NOVEMBER 30 2017 BUILD APPS)-y't1 - lJt/rz ${( Clear Form,,__ , tl.: .' .'. r. t 1.ffi.,,' Print eMail NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILD]NG PERMlT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAI- PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibilit/' Application Number (offi.e use) APPLICANT,S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: F-e-n-lri ss tJr.+*s ( or.l la l.lc.-tno zlr:. 1PqX9 LOT f: -T-Q 3L lnn is Or,t, < PHONE f: q {o. \.rq qSP Date: t 1.1 'lotl CITY: SUBDIVISION: Ttroma s H o,.d I vc-\.r* P rr,.is6 PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS:U!,-CITY: L,Ji ln;".olr\.-J BTDG LICENSE #nc zlP: l0-lll baroD J CONTRACTOR: t7^+.is.,.)s AOOR€sS: --)o-X,.,.z :'tS EMAIL ADDRESS:R Rot, CITY 5T: j(.. ZIP lr.{s,7NE: g,o. L7s, g51,o EXEfI G CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration ! Renovation E General Repairs NEW COI{STRUCTION: EfErect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation *I*PTEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEI.OW ALL THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT*** ! Att Garage (SF) _E Det Garage (SF) _d Porch (sF)PI n Sunroom {5F)D Storage Shed {SF)_ tr Other (5F) Unheated: ?LO TorAt PRoJECT cosr (ress r-o0: S lQ5, l.l5 oy' ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tl Yes Ef No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructurenYeslNo lftheprojectisaRelocation,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?trYes!No ls there Electrical Poweronthis Building? tr Yes ! No Property Use/ Occupancy: (single Family n Duplex n Townhouse Description of Workr ?116{ t7 l1:35fl}t DISCLAIMER: I he.eby certify th€ information in this application is correct and allwork willcomplywith the State Building Code and .ll other applicable State and local lews and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development SeNices Centerwillbe notified ofanychanges in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. **'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Eldg Code and subject to fines up to 5500.00"' Owner/Contractor:F-e n-frrsS L.J Signature:( TotalAcres Disturb€a, 'iq ol Ac^ a New lmpervious Area:t'l.11 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: fl Yes E/No WATER: E CFPUA n Community System Ef Private Well ! Central Well fl Aqua SEWER: fl CFPUA tr Community System /Private Septic n Central Septic n Aqua Zone: - Officer: - setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - city: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (v) - (N) - BFE+2ft=6 Comment:.rrrn f"", S a) a) T-7-z> PRoJECT coNTAcT ptnson: F-e-r\-lr'i ss \,\a-{* S pHoNE: qlD..fxl .qqlb ! Pool (SF) _ n Greenhouse (SF) Ll Deck(SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes 6No TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOF Vor proposea workl xeated: I Pl"3 Con.$lr,rrli.ro Ao.,\ Vr.e'to "Licensed Quolifiel Pint Nome /lsthepropertylocatedinafloodplain? n Yes E t{o Existing lmpervious Area: O sq Ft a J $dL ul- APPLICAIIflT9 NAMEI e PROJECTADDRESS:clw SUADIVISION: - PROPERTY OWNEtrS E:r S PHONE ';OWNEnls ADDTESS:CITY: coNTR/qcTo*:0 t D tlba ADDRE$S:CITY CMAIL AOORESSi pHoNE: PROIECT CONTACT PERSON:Sh nDrl f,acxstn EXEnNG CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration E Reno\rition -Elceneral RePairs EW COHfitUCfION: D Erect I'tew Residence E Additlon to €xisung Residence E Relocauon .TTP1IASE CTIECK AT{D ATISWEN ACLOW AI.I- II{AT APPLY TO YOUR PfiOJECT," ClsarForm Prinl gMail NEIA' HANOVER COUNTY 8U!IDING PERMTT AP PucAtlON TYPE : RESIDENTIAI PtfASE ANSWEB A[O,UE TIONS APPIICAOIETO YOUR PBOjECT 'Ptoiect nesPollsibilitY' El Det Garase (SF) - LJ Pool (sF) -- i Dedk (sF) ls the proposed workGhanEingthe existiog footprint?Fr'Yes ll No TOTAL 5Q rT UNDER ROoF Vor ptuPoied work)Heated:lJnheated: -.TOIAI PRorEcTCosY (l-ess Lot):l0 D.o9. ts there ElectfcalPorre. on this Euilding? E/Yc. E No Proncrty usc/ oc.upo.tcp gf sIn3le fom$y El DuPtG. E I6r"nharl!€ So Oate ' ,2 o/-7 ord BLD6 UAENSE #;10558 c*NC ZlPl a$at PHOI.IE:9r0- "Zqq- 0ng (orlice use) flyar ll Att Garase (SF)- E sunroorn (5F) - E Greenhouse (5F)- tr Pord) (sF) _-- E storaae Shcd (5r) - E-ott*,tsrl Eour,dah on ls the proposed wo*changing the number ot bedrooms? LJ Yss ffNo ls any Aedri6l, Plumbing or Me.fiankal work being don€ to the Acessory strlrctur€ [ Yes f,f l{o tf thc projcct ie r Rslocadon, ittheree NatlralGat Une d^ the.urentsrte? E Y€s .Pl-lto o6crlption gf work:to La lize.Ln il l0 D|scurMla: I hercb.,, certify that alltie anbrmatlon in thi5 appl&:tl,oo is correc!.nd rll lork will complv rhe stote &rildlql coda nrid rll oth"..PPli.oblc SEte .nd bet laus and ordinance5 and retllladons, The NHc oeulloprndat scrvi4€s centcr rll[ bc nodfPd of anv charlg{s h thc appro,red pl.ns rnd tpadfi€lions tr.hanae ln conlrs(tor o*,*a*^o*rr, (AriS K Hunter $gnatu'e: (,/'/t;- dil t{bF,re fins oP to 55& 0Or"L d14t'""-inlormrtion'r'NoTE; Any woll p€rfm€d lylthost tll€ aPproodate penrrlts wri be m v rL(oi qtthe Nc nitc thlE Cl,(L 'Licanscd Quolirie/ *lnt Nome ts the property located in a floodplain? E Y€s El No Erlstlru lmpcrvlo|rs Arese -=- Sg Ft ToEI acres DisRrrbcdi - sw tmperuousAt€3i -5q ft Eri5tinE L.nd DisturbirE Petmft! D Y33 Ut No WATE& tr CFPUA E Crmmunity System tr PriYate Well E Centrdlwell D Aqua sEwEB n cFPuA E Communlty System E Private septic E certralseptic E Aqua Zono, - Offlcer: - Sfrh'.16 (F) - (tl{l - GH) --. . lBl . -Appro\ral: - Gry: - Date: - Floodr (Al - (Vl - (Nl - BrE+2{t= - Petmit Feer $ oL Commant: '15,od &r1-rt?+l ffiD i,EW HAIiIOVER COUttI]Y CUITEING PEfiMlT APTUAflO tfft,: eEs! oEailtlAL ,Lf.r:t rr$rflEr tU A/E ],()r,6 rlrUCAD[l:O VOUn 'XOJECT'Pr,orlrt i!$6lU[Y Af,.CAIT,5 RA"l. P,o]Eff . 00aei. i, -*,b,s,3Gj39e.g- _I4a-CErg4tgnru u r\e..lo*atV Qa[ C- ". ,r.t--..,Oato: -- ort: d t't-3135 r;:gl!- --a,,: l(((Q. i-- tcY t:€3L PIO,,E(rY O|JITEIt'S tlAME ownE 9ADOIEX': rll\ ti',rvl I? Q6I coNtR^cton: IODf,TIt: tMllI lrrDltli, -qf6.oaa?.altgbdlsF. {G./.\. frr- -e, ,iOJECT COPTAIT P€E O'{: 6llIO@t('TnUCnOH: ncw ColUnU cIlot{: O O Atl Gc.rale (Sr, - n 0rrGrru! lstl Ptto t r: j l\, -aLq - _ CIrY: U)irYA^int$n trl sr.Do rrceNsr r-la&15-- cttt: t-l ll'lit4e^ srr rk aF,q$Al_ PLonE qro - grrS -3lbt PIONT:qlo-{q3 -3rL U Gtn.rrl A.p.lrt ts trbttu f,AHanCe B Rslsr.tlon .r.glIAtI Ofi(r A,.D A'6Wtn lE r9rrl' fiA' Ap?ty rO yOUn p8ojrcTr.. dtorcrlsrt .1Uu PoxA 87O O grntilm lsn- O Pool(s4 - , ff stong?thed{5r}- O Gircqliouc (5Fl -. rl ord 6A : t] ()th.r (srl--l.9/ D thi pr66d yrorf drlrJu tir rrlr0nS rootprllt,t? U Yct G, t{o ] .ootr. tqrr U|rOB too t lh. piql! ?ottl uq4.r, afut: .untr.cn.dr - i r8rlt rrbrecr tisr t a.tt tntlt 5 6.7n00,40' otrr,i pro[r"t ,irr ornlh! thr numbrr ot brdrcio.nr? 0 Yc, Efric l! tnl6!gnql, ftItritruorMadlmlql!\ofilcln| oon! to $r Arttlrorlst uclure dtt A xo lf rh. prc)la tr . tdcrftdrl t5 thrr! ! NBtuC G!! ilnE sn rhr (un.nt rlte? D f o lg,fto Irrtr2ru Elrst'tc8lPoyrrr ofi tils Sulldlfu? [ ror 61, Xo Prot rV (b.y' ocerr.nff O ffur! f.,rdt {*n , O rowihcur. oalarlrd{n C WBq a7olE (UlV /1^^ byr rnd ddlrul. . tnd rltuhurs n!. lillE Oa.loprunt s.ryks c.^1., ell i. noultod ol.n, Cuh&r b r[. oEovdt do^t.nd ta,ornctb.! "r glt: a,/ry s'r gtdormld ilrrod rr rrD.Drm. Ennia tlrl E i, rlobl6! ., th! tlc slrE EldI (dr rnd q]b,!(i uptortE.