MARCH 26 2018 BUILD APPS20€-Js55Nt r._ ct E 7 DEVE LOPER: c NEI^J HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: COM ERCIAL PLEASE ANSW€R ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" tu€-5t3 APPLICATION Number (office Use) APPLICANT'S NAIIE: 1,16ig6 g i 1156n -DATE: 2 /9 /7a Water Street Ventures. LLC PRO] ECT i ,Jd Grace St reet wi 1mi n ton ZIP | 284ar _ PHONE *: 91t-341-?810 OCCUPANT/BU 5 l0llE 3 piygr p1... {i\PROPERTY OIINER'S NAIIIE: ciry of 1aj.tminsron OWNER'S ADDRESS: r9z n. 3rd street CONTRACTOR: BarnhiIl Conrracting Company CITY:91i1.ingsq1 5T: xg ZIP: 2g491 ST: NC ZIP: 28401 - LICENSE *: 319a ADDRESS: 272 North Eronr street, suite 420 CITY:6i1.innaon EIIAIL ADDRESS: ssmithGbarnhittcontracring.com - PHONE f: PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: s;.rh.. s.1s6 . PHO E #: gt9-215-Aq31 EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the arrent Site?rNo NEttl CONSTRUCTI0N: ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: H.KLERED|_ YesJ-_ GENERAL REPAIRS l-- No lS BLDG S RE LOCATION (check Al1 That Apply) ES If UPFIT - The SheU Permit #Is El€ct Pouer on this Building f. Yes r NO *'x**!t IS THIS A CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY USE? f yES f. N0 ***rri IF Yes, Hhat was the Prevlous Occupancy Type? _ l,llhat is the Neu Occupancy Iltfitrrtrun pRoFEssroNAL: DMA Architecture,PLIC - PH; 335-912-2326 NC REG *: 61s 1 ruC nEe *:-EI{GR DESIGN PROF ESSIONAL :- Eng i nee red Designs DESCRIPTION OF WORK: s"" altacnea ls lood or beverages prepared or served in this structure?f . Yesli- No ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainl-- Yef - NBCutUea: t mreOy certify thal all informalion in lhis applicalion is correcl and nances and reoulalions. The NHC Oevelooment SeNlc€sor contraclor rirformation. "'NOfE:Any Work Pertormeds500.00-' all work will comply wilh the Stale Building Code and Centerwillbe notrfEd of anv chanoes in lhe aoorovedw/O lhe Appropriale Permrls wllSe rn Violalion of lhe all other applicable Slate Dlans and soecificalionstrlc Stare Eldg code andand locallaws and ordi PH: gt g-gst-gagt F,={o biecllo \, Fines up To WNER/CONTRACTOR: n. stephen smith SIGNATURE BUILDING HEIGHT..146'-2 '7 / 32"# OF UNITS: ? 9 -J a2 TOTAL AREA SQ FT: 95,951 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: e5, e51 ACRES DISTURBED: 2.5r SQ FT PER FLR: . . s. ogq # OF STRUCTURES: r # OF STORIES: 12 # OF FLOORS: 6 NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA PROPERTY USE: EOFFICE I nesreUnnrur EXST LAND DISTURBING PERi,4IT? _li YES T NO COMI\4UNITY SYST CENTRAL SEPTIC EM r-I WELL ffivATE sEPTtc T1 ZONING USE CLASSIFICATION 'IioMMUNtrYCFPUA CFPUA .- SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIREO FOR ELECT, i,{ECH. PLBG. GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERIS PAYMENT METHOD f CASH f . cHEcK (PAYABLE To NHc) f - AMERICAN EXPRESS l-- t',lcrutse J-- otscoven ZONE: OFFICER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F: Approval:- City:- DATE- FLOOD BFE+2ft' B Comment LH RH N _PHONE *: 91A,2Oa-3512 ERECI NEr.i STRUCTURE E FAST rRACK E SHELL E uPFrr n aDD ro Exrsr srRUcrURE (Oualifiod (P nlNa@) contain Asbestos or not. you are required to catlthe Nationat Emission Standads lor Hazardous Air Pollulanls (NESHAP)sl (S19)707-5950 at least 10 days priorlo lhe demolilion ol any lacility or building. Ses Asbestos Web Sitei http://wYvw.epi.state.nc.uveprasb€siorahmp.hhl TOTAL PROJECT COST: 68, 555, OOO SQ FT I/ERCANTTLEI-1 EDUoZL APTI-I coNDo orHEr e xercise - WATER: SEWER: SYSTEM PERMIT FEE: : _ rli.llr FLOODZONE *HoJdT'HAm'* PFuilfirtit [<ec4ulredz I c 1 NETAI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING APPLICATION rrPE: ColtttilERCIAL PLEAST A S!{ER AtL QUtSTrO},lS APPTICABLE T0 YOUR PRoltcT "ProJect ResPonslbillty'' APPLICANT'S NAIIE i lucien sttison -PHONE f: 919 -200-3512 AFFtffir-ioN tlunber (offl.c us.) DATE: 2/9/ tB ZIP:264g1DEVELoPER: .water street venrures LLC PRO]ECT ADD : I Grace street fi lmington oCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAME: River PIace PROPERTY oUNER'5 NAI4E: sl gt of Hilnington , PHONE S: 910-341-7810 CONTRACTOR: Ba rnhi 1I con!ractiDg comPany ADDRESS: 272 r.sq - LICENSE $: 319a CIW! p11616916n 5T: xg ZIP: 26461 PHONE ST; Nc ZIP: 20401 *: - PHONE f:919-21s-0930 rt,h Front Street, Suite 420 CITY! pi161ngse1 EMAIL ADDRESS: ssmit h€barnhi t lcont!act in PRO]ECT CONTACT PER Stephen smlth EXIST CONSTRUCTION: l, Relocauon, is lhere a Natural Gas Lina on ALTERATION theE RENOVATION lrent Site? f-. No NEhI CONSTRUCTION i (Chec* all lh.t aPPIY) GENERAL RTPAIRS l-_ No ls BLDG s ER'PRINKL ERED'{-- Yesf-- LOCATION ERECT NEl{ STRUCTURE EFA5T TRAC( E SHELI UPFIT E ADD To Exrsr STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Permit f:Is Elect Por.er on this Buildlng f, Yes f NO .r.'r Is THIS A CHAiIGE IF Yes, rhat was the Prevlous OccuPancy Typel oF occuPANcY usEl r YES f-. tlo ""' Nhat is the Ner occupancy IXEfi?ortra, PR,FESST,'JAL: py1 p.chj.tecture. PLLC - PHi 336-912-2320 NC REG S: 5161 NC RE6 f; EI{GR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL:- Engineered Designs PH:- 19-g 5l -84 81 DESCRIPTI0N 0F I'JORK: See AtLached OIINER'S ADDRESS: 102 N. 3rd street - )Zotg-Ls+) U45TJ A-PPLrcATro{ Number (offlc€ use) 3?f 7 1 z A,.\D lr)b'L'/'Yo PPLICANT'5 lJAllE: Lucren E1t i son -DATE: 2/12/tB EVELOPER: water street ventures, LIrc ROJECT CCUPANT/BUSINESS NAIiIE : plygr. p16sg Li llrtlqt on - PHONE S: 91A'2OO -35j 2 ZIP i z}Aar PROPERTY OWNER'S NAfiE: ol..lNER'5 ADDRESS: to2 x City of Wi Imington PHONE #: 91C-341-7810 CONTRACTOR: Barnhifl Contracting company - LICENSE S: 31e 4 3rd St reet CITYI qi 16i6g166 ST: Ng ZIP: 2g461ADDRESS: 272 North Front street, suite 420 CITY:9y11.gnn1on Ei,lAIL ADDRESS: ssmirh6barnhif lconrracting.com . PHONE *: PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: 51gph6n 5m11t.l - PHONE S: 919-215-0930 EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION lf Relocation, is there a NaturalGas Line on the urrent site?r (che.k All Ihat Apply) ES GENERAL REPAIRS [-_ tto IS BLDG s trPRINKLERED[_ Yesl-- RELOCATION No NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHELL UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #:Is Elect Power on this Building r Yes r **r** rs THIS A CHANGE oF occUPANcY UsE?f YEs l-. N0 ***** IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? _ What is the Neu Occupancy I{tfi ?rrrrun PR.FEssrorAL : D}r\Architecture, PLLC - PH:919-651-9491 NO r,,rc REG *:-- PHr336-912-2320 NC REG #: 6181 ENGR DESIGN PR0F ESSIOiIAL:- g'g i nee red Designs ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure?f - Yesli- No ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainli- Ye{-_ NoDISCLAIMER. I hereby cen,fy lhal all inlormation in this applicalion is co.recl and all vyork will comply with the Slate Building Code and all other applicable Stale and local laws and ordinances and requlalions. The NHC Develooment S€rvc€s Center will be noufied ol anv chanoes in lhe aDDroved Dlans and soErlicalions or chanoe in conlractor or contractor rilfomation. "'NOI E: Any Work Performed w/O the Appropflate Permrls w ll 6e rn Violati6n ol rhe |.{C Srate Bldg Code a1dSubjedlo Frnes Up To S500.00"' DESCRIPTIoN 0F WoRK: see Attached OWNER/CONTRACTOR: R. srephen smirh SIGNATURE: # OF UNITS: ts TOTALAREASQFT:107 866 SQ FT PER FLRI ro {o@rifio.) (Pdd Name) containAsbeslos or not. You are required to callthe National Emission Standards tor HazardousAr Pollulanls (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 a1le6sl l0days prior to lhe demolition olanylacilityor building. See Asbestos Web Sile: http://w.epi.slate.nc.u9epi/asbestos/ahmp.hrrnl 181 # OF STORIES # OF FLOORS 13 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: to7,B66 #OFSTRUCTURES: I NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: EXST LAND DISTURBING PER[4IT? F YES T NO CONDO OTHET 10 SQ FT WATER SEWER SYSTEM CFPUA CFPUA ^^ sE fI WtLL N ZONING USI CLASSIF Fnlvare seprrc D'CoMMUNTTY (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F: COMI\,1UNITY SYSTEM ICAIION CENTRAL SEPTIC PAAATE PER{\IITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT I{ECH, PLAG, GAS EOUIP, PFEEABS & INSERTS PAYMENT METHOD [- casn J-. cHecK (PAYABLE To NHc) f _ AMERTCAN EXPRESS f-_ rr,lcLrrsn l-_ orscovER B Comment LH RH PERMIT FEE: I NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPP: COII1MERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE IO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" ADDRESS: 240 North water street 5T: xg ZIP: 2s4g1 tr tr ToTAL PRoJECT CoST: 6s,555,000 BUILDING HEIGHT: "- 46' -2 t/32" ACRES DISTURBED: 2,61 SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: pRopERry USE; EoFFrcE ! nesreunar.rr I MERCANTLETI EDUCI-] AprEl_ ZONE: OFFICER: Approval:- City: DATE- FLOOD:- BFE+2ft' AVN \N l'r.FLooD zoNE c iw E n s i #""Jh fry3 NEW HANovtl^,:YlJ] .'#lh?#,.' trUW Review P.EAs'E airsr€Ril. QuEsl?:#::Tiii:;rPerrn it Re{iffiffid Lucien Ertison -DATE'. z/tz/ta cz c APPLICANT, S IJAfiE : DEVELOPER: w>ter PROJ ECT St leet Ventures LLC 240 North llater Street .PHONE fl: src-zo1-3512+ U rlurtngqorl ZrP:2saol ++E OCCUPANT/BUSINESS AilE: Rrver place PRoPERTY oUNER'S NA E: cir of t ilmi ton+O0TNER'S ADDRESS: r02 H. 3rd street t{l Irnlngton CONTRACTOR: Ba rnh 1I I ConEracting company ADDRESS: 2?2 Norlh Fronr street, suite 420 CITYI pi 161691en EI'IAIL ADDRESS: ssmirh0barnhi I Iconrlacring. com PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: 5gsphsn s.ish (ch..k AU rh.t Apply) PHONE S: 910-341-7gtO ST: N6 ZIP: 2s461 5T: p6 ZIP: 26491 PHONE S: PIONE S:919-21s-0930 urront Site?r l-i t'to IS BLDG S nPRIN KLEREDf _ Yesf-_ RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RETOCATION es EXIST CONSTRUCTION: ! ATTERATION lf Relocation. is lhere a Natural Gas Ling on ths NoIEW CONSTRUCTION:EREcr irEr{ srRucruRE EFAsr TRACK E sHEU.UPF IT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: EiIGR DESIGN PROFESSIOT/AL:-Engineered Designs If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #:Is Elect Porer on this Building fr Yes f NO .,r*' rs THrs A cHAilGE oF occupAt{cy usE? fl yEs fftF Yes, uhat xas the Prcvlous Occupancy Type? _ Hhat is the ller Occupancy I[EFlrrsrcr pRoFEssroNAL: DMA Architecture PLLC PH:335-912-232s NC R€G *r 5181PH;919-851-8i91 NC REG #: OWNER/CONTRACTOR: R. stephen shith SIGNATURE: TOTAL PROJECT COST: 68, sss, ooo BUILDING HEIGHT: t46, -2 1/32' TOTALAREASQFT: 1O?8 66 SQ FT PER FLR:. to 't 81 f OF STORIES: rt TOTAL SQ FT UNOER ROOF: 107,866 #OFSTRUCTURES: r f OF FLOORS: ro ACRES DISTURBED: 2.6i EXST LAND DTSTURa|TC eenrvrrT? _Ji VeS f ruO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA PROPERTY USE EoFFrcE I nesreunnr'rr ! MERcANTLED Eoucf[ ner@ CONDO OTHE' + s, -sLv (^s-3 a-=_ ls tood or bevsragos prspared or sBrvsd in this structurs?fi Yesff! tto ls The Pmperty Located ln The Floodplainlil- YoE-- NoiiSCLAIMER: I heroby c€nily thar 6ll info.metidl in this appliElion is coroct snd sfl wfik will comply wib tho Stato Buildiog Cod6 .rd all other oppliceblo State snd loE6l laws and odinahcas Bnd ro.gulElions. Tho NHC Doveloomsnl Sslvicss Csnter will bo ho$fiod ol 6ny chanoss in lho aDorovod Dlans and 3D€cificllionsq ch6n0e h contraclor ![ -q)euactor ihlorn6lion. "'NOTE Any Wo.k Pedo.med w/O lho Appropriote Permils rvill So in Vrololbn ot lhsNC Stat6 Eldg Code snd$bi6dlo FirEs UP To ts{)o.m"' @orlili.., lP.id N.'E) contaan Ab€slos or nol You arc raquir.d lo call lhc N.lional Embsion Sl,andard! lor H!.ol(bus Air Pollullnls (XESH P) !l (919)707-59$ .l le8st 10 (hys p.br to th6 Cmolition ol any lacility or b.rilding. 506 Asb€stos Wsb Siro: htrp.//w w.6ti-slalo.nc.uroprasb€slos,/ahmp.ht nl t WATER SEWER SYSTEM CFPUA CFPUA '"s COMMUNIrySYSTEM T.IWELI Tl ZONING USE CLASS CENTRAL SEPTIC [J FRIVATE SEPTIC 3iCOUI UT V IFICATION e otb..ihi<2ft, I t',p. CAN EXPRESS I- UCNTISA I- DISCOVER fi Pev't?c *Pfio-vz4 Ploa,oH_*_nH_&_e_*_ EPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECI, MECH, PI AG GAS EOUIP, PR€FABS 6 INSERIS PAYMENT METHOD: f- CASH J- CHeCr lenVnaLE To NHC) r- AMERI zoNe: C[4i) orrtcen (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F: * L Aooroval: Citv:W I t- t'l^ DATE -?ws*n, +o Yorionc. B,qv 6 rlooo $.<.) crtl-,(J,' r ' F 8l{,3r'd [ie ICcmmentt cD*"t5 *,/ -7"c c{-?t,o trc./ plorr * Ver1q nc, PERMIT FEE ,21JSq ._ - LICEiISE S: 31ea DESCRIpTIoN oF ttoRK: su-" At.u"h.d. f OF UNITS: s8 BFE (] =.rt-f(o so Fr g):o-) o:; o ZOB ?/jLI ll4-15SaL APPLICATION NumbeF (offl(e Use) -DATE: z/s/18 \jN rY. ., NEI^I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION rYPE: COIIIMER€IAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPI.ICASTE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANT'5 NAl,lE: r,ucien strrson DEVELOPER: .water street venlures, PRO]ECT LLC CITY: !,ri rmllgsen _ PHONE #: src-2oo-35.72 ZIP i 2B4At PHONE *: 91C-341-r810 5T: 116 ZIP: 29 4 61 ST: N6 ZIP: 2g461 PHONE #: wilmington OCCUPANT/BUSINESS tlAitE : River prace PRoPERTY Ot4lNER'S NAfiE: cir of Wi lmin ton OhINER'S ADDRESS: roz N. 3rd srreet CONTRACTOR: BarnhiII Conrracting company ADDRESS: 272 North Fr:ont street, suite 420 Ei'IAIL ADDRESS: ssmirhGbarnh i I Icont racr ins. com _ LICENSE f: 319a CITY: witrningtoo PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: s;"r6.n sors6 . PHONE *: 919-2t5-as3a EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION tfRelocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the urrent Site?r GENERAL REPAIRS l- No lS BLDG S trPRIN RELOCATION KLEREDf_ Yes[-- UPFIT tr ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE (check AII That Appty) ES No NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEtl STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHELL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The SheU Permit *:Is Elect Power on this Building f Yes r *!t*** Is THIS A CHANGE 0F occuPANcY usE?f YEs f. NO rr!