JANUARY 17 2018 BUILD APPSl.a I q - r(nrt t7 {4rub l2ocl t? l:2?PI,lR't 1 NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ryPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEAS€ ANSWER ALT QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibiliq/' I Application (offic€ use) APPI.ICANT,S NAME:tzt'tt, DAws oatet lc IL t7 ?33 N. c^P-E=TU16D DR-.crw Vilc,rttut m,u ztPPROJECT ADDRESS: suBDtvtsloN:c.REETt^jrj6],^LOT #: PROPE RrYowNER's NAMrt C TIRAL D,A\\ <PHONE f 9l/d -3,19 - o7 ts owNER'S ADDRESS, 933 N . C-Ae5rkj60D DR.Ctfl. \-jlL,t4l NbTON ztp, t84DS CONTRACTOR C-.4lLoL DAg1S BI.DG I.ICENSE H ADDRESS: ?33 N. C E EgTL.rao O DR.afv: VflL,+4|NGlb u sr: Af. zlP: 2-OL/AS EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: B'Alteration ! Renovation ! General Reparrs NEW CONSTRUCTION: I ErectNew Residence n Additionto Existin8 Residence ! Relocation I.,i}PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEI.OW ALI. THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO.,ECTI'** g6et earage lsFl 4 7 5 tr Pool (SF) EMAII, ADDRESS: PROIECT CONTACT PERSON Wapr: U)AlZtf-- D Greenhouse (SF)D Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes ! No TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF lfor proposed work) Heated: PHONE PHONE lto- 2?9:3219 15 Unheated: TOTAI. PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S-lL,-OA_:_D.tc,o ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? a yes gd ls any Elect cal, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Acaessory Structure lI the proiect is a Relocation, is there a Naturllras Line on the current site? n Yes do ls there Electrical Power on this BuildinS? A Yes ! No Property Use/ occu paocy: {single eamily n Duplex n Townhouse Description of Work: inlormation. "'NOTE: any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC g Code and subject tofines up to 55 laws and ordinances and reSulations. The NHC Oevelopment Services Center will be notified ol any chanSes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor lc,.-t-ol f)avt5 Signature:Owner/Contractor: "Licensed QuoIifier" ls the property located in a floodplain? fl Yes Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft d"" TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmp€rvious Area Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: ! Yes E No WATER: ETtFPUA ! Community System E Private Well D central well ! Aqua SEWER: ETFPUA E Community System ! Private Septic E Central Septic ! Aqua zone: - Officer: - Setbacks (t) - (LH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - City: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - Comment:Permit Fee: S 15.oD tr Att Garage (SF)_ ! Sunroom (SF)_ D Porch (SF) _ ! Storage Shed (SF) _ D Other (SF) -{v", t No C/.N\'Efr DE.T. GAR+,E I^fTO 1R,1FT WoRkSEo? APPLICA T'S ['UiIE; DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADDRESS: SUBDTYISION: PROPERTY Ohtr{ER'S IIAI.IE:a O$JNER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: EI4ILIL ADDRESS: NET.{ HANOVER COUNTY BUILDTNG PERfiIT APPEI@TZoN TTPE: R€STDENTIAL pLETSE ANSI]ER ArL QUEsTIoNs aDpLrc!3LE fO YOUR p&OfECT BpFolect Responsibtliq/ crry: )otg -j 3 )n APPLTCATION Nrober (oFftce use) DATEI / PHCBIE *: zw: LOT *: _fr4 t)c[ry: LICENE *: CTTY: SF OTHER:@-q (FOB OFFICE U$ S ETBACKS : at ST apt294Lt3 PHONE *: ACCOUNT *: srt 4l(F;pl PROf,ECT COMIACT pERSoI,t: ^r''a.OCTS1-II'16 CoiISIRUCFIoN: I ALTERATToN fl nanvarror,r fl e REPATRS n RELoCATToN NEW COT,ISTRUCTIO I: I PNECT NEhI RE5IDETIICE Or I AAOrrrW TO T5T66 RESIDEI,ICE**PLEASE CHECI( I'O ATTSIER BELOI{ AT.L rtIAT APPLY TO YO['R PRO|'ECI rfIATT @MGE SF fl orr e*moe sr ! eoncn _sFsuNRoovl _ sF P@L _ sF f] sronaee sHED _ sFtrGREENHO.JSE PHoNE #: A 1y -=17 - zti37 PHotlE #: ql5 -R5-tLlS> - sF l-l oecr,Ib rJn.-Zln rr 6sgrr ffi rc-isy SF 0n: TOTAL AREA SQ FT:)'l Y> l:-,t)Ec 17 t:55Pn RfwsEO DATE 64111112 , BFE+2ft= TOTAL H.EATED SQ FT UNDER ROOF: TOTAL PROI ECT COST G€ss Loo : g 21, C,r, O * OF STOETES: ? PBOPETTY Use / OCAFegCy: fi SII\IGLE FA}4ILY Is Any ELECRTCAL, pUJttB:NG or I{ECHAT,IICAL Hork Being Done to the Accessor.y Structure? fl[ Ves ff Uorf the pnoject is a Rer.ocation, is there a Natunar. Gas Line on the current sit"l f,l vu" @l ruoIs thene ELectnical por",en on this Building? ElVes fiUo ! ounr-a<Tot{lstousE hDESCRIPTTON OF l!loRl(: OISCT.AIMER I all irbr,naion in hi€ appk Ca{i b NIi{C D€lelopmsnt Servic€G Gntar will be no!fied of €ny chEnge6 h appov€d plans End speciffcslionE or change h con!.*br orrsgulatjons. Th6 Oodo and all ofl6r €ppIcabJo St8ta afld b.al la /E Wo.k P€rfnmsd Wr'O lle App.opria3 PsshGwll b€ in Vrohton offia NC SET and S.iblrct b Rnes l, To G50q0G" SIGMTURE: *+*****+** +*:r*++******n***Jl* J*?*a**+**+*+*++*+*****+***+++*****************++**+*++* IS T}IE PROPERW LOCATED ITI A FLooDPLAI } I]]f YEs E T,lo ECTSTIIIG IfiPER\rIOU5 AREA: _SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DTSTURBED; NEh' !4PER\[IOUS AREA: _sQ FT ECtsT LAIO DTSTURBETC pERtlfi: F_] VeS III ruo conf€cin inbrm€ton, --.t!oTEi Any OI{NER/CONTRACTOR: rl ib(t !'IATER: SEhIER:E cFpuA n cqi/$,1r.$rrry sysra4 E pRivATE hIELL I cannel nell cFpuA D CENTRAL sEprrc I rnrvarr sEprrc E co4]4uNrw sysral .rt saptR,\rE 'ERRITS .EQUIEED FOR ELECT, *ECH, pL86, GAS EgUIp, ,REFAAS & $ISERTS :s pAynE r r,{ErHoD: E .na E "xeq( (payABLE ro ,*l g *ri ;;;- ' E il;;---E-rr*"r.************:!****r.ldl.***r.,****f*****t*t***********t***+tirt:t:r.rarEf,****ir******:r.*:t*****:!*rFri*+.i*:& ,*r, P-\s oFFrcER: Approval: oL Citv: \,\G ?',d/A u1.,NAur,rV/A,, NILILVA DATE: itCofircnt ] Crl,v lnpechon Requreo, 9l S251-tl9frl N PERHTT FEE: 9_ 4a )r)[ey fla(s Le+ t?o1 /tr# 2tt 62 - S =76 coraYi ZDt?-V38 RECETVED lii082ti7 T{EW HANOVER COUNW BU]LDING PERMIT APPL,QATIO N TYPE: RESIDENTIAI PtrAsE AI{SWER AU. qUESTIONS APPI-ICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT 'Prolect R.sponsitflM \)J$'t\b Numb€rffi APPUCAN-rS AME: PRO'ECTADORE5SI LLL Date: (,l|t W tL.fi/l,lL fu,l W)r1 suBDtvtstoN: PROPERTY OWT{ER'S NAME:A OWNgN'S ADDRESS: 5r LOT I: PHONE f: 3Li 3 - zL 3-{it"'1 6 oTl/ 1,,,,t -,t tw 4 lzrl al > 2 r/ cl CONTRACTOR P to,l rg o., C aN,.,rti,, cr EIDG UCII{SE 15 3Yc . -.1( H Sri t\l( ZtP: Z€ Lt \i.,AODRESS: '] I C EMAII ADDRESS: PRO'ECT CONTACT PERSON: CITI: l( ( .L 1r L,t* <a.,P+roa{E: qto 9q3 -2tcta, PHOI{E: 't t a -'/,t 3 2,)./ O txlsTlNc coIsTRUCTP Nt dalteration {Renovation D General Repairs ,tEW CONSTRUCIIOII: E Erect New Residence B{-ddition to Existing Residence E Relocation ...PTTAsI OIEO( AiIO AI{sWER 8[LolT' AIT IHAT APPLY TO YOUR PRoJECT..' tr Att Garate (SF) _ E Sunroom (SF) _ E Greenhous€ (SF)_ rl Det GaraEe lSFl tr Porch (sF) O Pool(SF) tr oeck (SF) 0 StoraSe Shed (SF)_ B Other (SF)? e,{ ls the proposed work chantint the existing footprint? EJlYes tr No TOTAL Sq FI U DtR R@F $or proposed wo*) Hc.ted: ToTAL PROTECI CosT (t ess t-ot): S Z G,C6C '9 ls the proposcd work changing the number of bedrooms? A{cs tr No ls any Ele<tric.l, Plumbing or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure E. tes tr ,{o lf the proiect is a nebc.tlon, is there a Natural qae Line on the current site? El Yes 6-lt-o lsthere Electrical Povrer on this Building? ts1lcs D no//ProDcrty U!c/ Occup€ncy: E:-Slntlr frmlly E OuplGx E Townhoux z6<Unheatcd: ( Dercrlption of Workr 5 u brlroo.-ha*tt.oo,C.tJa t*t ho*-l- DISCIA|MER: I hereby certify that alllhe hrorm.t on ln this applicltion is conect and.