@' u.dn rler d .h.ia! Cfillllanr I t.rcur rdtt tiri .ll rt* rr'ra.arr.. h tl5 q,p{Elba It r,(.r sd .l wl ,Il crnd, tti dE S{r!, 6!!tf C.A. .n( all tt l.r .tdbbla 5t (a rnd l(E)l orlt./clrntr. Etor:Ah,^ $. G<"(.n.r.*SUnrturrr 'Lra,B.l A@!!lrd' P'tzr worlt J rr sle prlpcrty locracd ln. [oodpl.h? A ,- g4*o trlrdnr lnrpugorrr l^rrr 3Il0- 3q ,r retrrAtrtroba/rh+ - , 7 5t' nor lrngrrtleur eror --;]70- tc t Gndht t nd olrturbttu Frrrntu cJ Yor t,'fro w Tfn: E CtPuA Cl communlty lyltrm O Prtvrt! w€ll O Crnuslwcll O Aqur C.ntral Scpll( IAH) /O (s),^DAqu) llll X sFt tt' ronr: -BE!s- otrkrn drgrovrl: Ccmmar , otr lrainll Fc!! , t ircrvE rrtlt L:,1 rY]{,rn?f +. stwn, /crpua o communrtysfirm o APPTICANT,S NAME:I NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICATIO N TYPF: RESIDENTIAt PtEA5T ANSWER AtL QUE5TIONS APPLICAETE TO YOUR PROJTCT "Pro,ect ResPonJlbllltf ' /,{rrro (CITY \r- 38(o ure) oate: l/3o l1 l)ztP LoT fli PRO'lECT ADDRESS sUBDlVlSlONr PRO PERTY OWNTR,S NAMTI 5o [.^,olsLiwftlt PHONE tir OWNER,S ADDRESS: 3 t F:rc,u r-'d CITY:U,.r r [r,. ELDG IICINSE ':is ztp:'Lg4o3 CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS EMAIL ADDRESS: Ct NC^, l)cf, CITY: tallAo zp, 7-\'|ttLA;i- Al.4**"o+ PHONT:tc)lJ,\ , 9{"PROJECT CONTACT P[R5ON PHON E EXISIING CONSTRUCTION: f.l Alteratlon E Renovation D General Repai15 NEW CONSIRUcTION: f] Erect New Residence\ Addition to Existing Residence E] Relocation ..' PTTASE CHECK AND ANSWIR BETOW AtL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT..' X oot c.,.e. tsR Y9')Ll Att Garage lst)- fl Sunroom (SF)-fl Pool(sF) E Porch (St) D Storage Shed {SF)-.-.- D Other (SI)D 6reenhouse (sF)- O Deck (sF)--- ls the proposed work changin8 the exitting footprinl? E Ye5 D No Lltru TOTAL Sq FT UNOER ROOF lJot ptoPosed work) Heated TOTAL PRoIECT COST (tess Lot): S ,)S €."'Unheated: l5 the p.oposed work chanSlng the number of bedrooms? B Yes XNo ts any Electrlral, Plumbln8 or Mechanlcal wo.k being done to the dccessory Structure D Yet X No lf the projectisaRelocatlon,isthereaNaturalGastineonthecurrenttite? D YesXNo / ls there Electrical Power on this Suilding? D YesXNo Property Use/ Occupancyr O Single Famlly B Ouplertr Townhouse 3l'll0u 17 l8:2eFI CotJfi Detc.iptlon of Worki "ivL L( >.6r l-(ALIL- c,7'e.o ) DlscLAlMlR: lhercbY c€rlilYllal alllhe inlonnallon rn rhltap pl(arlon itco.reEl and allwo,k will conrpty wil h lhe st.le SuiidrnS Code ad allolher.pplicableSlate and lo"l t3wrand ordinan.e5 and regul.tion! The Nllc OcvcloPtrrent Services Cenlei willb€ oolilipd ol it.yth.nSeth nr a.d rre(llicatlons or chanZe h.onlrnclor inlonnalion. "'NOTI: A.y work p.rro..rcd rmit!willbe ln viola tion o, the NC Sl subl€(l lo linet uP lo 5500.00" ' owner/contractor; "Lice^sed Qrolitet" ls the property located io a floodplain? C Yes Existlng lmpervious Areai - Sq ft New lmpeNlous Area: - Sq ft ii,#:l#" {* Signalurei TotalAcres Dlsturbed: Exlstin8 Land oisturbln8 Permlti D Ysr ff No WAr€Rr \ CFPUA O CommunitYsYstem D Private Well Cl CentralWell D Aqua sEw€R: \CFPUA D communit ,on.'R-l{ offrcer:-UG ysystem D Pravate Septic D CentralSeptic O Aqua setbacks(t) ^rA (r"tlt (nr) 5/ (r) J Approval: Commenti ci 0a ) _ (N) -XL srE+2ft= -pur,rrh r"",5 lDISCIAII'1ER:I4I T NG THIS AP ICAI ON I'1EANS IHAT THE SUBI,UTTAI- CHARGE I5 NOI,I-R€FUNDAELE 4Q< " t'io'l A& Cr--,tp-.*,;..- 2cl}ll Emarl l,r in'. ffi, APPI.ICANT'S NAM PROJ€CT AOORESS NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAf ION fYPE: RESIDENTIAI pLIAS! ;1;,!S\llt R ALL QtrESTlOtis APr!rCAi]l E rC YOUR pROl5CT -Prolect RetponslbllkY" Date ULAI'tE. Preslige Pools Of Wilmin lrc 7844 River road ctry' ly'Jilminoton ztp:284C9 SUBOlVlSlOt"l: , ,,,.LOT t:.,.-_ PROPIRTY OWNER'S NAMEi Roger l'ludso,-- ,-- PHO Iii: ---"_.dty. WilminglonC,WNER,S ADDRESS:7844 River road zlP.nc CONfRACTOR Preslig e Pools of wilmington inc fy- wrlmin! on BIOG LICENSE, 545/9 21p.2840<)1pps6s5. 5307 South C9!1999jd _ct 5T: nc ENlAIL ADDRISS:Fresligepooisotuilminqton@gmal .com pg9pg 910-509-2370 FROJECT CONTACT PERSON Shane pH911g. 910- 232-5375 ExlSTlNG CONSTRUCTION: :; Alte.otio,r " Renovation I Gencrrlqcpai|s EW CONSTRUCIIoNT :.- are.l fiew ReJ:der'.ie l;: A.lditior to Exi5tinS fle5idofl(]c qelur'rrron ,.'P!€ASJ E|ISE!(AUBAII]4ER 8EIOW ATL THAT APPLY IO YOUR PROJECI'" - A|l cara8e iSF) ----- ."' Oet GdriSe {SF) , --. :] Pcrcn (Sr) ;f Sunroom {Sf )_- 1- I Greenhou:e (SF) - il Pcol(sr) a:. Deck iS[) a storage Shed {SF),_- I : other {sF)*___-_ ls the proporedworkchanSlngthe exrsting footpi;n!? i: Yet 3 to ToTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOE Uat prap.ted wotk)Heated:0 Unheated ToIAL PRoJECT COST iLess Lot) S4'1.400.00 lslheproposedworkchangingthe numberolbedrooms? [f Yrt E l'lo lsanyEeatrical,Plumbingo.Me€hanlcalworkbeingdonetotheAcccJloryStruct{ireGY€!ONo tllheproJectl5aRelocallon,irtheieaNatlral6a!llneonlhecurr€nttite? EI Yet E No ls lhere EiectricalPower on this gujlCin8? E Yes i No proplrty Use/ occupancy: G sin8le family D ouplex E Townhouse 0€rcriptlon orWork lnstallalion of in qround Pocl CSali\if,rtq ..r'ii:'' nlo,runn. r "tioIIi-atrr wo,l ptIfofrcd witnod thc arntopnlle Per:lili wlilb€ I. vloi3nor ol I owner/Cont ractor: Shane Kosrik Signature ''Lrcental Ouaiilic." *tnt Nom. 15 rhe propeit-v locntec in a ftoodpla'n? GI Yea C No Existlng lmpervious Area: -- 5q tt TotalAcres Ditturbed Net , lmperviaus Area: -0,.--.,. ,---,- Sq Ft Exitting Land D;ttutbing P!rmi!: C Yet tr No waTER: E ctPUA O comrnu nity Svstcm tl Private wcll Cl aentralwell Ll Aqua SEWER: G CFPUA I Communirv SYstern D Private Sepiic C centralseptic i Aqua Zone: -- Ot ice.: '-- Setbacks {F) - (rH) - {RH) - (8) -Approval: - CltYr -_ Date: -.-,- Flood: (A) - {v} -- (N) *- EFE+2ft" -*-Comment:Permit Fee: S Dt!-l)$cJ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERM'T AP PL' CAT IO N TYPE.' RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANsWER ALL QU€STIONS APPLICABL€ TO YOUR PROJECT " Ptoiect R€sponsibiliV' t- ti- t75Date APPTICANT,S NAME:4 PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDlvlsloN: LoL Ae er- Zl?: 2 SLld)5r\ o -S crw CITY 9t D S2b-5 /,t+ PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRtSSI PROIECT CONTACT PERSON s-{' ctw ZtP >g 'f Q a6 BLDG LICENSE f 1-x:Llc-zrP tv<- PHO PHONE lD-7 F-, "h'--?ro -{z-o - 3?tl-'tK.,. EXISTING CONSTRUOION: ! Alteration E Renovation fl General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence X Addition to Existing Residence C Relocation r r r PLEASE cHECI(AND ANS WER B AI.L THAT APP ! Att Garage (St)-E Det Garage (SF)- E Greenhouse (SF) tr Pool (5F) tr Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n TOTAT SQ FI UNDER ROO! tJor proposed work) Heated: TOTAI- PRO.,ECT CoST (Less Lot): S ls the proposed work changin8 the number of bedrooms? E Yes ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the lfthe project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the cu ts there Eiectrical Power on this Building? [Yes tr No Property Use/ occuPan"Yt (single Family E DuplexE Townhouse Description of Work: q, Y\l-e- LY TO YOUR ECTj 'l * E sunroom {sF)=.-- D Porch (sF) E storage Shed (SF) --$ o '"r 611 Yes D No L.-^.! i ^ C ^jt". Unheated , 38"t ooo.oo <L Xno Accessory Structure I Yes tr t{o rrent site? tr ves I ll|o DISCLAIMER: I hereby certify that all the information in this appl ication iscorrect and allwork willcomplywith the State Building code laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Sewices center will be notifaed of any change5 in the approved plans aod information. "+NOTI: anY work perlormed without the appropriate perm its willbe in violation of the NC BldB Code and su and allother applicabl€ state and local specifications or change in contractor to fines up to 5500OO"' Signature: TotalAcres Disturbed Z--Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolifier" ls the property located in a floodplain? tr ves I no Existing lmpervious Area: _- Sq tt New lmpervioutArea: -- Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: El Yes E No w,iilRt dcyyA fl communitv svstem D Private well E central well D Aqua SEWER: U/ctPUA fl community system D Private septic E central septic El Aqua Zone: - Officer: - Setbacks (F) - (l-H) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - City: -=- Date: _- Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= -Comment:iDISCLAII4E R: SUBI4ITTING THIS LICATION MEANS THAT HE SUBI4I TTAL CHARGE IS -REFUNDABL E Permit Fee: S Application Number (office use) PHONE #: fui-l-l;4+ \ ?Etll- !rZ+NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATTON ryPEr RESIDENTIAL PTEASE ANSWER ATT QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Prolect Responsibilitl/' ctw: se) APPLICANT,S NAMEI Date zt 1 PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: lza tCTQPROPERW OWNER'S NAME:PHONE # OWNER,S ADDRESS //7/)ClT/ L)ztP CONTRACTOR:BLDG LICENSE f .7a 32fl ADDRESS:CITY:SI:L(ztP: ZtV/ ( EMAIL ADDRESS:PHONE -a-? A-8,/4-) PROJECT CONTACT PERSONI ly'ae, 4fr.r-PHONE 2/,> zzL-&y'/> EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration fl Renovation E General Repairs NEw CONSTRUCTION: fijErect New Residence E Addition to Existin8 Residence n Relocation *,T,}PLEASE CHECN AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT''}* n Att Garage (SF)n Det Garaee (SF)tr Porch (SF) n Sunroom (SF)! Pool (SF)n storase shed (sF I 4?b E Greenhouse (SF)n Other (SF) ls the proposed work changin8 the existing footprint? (Yes tr No 4?/oTOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF Aor proposed work) Heated:Unheated: TOTAT PRO.,ECT COST (Less Lot): S ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? n Yes EfNo ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes lf the projectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? D Yes E/No ls there Electrical Power on this Build ing? n Yes VNo Property Use/ occupancyr !f, Singb ramily ! Duplex n Townhouse Description of Work: laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Centerw,llbe notified ofany changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. r*'NoTEi Owner/Contracto med without the appropriate permits willbe in violation ofthe NC State Bldg Code and s to fines up to 5500.00*** Signature: "Licensed Quolifiet" Pint Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E/Yes fl No Existing lmpervious area: 4@O Sqft TotalAcres Disturbed: { {N"lf,Hou l? 1 t:38ftr,1 ,%ec W*zt New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: n Yes Euf.lo WATER: E. CFPUA n Community System ! Private Well [] Central Well fl Aqua SEWER: KCFPUA E Community System n Private Septic E Central Septic n Aqua zone: _ Officer: _ setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ city: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment: permit Fee: S 44b *DISCLAIMER: SUBMITTING THIS APPLICATION MEANS THAT THE SUBMITTAL CHARGE IS NON.REFUNDABLE -$2 rott: 3 nZ< 4 D Deck (SF)_ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BU I LD ING PERIVII T APPLT CAr t0N rYPf : RESI DENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL OUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Pr!ject Responsiblllty'' xtlQ44 APP L I CAT ION N umbe r (0f f icc Use ) DATE: rr.r+.rz : 910.224.3a3'1 APPLICANT'S I'lAl,,lE: RoB RoMERo DEVELOPER PHONE # PROJ ECT ADDRESS : SUBD IV IS ION: 1516 CASTLE STREET PROPERTY 0tINER'S NAIVIE O,f{ER, S ADDRESS: KELLY & .]OSHAH MCKINNEY PHONE #: ST 914 .522 .39sO _ZlP:_C ITY: Wl LMINGTON BLOCK #:LOT # ST CONTRACTOR: Ls SMITH INC L ICENS [ #: eezag C ITY: wrLMrNGroNADDRESS: 1507 QUEEN STREET PHONE #: PH0N[ #: qZlP:.4 335.404.0009ttr4A I L ADDRESS : LSsMITHINC@cMArL PR0JECT CONIACI PERSON: RoB RoMERo ExrsTrNG C0NSTRUCTT0N: I nLrrRerroru ! nrruovnrroru f]crnrnrL REpAtRs E RrL0CATt0N NEW CON5TRUCTTON: f] ERECT NEI1I RESTDENCE o" I AOOrrrOru TO EXrSTrire RESIDENCE TTPLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER 8ELS,I ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROIECT: ATT GAflACE - ST I orr cnnace sF f] poRCH 91o.22a.3137 --s t ! surunoon _sFI cnrrruHousr _ sF fl nooL - sF [orcx _ sF STORAGI SHE SF SFOTHE R ToTAL HEATED Sq FT:_ ToTAL SQ FT UNDER R00F:_ ToTAL AREA SQ FT: _ TOTAL PROIECT COST (ress ru) : $ r.ooo # 0F ST0RIES: 2 ls Any ELECTRICAI", PLtlElilc or MICHANICAt Wbrk Being Done to the Accessory Structure? [ Ves p loIf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Curnent Site? [Ves fi ruo Is there Electrical Power on this Building? l-']yes JII ruo PROPERIY USE / OCCUPANCY srriGLt FAMtLy I oUrLrX ! rOrmHOUSr DESCRIPTION 0F \llrORK: ADDED sroRAcE sHED To REAR oF pRopERry (2-STORY STRUC?URE BUILT OF SHIPPING and ordinances and rcqulatons. Ihc NHc Developmcnt serviccs Ccnter willbe nolified ol any changes in tie approved plans and spccificatrons or change in conuactor orconEactor informaton " IOTE:Any work Performcd w/0 ue appropriate Permitswillbe in violation ofrhe NC s(ao Btdg code and subiect to tines up Io t500.00 , CONTAINERS - TO FOLLOW PREVIOUSLY APPROVM CONSTRUCTION/ENGINE ERING METHoDoLoGY) 0\M{ER/C0NTRACTOR: rs sMrrH rNC S IGNATURE : ,, ;' ;;;;;;,;;;:;;;;;;;l#,# tri ;;;. rii ; txtsTtNc trvptRvtous AREA:_SQ FT TOTAL ACRE5 DISTURBED: NTW IIVPERVIOUS ARTA eo SQ FT EXIST LAND DISTURBII{G PERI,IIT: n YEs n No WATER S EWTR I creur n co,rr,ururry sysTEM f] pRtvATE wrlL I cerurnnl wrlrI creun E cTNTRAL sEplc E pRtvArE sEpTtc I covtr,uNrrv svsrnt '"' SEPARATE pEE\,flTs RtQUTRtD toR ttECT, r\rtcH, pLBG, GAs EQUrp, pRtrABS & rNsiftTS ",, '^'y::l.y:ii1,.....!:::1..F.:t::.i:iii':i.t:.1i:,..n*xy..l":lr::11..F.y/.'r:l...F::::'.",. Approval ciry _ DAII _ ttooD N BFE+2ft= CIIYi wr LMTNGToN llP . 214ol V 320 Z0Nt: OFFICER: 1F0R OFtlct USf 0i/LY) REVJSED OAT1 o4l11l12 STTBACKS: F:_ LH:_ RH:_ B: NEt^l HANOVER cou NrY RE6 ElYff#I B Et[4t r APPLIcarIan TYPE: RESIDEIiITIAL PTEASE AIIS}'ER ALL QUESTIOI{S APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsiblllty'' lpr't'Q44+tqffi APPLICATION Number (office Use) APPLICANT'S llAllE: Hampstead Pool spa & Patio rnc. DEVELOPER:PHONE #: PROIECT ADDRESS: 16s overlook Dr.CITY: wilmington zIP i 2a477 SUBDMSION: overlook @ Middle sound BLOCK f: Phase tA LOT *: 1s PRoPERTY O'INER'S llAilE: Kim & John HewleEt PTIONE *:410 ?03 -8064 CONTRACToR: Hampstead Poo1, spa & Patio rnc.LIcENSE #: 5697r: ADDRESS: 16647 us Hwy. 17 CITY: HCqpscead Sr:gzIP:AlLL EI|AIL ADDRESS: wendy@hanrpsteadpool . com PHONE *:91o-27a-1199 PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: We Purser PIONE #: 9to 2'/9 \540 EXISTIT{G CONSTRUCTIo : f] alrenarroru ! ReuovlrroN ! etNtul nrcarns ! RELocATToN NEW CONSTRUCTIOT: ! eneCr NEW RESIDENCE o" El aOOrrrOt TO EXISTING RESIDENCE r'*PLEASE CHECK Al'lD ANSWER BELOI{ ALL TIIAT APPLY T0 YOUR PROIECT: ATT GARAGE - SF SUNROOM 5F I eool e+o sr tr DET GARAGE - SF ! concr - sF ! sronnor sHED _ sF f] cnrrruouse - sF ! oecx SF OTHE R:Apron 1,075 5F TOTAL HEATED 5Q FT: _ TOTAL SQ FT UNDER RoOF r _ TOTAL AREA SQ FT: _ TOTAL PRoIECT CoSTlressr-a) : $ sr.eoo f OF