DECEMBER 28 2017 BUILD APP?l)n-lng? 1: L7_3A54 APPIrE-ATION l,lumber (offlce use) APPLICANT'S NAI4E: vrrrari Eood GrouD -OAfE'. 12/t/t'j OEVELOPER: oa PRO]ECT - PlOilE *: na : tots A"hes Drive suite 206 HiImlngtoD ZIP: ? IAos OCCUPANI/BUSINESS NAltlE: vitrari Foods Business office PRoPERTY oWNER'5 NA|4E i Virlari Food crouD PHoNE #: 9rO-291-2151 0WNER'5 ADDRESS: LOL2 Us tixy 1i./ Sour-h - CITYi g,1s666,,j ST: Nc zIP:2a398 CONTRACTORI Hudson Buitdlng croup, rNc LICENSE #; 51191 ADDRESS: po aox ?798 . 5T; Ng ZIP: 29496 EMAIL ADDRESS: beo 0hudsonbu 1r d1n9g!oup. coin PROIECT C0NTACf PER50N; ssn rruds66 - PHONE $r 9\0-228-4632 CITY: wjlning:on If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #: 04-tsz1 Is Elect Por./er on this Building Ji Yes NO ll*r* rS THI5 A cHANcE oF ocCUpANcv USE?f yES JE. r'ro ,*.** IF Yes, uhat ,as the Prevlous Occupancy Type? - Hhat 1"5 the Nelr Occupancy IXEfitorsror PR.FEssro ALr Kot tlc REG ti 6759 Nc REc #:;:;6i;- r - PH:9tO_-5j2_1364 ENGR DESIGN PRoF ESSIoNAL t-McDowe t.t Cons Eng PH 910-210-3 t 47 DESCRIPTION OF I,]ORK:Co.porale office inlerio! upfir and alterations/rencvafions ts food or bev.rages prepared or served in this structure?f- YesJf- No ls The Property Locatsd ln The Floodplalnl-_ YeEif- NoDISCLAIMER: I hcroby cerllt lha I all ln,ormstlon ln snd locallnws ond ord,nances and r€gulalions. Theor(hsnoo n conlractor or conl€cro, iiiformstion. "' Subjectlo Flnss Up To $500.00"' ihis appllcallon rs correctand a lwolk w rlcomply $/ilh he Srate Buildin0 Cod6 and allolher NHC D€ve1oDn€nt S.rviosNOTE Any Work Pcdormed WO lhe Approp.iate Pe znv.-h8no6s ln lh6 roo nnrts wrll b-o n V oldrlonCentsl witlbe no{n€d ol t6B S!6te OWN ER/CONTRACTOR: luason Buitdins Group SIGNATURE: (ou.ri .4 (PdilNs.) conlain Asb.slos or not. Yo'r 6re r.qrl..d to cElllne NauonalEmlsslor Slardads tor Hazardo!! A]rPollutanB (NESHA4.t (919)707-5950 atlea$ l0deys Ddor to tho domolilionolanylacilityorbuilding.SesAsb€BlosWebSite:hnp/lwww.€.6rare.n.irtepuashstovahmp.thl TOTAL PROJECT COST: S2Oo,oOO BUILDING HEIGHT] 34, # OFUNITS: 2 TOTAL AREA SO FT : 4 395 SQ FT PER FLR:.5sg n TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: see App B # OF STRUCTURES: 1 ACRES DISTURBED: O NEW I[,lPERVIOUS AREA: O PROPERTY USE;OFFICE R ESTAURANT [/ERCANTILE SETBACKS Approval: OY- City: lL,,\\A DATE FLOOD B EDU CONDO OTHEI BFE+211, PERMIT FEE: : EXST LAND DISTURBING PERfuIIT? TYES .IT NO SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: see App B SQ FT SE CLASSIFICATIONSee App B ... SEPANATE PEFMITS REOUIREO ION ELEC-T, MECH, PL8G, GAS EAUIP, PREFABS A INSERTS PAYMENT METHOD f.cAsH l-. cHEcK (PAYABLE To NHc) lf- AMERToAN ExpRESs f_ Mcl/rsA f,_ DrscovER (FOR OFFTCE USE O CFPUA CFPUA E COMMUNITY SYSTEM T-l WELL I-''I ZONING U CENTRAL sEPTrc fJ HVnre SrCrrc 3?or"u,rurrirrv ZONE:OII.:LOFFICER:l',fiJ\Ln*/A nxlyA eIA Comment e, tn City lnpeclion Requnreo, 9l &25{{9fr) Clear Form Prlnt eMall NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLrcArroN IYPE: COlltlERCIAL PLEASE ANSI,IER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICASLE TO VOUR PNOJE(T "Project Responsibillty" Exrsr coNsrRucrroNr El aLrERArro* g *r*Jifrii8il ,ETt'iL^. REpArRs l-l RElocarroN l, Relocation, is rhere a Natrrra-l cas Line on lhedrrent Sire? [- Gi[- Uo lS BLDG SPh-ii]KLERED?f- Yesli- NoNal{l coNsrRucrroN; D EREcr NE!,, srRUcruRE n FAsr IRACK E sHErL El UPFrr f] ADD TO EXrsT STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STNUCTURE: # OF STOFIES: 2 # OF FLOOFS: )- WATER: SEWER: SYSTEM '4\ APPLICAIIT'5 NAltlE: yi11n.i 1-ocq cr.ou ClearForm Print eMail NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERJYIIT APPLIaaTIN TYPE: C0itltlERCfAL PLEASE ANSUER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAALE TO YO.'R PRO]ECT "project Responsibllity" !or1-)3agj17-3&51 AFFT'E-ATIoN Number (offlce Use) DATE :).2/l/71 oEVELOPER: na PROJECT PHOI'IE #: .a 1015 Ashes D.ii'e suit. 206 Sii lni nqt on ZIP i 2840s OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAME: Vrjlari Foods Business aff!.c PROPERTY OHNER'S l,iAtllE: yi1161i Food 6rouD O{NER'S AODRESS: - PHO E #: g1o-2s3-2-,5i 1012 US Hwy 117 South CfTY: puy5;.a 5Tl Ng ZIP:2s3es CO TRACTOR: Budson Building croup, I:Jc ADDRESS; po Box 7?98 Ei'IAIL ADDRESS: ben3hudsonbui-Ldin - LICEiISE t: or r 9., CITY: ,iil,ll. nq:on . ST: NC ZIP: 28,106 rou , caan PHONE f PIE E #: 9t O-22a-.5\2 i 91a-228-4632PNO]ECT COI{TACT j Ben Hurison EXIST COT{STRUCTION:ALTER.ATION RENOVATIOI'I lf Relocation, is there a No EhI COT,'STRUCTIO : Natura Gas Line on the unent Site? ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: (check all rhat Apply) GENERAL REPAIRS lf- ruo rs BLDG s,H.KLERED{-_ Yesf. RELOCATION If UpFIT - The Shet1 Permit #: 64_1s2r Is E1e€t Pouer on thls Building lf yes r NO ,i... r5 rHrS A cltAflGE oF occupAf,cy usE?T yEs fr- o rr,*r* IF ves, wiat Has the Prevr.ous O(€upancy Type? _ ltirat is the pex Occupancy TvDe?AREH DESIGiI pROFES5IOIIAL: Kot Archi recture - PH:9-_O-6.2-4364 tlc REG *;6759 ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL :-McDowelI Cons Eng PH i9r0-21C-314-1 NC REG #: c-2 5.6 DESCRIPTION OF WORK:Corporate office inLer:io r upfit and a I te 16 t l ons / renovat jons ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structurezl-_ Yeslf_ No ls The property Locatod ln The Ftoodplainr - y"{t_ NoDISCLAIIUER: I hereby certify that all intorms*on in thisand lc,c6llaws and ordlnances and regulat,ons. The NH 9r chahoe ln conrador or conlractor intormadot' ','NOSubjectlo Fines Up To $500.00"' application is correct and all work wilt comply with the Stare Building Code and all othe.applkable StateC DeveloDment ServicesTE: Any Work Perform€d Centsr wrll be notllled ot anvw/O lhe Appropriate P6rml{sch6noes ln th6 aoorovsd e/ill Ee in V;ola 6n of rhe Dlans andl'tc srer€ contah Asb€stos or not. You are rEquksd to calllhB Natlonal E ni$ioh standards for Hazsrdous AIr Pollutants (NEsltAP) at (9l 9)707.5050 d le93t 10 days Eio{ to *|6darno{ilion o{ any facillty o. building- See Asbestos Web Site: htFr rww.epl.sLte.nc_us/eprasbortos/ahmp.hiol TOTAL PROJECT COST: $zoo,oco BU|LD|NG HEtcHT: 34, #OF UNITS: 2 OWNER/CONTRACTOR: suason Buildirs Group TOTAL AREA SO FT : 43e5 SO FT PER FLR:,See App B TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF gee App B f OF STRUCTURES: 1 ACRES DISTURBED; o SIGNATURE: # OF STORIES: 2 # OF FLOORS: u Exsr LAND D|STURBING pERMtT? r yES li NO SQFT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: see App B E CLASSIFICATION see App B NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: x SQ FT PROPERTY USE:oFFrcE n RESTAURANT f] MERoANILEI EDUC[ nerf]CONDO OTHET WATER: SEWER: iYSTEM CFPUA CFPUA n coMMUNtTy SYSTEM Tl WELL nZON|NGUSI] CENTRAL SEpIc f] FR',lvArE sEpilc l-1-coMMuNtry*. SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PL8G, GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS PAYMENT METHOD f cAsH f-. cuecx leevnBlE ro NHc) lf AMERTCAN EXPRESS l-_ r,,tcnrrsn [-_ otscovER ZONE: OFFICER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F;LH RHApproval:_ City:_ DATE_ FLOOD BFE+2ft, B Comment s* lcz N PERMIT FEE: I EI / r ERECT IiIEI{ STRUCTURE f] FAST TRACK f] SHELL E UPFII I ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE &oll- t3}t4a LJ--+97 8NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP LICATIO N TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUEsTIONS APPLICASLT TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Prorect Responsiblllty" Applkalion Number' (ofn . use) Dare: r>l,r-!tAPpUCANTSNAME: Sa*rrrgaO @+pctutzE Ae-aa-Do,,\t PROJECT AODR suBDlvtstoN: C|Ty: l, rLH,^r s.ti ),P LOT,]: Ls coNTRAcTon: 6r^i!l€2-J O+rsu-ttE SrJar.,/-9 ADDRESS:0 EMAIL ADDRESS: BI-DG LICTNSE #ts(jc clTY: \-)l l>1,,rC6-J^j sr, C ztP: +'B'*. f px6xgl (ro - 191 a?u t. PHON E 4rc-l(i'1?r,rPROIECT CONTACT PERSON $"*".r *, ccv / EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: Nl/Alteration C Renovation E GeneralRepairs NtW CONSTRUCTIONT E Erect New Residence D Additlon to Eristing Residence O Relocation '}.'IPIEASE CHECK AND ANSW€R BEI.OW AI.L THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT*" D Att Garage (SF)n Oet Garape ISFI fl/SLrnroom (SF)ILt D Pool(SF) L-j ureennouse {)1, _D Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existlng footprint? Cl Yes d-No h3-,:,-,..-r """tJ" :^ c'+*-' UnheatediToTAL sQ FT UND€R ROOF lfot ptoposed wotk) ,lealedi ).u I * TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 1ot) ls the proposed work changlng the number of bedrooms? D yes Ealtrto lsanyEle.tri..l,PlumblngorMechanlcalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructure f] Yes D No tl,- lf the project is a Selocatlon, ls there a Naturll Gas Line on the current site? fl Yes EzNo ls there Electflcal Power on this Euilding? I Yes D No/ Property Use/ Oc.upancv: d Slngle Famlly E Ouplex f] Townhouse Description of Work: *..9 4*n roo z.- DISCLAIMEST lherebycenrfythatalllhe lnformtstlon lh thk.pplication h cor.ect andall willcomplywith thestat. suildi.ECodc.nd all olher a pplkable Stale.nd local law! and ordrnaicesand p ans and sp€c I.alione or.hange ln.ont.actor itrlormation.'r'NOTE: A nd subject to fines up 10 $s00.00"' Owne/Contractor "Llcensed Quoliie/ ls the property located In a floodplain? D Yes E/No Existing lmpervious Area: _Sq Ft Total Acres Dlsturbed: W- New lmpcrvlous Area:9'Sq Ft Exlsting Land Dlsturbing Perm,t: E yut @4o WATERT EaCFPUA O Community System O PrivateWell D CentralWell O Aqua SEWER: y'cf PUA fl Community System fl zonu,l\.(X, officer: 7fG serbacks (F) 0-.,-"-rl "*. s.L**-tzai\ crty: /L l.vl oate:Tlood: (A) - (v)(N) X BFE+2ft= - + Approva l: Com ment: PrivateSeptlc E CentralSeptic D Aqua N/A r,*rtVAr.'r rVA aWla CrE lnWeclion Rqureo, 9l &254-090t) Permlt Fee: S pRopERry owNrR,s NAME: [.{ao,raa.: - C^<, I gr+,n} _pHoNE#: 4tc- 5r{-6frr-I owruEn,saoonrss, rtr4ffiry. urrul^rc.;r,, -zrp, >e.l-(- D Porch (sF)_ D Storage Shed (SF)- D other (sF)- NEW HANOVER COUNW BU]LDING PERMIT AP P LICATION TYP E : RESIDENTIAI PLEA5E ANsWER ALt QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Proiect Responsibility'' Zon^lDq), L)---3!7 8 Application Number (offi€e use) APPTICANT'S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: $*;t+g.r. ^s V+P74"!LE 5v*"! 2oo a3 t t r Q \,!L uguo a-<-e?z- LA J €6;ry. pru-rt."J c.ia J zlP: ?S*o f Date rrl,{,-z SUBDIVISION:.ne E< l( l.( 6+ rari PROPERW OWNER'S NAME: 91ry115p',5 19ppg551 t (t { lG.:r^a-l C.+ai { g5g,..r + lrLLS r.., +iEA L+})a PHONE #r 4ra- Sr(-6i,{ CITY: L)r L.4. ,.J 6::, .J zlP: EB9'o CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: €.E*Ooe"-aE S(^*r ere,,-9 61ry. LJr ux, ^rGfod sT: FICztp: Ig.[o.(- ts{39BLDG LICENSE #oBo .1.la-,,o'1 n Att Garage {SF)_ PROJECT CONTACT PERSON $"ru *,ctev PHONE 4rc-1jj-1'?61 / EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: N/Alteration ! Renovation D General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: n Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation *"*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALI THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*** $/Sunroom (Sr)ILt ! Greenhouse (SF) TOTAI PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 1o9j ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? D yes E/No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure ! yes E No I l+ lfthe project isa Relocation, istherea Naturrl Gas Lineon thecurrentsite? [ yes ],.No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? d Yes tr trto/ Property Use,/ Occupancy: l Single family I Duplex fl Townhouse 0o ^..r1 or.9L;5cte.c-.n,.l"a-c,g +*^.ca ,'- DISCLAIMER: I hereby certify that a,lthe information in this application h corrert and all willcomplywith the State Building Code and allother applicable State and locatlaws and ordlnances and regulati information. +a.NOIE: Any work ons. T@r\c Develop performed *ithout th ment Servi.es centerwill be notified ofany changes in the approved plans and speciflcations orchange in contractor e appropriate permits will be in violati Description of Work: i oa of t}$lcsate Bldc"*\'+Code and subject to fines up to S50O.0O*.* Owner/Contractor:{i""r $'c-uz1 Sign "Licensed Quolifie/' ls the property located in a floodplain? fl yes E/No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: 9- New lmpervious Area:V Sq Ft Existing Land Oisturbing Permit: n yes E6o WATER: E/CFPUA ! Community System E private Well I Central Well f] Aqua SEWER: E/CFPUA n Community System I private Septic n Centralseptic I Aqua Zone: _ Officen _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A)_ (V) _ (N) _ BFEr2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: S LOT #: t9 EMAIL ADDRESS; pXONr. 4 ra - 1Q 3 - }?g "}- E Det Garage (SF)_ n Pool (sF) _ n Deck (sF)_ n Porch (SF)-- E Storage Shed (SF)_ D Other (sF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? fl yes t'No rorArsqFTUNDER ROOF Vot proposedrrrrl X""t"a, )-r.