FEBRUARY 27 2018 BUILD APPS,l ffi Clear Form NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP L ICAT I(N TYPE : COJ|}IERCIAL PTEASE ANS|IER ALL QIJESTIOT{S APPIICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Project Responsibility" ) ot7-7to trt- q 5 APPLICATION Number (Office Use) NeV-B DATE:APPLICANT'S T,IAI{E: ER:a5DEVELOP PRO]ECT PROPERTY USE: E I,AIER' ESFEUI SYSTEM PAYMENT METHOD: e PHONE # PI{OI{E .).?tlDl occuPAr{T/8usrt{Es5 tu$lE : PROPERTY Oh[{ER'S NAI,IE : OWNER,S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: -.-l EMAIL ADDRES crw: LICENSE S: crw: o.4.6-cc5:a8il sT: r.rCzrP:ifbVOl. sr: NLAPtaStla3 <_PHONE #: PHOiIE S:PRO]ECT COITACT PE (ahe.k A11 That App1y) Exrsr cor{srRucrroN : [ialaLrERArror{lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the R EiIOVATION GEiIERAL REPAIRS l- tto lS BLDG S trPRIN RE LOCATIO KLEREDtr- Yesf -urrent Site?r CS No NEW COTsTRUCTIO :n EREcr NEH srRUcruRE n FAsr rRAc( E SHELL n upFrr n aDo ro Exrsr srRucruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: rf UPFrT - The sheU Pemit #: Is Elect Porer on this Building f Yes rrr.t rS THIS A CI|AI{GE OF oCCUpAt{Cy USE? f yES l-. iD ..... IF Yes, rhat t{as the Previous Occupancy Type ? _ Ihat is the l{er occupancy r NO Ix8fi?DESI6N PROFESSIOttAL:PH: EIIGR DESIGIi PROFESSIO{AL :-PH: NC REG #: NC REG #: DEscRrprroN oF HoRx: ltMt-3ka€ 6l QfrUA<A1 fnO,,rfk ls food or beverages prepared or served in ttris si cturezf- ve"f, "o ," rn" ,roperty Localed ln The Floodplainf- Ye{- NoDISCLAIMER. I hereby certty ltlat allinlo{madon in and locallaws and ordinances and requlations, The or chanoe in conlractol oI conractor i-nformaton "'Subjecilo Fines UP To $500 00"' this application is corecl and all !rcrk will co.nply wirh the Siate Buildino Code and allother applicable State NHC Develooment Services Cenler ullbe nol,fied of anv chanqes rn the aolxoved olans and sDecrftcations NOTF: Any Work Performed W/O he Appropriate Permils will Ee in Violaton of rheNC Stare BIdg Code and SIGN ATURE:N I P ILROSI-ze (Oualirs) (PnnlName) conrain Asbestos or nol you are rcqured ro caltthe Naiionar Emission Siandardstor Hazardous AirPollulants (NESHAP)at (919)707-5950 al reast 1O days pnorlo the demoliiion of any facility or bualding See AsbestosWeb Sile: rorAL PRoJEcr cosil, $tft 61 BUILDING HEIGHT SQ FT PER FLR: # OF UNITS TOTAL AREA SQ FT # OF STORIES f OF FLOORSTOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF # OF STRUCTURES ACRES DISTURBED Exsr LAND DrsruRBtNG PERMIT? |- ves J- tto NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FI OFFICE ! nesmunmrr fl uenceHrtrrl-J roucl-L rprfl CONDO OTHEI E3:il+['^TffL'JflH'X?l'..0,," 3Eo',o#'lio#sE ctASSrFrcArroN - f clsH l- cHEcK (PAYABLE To NHc) f AMERIcAN ExPRESS J-- ucrutsn l-- otscovEn (FOR OFFICF USL ONI Y) ZONE OFFICER Approval:-City: DATE- FLooD SETBACKS: F: LH . RH-. (00 B_- BFE+zft._ Comment t-z' ct= N PERMIT FEE: I Prtnt I I Trv, na OWNERiCONTRACTOR:,/')/-- 2ot0-ao tl'w,'v,// fu Eg NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICATtON TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PROJECI "Project Responsibility'' APPLICANT'S NAME:Sl'osonl N."^l a tq<-Y Date e-1tr ztP x 4to -9L4'1o31 7lP 1 IDBLDG LICENSE d:L, t,ilL zr,2l,1 01 PROIECT ADORESS: SUBDIVISION: L (w\ PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:Cr) OWNER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR lc)arl n1 PHONE CITY CITYADDRE5S: 177 e oqKI ('o "t t PH ON lo-o PROJECT CONIACT PERSON 5lc',1^ n I EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteratron Renovation rl General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: D Erect New Residence n Additionto Existing Residence E Relocation **'PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW AtL THAT APPTY TO YOUR PRO'IECTi ** EMAIT ADORESS: n Sunroom {5F) ! Att Garage (SF)-l-l Det Garase ISF) tr Pool (sF) d6eck lsFl El /orch (sF) D Storage Shed (SF)- I Other (SF)L l Greennouse l>t, _tla TFEB 1g 0:27ffH i:-d"*fi'i1r fiec [: ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D v", B'fi6- TOTAT Sq FT UNDER ROOE Aor proposed work) Heated l5{o unheated: - O - ToTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): $t)o l)o r) 'e\ DISCLAIM:R: I hereby cenify that all the informetion in this apptication is.oflect and all work will .omply with the state Building code and allother applicable slate and local lawsand o.dinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of anv changes in the approve d plan5 and specifrcations or change in contractor !nformation. "'NOTt: Any work perform€d without the appropriate permits willbe inviolation ofth€ NCStat€ EldgCode and su ect to fines up to S500.00"' Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quo Jie/' 5 Lv Sitnature ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ! ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork beinB done to lf the prolect rs a Relocation, ,s there a Naturaj/ias Line on th lsthere Electrical Poweronthis Building? r/Yes ! No Property Use/ occup ancy: ffi$e f amily D Duplex tr T Description ol work: ho*e a (e l.l l<ileh.^ +4. ls the property located in a floodplain? D ves B{o Existing lmpervious Ar"" l85O sq rt Total Acres Disturbed: New lmperviour Are., O sq Ft Existing l-and Disturbing Permit: ' Yes - No .,/. WATERT D/CFPUA E Community system fl Private well n central well E Aqua SEWER: BdtPUA D Cornmunity system E Private septic D central Septic D Aqua zoner - Officer: - Setbacks(F)-(tH)-(RH) -(B)-Approval: - City: - Date:- Flood:(a)-(V)-(N)-BFE+2ft=- comment: Permit Fee: S Yes AzNo the Accessory Structure y'Yes ! No ecurrentsite? ! Yes fl No ownhouse Nlfr1 {L ,^o^t, Q {o ^ 5 7\- trt 31 CITY I