SToRIES: Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUfiBT G or IIECHAIUCAL !,,ork Bej.ng Done to the Accessory Structure? [l Ves I f'fo If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the curnent Site? ! ves I Ho Is there Electrical Power on this Building?EYes No pRopERry usE / occupar{cyr @ srrcle rmrlv ! oucr-rx ! TowNHousE DESCRIPTIoN OF IIORK: rnstall rn cround pool with concrere patio/walk apron and ordinances and regulalions. The NHC Developmenl Services Center will b€ notried ofany changes in fie approved plans and sp€cifcalpns or change in contracbrorcontacbr inlbrlnaton. '-NOTE: Any Work Pe.tormed W/O ltle AppropriaE PermiGwittbe in Viotaiion ofihe NC SraE Btdg Code and Up To $500.0cr" OWNER/CONTRACTOR: Hampsread pool rio rnc SIGNATURE:,Spa&Pa * )i,r,i * * * !r*)r)r *,i*,r ** ** *** ** * * *(I!'Il JiTl ,*+ *)r* )* r** ** *)r* *)**+ + *,t )r **+ *,t * ,r,r )*,* rt *,i * * * )** t*,t**,r** r**** * * IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? EXISTING IIPERVIOIJS AREA: 2,5s4 SQ FT NEW II,IPERVIOT,S AREA: 1,075 sQ FT r.raTER: p creua !cor'1r4uNrry svsrer"r ! pRrvarE u,ELL ! cerurml wrrl t YES E ruo TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: 3 ,72s EXrST LAND DISTURB {G renmrr: I ves l-] no (FoR oFalc€ usE o{LY) REvrsEo DArE o4l11l12 SETBACKS: F:_ LH: RH:_ B: sEr{ER: @ creun ! CENTRAL sEprrc ! cnrvlre serrrc fl cor4MuNrry sysTEM **'r SEPARATE PERllrrs REQUTRED FoR ELEcr, IirEcH, pLBG, GAs EQrJrp, pREFABS & rNsERTs *** pAyirEilr r.rErHoD: I casH I cxecx (pAyaBLE ro nr.) [ -r*r.o,, r*..ri, -E "arrrro ' - E orraorr*'l)*** ++* *++* *,**)i:t)t+**)*,* *,* * )t *,t,t * )*,i )i +,t,t )r :t:* * * )oi +,t * *:t,t,t *,r + +*,* *+.t*)i+,t+*)r)i:B*** + t,t,t *:t,i *)i:i+ +,t,t,r + )t ZONE: _ 0F FICE R: Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: _BF E+2ft= Avll ! Conment: DArEt 1O/24/2aa7 ot, {ER's ADDRESS: 15s overlook D!. crTY: .@!gl!g-- sT: I!-zrP:ry ffi)NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP LICAT|O N WPE: RESIDENTTAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJ ECT"Proiect Responsibillty. 2Dr1- 12445 L1"--350.t lofflca u!a) oatet 11.O7.17APPLICANT'S NAME:Ashlev Cam PROJECT ADDRESS:145 trd r Lane CITY; Wilminqton ZtP 28403 suBDtvlsloN:LOT fi PROPERTY OWNER S NAME;Craio Hevvua PHONE #: OWNER'S ADDRESS:145 F.l.r tertn CITY: Wilminoton ztP 28403 CONTRACTOR: TBD ADDRESS:CITY: SLOG UCENSE fr STI zlP: EMAIL ADDRESS:PHONE: PHoNE:910.763.6053PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:Ashlev Came n EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: fl Alteration E Renovation D GeneralRep.irs NEW CONSTRUCTION: O Erect New Residence ! ndOttion to existtng Residence 0 Relocation '"PTEASE CHEC( AND ANSWER BELOW AI.L THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT"' fl Storage Shed (SF)-- ls the proposed \^/ork chahging the existing footprlnt? q yes D No TOIAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF Vot ptoposed wotkl Heated: 1(r Unheated TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S \aD,oDo ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E y€s & No ls any Elect,i.al, Pltrmblng or Mechanlcal work being dgneto the Accessory Structure b yes D No lf the project ls a Felo.ation, is there a NaturalGas Llne on the current slte? O yes N No lsthere€lectrlcalPoweronthisBullding? n yes N No Property Use/ Occupa.cy:N Slngle Famlty fl Duplex Townhouse DISCtAIMEfi: lhereby cenify thal .tt the informotion in this appticarion i, correct and.[ wolkwi comply wilh theSt.re Building Codc and ntt oricr applicabt. StEre and tocrt Description gt Work: D Att Garage (SF)- D Sunroom (sF)_ lf Greenhouse {SF)_ OFlicer: City: D Det Garage (St)_ U Pool{sF) O Deck (sF) F Potch lsF)24D tr other (sF)_ Permit F.e: ws.nd ordlnnoccs nnd re8ulations. Ilr. NHC Devetopment Seruices Center witt b6 norilledofany cformatiotr. "'NOI€:Anywork perrormedwlhout the app.opri.te permirswi[ ba ihviolariono,t 5EWER: b cF 2""",?.to Ofb s"tb".ks(F) iU/A ( ll,lvl o.a, tl/Zillrrcoa henSer inthe approved plans snd splcilications or change in contr.ctor he NC5tate Alds Code and subiec o flncs up to Ssm.m... Owner/Contracto "Licensed Quolilie," Signatu!e: ls the property located in a ,loodptain? El ye3 N No ExistinS lmpervious Area: --Sq Ft TotalAcres Dlsturbed: New lmpervions Area: --Sq Ft Existing Lahd Disturbing Permit: D Yes \ No waren: \CFPUA fl Community System O privateWe E CentralWe[ C Aqua PUA f-l Communlty System El private Sepflc O Centralseptic 0 Aqua rH) 6/ (RHl 5 (B) : (A) _(v) _ (N) X Br[+2ft.Approval: Comment: llo battn3 t'fi'cs- fil'r lntncrtinn Dpr'l ,t,oa qrq ?51 :l!lY,i,, ri'- . $ 11/21/20'17 16:25 $27A P.OO1/OO4 7o\1-l).++1 trulA 4. q"q APPLICANT,S NAME:WJttt4V PROIECT ADDRESS: J NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT A P PL, C AnO N rY PEi RESIDENTIAL PL'As[ ANSWER ATL OUESlIONS APPLICABI.E 10 YOUR PROJ[CT "Project Responsibllity'' U CITY Date a z2t zl o 1 *Zzz- &5 7 ,l' ffi; t\ toT PROPERTY OWNER'5 OwNER'S A0DREs5l E CITY CONTRACTOR ADDNES5]ct EMAIL ADDRESS: --.PHON AI I1S PH ONEPRO,IECT CONIACI PERSON z ExISTING CoNSTRUCTION: tl Alteration XRenovation D Gene.al Repairs NEw CONSTRUCTIoN: C Erect New Residence E Addltion to ExistlnS Residence E Relocation . ** PIEASE CHECX AND ANSWER BEI.OW AlL IHAT APPIY TO YOUR PROJECTT 1* suBolvlsloN R DCZ PHON bt 19..9 BI,DG TICE s SI zlp ztP Qro n Att GaraEe (SF) - O oetGaraSe(Sf)- El Sunroom (SF)..--......----- O Pool(St)- D Greenhouse (st) - 0 oeck(sF)- t5 thc proposed work changing the exlstin8 footprint? n Yes Ll No TOTAL SQ Fl UND€A R OOF llot ptoposed work) lteated: --.1 3, D Other {SF) unheated Fotal Acres Olsturb€dl Existint l"and Dlsturblng Permlt: E Ye5 n No E Porch (5F)...-.- E Storage Shed (Sf)- TOTAT- PROIECT COST (Less tot): S ll$.zc" "Licensed Quolliet" ts the proposed work chan8ing the numb€r of bedrgoms? fl Yes XNo ls any Electrica l, Plumblng or Mechanlcal wo rk being done to the Accesso rY Strtrcture ft Yet al No It the proje.t ls a Relo.alloh, is the.e a Natural Gas Line orl the current site? D Yes XNo ls there flectrical Power on ttris Building? !'Ye5 fj No owner/C ,nances anC regl]lation!.Ihe lriHC O.v€lopmonl Servi(er Ce.te, willbenot '!'NO'll A^y work perlo nred v/ilhouuhe approglrale pc,m(l w:ll b. h on.r.,'-A)ug2 Z Z4sorrn z iliad ofanY(han8et i.t the approved plan5 and lpecificatlong o. (i..8e in conlr,cto' eol.llon oilhc NC state Bld8 code and tubl.ct lo ther up lo tsoo.m"' Slgnature: Property Use/ O.cupan ln eFa T OcJcriplion tk s OttCLAtMTR: I he.ebrcerli(y rhar.rlrrle i.formarion in thls appl,cation k cor.e.i nnd ailworkwilr(omplywilhlha Slale 8!lld,ngCode ad allothera k rhe property located in a floodplain? E Yei Existi.rg lmpervious Area: __ Sq Ft New lmpervious Arear .--- Sq Ft (N" WATE SEWE Zoner FPUA E CommunitySystem FPUA fJ Community Systenl D Private Well B CentralWell D Aaua [:] Private Septic fl CenkalSeptic D Aqua o(icer Lll.tt_ setb Nh o,tNf,* otil)A ) __ {v) _ (N)X 8fE+2ft= twtb?6(.h' Approvall Comment: c otv, lLlV\Da te ".y, 1r1 fr/A 1,r1 AP?l11 ,to"o,ro Permit Fecl )- i? 1ll(rU t?2t'rt('li r1,/ o \-l\+- \\ \. i. 'lotl-12a41 t747/ANEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APP LICATIO N TY PE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QU€STIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROlECT "Proiect Responsibility'' APPI,ICANT'S NAME:t/l*vl(.li/rrs-vr5 It a ?21tDate PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: t)€ crw ztP t-oT E &lol Lzo>PROPERTY OWNER'S N OWNER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: PHO CITY ztP o 7 BTDG TICE s ST ZIP EMAII- ADDRESS PHON PROJECT CONTACT PERSON .Alrp V EJa yt5 PHON E EXISTING CONSTRUCTIONT E Alteration XRenovation I General Repairs NEW CoNSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence n Additionto Existing Residence I Relocation I.,} I.PI-EAsE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ALL THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT* ,.'I %ro-ez- bS t D Att Garage (SF)-n Det Garaee (St) tr Pool (SF) tr Deck (SF)fl Greenhouse (sF)_ ! Sunroom (5t) Owner/Con ls the proposed work changin8 the existing footprint? ! Yes D No IoTAL sQ FT UNDER RooF (Jor proposed work) Heated:Unheated TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S l|t .zo ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr Ves f,no ls any Eledrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structur lf the project is a Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes ls there Electrical Power on this Buildine?!'ves D ttlo Property Use/ O.cupan n eFa ex T Description ols(talMER: I hereby certify that all the information in this application is correct and all work will comply with the State Euilding Code and allother ap eEYes fl No X"o ? I ttru t7 2:3stt rcable Siate and loca laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Servlces Center wil b€ notified of any changes in the approved plans and specificatlons or chanSe n conrractor 'NOTE Anv work oerformed wrthoutt}le aoo ,,",r",.-frl-[1p 7 ro_rrare pe,mrts w il be n Zlaart violation of the NC State Bldg Code and subject to fines up to $500.@... signature: Existing Land Disturbing Permit: I Yes : No "Licensed Quolifier" Print Nome ls the propeny located in a tloodplain? 3 V", ffio Existing lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft r Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft uren\4fcreua ! Communrty System E private We ! Central Welt f] Aqua SEWER:\}FPUA [] Communrty System ! private Septic E Central Septic ! Aqua zon", A officer: - setbacks (F) - (t-H) - (RH) - (B) -orrro-'- a,rr, -o",", - Frood: (A) - (v) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - Comment:Permit Fee: S ffi D Porch (SF)_ D Stora8e Shed (SF)- D Other (SF)_ T_',] Cle€r Fofir !ur+lla4J NEW HANOVERCOUNTY BUILDING PERM]T APHTCATION TIIPE: RESIDEIII|AL PT"EASE AT{SWER AlI. QUESIIOI{S APP1ICIETE TO Y()t'R PT()JECT 'PI!Fd n tPoltcblly Appiobm t{lrnbet lffice lr3€) RBE. LI"c w:11-2-N17APPUCATfS TIAME: PROJECT ADOREsS:7402 DCT OTY:A9:2&411 tor &lrulDttlslot{i PROP€RTY OWt{EtrS NAM€:LINDA RONALD PHOT{E }: 7,4n2 INN (:T olY:WILMINGT.)N ZtP:'28411OWT{EPS ADDRESS: B!..DG UCEI{SECONIRACTOR:RBE. ADDRESS:I(x OLO RD clTvi wlLMIN st: I$C_ zP: 28403 EMAIL ADORESS:PHONE: (9'10) PROJECT COT{TACT PERSON:ERIK SI PSON PHO E:(9101 Extsn G OOl.$nUCTlo :E Altrration E R.nov?tlon fl GeneralRepairs EWCOIaSIRUCnO:EEr€ctNewResidenceEAdditiontoExlstingResidenceER€locatlon ."IIEAI5E CIIECT AtlD A'{SWER BELOU' ATT THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECTTI' E Porch (SF)C Att Gara8e (SF)- tr Sunroom (sFl 252 El H Gan8e (sFl - tr Pool(5F) - tr Deck (SF) - f] Stordg€ Sh€d (SR tr Other {SF} - E Greenhouse (SF) ls the proposed work changing the exlsting footprint? E Yes E No foIAL Sq FI u]{DEn N@F Au propsed xrork) }leltedr 252 TOrAL PTOTECT O06I (Less tot):21755 Unhcated: ls ttle proposed wprk cfiandnt the number of bedrooms? n vcs E/ xo / ls any Electr'rcal, Plumblng or lf,edrankal nork being done to the Accessory Structure g Ycs E itlo lfth€ Eoject is a Relo..don, ls th€re a NatuTl Gas Line on the current site? n Y6 tblt{o ls tlEre Electrical Por.rer on thb Euilding? M Yeo ! ,{o/ Pioperty t,s / O..rrp"n"U E(sln!|G f",nIy D Dnpfer C Toltrhousc E-rPrure (.r)NSTR1,,CT 1A' XI4'ADDITION TO BE USED AS A SIIN lnformation."'OTE:Anyvo.tperionrEdf,tthovttheapp.opri.tep€rriEwillbeinyiolationofthercsbteSld8Codc.nde.6)€dtofin€suptoSs(x).mi" olnner/Coofraaoc MICHAEL E.frr RBF llC SBnature: 'Lll,"osed Quolifid ls the pmperty lcated in a floodptaln? 0 Yes Erdsti4 lmpervioss Ar.e: 1599 Sq Ft erlmpenb0sArea: 318 Sq Ft Tot l Acrus DEturtGd: .00579 Erd n! t d nurHrq PermlE tr ,* /* {no wAfER: ErCFPUA E Community System ! Prirate Well E Centralwell E Aqua SEWERT E/ CFPUA El Cqmmunlty System Ll Private Septlc E Centralseptk n Aqua zone _ Ofllcer: _ Setbacks (Fl _ (tHl _ (RHl _ (Bl _ Approyal: _ Citt: _ Date: _ Flood: (Al _ (Vl _ (Jrl _ BFE+zlr _Crmmene Perrnh Fee: I RFSIilVE0 NOv 02 2017 .r![F+fl1 Zoft-D4S) He% APPLICAN?S NAME:e()StI.Oe(L NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAT,ON TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ATI- QUESTIONS APPTICAELE TO YOUR PROJECT "Prorect ResponsibilitY' Application Number (office use) ,"," I r/s1] il Co.s{\t hc^yne fi8{ii-PROJECT ADDRESS suEDrvrsloN: CITY roT # Pr \.o,<-o vC- - L - o,'t(e,. ()-a. t{ t O-1 ctTY L (J PHoNET: ? rc'217^ DOq 1 crwuil I vra , ,ao lo 4 zrp, aB{(J 3'-J BLDG TICENSE # i,r sT tJC ztp 1-8101 PHONE pnorr,Q to--1QS -9r eq PROPERTY OWNER'S NAMEI OWNER'S ADDRESS: Z { CONTRACTOR:P o cL(q)n o PROJECT CONTACT PERSON EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration ! Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: ,trErect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation **.PLEAsE CHECX AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT*** l-l Det Garase (SFl tr Pool (SF) ADDRESS: 2 -\ EMAIL ADDRESS: Description ot Work: A*\o*io 0,aslro D Sunroom (SF) ! Greenhouse (SF)! Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? a yes ffio ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure D Yes lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? n Yes Ezl{o lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? fl Yes B,'-No Property Use/ Occu pancy: fitngb tamily D Duplex fl Townhouse {*o Nerrl V id ev.ce OISCLAIMER: I hereby cenifythat allthe info laws and ordinances and reSulations. The NH information. "'NOTI: Any work performed rmation in this application is correct and allwork will€omply with the State Building Code and altother apptacabte State end locel c Development seNices centerwillbe notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor without the appropriate permits will be in viotation oI the N 8ld8 Code and subject to fines up to S50O 00... PS(o., L=o.r s*" o Signature:Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolifiet" lsthepropertylocatedinafloodplain? n yes n No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft New tmpervious Ar"", 3?5O sq r,.=1_.- Total Acres Disturbe a: O. i I Existing Land DisturbinS permit: ! yes tr No WATER: EZCFPUA ! Community System fl private Well n Centrat Well I Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA n Community System firivate Septic E Central Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: -. Date: _ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= Comment: Permit Feei SAL CHARGE IS NON. REFUNDAELE t-nrriro 16;9*9\.