MARCH 12 2018 BUILD APPS, I ,.\l bt&-fr $ NEN HANOVER COUNTY BUILDTNG PERI'TIT r,PPLrcttIAn rYPE: COIIIERCIAL PLIASE AISIIER EIL QUESIIOiB APPIICAOTE 10 YOUR P8O]TITrProj.ct R.JpomtbtlitF APPLICAiIT' 9 lollE I 55s, sowcr L,/ t,JM Archite.t:! AFFrIMT-IoN iumber (offi.. u..) DA?E: 61.,22 i1s DEVELOP PRO]ECT El:.tcxo Beau Rtva PlOllE #:412-s59-s395ztl.-**595! Carolina Beach Road, Suite I50 l{i}mingtori OCCUPA T/BlrSItl[SS tlAllE: per supplles plus PROPERTY Oifl ER'S T'OIE : OI*{ER'5 ADDRESS: s6o E ECHO Be6u Rlva B, LLC psr lon Drive Sfl p1 ZIP: 1523s . tT: or ZIPr r4212 _ PliXlT ,; .sio-ztz-zizi CITY: p;ss56u.o1, C(I{IIACTOS: Enqette const ruct ion so.t"utions LrcEl{sE t: Z5l-f 4aooRtSS:292? Natlooride Pa!lHd CIIY: grun"*i.1 EI.lAI L : Er 1c€ergelkccs. con PRoIECI CONfACT PERSOI{: gy1" 6,,o"11e (cM.l ^ll .t Apply) . PIXXE l: {40-?:4-3851 EXIST CGasIRt CTIotl: l7l ALTERATIoI{ I Relocatlon, ls theie a Nslural Gas Lln6 on th€Site? f. 6EXEiAL REPAIiS l-- No rs BLDG s trPRIN RELOCATIOI xLEnEo!-_ Yesfi_ R E'IOVATI Ot{ es No[E]l coNsTnucTlolir E ERECT xEhr srRrrcTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTUiE i E FAsr rRAcr SHEtt n UPFrT ! AoD ro Exrsr srR(rruR! If UPFIT - The Shsll Pernit [;fs Elcct Perer on this Buildj.n8 li. Yes f' No ..... rs rHts A ctur{6E 0t occup rfi usEtJ: yE !. l.o ..,r. IF Yat, rh.t xar tha ?r!vlo!s Occuptncy lypr? _ Ihst 13 tht !r occupanay Helcantilc ARtH 0E5!61 PRoCESSIoI{ALT stephen p. Haher - PHr er5-24{-8rlO NC REG f: 69a7 EN6R DE5I6I{ PROf ES5IOITAL l-HltcheIl D. sirEpson PH:?:J::EU;;- Nc i€G s:025299 DESCRIPTIO OF t@RK:Incerlor ranovallorr of er{istLno buili,dn9 for Pat Suppllas Plus slore ls lood or ber€Egos Eeparcd or ssnred ln this structurs?f- Yssliit- tlo ts ttre properry Locabd ln The Floodplalnfi- Y.fi_ I ln{omrlldl In hb B con d md.l vro,r llnl lrill) lh€ stsla Cod! lnd.[ oh., Bppli.aH€ Slilt 8k9 Codc Bnd OWNER/CONTRACTOR:n -<,,,t-,SIGNATURE: (qdk, $ora: DantlEon ml,lt$m3 a aabctbr r.trDvc P.r? t tli to D. nllnuod qrhE ,!r :pr&r16n ,t,n (trHHS-3781)6hrlldr{ ra! lu.Jtd to .oir.h a!..b. or no( Yo! r. rqln d lo c.rr $t iltmd Emli3bo srdrdid. ld ll:rdo5 ,ar Por/bnti (NESHAP) .l (0 10)707{t50 fr h.rr 10 drF ptur lo rli! drrnolbn rl !,ty rElP o. bddhg. 5.. A!.rlo! W.a SlLi h$lrtl$w.€C.sld..nc.u.^rvrrn .&6,/.hmo.h!ril TOTAL PROJECT COST: 546s, ses BUILDINGHEIGHT: 36,-0" TOTALAREASOFT:6 .t05 IOTALSO FT UNDER ROOF' e, 2::, ACRES DISTURBED: N/A SO FT PER FLR:_ 6, .05 t oF STRUCTURES; 1 t OF STORIES: r #OF FLOORS: 1 NEW IMPERMOUS AREA: rze EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? T YES Ji NO SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AFEA: N/A SO FT pRopERryusEr f]oFFlcE flnesreuneNr MERCANTITETl EDUCT1 APTD CONDO OTHEI ICATION LH RH E WAIER: SEWERi SYST€M CFPUA T-'l COMMUNITY SYSTEM T-1 WELL T[ ZONING USE CLASSIF cFpuA El CENTRAL sEpTlc 3 lnnlvrre ssertc B?oMMUNlw-. SEPARATE PERMITS REqUIBED FOR ELECT.li|ECH, PLBG. GAS EOUIP. PREFABS A LNSERIS PAYMENT METHOD:[- cesu f- cHEcK (eAvABLE To NHc) f-AMERIcAN ExPREss f- McNlsA f-DrscovER ZONE: OFFICER: (FOR OFFICE US€ ONLY) SETBACKS: F: Approval: Cily: DATE- FLOOD BFE+2fl' AVN Commenl p$c&r<, ( pr$ \.t"u\*,lr - PlotiE ,: , OF UNITS: 1 PERMIT FEE: | , ... RECEIyED llAR 02 ?0,l[ ii:L(}OX).riu',ui-i 2ot8-?2u'7 t8 -29 6 ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPUATPN fYPE: RESIDENTIAT PI.TASE ANSWER ATL QUTSTIONS A'!UCABIT TO YOUR PRO]EC'T "P,oJect nerpontiblllly'' Tiri Hines oare: 2-'1-2018 PROJICI ADORESSrllOakLand o Road - clTY: Wllmlnqlon. NC z PJ!!!g- LOT flSUBDlvlSl0l"l PROPERTY OWI{ER'5 NAM€Douo & Llsa Sullano PH0NE r:919,308.6906 OWNER'S ADDRE'5 :8420 Societv P ClTYrRal€iah. Nc zlP:27615 CONTRACIOR Wlminoton C stnrDllon (irouo. lnc-BLD6 r.tCENS€ 'i Tqrta ADDRtSST?03!EEstwood Roa.i Sr'lle 4 crTYr wil[|L0qlg!_*- _ sT: llc- zlP 28403 EMAIL AODRESS;rim6)timhlnnsr,6 com PHONE 9t10.398,574Q PROJECT CONTACT PERSON TmHin PHONE s10.398.5740 ExlgflNG COHSTnUCTION: O Aller.tion m fienolatlon O GeneralRepall! NEw coNsTRUcTIoN: f trcct Nlw Rerldence E AdditlontoExhllnrRelldence: Relocatlon ...PI€ASf CHTCI( ANO ANSWER BElOW AtI. T}iAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT"' Att Garage (5F) - O Det Garatc (stl-! torch (SFl :l storuge shed (sFl ----Sunroom (5f) - O Pool(sFl- r GrccnhoureisFl- tr Deck(sr)- tr other (sF) l5 the proposed work chan8int th. exlrtlnS lootprlnt? O Yes [E No ToTAt SOTTUNDER ROOF lJot pmposcd wotk) Hr.l€d:2JL8- -- - - Unhdtod: ToTAL PROIEcT COST (Les3 tot): 5120.000 t \Uc.rlx VRr_u E $ asb, 3co Ir the propored wor* chant,Dt the nudtb€r ol bedaoomt 7 Ll Yal N o lr .ny ElGcirictl, Plumbln! or M..h.nlc!l worll belnS don? to ihc A.ccltorY Svuctlrc E Ya3 & tlo lfthqprojecti5aRelocatlon,lJlhereaNaturalGalLlneonthcculaentsile?OYssENo rs there €leclrical Power on thas B'rildlnS? tsl Yet Cl No Property ure/oc.uparcyi D SlnS lP Famll 0rl x m Townhouse -tr/agrerlathraom flxtltres-Floo LElnishes PsdialDe5(riptlon of Workr and CounlElloPs aILFJ!_$cs a!d-s,o!9-.1ry8 tion to Eleclrical, Pl! n bilq and HVAC Svstemso n,rur.rrion " {o rt: anr *ort rq lornrsj wllhll rh. .pr.o!,lala prrmlt ell bc ln Yrol.!o. ol t he ic sLlo ! ld, <odi tnd tub,u(l lo lh€t ! 9 to 5too'00 "'4/ owner/cootr.clo.: Tim Hines. Plssrdonl s\n.tutcr ///* -L,ccdlcd auotti.t' P ntNo@ .-.!tl .. .i:., i. -j,,, .. ts lhe prope.tylo.ated ln a tloodpl.ln? lQ Yer No .-,4.'.,-' , i .s f '.11..1 Erlrtlna lmp.rvlour Are.: 1il0L-- Sq Ft Tot.laarot Dltturbed: 0 - -. -' Ncw lmlervlous Arear ll0!- - Sq Ft Erlltlng l'!nd Olttutblnt Permllr E Y€i & -Nd - wATEnr X CFPiJA O Community System Q PrivaleWell E C€ntl,lWel E Aqu' sEt!€\ CFPUA !ComftunitySystem .3 Prlvateseptk D CrilrrlSapti. C Aqua a r.l/A c *1N/n 1u15[[ ldrl .ru'l'f' -'; ' ' fttt -k-rr''t r"., S (vl..-(N) , CrrrnJi-n 2one;AD ottt q:-ZYE Setba.kt Approvetr !L dty:LIfII0 oete R: 2 ,1,.8ta Commenti ?\t\r), o floodr ,'.t tJ/n tt {A)&4 fifi lnqrarliorl ttrputru, 9] S25'l't901 APPI-lCAN],S NAMEi RECEIVEDFEB2S2OlS NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALI. QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Pro.Ject Responsibillty'' h\*L 2ot8'Q+P Applkation Number (offlce use) APPLICANT,S NAME: PeteT Denicola oatet212312018 PRO.'ECT ADDRESS:5210 Gate Post Lane CITY: Wilminoton zlP 2U12 SUBDIVISION:LOT #: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: Erik Asher PHONE f: OWNER'S ADDRESS:5210 Gate Posl Lane CITY: Wilminqton ztP 28412 CONTRACTOR: Peter Denicola BI.DG TICENSE 8 6n6 ADDRE5S:9 I N Main Street CITY: Mooresville sr: !Q_ZIP:28115 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Kim Birminoham kbirminoham @powerhome.com PH ON E: PHONE:704-288-0128 D Att Garage (5F) I Sunroom (SF)_ U Greenhouse (SF) ls the proposed work changing the exlsting footprint? E Yes E No ..'i*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEI,OW AL[ THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT**' E Det Garage (SF) _tr Porch (SF) ! Pool (sF) D Deck (sF) ! Storage Shed (SF)_ tr Other (SF) ls the proposed work changing the number ol bedrooms? ! Yes D No ls any Electrical, Plumblng or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure ( Yes 5 uo lf theprojectisa Relootion, istherea Natural Gas Line on the cu rrent site? D Yes fl No ls there Electrical Poweronthis Building? FlYes fl No Prop€rty Use,/ Occupancy Single Family ! Duplex ! Townhous€ laws and ordinaoces and reSulations. The NHC Development Servicer Center willbe notified ofany ch.n8es ln the.pproved s and speclfications or change in contractor information. "'NOTE:Anyworl performed withoutthe approprl.ta permlts wlllbe in violation ofthe NC State Bldg bjectto fines up to S500.m"' owner/Contractor: Peter Denicola Signature: "Licehsed Quolilier" Pdht Nome lsthepropertylocatedinafloodplain? ! Ye5 ! No Existing lmperviour Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permlt: E Yes D No WATER: n CFPUA ! Community System D Private well ! Central Well E Aqua SEWER: D CFPUA tr Community System ! Private Septic f] Centralseptic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: - Setbacks (Fl - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - Crty: - Date: - Floodr (A) - {v) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - D \z Comment:Permit Fee: S EXISflNG CONSTRUCnONT D Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: ! trect New Residence \Addition to ExistinS Residence D Relocation EMAIL ADDRESS: ToTAtsQFTUNDERRooFaorproposedwork)Heat€d:-Unheat€d:- TOTAL PROJECT COSI (Less Lot): 528,311.00 Description of Work: APPLICANT'S MI,IE : DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADDRESS: ST'EDNIISION: PROPERTY OfiNER'S M}tE: Otr,NERlS ADDRESS: BLOC( *r qr/ CITY LICEIiSE *: ACCOUNT #:CITYI <Y PHONE *: PM)ttlE *: IgJLIAPPLTCAEON Nuber (office Use) DATE: Pl0ftE #:glo-?j. -?pBg : LOT *: rc:,2T*laJ PHOtilE #til*,@&ai WWMAZLdw)t-A -,t-,F,tTr.<-- : ZIP:qtb rpAtt NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLTCATToN TyPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEA5E ANSI{ER ALL QUESEO 5 ADPLIC.ISLE TO YOUR PRO]ECTcProject Responsibtlit5f CtTY: t COIITRACTORs ADORE5S: EfiAIL ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTACT PER5ON: EGSTTT{G coNsrRucrlo : Er alrenarrolr fl narnvarrou fl earenar- necnrns I RELocArroN irEhl cor{srRl,crloir: I enecr I{EH RESrDEa,rcE o" Mzeoorrrow To EEST$IG RESTDET{CE*+LEASE CHBCI( AIg' A sI{ER EELOI{ ALL TII'TT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT:I err enneae _ sF l-l suNnmq <F I onrruHorr _ sr El osr GARAse _ sFI nool_ srI oecr E poaer -sF I sroneoe sro SF SF OTHER:fY1 sF ag TOTAL HEATED SQ rr:. /)t n TorAL 5Q FT UNDER TOTAL PROJECT CoST lceLoo , $ 5?O6U #o R@F2 l)/e ro-rAL AR+ sqrl- /2/ o F ST0RIES: t (enrt4,ur)t.rs Any ELEcrRrcAL, PLultBrN6 on lilEcHANrcaL I.Jo.k Eeing Dona tq the Accessory str.qqtune? [f Ves I Uorf the pnoject is a Rel.ocation, is there a Natunal 6as Line on the cunr€nt sit.r Ef v". E r,roIs thene Electrical pqwer on this Buj.lding? p11", I rrro (srnor-e rarur-v [runlo< lro*'uose DBr^lEi DES CRIPTIOI'I OF I{ORN:i i,,l 4 DISC{-A[lEtt I hersby c€njt hata hbmaton in his app[6tor b co.rect&d ell vp.k vJ[ comply wih tD IrE Buildhg Oode afld all otErsppgcable Stsb std lo..t tarrEand odhallcs and €gulalbrE Th€NHC 06\€lopment SeNic€s GoEr \ /i bo rlo{66d ofglycfuilE6 h he !pp!o'/€d plan6 aE 59€cifcatons or cllarge h con!-&t r oroonl-Dr inbnnslon. -'.NOTEi Any O{NER/CONTRACTOR: rs TUE pRopERw LoCATED rn a rlooonunn I ves E ro DCISTII{G IMPERWoI,S AREA: N K VroLfoo otrhe NC StsE Eldg To STGNATURE: * +* * ++* *:!:! * +** +** ** ** * **** *(|HlJf*.1++*++++**+***+*++*+:l*'i:t+**+*t.t++*++* :t:t*,****:t:t+* **+:t+* NEI', t PERWOIE AREA: fl A ,*r, Q'lo oFFrcER:b 5 SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: O 5Q FT EX.IST LAIul DIsTT'RBII{6 PER',ITT: [J (foR ofFIcE usE araLY) . REvtsED oaTE o4lrt/r2 ' N/A u'-$ au'NlA e,NfA >< BFE+2ft= _ YES d* },,IATER: SE$IER: Vr+eua I comnrw sysra4 E pRrvATE wErL ! canml urellt4 cFpuA tl cerutml sEprrc n pRrvATE sEprrc I comururw svsra"r .r3 SEp taTE PEI,{ITS SEqUIRED FOR ELECT, AECfl, pL8G, cA, Egulp, PREFAES & IIS€RTS a*pAynEr{r EmoD: E ca"" E.xrq, (,A'ABLE ro -*l n *.i *;;- 'd***--E-orr.