NOVEMBER 28 2017 BUILD APPS-lorl'DZ3+ L 674NEW HANOVER COUNW EUIIDING PERMIT APPII CATION TYPE : RESIDEltTlAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICASIT TO YOUR PROJECT "Prorect Responslbllw Application Numbe. (offce (,ls€) APPUCA T,S NAME:Peter Denicola Date: PROJECT ADDRESS:7665 Vancouver CITY: Wlminqton 2t?28412 SUBDIVISION; PROPERTY OWNEPS NAME: Colbv Proffitt PHot{E #:913{2G2394 OWNERS ADDRESS; 7665 Vancower CtW: Wllminqton ZtP 28412 LOT #: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:Corinna Arment PHoNE: 704402$828 EXISTING COI{SIRUCTION: E Alteration C Renovation E General Repairs NEWCONSTRUCnO: n Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation ."PITASE CHECI( AND ANSWER BELOW AlI THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTT*' n Att Garage (SF)_E Det Garage (SF) _tr Porch (sF) n Sunroom (SF)tr Pool (SF) _n Storage Shed (SF) _ fl Greenhous€ (SF)tr Deck (SF)_D Other (SF) TOTA|. SQ FT UI{DERROOF {for proposed work} Heated.Unheated: TOTAI PROJECT COST (Less Lot),650 ls the proposed work changinE the number of bedrooms? E Yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Medranical work being done to the Accessory Structure D Yes D No lfthe project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Llne on the current site? E Y€s E No ls there El€ctrical Poweron this Bullding? ! Yes n No Property Use/ Occupancy: E Shgle Famlly D Duplex fl Townhouse Oescription of Work: 20 Roof mounted modules. orid tied, 5.70kw solar installation on existinq residence. DISCIAIMER: Ihereby ceruiy that allthe lnformatlon ln thls appllcatlon ls aorect and allwork wlll comply wlth the State Buildtng @de and allotier appltdbte State and local lawsand ordlnances Bnd regulatlons.The l{t S€rvl.es Centerwlll be notm.d of ary dtanges ln the approv€d pl.ns and spe.mcatjons or change ln contr.ctor Informatlon. ***NOTE: Any work the appropdete perrhlts wlll be in vlolation of the NC State aHA Code and rub.iect to nnes up to gSOO.OO... owner/Contractor: "Ucensed QuDlifrer" Sltnature: lsthe propertylocated in efloodplaln? O Yes n No Eristlng lmpervious Area: _ Sq Frt Total Acres Dlstu6cd: _ New lmp€rvlous Afea: _ Sq Ft &isfng land Dlstu]bing Pemh: D Yes E No WATER: D CFPUA tl Community System C Private Well D Central Well - Aqua SEWER: fl CFPUA E Community System n Private Septlc D Centralsepflc fl Aqua Zone: _ Offcer: _ S€tbadc (F, _ (tll, _ (RHl _ (B) _ Approval: _ Ctty: _ Dat :_ Flood: (Al_M_(t{)_BF€+Zfts_ Comment:Permit Fee: $ cottTRAcToR: Peter Denicola BLDG LTCENSE#.^na4A ADDRESS:g1g N Main Street CfY: Mooresville ST: NC Ip:28815 EMAIL ADDRESS: carment@powerhome.com PHoNE: 70zl-266-3628 ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? C Yes E No hb Prlnt o Mail NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICATION TYP6j RESIDENTIAI. PTEASE ANSWER ATt QUESTIONS APPTICAELE TO YOUR PROJTCT "ProJect Responrlblllty" [otl-l)340 u-)+r3 loffice ui.) oare 10126117 Clear Form APPLICANT'S NAMEr Bell Custom Homes. LLC PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME; PHONE # PHONE: 910-367-7676PROJECT CONTACT PERSON T^m Tillnw EXISTING CONSTRUCTIONT 0 Alteratlon E Renovatlon E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTIoN: E Erect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation r''PIEASE CHECI( AND ANSWER BEI,OW ATT THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTX'i El Att Garase (St) _!l21__ E Sunroom (Sf)- El Greenhouse (SF)_ n Det Garase [SFl D Pool(5t) D Deck (sF) E Porch (SF) 280 = (70 + 210) tr Storage Shed (Sf)- tr Other (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes E No TOTAT Sq FT UNDER ROOF Uot proposed work)Heated: 2126 Unheated, 732 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 225.O40 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumbe.of bedrooms? E Yes E No lsanyElectrlcal,PlumblngorMe.hanlcalworkbeidgdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesENo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes B No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? D Yes E No Property Use/ O.cupancyr D Slngle Family 0 Duplex I Townhouse Descr'prion oi v!ori. i,4r rlli-Familv Town taws.nd ordinan!e5 and reg!lations. The tHC Development Servlces Ceoter willb€ notilied ofsny changes in th€ approved plans and spe€ificallon. or chante in conl.actor lnlormarion. r..NOTE:Any work p€rlormed without the appropriate permitr witl be i. violalion ofthe NC Stale SldS Code and sobje(t to lines uP to 5500.00"' Owner/Contractori Signaturel ?,roo Br,// 'Licensed Quoliliet" ls the property located in a floodplain? fl Yer E No ExistinS lmperviou5 Area: -:0- Sq Ft TotalAcres oislurbed:07 New lmperviour Area: ?58O Sq Ft WAT€R: & CFPUA C Community System sEwERr E] CFPUA f] comqunity System zon., {fl f' L fficer:Setbac Datel llApprovalr Comment: )(\- vG Existing tand oisturbing Permit: D Yes E No e Well D Central Well E Aqua eSeptic E Central Septic C Aqua ,*tX nt X pttY D P.ivat P(iyatL 0 0 )- (v)- lN) d BFE+2ft=- fln;Permlt tee: S 0 ,-) Aq^- f(f,x \^fi lfl qrr ILw(o ^(h I C[y lnspeclion REuroo, gl[rl5l 1?lrl PROJTCTADDR€SS:-4lSLIeEinOLO0-Eiye-CITY:Wilminoton 2l?,29412- SuBDlVlSlONr Echo Farms. Muirfield Townes l-OT #: -14- OWNER,S ADDRESS: CITY: Houston ZIP:770)4 CONTRACTOB: Bell C|stom Homes. I LC BLDG IICENSE fl:16096-- AODRESS: 1 l2o E cull.r Crossing Ste 204 clTY: Leland ST:,NqaP: '8451EMAIL ADDRESS: cress@BellcustomHomes.com PHONE: 910-85s-8052 a )r-)a}36L1.