NOVEMBER 3 2017 BUILDING APPS?,ot't- l(bry i{++i,g 0a CITY: Application Number {office use) App1tcAN1,s AME; Stevens B PROJECf ADDRESS: 15 q. Date: lolztln 71p; 28409 5UBDIVISION:Maple Ridge at Bay LOT*: 2 pRopERTy owI{ER,g pa;y6; Stevens Building Company OWNER,S ADDRETS; 5710 Oleander Drive Suite 200 pxorur *. 91G794-8699 6ry; Wilmingrton 4p;284Q3 CONTRACTOR: Stevens Building Company rap6 g6gtvs5 s. 31626 ADDRESS: 5710 Oleander Drive Suite 200 CITY:Wilmingrton sr: NC ap:28/.03 EMAII. ADDRESS:snicholson@stevensfi nehomes.com n Sunroom (SF)n Pool(SF) n Deck (SF)n Greenhouse (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? tr Yes d No TOTAT SQ FT UI{DERROOF (Jor propo*d work} H,eat d:l11o unheated: 4ol TOTAL PROJECT COSI (Less Lot): 5 120,000 Prop€rty usel Ocapancy: E silEle Famih El Dupler tl Tosmhous€ Description of work New sinqle family construc-tiofl pxotr: 910-794-8699 EXEn G COIISTRUCTIO : E Aheration E Renovation fl General Repairs t{EW @NSIBlrcTtOfl: d Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation . **.PLEASE CHECX AI{D A SWER BELOW AUT *** d ett o"oe" (sfl t{ b0 tr oet Garase (sF) - d porch (sF)+t E Storage Shed (SFl -- ! (Xher {SFl ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr Ves d Uo ls any Electrical, Plumbint or Medtankal work being done to the Accessory Structure E yes d o lftheproiectisaRelocation,isthereaNaturalGasYeonthecurentsite?trVesdrc ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Ves EI tto 2l0cT l7 3r26Pt1 DISCIAIMER: I hereby cenit that allt|e information in this applkation is conect and all work will comply with the stat€ Buildint C-ode and all otlEr applicable Stdte and toc.tlaws and ordinances and retulations. The I'IHC oevelopment Services Center will be notified of any Ehan8es in the a plana and specifications or dEnge in contractorinformation. *"NOTE: Any work performed without the appopriate permits willbe in violation of the NC State Code and subject to to SS{0.00.r* O*,ner/Con6actor: MichaelCraig Stevens Signat,re: "Licensed Quolifiel Pdnt Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? tr Ves /fo Existing tmpervious *""' tl1 9'l sq rt Total Acres Disturbed: 1/3 New lmpervio usArea: 11fil sqft Weffnr d CFPUA tr Community System E Private Well E CentralWell E Aqua SETUER: E CFPUA tr Community System E Private Septic E Centralseptic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacl6 (R _ (tHl _ (RHl _ (Bl _ Apprtral: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: {Al _M _(tIl_BFE+2ft=_ comment: permitree:g (r Dq9. 0O J NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPUQTDN TYPE : RESIDEIUfl At PLEASE ANSWER AI.t QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibilttf pROJECT CO11TACT pgX5g ;Staci Nbholson pHgX6;91G.332-8515 Edsdng Land olshrrblng Permit tr yes d No ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT A P P Lt CAT I ON TY PEr RESIDENTIAL F!tASE ANSIVER ALL QUESTIONS APeLICAB!E TO YOUR PR0JECT"Proie.t Respons,bility" eo(T -|Od-1 r{PiLtcANT',S NA[aE: PUlte HOrneS 96ss. 10-25-17'^ ^:aa. I : :: i. I ../CtTy: Wilmin 71p ?34't2 SuBDlvlsloN: Del V!ebb Rrverlighls LOT fi: 01 130 coNTRAcToRr Pulte Homes 9196 U66x56 s 19311- 'is:ctry. l"4yrtle Beach ST: SC zlp 29579 .;: aa :ss:uite.conl *PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AI.I- THAT APPLY TO YO r..' PHONE: 843-353-5',]19 pROJECT CONTACT pss5611; Titfan Dunn EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: I Alterrtion ,-- Renovation :-- General Repairs NEw CONSTRUcIIoN 12lErect New Residence ,:l Addition to ExistinE Residence .l Relocat PHoNE.843-353-5119 7 Att Garsge (sF) 406 ron R PROJECT'*' E oet Garage (sF)_{Porch lsr)395 tr Pool (SF) tr Deck (SF) I sunroom (sF)_ (,rcennouse i5F) E Storage shed (SF)_ . cther {sF) ls the propo:ed work changinS i:r.r existine footprint? : Yes E No TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF Var praposeC vratkJ Heated: 2094 unheated: 801 ow^et /Contractor: Tirfary D Dunn Signature: 'Licensei euolifie( Prni Ntme lsthepropenylocatedinafloodplain? tr Yes E No Existing lroperv;ous Areal _ Sq Ft TotalAcres Dlsturbedt New lmpervious Area: __ 5q it Exlstlng !a d Dlsturblng permlt: E yes D No WATERT D CFPUA E Communitysystem E Private Well fl CentralWell D Aqua SEWTR: D tFPL{A E Community System E private Septic E Centralseptic E Aqua zon", 2--7-!-Jm'.",,5(c setracrs(r)-f-(rHl X (RH) Y (B) * apprwat: - .()lL cityr lLl{o"t , tbf1$f !'l rnoa: (A) - (v) - {N} x BFE+2ft= - a_ nentl i:ity lnspecficrn Requrreo, 91 0-254.{ii5 Permit Fee: S pROpERTy OWNER,5 NAME: Pulte Hon:es pxOlrE *: 843-353-51.j9owNER'sADDREss:gsooru,,ng!!g,ffi w,uy,rt"t""-In------li.I76E;g TOTAI PROIECT COST {Less Lot): $ 137598 lstheproposedwcrkchang'ngthenumberofbed.ooms? E Yes E Nq ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes E No lftheproj-.ctisaRelocation,isthereal.laturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?!YesDNo ls there Electrical Power on th is Buildin8? E Yes I No ,/ Property Use/ occupcncy: d single Family E Duplex E Townhouse Description of Work @ned porch and bedroom ILO glq3lgge storaqe , _ )u ,l NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP LICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEAsE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility'' Jorr- (\&or( Appll.ation Number (office usel AppLtcANT,s NAMEr Pulte Homes Oate: 10-25-17 E-. pRoJEcT ADDREss: 4015 Ruddy Duck Way ow: Wilmington 71p 28412 SuBDlVtstoN: Del Webb Riverlights tOT *: 01 130 pRopERTy owN€R,s NAME: Pulte Homes pHoNE#: 843-353-5119 OWNER,S ADDRESS : 3504 Farinodon Court ctw: Myrtle Beach y1p. ?9579 CONTRA6T6R: Pulte Homes glorc U6gNg6 s- 1 93 1 1 ADDREss: 3504 Faringdon Court Cry: Myrtle Beach Sl: SC Zrp: 29579 EMAtr ADDRESS: Tiffany.Dunn@Pulte.com pROJECT CONTACT ppp561. Tiffany Dunn EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration n Renovation D General Repairs EW COt{STRUCTlOtrt: \ElErect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence X Relocation I.**PI.EASE CHECK AN D ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT* ' T pHoNE: 843-353-5119 pxorur: 843-353-51 19 tr Det Garage {SF){Porch lsr)395 n Pool (sF) n Deck (SF) I Storage Shed (SF]_ /att ear"e" (sr)406 n sunroom (sF)_ I Greenhouse (SF)_ TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): 5 137598 law5 and ordinancer and regulations. The NHC Oevelopment Serviaes Center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and sp€rificrtions or chanSe in contractorinformation.'..NOTIiAnyworkperformedwithouttheappropriatepermitswillbeinviolationoftheNC Code a bje.t to fines up to 5500.00... Owner/Contractor: Tiffany D Dunn Signature: "Licensed Quolilier" Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? D yes E ruo Existing lmpervious Area:Sq rt TotalAcres Disturbedi New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing tand Disturbing Permit: D Yes E No WATTR: E CFPUA n Community System E Private Welt E Central Well n Aqua SEWER: 6 CFPUA E Community System D Private Septic D Centralseptic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (Fl _ {tH} _ (RH} _ (B} _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (Vl _ (N)_ BFE+2ft= _ PermitFee:s l-aqq.OoComment:l tr other {sF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Yes ! No TOTAT Sq FT U'{DERROOF tfot proposed workl Heated: 2094 Unheated: 801 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E No IsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEyesENo lf the pro.iect is a R€location, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes n t{o ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No./-aProperty Use/ Occupancy: M Single Family E Ouplex E Townhouse Description of work: Martin Ray Elevation LC2G with screened porch and bedroom ILO of garaqe storaqe I, NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SAFETY 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE - SUITE 170 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 Telephone: 910.798.7308 Fax: 910.798.781 I I nt er ne t : u,ww. nhc gov. co m 4 to 7 WORKING DAYS TURNAROUND TIME FOR PERMIT TSSUANCE STATEMENT OF NDERSTANDING Tiffa Dunn (Pulte Homes , am submitting an application for a residential building permit to New Hanover County. And, as the applicant or person submitting the application, ! check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: tl I have attached an official CFPUA receipt or document that has acknowledged an approval of the payment made to CFPUA. I have ched an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington. ! I have attached an official proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. lf the application is correct and complete with the required drawings, and if there are no corrections or revisions to plans and drawings, and if there are no further clarifications required by New Hanover County; New Hanover County can guarantee that the building permit wlll be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submittal date/time (the stamped dateltime notation made by the Building Safety Department on the application or submittal document). I understand that the 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days only begins when the application is submitted prior to 4:30 pm on any workingday. Signed in acknowledgment: Tiffany D Dunn 10-25-17 Signature Printed Name 4015 Ruddy Duck WayAddress for the proposed residential work: Date t1 . APPTICANT'S NAM '' JO SL* NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERM!T APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAT PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project ResponsibiliV' Elkwolr/^ ^ o(I- r\@Vbt&I Application Number (olfice use) Datel /0'n-eD/7 PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: An ,4 *;Tn ICITY a4 ztP: 29./0{ LOT *I: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:L OWNER's ADDRESS 2 l/ PHONE f /7 szal Cll\: L,*t ,+1t t.-q I o L-<zrP: Z|'tG hu C\ICONTRACTOR ADDRESS: EMAILADDRESS: C 5 a,!^ ells )v+rlh BLDG UCENSE S: ST trl-zl;, Z0lf,t-' PHONE: PHONE:?ro 311 3871 clTY: hJ ,r4 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: [] Alteration ! Renovation ! General Repairs NEW COITISTRUCTION: [] Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence [] Relocation .*IPIEAsE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW AIT THAT APPTY TO YOUR PRO'ECT''i n Att Garage (SF)_D Porch (sF) [] sunroom (5F)Il Pool (sF) [J Greenhouse (5t)-I Deck (5F) TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 00 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms t A yes {xo ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure L4 Yes Ll No lf the project is a Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? n Ye9 D No lsthere Electrical Power on this Buildingl E{yes n No Prop€rty Use/ Description oI Occupa ncy: {slngle ternily E Duplex E Townhouse / n -t I/1?ar- /a-n tfl1Ttks 6ara iZ Lnoa(,lv 5,/,+b {*ru",.r.lsil ljt- l'.l0cT 17 1!! l rPH ril ,tl - information. "'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violetion of the NC rapplicable State and local tions or chahge in contractol eends nes up to s5@.00.+. :rty nsoecilon Requreo, 9 I $254.0i:t - )-a c- DISCLAIMER: I hereby certify that all the information jn this application is corred and all work will comply with the ildang Code laws and ordinances and regulat;ons. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any.hanSes in t ap d plans a"sl^v* E/L*,7LOwner/Contractor: "Licensed Qudlilier' ls the property located in a floodplain? D Yes E No Existint lmpervious ar.., 57L sqrt New lmpervious Area:trSL Sq Ft WATER: n CFPUA n community System SEWER: D CFPUA n Community system zon ,Q'\O Officer: npproval: -.128- city; Commenti € Total Acres Disturbed: O Existing Land Disturbing Permit; ! Yes n No n Private Well n Central Well 0 Aqua E Private S€ptic D Central Septic C Aqua t Signature: rH, f {RH} + (B} # _ (vl {N} X BFE+2ft=TLru l* 6trqctrrr€ *DISCLAlMER:Btrll \<la AL CHARG I - REFUNDABLE Permit F€€i $ D Storage Shed (Sf) _ n other (sF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes n No TOTAI SQ FT UNDER ROOF Uor proposed workl Hezledi _unheated: 4 72 5',\$\aa? n)q5NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE RESIDENTIAI PI-EASE ANSWTR ATt QU€STIONS APPTICAETE TO YOUR PRO]ECI "Proiect Responsibilitl/' e Application usel APPI.ICAN?S NAME:A Date PROJECT ADDRESS: suEDtvrsroN: ctw PROPERTY OWNER'5 NAME; OWNER'S ADORESSI -J CONTRACTOR LLL ADDRTSS:CITY EMAII- ADDRESS: n Greenhouse (SF)! Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? I V"l\ no Unheated: TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S o zt LOT # o fsl-Se 8PHONEfl Cfn, t-r) PHO E EIDG LICENSE f zt srf{C zre,8(/a EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: fl Alteration E Renovatioi'\ General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: n Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation ,} *PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AI.I. THAT APPTY TO YOUR PRO.IECTII** D Att Garage (5F)_D Det Garage (SF)_tr Porch (SF) ! Sunroom (SF)! Pool (5F)fl Storage Shed (SF)_ \ o,n",1rr1 cnTpr* ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on lsthere Electrical Power on th is Build ing? Ll Ye)ts No\ Property Use/ Occupancylg Single Family D Duplex E { - Yes lq No \\totheAccessoryStructure N Yes D No thecurrentsite? ! Yes fl No Townhouse ?50cI l? I i r?38t1 Descriptlon of Wort: c lawsand ordinances and reSuletions. The NHC Development Services Center willbe notified of anychanges in lhe approved ptans and sp information. "'NOTE: Any work the permitswillbe in violation ofthe NC Stare Bldg Code and rubje 00 Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolifiet" 0 Signatur€: ls the property located in a floodplain? n Yes ! No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft TotalAcres Dlsturbed: New lmpervious Area Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: ! Yes E No w{lEFx F 7PUA ! Community System ! private welt f] central well f] Aqua SEW€R: Z(CFPUA ! Community System n private Septic E Centrat Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (f ) _ (LH) _ (RHl _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ tlood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFt+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: S o pRorrcrcoNrAcrpr*ro^'A\OUb ,ro*, 9[o- sSJ- 7793 TOTAL 5q FT UNDER ROOI Uot proposed wort) teatea: /JOO ,50ftv Ecl1-DqS NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP LICA|,ON rYP E; RESIDENTIAL PI.IAST ANSWIR AII QUISTIONS APPTICABTT TO YOUR PffOJECT "Prolect Responsibillty" L C ITY 0ate It / roT f L PHONE i,n,l^) CITY __ ._.. Plto o-L/e I 3 L(f-BLD6 itc€ s NSE I', -rAC zrpJtf/d. l1ql:^<J 7793 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: i-l A teralion D nenovatio)ts GeneralRepairs tlEW CONSIRUCTIONT [-] trccl New R€riden.e f] Addition to txistinS Residence E Relocation PlroNr Atl Garate (5F)_ S!n,oom (Sf )___ tr Porch {SF) O Storage Shed {SF) ..- I Greenhouse (Sf )___ tr oihiron l" OItrAny wort p. \ o,n*rrrt Qlnpcr* thc proposed work chanBinB lhe exasting footprintf 6 V\ the proposed work chanting lhe nunrbe/ of bedroom5? [l any Eleclrical, Plumbin8 or Mechani(al work beinE done lo the proicct i5 a Relocalion, is there a Natural Ga5 Line on th there Electrical Power on this Building? D ye)E lo U Deck lSf) No OTAt 5Q FT UN0tR ROOI Uot ptoposed wotk) OTAt PROJICT COSI itess Lot)9/ Yes b No \the A(ces5ory Strurture D Yer ll No ecurrentJite? tr Yes tl No Owner/Contrarto 'Ire^sed Quolitet" 2i0l]I l7 I l:23Hn allworkwlromglywilhrh€5r.\€Suildioecodc.ndrllorhcra,rnrr( blc5l.teandlo(a olrtred ol a.y.hante5ln lhe approved plin5 a.d 5pecri(.rrod1or reIe Dir5 *illbe i^ violalto^ ol lhe NC tt.le ElugCode and ru Signatt rei Toral Acrcr Dtstu.brd: ErlstlnB land Disturbin8 P€rmiti [r Yes [-l No Comnrunity System []PrivateWrl[] Centr:lWell al Aqua e rhc prope(y localed in a lloodplain? tl Yer L No xlstinS lmperviouJ Area: -__- ___ Sq tt ew lmpcrvious Area: _ Sq ft ty Syslen) [] Pri te 5c orr^. yl yruo 1 '*r^, 'r( r,ouo ,,. tficer 'a),:::,:,&tic (N Setba.ks (f)(LH) loodi IA)I t t +2ft=stsPermli Fee: 5 f Ct AL ox{r 'a4.. (v) \.ily rnq)euiion riequiieo, ,r ut:taq-l,,, .j ",.' ',.. ffii; ,fi fr ApPLtcANT's NAMt: PROJICT CONTACT PERSON ...PtIAsf CHECX ANO ANSWTR EELOW AIL TIIAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJTCT'i ' O Det Garate (Sf)_ n Pool (SF) _ xeateo, /ICOO unheated: - m' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICA| I O N ryPE RESIDENTIAL PTEASt ANSWER AtL QUtsrol.tSApPLrCA0tt 10 YOUfi PROTtCI "P.oject Responsibllitf' pl+ lcsk( APPLICANf'5 NAMT:,,|..a,.!- L/4Ll,; Da C)_s28.!PRO'TCT ADDRESSI SUBDlVlsloNl PROPTRTY OWNTR'S NAMEI owNta's ADDREss: -?flD C ITY ptoNEu:q/o 27/ 65V/ zP r-tA/z,a ltP t"or fi )-?f Js'j* --r+ tt.t *-<CITY ( -38o z-Z-1 /-y' oa- .> "roe uunse 0,5'2 / o f, sT: zpzt{o6)3 s-3t2 CONTRACTOR ADDR€SS cl EMAJL ADDRESS: PROJTCT CONTACI PERSON 5 therc Hectricdl Power on perty U5c/ Occupan(yi CIIY @ PHONI PHONI ExlsTlNG CONSTRUCTION: [:] Alteralion 64{ouolon $.G6-uat nepairs NtW CONSIRUCTION: {-r [rect New Residence ll Addition to ExistinS Residence n Relocation ..PtTA5I CHTCI( AND ANSWER BETOW ATLTHAT APPTY TO YOUR PRO.'ECTIT'1-(^f))o'9/D oet Garage (SF) _0 Porch ISF) - , E Storate Shed //lsr ;[-lU su^room(s[) (lPool i, o,o"nno'r",rrt o De(k I'ls the prooosed wor\ chanBing the existint lootprint? [.] Yet IIOTAL SQ FT UNOTR ROO! Aor ptoposed work) Heat€di lorrr pRotrcr cosr lte'. Lotl:5 ?000C Po -7 Un heale d l5 lhe proposed work changin8 the number of bedroonrs? D Yes s any ge.trlcal, Plumblnt or Meahanl(al work I the project is a Relocatlon, is thcre a Natural be ae lo the Accessory Structure ll Yes O No (sF) (sF) Line on the current site? O Yes LJ No DNo t-] Other (SFl 7/b :-r-rLl :,r II:-l7Rl1 rh ie gdfdin Vfrndot P,1 e5 !(LAlMtf, hereL,y (crlily that .l thf [ornrilion in th]r apdr(at|()n it eSulalons. Thc NtlC lJevc opment Se,vir€t C€nle. willb. norin.d ol any change! in lhe app,oved pla.s and s,,ccit.rlion&/!.nd ordtrrrn..! and . Jro.mirion "'NOTET , Qwner/Cont.actorl lLrceosed Ouohlet" SEWtRI 8.lO lrlcer o< wirhour lhE approor arc p htef Lcc €rnrils \vr De in ! orarion ol thr NC 5rrt Signalure Total Acre5 Dlsturbcd: . tx lstlnE L.nd Dliturblng llCentralWell []Aq and ruhle.l ro liner up l Permit: i.YesllNo amily [:] Dupler C Iownhouse k..rPt E+rtts /cr Lr.k,4 for Oan8e in contr.(lor o 9500 00"' li the properry locared in a lloodplain? fl Yei lExistinS lmpervious Areai Sq fl Sq rt ritl r f n: *{ F PI]A TcuAii lrivite u/, fl Community System E P.ivate Weil Com munity System O Setba.ks (F) Date zpne lood fec: 5Commen t cit i-4 Z?-/4 utre0, yt[2c4-t,).., l{t atr ca.age {sr) orhci ap9lrcabl! 51ale d k{a! I gFt+2ft: .. " 'i,'- "r-;s!:NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPN RESIDENTIAL PIEASE ANSWER AtL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJTCT "Proiect Responsibilitl/' !ct1- losrt Applicataon (office use) o"r,1o/z{lZ CtT]t: 1L)lZ--t+\ztPEEE,-APPUCAN?S NAME:l- 7a:- z' PROJECT ADDRESS: suEDtvtstoN: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNTR'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTORi ADDRESS:o EMAII- ADDRESS: PRO,IECT CONTACT PERSON tr Att Garage (S D Sunroom (SF) F) Description of W Llzl-ta € 2.of -.\ cttiy,: /414.2-ztp.28/a/, sLoa ucersro,S2 / o f st:-aP'Z{ob) ?f 3 -riF 1--z_e_pHoNEi. ?/o 2 7/ 65V/ ,42 CITY PHONE PHoNE: 27f ,t'jt ExrsTlNG coNsTRUcTloN: D Alteration Kovation fl-Gii a"p"irc NEW CONSTRUCTION: n Erect New Residence I Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation I'IPLEASE CHTCK AND ANSWER BELOW ALt THAT APPTY TO YOUR PRO.,ECT'** D Det Garage (SF)_/// sr ! Greenhouse (SF)! Deck {SF) ! Porch (SF) ! Storage Shed (SF)_ ! Other {SF) TOTAI Sq FT UNDER ROOF Vor proposed work) Heated:7 Unheated TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S /oooa.c,e ls the proposed work changing th€ n u mber of bedrooms? n Yes ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork bei ne to the Accessory Structure E Yes ! No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Lineonthecurrentsite? n Yes n No 7/o z5r:rcI 1l I l:12fft{ ls there Electrical Power on thisrrlra-ing?/ Property Use/ Occupancy: U Single fam esnNo ily ! Duplex! Townhouse ,il 6+ttts /ci ld-.t ots4 L and subiect lo fines upto S50O.00"' rc3 DISCIAIMIR: I hereby cenitthat allthe information in this application is correct and allwork willcomply whh the State Buildin8 Code and allother app,icable State and local laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development SeNices Cenler willbe notified ofany changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contraalor "NOTE: Any work perform€d wirhoul rhe appropriale permits will be 14 ntracto': 0// 6'"t-t-'t-zOwner/Co violation of the NC Signature: 'Licensed Quolilier" Ptint Nome -/.ls the property located in a floodplain? ! Yes Ezl(6 txisting lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: llew lmpe WATER: SEWER: rvtous Sq Ft Existing l-and Disturbing Permit: ! Yes n No FP D Community System ! Private Well D Central Well f] Aqua FPUA ! Community System D Private Septic D Central Septic n Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _HoApproval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BtE+2ft= _ .r- Comment Permit Fee: S LOT #: ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? fl Yes ! Pool (SF)_ a )ot+ ilurtNEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLTCATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAI PI-EASE ANSWER ALT QUESTIONS APPLICEBLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Prorect ResponsibiliV' CITY APPI.ICANT'S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: 5 Application (office use) Date ztP 7*{2/ LOT # PHoNE * zl tU 7 ( <7/i qvr'iluiryfon zrp7€t@l A SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER,S ADDRESS:t'CITY CONTRACTORI /llark l caft ELDG I.ICENSE # aooerss, k?tfr etwa))i*- D7E CITY ST ztP ng+27 EMAII- ADDRESS:PHONE: .l 1/.' L A0 +^L5 / EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: []/ Alteration n Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existlng Residence ! Relocation *+*PL€ASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AI.I THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT': T PROJECT CONTACT PERSON tr Det Garage (SF)_ ! Sunroom (SF) ! Greenhouse (5F)! Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes No TOTAT PROJECT COST {Less Lot)s'35@ /Yla/!- 9zr+ ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on th lsthere Electrical Power on this Buildingl ElZVes ! trto PHoNEt 1fu! ,/c 7.0 4za5 n Porch (5F) n storage Shed (SF)_ v",h ./ the Accessory Structrre E-Yes El/(o e current site? tr Yes ff]rlo 250CT t7 i:t8rProperty Use/ Occupancy:e Family E Duplex E Townhouse Description of Work:a-^{er 0 laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or chan8e in contractorinformation. "'NOTE: Any work pe rformed without the a pp ropriate permits willbe in violation oft es up to 9500.004x' Owner/Contractor "Licensed Quolifier" Signature: ls the property located in a floodplain? E/V", tr rrro Existinglmpervious er.., / ( 1 ) New lmpervious Area: O TotalAcres Disturbe a, O Existing Land Disturbing permit: EI yes No Sq Ft Sq Ft WAIERT {CFPUA E Community System E private Well E Centrat Well E Aqua SEWER: trCFPUA E Community System E private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: -- Setbacks (F) _ (rH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (N)_ BFE+2ft= Comment:*DISCLAII.IER :sUB TTING THIS A LICATION MEA IHAT THE SUBI.IITTA L CHARGE IS NON.REFUNDAELE Permit Fee:s D-75 - t7 ,. - )., .r,'4"', , , D Att Garage (SF)_ ! Pool (SF)_ ! other (sF)_ TOTAI, SQ FI UNDER ROOF Vor proposed workl Heated: O Unheated: C) 15'-- ,,'ffi L$"\APPIICANT's AME: PROittl ADDRESS: - SUBDIVISION: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPL t UTIO N TYPE: RESIOENTTA[ PLEAst ANSWEF ALi QUTSTIONSAPPI.ICASLt TO YOUR PROJTO "Proiect neeponslbility" P0...-2o yrI A r14?o? 9il l)tozy v ztp rK i_oT ,r PROPERW OWTiER'S NAME: OWNTR'S ADDi]iSS 8*8,,,l/nPallkt*,r C a .3 b I r..o l-Lu LIC€NSE s't 6' zt? '4 L,-FL // z".lr 1 /)w CII Y ; EMAII. ADDF'S: J Att Garage {SF) __ O Sunroor {St) tr D€t Gara8e (sf)_ l r a}1-r-r i!lt3NE jcot _ _-r: ^-...on R._ ,,)n c..^cta..---., f Erea new nesidence E Addition to Existin8 Residence :- Relocation .,.P1€ASE CH€CK AND AN5WIR 8EI.OW atl TH/iT AilpLy-iO !,-Oi.Jn pROircT*.' Qple 101@ 0 Pool(Sr)_ tl Deck (sF)__ : S'. sh€c -- i oth€r,jf l.thc propo.erlv/or[(hangirrg thenumberof bedroon:s? E Yes E No lsanyElectrkal,PlumblngorMechanicalwc.lbe;^gdoretotheAc.essoryStrur.lu'eEyesENo ll tha ,roject is a Reloaadon, is there a Natural Gat [ine on the (urrent site? E yes n No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? O Yes E No Property Use/ Ocrupancy: 3 Slngle famlly / Oupter 5 Townhous€ Des.riptlon of Worl: frlS O' .rer/Contr;ctci: taw!anc .: :^-*.-,.:1 r...--_ The r,!. n..,,.t^-__-apphcable Srar.andlocar .r:lr-r:8ei....t:1o, !:, , r 15the?r.pe"lvlo.alcdinafloodplair, D Yes E No Et;stint lmperyio ul Aree: __ 5q Ft New i'npf-Jious Area: -.. _ Sq Fr Eristing l.and Dist!rbin8 Permitr C] yes ir lic Wntti Q[irrpl - Co.nnr(,nirv Syste.n E privare We O Cenr,E,WeI - Aqua siwtR: b. Crti-rA E Cc*,!'iunity Syster El private Scctic ! Cer.,t.alSeotic C aqua zone:- '--'- Olrrcer i\1o_ setbacks lFl _i!: (LH)ir(RH) ;i 61 Z-1 approvar: -]![ ciry: ]{"?LyL oate: lcflj/.J Hooa: (A) _ (v)_ (r) /._e C. _. -. -..:.,,. .. ... .: .' Totz;Acres^ ' l , "il, ini..ran;aa lt^r,,,r4r. ain.lli fr i i I i i I I $ -t ztP Lr^(-Ltvvu 1-r --: pRorEcT coNTAar pERsoH i (o4frel l l Unheated: lsl'" a.o:rr:C r,i4 -h"rt;.8 t1.,, ryi<ting.cotorin!) - ves - No YO:AL SQ FI UNDER R @l t.r- r..ar.,C w^r, *"rr"O, -]- $ ! roTAr, PRoJrcT cosr (re5. Lot): S- 5?, OOO- all?.-- tlbLvNEW HANOVER COUNW BU!tD!NG PERMIT APPLTCATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAt PT€ASE ANSWER AI.I- QUESTIONS APPTICASLT TO YOUR PROJ€CT "Prorect Responslbilitl/' \-z/oq"*- 6i'rurr-t/ PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDtvtstoN: 2oZ'r,vi-: \t^/\'[ A CITY r{c Appli(,tion Number "d use) PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME OWN€R'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: APPI.ICA NT'S NAME: Description of Work: Date 0 ztP L /-/€*aro, i,"7 oicr6h, crw LLL B CITY PHONE t(>1a).PHONE I.'.*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEI.OW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTI* ' El Det Garage (SF)_ n Pool(SF) ! Deck {SF) ztP t-tcENsE s ST: $138 ztP EMAII. ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT P€RSON 4 to z 6'7 c'g4 EXISTING CONSTRUCIION: ! Alteration fl Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: I Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation ! Greenhouse (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF lfor prcposed work) Heated: rorAr. pRoJEcT cosr (less r-ot): g-$ X , OtjO" ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ls any Electrlcal, Plumbing or Mechanical work being don lf the project is a Relorrtion, is there a Natural Gas Line o lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E lto Yes n No-+Bq Unheated:/& ErFL o ve, tr ro a8'/ t"'l P 1 e to the Accessory Structure E Yes E No --- nthecurrentsite? E Yes E No 221 0 Property Use/ Occupancy: E Single Family I ouplex E Townhouse !{.I(,,evL DISCLAIMER: I h€reby certify that all the information in this a laws and ordinances and regirlations, The NHC Development T_ Owner/Contractor: "Li.ensed Quolifier" work willcomply with the State BuildinS Code a allother apphcable State and local Center willbe notified of any changes in the roved pla pecifications or change in contractor ubjectto fines up to S500.0O.'. Signature: information. '..NOTE: Any work pedorm ppropriate permits willbe in violataon of the NC State ls the property located in a floodplain? E Ves D t'to Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing land Disturbint permit: E yes E ruo WATER: qLCFPUA E Community System El private Well E Central Welt E Aqua SEWER: F.CFPUA E Community System El private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH)_ (B)_ Approval: _ Cityr _ Date: _ Ftood: (A)_ (V) _ (N) .-- BFE+2ft= _ Comment:;oiltiiiliin Perm ,,,"",$q4e ffi LOT #: D Att Garage (sF) _ ! Sunroom (SF)_ !, Porch (sF) /AO n Stora8e Shed (SF) _ ! Other (sF)_ Total Acres Disturbed: a'ta ,/-\a )5\? Ilb6bNEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPUATDN TYPE RESIDENTIAT PTEASE ANSWER ALt QUTSTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Prolect R€sponsibility" Poo.,-t ,r-i/ TL h'll€"aro, 1," 41,,CANT'S NAME:Oate -70 PROIECT ADDRESS: suEDtvtsroN: 2oZ -bivi-: 1ow ru 51 IYIEI'- crrv zlP t-oT f PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER,S AODRESSI CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: 7 o5cro ztP: B clw: EMAII. ADDRESS:PHONE PROJECT CONTACT PERSON PHONE D Att Garage (5F) _n, Porch (sF)loo ! Sunroom (sF)I Stora8e Shed (SF)_ D Greenhouse (SF)tr other (st) LLE work willcomply with the State Buildang Code a ces Center wallbe notified of any chang€s in the roved plan spec tofi 4toz6 1 09@ I.ICENSE S: 5T: 46:138 ZlPl Unheated: ls the proposed work changin8 the number of bedrooms? E Ves E t'to lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesDNo Itthe project isa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No ls there Electracal Power on this Bu ilding? E Yes D tto Prop€rty Use/ Occupancy: E Single tamity / ouplex E Townhouse t DISCLAIMER: I hereby cenit thatallthe information in this a laws and ordinanc€s and regulations, The NHC Development 221 0 allother applicable State and local iracations or change in contractor nes up lo S5m.O0"' I Inlormation "'NOTt:Any work pertormed withoul the app'opflale permitr wrttb€ 'n o,,n rlcont.aor, l.of<-f 6t?r\v)rwf violalion of the NC State Signature: 'Licensed Quotifret' - Printi, rrrr J-I lsthepropertylocatedinafloodplain? D Yes E No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq tt New lmpervious Area Sq tt Existing land Disturbing Permit: E Yes E No WATER: qLCFPUA E Community System E Private Well E Central Well D Aqua SEWER: F. CFPUA E Community System E Private Septic E Central Septic El Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ tlood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ e-_j+br- ctw: E Det Garage (SF)_ tr Pool (SF)_ C Deck (SF)_ EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration ! Renovation ! General Repairs l. NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation r*.PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALI. THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTT** ls the proposed work changing the existinB footprint? E Yes I No ToTAtsq FT UNDER RooF (Jot proposed.or*1 x""t"a' l{56 rorAr. PRorEcT cosT (r.ess r.ot1: g-J $ t 0,C'O" lK ErFg -78L/ z"Jrl Total Acres Disturbed: Comment:.DISCTAIME Permit Fee: S _ , | '-,. ,r ''ffi.) t (\-i- appttclttys rulru:,Poo.,-,ac NEW HANOVER COUNW BUITDING PERMIT APPLIcAftAN TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PtrASf A\-.1'/:A At[ QUESTIONS APPI|CABLE IO yol]F PACItCI "Proiect R€sponrlblllty'' t',' k))Itaoa PRO.'ECT A]ORE55: sugDrvrsroN: Dete t LOi ! lL€*d*rr, 1,,l -15 7 o.jcroinaptRr{0wr,iER's NAMt OWNIR'S AODRESS: CONTRiCTOR: ADDRESS: ctl_/zlP ucrNsE s1: 1693?_LLE CITY EMAIL ADDRES5:PHONT PH0l,ia 4tolc j 09@ EXISIING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration D RenDvation E Ge^eral Repairs I Erca flew Residence E Addition to Existing Resideoce E Retocation TO YOUR PROTtc-i... - Att Ga..qe {SF)tr Oet Gar4e {St) __ _ O Sunroom (SF) _ tr D Greenhouse (SF) __ tr ls the proD.leC wo.f changing thc eriating foolp.ir:ri : TOTAT 5Q FI UNDER ROOF (t/or otoposed wotkl Healed lorAr pRo.rrcT cosr (r ess tot): 5 -J I , 0O A- ls the proposed work.hanginS the nu.nber of bedrooms? E Yes E No ls.n/ llectrical, PlumblnS or Mechanicalwork beingdone to the Ac.essory Structur€ fl Yes El No Itthe proiect is a Rclocallon, is there a NaturalGas Line on the current site? Cl Yes El No lith€re Eectr;cal Polver onthis Buildin8? 0 Yes E No Property Use/ Oc.upancyl O SinSte family I Ouptex D Townhouie Pool(St) Deck l5F) Yes : Noi1t(o /cl) . S:cGee Shed iSFl _ - oth.: lsF) - I - 'e brFL Ll 2".17 S 22',1 o Dej(ripllon of Work: _ Total ^,cres Dist.rrbed: : ,, ' ..".,. ..,r,!.. Iirrr i $c+ w:'l . c-ilr wirh lhe Sl.t. BoildrngCod€ Center wrllbe n.iiucrol any cl3"a.: ii !h. Flo..ir,on "'NOTI:Any work !e{cmed *nhou . r 1.-.:--11r ^-.^ r.. rti be tn rj^!:,i^r oi.r" !C S.:,1 Owner/Ccitraator: _.Signatur.:,Li.e,..ra o1,.r.:..- ,.. .. 1.... lsthe..--.....-.-.,nalOOd.'_1? - YeS NO Exisli.E lmp€1iou, Ar.r: .__ 5q Ft New lhpcrvious Area: _ . , ___ Sq Ft Existint Land Dinurbing Perrnit: f Ye5 I No wAirr $-Crrue O CoF",munity Sysre- 5 Pravar€ well E) Gntr?! Well El Aqua Sfivrx f Clliia E Ccn r.ru.;ty Swi!nr a P.i!;teseptic E) Cenrralseplic El Aqua zoner -r' 'l omcer J'-i G serbacks(r)fu lLnl iD 1nr1 iul 1a1f apprcvat: ,i-:l- ., crry: -ltlf* o"t", 51251; I11oo3. (a) - {v} -- (H1 ;i . arr*zrr" arlotlL r.il(ad. trate and Id.l,'.ai 4.. 1 6..re rn (onv.dor { .,r,r f 5OO@"' 2'9 : ,,'.rl-rv cz.-"t 33 / o 6iv *.:h-r-e ,ry lnspecrh?n He0u[t4 v' .7 lia;',, 1 a5 ./1.,\ lYLLqqlq (- net,, L""f#t 7l? PRor€cT coNrAcr PtR son, *QOtk*i Eqt tt)xw 2-Fa r___L- turl-l l(tZ; NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ryPEr RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Projed Responsibility" ,flrr frcra 1Q7n/rttlzr6- / oa/ &,,r*.&D yl Date Application Number (office use) APPTICANT'S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS:749 q+1<a€ iy suBDrvrsroN: a4'"fr2( PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:CHx+* 0/rci-trt.*tf owNER',S ADDRESS, ,2 f a3S/fi"E a7 PHONE #(trs ?to-,qrro CITY Nita,,tZroJ i,Z@z 0 CITY tUtrJ /O'29- rr zlP 2lr/2 CONTRACTOR ADDRESSI ?n E:b r?z*r7zt6 70 Description of Work: A€r- a 4a f ,2a ctrv, l^ttt ",JZn"t SIDG LICENSE A ,,//+ sr:/\- zto; 28(r?2", o8z3(rd ,rr-orr' /cL EMAII. ADDRESS:SE /4 PHONE: '7 b PROJECT CONTACT PERSON PHONE EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration 'EF-Renovation D General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: n Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation +'*PTEASE CHECI( AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT**T ! Att Garage (SF)_tr Det Garage (SF)_D Porch (SF) E Sunroom (SF) ! Greenhouse (SF)! Deck (SF)23/ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E-Yes D No tt 1+ D Storage Shed (SF)_ D other (sF) TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF lfor proposed work) Heated: rorAt PROJECTCos t lress totl, 5 .3, ? 00 -L lsthe proposed work changing the n u mber of bedrooms? E Yes.El-No ls any Electrical, Plumbirg or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes kNo lfthe project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? tr yes B trlo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy; EKsingle Family E Duplex E Townhouse AeLi< 2.€3u,co A t2'x t?.i' 2B@T t7 9 r 846f1 R6-noy'v'oLD?1- t2-' r /6' laws and ordinan.es and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or chang€ in contractorinformation. *"NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in viotation of the NC ss00.00r.. oqnerlconvac.on &E{ E'44>t( /A.*;rO Jx-signature "Licensed Quolilier" Print Ndme lsthe property located in afloodplain? D Yes El trto Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Oisturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Oisturbing Permit: D yes E No WATER: \ CFPUA E Community System D private Well C Central We E Aqua\ SEWER: \ CFPUA E Community System E private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua\ zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH)_ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date:_ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= Comment:*DISCLA]I4ER : sUB TIING THIS AP LICATION ME THAT THE 5U ITTAL CHARGE IS NON.REFUNDABLE Permit Fee: S LOT #: ! Pool (SF)_ Unheated: K NEt^l l'lAN0vER C0UNTY BUILDING pERl't APPcIcl/.rIoN IYPrr RESIDENIIAL lrE sE AN$]EA AtL qlt[ST]olls r]plrc^[tE T0 YouR P8o]Err "ProJ ect Responsibillt/ CITY: BLoC|( il: CITY I LIC€I'|5E S: CITY: ! orr eaneer sF f]Ponclt --,sFP@LSFI sronacr slrED - IT : t3 aol+ nbzt APPLICATIOI,I tlrrnbcn (otfl.e Ur.) APPLIC NT'5 tl^itl: DfVELOPER: DATE: PIIO E f,; ztp LOT T; plot:tE #r sr: M zfP: ACcoUtlT $r 5T: _ ZrP: - pRolEcT ADonEss: SUBDIVISTOIT: PNOPENry OI,JNER'5 O{dNEn'S,1DDnE55: c0NTlrAcT0n: ADDRISS: t pRolEcr coMTAcT pERS0N: Exrsrrrc coNsTRUcEou, I aLrrlntrot: I nelovmol f] e eruenau ne oruns. I RELocATToN r,l€ld coNsrRucrroN: E rRtcr NEl,, RESTDENCE or ffatortrox To Fr(rsntlc REsTDEtJcE r.pLEAsE f,lEcx aro ausudt oEloll ALL TIiAT AppLv To YouR PRorEcTr nr,l\11 aDDnEss: ATT GAM6T 5F suNRoo\ --sl'cREmI]dJsE .-.---.'-.SF PROPENTY USE / OC DESCRIPTIOII OF I,JORKI f] orcr _ sr onlER; pitoue *:9t0.:?r-QoqV proNe t:Ql0:38ffl SF 5F ror^L HE^rEo sQ rr:-:?5!i-1- rorAL sQ FT UNDER noort3li1 ror L ABEA sq rr, J35Ag, ToTAL PRolEcT COST[asLoo : $ --_ tl OF STOIIIES: I Is Any ELECTRICALT PLUIIBI G or IIECBAIICAL Nol.k 8oln8 Dono to thc Acces,ory St.ucture? El Y If the project ls a Reld'cation, is there a Natural 6as Line on the cdnrent Si.te? Is the.e Electrical PQl.ren on thls Euildingl f,fVes f]Ho fl Ho Yes f! No SINGLE FAI4I LY rruplex . fJ rowriouss Y Dts ctAUlEF: I hotlby co.l, n lon l,} lh argldlon b co.nd.nd.[ vDrt lolnplrMh t|e sul, Sdtdhg godr ltxl .I o$.r lp9L.tto stlr .nd bcJ la{t snd ordhanc6s.nd I30ulslbnt.rolop,'le4l Se&b6 canb.$illbo .lolf.d otc)y4eo66 h to 6ppoy.d d.n6 ard er.cl6.9!qn6 q da.1!o h c.n!IEbro. cont&b. lnt marm.''NOTE|lnY P.rt m6dMo Io Aporo, ah P&mlbwllba ln Uoladdn ol6. Nc skrl,Md sib)..| !, Floo. th To nsooof " OIiNEN/CONTRACTOR:SIGNATURE: + i * + *l r * r r *r{r? *, *** * **.* t*(ifil{iii *l+***t+tl t*t +*+t+*++*{.++*i+tl* t*tt +1t **r*}tli s+tl l+ IS TIIE PBOPERTY LOCATED III A FTOODPLAII]?YES l13 EXI5TIIIG II'IIERVIOUS AIIEA: -Sq FT TOTAL ACBES DISTURBED; NEr,i rrpEnwous ARE r - sQ FT ExrsT LAIE DrsrunBrl,lc pEnnrr: llll ves N^rER: L,l ffr'Ue vj ry sysrEr.i I nnrverr lrrr.l f] ca.nftnl ueur sEuEn: D CFPU CEI.ITRAL 5EPIIC f] nnrvnrr sEprrc n co4luNrr/ sysrrr,l *.. srlrrrTE,PE$rrTs aEquln[o FoR ELECI, lr[ct, pLB6, GAs Equrp, pnEF)3s a r(sElls '-i payr,rErrr tlETlooi Elga.rr E.ne.x (pAyaBLE ro nrcy f] orrL lrcorrr f] tc/wsl florscovretrr r*t: rr**t*rt1*r{t*t******}****t+1t+***t+*r*t+,}*:t*altr* + *1*+t + r tt f+'}tl {tt *t**tt*lrtl' t!* l.l0 vl ,/ / r n tf,,.st' D^rc *'tttttt&i u,lD-ru,lo B,'l-5 { BrE+2ft- - DTG (roA orfr([ [r5E d(,*n, R-J5 or* n rror,,T-TL- CormEnt I clty,t IUW\ DArt c(5: t: rLOOD: ll PERiIII FEE, ' PERMf{AorT- 1 l! PTEASE ANSINER AIL QUESTION5 TPPLTCABLE IO YOUR PRO]ECT "Pmj ect Responsibi-lJtlp APPLTCATION Nunben (offl.e Us€) APPLICANT'S tJA E: DEVELOPER: DATE: Pttol'tE #:i,t\.riftPRO]ECT ADDRESS: SUBDIYIS]ON: CI TY:zap LoT *rBLOCI( *; PROPERTY OI'NERJ S T,UI'IIE: O,{NER'5 ADDRESS t CONTRACTOR: ADDRE5S: PHONE #: CITYi LlCEllS E #: CTTY: sr: [f,zrc: ACCOUI,IT }: 5T:ZIP: E]IIAIL ADDRESS:puorue *:9to-3?r-qoq PRO]ECT COMTACT PERSON:PHONE #: DGSTTNG coNsrRUCEoN: I alrenarroru [ neruovnnoru ! erruenrl REPAJRS. E RELOCATTON NEI^I COI\ISTRTTTION. I TNTCT NELI RESIDENCE Or ffAIOTTON TO E}ESIIN6 RESIDENCE r.pLEAsE cHEcK AID l sulER BELo]l ALL THAT Apply To youR pRoJEcr: ! orr arnnee sF D poRcH _--sF + 13 5F STORAGE 5HED 5F 5F OTHER: TorAL HEATED sq rrr ?hfu 4 ToTAL SQ FT UNDER R00F3 Sato rorAL AREA so rr, J35aA ToTAL PROIECT C05T rr.ssro0 : $_ # 0F STORTES I I Is Any ELECTRfCAL, PIIrHBINC or HECHANICAL l,iork BeiilE Done to the Accessony St.uctu.€? ff, Ver I lo ff the project is a Reldcation., is there a Natural G'as Line on the Ctipnent Site? Elyes POO L DECK hIATER: sESIER:tr creue fi coauurry sysr ctPUA l)[ CENTRAL sEPTrc q*;t tr'" +oJsF- Airtl h o".-PROPERTY UsE /OCCUPANCY:pf srrrcle rar.ulv I ouerex f] touuiousr { Dlsc{.ANEA; lh6l6by conit }la compJy wih t|s SirE Bulldhg Codo and a oiprappEcsblo Stsb rd bcatlare snd odhancas Bnd rEgubDbhs. T br wil b€ no dfsd ofan y chanos6 ln h6 appovBd p]an 6 and 6p€ctfcaton6 or r'lango h conr&br or cont?cbr ln 6rmBlim, '-NOTE Any Wo* P€rbm€d lv/o he ApprEprlaa P€,Tlb wfl b€ In Molation of h6 N C up To A5oO0C- ONNER/CONTRACTOR:SIGNATURE *** +r*+ ++ + *+*+* * * ** ** * *** * *(i?{l {i1?++*++*+*+****+++*+** * ** *+*!ti **t ***t *++ t*t+*i*+ t+** ** 15 THE PROPERW LOCITED IN A FLOODPLAIN? EXTSTTNG TMPERVIOUS AREA: -5Q FT NEI{ IIIPERUIoUS AREA: _SQ FT YES NO TOTAL ACRE5 DISTURBED: EXIST LAI1E DTSTURBII'IG PERHTT: T:.I YEs NO Et1 PRIVATE I{ELL ! canhnl well! enrvlre srlrrc f] cd,4MuNrry sysTEM (Foff oFFrcE usE onLY) ZONE: _ OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:_ [H i:! sEp!l?.aTE, pE$tITs REQUTRED FOR ELECT,.AECH. pL86, GA5 EQUIp; pREFtSs & rtJsEtTs *** pAynE,rr nErHoD, E.cn E*ir.r ('A'ABLE ro ir.l nri.i ;;d-'Ei;;;*ij;r;"rr-***+*****+***+*+**l************l}****t********f***:x+******+rtt+t***,t*.i(i********:ti*i*****:l* :- 8H:_ B:-- .- --- BFE+2vil tEwsto o{le n4hr/12 Approval:_ city:_ DATE:_ FLooD: _- Coffient: A PERI{Ir FEE: S NEt^l HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING APPLa(ATIoN TyPE.. R ESIDENTIAL ! arr oanaee _ sF I sur,tnocrtl -sF I enrrruHorsr ..-..-....-..: .sr Is there Electnical Power on thj.s Building? f,]ves f]ruo DESCRIPTTON OF IiORK: v\ac