[ wort sill comply with the Stai€ AuiHint Code.nd alldher.prlioble St.tc and hcal laf,s and ordinanc€a and reSulatlons- The NHC Oqrelognent Serviccs Ceoter will b€ notmed of any dBnlas in the appro/ad pLns and spectffotions or clEnte ln conlactor informat-on. ...NOTE: Any wo* perrormed uithout the app.oprLt€ permltr will be in vblation d the t{C St te BldS Code and rubiect to ffnes up to SSm.m"' Ourner/Contra€tor "ticensed Qooliliet" /11 rct*et t*r* /-,cLA,,/ cl SlSflature: 15 the property lo€ated in a floodplain? D Yes E|'flo ExtsttnS tmpeivbwA n , ')€i' sart TotalAcrt Disarrbed: , i1 New lmp€rviou "sn , I i' ['t Sq Ft Exlstlng Land Dinurblnt Permlt: D Yes E--|tr WATER: y'CFPUA E Community System D Private Well n Cenralwell tr Aqua SEWER: E/CFPUA [] Community System D Private Septic E Cent.als€ptk E Aqua Zonc: - Ofllcec - Sctbacl(5 (r) - (llll - (Rtll - (B) -Approval: - Crty: .- Drte: - flood: (Al - M -(Nl - BFE+2ft= - '4412-* Comment:Permit Fee: S L.IlC ;{ i;L:a ti EA,7q8-qb NEI^I HANOVER COUNTY BUTLDING PERMIT APPLICATT1N rYPs; COMITTERCIAL PI.'A56 AIISXIN A.I QUE5IIOI,TS APPLICABL€ 10 YOJR PRO]TC'I "Project Responsibility" L7 - 4002 aFF-rcArroN Number (offtc€ u3e)* l8o5 -7'rburc,r-> s-*6t\ oevr \(o*0, occu ICANT'S llA E: Clancy &.lbeys Ccnslruclion Co:r,p IOPER: , ive Oak Bancshares, :n. iburon Dri.1'e PHON€ $: : wl lm1n9tolt zlP | 28 4t2 PANT/SUSINESS ilAllE: r,rve oak 3a.cshares, r;c PROPERTY O NER'S l{AtlE: Live 3a!. aancsiitrr.e3, :.c OWtlER'5 ADDRESSI 1?41 1,ib,:ron r.rr;ve EiIAIL ADDRESS : la11renhogper'3cla:1cyr.reys . coin C0I{TRIC1OR: Clancy & They6 co!1s:ruc:io:1 company ADDRESS: 2250 Shj.pyard Blvd, suite one LfCENSE *: zl;r , CITY:',r! lringrcn SI:xc ZIP: es4o: PHOtlE ,: s\a392s22c PHONE #: €ITY: x i tringron 5T: p6 ZIP:2ga12 PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: 16u1sr y;sppg;_ PHONE #; 91o392r22o icn.ci AIL rh.t Apply) EXISI COIISTRUCTION:ALTERA'IO}.I ll Relocalion, is there a Natura, Gas Line on lhe RENOVATION nenl Site? T.es ERECT NE!,l STRUCTURE FAS'T TRAC( trPRIN KLERED?f - Yesf -. RE LOCATION6ENERAL REPAIRS t- - No lS BLDG S NoNEI,' CONSTRUCTTON: ACCESSORY STRUCTU 5HE LL UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE R J :sl)Jd .o-.t.- J**! .s I.J ),J \ dJ(-l "9 U.-> If UPFIT - The She1l Permit *:Is Elect Power on this Euilding r* Yes f. N0 i..J... rs THIS A cHAilGE 0F occupat{cy usE? r yes r. m ,""' IF Ye5, u,hat,as the Prevlous o(ctpancy Type? - l,/hat is the t{e!4 Occupancy Tvoe) ANTH DESl6t{ PROFESSIOT'IAL: g53p - Dan:1y Adans PH:910 7 9199O1 NC REG r:96s,- ENGR DTSI6tI PROFESSIOiIA L:-wood6 Engireeiir.g - Don lroodG PH:91034j900?NC RE€ $i 194?5 DESCR:plION OF UOBX: ld -l-Il6ii--o rr r cE Br-rLD:tij AliD coNrrNuA?rcN oF Exf,s,rrsTtNG cAMpus ls food or beve.ages prepared or served in this srruclure?li Yesf-, No ts Ttre Propeny Locared ln The Floodplainq-- Yedf_ a.d locel laws and ordina SubEcllo Ut%ur,ten. r rrur"uy ".rtrry lial atr rnto.malion ln Fines U, To s5 nces and requl6lions lh conuaclor rillormat'on'00.00"' this applicalon 's cor.ect rn! 6llwor NHC D€veloomenl S€rvicas C€nt€rNO'[E Anv Wo.t Performori wO thwlllbe nolitied k Mll coftply \rilh $e Slale &rlldirg Code 6nd all olh€ ?,1i in OWNER/CONTRACTORT crancy i rley9 Cons!!ircticn SIGNATURE '' ' lQqrriio4 iP@: NJ-ol Nole Demorilion nolillcalions & asireslos romovalpern apg]taliois are WATER: SEWER: SYSTEM ar:1ljJ CFPUA CFPUA COMMUNITY SYSTEM CENIRAL SEPTTC n H WELL VATE SEPTIC T'I ZONING USE CLASSIFICATIONSouuuNrrv C lo bp s!or.trd rsrn! Ine app.,cahon lorm (OFIHS or blilCino wls ,o! nd o cont in Asbeslo! or nor. You j€ requ,.ed lo cslr lie llatioial Emisglon sia idads ,or lla:..dou3 A, Pollu:anls (NESHAP) 3t (91 9)707.5950 ar lasl l0 dayr pnor lo Lho defirolr,on ol.ny laci[ry orbuilding, see A5be6tos web sile: hllp.rffi !rpr.s'rlc... usepnasbellos/th-p.h!n, TOTAL PROJECT COST: 92O,ooo,OOO BUILOING HEIGHT: 50.-9" ,OFUNITS: 1 TOTAL AREA SO FT: 6J8]2 SO FT PER FLR: l6.i4l f OF STORIES: a f OF FLOORS: a---TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF| 6ts?:# OF STRUCTURES: I ACRES DISTURBEDi r.2. e{EXST LAN9 DISTURBING PERMIT? -IT YES T NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA SO Fl EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: 1e.r, e43 SQ FT PROPERTY USE OFFICE RESTAURANT MERCANlILE APT CONDO OTHEf PAYMENT METHOD r cAsH T CHECK (PAYABLE rO NHC) r-AMERICAN EXPRESS li- t'lCryrSl l-- OTSCOVER ZONE: OFFICER iFOfi OFFICE USE OI{LY) SETBACKS: F]B AoDrovali Crtv: DATE BFf +2ft, PEHMIT FEE: :1nAComment FLOOD: LH RH "DA'IE:, 1y1211;,1 !o rt - q6? fi$ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP LI CATION T YPg: RESIDENTIAL PL€AST ANSWER ALt QUESIIONS APPTIABLE TO YOUF PROJECI "Prorect R!3pontlblllty" L8-58 {office 'rie) Dat€i It -rSBlano Brothets Constructlon, L APPLICANT,S NAME: PRO'ECT ADDRESSI suBDlvlsloN: PROPERTY OWNER,S NAMEI CITYI wihlngton ZlPl 28403 LOT Pedro Rlano PHONE Hl 4316650 CITYI zt 28405 BLDG LICENSE ti f 7a IOWNER,S ADDRESS:413 L CONTRACTOR . Blano Brothers Conslruction LLC ADDRESS . 3808 wrlghtsalll EMAIL ADDRESS . rlanobr @gmail.com Ir the proposed work .hanglng the exlsting footprlnt? [] Yes E No .rrv, Wilmrngloll ST: nc ZIP ,28403 ."-<araLcr ,9,104436650E PROJECT CONTAfi PERSON:Pedro Rlano PHONE:910443 6650 EXlSflNG CONSTRUCIIoNT E Altcratlon [] R'novctlon E G€neralRepal's NEW CONSTRUCflONi El Erect New Residence E Additionto Exlstlng Resldencc E Relocatlon 'lrpLEAsE cHEcx AND aNswEf, BELow ALLTHAT APPLY To Youfi PRo'Ecr"' E Att GaraSe (sF)- tr Del Garage (st)- E Porch (sF)- E sunroom(sF)- tr Pool(sF)- D storageshcd (sF)- E Greenhouse (sF) -- U Deck (sF) -- D other(sF)- Unheated: -- uttToYALsQ FY UNDER R OOt lJor ptoposed wo*) -Forted: ,ornr.*or,"r.*, t *"i^'r, 5 20Al Q O O ls the proposad wort changlngthe number of bedlooms? E Yca E No lsanyElectrlcrl,elumblngorMachsnl{lworkbelngdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYorENo lftheproject15aRalocstiqn,lsthercaNaturalGasLlneonthecurrentslte?EYosENo ls there ElectrlcalPower on thls Sulldlng? - Ye3 [f No Proprrty Ur./ O.cuprncyi E Slnda Frmlly E DuplBx El Townhous. oorcrlptlon ot Work;Construcl a slick framod 5lnqlo t{mlly homo wlth 5 bodlooms on a clawl 6paco with an allachod galage l.wrandordln nte. rnd reguletlon5, The NHC Dev€lopment Serrlcer C.nt.r wil ba nolllied orany ch.nfe! ln the pl.nr and tpealncatloni ol chinla in aontra ctor lntormatlon. "'NOTE: Any wod( pe.formedwlthout lh. rpproprlate permltsv,'lll ba ln vlol.tlon ofthe NC Slala and 3ubie.t tofin.r upto S50O0O.r. Ownor/contracton Pangla Fa$o slgnatqrel 'Llcehsed Quolfi?t' P nt Nome lsthepropertylocatedlnafloodplaln? E Ysr E No Exlrtin8 lmpsrvlour Ar€r: !__- sq ft Naw lmparylour Aroa: -- Sq Ft Total Acrei Dlsturbed: Exlrtlnl Land Dkturblng parmttr El yes E No WAIEBT I ctpuA E Communtty System EI privrte We E CentralWell n Aqua SEWER: - CTPUA E Community System B prlvate Septlc tr Centralseptlc El Aqua zon., L- lo ottlcor ffb se*rcrs 1r1 5ol 1u.ty lo (RH) lo (B)Z< tpprovatr 8P cttyr lqr.4 Drt€r cotrm€ nt ,dl/,I Flood: {A}_-{v)--(N) X sre+zft= Permlt Fee: $ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING APPLT$TTaN TyPT: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSI,IER AI.L QIJES]'IONs APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROfECT "Project ResponsibiLiqf )oR-q uPERMTT il,-'torl APPLTCATION Nunber (OFfic€ Use) DArE, /?