-3473ffiClear Form Print eMail NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P Ll CATI O N ryPE: RESI DENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUEST ONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" Application Number (office use) APPLICANT'S NAME: Bell Custom Homes. LLC Datet 10126117 PROJECT ADDRESS: 4334 Terrinoton Drive CITY: Wilminoton ZIP:28412 SUBDIVISION: Echo Farms. Muirfield Townes LOT #: 74 PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: Echo Farms Townhomes NC lnc PHONE # OWNER's ADDRESS: 9337 KFty Fwy CIW: HoustoL PROJECT CONTACT PERSON Tnm Titlow EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration E Renovation n ceneral Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: X Erect New Residence I Additionto Existing Residence I Relocation ***PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ATTTHAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT* * X Att Garage (5F) 424 E Det Garage (SF) ZIP 77024 E Sunroom (5F)tr Pool (sF) tr Deck (sF)D Greenhouse (SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Yes D No Unheated: 732 TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot)r S 225.000 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure ! Yes X No lf theprojectisa Relocation, isthere a Natural Gas Line on the current site? n Yes I No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? n Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: E Single Family ! Duplex X Townhouse Description of Work: t\,4 u lti- Fa m i lv Town hom es laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. ***NOTEi Any work performed wathout the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC state Bldg code and subject to fines up to 5500.00'" * Signature:C"roo Bny'/CressOwner/Contractor: "Licensed Qualifier" ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes X No Existint lmpervious Area: -o- Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area: 25Rn sq Ft Existing Land Disturb.ng Permit: E Yes x No WATER: N CFPUA n Community System n Private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: X CFPUA ! CommunitySystem E Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua Zone; -- Officer; - Setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - City: _--- Date: - Flood: (A) - (v) - (N) - BFE+2ft= -P"r.it f"", $ 7 Comment: CONTRACTOR: Bell Custom Homes. LLC 9196 11651155 s. 76046 ADDRESs: 1'120 E Cutlar Crossing Ste 204 CITY: Leland ST; NC ZlPr 28451 EMAIIADDRESS: Cress@BellCustomHomes.com PHONE: 910-859-8062 PHONE: 910-367-7676 TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF lfor proposed work) Heatedt 2126 I Porch (sF) 280 = (70 + 210) E Storage Shed (SF)_ X other (sF) 28 \,Cl6ar Form ?st-r-DU) tt,g{i s {offlce u'e} Prlnt eMall NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP LICAT ION TYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER A[L QUESTION5 APPTICAEL! TO YOUR PRO.'ECT "Prole.t Responsibility" PRoPERTY OWNER'S NAMEr PHoN€ fi: EMAII. AOOREsS cressraBellCustomHomes.com PBONE:910-8s9-8062 PHoNE: _1910:367:2676-PROjECT CONTACT PERSON:Tom Titlow EXISTING CONSTRUCTIONT D Alteration D Renovatlon D General Repalrs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence fl Relocation r1'}PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AI.T THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT**I n Det Garase lSFl D Pool{SF} D Deck (SF) E Porch (sF) 22-=]69:-208) O Storage Shed {SF)_ tr Other (St))a ls the propored work changing the exlstlng ,ootprln t? O Yes D No TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF llor proposed wotk)Beated 2121 Unheated: 729 TOTAT PROTECT COST (Less Lo0: s 225 000 lstheproposedworkchan8ingthenumberof bedrooms? tr Yes E No lsanyElectrlcal,PlumblnsorMechanlcalworkbelngdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYetENo lf the project is a Relocatio[, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No lsthereElectricalPoweronthisBuilding? E Yet E No Property Use/ Occupancy: O Slngle tamily D Duplex I Townhouie Descrlptlon of work: [,4rrlti-Familv Town taws and ordthances and reEutations.The NllC Deve lopme nt Servket Cente. willbe nolilied ot any chanBer in the approved Plahs and specification3 orchange in contractor informarion. r..NOTE:Any wolk p€rlorm€d $rirhout the approp.late pe.mitr will be ln violation of the NC State Sldg Code and tubiect to finet uP ro S50O.00"' Owner/Contractor: Cress Bell Signature:Bo// "Licensed Quolilier- ls the property located in a floodplain? D Yes Gl No Existing lmpervious Areat --JL-* Sq Ft Tolal A(re' Dlsturbed:nq New lmpewious Area:,5 o Sq Ft WATER: E CFPUA fI Community System SEWER: E CFPUA E m zone,fhi. L raet: Exlttlng Land Disturblnt Permltr E Yes E No o Private well E central well fl Aqua C€ntralSeptic fl Aquan Private seotic n;X*;-{1**y { trr # Approval: Comment .t 0o )L Date:))tlood (A) Ai-.., (v)r - (N) I BfE+2ft. -X fl\u(r [tq{r 00fl.u"G0 fi l-., r /t^.r lx tLl'a <1,{ Cit;, lnspreclion lloqureo, 9l &25 I lll) APPIICANrS NAME: BFll Clstom Homes I LC Oatet 10126117 PROIECTADDRESS: 4332 Terrington Drive CITY: Wlmington zlp: 2A412 SUBDIVISION: Echo Farms. Muirfield Townes LOT#: 75 oWNER'SADDRE55: 9337 Kely Fwy CITY: Holston ZlPt1lor4 coNTRAcroR: Bell custom HomBS. LLC g1p6 u6gtl56x1 76096 ADDRESS: 1 120 F Cullar Crossing ste 204 CITY: Leland STr:Nf4 zlP:28451 El Att Garage {SF) _!21- 0 Sunroom (SF)- D Greenhouse (5F)- Permlt Fee: S Clear Form APPLICANT'S NAME: Bell Custom Homes I I C i Print eMail NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP Ll CATI O N ryPE: RESIDENTIAI- PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]€CI "Project Responsibility" tu\71))4), L1.