MARCH 2 2018 BUILD APP! :, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMlT APPLICAT ION ryPE.. RESIOENTIAT PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibilit/' actS -a't 8tr tg=so) Application Number (office use) APPLICANT'S NAM e, 'l ,U, L ,, "*t ii L Dale L - PROJECT ADDRESS:.tZa R LOT T:suBDlvrsroN: PROPERW OWNER'S NAME:at+1 ,t t2-PHONE #3\o.2e3.5?77 CrfY: td'.\ rrr',n..{ot! zrP EWOWNER,S ADDRESS , LrZO 'Tour\r s rtCo'aSt Po.lg --_-\, BLDG uCEt{SE S:CONTRACTOR 5 o4< ADDRESS:tJi.lnior\^ cnoncY 9/o . sr: N( 49s. zptZel+63t/r6"CITY rt I PRO.|ECT CONTACT PERSON ll Px lto EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration n Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: ! Erect New Residence dlddition to Existing Residence E Relocation **.PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER ALT THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRolECTr * r E Det Garage (SF)tr Porch (SF)D Att Garage (5F)- E Sunroom (SF) - ! Greenhouse (SF)- dPool (sF) n Deck (sF) ! Storage Shed (5F)- ! other (5F) 6s-tr.C,6t6o.I=5cr<De.eeg cEo ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? fl yes E/tlo TOTAT 5q FT UNDER ROOF Vot proposed work\ lleatedl Unheated: rorALpRoJEcrcosrltesstotl:5 z laan LIK ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E yes dllo / lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureMYesENo lf the project is a Relocation, istherea NaturalGas Line on the cu rrent site? E Yes Eh(o ls there Electrical Power on this Bu ilding? dves E ttto ?OFEB IS 1 Pti Property Use/ Occupancy: Description of Work: dsi Family EA/ew t '7or/Du hou DISCIA|MER: thereby certrfy that allthe information in this applicalion is corect and allwork willcomply with the State Buildint Code end allother la\,! and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified oI anychanges in the approved plans and specifications information. ...NOTI: Any work performed without the appropriate permil5 will be in violation of the NC State BldB Code and 5ubj€ct to fines uP to ike (uitl" appli.able State and local or chante in contractor Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolilie/' Signature ls the property located in a floodplain? O t"X Existing lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft New lmpervious Areai Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit; E Yes E No WATER: ts CFPUA El community system E) Private well E central well E lqua SEWE irFPUA E System E Private septic E central septic [1 equa Zone:officer:r )f tr*t 1nx1 )\ 1s1 r}l Approval:city\tN--Date:)..Flood: (A)(v)(N) Xare rL s,-r L\ Print Nom N Comment: IrQrr ill -r ,n\n'- ftito.h I i$ NL J 7"rf'qDermit Fee:s 15,a o zlp, 28lto9 EMAIL ADDRESS: pnonz, 9lo . ?!o1, l-T8l tr Total Acres Disturbedr - M 1.: APPLICANT' DEVELOPER: S l,lAilE : McKintey auttcling Corporal ion PRO]ECI A ;6?52 Rock s Roa OCCUPAI'JT/EUSINESS NAIIE : chenrcex PR0PERTY OliNER'S NAITiE I Mayfaire 111, LLC O}.INER, S ADDRESS:328 Ol.de Point Loop CITY: H3mpsss36 CONTRACTOR: McNinley Building Corporat ion - LICET'ISE f::oege ADDRESS: 3go? peachtree Ave., suire 2oo ITY: wilmingron . ST: Ng ZIP: 26a63 PHONE S:9to_J95_6035 . DATE:2-14-18 PHONE T: ZIP:2B4os - PHONE fi: sro-264-4144 5T: Nq ZIPl2saa3 .c EIIIAI L : bl i skomck inl eybui lding, com PRO]ECT C0 TACT PERSON: Brandon Lisk . PH0tlE t: eto-395-8036 EXIST CONSTRUCTION: lf Relocation, is th6re a NaturalGas Lln€ on lhe No NEUI CONSTRUCTION: GENERAL REPAIRS TI RELOCATION Ii. No rs BLDG spFlftKLEREDf_ yosli_ lxo0 AT TE RtrT ION (Che(t( All RENOVATION rrenr site? r- Ih.t apPty) esu ERECT NEl., STRUCTURE fl FAST TRACK n sHELt UPFrT n ADD TO EXrST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: ++.t* r5 THJS A CHAr,r6E 0F oCCUPANCY USE'r yES F. O '....IF Yes, what i{as the P.evlous O(cupancy Typet - t{hat ls the ileH Occupancy Tvoe?ARCTI DESI6TI PROFESSIOIIAL : If UPFIT - The Shell Permit : 13-523s €NGR DESIGII PRoFE5sIoNAL :- 0ESCRIPTION 0F trORK: uiii!-lIr...rion ro exrslrrng oftice s Is Elect Powen on thls Euilding ff. Yes f No PH PH NC REG S; NC REG r:- p."" ,40, rJ,t ( {}. (2) (t(\.:,,. s.t 1;i;. I /it: I ls food or bovsrages ploparsd or served ln this structure?l-. Yeslf . No ls Ths Propsrty Locar€d ln The Ftoodptainf _ ye{i_ N8CLAIMERi lhereby cenify matall inlormation h allother spplicablo Staro t,and localla$s and ordi tY,' ,c \,..;.t\ Suchanbjecl9e in contraclorFinos up To nancei and regulations The 0{ conlraatot ihlomatim. "'$m 00'., rhis appllcatlon is correct and altwort will comDly with lho Srate Burldino Code and il3?r?fl"J",effi";ff#lf::9,98i1$#iS:'S'r.J,""11,"*"r,"9."';i.liilf#ii,,ig plans and aoeoftcauonsNC Srate Bldg Codo and OWNER/CONTRACTORi srandon r,i sk SIGNATURE: CENTRAL SEPTIC PA'iAII] PERMITS IIFOIJIRED FOR ELECI, MECH. PTAG, (nAS EQUIP. PRIfABS & II.ISEII IS Z- (Ou.ldis4 aonl'n AsbGslos or nol You rro .oqurod to c5ll tha Narion.l Emi*iion srrnd.ds ror Hazardo{rs Ar Po{urant. (NESHAP) ar (919)70r-5950 6t le.3t 10 days p.ior to u10 domoli on olsny lacil;ly or building. Soo A5b!aO! Wob S.Li hxp //vJ*w.6pi.srii\e. nc.u geprasbesros/ahmp-hrrnl IOTAL PROJECT COST: 25, ooo BUILDING HEIGHT f OF UNITS: TOTAL AREA SQ FT : 2 , ?51 SO FT PER FLR TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF:f OF STRUCTURES ACRES DISTURBED: NA EXST LAND OTSTUBBTNG pERMtr? r yES Jr NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREArra SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: N^SO FT PROPERTY USE OFFICE RESTAURANT MERCANTILE EDU APT CONOO OTHEI COMMUNITY SYSTEM ICATIONWATER: SEWER: SYSTEM CFPUA CFPUA ''' sF T.1 WELL Itrlvere seprtc T''] ZONING USE CLASSIF ?ouurururrv PAYMENT METHOD: r CASH fi. CneCX leevneLE TO NHC) r_ AMERTCAN EXPRESS r_ MCA/|SA r_ DISCOVER (FOR OFFICE USE ON zoNE:lAX oF Approval: ft- FICER '!;/A Ln rrlA RH-N/Lv B.dA- BFE+2ft, SETBACKS: F N ru PERi'IT FEE: :Comment city: lqn DATE FLOOD Oil inmeciion Reourreo, 9lS25,i-0m) 2otSv Zlcl1 NEW HANoVER couNTy BUTLDTNG qERMTTWZ {S q35 APPLICATION ryPE I COIIIII1ERCIAL pr.EAsE Axslr€R ALL Qu.sTro*s applrcAalE ro yo,R pRoJ€cT aF-p'LTffirIo-N ..pro1ect ResponslbultF ,#i::::., $i IminqtonSul te f OF STORIES: r OF FLOORS: \k\ Ydt; ---lar\l1. /^\//c/W+W35 to r$-.)19! APFTIEIT--Io{ Number (Office Use) - DATE : !;i NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP LICA| ION TYPE: COII4IYIERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALT QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Pro ject Responsibility" APPLICANT',S MltE i rqcxrntey Building CorporaLion DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT AD OCCUPANT/B USINESS NAiIE: Chemrex PROPERTY Ot,lNER'S t{A}tE: Mayfai1e 111, LLc OWNER'S ADDRESS:328 olde point Loop - CITY: H6npssga4 CONTRACTOR: McKinley Buildj.ng corporar ion _ LICENSE #: :oese ADDRESS: 380? peachrree Ave., Suite 2OO CITY: pil6ipgsen EI'IAIL ADDRESS: bt i sk@mckinl eybur lding. com lI t tto ALT E &rro, l. 2-14-18 PHONE *: : 5?52 Rock spring Roa Suite 130 ; Wilmington ZlPi2a4as - PHOIIE #: sta -284- 4344 ST:Ns ZIP:2sa63 -PHONE *:910-39s 5035 - PHONE S: 910-3e5-5035 (Check All rhat Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:RENOVATION lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the ,rrent Site?r es GENERAL REPAIRS li_ tto rs BLDG s No NEId CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW STRUCTURE FAST TRACK trPRIN RELOCATION KLEREDf _ Yesli_ SHELL UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The SheII Penmit #: rl-6218 Is E1ect Pouer on this Building li. Yes f N0 ***r.+ Is THIS A CHANGE OF OCCUpAl,lCy USE? r yES li. I,lO ***** IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? _ what is the New Occupancy IX8fi 'rrtrun PRoFEssr.NAL :. PH:NC REG #: NC REG #:EN6R OESIGN PROFESSIONAL:-PH: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: M,;;;-;l;;; ion ro exisiEins otfice space ,{\a o t,Jrtt b..l.tb" ?wls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure?f . vesli- No ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainf - Yefr_*oaV4q*( lag4 ..|\NoDISCLAIMER: I hereby ceruly lhar allrnformation and locallaws and ordinances and Iegulalions. T or chanoe in contraclor or contractor iiformalion.SubFctlo Fines Up To $500.00"' WATER SEWER SYSTEM CFPUA CFPUA in this application is correct and all work will comply with the State Building Code and all other applicable State he NHC Develooment Servrces TE: Any Work Perlormed w/O the Appropriate of anv chanoes in lhe aooroved olans and Permrls will6'e rn Violatroi ot rheNC Stare soecillcations Bldg Code and Center will be notified.,No OWNER/CONTRACTOR: eranaon risr SIGNATURE (Oualiriel) contain Asbestos or nor. You are required to call the Nalional Emission Standards lor Hazardous Ajr Pollutants (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 al least 10 days prior to the demolition oI any facility or building. See Asbeslos Web Site: hltp://w],tw.epi.$rle.nc.us/epi/asbestodahmp.himl TOTAL PROJECT COST: 25, OOO # OF UNITS TOTAL AREA SQ FT : 2 ,76I TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF ACRES DISTURBED: NA NEW IIVIPERVlOUS AREA: NA BUILDING HEIGHT: SQ FT PER FLR: # OF STRUCTURES EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? T YES J,- NO SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: NA CONDO OTHET # OF STORIES # OF FLOORS] SO FT PAYIiIENT IVIETHOD f cASH li. cnecx lenvnBlE To NHc) f-AMERIcAN EXPRESS t-- r',tcnrrse l-- olscovER ZONE OFFICER iFOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:B Approval:- City:- DATE- FLOOD BFE+2ft .'SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PIBG. GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS Comment OZ lcf,.e po ff{tl^ LH RH N PERMIT FEE: I PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: Brandon Lisk sr:ffi-2TFTlilll- pRopERry usE: EoFFrcE ! nesraunenr flrr,rencrrrtlel-J EDUoTI APr[ E @ TI COMMUNITY SYSTEM T] WELL flrZONING USE CLASSIFICATION fl cer.rrRnr seerc f] rHvArE sEPrtc E-coMtvtuNlw Prf lpt@ g-ze7 N ?'xiqJ uf v N NEW HANOVER COI,,NTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICA|IAJ n/pf : COiIIIERCIAL ptEAst arisllllR Alt gjEsrtoits apptlcaSLt .ro ycuR proJtc_r,.proj€ct R€sponslbility,, ",, ( aFFIi-eATmr{ l{uDber (Offi(c Ur.) rc: )-/1 r/2.19 flo S 2063 t5-zrt:@t s2 t9rP,2go/, zrp, Z3?/i q lu.< z<xB t t APPLICAI{T'S IIAI,IE: DEVELOPER: 6E PRO] ECT occuPA r/8[6IitEsS ilAttE : PROPERTY Ohi{ER'5 tIA'tE :/Ar,, knT Lt< Pt{xE t AJ AtC7I O {ER's ADDRESS I 2 OL' Pllo E * s CO TRACTOR: AIDRESS: '7-D r",{,'o /./ /L /Pe?,\) . LICETISE *:nCITY; ION GENERAL RE LOCATI ADD TO Is Elect Pod€r on this BuildinS ZEilArt aDDE PRO]ECI COTJIAC TP EXIST CONS ALTERATION lf Relocation. No NEI,J COIIS accEssoR If UPfIT - Ihe Shclt pe.nit fl: s * a P PHOt{E TRUCIIO : Iis lhere a Nalural Gas Line on lhe T-'l fiEitovATUCurrenl Site?r trYesl-i Ho rs PAIRS TI RE a.oc s#"*,EREDT vesf-; xISr sTntrnnEl*y:]:::.:_Er.rcr r{Er{ srRucruRE f}FAsr rRAcxY STRUCTUTE:D sHErL f] upFrr E E DESIG}I PROFESSIO}IAL: EI{6R DESIGT{ PROFESSIO AL DESCRIPTION OF I.'OR(: a€- rhis strucrure?f vesflf, No ts The p.o IF Yes, r.hat ras the p Infi? ..... rs THts l cHArrcE r.cvious Occupancy T)DG? OF OCCUPA}ICY USE l[-u. vrs ( rc.....ls (hC ta€e Occup.ncy pa llt 0 k?15?o Nc REPHtqAT n< RE Yes t7,ln rsFEE, l8 lErEtEr o,9zazz-a,-Tia-6 ls ,ood or beverages prepared or s€rved in N8"*,rra", , l'"..o, ""r,n, lhsr el r druuon m9l!-!9!l l9i! 3!q q6nsnc.s snd r+{ul.tions Thcg,Sff tr il"tsfffi iiffi Ess" titormatron :; WATER SEWER SYSTEM tns_applcaDofl is corrcct ard 6I i,o.t wit, comoty wi$ the St.|e Buad,ng Code lndil8!.\f,ft ffi itff ffi strEfl ,:"JtEe*h.""J#i.*{*;[*ff.fl flx Bhg Code and Perty Located ln The ainfL Yefi all lpdr.Ue Slats NO OWNER/CONTRACTOR: Nolei Demotoon notificatons t lsbesbs re,novrt pe.mit applasLons 6rG to t, submincd usin0 rn€ appticstion ,onn (DHHS376Econt ln AsDe$oa or nol you Ora raquirad lo cal rhe Nalonet Emisiion Stsndsnts lor H.r.(hus Air Potn nl' {N€SX,cp) at (919)707.5950 ar b.<r rdenblitbn ot.ny t dny or Drriliir! S€.Silq: h|g'Jrrr{.*..g.st6L nc.uYepibs!.noy6 hmD hlml rorAl pRoJEcr cosr, 4l) 50O.BUILDING HEIGHT 13 doFuNtrsTOTAL AREA SO FT *6500 SO FT PER FLR # OF STORIESTOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF d OF STRUCTU RES * OF FLOORS ACRES DISTURBED: Z. D ,(/A /?_t\.d,(cr,,-n STGNATURE: NEW IMPERVTOUS AREA: j 3 362-Exsr LAND DtsruRsrNo peRurrz .,,l- yes SO FT EXIST|NG TMPERVTOUS AREA: C) PROPERTY usEr [orrrce I RESTAURANT NITY SYSTEM !urncrxrruefl eoucf[ COMMU SEPARAIE PIRMI]S FTOI]IRED I OE LASSIFICATION LH RH B: BFE+2tr: N CONDO OTHE .P / n4;-L DISCOVER PERMIT F EE: : APT BEiEyt E CENTRAL sEplc fI Tl WELL T-l zoNtNG USE CPFIVATE sEplc E-UoMMUNrry €L ECI. MLCI,I. PLBG GAS EOLNP PBEfABSE INSEF'T PAYMENT MEIHOD l- cnsn l- cHEcK (PAYABLE To runc1 J- AMER|CAN EXPRESS ZONE: OFFICER (FOR OfFTCE USE ONt-Y) SETBACKS: F;Approval:_ City:_ DATE_ FLOOD Comment 6nk^ fiu;t ut.f (t t O Glors * 2 of% \ Efo-czs r^€Ptlo. cA/lsA R"ht []r\c 7ir$-rg I SQ FT t; ICIN a L\=Y54'bt .) t a c z: APPLICANT'S M}tE: DEVELOPER: 6f PRO]ECT OCCUPANT/BUSINESS t,|A E: PROPERW OHIIER'S NA E;s+3 /*a, l.,T tt< OI.,NER'S ADDRESS: z NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUTLDING PERI4IT aPPL IcarIoN rypE; COII}1ERCIAL PL€ASE ANSWER ALT QUESIIOT,/S APPI-ICABLE TO YOI'R PRO]ECT..project Responsibility,, orl LL< AFFEEIT_IoN Nunb€r (Offic€ Us.) DATE )./r t/z.t* _ Pttot{E *t f(os 2003 t{ LV.I t// t ty6tr0AJ ruC zrP: Zfff// 1 _P]0 E s: Qf O E>txXtS Y-t, EI'IAI L ADDRESS:r PRO]ECT COI{IACT P If UPFIT - The Shell permit #: IF Yes, what uas the prevlous Occupancy Type?Tvoe?ANCH DESIGI{ PROFESSIOI{AL E]{GR DESIOI PROFESSIO'{AI- DESCRIPTION OF !,IORK : - LICEiISE f: I tl ro q CITY: sr:@ztp@r st)t/l( ztPt z3*/ j*,.-4k:c&tg Oc-' f CITY: I,IL / 1160',\) PHONE PHONE (Che.l All That Appty)EXIST CoNSTRUCTION: T-l ALTERATIoN lf Relocation, is there a Naturaul Gas Lrne on the urrent Site? ,-l T-l CENERAT REPAIRS T--Ivtd;-; ruo ,s a.rospH,nr ilP* .o*rr*r.rron, M accEssoRY sr*r.trJfi REM)VATION RELOCATION xleneo'fl, vesf- EREcr Er{ srRucruRE E FAsr rRAcx SHELL uPFrr E ADD To Exrsr srRucruRE ***T* IS THIS A CMT{GE OF OCCUPAT{CY USE il,]YES is Klthe Is Elect Power on this Building ff yes tx,, l{eu Occupancy l9FE8 18 18: g.{Bt d L, ,e-PH Pu 4to2q?q570 Nc REG * 'ql"??l6n( Nc RE6 *: P 6ll Av J,9zqzl 7/ 39AUrt\< / f\a\s OWNER/CONTRACTOR: (Ooalfs) Nole: Demotilion notricatons E ssbeslos NEW TMPERVToUS AREA: 73 362_ PROPERTY USE: EOFFTCE f| neSreunaur MERCANTILE hsYrac\ i-rt SIGNATURE (DHHS-3768) whe$er rhe l.cihy or building was lound totlAP) 3r (919)707-59aO al t€ast lO days prior lo the # OF UNITS: * or sroRresl- -l- # OF FLOORS: SO FT coNDo orHEr 8 lrr r,ne9J: IFICATION DISCOVER :---- BFE+2f1,AVN PERMIT FEE: I removal permit appljcations are to be submined using the application lormcontain fubesbs or not. you are required io c€lllh€ Na0onetEmissioo Standarcts ror Hazardous Air Potti,ranb (NESdefiDlition ot sny fadtity or h.,itdino. see Asbeslos web Sde OO hhp:/lwwe, epi.suate.nc uyepi/asD€sioyahmp hlmt TOTAL PROJECT COST 4t1500.BUILDING HEIGHT: I ZTOTAL AREA SQ FT -6500 SO FT PER FLR TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF f OF STRUCTURES ACRES DISTURBEO: Z- O Exsr LANo DtsrunarNc eeRurrz .[- vrs J- r,ro SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA.. ') WATER TXCFPUASEWER: IIicFPUA SYSTEM v ...qF COMMUNITY SYSTEM CENTRAL SEPTIC D Tl WELL TI zONtNG USE CLASSmlvATE sEpTlc DToMMUNtTy EDUC APT PARAIE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP, PREFAAS E INSERTS LH RH PAYMENT [4ETHOD l- crsu J- cHEcK (PAYABLE To NHc) f - AMER|oAN ExpREss ZONE: OFFICER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:Approval:_ City:_ DATE_ FLOOD A/ISA Comment CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: B oiJr y NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI,IIT APPLICATI$J rvpE: COITTTIERCIAL PIEAS€ A SIJER Arr QUESTIONS APPLICAETE TO YOUR PROIECT..project Responsibility,, ,,, I Ro$a\Q* aP-meamN Number (ofIice Us.) _oer, 2./t r/2.19 - PHONE TI f(a S ?oa, t{ 1,,/ / I nt ,y6\-o^J lJa n@,r I c, 1 APPLICANT'S MitE : DEVELOPE PRO] ECT OCCUPANT R: 6S, grrl /BUSINESS iJAitE: PROPERTY OTiIER'S NAIIE:q+7 /A<, knT tt< OI.'NER,S ADDRESS: 2 CITY: . PHONE *: CONTRACTOR : ADDRESS: -r>LICENSE #: t q 90qcrw: QIO 52tx<t9:r4l/ ZlPt - .2& / / stlUJ_zrp, Z2q/i O., <t ra ,{ Z E MAI L ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTAC TPE EXIST CONSTRUCTION: It Relocation. is th No Et.J CO STRUCTIO : ACCESSORY STRUCTU Plot{E S: P}ONE *:r L:1 ere a Nalural Gas Line on the Site?t:es ((he.l All lhat Apply) ALT ERATION REiIOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS l-l no tS BLDG S trPRIN RELOCATION KLEREDI-; yesf, Frnecr NEht srRucruRE FAsr rRAcK n sHErL E upFrr E ADD To Exrsr srRucruRE Is Elect r**** IS THIS A CI|AIIGE OF OCCUPAIICY USEr l-,l1lhatIF Yes, what was the previous Occupan cy Type? If UPFIT - The Shell penmit #:Power on this Building fi yes lX ro ::t,s..* i-'-- :,i,'E! iB lr1ri,iF.ls the Iee Occupancy P* q/0 2q?1s70,nr@-Nc REG s: -trZaZz_Nc nrc t,a7iT I[Efi trrrro, pRoFEssronA EI{GR DESIGN PROFESSIOI{A DESCRIPTION OF WORK: L: L P6$l Av J,dur<- AU ) \'.,</fr.\s ls tood or beverages prepared or served in lhis slructure?f- vesffi Ho ts The property Locared tn The FtoodptainT-L ye{-L all other lpplicable State NoDISCLAIMER: thereby cenity thal alltnfomEton inand.toc€llaws and oadhanc€s and regulatons. The StSigiCB Elffif#J tiionrrscror i;'ormat'bn' '- this _applicaton is coned and altwork wi compty w h the SEte Buitdrno Code end il89Pi1"J.,[,Tf; "t$#s::gr3ilylfE#gi:.,"J**"*l*r;Ji,:li"]lilLr#.Dlans and sDeciicationsNC State Bldg Code and OWNER/CONTRACTOR: (Oiralitid) Nole: Demohtion notf€tions & asbestos 4tsYrotcX.'.n SIGNATURE sile: hflpr/www.epi.stale.nc,us/epyasbeslos/ahmp.ht BUILDING HEIGHT: I 1 SQ FT PER FLR * op srRucrunrs-f rD rernoval pemil epdicatons are to be submilled using ttt€ appticaton fonn (DHHS3768) s,he$er lhe facitiry or buitding rBs tound toconiain asb€stos ornot. you are required lo c€llthe NaUonalEmission Standards for Hazardous Ai, pollutanls (NcSHAP) ar (919)707-5950 at tessr 10 days pd;rrolh€demolirion ol any facitiiy or buitding ?)16wToTAL AREA SQ FT : _ \( 0OTorAL so FT UNDER Ro'oFi - TOTAL PROJECT COST AcRES DtsruRBEo. Z-o Exsr LAND Dtsrunerlc eenuru f ves f- Ho SQ FT EXIST|NG TMPERVTOUS AREA: d) # OF UNITS # OF STORIES: / # OF FLOORS coNDo orHEr $/rs ,,4-L SSIFICATION BFE+2ft, WATER XCFPUASEWER; It'CFPUA SYSTEM ? ...s PAYMENT METHOD: l-l WELL TI zONtNG usE CLAmlvATE SEPIC ETOMMUNTTY NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: 3 3 362- ZONE: OFFICER Approval:_ City:_ DATE_ FLOOD APT COMMUNIry SYSTEM EPABATE PERMIIS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PL8G, GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSER-IS f casu f- cHEcK (eAvABLE ro Nncl l- AMERTcAN ExeRESS (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F: MCA,/tSA Comment LH RH SQ FT l,) /LDt,'6f oN sI PROPERT usE: EoFFtcE I nesrnunar,rr ! urncrrurrrel-l eoucl-1 CENTRAL SEPIC D B N _ PERMIT FEE: I DISCOVER 8o,.ti.ud fD s,M!i t #t ff{,til^lp@ srti/st ITIfi, lcll!l /.2 / ; APPLICANT'S M}tE : NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERIIIT AppLrcArran rrpE I COIIIIERCIAL PIEASE AI{S'EN AL! q,,E5T]OII5 APPT'CA8IE IO YOUR PROJECI,.pro ject Responsibility,, ,., I AP-FITEITI-IcATIoil Number (OfflcG Ur.) r, 2/r r/2.19DEVELOPE PRO]ECT O€CUPANT R: 6E - PtotJE f :Zoo3t5-L1 BUSII{ESS I{AIitE: PROPERTY O!,INER'S NA}IE:+/*o, knf U< Oc' 6Yo^-i rua : 28? rt P}O E ':5T 05>t9 I CO TRACTOR: ADORESS: ?-D 1,"I "t^- LICE SE ':1u 90q Zt?tZSL_// ST *: TY: //Lt)/f r\) ! crw: EITAIL EsS: PROJECT COMIAC PE If UPFIT - The Shel.l permit #: Exrsr cor{srRucrro : n ALrERArro* n *rrJlfii'rllj ll Reloc€tion, E there a NattEt cas Lr Lrile;-;;;: Effi, -,,,"J,ffi ' il,r;accEssoRy srnucruiEi Th.t rpply) n GE EnA[ nEPATRS Tl iELOCATTO{vEi-f-; r.ro rs ar-oc selfiftxleneoT TRACI( fl sfiELr D upFrr n aDo ro r IST STRUCTURE .t- Y all bpd|cable SbtE f OF FLOORS Exsr LAND DISTURBtNG pERMtr? -r yEs EXISTING IMPERVTOUS AREA] C)SO FT / )') ICATION LH RH B -T-_t5PTloNE f : ""r IF Ycs, \,hat yas thc p DESIGfl PROTESSIOTIA!:6II{GR DESIGI{ PROTESSTOTAL DESCRIPTION OF }.'ORX: TOTAL PROJECT COST TOTAL AREA SO FT TOTAL SO FT UNDE ACRES DISTURBED ..... IS IXIS A CllAI{6E revious Occupancy T)pe? Is Elect Porrer on thls Building Yes l(io ,5F€r lg lgrB{ir OF OCCUPA'ICY USE? TLhet vrs I 16.....ls tfii ricr occupancy rQ_PH :q/tLzf?q5|! Nc REc o,9zfzz_ PH 4tL4LgiAJL K rE '7/39 ls lood or beverages prepared o( served in $8c*,ur", , ,.r"0, -n r, uret ol intoflyr.tDn rnarld.local layrs snd orumsnc+ snd rcgublirns The C,#.T13 PtrffiT ft fff,f-so, ii,o,Instion -' lhis srruclure?f- yesfY No ts The property Located ln The Ftoodpl 'f, il$##ffi ffi "ffifr #'#d{ffiffi ff.dff ffi ffi "#s,H Bldg Code alld OWNER/CONTRACTOR NoGr Ocmoliuon norncalons 6 sstEstos renbvrl pe.nfi lppt alons arc to De iubmfled u5lr8 tr appu..tion tonn (OBHS-3768) wtEu€l ltE ,acliryconoln AsbeiDs or nd yo! brc'equned lo callrhe Na0on tEmission SEndards to,Ha,'rdou6 atrPolurants (NtsHApt6t (919)70/-5950sldemolllDn ol any raclny or buitding lrl /qry:r"t ;-n S|GNATURE: See Asbesbs Web S ?)16w', 7f oo ir8: htrp/wywv.epl siale oc uYeprrsb€slos/ahmp hlmt BUILDING HEIGHI ,l z roF uNtrs # OF STORIESSO FT PER FLR R ROO * or srnucrunES NEW IMPERVTOUS AREA: 3 3 362-SO FT PRopERTy uSEr DoFFtcE ! nes-rruaaNr f| MERCANILE I eouc! nprR coruoo orxer 3 J' Z-o WATER SEWER SYSTEM H3:Etl E3g[+HT#L:SR,.[?[.,,,,"38o',o,]',lto#sE.LASSTF l,AFrIEpEPf!,tlT.\nl (liIrREl)tO,:ELtCI tftC! r,ttrG GASEeUp p,rLIAtiS!l|(SFF.]S PAYMENT METHOD f cAsH f cHEcK (eAvABLE ro r.lrc1 f- AMERIcAN EXeRESS ZONE OFFICER (FOR OFFICE USE ONTY) SETBACKS: F: Approval:_ City: DATE_ FLOOD : BFE+2ftAVN CTVISA Comment a5 ofz^/'. Sf^ct-s PERMIT FEE DISCOVFR tu\b )v+ OT{NER'S ADDRESS: 2 zrp: Z3*/i NO lli ta\r ' a 9 ?1' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING aPP LICATIoN IYPE: COIIII4ERCIAL Prtast ANSl.rtR atL QUEsTIONS APPTICABLT TO YOUR P "ProjeGt ResPonsibilitY" PERMIT 7o$-zta6l#,2*APPLICATION Number (o{fi.e u5€) i Lt-t/ APPLICANT'5 NAfiE : DTVT LOPER ;'.Sr PRO]ECT ADDRESS:0t OCCUPANT/8USINEsS NAflE : PROPERTY OWNER,S NAI4E:'{u 0 C..)Ktt\)e ONNER, S ADDRESS:C,?ot 6L6A /vneh DD crrv, cdt CONTRACTOR:t/e l €}{T Qi or nnlCt(-LICENSE f: ADDRESS: /r ft\r STY 4uu CITY: . Cc' Le LAr!,O EI,IAI L ADDRESS:Si Hcr.X-t LUALrc p-rfi-C (.1 PRO]ECT CONTAC] PERSON:i/A I - S ro-r o DATE : PHONE srQls -UzZ-J?3? CITY: Lr.j i l-1.1 I t\Tb ztp:.?.flca ^l PHONE f:a-6 rr-,st tLU:zrPl 3 ALtqsL sr;NL zLP,?w)'l O'l,Z 1 L C;, (tc PHONE d: PHONE I:gtc-Lz7 -7'131 EXrST CONsTRUCTTOI,I: ! aLTERATTON I nrNovarton ll Rolocation, is thele a Natulal Gas Line on lhe Cultent Sile? Ll [-l nrlocatror PRTNKLERED? l-t Yes l-l No (che.r Atl lhat APPIY) GENERAL REPAIRS E ruo rs BLDG s uK r.,,!.r A-t Yes NE}.I CONSTRUCTION : I-I ACCESSORY STRUCTURE:D eck_-Dh If UPFIT - The sheU Permit f: rr"* I5 THIS A CHANGE If Yes, h,hat was the Pr€vious OccuPancy Type? Is Elect Pou,er on this Building E Yes E to oF occuPANcY usrl ft vrs EFp '-"' Mrat is the Neu OGcuPancY TYPe? PH:NC REG S NC RtG flARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOIIAL:PH L(J t\io LDESCRIPTION OF hIORK: ls lood or bovsagos proPared q s€rvod tn 0{s srnrawe? fives [ ruo b Th6 Propo y Localod ln Th€ Flooddaln?[v". I no Code and all lhe E asb€sbs rdnovsl pomit Eppliaatons aro ro Do submiuod using ths spplicltion lorn (OHHS_3768)hcllity or buil&ro wls lound to l!6rt l0 alays prlor blhe conlsin Asb€stos or not You ar. rEqultod !o..ll ths Ntlionsl E nb.lon SudlIds lor Hazrdous Air Pollrrtants (NESHAP) sl (919)707 -5950 r1 Soe Asb€stos W€b Site: hnPjr*irs.3pi.stats.nc.usret osbostcrahmP.hunldernolitioo ol lny bdlity oI bulHing TOTAL PROJECT COST: TOTAL AREA SQ FT : TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: ACRES DISTURBED OA. /. BUILDING HEIGHT: SO FT PER FLR: ._- # OF STRUCTURES: -.- f OF UNITS: f OF STORIES:-.-- , OF FLOORS Exsr IAND Dlsrunernc eenutrr Ives f] no SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA' SO F- NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: .....-.- PROPERTY USE: EoFFlcE flnesreuraNr fluencetlrtue [eouc [aer f]coNDO OTHER: WATER: ECFPUA COMMUNITY SYSTEM EWELL trZONING USE CLASSIFICATION: SEWER: E CFPUA trE cENTRAL SEPTrc E PRMATE SEPrc DaOMMUNITY SYSTEM SEPARP.-I E PERMITS REOUTRED FOR ELECT. MECH' PLBG' GAS EOUIP. PREf ABS A INSEFIS '' PAYMENT METHOD tr CASH tr cHEcK (PAYABLE ro Hnc; fielnentcen o<eness f] rr+rri**r ncrutsn I otscown REVISEO DAIE '/1III2(FOB OFFICE USE ONLY) Z.NE:-OFFIcER: - SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B: Approvar:-city, -'ATEfJL;;;'-]^ |]u _-* BFilm= PERMIT FE Comment E:$ EREcr NEN srRUcruRE I rasl rucx I sner-r' I uerrr I ADD To Exrsr srRucTURE t SlaIE ( Noto: Demoliaon nolfcalions CL ,<Clear Form Print eMail NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P LI CAT I O N N'PE.. RESIDENTIAT PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESIIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO,JECT "Project Responsibilitl/' 20 6-220 It#( Application Number (office use) APPLICANT'S NAME: Shane Smith Date: 01/06/2017 PROJECT ADDRESS:CITY: Wilminolon ZtP 28411 SUBDIVISION: Dunbar Landino LOT S: I PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: Steve & Candace Johnson PHONE #: 9'10-362-4563 OWNER'S ADDRESS:7448 nrnhar Rd CITY Wilmin.rton ZtP: 28411 CONTRACTOR I Coastal Buildino Conceots BTDG TICENSE #: ADDRESS:518 Tr2ils Fnd R.l CITY: Wilminoton EMAIL ADDRESS: shane@coastalbuildingconcepts com PHONE ql o-7qA-2RRn PROJECT CONTACT PERSON Shrne Srnith PHO[{E: 910-264-2075 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration E Renovation I General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence 7/ eddition to existing Residence ! Relocation *I*PIEASE CHECI( AND ANSWER BELOW ATt THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT*** [] Att Garage (5F)6 Det Garage (5F) 380 n Porch (SF) n Sunroom (sF)! Pool (SF)n Storage Shed (5F) _ n Greenhouse (SF)_n Deck (sF)tr Other (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes E No TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF (fot ptoposed work) Healedi Unheated:380 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): 5 57843 crFEE t8 2:tbPll ST: NC ZIP: 28409 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? D YesA o ls any Electrical, Plumbint or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure 6 lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natu ra I Gas Line on the current site? tr YesF ls there Electrical Power on this Building? h Yes fl No Prop€rty Use/ occupancy:F sinde Family ! Duplex ! Townhouse Yes E No No Description of Work: Build Detach oaraoe behind existino oaraoe. DIS€lAlMEi: I hereby certify that allthe information in this application iscorrect laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHc Development Services Centerwill information. ***NOTE: Anywork performed without the appropriate permits wil end allwork willcompty with the State Euilding Code and all otherapplicable State and local be notified ofany changes in the lbe in violation ofthe NC :ffi;tulmlncontractor owner/Contra ctor: Shane Smith "Licensed Quolilier" ls the property located in a floodplain? E Ye' Existint lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft Signature: Fno WATER: TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:380 Sq Ft ExistinB Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes F No fi creua E community system I Private well n central well D Aqua I CfeUA E Community System E Private Septic I Centralseptic n Aqua Zone: - Officer: - Setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - City: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (vl - (N) - BFE+2ft= - Comment:Permit Fee: S 7448 Dunbar Rcl SEWER: Afr-zz-o; NEhJ HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI.ATI1N IYPE; Col.tiilERCIAL PIEAST AflsHER At-L QUEST:oNS AppLTCABLE T0 yOUr pflOJfCr "Project Respons1b111ty" APPLICANT'S l,lAllE: 19rs51 S, cahoon DEVE!OPIR: PROJ ECT !'lilhington oCCUPANT/EUSINESS f,lAHE : r,rn.lf a) I PR0PERTY 014/NER'S i{Al'lE: psm6!.616 Jones pk ouners Associattoo oL/ilER,s AoDRESS: t.iqg r,,,t",tu:" orir*. CITY: 6i16in9s66 CONTRACTOR: Bobby cahoon Conotruction, rnc.- lICEtlSE f: 5212 6 - CITY: 576,11 ST: 116 ZIP: 29529 Ei.'1AI L JHONE s: isz-ztg-tttt PRoJECT CoNTACT PER5oNj t;;11ck rpock PHON E *t 252-zz9-qozt (che(l All rh.t Apply) €s lral.ls on Spanish t{e1]s Pond 1n Laodtall PHONE #l . DATE:2-22-18 aFFmfiT-ro^l tlumber (0ffl(e U5e) ZIP 't 28t05| 2044 spanlsh HelIs Drlve E55 : 5o95yc6tro6r.o!! !ructlolqyahoo. coll #Ex0NP ST: ys ZIP:26495 ALTERATION Gas Llne on lhgn Current Site? f: REI,IOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS T-] RELOCATION I--rvo rs BLDG sphi'JKLERED4-- y€sf -NotlEl,l COr{STRUCTION:ERECr NEN STRUCTURE flFAST IRAC( n SHErL D UPFIT D ADD TO EXrST STRUCTURE ACCE5S0RY STRUCTURE: seavral. /r€rai ning If UPFII - The SheU Pernit #: N/A .**r* Is THIS A CHANGE IF Yes, vhat l{as the P.evlou' occupancy fypel TvDEI ARCH DESIGI{ PR0FESSIOiUIL I N/A Is Elect Polder on this Bullding f. Yes li. N0 oF occuPANCY USE?r YES [. riO ....* _ l,lhat is the I{eB oc.upancy ----. NC REG fliPH: ENGR oEsrcN pRoFEssroNALr-- PH:- Nc flE6 E:- DESCRIPTION 0F l.loRK: 1fifr-iflflli- of vinyl seawall/retalnins l{alls on Spanish '{eIl, Pond ls tood or boveraoes prepared or sorv€d in thls structuro?f Yosf-, No 16 Tho Proporly Located ln Tho Floodplain{-.- Yef- N8cf.ltv en, I n"r"uy ""niry thsr all informadon ln lhls efld local taws and o,dinancss and leoulalions, Ihe NHor ah,;do ln conlrlalor oi conlraclor '-nlormollon, "'NOSubls.lio Fin63 Up To 6500.00"' applicsllonls conecl6nd all\,!ork wlllcomply wiur lho Slale Eulldino Cod6 Bnd all orher appiicablo Slals C D.veloom€nt S€Mc€s Conloarrillb€ noliliod olsnv chanoos in th€ aooovod olans and sDecilicalions TE: Any Work Perlofiod W/O tho pproprlsl€ Porm116 wlll 5a in Vrolalion ol lhoNC Storo Sldg Codo irnd OWNER/CONTRACTOR: reresa s. c.rhoon SIGNATUREI .. SEPARATE PERMIISR€OUIREO FOR ELECT. MECTJ. PL8G, G\SEOUP.PREFASS& ITISEAIS PAYIVIENT METHOD: fl CASH . 01ECK (PAYAELE TO NHC) r- AMERICAN EXPRESS r- (FOR OFFTCE USEONLY) DENJ contain Asbosr,c6 or nol You er. rqurrod lo c.lrris Natlon.l Emlsslon Sbidardstor H.r.dowAIrPollt tonts (NESHAP) 6l(919)707-5950 ol hlrr 10 day! p,lor lo lho d6molirio. ot any lacllity or bulldi.r. S€o A6bo3tDE Web Silo: h!9nrrrd0.opl3lrlc.6c.ulJo9uo3b6llo./ahm9.hl,nl TOTAL PROJECT COST: l!:4f!:q_ BUILDING HEIGHT:.N/A TOTAL AREA SQ FT I SQ FT PER FLR: .N/A # OF STORIES: N/^ # OF UNITS: N,/r TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: N/A d OF STRUCTURES: p71 il Or TLOoRS: ii7r,-- ACRES DISTURBEDI N/A EXST LAND DTSTURBING PERr\, T? J:YES Ji NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: r.rZa SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: N/A SO FT pRopERry usE: DorFlcE ! nesuunnnr ! MERCANTILED EDUoTIAPTTI oONDO OTHET WATER: SEWER: SYSTEM Tl COMMUNITY SYSTEM TI WELL Tl ZONING USE CLASS I cenrnnl seerrc I Hvlre seertc B'ijoM[,luNtTYE CFPUA CFPUA zoNE: [.}D oFFICER: ApproYsl:_ City TE Z'zrr-lt FLOOD IFICATION N PERMIT FEE: I tvlc/'\4sA r DtscovER *ro""d, q^;r<lt, Jrff %.r"+,'"3 |o"dSETBACKS: F: * LH JI -RH * It Comment ffbh - Ciii, lnpeclion Requrreo, I I 0.254-0inl 1_8-533 ADDRESS | 6C03 Neuse Road EXIST CONSIRUCTION: ! lf Relocation, ls ther€ a Nalursl ,/\i a ti l' cE a ?ct€ - zzc^3 18 - 533NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI4IT APPLIcArIott TYPE: COiIIIERCIAL PLEASE AI{STER ALL QUESTIOIs APPLICAALE TO YOI,,R PRO]ECT "ProJect Responsibil1ty" Wilnington ap-FfTfi?idr t{umber (offic. U3.) APPLICAIT'S llAllE: 1E.g.. S. Cahoon OEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ' 2044 Spanish wells Drive OCCUPAIIT/BUSINESS MltE : r,andf at r O}.IilER'S ADDRESS:I74 9 Drysdale Drive . CITY: 11irmi - DATE : PHONE #: ZIP:294s5 - PIO E #i on ST: Ns ZIP:29465 CoiITRACTOR: Bobby cahoon construction, Inc.- LICE SE S: eztzo ADORESS: 5OO3 Neuse Road El,lAI L 3 bobbyca\oopconstr!ctjigltyahoo, con trrY: Grante-ST: Ns ZIP:2g529 - PIOIE #; 252-24g-\6t7 PROIECT CONTACT PERSO{: pq1s161 1p6g1 . PtlOf,E *: 252-229-4a2-; (Check all That Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTIO{ lf Relocalion, is lhere 8 N NoNEr{ COISTRUCTTO|{: ACCESSORY STRWTT' : Tl ALTERATToN Tl RENovarroN atiEl cas Line on rheEnent Site? l-. GE]{ERAI REPAIRS T-'I l-- r,ro rs BLDG sJFT{r RELOCATION KLERED?|-- Yesf _ EREcr NEr{ srRUcruRE flFAsr rRAcK E SHErL E upFrr n ADD r0 Exrsr SrRrrcruRE i sest all/retaiolng !l.118 qn Spanlsh Wells Pond in landfall '.... rs rHrs A cHAilGE oF occrrPlr{cy usEtr yEs lr. in ..'.. IF Y€s, rhat ras the prcvlous Occupancy Tlllle? _ t{hat ls the ilcri Occupancy TvDe? ARTH 0E5Ig{ PROFESSIOML: N/A PH:ilc RE6 f: ttc REG *:-ETTGR DESIGII PROFESSIOI{AL LN/A PH: DESCRIPTION OF HORK: rnTllflffii- or vinyr seaual-r/retainlns warts on spanlsh WeIls Pond SIGNATU Nol.: D.mollho nolifcalions E asb€do3 rudroyal pormlt appllc.lirn3 ar6 to b. eubfilt!6d uaim fic epdicrt,on brm (DHHS.3768) riclhor lhe facility or bualdinO wss found ro conlaln Aslr66to6 o. nol. Yot, e.€ Equlrad lo cel the Nollon5l Eribslon S!.ndad3 for Hszrrdo@ A. PoIubnB (NES}IAP).t (0tg)707€050.r lolrt 1O d.y6 f'rior io th€ dqndidon ol sny lbdllty or bulbing. Sec A6be.b. W.b Shr: htpr/w*\r.cai.stat6.ncuC.pl/trilb.rto./ahmp.htnt TOTAL PROJECT COST: S53, o?8. oc BUILDING HEIGHT: N/A # OF UNITS: NiA TOTAL AREA SO FT TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: r.r/a ACRES DISTURBEO: N/A NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: x7n PROPERTY USE SQ FT PER FLR; .Hra # OF STRUCTURES: N/L # OF STORIES: p7a # OF FLOORS: N/A Exsr LAND D|STURBTNG pERMtr? r yES l- NO CONDO OTHET SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: N loFFrcE I nesraunlrur ! MERcANILEE EDUoEI_ Aprf] SO FT WATER: SEWER: SYSTEM I-'']CFPUA [-'I COMMUNIW SYSTEM T-l WELL N ZONING USE CLASS flcreua flcerurn+ seelc E hlvArE sEplc EtCoMMUNtry.. SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG. GAS EOUIP, PREFABS 8 INSERTS IFICATION PAYMENT I ETHOD:t- crsx l-. cxecK (eAvABLE To NHc) f- AMERIcAN ExpREss t-_ racnrrsa f-- otscovER ZONE: OFFICER: (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:LH BAooroval: CitY: DATE FLOOD BFE+2ft: Comment L7 RH N 2-22-\S PROPERTY OIiNER'5 tlAltE; pembroke Jones pk Owners Associatlon If UPFIT - The Shell Permit *: N/A Is Elect pouer on this BuildinB [-. yes l-. NO OWNEF/CONTRACTOR: rere"" s. cahoon PERMIT FEE: :