-/z- / 7 APPLICANT' S !,!qiIE: DEVELOPER: PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIWSION: 7.PllCilE #z '/t 0-ltl.u'* 7tP. Z(yo/ PloirE *: 7/l-{4 : crw: ,A r:I E PROPERTY O ER'S MfiE: T BLOCK #:_- LOT *: .Jo{^]NER}5 ADDR -J,co\rnacron, ESS:ylrtst. /u/ aP.t, z;/, / ACCOUNT *: ST: ZAP:. PHONE #: PHONE *:?tt -tll :ust- ,2 'a C'j ADDRESS: EiYIIAIL ADDRESS: LICENE *: CITY: a\^ PROIECI CONTACT PERSON: , ao,\ a a/.1 EXISTIiIG CONSTRUCIION:ALTERATION GENERAL REpArRs I nrlocarrolr TO DCTSTING RESIDEI{CE NEr,l C0N5TRUCTIOiI: I rnrcr NEr,l RESrDEr,rcE **PLEASE CHECI( ANE AflsTER BELOH ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRo]EcT ! ae uovaEon l-l-,.,/on llJ 49pi16sry b-^'t *+* ** +* **:*+**+ *n***** ******(i*s1.1 **+ ++* ***+$*+**** +*** **+ **+*******++***+******,rs rHE pRopERry LocATED rN A FLooDpLATN? n yEs tJo EXISTING ItvtPERyroUs AREA: _-SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: NEN IITPERVIOUS AREA: SO Fr B(TST LATO DISTURBIT,IG PERI,,IIT:YES t upL).j i5"*t !4a w N '!",-fo tncl,h't Elbru)/l--h. AuL-"-) luArER: S creua f] co\,xuuNrTy sysTEM fl enrvare wer-r- [ cENTRAL I,ELL SENER: \ CFPUA I c$trnat senruc f] eRrvare seerrc I co,nrururw svsrrN LSCj GAS EqU:p, PREFAaS & $tSERTs .r* BILL Acc<r;lrr fl r,rcrwtr I orscwen f :l:a*:tsi*;t **i.*:F*:t**iF*************:i**:*:t:!**x **3 SEPINATE PERI{ITS REqUIRED FOR ELECTJ I{ECH, P PAYIIENT fiETHOD:E c*,CHECK (PAYABLE TO NHC)u******************f ********{.******,ti.** (FO& OFEICE USE atl..\,*., K-5 oFFrcER: DI b eppnovar: O!- city: /Lh4 DATE 2 Coflne nt: Derr,,oi( Ic +s LH '--t-l<r5 LY) P:*/ REVISEU OA].E O4lAr/r2 s F LOOD: lion Requreo, 9 e254.mff1(e-r'.il rn-rsts be- 1 BFE+2ft= IJ Cor@.of< l;,,rnits. ir'.-\kA F""+ PERHIT FEE: S or{NER/CONIRACTOR:5TO.IATURE: )> ufzet NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPL'CATION WPE.. RESIDENTIAT PLEASE ANSWER ATT QUESTIONS APPLICASTE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proled Responsibilitt/ )o r S-qrl t r1- 4to5 APPLICANT,S NAME: MasonboTo Homes, Inc Date:12-27-17 PRoJEcT AoDREss: '1925 Lunar Lane CITY: Wilminoton ZIP 2MO9 SUSDtVlStON:Landfall toT #: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:James and Leioh Finnertv PHONE #:646-498-4189 OWNER'S ADDRESS:1925 Lt)na Lane CITY: Wilminqton ZIP:28405 CONIRACIOR: Masonboro homes, lnc BlDG LICENSE #:7fi6,70 ADDRESS: 3512 WhisDerino Pines Court Ctw: Wilminoton ST: Ne_ Ap: 28409 EMAIL ADDRESS:masonboro homeslAvah oo.com PHONE : 910-470-5620 PROJ€CI CONTACT PERSON Steve Rosse PHONE:9 o-470-6620 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration E Renovation n GeneralRepairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence B Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation T..PI.TASE CHTCT AND ANSWER BELOW AI.I THAT APRY TO YOUR PROJECT"' tr Att Garage (SF)_D Det Garage (SF)_ tr Sunroom (SF)_tr Storage Shed (SF)_ TOTAL pRoJECr CosT (Less Lot): $QQQQQ@_ 2I]DEC t? l8rtgf{tl ls the proposed work chanSin8 the number of bedrooms? g Ves !-to ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the A;cessory Structu.e 5 Ves Ilo lf the proiect is a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? ! Yes E No ls there Eleclrical Poweron this Building? Pg\Yes E No Property Use/ ocqrpancl:B(SInge family tr Duplex D Torxnhouse Description ol Work E Greenhouse (SF)_tr Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes E No TOTAL Sq FT UNDER ROOF lJor proposed work)Heated: '172 Unheated: laws and o.dinances and regulations- lhe NHC D€velopment Services C-ente r w;ll b€ notified ofanychanges io the approved plans and specifications or€han8e in contractorinformation. "'NOT€: anywort performed without the appropiate permits willbe in violation of the NC State Bldg Code and subject to nnes up to S5OOOO'*. Owner/Contractor,. Steoehn W. Rosser Signaturci Lkensed Quoliliq P nt Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? Ll Yes P(No Exlsllng lmp€rvious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Oisturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes ! o WAIER: FLCFPUA D Community System fl PrivateWell E CeotralWell E Aqua SEWER: 'ACFPUA E Community System D P.ivate Septic fl Central Septic E Aqua zone,R-20 office., O(tr setback(RllA (rHNLn*lNfA r4NA npprovar: OV- city: llJA o.t rzh4il Flood: (A) - (v) - (N) x BFE+2ft: comment6nc-\o6i,na oortion aQ eilSt r.q (>ofu-h t No r hay,a,e.-l U+o Foo*fiin*- Cil1' lnspeclion Requreo, 91 0254-m0l Permit Fee: S Ll/c #(ofllce use) tr Pool (sF)_ tr Porch (SF)_ O othe. (sF)172 E NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CATIO N TYPE., RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALT QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOI.]R PRO]ICT "Project Responsibility" )o rV '.-{ V > (offrce use) APPUCANT'S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: ctrelc -cD^lsL<!rc11D^l /^l C-*cl]Y suEDtv!stoN:#i PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: 25 CONTRACTOR CtAsa c, (nXSlfuu-oN t tl ADDRESST VI ctw EMAIL ADDRESS ce .rf t e4 tn Date )-8-t8 y LabonnabatcsGaracr w 284@ LOT #+ DG TICEN 5Tq th 44s 840s PHONE PHON E # clw _-- - PHONE 'ro T3b-D Nezw 26129 PROJECT CONTA'T PERSON EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: [-l Alteration f Renovation :-] Gener3l Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: n Erect New Residence 6drt,on to Existing Residenc. i I Retocation *..?!EA$ qt!!c!(AND ANSWER B€LOW AI.L THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTI'*,} [J Att Garage (sF) i I Sunroom (sF) [j Greenhouse (5F) [-. Det carage (5F) _ .l P.Joi 1sF) i- Deck (5F)__.- I Porch (SF)_ ls the proposed work chaoginB the exisiing footprinr? ., yes .---l No ..1 Storage ShcC (SF) __ .l.l4 r,"..(sr) tlDD--- Dc+c\<YrrdCqrTv+ TOTAL Sq FT UNDER ROOI Uot prcpased !vo4.l Heated Unheated: - --$0 u{*o roTAL PRoJEcr cost 1..s,,tott'S JA.1D.D . - ls the propce^'J work chan8ing the rumber of bedroo!':i> I tr V", E/[o ls a ny Eledrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E yes lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Naturai Gas '.,r19 cn the current srte? [j yes ffio ls there Electrical Pow(' oil this Buildr oet C yes {Xo Property Use/ Occu p"ryy, ,ngl" frmily - ) ilupiex :-. Townhouse;;,:.,".;;;;-hw'6:L&'iDiI *_a)iway. Eajd 2oy2o ( ?nr+ _ Liffll t8 l2s3lPll laws and ordinances and reSuiations. lhe NHC Develup neni Se'v,(.:i Ce ter wir, be norified of any chanSe! rn the tations or change rn cantra.to. lnformatron. "'r,lOTE: Any work performed witl out the approprate plrrnrtq wrll be in violaticn of the NC Srat sribl Owner/contractor: ,_tl Signature: "Licensed Quolifier" Ptun Name ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes fl No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Existing Land Oisturbing Permit: i Yes E tto WATER: E CFPUA tr Community System I Prir:,tc well n Centrai Well D Aqua SEWER: d CFPUA E Community Systein I Privatr,SepriL E Cerltrai Septic n Aqua zon",?-lS omcer: DT-G setbacks(F)V4-{ixt-61-tnxt 6'- ol 5' - oY-1 xApproval: Comment; city: lLYt\Date: I tt Floo(l iAln 1't tl,..e.r Fo-r^:e.r _ (N) _E+2ft=a{J tt '..-r-t Permit Fee: S* a I frirnarl slvt'tctr'^r<- C$itnwlionRequreo, 9.l0'254'09fll rc,"-,;l \x qL_sal W qto,t4e8fuL_?at*l tb*,t APptIc ri,I, DEYELoPERT In0lECT AODRESS SUBDMSI0NT PROPENry O,INER'S NAI4 r d,lr.lER,s ALDR[ssl coNTnAcroi NEf^l TIANOVER C0UI{"ry BUILDING pERMIf APPrfcAfioN 7ypE.. nESIDENITAL IIE^5E. AXs}|En. tIL. gJ€Srroxs ptllcrBrf to v0un ?nolEcr .'prcJect ResponslbrEtlp clwl BLoCI( rr! )ot?