Minutes 11 16 2017 LABMinutes 11 16 2017 LAB Page 1 Library Advisory Board November 16, 2017 Assembly: The Library Advisory Board met in Regular Session on Thursday, November 16, 2017 at 2:00 p.m. at Main Library in Wilmington, NC. Board Members Brewington, Jan EXCUSED Chadurjian, Denise PRESENT Conlon, Dennis PRESENT Damutz, Amy PRESENT Montwieler, Katherine EXCUSED Shore, Sam PRESENT Smith, Harriet EXCUSED Smith, Paul PRESENT Swearingen, Emilie PRESENT Taylor, Rebecca EXCUSED Walker, Bradford PRESENT Zimmer, Ronna PRESENT Staff Members & Board Reps. Hayes, Hathia (FOL) PRESENT Honchell, Barbara (FOL) - Zimmer, Ronna (LF) PRESENT Tuchmayer, Harry PRESENT Owens, Paige PRESENT The meeting was called to order by Chair, Amy Damutz at 2:00 p.m. Public Comment and Agenda Review Public Comment No members of the public were present. Agenda Chair, Amy Damutz asked if any members of the board would like to remove or add any item(s) from the Agenda. With no changes, the Agenda was approved. Approval of Minutes of Previous Meeting The minutes from the last board meeting on 10/19/17 were sent to the board prior to the meeting for review. Sam Shore suggested the following changes:  Director’s Report- “county’s” should be plural instead of possessive (“60% of counties”)  New Business - Correct Sam’s name to Sam Shore (“Sam Stone”) The proposed changes were accepted. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY to approve the 10/19/17 minutes with corrections. Correspondence Harry Tuchmayer circulated two positive comments cards that the library received. Minutes 11 16 2017 LAB Page 2 Friends of the Library Report Hathia Hayes presented the following report: Material from the annual meeting distributed  Highlighted collaboration between the 3 boards  Organizational materials o Friends accomplishments o LEAD awards: 17 awards since inception o Collaboration with Downtown Rotary  Junior Friends memberships awarded to outstanding Williston student’s monthly  Friends of the Library strategic plan o Based on NHCPL’s strategic plan which is aligned with NHC’s strategic plan Library Foundation Report Ronna Zimmer presented the following report:  Foundation’s fall mailer featuring new Pine Valley Branch distributed o Booklet contains annual letter from Foundation and envelope for giving o Amy Damutz suggested the 3 boards share information on their connections and contacts to better coordinate efforts Emilie Swearingen recommended reaching out to the State Employees Credit Union Foundation for grants Director’s Report Harry Tuchmayer submitted the Director’s Report prior to the meeting. In addition, he reported the following:  Commissioners unanimously agreed to award bid of $5,534,500 to Bordeaux Construction for Pine Valley Branch at 19, 541 square feet Ronna emphasized that Harry presented a very good case to the commissioners  Groundbreaking for Pine Valley Branch is Wednesday November 29 at 11:00 a.m. at 3802 S. College Rd.  CLASS Project o All NHC students will have public library privileges using their student ID o Launch is scheduled December 1, 2017 o Kick-off at Mosley Preschool o TumbleBooks subscription expanded to all NHC Schools for greater access o Working in collaboration with NHC Budget and Strategy to measure success of the program Committee Reports None at this time. Minutes 11 16 2017 LAB Page 3 Old Business (Project Grace was addressed out of order due to Jennifer’s schedule) Jennifer Rigby NHC Office of Strategy and Budget presented a Project Grace update On October 7, Commissioners unanimously approved moving forward with a Request for Proposals for Project Grace with the following provisions  library and museum be located adjacent to one another  45,000 square to be dedicated to the library and 45,000 square feet to Cape Fear Museum o Not to exceed 12,000 height o Must include visible green space o Size and mass must be compatible with historic context o Must be pedestrian friendly o Library services to be maintained during the project o Access must be provided for school busses o Ensure viability of underground parking and/or increase parking deck capacity to meet demand  Renovation of current building to be considered as well as possibility of a new build  December 1 consultant, Benchmark, will hold a meeting in New Hanover County. Consultant will meet with county administrators and staff from Museum as well as Library stakeholders in the community. Consultant is available to meet with Library Advisory Board  By March a request for proposals just be ready for publication  Selection of an architect expected by end of June Denise Chadurjian asked about apartments on site Jennifer explained that the parameters are broad enough to include a variety of options Paul Smith asked if the current museum site would be considered in the RFP Jennifer responded that no, but the county will assemble a group to explore options for the Market Street site Hathia Hayes, as representative of the Friends Board, expressed interest in meeting with the consultant Jennifer expects to have proposed dates for meeting by the end of the week Project Grace draft letter Sam Shore  Considered mention of affordable housing but didn’t know if that was within the parameters of the intent of the letter o Board discussed and preferred not to include o Asked about having Friends and Foundation as co-signatories o Harry suggested waiting to move forward with the letter until after meeting with the consultant o Jennifer said a better time for the letter may be when the RFP goes to the commissioners for approval o Paul suggested giving the Friends and the Foundation the opportunity to compose their own letters o Sam pointed out that the museum letter represented all their boards o Hathia said she prefers a separate letter from each board o Amy suggested the board move forward with the letter as soon as possible after meeting with the consultant Minutes 11 16 2017 LAB Page 4  Bradford Walker expressed appreciation for the Commissioners listening to the community in regard to both Project Grace and Pine Valley o Amy suggested the Board prepare a letter of thanks to the Commissioners o Amy said she will draft a letter and provide to the Friends and Foundation  Denise Chadurjian emphasized the public’s concern for providing green space in light of the potential loss of Story Park in Project Grace New Business Library holiday schedule Harry Tuchmayer presented to proposed schedule for review. Motion: Paul Smith MOVED, SECONDED by Brad Walker, to recommend approval of the Library Holiday Schedule. Upon vote, the MOTION WAS CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY. Updates on NHCPL strategic plan  Harry referred to the accomplishments and Key Performance Indicators as published in the 2017-18 budget o NHC expects to have new strategic initiatives established by January 2018 o Harry will bring the NHCPL strategic plan to the board at that time for input Hathia Hayes: do we expect any major changes?  Major focus areas remain unchanged  3rd grade reading will be a focus  Opioid epidemic will be a focus Dennis Conlon mentioned the importance of preschool education and how the library makes an impact Ronna Zimmer stated the importance of tracking story time attendance Bradford Walker suggested tracking checkout of juvenile materials Old Business, Cont’d Haunted Basement Sam Shore suggested we find ways to tap those attendees to bring them back and build repeated use? Expressed need to advertise a cut-off time for the event. Harry brought up the dilemma of parents taking young children through the haunted basement Members suggested we provide care for younger children while the family goes through the basement Pine Valley Vines Production schedule  Notice to proceed Dec. 4, 2017  One year to substantial completion, Dec. 4, 2018  Move in December 2018  Target opening date January 7, 2019  Grand opening event being planned Minutes 11 16 2017 LAB Page 5  Donor event being planned  Opportunities will be promoted later for smaller gifts such as pavers Amy Damutz told the board that library employee Jamie Schrum invited board members to participate in holiday parade December 3. Ask Amy for details. Adjournment There being no further business, Chair Amy Damutz adjourned the meeting at 3:29 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Yvette Mays NHCPL Administrative Support Specialist Please note that the above minutes are not a verbatim record of the Library Advisory Board meeting.