( - b*u'n;;:L:* "" ''^ e"|"'<- t, NEW HANOVER COLINTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SAFETY 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRTVE - SUITE I7O WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 Telephone: 910.798.7308 Fax: 910.798.781 I Int ernet : wunu - nhc gov. com REGULAR RES!DENTIAL BUILDING APPLICATION STATEMENT OF NDERSTANDING 6"*-J am submitting an application for a residential building permit to New Hanover County. And, as the applicant or person submitting the application, I check the bo/boxes below to acknowledge that: E- I did not attach an official CFPUA document that acknowledged approval of the payment made to CFPUA. E / I did not attach an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington. E}/ t did not attach an official proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. And because I did not aftach the official proof of approvals along with my application for permit; New Hanover County cannot guarantee that the building permit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submiftal date/time (the stamped date/time notation made by the Building Safety Department on the application or submittal document) Signed in acknowledgment: .Lrr-i *'cuz'l sig ature Printed Name I I t{ l,lLL6dtlE/L La,r€ r> Address for the proposed residential work: t- r>-l ,1 Date Iol +.t3z3 | Clear Form Print uUil NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PNO.J€CT 'Proiect Responsibility" tr 12IE, (offfce use) APPLICANIS NAME: Brian Soaller oatet 1211112107 PROJECT ADDRESS 2n Sal'th eth Streat CITY: Wilminoton ZIP: 28401 SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME: PhiI Gates-Idem PHONE # OWNER'S AODRESS ,n s Rrh st clTYi Wilminoton ztP: 28401 CONTRACTOR: Soall€r Construction Grouo. LLC BIDG LICENSE #:47582 ADDRESS: 609-A Pine Road #119 EMAIL ADDRESS: bsnaller6snallerconstruction com CITY: Wilmianton sr: trlc_ztP: 28409 PHoNE:910-508-4238 PROJECT CONTACI PERSON: Brian SDaIIer PHoNE: 910-508-4238 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration (n"rou"tion D GeneralRepairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation Ii'PLEASE CHECX AND ANSWER BELOW ALI. THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT*" ! Att Garage (5F)_D Porch (SF) D Sunroom (5F) D Greenhouse (sF) _! Deck (5F) D Storage Shed (SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Ves ( tlo TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF lJor proposed work)Heated: 1300 Unheated: TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 90.000.00 information. '.'NOTErAny wo.k p€rform€d without the app.oprtate p€rmtts willb€ io violation ofthe NC State BldI Cod€ and subiect to ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr Yes ( No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the AtcLssory Structure tr Yes K No lf the project ls a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? tr Yes K No ls there tlectrical Power on this Building? (Ves I frfo Property Use/ Occupancy: E Single Family y( Ouplex 3 Townhouse Descrlptlon of Work: that will post down to new footings to not excead opening limits per code- adding lights and making some elect. improvements laws and ordinances and regulations, The NHC Development Services Center will be notlfied ofany ahanSes in the approv€d plans and speciflcations or change in contractor Owner/Contractor: Brian W- Spaller Signat \^) 'Lhensed Quolnel Pint Nofie lsthepropertylocatedinafloodplain? tr Yes E No Existlng lmpervlous Area: N/A Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed:0 New lmpervlous Area:_Sq Ft ExistinS Land Disturbing permit: ! yes I No WATERT D CFPUA E Community System D Private Well ! CentralWell E Aqua SEWER: D CFPUA I CommunitySystem D Private Septic E CentralSeptic D Aqua Zone: _ Offic€r: _ Setbacks (F) _ (Utl _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Datei _ Flood: (A)_ (V)_ (N)_ BFE+2ft= _ ,*.3 $ .lro Comment Permit feer S I I toT 3: I I D Det Garage (SF)_ tr Pool (SF)_ tr other (sF)_ *y APPLIGAI{T'5 Nr$Et C 6 /1,1 S Dftl St6,rir,..- f., t " 54.- il.rirrrsl A Nt\t Clear Form j Print NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMI APPLICATIoN IYPr; COIIiIERCIAL PL€AsT ANSHER ALI QUES'I IONS APPLICASLE TO YOI]R PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" tL clo AFFTT"iiMN Number (offlce Use) DATE : LLL-PHONE $:ql0 L7-v zIPt rSteT vcl s {nf- e((- _pHot{E*: .itO 3)?Z?37* sr:1*_zw!fi_-r1 srtNLzrP': 2f \/4f PHONE *: PHONE *:?ta Lz-lYiio ?ro "tzl yrst 4 15288 PRO]ECT OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAI'IE OI^INER'S ADDRESS: l2()CITY: co{rRAcroR: Cl5t1 \ SLa-r t,.i- ?,^J I " S & lrcelse *: 161-t L- ADDRESS: i,dS fl €v'L\r rz'I- c-.r - CITY: (irri,; 6..-4, EiIAIL ADDRESS:(h'L'L C *..,,F. (o,,-. PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: PRoPERTY ouNER's NAIrE: i^)hrt EXIST CONSTRUCTIOTI:ALTERATION lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the ur No NEW CONSTRUCTION:a ERECT NEW STRUCTURE FAST TRACK ACCESSORY STRUCTURE:'T 41ut4s- 9 l-t RENOVATION rent Site? T es trPRIN RELOCATION KLEREDf -. Yes[- GENERAL REPAIRS J- No lS BLDG S ((h€ck Al1 That Apply) aili:E UPFIT ; tt4- ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE t-kn,* h" cf1.,.-J ) _ If UPFIT - The 5he11 Permit #: t*'*rr. rS TNIS A CHANGE 0F OCCUPANCY USE?f yES l-. ltO ***** IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? _ Hhat is the Net Occupancy I{8fi 'rrrrur PR,FEssroNAL : 3 r$,/t €vr ENGR DESIGT'i PROFESSIOI'/AL : rs ef/ct porer on tnis euilding f Yes f NO PHS to I I i6?/y-ruc nre *e-ab'/7 PH NC REG * DESCRIPTION OF UJORK: and local I COyYlt c! q((s Servrces Center w I be notrf ed ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure?f Yesf No ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainf Yef NBCfetUen, t f,"l."Uy "e(ify thal all intormalion rn this appllcatron is correct and all work will comply wrlh lhe State Burldi erformed w/O the Appropriate demohlion o, any facrlily or burldin TOTAL PROJECT COST BUILDING HEIGHT no Code and allolher aDDltcable Slale lh-e a66rtved olan5fld ioecrtrcatronsioldt6n olrheNrsrale Eldq code and/tIU rn Subledlo OWNE (-t_SIGNATUR Nole: Demolrtion noliticalions 8 asbestos removal permrt applicairons are to b€ submilled usrng the application form (3768)wh€lher llE lacil{y o. burlding was lound lo conlain Asbesbs or nol You are required lo call lhe Nalional Emissron Slandards for Hazardous Air Pollutanls (N )al (919)707':/350 at l6ast 10 days priorto rhe ?Nou l7 3r i6PN # OF UNITS TOTAL AREA SO FT TOTAL SO FT UNDE ACRES DISTURBED WATER SEWER SYSTEM SQ FT PER FLR # OF STORIES ROOF # OF STRUCTURES # OF FLOORS EXST LANO DISTURBING PERMIT? -r YES -T NO SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA PROPERTY US OFFICE RESTAURANT E MERCANT LEI-1 EDUCTI APT CONDO OTHEI SQ FT EM SE CLASSIFICATION PUA PAYMENT METHOD: l- CASH l- CneCX lerVnALE TO NHC) r-AMER|CAN EXPRESS ;-_ rr,CrurSn l-_ OTSCOVER (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) ZONE: OFFICER SETBACKS: F: LH RH B Approval:_ City:_ DATE_ f LOOD,___-_=BFE+2ft,_ F UA T-l CON,,IMUNITY SYST fl cer.rrnnr seerrc T1WELL TI ZONING U Fnlvete sEprrc ESoN4MUNrry Comment PERMIT FEE: :(ob----- I DEVE LOPER: -rW (c,. NEW III/PERVIOUS AREA: -.-.