Minutes 10 19 2017 LABMinutes 10 19 2017 LAB Page 1 Library Advisory Board October 19, 2017 Assembly: The Library Advisory Board met in Regular Session on Thursday, October 19, 2017 at 2:00 p.m. at Main Library in Wilmington, NC. Board Members Brewington, Jan PRESENT Chadurjian, Denise EXCUSED Conlon, Dennis ABSENT Damutz, Amy PRESENT Montwieler, Katherine EXCUSED Shore, Sam PRESENT Smith, Harriet PRESENT Smith, Paul PRESENT Swearingen, Emilie PRESENT Taylor, Rebecca PRESENT Walker, Bradford PRESENT Zimmer, Ronna PRESENT Staff Members & Board Reps. Hayes, Hathia (FOL) PRESENT Honchell, Barbara (FOL) - Zimmer, Ronna (LF) PRESENT Tuchmayer, Harry PRESENT Owens, Paige PRESENT The meeting was called to order by Chair, Amy Damutz at 2:00 p.m. Public Comment and Agenda Review Public Comment No members of the public were present. Agenda Chair, Amy Damutz asked if any members of the board would like to remove or add any item(s) from the Agenda. With no changes, the Agenda was approved. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting The minutes from the last board meeting on 09/21/17 were sent to the board prior to the meeting for review. Motion: Sam Shore MOVED, SECONDED by Harriet Smith, to recommend approval of the 09/21/17 minutes as written. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Correspondence Harry Tuchmayer reported that the library has received mentions in the press recently:  NHCPL was featured on the front cover of the Star News on 9/28/17. The article titled “Wasted Space” describes how more than half of the downtown library is not for public use. Minutes 10 19 2017 LAB Page 2  The Library’s “Fiction to Fashion” teen program was honored to be featured on the Voya magazine’s October 2017 cover. Voya is a library magazine serving those who serve young adults. The 4-page spread featured Librarian Scooter Hayes’ program & many fashion photos. Friends of the Library Report Hathia Hayes presented the following report:  The Annual Meeting will be held at Northeast on Tuesday, Nov 14th from 5:00 – 7:30. In addition to FOL business, Librarian Jamie Schrum will report on what she learned about maker spaces at the ALA meeting, and there will be an update on the Pine Valley Library. If the LAB is interested, we would like to celebrate the collaboration among all three library boards for the development of a state of the art library. Introduce each board and talk about the roles they play in supporting the library. o The LAB board members were pleased to participate. Brad Walker stated, “This is a great opportunity to show the community the power of good libraries.”  The FOL Task Force has been working with the Rotary Club to provide junior Friends memberships to middle school students.  The FOL had given out Book Sale Bucks in May to all schools. During the October sale, 129 were cashed in. Library Foundation Report Ronna Zimmer reported that the board is focusing on their annual letter in the form of a brochure to raise money for Pine Valley extras. Director’s Report Harry Tuchmayer submitted the Director’s Report prior to the meeting. In addition, he reported the following: The North Carolina Library Association (NCLA) conference took place in Winston Salem, North Carolina, October 17th-20th 2017.  NHCPL & Yancey County Public Library were invited by the State Library to give presentations at the recent NCLA meeting. The topic was on aligning library services with County strategic plans. Harry & Tim Burgess (Asst. County Mgr.) spoke about the collaboration between the NHCPL and NHC and their use of the Aspen Institute’s People, Place & Platform model. NOTE: 60% of NC county’s do not have a strategic plan.  Jennifer Daugherty, local history librarian, will be presenting at the conference.  Northeast Library’s new Branch Manager, Leigh Thomas, will be attending. Committee Reports None at this time. Minutes 10 19 2017 LAB Page 3 New Business Project Grace / Museum & Library Response Sam Stone reported, the Museum Board wrote a letter to the press in a show of support of Project Grace. He felt the LAB should also draft a letter supporting the Project and to ease the fears of the public. The board held a discussion on Project Grace: How this could affect the library now, during and in the future. Timelines. Temporary Space during building. New space size. Hathia Hayes stated that the FOL board have already sent a letter to the County Commissioners and have attended all Project Grace meetings. Harry Tuchmayer suggested that the LAB first send a letter to the County Commissioners to express the boards concerns and what they would like to see in a new downtown library before sending a letter to the paper. Sam Shore and Jan Brewington agreed work together to draft a letter from the LAB. Please send your ideas and any concerns you’ve heard to Sam’s email, samuel.shore@gmail.com Sept 7th Incident Letter At the last meeting, the LAB agreed to send out a letter to recognize Deputy Johnson for his actions on Sept 7th of disarming a suspect in front of the library and detaining him until WPD officers in pursuit arrived. Amy Damutz distributed copies of the recognition draft letter to the board for review. Upon review, the letter was approved as written and will be sent to Deputy Johnson, the Sheriff, and the County Commissioners. Harry Tuchmayer also made the board aware of the County’s Stellar Award program and suggested the board consider nominating Deputy Johnson. Old Business Pine Valley Update Harry Tuchmayer, Paige Owens & Paul Smith attended the bid opening on Sept. 26th. Three companies submitted bids. Lowest bid was awarded to Bordeaux Construction, who we worked with on Story Park. Bids were higher than budgeted for. After the bid meeting, we sat down with Vines, Bordeaux and the County’s Project Manager (Kevin Caison) to discuss ways to reduce cost without effecting quality or program goals. This project will be on the Nov 6th County Commissioners’ meeting agenda. Vines will show the design for the 20,000 sq. ft. library and the County’s Project Mgr. will request the construction contract be awarded to Bordeaux. The board recommended they send a letter of support to the County Commissioners. Amy Damutz agreed to draft the letter. Minutes 10 19 2017 LAB Page 4 Motion: Paul Smith MOVED, SECONDED by Jan Brewington, to recommend approval to send a letter to the County Commissioner’s showing the LAB endorsement of the design and their desire to have it approved. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS CARRIED NANIMOUSLY. CLASS Project Update – “Connecting Libraries and Schools for Success” Harry Tuchmayer reported that the project has a tentative start date of December 1, 2017 for all schools. The schools and the county will do a joint PR launch. All school librarians are getting training on how to use the libraries resources. We are working with the county’s budget department on how to collect data on usage. Adjournment There being no further business, Chair Amy Damutz adjourned the meeting at 3:25 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Yvette Mays NHCPL Administrative Support Specialist Please note that the above minutes are not a verbatim record of the Library Advisory Board meeting.