*r* *,4**,t** ****:t+*********r.**r****;t:trt:t r****++*:hht* *****t*r,*** *,r****i rtit:tli *i**:t:*,* **** *:hi* ri:i:i* *rr \F F LOOD:approva!: OIL city: lLl44 DArE: nlprrurr re e: $ N /-----Nr/hn S,fuM ComEnt: Crty lnryection Requreo, 9l &254{g0l ].Itr) PROPERTY USE / occupAt'tcY '23FEB 18 2! 5lPH f.3o ''G c D- \ Lo$-ahteL t8-5T?- APPLICANTS NAME:"-s& f2.z z NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Prorect Responsibilitl/' c-(?ctw Date: 2-7-7 t?t1 ZIP: &*PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDtvtstoN:# PROP[RTY OWNER'S NAME: owNER',S ADDRESS : 7-i*r2'z o&tur ,"4 ?HC,NE*: q'lo 6l 6 ''3677du^CtTy: Lr,,\ r+r ztP J9\tnS DQ. L, Aerrrrol+*t. S, ru4o* *uCONTRACTOR; tZo e-r EMAIT ADDRESS:i.,) u)Of BLDG LICENSE #: CITY: t rJ r)tryr ,Vt-1""ST: 6*tr er+12 pxonel qri+tt -lZo'l qto +71 -93L7PROJECT CONTACT PERSON EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: F Alteration n Renovation D General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation *.*PIEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ATT THAT APPTY TO YOUR PRO'ECT*" D Porch (SF) ! Storage Shed (SF)_ tr Other (SF)?allnrwvrl YqA ?7FEB lS 1t: t3Ptl TOTAT Sq FT UNDER ROO| Vot proposed work) Heated:$q Unheated: TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 11,515 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? ! Yes ! No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEyesENo lftheprojectisaRelocation,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?nYeslNo lsthere Electrical Poweronthis Building? ! Yes n No Property Use/ Occupancy: ! Single Family fl Duplex ! Townhou Owner/Contractor:A Signature: "Licensed Quoltier" Desffiption of Work: c-\ose.v b laws and ordinances and regulations, The NHC Development Services Centerwillbe notified ofany changes in the approved ptans and speciflcations or change in contractor information. "'NoTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the Nc State Bldg code and sub rL^ ject to fmes up to S50O.0O"' t O.^-to Application Number (office use) ADDRESS: PHONE: D Att Garage (SF)_ E Detcarage(SF)_ n Sunroom (SF)_ ! Pool (SF)_ D Greenhouse (SF) n Deck (SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? tr Yes F No ls the property located in a floodplain? ! Yes 6 No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: _ New lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing permit: D yes ! No WATER: n CreUe q(Corrrnity System n Private Well n Centrat We ! Aqua StWee;4{CreUa B Community System D private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua zone:' Officer:_Setbacks(F)_(tH)_(RH)_(B)_ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BtE+2ft= _Comment: permit Fee: S n9 Q. 7 L NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLI CATIO N ryPE; RESIDENTIAt PTTAST ANSWTR ALI QUESTIONS APPI"ICAETT ]O YOUII PROJTCT "Pro,ect Responslbllltt/' crw: ?D$;4u+ ('Datc t't ztP A PRO,IECT ADDRESSI suSDtvrStoN;t- PRoPERTY OwNtR's NAme ; R o Jrte,1 G, [1"r0 owNER,S ADDRESS: z*oz (SlJicLc* d.i-PHoNt |<i'ld t c, -$6"/') CtTy: Lrl r\ ntvq- |o 4 tlPr J9YdS CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: t I O TL r) Aetao<rltv,,rts S co{p * v.,o or.!loo.btrr*..-!BI.DG TICINSE HtrN;;li L-.( ar CITY: EMAIT AODRISS U-)t71 sT: 6+ zrP: ,tY I 2 PHON ?1, PHINr' qlo V7t -9?b tPRO'ECT CONTACT PTRSON IXISTING CONSTRUCTIONT F Alteration 0 Renovation O General Repair! NtW CONSIRUCTION: D ErectNew Residence D Addition to Existing Rerldence E Relocation ..'PI.EASE CHICI( AND ANSWER BtI.OW AtI. THAT APPIY TO YOUR PRO,ITcI"' D Det Garage (St)_ ToTAl. PROJEcT COST {Less Lot): $ lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? D Yet 0 No ls any Electrlcal, Plumblnt or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accesrory Structure O Yes fl No lf the proiect is a Rclocatlon, is there a Natural 6as Llne on the curr€nt slte? D Yes D No lsthereElectricalPoweronthitBuildins? O Yes O No Ptoperty Use/ Occupancyi D Slntle tamllY C DuplexD Townho Descrlptlon of Work: D Att Garage (SF)__ I Sunroom (SF)- D Greeohouse (5F)- ls the property located in a floodplain? fl Y€s E No Ixlstlng lmpervlous Area: - Sq Ft ls the proposed work chan8irl8 the existinS footprint? O Yet F No TOTAL SQ FI UNDER ROO! Vor p.oposed work) Heated:-tq Unh€at€di 15 C\(*be olscLAlMtR; lhereby cerrilythal elllh€ hlo.nBllon ln lhlsapplit.llon l, (ore(l and allworl lawr and ordrnances end,eSulalion!. the NHC Oevelopmenl Servl(esCenler willbe nolifled o informallon "'NOII:any worl perloroed withoul lhe app.opri.le p€.milt willbe in violali ownc,/contractor, i)ao ic! (l Ltix.r(c ' stgn ^l6ensed Quo fle.- Prtnl Non]r- e O Pool(SF) D Deck {SF)D Othe. (5F) Totnl A.ros Dlslurb€d: (N) ll 8tt+2 = ?":-11"tYl flq ?7Ft6 t8 li:3"\P11 wlll (onrpv wllh lhe Stat! EuildintCode and all oth.r .ppiic.ble State and lo(ai t any chanBa5ln lha approved plant and rp€(llltalronr or (han8e in ronlrd(lor on of the NC Sr.r. Sldt Code.nd rubi€(l lol,ner up lo t50o.m"' "ru,", L9t,( rc' o{)"^-2o H:-:"J ;ff;.".",-,^ilil rr ,,,,"," *", : '::s",:il:1ilT,'J,"'- ".o, ,_*-Requrreo, g\s254-s0) :::^4:i::,,.T,':#-:lLT,;iiffiT'JE,Ii,,lun,,,^avn, apyovar.- lP- clty: Il ,lv\L Comment:t'l EY o Oate lood: (A)(v) Pe,mit tee: S 0\ /Y /- ., '.i.' ''..iffi,ttr51-a- APPI,ICANT'S NAME: u: D Porch (5F)-- D storaSe Shed (5f )-- bT'Ut S r€#5 ffi NEW HANOVER COTJNTY BUILDING PERMTT APPLICArION IYPE: RESIDENTIAL pLEASE lrsn€R ALL gJESTrOlls APPLTCAaLE TO YOUR PROI€Cr "Project Responsibilitf' BLOCK fi: - LOT #: APPLICATIO{ Itqnb€r (offl( e U3e) APPLICANT'S l,lAr'tE:i)ennrs Moct{eir (l.uqtivlr *d rtrvV r. DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADORESS: 5UBOlVI5ION: PROPERW O,flER' S NAtnE :<. ovJtrlER'S ADORESs:crTv: PHO'{E *: ST: tlsE #:42(D t Acco$rr *: ZT? rP: sr'$!irriffi7> PHOfl€ f: Pl-oltE *i ET n COI'ITR ACTOR :LICE CITY:amnEss: P.O , Pox 2-tz, \ EIIAIL ADONESS: PNO]ECT CO{TACI PERSot{: EXISTIIG CO STRUCTIOI{: ' ,1 1,r.,_.,, NEtl COI{STRUCTIOII: f| eneerxousr - sr I oecx ALTERATION RENOVATIOT.I I cere nal REPATRs f]RELOCATI ERECT ltElrl RESIDENCE or ADDITIOII TO EXISTIITG RESTDEICE SF AL AREA 5Q FT:g7s y-- aUpTo $500.0o- *|l * $ ri,i,t + +* * +* I * *)t,* + SF OTHER: rorA*EArED ,q rr, sl*{.rorAl sQ Fr ur{DER ^*rr{-{5L^ro,roTAL pROlECr CoSTrucrsrar i6so.-aua f, of sroRrEs: 2- Is Any ELECTRICAL, gunalt{6 o" ,*r,*iaol* B€lng Dorte to the Accessory Structure? [ V", EI--li" If the project is a Relocation,is there a liatural 6as Li.ne on the Cunrent Site?flvus fffi Is there Electrical Po$er on thls BuUdlng? f] Yes I'lo PNOPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY:SINGLE FAI.4ILY fl u.rer-ex I ror*oust DESCRIPTION OF I{OR|(: OtSClAn ER lhorDy csrtfy ilal al hbimalon h hl3 app{calon h coflrct o.td .ll worr u/lr complye{itl he Stlro B{rl dard oftllntnces rE rogulalloni Tha NHC Oe!6bptie{l S€rylcea C€nir wlll bc noltLd ol mY cnangoa h na approod conreb. hbrmstin. "'l{OTErAny Wotk P6rrb.mad Wlo lro ApFDpd't F..mlL wa bG n Vbhl,on olsD NC o[tER/cot{TRlcron : }>y-.cr-v *J'cr f t ), $iv,<\*" .. r +.i r.r*. **.*+* * *r**r..*.r rtll'll,lHl * Ji-* **r.....* IS THE PFOPERTY LOCATEO T LOOOPLAITI?l-l vrs It q& ACRES DISTURBEDI ,'lEXISTI'€ TiPERVIOI'S ANEA: NET IiOERVIq'5 AREA: larEn: f] cFPtA sEllER: fl CFPUA TOTAL EXIST LANO DISTURBING PERIIIT:fl ves l{o I comuxrw svsrem RIVATE t./E L L fl crur*el rtll I ceunar- serrrc rir sEpalraTE PERjrtITs IRED FOR ELECT, rrECH, PLAG, GAS EQUIP, PREFASS & IIISERTS *iT PAY ENT IiET'OOI n CASH cHEcx (pAyaBLE ro r$r) [ BrLr acco{Jl{r D tr DISCOVEtr' **,i* +++,ti+*t*tatri,t+ta *tt a*ttr+*+ att:r,tt* 'ttl* tta a t rt * +aa*ii)t 'l t t:! )l t at)t'l*i tat*+ta tttt,* 'l*ara*t+ tt (roi ocFtct ust o.tY) Rrvrs€o oart 6./11/!: zo E: _ oFFICER:SETMC(S: F: LH: RH: B: A!lproval:......--.--: Clty: OATE:- FLOOO: - 8FE+2ft= AVll Cmtent: PER TT FEE: DATE: cO .TPLEASE CHECI( A I' AI{SI{ER SELO}I ALL THAT APPLY TO YOT'R PRO]CCT:ffi *^*, J/5(-to I orr canrer t, )* r, /afr--tI suunoor.r --sF f] poo. - sF f] sronact sHED - sF SQ FT SQ FT PRTvATE scPrrc f] counrw svsrem HClVI5A APPLICINT'S NAME:.61 zo$-3410 &48a- Application Number {office use) Da:r,: 2 toCaC-2 PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDrvtsroN: t r'tte CITY: U o.1 LOT #: ztP: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS:5- € e- PHONE #l CITY:ZIP Z a 7 CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: 75311 2^5o CITY PHONE p119s11. 1 ( S-- B LICENSE S: sT: /,lC zrP Z6(1L EMAII- ADDRESS: Desfflption of Work; o -6€tr ao.)?3 -6s-r7 ! Greenhouse (SF) EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration E Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: ! Erect New Residence n Addition to Existjng Residence ! Relocation .I*PLEASE CHECX AND ANSWER BETOW ALT THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROIECT..' D Att Garage ISF)E Det Garage (SF)_! Porch (SF) E Sunroom (SF)! Pool (SF)E Storage Shed (SF)_ E Deck {SF)! Other (SF).oo) {--. " TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot) ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? fl Yes &No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure D yes E No lf theprojectisa Relocatlon, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes Ll No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes fl No Prop€rty Use/ Occupancy: EI Single Family ! Duplex n Townhouse S 5. bc;o /1 *zz' )"" k .. I I t,l^,oo I 3) DISCLAIMER: I hereby cenify that all in this applicataon i5 correct and all work will comply with the St.te EuildingCode and allother applicable Stateand locat la$,s and ordinanaes and regulations. The NHC Development Services Centerwillbe notifled ofanychanges in the approved plans and speciflcations or change in contractor information. "'NOTE: Any work perlormed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Bldg Code and subject to fines up to S50O.00... Sitnature:b-A ls the property located in a floodplain? ! Yes E(No EristinS lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:5q Ft Existing Land DisturbinS Permit: f] Yes ! No Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quoliter" e^c e WATER: SEWER: \CFPUA ! Community System E Private Well D Central Well E Aqua CFPUA tr Community System E Private Septic fl Centralseptic D Aqua\ Zonei _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ {RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ Crty: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (Nl _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: S NEW HANOVER COUNW BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAt PTEASE ANSWER AtL QU€STIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Proiect Responsibiliv, ztlFEE l8 9: I lfitr PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes Bl No TOTAT SQ FT UNOER ROOF llot proposed wor*) Heated: _ Unheated: R.,, R..,1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APP LICATI O N ryPEi REStDENTtAt PTtASI ANSWTR AtI. QUTSTIOI,IS APPTICAETT TO YOUR PRO'TCT "Prorect Responrlblllt/' tq D D -s \ov Zor0 )41) r{45v0 Apdk.tion (ofn(e urel APPI,ICANT'S NAME:,,o crn: lv il '\t^ a tv A PHONE X CITY z- z&-2utl ztP ZQl O I Date: PROJTCT AODRESS suBotvrsroN: ( D PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: .J'd I' U' iGr,.w Lo4s Ll-9 Rtk ts.s tv ,1. IA L ztP:Z* 1-s IOWNER's ADDRESS: 12-O? SA LfI hra CONTRACTOR ADDRISS: 'fo 'l?r,D t lzt'r^ t,^ e CITY Bt-DG t-tctNsE # ST: tMAll- ADORtSSI fJ Sunroom (SF) _ 0 Greenhouse (sF)_ co PHONE 4 t.t-z tE-lq L5_ tXlSTlNG CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration X Renovation l( General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: fl Erect New Residence Ll Additionto Exisring Residence fl Relocation . t.PI.[A5E CHEC( AND ANSWER BEIOW AI-t THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT"' [] Arr Garage (Sf)O Det Garage (sr) _ n Pool(SF) Ll Deck (St) [-] Storage Shed (SF) El Other (St) ls the proposed work changing the existinS footprint? [J Yes B No TOTAT 5q FT UNDER ROOI (Jor proposed workl Heared: t65 O Unheated; U L ToTAL PROJICT CoSI (tess tot): S 85] oc-r;> ls th e proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tl Y€s E No lsanyElectrlcal,PlumblnsorM€chanlcalworkbeinsdonetotheAccessoryStructureDYer[lNo lf the project is a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current slte? a Yes O No N/A 15 there Electrical Power on this Buildin8? Er Yes O No Property U5e,/ Occup Description ot Work: anc : Bf Slngle Family [J Duplex [-] Townhouse L Dlscl.AlMtRr I hrreby cerlr (Drwhit Jl t,Re lawr aod ordrnan(ei and re8ulations. Ihe NHC oeve inform.tron. "'NOII: Any work perlormed wil the a ppli(a oae and all {-d,h D ot't a6d.llother applrcable State and lo(al Permlt tee: S a .l) Owner/Contractor: 'Licensed Quolilet" ls the property locat lon",HD- R, offtcer: -DIQ aporovat: lL cny; lLttl k eB Signature: ('t I Ciiy inpeclion Reqlueo, 9l Cr'2x'uvtr) Cenlc. will be ootifred ofany (hanSct ln lhe approved dant and 'pe(ifrat.ong or chan8e in (ontre(lor 9€rmlt3 wlllbe lnvlolalion o, lhe NCSlateBld8Codeand sublect lo inerupto 5500.m"' 2ed in a floodplain? Exlstlng lmpcrvlous A, ea, f]!{sq tr TotalAcresDlsturbed: O Neu, lmpervlous Areai o Sct Ft Exlrtlng Land Dirturblng Permit: tl Ye5 B No WATIRT X' CFPUA D Community System D Private Well fl CentralWell [] Aqua StWtR: Bl CTPUA ! Commuoity Systenr D P.ivate Septic [] Cent.alSeptic f-l Aqua serbacks (r) L5-- (tx1 -7, i 1nx) i,'/ B1 r. o ,"r",3-lll$rloodr (a) - (v) - (N) X- stt+2ft= -=htt.DCommenti ta1 111 leSaaiya Czr I {,.a1<o€an ogr\,:^lgP 1<-5 r, g Pr o o or{ \.n- .."''t'.;., iffi, ZlPl PROJECI CONTACT PTRSON PHO N E: D Porch (5F)_ J).*. 6&B NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPEI RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJTCT "Project Responsibilit!/' Jih' Do^o \o+-Lvqi45;;k i+;7,7 oTY: Erll qr..' c fo zr ztP. 291 o I Application Number (oftice use) APPLICANT,S NAME:Oate Z'z&-Zot( PROJ€CT ADDRESS: suBDtvrstoN:Do )l T- - l-OT #: t- I Lo)s L1-9 B I k tss tu ;l' a ztp..?/1s I PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:Tohn OWNER'S ADDRESS:Lo PHONE #: a lal a CITY CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: -Tb 3e Dt*zrr"-,t^e CITY BI.DG I.ICENSE T ST:ztP EMAII. ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON ! Greenhouse (SF) co PHONE h oLL EXISTING CONSTRUCTIOI"I: ! Alteration I Renovation El General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCIION: ! Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation * I'PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW Att THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT* *' E Det Garage (SF)_ D Sunroom (sF) tr Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes F No TOTAT Sq FT UNDER ROOP lfot proposed work) Heated: TOTAI PROTECT COST (Less Lot): 5 85rooO ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? D Yes El No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure ! Yes Ef No lfthe projectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? D Yes ! No tV/A ls there Electrical Power on this Building? Ef Yes ! No t6'5 0 Unheated: I{ Z Property Use/ Occu : E Single Family ! Duplex D Townhouse Descriplion of Work: CDISCLAIMER:lh Dtv arhar atlthe i L qJ te 8ui ng bq ll.b.tt . Rzpplication is co oa?and all willcomply with the and allother applicable State and local sp€cifications or change in contractor 7.oOv\ laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC nt ServicesCenter willb€ noti{ied ofany changes in the approved plans and anformation. "'NOTE: Any work p€rrormed with the appr e permlts will be in violation of the NC State Bldg Code and subject to fines up to 55oo.m'.. Owner/Contraclor: "Licensed Quolilier" Signature: Tbl,t2 ls the property located in a floodplain Existing lmpervious area: 11 1 I e1?trY Total Acres Disturbe a: O New lmpervious Area: O Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: tr Yes E No WATER: E; CFPUA ! Community System E Private Well n Centralwell f] Aqua SEWER: ff CFPUA D Community System D Private Septic n Centralseptic f] Aqua zone: - offlcer: - serbacks (F) /, 5 (rH) 7, i (RH) i, c/ (B) -r. o Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ 8FE+2ft= Sq Ft Comment:Permit Fee: S 7o\8-e413\@t! tr Pool(SF) _ ! Att Garage (SF)_ lxone, Ilq-zt9-71zs tr Porch (SF)_ ! Storage Shed (SF)_ n Other (SF)_ FLOOD ZONE Ze\g a41S lz NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IYPE r CoI'|I4ERCIAL Ptaalt arrsl.rtt ll q.rtsrlots lr'rLl(l!Lt to Yoln pAo]tct "Projcct Responstbility"tluhber (or{l(o ut.)! APPI.ICATT'S tIA't€, DEVEIOPER ! )(t DATE I PHaNE rt .4.31 .1, .fS r, PNO]ECT OI,,IIER'S ADDRESS: /t (, ztPt.l.'l ,/ c, (XCUPANT/oUSIHESS NAtlE I PROPERTY OIiNER'S NA}iE : l'r,.:ri'. , 1, ".,,i,, - o,.PK),t'lE I I ST:l ( ZlPt2.l.t/t:, \! co rnAcToR: ADDNESS: -J )t A.:,l.) EI.IAIL ADDR PRO]ECT CONIACT PE If UPfIT - The Shell Parmit ,: ucEilsE l:rwr 41;11-St,u\,C Ztpt , ! ,/'i :: lt t;/i . ./ , t \' :;/( / c /.l (Ch.(r All rh.t pplr) P}IONE .Plto'tE ,| gD:2J1__iJ_L, / EXIST CoNSTRUCTIoNT T-.l ALITRATIOTJ f-] ll fletocolion. is the.e a ttaturaut e as t.ine on tlctd,.enl Site? fj lTlcrrenrl REPATRS l-l RErocAlroN r6Ff-i r'ro ls Br. Dc sp'llil/KlEREofi vcsf-, REN0VATiOII ERECT NEH STRUCTUNE UPFIT ADD TO TXIST SIRUCTUR€n trtI Is Ellct Por.r on thls Bulldlng Byes f 0 ..... rs IxIs A o{arcE 0F o(cupa cY ust}ri YEs lFl ro..... IF Yes, yhat xas the P.evlou! Oc(upan(y TypG? - Hhat ls th€ [eH Occupancy TvDa?ARTH OESIGN PNOFESSIOiIAL: TIGN DESIGN PROFTSSIOMI:. P :irc RtG ,i NC Rt6 'i /t"a > \' t,.-,.'.'u-, Do^,.,1,,.,plt: DISCRIPT1ON OF IJORK: ls lood or beverages p,epar Comment )a ( ("'.x A/O' 4 o ..V,,'4,"--1, ed oa served in this 6tructuro?f, Yesf:, No ls The Prop€rty Locotcd ln Th€ FtoodplalnT-l- Ye* NnbISCLAIMER I he,.by cetuly hsl all,nlorn'.lion r €nd localbYYs 3nd o,drnbnccs and r$qllalx{rs Iheor chrnoo ln (o.lraato. or mnt sctor ln,ormeum "'Sutrie(to Fnos Up Io 1500 m"' Codo and a$ olhor opdrcaDlo Sbted.ns lnd lmcillc.lo.rlNC sl,a|o 8Bg codo lln OWNER/CONTRACToR: )i;^^-, l-)SIGNATURE: l'. SQ FT PER FLR|. L n, OF STRUCTURES 76E) t hch.. tt'.leilir, o. irrldh! *.! le'n 'o , OF FLOORS SQ FI o.$l,.n - iffitl.,r- NoS. Odndldoo noffioth5 t t3bq.bi rirov.l 9.nr!r .pp&aJonr arc lo ba nifito( rraiQ tl. Uraca .n *xn (Ot co.l.h Atbe3klr or rd. Yo!.r. roQlhd b.{t rlt. l{.lio.,.l Eml.roo Slrn&rdt lo 6r.,.tout Alr Polrt olr lN€stl Pl.t (919}707€950 rr h.tr 10 rroy.,tor lo {r do'rohon o, l^I a.drirl d b!f,dhC. S.. Arbrttor W.D S|b: hllp7Alw crl it 16..r. (,5,/orvr6b€rbrrtury.htdi TOIAL PROJECI COST TOTAL AREA SQ FT : ('., BUILDING llElGHT I OF UNIIS: ,L /y' , OF SIORIES ,) TOrAL sO FT UNoER R@F: JA_ ACRES DISTUR8ED: /.'il EXSr LANo DrSr URBTNG pERMtr? _r yES f<NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: t. t/ PRoPERTY usE: noFFrCE !nesraunarur flMERCAN LEn EDUcn ApTD CONDO OIHEI Approval: 0\. Cilyi(.O lt rr\ DATE SIFICATION PAYMENT METTIOD CAS' I T CITECK (PAYABLE TO NHC) T AMERICAN EXPRESS T?. MC^/ISA T DISCOVER zoNd6 oFFrcER '). tt ((ror. orflcE usE oNr-Y) MCFPUA T-'I COMMUNITY SYSIEM T1 V ELL N ZONiNG USE CLAS ficreun flcruTRAL sEpTrc f] ffivArE se nrrc 3?oraNuurw'''stl,AH rt 11rMrrslrt(r!'rlrtl,rofl(rtcl.r,lLcri.l)t.tJG.G St.otnl,.l,lrttA!sarNsf,lIs TBAoKS: F:NUA LH f.r,/$ nHdft aAA FLOOD. , \/ EtE] BFE * 2'r,-LLEiAl, rt : p1-1[..r*, cqAVNj^)IXJC Nor Lj:)crvrE&-kl-dtrrN*p 0U€- 7-C'Nr0 C' -\u(Zr.s|,1( n0$ . PEtltvlll FEF I &40ie!ffi, ilfu .onrrrr.rron, g ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: FASI TNACK SIIELL bc tho Srale WATER: SEWER: SYSTEIJ t lNr y $ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI.,iIT APPLICATIoN TYPE: COIIi}'IERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALT QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" r,t8-)41S Number (Office Use) L Ll lt ^t' u^ z I r/ CITY: LICENSE S: CITY: CoA (Check All Ihat Apply) OATE : PKTNE T: ,+3( / jt . Z,p:2J.1 o 3 PHONE *: SItLC ZlPtl j,/.i :) SI t/tQ.ZIPt r! ./o j . PHONE *: PRO]ECT '/"-.,AC oCCUPA|{T/BUSINESS Ml4E : PROPERW O}'INER'S NA',IE : O|.INER, S ADDRESS: r /\, L.,o CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS:L u;1,^- PH: PHONE *: EIiIAIL ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTAC If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #: ,*{:tL- '?3 / '\ S/'/TPE EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTCRATION ll Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the T-'l REirovaTroN I=TGENERAL REPAIRS Etdrrent site? ;1 €n r.r" ts BLDG sp-FuN RELOCATIOT{ KLERED'{l_ vesf-r / t t/.. ERECT NEl.l STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHELL UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE F L Is Elect Pouer on this Building Feyes f NO ***r* rs THIS a cnaIGE oF (rccuPArcY usE?rl yEs fr rc **.** IF Yes, rrhat r,as the Previous Occupancy Type? - b,hit ls the Neu Occupancy Ixtfi?DEsrG pRoFEssroMLt -1, ^o+l_ D_,^-.,4.,EI{GR DESIGN PROFESSIOI{A L:-PH: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: OWNER/CONTRACTOR (tudf'e.) lacz L e/o " oV,.7o-k Code and allolher applicable Slate ol lhe l.tc s andBhq Code andState TOTAL PROJECT COST TOTAL AREA SQ FT : WATER SEWER SYSTEM .q.. r.1 WELL T-I ZONING Ul,nlvare srprrc E?oMMUNtry , Note: Demolition notficalions E ssbeslos removal p€rmil apptications sre to be submitied usino $e apptication lom (DH )whelher lhe taciliiy or building was lound lo conlain Asbeslos or nol. You are roquired !o callthe National Emisslon Slandardsfor Hazardous AirPotturanrs (NESHAP) at(919)707-5950 ai teast lO days prior lo lhe demoliton of any lacilily or building. See Asbesios Web Site: hllp:/Adww.epi.srale.nc.us'epi/asbesros/ahmp.hrml c' BUILOING HElcHT, l-) //-4-4 SO FT PER FLR:. t- ll TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF; l _: l # OF STRUCTURES ACRES DISTURBED. Il NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA # OF UNITS # OF STORIES # OF FLOORS: EXST LAND DTSTURBTNG pERMtT? r yES ,< NO SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: t r/SO FT CONDO OTHEI E SE CLASSIFICATIONEl(:) CFPUA CFPUA COMMUNITY SYSTEM CENTRAL SEPTIC .. SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLAG, GAS EOUIP, PREFABS E INSERTS PAYMENT METHOD l- casn l- cHEcK (eAvABLE ro NHc) f , AMERIcAN EXeRESS F=ucnrrse J- - otscovER ZONE: OFFICER (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:LH BApproval:_ City: DATE_ FLOOD Comment BFE+2ft, CZ RH N PERMIT FEE: : APPLICANT'S t,IA}tE : DEVELOPER: Not{Ehl CoNSTRUCTION: L_lACCESSORY STRUCTURE:tr NC REG $: / t-.2- \ \-.,!--v---2--:---2_I,IC REG *: No ls The Property Locared tn The Ftoodptainfl ye* wilh lhe state SIGNATURE: PRopERry usE: EoFFtcE I nesraunaNr fi MERCANILETI EDUcf]- AprD i{ t)-;1r\92+1h APPLICATION llumber (0frlce U5e) : a NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIoN rYPEr CoMMERCIAL PI,EAsE AI]SI.iER ATL QUESIIONS APPLI(A8LE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responslblllty" l'imeless ProperlieB rncAPPLICANT'S NAME: DEVELOPER: PRO] ECT ADDRESS : 109 Pier Ma6Ler [x s1o3 CITY:l{il n OCCUPANT/BUSINESS N/II4E: oays rnn PRoPERTY ol,lNER'S NA E: southern shores LLC 0l,JNERjS ADDRESS: 109 pler MaBtser Dr suiEa 103 cITY: wil inqEon CoNIRACToR: Timeless Properlie6 rnc LICENSE *: 6s?84 ADORESS:E52 Bedmlni6Eer Lane CITY: l,ltlmlnqron ZIP | 2ia12 PHONE S: ST: Nc zIP: 2B412 ST:Nc ZIP:284os EltlAI L ADoRESS: tonyarimetessp roDertiescc. com 910-550-615 9 PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:910-550-6159 (ftect All rh.t aprly)tr GENERAL REPAIRS tr RELOCATIONEXrST CONSTRUCTTON: f] ALTERATTON It Relocatlon, ls there a NaturalGas Llne on the Curent Site? R E I,IOVAT IO N Yestr No ls ELDG SPRINKLERED?I vu' flruo NEta coNsTRUCrrON: fl rnecr NEuJ sTRUCTURE f| rasr reACx ! slru [] uer:r ! aoo ro Exrsl sTRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The 5he11 Permit S:rs Elect Poler on this Bulldlng !Yes Eno *.r.. rs rHrs a CHANGE oF occupANcv usrr Ives I IF Yes, r/hat rar the P.evlous occuponcy Type? NA llhat is the Nelr Occupnncy Type? p80NE #: PHONE T: Beer and 'li ARCH oESIGN PRoFESSIONAL: 2x4 Deaiqns PH:910-29?-3665 NC RE6 $: EN6R DESIGN PROFESSIOIIAL: I'4cdouell Enolneeri PHi 910-2?o-3?4?NC REE $: DESCRIPTIoN 0F l.,loRK: Finish intcrior of space. Floo daLls ceilinqs and pME !.,otk ls food or beverSges pepared o( seryed ln lhls struclure?I ves f] iio ls The Property Locstod ln Tho Rood aln?es No e Appropdalc Pcdolwirh lho Slar€ Building o, OWNEFVCONTRACTOR:]\nthony.Iohnson SIGNATURE: Noto: Do.no'ldon nou,icsuons & asb3stos rdnovsl pamll rpdlcatons !16lo bo suhnlll6d uslng $o spdlcalloo lorm (OHH DtScLAlllER: lherebv cortrfv that all lnrormation ln lhis.policalion lscortecltsnd allwo nn.r locar lawi an.l ord.nrncoi snd rcoulalions. ThE NHC DcvcloDmenl Setliccs Ccntori channe in conlraclor or conllaclol !_nlormalion. "'NOTE: Any VJork Penoh€d w/O lh Suqccrlo Fines Up To 5500.00"' .o*r,tAX(so)o6 ECoMMUNTTY SYSTEM flwELL IIZONTNG USE CIASSIFICATION: E] CENTRAL SEPTIC LJ PRIVATE SEPTIC E COMMUNITY SYSTEM Bld0 Code and SO FT cont ln Ab€stos or noL Yot sr6 roqukod ro call ti. N.uonsl Em bslon St ndardr lor H.2sdorri Al. Pollulsnlr (NESHAP) .1 (91 9)707.5950 6l loast I domollUo. ol sny hdlitro, bulldln!. S€o tub€6tos Wob Sll€: hllp:/* liw,opl,stal6.nc.uyopuashslos/ahmp.hlrnl IoTAL PRoJEoT CoST: _U!99!_ BUILDING HEIGHT;18 # OF UNITS; t TOTAL AFEA SO FT: 110 o SO FI PER FLR: 11oo TOTAL SO Fr UNoER ROOF| _# OF STRUCTURES ACRES DISTURBED:EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMII? I_lYES E NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: pRopERryusEi DoFFrcE Enesmuaerr flueRcrurrLe [eouc [anr flcoltoo OTHER: sar WATER: ZCFPUA sEwER: E CFPUA pAYtuENT METHoD: [msH flcnecK (pAyABLE To NHc) fleuentceN rxcnEss f] Mc/vtsA I orscovrR -, stpAri^ IE FliRrJrts nEoutnriD Fo,r Et ECT. MEct.r, Pr BO. o^s E(.tutr'. raffARS d trlsEF rs "' Approval'. DE Ci allohplrns NCS a Comment /'t/,, aATE {1r12 19-39 oATE : __9!:9!49_ PHoNE *: _- d OF STORIES:1_ # OF FLOORS:L- to PERMIT FEE:{ ),n (9$Q41k 1 8-39 APPLICATIOI{ l{umber (Officc &e) oC NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERIYIIT APPLIcAfiOiI rYPE: COMITIERCIAL PLEASE ANSI./ER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOTJR PRO]EC] "Project ResponsibiLity" Timeless Properties Inc PROJECT ADORESS: 109 pier Masrer Dr s1o3 2 Ti /:I L7 1j!) APPLICANT'S tIA}tE: DEVELOPER:PHONE #: oCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAI'IE: Sguthern Shores Beer & wj.ne pROPERTY Oi'I{ER'S tlA}tE: southern shores Ltc PHONE f otf{ER'S ADORESS: i09 pier MasEer Dr suire 103 CIW: wilminqton ST: Nc ZIP:2sa12 C0NTRACTOR: Timeless ProperEies rnc LICE SE #: 6s78a ADORESS: Bs2 Bedminisrer Lane CIW: l{it minqron ST: NC ZIP: 28aos ElrtAIL ADDRESS: tony@L ime Lesspropert i escc. com PtOt'lE i: e1o-sso-6 359 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: ronv PIIONE *: 910-sso-53se (Ch.ck Alt. rh.t Apply) EXrST CONSTRUCTTON: E ALTERATTOia lf Rglocdon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the RE I{OVATION n GENERAL REPAIRS RELOCATION Dn Current Site?tr Yes No IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?Iv""No r{Erd coNsrRucrrol{: E EREcr NErr srRUcruRE I rasr rnacx I sxer-r- ACCESSORY STRUCIURE: UPFIT ADD IO EXIST STRUCTURE CITY: wilminqron If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #: Is lHIs A cHArl6E oF occuPAr{cY usE? EIYES filrrc ..... IF Yesr tdrat ras the P.evious Occupancy Typ e! NA ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOML: 2x4 Desiqns Is Elect Porer on this Building !Yes Ero tfiat is the t{fr Oc(upancy Type? Beer aad wi.ne EiIGR DESIGII PROFESSIOMLT Mcdowel I Enqinee!1nq PH PH :910-297-3565 NC RE6 *: NC REG +:910 -210 - 3'7 4'7 DESCRIPTIOI'I 0F U&IRK: Finish rnterior ot space. F1oor,ra116 ceilinqs and PME work ls food or b€rrerages prepared or san/€d In this sructure?Yes tr No ls Tho Proporty Locslsd ln The ?E Yes El *o DlSCLAlllER: I hereby cenify thar all informalioo in lhls applEalior rs correcl end Ell work willcomCy wrlh lhe and loc6l la*s and ordrnances and reoulalions, The NHC Develooanent SeMces CenEr will be notfi€d of anv or change rn contaclor or conuactor iilormation. "'NOTE: Any Wori Performed WO lhe ApproprEle Permils Sutiectlo Fines Up To $500.00"' srare Buildr!s {o(da.) lRl?{ tln ) |{ot!: Drno*th.l ndtcrrron! & eab6tos rrDoval p.rmh aB{crdo.6 att to ba s$.ilt.d uCng Ol. lpdlc.Ion lbon (D}ltl9-tff8) TOTAL AREA SQ # OF STORIES: r Bldg Code and icade Slate Flo.lo thocdtrh Asbadoa o. nd You 610.!$rI!d !o cal tl. l&lrql.l Emblhn $a.ld{da fo. }tlzlrdoua Alr Polutlrtr (NESHAP) 8t ($9)D7"5950 a! lG.al defio+tlon o, any 6a&ty o. hrfdtE. Saa Aabaato6 lrtllb Slta: ht$r[yir..pl.3teta.nc.uai/6puaab€alo€rairhp.hthl TOTAL PROJECT COST: 11ooo0 BUILDING HEIGHT: 18 #OFUNITS: 1 SQ FT PER FLR: rrooFT: 11oo ACRES DISTURBED:EXST LAND DTSTURBTNG PERMTT? n yES E NO WATER: ffiCFPUA SEI/VER: [fl CFPUA SQ FT fl coMMuNrTY SYSTEM fl WELL fIZONTNG USE cr sSrFrCATlON:r: CENTRAL SEprrc Ll PRMATE SEPIC ff COiTMUNtTy S\4STEM ., SEPABATE PERMITS REOUIRED TOR fLECT, MECH, PI.BC, OAS TOUIf!. PNT:FAAS & NIiFRTS "' PAYMENT METHOD flcrsx flcreo< pAvABLE ro NHc) fleuencer o<eRESs ff Mc/vtsA Elorscoven (FOR OFFTCE USE ONL'REVISED DATE /9,11N2ZONE:_OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:- LH:- RH:- B;Appror/d:- cit),:-DATE:- FLooD: --- BFE+2G-AVN Comment off"elcz\en.\ro) PERMIT FEE: DArE :-_!:l!tl_l!_ ZIP z zat:.z OWNEFUCONTRACTOR: el'tho'lv .roh',.o', SIGNATURE: ToTALsQFTUNDERRooF:-#oFsTRUcTURES:-#oFFLooRS:-I- NEwlMPERVloUSAREA:-SoFTExlsTlNGlMPERVloUSAREA:- pRopERry usE: EoFFrcE flnesmuum [uencarnr-e f] eouc [] arr [coroo orHER: gar Clear FoIm APPLICANT'S NAME:n€. tv= NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT A P PLICAT ION TYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project ResPonsibilitl/' Print ELo (g'Uqo t8 -to'1o Application Number (omce use) l C..\/ /-e .Y, € ZIP LOT # _>_rg LPRO'ECT AODRE suBDlvlsloN: J PROPERTY OWNER'5 NAMEI a )r.-61*/#s Otv.( ol P. paon o, 1 lO--3?) / w,2B.G7ER'S ADDRESS: 3S ? ( t-t-- Sa- Or .'.r€CITYowN (-e . C() .,-\- PHONE ELDG LICENSE #:5 so sr,NLzrp,2 I 7ro -5Ao-31 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON J'.--+LA co ADDRESS: EMAIL A D Sunroom (SF) Property Use/ OccuPancY: Description of work: I".d G"-tA s/ n storage shed (sF)- {cltnerlsrl bo f .5,J€".-C B o € €xlSTlNG coNSTRUcTloN: ! Alteration ! Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: #rect New Residence fl Addition to Existing Residence fl Relocation *.TPTEASE CHECK AND ANSWER EELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTT'* z/ei earaee lsrl U 42- fl oet Garage (sF) - ffirch lstl D Pool(SF) E Greenhouse (sF)! Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes ! No TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF lfor proposed work) Heatedi :s-x3 Unheated: TOTAT PROJECI COST (Less Lot); S 1ts2 ooo dd.cr itv E Duplex Ik v^€ LJ-Townhouse(,\< \) aaC DISCLAIMER: I hereby certifY that al the information in this application isco ect and allwork willcomply with the State Building Code and allother applicable State and local laws and ordinames and regulations. The NHC Develop ment Services Centea will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or chanSe in contractor information. "'NOTE: an k perform ed without the appropriate p€rmits will be in violation of the NC State Eldg bj Owner/Contradorl 5;,, -.^+Lo L^)r (*"/..tvu "Licehsed Quolifer" P.int None ls the property located in a floodplain? t 't", W€ Eristins lmoervious er.., /ot9l4 sqn Signature: TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area: ( c1 I {Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: n Yes E t',lo WATER: O'6FPUA E community System E Private well E central well E Aqua sEwER: EI4FPUA E community system E Private septic E central Septic E Aqua zone: - ofticer: - setbacks (fl - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - City: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft'- Commenl: Permh Fee: S 100tc4 Date: 2CITY: ( CITY: (^ PHONE: 3o 8'( lsthe proposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechani(elworkbeingdonetotheAccessorystructureEYesENo lftheprojectisaRelocation,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?EYesENo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No NEW HANOVER COUNW BUITDING PERMIT APP LICAi lO N TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PIEASE ANSWER Att QUESTIONS APPTICABTE TO YOUR PROIECT "Project Responsibllit/' Appllcation Number (omce usel APPTICANT'S NAME:Y PROJECT ADDRESS t e.,loL4 AV OtrrV]l ?t l;r,avt lt*u )crw: \A)r\ yv\rn^t0\a\ Date suBDtvtstoN: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: U'LOT #:IB c PHONE S:,\\a.Z6t-). nqq owNER's ADDRESs: \2i1 Q^<.,|Y\.L Vr-. <v,\ik,2l)l cmv: W\ lrnrvlaffbyr zrP:ZetlQ3 BLDG TICENSE fi;1,0CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: Ytvc CITY:sr:!-Lztr: PHONE: PHoNE:l1to,a6o. \-1+l rl PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEW cONSTRUCnou: /Erect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation PTEASE CHECK ANp ANSWER BETOW ALt THAT Appty TO YOUR PROJECT**. F - \& fl Det Garage (SF) - E-Porch (SF) L,oVCv (rl - \q-l tr Pool (SF)E Storate Shed (SF)_ B-other (sr)?aho - ltDv h<attdfury- ZtoZ TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOF (for proposed workl Heatedl 2- unheated: TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 5D q b a,n1 D Sunroom (SF) _ ls the proposed work changlng the irumber of bedrooms? E Yes Property Use/ Occupa Fa u D lex tr Description of Work: {*o ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure O Ves dHo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Ligon the current site? E yes El/tfo ls there Electrical Poweronthis Building? E Yes trNo u5e (( oISCLAIMER: lherebycertify that ellthe information in this application ls corred and allwork willcomplywith the State Buildin8 code and allothera pplicable State and local lews and ordinances and retulations. The NHc Development servlces centerwillbe notified ofanych.nSes in the approved plana and specifications or change in conractorinformation. r"?'IOTE: Anywork performed withoutthe appropriate permits willbe in violation ofthe NC State Bldt and subrect to fines up to S50O.0O... Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolifiel Signature: t Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? tr Yes fro Existing lmpervious Area: -- Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: O , ZZ New lmpervious Areat 3,1C6- 5q Ft Eristint Land Oisturblng Permit: E Ves E/trto WATER: ts'-cFPUA E Community System E private Well E Central Well E Aqua,,..SEWER: E[ CFPUA E Community System E private Septic E Centralseptic E Aqua zone: _ offlcer: _ Setbacks (Fl _ (tHl _ (RHl _ (Bl _ Approval: _ Chyr_ Oate: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (Nl_ BFE+2ft= --Comment: permit Fe€: $)558 00 $$,,'' Ztt?- Lttnu18-708 - tr (+ zlzlB ztP:2B{CP' E/Aft Garace (sF) I Greenhouse (SF)_ ! Deck(SF)_ ls the proposed work changlng the existing footprint? tr ye, g/tlo Single , NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BI,JILDING SAFETY 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE - SUITE I7O WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 Telephone: 910.798.7308 Fax: 910.798.781 I Internet: www. nhcgov.com 4TO7 WORKING DAYS TURNAROUND TIME FOR NEW SINGLE FAMILY RESIDENT ,[flt, rRACK) l,0Mrtvrc,.j Fr,inlo,rll;tlClarLtbmcs , am submitting an application for a new residential construction building permit to New Hanover County. And, as the applicant or person submitting the application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: /l have attached an official CFPUA document that has acknowledged an approval of the payment made to CFPUA. $\E I have attached an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington. rl@ I have attached an official proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. (,owtvttl Wrtra Signature Address for the proposed residential work: ililn,'n" L/1 Date () STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING lf the application is correct and complete with the required drawings, and if there are no corrections or revisions to plans and drawings, and if there are no further clarifications required by New Hanover County; New Hanover County can guarantee that the building permit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submittal date/time (the stamped date/time notation made by the Building Safety Department on the application or submittal document). I understand that the 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days only begins when the application is submifted prior to 4:30 pm on any workingday. Signed in acknowledgment: =l= lw--------1------f------ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT AP PLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAt PTEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAETE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibilitt/' Application Number (office use) AppucANT,s NAMg; McKee Homes, LLC gals-2/16/18 pRoJEcT ADDRES5: '1340 Eastbourne Drive ctw. Wilmington y1p.28411 sUBDtvtstoN: Hanover Reserve tOT#:18 pROpERTy OwNER,5 lagg; McKee Homes, LLC OWNER,S ADDRESS: '109 Hay St., Ste 301 pHoNE [: 91 0-47 5-7 1 00,7 27 CtTy: Fayetteville 21p 28301 CoNTRACToR: GML Development s196 11s5x5s s. 63970 ADDRESS: 109 Hay St., Ste 301 ctw: Fayetteville ST: NC ztP: 28301 EMAtt ADDREss: krivera@mckeehomesnc.com PHONE: 910-475-7100 727 PROJECT CONTACT P5P561; KEN Jones PHoNE: 91 0-475-71 00,721 209 n Pool (sF) E Greenhouse (sF)_n Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes E ruo TOTAT SQ FT UTTDERROOF (for proposed workl Heated:3157 Unhg3lg{;1362 TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): g 157850 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes tr lto lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesENo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No lsthere Electrical Power on th is Building? E Yes E No Property Use/ occupancy: ! sintle Family E Duplex D Townhouse Description of Work: New Construction, Sinole Family Home laws and ordinances and reSulations- The NHC Development Services Center will be notilied ofany changes in the approved plans and specifications or chanSe in contractor information. "+NOTI: Any work p€rformed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Eldg Code and subject to fines up to S500.00... owner/contractor: Kelsey Rivera Signature: "Licensed Quoltier" P nt Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes E No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturb26l .22 A New lmpervious Area: 1 677 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E yes E tto WATER: E CFPUA tr Community System E private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E Community System ! private Septic E Centralseptic E Aqua zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (Fl _ (tHl_ (RHl _ (Bl _ Approval: _ Clty: _ Dare: _ Ftood: (Al _ (Vl _ (Nl _ BFE+2ft= -_Permit Fee: S tqq3 oo 18- 688 Zr'18:Al7 EXISTING CONSTRUCTIO : n Aheration E Renovation E General Repairs l{EW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation ..TPTEASE CHECX AND ANSWER BEI.OW AU THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTI" El Att Garage (sF) 491 E oetcarage (5F) E Porch (sF) 226 m Sunroom (sF)E Storage Shed (5f)_ tr other (sF)_ Comment: NEW HANOVER COTINTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SAFETY 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE . SUITE 170 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 Telephone: 910.798.7308 Fax: 910.798.781 I Inlernel : www. nhcgov.com c 7I I, 4 to 7 WORKING DAYS TURNAROUND TIME FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE STATEM ENT OF U NDERSTANDII{G Kel Rivera am submitting an application for a residential building permit to New Hanover County. And, as the applicant or person submitting the application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: tr I have attached an official CFPUA receipt or document that has acknowledged an approval of the payment made to CFPUA. tr I have attached an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington. tr I have attached an official proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. lf the application is correct and complete with the required drawings, and if there are no corrections or revisions to plans and drawings, and if there are no further clarifications required by New Hanover County; New Hanover County can guarantee that the building permit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submittal date/time (the stamped date/time notation made by the Building Safety Department on the application or submittal document). I understand that the 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days only begins when the licatio ubmitte to 4:30 pm on any working-daY. Signed in acknowledgment: Kelse R ive ra 3l1ll,l, JLi.ii"lXil5l iH; Signature Kelsey Rivera 2/16/2018 Printed Name 1340 Eastbourne Drive Address for the proposed residential work: Date NEW HANOVERCOUNTY BUIIDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE : RESIDEI{TI,AL PIEASE ANSWER ALI QUESTIONS APPLICAALE TO YOUR PROJ€CI 'Prolsct R6ponslbllly ZolS -L'nq 18 - 687 Appllcalion Number offi /l ce usa) APPLIC.ANT'S NAME: PROJECT suBDtvtstoN: cf,t:Ut Date:1 ztP: d -)tZ-' zt BLDG LICENSE fl sn P: E: 'Z) co ADDRESS: EMAIL PROJfCT CONTACT PERSON:L/ EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: C NEW CONSTRUCTION: PROPIRTY OWNER'S OWNER'S ADDRESS; fu*{*{"s,t crw: EI Renoration E General RepaiE dence D Addition to ErisurE Residcnce E Relocation ! Pool(SF) tr Ded (sF)- ,n r,41o.2A- trs/9 hy' E I New Resi ...PIEASE CHECX AND ANSWER BELOW AII. THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT..' E Det GaraSe (St) _ fl sunroom (sf) D Greenhouse (SF) ls the proposed work chanSint the existing footprint? E TOTATSQFT U OERAOOI Vor proposed work) Heated D storage shed (sF)_ C orher (sF) YesONo,2t{7 fOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot):UD ls the proposed work changingthe numberof bedrooms? tl Yos D t{o ls any Electrk l, Plumblni or Medranhat work beint done to the Accessory structure E Yes E tao lf the project isa Beloc.tion, istherea NaturalGas Line on the current site? E ves El Xo ls there Electrical Power on this Euildi Y6 E) iao Property Use/ Ocopancv:Famlty El Dupb El Townhouse Dgcrlption of work: DlSo.AmEl: I her.by.crtit that all th. lnfontrtion in thl5 .pgtcagon 15 corr!<t and .ll illl @rnph wlth th. St l! Buildh! codc end .ll othc, applt bh Sl.l..tld lot l taur anat ordin.nc.s .nd r!3d.tbo5. Tha ,tHC Dar.lop.nent Sarvlra @nt.r wlfi ba nodfiad o, .try dl.nA6 16 tha aPp.otd d.n5 and $cdlic.tlons or ch.n8. ln .onlractor th€it! wlll be ln vbl.tion of th. I{c st t Bldt code to fines up to SsO.m''' 0ll\Sitnature: ,ogq New tmp€rvtour Are., ?t t-{ 1 sq r,'\_/ WATER: O community system SEWER: [itFPUA E] Community System Erlstlng Lrnd Dbturbin3 P.rmh: D Yes O No E Private well E Central well E Aqua El Private Septic E centralseptic O Aqua zone: - olficer: - s€tb.cks (0 - (LHl - (RH) - (Bl -Approy.l: - Otv: - O.l€: - Flood: (Al - (Vf - (tU - BFE+2ft= -D3Comment:Permit Fee: 5 N) , (sf)5so u*"n*,/0?b hform.tlon. "'lloTf : Owner/Contractor: "Licented Quotifict' Pdnt llorne -/--/' rs the property located in a tloodplain? O Y6 Et{{o Erirdr|. lmpervbus Arc.: - 9q ft Tot l A3?.5 Dltturbed: NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BI.JILDING SAFETY 230 COVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE - SUITE I70 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 2t403 Telephone: 910.798.730E Fax: 910.798.781 I I nle rne t : w*w. nhc gov.com ffi 4 to 7 WORKING DAYS TURNAROUND TIiIE FOR PERUIT ISSUANCE STATEUENT OF UNDERSTANDING |,@,amSubmittinganapplicationforare3identia!,-- building permit to New Hanover County. And, as the applicant or person submlttlng lYIn t q r^ft Signature Printed Name Date I \I Addtoss fot the proposed residential work a3 rCv the application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: f I have attached an official CFPUA receipt or document that has ""X*rrrt"Oged "n "pproval of the payment made to CFPUA. n I have attached an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington. tr I have attached an official proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. lf the application is correct and complete wlth the required drawings, and if there are no corrections or revlsions to plans and drawinga, and lf there are no further clarifications required by New Hanover CounQl; New Hanover County can guarantee that the bulldlng permit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) worklng days after the official submittal datettime (the stamped dateltime notation made by the Building Safety Departnent on the application or submittal document). I understand that the 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days only beglns when the application is submitted prior to 4:30 pm on any workingday. Signed in acknowledgment: 7l ,\ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT AP P L|CATION TY PE : RESIDENTIAI PTEA5T ANSWTR ALI. OUESTIONS APPLICABLT TO YOUR PROJTCT 'Prorect R6ponslbllM CITYi us.) Oate:ietq64Jf Qr/-tm ztP EtoGr,.rcttsEt: 3nq') Lott - ZLlll 18- 685 Applkaton \$ APPTICAT{T'S NAME PROJECT ADDRTSS: , []o()t CN (t suBDtvtsroN: PROPERTY OWNER OWNER'S ADDRESS: li J,N }.<_ PHONE d: ctw: E ( c9A;.s,"'- K",tl AODRfSSi EMAII, PROJECT CONTACT PERSOII,A orr,t! ulrfi,a G l*,1'',. st, l,-(vPronE, q /o-1q4 o zle:*rl?"r -( t?r, O(6I|NG COI{STRUCnO :n Aheration C Renovation 0 GeneralRepairs --t'Eu, OO STnUCTrT : @.Irea New Residence D Addition to Existing R6idence I Rclocation frndr"r"trt4'l{EI Det Garage (sF) - ! Pool(SFl _ (sF)2r-l> ls the proposed work changinS the existiq ,ootprint? E Yes D No ToTAL Sq FT UNoERROOF Aot proposed work) |teated:8<r unheated ,111 rorAt PROJECT COST (Less Lot)D ls the proposed srork changing the number ol bedrooms? D YGa O rao ls any B.<lrlcal, Plumurr3 or MGdr.!*d urorl being done to the Accessoty Structure El Y6 E ':otftheprojectisaRaloc.tlon,isthereaNaturalGasLin€oflthecunentsne?DYt3Ello ls there Electrical Power on this gullqin8? O Yrc E rao -/ Property tls./ occupency: Edryla remlly E Dupler tr Tounhousc Description ot Work: S OIS€II El: I hcr.W cartfy that all tha L o.tnalbo in thit .pplk2tldr B and aU wo.i ril co.nply rldr thc Stat! Ertldha Coda .nd all othat applebL St.t. .td lo(3l Ybhrim ot the l{c stilr .nd 3uuccl to llncr up to Ss&.m"'mform.tion. "'NOIf: An Owner/Contractor: yjE(!9.dofl d rrldtYt lh. .pgop.Lt Fr'rls ull b. h' l)o^ \\ords.n Signature: 'Licent d Quolifi.r' Pdna Nofie ls the property located in a floodplain? O r- K Erl5tlng lmp€rvloG Arca: - !q Ft t{ew tmp€rvloga Arc., 2) f 3 l{.ft Erkdtf l'.rd OFtutbanS Pcrmh: E Y6 E No'./ WATGR: gCFP,!.lA D Community System D Private well [] centralwell E Aqua sEwcR: &./PUA E community System O Private Septic E centrals€ptic EI Aqsa zoner - Offfccr: - s€tb.ds (Fl - (lHl - (nHl - (Bl -Approyal: - Clty: - O.te: - fbod: (Al - (Vl - (Nl - 8fE+2ft= - Tot lAcr6 Dirturbcd, , f)tS2 comment: Pcrmlt Fee: S -' ^ lleq,oP' '/ 3/r'fr toT f : C Sunroom (Sfl_ fl Gre€nhouse (St)! Deck (SF) - prrrne, 4/a-2u2-VSlct D Storese Shed (St) _ tr oth?r (sFl _ NEWHANOVERCOUNry DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SAFETY 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE . SUITE I7O WILMINCTON. NORTH CAROLINA 2E403 Telephone: 910.798.7 308 Fat: 910.798.781I Inlerne I : www -nhcgov -com 4 to 7 WORKING DAYS TURNAROUND TIME FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE I,, am submitting an application for a residential building permit to New Hanover County. And, as the applicant or person submitting the application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: n I have attached an ofiicial CFPUA receipt or document that has acknowledged an approval of the payment made to CFPUA. I have attached an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington. tr I have attached an offlcial proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. tf the application is correct and complete with the required drawings, and if there are no corrections or revisions to plans and drawings, and if there are no further clarifications required by New Hanover County; New Hanover County can guarantee that the building permit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the offlcial submittal dateltlme (the stamped dateltime notation made by the Building Safety Department on the application or submittal document). I understand that the 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days only begins when the aDDlaca tion is submitted orior to 4:30 pm on any workingday. Signed in acknowledgment: Signature Printed Name ,+.PTQ.T 1ftj t t I D STATEMENT QF UNDERSTANDING Address for the proposed resldentlal work: Date AppllcAitT,s NAM[, Plantatlon Buildlng ot Wilmington, hc NEW HANOVER COUI{TY BUILDIN6 PERMIT AP%lAfl ON |YPE, RES|OEr rlAt PIEASE AiISWER AILqUESTIONS APPI.ICAEI.EIO YOUS PROJECI 'Prol.Gt R.rponrlbllltv, crw,wffi ffi La\g -z\,uo18-699 APrlallr" Nui6!' .",3/HL pRorEcI ADDnElsr 21 tlobio Bun surDtvtsto : ntvoifighis LOr l: proPEf,w owr{ERs NAMe .Plantation Buildhg ol Wilmlngton, lnc,PHOIIE I:910.443.0746 owt{ER,s ADDiasr. PO Box A47g C]TY:Wilmlngton PRorEcr coNTAo PEnso . wll welr PHOITE . 910.500.5462 Propcrty Urc/ 0r3crlptlon ot l.$/r.nd odln.raar and rt&l,tbnr,lia t{HC O.{rloFrcnl S..vks. Ctnttr wlllb. notlfl.d ol.ny rtanlr! tn the approvad phn! andDtdia onr orcianta h co rador lntorlrr.ton. ...l{Of[: Any sorl plrtorm.d wlthout the tpproprt.t. pe rlrltt! w lb. tn vtolr on ot tht NC 8ld8 rubri.t io ftnct u, to$10(l(D...codc .od , Angela Roseman Sitnrlur.: Prlnt Nonc o(cupuq: E slntl. F mlly E ouotu EPdwnhousr wor*. Et ld a towhhome {iith an allsched garage, Approved Drake plan Owner/Contr.ctol "Ll.cntad Quolu.t" ts the property locsted ln a floodplaln? tr Ycl trA{6 hlrtlnS lmp.n lout Ar.r, 0 sq Ft uow tmpurlou3 Arol 1327 ,ort totrl lcrer Dlrturbcd: { ExlstlnS Lrnd OlrturblnS Prrmlt:6l d no WArEi: #FPUA E Communlty system E prtvate WeI E Centrat Welt D Aqua sEwEn: EI,(CPUA O cornmunlty sysrem E prlvere sepric E centratseptic E Aqua zonr:-tMX- omcrn D{b srorcklrl JO (rxt 0' $nl to'lsl O' allttovrltt Ot- cvt f/]Aorn,S/tf/8rroodrlAl-(vl-(Nt-8rE+2ft=SAoJeJy , ^\Z/^-.a) comm-r: All uurl- ad-fe*io"?F Wy I?a-t SQB 4Ppro-,cA . et,mlnr,,s , 1- ) /--{itc pl--'' cill'lnp',61ien llequileo, 910'254'090) co TRACIOi: Planlatlgn Eulldlng of Wlmlngton, lnc. um ucgl|st t: 88712 AooREss:314I9Efn-EIStSu[o?00 crrrl9llhffim - ,r. llC,;mt- - rmrrrloo@ ,.oG-gIo7B'076- CXISIINO COl{gTtt GTION! E Alteratlon f} f,enoyation E Genaral Reprlrs ttEW Ool{sIIt c?lof: E}46 rucw nesldlnce fl Addlflon tq Exlstlng Rccldencc El telocrflon T..PTEASI CHECI( AI{D Af,SWEN EEIOW AIL TI{/IT APPTY TO YOI'I PNOIECT,.' g,r(( carrg: Fr) 397 tr rret Gara8e (sF,- O+fA {sr} 239 D sunroom (sF) -- D Pool(sF|- E storr$shcd (stl- tr Greenhousc (SF) O Ded< (SF) ____,_ tr Othlr (SFl _ ls the proporad worl chantlnB the lxlstlng footprlnt? D yes E No ToTAr SQ iT u]{oENROOt Vot pmposcd rv,ork; xcrtad:.2139 - unhcatcdl 830 rofAt eiolrcrcosr lusr ior): S!0i!91_ ls th. proposed wotl chrnglng th. number of bedrooms? O v.s E ,{o ls any El.ctrlcal, Plumbln3 or M.dlnlc.l workbeing done to the Accerlory Struclure E yar E o lf lhe prorect lr. Rdocallon, ls thcr€ a Nsturel Grs Llna on the curant slto? E Yoc E [o ls th.re Clcctrlc.l Powrr on thls Bulldlng? EI46r tr ,{o NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SAFETY 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DR]VE . SUITE !70 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 Telephone: 910.798 7308 Fax: 9l0.798.781I lnternet : www. nhcgov. com 4 to 7 WORKING DAYS TURNAROUND TIME FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING am submitting an application for a residential building permit to New Hanover County. And, as the applicant or person submitting the application, I check the bo)dboxes below to acknowledge that: A I have aftached an official CFPUA receipt or document that has acknowledged an approval of the payment made to CFPUA. E I have attached an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington. tr I have attached an official proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. lf the application is correct and complete with the required drawings, and if there are no corrections or revisions to plans and drawings, and if there are no further clarifications required by New Hanover County; New Hanover County can guarantee that the building permit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submittal date/time (the stamped date/time notation made by the Building Safety Department on the application or submittal document). I understand that the 4 (four) to 7 (seven)working days only begins when the application is submitted prior to 4:30 pm on any working-day. Signed in acknowledgment: Angela Roseman 3/8/18 Signature Printed Name 21 Hobie Fun ; Address for the proposed residential work: Date t, ffi Angera Hoseman ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT A PPL,CAIION rYPf , RESIDEt{TtAt PIEA5E ANSWER AIT QUESIIONS APPTICASI.E TO YOUR PROJECT "Prol.ct i.tponrlblllty' ctw. w]lminglon Apgllttlon 1{untar lofiaa u!., ApPttc t"s NAME; Plantatlon Eulldlng ol Wllminglon, tnc. pfiorrct ADDnEsg: 13] toulo nun su8Dtvtsrofl : RlverL-tg[t- propEf,Ty owr{GR5 rfAME. Plantetlon Bultdlng ol Wlmington, lnc. ow ER's ADDtEssr PO hrtn3 oor{rRAcToi: Plsntallon Bullding ot Wilmhgton, lnc. Ut.,/ Occupaocl: E Slnglo Famllv E Duotcr O-,I/ownhour on of worl: Euild a townhomo vi'ith en atttached garage. Batbos plan lOT l: 19 rrDc ucE sE r: G8712 cmrlwtmtEbtr sr,Nc;;-ffir-AooREss: 3 r 4 W-lntfErlSum2DO rttitltl IODRESS: to8am8n rngcorp.com PlloN;-0iT.7ej.8766- PRorEcr co rAcr pERso . will welr pHoNr. 910,599.5482 EXISTINO Oot{snuc'Eflt E Alte?.tlon E Renovtllon E General Repalrs ,{EW COt{3tiUCnO : Gl./cct Ncw Resldcnce tr) Addt on to Extt(ry Restdence E Relocetlon ..'P!E4!E!EEE{A D AI{5W€i IELOW AB THAT A'P!Y IO YOUR PTO,,ECTT" 9dn earage (srl 505 tr oet Grr.se (sF)- E{orch (sr) TOTAT Sq ?f Ul\aOEi ^OOi (fot ptopos.d work) Hc.r.dl 2S2S unherted:7Lo5 TOTAI- PRoTECT ColT {Less tot}: 5 400,000 ls the proposld work ch.n8ln8 the numbrr of bedrooms? O v.. E No ls3nyEl.cirlc.l,Plomtln!orMrch.nlc.lworkbelnSdon€toth€Acc€lrorystructureEyerEt{o lftheprolectbai.locatlon,irthcre!N.tur.lG!!l.tn.onthecurr€ntsttc?EVr:EXo ls therc El.ctrlcrl Power on thls Sulldlng? G#cr E tto Proparty Drscrlptl lnsCulMflt I hlr.by ca,tlfy lh.t.llth. hhrfi.tton ln :hli.ppll..rlon Ir corr.ct.nd tllrvort w comply wlth th. St.tc 8u(din! CodG.nd r[ oth.rla$/randordl ncat.nd taauLllonr.Iha IBC t .vllopn.nt Strvlc!.r C.nt.. wlll!. notlll.d ofany.hana.rh tll. aplror.d pLnr.nd!p!cm Uo6! lnlorm.llon. "'flOTti Anywork r.rformd wlthout th. . pprop.t.t. ,E.mtti wilb. to vtol.Uon of tha {(;!!.t( ttldt Cod..nd tublrct to fnat rp to owncr/contrlctor: Angela Hoeeman s'n.tur.: 4'[1- --.-- -., 'Llc.ns.dQuolfla/pdntNon.,u/ apdl..Ue ttal! .nd lo..lddl.ltt h Goit.actor 3SO.00... ls the property locat€d ln a floodplatn? E yer gdo Erl3tlnt lmprlvlous Arca: 0 sq rt zonc, /IlX omo,, A{b o4Total Acret Dlrturbcd: N6w lmp.lvlous Are.:1752 Sq ft Erlstlni Lrnd Dirturblnt Plrmlti E Yos O Ho WA?ER;W6pua E communtty s6tem E private well E Contrat we E Aqua *6uo E Communtry syst€m O prlvate septlc E centratslp c E AquaSEWTR: Setbackr lrl /0' ,n",j,l)l&*lnxl ot lgl o/IrHl o Agproval:cky: lLrl/l d: (Al _ (vl _ (tl)--'-- 6FE+2ft.St'":"JX0k, 1l,l 5ll6t*apt l?C )S?3 a?to{r'1 -p.mrrFrG:9 lbK[ *detLcudComment | ( fe flan Cil,, lnsfrrlron Reourec, 91 0.254-090) zot| -zqgl18- 697 PHo|TE {. 010.4t13.0748 a,rrr, Wlml@ton -_ -- a,r, Zf4O, Drt.:#6Jo__ ALrc tr Suntoom (SFl,_ D poot(SF)-___ _- . D Gracnhouse (SFl_ O Deck{SFl_ ls th. propos.d work chrnglng thc lxlstlnt footprtnt? E yes E) No tr Stor{. sh.d (SFl D othcr (stl-- NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SAFETY 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE - SUITE I70 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 Telephone; 910.798.7308 Fax: 910.798.781 I Inte rnet ; wwu,. nhcgov. com 4 to 7 WORKING DAYS TURNAROUND T|ME FOR PERMTT TSSUANCE STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING am submitting an application for a residential building permit to New Hanover county. And, as the applicant or person submifting the application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: E I have attached an official CFPUA receipt or document that has acknowledged an approval of the payment made to CFPUA. A Lhavetftaehed an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington, n I have attached an official proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. lf the application is correct and complete with the required drawings, and if there are no corrections or revisions to plans and drawings, and if there are no further clarifications required by New Hanover County; New Hanover County can guarantee that the building permit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submittal date/time (the stamped date/time notation made by the Building Safety Department on the application or submittal document). I understand that the 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days only begins when the application is submitted prior to 4:30 pm on any working-day. Signed in acknowledgment: Angela Roseman 318118 Printed Name 19 Hobie Run ) ffi t, Address for the proposed residential work: Signature Date Clear Fqrm NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT AP PLI CAT,O N ryPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ATT QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Proiect Responsibility''\?{' IVED MA3 t Zatt-Zt[9 lg-e# 931s.3-1-2018 Print pROJECT ADoRESS: 4200 Cape Landing rd CtTy castle Hayne 71p 28429 SUBDtVtStONT Bridge Water Buffs LOT c: 15 pROpERTy OWNER,S 1111gs. David and ,ludy Bitte OWNER,S ADDRESST 1312 lvery court PHONE { 611y Wilmington 719 26+ t t CONTRACTOR: Keeco Of Wilmington llc BIDG LTCENSE #. 70545 ADDRESS: 483 orchard Mill rd CtTy Hampstead EMAL ADDRESS: legendbldinc@aol.com PHONE.910-264-3479 pRo1ECT C9NTACT pERSoN. Kenny Eason pxsx5.9'10-26.13479 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: I Alteration ! Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTIOI{: = Erect New Residence Ll Additionto Existing Residence ! Relocation I*,}PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALI. THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PRO.,ECT'T* . Att Garage {5F)603 ! Det Garage (5F)_E Porch (S F)88 E Sunroom (sF) !!!- ! Greenhouse (sF)_ ! Pool (sF) ! Deck (sF) ! storage shed (sF)__ tr other (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? Ll Yes I No TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF (Jor proposed wotk)Hq31q6,2799 Unheated: ta,1 I TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot)5 310,000.00 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or M€chanical work bein8 done to the Accessory Structure E Yes I No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No lsthere Electrical Power on this BuildinS? 0 yes D ttto inlormation. "'NOTE. Anywork performed wiihoutthe appropriate permits willbe inv olationofthe NCState I d de and subiect to fines up P *"' (,nflR t8 3!08PProperty Use/ Occupancy; E Single Family E Duplex E Townhouse Descriptio n of Work: Erect new lhree bedroom ho!se wrlh sunroom and garage laws and ord nances and regulations. The NHC Oev€lopment Servi(es C€nter will be nonfied of any chdnges in the roved plans and !pecifications or chanee in cont,actor c owner/contractor: James Eason Signature: "Licensed Quolifier' Piht Nome lsthepropertylocated inafloodplain? E Yes E No Existing lmpervious Area:Sq Ft TotalAcres Oisturbe4. 5200 sq ft New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturhin8 Permit: E Yes ! No WATER: E CFPUA E Community System E Private Weil E CentralWe[ E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E CommunitySystem E PrivateSeptic n Centralseptic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (l-H)_ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _-_ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A)_ (V) __ (N) _ BFE+2ft= __ Comment:Permit Fee: S 124s.'o AppL;CAN?S t{AME. KENNY EASON 51. NC 21p.28443 ?*tg-7q5318-696 ffi ADplLrtlon l|!tntrr lolltrt u!.) Appucrt{.r3 NAMi, Plantatlon Euttdlng ol W[mlngton, tnc o..., ?.,[=/t? pRoJGc, ADDnEss: r7-Fi66Fe llu n ctry, Wlmlngton 26. P8412' sulotvtsto.: niveiliffi- cor{TRAcroi: Plentation Bullding of Wilmington, lnc, lDI- l: N ADDRESSI s14 Wrlnut Sl, Sull6 200 EMAtt ADDnGSS: rossmanGPptantationbuildlngcorp.com PRorEcr ooI{TAcr PERso wlll wEk PHOT{E:9t0.598.5462 EXISn,CG cOllSlRUgtaOI{: O Altemtlon O R.novatlon O GlncralRepatrs EW CO tmufilott: Gl-lod ew AesHence E Addttton to Exlsttng Resldence D Retocauon " .fllalElfEcx allD allswfn lElrw atl ... g/ earage (srl 411- E Det Garege (st) - #ontr (Srl 345 Bto6 uctilsE r. 68712 crw, W rr Nc;;J6or- Pl{oi;-Ertr7Ee.s766- D Sunroom (sFl E Greenhoure (SF) D Pool(sF) ! Deck (SF) O StorrS. shsd (SFl _ O other (st) ls the proposcd n ort chantlng lh€ exlstlng footprlnt? E yes [] No rOfA[ 5Q FT UiIDERiiOOI Uot ptoposcd workl Nr.tedl 2136 ToTAl, PiorECr cosT (Les! Lot): S 400,000 Unhcrt!d. 756 15 the propored work chsngln3 the number of bcdroomi? E ycr 0 to lsanyEhctrkrl,PhmblitorMcchtnlc.lworkbelngdonetotheAcc€isoryStructureEy.rEl{o lf the prorect ls a t loc.llm, B lh.re a Nelurel6as Llne on the current slt.? E vrr E tto ls th€re Electrlcal Pow€r on thls Sulldlns? GKrr El to !cy: E Slntl! rmrllv E Epl.r El,/ownhou3.Build a townhome wlth an ettachad garage. Approved certier ptan P.operty Urt/ Oc(upa DeJCilpllon ol wotki laws ,nd ord lnar C.3 rnd ralulatlonS, Ilr! NHC Orvrlopmlnt 5cNtc! Lrntcr wl[ be notli.d ot . ny .h.r{rt tn tha.lhfi lnd !,lcl'llotlont ol alr.Dta ln contrlctgrlnformrtlon, ...IClT:r Any work prrlormad $,lthout lh. agOroDrtat! garmttt Mll b! ln vloL on ot th!3td3 r to inu up to 130o.m... Owner/contraGtor: Angola Ro86man _ 3lnrtura: "Llccntad Qwlll.t'Ptlot Nome ls the property locatGd ln a floodplaln? O 'tr, *d Exltllnt lmparYlou3 A.", 0 5q51 TorrlAcrrr Olstsrbrd: 04 Nrw tmplrylour Arar' 1118 ftft Ertrtln3 Lrnd OBturblnt p.rmltt E{rs tr ffo wAlEBr #FPUA E Commurlly System E privare W€ E Cenrratwefi EI Aqua ttu7Iat iCFPUA E communlty System ft prlvate sep c Et Centralsep(c El Aqua zonr,-fif,-oncrr 01L *u,ck'lll.fi turt&ltaxt ct' Fl o ace,,vtt: 2k,.Gltv: /{ ,tl orc, 3f t ltiara, w=- tv} _- lxl-- arr.6= ShaJ a3>< conrm.nr, A;ll L,^lar b -*d-,*tl"cta-?1":TtC $/B qfrqqd\ p.rm1rr.,9 Eirc Pto*n Ci[lnsprclion Requrreo, gl0.l54.090] 28b.o" NEW HANOVER COUNW SUILDING PERMIT APPLICArION |YPE : RESIDEilTIAI PIEASE ANSWEEAU qUES'IONS APPTICAOLfTO YOUR PNO'ECTdProrrEt R.rpontlblllq/ ?rorrnw owrER,s trAME. Plentallon Bulldlng ot wilmln0ton, lnc. rxo[E f . 010.4{3.0746 owflr'rADoiEss. POEox?I75-- ,*llnrafrffi--a*ry NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SAFETY 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE . SUITE I70 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 Telephone: 910.798.7308 Fax. 910.798 781I Inlerne t : www.nhcgov. c om 4 to 7 WORKING DAYS TURNAROUND TIME FOR PERMTT ISSUANCE STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING am submitting an application for a residential lf the application is correct and complete with the required drawings, and if there are no corrections or revisions to plans and drawings, and if there are no further clarifications required by New Hanover Gounty; New Hanover County can guarantee that the building permit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submittal date/time (the stamped date/time notation made by the Building Safety Department on the application or submittat document). I understand that the 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days only begins when the application is submitted prior to 4:30 pm on any working-day. Signed in acknowledgment: Angela Roseman 3/8/18 Signature Printed Name '17 Hobie Run a t, Address for the proposed residential work: Date building permit to New Hanover county. And, as the applicant or person submitting the application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: E I have attached an official CFPUA receipt or document that has acknowledged an approval of the payment made to CFPUA. E I have attached an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington. tr ! have attached an official proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. l-,yi\t'b-v! .',,1i:. i.ffi,.: ^lr rr.11 :c\ iWt*; Lll::. - tF* NEW HA\OVEN CUJNTY BU:LDIT,I6 PER'IIIT ff.:lt;fi'N I YPE| REStrUEl;!-iAL l-ra-ai r\r_a' .t,. \-.r ar-a.j ,rr'! )r:- ili r. h.i ( -Pr(' a.. ll'L:o,t ir-h|l.;') [!il:OAnI'S iUt'F: .". 'O.:T! Pr('J$- a; _^:DEIIELoP€R I tltrJJrlla:rhr. c:rL-,afllE(T Aci,ilE55 ' ti'i Lu:I 'i Z!r: -i-jll:.llcrq t! i rA L1'!: -r;i rr;1.: .1, .1,.1-1 .irr yl !,lr3CIV.5IOq: 1/A P:6;Lri. / rritEf.,s !t*,i' PRoltC; rC WAft Piisrll: rqi:' . 'r.t r... C,.{it's AC:IISS _} :ry!-:j:.j _- C'filr -.-..i.j:j_* _.,Tr-:--Z:e::s'.r_ CC''IB,ACrO^i -,::59.!r--Jl:li.r..l r:f L:illsi r -j_'..i _ . _ ,f,0RE55: -::__q . _i:g CITY: -!I-.r. si:.: LZIP: +jg! al,,\tL lrrf,Ei:i, !rildi:_a=]e=iEr.'f. .rc r.lLff,{Ctllcfhtf4ti.4dl]3_ * .!,ri i ;r _.-: , -',il!:] Ells:ric coIstruaT:Cr: A A:.T!.,,rTI! r E ;.r.:...JrJ.,,t' !:,trr-., ,:'.r.':.; ] r;l,*r:-:. llEl: Co|ri;ilClIc*'.- ERrrT l:El llgI[,fNEE.][l mor:"r ';.0 Err<'; -.li irsr:jf:ir i.rL!;!! o{!cj'Iitl t\r;r.:l rlLo:i {L rriir ,utll 1g tlrt ,r.:!!:T: = Lfi '.31.:e - - rr f, r, .cr -- - <, _l.jt!a: .! - ! ti.,r F-,.rUT FdE I J [;.n olr lce -:F f,sl'tnt"'. --i Jr.i:ar'cs:--.., T,IA! HEATED 5Q F::3i4 TOTAI 5Q FT LIDER :dtOF: ri TOfiL ,-l!h s, .-Tr !A_ T01r,L pRolEct coqr"-$rD: 1 3, x:^tlorooO s Or :,'(U!i: .,r,. 4lCOlric to aperl,. A,r, .lri,lltrlL Pr.lIIrAi .r trclljrltq.,. ,.t{ r'tr! -r.-..t r..}. k.:..r.., --rr.:.!.r: lI f.- I ,, q&*e f" ii,r f.':J:,.1 .i j i'. r.irt:l:r t tt'.'....: - ,.:.t'r.t r G!: rlrr on '.h. ;.;. r.,r* l.l ; l],1.. !, ,o_ -. qLr.. ilc.tr iitl ?c,.- (:r tl'.r ,rll,i (,.? flf.i E;:., tu$u-hruk- ;:;;tr:ffM:. r E r.cr s pio{tEpy i5E / c.cr:)e.c}: [l s:r.,il, r..urr r f] ,:t-r-.x f., ti ftq p{.rFnr,, LocArEo tN r r LL:a.Lrt'+ f] vrs [ *: EfsTIt{o lirr4Pvlc:js EE^: -. _ 5Q rI IEIJ IrPCilrior.s ,*EA | _-. St FT :oIlL la'iE! olsil,'.tED I &^r5r L,'iJ t $,t,3tt;i ,b-rlr I fJ "s i] .- unn: I e-rrn ,!fcc:l1\rrv sysTE:: I nn:,,u': .Eri f] .rnonr t ,,,: sErEi! qjhj^ r E ci iR^- sEpT: i l.rrv.r: spnc J4c.rg." .1Ty svjiq.,.l rta... crey! p!,.nr-,ri n!(L!r.l ,::r llrr, lrlar,rr r.!!i. rr.r r!J.,, p\.iat, a :riilr, tr.,,\\,.rrr ruIoo. LJ.e,.' tl. ;o. (liy:./r rc u.:; fi l-- dcr.. :l-mr, !,t..*., !rr..,rr. zc'.r: -. -c:ircFri-t jJ'":;l-l ;'i-rH.-:,,-Li r 'l:rr'rr'\',.r': ):q.ova::- . ci.-y:_ . r.Tt: __ t-cJ t. _ _ _ C(J, nt: _REucit.ri \, .. 1 .;,,r,:.,;lfl91Uo,'n:llll:lJ r: .I,.,, I :lr.lri,r, (rt irL\ i(S: r::!,..:r.!:l 5t:I8r! c:.:lj,{.r{.. I },a_.,, tx.1tr rr r._1.-l(...n ,.s ,.l 'r, !tlr t{x- i)r:.'rP.. . a"<!'.a.- i /.:. .!i,r y t.r:r)r?tldr :t2 \rr,r...,t,.-.OiE,arr....ir:.,.N,:i1,O tF;;! IPPLICI.T's l,lA.lE: d;.lc., E.r! NPJEATIO'I lL. t r 'rH,lkx* r.m; t{Etil tlAr{OVEn C0irt{TY BUI!_DlitS PERHIT ,:JPt:CAfret rp6r RESIDFITIAL ?t!irsr; lrti;1t ,t (YrJtfrS /rq ljq{qli rO \rlri ,pf:.E t "Pt.(rjlrt frlFEratbtuB, oEVTLCiEi: buco s rrt7t.- CnYi rr: 'nl,.rrt.r, (o Ei r" PRO]ECT ACT'IE5SI :i:( R1 :|er,jgrgolv:5;e{ | ?IP I jllg ILOCI: i;: l,I LoT 0r r/a PR{)7ERTY C:'.I;R'S ffJ€R's AI'T'!SS I ?:rJ Piv, x loro C]rl.'i -ta.t:!1.,::c,.: S:rJE_zIp: r.,,.1.. P IiE Cl J!.!-all[ir;:gj c1lmlgmn! ;frco Err1ld,.:r co7:_ UCEISE lt: _!: l_lOCiES'; ;1gga.r:..it - Cr'"r: .::.r_Ui-gl!S!___ slllg_zlpr rl_gEfiAIL A!]FI:S: r.iJrn . rr 5i^.r E{r5rI]JO Cr.$nricTlfij, p Ar.lEmrr":rr fl nrt r.*rrou l_.l oer,et..u nrrurs I REtoca rlor flE1d coasTtu.f,ncl: f| ;nrcr t:E 1ES:oEEE c filioOr:cr !o Exrsrr}l6 [,EsrDU.[E .'?L'IS: C)ECT :D ;:I9;T gA.gJ ALL flt'.' A:?LY TO YOtJt TIO'EJI! llAlCr :. Ju(i(r if a..,a PAO]ECI CGJTACI PERSCII:tlr.:trar. g!..r.r; ! om c..rrir:e - sr fl pmcr - sr [J ro. - s:. I sron,r; shE{r_ sF f] c:cr - sr ofl:R: ;jirrx-jg.- 1, TOTAL HE TED SQ FT: IA__ :CTAL 5Q F: t tDd:i iicn;:.::(!__ TOTTL ARFI S0 rI: ;2_ TOr;l PeOIF(l COSr.r. .-,i; 5 * OF STOil:tS: -:A_Ir lny tLltl8fctr, PUr;lIgf i!'lilctrrltc f t':.,k lel,ri Dor. il t.r drs,rtci, !:r.(t,'if EI VeS !Jff the pl.oje.-t ls a Relocrtlon, !s ttrer.: a {atrr.l Gas Lll:e on the C!',r.irnt Sltcl fJ}€!Is tlrr,.: Electrlcrl Po-;f r,n thls 8u11J1,g? i] vee flfl fo lioErry rJ5E / octrlplri(y: fi srrelr ruur-v I n:l,x ! ro,.u,:;.;: 0E SCiIPTIC|I Cl LoRli: rirta:rlr1.r.-ilt:t,i , t !', srd !q- lc.r. r r+:utr.rr. T!,. lll.lc B u,!F.ilt.rf.... C.r!:r1r b..r!t,, ot;r/ d.:,:.r,nt. i.:r6. d rrn..\r .tr..t trr oii,r-rcr bs, r.rr or\.oar:r.jtr!;nr,!:r'1rqt!:,\-r.\b!iFr!.rd,!1o,'!.^rr5r.trh.D:.r*rt(..?.rrr.rr.-\c:E,r.j,.raod.r-trt\r.roi1!i?tr!5o::f- POSTSIG IWEIYIOIIS mEA: _SQ fT ItE!, E ERI/ICijS lREl: _SQ FT 8, rs mE pfioptxry LffJlrED rl: r rlmroul,r lj] vrs f] ro TOiTL A'Ris DISTUR|E': E(lsr LAI|D DIsIaBItiE FE${rr: I vrs if m lAreR; fl c;eu, ff curiwjry svsr::r fi rnware urrf fl cENTRAL IELL sa.xk3 fl cryur f] cr' TM! sEpr:c I rnrrui sepnc E co.,titrirry s\{rFll1,,a '.!r sr?AxArr 9Elrrrg rleuirt) Fot Elrcr, ilicfl, ;,L!6. 6 s a{urrr prarljj a, :t€Er:s .6 rnntun rrrr-o fJ .:estl flcn:cr (rayrat rJ ,c,., ! ..ror.et urr.it ! n rv,,* ! o:scovrr.. +a ': i aa: tt.a+n. i all. al tI >!ai t t. aarir l+.r !,a: taa I :-ia;,.t tr*i.r ar..,r..1 a!;r trrl ri a3: a. r ' ra lr(l. ri(r laa a:.Lt) t."ll t trtTt a/!ur: ZC. E! _ C|:ICER: __,- SEIBAC$i tr_ LH: Ftr_ B:_ Apprc..,a I :_ Clty:_ AATE:_ FLC.3r: _,8ft+2ft lt 5:EIATURE:f:ra!-at.*arri.lt,lt CoEreit: -.- .}:tv )'!,1 flen ;*.iar *- sF I su,.iac:n -sr I otee'i:otst - sr DATE: PllJ:lC * .' , -rr -t. {i Plri\E rr r: ;{,t;}-.l.JL! DltrrlE *: q'-"- er-r t.6.xl pt$lfT FEE: :_ _ Clear Fo.m Print eMail NEI^J HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING APPLICATI1N TYPE: COIII1ERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER AL! QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibillty" APPLICANT'S NAfiE: DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADDK occuPANr/BUsrNEss NAr,rE; (-oh\( nLvdx 4JA rtD/(A PROPERTY Oh]NER'S NAI4E: >cl(.a Y 5 iPERMITlg53lAPPLICATION - Number (Offlce Use) . DATE _2[3JLv :(rf,. zrr:}JWL ffi.aInoz sr:[7rE@1OWNER'S ADDRESS:C.J CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: EI4AIL ADDRESS:s PROJECT CONTACT PER I CITY: LICENSE s: 11O1Lcrrv: flpy1y$lf i E PHONE #: PHONE S: di \ PHONE PHONE btl ST s: #: -0\L 6 LlnAItU WtilruruIl,ITrlFEIIlr]tt7lIlT.NTI'TImN If UPFIT - The Shell Permlt #: **T** IS TI.IIS A C}IAT{GE OF OCCUPANCY U IF Yes, what was the Previous occupancy Type? IX8fi 'ortro, PRoFEssroNAL I ENGR DESIGN PRoFESSIONAL:_ ls rood or beverages prepared or served in this structure?l-- YesJ-y'- No NBCU|Uen, t f,"r.Uy "enit that allinlormation in this application is correcl and allwork and local I C DeveloDmenl ServicesTE Any Work Pedomed Is Elect Power on this Bui.lding f. Yes f N0 sE?r- YEs rr/*.,,-, _ What is the tlew occupancy NC REG +: ItC neG *:- ls The Property Located ln The Floodplain Yef willcomply with the Stare Building e and all olher applicable State Center willbe nolfed ofW/O the Appropriale Pe anv cha olans and sDeciticationsNC Slate Bldg Code and SQ FT Subjecllo OWNER/CONTRACTOR (Aualrer) Nole Demolition notticaions & asbeslos removal permit appllcatio in SIGNATURE ns are io be subm ired us ng the application lorm (DHHS-3768 PH: PH:- L contain Asb€slos or not. You are r€quir€d lo calllhe National Emission Slandards tor Hazardous Air Pollurants (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 al tea$ 10 days prior to the demolition ol any facility or building. See Asbeslos Web Sile: http /Anv .epi.siate.nc.us/epi/asbestos/ahmp.html IOTAL PROJECT COST 60u)5fu,.o,ro r.,o*# OF UNITS TOTAL AREA SQ FT SQ FT PER FLR: , # OF STRUCTUR # OF STORIES # OF FLOORS EXST LAND DISTURBING PERM SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: ff?r YES a wTOTAL SO FT UNDER ROO ACRES DISTURBED q WATER SEWER SYSTEN,4 COMI\,IUNITY SYSTE[I CENTRAL SEPTTC I-J ffi WELL n ZONTNG USE CLASS|F|CAT|ON vATE sEPTrc r-rtoMMUNrrYt_r T, IVECH, PLBG. GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS"'SEPARATE pERMTTS REOLIRED tOB ELfC PAYMENT ['ETHOD f CASH l- cHEcK (PAYABLE To NHc) f - AMER|CAN EXPRESS l-_ rvrcr.lrsn J-_ orscoven (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F: NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA PROPERry USE LloFFrcE Ll RESTAURANT MERCANTILE CONDO OTHEI LH RH BApproval:_ City: DATE_ FLOOD:_ BFE+2ft,-AVNcomment PERN4IT FEE: I IUI- FFI,I NT' eL tg-53 I , / $r..t" All That Apply) Exrsr coNsrRucrroN: E ALTERATToN ErRENovATroN f] GENERAL REPATRS E RELOCATTON lf Relocation. is there a Natlra-l Gas Line on thec-urrent Site? f . YG;f _ No tS grOO SpEIftXLeRED'd-_ yesf _ No NEt./ coNsrRucrroN: E EREcr NEt.l STRUCTURE ! FAST TRACK E 5HELL E upFrT E ADD ro Exrsr STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: r'.ICFPUA ff creun DESCRIPTIoN oF woRK: d6WmT L\At .n0tn. S,W"l ttv\y,Ll /1,-S\L\t^ Ieouc[aer[ E ZONE: OFFICER: 2b1?E\5 t APPLICTTII'S lrlr,lE r OATE: AFPTTATIUII tlunber (offtc. u,.) -2[3ilvzrDiulD 7 0 br1 DEVELOPER: pSolEcT ADOk E S; PliotlE fll OhITIER'S AODRESS: coflTRACron: ADORESS: EI.IA] L c PNOJECT COi,ITAC --l--!-r----n(r7lt-rvrovt7Z?7rrtq. sr:[f:@ 1 LICETJSE ir CITY:GhST f: fi 6 EPHON EXIST CONSTRUCTIONT T-'l ALTERATIoNL'll Rsloc€tlon. ls thero a Nalurol Gas Lln6 on lho / (ah.(t ^ll Ih.t &ply) I:.TREIIOVAIIOTI T-lGENERAL REPAIRS T-1 RE tffnenr stre? ;. H;-: r.ro ts BLoc s/H {KL ilEn.onrr*r.rrrn, ACCESSORY SIRUCIU rocATr0r{ EREoI-l_ Y€sf_ n ElEcr flEll srRUcruRE ! FAsr rRAcx !RE: SHELL !uPFrr fl ADD rO EXrSr STRUCTURE If UPFIT - The Shell Pernlt {:Is El.ect Poxer on thls Bulldlng r, Yes n xo ..r.. rs rHts a ctl./tMlt 0F occt pat{cy usEt fllF YGt, rhrt t{at th! Pr.vlour oc.uprn<y typrl - tdrrl I{tfr 'otsreir PiorEssroML ! ,r, 7r,,1/n ,,,,, !r thc l{.r, occup.n<y EN6R OESIGX PROFESSIOIIAL PHi ilC nlc IlPH:- trC xE6 l:- Tho Propony Locatsd ln Tho Floodptaln vrifi lho 5tor0 rn o$.,.pt l.rblr St6to olanr rnd soadllclthn!NC Slrt6 EldO codo lnd OWNER/CONTRACTOR: Io!.L4 SIGNATURE Nolar Oanoarud not'llcatont I atb6lor ,amofll pa,rtl applka ollt art to ba u.Llg U]c .pdlc.ddr loJm llta trdllty ora'lltn AtbatlB o hot. Yq,,,. I.(utcd b cat Itc ,!o.at tr{adoal SLrdnd. rot thrrdosr At Polutcrtt (ttEStAP) a! (91g)707.5950 .l h..l l0 d.ya pdfi to 0td.ndlh. ol rny ,.cliry or hrtd&t. 3.e Ar!..to. TOTAL PROJECT COST;Uy , OF UNITS TOTAI. AREA SO FT :SQ FT PER FLR; TOTAL SO FT UNDER ACRES DISTURBEoi o , OF STRUCT f OF STORIES: , OF FLOORS: NElV IMPERVIOUS AREA: PROPERTy USEr EOFFTCE ! neSrrunarr {*RCANILEn EOUfl APrn coNoo orHEr Id'J7*SQ FT WATER: SEWER: SYSTEM E3FEUIE33tr+AlTII3L:"&Rm!".*,.sBo,uo^I,1[o#...*..i SEPAMTE P€RMITS REOUIREO FOREI.ECT.M€CH, PI8O. OAS EOUIP, PAEFASS I IXS€RIS SIFICATION N . PERMIT FEE: : PAYMENT METHOD: I', CASH T. CHECK (PA.y-1glE lg_ryIg)-r, AMERTCAN ExpREss f-- r,rcrursa f-_ orscoveR(FOR OFFTCE USE OtltY) zoNE: [.0 oFFICER:SETBACKS: F; Nls LH iltB RH_CI0- B_NI6-Approval;_ City: Wlt wr DATE1.11,IJ FLOOD BFE+2ft )I t tll!?r-,Ne.2 Comment Cify rnpeclrcn Reqrreo, gl &254.090.) i Claii Form Prlnl oMrll NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT aPPLtcArIJ. rypr, COI,I,IERCIAL P!€ASE Arisy€i Att QUaSlIoa{s arpll lu To ydrf, prolEcl "ProJcct B.rponslblllty', occuPAil/8usI[Ess ilAflE: PRoPEiIY ottlt{ER'S MXE I ZIP I DESCRIPTION 0F iOSX: ls lood or b6vsra06s pr€p8rod or soNed ln lhls crr0t YeJ- EXST LANO OISTURBING PERMIT? SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA;