ProjMtg 5208 Car Bch Rd P.O. Box 7221, Wilmington, NC 28406 * Telephone: 910-620-2374 * Email: cwolf@lobodemar.biz Transmittal February 8, 2018 To: Adjacent Property Owners From: Cindee Wolf Re: CBR Flex Space The owner of a lot at 5208 Carolina Beach Road – vacant property behind the Advance Auto Parts store – had the property rezoned for construction of commercial space back in February, 2017. A copy of that site plan is attached. Over the course of detailed design, he wishes to modify that specific site plan for additional floor area and in a different layout. This proposal would require approval of a modification of the original Conditional Zoning District approval from New Hanover County. A Conditional Zoning District allows particular uses to be established only in accordance with specific standards and conditions pertaining to each individual development project. Essentially, this means that only that use, structures and layout of an approved proposal can be developed. An exhibit of the new plan layout and surrounding area is attached. This lot is within 500 feet of your property. The County requires that the developer hold a meeting for all property owners within 500 feet of the tract boundary, and any and all other interested parties. The meeting provides neighbors with an opportunity for explanation of the proposal and for questions to be answered concerning project improvements, benefits and impacts. A meeting will be held on Wednesday, February 28th, at 5 Silva Terra Drive, Suite 100 (Simply Noelle shop), 6:00 p.m. If you cannot attend, you are also welcome to contact me at telephone # 620-2374, or email cwolf@lobodemar.biz with comments and/or questions. We appreciate your interest in the project and look forward to being a good neighbor and an asset to the community. 29"P xxxxxx WI R E F E N C E WI R E F E N C E NOW O R F O R M E R L Y GORI L L A L L C BOOK 5 5 9 0 P A G E 0 6 1 4 PARI D : R 0 7 6 0 0 - 0 0 6 - 0 5 2 - 0 0 1 NOW O R F O R M E R L Y GORI L L A L L C BOOK 5 5 9 0 P A G E 0 6 3 8 PARI D : R 0 7 6 0 0 - 0 0 6 - 0 7 1 - 0 0 0 NOW OR FORMERLY ROYAL PALMS MHP LLC BOOK 5483 PAGE 1340 PARID: R07600-006-056 - 0 0 0 NOW OR FORMERLY AUSTIN COMMONS COA INC BOOK 2435 PAGE 489 PARID: R07606-007-001- 0 0 0 NOW O R F O R M E R L Y HUGH E S BOOK 2 8 6 4 P A G E 0 4 9 4 PARI D : R 0 7 6 0 0 - 0 0 6 - 0 5 2 - 0 0 0 30 ' A C C E S S E A S E M E N T BO O K 2 7 7 4 P A G E 9 2 0 RO Y A L P A L M S M H P L L C BO O K 5 4 8 3 P A G E 1 3 4 0 PA R I D : R 0 7 6 0 0 - 0 0 6 - 0 5 6 - 0 0 0 "404" JURISDICTIO N A L BOUNDARY MAP BOOK 40 PAG E 2 1 0 R / W OEOE O E O E O E O E O E OE OE OE OE EXISTIN G M A S O N R Y BUILDIN G FFE=18 . 0 8 EXISTING MASONRYBUILDINGFFE=19.04 EX I S T I N G M A S O N R Y BU I L D I N G 5 . 9 ' WE T L A N D L I N E WE T L A N D L I N E 104.0' REAR SETBACK FLOOD ZONE AE FLOOD ZONE AE 55.0' BUFFER 30.0' SIDE SETBACK 30.0' SIDE SETBACK ZONING: R-10 ZONING: B-2 ZONING: B-2 FFE=16.0 ASP H A L T EXIS T . ASP H A L T EXIS T . OUTL E T STRU C T U R E TOP 8 . 5 6 INV. 5 . 8 7 INV. 5 . 7 8 NOW OR FORMERLY AUSTIN COMMONS COA INC BOOK 2435 PAGE 489 PARID: R07606-007-001-00 0 ZONING: B-2 12 24' 24' 9.5' 5.0' 16 13 36"G 9"PCN 10"G 10"G 13"G 23"G9"G16"G12"O 6"G 10"G13"G 20"O 8" M 10 " G 20 " P 22 " P 12 " M 12 " O 14 " G 9" G 12 " G 23 " P 8" M9" G 7"M 14"G 10 " M 10"G16 " G 28 " P 10 " G 10 " G 19"G 10 " G 16 " G 26 " P 6"MG 16"O 14"G 4"MG 10"G 14"G 23 " P 32 " P 9"G 9"MG 10"G6"MG 16"P 12"G 10"O 15"/18" 8"MG 4"MG G 8"/10" G 12"G 12"G 13"G 13"G 12"G10"O 13"O 12"/19" G 14"G 13"M 13"M 11"G 16"M 16"G 7"MG 6"MG 6"MG 10"G 9"G 14"M 13"G 16"G 10"M 11"O 19"G 15"G 17"G 8"MG 11"G 8"/13" G 14 " G 14 " G 13 " G 15 " G 12"G 15"G 13"G 13"G 13"G 13"G 15"G7"MG 8"G 23"G 23"G 13"G 17"G 8"/15" G 15"/18"M 20"G 50 " O 16"P 10"M 19"G 34"CYP 18"M 12"G 16"O 29"P 21"P 16"CYP 12 " / 3 0 " P 20"/32" O 12"RB 19 120.0' 60.1' 24.0' FLOOD ZONE AE COMPACT CAR SPACES REVISIONS # JOB NUMBERSHEET NUMBER FILE NAME : APPROVED : CHECK : DRAWN : DESIGN : PROJECT NUMBER : SCALE : DATE : REV.DESCRIPTION LEGEND: DATE REV.BY 376-03XX-X CBR FLEX SPACE 5208 CAROLINA BEACH RD. WILMINGTON, NC CONDITIONAL DISTRICT CONCEPT PLAN N. ALLEN F. BRAXTON J. PETROFF F. BRAXTON 376-03 1"=30' 25 AUGUST 2017 Coastal Land Design,PLLC Civil Engineering / Landscape Architecture Land Planning / Construction Management P.O.Box 1172 Wilmington, NC 28402 Phone: 910-254-9333 Fax: 910-254-0502 NCBELS Firm License No: P-0369 www.cldeng.com VICINITY MAP- 2002040 NORTH SCALE 1:30 (WHEN PRINTED ON 24 X 36 ARCH D PAPER)N.T.S. WOODS EDGE RD. SO U T H C O L L E G E R D . C A R O L I N A B E A C H R D . Myrtle Grove Shopping Center HOR N R D . SILV E R L A K E R D . BEA M O N L N WILL O U G H B Y P A R K R D ANTO I N E T T E D R . SITE Monkey Junction 421421 RONALD M & JOYCE S HUGHS 5917 MYRTLE GROVE RD. WILMINGTON, NC 28409 OWNER: GORILLA, LLC 1508 MILTARY CUTOFF RD. WILMINGTON, NC 28409 EXISTING CONTOUR MINOR EXISTING CONTOUR MAJOR LMDLIMIT OF DISTURBANCE SILT FENCE 404 WETLAND BOARDER REAR BUFFER EXISTING WETLAND AREA PROPERTY BOUNDARY SETBACK Impervious Allocation: = 17,231 s.f.Proposed Parking = 25,435 s.f.Total 25,435 s.f. 79,249 s.f.(100) = 32.0% Project Density: = 7,200 s.f.Proposed Building = 1,004 s.f.Proposed Sidewalks PRELIINARY DESIGN NOT FOR CONSTRUCTION Development Tract Impacts: Special Flood Zone Hazard Area: 12,764 s.f. Bldg. Area Within SFHA: 900 SF Preliminary Wetland Boundary Special Flood Hazard Area - AE 14' 2 Story / 14,400 s.f. GFA Flex Space Bldg. (60 x 120) Max. 28' Bldg Hgt. (Req'd. Rear Setback @28 x 3.73 = 104') Site Inventory Notes: 1. Soils: LS (Lynchburg Fine Sandy Loam) & Jo (Johnson Soils). 2 This property is not impacted by any AEC. 3. There are no Conservation Overlay Boundaries affecting this property. 4. This site is not impacted by any recognized or historicarcheological significance. 5. No cemetaries were evidenced on the site. 6. Their are jurisdictional wetlands on the site and will be delineated prior to permiting. 7. There is no evidence of endangered species or habitat issues on this site. 8. These tracts are impacted by a Floodway & Special Flood Hazard Area as evidenced on NC Flood Map 37203134000J. 9. The site water runnoff will flow into the Mott Creek Watershed, draining into the Cape Fear River, into SC classified waters. Tree Preservation Notes: 1. Tree Preservation/ Removal Permit is req'd. prior to clearing and land disturbance 2. Prior to any clearing, grading or construction activity, tree protection fencing will be installed around protected trees or groves of trees and no construction workers, tools, materials or vehicles are permitted within the tree protection fencing. 3. Protective fencing is to be maintained throughout the duration of the project. Land clearing and construction contractors shall receive adequate instruction on tree protection requirements and methods. 4. Label protective fencing with signs to be placed every 50 linear feet, or at least two (2) per area, in both English and Spanish "Tree Protection Area: Do Not Enter" Limited Uses Proposed: -Gen. Bldg. Contractor -Landscape Contractors -Special Trade Contractors -Artisan Manufacturing -Warehousing -Mini-Warehousing -Landscaping Service -Business Services Including Printing -Personal Services -Government Offices and Buildings -Offices for Private Business & Prof. Act. General Development Notes: 1. All development shall be in accordance with the New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance. 2. Project shall comply with all Federal, State and New Hanover County Regulations. Notes From Re Zoning Case Z-796 Conditional Zoning District - CBR Flex Space by: Cindee Wolf of Design Solutions Rezoning Boundary Taken From Conditional District Concept Plan and May Vary With Field Survey STORMWATER TREATMENT PART OF LOT 3 W.N. CORE HEIRS DIVISION TRACT B - 1.82 ACRES +/- MAP BOOK 40 PAGE 210 5208 CAROLINA BEACH RD. WILMINTON, NC RONALD M & JOYCE S HUGHS 5917 MYRTLE GROVE RD. WILMINGTON, NC 28409 PROJECT: ADDRESS: PID#:R07600-006-176-000 MAP ID: 313410.35.1162.000 D.B. 2864 PG. 0494 CBR FLEX SPACE OWNER: ZONING: B-2 (CZD) LAND USE: COMMERCIAL PARCEL SIZE: 1.81 AC (79,249 SF) SITE DATA BUILDING DATA PROPOSED BUILDING: 14,400 SF PROPOSED BLDG HT: 28 FT BUILDING COVERAGE TOTAL BLDG FOOTPRINT: 7,200 SF BLDG LOT COVERAGE: 9% ALLOWED COVERAGE: BUILDING SETBACKS: FRONT:N/A REAR:104' SIDE: 30' MAX BLDG. HT.:40' PARKING: REQ: 1 SPACE/400 SF BLDG = 34 SPACES PROVIDED: 43 SPACES REQ ADA SPACES: (1) ADA SPACE/25 SPACES PROVIDED: 2 SPACES GORILLA, L.L.C. 1508 MILITARY CUTOFF RD., STE 204 WILMINGTON, NC 28403 AREA WITHIN 100yr. FLOOD: .54 A (23,485 SF) AREA WITHIN 404 WETLANDS: .58 A (25,532 SF) (3.73 Factor x 28' Bldg. Ht) 1. New Hanover County Parcel Nos.: 313410.35.1162 [7600-006-176-000] p/o 313410.35.5006 [7600-006-052-001] 2. Total Rezoning Tract Area: 3.35 ac. 3. Existing Zoning District: B-2 & R-15 Proposed Zoning District: B-2 (CZD) 4 Comprehensive Plan Land Classification: Urban Mixed Use General Notes: Utility Notes: 1. Existing water and sanitary sewer services are currently available to the site from Cape Fear Public Utility Authority public mains. 2. All utility services, such as electric power, CATV, gas & telephone shall be installed underground 3. All water & sewer utilities to be installed per CFPUA Technical Specifications and Standards. 4. Solid waste disposal will be by private contracted dumpster pickup. VEHICLE OVERHANG AREA VEHICLE OVERHANG AREA