTCATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO,IECT "Projed ResponsibiliV' 295EP tI Ci r 44i-efi---stqq Application Number (office use) Barnn Stephens Date: 9/13/17 PROJECI ADDRESS: 7417 Promonlorv Corrrt CITY: Wilmin.tton ZIP:28412 suBDtvtslo : Tellair Srmmit Townh^rcac LOT #r 1 7A PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: Perrv & Bonnie Henslev PHoNE #: (757) 35E-0073 OWNER'S ADDRESS: 7417 N Promnntnry C.l'rt CITY: Wilmin.f^n ZlP: 28412 CONTRACTOR: lngram Bros., lnc. BI.DG UCCNSC #:€€48O- ADDRESS:1706 Cr<tla Srrapl D Det Garage (SF)_ tr Greenhouse (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes E No Unheated: 167 TOTAI PROIECT COST (Less Lot)S 20 ooo ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ! Yes E o ls any El€ctrical, Plumbing or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure l yes E o lf the project is a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? DyesE o ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes tr No Property Use/ Occupancy: El Single Family E Duplex E Townhouse Oescrlptlon of Work: laws and ordinances a.d regulations. The NHc Development servi.es Center will be notified ofany changes in the approved plans and specirications orchange in €ontractorinformatlon r"NoT€: Any worl performed without the appropriate permits willbe in viotation ot th€ Nc state BtdE code and subject to fines up to Ssm.m..r Owner/Contractor: Raron Slephans s|En 'Licenscd Qnliliei pdnt Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? n yes n No ExlstinS lmpervious Area: 2113 Sq Ft New lmpervlous Area: 2l i 3 Sq ft Ejsting Land Distu.bing permit: I yes f] o WATER: E CFPUA [] Community System E private Well ! Centralwell E Aqua SEVyER: fl CFPUA tr Community System ! private Septic D Centratseptic f] Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ S€tback (F, _ (tH) _ (RHl _ (B) _ Approval: -- Ctry: _ Date; -- Hood: (A) _ {Vl .- (Nl _ BFE+2fF Total Acres Disturbed: O \ 85- Comment:Perhit Fee: S CITY: Wilminolon ST: l[f, ZIP: 28403 EMAIL ADDRESS: prnFrts@ingramhrns net PHOI{E: (ql Ot 762-q6qs PROJECT COIUIACT PERSON: Baron Stephens PHONE: (9t O)616-23't 2 EXISTING COI{SIRUCnON: tr Alteration EI Renovation I General Repairs t{EW CONSIRUCTION; E Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation * *IPITASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ALT THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT*I} - Pool {SF)_ ! Deck (sF) _ TOTAI SQ FT UNDERROOF lfor proposed workl Healed: _ ! Att Garage (SF)_ D Sunroom (5F)_ D Porch (SF)_ E StoraSe Shed (SF) _ E Orher {sF} 167 ,tr-)011--?Mv effip NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT A PPLtcAttaN TYPE: RESIDENTIAt PTEAST ANSWTRAtI QUESTIONS APPIICASI.T TOYOUR PRO,TCT "ProJec{ ResPonslblllV' APPTICANT'5 NAMEI PROJECT ADORESS:CITY suBDtvlSloN:OT H: Date t0 -B,tf ztP,;g,n - 3d zl B G r-rcENst r,: ol)PHONI H CITY: PHONE PHON[: PROPERTY OWNER,S NAMEI OWNER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTO ADDRTSS: EMAILADDRTSS: PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: 0 Att Garage (5F) _ 0 Sunroom (5F)_ E] Greenhouse ISF)_ ? O Del Garate (Stl_ O Pool{St} fDeck {st) o'frd *Nt zrp:Z9v63 OL 23oCI l7 9r598il CITY t) ExlsTlNG CONSTRUCTIoNT O Alterallon E Renovation tr/Generat nepairs NEW CONSTRUCrPN; 0 Erect New Residence El Addition to €xlstln8 Resldence D Relocation ...PLTASE CHECX AND ANSWER BETOW ATI. THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT"' ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr Yes E 6- ls tsny Ele.trlcal, Plumbhg or Mcchanlcalwork belng done to theAccessory St.uctur€ E yes lf the project i5 a Relo.allod, ls there a NaturalGas Line on the current