2018-02-22 Minutes Non-County Agency Funding Committee 2/22/2018 Meeting Minutes Present: Damien Buchanan, Elizabeth DeBiasi, Neal Lewis, Bruce Mason, Randy Reeves, Shannon Winslow (on the phone) and Fred Gainey Staff/Administrative Support: Beth Schrader (facilitator), Scott Steinhilber, and Gwen Hill 1.Review the agenda – The group reviewed the agenda and work plan. 2.Housekeeping Items a.Adoption of Meeting Minutes - The Committee reviewed the 2/14/18 meeting minutes. Damien made a motion to accept the 2/14/18 meeting minutes as written. The motion was unanimously approved. b.Emails to Non-County Agencies – Beth provided an update on the email invitations sent out to all of the Non-County Agencies. Answers are due back from the agencies by 2/25 by 5 pm. 3.Feedback on Existing Recipients – Gwen shared the compliance tracking forms for both the current (FY17-18) fiscal year and prior (FY16-17) fiscal year. She explained that because there were no hard and fast dates outlined in the contracts, agencies were either compliant (have turned in all documentation) or non-compliant. Last year, all agencies were compliant. This year, so far, all agencies have returned their renewal forms and measures. Some have submitted th financials, others have not done so yet. However, they have until June 30 to be compliant. 4.Discussion Regarding Preliminary Scores – Committee members were asked to score all the applications using the draft scoring rubric. In addition, they were asked to also place the applications into “tiers” based on their individual determination. Each application was placed into a category (1 lowest, 4 highest) based average rubric score and “tier”, and then plotted on a four box chart (see attached). The committee reviewed where each application fell in the matrix.  Top Right Box - programs with the highest scores on both the rubric and individual “tiers”  Lower Left Box - programs that scored lowest on both the rubric and the individual “tiers” The committee discussed the programs where there were significant differences in the rubric scores (some committee members ranked it very high, some ranked it very low) and programs where there were significant differences between the rubric ranking and the individual “tier” rankings. The conversation helped to identify: a)Criteria that the group felt should be weighted more heavily than the other criteria; b)Criteria that is missing from the current rubric, but should be added; c)Activities or categories of requests that the committee does not feel appropriate to fund (which will also provide guidance for next year’s process and application); d)Additional values or considerations that need to be considered in the process; e)Additional data / information that was needed (which was requested in the questions to the agencies, may also be asked at the interviews, and which will be included in the application for next year) The committee agreed to re-score all applications using a modified scoring rubric after 1) reviewing the answers to their questions and 2) after the interviews. Weighting Alignment with Strategic Plan / Goals Collaboration Need for Funds Missing Criteria Needs Analysis – How effectively the agency communicates how big the problem is / the magnitude of the unmet need (Is it growing? By How much? How many are served relative to the need? Etc.) Is the service addressing the symptom or solving the underlying problem? Duplication w/: a)Another applicant (who does it better) b)Another agency providing the service in the community Activities The Committee Prefers Not to Fund Funds for buildings Marketing $ Administrative salaries (vs. salaries for staff that are providing services to clients) Intermediaries (Do not provide a direct service impact) Values / Other Considerations Is there a better / more efficient way to use the funds? Degree to which the population being served is currently unserved or underserved Quality and strength of historical measures and / or projected outcomes Is the service something that is necessary to exist in the community? 5.Statutory and Other Services – Beth reviewed services and answered questions from committee members about that are required by statute, federal or state programs, are grant related (HCCBG, SSBG, JCPC) or provide specific services for/on behalf of the county that the county is responsible for, or fill a specific gap in county services. Meeting Minutes Prepared by: Beth Schrader The 4 Box Matrix