MARCH 20 2018 BUILD APPS2o t0-)6tC NEhI HAT{OVER COUNTY BUILDING PERIiIIT APPLICATI(N TYPE.. CO'/&IERCIAL PLEASE AI{SI,IER ALL qJESTIO'{S APPLICAALE TO YO.,R PRO]ECT '?roject Responsibilitlf AFFEIEfImn iluEber (oFftce rrr€) APPLICAT{T' S MllEt Metissa Da11ser - DATE:3 /s/ L8 DEVELOPER: ar&]' PROJ ECT : :zt lleroicage nd OCCUPANI/BITSINESS M!lE: Ar&r PKTPERTY O{[{ER'S MllE: a6".1."r, Toeer corpor.ation Park*ay, STE 1o0 CITY: gary CO{TRACTOR: uastec Netrork goluriorr6 - LICEiEE *: zoosz AIDRESS: looo centre creeq way CITY: gary EI4AIL AIDRESS: Brad. conn@maaEec. com PROIECT CO TACT PERSol{: yq115sa pangsa (chect all Inat Apply) P}o E *: sts-2G2-4LLo : Castle Ha).ne ZIP z 2s429 - Pt0l{E $: sto-74s- 6s2j PHOtaE 5T: 11s ZIP:2 751s 5T:Nq ZIP:27513 *, rGorro, - PH)[{E *: sL9-2l2-4rto EXIST CONSTRUCTION:GE lf Relocalion, is there a es No irr'Eu corsrnucrro{: n EREcr NEr{ srRrrcruRE E FAsr rRAcK il sHELt fl uPFrr ACCESSORY STRUCTURE : Morropole ALTERATI()I{ T--I REiOVATIO Gas Line on theurrent Stu? f - irERlrL REPAIRS TlNo lS BLDG SCFfl,lKLEREDtr-Ye{- _ RELOCATION AID TO EXIST STRUCTURE TyDel AREH DESIG PmFESSIO{AL: ?yler Barker _ PH:405.:ag.sl69 NC REG *:Oaggtt EI{GR DESIGI{ PROFESSIOiIALLI,yIeI. Barker DESCRIPTIOI{ OF IORK: "Jd i.at..-"e, add 3 trrAs, add s RRIra tsfood or beverages prepared or sen ed h rh'rs srnraure?f-- Yesl-- No ls The Property Localed ln The Flooddainf - Yelr - a! other app[cable $(€ okans and s*cificarionsNC Stde Bldg codo arn &**. If UPFrr - The Shell. Pefldt #:fs Elect Porer on this Buildins f. Yes f No .+*.. rs rHrs A cMItGE oF (rGrPAitCY r,sE?r YEs r- rO .*... IF Yes, iilat Et the Prcvious OccuPancy TtPe? couraercial - Ihat Is the lld OcRPancy comne!cia1 EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? T YES T NO llole: Denolitloo rEnificelioos I asoesEe r€mo\rd permn applicalione are to be sd)ntitH fqm (DHH$3768) r$€ther tre ffiity building !_ds{oond b coitain Asbestc or nat You a.e requlred to call the tlati,rlal Enission Sandards tor th.ardous An Pdftrtants (I,GSHAP) d (919)707-5950 at bsl 10 days prbr to tlr€ d€rnolilioi d ery laoliry or buiHirrg: See AsbesG Wet She: hupJl^/ww.epi.slale.nc.usi7epuasbesIorahmp-html TOTAL PROJECI COSTi 2sooo. oo BUILDING HEIGHT: SQ FT PER FLR: . # OF UNITS: TOTAL AREA SO FT :# OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS:TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: _ ACRES DISTURBED: # OF STRUCTURES: SA FT WATER: SEWER: SYSTEM CFPUA CFPUA F.'I COMMUNfi SYSTEM T-'I WELL T-] ZONING USE flcerrnar- seerc f] pRIvArE sEpnc DLCoMMuNrry NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: pRopERTy USE: EoFFrcE I nrsraunnrvr I r'lrrncarlrrul-] EDUcf] APr CONDO OTHEfuelecom I]tr CLASSIFICATION " SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT. MECH, PLBG. GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS- peyuEr'rr uE+roD: f cASH f-. cnscx leavaBLE To NHc) [-- auencan exeREss f- Mc/vtsA J-- orscoven (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) OFFICER SETBACKS: F: LH- RH- B_- Approval:_ City:- DATE- FLOOD:- BFE+2ft'-- AVNComment PERMIT FEE: I 18€631 ol6tER'S ADIIRESS:35ee pn:fiiEfiZ?6- NC nrG *:67t!E- ZONE: W,C'Ptk, -(._l,L_-It-2 7t-1 ;fi It-1?RA*-rr.rA€[> ii rrl o5i t{NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAT lott IYPE I COH}IERCIAL pt,EA5E Atslllgt AtL qJESIIONS ApptICAEtt I0 yorJA ptortcl "ProJect Responsiblltty" n AFFTITIiION Numb€a PRO]TCT oC(UPANI,/BUSINCSS AfiE I < .r yyl PROPERTY OHNER'S NME I OHN€R'S ADDn€SSr // APPI.ICAIII'S tIAflE: DEVELOPER: CONTRACT ADDR ESS: EIiIAIL AD 9,,n.\ tto *- .l ( .A .;t SETBACKS: F DATE t6lIB rr-ooo - tIC ENSE 0l CITY: i PSONE S: PHONT $l r 1ot illirt OAT PHotlE f I ehoHE {r J ,/-t-l8 z P., ,/Ji-iiq I OR: PRO]ECT CONTAC ffi c tjPU A C F I'TJA zorurCB oFFrcER Approval OL Ci blSCLAll,l€R: rheraty cerrt thar 6[ ntormoti)o..d lorall.6 Md ordinrnces s,rd rcoul.rion! Yor chanue ln conlraclor or 6u..tor r-nldmrll;^Subie.r'lo t,nes Up Io 1500 00"' SEWER SYSTEM € xlsT col,STRUcTIoNr Tl ALIERATIoN ll Relocar,on. is thcre s N6tira.-lGas LIne ol thc No , (an.<l ll $.t Apply)rfl nENovATlor'l T-.] ccI{ERAL REprrRs r-t birronr Sire? 5 *ipi "" ,s aroc spH RELOCATION KLERED'{-l NCS SQ FT BFE+ 211 €ERI\4IT FEE \./€y(€l<.