-=$tY75 AppIcation Number (office use) al tai Date:10126117 PROJECT ADDRESS: 433, Tcrrindt.ln nri\/a CITY: Wilminoton ZIP: 2841) SUBDIVISION:Fcho Ferms h./l rirficl.l Towncq IOT t: 75 PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: Echo Farms Townhomes NC lnc PHONE f owNER',S ADDRESS: 9337 Kary Fwy CITY: Houston ZIP:77024 CONTRACTOR: Bell Custom Homes. LLC BLDG LICENSE# ADDRESS; 1120 F Cutlar Crossino Stp 204 CITY: Leland ST: _Nll:ZIP:28451 EMAIL ADDRESS:CrrssARcllC,,clomH PHONE: 910-859-8062 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Tom Titlow PHONE: ql O-367-767 6 X Att Garage lSFl Q4 E Det Garage (SF)_x Porch (sF) 277 = (69 + 208) n Storage Shed (SF)_tr Sunroom (SF)tr Pool (sF) 76nq6 ! Greenhouse (SF) _I Deck (SF)X Other (5F) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes n No Unheated: 729 Description of Work: laws and ordinances and regu ations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. +++NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in v olation of the NC State Eldg Code and subject to fines up to 5500.00". Owner/Contractor: Cress Bell Signature: "Licensed Quolifier" Ptint Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes X No Existint lmpervious Area: -n- 5q Ft Total Acres Disturb€d: New lmpervious Areal ?5 n Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: - Yes X No WATER: X CFPUA tr Community System E Private Well E CentralWell D Aqua SEWER: X CFPUA tr CommunitySystem n PrivateSeptic D Central Septic ! Aqua zone: - Officer: - setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - City: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - 09 Comment:Permit Fee: S EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: X Erect New Residence n Addition to Existin8 Residence I Relocation **I.PLEASE CHECK ANO ANSWER BETOW AtL THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT*** TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF Vor proposed work) Heated: 2121 TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 225.000 lsthe proposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? n Yes X No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure tr Yes X No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natu ra I Gas Line on the current site? n Yes X No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? I Yes X No Property Us€/ Occupancy: tr Single Family tr Duplex N Townhouse [/r rlti-Femilv Townhomes ( arlz ?o A4l) APPLICATTON llrDbep (offtce t se) /,p l*o,ztq? NEh' HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLIQTTaN TyPE: RESIDEMIIAL PLETSE ANSiitER ALL QUESrIoNS rppllCABL€ TO yOtR PROJ_ECT O C^ ReEponsibfilqf APPLICANT'S MiIE:s ++ DEVELOPER; PROTECT ADDRESS: SUBDIWSION: PROPERTY &JNER'S MfiE: 5 +-t e PHO E #: CTTY: ctry! LICEI,ISE clw: 4 BLOCK O t €!41c,\ APr LOT *: O9,INER}S ADERESS: con:rnnCton, 5. ADDRESS: / ET4IIIL ADDRESS: 5r PHONE *:st42z:p:7&'4f ) 1+AC@UNT #:sr.@&5t PHONE *: PK'NE *:PRO]ECT CONIACT PERSON: D.rsrrr{G coNsrRucrro': I arreurron Zl nanvarrou @ e a'remr- REpArRs E RELocArroN NEN COI,I5TRIErIOiI' I PNrCr IEH RESIDET.ICE O" I AOOTTTOI TO trTSTSIG RESIDET{CE LEASE CHEC( I D A SiJER BELO}I 'IL THAI APPLY TO YOI'R PRO:'ECT: ATT GARAsE _ sF I orr e*mee _ sF suNRoo!,t _sF ! coot_ _ sr GREENHoJSE _ sF [oecr _ sr TOTAL HEATED SQ nz /73 Y TOTAL Sq Fr UNDER R@F:lOOo rorAL AREA se Fr: ToTAL PRolEcT cosT 1r-essr-oe . $ AO-OOO.e ntr ApprovaL: Co nent: dr*n$* Me f] sronaee SHED _ sF * oF sTotrEES 3 Is Any ELECTRICAL, pLUttBING or HEC}iA'{ICAL i,lonkIf the project is a Relocation) is there aIs there Electrica] power on this Buitding PROPERTY USE / OCqJPAT\|CY:FAI4I LY D f] rowr*ousr t{oRK: t-1" t o ^-h A'<-4 ro <.,la /+/4o ABEA: _sQ FT ECtsT LAIE DTSTURBTflG pERftrr: fi vrs lf ruo cq,wuNrry sysra4 E pRrvATE htELL I cannal wru cENTRAL sEprrc I aRrvarr sEprrc E co&trJNrry sysrEm P!&(TE PERXITS REqUIRED FOE ELECTJ IIEC}i' PLBG, GAS EqiJIP, PBEFABS & IIISERTS 'gIcsacHEq( (eAvABLE ro l*rc1 [ e:ll lccoru.r E nclwsa tr DrscovER******************lf **:t il.:,, ** )t* it** i+*:t:Frt* **r* * i, t*' f:F*:t *** ***:F r*:t ******ii*******:t******* Being Don€ to the Acaess;.y structure? fl V". ffi Uo Natunal. Gas Line on the Curnent Site? EM. E ruo r Sves !-l uo OTHER: nD-r/"t 5F oaTe o4ltxlr2 BFE+2fE= _ +.'s fr. c-. ,). I heEby c6njt hat a[hF rratoE in fik applcaton b csrect ard dl trDrk viI cofilplyi+i$ $e SEts Ood€ and all ofb, applcabJe SEb srd loc€J la.€and oR,hanc€s and rBgulstions m€NHC Ds!€lopmenr Sawices c.nEr tlill b6 notfsd ofanych6ng€G h fi6 applo!€d ptan6 snd 6p€a'fcadons or ahange h contr&Dr orcont_acbr inbrm€ton, '.'NOTEi Any Wo* pBr6rmsd w/O hE ln Vrolsli]n of&e NC SE6 Bldg Co.t€ srd Slbi€ct O Fine6 Lb To q5o0.0c." oWNER/CONTRACTOR:5rofi SIGNATURE: ***++**+*++**:t**+**+******* ++++*+* ++** *** *+:t***!t* ++** *** **:f* +*+* ++t+**IS THE PROPERW LOCATED TN A FLOODPLAI ? N YES E TO DCISrII,IG TiPER\[ouS AREA: - sQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED; NEh' IUPEMfIOIE !,[ArER: f] creun I SEhIER: E CFPUA .rr.5E PAYfiENT ''IETHOD: =*r, ,C-3 ["a (foa otFrcE usE otal SETBACKS: F:'b*L n,FICER:B DATE N PERITT FEE: va-a /y3 city //21r'5<_ Qh; lnqrchn Requrreo, 910-254 !9't) DATE: // Clear Form Prlnt oMail NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLI CATI O N TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER AtL QUESIIONS APPTICABI-E TO YOUR PRO'TCT "Project ResponsibllitY' 2.oi-r- Q\35 LX4ffiL APPLICANT'S NAME:Bell Cllslom Hom s llC Oate:10126117 PROJECT ADDRESS:4336 Terrlno CITY ztP: )gt1) su SDtvtsloN:F.hd Farms i/ lrirfi PRoPERTY oWNER'S NAME| Echo Farms Townhomes NC lnc PHONE # n Det Garase lSFl tr Pool(SF) 0 Deck (sF) LOT H 73 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: O Alteration fl Renovation E GeneralRepairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence fl Addition to ExiJting Residence C Relocation .I*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEI"OW ATt THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*** E Att Garage (SF) 424 D Sunroom (SF)- [] Greennouse ()t, _ tr Porch (sI) 277 = (69 + 208) LJ 5rora8e )heo l)rl _ E Other (SF) ls the proposed work changing the exlsting footprint? D Yes E No ToTAL Sq FT UNDER Root Vor proposed wotk)Heated: 2121 ToTAL PRojEcT coST (Less Lot)r S 225.000 lstheproposedworkchangingthe numberof bedrooms? 0 Yes E No lsanyElectrlcal,PlumblntorMechanlcalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructuretrYesENo lf the project ls a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No ls there Electrlcal Power on this BulldinS? O Yes 0( No Property Use/ O.cupancy: B Slngle Famlly E Duplex E Townhouse Desc.lption ot Wo.k: l\,4r rlti-Fa milv Townhomes law!.nd o.drnances and retutations. Th. NHc oev€lopment Sedic.rCent€r willbe norired ofa^y ch.n8es in th€ aPp.oved plansa.d tpeciritatione o..hange in contraclor information. .r.NOIE:Anv work performed without rh€ app.opriate permit! will be in violation oI the NC Stale BldE Code and subject to fioes uP lo $500-00"' Owner/Contractor l Cress I Slgnature:li o-/,L "Licensed QuoliJier" lsthepropertylocatedinafloodplain? D Yet E No Exirting lmpervious Area: -j0:- Sq Ft Total Acres olsturbed: New lmpe.vious Area: -,--2580- Sq Ft Existint Land Dlsturbing Permit: 0 Ye5 E No WATERT E CFPUA D CommunltySystem C] Prlvate Well [] CentralWell [] Aqua e Septic E CentralSeptic nq Zonei L officer Approval IrH) E AquaL(RH)(81 (v)_ (N) :{ gFE+2tt= - A Permit Fee: S() - Comme ci 00t\ron I N,/\t-r!-a(h( Cily lnsfrecthn Requreo, gl0-25{ llt) hb oWNER'SaDDnESS: s337 Kaly Fwy CITYr-Houston-- zlP,77o)i CONTRACTOR: Bell Crrstom Homes. LLC BLDG IICENSE # 760qF ADDRE5ST 1120 F Cu{lar Crossing Ste 204 CIW: lehnd- ST: -lIC zlP: 28451 EMAIL ADDRESS| Cress@BellcustomHomes.com PHONE | -19:l!:859!3062-- PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: T.m Ti ow PHONE: 9'10-367-7675 Unheated: -Z4l- SEWER: E CFPUA E * lt'rq$ n .)". .'ffi- Clear Form Print eMail NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION rYPE; RESIDENTIAL PTEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Proiect Responsibility" 2orf-la:35 Application Numb€r (office use) APPLICANT'S NAME: Bell CLrstom Homes LLC Date:10126117 PROJECT ADDRESS: 4336 Terrinoton Drive CITY: Wilminoton ZIP:28412 SUBDIVISION: fqho Farms. Muirfield Townes LOT #: 73 PROPERTYOWNER'S NAME; Echo Farms Townhomes NC lnc PHONE f OWNER'S ADDRESS: 9337 Katy Fwy CITY: HoUston CONTRACTOR: Bell Custom Homes. LLC BLDG I-ICENSE#76096 ADDRESS: 1 120 F Cutlrr Crossino Ste 204 ZIP:77O24 EMAll. ADDRESS: Cress@BellcustomHomes.com PHONET 9io-8s9-8062 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Tnm Titlow PHoNE: 9'10-367-7676 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration n Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: X Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation **I.PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEIOW Att THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT' T X Att Garage (SF)424 E Det Garage (SF) n Sunroom (SF)f Pool (sF) D Greenhouse (sF)_n Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? I Yes I No TOTAI SQ FT UNDERROOF lfor proposed work)Heate& 2721 TOTAI PROJECT COST {Less Lot): S 225.000 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? [ Yes X No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes X No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? n Yes X No Property Use/ Occupancy: E Single Family E Duplex E Townhouse Description of Work: laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. +**NOTE: Any work performed wathout the appropriate permits wili be in violation of the NC State Bldg Code and subject to fines up to Ssm.OO*,, Owner/Contractor: Cress Bell Signaturei ("r-o Brl/ "Licensed Quoltiet" Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes X No Existing lmpervious Area:Total Acres Disturbed: 09 Existing Land Disturbing Permit: -l Yes X NoNew lmpervious Area:)q WATER: X CFPUA tr Community System E Private Well n Central Well E Aqua SEWER: X CFPUA n Community System E Private Septic n Central Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City:_ Date; _ Flood: (Al _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ 0 Sq Ft Sq Ft Comment:Permit Fee: S 1+4rL++- CITY: Leland 5Tr _NC ZIP: 28451 Unheated: 729 tr Porch (sF) 277 = (69 + 208) n Storage Shed (5F)_ X other (sF) 28 It.4 r rlti-trarnilw T^\^/nh^m6. v ,D\-l- l))f,J 17--2GO'7 APPLICATION Number (Office Use) D ! NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATI1N TYPE: COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSI,,{ER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANT'S NAME:Bfanton Buildinq, Inc DEVELOPER: shettinqron properrjes, rnc CITY: llr tmrngtcnPRoIECT ADDRESS: rii:t i,{irke! sr.eet OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAi4E: l{,c{er,rffi.e pa:k PROPERTY OWNER'S NAt'lE : :tlel. r.qt c:r :'rcper1,i-os, Inc OWNER'S ADDRESS: 8,i!,! B,rtd Easie Lane CoNTRACTOR: B, a nr, on BuilJins, inc ADDRESS: F.t. tscx 3122 EMAIL ADDRESS: .i,ri ,1jE ,,: t.: brr ,i r", CITY: wr lmrnqt cn PHONE #: ST: Na ZIP:2il!11 PHONE #:9tir-538-?888 PHONE *: 9i a-r6.r--is.i -l LICENSE #: irrsr CITY: r^ll1rLinqt,on bD.lLrlaIrt:.n1!aoL. iran PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: :,:.: -: :-1:.-. -. ACCESSoRY STRUCTURE: N,A ls food or beverages prepared or served in this *ruaure? [ves El no ls The Property Loc€led ln The Floodplaina I ves No If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #: 2,.,r't-28't')Is Elect Powen on this Building r Yes Eruo ***** rs rHrs A CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY USE? f]yES fiHO.--..IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type?l,lhat is the New Occupancy Type? Business/offi ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOiIAL; Urban D--,riq:, -L.r.l,it--c:, t'A PH:910-255-5076 NC REG *: ENGR OESIGN PROFESSIONAL:PH NC REG #: DESCRIPTION 0F WORK: Finish two office spaces of second floor of buildin g - currently iust shell OWNER/CONTRACTOR: etarrr on B,ritr:iinq, :nc SIGNATURE:G.L 4zz--,--=---.=l TOTAL PRoJECT C osr: 20b) oaO BUILDING HEIGHT: ]]'_] :,.# OF UNITS: a # OF STORIES: r DISCLAIMER: I hereby certify lhat all information in Ihrs application is correct and all work will comply with the State Bualding Code and all other app icable State and locallaws and ordinances and requlalions. Tie NHC Deve oDmenl Services Cenlerwillbe nolrfred olanv (nanoes in the aooroved olans and soectftLationsor chanqe i r conlraclor or contractor r-nformatron. "'NOTE Any Work Perto'Ted w/O rhe Approoriale Permiis wrll 6e rn Vrolatron of the NC Slate Bldg Code andSublecilo Fines Up To $500.00"' (q@[i€r) (Pdnt N3me) contaln Asb€stos or not. You are roquhed to call lhe National Emisslofl Shndards ior Hazardous Alr Pollutranls (NESHAP) at (9'19)707-5950 st teast 10 days prior to the demolition of any facility or building. See AsbestG Web She: htp:/rlvnllv.epi.stat6.nc.us/epi/asb6bs/ahhp.hlnl ACRES DISTURBED: NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: 18r55 EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? E YES E NO SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FT pRopERryusE: @orrrce lnesreunerur lueRcnuflle fleouc !ner CONDO OTHER: WATER: ZCFPUASEWER 7| CFPUA *, SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT. MECH. PLBG. GAS EOUIP PREFAAS & INSERTS "' PAYN'ENT I/ETHOD:flcesn flcnecx lenvneLE To NHc) filuenrceru ExeRESS I r',lcnrrse Iorscoven (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY)REVISED DATE 4/11/]2ZONE:_OFFICER SETBACKS: F LH: RH: B: Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD:__ _ BFE+2ft= AVN E COMMUNTW SYSTEM fIWELL flzONtNG USE CLASS|FICAT|ON: E CENTRAL SEPTTC Ll PRTVATE SEPTTC ! COMMUNtTy SYSTEM I r,tc zo,\l-l urrc r,r \ PERMIT FEE: $ DATE: :- PHONE #: 9 L o rr Li 166 5 ZIP: a- ST: N. ZIP: :E.tta Exrsr coNsrRucrroN: ! ALTERATToN tl -rilil;!;ii 'ti^3"'i'r*o. REpArRs E RELocArroN tf Relocation. istherea Naturat cas Line on the 6irent sitez Ives-[to lSBLDGsPil KLEneozIves ! r.to NEW coNsTRUcTIoN: E ERECT NEr,l STRUCTURE ! rmr TRACK n SHELL E upFrT n ADD To ExIsT STRUCTURE TOTAL AREA SQ FT :.&.2I- SQFTPERFLR: 2695 TOTAL SO FTUNDER ROOF: 2.e. #OFSTRUCTURES:1 #OFFLOORS: 1 Comment ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT aPPLtcArtoN TYPE r COMI1ERC IAL PLEA5E ANsI,'IEF ALL QUES-TIONS APPLICABLE IO YOUR PFO][(T "Prqject Responsibility" a4#lorl- l23Aq APPLICATION Number (officE use) APPLICANT'S NAHE:wford DEVELOPER:PHONE #:80191??30: PROIECT ADoRESS: 5iirs .arorrna Eeach Rd oCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAME; lialmarr sEores rnc PRoPERTY ol^INER'S NAlvlE: Iia-mar: s.ores tnc CONTRACTOR I prc.r orv aronsr-rrrci,r.,r. ADDRESS: r 2:t L.ldy s.