DECEMBER 5 2017 BUILD APPS.(\ $t' l- NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CATION TYPEi RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABL€ TO YOUR PRO,' "Project Responsibility"ffi T )0)T-ltta AppLtCANrs NAME. N.4ichael W Smith ga1s. 11-27-2017 pROJECT ADDRESS. 2614 Acorn Branch Rd CtTy. Wilmington 7p. 284Q5 SUBDIVtSION: Meshaw & Smith LOT #: I pROpERTy OWNER,5 x41yg. [,4ichael W Smith pHONE #: 910-520-6938 OWNER,S ADORESS. 26'18 Acorn Branch Rd C|Ty. Wilmington z,P. 284A5 CONTRACT6R: Michael W Smith 61T . Wilmington BTDG TICENSE fi 5T: NC 71p. 2a405ADDRESS: 26'18 Acorn Branch Rd EMATL ADDRESS: mikesmithwilm@gmail.com pROTECT CONTACT p6t5sx Mike Smith EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration n Renovation - General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence I Addition to Existing Residence I Relocation ***PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT"' p119119.910-520-6938 px6xs. 910-520-6938 ! Att Garage (SF)_ I Sunroom (SF) - Greenhouse (SF)_ E Det Garage (SF)_ - Pool (SF) Deck (SF) I Porch (5F) - Storage Shed (5F)_ - Other (5F) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? I Yes = No TOTAL SQ FT UNDERROOF Uar proposed work) Heatedl gnhg31s6;900 TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot)$ 22,500.00 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Stru ctu re E Yes E No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes Ei No ls there Electrical Power on this BuildinB? E Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: ! Single Family E ouplex E Townhouse Description of Work: Erect a 30'x 30' utility building. Building will be electrically wired. laws and ordinances and re8ulations. The NHC Oevelopment Services Center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information *rrNOTE: Any work performed witholt the appropriate permits will be in violation o, the NC State BldS Co and subject to fi s up to $500.00*'* Owner/contractor: Michael W Smith Signature: "l.icensed Qudlifie/' Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes E No Existing lmpervious Area: 0 Sq Ft Total Acres Distutbed: New lmpervious Area:900 Sq Ft Existing Land oisturbing Permit; E Yes E No WATER: D CFPUA tr community System $ erir"t" w"ll E central well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA tr Community System E Private septic q. central Septic E Aqua Zonei - Officer: - Setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - city: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (v) - (N) - BFE+2ft= -- less than one Comment: Permit Fee: S Application Number {office use) 7s, - )ot+-12b3+ ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP LICAT,O N TY PE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL OUESTIONS APPLICABLT TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility'' Date (office use) a /rz//rh ,,//(Q,<rntAPPI.ICANT'S NAME PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDtVtStON:''r'ab A/"se <A ctTY: /lA.\H( /h*u/( ztP--- rorl PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME OWNER,S ADDRESS: c)PHONE #33t ?" z ttt?t' ti.y'n t< ztP:)*?,'''/<4rt?CITY CONTRACIOR ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESST t44h tfrt2"ec BTDG TICENSE S PHON E At zlP a) :;i4./) (;' PHONE: ,?I O STo 0/L CITY 4 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: DISCLAIMER: I hereby certfythat allthe i laws and ordinances and regulataons. The informatron. "'NOTET Any work perfor Owner/Contractor: "Licensed QuoIifier" d*,o.".,on INEW CONSTRUCIION: ! Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence *.lPTEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW AttTHAT APPTYTO YOUR PROJECTi** E Att Garage (SF)E Det Garage (SF)_ ! Sunroom (sF)D Pool (sF) E Greenhouse (SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? I vetgl ruo TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF Vor proposed work) Heated:/(9 r, unheated: TOTAL PROIECT COST (Less Lot): 5 .l t,y' Oescription of Work: cr) and all work willcomply with the state Building Code and allother applicable State and local ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr ves /No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure 24es 3 tto lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? n Yes EFfio ls there Electrical Poweronthis Building? rf Yes tr No Property Use/ Occupancy: fr Single ramily ! Duplex E Townhouse D Porch (SF) ! Storage Shed (St)- tr other (sF) n\ be notified ofany chang€s in the approv€d plans and spe€ ications or chante in contractor I be an violation ofthe Nc state Bldg Code and subject to fines up to 5500.00"' SiBnature: €E nformajion ,n lhis applcation is correct NHE evelopment Se.vrces Center w,ll edlwithout the aooroprrate permrts wil ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes Existint lmpervious Area: -- Sq Ft New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: I Yes a No WATGR: ! CFPUA D Community System ! Private Well ! Central Well U Aqua SEWER: D CFPUA D Community System D Private Septic D Central Septic D Aqua zone: _ officer: _ setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) -- (B) -Approval: - City: --- Oatei - Flood:(A)-(V)--(N)-BFE+2ft=- Comment: Permit Fee: S {t" $?o-rr PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: fin"r"rron y'a"nou"rion ! General Repairs D Deck (SF)- Total Acres oisturbed: - L{Z-orr-nooJ t) --, a\.'-tf2@5 APPLICINT'S I{A',IE I OEVELOPER: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERT1IT APPLICA oN IyPfI COI{I4ERCIAL PttAst AIstrA At! qJrsrlor,ts appLtcaSt E ro yooi pf,ollct "project Responslblltty,, 5 <a-rr t 4ILFN AFmTfin6il Nunber (OfIl(r ur!) .oorr, 1y/t3f 7 PRO] ECI .Ulr'f /z?, uhz. OCCUPAiIT/BUSINESS IIAIE: </)F€Aa- Fo,<mrz ,aflrt PROPENTY OUNEN'S N,o1E:s ELLAtS O|,{NE R'S ,ODRESS: il m,^rl GOrr76a-/ At€ .c CoNTRACToR: J co-t7 yv,.llg6.t - LICENSE *; ADDRESS:6.9tq'bb+E< tLO - CITYr vra-Lr,, aa61t r.J ElrArL ADDRESS: n fr,tt-4*n (d- 6nnrz. c ort-t PRO]ICT CONTACT PERSO :5e "*r tt4ItE-tl PHoNE tt o -Gl ?-?/2 tr L\./-fa /, z ,',6.'ran/ tua ztPt i yqog PHONE f:q to ^ 3s)19// 2 5rt pLzr?t 3 X.lo9 Slt ttCzlP; ;2V44 PUONE rt E lo - r,t? -S)2Y pHo E ': g,a -6fi -Jtt 7 EXIST CONSTRUCTIOII ll Relocotion, is there a N / ((h.(, rll I l-l AITERATIoN ffinruovarroHatfElcas LIne on rhdti(ent Sitc? f lrtlv) 6ENERAL NEPAIRS l-l Ho rs BLDG s trPRIN KLEREDI-; Yesr,- NELOCATION No NEI.J CONSTRUCIION:ERECT NEI,,I STRUCTURE tr FAsT TRACK n SHEIL n UPF II ADD TO IXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURC; If UPFII - The Shell Permit s;Is Elect PoHer on thls 8uildln8 f. Yes f NO ...I' IS THIS A CIIAXGE OI OCCUPA'iCY U5EI IF Yes, rh.t xas the Prevl ItrEfi ?o*r* pRor€ssronoL: ous O.cupan.y typcl YoGurl( 5 YEs r, ilo Is the es 0(aupaacy n-f7n.aLat tNGR DE5I6N PROTTSSIONAL:- d * TOTAL AREA SO FT oo SO FT PER FLR:. / , , AO TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOFT l,zao { OF STRUCTURES (6,.rrd) (Pmlndrl conl.ln a3boslo3 d rEr You a.o roqunod b col Ur. N. r,ond Cai5io. Sb.d.rdr lo. I lr:..@J r Alr Porlv!..r. (NESruP) .l l91l)707.5950 .t lr.rr l0 dor. gto. !o u,e dcmoliliotr ol ony tocniry or bulldlno, So. lsboslos W6b Sire: hllp:/r,/ryv.opi.nnb.n lrorlarb6r,orrr'nlp.nx NC fiE6 : tt( nrG c:- t ntt a CFF I unLr,u/- ttr** EfiL€Aant fOFUNITS: I iOFSTORIES: II OF F|OORS: --7-- Pfl; PH:- ls lood or beverages prepared or sewed ln lhls slruclure?f YesF No ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainfl- Y"x NBCUTUER: tncreUycco, rh.t o[ inlo natioo io 0rls applhllion ls coxed ond ol] $/o $lll canlply wih lho SlDlo oualdino Codo and Ell olhor applicable sbit N HC tiovoloomenl SoNe! Ce^re, wirl b6 .or @d ol 6nv chames ln rho .Mrovcd Dlan s 6.d rDpc,frcatlonrhoIE:Any Worr Pcrlorhcd WO rhc ApEop,rsro P.rmil5s 6c inv'oralloi olhelic Slale aldo Cod6 !.dsnd b.at l w9 End ordt€ncos6^d lequbio63 Thcoi chanoo anconlrsclo, or conuacro( i^lolmariM "'Sul,te.rlo Fin€r Up To 3500.00"'9*-// a.////-OWNER/CONTRACTOR: Sc,,TZ 1,./AIT6n,SIGNATURE TOTAL PRoJECT COSTi /ooa 7 aurLorNo nrrcxr, /4 O€SCR]PTION OF I,JORK: ACRES OISIURBEO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREAI PROPERTY USE: DOFFTCE E SO FT waren. clcrpun SEWER: HCFPUA SYSTEM P zor,rE: (B oF app,oniW-- ,AhBFE+2fr,_ RMIT FEE: i f] nesrnunaurffuencrrHtrref]EDUC! nerf] couoo OTHEI COMMUNITY SYSTEM CENTRAL SEPTIC D ffi WELL VATE SEPTIC trN ZONING USE CLASSIFICATION?ouuururrv PAYMENT METITOD: r CASH r CHECK (PAYABLE TO NHC) T. ^MEnICAN €XPRESS r UCrVtSe l- otscoven tPAIlAtt l'LriMll li lllOulnlD fOil Ll IrCl, rrt.Cll.ll tl(i, G S tOtnl'. t,ttt/'$S & rNSrIiTs FI ci riov darl-Comnrent n Ci[ lnpeclion Requreo, 9] 0'254'0f ir) PE \,r.xLm.Lul -?.)i.,/ EXST LANO DISTURBING PERMIT?.T YES T NO SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA; I rla /tl r AFFI-r c AT roN Numben (Office Use) s o c 2 ! 7 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIo(I rYPE; COlili'IERCIAL PTEASE Al{Sl4lER ALL Q{JESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PRoIECT "Project Responsibility" 5 <o'72' t -/4ZLFz'.tAPPLICANT'S t.IAi,IE:DATE:rr/rslz DEVE LOPER: PROJECT AD PHONE f q 5. <6lt€d€ .zA. urvzr ,4 ,vZ. rq occuPANT/BUSIT{ESs |lA},tE : PROPERTY O[{T{ER'5 NAIiIE : <n?E FotrhUl t /ta-4/z ffrsottl S FLLAfts OXNER'S ADDRESS: /1 mat'W Gom€4( Av€ , crw: .v\,-Lrr't - 6-"e^)sTt NlczlP I gzqo, CONTRACTOR: ADORESS: J co-r7 v,,.r'lllgv LICENSE *: cStq'bwLe< Lo - CITY: uet-i"lrttu srt czIPt ltqqEIiIIAILADDRESS: oAnagn Gn C Pro E *: glo - ofi -.2127 PRO]ECT CONTACT PE 5<<>'r r w,4 t LE,',)PiIONE *: 9/6-6rQ'//2t PHONE f:gto* 352.8//2 EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATT.N >drJifrlr;',i Gas Line on thdbdrrent Site? f That apply) ES GENERAL REPAIRS l- No rS BLDG s trPRIN KLEREDr Yesf._ RE LOCATION lf Relocation, is there a No NEI,I CONSTRUCTION: Natural ERECT NEt.l STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHELL UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: IF Yes, rrhat iras the Previous Occupancy type? Yo6ot AT g atist rhe *,t*** IS THIS A CHATGE OF OCCUPAI{CY US€?YES TvDe?ARCH DESIGT{ PROFESSIOI.IAL : ENGR DESIGt,/ PROFESSIONAL Is Elect Power on this Building f Yes f NO Neu Occupancy ft6r/laL PH PH DESCRIPTION OF WORK:ma *I t-19U 1 CF J. ?Lun9z,L/- trt €S* or beverages prepared or served in this structure?f Yer< No Is The Property Located ln The Floodplainf_ Yls lood N8".o,MER: lhereby certify that allinformation in /;764 SQ FT PER FLR: /, 2ao TOTAL SQ FT UNOERRooF: / lao f OF STRUCTURES "x and locallaws and ordinances and reoulslions. The or chanqe in contractor or conuactor ihformalion '-SubFcrlo Fmes Up To 3500.00-' thrs applraton is corecr and allwork willcomply with the Stale Eu dinq Code and NHC DeveloDmenl SeNices Cenler willb€ notified ofanv chanoes in rhe aoorovedNOTE Any Work Perlormed w/O the Appropriale Permis witt 6e rn Viotau6n ot the olans and soecifr calionsllc StaE thg Code and all other applicable State OWNER/CONTRACToR: Scorz tl4lt€a-.' SI6NATURE 34 4,',-//z' (Oualirq) (Fti fJiame) conlain Asbesios or nol. You 6re required to call lhe National Emission Srafldads tor Hszarc,ous Air PollutanG (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 ar teas! 1O days prior lo fte demoliiion olsny lacjlily or building- See Asbestos Web Sile: hlFJn ww.epi.srale.nc.uy€pi/ssbesbs/6hmp.himt TOTAL PROJECT COST TOTAL AREA SO FT : I 4, ooa 7 aurLor.lc Hercxr /q'# OF UNITS I # OF STORIES # OF FLOORS ACRES DISTURBED NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA PROPERTY USE EoFFrcE ! nesreunnr'rr(uencmrrreI EXST LANO DTSTURBTNG PERMTT? r YES r NO SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: SSIFICATIONWATER SEWER SYSTEM ffFEli COMMUNITY SYSTEM T-] WELL T-[ ZONING USE CLA CENTRAL SEPrc fI Fdvare Seprrc l'rcoMMuNlw EDUC APT CONDO OTHEI EPARATE PERMITS REQUIREO FOR ELECT, MECH, PTBG, GAS EOUIP, PREFABS E INSERTS PAYMENT METHOD f cesn [- cHEcK (eAvABLE To NHc) f AMERIcAN EXPRESS l- rrrcnlse J- DlscovER ZONE OFFICER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:LH B Approval:- City:- DATE- FLOOD BFE+2ft, Comment sqt^o\tz RH N PERMIT FEE: : 2nt-t-labOl a r If UPFIT - Th€ Shell Permit #: NC REG #: NC REG *:- SQ FT N\\\LRECEIVEDNOVl52OlT Print eMail NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLT CAflON TYPE : RESIDENTIAI PLEASE ANSWER ALt qUESTIONS APPLICABLE IO YOUR PRO'ECT 'Proiect Responsibllitlf Clear Form Applkation (office urc) APPI.ICANT'S NAME:Date: 11/08/20'17 PROJECT ADDRESS:2402 Oban Ct CITY: Wilmin.rlon ZIP: 28411 SUBDtVtSION:Alamosa LOT fl:305 PROPERW OWN€R'S NAME:I'ilichelle H PHONE T: 910-297-3328 OWNER'S AODRESS:2402 ct CITY: Wilminoton ZtP:28y'.11 CONTRACTOR : Coastal ind Cona!ots BI."DG UCEI{SE S:73151 CITY:Wilmin ST: NQ zlP: 28409518 Trails nrl R.lADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS:etalhl lilrlinarconceots PHO NE: S10-798-2880 PRO.IECT CONTACT PERSON : Sh.ne Smilh PHONE: 91 EXlSn G COI{5TRU(TION: E Alteration I Renovation D General Repairs NEwCONSTRUCnON:nErectNewResidencehAdditiontoExistingResidenceERelocation ...PI"EASE CH€CK AND AT{SWER BELOW AII THAT APPTY TO YOUR PRO.,ECT'T ' El Det Garage (Stl _E Porch (SF) tr Pool (SF) - D StoraSe Shed (SF) - ! Deck (SF)! other (sr)192 ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes D No TOTAT Sq FT UNDER ROOE lJor proposed work) Heatedt 192 Unheat€d: ToTAr PRorECr coSr (Less Lot); S 20.870. 75 ls the proposed wort changing the number of bedrooms? v., ! ro ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanlcalwork being done to the [ccessory structure B Yes E No lf the proiect is a Relocadon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? tl Yes h No ls there Electrical Power on this Buildingf Ll ve, tr lo Property Use/ngle Family D trr house .{ h"-- la. OISC].AlMER: L hereby certify that allthe inlormation in this appl-r€rtion is correct and work will comply with State Euilding laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHc Development seruc€s center will be notifi€d of any chan8e. in up to 55m.m"'information. "'NOTE: AnY work performed without the aPpropriate permitswillbe in Yiolation of the NC code and Owne/Contractor: Shane Smith SltnEture: 'Liccnsed Quoliier' Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? I ves I l,lo Existing lmpervious ar.., )-(28 scFt Total Actes DisturHi New lmpervious Area:/?ra Sq Ft !No warEn: $ CFPUA ! community system fl Private well E Central Well I Aqua SEWER: ELCFPUA f] Community Svstem E Private Septic U centralseptic fl Aqua Zonei - Of{icen - sctbacks (F} - (LH) - (RH} - (B} -Approvat: - city: - Date: - Floodr (A) - (v) - (l'l) - BFE+2ft - Permlt Fee: $Comment: R3t\Ib u74ry, of wotk: ! Att Garage (SF)- I Sunroom (SF) - fl Greenhouse (SF) .nd ellother applicable state and local or chanSe in contractor W^/L Eristing Land Disturbing Permlt: fl Yes t"""1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLI CAT I 0 N IYPE; RESI DE NTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL OUESTIONS APPLICABLE IO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibilit/' (-" CIrY: , rfl-.iAr\t LOT # PHONE #:,fa.CITY: <,i(-;/a ztP:2L11/ a+L-k I llB(t Nil(Application N u mber (otflce use) PBOJECT ADDRESS SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: CO NTRACTO R f(o Date:/ CIIY. a-t'n-.rb sll.{jEy 7,t-G| ST: zfC ZtP: 28qOfBLDG LI e) nfiNE3(O c() o ?G{b pnonr:(l() f?O TGft- EXISTING CONSTRUCTI0N: n Alteration ffienoualion I General Repairs NEW C0NSTRUCTIoN: tr Erect New Residence n Addition lo Existing Residence I Relocation -- -PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO.JECI- - - n Att Garage (SF)_ n Sun room (SF)_ ! Greenhouse (SF)_ tr Det Garage (SF)D Porch (SF) n Pool (SF) E'Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? I yes E4G- ToTAL S0 FT UNDER R00F (lor proposed work\ Heated f,fo Unheated: ()OO ToTAL PR0IECT C0ST (Less Lot):3 tfo c V* Ko the Accessory Structure E Yes e current site? tr Yes D,fiIo ,A ls the proposed work changing the number ol bedrooms? n ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to lf the proiect is a Relocation, is there a Naturgl(as Line on th ls there Electrical Poweron this Building? TYes D No tr Storage Shed (SD __ E-other(s0 ArlJ6e a r,+cI No gle Family tr Duplex E TownhouseProperty Use/ 0ccup Description ol Work: a ncy 0ISCLAIMER: I hereby certlty that allthe lntormatlon in thts appllcaiion ls correct and all work will comply with the State Eualding Code and all other applicable State and local laws and 0rdlnances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notilied ot any changes in the approved plans and specllicailons or change in contractor inlormation. ".NoTEi Any work perl0rmed without the approprlate permltswlllbe lnviolatlon ol the Nc State Bld nes up t01500.00.'. 0wneri Contractor:J Signatu re: "Licensed QuoIifier"Print L e ls the property located in a lloodplain? /yes O trto Existing lmperviousArea: -Sq Fl Total Acres Disturbed New lmpervio us Area Sq Ft WATER: tr CFPUA tr Community System -- Existing Land Disturbing Permit: tr Yes E No {Priuut, w rtt E Central Well E Aqua #ivate Septic tr Central Sepric tr AquaSEWER: tr CFPUA tr Community System zone: - olficer: - setbacks (F) - (tH)- (RH)-. (B)- Approvat: .- City: - Date: - Flood:(A)-(V)-(N)-BFE+2ft=- Comment: lrrczrn-l6nviro I Permit Fee:$ APPTICANT'S NAMT: ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: ZIP', l;? t{ 0u l7 4r83Pll PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:J- (-o^ , 2",q:1tsb3-O --'/T--NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICATIO N ryPE: RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Proiect Responsibility" E,Application Number (office use) AppgcANT,s NAME: Tribute Construclion, lnc Date: pRoJECT ADDREss: 6202 Double Eagle Court ctTy: Wilmin 71p.28412n SUBDtvtStON: Beau Rivaqe t-oT # PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME Beau Rivaqe lnvestments, LLC OWNER'S ADDRESS: 10 S. Cardinal Drive cONTRACTOR: Tribute Construction, lnc PHONE t: 910-25'l-5030 Cry: Wilmington ztp. 28/03 31grc U6gN56 s. 60001 ADDRESS: 10 S. Cardinal Drive q11y. Wilmington Sr: NC 2tP 28403 EMATL ADDRESS: clane@tributeconstruction.com p11sxg. 9'10-25'l-2381 pROJECT coNTACT pERsoN: Kent Tanner pHoNE.910-6'12-8148 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs./' NEW CONSTRUCTION: gErect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation *TTPLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJEC TT' ! Att Garage (sF)tr Det Garage (SF)_D Porch (SF) E Greenhouse (SF)tr Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Yes o TOTAL Sq FT UNDER ROOF Vot proposed work)Hg21s6; 817 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 46,840.00 ls the proposed work changing the n um ber of bed rooms? E Yes Unheated: ,4 ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Stru cture Ar,Yes dno lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes /No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? tr Yes tr lld- Property Use/ Occupancy: E Single Family E Duplex {To*nhour. 26l.rou l7 3i3Ei P r.r laws and ordinances and reSulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor Descriptio n of work: Construct new town home unit information. "'NOTE: Any work perlormed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Bldg Code and biect to fines up to 5500.00+'* Owner/Contractor: Tribute Construction Signature: "Licensed Quolifier" ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes ExistinglmperviousArea:0 sqFt TotalAcres Disturbed: 14 59 Existing Land Disturbing Permit: A U<(A no afr WATERT E CFPUA El Community System E Private well tr Central Well Q/qu7 SEWER: E CFPUA tr Community System E Private Septic E Central Septic flAqua Zone: _ Officer: - Setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: _ City: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - New lmpervio us11s3;2348 Sq Ft Comment:*DISCLAI14E R: SUBXITTING THIS APPLICATIoN I4EANS THAT THE SUSI4ITTAL CHAR6€S NON.REFUNDABLE Permit Fee: S /to@ n Sunroom (SF)_tr Pool (sF) _n Storage Shed (SF)_ tr other (sF) _ 2p&ry Application Number (office use) I \; AppLtcANT'S NAME: Tribute constructaon, lnc Date pRoJEcIADDRESST 6203 Double Eagle Court clrY: lrylEington 71e. 28412 SUBDtvtstON: Beau Rivage tor # pRopERTy owNER,S NAME: Beau Rivage lnvestments, LLC p119xp s. 910-251-5030 CONTRACTOR: Tribute Construction, lnc BLDG UcENsE s 60001 ADDRE5S: 10 S. Cardinal Drive ctw Wilmington sr: NC Ztp. 28403 pHoNE:910-251-2381 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON Kent Tanner p119115 9'10-6'12-8148 ! Pool (SF)! Storage Shed (SF)_ ! Greenhouse (sF)! Deck (SF)! other (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? Z yes & TOTAI 5q FT UNDER ROOF lJor proposed work)11s31q61 8'17 Unheated: Property Use/ occupancy; E Single Family fl Duplex p.'{ownhou,,. 28N$J 17 tr:3EPh Descriptio n of work: Construct new town home unit laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Servi€es Center will be notifled of anychanSes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. "'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State BldS Code and subject ro fines up to 5500.00"' ",,,X\...o-; e Q-signowner/Contractor: Tribute Construction 'Licensed Quoliller" ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes Existing lmpervious Area: 0 Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: 14.59 Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E<tr No 5 WATER: El CFPUA E community system E Private well E central well Qful SEWER: E CFPUA El community System E Private Septic E Central Septic q/Aqua zone: _ officer: - setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: _ city: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (v) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - New lmpe1yi9u5A1gs;2348 Sq Ft Comment:*DISCLAI14E R: SUBI4ITTING THIS APPLICATION I4EANs THAT THE SUBI.4ITTAL CHARCE S NON REFUNDAELE Permit Fee: S a NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ryPE RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Project Responsibility" OWNER,S ADDRESS: 10 S. Cardinal Drive CtTy. Wilmington ztp. 28403 EMATL ADDRESS; clane@tributeconstruction.com EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration n Renovation E General Repairs '..NEW CONSTRUCTION: Q,,trrect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation }}.PLEASE CHEC( AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT**'I fl Attcarage(SF)_ E Detcarage(SF)_ n porch(SF)_ ! sunroom {sF)_ TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 46,840.00 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E ves [I]-fl6 ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory S tructure E pdNo lftheprojectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line ontlhe current site? E Yes lp4lo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes dK- qr( 4to aeP-i$$-r NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility" Appt-tcANT,s NAME: Tribute Construction, lnc Date pRoJEcTADDRE5S: 6204 Double Eagle Court ctTy: Wilmington 21p. 28412 su BDtvtstoN: Beau Rivage LOT d: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: BEAU R e lnvestments, LLC OWNER'S ADDRESS: 10 S. Cardinal Drive pHoNE f: 910-251-5030 CtTy Wilmington 1p. 28403 coNTRACToR: Tribute Construction, lnc.BLDG UcENsE s. 60001 ADDRE55: 10 S. Cardinal Drive clrY: lry!mington St: NC 2tP 28403 EMATL ADDRESS: clane@tributeconstruction.com pRO.tEcT cONTAST pERsoNr Kent Tanner ! Sunroom (SF) PHONE:910-25'l-2381 psorrrr:910-612-8148 E Greenhouse (SF)tr Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes n ruo TOTAL Sq FT UNDER ROOF lfor proposed workl Heated: 817 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot)s 46,840.00 Unheated: n Storage Shed (SF)_ tr Other (SF) ldno ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? D 't", {tlo ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure E/,Yes lf the projectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes lZ ttto ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E) Yes +*' , Property Use/ Occupancy: E Single Family E Duplex /ownhouse Descripti on of work: Construct new town home unit laws and ordinances and reSulations. The NHC Development SeNices Center willbe notified of anychanges in the approved plans and speciflcations or chan8e in contractor information. "'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Bldg Code and subject to fines up to S500.0O"' fU,a ,.^e Y-SignatureOwner/Contractor: Tribute Construction "Licensed Quolilier" ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes Existin8 lmpervious Area: 0 Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: 14 59 Existing Land Disturbing Permit: P-6; E No ,V6 WATER: E CFPUA E Community System E Private Well E Central well {olry SEWER; ! CFPUA E community system E Private septic E Central Septic Q/Aqua Zone: _ Officer: - Setbacks (F) - (LH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: _ city: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (v) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - New lmpe rvious Area: 2348 Sq Ft Comment:*DISCLAIHE R: SUBIIITTING THIS APPLICAT ION MEANS THAT THE SUEIIITTAL CHARG E IS NON-REFUNDAELE Permit Fee: S A^0 D Application Number (office use) EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: Q Alteration D Renovation ! General Repairs./ NEW CONSTRUCTION: N/Erect New Residence n Additionto Existing Residence n Relocation iT.PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALt THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTT'T n Attcarage (SF)_ tr Detcarage(SF)_ ! porch (SF)_ tr Pool (SF)_ zgmu l7 s:3BFt1 4/i"2c,ft4?*41 Application Number (offi€e use) AppLtCANT'S NAME: Tribute construction, lnc NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICATIO N rYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Project Responsibility" Date pROJEcT ADDREss: 6205 Oouble Eagle Court CtTy; Wilmington 21p. 28412 SUBDtVtStON: Beau Rivage LOT # PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: BEAU RiVAgE INVESIMENtS, LLC OWNER'S ADDRESS: 10 S. Cardinal Drive ptOrur r' 910-251-5030 ctTy.Wilmington 21P.28403 CONTRACTOR: Tribute Construction, lnc BLDG UcENsE f. 60001 ADDRE5S: 10 S. Cardinal Drive CtTy. Wilmington Sr: NC 2tP 28403 pROJECT cONTAST pERsON: Kent Tanner EMATL ADDRESS: clane@tributeconstruction.com pHoNE:910-251-2381 PHoNE:9'10-612-8'148 D Stora8e Shed (SF)_ ! Other (SF) Unheated: E Sunroom (SF) D Greenhouse (SF)! Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n ves Q.frl6 TOTAI- SQ FT UNDER ROOF (Jor proposed workl 11g31gd; 817 TOTAI- PRO.IECT COST (Less Lot)s 46,840.00 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Ves QX{ ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure lf the projectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the cu rrent site? E Yes lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? tr Yes I!1-,{6- ,,.. Property Use/ OcEupancy: E single Family E Duplex $,{ownhouse aY," E fio wt* oescrip tion of Work: Construct new town home unit laws and ordinances and regulations- The NHC Oevelopment Services Center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. ...NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Eldg Code and s!b to fines up to 5500.00"' owner/contractor: Tribute Construction siSnature: "Licensed QuoliJiet" Print Nome DK. TotalAcres Distutb"6; 14 59 New lmperviqu5 4yg3; 2348 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: Q-f6is tr rvo WATER: E CFPUA El Community System E Private well E central well [IZia E Private septic tr Central Septic Qfrzua Zonei - Officer: - Setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: -- City: -- Date: - Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes Existing lmpervious Area: !-- Sq Ft SEWER: E CFPUA E CommunitySystem Comment:*DISCLAI}1ER: SUBIV1ITTING S APPL CATION IYEANS THAT HE SUBI,IITTAL CHAR6 15 NON-REFUNDABLE Permit Fee: S /ruc tr Pool (SF)_ EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration ! Renovation E General Repairs,/' NEW CONSTRUCTION: ffErect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation **r *r* !AttGarage(sF)-trDetGarage(sF)-!Porch(SF)- 29N0U l7 3:36ptt h tt ? E4 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT A P PLI CATTON ryPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER Att QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" Application (office use) AppLtCANT,5 NAME: Tribute Construction, lnc pRoJEcT ADDRE55: 6206 Double Eagle Court ctw: Wilmington 71p;2M12 SUBDtVtStON: Beau Rivaqe pRopERTy owNER,s NAME: Beau Rivage lnvestments, LLC OWNER'S ADDRESS: '10 S. Cardinal Drive PHoNr c: 910-251-5030 611y; Wilmington 71p 28403 coNTRACToRi Tribute Construction, lnc.s196 116px5p s. 6000'1 ADDRE5S: 10 S. Cardinal Drive ctw: Wilmington EMATL ADDRESS: clane@tributeconstruction.com pROJECT CONTACT pERSON: Kent Tanner EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration ! Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTIONI rect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation pHoNE:910-251-2381 pnorur: 910-612-8148 E Storage Shed (SF)_ n other (5F)! Greenhouse (SF) TOTAI- SQ FT UNDER ROOF lfor proposed workl tls3lqd;817 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 46,840.00 Unheated: ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr V", EX6 ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure E V.ygtno lftheproject isa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas LinJyon the current site? n Ves tr\eff ls there Electrical Power on this Bu ilding? E Yes\/lto Property Use/ occupancy: E Single Family E Duplex {o*nnour" 26H0U l7 31 3EPt'1 Descripti on of work: Construct new town home unit information. "'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in vlolation of the NC State Bldg Code and sub owner/co11y361s1; Tribute Construction Signatur "Licensed Quolifrer" Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? tr ves tr-{6/ Existing lmpervious Area: 0 Sq Ft New lmpgrv;6u5 4193; 2348 Sq Ft ExistinB Land Disturbing Permit:es E trto WATER: E CFPUA fl Community System E Private well E Central Wett tr ffi,-,.. 5EWER: E CFPUA E Community System E Private Septic E Central Septic Q,;(u3 zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date;_ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Total Acres Disturbed: 14.59 Comment:*OTSCLAII'4E NON.REFLNiDAALE Permit Fee: S Ato Datel LOT f: Sr: NC 2tP 28403 **,PLEASE CHECX AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT'** n Attcarage(SF)_ E Detcarage(SF)_ n Porch (SF) E Sunroom (5F) _n Pool (5F)_ ! Deck (SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes Nr(r/ laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center willbe notified ofany chanSes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor to fines up to 5500.00"' d )nq-w NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPL' CATION TYPE RESIDENTIAT PLEASE ANSWER ATL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROJECT "Pro.,ed Responsibilitl/' Application Number (office usel AppLtcANT,S NAME: Tribute construction, lnc Date pRoJECTAOORESS: 6207 Double Eagle Court CtTy: Wilmington a?. 28412 SUBDtVtStON: Beau Rivage LOT d PROPERTY OWNER'5 NAME: BEAU RiVAgE INVESTMENTS, LLC PHONE S. 910-251-5030 coNTRACTOR: Tribute construction, lnc BLDG LTCENSE # 60001 ADDRESS: l0 s. cardinal Drive CtTy: Wilmington Sr: NC Ztp: 28403 EMA - ADDRESS: clane@tributeconstruction.com PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: KENt TANNET EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration E Renovation ! ceneral Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E-EfAt New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation LEASE cHECK AND ANSWER BEI.OW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*** PHOrur: 910-251-2381 p11gxs 910-612-8148 n Att Garage (sF)_ ! Sunroom (SF) _ E Greenhouse (SF) tr Det Garage (SF)_ ! Pool (5F) ! Deck (5F) n Porch (5F) n Storage Shed (SF)_ ls the proposed work cha nging the existing footprint? ! Yes !-+i6- TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF lfot proposed work)Heated: 817 TOTAL PROJECT COST (less lot)s 46,840.00 ls the p roposed work cha nging the n umber of bedrooms? tr Ves lpZ{6- ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes IffNo lf the projectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? D Vesp4i ls there Electrical Power on this Building? tr Yes p,I,lo Property Use/ occupancy: E single Family tr DuplexEITolwnhouse Descripti on of work: Conslruct new town home unit information. a*'NOTET Any work peformed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of th NC State Bldg Code and su ct to fines up to 5500.00"' Owner/Contractor: Tribule Conslruction Signatu C 'Licensed Quolifrer" ?eHoU t7 S?36pH laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Oevelopment Services Center will be notified of any chanSes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes Existing lmpervious Area: 0 Sq Ft Total Acres Disturb"6''14.59 New lmperv;su5 algq; 2348 Sq Ft Existing l-and DisturUing rermit:dE ]rlo WATER: E CFPUA ff Community System E Private well O Central v1"11 g,{(J,ua SEWER: E CFPUA tr Community System D Private Septic E Central Septic qrlqdl' Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F)_ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N)_ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:*DISCLAII4ER: SUBI4ITTING THIS APPLICATION MEANS THAT THE SUBI4ITTAL CHARGE IS NOI'I-REFUNDABLE Permit Fee: S 4oD OWNER,S ADDRESS: 10 S. Cardinal Drive CtTy: Wilmington 71p. 28403 ! other (sF)_ Unheated: _ s4 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICATION ryPE RESIOENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER AtL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Proiect Responsibility" Application Number (office use) AppLtCANT'S NAME: Tribute construction, lnc Date pROJECT ADDRESS: 6208 Double Eagle Court CtTy.Wilmington z,P. 284',12 SUBDIVISION: Beau Rivaqe t-oT s: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: BEAU RiVAgE INVESIMENIS, LLC PHONE 8. 910-251-5030 OWNER'S ADDRESS; 10 S. Cardinal Drive CtTy Wilmington CONTRACTOR: Tribute Construction, lnc.s166 U6sx5s s. 60001 ADDRESS: 10 S. Cardinal Orive Ctw. Wilminglon 51; NC 2;p; 28403 EMATLADDRESST clane@tributeconstruction.com PHONE: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: KCNI TANNET PHONE EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration ! Renovation ! General Repairs NEw CONSTRUCIION: 6rect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation *'*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT,r.' 910-251-2381 910-612-8148 ! Att Garage (sF)_ tr Sunroom (SF)_ E Greenhouse (SF) E Det Garage (SF) _ tr Pool (SF) tr Deck (SF) tr Porch (SF) n Storage shed (sF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Yes E No TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF lfor proposed workl 11g31s!; 8'17 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot)s 46,840.00 LJnheated: ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Ye!ffio ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechani.al work being done to the Accessory StructrrJ tr Ves E-t6 lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? tr Ves E trtel ls there Electrical Power on this Buildingl E ves p6- Property Use/ occupancy: E Single Family D Duplexp4iwnhouse ?(rrsu l7 313sPH Descripti on of Work: Construct new town home unit laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center willbe notified of anychanges in the approved plans and specificataons or change in contractor information. "'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State 8ld8 Code and su ed to fines up to SS00.00"' owner/Contractor: Tribute Construction Signature "Licensed Quolifier" ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes Existing lmpervious Area: 0 Sq Ft u-{ Total Acres Disturbed:'14.59 New lmpervieu5 41s3; 2348 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permitfp-Yd tr No WATER: E CFPUA E Community System E Private Well O Central well ffia SEWER: E CFPUA E Community System E Private Septic E Central Septic E Aaqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks(F)_(LH)_(RH)_(B)_ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:*DI SCLAII4ER: SUBI4ITTING THIS APPL]CATION IYEANS THAT THE SUBI.4ITTAL CEARGE IS NON.REFUNDAELE Permit Fee: S ma) 4?td#e 71p. 28403 n other (sF)_ n)3W)> Application Number (office use) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIO N ryPEi RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" AppLtcANT'S NAME: Tribute construction, lnc Date PROJECTADDRESS: 6209 Double Eagle Court CtTy: Wilmington aP. 28412 suBDtvtstoN: Beau Riva e LOT #: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: BCAU RiVAgE INVCSIMENtS, LLC OWNER,S AOORESS: 10 S. Cardinal Drive PHONE #: 910-251-5030 CtTy.Wilmington ztP. 28403 CONTRACTOR: Tribute Construction, lnc.BLDG LTCENSE #. 