MARCH 16 2018 BUILD APPS't\Tole - a+% \s-E* (ollice utel NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT A P P Ll CAT t O N rypE: RESTDENTTAL PL€A5t ANsWTR ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAStI TO YOUR PRO]ICT"Project Respohsibllity, PROJECT ADDRTSS suBorvtstoN: Date: O,a Ji r.Yt),-Cfi't: U,l LtP:.)llaJ LOTr: Ij PROPIRry OWNER'S NAMT: OWNER'S AODRESS: 1 'Jus,' at, ll.,PtroNE ff: q (O')q t 'J,;1"o.\ f;^,l{.,1(t O.'C,;n: LJl /ztP.))"lt'\' coNrRAcToR: {\ ,". '.,'i,"1, ,r,,BTOG IIC€NSE H ADORESS: _ ./,/It i.tt, /)-ctTr: L-*Sf:7L t-:z,P: l,Y!\iz,"L..t TMAIL ADDRESS:PHoNE: qlo^7k t) t 7 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON br,.^J. ,.1 PHONET 'l / IXISTING CONSTRUCTION: !! Alteration U Renovatioo C General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence :l Addirionto Existin8 Residence Il Relocarion .I*PI"EASE CHTCK AND ANSWER BELOW AI-I THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT*" ! Att Garage (SF)_D Det Gara8e (SF)_ l-J Sunroom (SF )Ll Pool (SF) .-l Greenhou5e (SF)_ ! Deck (SF) __ _ ls the proposed work chan8ing the existing footprint? fl yes f No IOIAI Sq FT UNDER ROOF llor prcposed work) Heated ! Porch (5t) E Storage Shed (5F) _ E Other (5F) 1t",,1,..,,1,.,-.,.."l1.,. r -=:-..-----=-n 0,:4t_ Unhealed lstheproposedworkchan8ingthenumberof bedrooms? ! yes E No ls any Electrlcal, Plumbint or Mechanicalwork bein8 done to the Accessory Structure C yes E Ng lf the project is a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas line on the current site? D yes ! No ls there Electrical Power on rhis Building? (l yes D No an X Sin8le tamlly i Duplex ! Townhouse ,., .it. , _,.l: i1 Property U5e/ Occup Descrlptlon of Work: OlSClAlMtR: I h(reby (e.1ily that all the rn,ormatrcn in this 6ppt,catio^ rs coirear and al lawt and ordr^anies and reSulationr The NUC oevetopnlent Servrces Center wrtl be not rnformal'on'r'NOTI:Anywo,kperformeds,ithoulthe;pprOpriateperrnit5wr bern I wort will.ontply wilh the state Burtdin8 Code and al oiher ippli(abte State and local ,Iled ofanychantee in the approved ptans and lp€citicalions or chanSe tn conlractor Owner/ "Licensed Quoliliei ls the property located in a floodplain? D Yes :l No ExistinS lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed New lmpervious Area Sq tt Existing Land Disturbing Permitt Yes -l No WafEn: \ CTPUA :l CommunitySysten I PrivateWell :l Centralwell [:] Aqua SEWTR: \ CFPUA _ ,onu,('ld om.", violation o, the NC Sr.te Btdg Code Stgn"ture',,,t4' -': - Private Seplic : Central Septic Il Aqua 30' ,r*, ldr^rt Lo' $t?-1 contra€tor: l) t r.,. bte.l lo ,,nes !p 10 9500 00" 1 Pe.mit tee: S - Conlmunrty Sy5tem - (,Setback5 (F Flood: (A) - (Vl - (N) X BrE+2ft= -.. Approval Comment Ot c,tf,"att, ltWl 0ate Ci'i; lrrsp'ciion Requneo' 91 0'254-090t) :ffi APPLICANT'S NAMEI TOTAL PROJECT COSI {ress tor)i S ,i-?r'u '.? ^Dlg-dw-lK5rNEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P Lt CATIO N ryPE: RESIDENTtAt PLTASI ANSW6R ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO.,ECT "P,oject Responsibility'' (\,,.. (office uiel (APPI"ICANT'S NAME PROJ€CT AODRESS: suBDtvtstoN: Da€: O,loCITYztP orf PROPERTY OWNER'S NAMTi o PHONE # w, AtOWN€R'S AODRTSS cr CONTRACTOR:BLDG I.ICENSE 'ADDRESS:CITY d s EMAIL ADDRtSSI PHONE PHONE EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: D/Alteration Il Fenovatron E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCIION: fl Erect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation **'PIEASE CHECX AND ANSWTR BEIOW AtI. THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJTCI..* U Att Garate {5F)_E Det GaraBe (5F)_ f Deck (SF)tr/Ottrer {Sr) ,Qa iL7 7L/ )-aznfup.lo )_ /2 ft: ztP Il Sunroom (SF)fl Pool (5F)_. _ Ll Greenhouse (5F)_ ls the proposed work changing the exi5tinB Footprint? D Yes E No Unheated TOTAI PROIECT COST (l-ess Lot)r S )-.fta, " ls the proposed work changing lhe number of bedrooms? [ Yes tr-fo ls any Electrlcal, PlumbinS or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure n Yes El-4(o lf the project is a Reloration, is there a Natu.al Gas Line on the current site? ! Yes 0.fi-o ls there Electrical Power on this Buildin8? Eides D t'to Propeny Use/ Occup Description of work: ancy: ZasinEle family ! Ouplex D Townhouse lawr and ordinances and iegi,lalions lhe NHC Oevclopmenl Services cenrer will be notitied of any chan8er in the approved plans and speciticarione or change in conl,actorinformatio^. "'NOTE:Any work perlo.med withour the epp.opriate pcrmits wiI be in viotrtion of the NC State BtdB Code and rubiect to lines up lo S5OO.0O!.. Owner/Contractorl "Licensed Quolilier" 15 the property located in a floodplain? [] Yer E No Exirtint lmpervious Area: _ 5q tt Total Acres Disturbed: R.,rn ,/,/r"/..,.^Signatutet14' N€w lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft W ATER E CFPUA :l Commu,1ity System sEwER: F,/crPUA Ll Co munitysystem zon"f}t I -J- omcer: CXLz setuacrs Existlng t-and Dlsturbing permit:: yes J No I Private Well 3 Central Well E Aqua [, PrivateSeptic ] CentralSeptic - Aqua?;Itxl lol taal to/ $t ?-D' Permit Fee: S r) Approval: Comment: Flood: (A) __ (v) _ (N)B t E +2ft: u cit Date Crii, lnspo,6l6n REurreo, gl 0-254.0gf} j 6tffii 71a:21:{2L}PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: D Porch {5F)_ E Storage Shed (Sf)_ TOTA| SQ FT UNDER ROOI Aot proposed work) Heated: _ Q-o t8 -f.t, tt /.,.r')','..irffi:NEW HANOVgR COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAt tr EAs€ Ar.rswrR ArL ourslloNs APPUCAST-€ To Youn Pno,rcT "Prolect RerponrlblllrY' C.nw1\3 a-.i+k* S{C'TY: tg-{'i"( APPTIC-ANT'S NAME Date: a-l b -l B zrP;-l*r{p\ _PNO,TCT ADDRESS: suSDtvrstoN: PNOPIRTY OWNEI'S NAM€: O\A'N€R'S ADDSTSS: q L-..<9- ll L:rSS PHON. T: -la\-\ -)osLq\b crry tp)Qu,-t 8t0G UCtNSt i'{1\ 6 sI: !L zrp: )t;., r?.CONTRACTOR _0 ADDRTSS: €MAII. ADDRESS: .-, L-c,* CITYI <:*t- (trJ- ;?rq \Q<r'-F\r PHONE;9!$-{-1 t' 3 ':':> PHONT: or\o - si i' 3),>5 EIISTING CONSTRUCTIONT O Alteratlon D Renovation O Gene.alRepalrs N€W CONSTRUcIION: EsErect Naw Resldence fl Addltionto EriitlnE Residence 0 Relocation ..TPIEASE CHECK AND ANSWIR SETOW ALL T}IAT APPTY IO YOUR PNO.IECT... PRO'ECT CONTACT P€RSON:-T-o.\"\ kl s *z- O Att Garaee {sr} (f{ D D€t Ga.age (sf) y' l-] sunroorn (5f) ,./ l) Pool (ill z/ 0 Greenhouse (SF) ,,/ D oeck \Stl /' ls the proposed work changin8 the existing footpr,nt? D Yes €I-ilo TOTAT 5Q FT UNOTR ROOI llot ptopoted work) Heated:96o Unheatedr *1J.> IoIAt PROTECT cOSr (tess toor S l)t(r(> Prope.ty Use/ Occup Oei(rlptlon of Workl ancyrE\slnsle Famlly D Duplex fl Townhouse i: Porch (5t)LtQ: n stora8e sbd (sr) \e tl Other (5F) ls the proposed work changlng the number of bedrooms? tr Yes .ar{o , €.fEg t3 l1 | I l8ll Ir any flectrlcal, PlumbhS or Mechanlcal work beih8 done to the Accessory Structure El Yes EHtlo i::[:J:f:li::,ffi:"::,1nffi];'J'lff';:i!nthe'u'rentste? " *'*e ltv Er^nglneer,mg f,..*-t.di tnrorm.rlon. ...No'rtiAny wort p.rlomed wrrhorJt rhs rpproprlale permlrr wlllbe h llolatlonof lhe llcslrl€ Sldt cod? rnd iobjed lo no.3 uplo s900.m"'\.-.. _ owner/contracton .. -T'si J Ki5qf slsnaturer d:W-*-:--- "Licen5ad Quolilier" Pina Nome ls the propeny located in a floodplain? D Ye5 6to Exlstlng lmpervlousArea: !Q!2 Sq rt TotalAcres Dltturbedi New tmperyloui Areai gqc) 5q ft Exlsllnt t.nd Dlsturblnt Permlt: O Yes E'16 WAT€n: -€l.{IPUA fl Community System Ll Prlvate Well [] Central Well D Aqua SEWtRi ^E(CFPUA D Communtv System 0 Private Septic L] CentralSeptic D Aqua ,on", (.5 -on,.u ,, -AT-L serbacts (t) ld (rH | 6' le S' lsl ts' City:Date Slbf t Biloodt t^t -(v) --, {N}Approval; Comm€nt:I x BFf+2ft= '-lnalo<) Pe.r.'fteeeti? \ ut'cro{ u9 vo 6 n['o a r46ut Frrt-n+ a.-ral ko( te l0rokL5 Pt fl.ltz..cts Ci[' lnso:clion Requrreo, gl 0.254.0gfi j I-OT fl: RSW Revnew APPLICANTS NAME: Not$- )fttr t 8 - tvt-l'(NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLTCATION WPE: RESIDENTIAL PTEASE ANSWER ALI- QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJ€CT "Project Responsibillv' ctw Oate Application Number (office use) 3-l- zo /3 PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDrvtsroN: ztP t-oT # PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: PHONE f CITY ztP CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: Jr"BLDG LICENSE # ST v,2 3/r/CITY EMAIL ADDRESS:PHONE D Att Garage (SF)_ n Sunroom (SF) ! Greenhouse (SF)tr Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes No TOTAT 5q FT UNDER ROOF Aor proposed work) Heated: lsthe proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? n Yes ls any Electrical, Plumbint or Mechanical PHONE I**PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEI.OW ATT THAT APPTY TO YOUR PRO.IECT*** E Det Garage (SF)_! Porch (SF) ! Pool (sF) lSo t/ t-t-l O4sre.w:r.ll EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: U Alteration ! Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Re ,ld.nr. {eaaltion to Existing Residence D Relocation ! Storage Shed (SF)_ ry'orn", lrrl +/ lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Na done to the Accessory Str ne on the current site? ! unheated: )2 s",# ucture E )es Ves o d,"4 ls there Electrical Power on ing?No Property Use/ Occupancy:Family E Duplex! T thisrrlld ziiner" work be_ing turd.AsLi{r", a Description of wo OISCI.AIMER: I hereby certify that all the information in this application is correct and worl willcomply wilh the State BuildinS Code and all other applicable State and lo.al laws and ordinances and reSulations, The NHC Development Servic€s Centerwill be notified of anychaflges in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. "'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC BldaCode and subied to fines upto 5500-00"" Owner/Contractor:-r IJcJnn r/lfrV Signature: "Licensed Quolitet"i;.i,;/ ( TotalAcres Disturbed: ls the property located in a floodplain? ! Yes Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft No New lmpervioutArea: _Sqtt Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes D No., WAIERt 6 CyNA D Community System D Private Well ! Central Well n Aqua SEWERT ZaCFPUA E Community System D Private Septic E Central Septic f] Aqua Zone: _ Ofticen - Setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: Cityr - Date: - flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - €d^l Comment:Permit Fee: S ,rl?ai;W PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: TOTAL PROTECT COS t ltess totl:5 Q, Ly' a C Lor\-)sty Application Number (office use) ,)NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAI PLEASE ANSWER ALI. QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PROI€CT "Proi€ct Responsibilitl/' I CITY APPLICANT'S NAME:f Date: 2 ^2L-tk zt? Z&PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: c CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: I €BLDG LICENSE # 9 Z:'' tl ,zla ce t..r' ./'>"7 ClT]l: lJrl+-./*sr:4 ztP Zl-rt/ ,uorrooo*rlst -VoGT7it \- ta d.4-/'L . 2A..1:PHONE ?/tJ-LlU-L/arP PHclNE. 9/0 - ( tl, ' Yq Y&PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:Sru{f 2o lru --- EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration ! Renovation D General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCIION: ! Erect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence fl Relocation **.PLEASE CHECX AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*A' tr Porch {SF) D 6reenhouse (SF) t3..t Ediace shea (sr1 32o tr Other (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existinB footprint? n Yes Z-No TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF lfot proposed work) Heated: TOTAL PROTtCT COST (Less Lot):S rcca.oO ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? a ves & ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure n Yes lf theprojectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? ! Yes Enfo lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? tr Yes Efl(6 Property Use/ Occupancy: ! Single Family ! Duplex [] Townhouse 26FEB li Br3gfii,td{. lt-.,.ih+i^h ^{ ttr^rl, t,-S laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center willbe notified ofany changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contrador out the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Bldg Code and subject to fin€s up to 5500.00*'*information. "*NOTE: Any work owner/contractor: "Licensed QuoliJiet" perlormed with 9c,t*r Zl".Signature: ls the property located in a floodplain? I ves gZf,lo Existing lmpervious Area:Sq Ft TotalAcresDisturbed: €; New lmpervious Area:J'U Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: ! Yes H'le-- WATER: EafFPUA E community System E Private well n central well ! Aqua SEWER: E/t-FPUA E community System E Private Septic E CentralSeptic ! Aqua zone:- ofricer: - setbacks (F) IDL ( ttll 2 t' l*al lqD' Fl 3ol Approval: - City: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - Comment:Permit Fee: S ...r'T"t. smH e, LOT f: pRopERry owNER,r nory16. i-o e Lro pHoNE flt ?/A - ??2 ^ //Jt owNER's ADDRESS; fot Ci e,, rLrootc j:,;z cfit: t,.,,/.qd y'^-, zlPt?sra2 n Att Garage (SF)_ D Sunroom (SF)_ E Det Garage (SF)_ tr Pool (SF) _ ! Deck (SF)_ unheated: 32 O /< aofi ffi'lg L8=Sg6L E'\ffi NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI4IT APPLICATI(N TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE At{St{ER ALL QtJES'IroatS AppLICABtE T0 youR pRolECT "Project Responsibilit)/' APPLICATIOI Nmber (Offt.e U3e) DATE: 28-Feb-1s ZIP: 29409 APPLICA T'S NAl,lE: Ja6on orti.z DEVELOPER: N A pROIECT ADDRESS i '7221 Masoiboro sound Rd SUBDIVISION: CITY: wilminqEon - BLocr( *r - loiT PHO E $: PROPERTY ol'f{ER'S NAI.1E: Matrheu Robinson PHONE S: otdNER'5 AoDRESS: 722? Masonboro sound Rd.CITY: t.|ilminqt.on 5T:gZIP:2840e CONTRACTOR: cape Fear solar sr,stems ADORESS: 901 Marrin CITY: }li lminq!on 5T: !q ZrP: .28401 E AIL ADORESS: EuDDort@caDefeatEolarsvsrem6.PHO E *: 910-s99-042s PRO]ECT CO{TACT PERSO :Ja6on OrEiz PHONE *: EXISTrI{G CO'STRUCTTOI: ! nlreRarroN fl nrtwerrolr ! cerenal neearns ! RELocATToN r{EH COilSTRt CTIOt{t ! rneCr Ex REsrDEilcE o" E morrror To ExrsTr G REsIDEl{cE .TPLEASE CHECf, AID AT{sXER EELO{ ALL THAT APPLY TO \OI'R PiO]ECTI ! arr eamee - sF I orr eaR.tee sr ! ronor _ sF I surnoot _sF ! eoor- _ sr ! sronaee sHED _ sF f] aneeuuo:se - sF ! oecx 5F OTHER:SF ToTAL HEATED SQ FT3 _ ToTAL SQ FT ultlDER RoOF: _ ToTAI AREA 5q FT: _ ToTAL PRoJECT CoSTrte""r-al , t4lin,oo # OF STORIES3 Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUIIBIIIG or IiECHIXICAL t{ork Belng Done to the Accessory Structur€l I Ves f] fo If the project ls a Relocation, ls there a Natunal Gas Line on the Current Slte? [ ves I fo Is there Electrlcat Poxer on this Building?flvet f]no pRopERw usE / occupA cv: I srNole rmr r-v ! E[.lpLEx ! ToHilHousE DESCRIPTIOI{ OF HoRKt In6tallation of solar PaneIB uDon roof stlucture. DBCIA ER I horcby corlit hat all hbmalion h his applcation b conecr and al wort wil andordinances end r6gulauons.Th6 NHC D6valopm6nr S€ryiceG Csnbrwillbo notifod olen contacbr inbrmalon. '61{OTE:Any Worl P.rfo.m.d l/Y/O be Approprieb P6mits willb6 in comply wli '|c Slale Euildhg Cod. and 3I oh€r applc8ble Stsb end bcal laws ychang€s h ho apprcved pbns ond rp6clfcrllons o.d ngo in conlr6cbr or Vbhrbn olrhc NC Steb 9Ht Cod. d,'[,bFcr b Fnes t pTo 3500.0e..// /' SIO{ATURE: tAa^ /a0tlNER/COI'ITRACTOR: .rason orri z (prlnt il5.e):* **:t ***:|*:l* t:t * 'l ,l *:* * **+ ***+ +1*,1****'l** **t+ ++ ++ ** + ++ *ri 't I 'l+ !r*{, * t{* ; * *7* * * * * * * * * * *. * * * * * * IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED II{ A FLMOPLAI } rl YES EXISTTiIG IIOERVTOIJS AREA: _SQ FT ]'IEI.' IiIPERYIq'S AREA: - SQ FT l-l no TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: IIATER: I CFPUA E CoMIIIUNITY SYSTEM ! enrvrrr biErL E CENTRAL WEL L sElJER: n cFpuA E CENTRAL sEpTrc ! enrvnre seerrc ! comrururw svsreu II* SEPARATE PERiIITS REQUIRED FOR EL€CT, ilECH, PLBG, CAS EQUIP, PREFABS & I SERTS *T' pAynEirr r.rETHoD: Ecasx f] cmecK (PAYABLE ro Hc) E ar,tERrcA[ ExPREss E tcrrrso ! orscoven :l *,i* ** + rt:|,t* *:l,t * *:**t'*** **tl* ******* )t*** +***+:lr***** *:l ** 'l:l*+ * *,1 ,l it * :l )t )t i* * :t *,|:t:t 't * *:* *:l *,1* t *,1* * ** ZONE: _ 0F FICE R: (foR oFFICE U'E ONLY) RCV,5Eo OATE 04/11/12 SETBACKS: F: LH: RH: B: EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT:Ivrs Ino Approval:- Clty:- DATE:- FLOOD: - BFE+2ft= avfi Coment :i?PER}IIT FEE: LICENSE *: 556'7'7 T{EW HANOVER COUI{TY BUIII'ING PERMIT APPIICAI KN ff PE: RESIDENTIAI PTEASE ANSWER AtL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT 'Prol.cr R.seordbmtf otE- 3{-18 Apdkation l{umbea (offi.e !se) Anchor Homes, LLC Date:APPLICA TS TIAME: PROJECT ADDRESS:1024 Baldwin Park Drive cr . Wlmington 21e. 2841'l SUBDtVtStOt{: Anciors Bend 1g1p. 165 PROPERTY OWNERS NAME:Anchor Homos, LLC ow Etrs ADoREss, 1 130 Anchors Bend Way PHO Er: 910321€398 6py. \Mlmington a?". 28/.11 @NT;ACTOR; RH McClure Builders of SBl, LLC BII'G UCENSE #:7440/- ADDRESS: 302 Jefierson Street, Suite 1E0 6sy. Raleigh sr: NC zlP. 27605 EMATLADDRES9: lynette@anchorhomosllc.corn PHONE. 9't0€21-8898 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:Rob€rt Jordan PHoNE. 91G27$3403 EXItTINC CONSTRUCIION: E Alteration D Renovatlon ll General Repai6 ,{EW COI{STnUCflOt{: E Erect New Residence E Addhlon to Existing Residence E Relocation ...P]EASE CHECX AI{D AIISWER BEL AII. THAT APPLY TC' YOUR PROJECF" E attGarage (sr) 724 tr Det Garage (sF)- E porch (SF)175 E Sunroom (SF)tr Pool(SF)E Stonge Shed (SF) _ E Greenhouse (SF) _ tr Deck (SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprlnt? D Yes E No E other (sF)Screon porclF266 TOTAT SQ FI UNDER ROOF (forprcposed work) Heated:3676 UnlE ted: _ TOTAT PnOrECt CO$ (Less Lot):285,000.00 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes E 1{o ls any Electrlcsl, Plumblnt or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure El ycs E o lftheprojectisaRdocadon,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentslte?EyesENo ls there Electrlcal Power on this Building? E Yes E No Prop€rty Use/ Occup.ncF E SlrEle Famlly tr Dupler tr Townhouse De6. ptlon of Wort:New rosidential construction OlSCtAlMEir I her€by .ertify that .ll the lnformatlon ln thisapplicatlon is corred and allworkwlll comply wlth the State Buildlng Code and ell otherapplbable State.nd local lews and ordlnahces and re8uLtl,ons. The ttHC D€velopmeflt S€Mces C€nterwlll be nottfied of any chanees In the and speclficatbns or change ln contractor Informatlon. "'tlOTE: Arry rort performed without the apprcpriat€ p€rmhs wlll b€ ln vblation ofthe t{C stete !o fin.s up to 59(x}.00." Owner/Comr.ctor:Robert W. Jordan Slgnat re: "LlccoJ€d Quowe( Pint Nomc lsth€ propertylocated in af,oodplain? E Yes E t{o Exisdnt lmperylous Aru6. 12000 sq R Total AcrGs Dlsturted: Itew lmpervious Area:4000 sqft &Hlng land Dbturbint Permlu E Ycs E lto WATER: E CFPUA 0 Community System EI Private Well E CentralWell E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA tr Community System E Private Septic E Centralseptic E Aqua zona: _ Officer: _ setbad(s (Fl _ (tH) - (RH) _ (Bl _ Approval: - City: _ Dst€: - Flood: (d - (9 -(N) - BrE+zft= - comment Pemlt Fec: S - i 1rr I Y:?og-;566 ?:NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERIIIT APPLICATION rYPE: COIII'IERCIAL PLEASE ANSI{ER ALL QUE5I]ONS APPLICAELT 10 YO{'R PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLIC'INT'S tIA}tE: DEVE LOPER: J-4,25 O, rbzz,t.ft a c 1 Number (Office Use) -oare 7/4/76 PRO]ECT I l)tz o,- t tZ.- occuPANT/BUSrirEsS rrArltE: /y 2 "h 4,,../ -s7-6<,€4 Ou/4)tt/l- B 2D"'7-/?,Q^JJ CT .,U c 2/-0-c2| ,7-r4 rqrfs z.u../-E.? LICENSE #:O uuf,/?. CITY: . PHONE *: -t ar'ztptRZ?o/ PHONE * tr/o -y 7/=90"6 SI'NC ZIP|2t r/-. ST: ZIP. PHONE S Ol.lNE R' S ADDR ESS : .-1a / CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: EIIAI L ADDRE PRO]ECT CONT EXIST CONSTRUCTION: PIONE ' fu-zz=924 "/e ^?z:222-6 (Che.k A1l That Apply) ALTERATION RENOVATION GENERAL REPfArRs flLDG SPRIN tr RELOCATION It Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the [rrent Site?ES No ISB xreneoTE vesf-' No NEW CO STRUCTION: ACCESSORY STRUCTU WTERECT NEI,.' STRUCTURE T-']IE L-J(E: FAST T K SHELL UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #: ?DESIGN PROFESSIOIAL: Is Elect Power on this Building fi Yes f N0 {'!**r'|* rs tHrs A cHAiGE oF occuPAr{cy usEr r yEs r, m *.*** IF Yes, lrhat was the previous Occupancy Type? _ hat is the Nex Occupancy Ixrfi PH: ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL PH NC REG f: t'tC REG *:- Code and allolher applicable Siate of lhe and s OWNER/CONTRACTOR (Auaine, SIGNATURE: Nole: Demolilion noffcations E asbeslos removalpermii appticalions are to be submined using the apptication lorm (whelherlhe facilily or building was lound rc contain Asbeslos or not. You are required lo callthe National Emission Standards lor Hazardous Ak Pollulants (NESHAP)ar (9r9)707-5950 ar teast 10 days prior to ihe dernoliton of any facality or buildang_ See Asbestos Web Sile: hfip:/,{rww.epi.sraG nc.us/epi/asbeslos/ahmp.htrnt rhe FtoodptairKL ye{-i_ lfves f no SE CLASSIFICATIoN /-2_ TorAL PRoJEcr c osr Ag doa '' TOTAL AREA SQ Fr : 3*b WATER SEWER SYSTEM # OF UNITS 6 SQ FT PER FLR: :1 laa #OF STORIES: /TOTAL SO FT UNDERROOF .760o #OF STRUCTURES, 1 # OF FLOORS ACRES DISTURBE} / A C'?2, EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? NEW TMPERVTOUS AREA: ,l,t o lE^ SQ FT EX|ST|NG tMpERVtOUS AREA: PROPERry USE EoFFrcE I nesraunnnr f] rvrrncar.rrrr-rl-l EDUCI-1APrD coNDo or\EtSfo/.?Ae5 SQ FT trtr CFPUA CFPUA COMMUNIIY SYSTEM CENTRAL SEPTIC T'I WELL T] ZONING Uf,Rlvere srprrc E?oMMUNtry,,. SEPARATE PERMLIS REOUIBED FOR ELECT, MECH PLBG GAS EOUIP, PREFAAS 6 INSEF'1S PAYMENT METHOD: f- CISH Jf cHEcK (eAvABLE To runcy f- AMERIcAN ExeRESS l-_ rvrcrurse J* DtscovER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:LH RH BOFFICER Approval:_ City: DATE_ FTOOD BFE+2ft, Comment NHc zd'o I F,.e \ tuiro N PERMIT FEE: : $-4"qb PROPERTY OWNERJS NA}IE: tr'/Acr' DE5CRIPTION OF W *, BUILDING HEIGHT: ,z/ ZONE: a 1 2 NIY NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP L I cAT IoN TYPE: COIIIiIERCIAL PTEASE ANSI{ER ALL QUESIIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility', 1',-/ r+rd-f U ,r7t//,,/.Ea- ?Jig-a1q 19441 aFPL-JCA-TroN Number (offic€ use) APPLICANT'S ilA}tE: DEVELOPER: . DATE t"' - PHONE T: PRO]ECT OI.INER'S ADDRESS: ?dq fz/D9 Ct r, z: l'ztP 292,"// OCCUPANT/BUSINESS iIAilE : PROPERTY OUI{ER'5 NA,4E: /a L m4,//r< -?fra,,#€ Bt*?/,,1,6-A fzm.ls , ,t27,/t/.{2 PHONE *:?azzc9-qzc'3o.t .2a trt CONTRACTOR : ADDRESS: as-?.{1"/t./ LEZa J EI.IAIL ADDRESS: CITY: li /A sI hLzrPtlg? /.. - LICENSE #: - CITY:ST: zIP i I aa 4tzYcr'-n- Co zz PHONE S PHONE f ?te.zz:9ezc, ?--9oz6PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON::-/ d 212,s ,.b1,/-,/.{z EXIST CONSTRUCTION: Elf Relocation, is there a Natural No[EhI CONSTRUCTION:----,x EREcr NEhl sTRUcruRE Ll (Check A11 That Apply) REiIOVATION GENERAL REP urrent Site?es B FAST TRACK r,No IS SHELL AIRS ELDG SPRIN xreneo(v""1-.RE LOCATION UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ALTERATION Gas Line on the ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit 8:Is Elect Power on this Building f. Yes (tro *:,'|.'|*r'! rs rHrs A cHAr{GE oF occupANcy usE?fl yEs lffno ***** IF Yes, rhat was the Previ.ous Occupancy Type? _ t{htt is thd }ter Occupancy Ixefi I DESIGI,I PROFESSIOiIAL :PH:NC REG #: NC REG #ET{GR DESIGN PROFESSIOiIAL:_PH DESCRIPTIoN oF woRK: iaaCf .f t,ttt tti's m .n).<,/AO ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure?f, Y""f, No ts The Property Located tn The Ftood ptain&ye{; NoDISCLAIMER I hereby certt that all inlormatbn in Code and all olher applicable Stateand local laws and ordrnances and requlations Theor chanqe in conlraclol or conlraclor iirlormation '-Subjecr-to Ftnes Up To $500.00"' roved Dlans and sDecifcalrcnsofrheNC Stale Bldg Code and OWNER/CONTRACTOR (ouame, SIGNATURE Nole: Demolilion notifcations E asbestos remoya permit apptications are io be subrnilted using lhe appticalion conlain Asbeslos ornot. You are required lo callthe Na{onalEmissaon Standards for Hazardous Air poltutanls {NE demolilion ot anyfacilily or building- See Asbesros Web S[e: hlrp:/ dww.epi.siaie.nc.us/epi/asbesbs/ahmp.hlml PFOPERTY USE loFFrcE ! nesuuner.rr I ueRcaHrrrel-l EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? EDU APT COMMUNITY SYSTEM CENTRAL SEPTIC PARATE PERMLIS REOUIAEO ELECl, MECH, PLAG, GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS pp whelherlhe facility or building wasiound to at (919)707-5950 ai leasl l0 days priorro$e SQ FI J-1coNoo orHErJiTo4dy':d:_ SE CLASSIFICATION / -2 TOTAL PROJECT COST TOTAL AREA SQ FT : Tnno''BUILDING HEIGHT SQ FT PER FLR: h-/ c.?/ra_ # OF UNITS 6 :7 *l)a .1?,odTOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF 741 o o # OF STRUCTURES: / NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA /Uo^-)E_ SQ Fr EX|ST|NG |MPERVIOUS AREA fves I- roACRES DISTURBED: / WATER SEWER SYSTEM trn CFPUA CFPUA .,.SE E ffirfl?tt .rr," D+"'^i..]llX,?-V PAYMENT METHOD [- cnsn p cr-rrcK (eAvABLE To NHc) f AMERIcAN ExeRESS l- vcrrtrsa [-_ DtscovER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:ZONE: OFFICER LH RH BApproval:_ City: DATE_ FLOOD: BFE+2ft' AVNComment pERMIT FEE: : II n$P\B ruowth a p/ra/E< fI #OF STORIES: t # OF FLOORS:_J:_ ?or0-6b9t z;, Clear Form Print e ail ttIEhI I{'INOVER C(ruilTY BUILDII{G PERiIIT APPIICATIdI TY"E.. COilttERCIAL PIEAS€ ANSXER ALL QUESIIO{S APPLICAALE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "ProJect Responstblut}fF\\\c $FIrdTIdl umber (office lrse) APPLICANT'S l{AllE: th61sn consrruction company DEVELOPER: wil-mj.ngton OCCUPAT{T/BUSII{E55 tUlltE : p7a PROPERTY Ot {ER'S MliE: cerutean, Lr,c Ot{l{ER'S AITDnESS: 95 west woods RD2 - CfTY: 566.6n CC{TRACTOR: Tholen Construction Conpany _ LICENSE #: 724 6 AIDRESS: 1208 Resalia Drive - CfTY: 1"1"r,6 EIiAIL AOORESS : brandentholenggmall. com PRO]ECT COiITACT (ch€ck A-rl That Appry) DATE: 2 2s1-261 :2033 Colporate Dr j.ve _ PtOt{E *: 2840s zaP: _ PHOiIE #: (910) 3s2-1489 ST: 61 ZIP:66969 5T: Ns ZIP:2s451 PiolfE f: (e1o)520-B 665 PI(LIE *: (e1o) s2 o_8 6 6s ExIsT coI{sTRUcTI0f{: l-l lf Relocation, is there a Natural ALTERATlor{ Gas Line on the rrent Site?li r.] GENERAL REPAIRS I--] RE*J; *o rs BLDG sph/NKi R E I{OVAT IOI{LOCATIO EREDT-_ vesli_ If UPFIT - The SheU Permit *:fs Elect Porer on this Building l.Yes *.... rs rHrs A cllAlrcE oF (rcuPAl{cY tsErr YEs fi. to r*..* IF Yes, yhat xas the Previous Occupancy Type? offices - tlhat is the llen Occupancy TvDe?ARCI{DESIGiII PROFESSIOa{AL: H. Btui. Goodrich, AIA - PH: (gtO) 343-1065 tlC REG *:7434 E GR DESIG PROFESSIO ALLMc DoweIf Consulting Engineer.s - PH: (910) 210-3141 C REG #:C-2546 DESCRIPTION OF I.IOR(: Nor{EH CO SrRrrcrrd{: E ERECT r{El{ SrRrrCruRE flFAsT TRACK ! sHru E UpFrT ACCESSORY STRUCTURE:n ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE r NO Upfit unfln parL of 2nd f]oor- 2bathrooms, 2 of fices , coaf. rft, open space ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure?f Yesl-- No ls The Propeny Located ln The Floodplain!._ Vef_ d€ Stat6 Buiuing Cod€ and all oth6r apdacabl€ State in thewill OWNER/CONTRACTORi grandon tholen SIGNATURE: (od6) (Ftn tla.c) Nole DemoHion nodficatixs & asbesaG rernoval pefi*l apdlcatlons are lo b€ srb.nilted usino the apdicat o.' folm (DHHS376a) whether the hclity o. buildhg *&F*lL\f; 4'02Prr contain Asbestoc or not. Yor, are rcqrred b call the Nalronal Emrsskm Starda(b lo. Hazadous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 ar lcast t0 days prix io the dsrff*rix| of any holty o. brrldrng. See Asbdo6 W6b Site: htEl:fi*ww-epr.state.nc.us/epi/asbestos/ahmp.hhl TOTAL PROJECT COST; 1?4,838.00 BUILDING HEIGHT: 31 # oF uNtrs: r @a=r*- # OF STORIES: 2 # OF STRUCTURES: 1 # OF FLOORS: EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? -r YES J- NO t SQ FT PER FLR: . r r zoo ACRES DISTURBED' _ NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FTSO FI EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA PROPERry USE oFFrcE E RESTAURANT fl MERCANTLED EDUCJ-1Aprl-l CONDO OTHET WATER: SEWER: SYSTEM CFPUA CFPUA E COMMUNITY SYSTEM CENTRAL SEPTIC f-l WELL TI ZONTNG US FRlvere seprtc E CoMMUNTTY E CLASSIFICATION 'SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH. PLBG, GAS EOUIP PREFABS & INSERTS PAYMENT METHOO [- crsn l-. cHecK (eAvABLE To NHc) f-AMERTcAN ExpRESs J-- ucmsa l- DtscovER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:ZONE: OFFICER LH RH B Approval:- City: OATE- FLOOD'--- BFE+2ft'- AVN YIa Comment |.|tlcfiro PROJECT TOTAL AREA SO FT .- 224AA TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 22aoo PERMIT FEE: : $r\u hE0Eivgo |lAR 05 2018 NEW HANOVERCOUNTY BUII,DINC PERMIT APPL]AToN TYPE: RESIOENTIAL PTEAS€ AI{sWEN AU qUESTIONS APPLICASI.E TO YOUR PRO'ICT.?rorect Rarpooslbgtyp lrr.stgt 99,.\r 2o&2u01 1w-?,Applkltlon APIILICANT,S NAMEI Dah.7 rl pRorEcrAoDRGss: -Ti[G-duqit"iroT aA ow, wt\;1ry^!. ".ZlPi l(jrt 3 suaDtvtsloN: CONTRACTOII: Prqpcrty Ure/ Dsrcrlptlotl of Turr {! PITOPERTY OWNIR'S NAME:Qran( OWNIn'SADDRISS: -1 aln s\PHONE II:958-3s1-illb CITY: W {Lt5l,tlrriv\ K.o:.v''i\t.BTDG TICENgE 3: ADDfttSS: 5 TMAII ADDRESS;( PIO'TCT CONTACT PTRSON:.-h NV,t"'k.,, oTY: }.y', j,'..11,\:lsr st:(ap,a(qrr. PltoNI PIONE:( D Storase Shed (SF) __- l) ,,1 ?tr ,,d," [XtSTll{G CO $nUCnO :O Aheratlon E Rcnovatlon 0 GeneI'lRepsirs NEw CONSTRUCIION: C Ercct New Resldence fl Addltlon to Existlng Resid€oc€ A Retocstion *4a ra. n Att Gar$e (SF)- E Det Grrlae (SFl _- fi Por.h (sF) E sunroom (sf)ol(sF)-L 1f--- D Greenhouse (sF)_ tl Deck (5f)*_, ls the proposed urork ctlrll8in8 the €r&thg footprint? E Y€5 C No l: other {sr} 7OTAI. Sq CT UNOER ROOF (for proposed vorkl Hcrlcd!UnhGrtcd: _ TOTAI PROIECT COST (Less tot): S 5 ls the proposed vvork changlng th€ number of b€drooms? [] Yer E ltlo ls any €lectrlcsl, plt|mblnS or Mcchar cd work being done to the Accessory Structure U ys3 fl o Ithe prolect ls a nalocattm,ls thcr€ E NeturalGss Llna otl tha cunant rlt€? trl Y63 E o lstfiers Electrlcd Povr?ronthls Bulldlng? E yca E No Occupency:\ WorL: $n8h faorlly n l)llplex E lownhouse 11L.,o .r'.^<) nllorn,lion. _ '-NOT[: Any vror& p€rrormed v];thout thp eppropriate permllt will he ln v:orallon o, the de .od ruhlo(t to trller up to 5500l{C State BldS Co \,..' n0"'. Own.r/Contr.ctor:Sl8n.tura: "Llcc$ed t)uoullef P nt llame ls the property located in a floodplaln? [f YG5 L] No ldrtln! lmperulous Area: -_- 5q ft Iotal Aar.l O3turbGd: Ncw lmltGrvlou! Arca: - sq ft fxlrtlng L d Olrturblng Parml& E Yes 0 No\--- wnTen: \ CIPUA E Commrnlty system l] Private Well n Central Well n Aqua t*rrut\\noro E communltv svsten D Privatc Septlc E crntralseptic E Aqua Zonor --- Olllc.r! -_ g.tbtclc (F) -- (U{) - {RHl - (B)-. Approval:._-_- clryr__-_ Dste: _.-__ rbod: lA).-- {v}_(N}_ 8ft+2ft._-_ - C y'\\] Pcrmn f.e;3 _ ts, ,l5 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATTON TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO.I ECT "Proiect ResponsibiliV' wiD p / p/)/Y L L L ! L 2ot&ruD@t Date 3-,r Sa6APPLICANT'S NAME: -T t ,,1O PROJECTADDRESS: suEDtvtsroN: PROPERW OWNENTS NAME: 5 J ,I L4ECI'{L, owNERrsAoDREsst I 1//-7 "'-/rttttr€L/,'tt ( /)./6 21 b/nLL t/l tt CITY '-Jl L/a y'C ZIP LOT f: PHONE #:?e/"fl hfiq Cfi\i --.'l C --zte ,x gy't4).. (- CONTRACTORI ADDRESS: 5f ,"/ ,-'41(eeL 1 z1 "1 ,^,//t L[, BI.DG LICENSE #NTtltllS /tr,(Ct1lt ,,4 I "a ,.b ST,u_( zte, )8{?3 EMAILADDR€SS: i."-t --l'/A ?/11 PHoNE: f 3r'-A,6, ,r', pRoJEcr coNTAcr p epson 5)"'4 '4'/iJ€ A(L-PHONE ^ )/, EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: {ryAlteration n Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: n Erect New Residence ry Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation ***PLEASE CHECX AND ANSWER EELOW ATT THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT*** tr Att Garage (SF)_D Det Garage (SF)_! Porch (SF) ! Sunroom (SF)D Pool (SF) 3tr;yt[-l q ! Greenhouse (SF)Deck (SF)/00 ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes ! No TOTAL Sq FT UNDER ROOF lJot ptoposed Heated: D Storage Shed {SF)_ D Other (St) d [/ workl rtr 9 (n" '/,1 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? I veff ffo ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure fl Yes lfthe project is a Relocation, istherea Natural 6as Line on the current site? i Yes n No ls there Electrical Power on this Buildin8? Ll Yes E No Property Use/ Occu pancy: S{ngle ramily fl Dupbx n Townhouse Description of WorI: AtDD ae cL_ ro //z,d- laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center willbe notified ofany changes in the a plans and specifications or change in contractor information. "'NOTET Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State and subject tofines up to S500.m"' owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolifiet" ls the property located in a floodplain? ! Yes Existing tmpervious erea, i 6 li 0 sqn New lmpervious Are at /[C7 sqn 5) n- Ltileeun-Signature: &"' TotalAcres Disturbed; Existing Land Disturbing Permit: I Vesfl r'lo WATER: ,R{u'f CFPUA ! CommunitySystem D PrivateWell E CentralWell fl Aqua SEWER: lE. CFPUA D CommunitvSystem fl Private Septic ! Central Septic f] Aqua Zone:_ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _(l-H) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval _ City; _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N)_ BFE+2ft= _ Comment Permit Fee: S .'"S''.. (iJ$,, Application Number (office use) /1 ,r- unt eated- - O - 5HflR 18 2:3:P /) ?o$-)a \+ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO,IECT "Pro.iect Responsibility'' C-r- v*a 1 application Numb€r (office use) APPLICANTS NAME: CITY: L.>. -\ ZIP: .}.E.,(D I Date PROJECT ADDRESSI SUBDIVISION: 1\3 --.+-lr-- S+ LOT f PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:.-.--<\ V ztp)L"<-rOWNER'S ADDR€SS:QLo s J )r.CITY: L-.\v** CONTRACTOR: j ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS:,rq \j!<--C\J t,t;ELDG TICENSE f .-\€\G\ CITY <),-.,1-ST:t -r-- ZtP:)€*rl€: PHON E qrb {-l)-- 3.>'> EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: fl Alteration D Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: B,Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation *'*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW Att THAT APPIY TO YOUR PROJECTT*' E Det Garage (SF) ,/ ! Pool (5F) ! Greenhouse (SF) ,"tr Deck {sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Yes E-Io TOTAL Sq FT UNDER ROOF Aor proposed workl Heatedi 96o unheated' ]J-:) TOTAI- PROJECT COST (Less Lot): 5 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? D Yes .A-iao ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure n Yes E-lto lfthe project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? ! Yes ..El-ilo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? ! Yes EFto Property Use/ Occupancy: B\Slntle Family E Duplex E Townhouse l)to)S - I6FEB t8 t 1: l?Fl'l Description of Work; !^--u laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Centerwill be notified ofany ahan8es in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor anformation. . . . NOTE: Any work performed without the a ppropriate perm its will be in violation of the NC State BIdS Code and subiect to fi nes u p to S500.m'" Owner/Contractor -T6AJ K;s-r Signature: "Licensed Quolifiet" Ptint Nome ts the property located in a floodplain? tr Yes U--llo Existing lmpervious erea: tG( r> Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:€.rt>Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: tr Yes E-fl6 WATER: E-CFPUA t] Community System D Private Well E Central Well n Aqua SEWER: (+q!!UA n Community System ! Private Septic ! Central Septic ! Aqua zone: _ officeri - setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: _ City: - Date: - Floodr (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - Comment Permit tee: S f l"''t>'t""1,''ffii Pxonr * -lJq -)oS---\.\3t> PROJECI CONTACI PTnSON: -IoJ.\ k; S-^-z- PHONE: 5t':: -S2 i' 3)F tr Att Garase (sF) 6)< ! Sunroom (5F) .''l n Porch (sF) q(- D Storage 5b (SF) \t ! Other (sF)- \.-zz-*:- N l't ?e$AdqL8419 aFFtra[fidil Number (Office t se) DATE:03/15/18 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDTNG PERI4IT PPLIQATLaT| TYPE: COIIIIERCIAL PLEASE ANS!]ER ALL qJESTIOI{5 APPLTCAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Pnoject Responsibility" APPLICAT{T' S NAI4E i Jennifer Lancasler DEVELOPER: PROJECT : 6609 Amsterdam way OCCUPANT/BUSINESS Mr'lE: Howerd Howard & Fin6 LLC ; PllO{E # : sfi4t 1226a , ZIP t 2€r''os PROPERW OIII{ER'S O ER'S ADORESS: NAIIE: lbward Ho^a/ard & Fine LLC - CITY: yy;1.;n6on PHONE *: s106123528 . ST:'Nc ZIP: 29405 PHONE f: s1y71226a PtlOflE #: s104712269 6611 Amsterdam Way C()I{TIiACTOR : stonehengo Buitding tNc AITDRESS: 6621 Amsterdam way ir2 E AIL ADDRESS: ston€hengebui223@belsourh.ner - LICEiISE *: 55297 CITY: qri16;n6r1 PROIECT COIITACT PERSON: '3g166er rr6carLt (Check A11 rhat Apply) EXTST CONSTRUCTIO I lf Relocation, is there a N No t{Eh,COT,ISTRUCTION: ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: :I atural RELOCATION ERECT I{E}I STRUCTURE FASr TRACK E SHErL E UPF.TT E ADD T0 EXrSr STRTrcTURE ALTERATIOI{ Gas Line on the T-] REI(h'ATI$I T-] GEI{ERAL REPAIRS T-'1 Hunentsitez;- E;f ruo rsBLDGsdHi{lKIEREDtr_Yesfr- If UPFIT - The Shell PePmit S:Is Elect Pouer on thi.s Building r. Yes F. N0 r**** IS IHIS A Cl{A GE Of (rCUPAI{CY USE?fi YES l-:; t{o *..'.'* IF Yes, rdrat uas the Previous Occupancy Type? _ Hhat ls the ]leu Occupancy TvDe ?ARCH T ESIG[,] pROFESSIOIAL: waren Wbon Architecr :9103521343 tlC REG #:2693 NC REG *; DESCRIPTION OF [^'ORK:Construct new metal building ENGR OESIO'I PROFESSIONAL PH PH Note: Demofldon ndificatiorE & esbesbo romoral pemit opplicatiorE are b be submitod l6lng the apdirion brm (DHH93768) {hetEr the facility or buildiog was found b coibin AsbesG or na,t You ae roquir€d to callthe Nttlo.d Embdon Slalda.ds fur }bzar(h,s Ai PollL@nts (NES}IAP) at (919P07-5gn at basr,|o d€ys prlor lo i|e detnolilim of any facility o. bulldlno. See AsbestG Web SltE: htFr/wyrar.epi.sGle.rEuJepi/asbe9otahmp.html OWNER/CONTRACTORI Jennifer Lancaster SIGNATURE: (Ouarifd) TOTAL PROJECT COST: 250,ooo.oo # OF UNITS: t1 SQ FT PER FLR: goo # OF STRUCTURES: T ACRES DISTURBED: rva EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? -r YES Ji NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: pRopERry usE: noFFlcE I nesrauRrNr f] uencmrlel-leou APT CONDO OTHEFsbrase SA FT ICATION PAFATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT. M=CH, PLBG, AAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS pAyMENr METHOO: r CASH f-, CneCX leeVeBLE rO NHC) f-p nUeRtCaru eXPRESS r- MCMSA r- DISCOVER (FOR OFFICE USE ONL' ZONE:OFFICER:SETMCKS: F: LH . RH - B_- Approval:-City: DATE-FLOOD:-=--------BFE+2ft'- AVN WATER: SEWER: SYSTEM CFPUA CFPUA -sE COMMUNIry SYST CENTRAL SEPTIC EM T-'I WELL Tl ZONING USE CLASSIF 3 inlvere seerc E'CoMMUNmY III Comment NHCZYq|cCtu&!^*9,* -l .Wilmington sr:!l--ZrFf[[!- ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainf Y"fr_ BUILDING HEIGHT: .20' TOTAL AREA SO FT : gg__ IOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: goo # OF STORTES: 11 # OF FTOORS: li:- SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: PERMIT FEE: N r)'.Za\g-)Q+1ffi6 APPLICATION Number (Offtce Use) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERII,IIT APPLICATION TYPE: COII1MERCIAL PTEASE A},IsI.IER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE IO YOUR PRO]ECI "Project Responsibllity" Timeless ProperLies lnc r Toirncenter / CBL Properties PROIECT ADDRESS: 820 Tovrn Cente! Dr, unll G12 0 CfTY: wi lminct.on 0ccuPANT/EUSINESS llAllE: rne srem Lab PRoPERTY ol.lNER'S NAI'IE :Brad and Tina cataone Otll,lER'S ADDRESS: 7406 sonqbird ct CITY: wi lminqton CONTRACTOR: T j.me Less Properties 1!!LICEl,lSE *: 6s7Ba ADDRESS: 852 Bedminister Lane CITY: wi lminqr.on EITAI L ADDRESS:tony@time1e66pr oDeftiescc. com PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:Tony aFohn6on ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The SheU Permit #:rs Elect Power on this Building E Yes E Ho rs rHrs a cH/rNG€ oF occupat{cy user flvrs [ ]$ **..* 2 E v APPLICAI{TJ S TIA}IE ; DEVELOPER: 1,.1gy1a1 DArE : __]l:9l 13_ PHONE S: ZIP:2s4os PHONE # sT : !g_ zIP : f!3ll_ ST: !g_ ZIP: .?.g€ PIONE $: 910-sso-63s9 PHOi{E S: 910-sso-63s9 Exrsr cor,rsrRucrroN: n AtrERArroN ! .ttJiflr8il'[i?1iL*o,- nerrrns ! RELocArroN tf Rdoc.0on, is there a NaturalGas Line on the -current Site? flvFflHo ts BLDG spRlNxLeneor filves [Ho t{EI CONSTRUCTTd{, I eneCr Ehr srRrrcTuRE f] rsr rnacr I sxrr-l El urrrr ! eoo ro Exlsr srRUcruRE IF Yes, rhat l,as the Previous Occupancy Type!hhat ls the eH Occupancy Type? Ki ds care ARCH DESIGI.I PROFESSTOMAL: Goodrich Arch i E ect EN6R DESIGTI PROFESSIOTIAL:McdowelI Enqinee rinq DESCRIPTION OF hIORK: Finish interior of space ceilinq6 wa11s and fj.ni6he6 PH PH :91@.Ej_ Nc REG *:i 970-2'70-3747 NC REG *:'143 4 23931 ls food or bevssgros prBpdod d sqvsd in tris *uaure? fives fi uo b Tho ProPe.ty Located ln [v"r [| No 6pplicaUe State so€cllicetiohs Bldo Code and DISCLAIMEF: I herebv cerlifv Ual all rnlormalion in and locallews and ordinancei and reoulstlons. The or chanoe in contraclor or contraclor iiformation. "' Subjecrlo Fines Up To $500.00"' ao.itsh A.b6ro6 o. mt You sra rrqulr€d to callth. tlatslsl Embalm Slenderds fo. th:.rdou! Ar Pdlut nl! (NESHAP) 3t (919)707{950 demdh{on o{ tny frdllty or bulldlrE. S.€ Asb.5l6 wbb Slta: htFrl".rvw.spl.slate.nc.urepL/asbostos&hmp htnl TOTAL PROJECT COST: 25OOOO BUILDING HEIGHT 22 # OF UNITS: SIGNATURE: (oixltt) (P*n l,l'tl.) Nara: Dernol oi nodllcatons & ssb€alG rrnovrl P€nnh Epdlcadoia !r€ lo bo subnlr.d udllc tl. aPdlcadoo lortl WATER: ECFPUA SEWER: EICFPUA or bulldlng w.s found lo 10 dey5 Bio( to lh€ 1 SQ FT TOTAL AREA SO FT :2440 SO FT PER FLR: 24oo # OF STORIES: r TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: - # OF STRUCTURES:# OF FLOORS :1 ACRES DISTURBED:Exsr LAND DTSTURBTNG PERMTT? E YEs El No NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: pRopERry usE: [orrrce E nesnunnnr f]uencnmtre [eouc !ner @NDO OTHER:xids care TTCOMMUNITY SYSTEM N WELL EZONING USE CTASSIFICATION:fi cerunar- seelc fl iH'rvArE sEprtc D-coIrrMUNtrY sYSTEM SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FON EI ECT. MECH, PL.BG, GAS EO{JIP, PREFABS & INSERTS PAYMENT METHOD:flcasn f]cnrcK (eAvABLE ro NHc) EAMERIcAN ExPREss ftucltsa I otscown ZONE:_OFFICER: (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) REVISED DArE,ul l/12 SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B: Approval:- Cit$- DATtr' FLooD: -- - BFE+2fr- AVN PERMIT FEE: $-Comment al cQi'<-, tzt OWNEFUCONTRACTOR: e',tt'onv,ron',.o', APPLICANT' S lIAl{E: .Ken coffer DEVELOPER: .Secof Co[atluctlon Company, Inc PROIECT ADDRESS: 651 spencer ct SUBDMSI0I'I: .rhe cape PROPERTY O,rl'lER' S NmilE: .Ferns rooker 0N,INER'S ADDRESS: 651 sponcer ct CONIRACTORI secof constructlon companv, rtlc ADDRESS: 1202 N Laks Park Blvd EI'IAIL ADDRESS: kanJ re secofconstructlon. com PROIECT cot{TAcT PERSON: Rsn coffe! APPLICATION Number (Offt.e Use) DATE: 3/ 1/2018 PHoNE #: 910-458-s60s ZIP i 2a412 LOT #: PHoNE #: 910-833-4065 ,:,t \9. - ?_VZCL8-72s sT: !g zIP: 2jlll SF SF NEt^I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI.ATION IYPT: RESIDENTIAL PLTASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO\IOUR PROJECT "ProJect ResponsibilitY' CIW: t{llmlngton BLOCX S: CITY: wllm-lnqton Exrsrrirc coNsrRucrroru: f] at-renlrror ! nrruovlrroru ! estlrnal neearns ! REtocATroN NEr.r coNsrRucrrou, [| tnrcr NEll REsroENcE o" f] aoorrrou ro ExrsrrNc REsTDENcE .i.PLEASE CHEC( AND AI'IsI.IER SELO+I ALL THAT APPLY TO YOT'B PNO]ECT: LTCENSE #r 48248 CITY: .carolina Bsach sr @ eoncx 4,!6 sF ! sroRace suro OTHER: ACCOUNT fl: sT: Nc zIP: 2 8420 PHoNE S: 9ro-450-s605 PHoNE *: 910-833-{065 zoNE: Approval: Coimrent:, SF OF FICER: City: I orr came e E poor- ! orcx REVrsrD 0Arr 04/11/12 SF 5F SF SF TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: 224? TOTAL SQ FT UNDER R(X)F: 2{88 TOTAL PROIECT COST cess roo : $ $rso,ooo # 0F STORIES! 1 Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUIIBIiIG or ttECtlAt{IcAt Work Being Done to the Accessory Structure? If the proJect is a Relocatlon, ls there a Natural Gas Llne on the current s sQ fr SQ FT TOTAL AREA SQ FT: 2488 Yes !I flves No lte I No tfateE and 6erre! by Aqua Soulc6 DISCIAIITER Ihsrobycortify hatfllhbrn.don ln trl!.pplc€ion b corsclend 611wo*wll, complywth he St t &rlldlng Oode dld 6lloferappllc3bL Sbb eld local l6rs Is there Electrlcal Power on thls Butldlng? !Yes I No pRopERTy usE / occupANcy: fl srrucle FN.trLv E ouerex I rowlrousr DE5CRIPTIoN OF i'IORK: slngte FsmLly Home on slab. and ordhonces end Eculsrons. Tlle NHc Developmeni sewtrr O6nbr vrlll be nolf€d ot any chnger ln lD,appaovod pbna and 6r6clficaljbm or chdrgo con!.cbr lnb.nelon. -'I{OTE: AnyWolk Perfoded WO $e Appopdsb P6mlt3 wlll b6 h VbLdon oi tlo NC Siab aHg 6do e d Srrbjsel b fh.3 t pTo O,II{ER/C0NTRACT0R: r<en coffer STGNATURE: (P.lnt ilaoe) 'l t*+****,itt +t,i++a+a * +,i +:l:l I t**+ *+:l +l t,i +*++*t rt ****:l*,1,*,1'l,l,l,l*++++*,**+*+*r'|,i*+ +*++,t+++*++++ * IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPTAIN} [ ] YES E] UO EXISTING Il,lP ERVIOITS AREA: NEtl Il'lPERVIOUS AREA: TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: EXIST IAND DISTURBING PERTIIT:l--] vrs f--l r'ro mrrn, I creua I coit'lurrry sysrEr4 E pRrvATE I,ELL f] cerrnal well sEwER: El cFpuA E CENTRAL sEprrc I enrvlrt srrrrc fl coHH,NrrY sYsrEM +.* SEPAIIATE PERHITS REQUIRED fOR ELECT, HE(H, PI.BG, 6A5 Eq'IP, PREFABS & INSERIS T** pAynEl{r ]rETHoor !.orx lcxrcx (PAYABLE To xHc) EBrLL Accot l{I E aclvrsl florscovtn ***+a****t+r l*++ti'l'l*iit *itt* +,|,t,1++a,l+ra+*++++ai:lil+,1:|,1* *tt+t*l+,1* a + +** 'l *,r t:l:t:| *:l:l,l 'i + + + ** + * +t BF E+2ft= ,t PER}1IT FEEI $ I DATE: (foR orFrcr usE olrLY) SETBACKS: F: FLOOD: LH:RH:, tlcg od @err ennaer alo I surnoor f] cnrrluouse Clear Form rs -105 Print eMail NEW HANOVER COUNW BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECI "Prciect Responsibilitf Lol S'ZuZt Application Number lofrice use) .btb \{\\ ApplrcANr,s NAM E, LfrHr<T' KPCl;e?9fr- PROJECI ADDRESS: suBDtvtstoN: (AK KTVTF. KOAD pRopERry owN ER,s NAM Er L*fFt ZR 1, 7p6e;*? ff OWNER'SADDRESS.' TIOO I4MOtJfuTO QIILD FC*E coNrRACroR: Koae*2 h)llD $Q,-p af6 RAdrorJ ADDRESS: EMAII- ADORESS:.cor4 ctrY:wtLMlilaroil 2tP ? LOT # Date: PHONE #: 4 o z;14 ?ot CITY:ztP BLDG LICENSE #: crw' WtLylrlcfi-aFl sr: NC-zrP Z04ot pHoNE: 410 ?;n f4bl EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration fl Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation **.PLEAsE CHECX AND ANSWER BETOW AtT THAT APPIY TO YOUR PROJECI**' ! Att Garage (SF)_E Det Garage (SF)_! Porch (SF)1zl ! Sunroom (SF)tl Pool (sF) D Greenhouse {SF)tr Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Yes E No TOTAL Sq FT UNDER ROOF (Jor proposed workl Heated:Zfu unheated: 7a TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S Stoooo.e lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? ! Yes ! No ls any Elecrical, Plqmbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure n Yes I No lfthepro.iedisaRelocation,isthereaNaturalGasLineonth'ecurrentsite?EYesENo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? D Yes B No P.operty Use/ occupancy: E[ single Family Ll Duplex ! Towrhouse 811f,R l8 3:33P8 Description of Work: httuo rlEril A*ulE Fa+4rtY R*r112srvr: laws and ordinances and re8ulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor informatron. "'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate p€rmits will be in violation of the NC State EldB Code and subiect to fines up to 55OO-0O+" owner/contractor: 1TPgrC" n, sisnature; "Licensed Quofifie/' \rint none ls the property located in a floodplain? ts Yes fl No c- TotalAcres Disturbed: ' JExisting lmpervious Area:Sq Ft New lmpe rvious lrea, Zffil Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: n Yes E No WATER: n CFPUA ! Community System El Private Well n Central Well D Aqua SEWER: n CFPUA n Community System E Private Septic f] Central Septic D Aqua zone: _ Officer: _ setbacks {Fl - (tH} - (RH} - (Bl -Approval: _ Clty: _ Date:_ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (Nl _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment: Permlt Fee: S l5uLl 00 pRorEcrcoNrAcrpnsox, 1bYt"4{ ?O4ep9 pHoNE 4toz:nl7bl E Storage Shed (SF) _ n Other (SF)_ 2o t($'Za$(-131 Application Number (offce use) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLIUTION TY PE : RESIDENTIAI PLEASE ANSWER AL! OUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT 'Poect Responsibiliy ; Stevens Fine Homes nln ldAPPLICAtIT's NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS; SUBDtVtStoN: Tralee Place Date 00 e?,a 0 ctTy: Wiknington ZlP. 28/,0,9 Lor;, ZG PROPERTY OWNER 5 pap16. Stevens Fine Homes oWNER,s ADDRESS. 57ro Oleander Drive Suite 2oo PHONE s. 910-794-8699 CITY:Wilmington zrp. 28403 C6NTRASTSR: Stevens Buildirlt Company BLDG LTCENSE #: 31626 ADDRE55: szro OleariGiDiveTuite zoo CITY: Wikrinston sT, NC zrp,284o3 EMAI ADDRESS: snicholson@stevensfinehomes.com PHONE: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:Staci Nicholson EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEVy CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation pHONE. 91o-332-8515 T* *PI,IASE CHECK AND ANSWER EELOW AI.I THAT APPIY TO YOUR PRO'ECTTT ' D att earage 1sF) {60 " -,"."",tt)- tr porch (sF)1A E sunroom (sF) _ E Greenhouse (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes d No TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOF lfor proposed work) Heated:1t10 Unheated:5'lb TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot):12O,OOO ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes E No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesENo lfthe project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E! No lsthere Electrical Power on this Bu ilding? El Yes E l{o l3t'tflE t8 sr2tfln laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Centerwill be notified ofany changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. '+*NOTE:Any work p€rformed withoutthe appropriate permits willbe in violation of the NCStete and subject to frnes up to S5O0-OO*.. n Pool (sF) ! Deck (SF) koperty Use/ Occupancy: E Single Family E Duplex El Townhouse oescriptior of work' New residential single family home. Owner/Contractor:,r^ichrtl lrnt4 il('rela "Licensed Quolifiel Pnunt Norrn lsthe propertylocated inafloodplain? tr Ves d rc Exlsting lmpervious 1r'"", ZtlSt q rt Signature: Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:21st Sq Ft Existing Land Oisturbing Pennit El Yes d lo WATER: E CFPUA tr community System El Private Well E Central Well d aqua SEwER: d CFPUA tr community system E Private Septic E Central Septic fl Aqua zone: _ Offcer: _ s€tback (F) _ (tH) _ (RHl _ (B) _ Approval: _ Gty: _ Dat€: _ Flood: (A) _ (Vl _ (N) _ BFE+zft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: $ OO ! storage Shed (sF)_ ! other (sF)-. a &o tr- z3q1 APPLICATION Number (office Use) ? 7 NEI^J HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAII,N rYPE: COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSI'ER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility'' APPLICANT,,S NAME: McKintey BuiLdlng corporarion DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT AD 1. - DATE :2- l6- aa PHONE #: LRt55: 5152 Rock spring Road, suite 320 CI I Y: p1161ag161 ZIP:2a4a5 PROPERTY OWNER'S NAI'IE: rlayfaire 111 LLC _ PHONE #: 97r 261-1314 OI",NER'' S ADDRESS: ::s old. poinr Loop CONTRACTOR: McKinley Buitding Corporar ion ADDRESS: 3go? peachrree Ave., suire 2oo Ei'IAIL ADDRESS: b1i sk@mckint eybuitding. com _ LICENSE #: :osge - CITY: Hampsread ST: s6 ZIP:2 64 4 3 ST: uc ZIP::ero: _ PHONE #: 910-395-G036 PHONE #: 910-39s-6036 CfTY: 14i16lngs6n PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: Brandon Lisk (Check all That Apply) lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the No EXIST CONSTRUCTION: NEW CONSTRUCTION: ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: ALTERATION RENOVATION urrent Site?r Yes GENERAL REPAIRS li No lS BLDG S RELOCATION KLEREDE_Yesf- ADD TO EXIST STRUCTUREERECT NEU] STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHELL UPF IT 1f UPFIT - The Shell permit #: t3-d238 Is Elect Power on this Euilding li. Yes f N0 ***i'* rs THIS A CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY USE?r YES li. NO ***** IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? _ What is the New Occupancy Ixtfi?DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: 6666131 Harris Archj-recrure ENGR DESIGN PROF ESSIONAL :-Dav i d Sims & Assoc _ PH:9r10 - ? 91- s 01d NC REG #: 713 8 DESCRIPTION 0F WORK: N", r.rte.ior, UpfiL from shett Building Condition ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure?f , Yesli- No ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainf V"{idO NBCfntVeR, t n"r"Oy certity that all information in this application is correct and allwork willcomply with the State Building Code and allother applicable and local laws and ordinances and regulations. T contractor rnlormatron. he NHC Devel"'NOTE:Any Services Center will be notified erlormed W/O the Appropriate ol anv cha Permrts wl the a roved 'NC State State lions e and p ceor chanoeSublectlo Fines Up Toin contractor $the contain Asb€stos or nol. You are required to crll lhe Natonal Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 ar least 10 days prior to rhe SIGNATUR (Ouali6e.) demolilion of any facility or building. See Asbestos Web Site: httpJl,^/ww.epi.stale.nc.us/epi/asbeslos/ahmp.html TOTAL PROJECT COST: 2oo,ooo BUILDINGHEIGHT #OFUNITS TOTAL AREA SQ Ff :2,22o sf SQ FT PER FLR TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF # OF STRUCTURES: r ACRES DISTURBED: NA EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? -r YES J- NO SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:NA PROPERTY USE OFFICE RESTAURANT MERCANTILE EDUC APT CONDO OTHEF 500.00*' EPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP. PREFABS & INSERTS SQ FT WATER SEWER SYSTEI\,l1 CFPUA CFPUA COI\,4MUNITY SYST CENTRAL SEPTIC EM T-'I WELLn Hvnrr srerrc T-[ ZONING USE CLA tOtr,tVurutrY SSIFICATION PAYI\i]ENT METHOD f cASH li crecr lenvnBlE To NHc) l'- auenrcnu EXeRESS !-_ urcnrrsa l-_ otscovER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:ZONE: OFFICER B Approval:_ City:_ DATE_ FLOOD BFE+2fi, ?cComment Nob LH RH N PERMIT FEE: I M' 4b- OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAI'IE : Tldat l,iellness - PH:910 ?93-3433 NC REG #;4296 OWNER/CONTRACTOR: eranaon Lrsx # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS: NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:NA t Clear Form Prinl eMail NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING APPLICATI(N |YPE: COI|IIIERCIAL PlraSE alrsr{fR alr gjtsrlons APPTICaELE To yolJR pRol "Project Responslbillty'' )a tt _ 25r?*:8#i'ffi, PERI,IIT ,,$b 5-l AFFLr-tAr-IA ilumbe r (Oftl.e U.e) APPLICAIIT'5 l{AllE: 1ypyy36 Constructicn 6 Consultrn9, i,t,c -DAf Ei 2/ta/)c16 DEVELOPER: AJ H(:cirt Land Managehent, LLC . CITY: w j.Im.i ngtor PHO{E $:9._06126.j6i ZIP':.29r,1,PRO]ECT AIDRESS: 5123 Clroll.na B"ach Rd Bld B OCCUPATiIT/BUSINESS NAIIE: Monkey Junction setf srora PIOPERIY Or{En'S A E: AJ McGirL Land Manasemenr , LLC - PHO E *: s116i26162 dl{ER'S ADORESS ! 5C44 Carolrna Beach Rd . CITY: 61ir; ,.,oLn CO{TRACTOR: l,reyMac const!ucr}on & Consultin ^ ,,. LICENSE *: r<:r, ADDRESS: po Box 1S 14I CITY3 6i 16inq6o,.t E}TAIL ! t reymcgobel lsouth. net PRO]ECT COITACT PERSOiI: rrey M:Gir: (ch.ck All rhat Apply) No EH CO{STRUCTIO{: sr:l[ -rF1ao- . 5T: x6 ZIP: 2s46p - PHOIE S:91061261€,2 . PlOtiE #: 9'-A6t261a2 EXIST CO STRUCTIOI{: N ALTERATIO.I ll Raloc€tion, is there a Natural Gas Line on lho n RENOVATTON r-'l GENEiAT REPATRS n binenr Site? 1- 6;'-- ruo ts eLoc sptill RELOCATIOT{ KLEREDf - Yesl-- EREcr NErir srRUcruRE E FAsr rRAcK E sHEt-L f] upFrr E ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTUR If UPFIT - The Shell Permit S: OEST6 PROFESSIOiIAL: Is Elect Porer on this Building f Yes l- NO ..'.. rs Dlrs a cH IGE oF occupalrcY usE]r YEs l-. to.'..r IF Yes, hfiat uas the prevlous Oc(upancy fyp€? _ Ihat I5 the llex Occupancy TvDe?AREH . PH:NC RE6 S: E]TGR OESIGII PROFESSIoi{AL :-zabik Turner .PH | 4014379674 NC RE6 *: 03 9,t 1s DESCRIPTION OF I{ORK: co]lEilf- }osed Rv/Boar srorase Buildios (BulLdtnq B) ls food or beverages prepared or served in this slructura?l-- Yefr - No ls Tha Proprty Located ln The Floodplainf _ Yefr _ NoDISCLAIMER: I hcrcby cortfy tfal allinlo,ination rh ttls apCicston 13 cofecl and all$,ort !,ri[ comrly with Ulc StEta Building Cod. and all oth€r appllcable State and local lsws and ofdlnahcos and regulstlons. Tha NHC Developmant Sorvices Contar will bc nolifed ot slw drano€s in th; eob.ovad olans end smfenonsor dlam. in c.ntractor or contrd<tor iironnelidr. _'NOTE: Any Wo.k Pe ormed w/O th€ Appropriate Perrn s wil 6. in Voltstioi ot the ].lC Stato BEO Coae;ntSuu.cllo Fine6 Up To 3500.00-' OWNER/CONTRACTOR: rley Mc6i!r SIGNATURE:(Ou.rtot) (F,rint N.m.) co.nah A.b.dd s rlol You era r6quir.d !o cellh. sddls! Emis5lo.r Sl,rndrd6 lo.l.Lr2erdou3 AIr PolutlnB (NES}IAP) !l (919PO750SO st l6ad 10 d.ys prid to l,t. drnxrition ol any ra(Ily d hJblng. S.. A.!.do. Wtb Sh.: htts:/ rvrw..firtal.rc.uy6pi/asbestorahrnp.ht ill TOTAL PROJECTCOST: 294, ooo TOTAL AREA SQ FT : !.9600 SQ FT PER FLR:19600 # OF STORIES: r TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 1960 o ACRES DISTURBED: a f OF STRUCTURES # OF FLOORS: 11 NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: rgeoo SA FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: o SQ FT Exsr LAND DtsruRetuc eenum,J- ves J- ruo ICATION f cAsH f . cHEcK (PAYABLE To NHc) f -AMER|CAN o(PREss l-_ r,lcrursa l-_ otscovER (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLn WATER: SEWER: SYSTEM CFPUA T'l COMMUNTTY SYSTEM r-l WELL l--1 ZONTNG USE CLASSTFcFpuA E cEirrRAL sEpilc fI FmvArE sEpTlc BToMMUNtTy...SEPARAIE PERMIIS REOUIRED FOR ELECT MECH. PLBG, GAS EOUIP, PREFAES A INSERTS PAYMENT METHOD: ZONE: OFFICER:Approval:_ City: DATE_ FLOOD:_ B SETBACKS: F:LH RH B +tTacorm"m N HL tlchre N PER FE+211, ( \' 1 ,'rr=;lJP / Il BUILDING HEIGHT: _16 fl OF UNITS: r pRopERry usE: loFFtcE I nesreunnr,rr I ruenceuue f[ EDUCD AprD coNDo orHEr se113gg3g__ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLTCATION ryPEr RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibiliv, c-crry Date g r: !3 PHONE #l lo -5%- zt BLDG I-ICENSE T Sf: .lUC ztP:Z4q/) ( PHONE:a.lo*zq? - Ugl S PHONE 4/o-v1? zlflts ,ol6-4stu2\ffil Application Number (ofrice use) APPLICANTS NAME PROIECT ADDRESS: /.ev, ile zt suBDtvtstoN: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS:b*; PROJECT CONTACT PERSON n CITY e +CITY i Lat; EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration ! Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Resiaence S lddition to ExistinS Residence n Relocation A'*PI.EASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEI.OW AI.L THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT"* ! Att Gara8e (SF)_n Porch (5F) $ Sunroom (Sr)769 n Storage Shed (sF)_ ! Greenhouse (SF)n Other (SF) information. ++'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits wall be in violation of the NC 8ld8 Code and su to lines upto S500.0O"'Lcv; tlcm,',rrawav Signature: Print Nome 0 f ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft F No TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: ! Yes ! No / F 1HflR t8 ? I B9Btl ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr Yes ff tlo ls any Electrical, PlumbinS or Mechanical work being done to the Allessory Structure Yes f] No lfthe projectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? tr Yes q No ls there Electrical Power on this guilding? tr Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: $ Single family f] Duplex fl Townhouse Description of W c.?RTara-rrara DISCIAIMIR: I hereby certifythat allthe information an this application is correct end allwork willcomply with the Stare A td nd allother applicable State a c-o nd lo.al laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Centerwill be notified ofany chan8es an the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor o Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolifiet" WATER: SEWER: CFPUA tr Community System D Private Well E Central Well ! Aqua CFPUA ! Community System ! Private Septic E CentralSeptic ! Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment: FE ti -Ltot k Permit Fee: S E Det Garage {SF)_ ! Pool (SF) _ ! Deck (SF) _ ls the proposed work changinS the existing footprint? E Yes ! No TOTAT Sq FT UNDER ROOF Vor proposed wor*l tleatedt I Unheated: - ToTAt PRoJECI cos r ltess totl:5 {2r0OO........._....- CITY -? PROPERW OWN€R'S NAME: .)ITh A AJanjA /2i I s<:tJ PHoNE #; OWNER'5 ADDRESSI CITY APPLICANT'S NAME:J I trl rn c L. u), I so nJ Date 3 tt/ P'=:51412 LOT f 7to.3q '.{/ta/ l't 'z-t / r l€;'*ro zn;2qiq 12 BLDG TICENSE # ztP:2€4 / Z- PHONE PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDtvtsroN: CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: ; NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CATION TYPE RESIDENTIAT PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Prorect Responsibilitl/' ?o$ U3g Application Number (office use) ^u L,1- f e 11 rht I 5<s t z CITYo EMAIL ADDRESS: Jtm LltLqciPROJECT CONTACI PERSON EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration ! Renovation D General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: n Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation ''*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT'*T tr Att Garage {SF)_D Det Garage (SF)_tr Porch (5F) ! Sunroom (SF) E Greenhouse (SF) tr Pool (sF) n Deck (SF) ,( Storage Shed (5F) - ! Other (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? 3 Yes p trto TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF (/or eated:Unheatedi TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot) ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? fl Yes [XNo ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure I yes fl No lfthe project is a Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? a Ves fi t{o ls there Electrical Power on this Building? tr Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancyi ! Single Family ! Duplex n Townhouse t1>O Description ot Work: -;/o t n ea ,f,H ; tC DISCLAIM€R: I hereby certifythat allthe information in this apptication is correct and a work willcompty with the laws and ordinanc€s and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center wi be notified ofany changes in the information. *.aNOTI:Any work pe ormed without th€ appropriate permits wi be in viotation ofthe NC State Bl rV/ m tLo rJ signature: State Building Code and allother applicable State and locat approved plans and specifications or chanSe in contractor dg Code and subject to fines up to 9500.@...-4 u2.-4'"""--Owner/Contractorl "Licensed Quolifier" ls the property located in a floodplain? f] yes d No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Alea:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: n yes n No WATER: XCFPUA ! Community System fl private We fl Centralwel ! Aqua SEWER: n ,QUO O Community System E Private Septic D Centrat Septic fl Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date:_ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: S ,"S-',--(ffitt x /, r{ \I\ < x /o,';,q75, 6. 6b/<F v /y 24 s t{f /) \ \ ,*.7Ja \ I ) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION rYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEA5E ANSWER AI-L QUESTIONS APPLICAETE TO YOUR PROIECT "Prorect Responsibilitl/' 2016 eu+7 i*5+{ Application Number (office use) APPLICANT'S NAME:D . n--t -lrt< Date:& -a( -18' PROIECT ADDRESS: suBDtvrsroN: CITY U< ztP, aTatDT LOT #: pRopERTy owNER,g11ay122 (a ni 1o,",5 N iru ,. P"l\PHONE f OWNER'S ADDRESS:Au{ku <CITY: L) ZP: ,)w ^tL< "* -Ilrl(BLDG LICENSE f l4qqtLsr,( <u, bK { ) /,ADDRESS:v^. EMAIL ADDRESST (l lutr"[tt PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:Ao. /n"B, CITY lnn: uo a\b tt\pxor*J +PHONE EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration ! Renovation ! General Repairs NEWCONSTRUCIION:EErectNewResidenceFAdditiontoExistingResidencenRelocation ***PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEI.OW ALL THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT''}* ! Att Garage (SF)M Porch (sF)r ! Sunroom (sF)D Storage Shed (SF)_ ! Other (sF)E Greenhouse (SF)! Deck (5F) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes ! No TOTAI- SQ FT UNDER ROOF Uor proposed ,vork) Heated:Unheated: ToTAt PRoJECI cosr (ess totl: $ ZLC o lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? n Yes B No isanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureIyesENo lftheprojectisaRelocation,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?trYesINo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? Etr Yes n No Property Use/ Occupancy: fi Single family ! Duplex fl Townhouse Desffiption of Work; add;56r1c..?o',.4 laws and ordinancesand regulations. The NHC Development Services Center willbe notified of any change information. "'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC s in the approved plans and specifications or change in contraclor State Bldg Code and subject to fines upto 5500_00... O -ruto"l J:v c Signaturel ls the property located in a floodplain? ! Yes El No Existing lmpervious Area; _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq tt Existing Land Disturbing Permit: ! Yes n No WATER: ! CFPUA tr Community System ! Private Well ! Central Well ! Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA tr Community System ! Private Septic fl Central Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Officen _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date:_ Floodr (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Contra Comment:Permit Fee: S -.lti' ri ,ffi Y,\ E /-it (i {l \'4 E Det Garage (SF)_ n Pool (SF) _ i'"t * fa, rl ,tir*r Pr"'aft t a{+ sPo" A 5 t) (J(t.r ) {ro>yi/o/fc d*r(b {rol 1 fourcY al l' c oh cr< feOaorec 'on ToP 3 T s+,* P,b*-J_,/{ d '"1( tlt"'u) po s-tL{fsP\$a"d1I 5/, I,l s I I I il NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLI CATI O N ryPE.. RESI DENTIAT PTEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICASTE TO YOUR PROIECT "Proied Responsibilitl/' ^o\8Ao48 Applicetion Number (office use) o"t", &^aJ-t €' oj APPLICANT'S NAME:O'n.,C PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDtvrstoN: CITY:ztP 4l PROPERTY OWNER'S OWNER'5 ADDRESS: Coratlo.,s /U)ro ^PHONE $: CITY:ZIP: | , CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: { x)ila 8r-DG UCENSE #3qlQr crry, U);)*;,- L.. sr L.tzt p.a?!&ilr,FZro a/6-. Cd t"-?.2 PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: ! Att Garage (SF) ! Sunroom (SF) ! Greenhouse (SF) b PHONE (a-ar4-d47 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration ! Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCIION: ! Erect New Residence fr Addition to Existin8 Residence f] Relocation I..PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO.,ECT*** tr Deck (5F) S Porch (SF) D Storage Shed (SF) ! Other (SF) I tb1 ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes ! No TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF lfor prcposed evork) Heated: TOTAI- PROJECT COST (Less Lot)i S g.5o o lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? ! yes d No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure ! yes E No lf the projectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? ! yes tr No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes fl No Property Use/ Occupancy: & Single Family Ll Duplex n Townhouse Description of Work: ^d1,, ( t'< ta or.( DISCLAIMER: I hereby cenifythat allthe information in thisapplication is correct and allwork wittcomply with the State Buitding Code and a[ other applicable State and locallaws and ordinances and reSulations. The NHC Devetopment Services Centerwifl be notified ofany changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractorinformation. "'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits wi be in viotation of the NC State 8ld8 Code and subject to fines up to 5500.00... Owner 0- n."{ q,rl c Signature: "Licensed Quolifiet" Ptint Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? fl yes F No Existing lmpervious Areat _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft ExistinS Land Disturbing Permit: D yes f] No WATER: E CFPUA n Community System f] private Well D Central Well n Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA n Community System ! Private Septic ! Central Septic ! Aqua zoner _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date; _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: S /,i ({ r,f Y-,r;r' 1^.'?:,ff J) E Det Garage (SF)_ ! Pool (sF) _ Unheated: 3C f r<r d"^'t ''1 R"{L"'ad6 8++ (uy d -9(t"*- 3 >{+ 4/,t P:l c[' lL o/c L 4.to^ " * F ,--l )]ous " et , +l 5rc:5J 5 Yl"'s < Qo.. I o l( ).-tLl< G;'1""1 Z++ ."t. P.44{8 g o;s r- 1b o/a 4+% J Qo'rct<,L i u.,f e. Fc lav . d.of G(!- r I I -dfi-- : =-|_---!l_) wo t- I r.v[llr"tl NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI'IIT APPLI.ATI(N rYPr: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANS1IER ALL QUESTIOTTS APPLICABLE 10 YOJR PRO]ECT "Project Responslbllity" 2or$-2tr5I L8.-427 APPLICATIOI{ tluiDer (offlce use) APPLICAITT'S NAfiE ; DEVELOPER: L p,tr.l (c *L/{DArE: ) -)7 't B PTIONE #: PK)]ECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: 801 Batteras court cIw:ZIP: - BLOCK S:LOT #: PROPERW OI {ER'S MfiE: OI'IERI S ADDRESS: ( xe;< 0^\a, <PHOT{E S: COT{TRACTOR: ATf,'RE55: {n CITY: / /. LrcEilsE #: I tt 3 6 9 ST: _ ZIP: _ sr:l!:zrP:29,L4lO I Saalt 2)CITY: LU t t.,, EXrSrIl{G CoilsrnucrroN : fiLrERArrON t{Et{ co srRucrroN: I tnecr NEhr REsrD E AIL ADORESS:,,^.i @ /AJrel <t>ftoAN tes - <c,r\PHo E *: 1to - 3f9-AA'6,7 PRolEcr coI{TAcr PERsq{: -7 n t, B f\{2 /d, rL ProflE *; 9p -a3)-r)(,t RENovATToN I eenenel neemns ,"Aeoorrror ro Exrsrrlc REs +'PLEASE (HECK AI{D AXSTdER BELOd ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: I rrr oanaer - sF E orr canaar sr ! noncH -sF 5UNRO0t4 5F POO L SF STORAGE SHED SF GREENHOUSE 5F ! orcx SF OTHE R::lrtc. --J ENCE ! nr locarror IDENCE PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY: DESCRIPTION OF IiORX: [.l-srrclr rmrtlv l_-l ouc r-ex f] rouxnous DISCLAIMER lhereby tr oll inbrmauro h tls appkarian is conecl and al $,ork wil comply wit1 the Sble Euihing Code and au o$er 4plcabb Stat dld b.d laxs and ordhaces and regul6ibns. Th6 NHC Oel/lbpmeol Seavi:es willbe notH ofany ch6ige3 in lhe sppoved pbns and specillcatons or change h connEbr or conlacDr hbmalbn. "'l,lOTE: Any worr Perbrned WtO+---wirlbe h vbhlon of tne Nc staE al(lg oode ald $bFct L-D ro tsoo 0c- OI{NER/CONTRACTOR:SIGNATURE:/)t, (P.int *t*'t*r*t***t******:*****,t:t **,i *)a,t,t*,t:*****:i:l,t*********a,**:i:t**,t** *r****rt:* +,t '* * **,t *:t * ,t,f ,* * :t rt t,t * rs ruE pRopERTy LocarED rN a rlmopurnl l-l yrs E rc EXISTIIIG IIIPERVIOUS AREA: _SQ FT tlEtl IIIPERYIo{rS AREA: _ SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBEO: EXIST LA D DISTURBING PER IT:Ives f]rc HATER: f| creun ! cor}luNrry svsrru I pRrvArE hIELL fl crrrnal wru AeuA SEHER: f] crrua f] CENTRAL sEprrc ! enrvare seerrc I co MUNrry sysrEM AeuA +** sEPANATE PERI4ITS REQ{,,IRED FOR ELECT, TIECHJ PLSG' GAS EqJIP' PBEFABS & INSERTS i'T pay Err rtErux,i I asx I cxecr (pAyaBLE ro rrrl f] anenrcan exrnrss I r'rcTwsr I orscoven *:t,t:| *:f * :f * *:3 *:1,** * * rt:t )t* * *'i+:i * *,t 'i *:l,t 't * * * 'i**t+:l:l++++ *,ilt *++,i 't*)t +t+++:f +,1. *+**,i** r. 't *:t * rr *,t t*,r* *+ ZONE: _OFFICER: (FoR oFrrct ust oltY) REVrSED DArr o4l11/12 SETBACKS: F:- LH:- RH;- B:- Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLoOD: _ BFE+2ft= AVN Coflre nt :PERMIT FEE: S TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: _ TOTAL SQ FT tIilDER R(rcF: _ TOTAL AREA SQ FT: _ ToTAL PRolEcT CoSTc"*,r-ar : $ 28, 450 # oF sToRIEs: Is Any ELECTRIGAL, Purl.lBII{G or IiECHIIIICAL llork Belng Done to the Accessory Structure? EllV"t E m ff the project is a Relocation, is there a Natulal Gas Line on the Current Sitef [Ves @fi6' rs there Electnical Pouer on this BuildinB? ffv"t f] uo U\2c\6ei54 1reflNEt^l HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI9ATI0N rYPE: CO}|}'IERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL Q{JESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECI "Project ResPonsibiIity" *tu" aFFEtfrIdN Number (office Us.) -DATEi 3 2),)->-)APPLICAiIT' S iIAIIE : DEVE LOPER:f. k* PHONE f: PHONE f: PRO]ECT OCCUPANT/BUSINESS tIAfiE:b,zrt ilcv,c PROPERTY Otrr'lER'S NAIIE: (j,) OI'INER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: EI4AIL ADDR s: LrcENsE S: 7r/ ) 5 CITY:sr':/z-YzP'k// / PHONE *: .PllONE *: J7))/t '{v9 tP':iZZk2 3 st t7_ZZtP.)ri/.) C,/^ )1' CITY: \ \ 1.,L 2r ( PRO]ECT CONTACT P RSON:+ Nt, .o*rt*r.rroN: Tl EREcr NEI'I srRucruRE flFAsr rRAc( fl SHELL fl uPFrr E ADD r0 txrsr srRUcruRE EXIST CONSTRUCTION: fl ll Relocation, is there a Natura (check A11 FZ RE]OVATION tinenr site? f-, ALTERATION I Gas Line on the ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shetl Penmit #: IF Yes, rrhat Yas th€ Previous Occ IIEfi ?otsr* PR.FEsstonAl: upanc ,r1,- y TYPe? A ,4.. Et{6R DESIGN PROFESSIOIIAL:- That aDply) Tl GEi{ERAL REPATRS EY;-fL No ls BLDG SPRIN KLEREDr- Yesf - RELOCATION ***T* IS THIS A CI{ANGE OF OCCUPAI{CY USE?f_lhat YES 1stF,he N0 ****:l t{ew Occupancyt{ DESCRIPTION OF I.IORK: ls tood or beverages prepared or served in this structure?fi Yesl-X No ls The Property Located In The Floodplainft- vef- State Building Code and allolhel applicsble Slate in and Bldg Code andol lhe E PH'. ? /) -\r 1 -tzt'nc REG it !3 ) / 37,r@)caEGa@ lorm (OHHS 3768)whelher the fac ily or Durlding t as lound lo (NESiraPJ ar (919)707-5950 al l€asl10 oavs pnor lo$eNote: Demolilion nolifi claions & asbeslos rerioval p€rmil applistions are lo be submined using lhe applicalion contain Asbeslos or not. You are fequired b call the Nalional Emisgofl Standards for Hazardous Air Pollulanis demoliton ofany faciny or building TOTAL PROJECT COST: TOTAL AREA SQ FT : Web Sat€: htpr/www.ePi.slale.nc.us/epi/asbeslos/ahmp html / ,? 7,.22)lTrA-BUILDING HEIGHT SQ FT PER FLR; # OF UNITS # OF STORIES # OF FLOORSTOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF:# OF STRUCTURES EXSr LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? r'YES r NO NEw IMPERVIOUS AREA:-SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: SQ FT PROPERTY USE floFFrcE f| nesreunAl.rr [l MERCANTILEI-l EDUC APT CONDO OTHEI WATER: SEWER: SYSTEM PAYMENT ZONE: COMMUNITY SYSTEM R WELL r-l zoNtNG u 3?or.,tuur'rrw SE CLASSIFICATION NSEFTS TI.lCFPUA fi creur "s METHOD:r CASH CENTRAL SEPTIC f- cnecx leevnsLE To NHC) l- nueRtceru EXPREss J- t''lcnrtse [* - otscoven f}VATE SEPTIC JE PEFMITS BEOUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLEG' GAS EOUIP' PREFAES {' I OFFICERepprorJ]-City:- DATE- FLOOD (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F: LH- RH-' B-- BFE+2ft. AVN PERMIT FEE: :Comment czl c€:,e. J /),/1 4 Is Elect Porer on this Building $ Yes r' N0 H8"*,u." ACRES DISTURBED: ?o t6 - lu53!g-997/o c t: a NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI1ATI0N rvPE: COltilltlERCIAL PLEASE ANSI{ER ALL QUESTIO'{S APPLICAELE TO YOI'R PROJECT "Project Responsibilitf' ApEEfe-ArroN Number (Offi(e Use) APPLICANT'S NAIIIE i Melissa oanser - DATE :2/21/18 DEVELOPER: NA PRO]ECT PHONE #: :1949 Dawson street : !^lirmingon ZIP:2s4s3 OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAIIE : ATT PROPERTY O.INER'S NAl.lE: 1i^s hlarner Enrerrainmenr O}INER'S ADDRESS: 1920 Front st CONTRACTOR: Masrec Network soLurions ADDRESS: 1000 Centre Green way _ PHO E #: 979-595-4s92 - LICENSE #: roo:; - CITY: 9u1h6m ST: pg ZIP:27765 ST: NC ZIP: 2?513 _ PHONE #: '7 a 4-a4o-2358 CITY: 661y Ei{AIL ADDRESS: omar. gonzalezGmastec. com PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Melissa Danger - PHONE #: gtg-262- 4tra (Check AII That Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION lf Relocation. is there a Natural Gas Line on the arrent Site?r ES GENERAL REPAIRS li No ls BLDG S trPRIN RELOCATION KLEREDfr- Yesl-- If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit #:Is Elect Pouer on this Building l-! Yes f.No ***** I5 THIS A CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY USE? T YES I-. NO ***** IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? - What is the New Occupancy TvDe) ANCH DESIGI,I PROFESSIoI{ALi ?or", Engineerlng professiona.Ls - PH:919-661-5351 NC REG *:c-rl9a EI{GR DESIGT{ PROFESSIONAL :Jowe r Eng ineering p rof es s i onaf s DESCRIPTION OF ttlORK: addins wcs fitter to sire OWNER/CONTRACTOR:v"t i " ". oa.'se.SIGNATURE: ?'/.144 2a4f,4 TOTAL PROJECT COST: 2sooo. oo BUILDING HEIGHT: 2O1 # OF UNITS SQ FT PER FLR - PH:919-661-5351 NC REG #:c-i794 ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure?f, Yefr No ls The Property Located ln The Floodplain{-- Ye{-, NobISCLA|MER I hereby certrfy lhat att inlormation in this application is correct and all work will comply with the Slate Building Code and all other applicable State and tocal laws and ordinances and reoulatrcns. The NHC Develoomenl Services Center will be nolifed of anv chanaes rn the approved plans and sp€cificalions 6r ihanqe in contractor or contractor r-nformation. "'NOTE: Any Work Pedormed w/O lhe Appropriate Permits will 5e in Violation ol theNC Stale Bldg Code and Subiedlo Fines UP To $500.00"' (auaffer) (P.int NarE) contain Asb€stos or not. You are required lo callthe Nalional Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) at (9'19)707-5950 at least 10 days prior to the demolilion ol any racilily or buildang. See Asb€slos Web Site: htlpj/www.epi.state.nc.us/epi/asbeslos/ahmp.html TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF ACRES DISTURBED: # OF STRUCTURES NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA PROPERTY USE trOFFICE RESTAURANT MERCANTILE # OF STORIES # OF FLOORS: ExsT rAND DTSTURBTNG PERMTT? r YES r NO SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: EDU APT CONDO OTHET SE CLASSIFICATION SQ FT WATER SEWER SYSTEM tr!CFPUA CFPUA ", SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT MECH, PLEG GAS EOUIP PREFABS & INSERTS PAYN.4ENT METHOD f CASH f- cxecx lenveBLE ro NHc) f - AMERTCAN EXPRESS f-- vcnrrsn f-- orscovER ZONE: OFFICER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F: LH RH B Aooroval: Citv: DATE FLOOD: BFE+2ft, AVNComment PERMIT FEE: : COMI\.4UNITY SYSTEI\,4 CENTRAL SEPTIC H WELL VATE SEPTIC Tl zoNrNG u D'dor,,l[,1uNrrY Ir Noiiiw cotsrnucrro : f] EREcr NEIi srRUcruRE EFAsr rRAcK f] SHELL E upFrr E ADD ro Exrsr srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: TOTAL AREA SQ FT : NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SAFETY 230 Government Center Dr. Suite 170 Telephone (910) 798-7308 Fax (910) 798-7060 Nicholas Gadzekpo Director of Building Safety ***IMPORTANT NOTICE*** FOR COMPLETE ELECTRONIC PROJECT SUBMITTALS BY EMAIL lf you wish to submit your Commercial or Residential project electronically by email, please attach your electronic plans in the "pdf format along with your application" before clicking the send button. FOR COMPLETE ELECTRONIC PROJECT SUBM]TTALS IN PERSON lf you wish to submit your Commercial or Residential project in person on CD, please fill out the building permit application on line, print it, scan and put it on your CD along with the plans and Appendix B if applicable in the "pdf format" & bring your CD to the Development Services Center, located at 230 Government Center Drive; Suite 170. lf you have questions about the electronic submittal process, please call the Development Services Center at (910) 798-7308. Please note that we except Cash, Checks, and Credit Cards (American Express, Discover, VISA, and MasterCard). Thank you. \NN\ BECEIVEI) FEB 12 2OI8 NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APP Ll CAT tON |YPE: RESIDEIITIAI PTEAS€ ANSWCf, ALI" QUESTIOI{S APPTICASTE TOYOUR PRO.'ECI "ProJect Rssponslhlllty"p Cr_r clrY' \^l !\ iv.f'rr*o'r. Zo t6-Jtit{! $'$' ;. g-lq--APPTICANT'S NAMEI {(,+\l)atr. PROIECT ADDRESS: SUaDlVlSlONl PRC'PfRIY OWNER'S NAMEI OWNEII'S AODRE55: J-LOr g: \rrL.- ,n/Y,\.ssr" -\ vt.\cu-PHONE ll1 {16- s{0-01(X l"<-".CITY: W {^^\ O{.'t orn zlPi Slrrivri K-o:',t',\r --tr CoNTiAcToRr SIDG uc€fasE r;{Ll5 1/i Cztp,aTI;)._'ri.c EMAII AODNES9;c ST: PHONT 'iro'i/d1 -.U'j i tr Stora$ Shed (SFl -.-- L-- Other (SF) -----. auE{i-7 € -.h,'dr.r^ N\t",h" L c {;i OTY: P'IO'TCT CONTACI PtRSONi PHONT: EXI9TING cOl{STnUCnON: E Alteratton fl Renovatlon tr GencralRepalrs NEWCO SrBUCIIoN: fl Er€ct Nev, Resldence n Additlon to Erlstlng Resideo€€ n Rehcation *+TPIEASE CHECI( AND AT{SIT'EA BEIOW AtI THAT APPI.Y TO YOUN PiOIECI'II' rJ Att Garare lsF) - I-l Sunroom (Sf) - I Greenhouse (SF]- fl Det Garage fj Porch {sF}'X*'(rr, tl Deck (5F) ls the proposed work charBins the exlstlnt footprintf flves D r,ro TOTA1. SQ FT UNDER RooF lfor prcposed \.!otk) He.tcdl Urheatod: ToTAL PRoIECT CosT fLes, rott, S tt2 & lsthe proposed work changlng th€ number ol bedrooms? D Yer [f o lsany Electrlcd, plumblu or Medlnlcat work belnS done to tho Accessory structure Cl Yo. E o lf the prolect lsa tdocauon,ls there ! t{rturrlGss Llne orl thq currunt dtc? E Ylr El ,llo ls ttere Electrlcal Power on thls oulldlng? El Yer EI o Properay U'e/Sh8le famlly ll Duplsx E Townho$e Deicrlptlon ol ltr.ortw)i\ N\r .A ln{ormation. " -NOT[: Anyv/ork pertormed without tlre appropriale permll, will ba ln vjo,.ion ot lhe .nd rrbla.t to t!ne9 up ro s500 co"" o-,r",7c",,.-.ro,, ''.'tt ornQ- k <r:.'(i'\l-. sBn tur.: fiC Srrte Sldg Code \rl{F\I"Llcensed (ltoliliet" ls thc property locet€d iI atloodplain? Ll Yes Erlstlog hpen bui Area: _____ Sq ft ervlous Ar€a; _-*-__- 59 ft exbtln8 l,and Dlrturbh8 Permltr E Ye5 E No CFPUA n conrmunlty system f-l Private \4/ell fl centralwcll n Aqua PtrA Ll Community systenr fl Private Septic fl Central Septic fJ Aqua Zone: ---._ Olll..r - s.tbrcl6 (F) --- {LHl - (R}al - (Bl -Approval: ^_ __- cltyr__. Oate: __- rlood:lA)--(v)__( l_ BfE+2fr. ComlIletrti X*Total Acres Dlrturb€d: P€r{tlt fos! $