- PHONE *: LICENSE f: sts60 ACCOUNT #: CITY: Colf,nbrd ST: sc ZIP::9205 EMAIL ADDRESS: acrawford rmcr:ro!v.o[sL |r.r r,!r.i:!.n PHONE d:8ol91r?,r!a PHONE *; 30191,-?30!PROIECT CoNTACT pERSON: Andrew craw:ord (Che.k all rhat Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION: It Reloc€tion s lhere a Na ALTERATToN 17 nErovlrrolt Gas L ne on the Currenr Srte, I l GETERAL REPATRs l-l nelocarror EIro ts sloc spnrNxt pqppe I ves I NoluraYes N Eid CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW STRUCTURE FAsr rRAcK ! sxelr fl uerrr ! aoo ro Exrsr srRrrcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: I+ UPFIT - The Shell Permit f: IF Yes, shat was the Pnevious Occupancy Type? Is Elect Power on this Building fl ves E ro ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAT: INGR DESI6N PROFTSSIONAL: DESCRIPTION 0F hiORK: Interlor remodel of Deli/Bakery and l4onev Center NC REG #: NC REG #: ls food or beverages prspsred or sgrvsd in this structure?I ves I lto ls The Propsrty Locared ln The Floodplsin? [ ve. f] ruo OISCLAIMERi lhereby cenrly lhal allroformallon rn NHC D plcation rs co(ect and allwork wllcomdy wrlh lhe stare aurd.n0 coda and €rl olhc. a0plrc.ble sraie trrtr1l., nl lrws ;1.,1onn S!btecrlo 3500 00-' (a6Ms) {P nt NaFo) mntsin Asbestos ornot. You are reqllred !o call rhe Nsrional Emlsslon Sllndards tor Hazardols Alr PollubnB (NESHAP)at (91qm7-5960 al loasl l0 &ys pllor !o iha donolirlon of a.y fadlliy o. bulld ng. Se6 A.bestas Wab Sil6: httsrA,wv..plsi.i..nc.u5./6pua6b€516/atmp.hhl owNEFvco NTRACTOR: Anirew crawro:d SIGNATURE: TOTAL PROJECT COST:c00 BUILDING HEIGHT f OF UNITS TOIAL AREA SQ FT SQ FT PER FLR: TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: t-'1{"rO0;L # OF STRUCTURES: I ACRES DISTURBED Exsr LAND DrsruRaruc eenutrr f] ves I rtro NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: pRopERryusE: lorrtce EResmumltr fiuence|lrtle !eouc ! aer [coNoo OTHER; WATER: DCFPUA E COMMUNITY SYSTEM flwELL flZoNlNG USE CIASSIFICATION sEwER: -CFPUA I CeURAL SeeIC n P-RIVATE SEPTIC E COMMUNITY SYSTEM ' .1 ri -tr-- r::a ri.:-' I r1:: i PAYMENT METHODT ICISU I cHEcK (eAvABLE To NHc) EBtLLAccouNT EMc/vtsA fiotscoveR ??lliu 1? J rl6Pn SQ FT ZONE:_OFFICER: (FOR OFFCE USE OTILY) FEVISED OATE,V1'12 SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B: Approval:- City:- OATE: FLOOD: -- - BFE+2ft= AVN Comment pERMtT FEE: $_ OATE.. t\/21i11 CITY: .9].Lgilg!gl__ ZIP | 2e4r2 o|,'INER'5 ADDRESS: 2001 sE 1!t]r sr.yail sLop 555c CITYi 3enrorvrlle ST: AR zIP: r:r1r-i *r'r* rs rHrs a cHANGE oF occupArucy usrt Ivrs E*o ...-' What is the ,{ew Oacupancy Iype? _ PH: PH: 1-4./ nla- fOFSTORIES: I * Or TLOOnS: -f- rrHcfirt, /ennrlco l* *l tu, igE .),.\ 1 '5t60 NEW HANOVER COUNTY EUILDING PERI4I'I, APPLJ.ATtO Iypf : COItftERCIAL ?or-t- ll3stoww ke K-3 ^E IitI-rroNrraasr nJrJr€r alL qirtuohs Appt r(mrr ta yorp ,i(,)r( r "proj€.t Regpooj lbil lty,, APPI ICAIII'5 NAH€: 0EvttoPER j L f- m[.Er. \DE DAIE d-:-l'Lrt Oe.n.l e,PHONI,:PRo] EcT ADOEE 0CCUPANT/BL,S INESS NAfi!: Lf e zIPt Zr\2l^r\ a PROPTRTY Oi,TIER'S NAflE i ol{NtR'S ADDRESS: <?1rl Y: !-1, c .q , a)t ,r ,,,-:r o' -!.p.-!:rre:il5T:'!)( Z IP: Z(+to1 L Pl]0Nt ?r ^. i:.er CoIIIRACIoR: R(: .-J.LLL IICtNSE n: l6Cil CIIY I t,ADDRESS; ?.) i /a(Ji /!) < lr C-r P oN[ r: PIIONL tr: : N,C 2I P: ZEL4TI1AI I AODRESS PRO] ECI CONTACT R \. t(t - t-? (l iC^..r ^ll rri!r .99t, )TX]S] (ONSTRUC]ION:AL IERAT ION T-l RENoVATToN rvl H,,cnr s,rc, f- vB 6ENENAt REPAIRS [- N. is ul Dc sr TI N I LOCA] IONt-l,nrNFl LFI:t),- ycsR rx.)rl Re No loaariod rs therc E Nalurat Gas I ine on tho NE i.J COIiSIRU(TI0Nr ^CC T S5Ofl Y 5IRUCTURE: ERECT NEH STRUCTURE ^i /r\ Drasr rRAcx D sHErL f] uprrT [-]aDD ro txtsr srRUCrunr If UPIII - the shell Pefftit ,, aJ ln Peuer or, this 8r'j)drn8 K yee T YtsJl: No.'... 1r tN€'Nee O( cuPBn(y 1s Elect tio 'Rr nt t, ?-.. A (HANGT OF OCCUPAII(Y UsTlr Yer, rhat xas thr p.evlous Occupanay Typcl E^gIroel4ntH Dr SI6ri PROTTSSIONAL: ^l I rr \x-. I X6i OtslGN IJROFESSIOHAT I)t SLRIPIIoTJ Of hotiK: f> nail:R lr\ 1(;l/.l SO FT UllDEn ROOr Z_(i(, ACRT:S DIS{IJIT8ED, dI NEV/ ITIPERVIOUS ARC/, nl /n trtoPFRt Y ust: lln ^,,, ^, SIGNATURE SO FT PER FI F &t>, OF STNUCTURES I l:,Iood,, bcvc,aqes Ine,)arcd o, scG'ed rn thrs slructu(j?lx yesf N( rs .t he t,rope(y I o.alcd in Ttp I toodolrnrr,r yefl u I'l;S.Illi?;lIill?ii:.ir,1i#'.',1,";fli:,,r'rs.ll5?.";",S?*;:,9J[:i$,%t,tt$1,9,u.'#,::t;mgllilriijt,g];iU;.,11;tiiill;itt iill*,5"J f','11 ttr'(s Ut' 1! 3500 OC " oWNER/CoNTRACTOR; (1,.,,,, f,(<'t'-t t,t-:4\ <1- ,niirr..,.rtn1 rr-[t cr turri,o s?. Art4st.r rYet sir4 ToIil |'IiOJECT CoSl {,26o.b'" 1I1JTAI. AHEA SO FT z.rcD BUILD]NG IiEI(;HT , OF L'NITS ,r ol: sToRl{:q , OF l:l(r)nS 3 ?_ -__ _ Exsr LAND oTSTURBTNG FERMTT? T yEs X No SO FT EXISI ING IMPERVIOUS AREA SO TT f]orFrcc EREsrAunarur I r,rencrrlrrre ! ruucfl Ap][] colDo orlt,_11s__-., vo.IE;1 i7t:l PUA T-lsrwr:n lHcr pLre Hi rs rFr.r L! COI''IMUNI'\' SYSII:M Tl Vr'EL- T-] ZONING U5L CLI\SSlFrC^I (rlr cENTR/.I sEpTrc. I inlvArF stpr rc E c'oMt{uNrTr ur:,vtsr. [ ' tgA rr,/l'l lll l.ir lllL)ll I'(Ne) (oD -:,r.,-_aL" D(t" - cAsr r T oHt (:x tpAy,lBL[ TO Ntlc) T AMtit(lcAN I xpRt si; lX I]ISCOVI ;i /UNi At iIou c,rv l/ lV\ oare ClLnnnlerll Cil; ln:rectic:rPeqY3,^1, gll 1!l fil) llt,4ll lEt a 'ffi? NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION nzpf : CO T4ERCIAL pLEA5E AnSllEi At! qJESTIONS AppIICABLE IO VOUR pROtE(l .'pro ject nesponsibility,, )on-nsSb AFFrrCAT-i-oN Number (o{fi(e u5e) APPLICAT'IT' 5 i,IAIiIE :A Nla- \tE lv\-oale, 11 f1 qlr+DEVE LOPER: PRO]ECT AI) CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: L F r'n 0-o.^-l r,PHONE S:2t\7 tz'^x -6 cr L"Jrc .J ZIP I Z*11?oCCUPANT/SUS IiIESS NAIIE: E#f&.t$c T7^ PROPERTY OWNER'S IIAI,IE: O[{NER'5 ADDRESS: <gl\ ?ent ,tr,.rr A'rr 1r h] , rm, p61og $t \tL-- \41-c33:lST: C ZIP: Z(r.1o3 NazrP. zg4tL A.-i A9 rFL PH0r,rr c?q, .Cl LICENSE f: -i6ocg a.'7 r-oJ( Ns c'r.CrTY: ;.]., lJt"r a^J STEHAIL ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTAC PERSON: C'_- PHONE f: PHONE f:Lt - rZLzrH.J 1t 611- t7L1 EXIST CONSTRUCTIOI,] I A L TE RATlON ll Relocalion, is lhere a NaturalGas Line on the NoEtJ CoflSTRUCTION (Ch.(r AIt that Appry )n REinvATrort fvl 6E ERAT REpArRs r-'] Eurrenr Siree J- €;- r,r" ,a a, ot"rH*RELOCATIOI'/ KLEREDr YesR \}.) ACCESSORY SIRUCTURftn ERECT NEH STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHELL uPFrr fl aDD ro ExrsT srRUcruRE rJ ln If UPF If Yes J ARCH DE ENGR DE II The 5he1l permit $: ,\l lA Is EL **1+. IS THIS A Cltari6t oF occupAt,cy usEEhat yas the Pr€vlous Occupancy Type? E,Ag SIGN PROFESSIONAL ^) tA Occupancy €# A//A ect Power on t Itr5vrs! no l.Jhat is tt{€ }{et] his Bui lding fi Yes tior PH NC r!6 n Nt RIG 4sI6N PROFEsSI0ML: - pH DESCRIPIION oF I./ORK: p;,l'., i-..., .,,u r.-L' r., rr r (Ae EE4-!r1r€r- ls food or bcverages prepared or seNed rn this structure?lx vesf- ruo ls The propeny Located ln The Froodplarnf ye{f, il:;ffi'J',ft"??'"8i.1'EHrq'"HJ,T[l?Hi'."'re.I89.""ffJfrffi"t*#ffi:g,i8',ii'jl,r#tg'[.,*.lrL.]irti';[ffi-#rr,,"J."siflill.;ia"ft::$r,Suctecllo Fines Up To 1500 00"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR: A-"*( il.,-^,., SO FT :E SIGNATURE: i.drdlle, Nore: O€molrion norficat.ons clnl,arn Asb€slos o, not yoL denoh'o.. ol B.y taor y or bu (Ftdn.G)i asbesrcs removarp€rhn Epptkatioos sre to b€ subFited usino rh€ apllic€lion,o.m (DHHS.3/681wtae ,equted ro cai th€ Ne$onat Emissbn skndsrds for H€zarda$ ai, polturanB {NEShAp) at i919)70dloing se€ asoe$os web srte. hrrp i^,m ea slalo nc us/€prasbe$ogarrmp hlnl etEr lhe ,a.rl'r,/ o b![dm! was iornd t, 7.5950ar leasr lOdays paor r.rhe TOTAL PRoJECI COSr 5?G.o.f'.n' TOTAL AREA SO FT ziro BUILDING HEIGHT .IO, TOTAT SO FT UNDFR ROOr Zqoo ACRES DISTURBED NE\\/ IMPERVIOUS AREA ^l EXST LAND OTSTURBTNG PERMIT? r YES SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA r,rencerurrr.e I EDUCE] APrE coNDo oraer e^- N/A # OF UNITS, 3 - LH_- RH- B- lX *o WATER T.TCFPt]A SEWER I#CFPIIA SYSTFM tlr Tl v/rLL T1 ZONTNG USE CLASS|FTCAT|ONPHlvArE sEPTtc D.IioMMUNn-y PROPERTY USE OFFICE RESTAURANT COMMUNITY SYSTEM CENTRAL SE PTIC PAYMENT MEIHOD r CASH r CHECK (PAYABLEFIOIHC) r )AMER|CAN EXcnrSS fi MC,^/tsA T DISCOVF R zol.lL CFFICER SETBACKS: FApproval:_ City;_ DATE_ FL OOD. BFE+2fi,A\/NCommenl PERMTT FEE I c7 N ?'rn SQ FT PER FLRI af,u, OF STRUCTUREST-_-1-# OF STORIEST Z # OF FLOORS: --?-- /A1-171U I ?{ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLTqTZON TYPE,. RESIDEMTIAL PTEASE ANSIIER ALL QUESTIONS ADPI.ICAALE -IO YOUR PROJECT l55EP l7 4r1?p ^41.u 'Proiect Responsi"bilttJp €uqt APPLICAIION ilieber (Office Use) o APPLICAI,IT'S MTTE: DEVELOPER:OATE: PRO]ECT ADDRESS: SUBDfVISION l PROPERTY OhNIER'S MfiE: OI,!,NER'S ADDRESS l EI,4AIL ADDRESS: suNROO|4uGREEMOJSE crw: CITY, LrcEl,ts E *: ctry: *, 1lo Sf,t-@cr3 sf z _aPz 2-e (o7 XIP:.? BLOCK *:_LOT*:7<- (/ 6t r-r2 SF u POOL SF Dffi Lt PHONE ACCOU T *:sr._zIP: _Ug?1 PHoNE #: 9lo <al Od,t PlrolrE *: 1lb ?51 booJ DCIsrI!rc cor,rsrRuclloir: I lrreRarror fl nmovarroru fl eelrenal nenrns I RELocATToN NEW COT,|STBUCTIO{: ! rnecr EN RESIDENCE or I OOrrror To StsTIt{G RESIDE CE**PLEEE CHECK l4'[nrr oamoe 517- sr D orr ernaae AID AIIS ER BELOII {LL TfUtT Apply TO YOUR pROJEcTi 6i Co, 5FOo sF sr I non+r -sF I sronaee sHED _ sF OTHER:SF TOTAL AREA SQ FT: - TOTAL HEATED Sg n: 51A TOTAL Sq FT UNDER **r. */ PRoPERTY tsE / occuPAltcy: I srnole renrr-v f] cruelo< f] ronuouse ToTAL PRoJECT CosT (r-e€s Loo t g }Sr,-hv * OF STORIES: ,/rs A'ry ELEc?RrcAL, puffitBr!{G or IrtEc}taNrcAL (ork Being Done to the Accessory st.uctu.e} f,v", fl norf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natunar Gas Line on the curnent site? flves fl NoIs there Electnical powen on this Building? [f v", f]ruo DESCRIPEON OF hIoR(: Attq ti-a}ka+0Artq'ie,u/ trt sq.er IS THE PROPERW LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAINI DCISTII'IG IfipERWous AREA: _sQ FT NEW AREA: _SQ FT WITERT PUA f| com,ruruw svsreu I pRrvArE r,lELL CENIRAL I,JELLn SENER:CFPUA CENTRAL SEPTIC n PRIVATE SEPTIC I co,wrulrrw svsral *:r* + *:r+ **,! +**:r + ** ** ** * ** ** JIffi If*tI** * *** complywih h6 S€re aiblE Codo.hd a$ otl€. apprlabt SEEsod 10.3l t*/s ycfiEngss h he appov€d €p€circaton6 or change h cona&Dr or Viohlion of&e NC Sta€S/bi€ct 6 SIGI'IATURE: **+++*++**rt ts***** **+*+*+* **** *** *++* +**++*** +* YES IAIO TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED; a<rsr LArD Drsn RBrltG pER'rrr: ll::1 ws El no ,*oft orror" ,6r*E.*" El'.rr.o r$3 5E EO FOR ELECT, AECH, PL8G, GAS EqUIP, PREFAAS & IITSERTS A ,ac-c.6 PERI,ITT FEE: PAY EUT I.IETIIOD:(PAYABLE TO IIHC)tr BILL ACCq,,NT tr r.E/vrsA I orscorse*)t* * *** *i()t ***:1.* *i.****t*+****+*ri.*,t ******:i* r(:t :* ***:* **i. i(:F:t:t **'a*+*,i *+*+ *:t**:ii.* *)*)t)ht:i:a* **** *+ OFFTCER: Appnoval:_ CiW: DATE: FLOOD:BF Fr2ft= ,*r, ?-15 DT(-(aoR oFFICE USE OtLy) . iEV'SED DATE a4l11/12 sETBAcKs: r, 6o' u, I D eu: /O' ,. 25' Comnt: fu^- air ur4y6,*-\.^P Lo tE' i..{o (e-c\y *li]r,4c-g-. (:ily insoectron Reoureo, 91 &254.0i,u Dos,"3 *1 CONIRACTOR: ADDRESS: PROJECT COITACT PERSOTI: PHoI{E #: OHNER/CONTRACTOR: APPI.ICANT'S NAME: NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDTNG PERMIT APPLICATTON rYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL qUESTIONS APPIICAEtE TO YOUR PROJICT "Project Responsibility', CITY Oate ?ot1-ft3A 9ffi8 Application Number use) /0 ZD PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDtvtstoN: I ztP L H PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: Uz.j,PHONE I CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: ,1 ctw BLDG I-ICENSE # ST: EMAIT ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON NEW CONSTRUCTION F. a ,!a ztP PHONE: 4IO i6-t- oqoo PHONEI q'O 3 -oqooAfw EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration D Renovation D General Repairs Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation *'i*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWTR BTTOW At[ THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT'}'I'} ! Att Garage (SF) _ E Sunroom {SF) _ I Greenhouse (SF) E Det Garage (SF)_ tr Pool (SF) n Deck (sF) /zcUnheated: ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E YGs E No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureDyesDNo ll the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? f] yes fl No lsthere Electrical Poweronthis Building? tr Yes ! No Property Use/ Occupancy: [r Single family E Duplex E Townhouse Description of work ::li{Ul l7 2: J4PH t3,,,t"Q x&l Ltaua laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified ol eny chan8es in the app.oved plans and speciiications or change in conlractor information. "'NOft: any work performed without lhe appropriate permhs will be in violation of the NC State and subject ss00.00"' rtf e6 i,n rA Signature:Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolifrer" Approvali Comment: ls the property located in a floodplain? D ves {-No Existing lmpervious Arear - Sq Ft TotalAcres Dlsturbed: Citv: lLm ll /3/r ? rrooa: 1a1 (v)(N) / BFE+2ft= - Date Cil'i inpection Requreo, 9l tr'Jii Tx)uzl ermit Fee: S CITY: -- ZtP: tr Porch (SF)-_.- ! Storage Shed (SF)_ tr Other (SF)_ ls the proposed work changint the existing footprint? E yes n No IOTATSQFTUNDER ROOI lfor proposedwort) seated: /yt t rorArpRorEcrcosrtL"* r'U,S /ZC. b 00-------T------ New lmpervious Area: -Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: ! Yes ! No WATER: ! CFPUA f] Communitysystem ! Privatewell f] Centralwell ! Aqua SEWER: MCFPUA D Community System D Private Septic E CentralSeptic f] Aqua zon"' ?'t omcer: O(G setbacks(F)6o (rxl ld 1nx1 lo' Bl 2i \ APPUCAIITS iIAM&Stav6ns PRO'EcT AOOIEIS: 6l 11-i?1t NEW H/II{OVER COt,ilTY BUII.DITG PERMr APP,.rcAII(,TI flE, RE IDEf,II,tL RTASE ttEWB A[qrESItOlG ApRlcrflrro yo(n pio.EcI ?rolG i..DoortEt' T/A Sbvsns FIto l.ldnes 0u CITY: Data; ApDLrbn l{iln6.. (odtc. u..t t1 suBDlvlslo :Th6 Cr€€k d Wno$dck trP: b PROPERTY oWnm5 rlrae Slewns Bdtdins Company prOrr*; 91G794-8699 OWNER'S ADDiESS:57'10 Ooardor Dri6 Suft€ 200 oly: Wllnington zt?i crrltTRAcr0l:Stcvena Cqnpily ADDRESS:5710 Oloandor Ddw Su[e 2m EMATL ADD1ESS: snlctdson@st vensfinohone,odn PRO.,ECT COI'TACT PER]SO :Stad NbhoEon tr sunroon (sf) _ tr Gr€Gnhou$ (Sf) _ 0 Pool (Sfl - tr DGd((Srl _ Ir thc propo.rd wort drmdry tu ddfl footprlr ? tr yr: d no nore 91G79H 0 --- s1g5 rta$rg 31626 orY:Wlmlnsbn 2p, 28403St: NC OOSnXC Cdlmucnl,a: O AlurSon tr Rarontbn O Gmd icpdr EW OOflSI rcln: d gr.c rf"* n aA"rr.. tr Addtdonb Ed tia i.ddaF! tr R.toc.dcr _ ...tr.LgctGE(lr5tHErE.oItltr rlDttylDruiRoEcr.... d anc'q"5q {00 E octc,s(sfl- t r*, $l 00 ProirE:91Aii2{515 tr Storltr Sh€d (5F) --o ottEr lsrt 2 r HBr.l 17 i | 49Pl IgfALSQ FI lfOB @* llor popdvor*l tl,'trdz roTAL FnorBcr oocl (trs to$: $120,000_ bto'l r*"r-tlo, 5b0 lsthc propot d work ch.nih thr nmtlf of bcd.ooms? tr V.r d o ls arry EbcElcrl, rlmlha or .d]!&d mrl( behg &nc to tfic Acccsory Stucnr]! E Vrr d rcf th€ proJGct ls. tdoc.don, B than. N.tral c,3 Lh. on thc cungrt stb? tr Vc d ffo 15 thar. Elccntd Poulr or t,|tr lutldht? tr Vcl tiho Prop.rty tt /ocory rs d**o*, tr EdGtr Tor{rt- D.rc.lptlon of wodc tlBrv Ro3ldontal Constr.tdon qSOrfE l h.rrlycrtry dr.t itn lffii h rrtb ?fa..dar bcsltd -d.l wtr,!.c!dy wtt d|. St't. rel.I Co& d.l odlrrgCbu.Stat .ndbc.lhs'..rdoner.ra.rd,fd.d(r!"ft.ilrcDaahlr'ldiS6,t .c.rErll6.ndLdofaof drr[l.ln lh.pb.E and spadfidoE adE|.hadtalo.$so6ft ;hrliatb.r. ...lIrTEr ,Ury Et p..{bft.d r.ar dE.Dp.og.abr.rrrt rf b.h rlohdo.r o, tL ilc @.frlr '+to Ovn.r/Conlr.caon'Uend@Wf Crah Stsveng 5lartul!l PrhtNotr,p lsthr pmpcrty loc.ted ln e floortpleln? O Vrr d fo H.!h3 tmr.n bl! lr* Ll'l I sqa Itl3w lmparvlout Ararl 21 1t sqft Tobl Arnr DLbrtrd: 1/3 Edffttr.rd Ututlgfrrmf tr Vol /fo wATEn: lll CfruA E corimunltv Slrtm El prhEt Wdl tr Certnl Wri tr Acu! SfWfn: d CffUl tr commlr ty Systcrn tr prlyite Seldc F Caltrls.pdc tr &u! zonc: [- ]!- omcc" DrL s.G.d!r q) lD/ (rH1 {' g+1 6' p,1 6' Neroar OP cnyt ILW\ wttlnl'l Hood:6t_M_(f,1 > rlE+dr: _ Comment: JLIGNW Permft F€!: $ I LooKlund