2017-12 December 7 2017 PBM Page 1 of 9 Minutes of the New Hanover County Planning Board December 7, 2017 The New Hanover County Planning Board met Thursday, December 7, 2017 at 6:00 p.m. in the Assembly Room of the New Hanover County Historic Courthouse, Wilmington, NC to hold a public meeting. Planning Board Present: Staff Present: Ernest Olds, Chairman Wayne Clark, Planning & Land Use Director Thomas “Jordy” Rawl, Vice Chairman Ben Andrea, Current Planning & Zoning Supervisor Paul Boney Brad Schuler, Current Planner Donna Girardot Sharon Huffman, Deputy County Attorney Allen Pope Edward “Ted” Shipley, III David Weaver Chairman Ernest Olds opened the meeting and welcomed the audience to the public hearing. Current Planning & Zoning Supervisor Ben Andrea led the reciting of the Pledge of Allegiance. Chairman Ernest Olds reviewed the procedures for the meeting. Approval of Minutes MOTION: Board Member Donna Girardot MOVED, SECONDED by Board Member Paul Boney, to approve the September 7, 2017 Planning Board minutes as written. Upon vote, the MOTION PASSED unanimously (7-0). Item 1: Rezoning Request (Z17-11) – Request by the Lee Law Firm, on behalf of the property owner, Lloyd C. Brinkley, Jr. et al, to rezone 2.5 acres of land located at 106 Oak Ridge Lane from (CUD) B-1, Conditional Use Business District, to (CZD) B-1, Conditional Business District, in order to develop an automobile service station. Attorney Michael Lee of Lee Law Firm requested on behalf of the property owner to continue the item to the January Planning Board meeting in order to revise the site plan to accommodate some comments received at the community meeting and preserve a significant tree. MOTION: Board Member Paul Boney MOTIONED, SECONDED by Board Member Allen Pope, to continue Rezoning Request Z17-11 to the January 2018 Planning Board meeting. Upon vote, the MOTION PASSED unanimously (7-0). Page 2 of 9 Item 2: Rezoning Request (Z17-12) – Request by Design Solutions on behalf of the property owner, ACI Pine Ridge, LLC, to rezone 3.45 acres located at 168 & 178 Porters Neck Road from B-1, Business District, and B-2, Highway Business District, to (CZD) B-2, Conditional Highway Business District, in order to develop a hotel. Current Planner Brad Schuler provided information pertaining to location, land classification, access, level of service and zoning; and showed maps, aerials, and photographs of the property and the surrounding area. Mr. Schuler presented the following staff report:  This application would establish a conditional zoning district. If approved, the property must be developed in accordance with the attached site plan, and conditions above and beyond the requirements of the zoning ordinance may be added to the development provided the applicant agrees to those conditions.  The vast majority of the subject property is zoned B-1, with a very small portion being zoned B-2 at the southern corner. The property is located in an area of Porters Neck that is mostly zoned and used for commercial purposes. To the northeast is the Lowes Home Improvement store and a Chick-fil-a is planned to be developed next to the Lowes. To the south is a shopping center development containing a Food Lion grocery store and a variety of shops and restaurants. To the west, property has been recently developed for general commercial uses, including a home interior decoration store, and the adjoining property is also planned to be developed with a variety of commercial uses, including a Slice of Life Pizzeria. To the north, Duke Energy Progress owns approximately 30 acres of undeveloped land zoned B-1; however, over half of that property contains wetlands. Multi-family housing is also in the area with the Cypress Pond apartments being located nearby. The subject property is undeveloped and consists of 2 parcels of land totaling about 3.5 acres.  The applicant is proposing to rezone the property to a conditional B-2 district to allow for the development of a hotel. The proposed hotel will consist of six (6) stories and contain 150 rooms. The applicant has agreed to a condition that will limit the height of the building to a maximum of eighty (80) feet, which will be specifically measured from the average grade around the building to the highest point of the building, including any parapet walls. The applicant has also agreed to conditions that will require a sidewalk to be install along the road frontages as shown on the plan, and also that a parking lot cross access be installed to the adjoining undeveloped property to the northeast.  The proposed hotel will generate 84 trips in the AM peak and 89 trips in the PM peak; therefore, a TIA was not required to be completed. A new map provides a more comprehensive overview of recent or planned transportation improvements in the subject area, which will specifically highlight recent Traffic Impact Analyses (TIAs) that have been completed for specific developments, as well as any planned North Carolina Department of Transportation (NCDOT) projects. Specific improvements included with those projects are summarized in the staff report. Not included on the map is a TIA completed in 2007 for the adjoining area, which includes a Lowes Home Improvement store and 180,000 square foot shopping center and shows 900 peak hour trips should be generated for the development. NCDOT has confirmed that the proposed hotel would not require any additional driveway permits. This map also shows the recommendations from the Wilmington/New Hanover County Greenway Plan and the location of WAVE bus stops. Page 3 of 9  Staff has reviewed the rezoning application to determine if it is consistent with the 2016 Comprehensive Plan. The Plan classifies the subject property as Urban Mixed Use. It is also located within the Porters Neck Growth Node, which is an area where the Plan recommends a mix of residential, office, and retail uses at high densities. These areas are intended to incorporate a multi-modal transportation network that allows nearby residents and area visitors to walk, bike, or use public transportation options. Taller buildings are also more appropriate in these areas of the county. Overall, the proposed development is consistent with the comprehensive plan, as it provides a commercial service in a proposed mixed use growth node at a scale aligned with the Plan. Specifically, the Plan promotes buildings being 2-7 stories in height. The site design also includes multi-modal components, namely the proposed sidewalk that will provide pedestrian access to adjacent properties. Staff recommends approval of the application with three conditions, which have been agreed upon with the applicant. Chairman Olds asked if board members had any questions for staff. Board Member Donna Girardot inquired if the proposal is located within the proposed development area of the Porters Neck Elementary School. Mr. Schuler pointed out the location of the school, which is adjacent to Waterstone and is quite a distance from the proposal. Chairman Olds opened the public hearing and recognized the applicant. Cindee Wolf of Design Solutions stated she represents the owner and developer and provided a brief overview of the proposed application. She explained the property is located behind the businesses on the left side of Market Street going north toward Hampstead. She presented an area map reflecting the various businesses located in front of the proposal. She pointed out Porters Neck Road, noting that for the present, they are also naming the road to the proposed project Porters Neck Road. Many different people are moving into this area of the county and a variety of services are being developed with the shopping centers etc., but there is no facility in this area for transient, overnight guests. For that reason, the applicants feel this is a perfect opportunity for a hotel site in the area. Ms. Wolf reported the community information meeting with the property owners around the proposal was refreshing as the owners were thrilled for the opportunity to have this type of use in the area. They have services and we’ll have people so it’s a good match between the two. Ms. Wolf stated the owners across the street had mentioned trying to interconnect and start a community feel among these businesses. That’s when the owners/developers committed to being willing to put sidewalks on the two sides of the roadway in these locations. She didn’t know if they had committed to do the same, but the sidewalks will connect the hotel’s people to the services in the shopping center and across the street, and will be good for the entire area. Ms. Wolf obtained a copy of the Slice of Life site plan and matched up the hotel’s driveways on the site plan to the Slice of Life driveways. Ms. Wolf presented an architectural rendering of the style of the building to reflect the massing of the project and the view from Porters Neck Road, which will have an entry canopy. The back of the building would look similar, but wouldn’t have a canopy. Page 4 of 9 Ms. Wolf stated that the unfunded, but imminent, future desire of the NC Department of Transportation (NCDOT) to realign the off ramp from I-140 to Market Street came up during the staff review. She pointed out the current location of the I-140 exit ramp onto Market Street, which has a precarious stop situation because the cars you are waiting to get in front of are coming over the bridge and visibility is limited. It is her understanding that NCDOT would like to realign the ramp to come down at a different location, put in a roundabout, and then somehow get to the traffic signal at Porters Neck Road. To take a look at whether that realignment would impact the applicant’s design, she under-laid the potential realignment design onto the proposed site plan. Ms. Wolf relocated some parking spaces on the proposed site plan that would be impacted by the potential realignment so she doesn’t believe there will be any impact if and when the realignment becomes a reality, other than the possibility that NCDOT would purchase a small area of the property for right-of-way. She also noted that the sidewalks would be fine. Ms. Wolf completed her presentation and offered to answer questions from planning board members, noting the applicants think the proposal is a great use. She stated appreciation for staff’s thorough review of the proposal, agreed with staff’s consistency determination, and confirmed the applicants have no problem with the conditions as discussed by staff. Chairman Olds asked if board members had any questions for the applicant Vice Chair Jordy Rawl asked Ms. Wolf to clarify the change in the intersection at the I- 140 exit ramp at Market Street. Ms. Wolf explained that per her conversation with an NCDOT representative, NCDOT submitted a project to relocate the I-140 North off ramp onto Market Street in the last funding cycle, but it wasn’t funded. NCDOT would like to relocate the off ramp prior to the current location due to safety concerns. Ms. Wolf pointed out the proposed off ramp location on staff’s map, explaining that there has been a concern with the current off ramp because at the stop location cars are traveling fast over the bridge. NCDOT would like to cut it off and bring it down to align with the stub of Porters Neck Road; however, in doing so, there is concern that people will fly through the shopping center so the thought is to put a roundabout there. Ms. Wolf stated that she used one of NCDOT’s preliminary designs as the under-laid sketch on the site plan presented earlier. If a roundabout is put at that location, it will be wider than a 60’ x 60’ right-of- way intersection, noting the technical standard for a roundabout is approximately an eighty-foot radius circle. The overlay on the site plan shows the effect the roundabout would have on the proposed hotel project. It would affect five parking spaces on the site plan so she moved those parking spaces within the site plan. Vice Chairman Rawls thanked Ms. Wolf for the clarification, noting he didn’t realize the existing off ramp was going to be discontinued. Ms. Wolf replied that at this point the existing off ramp isn’t being discontinued, but NCDOT staff think it is in the best interest of the community. In regard to Vice Chairman Rawl’s inquiry regarding the aesthetics for the façade of the proposed hotel, Ms. Wolf explained that the footprint of the proposed hotel would be the same as the proposed site plan, but the façade visual is only an example of a similar model. The developer wanted to show that the proposed hotel is not going to be a low country style building; it will be a six-story building. The visual was provided to show how it would be massed, that there are Page 5 of 9 windows in every room, no blank walls, etc. The developer is committing to a style for the hotel, not the materials or colors for the building. Ms. Wolf added that the idea for the hotel is a dual brand, with basically a common center containing a reception desk for transient guests of 1-3 nights, as well as a reception desk for extended stay guests for four nights and up. She explained that will give the Porters Neck area a wide range of choices in housing people that come in for short periods of time. Board Member Girardot inquired if the hotel brand would decide the design, colors, etc. for the proposed hotel. Mr. John Sandlin explained that they don’t know yet what hotel brand will be chosen as they are considering several brands. The hotel building will be mostly brick. The footprint of the building has been pretty much set and the building will look very similar to the visual presented; however, they don’t know whether the building will be all brick yet. He stated the owners/developers would work with the brand to determine the final aesthetics of the building. The structure will be six stories high and will/will not have signs on the building. Board Member Girardot asked where the signage for the hotel would be located, if it would be located on Porters Neck Road, and what type of signage would be used. Mr. Sandlin stated they don’t have any right to have a sign on Porters Neck Road at this time because the developer they are buying the property from doesn’t have ownership of the property yet. He said the hotel sign would be located on the hotel property and they will hopefully have reader boards on the interstate as well. In addition, the building will be six stories high and there will be signs on the building. Board Member Girardot also inquired about the timing of the project. Mr. Sandlin responded that they would hopefully obtain the rezoning in January 2018 so they would like to start construction in the third quarter of 2018. Mr. Sandlin estimated that construction would then be completed in 15-16 months depending on site work. Board Member Girardot then complimented Ms. Wolf on the parking layout for the hotel, noting it isn’t just row upon row of parking. She expressed her appreciation to Ms. Wolf for dividing up and separating the hotel parking and making it very attractive. Chairman Olds commented that Current Planner Schuler had mentioned a parking lot cross access agreement and inquired about the parking count and whether the parking presented on the site plan reflects all of the required parking for the hotel or if the applicant would be relying upon parking on other lots for the hotel. Ms. Wolf explained the parking requirement is one space per bed. The applicant has provided a full complement of parking onsite of one space per bed, plus a dozen more for the employees. Chairman Olds asked about the drainage program and how the drainage issues would be solved for the hotel project. Ms. Wolf stated that Porters Neck Crossing was a composite subdivision and there is an off-site pond that is already permitted so this particular parcel has an assignment of a certain amount of impervious surface. Ms. Wolf confirmed that the proposed hotel project is well below that assignment. Chairman Olds asked if anyone present would like to speak in support or in opposition of the proposal. Page 6 of 9 No one from the public spoke in support or in opposition to the rezoning application. Chairman Olds closed the public hearing and opened the planning board discussion period. Board Member Allen Pope stated he liked the proposal tremendously, noting the area is underserved, particularly the Davis Community. Those folks in the community have no place close by for anyone to spend the night and come to visit. He will vote in favor of the proposed facility and the design. Board Member Donna Girardot stated agreement with Mr. Pope’s comments and recalled that during the recent soccer tournaments, the area almost ran out of hotel space so she thinks this will be a good addition to the area. The proposal is close to major traffic corridors and the roadway improvements have already been made. Use of infill tracts such as this creates less strain on taxpayers by utilizing existing water and sewer and roadways. The proposal will obviously enhance the County’s tax base and the surrounding businesses will benefit from it as well. Board Member Girardot stated the proposal will help the County meet the ever expanding needs and demands of tourists and businesses, and is consistent with the County’s Comprehensive Plan. For those reasons, Board Member Girardot thinks the proposed hotel is a very good project. Board Member David Weaver inquired if there would be a meeting space in the hotel. Ms. Wolf confirmed there would not be a meeting space in this hotel because it will not be a business hotel. The two hotel brands will be extended stay and overnight, transient hotel. Board Member Weaver stated the plan looks great and will be a very good addition to the area. Board Member Ted Shipley stated he understands the developer is not going to develop this property in this manner, but inquired if any consideration should be given to a condition ensuring that the hotel rooms not have exterior entrances and there be interior entrances only to the rooms. Current Planner Schuler stated that if the board feels it is appropriate, it would be best to request that as a condition on the rezoning approval, if agreeable to the applicant, to ensure the building is designed in that manner. Chairman Olds stated at this time the applicant may ask to either continue the application to a future meeting or to proceed with this board deciding whether to recommend approval or denial of the application. He asked Ms. Wolf what the applicant wished to do. Cindee Wolf confirmed the applicant would like to move forward with a decision by the Planning Board. Chairman Olds entertained a motion from the Planning Board. MOTION: Board Member Donna Girardot MOTIONED, SECONDED by Board Member Paul Boney, to recommend approval, as the Board finds that this request for a zoning map amendment of 3.45 acres from the B-1 and B-2 districts, to a Conditional B-2 district, as described is: Page 7 of 9 1. Consistent with the purposes and intent of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because the proposed development provides a commercial service in a proposed mixed use growth node at a scale aligned with Comprehensive Plan guidelines of 2-7 stories in height. 2. Reasonable and in the public interest because the proposed development will provide pedestrian access to adjacent properties that will benefit future visitors staying at the hotel and patrons of existing and planned businesses. Conditions: 1. The building cannot exceed 80 feet in height. The height shall be measured from the average grade to the highest point of the building, including parapet walls. 2. A connection for future parking lot cross-access shall be provided to the adjoining land northeast of the proposed development. The connection shall be constructed to the property line. 3. A five-foot-wide sidewalk shall be installed along both frontages of Porters Neck Road. The sidewalk shall be open for public use and connect to the interior parking area of the hotel. 4. Individual rooms in the hotel shall have interior entrances rather than exterior entrances. Upon vote, the MOTION PASSED unanimously (7-0). Technical Review Committee Report (September, October & November 2017) Current Planner Brad Schuler reported that the New Hanover County Technical Review Committee held three meetings during September, October & November and reviewed and approved six preliminary plats. A map has been created to illustrate the location of those plans.  Sunset Reach: A performance residential development requested an extension to their approval. They had 68 lots on a 27-acre parcel, about 2-1/2 du/acre.  Saddlebred Acres: A conventional subdivision seeking a one-year preliminary extension for eight lots at 1 du/acre.  Waterstone: The subdivision has obtained an adjacent parcel and included that parcel into the overall development. The new phase contains 19 lots, for a total number of 167 lots on approximately 91 acres at less than 2 du/acre.  Village at Motts Landing: A performance residential development expanding by an additional four lots, bring the total number of lots to 736 lots on approximately 300 acres at 2.5 du/acre.  Kaylie’s Cove – Phase 4: The subdivision obtained an adjoining parcel of land and included it into the development. The new phase contains 31 lots, bring the total number of lots to 110 at 2.5 du/acre.  Carolina Inlet View: A performance residential subdivision seeking an extension request for seven lots on the property. Page 8 of 9 Other Business Chairman Olds welcomed new Planning & Land Use Director Wayne Clark. Board Member Girardot commented that this is Mr. Clark’s first Planning Board meeting. Having known him when he was the City of Wilmington’s Public Services Director, she feels very fortunate that Mr. Clark has returned to the area to work with New Hanover County and looks forward to continuing to work with him Planning Director Wayne Clark provided a brief update on the Unified Development Ordinance (UDO). The UDO is being completed in three drafting phases: o Phase 1, underway, will focus on Zoning Districts, Permitted Uses and Use Standards (January 2018 target date / February 2018 public input) o Phase 2 will focus on Site Development Regulations (April 2018 target date / May 2018 public input) (Includes parking, lighting, landscaping, and site plans) o Phase 3 will focus on Administrative Provisions (June 2018 target date / July 2018 public input) (Includes how items are processed, the development review process, and how rezonings, etc. are handled) Planning Director Clark stated staff envisions a finished product coming to the Planning Board in early fall and then to the Board of Commissioners for adoption. The specific way to do public input hasn’t been finalized, but the planning board would be an excellent opportunity to obtain some public input as the board represents the community as a whole and has been a part of the process all along. In January, staff will likely come back to the Planning Board with a proposal on how to do public input that may include the board as a key part of it. Hearing no questions for Mr. Clark, Chairman Olds expressed the board’s appreciation for the hard work coming forward for staff, wished them well in those endeavors, and offered the board’s support. Planning Director Clark reported that staff is in the process of developing next year’s budget request and will continue the Planning Board’s membership in the American Planning Association if the board has no objections. Planning Director Clark stated to ensure the Planning Board receives from staff the information necessary to make decisions in the format they need it in, he would ask board members to let him know if there are any format changes or information discussion topics they would like to have going forward. Chairman Olds asked board members to review the New Hanover County 2018 meeting schedules and notify Jackie Williams-Rowland if they have any conflicts with the meeting dates or dates they are scheduled to represent the Planning Board at the Board of Commissioners meetings. Page 9 of 9 With no other items of business, Chairman Olds adjourned the meeting at 6:40 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Wayne Clark, Planning & Land Use Director Please note that the above minutes are not a verbatim record of the New Hanover County Planning Board meeting. The entire proceedings are available for review online at www.nhcgov.com.