-/ *DISCLAIMER: StlBMITTING THIS APPLICATION MEANS THAT THE SUBMIIT ? D Att Garage (SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes E No TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF (Jor proposed.ortl xeateO: l8[H Untreatea, 89 rorAL PRorEcr cosr (Les Lot): S 2.1Q oon I Porch (sr) 8Q tr Storage Shed (SF) _ ! Other (SF)_ QD\-Y\74bl NEW HANOVER COUNTY EUIIDING PERMIT APPLICAT lO N TYP E: RESIDENTIAL PLEASI ANsWTfl ALL QUESTIOI!SAPPTICABLT TO YOUR PRO]tCT 'Proie.t ResPonsibllltY' L7 -3687 APPLICANT'S NAME:r LL oate: I I t 1,.t'l PRoIECI ADDREss: 2Zl CITYr l^)' t-hrtr.! /-1-o 4 lP sUBolVlSlON: O L€/](z LsT,+\*_g PROPENTY OWNER'S NAME:B zr,,o^r Soerae,-,PHONE S: , o{-, -'J ?4 - 3oc I OWNTR'S ADORESS:?2-t1 $ou'rl-l i AN1-C,eRue CITY: k,zP z6qo3 CONTRACTOR D c ,, ,r'(-oa <r€u a 'rt,l/J , LLl BtoG lcENsE i:'l53qo ADORESS: ''ltO tLoe- Car+?f ctTt llqeL &iAetl $t AlLztr ZBLttlg EMAII- AODRESS:PBoNe :1J!riAY3-Zi7 D PROJECI CONTACT PERsON 8u,o,PHONE,Qto-.? EXISTING CO',ISTRUCIION: Efiiieration 6-(enovatioo E General nepairs N EW CONSTRUCTION: O E.ect New Residence EfAddition to ExistinB Resid.nce D Relocation ...PI.€ASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ALI. THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT'TT 5znucaraselsrl 81fi rl Oet Garare (SF)E Porch (sF)a5L O Pool(SF)tr Storage shed {sF)-fl Sunroom (SF)- D G.eenhouse (sF)- O oeck (sFl-- ls the proposed work changing the existint {ootprlnt? E '"ges E No IOTAI SQ tT UNDER ROOt lJot ptoposed workl tleated: bAL unheated:w l,tt D Property Use/ Orcup Description of Work: e Famlly El Duplex D ba*t a //h TOTAL pRorEO COST (ress Lor): 5-l5ol9€Q- ls the proposed work changing the numbe. of bedrooms? D Yes E,1(6 ls any ge.trlcal, Plumblng or Me.hanl.al work being do^e to the AccessorY 5tru.ture ies A No lf the project Is a Relo.atlon, is thete a Naturalgas Line on th€ current sile? E Yei D No ts thcre Electricrl Power on this Building? E/Yes B No *o$*$n t gu CAd)h;a\ LOLl I ecL tsws and o,drnance! a.d ,€tutattor1!. ,h. NHC Oevelopment s€M(€e C€nrer wlll b€ nolllled ofanychanger ln the 3pp.oved Plan, and Jp.clrkaUofls or alDnte ln contraclor hformatton. ...NOr€:A.ywork p€rformedwithourrh€ appropriare qermhs wlllb€ ln !,loliIon ot rhe NC 5rate sldg Code.nd sublect toflnet up to Ss0o.00"' Owner/Contractor:/ rc*atr Ba,l ,rtt relr.t<y'5lgnature: "Licensed Quolilier" PrintNome ts rhe property located ,n a floodplain? tr Yes E (6 Exlstlng lmpervlous A. e., 9,139 sqtt TotalA.resolrturbed:, I Z DISCLAIMIS: I hereby (erlify th3l.ll the orm.tion in this.ppli(atlon ii corect .nd .ll wo,k wrll .omplv wllh the 5tate Boild ing €ode ,.d .ll olher ,pplk tle 5ule.nd loc.l r'rew lmpervlous Area: -:(pf,fllsq rt fxlitlnS Land DlsturbinB Permit: fl wAIaRt dcFPUA fl Community System D Private well D Centralwell B Aqua SEWER: tr/tFPUA E CommunitySystem D Private Septic E CentralSeptlc C Aqud oor,""nJlk- city: I Lr,lA ,",", lfZ,lif ,looo ,or - rrr - rnl ,t ,r*, Comment: Yer E-ffo Cii.r, lnspection Requrco, 910.254 lli) Permll fee: S bb , ffi:Iofiiceus€) tot * 27 luttt24rrl L7-3687 Application Number loffi€e us€i APPLICANT'S NAME: ,,1Paou rsr o^r LONSTP q NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIO N TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PTEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Re5ponsibility" I 6/\/LLC Date: I I tlt r'7 PROTECTADDRESS: 221 5o c 5UEDIVISION:ot€)&r!r.z Lsr*r€s PROPERTY OWNERs NAME: OWNERSADDRESS:221 Bgr,q^r $oe&e\ co.{rRAcroR: PR.o urS,o^t COX 5r2.ucno,./ , Ltl ADDRESS: 'IlO SAlLOe COU d EMAII, ADDRESS: ClAl: lrJr L.+t tN giro t\l ztPi ZA..lo3 PHONE #: -? 6.J - -? ?7-3ocl ClfY W t L/utN?-t}/ztP: 264o3 BLDG I,ICENSE S:'?53qo CITY /q* 8(Aca-l sT:NczP zgLtqq PHoNE: qlo -qq3- ZqlD Bewu LA.,re4Ncf PHONE:qro-tttt 3 -211 oPROJECT CONTACT PERSON: -..D(lSnNG CONSTRUCTION: E/Alteration EJ-f e novation . General Repa i rs NEW CONSTRUCnON: ! Erect New Residence Ef Addition to Existing Residence I Relocation .,}* PLEASE CHfCK AND ANSWER BETOW AI.L THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTI+'I V(ertearase lsr\ 8lB ts-Forch {SF)952 I Sunroom (SF]D Storage Shed (SF)_ . Greenhouse (SF)_tr Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? B'9es ! No TOTAL Sq FT UNDER ROO! Aor proposed work) Heated: TOTAL PROJECI COST (Less Lot): S I 5c) , OAO ?-unrr""t"a, ffi frl?O ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? A Ves Wrt ,, ls any Electrlcal, Plqmbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure g-ve. 3 tto lftheprojectisaRe,ocation,isthereaNaturalgasLineonthecurrentshe?DYesnNo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? {les O no Properq Use/ Occupan Family E Duplex D Townhouse bo aDescription of Work:J h dother(sF) bgL CM,*;) Irl Orrf e Owner/Contractor "Licensed Quolilie/' DISCLAIMER: I herehy cenifythat all the nforftation in this applicatlon is correct and altwort wiltcomptywith the State Bl]itdtng Code and allother applicible Srate and lo€l laws end ordinances and reeuhtaons. Ite NHC Oevelopmeot Services Center u/lll be notified ofany chanFs in the approved plans and specifications or chanSe jn contractorlnforrnation. "'NoTE: any wo.l perrormed withoutthe appropriate permlts willbe hviolation of the NC State Bldg Code and subject to ffnes up to S5OO.oO... /l4tc*ec tSp*t /. auearA esnature: P nt Norne ls the property located in a floodplain? D Yes 2z{6 Existing tmpervtous A r.", ),i38 Sqrt Total Acres Dtsturb€ & . I Z New lmpervious Are "t 4Ltg**Ft Existlng t-and Dlsturbing permh: E y WATER: traFPUA E Communitysystem D private We n Centralwell i Aqua SEWER: Er''CFpUA D Community System n private Septic n Centralseptic ! Aqua Zone: _ Offlcer: _ Setbacks (F) _ {Ut} _ (RH} _ (B} _ Approval: _ Cityr _ Date, _ Flood; (A) _ (Vl _ (Nl _ 8FE+zfr= Comment: es EFlo Permit feer S # LOf #: Z7 D Det Garate {SF}_ tr Pool(SF)_ NEW HANOVER COLINTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SAFETY 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE - SUITE I70 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 Telephone: 910.798.7308 Fax: 910.798.78I I Interne t : www -nhcgov.com REGULAR RESIDENTIAL BUILDING APPLICATION STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING |,@amSubmittinganapplicationforaresidential building permit to New Hanover County. And, as the applicant or person submittang the application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: n I did not attach an official CFPUA document that acknowledged approval of the payment made to CFPUA. tr ldidn attach an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington. tl I did not attach an official proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. Signafure Date Address for the proposed residential work 72t & And because I did not attach the official proof of approvals along with my application for permit; New Hanover County cannot guarantee that the building permit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submittal date/time (the stamped dateftime notation made by the Building Safety Department on the application or submittal document) Signed in acknowledgment: Printed Name QofL)24D NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUIIDING PERMIT APPLI CATION TYPE: RESIOENTT AL PLEASE ANSWER A[I QUEST]ONS APPUCTBTf TO YOUR PROJECT ?roiect Responsibilittf LH6'01 Application Number {office use) APPLICANTS NAME:Ashlev eron Datet 11 .O7 .17 PROJECT ADDRESS:145 Lane CITY: Wilminoton Zt 24403 SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY OWNEFi'S NAME:Craio rd PHONE f: OWNER'S ADDRESS:145 Edoewaler Ln CITY: Wilminoton ztPl.28403 COT,ITRACTOR:@ BTDG LICENSE ADDRESS:CITY:ST: _ EMAIT ADDRESS:PHONE: PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: Ashlev Cameron PHoNE: 910.763.6053 E(|ST|NG CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration [] Renovation f] General Repairs NEW CONSTnUCTION: D Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existin8 Residence E Relocation ***PLEASE CHEC( AiID ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO'ECTi*T [] Att Garage (SF)_E Det Garage (SF) _F Porch (s1l 24D f] Sunroom (SF)! Pool (SF)I Storage Shed (SF)_ D Greenhouse (SF)_tl Deck (sF)! other (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? q yes D No OISO-AIMER: I hereby certify that alt the intorhation in thi5 application is correct and all work will comlaws and ordinan.es and regurations. rhe NHc Dev€ropment services center wil be ootified ofany chainformation. 