FEBRUARY 28 2018 BUILD APPSNEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLI CATION TYPE RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" CITY aolS-J(at Number (office use) APPLICANT'S NAME:ptllJov Aor-tGtk\rn PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: D?'L PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:A-^rtH Q,+rr,,r+* <) I ILY tr ztP LOT # D e1asN2s1 -<-/6 4 {S 7 /? z' ,,L/.7-/J fi14OWNER'S ADDRESS:2 ()IL BC I-I ztP Zd- V0 o Altrtl*.4 ?wc^, & tfra./oCONTRACTOR ADDRESS:CITY EMAIT ADDRESS:L 37{f ' AJ4 STI ZIP PHONE PHONE EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration E Renovation E ceneral Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: n Erect New Residence D Additionto Existing Residence n Relocation ** * PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER gEI.OW AI.L THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*'}'} ! AttGarage(SF)_ E DetGarage(sF)_ tr porch (SF) E Greenhouse {5F)n Deck (SF) ancy: n sirtl Family n Dup lex fl Townhouse ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes I No TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF lfor prcposed work) Heated:Unheated: ToTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S_ lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Ye5 ! No lsany Electrical, Plumbingor Mechanical work being done to the Accessory stru cture E Yes E No lf the projectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? ! Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes ! No Property Use/ Occup Description of Work:Ba,tr tts^ rT ftY 7--er oA (o" $r'att Surt fioou a,t /a laws.nd ordinancesand r€Sulations. The NHC D€velopment Services Center willbe notified ofanychanSesin the ved plans and specificati information. '**NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State ons or change in contractor p to 95oo.oo**. ftat*lonf /*,"tGltt-po Signature: "Licensed Quolifie/' Print Nofie lsthepropertylocated inafloodplain? ! Yes I No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmperuious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: n yes n ruo WATER: E CFPUA ! Community System D Private well E central Well ! Aqua sEwER: E CFPUA E community system E Private septic E central septic ! Aqua zone: _ ofricer: __ setbacks (F) - (LH) - (RH) - (B)- Approval: - City:- Date: - Flood: (A) - (v) -- (N) - BFE+2ft= - Comment:Permit Fee: S BLDG LICENSE #l PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: E Sun room (sF)_tr Pool {sF)_n storage shed (5F)_ ! other (sF)_ 7- Owner/Contractor: r-alDq q15ffi "*N .r*tottt " qAg NEw HANovER couNTy BUTTDTNG pERMlr APPL|CAT|ON rypE: RES|DE TtA[ PLTASE Ai{SWr_ 8 Arr lUtSilONS Arp!raaB,-t rO vOUn .ROtt(.,,p.oi.ct Retporuibility,, i /a\d-D APPIICANT'S NAM[: PnoitcT aooREss: suBDrvrstoN: '-fep'r9 -l'.. _ Oate CIIY:\--_X1r:j.-:3e- t- . Zt? roT I O PsOP!RT'Y OWHEtrS TIAME:;Li ?HONE r: dv. 4<: . tct. OWN€N'5 ADORE55:Gt!. tr, ),..(t Ct <-<< 7>, (-^,.,CON'RACTOR AOORESST BLDG LICENSE 8 t'l 'ltit,z-- k. tol OLaa-D<a- 0a EMAIL AODRtss: r O oet Garage (sFl_-_ - Poot {St) PROJTCT CONTACI PtiSO r ]1, *,.,-r , _l sunroom (SFI_ !r PHOt{t - _ Pt.oNt ' IXISTING COnSTnUCnO :0 Alteration O Reoovatroo I Generat Reoa,rs NtW CONSTRUCTIoN: 1{ Ercct New tes,denc€ : Addjtron ro €r,srrnt Rer,oe.ce I Rero.ation ...PI.I,AS€ (H€C( ANO ANSWER BTLOW AIT THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO.,ECT"' Arr 6a.a3e {Sr) 7-::_l Porch lSFl : oeck (5rl 15 the 9rogosed work.htngrnt the ei5tint footprint? - yes t{o TOtAt sQ FT UNIr€t ROOf llot lo!(^t d wod]l X".a.a, t ,,{6! __ Unhe.redr rOTAL PRoJICT COST (L?sr Lor): S tic o(,o * Greenhoure {SF)_ Oeicriplion ot Worli ls the proposed wg.k chtnting the number of badroornr? -. Ves lfno r5 ,ny €lectrical. Plrttu,! or Uadr.nlcal wort being done ro the Accersory Stru.ru.e : yca.!/No lf the prote(t i5 a Llo(ztbn, ir thlr! a Natural G3s Lrne on the clrlent srre) - yei - No rs there Uectrrcal Po{.r gn thit Euildrnt? ;: ycr gr trto P'ogertv Ure/ Ot4|rp.ncy: D Sihdc f.mily _ Duptcr -1 Townhoure ?zt D -r.-.,r.,-( |iA!i ait t-€ t ,at- t. ' ?laq or5(r rMtt,.e,..rcrni,Vth.trtitharit rin.tioi,.tht!.prt(rn..,!.n...(| i rr{.:r^- ...{5-r. lrlY Ert xrto.m.a " e1 ,ind /.tuhlo.r fia rJl€ OavarrrfiGni Sa.vk.i C..,e, .{l be r)t ,.d ol a.y ri.na.r . (re.pg,cc..Frttr r Dc i^ vro dt.cn c, ir( tC Srata Erdgrnholr rh. rrp.op.r.t. A r?^.,., r., rrr€C n..no.r o. .n.6{. ,n :rnr,..ro.tor,r.r u9 ro S50O m...Ownr./Contra.tor: 'LK..scO Quot,he.' - SiSoatu.e TotalA(rer Dirturbed lr rh. prope.ry tocated in r floodplain? _l yes 3/Xo Eristrnt l.np€avao|Ja Aiea: , Sq tt New lmparvious Araa: iao Sq Ft { CFPUA C Community Syiefn O privare !Ve[/ crpva e .1-11 officcr: City; Itlttin! Lrnd Dirturbini permit: :/yei : CentraiWeli - Aqua Central Seorr.Pt,r -- o_(RH) ].'- (B)la ) .--- (v)(N) / 8F€+ Per.rrit fee.,-- WAITR: SEWERI 2one: _{ Approval: Cornmeal: lY1,t* 36 haX^+-l;m ;r Cr Cfty lnqrec,ron hqureo, gl 0.lii W) & _ ctTY: r"rr*,"<rp. r z L ztP: j!8c * Sto.age 5hed (Sf)_ : Olher (SF l "$Is -.nn$ll;.rE R couNry B urLDrNG ,ERM rrq(,!- APPLtcAftoNrypE;RES|DENT|AI. rlrAsfArtswr.tAr,.luii:,0\srrD-rc..3-:r:,.)(,1qo._i "Proiect Responiibility, aDt -Joq9 #rf 13 APPTICANT'S NAME:Oate PROJICT ADORfsli: SUaDrVrSrON:ror r, I l1__ a". 4(2 .let. iPiOPERTY OWNEtfs NAM€l PHONE d OWNTR's ADOR€lt: : -.Aua..(. A.CIW '"^',-,t,r...zlP . :. .: ?"_(*rn^-.,..CONTRACTOR ADDRTSS:l-r. to{ ou< ^-rx (lTY:..*,-rr.-- _ ,__ PXOt{t BLo6 a,ctNs[, ": '{,:t,i- . .'.'-.._ ST: 1:- ZIP LL-t '<-: i. -- ,<.€MAIL AODRTSS l"..,I i.-,"-PHONI EXIsTING CONSTAJCTIOfl: D Alteatioh D Renorrar,o. : Ge^er.lnepirrr NEW CONSTRUCnO : d €rea lew Res,Acnca : Addrtion to Ensting ner denre Reto<at,gn ...PEISE CH€CX A'{O A gWER 8EI-OW AI,I. IHAT APPIY IO YOUR PROrtc.I.'. Ar Garage {St) 2-"O oet Garatc (Sr) _,_*__ I 5unrooo (5t)-- Pool (5t ) Oeicriplion o, Wofl: Pat*,g,r'-, Aif t. t^ ; Porch lSF) : StoraBe Sh€d {SF)* : Oth.r (SF) _ *Greennouse lSF) _ _. Oect ISF) i : - __ ls the propo5ed worl chanting th€ etisting footprint? yel _ No 1(l,\Unheated t5 the proposed wo.t changrnt th! number of bed.gom! I , Vet /t{o 15 any tlectrl..l, Plqtrbllrt or Madunl.il wort being do.e lo lhe A(ce5sorv Stru.ture _: Vet /Uolf the proje.t r! a irlocltlm, i5 there a Narural Gas t-ine oi lFe cJr.efll t,te) yei . No ts there alect.ca Power on thrs Suilding) _- y€r Z No Property Ure/ occrrp.ncvl a Sln3le Family - Dup*ex J Townhoute ,i...<at t.-E trtat^ \t -21L- OlsCl rM€i:r nc.rby..rt!tv rh.t.ll tlic mfdnurio. srthia.gC'<at!:,!:c.,p.r '.6. | *.ir . rr :.,rD y * ii th. St.tr O*ner/Contraator: '')-,.e.ted Qtotthet' r\ rh. prope(y rocated in a lloodplaan? : y€t 3/ [o trittint lhpervioui Arca: , Sq Fr N€w lmpervious Arca:<l SC rt TotilAares Oisturbed tritlint Land OisturbinS Perhit: 7 Ye! No 4u4re,lood: {A} tv)(N) -! Ertr2fi' nc rDc(,{'Cal,O.r or (haTe n(ontra(tor Parrnh Fer: 3 r.*r.^J r.dr^.n(.r and r!.uL!or6 rt ltxc oaatog.ianl sarvt.s c.^ier wr benotrt,ad ot.nr (nrqe, nln€a9D,rnora.,or.'rlortiA,Wrc.lparfornrdwfinor,ltha.p!ro9.tate9e,6,trq,[Ur,.eoal.cnot!n.!CSt.r.Sda *o',-, A Signaturo: WATIR: 7 CfPUA a Comrnunity System : PrNarewel, _ Cenrrat we -l Aqua SEWER: / CFPUA C Community Sverem : Private Se9t,c - Centrai Sepri. :: aqLa zone: - 11!1,12, otrcer, Xlo sctbacrr (r1.( ut S'- text Ot- tal /6' Approval Comment Clty:IJlt 0.t", 75 hr1hr rt'm ;f{fl^V<.r*n Ci[, inpeclinn Re$rreo, 91 0251-Ctg0] --lkbLzre_itJ,'--_CITY L<.+.^Ja- PROJTC' CONTACT PTRSON IOIAT SQ FI UNDIT tOOf llot propoted wo*t t+ated.. TOTAT PROr€Cr COtt (Lers Lot): S , ; 6 ,t.o ' I rt : I ^ n$x\$ -C.tts " -.N\ivg.9Le'rrw HANovER couNw BUILDTNG eERMtr APPLtCAf D N fypE : REStDENTtAt PltASt ANSWTR ALr CUTSIONS ippLraASi.t TC yOr,R pROrEar "Proiect ResponribititY" )o 8-AnQ ,1 1{{,tr APPTICA I'S NAME:l.t r.o"r" -zf!,olBPROJ€CT ADORESS: suE0tvrsroN: I5 CITY ztP r-or ! l L PNOP€RTY OWNETS AME: OWNTR's ADOR€sS: ; ,,< J( -"!i ; -4 tr-i _ PHONE I ati. t.i( I . t\ | ,'z,P -t.-!. .1 . i 7P--ttft, vt,s .,t,tt- N t COIIIRACIOR ?r.0."n* ADDiESS: _ &lo< nL(a-o<n (!r - l-,{( z-, EMAII AOORESt: nuH^."^ !, 1,.".1-av,l1, -.:- - BtoG LtctNsE t lL v IA' ' CrY I r.k,.Jrr.-- --ST {. ,rr}4j PHONT _. - <. PRO,,€ C I CONTACI P€RSOiI Ir PHONC ai - i'4 EXISTING CO SItrlTCnO ;O Altlr.tion E Renc,tarron : Generat Reca,ri NEW CONSTRUCnOfl: ( Erect itew Res,drna€ : Addilro. ro €xrstrnt Resrden.e I Reto(airon ...PlIAST CHECX A'TO ANSW€R 8EI,OW ATT THAT APP!Y TO YOUR PROIECl"' Att Garate {5f) :11 :, S'rnroom lsf)_ O De! Garage (Sf) --3 Pool {5F): StoraF Shed {5F) - '- Other (St) _,- __- Gree.hour {SF)_ ' OecL (Sf) 1- 15 the p.oposed uro.k ch.n3i.t thc cxisting footprint? _ yei No rorAt SQ FI UNOaR ROO! Aor gragoted worl) Hc.ied t,4gt TOTAI" PROJECT COST (L.si Lot) S ls the proposed wgrl dtrnginS thc ^Umt€r of bcdroom r, Ves y' Xo 15 any tl.ct.ic.l, Plunblna or taaahanlcal work b€int do.e ro th. Accessory Srru(ture yG! ll ihe prolect rs a Llo<atloo, ti thrre . {atural Gar [rne on the cute.t srt€> _ yes j: NgrJlherealectncalPowergnthisSultrint? ., ylt Ef t{o Prop.rty U!!/ O€.up.rEy: I] 9n3lr Family -j Oupter ./ Townhout Oegaription of Worl: tZc c,f,a '' Unheated: oli(l^lftli: ' r.reny (.nait niat af dr ato.narro. ian|6 agt katon ,j .or,<l ..d .| *orr rfl(o6!tv,rrf rn str.*ra.d arcrn.n(pr a.6,aar*drcr1. lh ltHc ortrtorn! sarvkar arft..,,[ !..cnn.d o,an < to,,t -, <ai 8*,f e^" \ t- zltt Bf E+2ft B Owner/Cont.ecior ert la'' rrad wtiq)t irr agrrofl.aat 4o.*, t ,?.-,.,".','L|.cn:ad Qtot4et' pnn,vorrra l! the proD€rty loEitcd in a floodphin? __- y.. J o [xistint impr.viol[ Araa: C &Ft New lmpewioxs &.a: i fa Sq Ft WArtn: / CiPUA C Community Sy$em S€W[R: / CFPUA if Community Systern Zone /r'rtif _- __ Sitnrtuie IotalAares Oirturbed: c , €risti'lt L.nd Dirturbint pe.rnii: _1 3 Private Weit I Cen:ratWel :- Aaua 11;=q omc.., (Y[zr sctu.rs ?,,H,L*t O (Rxt o trJt-!