site? O yes Erl(6- ls there tlectrical Power on thls Building? @ff6 tr lo Properry Ur€/ O.cupancy: O Stn8te f imlly 6 ouplex g{.o/.nouse Oe5cilptl on ol worl: N€+I o oltcLAlMlR: I h€reby centty that lttthe tnformrlon lotNi applration t5 ao(ect.nd aI worl wll th€ 5t.1. Suildln8 code .nd .u olher.pplicable State and b(.1 he.pgroved danr rnd rpeclll(atlons orchangeh (onlraclorlaws and o.dlnan<er and regulstlonr. Tha N8c ooralopmant sa.vtaat c.nte, lNitt b! notitied orlnform.lion. ...NOT€: Any wo{l9€.fo,med withoul th? a nrlrr wlllb€ ln Ylol.tlon ol the NC Code and Owncr/ConUartori "Llcented Quolifiet" SlEnature: ls the property located in a lloodplaln? tr yes fHvio €xlgtlnt lmpe.vloui Area;_ Sq ft TotalAcres Dlrtu,bed: New lmpervlour Are3i _ Sq Ft Exlstlng l,and Olsturblng Permttr L l yesBNo Permlt te€l S WATERT tr CTPUA E] Communltysystem D prlvate Well D CenvalWefl n Aqua SEWTR: tr CFPUA D CommunitySystem E prtvateSeptic E Ce.ltralS€ptic O Aqua zone:0*f- I ofi,.e,.t Ae se *qr'l/As^t t/A ollA Approvali Commenlt oV crry: [LM oat dr (A)_ (vl (r,r) _L grr+zt= \ 4#+ Appllcallon loltce ul.) 15 the proposed work chansinB the existinS footprint? 6 Yes trf66- TOTAT Sq tT UNDER ROO! lfot proposed worl) Heated: _ Unheated! _=_ TOTAI PRO,,ECT COST(ters totl: I fO. co tr Porch (5F)- O Storaee Shed {St) - o other {st) - e0 N r' I\.ii,ff R LMulIt{a aol m ffv-le.,r NEW H APPLICATION PLTAS€ ANSWER ALL QUESTI "Proiect UNTY BUILDING P MIT ONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR Responsibilit!/' PRO]ECT application Number (office use) APPLICANT'S NAME:o BLDG sr.NC r4P:?WA3 Date tD;3,t7z,r.agaaL 'a670 ztp.-tX Q O7 . LICENSE # 2lucT l7 9:59fi tl PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: CITY # PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTO ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: PROjECT CONTACT PERSON llon PHONT # CITY CITY eA/ [-PHONE OL pxonr: ?/0')6) -067D -a C)I.-< EXISTING CONSTRUCTION; ! Alteration ! Renovation E{-eneral Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation }**PITASE CHEC( AND ANSWER BETOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO.IECT' *T fl Att Garage (SF)_E Det Garage (5F)_! Porch {SF) D Sunroom (SF)tr Pool (SF) ZfDeck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existinB footprint? I Ves dii- Unheated: TOTAI- PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S qo.c() ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ! Yes Bf' ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure ! yes f],fi6- lI the project is a Relocation, is ther€ a Natural Gas Line on the current site? tr yes 8-1116- ls there Electrical Power on this Buildingf EZ6 ! ruo Property Use/ Occupancy: D Single family ! Duplex ownhouse Description oI Work: rre* Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolifier" I a laws and ordinances and regLrlalions. The NHC Development SeNices Cenier will be notified ol any changes in the approved ptans and specifications or change in contraclor information, "'NOTI: Any work pedormed without the appropriate rmits v/illbe in violation ofthe NC dg Code and s Signature: ls the property located in a floodplain? D yes Ht!6 Existing lmpervious Alea; _ Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area Sq tt Existing Laod Disturbln8 Permit: D yes ! No WATER: D CFPUA tr Community System ! private Well D Central Well n Aqua SEWER: ! CFPUA D Community System E private Septic fl Centralseptic D Aqua Zone: -- Officer: .=- Setbacks (F) _ (tH) -- (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ Cityr _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) -- BfE+2ft= Comment:Permit Fee: S Wrrrrw"))C b ! Storage Shed (SF)_ D Other (SF)_E Greenhouse {SF) TOTAT SQ FI UNDER ROOq lfor proposed work) Heated: _ : CleaiFornr I Print f,i:llil:':.'l 29+n5n a.C2 ffi4t nFFfimTior'r Number (offi<€ U5€) DATE;APPLICAIiIT'S NAIIE: TA woods company to/6 / 1.7 DEVE LOPER: PRO]ECT AO PHONE S:Cornin lncor orated: 310 N. colfege RoadD : t,IilmingEon, NC zrP 12s 4s5 O€CUPANT/BUSINESS NA|'IE : corni.ng Incorporated PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: corning Incoxporared OWNER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: TA woods Company ADDRESS: 6? 13 Nerherlands Drive EI4AIL ADDRESS: bcox@rawoods. com PROJECT CONTAC PERSON: grian .t. cox ura I Gas Line on the ALTERATION H RE NOVATION rrenl Site? f . RE LOCATION6ENERAL REPAIRS l-, No ls BLDG s TLERED{-, Yesf-, CITY| cor ing PHONE #: 5T: Ny ZIP:14831 ST: NC ZIP: 2840s - PHONE #: 9ro-4s2-'tsoo . PHONE f: 910-357-6083 - CITY: wilmings6n EXTST CONSTRUCTION: lf Relocation, is there a Na (cherk All That Apply) es If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #:Is Elect Power on thls Bullding f Yes Ii: No *r*., Js rHts.A CHANGE oF occupANcy usErf YEs li. N0 *tt** IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Typel - Nhat is the Neu Occupancy IX8fi torrro* PR.FEssroNAL: Desisn Elements PH:910-so9-3131eA:llf,jil-lllf-ENGR DESI6N PROFESSIoNAL :-Cr l ser Tlouf,man Tanner DESCRIPTION 0F I,JORK: New Masonry Rubber Roof,MetaI wall panel finish NC REG S: srztlc neo *:ilifIJ-- Block Buitdlng, steel JoisL, ts food or beverages prepared or served in this skucture?fl- Yesli, No ls The property Located ln The Floodplainf- Yedi- NBCtttUen, tn"r"Oy.er!fy lhat atl infomation in thrs appticaiion is clrrectand allworl wrllcomplywilh rhe Stat€ Building Code and all other applicabts Slate snd tocat laws snd o.dlnance! and regulalions. The NHC Oeveloomenl Servicos Cente, wrll be nolified of any changos in lhe approved plan! 6nd spgcillcstons or chanqe in contraclor or conlractor nformation. "'NOTE: Any Work Perform€d W/O lh€ Appropriale Permils will be in Violalron oi lho NC Stale BEq Uooe 8nd 5;;i;i1;Fi;L,pids5o-o-.dor "--- --- TereSaA. tr:;:::;'::-' corta in Asb€stos or nor. You 6r€ required ro callths Narional Emission Srandad3 tor Hazardous AirPolluiants (NESHAP) Br (919)707.5950 .1 least l0days f.iorlo the demolition olany facilityor building. SeeAsbeslos Web Sits: hltp://www.epi.stale.oc.us/epyasb€slovahmp.hlml OWNER/CONTRACTOR: rereoa woods-cox ACRES DISTURBED: NEW ll\TPERVIOUS AREA: Bzs PROPERTY USE OFFICE RESTAURANT COMMUNITY SYSTEM S I G NATU RE : _Weed$esx-_ffi SQ FT PER FLR: 40o # OF STORIES: r # OF STRUCTURES: 1 # OF FLOORS: 1 EXST LAND DISTURBING PERI\,4II? T YES Ji NO SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA SQ FT MERCANTILE EDUC APT CONDO OTHElUanufacruring * FLOOD B FE +2ft: WATER SEWER SYSTEM CFPUA CFPUA "'s T-I WELLHv.qrr s rprrc Tl ZONING USE CLASSIF-CorrMUNrrY zor.,re'7rUD oFFtcER: (FOR OFFTCE SETBA USE ONLY)z/ / /CKS: F.bo LH , RH O B O Approv al: /lL City ICATION CENTRAL SEPT C EPARAIE PERN{ITS REOUINEO FOR ELECT, MECH. PLBG, GAS EOIJIP, PREFABS & INSERTS PAYIVIENI METHOD:f oASH f: cHEcK (PAYABLE To NHc) f_ AN.,tERlcAN EXPRESS f: [4c^/lsA f_ D|SCOVER Comrnent t.t DATE N PERMIT FEE: I NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIaN rYPe: C0 MERCIAL PLEASE ANSIIER NII ,QUESITOIS APPTICABTE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility" I _ LICENSE $: ttqes Noi'iiw collsrnucrroN; E ERECT NEW sIRucTuRE E FAST IRACK E SHELT E UPFIT N AOD TO EXIST 5TRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: TOTAL PROJECT COST: 218, ooo BUILDING HEIGHT: r4-o # OF UNITS: 1 TOTAL AREA SO FT: 8?s TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 4oo Clear Form Print ) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIaN TYPE: COMMERCfAL PLEASE ANSI/\jER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" ot+- lt5t1Wfr APPLICATION Number (office Use) :al z c a z APPLICANT'S NAl.lE: 1-e- n..cs ccr,panl . DATE :la/6/t] DEVELoPER: cornl ng r nco rporated PHONE f: PROJECT ADORESS: 316 N. Cofteqe Road CITY: 1u-i1rr,,ri -n, 51 ZIP:.81i5 oCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAiIE : . :: r.:r.:,l ncorporat ed PROPERTY OWNER'S NAlt4E: 1611inq rnccrpcrared CONTRACTOR: TA i.Joods compan)_ LICENSE S: -i165 ST:xy ZIP:1q631 ST:116 ZIP:26465ADDRESS: 6 713 N-^rhertands Drlve CITY:9,71111'ng1on EMAIL ADDRESS: bcotr3rawoo.ts . conr _ PHONE #: 9fi- 452-1err PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: Bria:, J r--.x . PHONE #: 910 - j6---6il8l (Ch€(k A1l Ihat Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the arrent Site?Yes ERECT NEW STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHELL T PRINKLEREDf Yesl-_ RELOCATION UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE GENERAL REPAIRS l- No rs BLDG s If UPFIT - The Shell Permi.t #:Is Elect Pouer on this Building f Yes li NO ***** IS THrS A CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY USE?r yES li. tO ***** fF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? _ What is the lew Occupancy Tvoe?ARIH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL - PH:916-569-3131 NC REG #:8113Design E lement s ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL:-Criser Trorrr,nian farrer . P*9ta-3gj -2w9 NC REG #:F-0t t j New Masonry Block BLrildtng, Steel Joist,Rubber Roof,Metal Wall panel Finish ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure?f Vesli_ No NoDISCLAIMER: I hereby certit that all information in lhis application is correct and att work w and local laws and ordinances and requlations. The NHC DeveloDment Setuices Center willor chanqe in conraclor or conlraclor rnformation. "'NoTE. Any work Perlormed wo lhe ASublecl-to Frnes Up To $500 00"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR:r. r... t{ccds - cox ls The Property Located ln The Floodptain1- yeEi_ ill comply with the State Building Code and afl other appticabte State be notrfred of anv chanqes in the aooroved olans and soecficationsppropnale Permils wrll 5e in Violalion of the \C State Bldo Code and Teresa A. o.rn n!Y' ''' iA w@o S rG NArU R E : weeas+e*-:i#"* #id+--*{ii conlarn Asbeslos or nol. You are required lo call the National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Poltutants (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 at teasl t0 days prior to lhedemolition ofany facility or building. See Asbeslos Web Siter httpJ/www.epi.state.nc.us/epi/asb€stos/ahmp.html TOTAL PROJECT COST: 218,(]OO BUILDING HEIGHT: I4_O #OFUNITS: r TOTAL AREA SQ FT : B 7 5 SQ FT PER FLR: 4 0c # OF STORIES: rTOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: a ,r,# OF STRUCTURES: r # OF FLOORS: r ACRES DISTURBED NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: 8rs PROPERTY USE OFFICE RESTAURANT Exsr LAND DTSTURBTNG pERMtT? r yES Ji NO SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: SQ FT MERCANTILE EDUC APTI-1 coNDo orHElManufacrurlns WATER: r-ICFPUA SEWER: HCFPUASYSTEM IJ ZONE: OF ADoroval: "o'-n,-n"nrF CON/T\,1 UN ITY SYSTEIVl CENTRAL SEPTIC H D zoNtNG USE CLASStFICATtON COMI\,lUNlTY WELL VATE SEPTIC EPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PL8G, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS 8 INSERTS PAYMENT METHOD f CASH l-. cnecx (PAYABLE ro NHc) f _ AMER|CAN EXPRESS f-_ vcrvrsn l- DtscovER FICER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:RHBCity:_ DATE_ FLOOD OFpttA BFE+2ft, N LH _ PERMIT FEE: I OWNER'S ADDRESS: PHONE #: - CITY: 6ornlnn Mae rNo NEW CONSTRUCTION: l,/ | ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: F I ^-\ it\. r i., ffi IAPPLIFANT'5 PROJICT ADD fi-'#"*)o)+/ r:lY (omce ulcl Print oMall NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT A P PLICAf ION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PTEASE ANSWIR ATt OU€STIONS APPLIC-ABIE TO YOUR PROJECT "ProJe.t Responrtblllty, NAME: nESSI 4r.z Dater L 0 r6[rr clw : YvU!!!Ll\!!EN,_.fur. zr P Z,\) SUBDIVISION;o4tLvr)A6tr e, ktPLtE pnopinwowrrn's r AME. PtAl)L 6 Ae-o Fot-o pHoNEtr?19- bZ9-1249 OWN R'5 ADDRESS:be,>45 PLEeSFHLL Lr+r\-rE ctrY: CAP-Y+ tJC ztp:Z"lstg CONT ACTOR: EAVI TJ -\ AUM t=s { coqp+ttt>.BIDG LICENSE H 2?- ADO : 1o7> OcD D,+trLY IZD. Su. l-E I CITY: \(ltLrM rU4EU STrfua rtprzb4tE €MAI AODRESS:ba'PHON E 24 PROJ cr coNTAcT pEnsoNr I\A/rl.' .l I41,r,4E: pnoNcgl!::4\1:3134 EXtS NG CONSTRUCTION: O Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEW ONSTRUCIIONT E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existint Residence D Relo(ation ...PT€ASE CHEC( AND ANSW€R BTI.OW AI.L THAT APPI,Y TO YOUR PRO,'ECT"' i-l A -_ s !._ 6 ls the Desc lproposed work chanBing the existinS footprint? O Yes XNo Gara8e (Sf)_ room (sF)_ enhouse (SF) _ O oet Garage (st)_ 0 Pool (5F) C oeck (SF) tr Porch (SF) tr Storaee Shed (S F)--r*- D Other (SF) {r" roral ,orol L SQ FT UNOER ROOF (/o t proposed wotk]' Aeatedi L PROJECT COST {less Lot)i S l5t)6L Ptop y Use/ Occupancy: I& Sln8le tamlly D Duplex D Townhoule ts the[rroposed work chanSlng the number of bedrooms? O ves tr4ois anv Electalca l, Plumblnf or Meahanlaal work being done to the Acae5 rory Structu re D ves ll the project is a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? fl yei tr No 1s theie €lectrica, Power on thl5 Buildin8? q:Yss E No lJnh€ated: 24tal I7 Brirhfl ption ot Work: (&n",r,k 1 *r at'o.tt; 4 lcq12,[2J, 1.to o -1, {"*aql. rhcrcbvcen vthatal lheinlormalionr.thisappli(dlio.irco(.crandallworlw;llcomplywiihrnesrateguildnsCodetnd.ltoihera ppllr.bl. Slate rnd locairrncer and rasularioB. Th. NHC O€yelopment s..vic.i C.nt€r wttt be noiiiird o, anychanSej in the appro nr and ,p€cifications or change ir (onrracto, "'NOTE: Any work performed without ih! sppropn.te pe.mitr wittbe In b o,r,*,L,", .ubietl tolin.s up to!5@.00... owner/contraator ''L1.ea!ed Quoliller" bllrvr D w. i-E9 ls the property lo€ated in a floodplain? fl Yes E No Existlhg lmperuloui Area: Sq tt TotalA.res Dliturbedi pervlous Area: _- 5q Ft Ixl5tint Land 0lsturblnt Permlti f] yes L l No Rr trlCFPUA O Communrty Syrtem 0 PrivateWell D CentralWelt f] Aqua p(creue cl System E Priv"te Sep c fl C€ntralSe ptlc D Aqua SiSnature: ,nr [l/A r*nrN/A rg]dlfi | (A)(v)_ {N)---:!_ sFE+2ft Zone pl4/ otri,.o,, Appr val City Communitv l)lto set Da te a {-Corn t1 or ()ity lnsoeclion Re.qureo 91 0-254-0i,r) Permit teer S LOT f| i sEw eR: r(1 Clear Form Print eMall NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE : RESTDENTTAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESIIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECI "Proiect R€sponstblliq/, eory.-l l57y APpllcation Number (ofrice use) APPTICAN?S NAME. }ATZI b J y+1ME9 Date: [ 0 lElrl3-rzEY ad o t2:7 crw: \&-t!zvl4tlv*r.{_t Lc.ztPAu-VtuA6 o *tP-LtE LOT f: LA Foto PHoNE #:9 12 - bZ9 --7249bb+S Pr5-LL L/+{\IE CITY:ZtP:Z-?S 19 { corrn Y ELDG LICENSE f:7r942=lZD. Srrt rE t1:2 clw: \(tLrVl r l\qrru sr: I\.l-zp:29{{Eb/l PHONE t/+ PROJECT CONTACT PTRSOI: DIA/ r .l 14<,r/6 Pxor,re 9l 4 - Pool lsFl tr Deck (SF) tr Porch {SF) n Storage Shed (SF)_ E Other (SF) ls the proposed work changinB the existing footprint? tr yes f,f,lo TOTAT Sq FT UNDER ROOF llor proposed work) Heated:Unheated: TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 150 60 ?40eT l7 8r59Bli PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDtvtstoN: \zt PROPERTY OWNER'S OWNER'S ADDRESS: NAME: P CONTRACTOR bAvtb -\r+n^ES ADDRESST 4D OuD>r*r EMAIT ADDRESS: EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration [E Renovation D General Repairs NEw coNsrRucrloN: i Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation IT'PEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ATL THAT APPIY TO YOUR PROJECTI" ! Att Garage (SF)_ X Sunroom (SF)_ I Greenhouse (SF) D Det Garage (SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr yes Vllo ls a nv Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Aciessory Structu re E yes kr No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? ! yes E No '\ lsthere Electrical Power on th is Euilding? E:yes ! No Property Use/ Occupancy: p, Stngle Family D Duplex D Townhouse Description ot Work: &no.,"le bxr 0/$^L5 4 \..r,raheJ, Mo a{"arv|, DISCIAIM€R: I h.reby certify thatallthe information in this applicataon js correct and allworkw[l comply with the State Building Code and allother applicable State and locallaws and ordinancer and regulations. The NHC Development Services Centerwillbe notified of any changes in the app ns and specifications or change in contractornformation. .arNOTE: Any work performed witho!t the appropriate permits will be ih violation ofthe NC subject to fines up to 550o.0o... Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolifie/' hdtvl D \At. {Ail^E< sirnature:pdnt Nome lsthepropertylocatedinafloodplain? tr yes E No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbedi New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing permit: a yes E No WATER: EICFPUA E CommunitySystem n private Well ! CentratWell E Aqua SEWER: F/CFPUA E CommunttySystem D private Septic ! Centrat Septic ! Aqua zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (Fl _ (tH) _ (RHl _ {B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft=Comment: sPermit Fee: ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P Ll CAT I O N rYPE: RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility" Ectl- ll(!03 L1--3229- Application Number (office use) APPLICANT'S NAME: Bell Custom Homes LLC Date.10l03l17 PRoJECT ADDRESS: 716 Autumn Crest Place CITY: Wilmi zlP: 28405 SUBDIVISION: Landfall PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: Ga Carmack & Dianne Krantz OWNER'S ADDRESS: '1301 Dover Circle clTY: BrcOKhAven, GA PHoNE #: 61 9-990-701 51404-7 88-0428 ZIP:30319 g Att Garage (SF) 604 E Sunroom (SF)_ E Greenhouse (SF)_ CoNTRACToR: Bell Custom Homes LLC BLDG LICENSE f 760q6 ADDRESS: 1 120 E Cutlar Crosslno, Ste 204 CITYr Leland ST: {Q ZIP: 28451 EMAIL ADDRESS: Tarn@B€lle u$aloHaocs.comi Elizabeth@BellCustomHomes.com PHoNE: 910-859-80621910-367 -7676 PRoJ EcT coNTAcT PERSoN: Tom Titlow PHONE: 910-367-7676 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration E Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: 7 Erect New Residence fl Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation **'}PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW AI-I. THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT*'* E Det Garage (SF)7 Porch (sF)529 E Storage Shed (SF)_ U. other (sF) 364 unfinished Storage Upstairs TOTAI- 5Q FT UNDER ROOF (for proposed work\ Heated; 3032 Unheated:1498 TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): 5720 702 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr Yes g No ls a ny Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure ! Yes 7No lf the project is a Relocation, isthere a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes No lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes VNo Property Use/ Occupancy: I Sintle Family E Duplex E Townhouse Description of Work: n Pool (SF) n Deck (sF) laws and ordinances and regulations- The NHc Development services center will be notified ofanychanges in the approved plans and specifications or ch.nge in contractorinformation +r*NoTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC state Bldg Code and subject to fines up to S5oo.0o*** Owner/Contractor: Cress Bell. Bell Custom Homes. LLC Signature: "Licensed Quolifier" *int Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? tr yes g No Er.// Existint lmpervious Area:27 ,728 SqFt Total Acres Disturbed: .596 New lmpervious Area: 5391 Sq Ft Existing l-and Disturbing permit: tr yes 7 No WATER: g CFPUA n Community System n private Well ! Central Well ! Aqua SEWER: 7 CFpUA n CommunitySystem fl private Septic ! Central Septic ! Aqua zone: -- Officeri _ Setbacks (Fl _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City:_ Date:_ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (Nl _ BFE+2ft=Comment: sPermit Feei 'i ffi I nT rr.q ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes n No 'frF NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERTUT AP PL|CATION TYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJ€CT "Prorest ResponsibilitY' FLOOD ZONE Aol?.-l ltBoS-TT:322t- APPUCANT'S NAME: BelI Custom Homes LLC Date: 10/03/17 PROJECT ADDRESS: 716 Autumn Crest Place clTY: Wlminqton ztP:28405 SUBOlVlSlON : Landfall PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:Garv Carmack & Dianne nU PHONE #: 019-990-701 51404-788-0428 OWNER'S ADDRESS:1301 Dover Circle CITY: Brookhaven GA zlP:30319 CONTRACTOR: Bell Custom Homes. LLC SLDG TICENSE fl.7AnqA ADDRESS: 1 120 E Cutlar Crossi nq. Ste 204 CITY: LEIANd ST: NC ZtP:28451 EMAIL ADDRESS: TomfABellCustomHo mes-com: Elizabeth@BellC mHomes.com PHONE:91 0-859-8062/910-367 -7676 PROJECT CONTACT PERSoN: Tom Titlow PHONE r 9'10-367-7676 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration ! Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTIONT g Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation ***PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ATt THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT''* a7 Att Garaee ISF) 604 t''l Det GaraPe (SF)d Pcrch (5F)529 n s;orage Shed (SF)- F7 other (5F)3 unfinished Slorage Upstairsn Greenhouse (SF)-n Deck (SF) n Sunroom (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes E No TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF Vor p,oposed workl Heatedr 3032 TOTAI PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S720 702 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes dNo ls a ny Clectrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure ! Yes 7No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natu ral Gas Line on the current site? ! Yes gNo lsthere Electrical Power on this Build ing? n Yes ryNo Property Use/ Occupancy: 7 Single Family n Duplex I Townhouse Description of work: laws and ordinanres and reSulations. The NHC Development Servic€s Center willbe notified ofany chang€s in the approved planr and specifications orchange in cofltractor informarion- ...NOlE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits wjll be in violation of the NC State Bldg Code and subject to fines up to S500.00"' Owner/Con tractor: Cress Bell, Bell Custom Homes, LLC Signature: "Licensed Quolilie/' ls the property located in a floodplain?H Yes ,No ExistinglmperviousArea 27.728 SqFt New lmpervio us Area: 5391 Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: .596 Existing Land Disturbing Permit: n Yes g No Community System f] Private Well E CentralWell D AquaWATER SEWER: E, CFPUA D g CFPVAC -^(16l- < L-t officer: .$YuJfu'4-" Zone Approval: _ City: t tlL,r'i1 Date: l ai-Lj'1, Flood: (A) nitv System ! Private septic ! CentralSeptic D setbackr (F) 10' (tH) * (RH) .tr (B)\tl o$ir.i"" ro etfr-^xalt- lf/,,i-,A^.ln"rral Permit Fee:sComment: hxlo\r{a- (s rfirt). ?AZ'(v)(N) -+- BFE+2ft= [eo,9i[,-;ii ]il a$,l .. ''\,t, ffir LOT 6:9 tr Pool (SF) -Unheated:1498 4rru- Erl/ ) @1 C '7-. ,,' ,/' i.."'.. . . .,ffi,,r NE APPLTCANTs a r:\sl\ Clear Form Print eMail hI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI,IIT APPLIcATIott rYPE: COtIIIIERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QU€STIOfTS APPLICABLE TO Yo(,R PRO]ECT "ProJect nesponsibllitf 5\e.,:..r-v k tn- I 0t b'l ? ,r5EP l7 t?r5BPtl7=3lLJ APPLICATIOI{' Number (oFfice Use) -o^fEt 1.29.t) PROJECT Ei,IAIL ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSO : PROPERTY OtINER'S tlAllE: (f, j"\a9"l [€ ollNER' s ADDRESS I L53O r,{ i CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: k}",orr _ LIcENsE *:. -lJo\9 - CITY:La r.^t( 'forn L)r\ ERECT NEW STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHELL zIP: Z I LltZ sr\)(:zrP: zt7?] . srf,6 zre: PHONE #: . PHONE $:gb\14t5 tt7? RELOCATIO KLEREDf _ Yesl-_ ,\\^) OCCUPANT/BUSINESS tIA'4E :gilc 616j qu3j CITY: 6 { .* a c.t Exrsr cor{srRucrror,r: r-'l aLrERArro T-'l *rJiT[;',i 'i:lT'r'il*. REpArRs r-'rl_JLJ_ut-llf Relocatron. is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site? f Yes f-_ No lS BLDG SPRIN NoNEIJ coNsTRUcTIoN: L_l ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: ,otrtnfl * ro Exrsr srRUcruRE 'a U t'rt].i uJ (t(. i-If UPFIT - The She1l Permit *;Is Elect Pouer on this Building f Yes f NO rc nee *:\[t{{J s 5 ***** rs rHrs A cHAitGE oF occupAr{€y usE?f yEs XNo ***'* fF Yes, rhat ras the Prevlous Occupancy Type? _ Ihat is tfe tler Occupancy TvDe ARTH ?DESIGN PROF ESSIOI,IAI- :r{s\orr}e\. PH: ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOIIAL:-. PH:NC REG *i { S :J a3 DESCRIPTION OF WORK:nncr-J'ffu'9 a^a\bei wt rl cr g z{or"J e( ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure?l-- Y ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainf _ Yef _""#:l this application is correct NHC D all other applicable State plans and g Code and NoDISCLAIMER: I hereby cediry that all information in and local laws and ordinances and regulalrons, The or chanoe in contraclor or contractor informatiofl '_subjecllo Fin6s Up To $500.00"'NOTE COMMUNITY SYSTEM nl Services Center wPerformed w/O lhe l OWNER/CONTRACTOR: (Ouali,ler) SIGNATU contain Asbeslos or not- You are r€quired lo call lhe Nalional Emission Standads for Hszadous Air Pollulants (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 at l€sst '10 days prior to thedendilion of any facility or building. Se€ Asbesto6 W€b Site: hnp ww ep state .c lsiep rasbeslos ahmp htm St.oar TOTAL PROJECT COST TOTAL AREA SQ FT : BUILDING HEIGHT SQ FT PER FLR: TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: _# OF STRUCTURES ACRES DISTURBED: NEW IMPERVIOUS A NO SQ FT # OF UNITS # OF STORIES # OF FLOORS: Mrr?j- yEs REA: CONDO OTHEI EXST LAND DISTURBING PER SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA CFPUA CFPUA CENTRAL SEPTIC ITF PF RA,lITS RFI]I] RFI Tl wELr T-l zoNtNG u F'RIVATE sEPTrc EiCoN4t,tuNtryF SE CLASSIFICATION pAyMENr METHoD: l- GASH l- cxecx rea,v3a"r..r]3.111?t[-*,^MERtcAN EXPRESS l-_ vcnrrse J-_ orscovER ZONE: OFFICER SETBACKS: F LH RHApproval:_ City: DATE_ FLOOD:___'_,______8__ BFE+2ft, rl\ Comment PERMIT FEE: I DEVE LOPER:PHONE f: PHO E f: l(,luo.oo WATER: SEWER: SYSTEM PRoPERTy USE: loFFtcE f| nesraunnNr f| rirencnrurrr_e[J eoucf-I nerf[