-qq r . ,.-l!L_r>,. APPLTCATIOII !,lu bort (offtc. Ut.) OATE: Lof *r Pllo E *r ADDNESS:CrIYrE r. trDDBr.sS: pRo:rcr courncT prtsoit, Von m?o tn Pfio[E CfVr r.I lrl ACCoUNI $:sr:f,fi]liffi/ nmrr.*r9141p1174?l: PtioNE *,9rn-<9,aalit tr PORCH SF SF I sronner sHED _ sF SF tho Accorrory stru.tu.ol EYds f,l No LinE on ths cdrrent slte? [Ves f] t-to No xglpilStfrlQ srr A/C. zrp: 4hllIl n Ecsrn{G co slRucEofl: E ALTSATTON. I RaoUmou fleerchnl nencns. I nrlocATro{ r'rEN co[srtucrrou: ffrnrcl lrru itstDENcE or I lolrrr6r T0 Dgsrrda ftEsroEt cE '*pt EAsr cHEcK duo ms[t| FEroI {tr rMr Apply lo yo{JI pf,oJlcT! Earr ennne tfiA sr florr aemer _sF flswaoot _sr Epoor-I onrrruaarsr .sF florcx ToTAL HEATED SQ FT! ToTAL PnolEcT cosT(!53io0 | $ uuurn noor: 35Q I rorAl AREA se rr:?$bDfr ir 0F sTof,rEsr 1,5 TOIAL Sq FT rs Any [LEcTRrcAL, pur].tBJi6 o]. tlEcHAlltcAL llork &lhg Don6 to.ff the proJect ls a Rulo'tatlon, is.ther,6 a Natunal Glls ,s there Electrical perler on thts Bullding? Elyds f-:l PROPERry UsE ./ OCCUPAI|CY r Efsrmle rY Ewpto< l Tol,lNlousE DESCnIPTTON OF I'IORK, oNNER/CoNI&ACTon:SIGMTURET *i* ++**++r++r*********.***JIfIl{ii.}******r**tr*+a**{t+****1+**r*ta***+******r+*t++rf r*** (roi orFr.l uJ! dlru tvlJa.o o \a ulrl/, rs nrr pBopERry LoouED rrtl A rlooDptAru? fl vrs pt r,ro EXTSTTNG rNpEnVroUS trIEA: _:_ sQ FT IoIAL. ACfiES DIsTURBEDT lrE0 otpEBtrror,s rRE r _sQ FT p(r5T tAtitD DrsrunqrNc pEsIrr! ff yEs El lro r.rATEfir ZJ.tFpuA I cortwr.rrw svsrrn I lnrvetr ltru I crrrtal uetl sEl,En: ZfcrpuA D criurmr srl[c f] m:Vlrr srptrc .D cd,$?J]lrTy svsTr]l r.. sErlJuTEr,lnltls REqJiIED rot ELECI, {SaI. '186, 645 Eqrrp, pnEruS a t,$pfrrs '3'pAyflEllT l.tET,roDr Elclsn Ecrrrcr (pAyaBLr To *rc; florlu ccarrn fi rrcarsl I otscovrn*l**tt*+***rt****i******r*l*ftr*|**a**rfi*rrr**.r.i,|lti*f,r***r+***t*#*******r*t*?* **ri*lt ZONE: LLL OFFICFI:,u eppqovat:--.,1Q[- cltyr-ll!{!- DAr Ksz F't * ui! * M! x !,jE_ rL00Dl X BrE+2ft- _ s lA I Colrri,te ht I Crly lnpecllon fuqlreo, 91 0-25{{gfil rcl PER'IIT FET,g{- )olQ'ttS t itul TPPUT.ANf S NAME: ,ROJECT ADDRESS: iUBDIVISION: PROPERTY OWNER S AME: IIEW HANOVER COUNTY BUI]DING PERMTT APPUCATION TYPE: RESIDETITIAL PI.EASE AIISWER AI.I QUESNONS APPUCAEI.E TO YOUR PROIECT 'ProJect iasponslblll\f orv: L.dr Lr,. k-.N N*A a9p[.zton l{umbet (offce ure) I)rte l'lL fk ztP:Ak/{]< PHOiIE f: _e r,'1{,. -^ OWNER,S ADDRESS:lQlQ L-c,Jc.r La Ctllf: L,.j, \.,i^ZIP: J Ii-t tarr)(- CONTRACTOR:BIDG lrcEtrsEfi: q l('i 5' ADDRESS:CIW:5T: ,.tC a* Ar4to ) EMAIL ADDRESS:PHOIE: PRO'ECI CONTACT PERSO :H{ore: 9 ta- 6t 9-Lti1r, Exrsn G C.orttsmucrloN: E Alteration E Renovatlon E Gmeral Repalrs NEWGONSrRUCITO:EErectNewResidenceOAddttlontoEdstingRcsidenceERelocatlon tar aa E Att Gardtse (sF) - E DGt Garage (5F) tl Porcfi (sF)- El Pool (sFl tr Deck (SR (5">tr storage Shed (SF) tr other(sR_E. E; =_;LO E Sunroom (SF) - fl Grednhouse (SF) l.-\ ) ts the proposed work changing the exlstlng footprlnt? E Yes E No TOTAL SQ FT U'IDER R@F l;for proposed x,ort) ]hered: - unhe.d: - TOTAL PROTECT COST (tess Lotl:\L) ts the proposed work dtanglng the number of bedrooms? O ves EI I{o ls any Elcctrical, Plumblng or Medrurlcal work being done to the Accessory Srudure El Y€3 E rb tf the projest is a Relocadon, ls there a Natural Gas Line on the curent site? EfYB tr ilo ls there Electrical Power on this Buildlng? Er-Ycs E o rl)<-li)o. i1tJfr OlF11 Property use/ ocarpancy El'Famlly tr Duphx tr Descrlptlon of wb.ls 'Lt, DISCIAIMER: I heteby cert fv that ell the i.rfumatlro h fhb app&aItolr ls cored and a[ w rrf,l comply widt ilr€ Slrtc &dEing Code and e[ ot rer aPPlilatrle sbie and laws and ondlnances and .eguladons.Tte HC DordoDrne|tt Serrl(ls Contlr ultr be ndfied of ,ly dr.ryes h the rpprorcd pltrs d|d lD.ciftado$ or dBrSe in .ontr.ctor infom.tlon. "'MrTE: Ary uut parrorned without lhe aPprcPr& Parmhs $n be in !,ioHon d t'E tlcstltE rnd subElct to ffnc3 uP to Ssm'(If " Owner/Contractorl Signature: "Llcensed QwlFea Pdnt ls the property located ln a floodplaln? D Yss tr}- adsdttg Itrp€tulot s Atea: - Sq Ft Total Acr6 Dlsturbed: ilery lirpcryidrs Ares: -Sq Ft Fjdtdng t lld DtttutbftE Petmlt !] Yes E o WATER: EY{TPUA E Community System E Prit ate well E Gntralwell E Aqua SEWERI gtcep Zone:.)u \\) Approv.l;-1 2-/SLq ,Qr*r., Q1<. Nr"(-r [i\Qnr f{\,-,".s,,-. ftr-(lrtfCommcnt ,..0 ---+ n('Lr Fee: $ LOT #: _ \F El Central Segtic [] Aqrla I li\ str P,L5 rl Coru.. $Uuut 20t3-{Gf NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUII.I}ING PERMTT APPUCAT,ON fWE: RESIDENTIAL PI.EASE A!'sA'ER AIl. QUESNONS APruCABT.E TO YOUR PROJECT 'Projec RasponCbill\f Application NumbEr (ofh€e u5e) ,PPUCANfS NAME: 'ROJECT ADDRESS: iuBDtvtstoN: w: l- to-\K OrY: l^\'\.r.,. -A?:. 'lKLtrt t', toT#: PHONE 8: _ OTY: t-.,.\ .\,,r..4P: '] S'lCrj L,- ,ROPERTY OWNEPS t{AME: ]WNER'5 ADDRESS: !ONTRACIOR: ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: \ ELDG LEEllSEs: 9 t !-,9 ? OTY: cJ r \,x..5I: r\aP: ,.kzlo/ PHONE:L. PROJECT COTTAC' PERSON:Pk,\PHqrE: q)o - L rQ -'t) -7t^, Dosn G corsTRucnoN: D Alteradon E Renovadon [J Gmeral Repairs NAlt CO SrRUCIIO : El Ered NeYr Residence D Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation ..'q F{sE olEcr AllD AllswEn EElow All ftAT AP " n Att Gara8e (sF) - tl Det cardEe (sF) E Porct! (sFl D Sunroom (SF) - A Pool (sF)-7c,E Stonge Shed (58 O Grednhouse(SF) tr D€ck (sR - ts the proposed worl changing $e e)dsun8 fuotprint? tr yes E-lo TOTAL SQ fT UNDERROOF llor Proposed worfl Hested: - Unh€*ed: D other(sR 5 ','ift-r{r> .-- tsr,= =ET,9 e(-)a .Eb TOTAI PROTECT COST (Less lot):.()c ts the proposed work ctrangtng the number of bedrooms? E Yes G t{o ls any Electrlcal, Plumbing or Medranl6l wort being done to the Acc6sory Structure E-fes E Uo lf the proiect is a Relocatlon, ls thete a Natural Gas Line on the cunent site? El-Yes E o ls there Electrical Power on this Building? EfYes E o DlrlProperty Use/ OccuPancf Famlly Duplex tr Desctlptton of Worlc lBJ8il !8 lklb!sr, olgct A|MB: I h€relY certif Yftat all th€ i|'br,ration in this applicatioo is .onect and .I wo.t wll compty utt,l th€ SAe &dldiq Code atd aU other appt(able Stete a.d lo.al laws and odlmnces and rc8lrledons. the NHC Dg,elopmed seNi.es centrr rru b€ Etlfird of dry dfngrs h tie aPFol.rd pbffi -d tp€aiHixs o. dra[e in iDntractor informadon. "'iIOTE: Arry wo.i Fformed *thout the apProprlatc permnswill be in viobtion ofthe C and sub.iLrct to 6h€5 uP to Owner/Contractor:Signature: "Licensed quoltlea Ptiit l,lame ls lhe property located in a floodplain? E Yc5.El o ExlsdrE lmpewlors Area: - Sq Ft Total A.tes Disbrrtcd: - New lmpervldrs Ar€a: -- Sq Ft Eddng t'nd t'isturblry Permlt: E Yes E o WATE& EI"CFPUA E community system E Private well El centnlwell El Aqua SEWER: trTCFPUA trI Zone: Crtf i\.-OfficEr:u ,trl 4,.) €rr |f\q(r -it ]D 8FE+'28 (p pAL,- (l*l o lo Appror,8h [rtli $r*,rr.,r..,v^t (qi. hct^I P(Ltr 0,0,^Permlt Fee I 7{ t) Community System D E central g€pyc [1 Aqua !:g 7ot g*tt b NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI.,IIT APPLICAr ION rYPE: COIiIMERCIAL PLEASE ANSI,]ER ALL QUESTIOI.IS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]€CT "Project Respons ibi lity" L7 - 4002 \,-- AFPLTcAT-mN Number (Offl<e Use)# 18o5 -Trburc,r> f--I6tL\ DEVE {rnor occu ICANT'5 lllAl'lE: Clancy & Theys Construction Company DATE :1,t/21,/t'l LOPER: Live oak Baocahares, lnc ECT PHONE #: iburon Drive ; wi lmington zlP ..2 S 412 PANT/BUSII{ESS NA}'IE: t ive oak Bancshares, rnc PROPERTY OWNER'S IIAME: 1i1,s oat Bancshares, fnc O{NER'S ADDRESS i r?a1 Tib.rron Drrve CITY: p i f .i""go', CONTRACTOR :s conslr:uct.ion conpany - LICEiISE S: 2677 ADDRESS: 2250 shj.pyard B1vd, suice one CITY:14i1,1ir.rnsott E[tlAIL ADDRESS: Iaurenhopper@clancy!heys. com PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: Laulen Hopper PHONE f: ST: pg ZtP:2 6a 12 ST: pg ZIP: 26a 63 PHONE *: 9r03s2522A _ PHONE #: st0392522a ((he(k A1l ThBt Apply) lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Site? l- -ES GENERAL REPATRS f-_ ruo rs BLDG s EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION R ENOVATION urrent No NEI,I CONSTRUCTION:ERECI NEId STRUCTURE FAST TRACI(SHELL UPFIT ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: nPRINKLERED?f _ Yesf - RE LOCATION ADD TO EXTST STRUCTURE { tIg € -1\\g If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit f;Is Elect Power on this Building f. Yes f NO "i+. Is THrs A CHAI\}GE OF OCCUPAIICY UsE? r YES l*. UO *''**' tF Yes, r.rhat ras the Previous Occupancy Type? - l'lhat is the Neu Occupancy IXEF'o*rn* pRoFEssroNAL: Ls3p - Danny Adams - PH:9107 919 9 01 NC REG f:9557 PROPERTY USE OFFICE RESTAURANT IMERCANTILE EDUC APT CONDO OTHEI Tl ZONING U ?outrluruttv SE CLASSIFICATION LH RH PERMIT FEE: :IDO PAYMENT METHOD f CASH f- cnecx (peveBLE ro NHc) l-- nuentcer EXPRESS ff- ucnrtsa l-- otscoveR ZONE: OFFICER iFOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:B Approval:- City:- DATE- FLOOD-- BFE+2ft'- Comment N €otada-ho'r..' GrJ L-'/ WATER iCFPUA TI COMMUNITY SYSTEIV J-I WELL .rr..#[,*, E CFPUA E CENTRAL sEPrlc E FmvArE sEPrlc ?- O a,' a NTY NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING APPLIcarIOtt ryPE: COItl[lERC IAL PLEASE AXs'JER ALL QUESTTO S APPLICABLE. TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibllity, APPLICANTJS I.IATE: JAT'IES I'luttIGAN . ORA ASCEITECIIIRE Pll: 919.754 . 9924 EXT DfVELOPER: TRIBIIIE IrlvE S'IMENT & DEVELOPMBNT INC PRoIECT ADDRESS: 1s1s FROYI STREET 2o[tr-I82- PERI4IT L7 -2448 APPLICATTON unber (Otfice use) DATE: o?.18 -201? OCCUPAiIT/BUSIITIESS I'AltE : FRo"-Ecr TITLE .CAPPS BUILDING RENOVATION PROPERTY qdNERrS NAlr{E: GREENFTETTD sTREET PROPERTIES Ol,*JERr 5 ADDRESS: 10 CARDINA1 DR.CITY: WITUINGToN CONTRACTOR: TRrBrrB STRUSIIO}I, iNC LICENSE #: 6oo1 ADDRESS: 10 soUaH CARDINAL CfTY: wrr,MlNGToN EHAIL ADDRESS: bhauck@tribuieconstrucEion-com PRoIECT CoNTACT PERSON: BRArN r{Aucx CITY: wrLMrNGtoN ZIP:2saol PHONE #:9LO_251.s030 ST: Nc ZIP:28403 ST; rqc ZIP: 28403 PIICNE *: 910 . d12 - 3G33 PHCNE T: Exrsr colsrRucrrox: E ALrERArror m.r,Jfriliii ff Rdocdon, b flere a Nat;l Gas Une on tre -Cunent Site? f] 4pp1v) GENERAL REPATRS [-l nelOCrrrol Eruo rs slDG spfrifrxLeRED? Elyes ENoYes NEI{ CO}TSTRUCTION:EREcr NEr^r srRUcruRE f] rasr rmcx [} sxrr-r- [ urrrr f] eoo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRIrcTURE: N/A If UPFIT - The Shel1 Permit *:Is Elect pohrer on this Building n yes E *O *T'** I5 THIS A C}IANGE OF OCCUPANCY USE}I ves flan ***** fF Yes, rrhat was the Previous Occupancy Type? M & s lrhat is the Neu Occupancy Type ? A-2, B & r,t ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOTAL: oRA ARCH ITESIURE PH:9r9,?s4 ,9924 - l.lc RE6 *: 6585 NC RE6 *: DESCRIPTIoN 0F I^IORK: ELECTRI & PL'!'?'{BING UTILITI gS.UPFIT FOR CORE C:A LOBtsY & SERVICE EN6R DESXGN PROFESsIOML: A.DDI?IoNAIJ ENGR - sEE APPENDIX B PH:Exmcrl oT:SEEIEORK FoR NEw MEefiEfrEII, DISCIAIMm: I hereby cedify th6t aU intorm8[on in and locai laws and ordrnances and raqulations. Theorchange in contEclor ol contrador fifoflnadon.'-Subject-to Fines Up To $500.00* his applicatlon is coraed and alrwort wit,comdv wirh rhe $ate Burtdrno CodB andNHC DeveloDment Se(v,ces Certer will be noti;fud of env chanoes in h; .Dnrav.J,NOTE Any wo* Pe{ormed WO rhe AporopnaE Pe.miGwiu &;n Violad66 o:i 6a olans andNC Slare b lbod or beverages eg"d or ssvtd h tlis srrare? l-lCURRENT PERLIIT'FSR SHELL ONLY - TENANTS To BE Yes No OWNEFYCONTRACTOR : fribute ci.or1, Inc TOTAL PROJECT COST. $1,500'000 BU|LDING HEtcHT:30 | TOTAIAREASQFT: 40,312 sF SOFTPERFLR: 20,185 sr TOTALSQ fi UNDER ROoF: 30.776 sp #OF STRUCTURES: 1 b The Proogtv D WFUTURE UP Lo€ated ln Th€n Yes r NoFITSFbodpHn? all other applicable Stale Code and 10 &F prfcr b rn5 # OF UNITS: # OF STORIES: z # OF FLOORS: SIGNATURE:(o(eo erIIrNm)llot6: Darndlon m{'tdois & aat66 ,sioval pqnlt EpiLatbn! ars b b€ 6tbrnts3d 'r8lrE tr .pgllcdoi bm (DHHS3768) wHEr G bd5!g w8s b.rDd bcD ah At6bs or rEr Yql al6 lEqirBd E aal tho tSbd Ernbslon Staadad! h( HEadou! Ak pottulanb (NE${AB ar (919)m7 derElUon ol Ery Ii.{ly or buldno. S€a AEa€Et6 \,!bb giat htprrl^xw,oDl3ta!..nc.us/epuasb€slosAl[tlp,htnt 2 PRoPERTYUSE: EoFFrcE Enesrnunerr fluencamu Eeouc flnrr ncotoo oBR-aJ_-_E _-U_.99L ACRES DISTURBED: t,Bs ACRES NEW IMPERVIOUS AFIEA 22,539 sF e(sr LAND D|STURBTNG pERMm EYES r] No SQFI ISTINGIMPERVIOUSAREy'i:2e.761 sF SOFT WATER mCFPTJAsEwER EICfPt A "'SEPARATE PERMITS REOU'RED FOR ELE T. MECH, PLBG. GAS EOUIP, PREFABS A JNSERTS '' PAYMENT METHoD: flcesn florcx lnevnalE ro Mtc) ffinmerucnx ocFlEss E McffsA I oscovrn (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY)f€\r6ED DArE./U11/t2ZONE-OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:-LH: RH: B:Approval: Cty:_ DATE_ FLOOD: _ BFE+2ft_AVN E coirMUNIrY sy€TEM EwE"t- EzoNtNG t sE ctlssitFtcATtoNficann*semc !ffiy11Eggrnc EEirMUNnysyarEM Corrn€nt PIIONE #: 910. 512 . sr4s PERMIT FEE: $_ 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDTNG PERMIT aPPLICATI,N rYPE: CO}IITIERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICASLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT 'Project Responsibilitld, 20/p-q p2_ L7 -2448 . rev3 APPLICATION Nunber (offl.e use) DEVELOPER: ?RrBuTE I PRoJECT ADORESS: 1s1s soUTH FRONT STREET PMBNI INC PIoNE *: .o .6',2 .3633 c I,Il LM I NGTON oCCUPANT/BUSINESS tlA E: pRo.rECr rrTLE - cApps BUTLDING RENO!?.TION PROPERTY oarlNER'S MltE ol.ltlER'S ADDRESs: 10 sO{.rIE CARD DR.CITY: wrr,MrNG"oN P[()NE *: 91o.2s1.so3o ST: Nc ZIP,@ sT: Nc ZIP: 28403 PHO E *: PHONE *: e1q.612 -3G33 GREENFIEl,D PROPERTIES COMTRACTOR: TRTBTJTE cONSTRUCTION, INC ADDRESS: 10 soiIIH NAI, DRIVE CIWs $r 4rNeroN El.lAIL ADDRESS: I r@lribure cooparl1e6 , com PR0JECT COIfTACT PERSON: Mark Lee Mawrra rd Jr. Exrsr coirsrRucrroN: Z ALrERArron g .rnJffil;li E?t'ii*. REpArRs Tl RELocarror{ It Ralocation, is rhere a Nari-ral Gas Line onrhe -currenr Site? [ve;[ ruo E BLDG spRtN-KLEneoz Ives fltruo NEt,l corsrRucrrol, f] rnecr NElt srRUcruRE f] rsr rucr [l srrr-r- [ uerrr I noo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: N/A rf UPFrT - The 5he11 Permit #:Is Elect Por.,ep on this Building El yes E uO .*t*. Js rHrs A cHAt{cE oF ocolpaNcy usrq fives [tB **r.* IF Yes, hfiat Has the Previous Occupancy Type?M&s l&at is the New occupancy Type ? A-2 . A-3 , B&i.,t ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOMT: oRA ARCIiTIEsT,URe PH: 919 - 75 .9924 NC REG #: 6585 ENGR DEST6T{ PROFESSIO'{ALI ADDITIo}IAI, ENGR . sEE APPENDIX Bexffi PH:NC REG #: CTION. SHELL WORK FOR NEW rvrffFffiiffi[]-DESCRIPTION OF I,JORK: RENovATIoN oF ExI UIILIfIES AND BOILDING ENI,EI"OPE FOR NEW USE. IIB CONS Locatsd h The Fbodplaln?Eves [ ruo FITS Stat6 Code and all olher applicable Stateadwillsoecificrtibns Eldg Code and owN SIGNATU(a,1'1 (fttt t$.n )tld: Dernoaloi noaL&|. E & lrr5lrrl po nn SpacolqE srE b b srlr Ed u9h0 fh€ rppll.lbo 6m (DtfiS-gr6t)tB Hlt or bqldlE v€s hJ$ to @rnEh A!b&a or lEt Yqr 8D tlqr,rd b c€l tE ierd E r$.loi Sr$d€.ds fr. H@.ddr. Atr PoIutsnB (NESH [,) rtdGrdltor ot.ryidty or hltsng. SG Ast lta lira! Ef.: h$,klw*..d.lEb,icus&ptrGbctos/UrmpJltnl Et lcrr l0 dsF ptr t lr TOTAL PROJECT CO.ST:BUILDING HEIGHT: 30 ,# OF UNITS: TOTAL AREA SO FT:20,648 SF SQFTPERFLR: 2o,G4B sF # OF STORIES: r TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF:20,6 asF # OF STRI'CTU RES:# OF FLOORS: ACRES DISTURBED:1.8s ACRIS p(sT I.AI\ID DISTURBING PERMTm II] YEs E No NEW IMPERVIOUS AFIEII u z. sas sr SO FT EOSTING IMPERVIOUS ARF-,|: 29, ?51 sF sa Fr pRopERryusE: Dorrrce flnrsrrunerr nuencemr-e Eeorc f]err [mtoo OTHEFT a-z ..r,-: . g&M CFPUA CfPUA -'SEPARATE PERM.TS REourREo FoF ELffT, MEcfi, pLEG, cas EoUtP, PFEFASS & tNsERTa -' WATER: SEWER pAylrENT lrEIHoo: flcnsx [cmo< peveal-E To NHc) fleuenrcal aeREss EMc nsA E otscolen aa Tlcot MuNrry srsrEil rlwE'r EDNING t sE cL"AslslFlcATloN _fi cerrner- srenc E pn-vere srpnc D&ruuNnysylsrE APPLICANT, S t{iAt1E: JAMES MULLToAN - oRA ARCETTICTrrRE pH: 919 - ?54 . 9924 Exr 104 DATE: j!g3]llz_ ZIP:28401 LICEI{SE *: 6001 (FoR oFFtc€ LrSE ONLY) EvtsED urE{rlllul ZONE-OFFICER: - SETBACI(S: F:-LH:- Rlt- B.- Apgo\El: CIy-DATE-FLOOD:- BFE+2F- AVN cornrn€nt PERMIT FEE: $- u N-i Y NEId HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING APPLICAIIaN ryPrI CoTIII1ERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIO$ APPLICABLEI TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility,, APPLICANT, S M}lE: JAJ.lEs MULLIGAN . oRA ARCHITBCTITRE PH:919.754.9924 ExT 104 DEVELOPER:T STMENT &P]VfENI lNC PROJECT ADDRESS: occuPANT/BUSTNESS llAllE: pRo;rEcT T CAPPS BUILDING PROPERTY OWNER'S tlAlitE: GREEI{EIELD S IREET PRO ES oWNER'S ADDRESS: 10 s CARDfNAL DR.CIry:,TU,MINGToN COI'ITRACTOR: TRIBUTE TRUCTION, INC LICENSE #: Eool CIry: wrLl,lrNGToN sT: Nc zIP: 28ao3ADDRESS: io sorrTr{INAL DRIIB EIIAIL ADDRESS: i r@rributecompanies . com PHONE #: PROJECT COI{IACT PERSON: Mark Lee Mamard .Tr PHONE *: e1o - G12.3G33 e? A-2. A- 3, B&M ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOML: oRA ARCHITECTURB PH:919.75 .9924 NC REG S: 658s ENGR DE5I6N PSOFESSIOi,/AL: A.DDITIoNAT R. SEE APPENDIX PH:NC REG f:EXISTING B N TION ES AND BUILDING UCTION.SHELL WORK FOR NEW M ENVELOPE FOR NBI,] USE. E-eEAliiem- IIB CONSDESCRIPTIoN OF t^lOR(: RENovATToN oF ExrsrrNG lJ.rrrITI kv6to *rp 6b Zot( 1.18L IT l1-zq 1515 SOUTH FROM STREET c I,IlLMING?ON PK)NE *: sto .6!2 .3G33 ZrP i 2s401. PHONE *: 91o.2s1.so3o ST: Nc ZfP:28403 roN RELOCATION RINKLERED?Ives a No NEW coNsrRucrroN, f] rnecr Nfti srRUcruRE I rasr rarcr I sner-r- [ uerrr I ebo ro Exrsr srRucruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: N/A If UPFIT - The Shelt Permit #: Exrsr coNsrRucrroN: m ALrERArro, g *rrJifrill'^i Ei!'il*,- *rror*, lf Relocdion, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site? [Ves I lo tS BLDG Sp .*,"** rs rHrs A CHANGE oF occupANcy usrlffives [No ***** IF Yes, h,hat was the Previous Occupancy Type? .M & s t{hat is the Neu Occupancy Typ State Building Code and all OWNEFUCONTRACTO SIGNATU {Oudln.l)(h.t fiamo) Nole: Dorrcllon notiB{ons & 6sb6bs rstEyat !€mh applasions alo b b€ &brnhad uslng th€ appltca on funn(DHHS-3768)rho fadity o, hrlldhg was flund 10 contglo AsD€lios or not Y&, arD lEfllrEd ro csl th6 t{adond En*Jon StEndsrd3 fta H€2!.doiJs Alr po{urenrs (NEStLaP) 3t d ban 10 days Flor to the d€ftollron of 66y frc{ly or bdldlng. 5.6 Asb€9to€ Wob Sl|: htS:/$is,w.€plstab.nc,usrapuasb6ltorahmp}gnl TOTAL PROJECT COST: BUILDING HEIGHT: 30 ,# OF UNITS: TOTAL AREA SO FT:20,G48 sF SQ FT PER FLR: 20.648 sF # oF sToRtES: r TOTAL SQ FT UNOER ROOF: 20,548 sF # OF STRUCTURES:# OF FL@RS: 1 ACRES DISTURBED:1.85 ACRES O(ST LAND DISTURBING PERMTN I YEs T] No ls iood or bevemoes reoared CURRENT PERtr,IT.Fo,R SH ELL ONLY. TENANTS TO or ssrved in thls €(ructue?pYes S No ,h,Elt{lRE-JrFffi* h rhe Roodprain?I ves [ ruo DISCIAIMER: I hereby certty that sll lnformauon in this aoDlba on is coffect aM all woand_local laws and ordinances and regutadons. The NHC O;veloom€nl Services Centerorchange rn conyactor or contraclor jnformation. *NOTE:Any Wort perbmed w/O thSubject !o Fines UD To $500,00'- rk will comDlv wilh lhe wrll be nori,,l6o of anv e Appropriaie Permils rn thd aDorovedViolatioi of rhe NEW IMPERVIOUS AREaU u z.sgg sr SQ FT E(STING IMPERVIOUS pRoPERry usE: flOrrrce E nesreunar'n luenceunu I eouc I eer lcolroo ofr Ra:?,c:1.r4r_ WATER: SEWER aa CFPUA CfPUA fl corrMUNIrY sYsrEM E wE r EzoNtNG t sE cr.AssrFlcArrorr flcENTnALSEmC LIPRMATESEPnC fl@irMUMrvSYSrEM -. sEpaBATE pERMrrs REouIRED FoF ELECT, MEcn, prac, Grs eorirp, mEFAas & TNSERTS -' PAYMENT MEIHOD: ECASH [ereCX pAVnAE TO NHc) f]nUenrcm OORESS E MCiVISA I OSCOWn AREA 29, 7G1 sF SQ FT BEVISED DATE,lrllfl2 ZONE:_OFFICER:SETBAG(S: F:-LH:_ RFL- B:- Appro\ral- Otyr- DATE:- FLOOD: - - - BFE+2F- A Comm€nt APPLICATION Number (Office Use) DATE:_13_:jfj2!lf_ Is Eldct Pouen on this Buildin8 El yes E ruO (FoR oFFrcE us-E oNLY) I N PERM,T FEE; $- 21 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APH rCArIoN rYPt; COIiIMERC IAL PLEASE AN5IIER ALt QUESIIONS APPLICABL€ TO YOUR PROJECI "Project Responslblllty" )ott -?(L FLooD zoN{Bn4B. rev3 APPLICATION Number 1-+- c bb / APPLICANT, S NAhE: J^I4uS IiULLIGAN OR.A ARCiJITJICT PH:919. ?54 .9 924 EXr 10a DATE: 12. 01 ,20!7 Nrd daw)-) DEVELoPER : .:31!.EEgyESrMENT & DE\ELOPTIEIiT PRoJEcT ADDRESS: llO O c TY: 'drrMlNGmN OCCUPANI/BU5II.IE5S I,IAI|,1E i PRoJECT TITLE - cAPPs SUILDING RENovATIoN PROPTRTY OWNER'S IlA}iE;GREENFIEI,D STREET PROPERl'IES OWNER,S ADDRESS: 10 sot,TH CARDINAL DR.CIry; lirl-MrNcrcN CONTRACTOR: TRIIuTE CoNSTRUC?IoN , INC LIf ENS E #t 5oo1 ADDRESS: 1o souTH cAEDTN-\L IVE CITY: 9lru{rNGToN EI4AI L ADDRESS: irarrib,rra PROIECT CoNTACT PERSON: Mark Lee Mavnar d e?M&s Hhat is the Nevl occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGN PRO'ESSIOML: ORA ARCI]]TECTL'RE PH:919.754.992{ Nc REG ,: 5685 PHONE {: 910 . 612 .lStl ZiP | 2a4oa ST: Nc ZfP: 2840j ST: NC ZfP i 28403 PHONE S: PHoNE lt: er.0.612.3533 If UPFIT - The sheu, Permit #; r*.** rs rHrs a cHAttGE oF occupaNcy usE li EyEs [ ruo '----IF Ves, what ,as the Paevious occupancy Typ x-2 A-3 B &ll ENGR OE5I6N PROfESSIOMLi ADDITIoNAI, ENGR . sEE APPENDIX B P8:ExfficTrorr-SFEI[]rOFf FoR NEuv MECFAiiIeAL NC R€G #: DESTRIPTION OF I,'l]RK: RENovATIoN oF EXIST]NG UTILI?IES AND, BUILDING ENVEI,oPF FoR N8!.] UsB. IIE coNs ts The ProDenv Located ln Ihe Floodolain?W'FUTURE UPFITS ves I nols food or beve€oss deoared cURRENT PERtr,fl T'FCiR sH ol served ln rhls sruaurez l-iTENANTS To E.E I DISCIAIMER: lhe,.bv c€rtt ular alllnlo.ftation ln and localla!3 andodlnancei and reoula ons. Ths or clcnoe in co^uacior or contEch r ,-n lorm ato^. -" Subjecib Fiies Up To $500 00'- OWNEFVCONTRACTOR: {oam.J con€h ,ln€slos or not You sro .oqrmd E do nFlrlbn oi ary hdllv or buldlig. Seo A3l, TOTAL PROJECT COST: crl tlo N8lonal Emlsllon sbndards br thradous Alr Po{rJEnE (NESH P) sl ( ,s1o3 wob sll6: hnpJArww.od.6LE.nc.uv6pv.rbo!totahmp.itnr Yes No ELL ONLY SU BIJILDING HEIGHT: 30, # OF UNITS: TOTAL AREA SO FT : 2o ,548 S SQ FT PER FLR: ?0,54s sF TOTALSO Ff UNDER RoOF: 20. 6a8 sE # OF STRUCTURES: 1 ACRES DISTURBED 1 ,85 ACRES Exsr rAtiD DISTURBTNG PERMtT?I ves I uo SA FI EXSTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:2S ?61 SE rl SIGNATIJR Nor6: Domolltn rcdff6d.1s & 65bo6ros ranov.! p€nnll apgflcsdons oro lo bB erbmluod uskr! t\e spfucal on bm (DHHS3768)ar $s tudlv or bulldln! w&r found lo'fjil:ffffih ;:ohii: # oF STORIEST 1 # OF FLOORS NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: 22. s3e s!- PRoPERTY UsE: EOFFTCE f]nesreunttr [ueRcrrrtrc Eeouc Erpr E@NDO OTHERTA- 2 B &14 WATER:alCFPUA COMMUNITY SYSTEM flWELL ZONING USE CLASSIFICATION SEWER:g CFPUA ceuru- sErrrtc f]PRMATE SEPTIC COMMUNITYSYSTEM pERrr[gREoulREo FoF ELEcr, MEctr, pl,sc. G s EoJtp,paerngs a tNsenro -' PAYMEMT METHOD: [CeSn flCtecx (PAYABLE TO NHC)trAMERICAN E(PRESS I ucnnse E otscown SQ FT Comm€nt u FICER; Ii\ tr tf \rC1 -iEt" t riw\ I F ?"t Lrtv.r<*', '\ L0)${)l^'0'r( n\r-)|r'u1,,9?1 ;tE lfuv;tfr'r:rr Ctr { ic"t' -'r1 Yr'' e;( slt l,r"r'r' [.'l[l 3 l.r lf,-t51u(tno{- {,c.el,h,r1 f.,r € Q,rt' P' ror 'h Cii'i lnspection Requrreo, 91 0-2s4-09fI) SWLLL A-a Psr ffi {,M, PlloNE $: 91o.2s1.5oro Exrsr coNsrRucrroN: E aLrERArroN E -rJifi;:.-;ii 'fr^:?'ilI- t neearns ! RErocArroN It Rolocdion, is rhere a Narr rrat cas Line on the Curenr Sire? L.lYes L_l No lS BLDG SPRTNKLERED? Llyes ElNo NEW CONSTRUCTION: I enrCr NEW STRUCTURE I rasr rAaCX fi Srrr-r. ! Uerrr I AbD rO Exrsr STRUCTURE A'TFSSNFY STFIITTIIRF' Is Eldct Power on this Buildtng El Yes E lo BEMSLD DATE !I 1/12 r;1(a.rlu'('l N l, r.t a NI YJ )otP- vc 3 NEW HAIIIOVER COt tilTY BUILDING pERilfT APPLIaTT T n,PE.. CoI9IERCIAL PLEASE A SllER ALL QUESTIO|S APPLICABLE TO YOUR 9NO]ECT "PpoJect Responsibiliqf APPLICAIIT'S tIA}tE:-*.x B..a-r,./<DEVELOPER;€PRO]ECT w0ccuPAaT/a6r Ess rlA E:. M€ Fee{Lv\ ft@\tft v -0JA1e n-40t9 AFP.ECTfIOil MfibGr (Offtce Us.) - olrs 't;1- 1 9-t7 - Ptot{E t: 6l-t\ rM LL<_ pto E : *Bod D R . CITY:N nt$a96fDN sr LICEIGE *: -CITY: E e _ Pt{ot{E S - Pt{ot{E (Ol!(k All rhrt apply)ror REPAIRS RE LOCATIOi'I arP:2,.gOt PnOPERTY O|'[ER, S |uttE: OLlER'S ADDfiESS: lS.Sl OLI)9to -RtS 5Slt <_2lP.)gq6lPao{a l+ CO TRACTON: ADORESS: EI,IAI L PRO]ECT COIIT P e ERECT iIEI{ STRUCruRE 3 sf tll <ztPt 28{2)* mitsi.Eq3E*:9r-dEiFs5 t EXIST COIGTRI,CTIOfl: N ALT lf Relocation. is there a NatHt c*" ERArror{ f] RErovAT Une on the Cunent Site?n I-'I GEI{ERALH;-;No IS BLOG vesf-r- SHELL I wrrr n aDo ro Exrsr srRrrcruRE NoEX CO SIRUCTIoiT: nACCESSO*Y STRI'CTINE:6t oF Bteut FAST TRACK 1H€ftD If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #:Is Elect PmF on thls Buildin8 l-- yes, f IE..:r. r5 T}|Is A cHAiEE OF OCAJpATaCy tSE?l:IF Yes, drat ras the previous (kcupapy Type? _ *d AiE}I DESIG PROFESSIO AL: YES ls f,<ts "'*'th- tta occupancy EiEN OESIG PROFESSI{'IIAI- DESCRIPTIOTI OF I,IORK:36'oF Bq.r-llH€*b PH PH trc REG *: ilc RE6 $I Fol 13 t StrErt t 7 1l !?681'l ls food oI beverages prepared or served in ttris *ruaure?[- vesfllzNo ts The properry Located In The Ftoodprainf-f v{- Bt89*'[t^ 'n-uo, "".o rnt 6t infonnetbn h r,i.spdaarih h Erecr and eil rcd( $r corhpry wir' t,. stste Burdtlg code and dl orr., spdbauo st Effi +HifBffi ffi "ffi d:"r,ilehfi $s$mffi-ffiffi{#[ffiffi fr.Bssffi *a OWNER/CONTRACTOR: (oud6.,) l.ro3: Dorno8doll ndfcado.B t 6!€s.o3 SIGNATU tEarDt/t De.r*t appbtirts 6.e fo ba s{irnilod '!*E oE apofcdroo bfln (DriHS-3768) wt€tlEr r|e 6ci{ty ( h,iklrg YIss b{rnd locontaln Asb€S6 oa nd. you sle Gqui€d b Cal t|€ taelm.t Efli3s1ql Sr.rit t& for Hea,(h(,3 An po&r6.ts (N€SMP) ai (919)707-5950 sr t€6si 10 dsys pdo. b il|edernolilioo of eny lrdtiry o, buitding. S€!Atbcslc Wb! Sh€: hrE:Af,ww.epl,3tEta.nc.us/€pi/asb€stos/ahmp. TOTAL PROJECT COST ALraoo BurLDrNcHElGHr, 3' pAofE n#u,t' # OF UNITS: TOTAL AREA SO FT SO FT PER FLR:# oF sTof Es:TorAL se Fr uNDenTF-#OFSTRUCTUR_-# OF FLOORS ACRES DISTURBED: ) /Exsr LAND DrsruRBtNG pERMtr? J- ves J- rio NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: PROPERTY USE: NOFFICE I NCSMUNMTT P} MERCANTILED EOUq-I APTD CONDO OTHEI SQ FT WATER: FICFPUA SEWER: FICFPUA SYSTEM rJ ...sE PAYMENT METHOD: T'I COMMUNITY SYSTEM f-l WELL r''I ZONING U EI cENTRAL sEplc El lEIvArE seerrc 3'ifouuururw SE CLASSIFICATION PARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH. PLAG. GAS EOUIP, PREFAAS S INSERTS l- crsx tPcnecK (eAvABLE ro NHc) f _ AMERIcAN ExpRESs f-- ucrvrse [-_ otscovER (FOR OfFtCE USE O LY)ZONE: OFFICER: SETBACKS: F: LH RH BApproysl:_ City:_ DATE_ FLOOD: BFE+2ft_A v ln/\-Corr" _ - pERMITFEE:: / (-/(-r_ tB /b \n- 5 7or8-?ff- Cl€ar Form Prlnt oMall NEI^J HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP LICA| ION TYPE: COITiIIERCIAL PLEASE A{SI,]ER ArL QUESrrot{S ApptICABLE I0 yot 8 pRolECI "ProJect ResponslblUty" A I _PHONE fl: 916- DATE:1-2-18 6l -5,112 Number Offl(c Use) ZIP:2g1sq APPLICANT'S NAME; }|alter l,ete Aver\,, McKlnley Duildins CorporaEion 0EVELoPER: N/. PROJECT ADD ; 2243 s. t?rh street : ',.liloingcon OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAI,IE : Neu Hartover Mcdical MalI C.Iinic PROPERTY Oi^INER'S NAME: OWNER'5 ADDRESS: Nev, Hanover CounL PHOl,lE *: ST:CIT CONTRACTOR: McKinley BuitCinq co - LICENSE *; 36ego z P: ST: Nc ZIP:2s463 9i0 395-6036 PH0NE fi: tro 395-6036 C REG {:I81) 13669 I:pora L ion ADDRESS: l8o7 peachrrce Avenuer s!i!e zo0 . CITY, EMAIL (Che(l ^Ll lhat Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTIOI.I:ALTERATION R ENOVATION lf Relocatlon, is there a Nalural GBs Llne on the urrent Site? f.ES GENERAL REPAIRS T-] RELOCATIONttl-- No rs BLDG SPIINKLERED4-i_ y FAsr rRAcx n SHELL n upFrr E ADD ro Exrs STRUCTURE Is Ele.t Polrer on this Building li es r NO lJl I mj nglon: snunncNckin Levbui ld inq. con or p.lvcr?omckinloybuildinq.com -PHoNE *: PRO]ECT COI'ITACi PERJON :Stiephen Nunn, PeLe Averv No NEl.l CoNSTRUCTIoN: Ll ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Per0it t : ERECT NEt, STRUCTURE A ArchitecLure Joho cebuLa . Pl1:764-949-6rot N '**'* rs rHrs A cHAlrGE 0F occuPAr{cY us€?r yEs lr. no ,.... It Yes, yhat was the Prevlous ocrupancy lypel - tJhat ls the Nelr Occupancy trX8fi)orsren PRor Essror,lAr. : Ec EN6R OESI6N PROTESSIONAL i-Charlotte Eoqlneers Chetsea Hadse:I - PHI?04-531-3OOO l{C REG lt DESCRIPTIoN OF l{0RK: i,:;;;;;Ions tro accor.ncdaLc nee x-ra u1 ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structurs?f . Yesfi- No ls Th€ Propedy Located ln The Floodpla - vu{-- NoOISCLAIMER lhersby cedily lhol 6ll in,orrmtion ln lhis €pplicalion ls coned ond rllworl wjllconrply with tho and lc(i]l,aws andordrnances and taqulalions, Th6 NHC D€velopm€nlSeNic€s Csnlsr wrllb€ nolrf€d o, anyordranqa in conlr.clor or conlrBclor nlorma$on "'NOTE: Any Work Perlormed WO lhe App,opriars penn'ls Sul)jocllo Fincs Up Io 3500 00"' (0!116€4 ltut'l N.i.) Notc: Dcmoilon noli{icalioo6 E asboslos romoval po.mil apdicaton6 3ro lo bo subnrlLd u3h! Ul€ oH)lkzlion {ofin conlaln Asbo6tos or ool. You aro roquir6d to clll ti€ Nallon0l Emlssion Slatxlards loI H62ardou8 Air Pollulanls (NES dsmolilioo o, any raciliry or buildn!. Soo AsbotloS Wob Siro: hllp /,1./wt!.opi,stalo.nc.lrs/oprl.sloslos/.h41p.hhl OWNER/CONTRACTOR: warter pere Ave(y/McKintey eroq SIGNATURE: stata Buildirlg codo 8nd 6llolh6r pplicable Stale I (OHHS.3768, wh€hor ln. lacd{y or tlAP)ar (9!9)707-59!0 al loasr 10 IOTAT PROJECT COST: s120,000.00 BUIIDING HEIGHT d OF STORIES: I # OF FLOORS: I ACRES DISTURBED: N^EXSl LAND DTSTURBING PERMIT? .J5 YES EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AnEA: NA NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: sl SO FT PROPERTY USE: EOFFICE n RESTAUnANT E t ERCANTILE[-1EDUCI-1APrn. coNDo OTHE'ic;rI SE CLASSIFICATIONcTT i4 #OFUNITS SO FT WATERi SEWER: SYSTEM CFPUA CFPUA r-.I COMMUNITY SYSTEM T-I WELL T'I ZONING U fl cerurnal seerrc f]. pRlvArE sEPrtc EToMMUNII Y Cor,'rl. illls. SFPARArf PEfil,IIS RFOUlrifO FOF ElrCT.Macrl Pl tlc. GAS fOUlP, Pn€tAAS,t IUSEnTS PAYMENT METHOD ZONE:OFFICER Approval crty /Lt oAre t 0l/h'ar'ts J- casn l-. cxecK (PAYABLE ro NHc) f-AMEnlcAN ExPREss f ,Mc^/lsAf, (FOR OFF SETl ICE USEONLYI eacxs:r:j\i'/A r-H NfA aa BI/A- FLOOD BFE+2(I ldv Commcnt C,fr''i lnspechn Requreo, 91 0'254'trfr1 N PERMIT FEE: : ISCOVER TOTAL AREA SO FT : 400 SOFTPEBFLR:.2el7s TorAL so Fr uNoERFooFE fl oF STRUCTURES-: r An' NEW HANOVER COUNW BUITDING PERM]T APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PTEASE ANSWER AtT QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "P.oiect ResPonsibilitl/' l,i/'.*: erll-*-+5 =(c.-^*-]+.r\ r )Dt P-vfflI-{ro I Application Number (office ure) t7Date12-APPI,ICANT'S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS:t-// / ltlo ** S Fo,n - >;7 Roo.,ol,ctw L-^,1 l.*I^< l -.... zrp,-------- r--t' z s-? A4 t2 SUBDlVlsloN: hc, +45 C-a ^J 2'-=, E .t -7 4L€a *^r-niy' {, CITY Or< c-r< )...-b *.A. ct PHONE #:w: [--.r ' 3, 3->-33 w,2?t-toG "7 /- a:- C) BLDG UCENSE#: t > /OL/ s)VLze)btt,-:(n PHONE 7 rc-,-.C). --Jtil. PROPERTY OWNER'S OWNER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTO ADDRESS: t< ,q.)3C( I?.- c-f IMAII. ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: [J< .) -?l c o--_ a,PHONE )a^ EXISTING CONSTRUCTIONT fl Alteration D Renovation f) General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: g-&/ect New Residence C Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation **.PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT**T {Atl caraee (sFl Li 3q S F tr Detcarage(sF)- rtorch lsrl n Pool (SF) )>:>4 D storage shed (sF)_ n other (sF) ! Sunroom (SF) ! Greenhouse (SF)! Deck (5F) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes E No TOTAI Sq FT UNDER ROOF (for prcposed rvork) Heated:-n I Z unheated: 21 t TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 2rfroao lsthe proposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E lto lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesENo lftheprojectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Ves D t'to ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy;Townhouse toS iJe^ ceDescription of Worki lawt and ordinanc€s and reSulations, The NHC Development Services Center willbe notified ofany changes in the approved tions or chanSe in contractor info.mation. "'NOTE work performed without rhe appropriar€ permits will be in violarion of the Nc state gtd jecr to flnes up to Owner/Contractor:Lo LJ<;G atu {stagle eamity E Duplex E- te -<c-* S 'Licensed Quolifier" Print Nofie ls the property located in a floodplain? E V", VG Existing lmpervious ere.rd ( O sqtt )a <.) Total Acres Disturbe d, ' 3 O WATER: E cfp\la @,1lco-rrlunity system E private Well fl Central Well E Aqua.,. SEWER: EfCFPUA E Community System E private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua zone: _- Officer: _ Setbacks (f ) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A)_ (V) _ {N) _ BFE+2ft= _ New lmperyious Area:9284 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes D t'to Comment:*DISCLAI14E R: SUBIIUTTING TH]S A ICATION M THAT TH€ SUBMITTAL IHARGE I5 NON-REFUNDAELE Permit Fee: S /3ra- al t- z:, Clear Form Print eMail NEI^I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSUIER ALL QUEsTIONS APPLICABLE ]O YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANT'S NAME: j161ssa pete Avery, Mc1inLev Buildin \x- 5 2 t?-vffi- aFFITtITItilr Number (0f+i.e use) g Corporation _DATE: 1-2-1e DEVELOPER:.,/,_ PHONE f:91t 66 r s4t2 PROJECT ADDREssi 2243 s. llth srreer crlY: wi tmington ZIP i 2fia4 OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAME: New Hanover Medicat Malf cLinic PROPERTY OI,JNER'S NAME:New Hanover County , CITY: PHONE #: ST:oI^JNER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR; McKintey Buit ding Corpor-ation _ LICENSE #: :osge ST: i.ta ZIP: 2sac3ADDRESS: 3807 peachtree Avenue, suite 2OO _ CITY: ',g i 1. r,., o 1o,., EIIIAIL ADDRESS: snunnpmckinteybuitdlng.com or paverypmckinfeybuitding.com - PHONE #: 910-395-6036 PRoIECT CONTACT PERSON: 51.r1,.,, t,tJnlj, p.Le Averv - PHONE #: 910-39s-6035 (che(k Al.1 Ihat Appty) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION R ENOVATION lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the urrent Site?r CS No NEW CONSTRUCTION: ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: GENERAL REPAIRS l- r,ro rs BLDG s trPRINKLEREDE_ Yesf RELOCATION E EREcr NErd srRUcruRE E FAsr rRAcK E sHELr UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #Is Elect Por.rer on this Buildlng lf. Yes r NO r!*r'** Is THIS A CHANGE oF occuPANcY UsE?f YES li. tto,l..{.,*- IF Yes, uhat was the Previous Occupancy Type? _ what is the New Occupancy Tvoe? ARtH DESIGN PROFESSI0NAL: g..a Architecture John Cebuta - PH:164-649-6146 NC REG #:7g77 ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL :-charlotte Engineers Chelsea Hadsell , PH:764-531-3666 NC nEG +:1fr!-- DESCRIPTION OF l^lORK: Afterations to accom.nodate new x-ray equipment ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure?l-Yesli_ t.to ls The Property Located tn The Ftoodptainli_ ve{-_ NoDISCLAIiTER: I hereby certifythat allinformation in this applicatron is corect and all work will comply with the State Building Code and all other applicable Slateand local laws and ordi s. The NH Cenlerwill be nolilled in lionsnances and regulalion or contractor informal C Deve oome TE: Any Work nt Services W/O the Appropriate Permils w lt b-e rnSublectioFines Up To $500.00i'l ion. "'NO OWNER/CONTRACTOR:wafter pere Aver:y/Mcxintey etaq SIGNATURE Note: Demolition notiilcalions & asbestos removal permil applicaiions are to be submitled using the applicalion iorm (DH H 5-3768) whether rhe facitiry or buitdinq contain Asbeslos or not. You are required to callthe Nalional Emission Siandards for Hazardous Air Polluranrs (NESHAP)al (919)707-5950 at teast 10 days prior 10 the demolilion ofanyfacilily or building. See Asbeslos Web Site: hnp./Arw.epi.siate.nc.us/epi/asbesios/ahmp.hlmt # OF UNITS: l TOTAL AREA SQ FT : 4OO SQ FT PER FLR:_2e775 #OFSTORIES: ; # OF STRUCTURES: 1 # OF FLOORS: I NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: 5s PROPERTY USE EoFFrcE ! nesr,runer.rr ! ZONE: OFFICER EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? Ii YES T NO SQ FT EXISTING lI\4PERVIOUS AREA: ue MERCANTILE ED CONDO OTHEty66i g61 SQ FT PAYMENT METHOD l- cnsn l-. cnecK (eAvABLE To NHc) f , AuERtcAN EXeRESS J- r,acn,rse l-_ olscovER (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:BApproval:_ City:_ DATE_ FLOOD BFE+2ft, LH RH N PERN4IT FEE: l ZLP: TOTAL PROJECT COST: S12o,0oo.o0 BUILDING HEIGHT: .14 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 2e_rr5 ACRES DISTURBED: NA WATER: |aCFPUA Tl COMMUNITY SYSTEM l-l WELL T1 ZONTNG USE CLASS|F|CAT|ON e corun. s .s . ._."r_yF.", acFpuA EI CENTRAL sEprlc E FnRlvArE sEpTlc D-tiot\rruuNrry..' SFPARATE PEFIIITS REOU]fiED FOR E FCT I,,!ECH PLBG. GAS ECI]IP PREFABS & INSERTS Comment