-$'w NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P LICAT lO N TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALT QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Proiect Responsibility'' CITY o)7-lzz7z APPTICANT,S NAME:Date aP,28?oePROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION:oTs PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME OWNER,S ADDRESS: CONTRACIOR ADDRESS EMAIT ADDRESS ! Sunroom {SF) PHONE H CITY wP34o/ BLDG TICENSE # CITY ct:r'/rn irt4t-,r' *lont v *'4/&e,3//2/ PROJECT CONTACT PERSON Da,z,Hu*rart PHONE EXISTING CONSTRUCTION:0 Alteration ! Renovation ! General Repairs NEw CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence n Additionto Existing Residence E Relocation '.'i*PI.EAsE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPI'Y TO YOUR PRO.JECT*** q/ a -24-////r'3 D Att Garage (SF)-l-t Det Garase {SF) ! Pool (sF) I Deck (SF) E Storage shed (SF)- fl Porch (SF) n Other {5F)! Greenhouse (SF)- ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes n No TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF \for proposed work) Heated:unheatedi q I L TOTAL PRO.IECT COST (Less Lot): S ()c0."' lsthe proposed work changingthe number of bedrooms? ! Yes E No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYes!No lf the project is a Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? ! Yes n No lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? ! Yes n No Property Use/ occupancy: flfsingle Family D Duplex ! Townhouse Description of Work A 2xtt ar{ )h 11,ut4,2 V5 A(,{,,Vt ^ DISCI.AIMER: I her€by cenify that all the information in thE apphcation i5 correci and all work will comply with the State Euilding Code and all other applicable State and local in the approved plaos and specifrcations or€hange in coftractor g Code and blect to fines up to 550O.0O"'laws and ordinences and retulations The NHC Oevelopment Services Center willbe notified ofany changes infomation'...NoTE:AnyworkperformedwithoUttheapplopriatep€rmitswillbeinviolationoftheNcSt ate 8ld Owner/Contractor Da r,'J H,r*ca Signature "Licensed Quolifier" Ptint Nome lsthepropertylocatedinafloodplain? ! Yes E No Existing lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area: -- Sq t, ,xisting Land Disturbing Permit: ! Yes ! No WATER: \ CFPUA fl Community System fl Private Well n Central Well n Aqua srwfn: \ CFPUA ! community System ! Private Septic fl Centralseptic E Aqua zone: - Officer: - Setbacks (F) - (LH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - City: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - s?3 Comment Permit Fee: S ),0)? raTnu (office use) NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIO N TypE: RESIDENTtAt PLEASE ANSWER ATL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility', APPLICANT'S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDtvtstoN: Nl., (, 1eturea-dAL ,uL Date: 12 CITY: [.1 \.^^t ) ltLr NC ZlPl\c 4o*a*aut9 LOT#: 1 PROPERTY OWNERTS NAME:t )<"<, ',t*;. LLL PHONE 8: AvJ 4{2 - /4 t . OWNER'S ADDRESS:\12< OLLA"l (:,t-. I 6 7a\G CITY: Lir.-,ztp: z(Ao4 CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: (n-nrcz, or , LLC (o lol ocao.-o<a 0,r {r CITY: iI, BLDG LICENSE #l tlL <Ao4 ST: F{ u ZIP Ze+o j EMAIL ADDRESST {ua PHON E 4to 4\z . t4ro PROJECT CONTACT PERSO :It 0ru,.PHoNa 4te 774 - 3tit 1 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration E Renovation n Generat Repairs/- NEw coNsrRucrloN: d Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence n Rerocation .*'PTEASE CHECXAND ANSWER BETOW AtT THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT** * n Att Garage lSFl Z4a E Det Garage (SF)_ E Sunroom (SF)n Pool (SF) .l Greenhouse (SF)n Deck (sF)l1a ! Stora8e Shed (5F)_ D Other (SF) A rotar pnolrcr @st (Less Lot): S ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n yes ! No TOTAI Sq FT UNOERROOF (for proposed work) Heated:Unheated: 240 lLa OA,c .* ls the proposed wort( changing the number of bedrooms? n Ves S/ruo ls any Electrical, Plumbint or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure D Ves g(ruo lf th e project is a Relocation, is there a N atural Gas Line on the current site? tr yes g/No ls there Electflcal Power on this Building? D yes gf No Property Use/ Occupancy: fl Sintle Family n Duplex p/ Townhouse ?ze*,. {,t)E[ l] 1::E?Pt'! Description of Work: qLsr A2ttlov(rr -r,,wr,+or.c fr,+r ..6€ Bw€aEAt" \a- ?t14 oISCIAIMFR: I hereby certiry that alt the information jn this appticrtion is correct and a work wi comply with thelaws and ordinances and regulaflons. The NHC Devetopment Services Center wilt be notlfied of any changes in theinlormation. *.tNOTE: Any withorit the appropriate pe.mits witt be in violation of the NC State A. 1e-n.. I d Code and all oiher applicable State and local s and specifications or chanee in contractor subject to fines up ro 550O.OOt** Owner/Contractor: work p€ ormed 4or"-n( "Licensed Quolifier" pint No,|le ls the property tocated in a floodplain? tr yes /tto Existing lmpervious Area: O Sq Ft New lmpervious Arca: 09o Sq Ft Signature: TotalAcresDisturbedi o.D\ Existing Land Disturbing permit: y'Ves D trto WATER: M/ CFPUA E Community System E private We - Centrat We n Aqua SEWER: gfCFPUA fi Community System D private Septic E Centralseptic ! Aqua zone, rlfr-(cd officer: - setbacks (F) - (rH) - (RH) - (B) _ Approval: -_- Oty: _ Dater -.- Flood: {A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft. _Comment:Permit Fee: S ffi * I Porch (5F)---- wb- NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIO N TY PE : RESTDENTTAL PLEASE ANSWTR ATT QUTSTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROIECT "Proiect Responsibitity,, )an-1 +AppIcation (office use) APPLICANT'S NAME:Nl.,;v L- 1,t ra,a e rL-l Ac Date: lZ tot PROJECT ADDRESS: 5UBDIVISION: CITY: ,,..I \.16t ) va-t NL ztP 4o v.J F tlnM E \l-OT s: "71 PRoPERTY Ow EPS i{AME: 5 \)€vti nlv'.6rt. LLL PHONEf: qrr 4(Z -t4t. OWNER,S ADDRESSI GI.o < OLt.^ ')t)la 0t. ar<€ Zot CITY: lr1r.a,zlP: Zt*pl ?,ro, 6-'n n!L?t 6a . LLc BLDG LICENSE #AL qy^o4CONTRACTOR ADDRESS:bl,l oce o-txn 0,t 1.r r,CITY EMAIL ADDRESS:PHONE: 4ro 4 52. t4r o PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:lt aru,".,PHONE: 4t.77q - 3t1t \ .EXISTING CONSTRUCflO : ! Alteration E Renovation ! General Reparrs . NEW CONSTRUCTTO : \ d Erect New nesidence ! Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation r\"*PI,IASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEI-OW AtT THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT* '+Il Att Garage (sF) Z4o D Det carage (SF)_ ! Pool (sF) ! Porch {SF) 1\ I sunroom {sr1 D Storage Shed (SF)_ \ E Greenhouse (SF)! Deck (SF) Yes D No t463 n Other (SF) 24o r:DEC l7 12t58FIl l1o .i ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? [. .\ TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF (t'ot proposed workl Heated unheated: { TOTAI PROJECT COST (Less tot):lZa tfio.* ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ! r", E/ro ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structu re D ye, E/Nolf the project is a Relocation, istherea NaturalGas Lineon thecurrentsite? n yes g/No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? D yes dNo Property Use/ Occupancy: fl Sinde Family D Duplex g/ Townhouse Description of Work: OISCIAIMER: I hereby cenity that altthe information in thls application is correct and a work wrI comlaws and ordinances a nd .egulauoni. The NHC Devetopment Services Center wi be notified of a6y changes in the aprnf ormatlon. ...NOTE: Any work perfoamed withor/t the approp A Pe-n"-* riate permits willbe in vrotataon ofthe NC State ply with th€ Sta Burldrng Code and all other appticabte State and tocal ns and specifications or chanSe in contractor subject to fines up io 5500.00... Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolilier" 4or.-Signature: ls the property located in a floodplain? 1v"t g/]{o Existing lmpervious Ar€a: O Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed i O . A I New lmpervious Aiea: Crb Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E/yes n Uo WATER: g/ CFPUA fl Community System n private we D Centrat we fl Aqua SEWER: EfCFPUA E Community System E private Septic f] Centralseptic ! Aqua zone: r}1(r. (co) Officer: - Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ {RH) _ (B} _ Approval: -- cty; _ Date: .-- Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= Comment Permit Fee: 5 1+) ffi lr\,c*,.Lvt-- Sl: \yZlP. ZC+o7 fuiurcra.t A\e eov<n -r.,dd\+rr^€. (u**t 3ee Bw€AtA$\ \ t<.- Z\34 ffi PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDtvtstoN: )ctl -t22-71Application J NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CATTO N ryPEi RESTDENTTAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTION5 APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility,, Nj., (office use) APPLICANT'5 NAME: '1 SeMreLdAL v\- a-Date: lL CITY: L.l \..a1)V7o' NL ZIP LoT # PROPERTY OWNEPS NAME:Do*, "r*, LLL PHoNE #: A,.u 4(Z - t4 t. OWNER,S ADDRESS: G\o<Ot-ta p,olL A4-7a<€ Zor CITY: y'ztp Toloj ?."(^rn^.N.b'4CONTRACTOR; ADDRESS: BLDG LICENSE # EMAII. AOORESS: blo( oca,.-a<o 0"1 't,rr -l ?n\C[Y: A, ca,.aru-- ST: at ZtP: Ze4o3 PHoNE: 4( o 4 PHONE 4to enlua 52 . !4ro PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:I 4",-,.7?4 - 3t1t EXISTING CONSTRUCTIO :tr Alteration ! Renovation D General Repairs \ NEW CONSTRUCnON: [u Erect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation i ..rpr^EAsE cHEcK AI{D ANswER BEr.ow ALL THAT AppLy ro youR pRoJEcr*** $\n ett carage {s 11 Z4o \ ! Sunroom (5F) Q n Greenhorse 1sr) - E Det Garage (SF)--_ n Storage Shed (SF)_tr Pool (SF) D Deck (SF)l1o ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! yes ! No TOTAT SQ FT UND€RRG(),F Uor proposed workl Heatedi 5biI e TOTAL PROJ ECT COST (tess tot): S-__lZ:l2oe_r:_ ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? n ,", y'ro ls any Electrical, Plumbint or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure D yes lf the project is a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? tr Ves gl No ls there Electrical Power on thisBuilding? tr yes dNo Property Use/ Occupancy: E SinSle Family I Duptex ( Townhouse e'DEC l7 r 2:5SF11 {*o D€scription of Worl: Pec,'ou.".,Py'9ov{o -rswl^.$D^< (*ut ur€C6Atu, \A- Z\34 OISCIAIMER: I hereby ceniry that all the informatlon in thls application is correct and a work wrl compty wrth the State Buitdin Code and all other applicable State and locallaws and ordrnances and.egulatlons. The NHc Devetopment se ices center wi be notified of any changes rn the app and specifications or ahan8e in contractorinformataon. "'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits wiI be in vrotation of the NC State B bject to fines up to 5500 00'.. Owner/Contracton 4or.- A . 1r-n.-g,Signature: New lmpervious Area: G<b Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E/yes n tlllo WATER: gfCFPUA ! Community System E private We E Centratwe - Aqua SEWER: EfCFPUA E Community System E Private Septic ! Centratseptic ! Aqua zone, r!1 6u (co) Officer: - Setbacks (Fl - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: _ Clty: _ Date; _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft. _$sa* Comment:Permit Fee: S ------------a'-ta-=r+E+s- ! Porch (SF)--- D Other (SF)_ unheated: 24o "Licensed Quolifier" print None ls the property located in a floodplain? D yes E/No Existing lmperviousArea: o 5q 61 TotalAcresDisturbed: a.D\ ffi NEW HANOVER COUNW BUITDING PERMIT APP LICATIO N ryPE.. RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility,, Ni., il, 01- 1b300 Application (offrce use) APPLICANT'S NAME:lv a- PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDtvrstoN: CITY: L.l Oate a \cn. t ) 11L/ ^J C ztP 7e ,hrEn--JAL LOT #n( PROPERry OWNEtrS i{AME: t DE,r, ,.r* r . LLL PHONE S: qru 4(2 - 14 t .OWNER'S ADDRESS: bt,c< otta*r)f Aa- . \.1< tu 7-n\CITY: Li r *,zlP: Z (A a1 ?n,.ou G^ 'n ovL1..p , L-L L BLOG LICENSE #a o1CONTRACTOR ADDRESS:btol ocelr- O(ra- 0,t . 1rt<t ?.r CITY t4,.,^,*-, Sr, *. PHONE: ai( o .1 zlP. Ze4o 3EMAIL ADDRESS: NEW CONSTRUCNON: 52 .l4ro PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:4,,..It PHON E o ..EXISTING CONSTRUCTIO :tr Alteration E Renovation n General Repairs / Erect New Residence El Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation .'IPLEASE CHECK A'{D ANSWER BETOW ALt THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT* i.'|t $ $ i n Aft Garage (sFl Z4a $\ E Sunroom {SFl\ J Greenhouse {SF)! Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! yes E No l1o d EJ\t4LTOTAL SQ FT UNDERROOF Vor proposed work) Heatedl 3 unheated: Z4o 6 ToTAt PRoJEcr COST (Less tot): S lZa @o.* ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? D yes /trto ls a ny Electrical, Plumbint or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structu re f] ves g/wo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? fl yes g/ No lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? a Ves /Ho Property Use/ Occupancy: E Sintle Family f Duplex d Townhouse {,DEC 17 1?:5gP Description of Work: Pe r,, o u...,A00Aov€n -rtwe., tloa€ /r,r4r r 3e€Bw€Ar At\^ \ lc' 7\34 oISCLAIMER: I herebv certify that allthe informatlon in thls application is correct and a work wil compty with the state 8u nglaws and ordinances and regutattons. The NHC Development Services Center wi be notified of any changes rn the appro TotalAcres Disturbedi o D\ and allother applcable State and locat specifications or change in contractor to fines up to 5SO0.00*..,nformation.'..NOT€: Any work p€rrorm€d without t 4or.- A . tt he appropriate permits willbe in viotation ofthe NC State BtdB Owner/Contractor:-n. o'r9 Signature: "Licensed Quolifier' p nt Nofie ls the property located in a floodplain? tr yes E/No Existing lmpervious Area: o 5q p1 New lmpervious Area; Aga Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: g/Yes 3 No WATER: gf CFPUA fl community system D private welt D centrat we n Aqua SEWER: gfCFPUA C CommunitySystem E private Septic E Centrat Septic D Aqua,/\Zone: t!l(u[co] Otficer: _ Setbacks (F] _ (rH]_(RH]_(B) _ Approval: _ Oty: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= Comment:Permit Fee: S *+w -a--fr? 7'74 - itl t fl Det Garage (SF)_ D Pool (SF)-- D Porch {SF) --! Storage Shed (SF)_ ! Other (SF)=-.-- NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPL, CATTON rYPE; RESTDENTTAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTiONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]E'T "Project Rerponsibility,, Ni- []" )oq to4o Application (office use) APPTICANT'S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS; suBDtvtStoN: CITY: 1.1,. Date ^^t ) ttLr ^l L ztP ,) t'\.^ e LA A L\L -'fo*tt*oaa6t LOT # PROPERTY OWNEtrS NAME: OWNER,S ADDRESS: 61 D<,r, ..r* rt . LLL PHONE #: Avr 4(i - /4 t .9< OLn,^p'ot 0q- . .4.t < rt Zot BLDG LICENSE #AL.ly1o4?,C^a-el..d . tLCCONTRACTOR ADORESS:bto( ou, - O<v! 0a . 3rt-11 7n CITY EMAIL ADDRESS:gA r PROJECT CONTACT PEnSON It 4r,.. PHONE o4 PHONE:(, ST: F{L ZIP e4o EXISIING CONSTRUCTIO :tr Alteration fl Renovation ! General Reparrs NEW CONSTRUCTION: d Erect New Residence fl Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation ...P]"EASE CHECK AI{D ANSWER BEI,OW AI.t THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT'!'}* E Att Garage (SF) Z4O fl Det Garage (SF)_v J T I IL :l Sunroom (5F)! Pool (sF) ! Deck (sF)n Greenhouse (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n yes ! No TOTA| SQ FT UNOERRTOOF Vor prcposed wotkl Heated: l<t Unheated: Z4o TOTAI- PROJECT COST (Less tot): S fta d)o ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr Ves /No ls any Electrical, Plumbint or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E yes E(t\'lolf the project is a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? n yes g/ Nolsthere Electrical Power on this Building? fl yes dNo Property Use/ occupancy: ! Single Family n Duplex g/ Townhouse l1o 6t)EC 1? 12:58Pri Description of Work: ?eeu*u sL.r A0?2"v€n -ru.,d thh€ f.,.a.r ,s1e Bw€a6A$\{o- 2t"34 DISCLAIMER: r hereby certify that allthe informarbn in this apptication is correct and at laws and ordinances and rctulattons. The NHC Devetopmeat SeMces Center wr be notinformation. "'NOTE: Any work perfo.med without rhe app.oprjate permit5 wi be jn owner/contracton 4or.., A 0r*-r-- ply with th€ State Burlding Code and a other apptr.abte State and torat nges in the approved vrolation of the Signature: NC State SldgCo nd specifications or chanBe in contractor ect to fines up to 5500.00... "Licensed Quolifiet" print Nome ls the property tocated in a floodplain? tr y", g/ttto ExistinS lmpervious Area: O Sq Ft TotalAcresDisturbedi o.Dl I New lmpervious A.ea: A9O SqFt Existing Land Disturbing permit: E/yes E No WATER: g/ CFPUA C Community System n private We[ D Centrat We f] Aqua SEWER: gfCFPUA E Community System n private Septic n Centratseptic ! Aqua zone: r!(r (co) Orf,cer: - setbacks {Fl - (LH} _ (RH) _ (B} _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: S ClfY: tJt@,"aa-. xt L Zlpt Z?J+o3 II ,l!..r fl Porch (SF)---- n Storage Shed (SF)_ n Other (SF)_ +Xdlo- Aott l3bo fir NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT AP P LICATI O N fypE: REStOENTtAT PIEASE ANSI,VIR ALL QUISfIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROI ECT"P.oject Responribillty', Nl., .l)h LOT ll: "l lorflce ule) Date: c -tt/-al^.-, -zDJe.+[7 APPTICANT'S NAME:l-L L- PBO]ECT AODRESSI suSDtvtstoiv:crry: f. rLv)-4v!,.,1"*tt 1 PROPtRTY OWNERT t{AMEI OWNER'S ADDRESS: t.r', . LLL PHONE i; 4 4<t . t(r"(tlo< occa,rq(\Aa- .'( t:ht --- ctry ZtP:7rA01 CONTRAcTORT ADDRESS: f)I(,, -r o.r (ou r. *.(t . - BI"OG LICENSE X:Fla. A4o CIIY:EMAIL ADDRESS: h"Sri :yztP:./A+o\. _- PHONET ci( I 412 . t4ro -_PHONet 4( o 76 - ttltPRorEcr coNTAcI pEasOr,l, ll,wo., Pr..r"., ( ,*,rr,*n $ ,.* .ot N CONSTRUCIION; E Altera on 0 Renovatlon D Ge.eralReDai.! STRUCTION: pf Erect Ne,, aesid"nce E Addition to Exjsting Besiden.e f] Retocation ...PI.EASE cHEcI( Af\,D ANswTR 8EtOW ATI. THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PRO'ECT**'t U Ll Att Garate (SF) Z4o fJ Sunroom (SF)-- C 6reenhou5e {St).- O Det Garage (SF) '-- O Pool{SF) tl Deck (sF)llo D Porch (SF) tr Storate Shed (SF)--_- tr Other (SF) ls the proposed work changtng the exlsung footprint? E yes [] No i ,orAt se FT UNDER RooF Uot ptoposed wotk)Heatedi ),{cs LtoraL pnotrcr cosr (ress torl: g tZa,roo.- Prope .ry Use/ Oc.up.ncy: E) Slnde Family 6 Duplex /Townhouse ls the proposed work chanSlnSthe rumber of bedrooms? tr ves /r,tols any Electrl.al, Plumblng or Mechanlcal work boing done to the Accessory Structure g Ves y'lolftheprojectisaB€loca on,lsthereaNatLlralGasLIneonthecurentstte? fl ,", d*o-- * -- ls there Ele(tr,(alpower on this Buildln8? g Ves g( f,to unheated: Z4o L1I)EC l712t53Pll Oes.ri ption of Wor&i a th-6 /r.r{.r r Nc srate atda - zn14 orSCr.ArMrn: I he re by ertify that.[ the tnform.ton in thh.ppli(rtlon k Co(eci .6d all wort wiU (omptv wlth thc St.t€ guitdi Code and.]ll other.ppIcabte Stale rnd locrt're/r rnd ordin!nre! a.d reguhrroir. 116 611i6 g.r"1opln n formalon. . . . N OTE: any wo.t perrorm.d Wthout I h! enl Sedl..s Ce.ie, wiltbe nolt{ted ol aoy chan !pe.ificalionr or change i. contrador.P9ro9riat. gerrnlts wittb€ in SiBnaturst i€d ro rher !p ro 5500.0o..' Owner/Contraator: "ticcnsed Quoliliet" 4lo,'^ A. 1e"r,.in ls the property lorated ln a floodplaln? n Ver E/tto Existing lmperviourAreat O Sq tt New lnpervlour Area: 1"_[_ Sq ft Total A.res Otiturbed: a. Dl Eristlng Land Dlsturblng pe.rnlt: Flood: (lv) _ (N)y' erzr WATER:d CfPUA 0 CommunitySyitem O p.lvateWefl E CentralWe U Aqu. iEwERr /CFPUA O CommunltySystem E privateseptic E Cen c n Aquat.alSepti (-' (rone: rrr rdqg) onc"r, OIG setbacks (r)/s (LH}(RH)8) ,r.s \pproval: dYes tr wo +2ft= _omment, Cityl Dale: Cil,v lnspeclion Reo,reo, 9i 0.254-090) Permh Fe€:5 t^^/)d ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATTO N fypE; RESTDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECT"Proiect Responsibility,, Nl., 0tT_.t>tu+ Application (office use) APPTICANT'S NAME:,t (-Date ^r ( ZIP LPROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDtVtStON: CITY: U.l E LQ Ac\L 46 v.t p tlou q. s LOTS: 1 1 PROPERTY OWNENTS TIAME: OWNER,S ADOREsS: &I Do*?r"trt . LLL PHONE S: Ara 4(2 , t4t,o<o t)<_. 1-<6 Z.t CITY: t l ZIP Ze4oz, CONTRACTORi ADORESS:btr'1 n BLDG LICENSE #a A{o3 EMAIL ADDRESS: L€ aa A<i-0,r gh 1J CITY STr F{L ZtP:ZC4oa PHONE: .i( " ( PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:a. \ ExISTING coNSTRIJGTIoN:\/NEW CONSTRUCTTON: fd \ Il Att Garaqe {SF) Z4o \ ! Sunroom (SF) \ I Greenhouse (SF)_ PHONE: ,ir o 774 - 3t1t D Alteration n Renovation E General Repairs Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence X Relocation .*.PI.TASE CH€CKAND ANSWER BETOW ATt THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT'i** )\) N \ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n yes E No TOTAT sQ FT UNDERROCTF (Jor prcposed wotkl Heatedl 6 Unheated: Z4o\TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot):lZa @o.*s ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ! Ves S1ruo ls any Electrical, Plumblng or Mechanicar work being done to the Accessory structure D yes /Nolf the projectisa Relocatlon, istherea NaturalGas Line on the current site? tr yes E/Nolsthere Electrical Power on this Building? 5 Ves g(ruo Property Use/ Occupancy: n Single Family p Duphx ( Townhouse r,DEC t7 12r59Fft Description of Work: Peeu,ou."-,AQ0 A o vfi;!+!ts €(*ut 3te- Bw|etaft,\ t1,' 7 t34 DISCLAIMER: r herebv certary that altthe informaflon in thts apptication is correct and a wo.k wiltcompty with the stlaws and ordrnances and letulattonr. The NHc Deveto pment s€rvices center wiI be notified of any changes in the aprn,ormation "'Nort: Any work performed without the appropriate permits wiI be in vrotahon of lhe Nc state Bldg ate auildl Code and all other applcable State and locat d specifications or €hante in contractor ject to fines up to 5500.00..' owner/contracton 4or.^" A. Pr-."-fn Signature: "Licensed Quolifier" Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? I yes /No Exasting lmpervious Area: o 5q 51 New lmpervious Areaz A9A Sq ft Existing Land Disturbing permit: /Ves 3 fto WATER: Mf CFPUA ! community System E private Well D centrat We E Aqua SEWER: EaCFPUA E Communitysystem D Private Septic n Centrat Septic ! Aqua zone: ru(u (co) OfFcer: - setbacks (F) - (rH) - (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: =_-- Gty: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (Vl _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ TotalAcres oisturbed: a DI $++i Comment:Permit Fee: S D Det Garage (SF)_ ! Pool (SF)_ ! Deck (SF) lro ! Porch (SF)---.- ! Stora8e Shed (SF)_ n Other (SF)-- /*7 /:/ .L NEh] HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IYPE; COI{MERCIAL PLTASE AI"IsWE8 ALi QUT5iION5 APPLICASL[ TO YOUf, PNO]ICT "Prolect Responsiblllty" LS e Joc r4 L7 -37 95 t:i , APPLICATION Number (of+lce Use){ APPLICANT'5 NA'V.E: DEVELOPER: L53P 9o ct h't€t I.Y-D pRolEcT ADDRE55: 610 N. Front Stleet crTY: OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAI'IE :9cH wA e tz cel-JT€e PRoPERTY o'r,JNER'S NAtilE : ot^,|'/ER' s ADDRESS: 4 ll N. trQ-otfi'<(lZF.-Y CIIY: LJ I L /}1 I \] 6.TD L PHoNE f: qtO-a?o:l?o/ zlPl Z84o I ofiEt r/ay'/ 7 Eo+t7 tq 4'7{ FT PHoNE s: qlo' 36 2 - 76it ST: N<-zrP: ag +al CONTRACTOR: TO DETE P 'h r).,rEiP ADDRESS: LICENSE #: CITY:sT: _ zIP; _ EnAIL ADDRESS: ifbreshea rsGmonteithco . com andy PROJECT CONTACT PERSOI'I John Bres hears / Andv Artakis 3e o aretaki s !G ls 3P. Com If UPFrT - The She1l Permlt S:Is Elect Power on this Bullding E Yes E uo *.'.. rs rHrs A c|!Alr6E oF occuPA,,acY usEr EYES [larc *t"' IF Yes, what was the Previous occupancy Typel uJhat 1s the Ne!, Oc(upancy Typel PHt qlo-1?o-??ot NC REG $ARCH DESIGI.I PROFESSIONAL: EN6R DE5I6N PROF€SsIOT,IAL:PH: SULILll9sej Nc REG * S l{),ltDESCRIPTION OF IIORK:fao o ls tood or bov*ages prepar€d or s€.v€d ln thls structrro? EIY€" I lo t" Tn" P.pe y Localod ln Tho Floodplaln? [ ves XI ruo code and allothcr apqllc6ble Slale lt6n of rhBtr1c aldq Cod€ sndSlale (-. Nole: Oemollton noffic€(ons & asbsslos romoval psmllspgllcslonr are & be tubmuad uslDg lho spPllca{on tofm (0HHS.3708) wltooor tt€ ,.c!lt or hllldtno was lound b con[rln Asbrslos or not- You ar€ nquked to call the Nedooll Embslon silndlrd6 tor HEzsr.lous Alr Poilulants (NESI{AP) al (S10)707_5950 .l lctlt 10 deys prlor lo t|6 dsn ollton ol .ny lsollty or buld)ng. Soo Acbe3ld W€b ShoI hrPJ /vr$/.epl.s!d€.rc.u!/€91/$bo6loshltnp.hlrnl rorAl PROJECT cosr: {-trEg+-geg BUILDING HEIGHT 3a #oF TOTAL AREA SQ FT :21 .1s6 #oF ln ooos NCI^rgFerr)6r 29.1rb ACRES DISTURBED: LES' fHAN I ERMrr? f]YES x] No \ ee: ErAl< (ro rz= Qe,rovePlo lTro t EXST tAND DISTURBING P NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:6o SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AF pRopERTy USE: [orrrce ftnesrnuner.n luencntcrtUe Eeouc Eapr DCot-too 6THER: WATER: EICFPUA SEWER: F CFPUA "' SEPA']AIL PERMITS BLOJitiEO TOR :LI'(JT, VECH, PI8G, GAS EOUIP' PRtI ABS & INS:I] I S '' pAyME1rr MErHoD,- 6"*, I cxecx lenvnaLE ro Mlc) flnuentcar ocREsS EMSMSA E otscoven (FOA OFFICE USE ONLY)REVTSEO OATE 4/11/12 T-]COMMUNITYSYSTEM IIWE-L I]ZONINGUSECI.ASSIFICATION:fi ceNrRel serrlc E PFIVATE SEmc tlcortrMuNlTY sYsrEM 7.lNF. OFFICER: SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B: AVN Comment PERMIT FEE: S-- t'r Lfr>- PHONE fl: (Checl AII That Aprl y ) Exrsr coNsrRucTroN: E ALTERATTON Ei REttlovArrgg fl cENERAL REPATRS n RELOCATTOT{ it Relocation. rsrherea Natural cas trne on the -Current Sirer ['fes Ilo SBLDGSpRlNKt ERCD?[l v". [ruo NEht CoN5TRUCTION, I rneCr NEl/{ STRUCTURE I rASr IAICX I Srirr-r- [ uerrrfi ADD To ExrST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: SQ FT PER FLR: sfrt'tr E- TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF f oF STRUCTURES: I # oF FLOORS: --rL-- otf o N1v J a\\L'NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING APPLICATIoN TYPE: COiIIIIERCIAL 0r t -13)c/ Number (office Use) PERMIT APPLICANT'S i,IAME : DEVELOPER: PLEASE ANSI4IER AtL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Project Responsibility,, /,/(c,4a.tz,/a,-..-t _DATE: At za.z z z PRO]ECT .? t-3a Z,a<a...r,. 1L'o..,?.1 /L,2..? -.2?n _PjlANE *i g/a s ,-Z ?zA ? ZIP | 2 2y71 OCCUPANT/BUSINESS tlAIJlEt ioz,r .z7zz.t PROPERTY OWNER'S NAI|IE: OWNER,S ADDRESS: /->.-,rt l.-.rzz - PHONE f: ?/a a/J / ./)'v CONTRACToR: 27....,2,,a /..*.r - LICENSE #: CITY I i.-.,-,.,,,. j2"..ST i a-/C P: STt AzCZIPt ZAt/a)-- -PHoNE *: ?z-o i.,''z 2..6 /? ADDRESS: /../2 ?.y'ra*t*..2. 2rr?CITY ': I - 4"u o,^,-EfiIAIL ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTACT ,2.",.---/o.-.,n - PIIONE *: ,,,2 ?5'z 1/z.a. z Exlsr CoNsTRucTIoN: l7l l, Relocation, is lhere a NatIEl ALTERATION Gas Line on theECurrent Site? f RE NOVATION !PRINKLEREDT^* Yesr,- GENERAL REPAIRS E- r,ro ts BLDG s RELOCATION UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE (Check All Ihat Apply) ES ERECr NEr.l srRUCruRE E FASr rRAcK fl SHELL ff If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit #:Is Elect Por.rer on this Euilding R. *.I.**:T IS THIS A CHAI{GE OF OCCUPA CY USE? IF Yes, what Has the Previous Occupancy Type? _ trl f- Yes pj. lo ***** hat is the Ne|, Occupancy Tvoe? AREH DESIGI{ PROFESSIOiIAL:PH PH NC REG #: NC REG #: Yes r: N0 t IrEC 17 !B!8efl ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL DESCRIPTION OF WORK:Zpt ra..;At r,c"4,yc,.t' -/t,4,2-z ls food or beverages prepared or served in this struclure?lz Yesf-- tto ls The Propeny Located ln The Ftoodplain1-_ yef _NoDISCLAIMER: I heleby cenify thal all rnformalion in this apphcalion is correcl and allwork willcompty wiih the Stale Building Code and aI other appticable Stateand.local laws and ordinances and regulalions. The NHC Development SeNices Cenler will be nolifiad of any chanoes in th-e aDDroved Dtans and soecifcationsor chanoe in conlraclor oI mntr..tnr inrnmarion. "'NqTE. Any Wo* Pgrtormed.wo the Appropriac permils witibtin Vidran6[ brr'tri fte 56G 6fui-C6ii1iioSubjecrlo Fines Up To $500.00"' lZi,,,.zl<) J.'.;;j' OWNER/CONTRACTOR: (oualirier) SIGNATURE: contain Asb€stos or not. You a[e required to callthe Na onalEmission Standadsfor Hazardous Air Potluranrs (NESHAP)at (919)707,5950 ai teast tO days pdortothe demolilion of any facility or building. See Asbeslos Web Sire: htlp:/ dww.epi.staie.nc.uyepi/asbesios/ahmp.hrml TOTAL PROJECT COST: 2 3 5-? A' BUILDING HEIGHT .. # OF UNITS: TOTAL AREA SO FT SQ FT PER FLR # OF STORIES TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: _ ACRESDISTURBED,,lt/+ NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA PROPERry USE EoFFrcE $ nesraunrrur ! MERcANILEI-l EDUcTl # OF FLOORS EXST LAND DTSTURBING pERMtT? r yES r NO APT CONDO OTHET # OF STRUCTURES SQ FT WATER: SEWER: SYSTEM ff:E!i. - COMMUNITY SYSTEM T1 WELL TI ZONING USE CLAS E CENTRAL sEpTlc f] pRlvArE SEpIc D'cOMMUNtry PARATE PERiV]TS REOUiRED FOR ELECT. MECH PLBG. GAS EQUIP. PREFABS & INSERTS SIFICATION PAYMENT METHOD I cnsr J- cHEcK (eAvABLE To NHc) f AMERIcAN EXeRESS f - McA/tsA f _ DtscovER ZONE: OFFICER; (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:BApproval:_ City: DATE_ FLOO BFE+2ft, Comment LH RH N PERMIT FEE: : FFrrefiii No NE!'I CONSTRUCTION: N ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: -z2,.-4. -.4- SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: FLooD zdrur NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMTTAppLrcArlo ry"Fr RESfDENIIAL ,LEttE AtSlEA AL! QuEsltor,rs appllca8lE TO your piolE(y &0, 1 lbbt t +#++;t*T--# APPLICATIOI{ l,lt]fib€ r(9tfl(. U!!) ffi nProJect Respons!.bl1tty', A?PLIC'WT'S M'.IE: O€VELOPTR: *-L tj's *Knbit clbkt PiO]ECI AODF:SS I 5UBOMSr0 !CITYr PROPERIY USE / oCcuPAxcY;LE FAlrILy ! utnrrx E lou^nousr CA t.-t t/QOF NORX:/p(e Is Any EI-tCIRICAL, pLUflBISG o|. ,l!CflA8I(A[ ]rork Belng Oone to the A(.essory Structurel I VeS I loIf the pro1ect is a Relocatlon, ls there a latural eas ir;;-;;;ts the.e Elertrlcal powen on thls Buildtng?Byes Elto ihe current sltei I ves [ ruo I c, pl{) E r OATE; )(J zrp: 29./4c ro€C l7 l21 8?Pt{ c-h nq oISCLA |UES: I hsrGby e.ilry darr tntnnrrjoi ln 6b .pprcrto. a com.t $;!r iolt 'lil ..ir,y w,n h. Sltb AUldho Cod. to, dtotB.,pplcrbt. 5r!E lnd ro<!l trwt .nd odh!n-r r^d r99u,.!ors. tn. MtC t S.tui.., C.nt,*jJb...llbdot&t!inr.. h $.conl/..rcr hb,in.60. "IOTE:Any wo,Ed pLnI.^d.P.cirk rbi;I &d0 coc. &d subJo.r b o,ch.ng. h corrrcb,or IS THE PROPEflTY LOCAT€D tT A FL@DPLAIIII:il E lj\ \ i, tL ES DISIU (t SLLr''t .4...... r... a r*t. r r. t......L/\&r.H /\e l),.c ru12 RBE D: oWNER/coNlRAcroR: Lg.wL5 oara AsIGTIATURE: c?'.e r.i*r. *rr*rrir. r *.r.r.rrr* Jlir,ll,l!TJ yEs NO 5Q FT TOIAL ACiH!l,J II|PERVIoiJS AREAI 5Q FT EXIST LAAIO DISN'RSINO ,E$llrr n vrs f] rowlrea ',fi creur n comuu,irry svsrrm I rn:vlte wrrl I cerrRal wrrlSEI,JER:,K/ cf PUA tr cENTRAL seprrc f| enrvrre srnrrc f] cout'ryn17y 5y51s1, lt,. ,/ tl PNOPERIY OWNEN'S MflE: oL,|JER,S ADO8ESS t 8tocK f; - LOT {; Ptb E t:WA8?62/ 6____-____-_ SI : _ ZIp :_CITYr COIIRACTON; ADORESS I EttAI" lOOREss; PRoIECI Cot TAC' ptnsoJ: fl sulamn CITY I sr:[ue t ?tyos a: ? /a- 3-.Ed. o-95 4 1)o -?-3 t -otzs Pro{€ ,iEXTSImG COUSTnUCIIOT{r n AtI€RATION I crrrarl rrnnrns I RETOCAIIOi' tJEt" co SIRUCTIO,J| f] rnecr rJ€r{ RfStoEfKs or ! rcorrron ro Exrs?r[G REsrDEtc€.'plrast cflEcl( a{D AIS}/ER SEto|ll at-L TIAT APPLY IO YOUA PRO)ECI:larr caucr _- sF f] orr eannce Ll pmL ..- sF [--lorcx sr I noncr _--sFI sronrcr srro@,,qddF4T-;;*ah,.-,ale2E enerwousr ..-5F TOTAL HEAIED sQ ,tt ,rVai TOIAL SQ FI PR0JECI C0SIrts,t",t: g i4OCldL UI,IOER ROOF:IOTAT AREA 5Q FT:IOTAL txI5TIli6 I|IPERVIO{J S Alrtat ,q t /n approvat:\'t Ctty:!alUI _ T_ ert,ztt" tb' f)-? g q g 8-= ?F\)g g lt -," zoNE: fup. orrrcen, > V_?StTEACKS:F:3r na:ii.l s; Z.j' (rot offr(r l.,ia ,t( Y) tr, (,.ttircrl l i- f,t',rr',', \rr o I PTRfitT TEE I , \pr^. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT ApplrcArroir rypE: RESIDENTfAL PLEASE ANSI,/ER A - QUESTIOiIS Appl-ICABt-t TO yOUi PROJECT 'Project Responslbllttf CIA/u-L *Rnb;t Ac'tb(ttjs E S: CTTY:XJ NEA 4 JT BLOCX r:v1p,, Z-gl4 q Plot{E *:u248764 6-..----.-.-_ sT ZTP: & APPLICA T'S ilAfiE: DEVELOPER: 0)1- tzzn aPPircarroil flumber (Offi<. Ut.) I DATE: PROJECT ADDiESS: SUBDIVISTO: PROPERIY OM{EN's M E; Ott[tlER 'S AIDi ESS : COiTTRACTOR :(Aa ADORESS;.L ETUIL ADDiESS: C6 r K A l.ts - 14 S,l Cd ^r '&zp,7tgos?/a-zsa-o.ss4ST P}fiE f: PloflE f:1)o -Z-3t -otzj I CTTY: ecNSLICEIISE crw: PiO]ECT COIVTACT PERSO :C<Jr fi t'eh rs any ELEcrRtcaL, ptuttar c or fiEcHA rcAL tdork Being Done to the o.."rro"ffi..l I v", I noIf the project is a Relocation, ls thene a Natural. Gas Line on the Current Site? ft ves IHors there Electnical power on this Building?BVes I to EXISTIi{G CO{STnuCTIO : I alrrnarrOr{RENOVATION n GENERAL REpArRs ! nelocarror NElll COitSTRucTtofl, ! enecr EH RESIDEIrE o" fteoorrron TO EXISTII{G RESIDETICEt.PLEAst CHECX Ar{D At{Str,ER AELOT{ ALL IHAT Apply TO Y.A'R PRO]ECT:f] nrr ernaee SF tr DET GARAGE sr ! roacu _ sFl-l surnmr,r qE tr POOL (r STORAGE SHED _sFtrGR EENHOUS E - SF D ECX trtrSF TOTAL HEATED SQ FT://i TOTAI SQ FT UiIDER ROOF:ToTAr AREA SQ FT: TOTAT PROIECT COSTlr-esslor; I I i4Od04-f OF STORfES: 3 oI'NER/q)I{TRACTOR: /g ult^t oa-t A src*nTURE : *eh PROPERW USE / OCAIPAilCY 3 E LE FAI4ILY ! aleLrx E NORX:/ace ).r'1 //Q J OISCIAII ER: thocbycenify barsi jnbmeton in his spplicrlon b co,lct and .I woft wit com9ly wi$ h€ $sr6 Eu dhg codr ,nd 6ll ohe. .ppltc.bte SlsE and bcsl taw;and onlinenc.s md lEgut.tbns Th. NHC Oe S€wi:es C€nErwi be notfi€d ofany chsngos in rhe spplovsd pta;s snd 6pecifications or cheoge in conlrlct , o,conlrelrr inbmation'-lVOfE: Any Work PerloTed ApprcpdrE P€nnats t ilt De h vio,ouon ofthc Nc slBb Eldg cooe ii)Ec l7 l2iB8PI, C * **,r *** +*:r * +*** ** ** r * * *,r ** *(rlTl,ltf,l +*r'l****!tt+'iaa*,t ***+ *+* **+ rt***,*.1**t+ *,t* *:l**,t ** **:*rIS THE PROPERW LOCAIED IT{ A FTOOOPLAII{I YES t'totr TXISTII{G IIIPERVIq,,S AREA:5Q FT IOTAT ACRES DISTURSED:IE} T}iPERVIq,,S AREA:SQ FT Exlsr LAiD DrsruRBritc pEi rr: f] yes I-l rc rnrrn r,JRl crrur tr coumuNrry svsrtn ! pRrvATE wELr fl cerurnar- wer-lSrHER:!creur fl cENTRAL sEprrc l-l pnrvare seprtc ! coumuurw svsrer,r 'T* SEPARATE PERNI]S RT QUTRED FOR E(ECT, 't1fCH, PL8G,GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & II{SIRTSPAYI{EI{T ET}TOO:Ecasx fI cHEo( (payastE Io &tc)tr lr'rERrcAr{ ExpiEss [ rcrrsl I orscovrn*t,** *,| * * +,t * *:t:1,* **,t* *+ * *+*,t ***+ *:t * ***tl*l*tt+,tt.t *,|**ri+*:3rt:lrt:|+*,t* *** **+ * t*t**** t* zoNE: - oFFrcER: -HJj]'.'-:l ?:" LH: prr. -. .,,r,0 ,niE ultrt2 conrent; r- -i- - 8FE+2ft= - TK; OTHE LOT ': - E PE8IIT FEE: I