DECEMBER 18 2017 BUILD APPSz E 7 \)\ 'I t.' AP P L lcar I(N rypE : COIIIIIERCIAL PLEASE AISI€i Att q,ISTION|S ATPIICABLE tO YOJR pRO]tCT nproject Responsibluty,, f,ECEMD 0Ec08ltgarE. dFfiEITTON llumber (0fi1.c Ur.) APPrrcAr,rT,s nen* /17 / W BALUN trrtt DEVELOPER:lds a* nw <./PRO]ECT '7 L LE1 OCCUPAIT/SUSIITiESS AI.iE: DoMt ^ro s Pt-t LA PROPERTY O}.INER'S I,IAfiE I 45 0( OI.rNER'S ADDRESS | 47, COTfiRACTOR;€s"fWc 9f4 TNL ADDRESS: EttAIL PRO]ECT COI{I OESCRIPTION OF hORK: 1 t?to aqb Ozzo I ^/ c-/ ll,)NLrO x)ffill*Tos @W) uczni.lbtl - Plol'lE $: c, - LIC8 SE *;(,64t 0 CITYI rzoctr>4- t\w6-. 5T:---------lIfr6 E *r ST: . PHONE *t '?,r?. X€ o1 /-8 3 trltr- o<-i do\) ll,L ExIsT coiIsTRUcTIo \D4AL?ERATIo* .z,(,,Ji[T,Eil H?,,iI*. REPAIns r-1 nELocAIIoN rrFreroca on, rs rhere a Nali?5r c8s Lins oa *kfirenta\e?rfi66 ruo rs eloo s/FI xlEn enflvesf_s Yl-::f.lrf]l:l' E ERECT NEr{ srnucrunE flFAsr rRAcx n sHE[tEl.upFrr n ADD ro Exrsr srRucrunE ACCEsSORY STRUCTURE:\l- s(J$ t\ ,cl \ \a)a ..r.r rs II{IS a cMt{GE oF occupAt{cy usE}l-lIF Y€5, uhat was the prevlous Occupsncy lrype? - Ufrillr,^.' ARrH DESIGN PRoFESSIoMLT 54So,J > /"Nlr.*! ENGR DEStGlt rnortssroutr_ffi rf UPFIT - The Shell Permlt *: A./fs Elect Power on thls Bulldlng 1ft,"' l-t tro vzs glttn ^..,,is ttE ew occupancy ps:5tt3 t'r7 ?ontc REc 8t //4f fPH:- ,,tc REG t: - ,\Al ^/o I €reA^t t d/ro 4tf4c/,4 3eao8 -6vt <c ls lood or beverages Eeparod or seruod in this No ls The Property Locatsd tn The Floodpl8lnm&8"*u.r' ,c6rliry tial olllnlormarbn h thtr ton ls cor.ct 6nd slt worl will wlh tho SLar6 Coft and sllbc OWNER/CONTRACTOR: FT: <<'a c) DERROOF: 3f3a ACHES DISTURBED;/,0 NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: PROPERTY USE: EOFFTC METHOD: l: CASH l- CneCx 1ea zoNE:O+l -1 oFFlcER u Approval: n& Ctty DATE 6 ^i)-l I SIGNATURE:I ToTAL PRoJECT cosT: 7OO OO O BUILDING HEIGHT:6',TOTAL AREA SQ TOTAL SO FT UN SQ FT PER FLR:. 791 of OF STRUCTURES IFICATION RtcAN ExpREss [_ tvlclvrsa [-_ orscoven LHVA R moJ N _ PERMIT FEE: l laclllly ba !l '10 d8yr Fior to ltle SO FT Exsr rAND DtsruRBING pERMtr?J-lyEs J-i No SOFT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: ! rrreacelrlle[ rouc[acr[ coNDo orHEr /-2- WATER; SEWER: SYSTEM PAYMENI E3[FUiE3?ff+AXT'lIfi 3'.&m,HF!",,,,"58""oJ1]l?#SE.LASS ".sEpAa^TE pERMrrs REounEo Fon ErEcr. MEcx, proc, sAsEourp, paEFABs &,NSEBTs Comment /, Cii'r ln$eclion hqureo, 0l &254-$fr1 tlli{'e NEW HANovER couNTy BuTLDTNG pERMrr t 'V$ # OF UNITS: / *or sronre$--l- # OF FLOORS: --l- NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLTCATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PTEAS€ ANSWER ALt QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility' ,or?- l>sb e Application Nurnber (offi€e use) App.rcAN,s NAME, Kf iSr; 'j'o/if et { lrl;c./ettz Date:to /ts/,2#clw: a) ) I "t ; 'tt, ro"t ztq za {b I LOT # PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: K'r:rr; Toll;t4 * /rl; ctet/E 3tL...r PHONEf: 9/9-39/- o"8zl CITY:ztP CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: Kr;sr; To/iraR t /4)che-lte 7ru,,>t BtDG TICENSE S: ST:zlPCITY EMAIL ADDRESS: ,r'I i4 etl pRoIEcr coNrAcr p nson, lAr'il 6o r,'J j.g',toPd I L,n e 3,"^ i L, A m D Greenhouse (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? 3 Ves fi no TOTAI Sq FT UNDER ROOF Vot proposed work) Heated:to l*Unheatedl TOTAT PROJECT COST {Less Lot): S pHoNE. 1/q. 3 8r-882-4 PHONE EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration flRenovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation *,}*PT€ASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ALLTHAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT**It tr Att Garage (SF)n Porch (SF) D Sunroom (SF) 1/l- 13s- t f 7? ls the proposed work changing the nu mber of bedrooms? n Yes EJ No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure F yes D No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? El yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this BuildinB? E Yes n No Property Use/ Occupancy: E Single Family n Duplex ! Townhouse 2:r [[T 1i ?::3pt{ fe"o'4rt . <7r6^l) te Fo.uda-r)e JDescription of work: Re n':rt tNr:da jvLtl Vtz( u+L L Ne,,/ Fl" ue rrc o,t ly' rry L lawsand ordinances and re8ulations. The NHC Development services Center will be notified ofany changes in the approved plans and specificalions or change in contractor information- "'NOTE: Any work performed wilhout the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State BtdB Code and subject fines uppjis00.00." owner/contractor: ?rq't J 6o u,'J Sign "Licensed Quolifier" ls the property located in a floodplain? ! Yes fl No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:5q Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permiti ! yes D No WArcA: f CFPUA ! Community System E private Welt I Central We n Aqua SEWCR: f CFPUA tr Community System D private Septic E Central Septic n Aquat Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: S D Det Garage (SF)_ D Pool (SF)_ ! Deck (SF)_ n Storage Shed (SF) _ D Other (SF)_ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIO N ryPE: RESIDENTIAL PTEASE ANSWER ALT QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECI "Project Responsibility'' Ean* Dobc APPLICANT,S NAME:VV ,rlu\lt V-,^ CITY Wrlr,"" i ,.atrrr" e/rel11ztp,4ruU-Date 6D4 NI d+We,IPROJECT ADDRESS: suBDtvtstoN:6rn , qllPROPERTY OWNER,S NAME:r\ ol\c ib'-,v,PHONE II CITY 8 Z zP: 2-844 IOWNER,S ADDRESS 0 BLDG LICENSE # cm, Wrlur,rraqth sr; \Azrp LStlo I rrorurlEMAIT ADORESS: PROIECT CONTACT PERSON E Sunroom (St) Wil^olb V^;^ Wrak nllhCONTRACTOR ADDRESSI c qlcl 2U.1 tztT EXISTING CONSTRUCTIONT D Alteration ! Renovation D General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: ! Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation ***PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEI.OW ALI- THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROIECT**- ! Att Garage (SF)- PHINE. qlq 391 992-Ll Porch (SF)F Det Garaee (SF) ! Pool (SF) tr Deck {SF) ! Storage Shed (SF)_ L l Greennouse [5r) _ {*ls the proposed work chanBing the exi5ting footprint? [ Yes TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF Vor proposed work) Heated:'10 o TOTAT PROJECI COST (Less Lot): S 15, ooo Unheated: ls the proposed work changing the n umber of bed rooms? D Yes ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory structure /ves I r,ro A. lftheprojectisaRelocation,isthereaNaturglGasLineonthecurrentsrte?-YesnNo ls there Ele(trical PoweronthitBuilding? Yes I No / Property Use/ Occupancy: U Single Family ! Duplex n Townhouse IBDEC 17 9:22frh Description of Work e hc v (e hla tws DtSCtAIMER: r hereby certify that all the lnfor n in this appla€ation is correct and all work will comply with the State BuildinS Code ad all other apphcable State and local taws and ordinances and regulations. Th€ NHC Development Services Centerwill be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or chanSe in contractor anformation. .'