\7 a) ZtPt 2 ST I 'LltP t?-8\ lot of- eySrL- o NEI/J Coi.JSTRUC]r0 r E ERECT NEW SrRU(rURE ACCESSORY SIRUCTURE:ff FAsr rRAc( n If UPfIT - The Shell Peflnit ,l: It Yes, l,lhat wa6 the P.eviou aRtH otsIGN PflOrESStOitAt: l- SHELL UPFI T ADD IO EX 5T STRUCTURT I9 E1ect PoHer on this Suilding Yes T N0 Is lrrs A €HAMr oF o(cupAtcy usrllvyrs ti-, flo ...., s occupan.y Typc) 4d lJ,r - wl5\ r. tK.'H.u o..rpon.y (\)1\ Prl: l,r( RE6 PH:- I.IC RE6ttlGR DESIGN Pnof gSSIOtUl :-- DTSCRIPTlON OF HORK i 3\t,vrvy ls food o, beverages preparcd or sewcd in thas slruclurc?[- VcsJ] t'to ls Tho Property Localed h The Ftoodpto @v"grr,fi.t., Norc:Otmcrrci nolj,tolist 6 lsbotlos renDvol pemit .pprlc.rbos 6,0 h be submlfied uil^g rho spplcllion lo,h (Or ]|5.37681 wtronrer lhe tac t,1y o conlaJn Aslctlos or nd Yo! 8re rcquk d lo cs ll lh. tlador'ar fnri.3h. Sl.nd.,& lor Hizadas Al, Pollulanrs (NESHAPI st 1919)707.5950 al t4 n t O do trti,lio. d ony lacirirr d U!iEin9. Soe Asbo6ros \1eb S't6. hflp /r^s.*..rl.sta r. rr.usJepirarbo!rorEhnp hlmr 'roTAL PROJECT COSL iltoo BU]LDING HEtcHT: doF uNtTS: OWNER/coNrFAcron: fl [.!ut( q-/,Ll),7;t^- SIGNATURE TOTAL AREA SO FT SO F] PER FLR IOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF ,, OF STRUCTURESI ACRES DISTURBED: I OF FLOORS EXsr r AND DtsruRBtNc PERMtrT f yEs NO SO FT EXISTING lltlPERV Ot,S AREA PROPERTy USE: lOFFtcE n RESrAUnenr ! UencnrullEI EDUC CONDO OTHE{ PAY[.4ENr r',4EIrrot)f- cAsH f cHEcx (pAyA{JtE ro Nrrcl l- AMERTcAN Expnrss T Mc^/rsl J -T]ISCOVER COMMUNITY SYSTEM CENTNAL SEP] IC Ur,rl'i, I Ofi t L I Cl r,1l.Cr r. r,l tjc (,/.S t r)tr P. r,lrl I AU! a rlsl:,i I S (aon oFFrcE usc oNtY) TI WELL TI ZONING USE CLASSIFICA]ION F,RIVATE sEPr rc fl-CoMMUNT] Y N/A Lr'r N/A nu " NYA $q4Y N me()l d+rnL6l bL_reatJlt ta.r atfutdrad afftoUf (').'r 6tWiArrl Pt 1nL\11 Commen' (lfi.4ffvrlU Cih,nspeclion Requlreo, 9l 0.254'09S1) by Apo,xa Ekt' pn nulnspetlt 4ca \ ST: ,, oF s-roRrEs: NEW II,lPEBVIOUS AREA I \1r.J 1 y._rfi \n'()Jct ( 2+1 \\"- t) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT aPPLICATI0N rYPE: COI{}IERCIAL PLEAS€ ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABIE TO YOUR PRO]ECI "Proje€t Responsibility,, AFFIT.TridN Number (offi.e use) -DATEt l- f,,-/ tt PHONE #: PROJECT oCCUPANT/BUSTNESS r,lAfl E : PROPERTY OhINER'S NAlrtE : OWNER'S ADDRESS: // CONTRACTOR :A ADDRESS: EI,IAI L PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: 9,.,.) na-L ZIP':42X ,{rf - PHoNE *: 1lo -'(St - 5.-lq , sTttLztPt2XL( o st: Ntzo:L7\@f PHONE S: PHONE S: -a q vvr LL C {.ITY: LICENSE f: CITY: ,A .;yy- l,^ , EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION ELOCATION LEREDr; Yesfilf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the No NEI.I CONSTRUCTION: E ERECT NEhI STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE:EFAsr rRAcK E SHELL n upFrr f] ADD ro Exrsr srRucTuRE /. (Ch.(k AII That Apply)m RENoVATToN T-l cEtitERAL REparRs r--l R birrenr site? 5 vH5 ruo 's aroc srH*x If UPFIT - The SheII Permit f: ***** IS THIS A CHANGE OF OCCU IF Yes, lrhat was the Previous Occupancy Type? IX8fi ?orrr* pRoFEssro*L : ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL Is Elect Pouer on this Buildin8 f6 Yes f NO pANcy usE?f yEs Er. o ---.-(?Oe,f kr.ro*\ - Uhat is the New Occupa)fcy rl PH:NC REG S: NC nte *:-PH DESCRIPTION OF WORK:+t OWNER/CONTRACTOR: A\M NJ,. b /l,Z-*-^ SIGNATURE: TOTAL PROJECT CoST: Ll{oo TOTAL AREA SO FT V C€-/"l\\7 Trre Froodprainfr ye{E6() Code and allolher applicable Stale l.rc s and contain Asb€slos or nol. You are required lo calllhe Na onalEmission siandardsfor Hazardous Air Potluiants (NESHAP)ar (919)707-5950 al teasl lodays prior lo lhedemolilion o, any facilhy or building. See Asbeslos Web Site: hlip:/t w.epi.slaie.nc us/epi/asbesroyahmp hlmt # OF UNITS TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF Exsr LAND DtsruRBlNG pERMtr? f yES f. No NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: CONDO OTHEI # OF STORIES # OF FLOORS: SO FT WATER SEWER SYSTEM CFPUA CFPUA EH COMMUNITY SYSTEM CENTRAL SEPTIC T}H WELL VATE SEPTIC T-'I ZONING U l-l coMMUNtTY SE CLASSIFICATION PAYMENT METHOD p casn l- cHEcK (eAvABLE To runc1 f - ar,lentcAN EXeRESS J- rrlcnasa [- DtscovER ZONE: OFFICER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:Approval:_ City: DATE_ FLOOD:_ AVN BFE+2ft, ... SEPARATE PERI\,{ITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH. PLBG. GAS EOUIP, PREFAES E INSER]S LH RH B Comment PERMIT FEE: : APPLICANT'S NAI4E: DEVE LOPER: *lr\u"(notik Lhzo^ ACRES DISTURBED: BUILDING HEIGHT: SQ FT PER FLR: # OF STRUCTURES: PROPERT usE: floFFtcE ! nesraunar.rr ! uencaNr[el-l eDUcTlAprfl -X quali€,er rynrt}rnre k /-.',ii! \:\\^ '.?;.i. ,r: t l..(r l- (': )18---607NEId HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIoN IrPEi COIMERCIAL PLEASE AIISWER ALL QU€STIONS APPIICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" AFFftzmro-u Numbea (office Use) APPLICANT'S NA|1E: )4e: i s s.r Ja,,.re!. DATE:2 / 21"/ i8 DEVELOPER: xn PRO]€CT I 194 9 oawson street-: wilnin<ton PHONE #: ZIPi2ata3 PHONE fl: gt9-59s-4a92 OCCUPANI/BUSINESS NAI1E; r,: : PROPERTY OttltlER' S tlAr'lE : 1,.: r,e w.:, :I,e r llnr e : t-a ixmeLr OWNER'S ADDRESS: 192: :.ronr s: CONTRACTOR : Masrcc N@L',,ork sclur ic.rs - LICENSS #: ; rr c:t-; , CITY: nrl,r,ar,r 5T: .si ZIP:;1r;5 ST:5g ZIP: 27513 - PHONE f: r04_840-2358 ADDRESS: iOO0 Cjenr-:-e Gr:eer l.idy CITY: r:r,'i EIIAIL ADDRESS: ornar. gon zr I e zG$a s !€c. con PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: ye:::;.;a i:r;,r--r - PHONE f: 9tg-262-4\tC EXIST COTISTRUCTION:ALTERATION lf Relocation, is ihere a Natural Gas Line on the arrent Site? No NEW CONSTRUCTION:€RICT tlEl,l STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHELL UPFIT ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: r.1 GENERAL REPAIRS T-.l RELOCATIONH6 rr" rs BLDG sPLfit'NKLERED?ti YesT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE (Check AU That Apply)r If UPFIT - The Shell Permit f:Is Elect Power on this Building li. Yes f. N0 r..** 15 THrs A CHANGE OF OCCUpANCY USE?r YES [-. NO *.'.* tF Yes, uhat was the P.evlous Occupancy Type? - what is the Nev occupancy TvDelAQtH E Gn DEStGtl PROF ESSIOi|AL ,-iolre: lngireeli.rg Prcfessicnals DESCRIPTION 0F r,,oRK: .allns-;a;;rr.r !o sr.-e DESTGN PROFESSIONAL: I'cwer EIrgir-,cerrng protcssionats - PH:919-661-635.t NC REG S:('-t 194 - PH:rjtE51-6,351 NC RE6 s:a-1'/94 ls lood or beve.ages prepared or served in this structure?f*, Yesli- No ts Tfre Property Located In The Floodplainf_ YeE-_ No OISCLAtt!.tER I hereby cerr,ty lhar ail rnlormarion in this applicalio. rs corecr and allwo.k will comply wilh the Slale Euilding Code and all olher applrcable Stale and tocal laws and ord.nances a1d requlaliols I re NdC Developmenl Servrc€s Cenler l^rll be notr''ed ol any chanqes in lhe approved Dlans and specrlicat ons or chdnae ra coitraclor or cgrltlacro, ,illomratron "'NOTE A,1y Work perlomed w/O lhe Appropriale P€,m ls will Lie in Violalion or tfie NC Slate Bldg Code ald sribroctlo FLn€s Up To $500 00"' &"n- conrai. Asbesros or nor. You are required ro call rhe National EmBsron Standards ror Hazardous Air Polluianls (NESHAP) al(919)707-5950 at leasl 10 days prior ro the demoribon ofa.y racilS o.buirdng. Soe Asb€slos Web Site hnp,!!w epislale n. lslepi/asbeslovahmp hrhl TOTAL PROJECT COST: 25I]O(),OO BUILDINGHEIGHT: 20: #OFUNITSI TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF ACRES DISTURBED NEW IN,IPERVIOUS AREAJ PFOPERTY USE:OFFICE RESTAURANT SO FT PER FLR # OF STRUCTURES EXST LAND DISTURBING PERI,,IIT? T YES T NO SO FT EX]STING IMPERVIOUS AREA MERCANTILE EDUC APT CONDO OTHEI SO FT WATER SEWER SYSTEM ZONING USE CLASSIFICATION '':il rrnii/i'a rrl iit,l,T-sql!LrlirEirFr.r!tii:!:: r,ll r'ri PLgc.l^liL..,rijrir f,tri.r'llsti,!:tiil!D ,\,MUNITY PAYMENT METHOD r CASH r CHECK (PAYABLE TO NHC) r- AMERTCAN EXPRESS f*- r"rCl'lrSe [-_ O|SCOVER ZONE: OFFICER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:B Aooroval: Citv: DATE FLOOD BFE+ztt Comment LH RH N PERMIT FEE: I R ENOVATION OWNER/CONTRACTOR:u";;***a;6.. BradConn SIGNATURE: TOTAL AREA SQ FT :f OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS: T.lCFPUA T'] COMMUNITY SYSTEi.,I T"'I WELL ficrnua flceNrner sEprc D Hvrre sEptrc ffi1ryffi'lo c : E 1- NEt^l HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE; COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANTJ S NAME: DEVELOPER: ,.\ /\"72/>zz,( i),cbnr- APPLICATION Number (office Use) . DATE:3 /8/18 PHONE #: PRO]ECT A . 125 S. 3RD STREET LJ.I Y: wrl,l,lrNctoN ZIP 2 284 al OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAlvlE : FrRsr pREsByrERrAN cHrrRCH PROPERTY Ot^lNERr S iIAME: FrRs,r. pjtEstsyrrjRlAN SHURCH Ol.lNERrS ADDRESS: 12s s. 3RD srREEr , CITY: W11y11q616r.r CONTRACTOR: sERvrCE RooFrNG & SHEET METAL Co LICENSE #: 165a1 ADDRESS: 4838 Us Hwy. 421 N - CITY: p11y1116165r EttAIL ADDRESS: dj ones@servi ceroof ing. com PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: pArRrcK DrcKERsoN (Check Al.1 Ihat Apply) PHONE #: 5T: p6 ZIP:2 6 4 91 _ PHONE #: 910-343 9s6o , PHONE #: 910-343 9850 EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION rrent Site? f-ll Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the RELOCATION KLEREDtr_Yesf_ SHELL UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE U l-ll GENERAL REPATRS Tl Yes l-_ no rs BLDG sPFfN NoNEtl CONSTRUCTI0N:ERECr NEW Sr*uCtu*e pFASr rRACK ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The 5he11 Permit #:Is E1ect Power on this Building f. Yes rN0 ***** Is THIS A CHANGE oF oCCUPANCY USE? f YES f. NO {"*x'r"t IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? _ tlhat is the New Occupancy II8fi ?orrro* PRoFEssroNAL :NC ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIoNAL i-NC DESCRIPTION OF NOR K: rean opp ExrsrrNc BUrLT up RooF AND REpLACE wrrH .060 rpo MEMBRANE Roop ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure?f, Yesli, No ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainf Yef_ NoOISCLAIMER: I hereby certity that all information in this application is correcl and all work will comply wilh the State Building Code and all other applicable State and local laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC DeveloDmenl Servicesqr change in contraclor ol c9ill@clor informatlon "'NOTE: Any Work Performed Subiecl-io Fines Up To $500.00"' anv charmils will REG REG PH PH # # Cenler will be notified of 'NC SLate sDecificatrons Bldg Code andW/O the Appropriale Pe of OWNER/CONTRACTOR: pArRrcK DrcKERsoN SIGNATURE: (OElife, (ftintName) Note: Oemolilon nolificalions & asbestos removal permit applications are to be submilted using the application form (DH 768) whether lhe facility or building was lound to contain Asbestos or nol. You are required to callthe National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Polluiants (NESHAP) ar (919)707-5950 at teasl 10 days prior to rhe demolilion ofany lacilily or building. See Asbestos Web Siter htrpJ/www.epi.srate.nc.us/epi/asbestos/ahmp.himt TOTAL PROJECT COST: g3o, s11 BUILDING HEIGHT: 4o'# OF UNITS TOTAL AREA SQ FT: 17oo SQ FT PER FLR TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF:# OF STRUCTURES:1700 ACRES DISTURBED:EXSr LAND DTSTURB|NG pERMtT? r yES r NO SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: CONDO OTHEF 6HUpgH SQ FT WATER -ICFPUA SEWER: FiCFPUA SYSTEM LJ ... s PAYMENT METHOD: COIVIMUNITY SYSTEM T-1 WELL CENTRAL SEPTIC D FRlvnre seprrc T-[ ZONING USE CLAS'dovtituNtrv SIFICATION EPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS f CASH J- cnecx lenvnBrE ro NHc) l- euenrcar EXpREss l-_ rrlcnrrsa l-_ otscovER (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:ZONE: OFFICER LH RHApproval:_ City: DATE_ FLOOT,___^ _____i______ *_ B- BFE+2ft, Comment PERMIT FEE: I C . ST: I1g ZIP: 2s461 NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: # OF STORIES: 2 # OF FLOORS: pRopERry usE: f]oFFrcE ! nesreunnrr ! uencnurrrel-1 EDUCI-1 AprfJ P ?ot1-)144 1e995 APPLICATION l'lumben {0fft(. u.o) :, NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI1aTI1N IYPE; COMTIERCIAL PLEASE AIISI./ER ALT QUISTIONS APPLICASLE TO YOUfi PRO]ECT "Project ResPonsibil1tY" APPLICANT's NAlilE: rirnclce6 |ropiirtics lnc . - , DATE: ADDRESS:852 tse inl s!er Lane lmi L EI.4AIL AODRESS:tonygtl eIe6sDroDert I eBcc. com PROIECT CONIACT pERS0N: Tonv .rolmBon " 3-X-18 PHONE {:0EVELoPERl .Mavfair ToergCenter /cBIr Ploperties PRoIECT ADDRESsT s2o 't'own?CenCer Drlve suit-e Gtl10 CITY: w1l minqEon OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAI4E: Doh cone PROPERTY oWNERrS NAiIE: ilason craf OHNER'S ADDRESS I Moss Tre CITYr wtlml CONTRACTOR: Tlmeless Propertles Inc LICENSE $:6S',t84 CITYi r,i ZrP | 2a4c." ST: NC ZfP:2840s sT: Nc ZIP: 28{05 PHoNE fl: 910-550-53s9 PHoNE fr 910-550 -6359 I-l fprinar nepuRs l-l nrlocnt vFE nro ts eroo spR-iixlrneozExrsl CONSTRUCTTON: E ALTERATTON fl nrHovar ION ION lf Rolocsuon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the CuI.ent Site?I ves fltto NE11 CoNsTRUcTrol: I enrCr NE14 STRU6TURE I rxr rnlcx I Sger-r. [l ulr1r [ rco rO EXIST STRUSIURE If UPFII - The She1l Permlt ir:Is Elect Power on this Bulldlng El Yes il Ho ++r,. rs rHrs a CHAIJGE 0F occupalcy usrr fives flxo **'"* IF Yes, ehat lras the Prevlous Occupancy Typel tlhat ls the Nen occuPancY TYPe?Cookie DoN ARCH OESIGN PiOF€SSIO|IAL:PH:910-3{3-1065 PAr 9\O-210-3'l4J lilc REG S: ?4t4 ilc REG ,: 23913rN6R DESI6N PROFESSIONAL:!.lcdouell Enqineerinq OESCRIPTION OF l,lOR(: I-)nf it 6pacs with rew denrslhq wal16 lnEerior u'aIIs and finjahes ls food or boveragos paepsled or gsrvsd ln thls su(rclurs?ves [ ruo ls fie Prope{ty Located ln Th6 Roodplsln? E ves [l lo wlh lhe srar6 E0ildin o. appli€bl6 Sla!6 iiil1F"lffiil{li}if}!"Ynff''irldii:,flq{i.T:L$ai1qs^{jJ'I,T*ijf;riieill:; Sublectlo Fine3 UP To S500 00"' Eldq Code and OWNEFYCONTRACTOR:SIGNATURE: Nole: oomolldon holic€toas contsln A3baslos oa mt YorJ a& rsqul & !5b66los rsnovsl perml sppllcrdons ar6 rod to csll lh9 Nelooal Emlsslon Stsndstds for Hazsrdous Air PolluLnls (NESHAP) el (919)707'5950 ,1 lottllo b6.ubmltt5d u6lnC h€ sppllcston lom (oHHS or bulldl'lg {6! ,o0nd lo 0 day6 !.lo{ ro rh. dsnblltion ol any bdfiy or b{lldlng S€€,!sbsstoB wob s1Li hi9 J,lrew.gpl,srab.nc.ua/opuosb€5los/ehmp.hl,rl TOTAL PROJECT COST: -!:!9!9- BUILDING HEIGHT 22 f OF I.JNITS: # OF STORIES: rTOTAL AREA SQ FT :16!,0 sa FT PER FLRI 16so TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF; -- # OF STRUCTURES:# OF FLOORS; ACRES DISTURBED;Exsr LANo DrsruRarruc nenurr I ves I xo NEwlMPERVloUSAREA:-SoFTExIsTlNGIMPERvloUSAREA:-SO FT pRopERry usE: noFFrcE flnesraun our lueRcetwtle !eouc fiaer lcoruoo OTHEFI saton WATER: SEWER: @aCFPUA CFPUA T-.] COMMUNIry SYSTEM TIWELL T]ZONING USE CLASSIFICATIONjfi cerurmr- seerrc n n-RMATE sEplc ff doMMUNrry sysrEM PAYMENT METHOD: [f CASH ECirrCK (PAYABLE TO NHC) EeuentCel eXpneSS f] UClvtSe E OtSCOwn (FOn OFFICE USE SETBACKSI FLOOD:BFE+zft= OFFICER: ;)I (2 oJl]|Ln, r,.tAnH,nl/h E,NiI REVIgEO DATE ,{/1 1/12 ZONE Approval I N PERMIT FEE: $_ I I Comm6nt ,1 Crt o DATE -to C!l' In:p*tion Pequlreo, 91 0.254'19$l I PHONE S: ^. sEpAnAT€ PEnt lS REOUTREOFOn rtECT, MECI], pl.BC. CASeOUlP,TRIFA&S & lNSrnIS -' TYNU z , a. o 2or6-N4Lx€-€e5NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI4IT aPPLIcAtIoN rYPt: COIIIIIERCIAL PLEASE A'ISTER ALL QUESTIOIIS APPLICABL€ TO YOUR PRO]€CT "Project ResPonsIbillty" Ei!AIL ADDRESS: t onv@t ime leaaploDert ie 6cc com PROIECT CONTACT PER$TN: ronv Johnson APPLICATION Number (office Use) APPLICA{T'S M}lE: TimeLe66 Properties Inc DATE: 3-1-18 DEVELOPER: r46y1 air Towrt-enter /ProDe!ti PHONE *: PRolEcT ADDRESS: 820 Town€Center Dlive uile G130 ZIP:2840s OCCUPANT/EUSINESS t,IATtE :DOn PROPERW Ot{t{ER'S taA}tE: Ja6on Glaf Oi'INER,, S ADDRESS: Moss Tiee CIW: wi.Imi t ST: NC ZIP: 2840s CONTRACToR: rime ess Properties Inc LICENSE S:65784 ADDRESS: 852 Bedminister Lane CITY: r,ti lminqtoD PHONE ST:q ZIP: _3339 $:910-550-6359 (Ch€ck AII Thtt APPIY) ExrsT coNsrRucrron: E ALTERATToN [z RETVATIoN f] elnrnn REPAIRS f] RELoCATIoT{ r R€roca0on, is rhere a Naturat cas uI'- ii''|" fiit."i i',"i 5vF5 H" ls BLDG sPRIN-KLEneoz [l ves I uo Eht cot6rRucTlqi, I enrcr EU sTRucrURE I raSr rmcx ! sarr-r- fl ur6r ! rco ro Exlsr srRUcruRE ARO{ DESIGN PROFESSIOTIAL:eoodrich ArchitecEure PH:910-343-106s }{C REG *: 7434 If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #;rs Elect PoHer on this Bullding El Yes E Ho ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOTIAL :Mcdowe 11 Enqineeri PH: 910-270 -314'7 NC REG *:23933 ce sith new demi6 1nq 'ealls interior wal16 and fini EheEDESCRIPTION OF WORK:Upfit b bod o. b€\rqage prePa.od d ssY€d ln trb *ucue? Eves flHo 18 Tho Prop€.ty Locdod ln Tho Flooddeh? E ves [l tlo and pplicable State sD€cificatrons Bldg Code and ean OWNEF/CONTRACTOR:Anthonv John SIGNATURE: (oo.Iid) Nol6: D€.nolltoi nodllcatlons & ssb6t6 rrnovrl 9€.mh appllc.to6! aro to bo sub.nltbd ultno th€ sgdlcaloo fqm codah Asbast6 0. nol Yol,ars raqulr€d b c.ll lh€ Nstldlrl Embslon Sfandsrd! lo. HErrdoo! Alr PdlutimE (NESHAP)st (919)m75960 6t ben I dornottbn oa any trdllv o. buudnC. So Arb.dB tfbD Shs: ht9Jh.rrrv sd.61at0.nc.udopualb6to6i/ahmp'tnml or bulldlrC w.3 hmd io 0 day! do. b lho TOTAL AREA SQ FT :1550 SO FT PER FLR:1650 ToTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: - # OF STRUCTURES: WATER: EICFPUA SEWER: f7l CFPUA # OF STORIES: r # OF FLOORS :1 ACRES DISTURBED:EXST LANO DISTURBING PERMIT? E YES E NO NEw IMPERVIoUS AREA:-SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIoUS AREA SA FT pRopERryusE: fhFFrcE Enesraunanr [uencernu f]eouc flaet lcoNoo orHER-seE- ncoMMUNrrY SYSTEM - WELL EzoNlNG usE cl-AsslFlcATloN: E celrner- seprc E p-RrvATE sEprtc 11-coirMUNITy sYsrEM ", SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED TOR ELECT. MECH, PL3G. GAS EOUIP. PREFABS & INSERTS "' (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY)REMSED OATE ,',I11lI2 ZONE:_OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:_LH:_ RH:_ B: Approval:_ City:- DATE: FLOOD: -- - BFE+tr_ AVN Comment OZbF,.e-\ PERMIT FEE: $ CITY: wi l minolon PHONE $: PI(INE $:910-5s0-63s9 *'*.' rs rHrs a cH GE oF occlrPAt{cY usE? EYES B Is **"* IF yes, uhat uas the prevlous occupancy Type? N,/A t rat is the a{en occupancy Type? .@,Eis-4gL pAyMENr METHoD: ficasx Elcnecx (pnvnstE ro NHc) fleuenrcan D@RESS ! ucrvlsl E orscoven TOTAL PROJECT CoST: 13oooo BUILDING HEIGHT:4- #OFUNITS: NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP L I CAT I(N TYPE.. CO}I}IERCIAL PLEASE A'{SHER ALt- qJESTIOTS APpLICABLE I0 youR PRoIECT "PnoJect Responsibllity" xlurr. Pelcz r.ra$u c 2ot6.;r^14lLg-A95 AFFEATia{ Nunber (Offtc. Us.) . DATE :2'/ ?'/8 DEVELOPE PRO]ECT R:PHONE {: OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NA}IE : PROPERTY O{NER' 5 Oti[{ER'S ADDRESS: CO TRACTOR: ADORESS: EIiIAIL ADDRESS: crrvz /);/^ji+"n - LICENSE o, ngZAr/ srWZ zIPtZSt/d3 sr.J,/< ztPt Z6las PHONE S: - cIrY I Utilr\; ttll.A PHONE S PHOT{E T (@Zss'zrlz- QQz-tesfuo e PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSO : ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: (Checr All Ih.t Apply) ItR elocation, is there a Nalural Gas Line on the ALT ERATIOIi trCurrent Site? RENOVATIONr.Tl GENGRAL REPATRS n RELfiATTO{ viiil-_ ruo rs aLoc spEifuxleREof_ vesf-_ EXIST CO|{STRUCTIO'l: N N o EW CONSTRUCTIO:ffene.-f. NEH sTRrrcruRE E FAsr rmcx ! SHELL E upFrr E ADo ro Exrsr srRrrcruRE EN6R DESIGiI PROFESSIO{AL :_ Is E1ect Pover on this Building f.Yes lFt,-,no....* rs THrs a cHAl{GE oF (rcuPAr{cY usE? r YEs lTiD r.r.. IF Yes, Htlat ras th€ Prevlous Occupancy Type? _ Llhat ls the xet. Occupancy IItf toesreir PioFEssror{al : dalf v?*W_NC RE6 S CREG$ DESCRIPTION OF tIORK: ACRES DISTURBED NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA E CFPUA CFPUA E COMMUNIry SYSTEM CENTRAT SEPTIC rorAl PRoJEcr c o* *? <5 *.rtutorl rorAL AREA so Fr , /b-E soFrp TOTAL SO FT UNDER RObF: 76ppa fOFST GHETGHT: Q6' ERFLR:. ,/4 Aoo RUCTURES: I SO FT s a-a, ls lood or beverages prepared or served in this slructure?f- Yefi1tl'o ls The Properly Located ln Tho Floodplainf -Yetrz- ng Cod€ and all olher +di{:able Stalelheolans and so€cficatroflsNC Sbte Bldo Code and Not€: DemdlUm noriflca0oo5 6 ssbostos rerirovElpermil apdic€tionE are !o be subninrd usjng lha afdicslion tolm (DH ) *ielher the tacllity or bulding was lourd tocodain Asbsstos ot not. You aro toqiired lo can lhe N5ldl,l E nisim Sliandards tor Hazrrdou6 Air Polutants (NESHAP) at (9t9)707'5950 al leas 10 days pflor to thedernolitjm ol any ladhy oI ilding. S€€ Asb66los Wab Sfle: hlp://u,rty.epr.stale.nc.ugrfj/asbesbrahmp.hEnl # OF UNITS: I f OF STORIESi # OF FLOORS: EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? T YES T. NO EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: l--I WELL T1 ZONTNG USE CLA PFlvArE sEPTtc BToMMUNtTy SO FI pRopERry usE: g,irrct ! nesrruRertr ! rvrencru.rrrLef-leoufl ecrf[ coNDo orHEr WATER SEWER SYSTEM SSIFICATION ... SEPARATE PERMITS RET,IUIRED IOR ELECl, MECh PLAG. GAS EOUIP, PREFABS 6INSERTS PAYMENT METHOD f cAsH l- cnecx lcavaBLE To NHc) J-_ euenrcaru EXeRESs l-- rvrcnrrse l-_ otscovER ZONE: OFFICER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:LH RH BApproval:_ City: DATE_ FLOOD:_ BFE+2ft,AVN PERMIT FEE: :Comment NHc Nrlc t,,e ruo n&h\q-QfuOL, X4\ )EI/,/ APPLICAiTT' 5 tIAIilE : If UPFIT - The Shell Permit f: OWNER/CONTRACTOR:fi**L,SIGNATURE: ?ot}D,40 APPLICANT'S NAME: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP LICAT lO N TY P Er RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responslbility'' S r..-.,*eo-i e*Pre u-a-f- 5r,,.lc.po r+g Lg;727 Applicatlon Number (omce use) Date: e | , o-) r., t+<.a [LB€F.aJrLe_ci-CITYi lJrr-ArJl,il, J Ztp, lt.{.r(- .t,.; ,. PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDrvrstoN:l-+^rr ^-J A Cl2r,s 9,,\)(,LOT#: Lo PROPERry OWNER'S NAME 6-re, \4eanrel+ { 6aa.r>+pHoNE #: ?(? - 'f9 - ).-g? oWNER'S ADDREss: Vi-3 frtg€ l,Lt\lLeri Lf 611y. LJiu+a, o 6i-l J ztP ls{.,(- CONTRACTO S".-n a,--.t 6r --a-€ S v-sttoo--s ADDRESST B'* {a.ap ?CITY: \^lr LM, {{6C.) J sr: Ncztp: >S 't- S BLDG LICENSE #LBr3( EMAIL ADDRESS:9 w-<1*,\ aoo.4t - <.ott Ji*a +1...,r*'r E Det Garage (SF)_ E Sunroom (SF)! Pool (SF) n Greenhouse (SF)! Deck (SF) TOTAI- PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 4i1a, Property L.,sel Occupancy: Ef Single Family fl DuplexD Townhouse tr Porch (SF) D Storage Shed (5F)_ E/other (sF)3<c.1^ Co o .^ i rg 5 E PHoNE: 4o - 117 " 7:1 c t PH ONE:9ro -141 - )ic\PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration n Renovation I General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence g/Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation ***PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEI-OW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*** D Att Garage (SF)_ unheatedi l>o ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ! v"t EZUo ls any Electrlcal, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure I yes ! No lfthe project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes E No 6) lsthere Electrical Poweronthis Building? g(Yes a No rll a- +t Description of Work:B, n.-u (o r,J 5cn6r,r n ac !1 O*, c.-liJo ConLrLExE s-4o DISCLAIMER: I hereby certifu that allthe information in thh epplicalion is corr€rt and all work will compty wtth the State Buildi ng Code and allother appllcable Stat€ and locallaws and ordinances and regulations. The NHc Development services Center willbe notified ofany changes in the approved plans and specifications orchan8e in contraatorinformation. *"NOTE: Anywork perfo.medwithoutthe appropriate pemits will be in violation ofth dsubject to fines up ro Ssm.m... Owner/Contractor '-J 1)'+* +,c-Ld1 H'"Li.ensed Qudllflet" Print Nom ls the property located in a floodplain? E yes Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft na Slgnature: Total Acres Disturbed:4 e {;,es New lmpervious Are ., d Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: ! Yes ffio WATER; IrCFPUA n Community System D private Well fl Central We fl Aqua SEWER: E/CFPUA E Community System n private Septic D Centralseptic ! Aqua Zone: _ Offlcer: _ Setbacks (F) _ {tH} _ (RH} _ (B} _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (Vl _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= Comment:Permit Fee: S ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D yes n No TOTAL Sq FT UNDER ROOF Vor proposed work) Heated: _ . NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI @T'ON TYPE, RESIDENTIAT R E C E I v E D t{AR 0 1 l0l0l s€ ANs*' * ^[[t:l'3]1::1,:'ot&E r o You R PRor €c1_\$ f ao)tr-Lus{ Ap!,licrton lo(fitE u3€l& APPUCANT'S NAME: Garv M. Anthonv Date: PROJECT ADDRTSS: 8421 Bald Eaole Ln CrY: !!ilrniislen ztP. 28411 suBDtvtSroN:LOT f PROPERW OWNER'S NAME: ^ same Garv Anthorw OWNER'S ADDRESS: PHoNE f: (910) 547-0218 CITY AP.. t/,t/r CONTRACTOR BLDG UCEr{SE r:-.-- 5TADDRESS:cnY /th EMAII ADDRESS:PHON PROJTCT CONTACT PERSON Ownar - Gr^,PHoNE: t910) 547-0218 EXISIIitc CONSTRUCnOT{: I Alteration Ll Renovation i General Repairs NEu, CONSrRUCnOlt I Erect New Residence L Addition to ExistinS Residence ! Relocation ITT.PIEAST CHICK A'{DANSWER EEIOW ATT TIIAT APPTYTO YOUR PROJICTI,T I Att Gffage (5F) _Cl Det Garage (SF)n Porch (sF) ll Sunroom (5F) - tr Pool (SF)_X Slorage Shed (SF)aprtox 12x50 n Greenhouse (sF)_i-l Deck (sF)il Ortler (SF) Itthe proposed work changing the exininS footpriht? I Yes [] No Approx. Uhhcated: 596.3 8q.fr.TOTAT SQ tT UNDERROAF llor goposed wor*) Heated: TOTAI PROJECT COST (Lesi Lot): 5 Estimated $19.000 ls the proposed work chanSinS the number ol bed rooms? rl Yes [j No ls anfE&qEEEU PlumblrE or lvledt.nlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure E Ye3 :l o lf the pmiect is a Rebcatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? :.r- Yes a o ls there ElectricalPower on thls Building? I Yes:_ No Property Use/ Occupancy: l'l Slr8le Famlly ex ! Townhouso Descrlption of work:Storaoe sherl orl hac s ard lawn molvers 12x5O "Old Hi.korv" orefah arrl uild on-site buiHinos We arezoned R-20S, I have read and no problem w/ sebacks - Some block botings on one low erd, < ? feet. ll alert u/cll ha.l fr.tm tha <artli. .l in fiel.l e rrt lhpra ic rh HOA law! .nd o.dinanceiand rct ul.t ion3. Th€ NHc Dev€bpment 5€rvi(€s c€ntEr wiI b€ notilpd of any dirnter in the approved phns and sp€dliEatjons s ch. n8e in rontrxlorrnlorm.tion. "'t{OrE: Any worl p€rlormed wihorrt the.pprogri.te pelmiiswill be in violaron ol the NC Stiis Bl€ Code.nd !L6lecl to t|'|es lo to S!00.00.,. recro.. Gary Anthony Sknature:flr1'Ucensed Qw$ie/ Print l,tome lsthe propeny located in a rloodplain? tl yes !21 No Ex|nirE lmpervloG Area: -- Sq Ft Total Acres Osturbed. - 596 sq. ft l,lew lrF.rvbl,s Area: _ Sq Ft EdsttB t nd Dlnurblnt pernrit I ye3 A o WAfER: f_l CFPUA fl Community Sysr€m X private Well D Central Well fj Aqua sEwERt n CFPUA c Communlty syslem a private septic ! centralsep r t"l Aqua Uoie: _ Offcer: _ S€tback (F) _ {rHt _ {RHt _ p} _ Apprwak _ Chy: _ Date: _ rbod: (A)_ (Vl _ {n}_ BFE+2t= _Comment:Permh Fee:s Clear Form i print I t-pw,2.O?// ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLTAIK)N TYW : RESIDENTIAL PITAE ANSWER ru qUESTlo'{S APPIICASTE TO YOUR PROJECT 'ProlGct t.tpootlbllly JotS-213 t L8-7 62 Arrlc.don loilicc u!.) APPUCANTS NAME:Mary Looan - Lrgan Homes orY Wilmington Drtt:I A?IPROJECI AODN"ESS:D- suBDMstol,tr Coltage tOT l: 3 PROPERTY OWNEtrS itAME: bgan Devslopers LLC PXO Tfr:9'10-452-7175 OI,\'NER'I ADDRESS:60 Gregory Rd oTY: Belville ztP W. COTfiRACTOR:Logan Homes gLD6 ggE13p g1 34408 ADDRESS:60 Grcgory Rd 6n; BeMlle sT:!qap:2&451 EMAIL ADDRESS:mlogan@loganhomBs.com PHONE:9l0.452-7175 PRO',ECT COiITACT 96156p1 Mary Logan PHONE:91c-{.s2-7175 ExEnNG ooNsTRUCTloflr D AlterEtlon D Renovrtlon E General Blpaln NEW COI{$IUCnO : El Er€ct Ncw Rlsldencc O Addition to Exietlng Residcn€e E Relocatlon aaa aaa E att earasc 1sr1 t*15 O Det 6.rr8c (sF) - p, rorch (sr)r0s E) Sunroom (SF)O Pool(sR - O storase Shed (sFl _ tr other (sO - E GrGrnhous€ (sF) - El o.d (sr) lsthr propos€d work ch.rlginl the numb€] ot bedrooms? El YGs d'No ls any glctrlc.l, Plumbl4 or M.rhrikrl wort beinS donc to the A&ssory Strucure tr vcr { t{o lf the protect ls a Rclo(|dm, is th€re e NaturslGas LFeon th. cnrrcnt sitc? Ct Ye' I No ls th.re ElectricrlPow.r on lhl! Bulldlnt? tr Ycr {llo Propcrty Urd (kg.D.ncy: E gndc F.mty tr Duphx [J Tovrhors. Descdptlon of Wo*: SFR - ner construclion law. and ordh.ru.s .nd r.tul.tioN. lhe tlHc Dewhpm.nt S.M_c!! c.nt r will b. notificd ol .ny chlnfll in lhc .ppror.d phns .nd ,p..illi.tionr or dr.nt. ln .ontrstor ln o.rn.rbn. ...xOE: Any wort Frfofmd silho'rt th! .!9ro9rbt. p.mhwnlba h vlobtlon ol th. NC Stn. Bldt Cad!.rrd srbjld to nhs op to 55ln.m... Awna.lCa ntrrdor: D Logan 'Lic.n*dQuotlw ,,lnt Nom. lsthcpropertylocatedin afloodplain? D YGs F No Erlnint lmp.rvlou. Arcar 0 5q Ft rotal acres Ol*urbcd: , lD Signtture: .r lntplwkrur Arc., 3SK q rt trdrth! brd olsturbtni Pcrmh: D Yc. E 1lo WAIERT El CfPUA El Clmmunity System E Private Well E Grtralwell E A{ua SEWER: E CFPUA 0 Community System E Prlvat€ Septlc E Centralsrptlc E Aqua Zonc: -- Otffc.c _ Sctb.ds lt) _ ltH) _ lRlll _ (B) _ Approv.l: -- Oiy: - D.ter _ Flood: (Al _M _ (N) _ lFEr2ft= _ commcnti Permh Fcc: $J 1.00 15 thr propo5ed work dln8lnt thc ldrting footprlnt? E Yrs D No TgtAL sq Fr uIlDtR R oo| lfot propot d war*) ncet"a, QJ"l{ unrrcetrdr \.4O3 ToTAL ?RorEcr oo$ (rcs ro0: S-:ZS QI]CDQ