'i.NOTE: Any work performed without the appropraate perynits will be in violation of the ply with the State Euilding Code and all other applicable State and local nSes in the approved planr and specificdtions or change in contractor NC State BldgCodeand srbrect to fines up to SSOO.CO... Signature: ls the property located in a floodplain? g Ves \ tto Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acre6 Disturbed: :::::T,:::T._ _ _*R Edstinsr.andorsturbingpermit:tr yes\ No WATER: \ CFPUA D Communitysystem fl private WeI fl Centratwelt D Aqua SEWER: \CFPUA D Community System E private Septic n Centratseptic E Aqua Zone: - offiGtf: _- SetbadG (Fl _ (tH) _ (RH) _ tB) _Approvat: _ City: _ Date: _ Ftood: (Al_(V, _ (N)_BFE+2'FComment a? Permit Fee:S LOT S: ToTAL SQ FT UND€R ROOF (forproposed work) Heated: -1(,b Unheated: TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): s_!=Dpp!>_ ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E yes N No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Meclranicar work being done to the Accessory structure \ yes D No lf the project is a Relo€tion, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? n yes f,-l No ls there Electrical Poweron this Buildingf g Ves \ wo Propertv Us€/ Occupancy: N Single Family fl Duplex D Townhous€ "Licensed Quolifre., NEW HANOVER COI.'NTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SAFETY 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE - SUITE 170 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 Telephone: 910.798.7308 Fax: 910.798.781 I Internet : www - nhc gov. com REGULAR RESIDENTIAL BUILDING APPLIGATION STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING I, am submitting an application for a residential building permit to New Hanover county. And, as the applicant or person submitting the application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: I did not attach an official CFPUA document that acknowledged approval of the payment made to CFPUA. tr I did not attach an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington. tr .l did not aftach an official proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. And because I did not attach the official proof of approvals along with my application for permit; New Hanover County cannot guarantee that the building permit will be issued within 4 {four) to 7 (seven) working days after the officiat submittal date/time (the stamped date/time notation made by the Building Safety Department on the application or submittal document) Signed in acknowledgment: Ashley Cameron Printed Name 11.0717 Signature Address for the proposed residential work: Date {=1rr6)Aofl-)24 atu ffi NEW I{ANOVER COUNW BUITDING PERMIT AP?UCATDN TWE: RESIDETITIAL PTEASE ANSW€R AII QUESNONS APPUCABI! TO YOUB PROJECT "Proiect Rc+oltdbI,y 1+-36frr Apdi<.tbn (officc usc) APPUCA T5 NAME: AshIeV Cameron Datc: 11 -O7 -17145LaneCITYPROJECT AODRESS: SUBDIVISION; 28403 LOT f: PROPfRTY OWNE.rS NAME:Craio Hewrard PHO'{E S: OWNER'S ADDRISS:145 ln CITY:Wilm ztP:.28403 COIVTMCIOR: EI ADORESS: c",- ow: AIDG UCENS€314Lt *:NL-a7. Zg4E -3Lr? e EIVIAIL ADDffESS: ls thc propored rryork changing the efstin8 footprlnt? q ycs E No Unhe.tcd: DeqiFtion of Worki TOTAI PROJECT COsr (Less tot): g_lED1QgQ._ ls the propGcd wo* cfianginS the number of bedrooms? ll y€5 N ilo ls any Effic.l, pllrrting or ttiedEnlc.l work bcing don. to the Ac€e8sory Structure \ V!5 6 ffoIt the proiect ls a R6loc.ton, is there a Nar:ural G3s Lin. on the current stc? n yc. E ,{olsthere Elccffc.l poweron thisBuitdtnEf g Vcs \ no Propaty t s./ Oco.lP.ncy: N SilEt Femlfy E Duplcr a Tornhousc P}IONE:a/)443-5tft4 PROJECT CONTACT PERSOI{ "./PHONE ". PI..EASE CHECX AND AI{SWER BELOW AI.L T}I.AT AP?LY TO D Att Garatc (SF) _ n Sunrom (SF) _ tl Greenhouse (5F) yl Porat6O D tr Storage Shed (SF) O Ott?r (SB t ls(lAlmaR: I h.reby (.nifu thet alltic informatid il this tc.tbn ir con .t .rd .t rcrt will @rrlPly srith tfi€ St te gukrin! Cod..nd.l othcr appli(aua *.tr anrl to<atlass.nd ordio.oc...nd rc8uhuons. Ih. NHC S€rvbcs Cst.r witt bc iotifi.d of.n cll in nh. appror..d pbns a.xt jp.cifEationr or dDrltr iD contadorant€s"'taOTE: Any wo.t p.rrornr.d without th.will ba in viot tion of the sut ed to fi.es up to S5OO.O...)VWt1 Sltnsur.:.lJ.I,,6ldor,/gf'(I, is th. propcrty tocad in . fuptrin? n yc. N iao Erbth3lmpcwious Ar!.: _ Sg Ft cr lmpcfllous Aar.: -._- Sq ft WATE& \ CFPUA D Community Syst m Exbtlqj tard OlsOrtlnS pemrh! tr Vcs \ rfo E Prtvate We B Central We[ C Aquts Totrl A.r.3 Dirturbcd: SglYER: \ cFpuA 0 communny systern tr prrvate septic tr centrat septic E Aqua zonc: -.- o,tficlt: -- s.tb.e (fl _lut) _ (RHl_18) _Apgrrual: _ CftV: -_ D.te: __ Flood: (A) _ M _ (Nl _ BF+2fi_Cqnmane L?Petmh Fae; S N * +e"a-s+-t€fd OOSnI{G @t{STRt,cTlON: E Atteration E Rcnov-aflon E General Rap.irs NEwcol{srRucrofir:EEr€dNewResidence.EAddrflontoExistingResidenceDRerocauon E Dct Garate (SF) _ O Pool (sF) _ t] occk (sFl TOTAL SQ FT UXDERRCTOF Vor proposd rcrk) Xcrtca: -1 (,6 '/.'t : ,,&, '?c tl- lr4Q 4-' L1=36-65 APPLICATION Number (Offi(e Use) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE IO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Res pons ibil ity" APPLICANT'S l{AllE i y':r.: I ::o. : : .-: '. :,, . DEVELOPER: Mungo iicmes .i Ncrt:L aar.,:La, tr,c CITY: ni lmir]qtcn DATE: r1 rq'2a1r ZIP::8411 LOT #: r.l i PRO]ECT ADDRESS:541 Bayf re -Id Drlve SUBDIVISIoN: l'raf :::: iaks BLOCK f: PROPERTY OWNERJ S NA\4E: OWNERJ S ADDRESS: r:Schieffe]in Road CONTRACTOR: [lunoo Homes of Ncrth Carollna. Inc CITY: epex LICENSE #: .r::: PHONE #: )-)-:a: E525 ST . \a ZIP : 2 r- 5,.2 accouNT #: ST : r.ic ZIP : :15 3 9 SF SF ADDRESS: 2521 ScLrreffelln Road CITY: ElilAI L ADDRESS: --t .:rt J ',.... -...1' PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ATT GARAGE 430 SF suNRooM 120 sF DET GARAGE - SF POOL SF com - Tabatha Berry - operarions coordinaror PtoNE $: 8a3-22'l-842't PHONE #: 8!ir-6ta-r52r R E LOCAT ION Brad Tilyou {project mana ALTERATION R ENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEt/ RESIDENCE or ADDITION TO EXISTING RESIDENCE **PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOI,{ ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: PORCH rr 6 SF STORAGE SH ED GR E ENHOUS E TOTAL HEATED SQ SF DECK SF OTHE R: FT: 2 53r TOTAL SQ TOTAL AREA 5Q FT: -12 31FT UNDER ROOF: .::, I I # OF SToRIES: iTOTAL PROI ECT C0ST rress rot) : $ ,l !, - Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUI1BING or ITECHANICAL l,Jork Being Done to the Accessory Structure? [ Ves I lo If the project is a ReLocation, is thene a Natural Gas Line on the Curnent Site? fl Ves [ ruo Is there Electrical. Power on this Building? !-l y"s J-"1 ruo PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY:SINGLE FAI4ILY DUP L EX TOI^]NHOU5 E DESCRIPTION OF I'JORK: Iew srn.lle Farni-y Re s iden ce OWNER/CONTRACTOR i r:,rnqc u.n,es l,SI6NATURE:Katl\ertv\p/ Lu,'*, and ordinances and regulalions The NHC Developmenl Services Cenie. willbe notfied ofany changes in he approvect pt6n6 and specifications orchango in conlracbrorcontacN)r intomalion. "'NOTE Any Work Performed wO he AppropriaE Permirs wrll be in Violation ot rhe NC StaE Btdg Code and Subiecl b Fin6s Up To 3500.00... y Kat henine Lusk :t++,t+*x*:*:*:t++**************(i1'Illil"J************x:r**,i*,r,rx,r+***,i*****+Jr,ii(,8*+*,r**,r,ri.***:*)r*i( IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? -I YES I NO EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: NElll IMPERVIOUS AREA: _SQ FT EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERI'IIT:T YEs f-l No PAYT.TENT iIETHOO: I CISX ! ,*,* * SEPARATE PERMITS ** * * * * * * * *+ * *,*,* + * * *,k + * *,*,* REQUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIPJ PREFAES & INSERTS *** cHEcK (PAYABLE ro NHc) El BrLL AccoUNr ft ncrvrsr I orscoven,tx*,**,rx,*,*,*x*i***,t***,***,t***+,*,r**+x*+*x++,t***x****************** (F0R 0FFIcE USE OULy)REVI5ED DATE O4l11l12ZONE: _ OFFICER:F: LH: RH: B: :BFE+2ft= -23'*tcefoc. N S ETBACKS Approval :_ City:_ DATE : Ft ooD PHONE #:919-J-i3-8s25 wATER: I cFpuA E coMr\4uNrry sysrEM E pRrvATE wELL ! celrrnal welr SEWER: @ cFpuA fl CENTRAL sEprrc ! cnrvare sEprrc E coMMUNrTy sysrEM APPLICATION Number (offi<e Use) ADDI ralNT,S Nl F. v.^^ " ^- - ..., DEVELOPER: Mungo Homes cf North Carolina, Inc CITY: wi tminqr-on DATE: l- 1,1 ;'r l PHONE S: t 1!- :.l - 6:: . ZIP i 284t7 No PROIECT ADDRESS: !/r5 B,.I ,, 1 1,,:,r! SUBDMSION: I.Iar.r1r :airl PROpERTY O[/NER'S tlAllE: Munoo H.rmes of North carolina oI^,NER'S ADDRESS: 2521 s.irreffelin Roao CONTRACTOR: I':uncJ.r Hcme:j oi No.'--h Caro-1na, ir,c ADDRESS: 2521 Schreffelrn Road SF LICENSE #: /f,166 LOT f : .,1: ACCOUNT #: ST: Ira ZIP: :r5r9 SF SF , Inc CITY: EMAIL ADDRESS: Lberryllmunqo. ccm - Tabat.La Berry - OperaLions coordinator PK)NE S: 803-22'l-8421 PROIECT CONTACT PERSoN: Erad riL",.r (Pro iect manager )PHoNE f : 8a3-6!'r!'r-75:l ATT GARAGE 4:i DET GARAGE - SF POOL SF SF OTHE R: PORCH r i.l STORAGE SH EDSUNROOMSF GR E ENHOUS E SF DECK TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: :qr: TOTAL SQ TOTAL PROIECT COST tress ror) : $ ,e8, s:tE SF FT UNDER ROOF: ] i.21 Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING or MECHANICAL Work Being Done to the Accessory Structure? [ VeS flIf the project is a Relocation, is thene a Natural Gas Line on the current Site? [ ves Is there Electrical Power on this Building? !l'] yes l]'] ruo PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY:SINGLE FAMILY DUPLEX TOWNHOUSE DESCRIPTION OF WoRK: tlelr slnqle Famil Eruo y F.es idence and ordrnances and regulations. The NHC Developmenl Services CenEr willbe noriried of any changes in lhe approved phns afld spocillcatons orchange in conuacbr orcontaclor informalion '.'NOTE AnyWork Pedomed W/O he appropriate Permitswillbe in Violation of rhe NC SlaE Btdg Code and Subject b Fines up To $500.00,.. OWNER/CONTRACTOR 3 rrr:nq: Hcnes rr SIGNATURE:Kalhs.Lyte/ Lu,r*,y Kather.ine Lu sk +'t+*x***a+*****************(I!'{l}il"J**********:r**+,r*xxx+++**+:r:i**,**++r.,ti.i()r+)i*,***)i+jr:})**,*,*)r IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN?! EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: L.SQ FT NEW IIIPERVIOUS AREA: i-,r 5Q FT EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT:T WATER:CFPUA COMMUNITY SYSTEM YEs E ro TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: 0,32 PRIVATE WELL CENTRAT WELL COMMUNITY SYSTEM * ** * * * * * * * * *,* * * + * * * * ,*,t * * * YEs l-'] No 5EI4ER:cFPUA E CENTRAL SEPTIC fI pRTvarT srprrc *** SEPARATE PERI"IITS PAYi'IENT [ETHoo: E Cl$I REQUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, CAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *** cHEcK (PAYABLE ro NHc) E BrLL Accor.,r{r fl r,rclvrsr I rrraorr**,*)N*X,t**,ixx+**,**+**++**,*:t**xx+,**x+,***+***+*i<rr***x*,k{<**xx:*,****** (FOR OFFICE USE OittY) SETBACKS: F: REVISED DATE O4l11l12ZoNE : _ OF FICE R Approval: Ci tv:DATE:_ FLOOD :_ B:_ BFE+2ft= N LH RH c r.t'|4)4li-lI1-;ZCG6 iffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSI,JER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECI "Pnoject Responsibility" BLOCK #: PHONE #: a)Il:) ':: i-aa " CITY: qc e:< ST::]:_ ZIP: !::jj_ ExrsTrNG coNsTRUcTroN: ! lrrrnarroru fl nrruovarron I ceruenar REpArRs E RELocATToN NEW CONSTRUCTION: E ERECT NEW RESTDENCE o" ! eOOtrrOt TO EXTSTTNG RESIDENCE **PLEASE CHECK AND ANSI,JER BELO,/ ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: TOTAL AREA SQ FT: # OF STORIES: : \1 5t\b )ot't-t4G=_ ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP LICATIO N TY PE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICAEL€ TO YOUR PROJECI "Proiect Responsibility'' (Yar tl nR-\,td oate, ll z4 rT ztP l€f ; LE €h CITY tyll /l APPTICANT'S NAME PROJECT ADDRESS- SU BDIVISION wt h l-OT fl: / PROPERTY OWNER'S NAMI: OWNER'S ADDRESS: l&f 0rml.rtl n K er 11 *0.( L mat l, ci t1 4r0 zza q0f4PHONE Hn V)tlct CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON fl sunroom (5F) Irl*.\.,^ 'k^,/ fitfi ztP BI.DG I.ICENSE iJ m sr:tvL ztp: z Q, PHON E 4\s-))6 -Aon\ CITY ../ -r-- EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: U/Alteration L Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: ! Erect New Residence I Additionto Existing Residence ! Relocation *,},I.PI,EAsE CHECK AND ANsWER BETOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECI'}'}* ! Att Garage (SF)_E Det Garage (5F)_ n Pool (sF) D Deck (sF) I Storage Shed (SF)_ I Other (SF)n Greenhouse (SF)_ TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot) ls the proposed work changing t ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? @'1es ! No TOTAI- SQ FT UNDER ROOF llor proposed work) Heated Unheated he number of bedrooms? ! Yes d No ls any Electrical, Plumbint or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure tr Yes B No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? ! Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? D Yes B No, Property Use/ Occupancy: E Single Family ! Duplex D Townhouse n of work:OescriptioAl/_ToroL tb xlb DISCLAIMER: I hereby certify laws and ordinances and regu information. 'r'NOTE: Any w that allthe information inthis application is corectand all work will comply with the state Building Code and attother appticabte State and tocat lations. The NHC Oevelopment Services Center will be notified ofany changes in the approved plans and specifications or chante in conrractor OwnerlffiraEt!?: "Licensed QuoIiliet" ork performed w thout th riate permits will be in violation of the NC State Etdg Code and subject to fines up ro 5500.00'1r Signature: New lmpervious Area Sq Ft _ Existing Land Disturbing permit: ! yes ! No M Private Well D Centrat Well E AquaWATER: n CFPUA E Community System SEWER: Ef'CFPUA D Community System n private Septic D Central Septjc f] Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City:_ Date;_ Flood: (A)_ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= Comment:Permit Fee: S 7s- EMAIL ADDRESS:PHON E: ffircnlsl A5G a5t 3Q ls the property located in a floodplain? I yes E No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: