FEBRUARY 23 2018 BUILD APPAPHJCa$nShlAltilE PROtrADOFN SJBUVISON: FrcFERTYOA/NERSMME CIANERSADDFESS OIVIRACTOR ADffiES Efi,IAJLADDFN tr grnroorn (sF) - D Genhous (SF) h,,-,. tJ,'c'. t\ TI, NB/\, FlAlrlO/R@tJNTY zulUlNG PBM lT AFH.IOATICI.I TY?E FEIEVTIAL BEcSEAT\E IiBAICUBnO{SAPRIOqEE IO'|OtnPmtr"ffied@ondbitit/ rt- f\os ?otB-tU1L1€.489 Date:t3 IE PHOi{E to 76 OtY. U, ltry,.:,,zP. zWt I UCE}.ISE#:ff-\Lf gg ,i,cvp Zfi t truJa,t tiIT- 4rl OTY: OTY c *. o ( CIJ tr PfIONE I as,e. 1toT toLt Y\-l{PB.ECT@NIACTPErcN: D(SI|iGO{SIR.C1!0N: tr Aterdlon tr Fbnordion tr enerd ftpdrg NBrV@NEIF[JCtlOil: tr Eed !,lEr, &ddence tr Addition to Aiding Ftsidence tr Hocdion ...REASECHM(AAIDANSAiBE.qTAlI'IMTAFFI.YTO \q.JRPFOEI"'od,**tsr 9 ?tl D oer 6ago(s)_E ftrchGf)?q' tr tuol($) o oeck(sD tr StoragE Sh€d (SF) tr Oher (SF)- lsthe plopoEd work dErEing the odEting footprinl? tr \€B E'(h TorAL FFoErGr0.es bt): $j-15-90 o tEthe propoed work d1dldrEthe numb€r d bedroom{l g vo il(lo lsany Eedrical, Plumbing or Medtanical work being done to th6 Ac$ory lf th6 projed ise ruocdion, istharee the drent dte? lsthere Bedricd Fcu/er on thls grudure Cl ys o vanfr /No tf,lil,rrE[r Crr.rr\- Foperty Lhd ftqrpano/:Sngie tr nhousa o .n(,Descriptlon of DIS.AIMR lha€ny cartlry tM dlttE ln{orrdlon ln thlsapplloation ls coflrd ard dlworkwlllcomply wlth th€ gd6 ArlElng Odo 8rd dlottEr ppllcaHe gde *ld local la/la6d odh*Ess and reguldionc to tltCE/ElopnFJ Sflices Gnter will be notmed ol &y dlaues ln tlE approvqd plans Ed spedflcdlons or d&08ln cmtr8dor d lte)lcgdeBdo &de End $b)ed to in€s up to $mo.m" ure: Bisting lmporvious Ara: -q R Total Acres BSurbed:z-yr I,lE{v lmpervious Ares:er G .qR Bi$ing L€nd Dgurbrngftrmit A Yes tr No Wnrm,A(Cm.fatr ommunity g/dem tr ftiwte \A/ell tr Gntralvibll D Aqua gnfm.a/Cm.ntr ommunity S/dern tr Fivate sptic tr @ntral$ptic B Aqua bne: - Officer: - $tbacks (F) -(lll) -(R'0 -(B)-Approval: - Oty: - Date: - Hood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFEt2ft=- ,l Omment:furmit F€el $ Apdlcrtlon NltIbs (offaB use) DYes O Yes ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SAFETY 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE . STITTE I7O WILMINGTON, NORTT{ CAROLINA 28403 Telephone: 910.798.7308 Fax 910.798.7811 lnternet: www.nhcgov.com Printed Name Date LDtry b t, REGULAR RESIDENTIAL B UILDING APPLICATION STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING am submitting an applictltion for a residential building permit to New Hanover Coun$. And, as the applicant or person submitting the application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: UZrciO-,UOAacn an official CFPUA document that acknowledged approval of the payment made to CFPUA. p I did not attach an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of \Mlmington, for this work that will be done in the City of \i/ilmington. tr I did not attach an offcial proof of an approval granted by the Nenu Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. And becauee I did not attach the official proof of approvals along with my application for permit; New Hanover County cannot guarantee that the building peimit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submittal date/time (the stamped date/time notation made by the Building Safety Department on the application or submittal document) Signed in acknowledgment: Signature hl"<I I Address for the proposed residentialwork: d\l\e Cv._0 ffi-- l Tote-ruqO *4f-83 ffi' BB1$ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP L I'AT ION rYPE; CO/I1|'IERCIAL PI.TASE AI{sIIER ALL qJESTIONS APPII(ABLE TO YdJK PRO]TCT "Project Responslbil.ity" APPLICATION Number (Off1(e U!.) APPI.ICANT,5 NAHE: 5 DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT AO G OCCUPATIT/BUSINESS I,IAI'IE : PROPENTY OI./NER'S NAHE: OI.JNER'5 ADORESS: CONTRACTOR:9 ADORTSS bI'HAIt ADDNESS: PRO]ECI CONTACT P SO EXI5T CONSTRUCTION o7 DArr, Jl -,6*ll PHONE ' i *1 a-5zo-oVLl- Ic€NsE #j 7{B4bTv: lr.J 1q-.ra lxLTo rJs o0 sr: XC zIP:Zql_oY sI: NLZIPT Ze4O, HoN€ fl, 9t$- 256-qAb6 HoNE f : 9lq i+fl. 4trz 8i rrJ (Cxr.k ^tl rha( rrply) ll llclocattoll. is tllcre a NaturalGas Lrne on tho Cuarenl Sale? No NEW CONSTRUCTION I ERECT NEI^I STRUCTURE FAST TRACK A'CESSORY STRUCTURE: AI TEIIATION REIIOVATION T' 6ENEnAL REPAIRS l--l RELoCATIoN T No rs BLDG sP*FirNKl-E RED?T YesT D SHELL EfuPFrr I ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE I{ UPFIT - Ihe 5he1} Permlt #: l'7-l .i.*. Is TIIS n C ANGE IF Yes, w[dt was the Prevtous o(cupan(y Type? ll(Efi?orrron pRoFEssro Ar.: G osrl tzt cx L Is Elect Pouer on this Euildlng f- Yes I" N0 EN6't DE5I6N PROF ESSIO AT:- F OCCUpANCY US€?T YEs l- nO *"... _ what is the tJex occupan(y rn: tgs-)f]- Pll NC RtC 11 n(G n 7434Bn\-_ DI SCII I I'T ION OF WORK:Frr . tr€Vr S+rDl\ ls lood or bcvcragcs prepared or seRcd in lhis skuclure f.- vosfl ruo lsTheProperryLocaredlnTheFloodplaind- YcfX ds |t.t.tn,uro , n.,oo, ".,.n(l localla$$ ano ordlnan lrly lhal illrnlo,rnnliofl i|l lrrlsNIlC @,ieclard sllllorkwi Conb y wilh lhe Stale Birirding Code End allolhcl a or (nanoc ln @rlrrclor or conlracio(suuerl'lo r.r^.s Up Io 9500 00"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR ro urd) Nolr:. uonrxho.' i.rric.hons 6 !5bcsloc roll,ovrl porr l appi'o1lions 3d currr'6 Astrcslos or nor, You 6re roqulcn to.6llrha NrlDnol [ms.lofl Sl A(;llts Drs rulrtjED: NfW IIVPERVIOUS AREA: NOTE Any SIGNAIURE bo arbmil'€d !si.g lno opdKalion,oint lol]ils'37c€) lihcdlc{ rho lool'ry or brild.n! ras ro(md tJ lo, t raz!(bos An ,\orluonrs (NESHAP) or (Ci 9) 107.5950 ar reasl r0 &rs prk, ro rhc , OF UN1TS Nc srar , O'- S IORIES # oF Fl_ooRs Exsr rAND DTSTURBING pERMtr? _r- yEs T No O FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA| tttll fRCANTILE CONDO OTf]Ef wEl_(. d.i xrrrdr olior locr|nyor bLhrdrry S,cc Asbosros Wcb Srrar nnpriwv.f 0ulLt)t lr E rG T SQFI R F[,R I' OF ST liC TL'.r :S S SQI:I IJ'IOP[RTY USE OFFICE ItES'I AUt]ANT E CfI>UA ct t)LJA COMMUNIIY SYSTEM CENTRAL SEP1C E T1 ZONING USE CIAS ;3Youuut'ttw WN TEH SEWI:R SYSTEM ATE SEPTIC i SIFICATION |,AYMENT tvrETHoo: f cAsH T CHeCx leeVeor,d rO NHC) T. AMERTCAN EXPRESS T ucr'vrsa J- DtscovEt] ZI] NL n l)proval I'I'ICERLcity C DATE (foR 1r:Frcr U TBAC FLOO t' :t4g Bd/L BFE+2f|. 1l s 'ril?inl ConrDtonl Citi lnspeclton Requreo 9 0.254199) N PERMIT FEE: I I O rAL t)fioJtC I COSTI rorALARIASeFr, t{9O, - r 01Ar. so F r UNoER RooF: EDUcD. APTE \9 \C) ts zd{-t€,QO ffi6"43 AFFmATiOT{ l{u$ber (OFfi(e U!.) orrr: f, -fQ{-l NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERflIT APPLICATIOii IYPE: C0 {ERCIAL pLEASE AISHER AlL oUESIIoNS APPLICAELE r0 YOJR pROl€CT "Project Responsibj.lity" rJAPPL ICAI.IT'S NA''IE : DEVE LOPIR:€, PBOJ ECT o OCCUPANT/BUSITTESS'TAfi 6 : PROPERTY O/S{ER'5 Nrr,'lE: OI.JiIER'S ADORESs l CONIRACIOR:I rJ ADDRESS : TIlAIL EsS: PNO]ECT COIiTACT PERSO|T; EXIST CONSTRUCTIOI{: lf Relocatioo, is there a Natural V fi, PHOI'IE *: ' \ltr.J,uuclsrt lTY: ICENSE #,?4848 CITY:UrlL,qtFr6'fQr.J rs-o @ 5T: {LzIP: Ze4O? sT:NQZIP: Zergt E *. E *: aLrERArro l RErnArroil rl Gas Lrne on re Crjrr"n,5,1"z [- YE l- No REPAIRS IS BLDG S nPRiNxLEREDtr _ Yesr- ((he.t All that Apply) G ENE RAL FAST TRACK RE LOCATTON NoNEI{ COISTRT CTIO{: Ll ERECT tlEH STRU(TUnE ACCESSORY STRT,CTURE: ! sH€tt lXurrrr fl aDD ro Exrsr srBt cruRr 'fiii:r a If UPFIT Ihe SheI fF Yes, rlhat xas the Ix8fi loEs16 pioF€55roraal:6qsgrp1q1 EI{GR orsIGt{ PROFESSIoNAL:- DFSCRIPTIOfi OF I.JORK: Is Elect Poi,cr on this Buildi.ng f Yes f- NO occuPAicY usEr f YEs rthe tleu Occupancy_ t,lhat i.s - PH:?ts-f{}-I{C REG # PH: T ls 74r4ErfI{RE6 S lrtcrursa f-- orscovrR B- BFE+2ft ls food or beverag€s propared or sorved in this structure{l- vesfi ruo b The Property Located ln The Fbodplainf ye{X r{q N8"LAIM€R: I hereby certtty lt€l a! infurna0ofi i* lhis apdbatiori corrcct ar|d all vrork wlll csndy *nh the State Euilding Code and all other apdicable State Cenler will be noti6ird ol snv chawle the Appropfiate Permits wiu OWNER/CONTRACTOR SIGNATURE: @Hr6-3768) wllerher $6 lacitity o( buit fing wEs fclnd ro HAP) ar {919)707-5950 ar rsast 10 days pnor r,o ro , OF UNITS IOTAL AREA SQ FT : TOTAL SO FT UNDER SO FT fOFS R FLR UCTU PE r8 lACRES DISIURBEI) NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA so RTY USE: fIOFFTCE D RESTAURANT RCANTILE ET]U f OF STORIES: I OF FLOORS: Exsr LAND DrsruRBtNG pERMlr? f yES J* NoFT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: APT CONDO OTHET SO FT PROPE] WATER SEWER SYSTEM H CFPUA CI.PUA E COMMUN Y SYSTEM CENTRAL SEPIC T1 WELL ATE SEPTIC r-I ZONTNG USE CLASS|F|CATION 3'ldottuurutw-' S€PARATE PERM|TS BEOUTREO rCF ELEdI, MfCH ptSc cAS EO{IP, PREFASS 8 ltrs€ftts R,CAN ExpREss f- _ -r: Comment LH Rl'l N . PERMIT FEE: r ffi d€nlollllo. ol ary laolay o. ourld(E See AsDesto6 Web S{e: nmrom,*.f .sare nc.uveo,raslesto3/an{p.Nlrlt BUTLDtNd HETGHT: L f7E 2 ) fr ro&& ccg.l- .f-2ort- l3zz*Wffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDTNG PERilIT APPLICATIOTI IYPE: C ttIlERCIAL pLEAS€ AriSl{ER ALr QU€STIoNS AppLICABLE TO v&]R pROlrCT "project Responslblltty" tSrtr-r*gc C-sF.gfr1.\rt r-..r C-*qrX-APPLICANT'5 iTAfi€ t DATE: AeTITeITio unber {Offi(e Ure} o-tB OEVELOP PRO]ECT a OCCUPANT/BUSIiiESS ilAltE : Psr-ySs Pr$tE r: I L,r-a I rJ ztP I z-A4o3 ffi.-ars,rr -p*oNE #: 73t-'f ZZ- A6\bcrrY: wl Jr.tGFr -*+t-ua sr:NCZIP: Z?tbl _ LIcEt{sE }: ?4t4 b CITY; PROPERTY O/$IER'S NAr,tE : OrJilER'S ADDRESS : 213sr CONTRACTOR; ADDR€SS: Z6?s A t) EIIAIL AOORESS: PRO]ECT CONIAC sr: Nc zrP : z 8{s3*: 7ta'4\l'45)zf: fi. -{11 -45t2R A'CESSORY STTUCTUR!: P;.1GN; ExIsT cor{STRUCTIOII: EJ ALtERATIOi 11 Relocalion, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Pl REiDVATIOiI T.I 6E ERAL REPAIRS T-.I tilrrent sire? ;- €1 nro rsatocspHN RELOCATIO{ KLERTD?f- Yesf .NoilrH CONSTRUCTTOIIa:fl €Rccr NEr./ srRucruRE FAsr rnAc( n sHErL n upFrr fI ADD ro Exrsr srRUcruRE If UPFIT - The 5he1l Permit *: Er{6R OESI6tt pROf ESSIoNA L:- :s €Ie€t Poler on this Building X yes T NO .c." rs THIS A ChAI{68 OF OCCUPAT{CY USE?r VEs I!'fF Yes, Hhat rrae the ptevj,ous Occupancy Tyrel - fhat is tfe'llex Occupancy IX8fi:o.rrei pRorEssro.{Ar: G.v,t,J1\1-tL-431r Nc RE6 r: PH: N( REG r: /'-151 ls lood or beverage$ prepared or served afl this structure?f* veslf,. Ho ts The properry Locared |n The Ftoodptain{* , vefi ersNoDISCLATMER I heret', certly rhat al, mbfifialiofl rr ard locj laws and o{drtanc€s nrE requlalo{r$ Theor anMoe 'n conlracls (x cdfieor fihrmatba. ." Subiecr'lo Fines Up To S50O m"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR: B{a.a{D,Ir}J B/RE/IBT€ SIGNATURErQwralir, (p,in! fi&€l s&l. ftlp /'$,B eFr Srale r|( urep/dgbestotahng mntwur,ro,ro na,orr, SO FT PER FLR com y wnh the Stalg gu Code aod aI other apdicBbb $late ' OF UNITS Not€: ocmoliton ,roril{catl61s & asbestos ,efla\dl p6 n[ applicstion$ 6ra lo b€ suo$itt€r, using irB appiicatbn iorm {D1+{s,3 768)wheft€r $e lacilily o. burding v,ras lound toc(}nial.l Asbestos or md, Yoi, are Gqured to cafi &€ Nd$flat EmEson s:ttrdards tof Hazr{@,s Atr porlJl|ar[s {NEstl.tAp) at (919)707-5950 at ba9 10 days to6{ lo rned€mo.tl,on ol any f&)!ty or buld|'€ TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROO # OF STRUCTTJRES ACRFS DISTURBED Exsr LAND DtsruRBtNG pERMlr? f ves f* tro NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: ICATION IOTAL PROJECT COST IOIAL AREA SO FI ' OF STORIES # OF FLOORS SO FT IYATER SEWER SYSTEM CFPUA CFPUA "'3i coMMUNrTy SYSTEM T',l WEIL n ZONtNc USE CTASS|F CENTRAL sEpTlc L] pmvArE sEp c D-CoMMUNrry,TI PEAI?II]'S EL Oi;IiII D TOP ELECT M6Ch FI BC, GAS ;I)I-i P PPE'JA|1S A INSEft'I'i PAYMENT METHOD f cAsH l* cHEcK (pAyAsLE To NHcy f- luearcaN rxpRESS f, Mc^/rsr l- orscoven ZONE ICER {FOA OFFICE USE ONIY) SETBACKS: F: Approval BFE+2ft, OFF ity:_ DATE_ FLOOD LH FH PERMIT FEE 1( W rt a,rrrlGtsxl DEscRrPrroN oF l',oRK: f,.a"lqtrtrg rxtgrr erc. officg <Prtzg, rcF ){6w F.rbtT pRopERry usE: f]oFFrcE I nesmunerur I reeRcexrurl-1 eouc[ mrf[ coNoo orHEr Comment U I a NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATI(N rypE: C0i$IERCIAL PTEAS€ A|ISHER Att quEsTlolts appLIcABLE to yot R pRol€cT 'Project Responsi"biliEfl Cor CITY: DATE I I. :)1(L P+to E *: ZTP::E 4" \ PI()I{E *: ':ll ) -].r)--q1r(- ST: Aa ZIP: .121,.,<.i ST :.^-r- ZfP :2Za4 ztl{-tQ05 APPLICATIOI{ u$er (Offlce t sG) APPLICAiIT' S M''IE: DEVELOPER: (. PRO]ECT ADDRESS: OCCUPAI{T/BIJSIIIESS llAltE: Fr e,-} i_-^ ,- pRopERTy ohNER, s !,t ttitE : Laave-o_L--<. z--e-'\'itt OIII{ER'S ADORESS:. \qt>- a4'. CITY: Lvl trcE[rsE *: Tts t ACColitT *:Cfilr C LL*a--4, PIOI{E *: o. r .) - il ADDRESS: EruITL ADDRESS: PRO]ECT COITACT RSOiI ARCH DESIGiI PROFESSTOiIAL : EikR 0Est61{ pROFESSIOaaAI: DESCRIPTION OF }',oRK: )-- 5r,r>IZ,PHO E #: ,-', \,, ./.-.&,,.affi Iffi ,n-"H'#H.RlruiiE1*ESi*.,s,J,ffi ,"*trx:.*H-g"*s"" IEX @t6TRrTro : @enrcr tm srnrnne ! rasr rnacx fl srlru-uPFrr E AID ro Exrsr srnt cflnEACCESSORY STRT'CTURE:,(C-zrr If UPFrT - rhe sheu permlt #: "r*. rs THrs A CHA{GEIF Yr3, tdtet ra5 the pFevlous Occupancy T)Do) Is Elect pc{€F on thls Bultdlng fJ yes [ rc oF occuPArEY rser fivrs f] ro ***'* *r.t 1r the '{i Occup.ocy T]pe? NC REG *: NC RE6 *:PH: <2,' L rbod d b.\rrrg6 E p.rd a s{,rd h Hr ouctmZ !ves$r,t b Ih. Propety l-oc.bd tn lhe Foodn?tr vegfffuto \>r", ' \\ rr<--,( qlt<-\*\ {P."\."rP--.,s gg$$##Jffi &*"ffi ffi "uffi"llq{rfr ffi#iffi H{iiHffiffi ffi +,:&"Ht$E,:#&i*: all other epplicsble Stat6phm and siecificationsNC SralB Bldg Code and psmitspplh.tlo,l. .re b be arbmittsdenE{n Aah-E ca no! you Jr trqdrci, D ca{tr lf.&.d Emh.ion &fir.rd3 6r TOTAL AREA SQ FT : WATER Approrrd:_Otr_SEIEAO(E OWNERtCONTRACTOR:(E.r', tlob: DeDo*tirr nodtoatona 0 ashsb lgnovrl l6lng lhe applkE{on tam (DHH63768)wiott€. tr. bdfry or bui&rhg Ea bund Elbzdo.. Ai PoltubnE (NE*AP).i €l$7ur€850 .t t-C tO d.yr Eic. D lhcdsmollbn d.ny hotity or btjding. S.o A.h. Wbb Sit r httP$xv,vy.6pi.6brB.nc.us/6Fi/aEbe€rD6/ahmp.hunl TOTAL PROJECT Cosr: ioo'6 BUILDING HEIGHT: i 23JBH l8 3 r t lPt'l\# OF UNITS:3 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER SQ FT PER FLR:# OF STORIES:ROOF. bi1r tOF STRUCTURES:# OF FLOORS: ACRES DISTURBED:D(ST I.AND DISTURBING PERMIT?flves firuoNEW IMPERMOUS AREA SQFT EXSTING IMPERVIOUS AREA SEII/ER EGFPTJA TlEicFruA -canrnal sernc I PRlvATESEmo ECOfrIIIIT^IIIY SYSIEM coMutrNlry 8\61EM EUIJEL EZONING TEE CI.ASSIECANON .' SEPARATE P€RI\,IITS REOUIREO FOR ELECT, MECH. PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFAAS & INSERTS'-PAYMENT UEn{oo ficasn floreo<(PAYABLE rot*lg Euunccoum Euc,vtsA il us@vER zonE-ltL_sFtcER (FOR (,FFI€ IJEE Hd,,r'gs'- n+-z-*l{ SO FTPROPERryUSE EOFF'CE ENESTAURANT [rrCNCNMr.C nqrc Eepr noomo orHER a.-ps:\_ FBIsCD DAIE {ifi2 FLOOD r BF&2FAv-- r C5 di56;cl- tvlusf rruL4 mintm,^zt hrr6h+- fcfi<ftenca+; M h r Co.nm€nt tlravt Sd Cili'nplion Requreo, 9 I e251.{t901 02ldflt( kr \+-wt (."r*.f-> ,.-niit\. ,/- -' ,::: t:L/6sl \: ffiEi iYE.,' COiITRACTOR l { \SIGNAruRE: - \z;=<- FEMiITFEE$_- ffi Clear Form m &o l8 -t4o3 \8-3bb (otflc€ utc) Prlnt NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAT I ON W Pf: RESIDENTIAL PLEASI ANSW€N AL[ QUISTIONS APPLICAOT€ TO YOUR PROJTCI "Projcct Responsibllity" AppUCANT,S NAME: Harold babson Date. 1,31,2018 pROjECT ADDRESS: 12 sunnyvale drivc ClTy, wilnriogton g1p. 284.12 SUBDIVISION: pROpERTy OWNER,S NAME: Kendall Hardee pllgtrtg s. 91G380'3024 OWNER,S ADORESS: l2 sunnyva,o d,ive C|Ty, wilnlinglon 71p..26412 CONTRACTOR: Harold tlabson ClTy nakina BTDG TICENSE # 5Ti ncADORESS. T3490 new brillon hwy Vp. 28455 pp61i1g 9lG642-3632 py911g. 91G612'3632 / 91G&0 7804 EMA - ADDRESS: jetlcbabson@aol.com PROJECT CONTACI pERSON. Harold Babson EXISIING CONSTRUCIION: E Alteration U Renovation n GeneralRepairs NtW CONSTRUCTION: L,l Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residencc C Relocation ..lPLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER EEtOW ATI THAT APPTY IO YOUR PRO.IECT"' [] Arr GaraSe (SF)_0 oet Garage (st)__ [] sunroom {5F)O Pool(sF) El Deck (sF)C Greenhouse (SF)_193 ls the proposed work chanSing the existing footprint? D Yer E No Unheated: TOTAI- PROTECT COST (Less tot): 5 lsthe proposedworkchanSlngthenumberof bedroomsT 0 Yes E tro ls any Electrltal, Plumblng or Mechanlcal work bein8 done to the Accessory Structure O Yes lflheprojectisaRelo(allon,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecu,rentsite?EYesDNo lsthereElectricalPoweronthisguilding? E Yes D No ^" Property Use/occupancy; El Sinde Famlly O oupler E Townhouse Descriptlon Of Worki 8u d a haMiep ranrp ofl bacl door of home rnlornrarion. "'NOTI: Any wtrrt perfonned without the appropriate permits wirlbe jn violation o, the NC Srlre Eldg e and lubject to s5m m... owner/contractor. harold Babson Signaturcl -Licensed Quolfiet' lsthepropertylocatedanafloodplainT E Ycs E No Exisllng lmpe.vious Area:Sq rt TotalAcres olslurbed: New lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Exlstlng land Dlsturblng Permltr f] yes El No WATER: D CFPUA E Community System f] Private Well D CentralWell E Aqua SEWtq tr CFPUA E Conrmunity System D Private Septrc E Centralseptlc E Aqua zon"' K' l5 ofricer: DfG setbacks(F)3Dl lrslil0'$ul to' @l ?5'l *o,,,u,.- 9L **j@ o,r., d-r rltir"*, 6-Lrr - r*r - x BFE+2ft = -t-B-l-cCommert Cily lrryeclktn Requrreo, 9 1 0.25{$0) Permit Fee: S LOT :-=='- tr Porch (sF)_ D storage shed (sF)_ D orher {sF)_ IOTAT 5q FT UNDER ROOF (Jot prcposed wo*) Heated: _ ffiu9 Clear Form Print E )ote-tqD3 \8-31,b Application Number (oflice use) AppLtCANfS NAME. Harold babson 931g. 1-31-2018 pROJECT ADDRESS: 12 sunnyvale drive CITY. wilmington 71p. 28412 SUBDIVISION: pROpER1y OWNER,5 1141yq6. Kendall Hardee p1.1g11g g. 910-380-3024 OWNER,S ADDRESS' 12 sunnyvale drive CITY. wilmington 71p. 284'12 CONTRACTOR: Harold Babson ClTy. nakina BLDG LICEI{SE S 5T: nc 71p. 28455ADDRESS: 13490 new britton hr./y EMAIL ADDRESS: jettiebabson@aol.com p11911g. 91G642-3632 PHONE. 910€42-3632 / 910-64G7804pROJECT CONTACT p5Xg61. Harold Babson EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: = Alteration ! Renovation [] General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: D Erect New Residence E Additioo to Existing Residence D Relocation I.**PLEqSE CHECK ANDANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT{'*' tr Att Garage (sF)I Det Garage (sF)_D Porch (sF) ! sunroom (SF)! Pool (SF) E Deck (SF) tr storage shed (sF)_ tr other (sF)I Greenhouse (5F] ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Yes E No TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF (for proposed wotkl Heatedl TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? ! Yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure n Yes lf the projecl isa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes fI No ls there Electrical Power on this Euilding? E Yes E No 193 /n" Property Us€/ occupancy: E single Family E ouplex E Townhouse Description Of WOrk: Build a handicap ramp of back door of home information. **'NOTE: Anywor* performed withoutthe appropriate permitswillbe in violation ofthe NCState aldg and subiect to S5ryJ.00*** Orvner/Contractor: haroldBabson Signature: 'Licensed Quolifel Print Nofie lsthe propertylocated in a floodplain? E Yes E No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acaes Disturbed; New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existint Land Disturbing Permit: E Ves D trlo WATER: E CFPUA fl Community System E private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E Community System D private Septic E Centralseptic E Aqua zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (Bl Approval: _ C,ty: _ Date: _ Ftood: (Al _ (V) _ (Nl _ BFE+2ft= Comment:Permit Fe€: S 1{, oO NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P Ll C,AT ION TYP E : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALT QUESTIONS APPLICASLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Proied ResponsibiliV LOT #: Unheated: _ DISCLAIMERi I herebycertify that allthe inlormation in this application is correct and all work will compv with the State Building Code and allother applicable State and local laws and ordinances and regulataons. The NHC Develop ment Servaces Centerwillbe notified ofany changes an th€ approved plans and specific.tions or change in contractor FLOOD ZONE * bTcx=- aD t8 ' 'qCIr Application (office use) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLTCATIO N TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAETE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility'' : APPLICANT'S NAME:LAN'IArL, N gliuDril ct2+ tb tE<DAPROJECT ADDRESS suBDtvtstoN:,+1il( Fprrur: PROPERW OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: WlLt,rl-trr. X*o-otl Wr ul4ilag-t\ LC 9^S t r.IvxnpeJ (hlir-D rr.)?CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS:j Ld {./r- D Aft Gara8e (5F)O Det Garage (SF) _ ! Sunroom (SF)tr Pool (SF) Date: a z3 CITY It-&11 TD zt? LOT #i IL, C PHONE #ollo 31,8 i{q1 ctTY: 60 ni*61Ll- Na frwzl BLDG LICENSE #631!'L z@ Cny. hJ r L-tuit N rJ sr: Nt :zip, U+t I EMATLADDRESS: ,/-oi'?,vv} rJ @ Cr't X*.fXr-to,! fAJiLb,& Clll.P , can pxot'tt,1Lo lbLgtto PROJECT CONTACT PERSON qbrq ;c*AP+PHoNE: ?1, 8o,9 w0)- EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration C Renovation { eeneral Repairs fu NEW CONSTRUCTION: ! Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation ."PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW Att THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT..' ! Greenhouse (SF) n Deck (SF) ls the proposed work chanBinB the existing footprint? tr Ves \ TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF lfot propos Heated: TOTAL PROJTCT COST (Less Lot): S ls the proposed work cha nging the nu mber of bedrooms? ! Yes ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the No Unheated: tr,lrlrr)g u^r6l(7p- P4Ffr0* WaATAD p ?3FEB r8 12: gElF NovJ CrrJr{cl)c\'l2t) 9ut.-t.4ro Actessory Structure ! Yes ff*olfthe project is a R€location, istherea Natural Gas Line on the cu rrent site? [ Yes ls there Electrical Power on this Euilding? A Yes tr No Property Use/ Occupancy:4 Single Family n Duplex E Townhouse {*o Description of Work: ll.lr"oR-N D&Art-PAiR.tQ{ laws and ordinances and regirlations. The NHC Oevelopment Services Center willbe notified ofany changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractorinformation "'NorE: Any work performed without the appropriate perrnits wiI be in violation of the Nc state Bldg Code a to fin.s up to 5500.00... Owner/Contractor: "Licensed QuoliJier" Atlae"X kofrr^nl sisnature: ls the property located in a ftoodplain? El yes ! No Existing lmpervious Areai _ Sq ft New lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbedr Existing Land Disturbing Permit: ! yes ItlS,tw NIAL - Nsr*tdL, d^o ExrtRto *+o1fu4, Lr-bu) WATER: qCFPUA tr Community System n private Well fl Centratwe E Aqua SEWERT E CFPUA tr Communitysystem I privateseptic ! Centralseptic ! Aqua zon", W orlcen t.LF setbacks(rlN/A (ulr,.!/A tnnlNh tatNf& Approvat:_ IDIL city: L)lLfrr o"t",ZfZsl I I qood: (ryAE 6 pl (N) Brr*zrt= i5,aoar"n,, f"",9 ^a l\ - t574 )* aLL L'JoEr4 Arso*t BFEE;-ll) &-&)-Aot n Porch (5F) _ n Storage Shed (SF) _ tr Other (SF)_