60001 ADDRESS: 10 S. Cardinal Drive CtTy. Wilmington EMATL ADDRESS: clane@tributeconstruction.com pRoJECT CONTACT pERSON: Kent Tanner EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration n Renovation n General Repairs,,.NEW CONSTRUCTION: E-Ciect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence fl Relocation PHONE: 910-251-2381 PHONE: 910-612-8148 n Storage Shed (5F) _ Unheated: eEYes ! sunroom (sF) TOTAL 5Q FT UNDER ROOF lfor proposed workl Heated: 817 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 46,840.00 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Ves@4i- ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structur lftheproject isa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the cu rrent site? E Yes ls there Electrical Power on this Buildingf tr Ves ODto..- Property Use/ occupancy: E single Family E Duplex Llldanhouse zgr'rou 17 3:3 r Pl,l Descript ion of work: Construct new town home unit laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHc Development services Center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. "'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Bldg Code and subject to fines up to S5OO.OO.'. owner/contractor: Tribute Construclion 'Licensed Quolifrer" ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes Existing lmpervious Area: 0 SqFt Signature Q./) b-€ Total Acres Disturbed: '14.59 d) Sr: NC 2tP 28403 **PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT'"'"1' ! Att Garage (SF)_ E Det Garage (SF)_ tr Porch (SF) tr Pool (SF) _ E Greenhouse (SF) n Deck(SF)_ ls the proposed work changin8 the existing footprint? tr Yes ! No n Other (SF)_ New lmpervious Ars3; 2348 5q 1 Existing t-and Disturbing permittp-f6iE No WATER: E CFPUA E Community System E private Welt tr C"ntr"t W"ll d4lq* SEWER: E CFPUA D Community System E private Septic fI Central Septic d-.*fii Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:;;i;a;i;.ii Permit Fee: S )o t't - /Js APPLICATION Number (Offj.ce Use) 1 ,.ffi\ DEVELOPER: Munqo Homes of Ncrt-h Carolina, IIrc APPLICANT'S l{AmE: Munq. Il.nres ca Nprtl, .taroLina, rnc. DATE: 11 ll 2l1l PHONE #: 8 ,l- l.:r - 8,1:4 PROIECT ADDRESS: 520 BeLl,ave., frrv"CITY: t!'alminqton ZIP: : B 411 SUBDIVISION: t.;nr;i, ---;: i PROPERTY OTJNER'S tlAflE: O{NER,S ADDRESS: 2 5:1 ll!ryLc H crLe LoL l.lqr LL Elt 4:L 1!eL I Ilc . Schieffelln Road CONTRACTOR: :: r -: : r.:i': -.:. -: , : ADORESS: 2521 Schreffelrn Road CITY:Ape x ElrlAIL ADDRESS: ').::: .,: t : :' ATT GARAGE 1: -5 5F CITY: A LICENSE fi: I -;.5 PHONE #: 8r3-221-8421 ST: NC ZIP: 21502 ACCOUNT f: ST:-.-::-_ ZIP: i i 5F Ptot{E S: 8a.:-22j -8421 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:Brad Tilvou {Droiect mana qer)PHoNE S: 8a3-6aa-r521 RE LOCATION NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW RESIDENCE oT ADDITION TO EXISTING RESIDENCE SF DET GARAGE SF POOL 5F PORCH : J J STORAGE SH EDSUNROOM GR E ENHOUS E TOTAL HEATED SQ SF DE CK SF OTHE R: SF SF ToTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: :r-qr TOTAL AREA 5Q FT: 31e,. TOTAL PROIECT COST rress roo : $ _ * OF STORIES: Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUIiTBING or ITECHAICAL !,/ork Being Done to the Accessory Structure? [ Ves I lo If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site? [ ves [ ruo rs thene Electricar Power on this Buitding? l-'l ves ll-] ruo PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY:SINGLE FAlIILY DUP LEX T0l^INHOUSE DESCRIPTION OF WORK:New single FamiIv Res idence OWNER/CONTRACTOR: Munqo Homes bv Katherine Lusk SIGNATURE:KatherLvtP, Lu,rb ,.* 1.1. {.1.* + *,t + +rr +* * * * * ** * + * + ri +'+,r * * + + + i. + r + + + + *, * + + * * * * * + + + + + +,t,} **,1* +,1. ++ +t,t*,1+t,} )t,},4 ,1,* * t ***,4,*t IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN?I YES E ruO EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: I SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: _ NEW IIIPERVIOT,,s AREA: 2]32 SQ FT EXIST LAND DISTURBI G PERII'IIT:l-l vrs T NO CF PUA COM}4UNITY SYSTEM PRIVATE WELL CENTRAL WELL Ff a 25 i2 DISCLAIMER: I heroby certit hat all inbrmation in his applicaton is correct and all work willcomply wih he Stal6 Buildlng he dld all oher appllcabl€ Stab and bcal laws and ordrnances and regulations. The NHC Development S€rvices Cenler willbe noliliod otany changes in he appoved plans and specaficalions orchag€ in contracbror conta.t,r inbrmalon "'NOTE Any work Performed W/O tro Appropriab Pemiis will be in Violation of lhe NC Stac Bdg Codo snd Subject b Fines (h To 1500.00"' WATER: SEt,JER:CF PUA ! ceurnnr sEprrc n pRrvArE sEPrIc ! cotrtrunrrv svsretr '}'}* SEPARATE PER}IITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, TIECII, PLB6, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *** payMEr{T LTETHSD: !cnsx flctecK (PAYABLE ro NHc) El BrLL AccotlNT E rclvrsl I orscovtn *,*,t*++*,t*i.t+)*,*,i++**r.++***,*ir,t,r+*t(*++*****1r+t*,1,**t+*+*)*)*,t*+****,*****+****,**,*{.r'*'*'t'}**'r***'ttr' (FOR OFfICE UsE OiiLY) REVTSEO DATE 04111/12 ZONE :OFFICER: Appnoval:- CitY:- DATE :- FLoOD: SETBACKS: F:- LH:- RH:- B: N ,rr*rr.= I 4'18' OO NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSI/ER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRoIECT "Project Responsibility" BLOCK #: : , -,1 LOT #: 331_ EXrsrrNG coNsrRUcTroN: ! rlreRarroN I neNovarroru ! crruenar REpArRs E r*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSI^,ER 8ELOt/ ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR pROIECT: