2017-09-26 MinutesAGENDA New Hanover County / City of Wilmington Community Relations Advisory Committee City Hall Lord Spencer Compton Meeting Room September 26, 2017 5:30PM Members present: Ron Sparks Florence Warren Evelyn Bryant Owen Wexler Emily Cottrell Kristen McKeithan Lori Wainwright Walter Samuels Melanie Franks Jeff Horvis I.Call to Order a.Chairman Ron Sparks II.Approve July minutes a.Motion to approve: Owen Wexler b.Second: Melanie Franks III.Comments a.Councilmen Earl Sheridan Explained why the committee was formed and what the initial intention was for the committee. They felt there was a need in the community for a place where the citizen could express themselves and would bring back advice to the City Council and the County Commissioners. He described his vision for the committee. He had hoped this committee would bring back reports to the elected official regarding what they are doing and what they would recommend to improve human relations. He acknowledged his appreciation to committee members for serving on the committee. He talked about how he would expect the committee to address specific issues. He recommended responding to these issues on a broad level b.Commissioner Jonathan Barfield Talk about his initial intention in forming this committee. He recognized the ongoing race relations efforts. He talked about his concerns with the make-up of the board. Barfield noted existing challenges in the community that he felt this committee can be a part of. They opened the follow for questions of them: 1.They discussed member attendance and reappointments 2.Melanie Franks expressed that the committee is struggling to move forward. She explained there are challenges in getting there name out. She felt the committee needed some type of budget. Sheridan responded that there was money available for reasonable request via the committee÷s budget. 3.Florence Warren expressed concerns with the speed that committee has been moving. 4.Lori Wainwright mentioned that there were already activities going on that she was not aware of. There was some conversation about how this committee should be interacting with all aspects of the committee. 5.Evelyn Bryant expressed her concern about the committee not being as involve with committee as it should. She was concerned with not having the event that was planned for this meeting. Commission Barfield expressed the need for the committee to get to know each other. IV.Action Items/ Follow-up a.Ron Sparks stepped down as the Chairman and as a member of the board b.The committee went through an election of officers. i.Motion by Jeff Hovis to open the floor for nominations Second by Melanie Franks c.Elected Chairman: i.Motion by Walter Samuels to make Owen Wexler as Chair Second by Jeff Hovis d.Elected Vice Chairman i.Motion by Florence Warren to make Evelyn Bryant Second by Melanie Franks e.Election Secretary i.Motion by Melanie Franks Second by Owen Wexler V.Committee Reports a.Crisis Management i.They are still having their regular meeting b.Public Education i.The Chairman would like to speak at the next City Council and County Commissioner÷s meetings. This would give an opportunity be on the local TV program. Lori stated the committee has done a lot and would need to make a year- end report. Florence Warren expressed the need to broadcast the meeting everywhere. They would like to have a community meeting in conjunction with from 5:30PM-7:30PM in the gym at the their next regular meeting on October 24 th Martin Luther King Center. Erris will prepare an agenda for regular meeting. c.Programming i.The programming committee will meet prior to the meet and greet. Florence Warren expressed concerned about meeting as an entire committee prior to the meet and greet. ii.They had further discussion about having business cards. They also have brochures to pass out to the community. They had more discussion about having a business card. Owen and Melanie were desiring having cards. iii.Evelyn Bryant expressed concern about having a press release for the Meet and Greet event. Emily will write the press release and Erris will send it out. iv.The programming committee would like to meet Tuesday October 3 at 4PM. Find rd a room. VI.Closing Comments a.Evelyn Bryant asked that since the committee is going into a new year, each committee member would bring back at least one issue that they would like to work on as a way to keep the committee focused. She will looking for a way of prioritizing that list to a few action items for the year VII.Adjournment Motion to adjourn: Owen Wexler