DECEMBER 7 2017 BUILD APPS:, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE. RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility'' totliE8t? Application Numb€r (office use) --r BLDG LICENSE 8 APPLICANT'S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS:)o Dr.vtl 9ft,'u. lac0.. Date ti lzt 117 ztPt Z-?\ ll LOT # PHONE #qF 352 qst? clrY: I^)l|I;]C{d41 -zte,z340\ L ,t CITY CITY PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME: OWNER,S ADDRESS:L CONTRACTOR ADDRESS:J EMAIL ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON SUBDIVISION: Description of Work: (YLb sr: L)LztP PHONE: t,6 3cg zqz+ PHONE 0 z9L7 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTIOru:! frect t,tew Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation .**PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEtO ALt THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTTI'} p an Garage (sr) tr Su nroom (SF) E Greenhouse (sF)_ Property Use/ Occupancy fr Deck (SF)rYV ! eorch(sr)35 n Storage Shed (SF)_ ! other (sF) 5oZ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Yes n No lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? D yes E t,to ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work bein8 done to the Accessory Structure E Yes E No lf the pro.iect isa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No 29HoV l? 2ii3Pri ( sincle ramily E ouplet E Townhouse r. ', ..-,fli^ "' -'i';';'+-, ;;2, <iaqLc lnra", lL rg 5 tdttfi G.-IY laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Developme nt Services Center wallbe notified ofanychanges in lhe approved plans and specification5 or change in contractor information. ++*NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the N I Code and s ject to fines up Owner/Contractor: "Licensed QuoIifier" DA,t bt fL. f,q*l Signature:T Prrt Nr., ls the property located in a floodplain? tr V"rrffrtro Existing lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Sq FtNew lmpervious Area:Z,'l LL Existing Land Disturbing Permit: n Yes E No CFPUA tr Community System El Private Well E Central well D Aqua cFPUA ! communitysystem E Private septic E Central septic E aqua WATER: SEWER: X X, zone: _ officer: - setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - City: - Date: - Flood: (Al - (v) - (N) - BFE+2ft= -Comment: Permit Fee: S E Det Garage (SF) tr Pool (SF)_ ToTAL sQ FT uNDE RRooF lfor proposea *orf1 aeatea, Zl 9 /5 unn "t"a, 9 '/ 3 roral PRoJEcr cosr (Less Lo$: S Z7-Ol 0Od rotarAcresDisturb "ot 8, lL{ S-{ \uo [r1n-(_ * ffi Clear Form Print NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATtON TYPE : RESIDENTIAt PTEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABI.E TO YOUR PRO.JECT "Proiect Respon3ibiliV' 0-3uot?;lme*l Applicatioo AppL1CANT,S NAME: Patrick lvlills Date' 29Nov2O17 pROJECT ADDRESS: 1502 Dock St C|TY. Wilminglon 71p.28401 pROpERTy OWNER,S 1r14p1g; Bob Addie Enterprises LLC OWNER,S ADDRESS: PO Box 2456 pHgng 4. 202491 -7794 CtTy Wilminglon 71p. 284O1 ADDRESS. 3i6 Red Cross St oTy. Wilminglon 91. NC 21p. 28401 EMATL ADDRESS: patrick@bobaddieenleerises.us pHONE. 202-491-7794 pROJECT CONTACT pgp5g1. Patrick Mills pggn2. 202-491-7794 EXISTING CONSTRUCTIONT ! Alteration C Renovation = General Repairs NEWCONSTRUCT|ONiCErectNewResidenceEAdditiontoExistingResidenceIRelocation r*.PLEA5E CHECX AND ANSWER SELOW ALL THAT APPI,Y TO YOUR PROJECT* .. D AftGarage(SF)_ n 0etcarage(SF)_ E Porch (SF)319 ! sunroom (sF)_ E Greenhouse (sF)_ ! Pool(SF) tr Deck (SF) tr Storage Shed (SF)_ tr Other (5F) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E yu, A'No TOTAI Sq FT UNDER ROOF lfot ptoposed workl 11"11"6. 1418 TOTAI PROJECT COST (Less Lot):S 22,000 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes E ttto lsanyElectrical,PlumbinSorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesENo lfthe pro.iect isa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the cu rrent site? E Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No Property Use/ occupancy: E single Famlly E Duplex E Townhouse Description of Work: Kitch6n, Bathroorns, livirE area repair and update hvv ac-AD€ > O|SC|,A|MER: I h€reby certify th.t allth€ inforhation in thisapplication is correct and allwork willcomplywith the State 8u Code and all oth€r a pplicable State and local s and specifications orchange in aonlradorlawsand ordinances and retulations.Ihe NtlC Development S€rvi€es centerwillbe notifred ofanychan8es in the information. "'NOTETAnywork performed withoutthe appropriate pe.matswillbe in violation of the t'/C Stat€and subj€ct to fine, up to Ssm.oo"' owner/Contractor: Patrick Mills Signature: "Licensed Quolifie/ ls the property located in a floodplain? El Yes ExistinS lmpervious Area! _ Sq Ft New lmpervious Arca: _ 59 Ft fi Total Acres Disturbedr WAIER: fl cF SEWER: C CF zon",l. - 5 PUA E community System E PUA El community System E cer: Exining Land Disturblng Permit: E Yes E No Private well D Gntralwell E Aqua Private Septlc E centralseptic E Aqua X t*t X,*rt X oX Approval:Clty:;Lu-- 931s;)1 ]bod' - (v) - (N) X art+zt. -fr,-Comment:N)ln,)Permit Fee: S [LAw. ts.,A-tl b{\xx n fgat)o^o (.tLLt(1 A D,(1r,tt( s0rn Crii; inpectron Requreo, gi.u-254 )]ii: SUBDIVISION: LOT f: _ 6911pag1gp. Palrick Mills BIDG LTCENSE #: Unheated: 319 N ltot- \ 7 ; 2ot1-lffr@,'J"*-3M) Application Number (office use) nl,lrl 1 NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL qUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Projed Responsibilit/' Stevens HomesAPPLICANT'S NAME; PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDtvtstop: Tralee Place t an tr Date: ow: Mlmington ZIP:. 28409 LOT #:3o pRopERTy owNER,s NAME. Stevens Fine Homes OWNER'S AITDRESS: 5710 Drive Suite 2oo PHONE #. 910-794-8699 ctw: Wilmington ztp. 28403 ucENsE r. 31626 sT. NC Ztp. 28403 EMAtt ADDREss: snicholson@stevensfinehomes.com PHON E: pROJECT CONTACT pgX56p. Staci Nicholson PHO|{E. 910-332-85$ EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration ! Renovation E General Repairs NEW COiISTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation '**PIEASE CHECK AND ANSWER EEIOW AI.L THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT*** d Aft Garage (SF)b0 tr Det Garage (SF)_l-! Porch (SF) ! sunroom (sF)_ E Greenhouse (sF) tr Pool (SF)n Storage Shed (SF)-- ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n yes d t,to TOTAT Sq FT UNDERROOF lfor proposed workl Heahd:t$ b{Unheated: TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 12O,OOO lsthe proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes El No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesd o lf the project isa Relocation, istherea NaturalGas Line on the current site? E Yes EI lto lsthere Eledrical Poweronthis Euilding? [ Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: E single Family D ouplex E Townhouse residential single family home. Owne/contractor:lilichael Crniq trkteno Signatu re: 'Licensed Quolifie/' Pint No." lsthepropertylocatedinafloodplain? D Ves d m Existing lmpervious 7r.., 15 0'9 qn I TotalAcres Oisturbed:lo New lmpervious Area:eSlt SC Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: tr ves d xo WATER: E CFPUA n community System E Private well I central well d lqua sEwER: d CFPUA tr community system E Private septic E central septic E Aqua zone: - officer: - setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (8) -Approval: - c.ty: - Date: - Flood: (Al - (Vl - (N) - BFE+zft= -Comment: Permit Fee:s Description of work:New information. "iNOTEi Anywork p€rformed wathout the appropriate permits willbe in violation ofthe NC State and subject to fines up to 5500.00.*. DISCLAIM€R: lhereby certify that ellthe information in this epplication is correct end ellwork willcompvwith the State Euilding Code and all other a pplica bl€ State and local laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Centerwillbe notified of anychanSes in the approved plans and specifications orchan8e in contractor rs.u, ! Deck (SF)_n Other (sF) _ 2ot-l fppfodqr ilqnt . t treC t; t rZJpr ilR.I, HATIOVER q,UilTY BUITDII{G PERMTT APP, lCAtfr N f W: nEfl DEITIIAIru sE Ar(stvB ruq.rE5lpi6 Af"uc Sltloyoui FioJEcI.?i4.Cffi T/A Starom Fhe lhrpr rEl APPUCA'{TS IIA E Slsvsls PROJECT ADOTESS: suBDlVlSlot{:Th3 Cr€€k d !!,[ohdck PROPERTY (,tXiIRS l{ TiE SvBm Bddng Cor?pdtv oo ll Ott:Wlrttgb0 IF tor[: prcrrt r 9'1G791{699 OWiIER,I ADIRESS: ',10 OLand.r Dri/o Sult6 200 CITY:W&nlmbn ZIP: COitTR/t'CfiX:SEilsfl. Bt lfig r.D€ rEsrsEr: 31028 ADOiESI:5,10 Oesrbr Ddve $fb ZII OTY:WIn{mtun 5I: NC aps 28403 EMAIL ADDTES:66xa 910.794{@9 PRO'ECT 66SIACT par56fl: Slad t{drEon pHoxE: g1-3i12-8515 Pm'aa l0 o O sb.r! Sh.d 60 D odl.r{sFl SIXG CIEIXTCIIOG D Atrdon tr imntbr tr 6.lrd ilp*t xEW ooItfl,fire , d fr.c f.r f.l"rn tr fddruonb Edrtl. i..arhr tr idqtbo d Attcar.s60 {3q tr or(lrl: 6Fl_ tr slrn oom (sfl - tr PodFl_ tr Gru.nhout (sFl - tr Dl.d(sfl_ ls th. proeod ftrt d.d.t th.drfu 6oerfrt? C Vrr d rfo IoIAL FiOEI 06r [r. lrQ: S]20I9q-- ls th. propo..d uqt dl.qlr5 th nnnberof b.drlomr? tr V.td ffo lsaryE drt.,l tLmllf orffi lrt b.lf do.r.b b.AEc.aoryStructrc tr Vrr d foFth. p.ojcct ts.ldocdan, ts tt lr. ittrd G.3 ttr on tlrc orrrnt rtti tr y! d fo ls thr. ELcElc.l toxnr m tfrls tlltq? tr Vr dtc tPio9..ry Ut./ OEEI* E grr. Hy tr IxIanO T {Er D..crhdon of Wat:tldt Cqrtuaat fiuiffi?ilnmf.ll} DIS(I f,B: I hsrby onfi tha i tll. f&.ttdoi h lrr&.pdLddr L.odrctad dEl,al cc.fayotr 6rab lIdlljCodl.lr, d odrq0qaL Sfrt..rd hc.lLrr &d ordlrrnc.. .nd rtuu('rr TL UIC D.daDrrts.tdc.r C.'ltir t !a nollld olanyCat|.rh phna lld apadcadolB oa wto l5o.o..' drorr tn @fitnabahfo.r tb[ "'IOIE: Ary rc,f pdbrttrdldE f fh r]p,or.Lh Flnt3lltr ta ln lrHdclt o,ttr o|lmrr/Contrrol: Ctdg $tlila Sbmm! 'Ltutt ad Auoflv Pd,tt,&,rrv lsth! prop€rtyloc.Ed lnefioodphh? tr ycr d rc Eddrt fttrtabut Ar.., I '10 I sq n Tot l Ac.r Dlttl|]t.d:1ls Hood:(t|-M-lltl ta6w lrDanbtl3 f.ta:110l sqR ffi1lrd Dbhaamt g v.r dllc wArB: d cFPt A EI cormudty Strtlln tr Prh[t wdl tr c. nlwc tr rl|lr d crpul tr conmu.ity stltan o Prfinb s.pdc tr C.l r.l S.pdc td w{ oxt 6' Ft tr Aqlrt'SEI EI 2.*&15- dtutlrb Approv.l:*vt ll,lYl OtG P.rdt F-:3 c \ Commant: Cit; lnspeclion Requreo, 9'l0'254 lltll Bag+zll- 1 I iot? lrl lJ L1=34+2NEI^J HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATTON TYPE: R ESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSKER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Proj ect Responsibility" NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW RESIDENCE or ADDITION TO EXISTING RESIDENCE *TPLEASE CHECK ANo ANSWER BELOI,/ ALL THAT APPLY T0 YOUR PROIECT: ATT GARAGE 18: SF PORCH LSF APPLICA T'S MllE: Munq: Hcmes cf North Carolina, rn: DEVELOPER: Mungo Homes of North carclina, rnc PHONE #: tltr 3-22't -8424 PROIECT ADDRESS: 503 B.'li:aY.,. ur,r''l CITY: ltitmir,oton ZIP: 2 841 I SUBDIVISION : :.-: : .. .: .LOT #:66 t' PROPERTY O[{NER'S tlAIlE: t{,rnqc Ilor-es oi Ncrth Carolina , lt\c CONTRACTOR: Munqo Homes of North Carolina, rnc ACCOUNT #: ADORESS: 2521 Sci.:effelr. Roid CITY: ipe! EIi4AI L ADDRESS: r,b--rry.anunsc.com (Tabnt-ha u,-r.v) PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: ::..t. . : i,-, : :,.I PIONE f: I t3-6ai-r):7 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION:ALTE RATION R ENOVATION GENERAL RE PAIRS RE LOCAT ION DET GARAGE - SF POOL 5FsuNR0011 GR E ENHOUS E SF STORAGE 5H ED SF SF TOTAL HEATED SQ FT:22es TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: r.r2e TOTAL AREA SQ FT: TOTAL PROJECT COST lress roe : $ re1123 # OF STORIES: 2 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: lJew Sinqle Famil./ F.asicien.. andordnancesandregulationsTheNHCDevelopmentServicesCenlerwillbenotfiedofanychangesinlheapprcvedplansatdsp€cificaiionsorchanooincontacbror coniracbr nfo rmaton "'NOTE Any Work Performed W/O he Appropriate Permils wrl be n Violation of lhe NC StaE Bdg Code and Sublect b Fines Up To $500.00,.. OWNER/CONTRACTOR: M..rrqc Homes b,/ K.ltherlne :usk SIGNATURE:Katl\e4.[ttP/ Lu,tk, (P. int N.me )1.X*****XX*r.1.+*X**,*,i*******t+****+**f*++i++t,*+++++++*+***,t**)t't)r)*,t+*++***,t*,t*t,***,r*:r*,i**,t+ IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN?I 3429 YEs l-"1 ruo TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: ]1EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: ! NEI,J II'1P ERVIOUS AREA: :!.: ZONE: OF F ICE R: SQ FT SQ FT EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT:l-1 vrs lTl ruo WATER: SEWER:p creun cENTRAL sEprrc ! RRrvare see-rrc {e*ua Z COI'1I4UNITY SYSTE [,1 PRIVATE WELL I CENTRAL WELL COMMUNITY 5Y5TET4 *** SEPARATE PERI"IITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, IVIECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *** PAYMENT ttETHoD: I clsx CHECK (pAYAELE rO NHc) EBrLL Accour{r I nclvrsn I orscoven ++***tr****1.r.,*i.*,**,t+lr+*********r(*r(r(r(+i.+++1ri(r:*+++****+**r.**r(****r.r.r.**r(r(i(i(***r(*******)*****r( (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) REVI5EO DATE O4l11l].2 SETBACKS: F:_ LH:_ RH:_ B:_ Approval:- Clty:- DATE:- FLOoD: - , , BFE+2ft= I APPLICATION Number (o+fice Use) DATE: r rr :-r' BLoCK #: il-!. PHONE #: 8iJ 2)t-812 t- ST: ---:j__ ZIP: j_:---:_ PHONE #: t, ), )2 t bAZ t- OUJNER'S ADDRESS: -a: :i:.:! :!,,r : ..:i CITY: .'.:::.: ST:-.I._ZIP:: i LICENSE #: IiJI,5 sF ! oecx SF OTHE R: Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUMBTNG on MECHA{fCAL Work Being Done to the Accessory Structure? ! V"r [ ruo If the project is a Relocation, is there a Naturat Gas Line on the cunnent Site? [ ves I uo Is there Electrical Power on this Building? l--'l y"t l-l ruo PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY: I STruCII FAMILY E DUPTEX E TOWNHOUSE Claar Form Prlnt NEt^l HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PER|,IIT APPLIcAfIolt rYPE: C0III/IERCIAL PTEASE AI{STER ALL QUESTIO{S APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "ProJect Responsiblllty" 2otl-rlt ) A-PPLrcATro Number (offi(e Use) APPLICA T' S WE I rr1o..^ Bros . . lnc .- OATE :1A/6/1,1 OEVELOPER: PRO]ECT PHONE *: 230 Old Eastwood Road wilminoton ZIP: -",^. OCCUPAT{T/EUSIIIESS WE i rexas noadi,ousc PR@ERW Otl{ERr 5 tt^l4E: r.x-" R rlh<,use Holdin I,LC PHO E $: ST:CITY:otl{ER'S ADORESSi 546C Drt.h...,,s parkrrav CO TRACTOf,: rnoram Bros._ rnc. AITI)RESS: i?oG castle srreer LICENSE *: --,-^ ztP:KY 412C 5 ST: Nc ZIP: 28403PH E s3 gro loz, segs PHO{E #: sto_.l52-9695 Lou-isvilie Cr : wi r*i.,or,',,' PROIECT CoiITACT PERSOI{: Dale Albrecirt (Check Alr That Apply) EXIST Cq{STRUCTION:ALTERATION lf Relocation, is lhere a Natutal Gas Line on the T-'I RENOVATIOI{ T-'I GE ERAL REPAIRS T-] R bJnentsrter ; *J6-r.r. rsBLDGsph/NK ELOCATION LERED'{-_ Yeslf- E FAsr rRAc( fl SHELL E uprrr AID TO EXIST STRUCTURE Not{El{ CONSTRUCTIOT{: - ERECT EII STRUCTUREt-J ACCCSSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Permit *:Is Elect Porer on this Building l-. Yes rN0....* rs THrs A cHAt{GE OF OCCUPAT{CY USE?r YES l-. nO .-... IF Yes, yhat ras the Pravl,ous (kcupancy T)De? _ t{hat is the taar (kcupancy TvDe? ARCH DESIGI{ PROFESSIOTIAT :. PH: E[{GR DESIGI{ PROFESSIOTTAL:- DESCRIPTIOT{ OF }'loRK: rnstat_L 16,x2 26, TOTAL PROJECT COST: $a6.676.00 BUILDING HEIGHT:# OF UNITS: TOTAL AREA SQ FT : t+ I b SO FT PER FLR ls food or beverages Fepared or served in this struc{ure?lf- Yef _ tto ls The Property Located ln The Floodplaln{i_ Vef _ OWNER/CONTRACTOR: Dale A I brecl,r SIGNATURE: (Oisrna) (ftd N.rc) Nde: Dorndidio.| notifcations E asbestos Emoval plrmit applicatims ar6 lo be submltted using the apdicalion fqm (DHHS-3768) whather th€ tacility or re-enoineered al-uminum canoDv on back o buildlnq - cotriain A6b66los or nol. You ,r€ rcguirod to call the Natjrrnal Emission Standards lor Hatrardous Ar Pollulants (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 at teest 10 days derndlion ot any fullty d boldlhg- See Asbestoc Web Sile: htp /Al/ww.cpi.stare nc us/epi/asbestos"/ahmp hiint l00cT 1? I I r t?Ftt # OF STORIES # OF FLOORS:TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF # OF STRUCTURES ACRES DISTURBED: O EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? I YES J- NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREAI SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: PRoPERTY USE: floFFlcE RESTAURANT E MERCANTILE TL EDUq-IAPT CONDO OTHET SQ FT WATER: SEWER: SYSTEM CFPUA CFPUA .,. s E COMMUNIW SYST CENTRAL SEPTIC EM T1 WELL T-'I 2ONING U3 Fn{varr sEPrc E?oMMUNrry SE CLASSIFICATION EPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP. PREFABS & INSERTS PAYMENT METHOD:f cAsH f cHEcK (PAYABLE To NHc) f_ An ERtcAN EXPRESS [-_ rrlcnrrse f-_ orscoven (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY)ZONE: OFFICER:Approval:_ City: DATE_ FLOOD:_ BFE+m,_AVNComment pERMIT FEE: r' I(;\ )9 ,/ Elit'llrL aIxxEsS: pro iect sG inqiarnbros. net NC REG S: PH:- I{c REG #:- SETBACKS: F: LH _ RH_ B__ ,$q NEtrl HANOVER COUNTY BUILDINE PERMIT APPLIcArtott rYPf I C0llr'tERCIAL Ptc^tt lnsllta ALL Qu€sTIo&3 ArFlt(ABt[ To Yd.,,R r&9]lcT "ProJect Re!poniibllltF /\j AFF[ItAf-ror,{ iluilber {otfl(. us.) APPLICAIT,S t{ IE: r-:_r, Ei.x-q-, rnc.OATE:rc /6/1. DEVELOP€R;PNCNE *: PSOIECT AOOEESS: 2t: oLd En::!...1 ..rr: OCCUPA$T,/EUSf llESS IAIiE : rexas &o.1 (u:,). se PROpERTY dr{ER' S l,lA}lE : r,-,.r: ;,, Ro;!.jho s. Hc}.1 j n:., dc{ER' S ,rDORiSS: .46tr )1rr.hrnh.s CITY: --..i inl :ri- c,l :2.t 03 I,I CCITYir.r,.t:r:.1:e PloatE *: - LtcEtlsE *: 6:,as ZIPi,i!4i:tc5 52- zrP: :rr,,: CSITRACIOR: -.,rtr. n,.s -. rnc. ,ODRESS: ..)0( casi le srr:€er.crw'rir.1","o" EtlAtL ADORESS: p:...-:t <,1 i nrrrrJ- r- s. n+. P,IOIECT C0 TACT P€R5Oll: 1.,1. 1167.651 {ah..k All trlt a$ly) PSE *r gi o lt?- ,css PIONE *: 1.1-162-"63. EXIST CC}'.JSTRUCTION:ALTERATXON li Rlrlocation is lhrre a N3iLrIal Gas Line on the NoxEr.l ao sTRUCTlotJ:ERECr r.rE* srRucn RE n FAsl rRrcx u SHELL n UeFrr f] iDo ro Exrsr STRUCTURE ACCESSONY SiRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Pe.trit *: Is E1e.t Poxer on this Butlding lf. Yes |- N0 i.r.. r5 rHts A cflr*cE oF o(cuPA,l(Y IJSE? r vES li N0 ..rra Tl RENovArro l-l tiirrenr srre? l- vii GEI{ERAL REPAIRS - RELOCATION li- Ho rs BIDG sphdN(rEREDI-- yeslf- IF Yes, *lat ,r5 the Palvlou5 occupancy Typa? IX8fi lorsra* P*orrssro* L: _ td€t ls the l{er. Oacupency - pH:NC RlC *: EIJCI DESIGN PnOF!SSIO'{AL:-pB:- Nc RE6 s nnc r'xar qs and oro.Eoce! and r.gulatohs n e NqC D8v€hgner{S. c.36..j.ndc 'n conlraCor or rfr)L'rda i4lrrmalB' .''N(]lL'Arly wo.r Ponoft|c, s :5 Pi la Fm€s Lro Tc 5500 00"' N€"r^ua*, , *"4, ..*t lh.t sll infodnatjo.! h lhjs ad'E rii:n 6 co.rB€t and all wo* will corply w$ rhc C&rerY.ill b€ nonlied ot anY W/O Ac arprgpi.lo P.rnile OWNER/CONTRACTOR: e.1 . 1, 1,SIGNATURE: d trrid.y mr hnd ro ,-dlt in rtdrs.lo. o, n l Ycr sr.,.!ud ro ca0 tho.trtqd fntsio Srrddardt It He:..'r&r. Ar Porratrts {,'IESHAP) at €18)707'595to d l. $l t asydjion !a sr,y fudiiv ., buft,h9- Sca 4$lg{16 Wett Sr!: ,:ap'. /*,{.s?.1'!ilt rY: }nrp,,1s,.1\io,'hnrp h-)| TOTAL PROJECTCOST: s I s, r:;. oo BUILDING HEIGHT: - d OF UNITS lla"ii] 1i I l:1:|..i SO FT T3TAL AREA SQ FT : ti il, TOTAT SO FT TJNOER ROOF _ ACRES DI$TUREED: NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: * OF STRUCTURES: EXST LAND DISIURBING PERI ]T?,T YES JX' NO SO FI EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA MERCANTILE IDU APT CONDO OYHEI f OF STORIES f OF FI.OORS PROPEFTY USE: DOFFICE RESTAURANT zoNa RB oonc*, iXv Aoorovali ,.r- Citv DATE WATER: SEWER: SYSTEM CFPUA CFPUA T'] COIVMUNIry SYSTEM T] WELL T1 ZONING US fl cerurner sEprc I inlvr.tr srprtc DToMMUNTTY E CLASSIFICATION FAYt,IENT METI"iOO r- CASH f cliECK (pAYABLE ro NHC) f,AMERICAN EXPRESS f- McTvlsA T -. DlscovER (roR ofFrcE usE TBACKS oNLYI /:f: ZS LHA RHO BE FLOCD ! 8FE+2fF Co.1rneot Uz\t$.u\Crl'r0 N PERMII FEE: I 2cr-r-llr rga@ a.Clear Form I erint I DisaRloTi0fi oF l,lORX: r If]il-Gll :r."=.--..gt-.ecre: ":u-i,ur :r-.crv r.:";;r, cr ouird:ao. - ts tood or beverages p.sparM or $erved in lhis sla,clure?li. Yesl-- No ls The Prorerty Lo.itod ln The Ftoodplainqf- Yed-- Clear Form Print eMa il 2utllal)? (office use) 3 APPLT.ANTSNAME.D.T', J r Yl "Y'> Ct- t'1 Date: /O - 3c> - /4 lD R o<,,o t fie-<-thaa Rl cm b); li 'qc Jo r't ztPPROJECT AODRESS suEDtvtstoN:LOT #l PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS CONTRACTOR ADDRESS:5 EMAIL AODRESS: NEW CONSTRUCTION F PHONE H q/o - 3L'7-/73b CITY D ,lni,,oo ]a n m, d$4ofI Dorr', J -T a ba/\ BI.DG LICENSE f !2aa9 ctl,t: L) t lwr .sf I l)L ztP: lg.rc f PHONE: 4rA -44 ,r/vg PH}NE: ?D-'t'1? 'qlV? --J-e_.,.c 5 PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration ! Renovation E General Repairs Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation ***PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ALL THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECTi"T'} E Det Garage (SF)_N Porch (sF)i5t- n Sunroom (SF) tr Att Garage (SF)_ I Greenhouse (5F) tr Pool (SF) 6 Deck {SF)rtD ls the proposed work changing the existing tootprint? n Yes n No ToTAIsqFTUNDER ROOF Vor proposed work) Heated: a65] Unheated TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot):5 000 o9- lstheproposedworkchangingthe numberof bedrooms? tr Yes E No ls a ny Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structu re ! yes fl No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural cas Line on the current site? ! yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? n Yes D No Property Use/ Occupancy:fr Single Family E Duplex Ll Townhouse Desffiption of Work: ?,ifl01, t? t 2r4sPl't 8",\J De^^.i \\or'n z- DISCIAIMER: I hereby certify t laws and ordinances and re8ula information. "'NOTI: Any wo information in thls application is correct and all work will .omply with the State Suitdins Code and a other applicable State and tocal e NHC nter willbe notified ofany changes in the approved plens and specifications or chan8e in contractor rmits will be in violation of the NC State BldS Code and subiecr to fines up to SS0O.OO'.. Signature:Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolilier" {*" TotalAcres Disturbed:Y, ao. Existing Land Disturbing Permit: [_ yes ! No WATERT E CFPUA tr Community System E Private Well E Central Well d Aqua SEWER: ll CFPUA ! Community System D Private Septic ! Central Septic EAqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RHl _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) BFE+2ft= Comment:Permit Fee: S*DISCLAIMER; SUBI4ITTING THIS APPLICATIoN iYEANS THAT THE SUBMITTAL CHARGE IS NON.REFUNDABLE NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPEi RESI DENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALT QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Project Responsibility'' ! Storage Shed (SF) _ ! Other {sF)_ ls the property located in a floodplain? n Yes Existing lmpervious Ar"r, D sq rt Ne$, tmpervious Are". 3A)> sq Ft NEId HANOVER COUffITY BUILDIhIG PERMIT AppLaCATroN rypr: R,ESIDENTIAL PLE4sE ANSIiER ,AIL QUE5IION5 APPIfCABTE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "prcject nesponsibiEqd CIry: BL0CI( il: 5F STORAGE 5HED SF &ofl- leI33 APPLTCATION Ntrnbel' (offtcc usc) DAI E: PHONE #; 7AP: LOT *: PHoNE #,+14-4q'll3l sr:W1zrp:53&)5 5F APPLICA.iJT' 5 I\IA]'lE : DEVELOPER: PROJECT AD SUBDI\[S1O N: PROPERTV O NER'S OI^INER's ADDRESS; NAt4 E: cITYi CONTRACTORi LIC NE CONSTfiUcT]oN. B,TNTCT NEI,.I RE5IDENCE o. f] n.oorrrol'I To SIsTING RESIDENCE Ol// flLL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: E ACCOUNT I}: A-DD REsS:CITY: E}IAIL ADDRESS:PHONE #: PHONE #:PRO]ECT CONTACT PERsON: E{ISTIt'}6 CoNSTRUCrIoNr A LTEPA'I-ION ! RrLlovarrou f] carrnal nerarns I RELocArroN $+PLEASE CHECI( {NE {.llstriER BEL [f en onnnor 4*A t,! orr eanaar sr fifnoncl 43'l to POO L DECK 5UNR0q'1 _SF 6REENHq]5E 5F OTIER: rorAL HEATED tqiTrlal')* rorAl sQ FT UNDER noor,3Q53 rorAl AREA sQ Fr: TOTAL PROIECT COsT(L"otoo : $# OF STORIE5: Is Any ELECTRfCAL, PLUHBI c or tiEcHANIcAI tlork Beii18 Done to the Accessory structure? Ef,.Yes lJo ff the pnoject is a RelJcation, is there a Natunal. 6as Line on the current site]Yes fl ruo fs there Electnical Pqwer on this Building? I]]tr Yes No 5IN6LE FAI'1]LY I ouerrx . f] ror,tr,rousr Zgl.l0'J 17 I r4lPflPROPERry USE / OCCUPANCYi DESCRIPTTON OF I,IORK; : 1pl Itt.1({,J I olscLAlMEFu lhffibY and oldhand ed llo 60nt-&br Inirflnai-on,' coodywlh tls sEb EUlJdhg 9od6 and aU o h6r applcabla shb lnd b€l J, E yEhBngsEh fis appovEd plans and F€cll5cadonEord)ang6 h dntrEcbr or Voladon of$s NC SbE Bld!End $bl€Et b FInB 6 Q To 9500.00- OI{NER/CONIRACTOR:ru prer,nrrnr, *++++*+++++++i+*+*********JIfil{ii?*+**+*++r***+++i*++++r++*++*+********++++{*++*+++++** r5 THE PROPERry LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN?YES tl0 EXISTING TI4PERUIOUS AFEA: ---sQ FT T0TAL ACRES DISTURBED: NEl,t ftPERWoUS AREA: .- SQ FT EXTST LAIID DISTUNBING PERIfiTT:YE5 El ruo I^]ATER:! couuururrv sYsrEM I PR]vATE wELL sEl,lER: E E c6rrprr- sEPrrc E pRrvATE sEPTrc fl iSE sE2AINTE, PER}IIIs PEqJINED FOR ELECTJ.IIECII' PLE6' GAS EqJIP'' PREF,A35 A TI6ERT5 1=J PAY}IEMI HETHOD:.Aru E.rr.r (IAvABLE ro mc1 [ nrrl nrcotr 14C/nTSA I orscovrn ** * *+** *** **t+***{+******!*+***** **** ******** *+t*t+* **** *** *+ ** +++*'+* * * *+* +** *r** * +++:r:r+ ZONE:OFFICER: (Fon oFFJcE usE ouy) TEWJED oATE 6{/!r/12 SFTBAC(S: F:_ LH: RH:_ B:_ .FPUA CFPUA CEI TRAL l.iELL ccr't4ljNlly svsTEr"l Approvaf:- cityi:- DATE r- FLOoD: - A comie nt 1 cearq-\cz _ BFE+2ft= _ N PERI,IIT FEE: $ tta+A )-VY ,_a- i:.,1,.ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDIN6 PERMIT AP PLICATIO N TY PE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER AI,L QUESTIONS APPLICAOLTTO YOUR PBO]Ecr ''ProJact Responslblllty" ?otltstZ4- 1:5{o{o APPLICANT'S NAME n Shea Dalet 111291'17 PBOJ EcTADDRESS: 202 Mercer Avo CllY: Wilrninalon z,PiAg19!-- SUBDlVlsloN: H5D40 tol Hr LOT 4 BLK 7 W MERCEB Bl PROPERTY OWN€R,S NAME; B.iAN ShEiI PHONE l,r 919'441-3462 owNER's AoDnEsS; 202 Mercer Ave CITY:Wilminoton 2lPr 28403 coNTRAcToR: Brian Shoa U Gree.lrouse (SrI- tr occk (SF) *---_- ls the proposed work changlng the existi.g footprint? fl Yes X No ToTAL sQ FT UNDER ROOF Vot ptoposed workl lleated f'J- unheated, BI"D6 LICENSE i]N/A sT: Ng-zrP: 28403AooRESs: ?92 Mercer Ave crTY:Wilminqton E MAlt A0D RESSr Ulia!._slqA onl PHONE: 919-441-3462 PRO.,ECT cONTACT P€RsoNr grian Shol PHoNE: 919-441-3462 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: L-l Alteratiol IR"nouation l-] Gereral nepaic NtW CONSTRUCTION; E Erect New nesidence O Addition to Existing Rcildence ll Relocation +*+PIEASE CHECI( AND ANSWER BETOW AI,I THAT APPTY TO YOUR PRO,ECI'*i l-l Art 6ar.r8c {5F} ---- D oet Ga.a8e ISF} - fl Po.ch (sF) fl Sunroonr (Sri) _[J fool (5F]D storagc Shed (5F) _ tl Othcr (5F) roTAt PRor€cr Cosr (tes5 l-ot): s:&+l)Q!L- l5 tl)e propo3ed work changin8 lhe nunrt,nr of bedrooms? ( Yes D t'to ls aoy Electd(al, Plumblng or Moahtnlaal work beln8 done (o the Acccs!ory Struclure (Yes n No 2',.11(JV t7 2t221't1 lf rhe project is a Relocatlon, ls there a Natural Gai Line on the cur.erlt site? tl Yet X No rs rherc Elecrrical Power on thls Buitding) IlYes D No Property Uro/ O.cupancy y(slnelc tarnllv E DuplcxO Townhouse Descriptlon of worki Renovale kitchen. Move laundrv roonl Add bedroom. Add bathroon. Genoral updales and repalls. nrtor,nat,on. "'NOIE: Any \!o.k perorded witl'o(t rho app.opriate pc.nrtswlllbe iovlol.lion o, t|€ NC Stlie 8ld8 Codc and subic.t to finot up lo SSm.OJ"' Owner/Conlractorl "Licensed Qtolilict" ?ot,a^t 5ue.a Signaturer ts thc prope(y located in a lloodplain? l-J Yei ( No Existing lmpervious Arcar --- Sq f I Ncw lmpcrvlous Area: _-,.- Sq tt wAT€nr fi CFPUA I comnrunity Systcm E Privat PUA 0 Corrmunity Syster[ E Privat officer: -ffi2 settra s(dE Existlng tand DisturbinS P€rmil: fl Yes n No e Well E Centrol Well D Aqua e Septic f) CentralSeptic Ll Aqua r,rrNAr*rrNA rur^il* Tota,Acrcs Dlaturbed: ;::iLk approuat, Qa c;tv:-lfh[oate co,n,onr' -/nkrJ'o r,b|.I*i Flood: (A) *- {v)--- (H)-,L - sre .z{,= - 0iy lnspeclion Requreo, 91 0'?54rlm Pe rmlt Fce: S c\ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PL|CATION TY PE RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPI-ICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Proiect Responsibility" 2ot1-Q-134 (office use) APPLICANT's NAME: Brian Shea oate:11129117 PROTECT ADDRESS: 202 l\4ercer Ave CITY:Wilminqton ztP:28403 SUBDIVISION: H5D40 tOT f: LOT 4 BLK 7 W MERCER Bl PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:Brian Shea PHoNE f: 919-441-3462 oWNER'S ADDRESS: 202 Mercer Ave CITY: Wilminqton ztP:284O3 coNTRACToR: Brian Shea BLDG LICENSE f N/A ADDRESS: 202 l\,4ercer Ave clTY: Wilminoton sT: NC ZIP:28403 EMAIL ADDRESS: briansheal 1 @omail.com PHoNE: 919-441-3462 PROTECT CONTACT PERSON: Brian Shea PHON E:919-441 -3462 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration f Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation ***PLEASE CHECl( AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*** ! Att Garage (SF)_ D Deck (SF) f.J- unheated: ! Storage Shed (SF)_ tr Porch (SF) tr Other (SF) ! Sunroom (Sf) E Greenhouse (SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Ves ( ruo TOTAL SQ FT UNOER ROOF Uor proposed work) Heated; TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): 5 o ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? (ves tr r,lo ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done io'the Accessory Structure X Yes E No o 2'tltgv t7 2t22Pt1 lf the project isa Relocation, istherea NaturalGas Line on the current site? n Yes ls there Electrical Power on this Building? FYes n No x" Property Use/ Occup Description of Work: ancv:f Sinele Family ! Duplextr Townhouse Renovate kitchen. L4ove laundry room. Add bedroom. Add bathroom. General uDdates and repairs. DTSCLATMER: I hereby certi, that allthe information in this application is correct and all work will comply with th€ State Building Code and allother applicable State and local laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Oevelopment Services Centerwiil be notified of anychanges in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. '+'NOTET Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC Stete Sldg Code and subject to fines up to S500.0O"* Owner/Contractor:Signature: TotalAcres Disturbed Existing Land Disturbing Permit: n Yes ! No WATER: SEWER: F { CFPUA n Community System ! Private Well E Centralwell D Aqua CFPUA n Communitv Svstem n Private Septic E CentralSeptic E Aqua zone: - Officer: - Setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - City: - Date:- Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - Comment:Permit Fee: S ,'5$:..,,'./../ L \.1)., :t -E'; i--'jf,r*.1.m' \.]qa B{ i1-40b D Det Gara8e {SF)_ tr Pool (SF) _ "Licensed Quolifret" Print Norne ls the property located in a floodplain? I ves ( frfo Existing lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft New lmpervious Area: - Sq tt NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAIION IYPE: R ESIDENTTAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" 2-en*11-144L7-38f9 APPLICATION Number (office Use) APPLICANT'S NAME i Munqr r:r'e:;of North CaroIina, Inc DEVELOPER: Munqo Homes oi NorLh Carollna, Inc PROIECT ADDRESS: .le B,-: - , ,:. SUBDIVISION: i.1a::r. ilni:: pROPERTY O[/'MR'S tlAIrtE: t:unqc Hcnes oi trcr!h Car:oIina, Inc O{I{ER,,S ADDRESS: :i2l s.i.ief:eli.. R.ac CITY: c CONTRACTOR: Munso Homes of North Carolina Inc DATE: 1r :!:r-r- CITY: .. :,:::: , :.: PHONE # : 8 r r - .' : -- - 8 { : .1 ZIP: i8.1ll ST: IC ZIP: 2r s02 sT: rr. zIP::.)12 PHoNE S:8a3-?21-812'l PHONE #: a , ,r ,r-:' RE LOCATION SF SF LoT f: .1. PHONE #: ,,-:." :;l- ADDRESS: 2521 S.hreffelrn Road CITY: ;:::I EI'IAIL ADDRESS: t,berrl!6r,runqc. ccm (TabaLha Berr /) PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Erad ril,,/ou (Droiec: mana qer ) EXISTING CONSTRUCTION:A LTERATION R ENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW RESIDENCE oT ADDITION TO EXISTING RESIDENCE **PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOT^I ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROIECTi PORCH 1i8 SFATT GARAGE 1:3 SF SUNROOM i:!SF GR E ENHOUS E SF TOTAL HEATED SQ DET GARAGE SF POOL SF STORAGE SHED DECK SF OTHE R: TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 1552 TOTAL AREA SQ FT: r5ri:.FT: io21 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: I,le,^ Sin.rle Family Re:irlence and ordinances and regulations Tho NHC Oevelopment S€rvices CenGr willbe notlied of any changes in lhe app@ved plafls atd specifications orchange in conlracbror conractcr inbrmaljon "'NOTE:Any Work Performed W/O he Appopriate Permits willbe in Violatjon of lhe NC StaE gldg Code and Subrecl b Fines Up To s50O.O0... OWNER/CONTRACTOR: :.r..lr.:-: H-r:res i,, r;::.eri:Le Lu Kathe.{[t1e/ Lu,t*, * * i. * + * * i. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * + ,* * + ,t ,t ,t ,t * * * * * * * ,* + + + + + + + ,t )t * * * * * + * ,* + * * * * + )t ,t + + ,t * * * * * * * ,t + + )t + ,i ,t ,f ,* ,t * ,r * IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN?I YEs E ro EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: .5Q FT NEW IlvlP ERVIOUS AREA: ,-.!SQ FT EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT: N YES T-I NO CFPUA COMI,IUNITY SYSTE14 PRIVATE WELL CENTRAL WELLWATER: SEWER:CFPUA ! celirur- sEprrc E pRrvATE sEprrc ! colrr.rururrv svsrrm !*I* i! SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, I',IECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *** PAYMENT METHOD:n CASH !CHECK (PAYABLE TO NHC)n MClVISA I orscovrnBILL ACCOUNT***++++***********,**i.**,i*xx,k*****,lr++*+***r(*****+++**,k****xx*++++***x**+*+**********,****)r Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: _ (FOR OFFICE U5E OI{LY) REVISED DATE O4l11/12 SETBACKS: F:_ LH:_ RH:_ B:_ BFE+2ft= \-Nrlc 7ix"g .- al - -.-. /'.')'I.:.\. i.ffi, BLOCK *: iL-3 LICENSE #: ].!.. ACCOUNT #: TOTAL PROIECT CoSTlressrog : $ 2s3s|i # OF STORIES: Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUIiIBING or MECHAT{rCAL Work Eeing Done to the Accessory Structure? [ Ves fl ruo If the pnoject j.s a Relocation, is there a Natunal Gas Line on the Curnent Site? [ Ves [ ruo Is there Electrical Power on this Euilding? l-l y"t l-l ruo pRopERTy usE / occupANcv: I srrcle FAMTLY E DUPLEX E rowNHousE TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: ZoNE : _ OF F ICE R: