The Landing at Lewis Plantation - TRC Comments The Landing at Lewis Plantation – High Density Development Page | 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & LAND USE Chris O’Keefe, AICP 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Director Wilmington, North Carolina Telephone (910) 798-7165 Ken Vafier, AICP FAX (910) 798-7053 Planning Manager planningdevelopment.nhcgov.com To: Robbie B. Parker – Lee Law Firm, PLLC McAdams Homes, LLC Gary Pape, PE – GSP Consulting, PLLC From: Brad Schuler, AICP Current Planner Date: June 14, 2017 Subject: The Landing at Lewis Plantation – TRC Review – High Density Development The following comments have been received for the June 21, 2017 TRC meeting. Please resubmit a PDF of the proposed site plan addressing the applicable comments by Tuesday, June 20th. An agenda of the TRC meeting will be sent to you once it is completed. Planning, Brad Schuler 910-798-7444 1. Please update the site data table with the following information: o The proposed zoning district is (CUD) R-15. o The setbacks include a minimum setback of 25 feet from the perimeter of the development (including the community pavilions). This setback increases for structures over 25 feet in height which are located adjacent to existing detached residential development. In these cases, the setback is equal to the height of the structure. o The 2016 Comprehensive Plan has replaced the 2006 CAMA Land Use Plan. The Comprehensive Plan classifies the property as Urban Mixed Use. o The property does contain Special Flood Hazard Areas along the southern property line. These flood areas include an AE floodway and AE flood zone. o The parking standard for the clubhouse/leasing office is one space per 400 square feet. 2. Please provide a tree survey illustrating all significant trees on the property, and identifying any significant trees that will be removed. 3. Please provide the Jurisdictional Determination from the US Army Corps of Engineers. 4. Please provide the height of the proposed structures. 5. A 20 foot, fully opaque buffer is required along the eastern property line adjacent to the multi-family buildings. Additionally, street yard landscaping is required along Gordon Road. The Landing at Lewis Plantation – High Density Development Page | 2 6. The wetlands along Smith Creek are subject to the Conservation Overlay District (COD) standards. The wetlands are classified as swamp forest and any residential structure must be setback at least 25 feet from the wetlands. Please illustrate the setback on the plan. 7. Please label the area of the open space on the specific open space locations. 8. Please label the proposed street as private and add street names. 9. All street stubs must be constructed to the property line (however, they may be bonded). 10. Please verify the improvements planned within the “active rec/stormwater area.” 11. Please note that under the high density standards, class IV soils do not have to be subtracted from the gross area. Please see section 72-43 (3)(B) for how to determine the net area. 12. Will the amenities located in the multi-family section be available to everyone who lives in the development? 13. Will the pool area be screened from single-family lots, and will landscaping be installed between the multi-family structures and the proposed street right-of-way? Engineering, Tim Lowe 910-798-7072 1. County stormwater and grading permits will be required for this project. 2. Off-site drainage needs to be considered and addressed as needed as part of the design of this project. 3. Easements and access to all drainage facilities needs to be provided as described in Sections 50, 60 and 70 of the New Hanover County Stormwater Design Manual. 4. Provide drainage easements along rear property lines where lots back up to other lots. 5. Provide easements around wetland areas. 6. Per Section 52-4 of the New Hanover County Subdivision Regulations, pavement design for the private streets is to be designed to NCDOT standards. 7. Minimum travelway width should be 24’ on streets unless on a cul-de-sac street to be in line with NHC subdivision regulations. Fire Services, Ray Griswold 910-798-7448 I conducted a site visit to this location on Friday, May 26,2017. I have reviewed the material submitted this morning. The following items are in need of discussion or presented to Fire Services. They are as follows: 1. The plans show water lines, 8 inch. However I need to see a fire hydrant layout, they are not detailed. 2. Water flow requirements for the largest and farthest down the fire lines. Please verify there is sufficient water flow for the 3 story apartment building. Also fire hydrants are required within 150 feet of all Fire Dept. Connections. 3. What is the total square footage of anyone of the 3 story – 33 unit apartment building? If diferent sizes, then use the largest one’s square footage. 4. No gates, speed bumps or other traffic calming devices allowed. 5. Sprinklers required in all apartment buildings. Show FDC locations and Riser Room locations. 6. Street names required. 7. Based on the Busy street of Gordon Road, will there be any site improvements at the entrance. ie: turn lanes etc. The Landing at Lewis Plantation – High Density Development Page | 3 Based on my review and site visit to this location, these are my comments at this time. If anyone has any questions, please feel free to contact me at any time. MPO, Bill Mcdow 910-341-7819 1. The project has proposed 236 Single Family homes and 192 Apartment Units. A Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA), is required for this development. The project will be required to install the improvements identified in the approved TIA. 2. The site plans do not distinguish between streets and driveways. 3. Provide approved street names for the subdivision streets. 4. The proposed development has only one entrance. Please provide a second vehicular entrance, (Gordon Road or a street stub to the adjacent properties to the East and South. 5. The main street, which intersects with Gordon Road, appears to be the collector street for this subdivision, however, the proposed cross section is shown as a 45’ ROW, instead of a 50’ ROW. Please designate the collector street(s) in the subdivision and add a street cross section for a 50’ ROW and 26’ Travelway. 6. The proposed entrance/ exit only has one egress lane. Revise to a three lane driveway. 7. The project is located within the Gordon Road Widening TIP project area. Please contact NCDOT to coordinate improvements within the TIP project area. 8. Please provide sidewalk and pedestrian connections to the amenity areas, such as the Community Pavilions, Recycle/ Trash Compactor area, garages, and Dog Park. 9. Provide sidewalk connections to the Active and Passive Recreation Areas. 10. Provide wheel chair ramps and tactile mats at the subdivision intersections. 11. Please provide cross walk markings for the 4 way intersections; sidewalk is shown on multiple corners of the intersection, (such as intersection near Lot #32/ Lot #26). 12. Show 10’X70’ Sight Distance Triangles on the corners for each street intersection. 13. Show proposed locations for Street Lights, Street Trees and Fire Hydrants. 14. The pool facility appears to be connected to a community pavilion building. Please provide details for this building and pool area. 15. The site has streets that are greater than 150’ in length that do not terminate with a Fire Turnaround, such as near Lot # 215 and Lot #232. 16. Provide Stop Signs, Stop Bars, and street signs on the site plan. Cape Fear Public Utility Authority, Bernice Johnson 910-332-6620 1. Utility Plan review required by CFPUA. 2. CFPUA water and sewer available through main line extension. 3. DWQ permit application will require a Planning FTSE; as we are working towards incremental capacity upgrades in PS-89. 4. Capacity is also dependent on the analysis of the pipe collection system (gravity and force mains). 5. A capacity determination can be provided upon submittal of the NC DWQ FTA/FTSE Application Form and a Preliminary Plan, this determination does not guarantee capacity. The Landing at Lewis Plantation – High Density Development Page | 4 6. Capacity is issued to projects on a first come, first serve basis, when capacity is available, the plans meet Authority requirements, and the NC DWQ FTA/FTSE forms are signed by the Authority. New Hanover Soil & Water, Dru Harrison I HAVE REVIEWED THIS PLAN AS REQUESTED AND HAVE THESE COMMENTS: The soils are predominantly Baymeade fine sand (Be), Craven fine sandy loam (Cr), Leon sand (Le), Lynn Haven fine sand (Ly), Murville find sand (Mu), and Seagate find sand (Se). According to the booklet, “Wilmington/New Hanover Classification of soils for Septic Tank Suitability,” Baymeade and Seagate are class II soils; Craven, Leon, Lynn Haven, and Murville are Class III soils. The Soil Survey of New Hanover County lists Baymeade as well drained, Craven as moderately well drained, Seagate as somewhat poorly drained; Leon and Lynn Haven as poorly drained; and Murville as very poorly drained. Leon, Lynn Haven, and Murville are on the New Hanover County Hydric Soils Ä list which means they are possibly wetland areas and subject to regulation under the Clean Water Act. Seagate is on the Hydric Soils “B” list, which means it may contain areas of wetland. It should be noted, according to the Soil Survey of New Hanover County, the limitation for dwellings with or without basements and for small commercial buildings is severe for all of the soils on this site. The limitations are due to flooding and/or wetness. An adequate drainage and maintenance plan is needed for suitable housing. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers has federal jurisdiction over 404 Permits and the NCDEHNR, Dept. of Water Quality, has state jurisdiction over 401 Permits under the Clean Water Act. Before disturbing possible wetland areas, developers should contact these agencies to stay in compliance with State and Federal regulations. We encourage you to incorporate Low Impact Development Strategies, such as stormwater wetlands, as outlined in the New Hanover County/City of Wilmington LID manual. You can access the manual online by visiting the NHC Planning Department’s website and clicking on the Low Impact Development tab. The Landing at Lewis Plantation – High Density Development Page | 5 Emergency Services & E911, Steve Still No Comments Planning (Addressing), John Townsend 910-798-7443 1. Provide a list of proposed street names so they can be reviewed and approved. NCDEMLR, Linda Lewis 910-796-7343 My only concern is access and easements to the proposed stormwater control measures. There is one pond located behind Lots 152-157 that does not have direct access to the public right of way. The closest access point is via the common area adjacent to Lot 137 which is a good distance away. Access to that pond by foot or by mechanical equipment will be severely hampered due to the distance between the access point and the pond, and due to the presence of those wetlands. There should be better access from that pond directly to the public right-of-way, or as direct as possible. The new 2017 stormwater rules changed certain design criteria for proposed stormwater control measures, including wet ponds, that will need to be incorporated into the Stormwater design. NCDOT, Kirsten L. Spirakis 910-251-2655 These preliminary comments are based on the plans as submitted for the proposed site and are subject to further review upon receipt of any additional information. Subsequently, additional comments and/or requirements may be necessary for this site.  Review of the proposed site plan for this development will be performed following approval and recommendations from the WMPO for the required Traffic Impact Analysis (TIA) for the Gordon Road Lewis Tract Development. The Landing at Lewis Plantation – High Density Development Page | 6  It was noted on the site plan that the development is proposed to have 236 single family lots and 192 apartment units. The approved scope for the TIA, dated May 10, 2017, indicates 224 single family lots and 192 apartment units. These numbers need to be confirmed so that an accurate analysis can be made. Comments not received from: U.S. Army Corps of Engineers New Hanover County Schools, Marion Brill NCDEQ, Chad Coburn