.NOTEi any work performed without the appropraate permits will be in violation of the NC State Sldg Code and subject to fines up to SSm.m"+ w)ork-l.stsV elncl."t)tb L t'7 L Owner/Contractor:n^ffirce Vrutr.^ "Licensed Quolilier" Print Nome / ls the property lo(ated in a tloodplain? E yes druo Existing lmpervious Area: - 5q Ft Total Acres Disturbed: sign ExistinS Land Disturbing Permit: I Yes ! NoNew lmpervious Area Sq Ft WATER: E/'FPUA I Community System fl Private Well f] Central Well E Aqua SEWER: dCFPUA E Community System f] PrivateSeptic ! Central Septic ! Aqua zone: - Officer: - setbacks (F) - (LH) - (Rl'l) - (B) -Approval: City: - Date:- Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - Comment Permit Fee: S I a r-Irc c e.,^) S-'l-. D Other (SF)- l, h A 0t? tb)++NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERITTIT aPP Llcar lo,t rYPE: C0tlllERCIAL PIEASE ANS}JER ALL qJESTIONS APPLICAELE IO Yd,,R PRO]ECT "ProJect Responsibilitf Nunber (oFfice Use) APPLICA T'S T,IATE: ER: l?2" Sra T'9^ErL Dl OCCUPAI,ITIBI SINESS M E: y//4 Fttt FL+rs fr- APrs PROPERW OT {ER'S tllAfiE: Ol,lt{E R,,S ALORESS: 3aof C Lcek @ ,r,lE DEVELOP PROJECT EXIST Cot{sTRUcTIo : l-l lf Relocation, is there a Natural ALTERATIOI{ Gas Line on the r-.] REM)VATI(X T-'I b,.,Junent sitez l--. € NPr.r consrnucrror, 6 ACCESSORY STRI'CTURE: -DA - Pto E s:4zIP: Z?f oS- t42 ptoirE *: ST: ?F?2e rttz ANirz*CL ztPt LTOtZ- srtul.-zrPt 275.37 _ PHO E *: g,t,a t,atz_Pr(} E *:?/?.1a1 Cta/ re: zr/z> / t7.lo1 ,?€' zt, CONTRACTOR:,/+/oZD Z tla*rtti:lir.LrcEnsE *:Zoca tADDRESS: /A 9b Z1r1<2b crrtt ,/hFEX EITAIL ADORESS:*l PROJECT CO TACT (Ch€tk All rhit Apply) u GEiIERAL REPAIRS R E LOCATIOI{ f - No ls BLDG Yesf- ERECT NEI{ STRUCTURE tr I SHELL fl rrpFrr n arx) ro Exrsr srRUcruREP,ol eq,o.t 9.UE LD A FAST TRACK ttf Bar r.t**. I5 T|{IS A OtAilcE IF Yes, what xas the Previous Occupancy TtDel Tvoe?ARCH OESTC PNOFESSIO AL: Is Elect Poner on this Euilding f. yes f NO OF oCCUPAI{CY USE? J- YES l*. O *'*** _ t{hat is the erJ occupancy El'lGR OESIGI'I PROFESSIOI'IAL PH PH C REG *: NC REG *:- DESCRIPTION OF WORK: OWNER/CONTRACTOR: (ad€.)//*too E SIGNATURE:250CT t7 3:i IPH SO FT cont ln Asbesto6 d rEt You are roquired to cai tho Ndli,|6l E.dsdon stardards fu( ttazardoos A/r poxl,arlrs (Nesrnel a lsts)foz-seso at ban iO &F Fior o trEdenrcmdon of arry Hity d brltdlng. 5€6 Asbo$6 Wbb Sfte: n p ,wwvr epi.srale.nc !eepi/asb€stos/ahrno.hlmt rorAL PRoJEcr c osl: ,t 14^!gr4-gutLotNc nererr,4t-t ou #oF UNtrs: //+ TOTAL AREA SQ FT I L.I Z SO FT PER FLR r/* TOTAL SQ Fr UNDER ROOF: 2./L #OF STRUCTURES #OFSTORIES: t # OF FLOORS: EXST LAND DTSTURBTNG pERMtr? iVaES r NO EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: ,,/+ DUflAprTlcoNDo OTHET CLASSIFICANON tl ACRESDISTURBED: O NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA; PROPERTY USE: ZONE: OFFICER: noFFrcE ! aesreumrer f] r,lenceruruJ-[ e SO FT WATER ICFPUA sEwER: l'rcFPUA SYSTEM 7 PAYMENT METHOD:T CASH f .cHEcK (PAYABLE To N ""y /o"r*,"oN EXPRESS l- rucn/se I- orscoven(FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) TI COMMUNITY SYSTEM NWELL T] ZONING USE EICENTRAL sEpIC n pRlvArE sEpTlc D:coMMUNtry Approval:_ City: DATE_ FL SETBACKS: F LHI RH o BFE+2ft, Comment N _ PERMIT FEE: l' / \,\ \) \1 )i) If UPfIT - The Shell Permit #: ls The Property Located ln The Floodptain{* , Vefl _ q )ott tlo NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLTCATI@] TTPEI COIiII.IE RC IAL PLIASE l]lsl{En ALI grESTIo,{S APPIICA0LI T0 YOJR PRoJECI "ProJect Responsiblllty''l.lumber (Offl.e ure) .DATE:/r/zt I t1APPLICANI'S NAITE: DEVELOPER:P PHONE $:4 PROJECT 0ccuPA / 92, Sr4 Tvle, bL, T/BUSINESS Nt*(Et //r/n., Att Fl,*t.s APTC PRoPERTY OU,IIIER'S llAH€: CC<- l4lt Ftn Ft lfe Z APT:-PHoNE *: qn?4!g.tL ouJNEn,s ADDRESS | 3?o{ 4 Ltpure' lgttr 1.14w I Apzte*st:.fiffi91;17- CONTRACTOR r LIc€rlsE $: Z Oy S t ADDRESS: /rryt 4PgX sr:Alr-LtP: L7r3Gl EMAIL ADORESS:A - PlollE $: ?,lo, ,z- PRO]ECT CONTACT a1 L . PHO E $,?/rtlttata/ (CrP<t rI m.t aprly) 6E ERAL REPAIRS R E LOCAT IOT.IEXIST COI,ISTRUCTIOI'I : lf Relocstion, is thero a Na ulural ALTERATIOI{ Gss LIno on tho TI REI\BVATIO T.l buJnent siror [- H l" - No ls BLDG -Y*l-- ERECT I{El^l STRUCTURE I FAsr rRAc( n 5HELL I upFrr n AI,D ro Exrsr srRUcruRE P.ol eq .a , D.ate f EttZD 'Z ilSw.onrrnucrronrr p ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell. Permlt f:Is Elect PoJer on thts Bul]dlng f. Yes T. tlo I'*4' IS THIS A C}IA'{GE OF OCCUPAIICY USI?T YES f-. NO ITTTT IF Yes, Bhat ras the Prevloui occupancy fype? - t{hat i5 the l{er oc.upancy IX8fi ?rrrron PRoFEssroNAL;TC REG *: NC RE6 $:EN6R OESIGfl PROFESSIONALL DESCRIPTION OF WORK: ls food or b€verages propared or served in Lhls st ucture?f . Yosf, No ls The Property Locsted ln The Floodplaln{- - Ycsl- -. PH pt1 OWNER/CONTRACTOR: /./*,LOZD E,&O*I SIGNATURE: L4 L SO FT PER FLR; TOTAL SO FT UNDER RoOFt L.12- [ OF STRUCTURESa 6U olher opplicablo St lo olaars and soodflca on! NC Sralo BLc0 Codo ond f OF UNITS //+ f OF STORIES: f OF FLOORS: 25ltt ti J: Cl lPt{ SO FTNEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: conraln Arbosrod or nd. You 610 roqukod tc cal lho fla oa€l Eda.slon Shr'&rds,or lb.ardoucAk Pdrdsnts (NES'nAP) ol (9 r 9)707-6€50 ar k4sr 10days pdor lo lh€ c,enDlitloo of 8ny ,adliry oa bt,ldlll0. Soo A6b65loc Wob SIro: hrlp / !w'.,/.opi. slaro.rc,ogspuast €iros/ohftlp.lln1 TOTAL PROJECT COSI: TOTAL AREA SO FT : t t 4, la *- aurlolNc HEtcHr:t aO" ) t CFPUA CFPUA TI COMMUNITY SYSTEM T-I WELL T1ZONING US flCENTRAL sEpflc n PHVATE sEpTlc f]'CoMMUNtry Exsr LAND otsrunBrNc pERMtr?,7a es J- No SOFT EXISTING IMPERV|OUS AREA: ^,/+ E CLASSIFICATION ETBACKS: r: ?O tu to aajg*aZ.o FLOOD BFE+2ft'0 ACRESDISTURBED; Q pRoPERry usE: EoFFrcE f] nesraunaur I l'rencmrrlrl-1 ro APT CONDO OTHEI fi PAYMENT METHO tt,,,ttr ,tt1,..,.,i.\i ,..: -t.l ... o: r CASH r. CHECX (PAYABLE TO NHC) y'.erUrnrCeru EXcRESS r- MC| SA I- _ O|SCOVER (FOR OTF|CE USE ONL9 ZONE Approv Ofi.l orr al: A{- C ICER itv DA ConrmBnt Ciiy iiilpcciion iiequiieo, il ;'2i';;' l N PERMIT FEE: J WATER: SEWER: SYSTEM {+Ema il Print ztP ffi APPLICANT,S NAME PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P Ll CAT,O N TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROIECT "Project Responsibility" CITY ?ot+- lnmr (offlce use) Date LOT H 4 to -st a-4osPROPERTY OWNER'S NAMEI OWNER'S ADDRESS CONTRACTOR ADDRESST EMAII- ADDRESS: Att Garage (S F) I Sun room (5 F) PHONE # CITY CITY PHONE l rt,tL,,-, \^1.PHONE E Renovation D General Repairs idence fAddition to Existing Residence n Relocation L- BtDG LICENSE H ztP 'ru)) "17Lc(" srrNL zrP ExISTING CONSTRUCTION: L- Alteration NEW CONSTRUCTION E Erect New Res ***PLEASE CH ECK AND ANSWER BETOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*** n Det Garage (SF)_ l:] Pool (SF) ! Porch (sF) ! storage Shed (sF)___ I other (sF)il Greenhouse (5F) - /Edeck (SF) tr X .)( \ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E-res [] t,to IOTAL 5Q FT UNDER ROOF Vor proposed work) Heated u nheated laws and ordinancesand regulat ons. The NHC Develop m€ nt Se rvices Centerwillbe not fied of any changes in the approved plans and spec fications orchange in contractor nlormation. ***NOTET Any work performed without the appropriate permits wi be in violatron of the NC State I d up to 5s0o.o0*** Owner/Contra€tor "Ltcen5ed Quolifiei' Sitnature: ls the property located in a floodplain? ! ves El'-trto Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total AcJes Disturbed: New lmpervious Area 5q Ft Existing l-and Disturbing Permit: E yes E t'to WATER: E CFPUA E CommunitySystem E PrivateWell E Central Well ! Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA D CommunitySystem E Private Septic E Central Septic D Aqua Zone: Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ {t-H)_ (RH)_ (B) _ Approval: _ City:_ Date:_ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ s.,b \tuw Comment:Permit Fee: S ,o,r !, "" PRO.'ECT CONTACT PERSON roraL pRolEcr cosr {Less Lot}: s*5r:rooc-l ls the proposed work (hanging the number ol bedroorrs) ! yes d-ruo ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory structure E-ves E trto lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes Effio ls there Electrical Power on this Buildine? Z/ves ! t,lo Property use/ Occup ancy: {singr- tamily fl Duplex E Townhouse Description of work: f\ a-Ora \^ , r i- H /-nVE-Ff,/rA.D <EC<d/ I NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIA[ PLEASE ANSWER ATL QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PROJTCT "Proiect Responsibilit/' CITY APPTICANT'S NAMT:Date (otfice use) PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: 7tP # PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: PHONI #c\r,n -2"R -:q 6''{ rvr'. crc^ \ o<r zip,Ziqo 3\r\ t .l BLDG LICENSE f 7CONTRACTOR: AODRESS: {\\ CITY:ST ztP EMAIL ADDRESS:o PHONE PROJECT CONTACT PERSON GU.*\ tr-'Iez PHONE q EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: fl Alteration n Renovation D General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCIION: E4rect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation i*..PLEAST CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW AtI. THAT APPTY TO YOUR PRO.|ECT*I' ! Porch (SF) U-Storage Shed (SF) tr Deck (SF)! Other (SF) ls the proposed work changinB the existing footprint? E Yes E No TOTAI Sq FT UNDER ROOF lfor proposed work) Heated:Unheated: TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S \5 OCC n{xvtb) ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? a Yes Vf No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure /Yes a No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? ! Yes tE4lo ls there Electrical Power on this Buildin8? n Yes fl No Property Use/ Occupan D Single family tr Description ot Work; Townhouse Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolifiet" laws and ordinan(es and reSulations. The NHC D€velopment Services Center willbe notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications orchange in contrector information. '''NOTE: Any work performed wil hout the a ppropriate perm its wilt b€ in viotation of the NC State Bl and subject to fanes Lrp to 5500.00"' d.^.c tt,Signature: ls the p.operty located in a floodplain? ! Yes fl No Existing lmpervious Ar€a: _ Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area: _ Sq tl - Existing Land Disturbing permit: n yes I No wArER: ! cFPUA n corn.rnttysyrt"rn *{*"r" *"u o ."-",r." *",, o oor" q]s t-r=.-,- -f lr, sEwER: ! cFPUA ! community system fo4w"." s"pt, E centrat septic ! Aqua ..1 ^, -r, SU),96111fia1lLlzone:- officer:- setbacks(F)- (rH)- (RH)-(B)_ :} a'-'t' cornplrtctlP^ Approval: - city: - Date:- nood: (A) - (v) _ (N) _ BtE+2ft= _ P0fifUTJCommentiPerm'K'bz5ffiat ffi 3- 9tctt-lWz iffie CITY: ! Att Garage (SF) _ E Sunroom (SF)_ E Greenhouse (SF) E Det Garage (SF) _ ! Pool (SF)_ \)il1t0 i.NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP LI CAT,ON TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibilitl/, R /? f Izt4z-- ,o)+ I br oc APPLICANT'S NAM t.Df *,-29 Date tz/t/r7 PROIECT ADDRESS:zE A €/ 9auzfi Ctlr . t ..f . .d ,,t- 1, /-O t /ztP: ? I *A qE/ 't?SUBDIVISION: 6 AEEa-BAEFR 7,n ,74-p+outs. ?/O -5 7 6-+7 76PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME ,0E,2*A.? Ll owNER,s ADDRE5S: 712 OAFy tQa f AAEL 0/. ctl\) tt-Z/4f.<-6 D/' ,t-1zo:? 8<(o/ CONTRACTOR 0F,a.-.c.L 1 n /f f 7.".4.2--ELDG TICENSE # ADDRESS:-7 /2-/^ t<,=V {ou>Ah DR crrY t.rc*ttabl/LSf .eZP z-?4afn vz-EMAIL ADDRESS:0R P-c ,ra e AcL, ct,-t ! Sunroom (sF)D Pool (sF) PHONE (/o- 97b- PHONE 4to '5 7( -4? 76PROJECT CONTACT PERSON DE .y.uL/ h. /Df7.r, ExlsTlNG coNsrRUcTlON: ! Alteration ! Renovation n General Repairs 0L/- Z 4 t +/E NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence n Additionto Existing Residence E Relocation ***PIEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT*'T* ! Att Garage (SF)giet earase ls l t o(o E Greenhouse (SF)-! Deck (SF) ls the proposed work chan8ing the existing footprint? n Yes ! No TOrAt SQ FT UNDER ROOF Vor proposed work) Heated Lr44O unneatea, I LW TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot)i S w.@ ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ! Yes f No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work beinB done to the Accessory Structure fl Yes m No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? ! Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? ! Yes F No Property Use/ Occupancy:p Single ramily n Duplex! Townhouse Description of work: 6,aZc D 0 T L nA rl{,6 taws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any €hanges in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. "*NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of th€ NC State Bldg Code and subtect to fines up to S50O.0O"' Owner/Contractor Signature: "Licensed Quolifier" Pint Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? D Yes F No Existing lmpervious Area Sq Fr Total Acres Disturbed New lmpervious Area Sq Ft Existing tand Disturbing Permit: I Yes .- No WATER: E/ CFPUA E Community System n Private well D Central Well f] Aqua SEWER: E{tPUA ! Community System n Private Septic ! Central Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval:_ City: _ Date:_ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment: permit Fee: S $ls- I i. LOT f: ! Porch (SF)- n Storage Shed (SF)- n Other (sF)- NEW I{'INOUEfl COT'UIY BUILDING PERIqIT 2C.)7 lb)20 APPlJGtzo rypE: RESIDEIIIAL PTEASE fiislGR Arr grEsrtlrs appllcABrE Ie APPLTCANT'S I,UII,IE : DEVELOPER: pROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDNE5ION: PROPERTY oMERJs TuIiIE, OI,INER'S ADDRESS: co lRAcIoR: ADDRESS: EI'IAIL ADDRESs: PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:s oerez /2:{- PllOllE *. LOT *: 7:IPr,2F-<//,2, prorrrE *: ?Qz-OA1 ,/sr,@&7 AC@t llT *: Dzo APPLTGTION N&:r;", srrEaprM* q/o- s3r.-<l7't.) .?ro:B +t o CITY: cr,t' : l) CITY: BLO€( *: E*:C4 ,Cf.(o.-r PRTNE *: QTO-53 ?-?7,37 NE'o co!6T'Uc[or{: f] FREcr E{ RE'IDET,rcE or I aoornor ro Errsxlr!. RE'IDET{.E*+PLEASE C'IECI( A'O AIIS}IEi EELOU ALL ?HAT APPLY IO YOOR PRg!€CT:f] err eanaor sF El orr e*nnse ' -----r, E poner _sFI sunnoo,r --sF g aoor -G- - [rro*i.r6]__ r,[eRrn+rose_sr froe.r] rr A; O*r,M:lft xK , fielkk...( TorAL HEATED se Fr: -..- TorAL sQ FT TNDER RooF: _- TorAL AREA "q n, //tesg{+ ToTAL PRoJECI cosT ciBss Loo : $ L/4 Wo,eo * oF sToRtEs Irs Any ELEcrRrcaL, purlrBrric or HEClUUrtcaL Nonk Berng oon. to the Acce'sor'!. structur€i E v"a E[mrf the proJect ls a Relocation, is thene a Natursr 6as Line on the curnent s#l EvE "k ru,Is there Electrical pe$rer on this Bul.tdlng? [:I yes Eko ocrsrrltc @fisrnucrsrlti I ar-renarroH p RE TVAIION I eerueml REPATRS EI RELOCATToN PROPEBTY I.ISE / OCq'PAIICYI STNGLE FAMILY .tr DtIPLE(E roqnsolse DES OF UIORK:t dd dl ono..lpEc.Db €€b rd lo..t ls ,. ar€dfc€done or dt?a€e In cont@br or A/bl6at b Flno€(t Tc$6oq0c- ot{NER,/coNTRACroR:slctutn RE: j t i I i t: i i! iiil i, ,l ,; I I *'tp ExiS;firrq pie.voo^- gf,ffi_1 lzxI Oarnn Mr,^i* -' PHO E IS THE PROPERW LOCATED tII A L-Zf)(fot otttcE arsc oi!Y) OFFICER:S ETBACKS: DArE. tZ-?-l-,* Flooo. I ( ZOAIE: CsPJ PERI.IIT FEE: (\ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P LICATIO N TY PEi RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTiCABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Proiect Responsibility'' Iot+lztzo Se (-)Date /2 -//- I )APPLICANT'S NAME PROJECT ADORESS: suEDtvlsloN: CtTY: N t lni*'lr'^ztP .60 PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME ,.r it\,'c--o- Ct;z^L"lh a7 ,,\ et r-PHoNE t tro-zoz- oAQ ctw, r.:i t' i-) ,l-'.- w,Z?YflOWNER,S ADDRESS: ?\?jnle{ \)ieto ilr- o clw BLDG IICENSE #1,03o sft -( ztP 3CONTRACTORa€c(5 ADDRESS: EMAIT ADORESS:c-" fa,PHO 3 ro-53B.-? ? to^s38-?737PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:S1or,Lt- G"t"pct/PHONET EXISTING CONSTRUCIION: ! Alteration E Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence ! Additionto Existing Residence D Relocation *'i.PI.EASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ATt THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT'** tr Att Garage (SF)trl Det Garaee (SF)tr Porch (SF) tr Sunroom (SF)D Pool (SF) ! Greenhouse (SF)-! Deck (SF)! Other (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes E No TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF lfor proposed work) Heated:unheated: 'f Y? S # TOTAT PROJECT COST (tess Lot): S qoa, ag ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? fl Yes *:No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure n ves {ruo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? fl YesX No ls there El€ctrical Power on this Building? tr ves E. lo Property Use/ occupancy: pFsingle ramily n Duplex ! Townhouse I storage Shed (5F)_ b l*,J.flell-'a"* Description of Work oISCIAIMER: her€by ce(ify that allthe irformation in this app n is correct and ali work will comply with the State 8Lr lding Code and all other app|cable State and local laws and ordinances and reSulations. The NHC D€velopment Services Centerwall be notified ofany changes in the approved plans and sp€cifrcataons or change in.ontractor informalon. +'+NOTE: Any wo rformed without the ropriate permits will be in violation ofthe NC Stale Bldg Code and subiect to fines up to S50O.0O..* Owner/Contractor: "Licensed QuoIifier" ls the property located in Existing lmpervious Area a floodpl Yes [] No Signature: TotalAcres Disturbe at 'o I I New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing tand Disturbing Permit: D Yes WATER: {CFPUA E Community System E private Well n CentralWelt f] Aqua SEWER: E{--CFPUA fl Community System fl private Septic E Centralseptic ! Aqua zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date:_ Floodr (A) _ (V)_ (N) _ BFE+2ft= .{*" Commeht:Permit Fee: S ls- o c .J zs a, c ,,' -le- lE-o ,0lt NEt^l HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERIvIIT APPLICATION rvPr: COIiIIIERCIAL PLEASE Aitst4lr8 ArL QUESTTONS APPTICABTE rO YOUR PSOJECT "Project Responsibility,, AFFTTEITI-oN Number (offi.e use) APPLICANT'S I,IA'4E : DEVE LOPER: fi 0,'{'8,,c_-DATE:rrlr/r 1 PIONE $: PRO] ECT occuPANT/BUSINESS NA,4E : PROPERTY OhINER'S NAflE : O[4,NER'S ADDRESS: ,lD Plqt LJ-L zrPt Z_tVaS - PI0NE ': f I o lLV t51t SI I ,,,LZIP': 1J..1 I I srtr/t-zn Z<vl ll CITY: L,/ | lrt\ CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS : A-LAL}L 4 EI4AIL PRO]ECT CONT PE lf Relocation, is there a NoNEtl CONSTRUCTION: Natural ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: LICENSE f: CITY; (Check All That Apply) E S: prpNE *:1,, ZOI f ft ( UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE EXIST CONSTRUCTION: E ALTERATION Line on lhe f--l REI,IOVATION f-'l GEt'lERAt REPAIRS ntdrrenr Site? 5 vH5t uo ts BLDG sp-FltN RELOCATION KLEREDI-- yesfr EREcr NEl.l srRUcruRE E FAsr rRAc( f] SHELL fI If upFlr - The shelr o""r*Fr n- ftd Is Elect Porer on this Buitding fl yes r.n(0**.:r* rs rHrs A C|iANGE oF occupAt{cy usE? fl yEs IF Yes, t,hat lras the Previous Occupancy Type? Whit is {*."'.the l{eu Occupancy IX8fi 'orrrnr pRoFEssro*al :PH: II'IGR DESIGN PROFESSIOTIAL L PH n{6 ls lood or beverages prepared or served in this structure?r',Yes[-. lo ts The Property Located tn The Ftoodptainf; vef- is corect and all worl wil compty with the State Building Code anc, all olher a StaleCenler willbe aw/O the Appropriate Stale Code o\L SIGNATURE: (oudirs) Note: Demolilion notilicalions (pn Nsme) E asbeslos removal pemii apdjcslions are to be suboiied using the appticstion form (DHHS-3768) whelher lhe lacilily or buildino was lound to BAP) at {919)707-5950 al teasl 1 0 days prior ro lhe # OF UNITS: coniain Asbeslos or nor. You are required lo calr$e Narional Emission sl6nc,ards for Hazardous Air pollutanrs (NESdemolhion of any laciliry o, buitding. See Web Sile: htrp7,1rw epi.state nc.us/epi/as BUILDING HEIGHT TOTAL AREA SQ FT: i-1 1,1 SO FT PER FLR NC REG #: NC REG $:- / rorALso FTUNoen nooF rorst ACRES DISTURBED:Exsr LAND DtsruRBtNG pERMrrz f ves l- No SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: RUCTURES # OF STORIES # OF FLOORS l7 12 r63Fh SO FT WATER SEWER SYSTEM B€fEYi E PROPERTY USE: EOFFTCE ! nesrnunarur MERCANTILE COMMUNITY SYSTEM CENTRAL SEPTTC J--1 EDU APT CONDO OTHEI IFICATION ... SEPARA]E PERMIIS REOUIRED FOR EIEC B WELL l--l zoNtNG USE CLASSVATE SEPTIC DToMMUNITY.I , MECH, Pt BG, GAS EOUIP PREFABS & INSEFISf CASH f CHECK (PAYABLE rg_Nlg) f AMERTCAN EXPRESS l* rr,,lcMsr [* DlscovER(FOR OFFICE USE ONLY} ' PAYMENT [,IETHOD ZONE OFFICER SETBACKS: F LH RH BApproval_ City:_ DATE_ FLOOD: BFE+2ft, Comment N - PERMIT FEE: : DESCRIPTION OF WORX: OWNER/CONTRACTOR: TOTAL PROJECT COST: NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: Doc 06 1703:26p EIVED DE APPLICAN TS NAME: PRO.,ErrADDXESST "*&-tl Prinl NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING crY: 9108652056 MWs PERMIT ?ttt-/?n85," WT?L ty A PP U AntO N typ E: REStDENTIAt_ P(.EASE Ai]5WEB AI]. QUESIIONS APPI.ICAB LE rO YOUR PXOJ€CI"?,orect ResponsihillV, Q-o.el,u.) susDtvtS,oxr .,*-*_.._ Oat€;r4l.k-taon-. zlPi-A$!L^a PROPERTY OW}I[R'S OVYNTR'S ADDRESS: CONTRACIOR: - ADDRfSS; eunt aooness: _L('r n-l PROJEcT CoNTACT PERSoN: -.D.. o.-I \ . ---_ PHoNE I CTTY: Cntot,6. cnY: r: g].-r-r-tcti qt fha-i l-.l3al"r-- p D Pool (sF, D Deck (SF) LOr #: zp*X.Y_Qj 6lDG UCENSE ll:-_-_=---..-_ ST:2lPL__--t q PHONE:qto--x,-t- aqqq tXlSflNG (DNS InUCnON: E Atteratton O Rehovation O GeneralBepilrs NEw CON5TRUCI|O : E Erect New Reslden"" g/ddirion,o E*tsting Residence E Relccauon . r. PtEAsr ol rcx A I,ID ANswER IEIOW AI L IHIITAPPLY TO YO UR PROJECT.. E Det Garase (SF).-__Q Attcarst. (sF) *_ O Sunroorn (SF) --_D Gteenhouse (SF)_-- ----- 'aicct sed Quolner. B Por.h (5F) ..=*"--- R Sto..ge Shed (Sn -.-_G2lother (sr) €n*ralr e r,. rng ls the proposed work changlng the exlrfl ng footprint? E yes fl No TOTAI- 5Q FTU'{OER iOOF llfo, pro}posed wort) Heated: ls the propos.d workchahglhg the rumbEr of b€drooms? C yes Efd,ls any Eledrical, ptumbln8 or Mcchlhlc.il work behg aone to the ;cessory srructur. D yes E4olfthep.oicrtisallelo<.lion,isthercaNaturalGesLireonthccurrentria.Z O iu" g ols there Electrical power on thk Building? D ye3 O No Property Use/ Oc.uprncy: lglsinate Fsmity O Duplex fl TownhouseDes€riptlon ot Wor!: F OlSCl trLtr8; I tlrcby e.rify ihlt dt th.lnfoffrtion h thit .prflc.tton tJao.rEr.rdaI worl sl coDD{y wth rh.Star.luildlneCDd.rrdaiott,nppri@blc5rit..ni,rofrtLw!.nd ord..n.e.rd r Iho tillC O.lctophrorS.rytesCont!, w||| !.nrtitbd o, !ny.hJnse in tAe .ppr@sd ph ni . nd lplri,icar to6 q .nanation. ..!llOTE:.A., wot p.rf6rtud llr,Eur rt. .pproritot. 0..mt& wiu b. ir' violltlolrol tl,. NCSi!E cod! .nd iu b.,e6 ro fi n.r up !o S5OO.oo..' Oumor/Contr"ctor: -A4ll-(l.s-!,{i-ntar.e_----- stnarurcprlot Nome Is the properry localed in e floodptain? O ,*. *1 E(istl.€ lmperclo us Arcar .- Sq ft TotalAcfer Dtsturbed: New Imper\.iou wlrErc gaLF SEWE ff CFPUA Zone:officcr: appro'ar: C#- crq; r irea: *-- Sq Ft Etln,ng t{nd Disturblna permit: D yes D No PUA D Communitysystem D privote Weil O Cehtral W€ll EAquaIt,.L5 Communitysy,tem O prfuate Septic E Centralsepric(& *,*:flfr/& rurrJ/A rnHt N/A p1 $ln "*",tllll1 Frood: {A} --lv)-- (N) dA E Aqua t BFE+Zft=Comrirent P€r.nlt F tluo QJ+1- tJatur t7.7..t1 Ci[ lnspeclion Rqureo, 91 0-2fi{g&J ee; s ToIAt pRoJEcT cosl (Less Lot): g .er slOO. AD [Jnhealed: t.. 2ot7- p.3 0Dec 06 17 03:26p ,;s\rrv'o * ( 9108652056 Prinl NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUIIDING PERMIT AWU CATK, N TYP E: RESTDENTIAI PLEASE ANSWER ALI" QUESTIONS APPUCABLE TO YOUR PROJECT-Proiect Responsitrility, uJ Q-or,s\t U APPLICANT'S NAME:rh oate lAPROI ECT ADDRESS: suBDtvtsto : CtTY:ZIP: Q.1'\ ar-3 LOr*: PROPERTY Owl[ERs NAME: OWNER'S ADDSIESS: CO TRACTOR: ADDRESS; TMAIL ADDRESS: PHONE S: BLDG UCENSE ST: Zl9:. PHONE:-13q- Ur*:gLzeAf,lOScrrY: CITY q O(lsfNG COiISIXUCnON: E Aheration D Renovation O General Repairs NEw coNsrRucrroN: fl €rect New Re.iaen"" E/a/aaition to ExistirB Residence E Rerocation I'IPtEA5E CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT'.* E Att Garage (5F) --! Sunroorn (SF)---- n Greenhouse {SF) E Det Garage (5F)_ E Pool (SFl T-l Deck lsF) n Porch {SF)-- fl Storage Shed (SF) --P/other (sr) 6n*ranr c rrrng ls the proposed work changinB the existing footprint? E yes E No TOTATSq FT U DER ROOF {Jor proposed work) Heated: ToTAt PRoJEcr cosT (Less Loo:S p,SOO,60 Unheated: fs the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? A yes & ls any Eleclrical, [,lurnbing or Mechani6l work beirE done to the Accessory Structure f] yes p,folftheproiectisaRelo<ation,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?f]yes!flo ls there Electrical Poweron this BuildinA? E yes n No Property Us€/ Ocrupancy: gr(in6e ramily D Duplex E Toruthouse Ilescription of Work: F DtscrattEB: lherebv cenifY'hatallthe inform'tion ln thit.pplietix ls corr*t and dlwort wltcompty with the sE:te Buildira codc andaI oth€r EpptEbte strte.nd tocatlaws and ordin.oce' adJ resuhlions. rhe Ntlc DevelopmEor servies cenrer wu be notmJ or any cr,"ii* 1",r," "ppr-Jp[i.,.u-;ecincarhns or d,anEe in contractorhnotmatlDn "'NorE: Anv lort perfor@d without rtt.r+ropriat. Fm{ti wilt be in viornr'bn of $e Ncstatc Btdg code and subiect to hn€s up to Ssorcr.m... Owner/Contractor: 'Uceosed Qudlilter-Sitr.ature:}..^ ./ ls the oroperty located in a floodplatn? f: yq #o Existint lmpervious Area: -- Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmPer,bus Area: _-- sq Ft Existing tand Disturbir€ permit: E yes E No WATER. E CFPUA D Community System D private Well fl Centrat Welt E Aqua SEWER: tr CFPUA D Community System E privates€ptic ff Centrat Septic E Aqua Zone: -' -. Officer -'- Seibacks trl _ llH) _ (RH) -- (8, _ t t PRoJEcr coNfAcr pERsoN: D(l,[\&q Kiv\tot, ) pHoile qto - -?<.{_ aqqq Approval: _ city: _ Datei _ Ftood: (Al --- lV) _ (N) _ BFE+2ffjComment: ermit Fee: $ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIO N ryPE RESI DENTIAT PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Projed ResponsibilitY' 20l-l-\30rc*-tffib Application Number (oflice use)rri Date: \tl zt APPLICANTS NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDtvtstoN: CITY ctw PHONE CITY PHO ST IP H PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:n OWNER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTORi ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON tl Att Garage (SF)_E Det Garage (SF)_ ! Sunroom (SF)tr Pool (SF) tr Deck (SF)D Greenhouse {SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? tr Yes F No TOTAL Sq FT UNDER ROOF lJot proposed vvork) Heated: d.t 7o [fuS .A1?{zte.fub,n BLDG I.ICENSE # () PHoNE:tlo bssde EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E[ Alteration n Renovation D General Repairs _/ NEWCONSTRUCTION:EErectNewResidencef,AdditiontoExistingResidenceERelocation *'"prEAsE cHEcK A(D ANswER BELow ALL THAT AppLy ro youR pRoJEcr*** Unheated: TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? fl Yes ls there Electrical Power on this Building? F Yes tr No Property Use/ Occupancy:+ single Family ! Duplex D Townhouse TD ls the proposed work chan8ing the number of bedrooms? tr Yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the dccessory Structure n Yes F*o JN0U l7 t0116ffH F*o Description of Work: information. "'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of t Dd subject to fines up to 5500.00'"' .)Jt^' tr-ht,z.,t',Owner/Contractor: "Licensed QuoIifiet" ls the property located in a floodplain? ! Yes Existing lmpervious Area! _ Sq tt Signatu 7*" TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbin8 Permit: : Yes I No WATER: lF CFPUA ! Community System E private Well fl Central Well fl Aqua SEWER: q CFPUA tr Community System E private Septic E Central Septic ! Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: -- Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= Comment:Permit Fee: S*DISCLAIMER: SUBMITTING THIS APPLICATION MEANS THAT THE SUBMITTAL CHARGE I5 NON - RE FUNDABL E I D Porch (SF)_ ! Storage Shed (SF)_ ! Other (SF)_ laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or chan8e in contractor ffi !orr -i3d5" l+4?15 APPLICATION Number (office Use) APPLICANT's llAilE: McAdams Homes LLC OATEi t2 / oB / tj DEVELOPER: McAdams Homes LLC PHONE *: 910 ?98 3006 PROJECT ADDRESS: 861 Lea Landinq Dr 24472 SUBDIVISION:Lea Landinq BLOCK #: PROPERry OWNER'S NA,rlE: McAdams Homes LLC OWNER'5 ADDRESSi 6526-c cordon Rd CITY: wi lmington 5T: NC ZIP: 2 8411 CONTRACTOR: McAdams Homes LLC ADDRESS: 6626-c cordon Rd CITY: wr lminqton sT: IL zIP: 2 8411 EI4AIL ADDRESS: b ialrca@mcadams home s . ne t / qrady@mcadamshome s . ne l:PHONE *: 910,79s-3006 PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: rim naynor PHONE S: 97c-soa-229a EXISTING CONSTRUCTION :ALTE RAT]ON R ENOVATION GENERAL REPAI RS RE LOCATION CITY: wi rminqLon ZTP.. 04 NEW CONSTRUCTTOru: I eneCr NEW RESTDENCE or E ADDITION TO EXISTING RESIDENCE *iPLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELoll ALL THAT APPLY TO YoUR PRoIECT: flarr olancr 407 sF suNR00t4 GR E ENHOUS E 5F OTHE R :I li Ec l7 Br44Ht1 ToTAL HEATED 5Q FT: r+ro TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROoF: 2077 TOTAL AREA SQ FT: zozr TOTAL PROIECT COST (r.ss ro0 : $ rts,ooo # 0F STORIES: 2 Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING or IiIECHANICAL Wo.k Being Done to the Accessory St.ucture? [ V"t p no If the pnoject is a Relocation, is thene a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site? f] Ves I no PoRCH .4_5F SF STORAGE SH ED Is there Electnical Powen on this Building? PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY, @ SrltCle rnUrlV ves l-l ruo DESCRIPTIoN OF l,lORK: Erqct lER, 2-5EA rd1!h a 2 Q4r salqqe qtllsle lamily home DET GARAGE - 5F PooL _ sF DECK SF SF SF DUP LEX TOtINHOUSE I DISCLAIMER lherebyceriry hal all inbrmation in ihis applicaiion is correci and all work will comply wilh the Slate Building Code and alloher applical) and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center willbe notlied of any changes in lhe approved plans and specifical To S500.00"'confactorinbrmaton'-NOTE:AnyWorkPerlorrnedW/OiheAppropriarePermilswiilbeinViolationoflheNCStaleBldgCodeandSu OWNER/CONTRACTOR i adam sosle ,t ** *,i *,t * * * * * *,* +,* *,*+ ** *,* + )* *,i ** * * *,t * * )* ** ** * ** * * **,* * * ** +*,r* + +,* ,r *,t *,* *,t,t * * ++,i(*,i* * * * * * * * * )** I5 THE PROPERTY LOCATEO IN A FLOODPLAIN? N YES r NO EXISTING II'IPERVIOUS AREA: -SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTUREED: EW Ii1 EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT:l--l vrs I--l r'roAREA:N WATER: PPRYIOJ9 h!,rtS SQ FT E lt1 PRIVATE I,JE LL CENTRAL t^JE LL PRIVATE SEPTIC COI'IMUNITY SYSTEM (fOR OfFICE USa OriLY) RLVT5EO OAIE O4l11/12 SETBACKS: F:_ LH:_ RH:_ B:_ BFE+2ft= c SEWE CF PUA ZONE :OFFICER: COIV]MUNITY SYST CENTRAL SEPTIC **1 SEPARATE PERltlrrs REQUTRED FoR ELECTJ l4EcH, PLB6, 6As EQUIP) PREFABS & rNS€RTs i** pAyirEirr rlErHoDr I crsr I cxec( (pAyaBLE ro rxcl f] BrLL AccoUNr ' I r,rcTvrsr f] orscoven*,t,t*****+******)**)*,*)**x)***,t*****++)******)**+*)****,t*,f*x+ri++***,t*+*)***+)t*)i*+)****)i:t*,f**+r**t,kx AVN pER IT FEE: g 0Comment: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUEST]ONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" PHONE #: 910-798-3006 LICENSE #: 69901 ACCOUNT S: LOT #: SIGNATURE : tr Appnoval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: _ ew ffi NEI.J HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSI'ER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICATION Number (office Use) APPLICANT',S llAl'lE: McAdams Homes LLc DATE: 12 08 17 DEVELOPER: McAdams Homes Lr,C PHONE *: 9La -7 98 -3006 PROIECT ADDRESS: 8s7 Lea Landinq Dr CITY: wilminqton SUBDIVISION:Lea Landinq OTJNER'S ADDRESSi 6526-c Gordon Rd CONTRACToR: McAdams liomes LLC LICENSE #: 6eeo7 ACCOUNT S: ADDRESS: 5626 -c Gordon Rd CITY: vlilminqton sT: ]jq zIP: 2 8411 EIIAIL ADDRESS: bianca@mcadamshomes . net/qrady@mcadamshomes . net PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON : Tim Ra\.nor PHONE #: 910-s08-2298 p nrr oanace -3!z- sF DET GARAGE - SF POO L _ SF DECK SF PoRCH 399_ sF STORAGE SHED ztP | 253)2_ 05 SUNROO14 GREENHOUSE TOTAL HEATED 5Q WATER: ZONE: SF SF SF IzDEC 17 8:44FH OTHE R : TOTAL SQ FT UNDER RoOF: 2077 TOTAL AREA SQ FT: zozz No *,* * *+,*,* *+ * *,t * * *,f * * * ,t,t ** )i * ** * * *+ * + +,r++****r(********** FT: 14?o TOTAL PR0IECT COST lress rory : $ r:s,ooo # OF STORIES: 2 Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUMBING or I,IECHANICAL hlork Being Done to the Accessory Structure? E Yes rf the project j.s a Relocation, is there a Natunal Gas Line on the cunrent site? E Yes I No Is there Electnical Powen on this Building?I ves [ ruo PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY:SINGLE FA[,1ILY I ouelrx f] rowruHousr DESCRIPTIoN 0F WORK: Erect 3BR, 2.sBA with a 2 car sarase sinqle family home oISCLAIMER:lherebyceriifyhaiall nbrmarioninhrsappicarion scorreclandallworkwillcomplywrrhheSrateBuildmgCodeandall er appl ble Slate and local laws and ordinances and regula ons. The NHC DeveLopmenl Services Center willbe notlied olanychanges in the approved plans and speci contactcr inb.maton. '*NoTE:any work Perfomed wo lhe Appropriare Permts willbe in violalion oflhe Nc stale Bldg code and s Up To $500.0Cr" Ot"lNER/CONTRACTOR r edam sos,re SI6NATURE: ++* * ++ + ++* * +++* ".***' **, **tliTl )i11 IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? EXTsTING II4PERVIOUS AREA: -SQ FT NEW I YES NO TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: FT EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT:YES [--l r'rorf PRIVATE I^/E L L CENTRAL WELL (FOR OFFICE UsE ONLY) REVIsED DATE O4l11l12 SETBACKS: F:_ LH:_ RH:_ B:_ E MPTrfiodaAREA: _sQ cFPUA L_-l COM|vIUNTTY SYSTET'I S EWER cFpuA n CENTRAL sEpTrc ! cnrvnrr sEpTrc E coMt,luNrTy sysTEM *** SEPARATE PERI4]TS RFQU]RED FOR ELECT, iIECHJ PLEG' GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *** pAyirErJT flErHoD: ! cnsx IcnecK (payABLE ro r{Hc) nrrr. oaa*r, E ralrrro I orscovrn* *** *+*,t )*** ++ ** *)k** *,** * x )* )t + +*+ )t* )t )t:* * )* ,t )t* * + r*,* * )k )* )* + )i,t )k:*+ r** ** * *:t+ **,k+ * * +*x *+rt x* ** r** )** *** )* x* OFFICER: Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: _AVN PERMIT FEE: $ I t Comment: BLOCK f: _ LOT #: PROPERW O}'INER'S NAI,4E: McAdams Homes LLc PHONE #: 910-798-3006 CITY: lllg}!g!9!_ ST: J9_ ZIP:233fL PHONE *: 91a 798 loo5 ExrsrrNc coNsrRucrroN: ! nlrennruoru [ nenovnrroru f] celtnnl REPATR5 E RELocArroN NEW CONSTRUCTTOT: I tnrCr NE[,/ RESTDENCE o" ! mOrrrOru TO EXTSTTNG RESTDENCE **PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTI 5F BF E+2ft= za?-B'E +% Ndt- & NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSI€R ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE IO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICATION Number (office Use) APPLICANT's NAI{E: McAdams Homes LLC DATE :L2/o8/L7 DEVELOPER: McAdams Homes LLC PHONE #: 9ro 798 locrt PROIECT ADDRESS: 855 Lea Landinq Dr CITY: I,,Ji lminqron ZIP: 28412 SUBDMSION: Lea Landinq BLOC( #:LoT *: oj OWNER'S ADDRESSi 6626-c Gordon Rd CONTRACTOR: McAdams Homes LLC LICENSE S: 5eeo7 ACCOUNT S: CITY: wrlminqt.on ST: NC ZIP: 28411 EI'IAIL ADDRESS: blanca@mcadamshomes . net /qradv@mcadamshomes . ne L PHONE #:910-798-3005 PHONE f: 9ro-so8 2298 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION:A LT E RATION RENOVATION GENERAL R EPAIRS RE LOCAT ION NEtJ CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW RESIDENCE or ADDITION TO EXISTING RESIDENCE *,I.PLEASE CHECK ANO ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: flnrr cenacr 40? sF tr PoRcH :!!_ sF STORAGE SHEDSFSUNROOM GRE ENHOUS E TOTAL HEATED SQ DET GARAGE - SF PooL _ 5F DECK SFSF SF SF FT: 1470 OTHER 1;tDEC l7 E!44flt1 TOTAL 5Q FT UNDER ROOF: :ozr TOTAL AREA 5Q FT: zozr I No *;t + * * * * * * * + * * * * * * *+ TOTAL PROIECT COST (ress ro0 : $ r:s,ooo # OF STORIES: Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUIiIBING or I.IECHANICAL lJork Being Done to the Accessory Structure? E Yes If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site? [ ves fl to Is there Electnical Powen on this Building?ves l-l to PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY:SINGLE FAMI LY DUP LEX TOWNHOUSE DESCRIPTION OF IIORK: Erect 3BR,2.5BA with a 2 car qaraqe sinq1e family home DISCLAIMER: I hereby cenily lhat all inbmation in his applicatjon is correct and allwork witt compty wiih ihe Srate Buitding Code and at iher ap able SlaE and locallaws and otdinances and regulalbns, The NHC Development Services Center willbe notlied olanychanges rn he approved ptans and sp change in conracbr orconracbr inbrmalion. '-NOTE: any Work Perlormed WO tle Appropriale PermiGwillbe in Violalion otrhe NC Stare Btdg Code a ines Up Io $500.00" OWNER/CONTRACTOR i adam sos,e SI6NATURE: fPrht Nemer.*,*rr,**r*+**x+,*,****rt*,t*i*r+*r*r*+i+*tr*.*+r*,itr**++*r,*+*4t+++ AREA: -5Q FT EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERI|IT: N YES N NO coMMUNrrY sYsTEM fl PRTVATE WELL CENTRAL I^/E LL COIV]MUNITY SYSTEMSEWER:! creue f] crrurnnu sEprrc E pRrvarE sEprrc IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? N YEs EXISTING II.TPERVIOUS AREA: -SQ FT N EI,l, I^IATE R I NO TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: (FOR OFFTCE USE O ty) REVT5ED DATE O4l11l12 SETBACKS: F:_ LH:_ RH:_ B:_ BF E+ 2ft= *** SEPARATE PERllrrs REQUTRED FoR ELEcr, tlEcHJ PLBG, GAs EQUrp, PREFABS & rNsERTs t*r pAv,'rENr ErHoD: I cnsx f]cnecx (pAvABLE ro NHc) E srLi o..** ' D,.irrio-'--n*orr.orr.)** * * * )t 't ** '** * )t* * ***,1* **,t )** )* +,t* * * * * ** )*+,t ** *,t ** )t *+* * *,* * ,t:i ;i,t ,t,t * + )i* * * ** * + + *:i *:F* * * +,* * +,i * )* i )** * * ZONE: _ OF FICE R: Approval: Citv :_ DATE:_ FLOOD: AVN PER'i1IT FEE: $ r z Comment: PROPERW oWNER'S NA E: McAdams Homes LLC PHONE $: 910-79I 3o06 CITY: wilminqton ST: I!_ ZIP: 28411 ADDRESS: 6626 -c cordon Rd PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: rim Ra.,Tor NEt't HANOVER COUNTY BUILDfNG PERIIIIT APPLIAfiOfl TYPE: C0lillilE RC IAL PLEASE At{srJER AL! qTESTIoXS APPLICAELE TO yot R PROIECToProject nesponslbiliqf AP-FfrcATro-it Number (Offi.e Use) _DATEt,//6 )7 PTONE $: zrPte8413 -Plo E *: ?trt-6A/-ng+tsr:y'Lzrpt2N#?s Jo l-)-tlr tD Y, G APPLICAtr{T'S MIIE : DEVELOPER: Itix y't PRO]ECT OCCUPATT/BUSINESS tIAfl E :c PROPERTY CHNER's tTAitE: O {ER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: EfiIAI L PRO]ECT COIfI crw: LICE}ISE #: crw:32U{rZ'PST EPHON *: *i EXIST COI{STRIrcTIo : T-l ALTERATIOL--Jf Relocation, b there a Natural Gas Line on the NoilEltl C00{SIRITCTIOil: E ACCESSORY STRI'CIURE: (Check Al1 That Apply) T-l RETOVATTOi' T] GEI,|ERAL REPAIRS T-1 RE|-OCATTON bdnent site? 3*J51ru" rs aloc seLJnrNrleneoS* 9.."/( Yesfl il.l Is Elect Por,er on this Building fl yes NO *.*.* IS THIS A C}UIiIGE OF OCOPATICY USE?E IF Yes, hlhat xas the Preyious Occupancy Type? _ Xfi-at YES l-[ rc *rr*r is thd il€f,, Occupancy IXHtrrrro. PRoFEssroML !NC REG *: NC REG *: If UPFrT - The She1l PeHri.t #: TOTAL PROJECT COST TOTAL AREA SO FT : TOTAL SQ FI UNDER ROOF: Exsr LAND Drsrunernc eenlaru Ja ves J': uo SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: ERECT ET STRUCTURE tr FAST TRACK SHELL UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRIrcTURE e BUILDING HEIGHT:tr1 "# OF UNITS; / SQ FT PER FLR: PH PtiEI{GR DESIGI{ PROFESSIOTIAL DESCRIPTION OF !.'ORK:/> v{, all otEr applicable State Dlans and soecifi catiyrsNC SEE Bhg Code and OWNEFYCONTRACTOR: {ordfis) SIGNATURE |tots Demohbn nodficaticns & ssb6t6 €rnovatpe.mn applbalbns a€ 10 be using ltle ap9lcaton tofln (DHH937e€) wh€lher tre ia.jtity o. buitding ei€s turnd &@ntain AsbesDs or ndt. Yoo are rcquired !o callthe Natbnal Emision Slar*afits br Fhzardous Air PollutanB (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 ar te6s1 10 days prior ro rtledemolilion of any facility or building. See Asbeslrs Web Stte: htF://www.epi.stae.nc.us/epi/asbestos/ahmp. htrnl # OF STRUCTUR # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS: NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: PRopERry usE: EoFFtcE I nesraunarur I r,/lencenrrr_el-1eouc[-1 SQ FT APT CONDO OTHET 54**rz {alE[.83:EUt.E:B$+Ht'*ilI',*.fl llT'*:;:::"_.**1"fl}ll*ll"' UICATION PAYMENT METHOD: l- CASH f- Cnecx lnnvaaLE To NHC) f-- eUenrcaN exenrss l-; t',tOrrrse f-_ orsCOven ZONE .-. vFFICER: (FOR OFFICE USE ONL'r:ZJ Lr-t, t)RH("BlLr'Approval: DL City DA FLOOD BFE+zfT N . PERMIT FEE: : Comment Cii: lnspeclion Reourr ,9t0.I54 )!fii LL ACRES DISTURBED: NEId HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICA|ION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSI.IER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Res pons ibility" &Jw$,wfr APPLICATION Number (office Use) DEVELOPER: McAdams Homes LLC PHONE #: 9ro-79s-3006 PROIECT ADDRESS: 869 Lea Landinll Dr CITY: wilminqton ZIP: 284t2 SUBDIVISION: Lea Landins BLOC( #:LOT *: 02 PROPERTY OWNER'S NME: McAdams Homes LLc PHONE #: 910-798-3006 OWNER'S ADDRESSi 6626 c cordon Rd CITY: wi lminqron ST: NC zIP: 2 8411 CONTRACTOR: McAdams Homes LLC LICENSE *: 6eeo7 ACCOUNT #: ADDRESS: 6626-c cordon Rd CITY: wi lminqton ST: Nc ZIP: 28411 EfilAIL ADDRESS: bianca@mcadamhomes . net /qrady@mcadamshomes . net PHONE #: 910 ?98-3005 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: rim naynor PHoNE *: 9r0 508 2298 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION ! nrruovnrroru [ crrurnnr REpArRs E RELocATToN NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW RESTDENCE o" ! aOOrtrOru TO EXTSTTNG RESTDENCE ,}*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSI{ER EELOI.J ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: ATT GARAGE 4a7 SF I Orr CnnnOe 5F E PORCH 1].2 SF ! surunoor,r _ sF ! eoor- - sF STORAGE SHED f] cnrrrunouse _ sF ! oecr - sr orHER: SF SF 1zDEi i7 Er4tfiH TOTAL HEATED 5Q FT: rsso TOTAL SQ FT UNDER RoOF: 206e ToTAL AREA SQ FT: 2o5e TOTAL PROIECT COST rress ro0 : $ r:s,ooo f 0F STORIES: 2 Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUllBIl,lG or I,IECHAiIICAL Work Being Done to the Accessor"y Structure? [ VeS [l ruO If the pnoject is a Relocation, is thene a Natunal Gas Line on the Current Site? [ Ves No fs there Electnical Power on this Building?I ves [ ruo pRopERw usE / occupANcyr @ srruolr FAMTLY fl DUPLEX f] TowNHousE DESCRIPTION OF t^jORK:Erect 3BR. 2.5BA. 2 car qa le family home DISCLAIMER I hereby cedity hat all inbrmation in his applicaton is conect and allwork will comply wiilt he Slaie Building Code and alr olhet licab e 9are and local aws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC D€velopment ServEes Ceoler willbe notfied olany changes in he approved plans and conlracbr inbrmatjon, '"NOTE:Any Work Performed W/O the Appropriate Permits will be in Violation ofthe NC State Bldg Code or change in conifacbror Fines Up To $500.00"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR i ndam sosne SIGNATURE: IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? I_l YES EXISTING IMPERVIOTJS AREA: -SQ FT NEW IMPERVIoUS AREA: _ SQ FT (Print Na* * +,r * + *,f + * * +,f +,f + + * * * *+ +,f i<* + * + * *+,t11** * ** * * ** * ** * * *)r )r ** * * ** )k * x+ x+,is ** + ** * * ** + *+,t,i *** * + I NO TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: EXIST LAND DISTURBIT,IG PERMIT:[-l vrs [-_l rc r.larER: ft|cerrra f] comnururrv sysrEr{ f] pRrvATE l,rELL I crtrnal wrlr sEwER: f,SpuA ! cenrnar sEprrc E pRrvATE sEprrc ! coMmururrv svsrrN \1," *** SEPARATE PERI.IITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, MECHJ PLBG' GAS EQUIP' PREFABS ,& I]i/sERTS **} pAy ENT r,lErHoD: f] casr ncxrcK (PAYABLE ro NHc) nBrLL Accor,,Nr E rcfrrso I orscovenIt*)i******++*'**'t**+*****)t)k*)t++*,**,t+*,t********+++,t***)t**+,*++++,f)t****++++*,t,t***:*+***,i***)*++ OFFICER: Approval:_ City;_ DATE:_ rIOOD: _l_ Comment: (FoR OFFTCE USt otiLy) REVISID OAIE 04/11/17 SETBACKS: F:_ LH:_ RH:_ B:_ BF E+2ft= N PER II FEE: $ T -."-ili\ # APPLICAI'IT'5 NAIIE: McAdams Homes LLC OATE: __f]1:91_!l_ tr ZONE : ffi NEt^,| HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLTCATION IYPE I RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]TCT "Pnoject Responsibility" ?d+ML?A APPLICATION Numben (Offlce Use) DEVELOPER: McAdams Homes LLc PROIECT ADDRESS: 845 Lea Landrno Dr CITY: wi lmlnqron ZIP i 284t2 SUBDMSION: Lea Landinq BLOCK S:LOT S: 08 PROPERTY ohlNER,S NAI{E: McAdams Homes LLC oWNER'S ADDREsSi 5626-c Gordon Rd CITY:Wi lminqE on ST: I!_ zIP: 2s4rI CONTRACTOR: McAdams Homes LLC LICENSE #: 6eeo7 ACCOUNT S: ADDRESS: 6626-c Gordon Rd CITY:Wi lminqton sT : Ig_ zIP: 2!l_1! EIiiIAIL ADDRESS : bianca@mcadamshomes. ne!/qrady@mcadams homes . net PHONE #: e1o-?98-too6 PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: rim Raynor PHONE S: 910 so8 2298 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION :ALTE RATION R ENOVATION GENERAL REPAI R5 RE LOCATION NEI,{ CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW RESTDENCE or E ADDITTON TO EXISTTNG RESIDENCE **PLEASE CHECK AND ANSI,JER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: ATT GARAGE 407 SF ! otr cnnnee - sF PORCH _1]2_ SF lioEc l7 Q !{3nfi suNRooM _ sF POOL 5F STORAGE 5HED SF 5F TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: rsso ToTAL 5Q FT UNDER ROoF: 2o5e TOTAL AREA SQ FT: 206e TOTAL PROIECT COST lress ro9 : $ l3s,ooo # 0F STORIES: 2 Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUmBING o. IiIECHANICA! Wonk Being Done to the Accesso.y Structure? [ Yes If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site? [ Ves No GREENHOUSE 5F Is there Electnical Powen on this Building? PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY: I SrNCle rerlrlV I No I ves Fl to DUPLEX TOWNHOUSE DESCRIPTION 0F hiORK: ErecL 3BR.2.5BA wich a 2 car qaraqe sinqle family home DISCLAIMER lhereby ceriify hal all lnbrmation in lhis applicalon is conect and allwork willcomply wih he Staie Buildi6g Code and att oher apptaabte Slale and tocat taws and ordinances and regulalions The NHC Developmenl Services Cenier willbe notfed otanychanges in he approved ptans and specilications orc contaclor inbrmalion. "'NOTET Any Work Pe{ormed W/O ihe Appropriate Permils will be in Viotarion ofrhe NC Srate Bldg Code and s up To $500.0r_ SIGNATURE: (Print Ni + ++ '+,t+ + * +:1.,t x:t ,t * ** ** )t** **** * **:* * +***++ **,i+,t** * ** * ***+ *,*** +*+,**,f +** ** * I5 THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? E YES EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: -SQ FT I NO TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: ZONE: OFFICER: *** SEPARATE PERI'1ITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, I,IECH, PLBGJ GAs EQUIP, PR€FABS & INSERTS *** pAyfiENr ilErHoD: ficmn I QrrcK (payaBLE To NHc) nBrLL AccouNr I mclvrsn I orscoven +*++ + i(,t,t )k)t* )i )t * )t )*x x,* * ** irt ++ +***,t*,t,t*,t* *:i*,i *:*+ + + * +,t +* *:t +* )t ** * * * * * ** )* * )** ** *,f * **,*+ *+* + *++ * +,t (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) RIVISED OATE O4l11l12 SETBACKS: F: LH: RH: B; Appnoval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: _ BFE+2ft= AVN I Comment:PERIiIIT FEE: $ APPLICANT's MllE: r,4cAdams Homes LLC OAIET __lZJ!SJ)f_ PHONE #: 910-798-3006 PHONE #: 910-7e8-3005 ! orcr _ sr orHER: OWNER/C0NTRACTOR i aaam sosne NEW rMp*Ryrgl,\s AREA: _ SQ FT EXrST LAND DTSTURBTNG PERMTT: r.l yES T-l NO ,^rr .dtlr{!&.orrrrrr, sysrEM E pRrvArE *ELL ! cerurRnr urr-r- sEwEya CFPUA D cENTRAL sEprrc ! enrvnrr sEprrc E coMMUNrry sysrEM