{- Sept c CentralSeptrc Aq iia A)-IV .}nd roe(ili.ar6.r or rhr.a. Yer ---'l No Permit fe€:5 - Approval:City:o.r":l)zl,l$noo {N} xCrCo.nment ll.tatB Ciiy inpecion Reqiiireo, il u'i+r.,rvul € -l Por(h ISF ) *rrr* *.t-;--}), R cou Nry Bu rr,rr{G pE R M rr APPL,CATTAN fypE; REstDt NTtArpLiASt altsw:F Ar,- irrtSr:or! ApF: !A8!a r!r vcu. oqoltat'Proie.t Rer!,onribitity,, e otg - J0 #Y rl U,J A'PUCAiIT'i NAl,t:2 ploJ:cT A009tss: SUaOlVlSlO,ta: 1 -fate l-, .;C'TY zrp. ':el " l..l r- i'.Det€ Lorr ll I IROPERIY OWNEFrS AME: ,. CIIY _ arDG Ltc€Nsf r O.t.-r1< CON'RACIOR AODTtSS. 4 _ ztP -. , _,- ,.: --r1.\t! a-.--.- Lct 5 cc< *.(x* EMA,. AOORESS erl PRortCr CONTACT PEBSON: ".i: * -Or---:::-:re C|TY r\, .-,{,r-- ,. ___ ST l::,- ttp .2L...,t I r--"- . PitoNt lxltfl G CO,lSltUCflO :f Altefation a Renovarron ,. GlnefatfleDa,r! N€W COI{tlSUCllOta: / lrect |tewnes,Oe^e : Add!,on ro E$st.ng Resrden.. _- Reto(rl,on ...Ptlasf cxEcI Aflo ANSWfi EtrOW aU. THA' Appty ro YOUR PiOrtgl... art 6rra8e {5f} 711 Sunroom iStl_ 6reenhouse (Sf)_ D Det Garate {St)r,_-__ : Poo, (5rl : I De.r lsrr ! ihr, proooleo rork lha.gnt the e$tting footprint? _ ye\ .., Nc TorAt 5Q Fr UNOTR BOOF llot proposed wo*) x€.red: __1._4 j**._ unn."r"a TOIAT PFO,ICT COgl lL!5r lotl: S 15 the propot.d wo.l chanSin! the n{,mber of bedrooral) Ves /to rs ant Electrical. Esitlint o. Mlchanicat work beint dor.e 10 lhe,tc(ersori S!.ucture les ./lltheproject saialo(ztion,r:the.eaNaturalGa5lineonrt:ecli.€ntsrtei ., yes - Nol! there Ele(tnc.t Power on thB Buiklintr ' _ yas ?! No Propeny Uiel Occup.rcy: C Si.tiL tamity _, Durl€r / Ton nhouJ€ De*rip!ion ot Wofl: ?*'<(.a ,.*ae6..^''. - ?,11---______-"---+-..---r.* i ratty rh.t al thc nto.rlrno. in t,li alfiaato. n ir,, r.: I a. d ,' n.,r w, rr .:,In.:o,c,.d:r,,nlr.&Lrionr.ThallrlcO?veorna(jarvaa,arnr.,."|)?r,Jnir.!.Ii-yi Owher/Co.traato', Err ,arlo.nEd rithoor th. ap9rop.ir? trto*ro I li*r.*trr 'L aersed Orottlc,' pnlt Nama t! tte propert] loc.t d in a floodfain? _ ycr 3/ No Etiilint lEgarvioJ, Arca: O 5q tt llec, l.np€rviour Araat .,t} Sq ft 7 aFPUA E Community system 3 Fnyate weil D€r-& r,!r !e ,. licuion..Ina,rC 5trl.8 Septr< rH)o: {A}{v}- (N) I srt'zfr- Ce.l.al'JVerl _' Aqua Cenrra Sept,( : Aqua let t Ot @l L5/ it Fe.:5 --, ,. -.,,-. SiSn.ure TotalAcres Di3turbed: i ! IrrstinS [and Diiturbint permit: :/ ye3 ,/'CFpUA Orff.er: o City WAIgR: SEWtRT Zoner 1,1 Approvel CornmEnt 6s'he (fLti@t"t/A+ City ln$eclion hqtreo, 9l $251{B0l g PHONE . :';',,' :l Po.ch {SFt *=-.__l_ : Storate Shed {tf}, : :. orher (sFi __ l ]- .'t-* I RECEIVIn FEB 21 20t0 IIEW HATIOVEf, GOUI{W IUIU'tilE PERMITAPfilenr,{trfpE nE3lDEtm t 'tt $ll6$,t[^tr(UE lxrl't,'uclru TO ruf R{rrcrtr|GrAc.tlt' T/ Svr.lt Ftlc tlmc. OfYl }ott' 2o4o rb -5zz Aapf.|uql I{ult5tr(ofto Gr.l .aot I AP: Oata, rdrr PiOPEiTY OwTBS t{^ME Sa'rqrl Euldllo Comoany ,flqc;9rG79€699 OUYNER'S IDOiESS:en0 qaanda. DdtIg Srltc 200 Ow: UltnlEqton AE oolrTlACroll SbwroBdttr CoflEny toDiElt:6710 Olcrodcr Dfu.&ribm0 IDa UCUIII: CIIYr Wlmhobn sr: llC aeTMAIT ADORES':Pt(tXt: ProrEr@mACrtm $d Nldtobon tflff:91.332€5,t6 ,,t I tr ls,rroom (sf, - tr F6l (sF, _ tr ta3r! $.d 6rltl €rrohar Pfl - O o.d6fl_ tr od,,'f, b rrl. popo..d r!.t dls|ht0r..arfra 6.0.t|t? O Vrr d ffo ror rtO trrml w W rorr..d wlttfl;ia-1j !-11tiai* 5 7(, 31ul6 Eo'rtxa Col.'fil,cilof! O Ahc{on O itonrbn tr Oarrrl irprla r{EUr @Gllfn r d r,.a l* f*.,.. tr Addhlon b Ehll| rg6drr O idocrdon ... Q;.e&errq..6r, ll$0 tr ocllq:(sFl-- ,Er:porSFD IoTAt rioEl 06r (u,. ro0: {4@__ Ir th. prcp d yort d|lljrlth nrr*rr ol bdroonr? tr Ver 6 rcIr.nyt ctld. ilrrth3 o, Xrffil rorf bdrl.don b th. fmry Snar:r E Vrr d lfoItth. prcJ.ct&. Lbcrfrort lr0rJt.It |nl G.o llr.fi th. qrryfit{t ? tr Vrr d fo Ir tlr.rr EL.rtcrl Poff on tit lrlrtl? O Vrr d.n b rt"r.rV rrVo"n qr dff tu|, O DlElr tr ?.rnl5ur. City Engineerin ROW Review Pemit Requi Drralgtton of Work rnrr Dcclrn t k*y c.rfydEt Jt hb.n|.t.rhdi,.p9a..6rr b@lrdrtd.tEtra6tlydt dE$nat$t Cota..nd.ar.tftLSttrt.ldhc.lLxr rirrirlEa ad riufrdca, Tlx llt onn.orrndS6ica C.tL.!tLltfrd dq .trlahdl.pLra ari tdlL.tbtrattr(Tb aft;5ottaS!...fftfir*.r. -rcIE:f|tyuqt r.t rd r lrrtt rltlq.fd.Fntfo r,l ba h{d.tto.l ott!.Cod. Or,tl.i/Cofia6o.;.LIMW S1sv6[r slnrtlrr:,bm B tll. proF,ty loot d ln a trYrd o )\11,tt qFdtr 5cft Tctrl A.'tr Oliurtrd 1ts rn rt* fisirnbrr Ar.r t - ?W_ * n U{tahdthrtlf?rnrtt tr yrr tr Io Fro:9 ,9t0-2t4.0901 iHt:J Approvrl:oL wet* El crpur tr Comnnty SVarm tr frtl tsam d crpur o Corflnutlty syn.m tr prht S.fdc tr C.nt t bnaa [.. 16 Offioar: Commant: Ctty: s.?dc tr l{u. Cil)' IIT'II' IIAT{OVER qOUT{TY BUITDI'IG PERMITAtrUc/nr,nnDe Elo$mAtnr $rlHm^rtqE rGrrflJcllltloruJi ?tr JECr "r!|GfaorrIlt' RECEtVrir FEB 21 208 T/Aevurftrc qw: lote-Aoqo rb -5zz Aplo{o,t Nl.r5-'(o{io ir.l fr#:x,Zot l?t vr, rtlil,loL toi* PiOPAf,TV OP'IB1' tIAtrE g!'ilta Udfto Compmv i{o[]owlrt8s lDotEss:5710 ol{ldr DrlvE sdr 200 cfiY:ae @iltrAcle S'tayam tt10 rD6lm*aDDi!3t:Obsrdc, Dl'r.gft 200 lri/ut ADOiE':ar ! tlltlrdon .r.rc trr: PAOrlcf @ ltctletolI:Ard ilktobot DfiOxl: tfl*:91-332{5r5 rcrlXO Oa'IIrfril! O rhrr$o tr inonUn O 6.i.rd Ap.fr r*w orsmrnAr d ErctxiLadGto. tr Aadthn b ffif fdoor O idocrton triAttGrrrtFh qt tr Srrn ooil (5R tr Pool (sFl tr stoer thd (tFltr erotcr flfl_tr DtdtsFt tr otur('rlbtt r,opddr'urtdr.nahtri.d6[fb+.ht? tr Vl. d fo rw^r te rTrml w W t# u,rljtt*!U,Jl1j_,'.lb IIITA!ii0Er6rlttr lorf; ,-110 tr oro.rrpt- f,.)o{ipf .r.-'-- ( b t r. propill rro.t.hrr1ft ftirrilr ortceoori.? El Vr d iobrryt 6ld, iryorldrrrtrkortttt,. Ot.r-_ryttlnrn E V.. d ror$. prqr.de. ra.od!o, t 0ror larrl {b }r * t. ",rr.n Ji E r_-1|-*- - - lr tlr.'t Eldlcd tosron ft fiI*I? tr Vs d* rror-Vrh/occnrrt dr-hlytrouktrI ilro.r. City Engineerin ROW Review Permit Requi .0urft?iftti[ Orrcdfdoo otfuoft !taf.i5l I lr-yoa.tt d!br. frd er*lrn, rtd dt hfr,r.bob$t rBaftirlrloo.3llt 'tao(t5FniiS6aG.tC.!r.r r{ !. lldLd of.arCr..l. h drL{!rrrld.r. nfrrllrtrymr*fftrnd tuurtlt pl4.tr Flrtbl b.hrld&.lo,t,!. rc €0d. OrrE/Cortrcb.:'UqdME Osb $.vln.tlnetrr:t{om B tnr popr'tv locrtrd In rtrvrdro A qr€.d.tEtra ..Qlydr 1r.5..l.ftr f rn.I 9br. trn1 farrglrtrb* lrl U;trf htffhr* tr ys tr rb *ft tqft ,91s254"09ff1 rtit{ iii..,if2!!?0 frs:5 )7 l0 0o tr A{lx ard baal @rnu,,t werm El crpur Cormuttysyr.rn B prlv.t Uftf tr Arttl Wrl lqur clh Commant tr tr catnt Srfdc tr gFE+zft, /4 iI Jo)8 4033 18-553NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIO N TYPE : RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER A[t qUESTIONS APPTICABI.E TO YOUR PRO,'TCI "Proiect Responslbllltf'-c AppSCANT,S NAME: Cottage Building Company, LLC oate: 0212212018 pROJECTADDRTSS: 4534 Old Towne Street (LOT 104)CtTy: Wilmington y1p. 28412 SUBDIVISION : Riverlights LOT#: 104 pROpERTy OwNER,S NAMEr Coltage Building Cqmpany, LLC pHoNE s: 910.343.9203 OWNER,S ADDRESS: 1105 New Pointe Boulevard Suite 6 C|TY: Leland ztP 24451 coNTRAcToR: Cottage Building Company, LLC s196 U6gx5s 6. 73725 ADORESS: '1105 New Pointe Boulevard, Suite 6 6gn; Leland sr; NC 2tp 28451 EMAII. ADDRESS:reed.thompson@thecottaqesnc.com PHoNE:9'10.343.9202 pROJECT CONTACT pERSON: Reed Thompson pHONt: 910.367.0730 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: O Alteration ! Renovation fl General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: tEl, Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation .lTPLEA5E CHTCK AND ANSWTR 8EI.OW AtT THAT APPI"Y TO YOUR PRO.IECI'T' &l Att Garage (sF) 576 E oet Garage (SF) - {!6 Porch (sr) E Sunroom (SF)D Pool(SF)! Storage shed (SF)_ E Greenhouse (SF)El oeck (sF)tr Other (SF) TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROO! Aot ptoposed wotkl 11s31g6; 1732 HSF Unheated: 1058 TOIAI PROJECT COST (l-ess Lot):s ?52 860.00 ls the proposed work chanting the number of bedrooms? E Yes 0 No ls any Electrlcal, Plumblnt or M€chanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure O Yes fl No lf the project is a R€locatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes D No ls there Electrical Poweron this Building? E Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy:(S single Family E Dupler E Townhouse Description of Work: Construct ne\ry single family residence laws and ordanance5 and.egulations- lhe NHC Oevrlopment Servlcei C€nter willbe notified of eny chanSes in the efrprovrd pl.ns and sp€aifhatbnJ o. change in contractor informatbn. "'Nort: Any work performed vrithout the appropriate p€rmitr willbe in viol.tbn of the NC State BldS code and subiect to fines up to $500.00... Owner/Contra gtel; Reed Thompson Signature: "Licensed Quoliliet" ls the property located in a floodplain? 0 Yes Etr No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft New tmpervious Area: .1,355 sq rt WATTR: E CFPUA tr Community System El Private SE f] CFPUA !unity System E Private Zone:setuacrs (r) lO' ( Approval:ciry:[[L,M oate:))b'l( rtooo 4AZ "& Comment:o' Application Numbea (oflt.e ure) ls the proposed work chanBing the existing footprint? [] Yes E No NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SAFETY 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE - SUITE 170 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 Telephone: 910.798.7308 Fax: 910.798.781 I Internet : www.nhcgov.com 4 to 7 WORKING DAYS TURNAROUND TIME FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE t,Laurie A Behrens , am submitting an application for a residential I have attached an official proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. lf the application is correct and complete with the required drawings, and if there are no corrections or revisions to plans and drawangs, and if there are no further clarifications required by New Hanover County; New Hanover County can guarantee that the building permit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submittal date/time (the stamped date/time notation made by the Building Safety Department on the application or submittal document). I understand that the 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days only begins when the apDlication is s ubmitted praor to 4:30 pm on any working-day. Signed in acknowledgment: : a c a I aurie A Behrens 02122/20l8 Signature Printed Name 4534 Old Towne Street(LOT 104) Date STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING building permit to New Hanover County. And, as the applicant or person submifting the application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: tr I have attached an official CFPUA receipt or document that has acknowledged an approval of the payment made to CFPUA. tr I have attached an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington. Address for the proposed residential work: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLI CATTON TY PE : RESIDENTIAL PLEAsE AN5WER ALL QUESIIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO'EO ?rolcct Rcsponilblllh/ 2bt(- Jo3) 18-s28 Apdk tion Number (office us.) Anchor Hornes, LLC Drte:2-19.18APPTICA'{T'S NAMEI PRO'ECT ADDRESS:'I 108 Baldwin Park DriYe cmf. Wilmlnglon LOT fi: 1$21p. 28,411 St BDtvtstoNr Anchors Bend pRopEiTy owNER,5 x41y6. Anchor Homes, LLC OwNER,s ApDRES5. 302 Jefierson Street, Suite 180 PHOflE r. 910-821€398 CITY. Raleigh z/P. 27605 CONTMCTOR: RH McOlure Builders of SBl, LLC 8tm ucE sE r. 74404 ADDRESS: 302 Jefierson Street, Suite 180 61n. Raleigh 51. NC 21p. 27605 EMAtt ADDRESS: lynette@foreverhomellc.com PHoNE. 91G279,3403 PRO' ECT COI{TACT PERSO N:PHoNE.910-279-3403 D Sunroom (SF) _ B Greenho6e (SF) I Pool(SF) D Deck (SF) D Storage Shed (SF)_ E other (sF)Patio-238 ls the proposed work changin8 the €xistant footprint? D Yes E No TOTAL Sq FT UNDERROOF Vor proposed workl B@lr,dl 3363 TOTAI, PROTECI @ST (Less [ot): S 28s,000.00 ls the propos€d worl changinS the number of bedrooms? D Yes E I{o lsanyEl.ctrlc.l,PlumblngorMech.nkalurortbei;gdonetot$eAccessoryStru.tureEyarENo fftheprojectisaRclocatlon,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurentsite?trYGaENo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Y6 tr Xo Pioperty use/ occupancy: E slngle Famlly E DuplGx E Tohmhou* Oescrlpti on of Work New residential construclion laws .nd ordinencer and Ggubtio.ri- The llHC t)Gt/llopmlnt Scrvk6 Gnte, will ba noti6.d of.ny ch.ngB in thr .ppro€d plrns and 3pccificnbns o. ahan3! in @ntr.clor inrorm.tion. "'NOTE: Any worl p.rfonnad wfthout thr appropri.tr pc.mfu *ill ba in vldation of the t{C State to fin6 up t4 59@.00"' Owner/contractor: Roberl W. Jordan Si ature:-LIc.ntcd Qvolifi.t" Prlnt rl/r,ma ls theproperty located ina floodplain? D Yts E ifo Existlnt lmpewious Ar.r. '12039 sq Ft Totel Acr6 Dburted: New lmpervleus Arcs; 3779 &Ft Existln8 l,and Dbturbing Permh: E Yes E o WATER: E CFPUA El Community System D Private Well E Centrelwe[ E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E Community System E Private Septic E Centralseptic E Aqua zonc: _ Ofllccr .- sctb.d(s (F| _ (tH) _ (RHl _ (B) _ Approvrl: _ Crty: _ D.te; _ rbod: (Al _(Vl _ (t{} _ BFE+2ft= _ Commanc Pcmit FGG: S t444 oo 'I ft :l l: Robert Jordan EXlSIlt{G CO SIRUCnOT{: O Aheration E Renovation fl Gen.ral Repairs t{EW COflSrRUCTKTT{r El Erect New R€sidence f) Addition to Existint Residence E Relocation taa aa Gl ltt carage (sr) $1 E D€t cara8c (sF) - El rorch (sr) 3S gnh..L6, 227 (e6-JollPrlnt NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATI1N IYPF: COMMERCIAL PI,EASE ANSWER ALL QIJESTIONS APPLICABL,E IO YOUR PRO]ECI "Project Responsibility" L7 -29L3 A-PPLrcATroN Number (offlce Use) - DATE: 8/30 /17APPLICANT'5 NAME: Rhetson companies / rnc. DEVELOPER: Par 5 Development cloup, LLC PRO] ECT A : Dalrson Street (406) oCCUPANT/BU5INE55 NAME: Dorlar ceneral PROPERTY oWNER'S NAI4E: Par 5 DeveLopnert croup, LLc oWNER'S AoDRESS: 2075 Iuniper Lake Road CONTRACTOR: Rhetson companie6, Inc, ADDRESS: 2075 Juniper Lake Road PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Teresa Retirnerga (ch.(k Alr rhat Apply) PHONE S: 910-944-0881 GENERAL REPAIRS D- No lS BLDG S trPRIN RELOCATION KLERED'D_ YesD SHELL UPFI T ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE wilmington PHONE S:910-944-0881 ZIP i 2a4ar PHONE f: 9r0-944-088r 5T: Nc ZIP:2?3?6 ST: NC ZIP: 27376 PHoNE S: 9r0-44-0BB1 LICENSE S: 55e28 CITY: west and EXIST CON lf Relocation No STRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION , is lhere a Natural Gas Line on the urrent Site?D ES NEIlJ CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEN STRUCTURE FAST TRACK ACCESSORY 5TRUCTI.JRE : If UPFIr - The Shell Penmit ,r:Yes IX8fi'DESIGN PROFESSIoNAL; Hood Helring; John c. Hood PH'. 2s2 -399 -21 00 NC REG *:31684 !- xlllian Engineer-lng; Michael Killarl PH:75r:4tl]--t77tr NC REG #: 17104 Is Elect Power on this Building o NOD ENGR OESIGN PROFESSIONAL Site plans-Norris and Tu@-36qf- DESCRIPTI0N OF l^loRK: Propsed construction of a Dollar cenelaL ---@UA'-d OWNER/CONTRACTOR: Brian clodf elrer SIGNATURE TOTAL PROJECT COSTI $3 6s,000 BU|LD|NG HEtcHT. r8 feer # OF LJNITS: 1 SQ FT PER FLF: 9100 # OF STORIES: 1 #OFSTRUCTURES:1 f OF FLOORS: 1 EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? DYES E No NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: 31,200 SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT CONDO OTHEI ... SEPARATE PERMIIS NEOUIRED FOR EIECT, MECH. PLBG, GAS EOUIP. PREFABS E INSERTS PAYMENI [IETHOD:Icasu @ cHecr 1er ln The Floodplain' No ng Code and all olhe. applicable Slale rhe soecllicatlons Bldg Code and IFICAT ON cAN ExPRESS [_ ucnrrsn p_ orscoven COi,4MUNITY SYSTEMI T-l WELL J_.1 ZONING USE CLASS CENTRAL SEPTTC E i'R1VATE SEPITC 3?OUl,,rUr'rrrV ZONE FFIC Approval City H RH*,{ fLu.rGa /ilI(FLOOD L^-N PE BFE+2ft..- RMIT FEE: I ATE UBMITTING IHIS APPLICATION MEANS THAT THE SUEMITTAL CHARGE IS NON-REFUNDABLE Comment *DISCLAIM Cily lnpeclron Requreo, 9lS2S4S0) Clear Form eMall CITY: t{e8t End EMAIL ADDRESS : teresa€rhetsoncompanies . com trt'lr. rs THIS A CHANGE OF oCCUPANCY USE?D yES p ttO r**** IF Yes, what was the Previous occupancy Typel _ l.lhet ls thi New occupancy wilh lhe State be contain Asbeslos or nol. You aro required localllho Nalional Emisslon Standards for Hazardols Air Pollurants (NESHAP)sr (919)707-5950 at l€ssr 10 days prior ro th€ demollllon olanyfaclllty or bulldino. See Asbestos Web Slrer hxpJi/vwv.opl.st6t6.nc.uJepi/asbosiogahmp.hhl TOTALAREASQFT: 9IOO pRopERry usE: EoFFrcE ! nesrauner.rr p r,lencnNrLe l-1 eoucl-l eerf[ rOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROO[: el0o ACRES DISTURBEDT .e6 WATERi SEWER: SYSTEIVI ESFEUi E ^L a. ffi \#fr- Application (office use) APPLICANT'S NAME:Nl.,t-!c-Date 6-1'AtqAe-t LANF CITY: hl\.rvt) htt-l /..J L ZIPPROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISIONT \rMMe(LLJ/r.k LOT f lrz PROPERTY OWNERS I{AME:5-l)€h6rt . LLL PHONE #: Ak-u 4(2 - /4 t "OWNER's ADDRESST btct<OL€A pt)('L Aa-1-,r<€.7or CITY: U-l zlP:7t*a3 ?n", o,Gurn-,-r,,u , t-L L SLDG LICENSE #:tlL 7y1o4CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS:bl ( ocao-a<n 0,t . 1td€ ?::>r CITY ST:Iq ZIP: Ze+b 3 EMAIL ADDRESS:enfii PHoN€: 4( o 4<; . PROJECT CONTACT PERSON It",Au-.u PHONE 4to 774 - it3t EXISTING CONSTRUCTIO : E Alteration E Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTIO : ( EreA New Residence D Addition to Existjng Residence D Relocation "'PI"EASE CHECI( AND ANSWER BELOW ALt THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT'}** n Att Garage (SD Z4o tr Porch (SF) E Sunroom (5F)! Storage Shed (SF)_ E Greenhouse (SF) t4 ro tr Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n yes ! No TOrAt Sq FT UNDERR@F (for proposed workl Heated: l.<7.3 unh""t"d: Z4o TOTAT PROJECT COSr (Less Lot): 5 I La aeo .* Paeu,o,..., Aao% l1o n Other (sF) ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ! yes /No ls any Electrical, PlumbinS or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure I Ves y'ruo lf the p.olect is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? tr yes gl No lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? tr Yes dNo Property Use/ Occupancy: - Single Family I Duptex / Townhouse 16FEB l8 t B: ? 1q1'1 Description of Work: R -riw^, th,i € (2r.r4.J,<€6- B!€AEA$ \b- ?l"34 oISCLAIMER: I hereby ce(iry that allthe information in thls application is correct and attwork wt I compty with the State itd laws and ordinances and regulattons. The NHc Development services center wi be notified of any changes in the ap information. **'NorE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits wiI be in viotation of the Nc state 8td8 owner/contractor: 4oro- L 0e -n"-rl.Signature: "Licensed Quolifier" Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? ! Ves d]{o Existing lmpervious Area: o 5q pg New lmpervious Area| ASb SqFt Existing Land Disturbing permit: g/yes ! No WATER: E( CFPUA E Community System D private We E Centratwe E Aqua SEWER: gf CFPUA E Community System E Private Septic E Centrat Septic D Aqua zone: fiFL c0 Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ Crty: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ end all other applicable State and local specifications or chan8e in contractor to lines up to 5500.00+t' TotalAcresDisturbed: o,Dl Permit Fee: S NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE : REStDENTtAt- PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICABTE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility, 2atg-2614- r-[. D Det Garage (SF)_ ! Pool (sF)_ Comment: ffi Ni., +S-4qre Application (offic€ use) o"t, zlbfb{APPLICANT'S NAME:lve PROIECT ADDRESS: suBDtvtstoN: M CITY tP,'Z i 1 o /^n e tLr) ALV 4o EJ LOT f: ll L PROPERTY owNEPS taAME: 5"^-"N"<c,t'ccnr . LLc PHONE {: Aru 4(2 - t4 r "OWNER'S ADDRESSI bto<OLtA,)o{'L l)L ar.( € Znl CIT\I: At,-t-,..|1.. ,! L Ztp: ?t{o3 ?.".,.,C* rn *.r,.u ,l-LLCONTRACTOR ADDRESS:(t CITY[0( a caa- o<,a-04 l.Jl _l 7n\ en1'uEMAIL AODRESS: PROjECT CONTACT PERSON lL"*o EXISTING CONSTRUCTIO : Ll Alteration D Renovation ! Generat Repairs/NEW CONSTRUCTIOI{: El Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence n Retocation ..'PI,"EASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALI. THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*** X Att Garage (SF) Z4o E Sunroom (sF)_ ! Greenhouse (SF) D Det 6arage (SF)_ I Storage Shed (SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n yes n No TOTAT SQ FT UNDEiAOOF Vor proposed workl Heatedl unheated: Z4a TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S de.* L".. n Pool (SF) n Deck (SF)D Other (sF) tzo ls th€ proposed work chantinS the number of bedrooms? tr yes E/No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structu re D yes lf the project is a Relocation, istherea NaturalGas Line on thecurrentsite? ! V"r Jlo ls there Electrical Power on this Euilding? I yes dNo Property Use/ Occupancy: D Single Family fl Duplex / Townhouse ?eq /ro t6FEB l8 1E: ?0fl Description of Work v,o!qlrr A002ou6 -fiw.. r+er.€. FrlA! t 3e€BUJ€A qa$ \b- 21j4 OlSClalMtR: I hereby canifY that allthe informatlon in thls applicatlon is correct and allworl wittcompty wrth the State Code and all other applcable State and local s and specifications or chanSe in contractorlaws and ordrnances and regulatlons. The NHC Development Services Center will be notifled of any changes rn the a pl ,nlormatio6. "'NOTt: Any worl p€.form€d without the appropriate permits will be in vrotation of the NC State TotalAcres Disturbed: e a\ subject to frne5 up to 5500.00"' Owner/Contractori 4or.- A 0r-n.,g Signature: "Licensed Quoliliet" Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? n Yes g/No €xisting lmpervious Area: o 5q P1 New lmperv ious Area: A<b Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E/Yes fl No WATER: Ef CFPUA fl Community System E Private We[ D Centrat Well n Aqua SEWER: gf CFPUA E Community System E Private Septic E Centratseptic E Aqua Zone: fi(l .D Offfcer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ Clty: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (v) _ (Nl _ BFt+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: S NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ryPE.. RESI DENTIAT PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility', 2el8)cqb BLDG UcENsE #. N. ?<oa rl,Sr: At ZlP. ZC4u\ PHONE: 4( o C52 . r.i/, PHONE: 4r c 7'14 - jtl t tr Porch {5F)_ l1o ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CATION fyPEi RESt DENTTAL PLEASE ANSWER ALt QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility,, 2,ot6 "Zoqq &-4ru (olfrce ure) APPLICANT'S NAME:?,NI., (,-.Date ?.t4aot-fana4615K 1-1i\tg CIW: ri,.*, - n*-NC ZIPPROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDTVtStON:a rr I PRoPERTYowNEFs AME: 5"^Dr.1tt -ntr,,trt . LLL PHoNE f : q"" 4(t . t4 t. OWNER'S ADDRESSZ GTOS OII 4,rt)tL 04-. 1.r<€. 7,or ClTl llt*,".t-t--zlP 7(*o1 ?n"..,6- ,n *. n o..I LLCCONTRACTOR ADDRESS:blol oce,.-rr.n 04 J.rr{A,o,",.arz.- ST: x.BLDG LICENSE *{L qAoZ AP: Ze4o 3EMAII ADDRESS PROJECT CONTACT PERSOiI:It."4r,... EXISTING CON5TRUCnO : tr Alteration D Renovation ! General Repairs/NEW CONSTRUCTIOT{: g Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation ..IPLEASE CHECI( AND ANSWER BETOW ALI, THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*'* f Att Garase (SF) Z4o E Storage Shed (5F)_ I Greenhouse (SF)D other (SF) ls the p.oposed work changing the existing footprint? D yes ! No rOTAl. SQ FT UNDERROOF (Jor proposed work) Heatedi 1.4 i vnheatea; Z4o TOIAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S tLo OI)e . ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? n Ves E/to ls any Electrical, Plumblnt or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structu re ! v", g/no lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? D yes g/ o ls there Electrical Power on this Building? I Yes EfNo Property Use/ Occupancy: E Sinde Family ! Duplex d Townhouse D Oeck (SF) t1o i 6FEE lg lSr?8ff Description of Work! 4 !err<!!r A|4Aodr> -rt +{!-€ 7r,$.r r 3ta Btl,€.A tAt\ \Q'7t34 OISCIAIM€R: r hereby certiry th.t allthe tnformaion in thts appltcalon is correct and al work wi comply with the laws and ordrnances and regulatlorls. Th€ NHC D€velopment S€Mces Center will be notified of any changes rn theinlormation. "'NOTE: Ahy urork performed without the epproprtate permits wiI be in vrotation of rhe NC State Bt TotalAcresDisturbed: a.D\ State Burldr ode and all other app|cable State and iocal d and specifiaations or change in contractor bject to fines up to 5500.00... owner/Contractor 4or.-, A 0,^'1rS Signature: "Llcensed Quolifier" Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? tr Yes dlllo Existing lmpervious Area: __12_- 5q Ft New lmpervious Area: C9b SqFt Exlsting Land Disturbint Permit: E/yes fl No WATER: d CFPUA D Community System E Private Well a Centrat We E Aqua SEWER: g( CFPUA E Community System E Private Septic X Centrat Septic ! Aqua/\zone: rhlu (coJ Officer _ Setbacks (Fl _ (t-H) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ Clty: _ Date: _ Flood; (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: 5 LOT H: CITY I PHONE: 4r o 4(2 . I.{ro PHONE 6,r <- 7'?4 - jtl r D Det Garage (SF)_ D Pool (SF)_ ! Porch {SF)_ :l Sunroom (5F)_ ) ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTTAL PTTASE ANSWER AII QUESIIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROIECT "Project Responsibility" \.^-1,11L/ N L ?pt&2P4 rS--+t5 {office use) ZtP:'Z(Ao1 APPLICANT'S NAME:NI.,Lr9 Date PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDtvtstoN: M I5 CITY: [.1 LOT #uo PROPERTY OWNEPS MME: 1'^-.*)<"d, ,t*c*t .LLL PHONE#: Arr 4<t - t4t" OWNER'S ADDRESS:(,\o< OLtrt N'o|L AL lrn € ?,nt CITY: Ir(ZIP:7(t+01) CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: o 1€...1 (,,*, t-L L BLDG LICTNSE #rJt <Y bto1 o ca p- txa- O,t . 1)t<< ?;,\CITY Sf At Zlp: ZC4o7 EMAIL ADDRESS:PHONE: 4r o 4<,'t4ro PROJECT CONTACT PERSOT{:lL,0ru-.u PHoNE: 4t <, 7'?1 - it EXISTING CONSTRUCTIOT{: fl Alteration D Renovation ! Generat Repairs 1/NEW CONSTRUCTIOT{: E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence n Retocation .'*PIIASE CHEC(ANDANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTI" ! Att Garage (SF) Z4o D Det Garage (SF)_ :l Sunroom {5F) E Greenhouse (5F)D Deck (SF)l1a ls the proposed work changinS the existinB footprint? D yes D No TOTAT Sq FT UNDERROOT Vor proposed wort) Heated:Gl unheated: z4o IOTAL PROIECT COST (Less Lot): S tLa @e.* ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? A t". g/ro ls any Electrical, Plumblng or Mechanlcalwork being done to the Accessory Structure D ves g(no lf the project is a nebcation, isthere a Natural Gas Line on the current site? D yes f/ no ls there Electrical Pow€r on this Building? tr yes gfNo Property Use/ Occupancy: E Sintle family n Duplex E/ Townhouse 7t I6FEB lg lgrZE Description of Work: Pae,,orq'-, AOOe"3(.e Bw€cEAr" \ t<.- ?t3q olSCtalMER: I here by .ertify that all the informatlon in thls applicatlon is corr€ct and allwork wi compty wrth the Stat€ B I d€ and all other applcable State and iocallaws and ordinancer and r.guhtlona. The NHc Dcvelopm.nt se tces center wil be notified of any changes In the appro specifications or chanSe in contractor to fines up to S5OO.0O'.'rnlormation. "'NorE: any wort pc.formed without the approprtate permats wil be in vrotataon of rhe Nc state Btdg Own€r/Cont.actol: "Licensed Quolilier' 4or..o A . Qe-n-.g Signature: ls the property located in a floodplain? tr yes g/No Existing lmpervious Area: O Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbedi O . D \ New lmpervious Area: A9o Sq Ft Existint Land Disturbing Permit: g/Ves f] ruo WATER: y' CFPUA E Community System D Private We[ D Centrat We f] Aqua SEWER: gfCFPUA E Community System E private Septic D Centrat Septic D Aqua zone' rrr fr. (co) Officer: - setbacks (F) - (rH) - (RH) - (Bl _ Approval: _ Clty: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ l, -f!w.., t+Dh€ fo.c.., t Commenl:Permit Fee: S rl. D Pool (SF)_ tr Porch (SF)-- ! Storage Shed (SF)_ tr Other (SF)_ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT ApplrcATto rypsr RESIDENTIAL pllAsE r.ltsl{ER arl QlJEsrtoNS AppLIC.AaLt rc YOUR PROJECT -project Respons-tb,*ta, 9pt8 tSAT APPLICATION l&abep (oFEc" us.) APPLTCANT'S tlAME: DEVELOPER:OATE| 7 - /< 'PHO+{E #:PRO]ECT ADDRESS: SUBOTYIsION : CfTY: r'-r , t.l.'.r^16 I(N,ZIP: '. t,t , i ELOCK #: LOT r: PROPERTY O{.J',IER'S llA E: \I'..i 2,"o, . , O,TNER'S ADoRESS; CONTRACTOR: '' ,-t, ADDRESS; suNRoo4 _sF fl eoor_ _ sr GREEMTOJSE _ SF [oecr --- sr PrcNE r, ?a 1.i..i;.1i CITY:l. ,,r\rr'{brn^r \.1 ( ST: jl: Ap: il4j Z LICET'IS E #:ACCOUMT *: CITY:ST: BU: ZIP: .-'.,,' ;t . PIKNE #: PIONE *: O ta', . r sTGeGE SHED _ sF oTtlE R :SF t765 lr()ef \i ir.eS r a_ :)ETATL ADDRES5: PROJECT COtfrAcT prnson, NA \(e ansrI) xrsrrrus coiETRUCTlo : fi alrenarrolt ! aelrovanot I c elrrnar_ REparRs n RETOCATTON ]{E!'l coiETRucEon: I enrcr Ehi RESTDEmE o" fl *** TO fitsrr G RESTDELCE ..PLEASE CHEC( A'D AIIS TR BELot ATL T}IAI A.PPLY TO YOUR PRO'ECT: ATT GARAGE _ sF f] orr elneee sF D poRcH _ sF qlSCLAn€Ft lns€ay 6it ttrt.I hb.naior i. ni€.pplc.lo. b @r.Dd dlwkyi! claCy witl tl. SED &ilOhs Gdo..d an oto.apgL.bt g.Drd tac.i r6wca0 od.aicas ani Dlulai.rE lh. NHC Doll€tophanr Ssrvi.e, ConBr lril ba mlt6d ot.nychag.. n ln€.pplof,n dans 6nd tg.d or cnrg. n EnE*Dr o. Fho6 !h ro S5oc.ocr-conr*Dr l1biialo.. ."NOTE: A^y Work P6rf,rm6d w/O he ApF/oD.fdr permiEwlrll r Vrot aoo or ne NC SED BrdO Cogrt d Oi{NER/CONTRACTOR:SIGI TURE: *,t!t * r+r +1* *:i* ** *+** +* *,tt*+.*+.*a*,i* r:r rrl r *r 1'^t1 ^' ::P -'- DATE:.. ' ,1 . FLOOO: I' BE5'2ft. E,ii \',rS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLMDPLAIN?YE5 EXBTIT'G I}IPERWOUS AREA: -SQ FI TOTAL ACRdC DISTUREED: llEN IfiPERWOuS AREA: _ SQ FT SIST LAtD DISTIJRBII|G pERltIT: l--'1 yES n a{O lrarER: I cFpuA E copr,4uNrry svsrem f] pRrvATE ftELL ! carrml wer-l SEI'IER: $ CFPUA f] CENTRAL sEPTlc I enrvarr sEPTIc E CoWUNITY SYSTEI'] '.1 sEP4r.AT€ PERJ{ITS REQUIREO FOt ELEC7, AECti, PL86, GAS EqUIP, PREFAIS & I|SiERTS '.r pAynEilr r{ErHoo: E.*n E.rro< (PAYABLE To url [s:ul rccom E xc/vrsr I o:scoren .**r*** ** * r* *** r**.* ** *+*rrr++ r*++*,1*,at a*3:!t*t:t trB:tt+**!+r:t t it + at *:t ** **:t t r,: rt*r**r 13t*f *t,t*?r (FOA OrE<! rrs! CLY) ^ a- RaVr*D OAYZ AAlttl!2 EETBACKS: Fr \i, ' LH:--li- RH: ,'. B:L--),*r, I l( oEFrcER: -/ ADproval: / city a ,,, Cofinent: ^ i'.{m,!,-l { il(tn Ar At ( {(J;rr e ( r.,: (r-fcl6^ ) N PERI,IIT FEE: ' ,,.i,,T\.;, Ja '.:r:' BG ; l..u&. ? TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: H;N- TOTAL SQ FT UI{DER ROOT: :* TOTAL AREA SQ FT: :,.-;.i-, ToTAL PROlEcr COST rr-e r-ar : f rof e Al, # oF STORIES: ) , \f F rs Ary ELEcrRrcAL, pLuttBrlrt6 or ttEcHrl{rcll btork B€ing oorE to the accessory st.ucture? ftl'ves I HoIf the prpject is a Relocation, is there a Nayrnal Gas Llne on the Current Site? [Ves IHoIs there Eiectricai Power on this Building?Elves IloI PmPERTY rrsE / occtpffry: fi srnole FAr4rLy E DUpLp( E TG'iHAJSE .r!r I DESCRTPTTON OF ltoRl(: Attocne a\ rlrrro6e . r r, i\.\ Becl n)r:n-r n 54.i)90 ,n6- i8r-tNEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT frPLIqTroN rrpE: RESIDET{TIAL PLEASE AIISTIER AI.L qJES'I-IO 5 APPLICABLE ID YOUR PRO]ECTcproJect Res ponsibllitlp APPLICATION NlIDben (OFft.e Use) oATEt 7- lLl-t b APPLICAIT,S MflE: i) DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADDRESS: SUBDTVISIO : PROPERTY Oh[tIER, s T,IA..IE: Oi.JNERIS ADDRESS: CO TMCTOR: ADDRESS:J EIUlrL ADDRESS: PRO]ECT COiIIACT pERso]T: M\Keanqt Ptlo{rlE *: 6 o r../XIPI . Pa,7 BLOCK *: LOT *: _ PHo E +: 7c- aeq-.lzsf r'{ 6-rn ST: Na. ZLP: .7 t { i Z CITY: Crtat(A CITY3 C. ..PLEASE GHEC( ArD A SIIER BELOI ALL THAT Apply TO yoUR PRoJECT. GENEML REPATRS I nelocarroru TO trI5EI{6 RESIDEIICE sF E poRcH -sF I sronaee sHED _ sF OTHER:5F "r (ve,il No Site?fl v"t tr No AC@Ur'IT *3 ST:NCzrP:zfiLlO 3 PIIONE *: PKr E *: qV\- lLt -q,qb t'766 ,++/\rr i 4FEE 1S 4r?8P LTCElls E *: CITY: ocrsTfiic coNSrRUCrroit: $l nlrenarrolr ! ner,rovanor,r I t'rEhl coNsTRtErIoN, I enrcr Eht REsIDETicE or dnoorrrow I err e*nese _ sF l-l surunool <E l--l anea'u.to-sr (E I orr aenese I eool_ srI oecr _ sr TOTAL HEATED sQ TT:.Itt!..- ToTAL 5Q FT T,NDER RooT: H) ToTAL AREA sQ FT: TOTAT PROIECT CoST cessr_oo : $ io nr 0AA Xs Any ELECTRICALJ purlt8Mc or !|ECHAIrCA! HorkIf the pnoject is a Relocation, is there aIs there Electnical power on thj.s BuiLding pRopERTy rrsE / ocqJpANcy, p srnele rarulv # OF STORfES: 7 B€ing Done to thc Accessory Structur Nat/nal Gas Line on the Current I Flyes Eno I urer-a I rounua.rse 3rd ell aPplcable SEb.rld lo<al lar,€ or c,lang€ h contebr or Fln€e up To 35oO0C- rS ITE PROPERW LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAI}I}E PCISTI}IG IJIIPERIIIoIIS AREA: -sQ FT tlElu rIPERUIOIE AREA: _SQ FT OHNER/CO TRACTOR: ***+++**+)r+i:.rt************9Sl ZON E:ICER: Approval:City:L- DATE Cotflnent: EXIST LAIo DISTTTRBII|G pER,lITr l-l YES M' +*,***:t++* +++++* iE!.I5ED OAiE O4l11l12 B BF E+2ft= N MrER: Nl creua I com4wrry sysrEM E pRrvATE r,lELL ! cenrul uellsEr'rER: $l cFpuA D cENTRAL sEprrc I enrvare sEprrc - coyr"ruNrw sysrEM _t.lr 5^t .:3 SEPITATE PETAITS REqUIRED FOR ELEC?, TGCH, PLEG, GAS EqUtP, PREFABS & IIISERTs ..* PAYfiEt{T I.IETHOD:Ecern I cHEc( (IAvABLE ro rtttcl I err_l rcco;tyl E""l**I orscwen,*rt***i:* **.tit*:**,a*********!Fi.**,t**!a:t,t*++*;it*:ht*{!,!**,ti*d.:tst** :irhi.t :t+i :t:*:a*:t t * * it *:* *:t:t:c rt f :t*****,*.t (FOt orFtcE usE qt! F FLOOD: 1o' *, lD'nH: )t),2t t^rr /h ( tit,c.,,1r [lg9u ,fqrnt-r fr\ l\ur PER',ITT FEE: fI] i.\ 8t doo Ar Acrtnrn!* PAtI{,\[r--i ( rur (11116.. ) City nspection Reqrueo, 9 I S254-0901 2 /4 rr F- DESCRIPTTON OF NOR(: TOTAL DISTURBED; NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT AP P Ll CATI O N TY PE; RESTDENTTAL PLEASE ANSWER AU OUESTIONS APPLIO\BLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proi.ct R.rpqnsibility' lo/?- /827 Application Number {off}ce use) APPLICANTS NAME: f)I DCr,T 6 D.re.7 tr5.oatt.r Date PROJECT ADDRESSI _&'r'<Nar^rV rrV CITY: SUBDIVISION; PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:r\\r')n.)rct Pere.Z Poro t tcr PHoNEf: (tltJ-1QQ-6 OWNER'S ADDRESS: ?fj(.)6 N}.-IAI\L\Y\<PHr<-CITY zlPr) Rr{ [2 CONTRACTOR: N ADDRESS:clTY: !U.r ^rrN6'roN Sr: M- Zrp: .zkt{ l7 EMAIt ADDRESST PHONE:o r/\-ro11 Sq PROJECT CONTACT PERSON I PHONE: EXISTING CONSIRUCnON: . Alteration = Renovadon E Gencnl Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: [] Erect New Residence d Addltion to Existtng Residence D Retocation .*'PLEAsE CHEC(ANDA!{S *. x AftGaraSe(sF)- E Drtcaragc {sF)- tr porch(sF)- n Sunroom (SF)_ E ercenhouse {SF) tr Pool (sF) tr Dcck (sF) E Storagc Shed (SF) _ I ono lsry-- \;1G6 ls thr proposed work changing the existing footprint? E ycs E No ToTAt sq FI UNDERR@F Vor proposed wol.k) H.rt.d: _ Unhe.t.d: _ rorAL PRoJEcr cosr (iess r-ot): g-{4Q1$l[_ ls the proposed work chanting the number of bcdrooms? [ Vcr D f.f o ls .ny Elcctrlcrl, Plumbing or Mechanlcar work bcrng doneio the Acclssory st.ucture y' vcr tr No lf the proiect is a Rrlocation, is therc a Natulal Gas Une on thc current site? tr yrs E, No lsthere Electrlcrl Power on this Buitding? fl yc: El No ProFrty Ur!/ Occupancy:E single ily E Duplex E Townhoute l'ws lnd ordin'n"t rnd reSul.tions The NHc DsvrloPmcnt sarvic.r canta. e/ill ba notifi.d of an - ch.ntes in the apprdred phis rno .pcciruetons o, ch.r€e in contractorinformation "'NorE: Anv worl Plrformed witiout the.ppropriet. pcrmiti witl b€ in vi;tation of th. Nc sbte Btdg cod! and.!bj!ctto fn.! up to Sso.oo.*r or^mcr/Contrtctor: "Lic.rscd Quolifiat" Signature: 15 the property located ir a floodptain? tr Ves X ruo Exidin8 lmprrvlou3 Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpcrviqui Atea:l.1t)Sq Ft Exlrtlnt Land Disturbing pcrmlt: E ycs E No WATERT F CFPUA D Community System E private Welt B Central Well fl Aqua S€WEn: ! CFPUA E Community Systrm E prlvate Septic E Ccntralseptic D Aqua Zon.: _ Otficer: _ Satb.cks (F) _ {t}t} _ (RH) _ (B) _Approvtl:_ city: _ D.tr:_ Floodr (A) _ (V) _ (N) .BFE+2'E_ Comnant: Croro3 FiYSt 2nd e ,-11 rq & ft 560 sqef F\eor (,q-t \ et Permh Foe:9 J.\ =; j::, ar: r6iil7 BLDG LICENS€ S: Qto-a:r -.)Cl(cl Ocscriptlon ol Work: Clear Form Print NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLTCATION IYPE: COMMERCIAL PTEASE AI{SII,ER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECI "Project Responsibility" ,OK.@t A T ON Number (office Use) APPLICANT'5 NAI'IE: Rhetson conpanies, rnc.DATE: 8/30 / t1 DEVELOPER: Par 5 Development croup, LLc PRO]ECT A : Dar,rson Street (406) oCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAmE: Dollar General OIIJNER',S ADDRESS: 2075 Juniper Lake Road CONTRACToR: Rhetson Conpanies. IBc. ADDRESS: 20?5 Juniper Lake Road E}IAIL ADDRESS : tere6aerhetsonconpanies. cotr PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSoN: teresa Remnenga Wilnington PHoNE #:910-944-0881 ZIP | 2B4or CITY: west End PHoNE #: 910-944-ogB1 ST: NC ZIP: 273?6 LICENSE #: 55928 CITY: west End ST: NC ZIP: 273?6 PHONE #:910-44-0881 PHoNE *: gro-gaa-bs81 rs THrs A CHANGE oF occupANcy usE?D yEs @ No **+** IF Yes, what r.ras the Prevlous occupancy Type? _ Whrt ls th- ew 0ccupancy If UPFIT - The SheLl Penmi.t $:Is Elect Po!'rer on thls Building D Yes D NO DESIGN pROFESSIONAL: Hood terringi John c. Hood NC NC REG #: 31684 REG f : TII0iI- ln The Floodplain' No nq Code and allor OWNER/CONTRACTOR: Brian clodfelter SIGNATURE conlain Asb€slos or nol. You are requirod to call ths Natlonal Emlsslon Slandards fo( Hazardous Ak Pollul,ants (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 at least 10 days prior to lh€d€rnolitbn of any facility or buildang. Se€ Asbes.tos Web Site: hnp:fi./,,wr.€pi.stals.nc.us/eprasbegos,/atynp.htrnl TOTAL PROJECT COST: S35s/000 BU|LDING HETGHT: 18 feer #oFUNITS: 1 TOTAL AREA SA ff ; 91OO SO FT PER FLR. 91OO #OFSTORIES: 1 TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: e100 ACRES DISTURBED: . s 6 WATER SEWER SYSTEM r?1a CFPUA CFPUA COMMUNITY SYST CENTRAL SEPTIC T-1 WELL TlZONING USE CL F R'lvArE seerrc SlTorauururw # OF STRUCTURESI f OF FLOOBS SETBACKS: F: LH. RH .1 EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? DYES E NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: 31,200 SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA PROPERTY USE:OFFICE ! nesrnunnrur Bl r'rencer,rrlr-e l-1 EDUC APT CONDO OTHEI El\4 ," SEPARATE PERMIIS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP, PREFABS 6, INSERIS SQ FT ASSIFICATION PAYMENT METHOD: DCASH @ CHecr leevnBLE To NHC) $eUenrcnu ExpREss D-(FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY)ZONE: OFFICER ,;;$" DISCOVER lt *'Approval City: DATE FLOOD Comment N PERMIT FEE: I{*DISCLAIMER:SUBI4ITTING THIS APPI-I CATIO N IlEANs THAT THE U I TIAL CHARGE IS NON - RE FUNDAB L E eMall PROPERTY OWNER'5 NAME: Par 5 Development croup, LLC (Check AII That Apply) ExIsr coNsTRUcTIoN: E ALTERATIoN n RENoVATIoN J-l GENERAL REPAIRS l-l RELoCATIoN lf Relocation, is there a Natl]ra-l cas Line on thetdnent Site? D vF11 ruo ts aloc sp--RtNxLERED@_ yes$_ No NEr.r coNsrRucrroN: El EREcr NEr,,r srRUcruRE f] rasr rRAcK fl SHELL n upFrr fl ADD ro Exrsr srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: TvDe? ARTH - PHt 252-399-2700 E r{6R DE s IGN PRo F ESSIoNA L :,@ P H tZBT:-TT BA77E- !i!e plans-Norris and Tun@-364T- DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Propsed construction of a Doltar General wiIh the Slate State soecillcationsBldg Cod€ and (o!allfi€r) E ffi ^-t(c-. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP LICATION TYPE. RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility'' AotkLofl1ffi. Application (office use) APPI.ICANT,S NAME PROJECT ADDRESS: a D 4LztP SUEOIVISION: -fi o/ (I-OT H: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: PHONE S - ztt-0 ctw ztP CONTRACIO ADD R ESS: R -/h tf atHeAcrt^/i Jc BtoG t-t2Ao2 AZeZr../ ?,t tt o CITY EMAIL ADDRESS:PHONE PROJECT CONTACT PERSON ErrEr f/A rf EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration g/nenovation ! Generat Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: ! Erect New Residence E Additionto Existing Residence E Relocation i''PIEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW AI.I. THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT"' ! Att Garage (5F)_E Det Garage (SF)_! Porch (5t) E Sunroom (SF)! Pool (5t) ! Greenhouse {SF)_ E Storage Shed (SF)_ D Other (SF)! Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? O yes Wrt TOTAT PRO.IECr COST (Less Lot): S ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? a yes W{6 ls any Electrical, Plumbint or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Str ucture a yes dno lftheproject is a Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? ! yes E/ilo ls there Electrical Power on this Buildin Ct g/Yes a no 6FtE 1S l0 3 46r r Property Use/ Occu 6,dnete Family ! DuplexE Townhou 5e Description of Work:k/ 6(,ick laws and ordinances and re8ulations. The NHC Development Servic€s Centerwill be notified of any changes in the approved plans and spe€ifi€ations orchan8e in contractor informataon. "'NOTE:any work p€rformed without the appropriete permits will be in violation of the NC State BldS Code and subject to fines up to S500.0O... Owner/Contractor:Sitnature: 'Licensed Quolifre/ Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? f: Ves Vt Existlnt lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acr€s Disturbed: New lmpervious Arear _SqFt Existint Land Disturbint permit: ! yes n No WATERT g/CFPUA f] Community System fl Private We f] Central We E Aqua SEWER: E/CFPUA n Community System ! Private Septic D Centratseptic ! Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (Bl _ Approval: _ City: _ Date:_ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ (L /*fit' Comment:Permit Fee: S $(3 CITYI etoNe,To - 5t2--7/t7 TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF Aor proposed wo*) Heated: _ Unheated: Ai' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CAIIOII TYPE.. RESTDENTIAL PLEASE AI{SXER ALL QUESIIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility'' ?aY* 2 e? d;Iia;;6i, Number (office use).& DEVELOPER: APPLICAI{T'S l,lAIqE: Kay and wayde Clark DAfEt 2/t3 /2ot\ CITY: wllminqton, NC PK,{E *: 704-504-sG1s PROIECT ADORESS: 1819 Market street SUBDIVISIO:!_or r' _ PK)NE $: 7 04 -604 -55L5 BLOCK #: PROPERTY ohNER'S MltE: Kay and wayde clark ohlllER'S ADORESS: 1819 Market street CITY: wilminqton C0 TRACTOR: sDr construc L ion Inc.LICENSE f: 3oo3r ADDRESS: 19 01 Kenr streeL CITY: wi lminqton ST:qZIP:.4 EIIIAIL ATDRESS: info@sdiconstruction.ner PHONE #: 910-763-8333 PROIECT CO{TACT PERSoN: Beth Pancoe PHo E *: 910-443-53s1 EXISTII{G COT{STRUCTION:ALTERATION R E NOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION NEtl CONSTRUCTION:tr ERECT NEW RESIDETJCE oT ADDITIOiI TO EXISTII{G RESIDENCED **PLEASE CHECK At{D AI{SWER BELoi, ALL THAT APPLY TO YotrR PROIECT: f] err ennace - sF DET GARAGE 5F ! eoncrr - sF SUNROOM 5F ! eoor-5F STORAGE SHED e, Q' ..r)c\id o- cid:==)G<l)d. He.ir(J SF SFGREENHOUS E SF DECK SF OTHER: TOTAL HEATED SQ FT:3ooo TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOFs 3000 TOTAL AREA SQ FT:3000 TOTAL PROIECT COST 1re." r-oq : $ zs,soo * OF STORIES: 2 Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLU!,IBII{G or iTECHA ICAL Work Being Done to the Accessory Structure? [ V"r f] Uo If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site?I Yes E r,o Is thene Electrical Power on this Euilding?I ves f] to PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY:SI NGLE FAI.II LY f| ouelrx ! rourr,+ouse DESCRIPTION OF hIORK : Rework pl unlbi nq, elecrric.and heat inq and air, attic sDace inaulated, and new sheetrock i.n various locations DISCLAIMEFt lhereby cerlify fi at all infrrm aton in his applicalion as conecl and allworkwil complywih he Slale Building Code and alloher applicable StaE and odanances and regulatons, The NHC Devebpmenl SeNices CenEr willbe notfed ofany changes in fie approved specifications orchange contacbr anbrmaton. 'r'NOTE: Any Work Perbrmed W/O fre AppropriaE Pemitswillbe in Vlolatlon of rhe NC StaE and jecl t) 0IIIIIIER/COI{TRACTOR: Etizaberh H. pancoe :l,l:** ***:l,l:I + )r* + + * * ** *** **** *(I11ll Jil'J ** **** ** ** **, *,* ,* ,* ,t ,* ,* *,* ,r ,t *,t + ,i ,1* ,i ,t ,* ,t IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOOOPLAIN?YES I EXISTING II1PERVIOUS AREA: n/a TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: n/a NElrl IIiPERVIOUS AREA: n/a EXIST LAND DISTURBI G PERfiIT:flves li']ruo MrER: @ creun ! cor4l4uNrTy svsrrm ! pRrvATE r.rELL I crurnal well SEUER: I crnua ! CENTRAL sEpTrc I enrvarr srerrc COI4MUNIW SYSTEM :t:i:t:t 't,ht ra )t t t :t 't:l C Corrrtr^^ ZONE: [.? OFFIoro.orT,l- tr] il':x,,"if J CER:^0City: l.r r L r- P415;4 ri FLOOD: ' *^r,* , Avt/ l/ iEvIsED OATE O4/t7tL2 7- BFE+2ft= I.** SEPARATE PERATITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, I{ECH, PLBG, GAS EqJIP, PREFABS & INSE pAynEr{T nErHoo; E crcx E cxrct( (payaBLE ro rncl I mrenra* .o*rs, I rcrursr RTS 'r*r I DISCOVER,t,f ** *ll,t:t:t* rt*** +it:t* *t*t:trt)t *t*t,t,t*,t tt:t:t:iri i t * +:t :t:i * * :l, * ,l * t t *,t** *tt* *:| (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) ETBACKS: F: *Si-tEru poni,t or.,L\ X fi:u ErTilrof (ri{^(( x LH ) N..l fl,1-r 7 I ZIP i 28403 ST: Iq zIP:491 StotZ- SQ FT 5Q FT Clear Form )q{.-2i ? d)#NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CATION IYPE; RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project ResPonsibilitY" Cmr Date 2-ts-tPAPPLICANTS NAME:, Dri{cT CITY: L-. r-'Z.lP: @ 2,?rOIPROJECT ADDRESS ?Ll 2< SUBDIVISION:LOT tI lr* ,ron o ,l ts-qtz -t5od PROPERW OWNER'S NAME zP: ?!Vctl OWNER,S ADORESS:1q?]frL (T CONTRACTOR (_r*V r(/; )^-/ 6"t ltwADORESS L L BLDG I-ICENSE f PHON q '1lo - 01,1,? PH ONE d.Iu)- Vto-oz'lf )CITY EMAIL ADDRESS:i)r PROJECT CONTACT PERSON ^tt.rt lbrre EXISTING coNSTRUcTloN: ! Alteration D Renovation B General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: D Erect New Residence ! Additionto ExistinS Residence E Relocation ,r'i*PLEASE CHECK AND AN SWER BELOW ALL THAT APPTY TO YOUR PRoJ ECT+ '| * E Det Garage (SF)__-n Porch (sF)x tr Pool (5F)E Storage Shed (5F)- El Greenhouse (SF) - tr oeck (sF) X ts the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes E no (S*15 '' ) TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S Property Use/ occuP Description of Work:"n.y, ( single Family ! Duplex ! Townhouse .J tr Other (SF) 12FE8 lg 12 r 34 Pt1 r\ lding Code and allother applicable State and local plans and specifications or change in contra.tor rnd subj€ct to fines up to 9500.00"+ ToTAL 5q FT UNDER RoOt lJor proposed work) Heated Unheated: I 0oD ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Ves;ZI lo ls any Ele€trical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E YesEfNo lf the proiect isa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? 0 Yes p lto ls there Electrical Power on this Building? fi Yes E Uo ) DIsCLAIMER: I h€reby cert fY thet all the information in this application is correct and all work will complY with the State 8ui la,rs and ordinanc€s and reSulations. The NHC Oevelopment Services center willbe notified of anv changes in the apProved information. **aNoTE: AnY work perlormed without the appropriate permits willbe inviolation ofthe NC State Bld owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolifie/' / Ugf H)4;D *f Signature: ls the property tocated in a floodplain? tr ves d lo Existing lmpervious Area: -- Sq Ft TotalAcres Oisturbed: New lmp€rvious Area:sq Ft Existint Land Disturbing Permit: E ves E tto WATER: d CFPUA E communitv System E Private well E central Well fl Aqua SEWER: /CFPUA E Community System E Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua zone; - officer: -- Setbacks (t) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval:- City: - Date:- Floodi (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= -Comment:Permit Fee: S Print eMa j CITY: D Att Garage (5F)- ! Sunroom (sF)- ,r. ,e- 1p, lPt/ o I ! s1s- &o8'8V X N, i)\r1pr-'* NEW HANovER codrury BUtLDtNG pERMrr AP P LICATD N rY PE; RESIDENTIAL PITASt ANS!1/fR AII QUTSI]ON5 APPLICABLT'O YOUR PRC],]EC I '1 I rr-t€+r-' Respon5ibil APPL ICANT'S NAME PROJECI ADORESS: SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY OWNER'5 NA OWNER'S ADDRESS: \ ti.l,*u L CITY .,",? -5'3rliP ,ir:I +'.lOr _3 q ,,rarE/? C€NSE p:-__ ,- -xlu/c-ztw,$121 TI E DTSCIAIMEn: nereby(errrty that alrtlrc irfo CITY CI PHONE TT lt, CONTRACIO fr- ADDRISS: EMAII ADDR PRO,'ECI CONTACT PERSON :' Att Garage (5f) li the projecl rs a Relocation, is there a Na ls there tlecfrical Power on this BualdinB? Property Use/ Ocaupancy:Sintle Fam Degcription of Work Jrprg .J D Det Garage (5F) ,,o*, ?/0'-?_2-/7|p LI PHO --- ./.z- ./ / EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: Mlreration g3lRenouar,on ly'General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION : Ere.t NewResidence _ Additron to €xijtint Residence :l Relo.ation ...PLEAsE CHECK AND ANSWER BEIOW AI,T THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJEcT"' or.h (Sr) StoraSe Shed (Stj L Greeohorse {Sf )r,l De(k {Sf} l5 the proposed work cha nB the existilS iootprint? ij Yes ,I No Sunroom {SF} ToTAt sQ FT UNO€R ROOF (lor IOIAL PROiECT COST (Less Lot) ls the proposed wo.k chantlng thc number of bedroomgl ls any Elect.ical, Plumbint or M€chanical ptoposed wotkl He.ted: -,_ _ Unheateds .SOts- /" Othrr {5rl done to the Acressory Structure ne on the current site?Yes No No lex _l Townhousd'/'i t-u u /",wor( being nry'aas t' 7 Yes lrv /o,p NO I r'n ' l;$..r i^,1 ord,nan.el and regulrtront Thc NHC oevelcpm€nt SeN,ces Cenr€r w,I benotdred ot rnyrha.nfon.tion .-NOT[ ny wort p€rtorm.d perrnir! *rll be in vDt.hon ct I Owner/Contractorl Sitnature"licented Quolliet' ls the property loaated in e floodptain? - yes -. No ntCoo€.nd al other apptrcaole 5late.?.J to{ringeln the approved !l.ns ahd spe(ri(ar ons or (han rm.tion nr this apphcatEn 6.or€.r.nd altwo,k wirleo gly trith th! Srarc 6urtdr axistint lmp€rvioul Areat _. ,-_ Sq F: New lmpervious Areaj _- Sq Ftr/WATER: X Cr pUA Cor\m,...rr/ Sysle,,. 5tWER: X L, pUA (L,r mL ry Sv .tp.n Zone: _ Officer: _ Serba.kj (f ) __ {t H) __ {RH) _ (B} _-Approvat: _ - Ciry: __ Dare: _.. ._. Ftoodr lA) _ -_ (V) _ _. (N, * _ BFE+2fr:Cornmeot: TotalA(res Disturbed Existing l-and Oisturbint permiti -,. ye. I No i.I Private Well -_. Central We i I Aaua Ll Private Seprrc . l Cent.alSepti.: Aqua P€rmit Fee ,$JS:- m I Pool{St) , Sl-c,q-tr t r'Ya I-ct"rF;l Prtnt NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: REStDENTtAt PI.IAIt ATISW€R AI-L QU€STIONS APPIICABIE TO YOUR PRO]ECTrP.orect Reipon3lblllty, futs )o1z CITYI zt?t ?SYo t I.OT P: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS:€ITY:zlP 9.s4oL CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: )3Nr".rrr-EtoGtlcENSEr: ?61e5 EMAILADoRISS: \ A ,a r^Jl1? rra,It (L O<L /.r*t CrrY: Hr+S{tA. ST:fu-Z tP: ?l,t141 PHO|IE: c( /O 9^ Ed?Y PHO EI Qto. ZG D Sunroom ISF)_E StoraSe Shed (sFl _ D Greenhouse (SF)_D Deck (5F)g/other {sf)6rn ls the propoied work chan8ing the ertitlng tootprintfiurd Pf,O.,ECT AODRESSI suBorvrstoN: ls the proposed work chanslnB the number of bedrooms? D yes 6o ls any Electrlcrl, Plumblng or Mochrnlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure O ys, lf the pro,ect ls r Rclocstlor, ls there a NatugGas Ltne on thc current site? O yes ffi-o ls there Electrlcal Power on rhts Suildtng? EI yes C tto q,A ('1 sr q- tulY tiFtS I {.i t0! 2BBt{{xo Property Ure/ Occup.ncy:e Famlly E Duplex D Townhoure Descrlptlon ol Worki OECIAIMIi: lhc,ebyaerut thatrllthe Inform.Uoo tn thlr.ppll..llon k rorre.t and.ll vro*will comply wlh the luto Buildtng Code indl.ws .nd ordio.n(!! and rl8ullrbnt. the l{trc Ocvltop.n.nt Sarvke! C6tGr wil be .otifi.dofanyche,!86|n rhe agp.oved pt.nelnfo.m.rlon. ...t'toTt: Any wo{l pa.fo.m.d ylthost tt€ .pproprt.E p..mll, w l b! In h6 NC Sl.le Code and lo rl ,ll other appll.rble St.te and lo(it ifiaalionr or chante in (onlractor na3 up ro t5m.00..r Owner/Contractor: 'Llcensed Quolillct' TE o({r ls the property located ln a floodptatn? A V"" K Erlstlng lmpcwlous Aree: - Sq tt New lmpewlour Area: - Sq Ft lpprovat: Ol- oty: CommunitySystem D private Well 0 CenkalWell D Aqua Community System D prtvate Sepric E Centralseptlc 0 Aqua vlohtlon ol t Slgnaturo: TotalAare3Dlsturbed: O &lstinS tand Dlrturblnt peimlt: E ves E,.fio : lAl _ (v)_ (il} x w^rER: {.;,jpu| A sewea; {ctpua o zon",f-50R) *."r,D(G xror.rrrR tl/A t rllrruwr",4l4t*wa rxt [t/4 rnrr NIA orillA Commenti fih, lncnanli^n Daru uon 01 0-lilJlfrl +2ft= Permh Fee: 5 & Appll..tlon Numbar (omr. ure) oate: Z- lY. l8 /.. APPI.ICAI'IT'S IIAME: PHONE PROJECT CONTACI PERSOiI: EXlSfl G CONSTRUCIION: E Alteratlon C R€novation lgGeneral Repairs NEW CON9IRUCIION: n Erect New Restdence D Addi$on ro Extsttng Residen(a D Relocarton ...PLfAIiE CHECI( ATID ANSWEE BETOW ATt THAT APPI.Y IO YOUR PRO.ITCT"' C Att Garage (sF) _ O Det GaraSe lst)_ fl porch (SF)__ ! Pool {SF} ---..- TorAtsqFrU,{oERRooF{Jolplopo5edwolr)xeated:/(6QUnhe!led:- TOTAI, PROJECT COST ltcss ro0: 5 fta' Cloar Form Print NEW HANOVER COUNW BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAt PTEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibiliy f!-\ r Cr - Application (office use) ,t\', ffi APPLICANT'SNAME, X-fu.tt!, Tl,ra."r.Sf--oate: Z-lY- 18qlA < )^ sr ClTf: Wrlnre6. &1 ztP ?SYOPROJECT ADDRESS suBDlvtstoN:LOT T: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'5 ADDRESS:CITY CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: Tu.-r tNr..r.rc- CITY EMAILADDRESS: \A. r a,r.(rr^}.{IQt'r (9-b(L aet PRO.IECT CONTACT PERSON PHONE fl o- ztP BrD6 UCENSE f: {61zt 2t4% sT:dl]tzl * ?8t*l< PHONE nb 1^ doa Qto. Z6q- fulY ! Greenhouse (SF) ls the proposed work changing the exist ing tortprint 6* 6; TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOF Vor proposed work) Heated: TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S N e Family E Duplex E Townhouse Description of Work: ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E V* 6o ls any Elestrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E yes lf the project is a Relocation, is there a NaturgtGas Line on the current site? D ves dtto ls there Electrical Power on this Building? Ef Yes E No unheated: ! Storage Shed (SF) _ dtora., 1sr1 5a DlsclAlMER: lherebycertifY that allthe information in thi5 application is correct and allwork willcomply with the State Building Code and allothera pplicable State and local laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center willbe notified ofany changes in the approved plans andJpecifications or change in contractorinformation- "'NOTE: Any Owner/Contractor: wort performed without the approprlate permits will be in violation oI the NC State Code and Signature:546",r ]Ncoqr 'Licensed Quolilief Ptint Norne -/' ls the property located in a floodplain? E ves E(tto Existing lmp€rvious Area: _:_ 5q Ft New lmp€rvious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Ves Effio wArERt {-qiPUA E community system E private we D central well E Aqua sewen: {Crpua E Community System E private Septic E Centralseptic E Aqua zone: _ Officer: _ S€tbacks (F) _ (tHl_ {RH) _ (B)_ Approval: _ Ctty: _ Date: _ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (Nl _ BFE+2ft= Comment:Permh Fee: S gs- \ t:) PHOlrlE: EXlSTll{G CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration E Renovation ffGeneral Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTIOI{: n Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation I*+PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER EELOW Att THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECTI'' E Attcarage(SF)_ n DetGarage (SF)_ n porch (SF)_ ! Sunroom (sF) _tr Pool (SF) _ n Deck (sF)- t<$q l4 FE8 t8 1B I ?8flI1{no Property Use/ Occupancy: to fines up to 9500.m'.. TotalAcresDisturbed: O ..; ' :'"..;i -,I1'..;.' a ,t ,.. t .lr' (. I t ffi Cloar Form Co-. Prlnt NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDEt{TlAt PLEASE ANSWER A!I. OUESTIONS APPI-ICA8I-E TOYOUR PROJECT "P.olGCt Rcsponslbllly RECEIVED FEB 19 ?018 Aotr,Wt( Applilatlon (offic€ use) ztPt z$LJ ll BLOG LICENSE f b?*Vo l-1^4 sr:NL zlP: L-st9 / / PHoNe .1/o 3t1 7.\LD E Storagc Shed (SF) _ APPLICANT'S NAME: PRO.,ECT ADDRESSI J-o CITY: e-a',.1L s: PROPERTY OWNER'5 NAME:fe4+ . S,.rz-.+d\Je 4i'r pHoNEf: fl I ZAg S'f* OWNER'S ADDRESS:)-o trEE ca s CITY: CONTRACIORI C. ADDRESS:2 EMAII- ADDRESS: PRoIECT CoI{TACT PERSOiI: al D sunroom (sF) _ D Greenhouse (SF) _ e) EXISTING CONSTRUCnON: E Alteration ! nenovation E GeneralRepairs NEW CONSTRUCTIOI{: U Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence ff Relocation ...PLEASE CHEC( ANDANSWER BELOW AtL THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT"' E Attcarage (SF)_ E Detcara8e(5F)_ D porch (SF) D tr Pool (sF) tr Deck (sF) n c- tr other (sF) ls the proposed work changint the existing footprint? D Ves X, lo TOTAI SQ FT UNDER ROOF lJot ptoposed wort) Heated:boo unheatcd: 6 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less tot): S 5o,ooo ls the proposed work changinS the number of bedrooms? tr Vee }(lo ls any Electrlc.l, Plumblnt or Mechanlcal work beinS done to the Accessory Structure O Vcs B fo lfthe pro.iecl is a ReloGatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? tr Ves p. lo ls there ElectricalPower on this Building? [Ves D no Property Use/ occupancy: p Single Famlly I Duplex E Townhouse Descrlptlon of Work:{-1 MI I r<414r) hrvs.nd ordinances and reguletions. The NHC D€velopm€nt Servlces C.nl.rwill bc notificd ofanychanges in th..pproved dans.nd spcctfication5 o. ch,n8c in.ontractor iniormation "'tlolt: Any wo.l p.rforh.d without th€ eppropriate pcrmit5 witlbe in viotation ot the NC stete Ownea/Contractor:N.-+(-SiSnaturel 'Lic.nted Quoliliet' I^- ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes Exlrtint lmp.rvious Arear _ Sq Ft N€w lmpcrvioug Area: _ 5q Ft Total Acres Dlsturbe a; d Eristiog Land DisturbinS Permh: E Ves O No {n" WATER: Y CFPUA El Community System D private Well D Central Well 0 Aqua SEWER: 'E CFPUA E community System E private Septic D Centralseptic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (Fl _ (tltl _ (RHl _ (B)_ Approv.t: -- city: - D.t€: _ n"'6bifit' tvl _ (N) _ 6FE+2ft= _ comment - perm1 Fec: S $t110- $.\t rffi+ Datc: sugDrvrsroN: CITY: paow flo )97 'lV>co zlnltg,",W ,l ffi Clear Form Print NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APP Ll CATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL OUESTIONS APPLICIBIE TO YOUR PRO'IECT "Proicct Rcsponrlbillt1/ CITY: RECEIVEO FEB 19 ?018 lomce use) APPLICANTS NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: y'; -- (-o -s.".--51 SUBDIVISION: P" r \-<rs r.-[ c,c.<- PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:De+o *5-"+-.-o.l-[t,Jrlllx-r.,t s owNER',s ADDRESST t821e C-t^-+- ^;-..t l-l tl < Date:zlttl tt AP: H PHONE f:q7g bttt 8qa-,t crY: h/; 144 ,,^--q{--or,{)ztp 2-81 ll CONTRACTOR \l;c*;-;J BI.OG LICENSE f bLgZo ADDRESS: € ?- ta -z- M A./ tf--e4 Sf. tar.-)f lO (4 EMAIL ADDRESS: 61.-,t t 1.1"; "[b, .,u,.- E Greenhouse (sF) - tr Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changinS the existing footprint? E Yes D No TOTA| SQ FI UNDER ROOE Aor proposed workl xcated, 5D O TOTAT PRO.,ECT COST ([ess Lot)i bo.m zlP:281'[ti PHONE:llo }1+.)q Ig E Storage Shed (sF)_ O Other (5F) ctw:W,Iity,{a s, * PXOlr,J ,T ExlsTlNG co sfRucnol: D elteration {Renovation EI General Repairs NEW CONSIRUCno : E Erect New Residence E Additionto Existing Residence D Relocation . "PIEA5E C}IECX AITO AI{SWER B "' tr Att Garase (SF) _ E Det Garage (SF) _ tr Porch (SF) E sunroom (sF)tr Pool (SF) Unheated:3€O ls the proposed work changinS the number of bedrooms? B v". (lo ls any Electrlcel, Plumblng or Mechanlt.l work being done to the Acce5sory Structure E Yes lf the proiect is a Rcloc.tlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? tr Ves [' ffo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? (Yes E No Xn" lroperty uce/ Occlpancy: (Single Family D Dupler El Townhouse fcDescription ol Work:L NtN f.r\ft- ocu/l N <-.,.)AJ lawt and ordinanc€s and rcSuhtron5. Th€ NHc O€velophEntScrvi.es c€nt.r willb€ notifi.d ot.ny.henSar ln th! approved phns and ,pe.ifiretions or change in contr.ctor information. "'l{oTE: Any worl p€rformed withoutlhe appropriate p€rmh5 willb€ in violrtion of thr NC to S5m.00"' Owner/Contractor: "Lic.hted Quolifiet-e Total Acres Dlsturbe a': 6 Exiiting Land Disturbint Permit: D yes E No WATERT ECFPUA E Community System El privat€ wefl E Centralwell E Aqua SEWER: D4 CFPUA E Community System 0 private Septic EI Centralseptic fl Aqua Zone: _ Offtcer: _ Serbacks (Fl _ (tHl _ (RHl _ (Bl _ Approv.l: _ Clty: _ Date: -- Ftood: (A) _ (Vf _ (l{l _ BFE+2rr= Comment:Permit Fee: $$BS- Nt i (rtt15 J )oY-.e106r@* /!r -rL,$' LKIir PRO,IECT CONTACI PERSON: Ne,.l .6ns^ri- Porcr( ls the property located in a floodplain? O V"r/lo Etinint lmpervlour Area: _ Sq It New lmp€rYlous Area: _ Sq Ft &ort )-tt tilK J. , ffil, REoE;',;j FEB tS l0I NEW HANOVER COUT{W BUILDING PIRMIT APPUCATKTN |YPE t nESlDEtlTlAt PLCASE AXStt'Ci AU QUESflOTS APFUCAAIE TO YOUR Pf,O.,ECT "ProJctt Rcspomlbluty'' {i 0a)\t ? tl-tf zrpi 2 9Lli I APPTICANT'S NAMT; PROJ€CT AODnESSI {(,lrat. cl.lY: strBDrvtsroNr Own.rfcont.rctor! "Llceascd Quollliet ' E Store& Shrd (SF, __ Ll orher (srI ------ Er0StlI{6 COt{StXUCfloa{: 0 Altcrstt n E Benov*lon n Gmcral Rlpsir! NEW C(,II$nUCIION: E Erect l{ew Resldence fl Additlon to Exlstln! fl€sid€nce fl Relocstion t* a*a lf Att Gar{e (SF) - E Dct Grr|rc (SF] _ trl por.h {sF) L-l Sunroom (SF) fl Greenhouse (SF)-_tr Oeck (SF) - Cl No Unhcat€d: ls the proposed rvork changlngthe number of bedroomr? E yet LI o lsanyEl.ctrlcrl,PltlmbhtorMe{h.rlcrllvorkbelngdonetotheAccessoryStructurcEVcsEno ftheprotsctls.ialoca[bo,lstharerNltur.l6.rLlneonth3Currartilte?EV.tEtao b there flect.lcal Powrron thls gulldlng? E Yrt 0 No Propcrty Ure/Slo8le Famlly l-J ouplex tr lowohouse Dsscrlptlon ot 1J,r O .r'c<) *X."rrt,3e1} ir ormrlioo. - ''ilol[: Any reork pe.lorm€d without the .ppropriata p.rmtt6 will br tn v;ola on of the NC SGto Coda and lubJect to liner up to $500 f,lo'" \1 Slgn.turc:r ls the p.openy lorated in a floodplatn? [:l yes fxlrtlng lmpervlour Area: -._ gq B Total Acrca Dbturbed: -- Exlrti[ lrrd Olrturblng pcrmlt E ye6 n tto cfPUA lJ Co$munity system E private Well E Ccntral We fl Agua sIwtit, Zona: PUA El Communlty System ff privale Septic E Ccntralscptic E Aqus orrL..l _ s.tb&L {q *_ (t-ltl _ (rHl _ (8, _ Approval: ..- Clay: -. Drto: -- flood: lAl-.lyt_ (t{, -- SfE+,ft. --_ N" rvlous Arcr: _ Sq ft pcrmlt Ferr S 7.fa o\ Comllrchl:$ls- 3\;;:v < 1*,r pRopERryou$n,srqrr.,. M.o..\, (r.$il9qY- pr,omo, ql1-6t1-J3?o owNEn,s ADDnEss: JUU /vb\r c y\ sr{!(( Nrln . _-crw; l^li\r-.,n**>,r nr,$|.lt! .o*"*r*. - Slvivti K'tl!'ni\l. or*rn"ro. {Li5 l{imonrs* s .l"^'si,](,<A;I-Sli l_ rnalr.eoomssr fiC.:ti'\olyt,.tlJ.)'\ll Oq,"'rc.,l,tiz-, pilorE_'!!1''tot-:lret/:i pf,orEcrco rAcrpErson, -' Jl,'zi r. r" \il\ntti{.<,.,,- n*' '\tO'4611 'L2'1 '/ S L ii\ r $RECEIVED FEB 12 ?018 fi,EUt HAS0VEX C0UNYY SUltDlltt$ Pfxlvllr APPl.,r:A'l'tOn TVPi, FESI0€NT|AL pt"FAs, ANSWgn AtL QUf,Sl tOXs AppticAolE rOYOUlt PflOJTC I "Prr{..t 16rp4rlrlhtllt-!." &\r. Al ll lHB APPI ll;,iN !'$ ,{ltMf,t fflorr.cI Atlf)afss: I(.t !*r t^ !(|IY; t^. a(,NrRAclolt:\,lrrt,"( '1,'1i 1 txlsllllri (o SInUCT|O tn AlterattoD If Rero,ratlot! iJ Gene,alRepsirs i,lt,u, coNlilfltlctloN: {-.! lrect Nee, Resi&n(e ! l Additlon to lxllting lesid€r[1r i:l Relocaliorr " ""t[]arr-gtG$-4{p dilgja,g8 oclur-Alt'{tjr:!-$rty'19-vsu[ tLQlg(f """ i.; .\rr 6a,a*€ {SF) E t€tcsro8€(si)* . -----. a Por.h {SIi i' (ifori,lx)!r!t: ii;fj ___.--_.,-, IL {,.,,{5r.))l-:l Storagc lhcd (5f) *-*- r 0?hr:r (SI) t! llle nrofroseo rJork changing the extstint, iourUl,,, frofAl sO FT UNDER nOOl lfor ptopos"d ltotk) tlert d: i{;far pno,Ecr cosr (r..*r l..,rl, 5 .5 tDg-D-- . Yes ij iro Ir rh.. ,r(r,o!e(; wori char)ging til3 ountler of bedroornri i-l ltl l-j itli, l! a,ry nlBrl(i(ll, ptumbln8 or Mlchi$l{ll wor k Leilgdoneto the^c(etsory Struct[re i] Ye6 fl No It the prolect l$ n ialocatlo[, ls there I ilstural 6as Llne on tho current rlt€? l] Yer l:1 ,{o l,j thera llcct.lrnl Po!.r'er on ti;s Bulldinf? n Ya* ll No ij(rperty Urel 't. ,. \r ournrr/conrrecto: - -> I )-(]g\l . 1!-()i.'.: !- - -. - slnerurr: ---1j: l---"Ltceitt:ti Qualilict" lrhtt Nitlo., ' i-' . i l,,rl,r.,)to,)uilvlo,.drr:rlifl rirooclplainj, Vts\,lo lxartlng tnlperelorB Area: --*-.- - 5q fr ' Total Alren Oiltutbtd: *--- ew |m(qrvlour Arer: __ sqlt frb 'lg Lord Olrturbtogfirmlt: E Ye5 n No rvAl[trr \ cffllA rJ Conlorunity syrterr 1:i Pr;vare Wcll f] Ceotr0l Well n Aqua :irwtnr \ TFPUA U comrnutlily system L] privare $epllc (1 Ccnt(al Sepuc [i Arllla ,*n,--- I Orfi..r: -- r.rb.ck (Fl--{[fi)-(xHl-(!)-- Aflrroeil ,-_.- -. Clty: _*,.*, oelor ----._.._ $l,ooit; {A} , .*{V} __ _*,-lar}._ -*- etI*Irl" _^_ ,$?s-.- I .' 'a- l',111 \l\r Do\fr- J lo /RECE|VE0 FEB 12 ?018 NEW HANOVER COUNW EUII.DING PERMIT APP UCAT'Ofl TYPE : RESIDCNTIAI PI.EASE ANSWEN A1 OUESTONS APPI.ICAgI.E TO YOUR PROJECI "ProJcct R3tpontlb hy/ +dr\ tu,Appl:(.tlon t0 \t A-le-lx "iihYtc{__ APPI.ICANT'S NAMf,: PiO'ECT AODRESS: {e Oat. CITY: suaDlvrsroN: PROPERW OW'TIER'S t{AMEI 5 OWNER'S ADDRESS: #: t U o(-JPHONE I: CITY:zrp; J,8ut0t EMAIL ADDRESS: ira i€ s V\L olhiCONTRACTOR:B.^DGrrcEnsE{: {tl5 11O*, p1, i,,,rrr,*-jc,^ Sr, /V(ap:t ('lt r- P1()NE:6. \0'1161-[2'1] S K l! ( ADDRESS: S Prop€rty Ui€/ De5crlptlon ot l) t PRO,IECI CONTACT PERSON:PHONE: O0SnIfG COx$nUCnO ;n Aftrrstbn E Rcnovltlon E Grncrll Bapalrs XEW COI{STiUC'ION: fl Eroct Gw lesldcnce E Addltlon to E *sting Rcsldence n Rcbcatlon .+ToLEASE CHECT( A,|tD A,{SWER iEIOU' Atl rHAt A}tty TiO vot f, pnOrECr... tr Att G!r!8e (SFl - tr Oet Grrlrc (SFl _ tr porch (Sr)-- (sf)llD tr Storag€ Shed (5F)_ n Gr€enhourc (SF)_Il oeck (5r)tr other (sF) ls the proposed work chrngingthe existlng footprlnt?[v"r o xo TOIAL Sq FT UI{DER AOOF Aot ptoposed etork) H.ltcdt Unhcrted: TOrAL PROTECI COST (l-e3s tot): S lsthe proposrd work chandqth. numberof b€drooms? D Y6 E lto ls .ny CIG{trlcd, Ptumblo! or MGdlnkrl uDrk bdry dorc ro th. Acccssory Stnrcturc E Vro E} o f rhe p(orcct lr. ialocatto.t, b th.rr a t{8turalGts lJm on th. curant altr? trl yar El No ls ther€ El€ctrlcal Poyeronthls 0ulldlng? D Yr3 E ilo --]u,"1,n \ri\'tck ",' o".up"n"r& sr,O. f.mty tr tlohx El Tow route Worlc )i.zrt ( i c ar o u *--) DltCtAlM;i: I hcreby c€(ify th.t .ll thc tn orm.tton ln thh .pptic.lton h .orc.t ard .i ro.l wi conTly wth the State 8u[dln8 Code .nd alloth€r rpplta.b:r stete and locetItirr and ordlnarcar and lnformatlon- "'llOT€: A Own.r/Contn to.: 'Lk.ns.d Qw lia." re8llatloo!. Tha llHC l)evebprhent Servicc, Certer wtll ba noltlid of aoy ch,ltlr tn tha approv.d plrn ard ipaaificibn! or chanta ln contraator ny rrork pedorm.d dthoul the appropri.t€ permltr will ba tn vlolrtlon ol the flC Slrt.Cod. rnd rubjaat to fines up lo 5500.00'.. Sh,l.ture:=ih ornc- \( ort"IL ls the proplrty bcated in a tloodplain? E ycs ExlnhS lmp€fvbus Ar.r: _ Sq tt \(" Tot.l Af,re5 Olrturbed: Nrw lmDrrvlour Ar.e: 9q R lrdrtbt lrnd Olnltilfu ptrmI: E yc! Et 'lo\- WATEI: \ cfpuA E Communiry System U private we E Centralwe E Aqoa trrra\Loro El communtty svstem D private septic E centralsepric E Aqua Zor.! _ Olllcr'l _ S.tfrctr (fl _ (otl _ nBl _ {r, _ Approylh _ Clty; _ D.t !-- fbod: (Al_(Vl_ l |_ IrE+zft. --Comll|ent!Parmh Fr€: S $ts- p n Sunroom (sr)--['""' (( i$. c-