** IF Y€s, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? _ What is the New Occupancy IXtfi loesrc,r PRoFEssroNAL: DMA NO Architecture, PLIC - PHt 336-9-12-2320 NC REG *: 6r8t ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL :-Engineered DesigDs PH :919-851-8481 NC REG si DESCRIPTION OF WoRK: sJl-I[u.n.o ls lood or beverages prepared or served in this structure?f- Yesli- No ls the Property Located ln The Floodptainl-- yef_ NoDISCLAIN4ER: I hereby cerlify lhal all inlormalion in lhis applicalion is mrrect and all work willcomply with rhe State Buitding Ccide and a[ olher appticabte Sraleano local laws and ordinances and regulalions. The NHC Dev€lopmenl Services Center wrll be noUfii# of anv chanoes rn th; aoDroved otans and sHifi.ationsor chanoe in @nliaclor or contraclor rnfomalion. "'NOTE: Any WoIt Pedormed wO rh€ Appropaare Permils w,I bt in viotariSri of ttri IIC Srare 6IO-9 Cod6 e;dSubjecllo Fines Up To $500.00"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR: R. srephen smirh SIGNATURE:(o@rifie4 (Pdot N6m) coniain Asbeslos or not. You are.equired to callthe National Emission St€ndads lor Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP)6t (919)707-5950 at least 10 days pnor o the demolition ofany lacilityor tuilding. See Asbeslos Web Site: http://wvrw.epi.srate.nc.uyepi/asbesios/ahmp.htrnt TOTAL PROJECT COST: 68,555,000 BUILDING HEIGHT 146'-2 1/32" TOTAL AREA SQ FT: 38,869 IOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 3s,86e ACRES DISTURBED: 2.61 SO FT PER FLR:. o, qre # OF STORIES: ? # oF STRUCTURES-i- # oF FLooRS: EXST LAND DTSTURBTNG pERMtT? _lr yES r NO CON,4MUNITY SYSTEM CENTRAL SEPTTC l-J T-'I WELL T-'I ZONING UHvere seprrc E?oMMUNrrY (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F: NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA SQ FT EXISTING IIVIPERVIOUS AREA: CONDO OTHEI SO FT WATER SEWER SYSTEM CFPUA CFPUA ^-s SE CLASSIFICATION EPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT lviECH, PLaG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS E INSERTS PAYMENT METHOD l- cnsx l-. crecK (eAvABLE To NHc) f- AMERIcAN EXeRESS J-_ vcnrrsn l-_ orscoven ZONE: OFFICER:LH RH B Approval:_ City:_ DATE_ FLOOD:_ BFE+2ft,_ AVNComment PERMIT FEE: i ADDRESS: f OF UNITS: 34 pRopERry USE: EoFFtcE ! nesrnunnr.rr I MERCANILETI EDUcfl AprEI ^$\\" \3 9 '$\ Uq Dq t* + q. Z , ,,-fi h9,PR#PI)lE*-,-*%w"--H{b4#: AppLrcAtron rypEi courilERcrAl ^ .trt Rgn+li+.FC[prEAsr ANsl,ER a.- QursTror,rs applrcaBlE ,o "o* ,*rpG F[Tl Nunber"Project Responslblllty,, (officp usc) APPLICANT'S IIAME: Lg61s6 s111sqn _DATE: 2/9/ rg DEv€LOPER: water street ventures, LLC PROJECT -PHOllE f : 9lo-2oO-3572 ' l0 Grace Street fiilnington ztP':28 40t OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAME: River place PROPERTY O]'INER'S NAlttE: cir of 9lilmin ton OWNER'5 ADDRESSI r02 n. 3rd street CONTRACTOR: BarnhiIt conrracring company ADDRESS: 2?2 North Eront street, suire 420 Et'lAI L ADDRESS: s smithpbarnhi I Iconr racring. com - LICEIISE fl: 31e4cIrY, wrr.rnfiil] - PHO E f: 910-341-?8to . PHONE S: PROIECT CONTACI PERSON: sg.th.^ s.igh - PH0tlE S: gtg-2ts-Og3O E sHELr n uPFrr f]AOD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ((he(k AII Ihat Apply) EXIST CoNSTRUCTION: fl l, Relocation, is there a Natural ALTERATION No NEI,' CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEtl STRUCTURE FAST TRACI( Gas Line on the ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: Is Elect Polrer on this Buildlng f Yes r NO ,*... rs THrs a CHANGE OF OCCUPAflCY USE?rl yES f-; n0 ..... IF Yes, yhat Has the Prevlous Occupancy Type? _ Nhat ls the New Occupancy t $ s ls rood or beveragss prepared or seBed in this structure?f Yasf., No ls The Property Loc.ted ln The Floodplaint-; Yef_ NoDISCLAIMER I hereby c€n y lhat all inro(maljon in liis application is correcl and 6ll work will comply wih trle StEt6 Building Code aM all olher applicable Stale End locsllaws aM ordrnanc€s and rooulatiohs. The NHC OevebDment Soryicls Conterw lbc noutod ol &v chenoos in lhe eoorovad ohns and soaclicalrons or chsnoe in conlrEclor or conkaclor informrlion. "'NOTE Any Wotk Pa.formed w/O the Appropriate Pormils w{| 56 in Viol6tidi ol fi6 NC Stalo gldg Code andSubjectlo Fines Up To 1500.00"' TvDelANIHDESIGN PROFESSIO!,IAL: DMA Archilecru.e. pLlC . PHi j36-972-2320 NC REG f:6181 EUGR DESIGtl PROFESSIOIJAL:- s,,ineered Desi ns PH;919-g5l-8a81 NC REG {: DESCRIPTION 0F WORK: s"-. Att."hud, TOTAL PROJECT COST: 68,555,000 BUILDING HEIGHT TOTAL AREA SO FT: 38 859 SQ FT PER FLR, .a-3lj_ SOF STRUCTURES: 1 # OF SToRIES: I TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: :e,8se # OF FLOORS: 6 ACRES DISTURBED: 2 6i NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA SQ FT EXISIING IMPERVIOUS AREA CONDO OTHET ..__J OWNER/CONTRACTOR: n. ste hen smith SIGNATURE: (Auli..) lP,i.l ihitE) cootain Asbcstos or not You Ele requied to call lhe Nrlbnsl Elnhsaon Sl.ndedr ,or Haz.rdous Ak Poltullds (N ESH P) !t (919)707-5950 at l6ast 10 days p or lo ths damolitbn ol any raolily or building- Sos Aebeslos Wob Si6: hltp://ww.opi.Elate.nc.us/opi/6sbostos/ahmp.hlrnl 146'-2-t/32" r oF UNITS: 34 E CLASSIFICATION c)i:? ]:,sf) = S WATER SEWER SYSTEM CFPUA CFPUA COMMUNITY SYSTEM CENTRALSEPTC f] T-I WELL T''I ZONING USHvere seprrc 3Tollnlururw IE.o l\> PAYMENT METHOD CASH T,CHECK (PAYABLE TO NHC) T AMERICAN EXP' lron orrtce usebrlvy | ?cr-rQ RESS r MCA/ISA J- _ OtSCOVenc crqrovld pten. RH { B_*__zoNE: fBP oFFtcER @ ... SEPARATE PERMIIS REOUIRFD FOR ETECT, MECH, PTBO, GAS EOUIP, PREFABS A INSERTS SETBACKS: F:1 LH_{._ Approval Ci LooD: At q,BFE+2ftI Zorrr-flr;.-W? (ru&t , lt'14. c:) rnnETnEx 3tta(tl a-? l-ar-|PERMIT FEE IZa !I Commenl bFe t 1.c.*+I \,c q{tte f tqn \/A Yfi/l.CI cond ,-hotrz . !-- wllmington ST: Nc ZIP: zgqor ST: Nc ZIP: 28401 T-'I REiIOVATION T- GENERAL REPAIRS T-] RELOCATION bdrrentSire? ;- *J;--ru" tsBLDGSeHTNKLEREDtr-yesf- If UPFIT - The Shell Permlt r: rc a EXST LAND DTSTURBTNG PERMTT? _l- YES r NO pRopERry usE: EoFFrcE ! nesraunar.rr ! MERCANTLEI-1 EoucD APrEI +b A \\ I /'/ Cl@r Form Print NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP L ICAr I(N TYPE; COilllE RCIAL PTEASE AXS}IER ALL qJESTIOiIS APPTICABTE IO YOUR PRO]ECT 'Project Responsibility" ao$ mA )EE AFFTIATIdI{ umber ((rfic. us.) _oeTEl. rtsfzoiiAPPLICAI{T'S tlAfiE: DEVELOPER:tJ/^ Aetc- t-AZZAet PRO]ECT ADO OCCUPAI{T/zuSI ESS tlA}lE: Ctr4s*.+- V,, , "a-E PROPERW Ot'r{ER'S tlAr,rE: 0nlez,v PIONE ':ZIP I _ Pto E #: 9to - 224 (EAb srt \lc-ztPtj1!frtO}[{ER'S ADDRESS: -I-l8o Az-tJ crw:At:,tn1 CO TRACTOR: UZZl@t Cots-erX_,toA t^-tC ADORESS: 445 satlab &)tD CITY: l,,\lrl..,l^(i.D^J EIiIAIL ADORESS: Eeta. tAZz:Aat " cr,*,;etr no.J @- 6)-1Atc . L{)A PROJECT CO TACT PERSON:EZI.. LAZZA2 stt Nc zIPt a4@*t fi 2e6jfrPHONE PHO E *: If UPFIT - The SheU Pemit #:Is Elect Pouer on this Building l- Yes f NO *.... rs THrs A C|iAI{GE of occuparrcy usE?r yEs 1,.rto.....IF Yes, ,hat ras the Prevlous Occupancy Type? _ tlhat Ir the flex Occupancy I{8fi'rrrru* PRoFEssroilaL: PH: * 7F$ l8 9:49Ft I C REG #: EI{GR DESIGiI PROFESSIOI{AL t- 5a5 #CrJ3 PHt!1p 41g 21,g NC REG *t tZ)t<Z DEscRrpTroN oF [oR(: lottt-ei Seoa,- nr-* /Z\ -, o BLIHom,.e fu- Q_.a^r> Atrp:ezi> ls food or beverages prepared or served in this sirucrure?f Vesl/No ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainf- Yef - Building Code and all olh€r applicable SEre Bldg Code and owNER/coNTRACToR: Eetc- L*zz,le_t SIGNATURE: (oudte.) (Pnd Nane) Note: Demolition nolilica$ons E asbeslos temov6l permil applications are ro b€ submiu€d using tle application form 1OHHS-3768) whelhor lhe hcil'ty contein Asbesios or not. You ar€ roquimd to callthe l,letinsl Emiisih Sfsndads 6r thzardous An Potubtns (NES}IAP) at (919)707-:'950 al leasl l0 daF prior to the d€molilion of any l€cility or building. See Asbestos Web S-ne: hfip //www epr slsie nc us/epi/asbeslos/ahmp html rorAL PRoJEcr c o$+ ZZ-S1D -.TOTAL AREA SO FT SO FT PER FLR TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF # OF STRUCTURES: ACRES DISTURBED EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? T YES T NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: PROPERTY USE EoFFrcE I nesreumNr ! MERcANTTLE E EDUcf] APIXI CONDO OTHEI SQ FT PAYMENT METHOD:f CASH f cHEcK (PAYABLE ro NHc) f AMERICAN EXPRESS f Mc/usA f - DlscovER zoue r\Fftr$r?c Approval:___.j2q- City l|'.l1[*rs/4- aaNlA aflfftER DATE (FOR OFFICE USE SETBACKS FLOOD BFE+2fi, N Comment Lt\cx\oc sy k-*r. Oiy tnspectron Requreo, 9i &2c{{II eMail _ LIcErsE *: 5BA4 Exrsr cor{srRucrro : g,ALrERArro* n *.,J,ffii6ii'iiTrlil*. REparRs - RELocArro rf Rerocation. istherea NaturatGas Line on thebJrrent site? f *Jf No ts gloc spH{xre REolf Y{,// No r,lEw cor,srnucrron: E EREcr [El{ srRUcruRE E FAsr rRAcK E SHELL f] upFrr f] AID ro Exrsr srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: wilh the Slale BUILDING HEIGHT: # OF UNITS: # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS: WATER: SEWER: S'TSTEM olcrpua r-'lcoMMUNtrY sYsrEM f-l WELL n zoNlNG usE cLAsslFlcATloN F"*yi,*E"^:.'lJm::,'J"]J:,BTyil:,':T'""^.8*f II:]5^",-,. PERMIT FEE: llt NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILD!NG PERMIT AP P L ICAT ION TY P E; RESIDENTIAI- PTEASE ANSWER ALLQUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Proiect Responslbllltl/' €o,^r*C<J €t ?osvtti- S.'.rn-o .,,--t' zD\b- aq A)18-7ft Appllcatioh Number (offlce use) Date rl'{l'<APPLICANTS NAME: PROJECI ADDRESS:LotL Bt< ta u'"r1 L"l CITY: iJrL+4'oc.';o^)ztPt Ia*-S' sUBDtVtstoN: Bxl Go.:l e L^rDFt1i9 LOT#: 53 pRopERw owNER,s NAME: Sexa* f*vr..4 aa-"o? owNER,s ADDRESS, tor,-l** C"-,.r1 llq pHoNE d: 4r" . ir ! - L?? ( CtTYr L)aLlr.,Dof.o,ztP: it-*. CONTRACTOR: ADDRESSI P-lr l-r l'e-.,. " Sr.;*a"; et Q,s".al $tltuot r*9 etr3gBtDG LICENSE # CITY: LJr a-rr I A4'4"J sr' dczrp, !l{.f EMAIL ADDRESS:1."-t\,-<n <,t *{.$t-.1,.o r.*l ' C-.o e $*" [.[-. ".*,a v pHoNE: 4to -1.t 3 .t? G >- pHoNE: Qro - 1\7 '1?L>-PROJECT CONTACT PERSON EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration M Renovation D General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCIION: ! Erect New Residence I Additionto Existing Residence ! Relocation .*TPLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPIY TO YOUR PROJECT*'* ! Att Garage (SF) _n Det Garare lSFl d Sunroom (Sr)L\O fl Greenhouse (SF)D Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes f No ToTAL SQ FT UNDER RooF lJor proposed work) Heatedr Unheated: aq '2 TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lotl: S ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ! ves tr/ttto ls any Electrlcal, Plumblng or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory structure ! Yes fl No lfthe projed isa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes ! No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E/ves tr trto Property Use/ occupancy: /single famlly D Duplex - Townhouse l.{ Yo - oescription ot Work: Q,.nuuf c,..,;L:a<Iaz.a artL to \49 'Swafoon- ' p€rmlts will b€ ln vlolatlon of the n ls correct and allwork \slllcomply with the State BulldlnSC-ode aod all other applicabl€ State and lo(3l Cent€rwillb€ notlfred ofany changes in the approved plans and speclfications orchen8a in contractor.Ynd subject to fines upto 5500.00"' Signature: "Licensed Quolifie/ ls the property located iCa floodplain? D Yes E/No Existing lmpervious Area:J Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturb€ a, P New lmpervious Areai Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: tr ves /trto WAIER: d CFPUA f] Community System E Private Well fl Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E/CFPUA ! Community System n Private Septic E CentralSeptic ! Aqua Zone: _ Of{icer: _ Setbacks (F} _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B} _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Floodr (A)_ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment: permit Feel S tr Pool (sF)_ n Porch (sF)_ fl storase Shed (sF)_ tr Other (St) _ OISCLAIMIR: lhereby Eertify that allthe lnformatlon ln thls laws and ordlnances and lnformation. "aNOTE: Any 1 LotB)alS ( , NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT A P P LIUTIO N TY P E : RESIOENTIAL PIIASE ANSWER AI.I, QUESIIONS APPTICABI.€ TO YOUR PROJECT 'Prorect Responslbllty, *w5L lpplk flon lJumbar (of,l(i ur.) APPI.ICANT,S NAMC: PIOJECT AOORESS: Ma an an Homes Date a CITYr wit ZlPr 5U8DtVt5t0N:i.rlw tOT fi PROPERTY OWNER'S NNTUT: JfiWTUT GtJ i ,.N",PHONE {;"o -3 ownrn's loontssr -1L& l^)twlo.rar.o vr- cm: Cot{TftAcIoRr Logan Homs6 U.)zlP: 7 d'ld) s1s,6 ggsit5s s. 34408 loonrss: 60 Grsgory Rd crry' &!&_sr: !l zrp: 28451 EMATL ADoREss: mlogan@loganlromes.com PHO E:s10-452-7176 pROJECI 6ONTACT pEt36p, Mary Logan p119ps.910.452.7175 ExlSIt{G CONSTRUCIION: O Altcration D Renoyatlon El GeneralRepalrs NEW CONSIRUCnoN: E Erect New Resldence 0 Additlon to txlitln8 ReJldence B Relocatlon aaa aaa E Att Garagc (sFl-550- E) Det Garase (sF)- (rorch(sr) E sun.oom (SF)- tr Pool(SF) - E Greenhouse (St) _ tr Deck (SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existlng footprht? E Yer D No Irl tr StoraSe shed {sf} _ tr orher (stl _ TOTAI Sq FI UNDER ROOF Uor prcposed worr(] H€atldr dLq3 Property Use/ occupanry; E sln8le Famlly EI Duplcx tr Townhoute Dorcrlptlon of Worft! SFR - now conslructlon DEclllMn: t her.by cedify th.t .,1 tti€ Inlo rrnation h thli .ppll.rtlon 19 con.ct .nd rll sorl will (om9,y with the Strt! lulldlnt Cldr .nd .ll l.tvt Md ordln.o(.s .nd rlfulalionr. The N ll c Dev.lopmlnl SGMcar canla, Illl b. nollllld ol .ny .h.ntar In th. .ppaolitd Dbllr .nd hlo.tna llon. ". NOII r Any wo* p€do.m€ d witholt th. :pp,opri.t. p..mlB wlll b. in vlohtlon ol tha l.lc Btdt .od rublrdto finlt owne/conractoft D Logan sltnatural Stata rd local ln aonlaactor \?-ttl$Xr in0r$K(lcltoil , ,C'* lrip;cfror Requ*oc, 91 0'254' 090t1 unhurod:-t!f,]- rorAt pRoJEcr co$ 1t-ess tot): S-S-Q-Q 3I? lsthe proposed work chanllnsthe number ofbedrooms? El Yar O uo ls any Elactrlc!1, Plumbln! or M€chanlcal lr,ork belng done to theAccessory Slructure O Ysr B ilo lftheproiectlraf,elocrtlon,lsthereaNaturelGasUneonthecurrcntsite?EYerEflo ls there Ele.trlcal Power on this gulldlnS? E Yes B No :ffi NEW HANOVER COUNW BUIIDING PERMIT APPUCAION TWE : RESIDEITIAI PEASE ANSWER ATI OUESIIONS APPUCABI-E TO YOUR PRO'ECT 'Proicct RlsDonsibllty an Homos 66y. Wlmington Zsrg - 2qlS LH$L Apdk tlon xun$.r (oflic! u3.) Detc: 3 IE rbAPPUCANT's AME: PROJECI ADDRESST SUBDIVISION: L\ lE ztP aqtr\ r.orr: dHL{ piorERryow Ei,s *o.r., JPnnrr. G*J,i "",owl{Ers ADoR:ss: -1ZLr cot{Tf,ACToR: Logan Homes PHONE f:''lo -3 BIDG UCENS s s; 9/1408 51 NC 2qp 28451 aP; Z/{d)Ctw: UJ I as91s55; 60 Gregory Bd g6,y; Belville EMATL ADDnEss: mlogan@loganhomss.com p;sx6' 910-452-7175 PROJECI CONTACI PERSON:Mary Logan p6sx6. 910-452-7175 Exfsn Goo StnUCnO :O Alteration E Renovation D Grnlral8€pairs Ew OOIISTRUCnO : El Erc€t Ncw Residcncc E Addfion to Eristing Resid€nce E R€location .T'A..EASE CIIECT AITD A'{SWER SELOW AII THAT APPLY TO YOUN PRO'ECT"' E AttGanec(sFl-55D-tr Det Gara8e {sF) - O Suoroom (sF)B Pool (sF) - E Gre€nhour€ (SF)_tr Decr (sF) ls the proposed work chandng thc e.xisting footprlnt? E Ycs E No TOTAL Sq FI UNDER RO(X (for prclodcd wo*l H..tGd: HZq3 unhGrt d: tt31 TOTAT PAOJECT COST (tess Lot):3 oo,i .rros Prop.rty ur!/ oc.[pacy: E 9n3le femlly O Duplcx E] Townhous. Irclcrlptlon o,f Work SFR - now conslruclion DlSCl llER: I h.rcby ccrtify th.t .ll th. iotormrtion an thk .pplmtion is con d .hd rI uort wlll comply wlth th. 5bt. gulldlnA Cod! .nd .ll oth.r applicauc 5t tG .nd ha.l lar! and ordlnan@s .nd i4uhlbnt . Th. t{HC O.udopm.nl S.rvic.r C.ot.r will b. notificd ol .ny 6.tl3c. ln t l! .pFottd pLni .nd rpccificatirns or ch.rt. in contr.6or ln o.rn.tbn....iloTt: aay vro* par{ornrd w hout lh. appropri.l. Flnhs ulll b.ln vbLtlon of lhc C Bld8 and 3obiact to f n.a up ro 95m.@"' Owner/Contractor: L Slnatrrc:.I.lrlnied qtofifln P.ht Nomc ls thc proprrty locatcd ln r floodplaln? E YGr O o Erlstlnt lmp.rvlol,3 Arur: 0 Sq Ft fotel lrrer olsturbed: . t1 Nlw lmparvioui m.' 55b1 SC Ft Elinln! Land Dlsturblng P.rmh: O Ycs E lo WATER: E CFPUA E communlty System E Prlvate Well fl Centralwell El Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E) Community Synem E Private Septic E Centrals€ptic E Aqua Zone: -=- offic€r: _ Sctb.cfs (Fl _ (Ul, _ (RHl _ lBl _ Approval: - Oty: - Date: - Flood:lAr-M-(Nl-BFE+2ft=- lsthe proposrd work ch8nglngthe numb€r of bedrooms? E Y!' E tto ls any El.ctrtc.l, Plumblq or Mctfienkrl work bein8 done to thc Accessory structure E Y.. El o lftheprojectiraRabcatlon,isth€rcaNaturalGasUnaontheclrrcntsitr?EY.3Etlo I5 there Ekri.al Powcr or this Buldlng? D YGr El tlo dro.*'tso l?'l D storage shed (sFl - D other (5F)_ crmmGnt: Pcrmh fce: S - ffi PLCAST A,lStlER ALt qJESrIolE APPIICAS|C T0 yqr8 pAOltCT "Proj ect Responslbllity" TOI4 RUSSELL / FTTTT.IRE HOMES todg#: APPLICAI{TJ 5 IUIIIE :DAfe: oJ/o t /2oiB DEVELOPER: FUTLTRE HoMEs PIO E ,: 9ro-2?o-33rj PROJECT ADORESS: SUBDIvISIO'l: 1?10 N KERR AVE CITY: 'lr ,rrNGToN zIP: Zglga Bl(rcr t: LOT r: PIO E *: 910-6r.9- 10s4PROPERTY Oa{ER'S tlA}iE: DALE rHoMpsoN rR Oi6IER'S AmRESS: r71c NKERR AVE COTiTRACTOR: FUTURE HoMEs EiIAIL ADORESS: se rv i ce@f ut. urehomesnc . com LICEIGE t: s60"8 ST: NC ZIP: 2 9441CTTY: RAI'{PSTEAD Plu{E *: P}O E *: 9)-O - 5't'7 -6402 ExrsrrrG co srRucrro : f] rlrrnrrror f! nrrovarror GENERAL REPAIRS RELOCATION itEl, cor{sTRUcIIoH: fl rnecr r{Er{ REsIDEItcE o. ! aoorrrol To ExIsTI G RESIDE CE ..PLEAsE CHECX AI{D AiISI{ER BELOT{ ALL THAT APPLY TO YOI'R PRO]ECT: 970-377 - 6402 I lrr eanner _ sF ! sunnocr.r _ sF I cneeuousr _ sF ! oer canace sF n poRo{ -sF E poor- - sF ! sronaer SHED _ sF ! orcx SF OTHER:5F TOTAL HEATEO SQ FT: 13aa TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 1344 TOTAL AREA SQ FT: o.grrac TOTAT PROIECT COST rre"' ror) : I rrezoo * OF STORIES: Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLttiSlXG or iFCIUU{!CAI. Iork Eelng Done to the Accessory Structure} [ Ves l] ffo If the project is a Relocation, ls there a Natural 6as Line on the Cunrent site? f] ves fl uo Is there Electni€al Poder on this Building? []v"r f]no PROPERW rrSE / OCGUPATKY: fl Srrcr-r FAT,ULY E oWLEx ! rO{}|}OUSE DESCRIPTIOI{ OF l{NT: no Dorches or decks OSCLAII/ER: I hsroby coniry tn at inbmaiioo ln hls 6ppE Eon i! correcr 'ld 6a r0rr *il conply ufi he $ale Auilolr9 Cod€ 'ld 6a oner applc.t te SnE rtd tocd taws !.ld ordinanc?s ald ragulrlbns Thc NHC Dev€bpmcnl S6rvicas C6nE, wil b€ no[[6d ot ay clltEes in lhs +proY3d pl'|6 did +acilkdbns or chdroo h contrsEbr o, contebr inbrmalon. "'l{oTE: Any wo.k PerrofiEd wo 'le Approprl6b Pormlts wllbe h volalbn olfte Nc sraE Eldg cod6 rtd subJoct b Fhes tjp To $5o0.0o.. 28x48 ainqle fami Iy re6idence,modula! home on brick crawlspace foundation O.,{ER/CONTRACTOR: toM aussel.I, 1 Fu-r'uRE HoMEs SIG ATURE : (prtrt r-€) 'l 'i**:a'la 'rtt + '} tt + +t*a aaa +aaa +t*:r t:l :! t:|a:l a ar a * aaa *tt a'tt* *'t* a:tt* at:. art +aa ta,t a:t*a t,l t:. :l ** a l}ailt a a rs rHE pRopERw LocArEo rr{ A FLooopLAr ? l-l yEs [E] ro EXISTII'IG IiTPERVIOUS AREA: re68.r. r6 SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: .o:rl NEt. IXPERVIOUS AREAi r8lee 5Q FT EXIST LAT{O DISTUREIiIG PERTTIT:l--l vrs lEl no MrER: lZ cFpua n co+trJl,rrry sysrEm E pRrvarE wELL sEuER: [l cFpuA EI cEirrRAL sEprrc n pRrvarr srprrc [cos* E ZOT{E: OF FICER: ! crxrml wrll ! comlurw svsrrn CHECX (PAYABLE TO r{r{C )tr (roi oaaICE u5€ qLY) REV!5Eo DArr o4lt!/12 SETBACKS: F:_ LH:_ RH:_ B:_ A'4ERICAi/ EXPRESS tic,/vt5A DISCOVER * ji+a,l** I rr * * r,t i a *'t +* +i* * + * +'l * :t,i t +*,t,t*l *,t *,rl *t** **,* *:t*+:t **t,l:*'*:tt:l *:* * :.,r :| *,| | *t* +,1** *** * ** *li * * BFE+2ft= t{ PERI4IT FEE: '- CITY: -@__ ST : gS_ ZIP :-?!j!:_ ADORESS: r.56G3 us HwYl7 PROIECT C()llTA[T PERS(I{: euellen qall.aepy PAYITETT 'IETHOO:E tr Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: _ _ rffic^t. ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAI PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Prolect Responslbility' ApplicBtion Numb€r (offlce use) AppLtcaN?s NAME. Plantation Building of Wilmington, lnc 3/15/18Date: PRoJEcT ADDRESS: zuJc DPaIlisIl vverrs UflVE C|Ty Wrlmrngton 28405ztP SUBDIVISION:lOT *: 34 PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:Shawn & Sherri N4ercer owrrn's loontss, 869 e owne Dr. PHONE #:919.889.8098 c|ry. Raleigh aP 276,09 CONTRACTOR: Plantalion Building of Wilmington, lnc.BLDG UCEISc r: 68712 sr, NC zrrzr-ADDRESS:PO Box 2473 a,rr. Wiimin3ion EMAtt ADDREss: roseman@ plantationbuildingcorp.com PHONE 910.763.8760 910.899.0702 424 D storaSe shed (sF)_ Steve ScharfPROJECT CONTACT PERSON:PHONE: EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: B Alteration E Renovation ! 6eneral Repairs I{EW COI{STRUCTION: E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existin8 Residence ! Relocation ..TPIEASE CHECK AND A'TSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO.IECT'I' E-46-earaee (sr) 697 tr Detcarage{sF) G}-a6ich (st) n Sunroom (5F)! Pool (SF) E Greenhouse (sF)_tl Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? [ Yes n No Qt oa unheated; 1121 TOTAL PROJECT COSr (Less Lot): S 616,530 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E yes E tto ls any Electrical, Plumblnt or Mechanlcal work beinS done to the Accessory Structure E yes E o lf the project is a Relocatlon, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No Property Use/ Descrlption of Occupancy: EF{l'ngle Family E Duplex E Townhouse 1ryor1. tsuild a srngle lamtly home wtth an attached garage. DISCIAIMER: I hereby certify that allthe information in this applicataon ir correct and all wor* willcomply with the St laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center willbe notlfied olany changes in the ap ate Suilding Code and all other appllcable St.te and local proved plans and speaifications orchange in contracto, Code and subject to fines up to S500.0O...information. "+NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC Owner/Contractor:Angela Eoseman Signature: "Licensed Quolilier" Print None ls the property located in a floodplain? D yes tr-t6- Existlng lmpervious Area: 0 Sq Ft Total Ares Disturbed: 49 New lmpervious Area:5229 Existing l-and Disturbint Permit: E-f6i O "oWATER: EkfFUA E Community System E private We[ E Centrat Well E Aqua stWER: E4y'pue E Community system D private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua zone: _ Offlcer: _ s€tbacks (Fl _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (Bl _ Approval: _ Chy:_ Date:_ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ {N}_ BFE+2ft= _ Comment: permlt Fee: S ??ejtr TOTAT Sq FT UNDER ROOF lJor proposed work) Heatedl ! Other (SF) _ Sq Ft Zatu-e3) .,. .',. .. dh, 'ffi- L8-85{NEW HANOVER COUNW BUITDING PERMIT AP PUCATON TYP E : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ATLQUESTIONS APPUCABTE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project ResponslbllltY'(ofnce ut€, APPLICANI'S NAMEI Coaslal Cvoress Buildino Date',02121118 PROJEcr ADDRESSr 1012 Turnberrv Place CITY: Wilminqlon 2lP:28405 SUBDtVTSION I L8.dtall tOT ri 54 CONTRACTOR: Coaslal Cvoress Buildinq Comapnv BTDG I.ICENSE IJ ADoREss: 7506 N€edlensh Ct CITYi Wiiminoton TMAIL AODRESS:sleveaAcnaslalcvot€ssbUildino.com PHON E 910-212-2207 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON Slev€r Swain PHONE:910-2'12-2207 EXISTING CON5TRUCrIONT Cl Alteration E Renovation O GeneralRepairs NEw CoNSTRUCTION: f,l;Erect New Residence EI Addltion to Exlstlnt Resldence fl Relocation "TPLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER 8EI,OW AIL THAT APPIYTO YOUR PRO'ECT"' 3 Atl Gara8e (SFl!00- D oetGarage(SF)- D Sunroom (sF)- tr Pool(st)- fl creenhouse (SF)- tr oeck {SF)- ls the proposed work changin8 the exlsting footprlnt? fl Yes [] No tr Porch {SF}700 ToTAL SQ FT UNDIR ROOE lfot ptoposed worl) Heated:3660 Unheated:1516 TOTAL PROTECI COST (Less tot): 5 500,000 lsthe proposedwork.lrantingthe numberof bedrooms? E Yes D No lsanyEle(t,l.al.PlumbhltorMechanicalworkbeinBdonetotheAccessorystructureOYestrF lftheprol€(tlsaRelocatiooisthereaNaturalGasLlneonthecurrentsite?DYesENo ls there Ele.tri(al Power on this &]ilding? fl Yes O No Property Ure/ O(cupanq:'E. Sinele Family C DuplexE Townhouie Des.rlptlon ofWorll Owner/Contractor : Steve Swain Sitnature: 'ticens?d Quolifiet" Prht None ts the property located in a floodplain? E Yes E No Exlstlnt lmpervlous Arear !- Sq Ft Total Acres Dlsturbed: .148 New fmp€rylous Area: 6422 SqFt Exlstlng tahd Olsturbin8 Permlti D Yes B No WATER: tr CFPUA O CommunitySystem E PrlvateWell C CentralWell E Aqua ST: dC- ZIP: 28411 .l ll T laws and ordinrn(.r and raSulrtionr. The NHC Development ServlcesCenler wall b€ nollfiad ol anychaog.r in the erfrovd pl.or..|d rpe(ific.tlon5 or ch.o8e in contraclor tnro.malo{r. .r.NoTE: Any vorr perormed wirhout the appropd.r€ pcrmirs wlllb€ in vlol6tion ot th. Ncs!.teBld8 cod. and $bled to fines u, to 95@.00"' Septic [] CentralSeptic O Aqua LH) Cill' lnsprlion kqureo, gl 0.254.mf)l :-(A) /s (N)BFE+2ft= Permit Fee: $ PROPERTY OWNER'S NAM E I Amv & Daniel Reamer PHONE {: 910-409-7079 OWNER'S AOoRESST 5809 Harbor Breeze Wav - CITY: Wilminaton ZIP 28405 tr Storage Shed {SF)_ tr Other (SF)-- Comment: 1eu1 /€/ 1e1?o' 2,5\8-PD NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMlT AP PLICAT|ON TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPUCABTE TO YOUR PROIECT "Prored ResponslblllV L8-650 Applicarion (office usel APPLICANT'S NAMEr Coastal Cvoress Buildinq Datet 0212'1118 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1012 Turnberry PlaeC CfW: Wilminqton SUBDIVISION: Landfall LOT fl: 54 PROPERTY OWNER's NAME: Amv & Oaniel Reamer OWNER's ADDRESS: 5809 Harbor Breeze Wav PHONE t: 910{09-7079 CITY: Wilminqton zlP 28405 CONTRACTOR: Coastal Cvoress Buildino ComaDnv BLDG LICENSE ADDRESS: 7506 Needlefish Ct CITY: Wilminoton ST: NC ZtP: 28411 EMAIL ADDRESS: steve@coastalcvoressbuildino.com PHONE: 910-212-2207 PROJECT CONTACT PERSoN: Steve Swain PHoNE: 910-2'12-2207 EXISTING CONSIRUCTIONi fl Alteration E Renovation fl General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCnON: E Erect New Residence D Additionto Existing Residence E Relocation *.*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AI.I. THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROIECT"* :l Att Gara8e (SF) 600 n Det Garase ISF)D Porch (sF)700 ! Sunroom (SF)D Pool(SF) E Greenhouse (SF) _tr Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes E No TOTAL sq FT UNDER ROOF lfor proposed workl Heated:3660 Unheated:15'16 TOTAI- PROJECT COST {Less Lot): S 500 000 ls the proposed work changing the number of bed rooms? fl Yes D No lsanyElectrlcal,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructurelYesENo lftheprojectisaRelocatlon,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentslte?EYesENo lsthere Electrical Power on this BuildinS? fl Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: E Sintle Family - Duplex E Townhouse at^..,1^.I^- ^a rrr^,1, law5 and ordlnences.nd regulations. The NllC Development Servlces Centerwillbe notmed otanycharyesln the approved phns and specmcatlons or change in contrBctor inrormation. "'Non: Any work p€rtorrfled without the appropriate permils willbe ln vlolation ofthe NC State gldS Codeand subject tofines up to 55m.0o"' Owner/Co ntrador: Steve S\.vain Signature: 'Ucehsed Quolitel Print Nome lsthe propertylocated in a floodplain? C Yes E No Existint lmpervious Arear Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: .148 New lmpervious Area: 6422 Sq Ft Existlng Land DisturbinS Permit: fl Yes fl No WATER: E CFPUA i Community System E Private Well D Centralwell D Aqua SEWERT tr CFPUA E Community System E Private Septic E CentralSeptic D Aqua zone: - Offlcer: - setbacks (F) - (tH) - {RH} - (B) -Approval: _ ctty: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (v) _ (Nl _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee; S ztD 28405 *.71Ooo E Storage Shed (SF) _ n Other (SF) _ i$^, CITY:tga1,,!aro.r N z- brs-;yb3 ff_Fz " l,<f^-,, ZIP: Zd4 o 7 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMTT APPLICATION TYP E: RESIDENT|AI PLEASE ANSWER A[ qUESTIONS APPLICABI.I TO YOUR PROJECT 'Proicct R6ponsibiliqf!rtI rz Et Buit APPLICANTS NAME:?r-..- rL^ PROJECT ADDRESS: suEDtvtstoN:1"65 A'( 5,r rva ,14 (.tv,J ALL LOT f 4 PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: z^|w\ M (.cLJ r.<Lr-t4-PHoNE #: qlo 4ct-t4to0,., ( o\a< Oo6^n A4 ${ a,>r-(L CITY:tI bto.! AL ZIP:24(o7 BI..DG LICENSE S. pL 5Vo3 ADDRESSi 0to< Oce ;,.rX<_ pc O. 7.tfi1 Zor CITY:r rr.l,f ./h )e Sl NL TlPt 26+o 3 EMAIL ADDRESS:PHoNE: Qrc 4<z -It(tc E Att Garage (SF)_ I Sunroom (SF] _ Ll Greenhouse (SF)_ PROJECT CONTACT PERSON rt 0r*," EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration n Renovation I General Reparrs NEW CONSTRUCTION: d Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation rI.PIEASE CHECI( AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT+T' I Det Garage (sF) 4(6 n Porch (SF)7tL ! Pool (sF) U Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes ! No TOTAI- SQ FT UND€RROOF Aor prcposed workl Heated: ZftO unhcated: 6Ze TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S I Go ooo .' ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? n Yes - No lsanyElcetrical,PlumbingorMGchanic.lworkbeingdonetotheAccessorySt.ucture!yes!No lftheproiectisaRelocation,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?nyesENo ls there Eledrical Power on this Building? trl Yes E No Property Us€/ Occupancy:single F.mily ! Duplex - Townhouse L. .G ttL.Description of Work: DISCIAIMER: lhereby certify thatallthe information in this application is correct and a[ wo.k wil comply with the State SuildingCode and allother applicabl€ State and local laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Centerwill be notified ofany chan8es in plans and specific.tions or chant€ in contrador informatio.. "'NOTI: Any work performed withoutthe appropriate permitswiltbe i.t viohtion ofthe NC State subject to tin€s up to 5s0o.m"' Owner/ContEcto.:1+^^*"?..,,., ?r-r,_ L\L Signature: "Licensed Qudlifer" Pint Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? n Yls E/No Existint lmpervious Area: O Sq Ft Total Acres Distu.bed: . lO New lmpGlvious Ar.a:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: f{ Yes Ll No WATER CFPUA ! Community System ! Private Well D Central Well ! Aqua CFPUA tr Community system n Private septic. n CTT{Sg,ISE tqr"SEWER d Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (l-Hl _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: S CONTRACTOR: Oate: PHoNE: qLo t1d -3t9t E Storage Shed (SF)_ Ll Other (sF)_ ,/),L0\g-J 37 Appli(2tion (office use) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT AP P LI CAT' ON TY PE. RESIDENTIAI- PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABTI TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibilitt/' &-sg Itt I APPLICANT'S NAMf :&-Date I PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDtvtstoN: CITY N.- llLo-r-f*t 6,, k< '.tt^,tt lrturl At-W LOTr: t? PROPERW OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S AODRESS: z- w,r s/\ 6'(WftL|(t64..4 , til-PHoNE s: q(o 4(t-tqoD,rrr^p (ol o< Oc6h,4\q- l>a a)r(L ctw:l,1t--zt (rb/ AL ztP: Z8(o3 r,rl CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: <( or wc BLDG I.ICENSE f:pc €Vo1 Gto<Ocq.^,'t)qLC\t- 7.tr(t CITY ..,1.? )t]Z.e\ a t PHONE:Qrc 4<t -l4t cI0r*o,PHONE:Lo -3t EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration E Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation *.*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJTCT'" E Att Gara8e (SF)_O Det carase (sF) 4l a E Porch (SF) n Sunroom (5F)tr Pool (sF) E Greenhouse (SF) _tl Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes D No ToTAt Sq FT UND€RROOF Aor prcposed workl Heat€d: b vnneated: bLO TOTAL PROIECT COST (Less Lot): S ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? D Yes I No lsanyEledrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructure!YesnNo lftheproiectisaReloc.tion,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?EYeslNo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? D Yes E No/ Prop€rty Use/ Occupancy: j Single Family : Duplex [] Description of Work:oi Townhouse tL a DISOTIMER: lhereby cenify that allthe information in this application is correct and allwortwill comply with the Stat€ntCode and all other applicable State and lo.al laws and ordinances and regulatrons. The Nl-lC Development Services C€nter will b€ notified ofany changes inthe a nd specitications or chante in contractor ect to fin€s up to s5oo.m...information. "'NOTE: Any work p€rformed without the appropriate permlts will be in violation of th€ NC State Owne/Contractor: "Licensed Quolifre/" *..*,0,-, ,Signature Is the property located in a floodplain? E Yes E/No Existing lmpervious Area: O Sq Ft Tot.lAcres Disturbed: . lO New lmpsrviour Area: _Sq Ft Existing l-and Disturbing Permit: E'Yes tr ruo WATER: fl CFPUA ! Community System E Private Well E Central Well n Aqua SEWER: E/CFPUA [] Community System E Private Septic. [] Centratseptrc fl Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: $ ST. NL ztpl Z4+o< EMAII, ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT P€RSON: ZIL n Storage Shed (SF)_ U Other (SF) _ d\ bQ 'rA$a t L*!(.CITY Zo$-Pt5\-g-ry: Application (office use) ?hz/ut zlpt' ze!o 3 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLIUTION TYP E: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABI.I TO YOUR PROJECT 'Proicct Rlsponsibilitlf ilJ! I;i 8l ,1gitr..l APPLICANT'S NAME:r-t-Date N.-PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDtvtstoN:Lo-r-f*a 65 Pr'( 4.tt'.t ta I /.vrl Avat LOTr: 3 PROPERW OWNER'S NAME; OWNER'S ADDRESS: .L b\o< o(Jran^eL $L 7)t1L /.. t Clllt: |)u-tar/lrb.r aL ztP:Z€,k7 D*^D,,o., n^PHONE {Ato 4Ct-t4to CONTRACTOR: AODRESS: act *L BLDG LICENSE fl ic 5b4oq sr NL zt9: Z4+oGlo< oL€^-(*L at( 7.,\<1 ze\CITY 3 EMAIT ADORESS: |L"*.^ A- PHoNE: Qrc 4<z -lQc qLo f14 -3t91 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION; ! Alteration n Renovation ! General Repairs/NEW CONSTRUCIION; Ef Erect New Residence I Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation ...PLEASE CIIECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALT THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT"' fl Att Garage (SF)_E Det Gara8e (sF) 4lq U Porch (SF)ztL n Sunroom (SF) Ll Greenhouse (SF)! Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes n No TOTAT Sq m UNOERROOF lJor proposed wotkl Heatedt bO Unheated: b2 TOTAI- PROJ€CT COST (Less Lot)5 L-60 ooo ." ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ! Yes D No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicel work being done to the Accessory Structure ! Yes ! No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a NaturalGas Line on the current site? n Yes E No ls there Electrical Poweronthis Building? E Yes n No t5H8P l8 :: r 7P|,1 Prop€rty Use/ Occupancy:Single F.mily n Duplex E Townhousett ?ua OrtcDescription of Work: ng Code and ,ll other applicabl€ State and loc.l and specificationr or chan& in contractor information. "'NOTI: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will b€ in violation of the NC State BldS subject to fines up to S5O0.m"' )+,.* 0..,^,Signature:Olvncr/Contractor: "Licensed Quoliliet" ls the property located in a floodplain? D Ycs MNo Existing lmpcrvious Area: O Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: . lO New lmporvious Arca:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: d Yes tl No WATER: d CFPUA tr Community System f] Private Well f] Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E/CFPUA n Community System D Private Septic n Certrafsgpjic tr Aqua Zone: _ Otficer: _ SGtb.cks {fl _(tH) _ (RH) _ (Bl _ Approvali _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A! _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment: Permit Fee: S PROJECT COiITACT P€RSON:PHONE: n Pool (sF)_E Storage Shed (SF)_ D other (sF) _ DlSCl.AlMtR: I he.eby certit that allthe information in this application is correct and allwor* will comply with the State laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Centerwillbe notified otany changes in the 2or0- P(!5 L$4v1tNElrl HANOVER C0UNTY BUILDING PERI'IIT APPLICATI(N TYPE: COiIiIERCIAL PLEASE ANST'ER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOI'R PROJECT "Projrct Rcsponsibility" lFFfiffi-ror I{urbc r (offlc€ Us.) APPL ICAI{T ' S llAilE: s.r. Bowtlnq, rnc DATE: ne rn..,rnr o DEVELOPER:PHO E I: - PHO{E l: 2o?-G1o,23oo GCUPAiIT/BIrSII{ESS I{AME 3 Wi tminqLon Marine servi ce PROPERW qd ER'S MtrlE: s.,.rL Hinckrev O{tlER' S ADDRESS: 3410 Rlver Road CO TRACTOR: s . li. Bowt inq CITY: wi 1n. i. - LICEISE *r STI Nq ZIP:26a12 ST: NC ZIP: t7Be6 - PtlolE t: 2s2-243 23a3 ,IncAIDnEss: 4?5 Technotogy Drive CITY3 6i 1"or., EI,IAIL AIDRESS: eam@skLowl in{t . .om PROJECT COITACT PERSOI: s6m s6r^/11nq . PHd{E l: 2s2 2Ja-'71 4a (ahe(r Alr rrat Atply) EXIST COiISTRITCTI(I{: E ALTERATId{ I-'l REt0rATIol lf Relocatpn, isthere a Nati:El Gas Line on theurrent Site? l-. ilt* .r,rr*r.rran: E EREcr IEN srrucruRE E FAsr ACCESS(NY STRITruRE: J--l GEI{ERAL REPATRS n RELCATTO|{yEilf No rs BLDG seFIf.TKLERED?; yef _ rRAcr( f] sflErr E uPFrr ADD TO EXIST STRI'CIURE NC REG #: NC REG #: lsfood or beverages prepared or served in this sructure?l- Vef , No lsThe Property Located ln The Floodplainf yes|- NoOISCLAIMER I hcr6by ccrlity that all infDrmation in this-application is corr!ct and allwork will comply with th! Strt! Building Cod6 and alloth.r apptic.bte Statclnd local laws and ordrnancrs and 16guldions. Tha NHC oewlopmcrlt Scrvicas Contor willba miifiid ot v dtrnocs in tfr aodovGd Dtrns elid ;o.c i.rri.nsor chend. in conteclor or .ontrect.r htomrlion. -'NOTE: Any Wo* Pcrform.d w/O th. AlproFirt. Pcrmi{s wi b-. in Vtol6u6i ot thr NC St6tCBfOq Codiindsubj.cllo Fh.s Up To S5@ @- f OF STORIES: t r']cFPUA [-'l @MMUNtry SYSTEM r-'l WELL r-1 ZONTNG USE CLASS EJCFPUA ElCENrRALSEplc E FRlvArESEpIc D-d)MMUNtry". SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT. M€CH. PLBG, GAS EOUIP. PREFASS E ITISERTS oESCRIPTIoi'I OF t{ORK:rad-T-fa::-iEiE-Ef firc r.tcd sh..t lock to buildir€ cciLidg Lo p.Dtcct fEotIl ncn p.1at booth If UPFIT The Shcll Permit f:fs Elcct P*rer on this Building l- Yes f No ++++. rs THrs A cHAr{6E OF OCCUPA CY tSE}r yES fi. iD rrrr. ff Yrs, r.hat ir.3 th. Pp€vious Occup.ncy Typ.? _ Whtt is th. lLw Occup.ncy Tvoe?ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOTIAL i PH: PH:- IFICATION PAYN,,tENT MEIHOD f cASH J- cnecx pavaeLE ro NHc) f Ar,rERtcAN ExeRESS l-, rr,tcnrrsa l- DtscovER OWNERrcONTRACTOR s.K. Bowtinq, rnc. (mechanrcal conrraccor SlGNATURE S.o4lKgql;,t4 Noao: Dinotlkxl mlilic.lidl. t .sbGlc rme.l pr,tfi .pdi..tiorE .r.lo b. rubnin.d u3ing th. application torm (Dl-Hii-3?68) wh.hr th. trcity or buitdng rd5 tourd tocod.in Asbslos or rDl. You .r. r.+ir€d lo c.ll th. Mti6.l Emirrion St nd.rd. lor H&.r&ua Air Pollu.rtt OESI-IAF) .t (919)707.5950 .l l..tt l0 dryr Fior to th d.rnoliridr ol !ryl.ciliry orbuilding. S.. A:b.rtor W.b Sft.: lnF//w$w..ii.n.t..hc.u3/.py..b.no./.trnpt{n{ TOTAL PROJECT COST: $18's00.00 BUILDING HEIGHT: le' #OFUNITS: TOTAL AREA SQ FT : :, geo SQFTPERFLR: ToTAL sa Fr uNDE-R Roc3-.:r,.- , oF smu- ACRESfiSTURBED EXST LAND DTSTURBTNG pERMtT? r yES l- NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT pRopERry usE: EoFFrcE I nesrnunnrur fl uencnrurlef] eorcf[ ner[ (FOR OFFTCE USE ONL! SETBACKS: F:LH RHZONE: OFFICER:BApproval:_ C ity:_ DATE_ FLOOD :--'- BFE+2ft C h Comment r1L4--U N PERMIT FEE: I PRO] ECT O- EN6R DESIGTI PROFESSIOML SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: WATER: SEWER: SYSTEM @NDO OTHEI papai 1 Zot6-u13 APPLICATION Number (Office Use) z:, APPLICANT'S NAT'IE:Eus4RE Co*JSTRoctlo "-' i otveiopen,-P'1-tr PtE 9 L*vJ h,et PROJ ECT o OCCUPAiIT/BUSINESS NAI'IE: t4)/4P/& CS LA^^r ra <t4 pRopERTy o'rNER'S NA E: lv s l-1.,J /*npt1€tE 3 OWNER, S ADDRESS: -oerc, s/r3/r8 _ PHONE s: lto)gsl -o7t/'zrP I ZBfu 3; CONTRACTOR:f-re.r'- aa L./ CITY2 eu/Lr./r4frr-/ .-i1o.J ,r/J <- - LICENSE f:flzt4- PHoNE #: 9 /o)<?2472/ STt/.,a,zIP: ZB4ol sr| y'LztPt Z34a? . PHONE #:ttii szo-- sEa/ . PHONE #: 9r4 ?ElJczss sr ADDRESS: 354 F*tE Jot EI'IAIL ADDRESS: ?/.;2, Bt/3 /')-./P^ G 4mr-rL . 1ot4 PRO]ECT CONTAC l,/9sV- Bv ,4 (Check All Ihat Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION: lf Relocation. is there a Na No NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW STRUCTURE FAST TRACK ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: g{irrnarrou tural Gas Line on theE RENOVATTON f] GENERAL REPATRS Current Site? T_Yes T_No lS BLDG S RELOCATION KLERE}{|/-Y es- - _ClfY: yq La 1!4i.,J PR N , - i5-? ADD TO EXIST STRUCTUREE sHELL @{ertrl f vJooD PD SutfL 3/O If UPFIT - The SheU Penmit *:Is Elect Poyer on this Buitding P-V€s f NO r*r.* rs rHrs A CHANGE oF occupAtcy usE?f yEs fz/no ---,. IF Yes, what was the Previous occupancy Type? _ $,hat is the New Occupancy Ix8fi ?DESIGI'I PROFESSIONAL :5.?]til Sl<elvJ,'.=-f-. Pa ?,o)C6L-3r:i,r NC REG #3st9ENGR DESIGT{ PROFESSIONAL:-. PH: oDt tr ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure?f -Vesffio ls The Property Located tn The FtoodptainT - yedr;--- sD/4 o4, cZ- \/J *t2J aaJD CZ)1J/ZJ lhis application is conect and all work will comply wilh the Stale Building Code and allolher applicable StaleNHC NoDISCLAIMER: I hereby certily lhal allinlormarion in and locallaws and ordinances and reoulalions. The or chanoe in conlraclor or conlrador iitformatron. "'Subjectlo Fines Up To t500.00"'NOT Develooment Services CenterwJl be notfied of anvE:Any Work Perrormed w/O rhe Appropdale Permilschanqes in lhe approved plans andwiil Lie an Violation of rhe NC Stare Bldg Cod6 and {Oualifd) (PrinlName) contain Asb6slos or not. You arc roquircd to calllho National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 at least 1O days prior to rhe demoliton of any tacilily orbuilding. See Asbestos Web Site: htlp:/ rww.epi.slalo.nc.uyepi/asbestoyahmp.hlml OWNER/CONTRACTOR: PL'IR S SUS,LI?:- SIGNATURE: rOTAL PROJECT COST TOTAL AREA SQ FT : 4O,o )) BUILDING HEIGHT:El/sD/1 # OF UNITS 900 SQ Fr PER FlRi . Eps D)JL # OF STORIES # OF FLOORSTOTAL SO FT UNDER R h</Ji)^rL # OF STRUCTURES: ,/ ACRES DISTURBED:o 3 NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: EII'nF) PROPERTY USE:gloracel 3 EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? .r YES T-i(O SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVTOUS AREA: EltS nt jt,SQ FT RESTAURANT MERCANTILE EDUC APT CONDO OTHEI WATER SEWER SYSTEM *zFPUA FPUA - COMMUNITY SYSTEM Tl WELL T.1ZONINGU EIcENTRAL sEprc E fdvArE seerrc SiCor,n,tuurrv SE CLASSIFICATION , *. SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLAG, GAS EOUIP, PREFAAS & INSERTS {FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) ZONE: OFFICER:SETBACKS: F: LH RH B Approval:_ City: DATE_FLOOD:BFE+2ft Comment czlcF * | N - PERMIT FEE: I crear Form Print eMair 64ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT aPPLICATI1N rYPE: COMI1ERCIAL PLEASE ANsI,IER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" A-/ /./ L NC REG +: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: PAYMENT METHOD: r CASH f*.CneCX lenVrslE TO NHC) r-AMERTCAN EXPRESS l-- rvrCnrrsl f-- OTSCOVER NEI^J HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING APPLICATION IYPE: €OMMERCIAL L7 -3697 . rev4 PERMIT PLEASE A!\ISNEF ALL QULSIIOIIS APPLICABLT TO YO!R PEO]E'I "Project Responsibility" APPLICATION Numbe r DEVELOPER: OATE:-.:_ PHONE #: PRO] ECT ADDRESS:CITY:ZIP: - . OCCUPANT/BUSINES5 NAT1E PROPERTY OI,INER'S NAI'IE : OWNER,S ADDRESS: . PHONE S: LICENSE *: CITY: ST: ZIP | ' ZIP: " . CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS:ST: PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: PHONE tr: EXIST CONSTRUCTION: E ALTE RATION RENOVAT ION 6ENERAL REPAIRS R E LOCATION ll Relocation. is there a NaturalGas Line on the Current Site?tr Yes Ero IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?[v"" firuo NEI.J CONSTRUCTION: ACCESSORY STRUCTURE If UPFIT - The She1l Permit d Is Elect Power on thrs Building E yes E *O r**** rs rHrs A cHAt{GE of occupAt{cy usel flves r NO .r.r+ lF Yes, Hhat wa5 the Previous occupancy Type) ARCH OESIGI,{ PROF ESSIOI{AL: What is the I'lew Occupancy Type? PH EN6R DE5IGN PROFESS]ONAL DESCRIPTION OF I.JORK: EI ':B ls food or beverages prepared or served in this stnrcture? E ves I No ls The Prop€fty Located ln The Ftoodptainz f] v"t D ru" PH: !. -NC RE6 * DISCLAIMER I horarry cefl,,y lhar all ,nlornrahoo r rhs applcalro. rs corrrrcl .md allwork wlllcomdy wlth lhe State Buildrn I Code ir)d all olher rpp rcabre Stale.r Servi(:es Ceater wrll be notitied of anrmarion "'NOTE. Any Perlormed WO lhe Approp(ale Permi y changes rh lhe appruved plansls wrllbe n Vrolarion of the NC St DZONING USE CLASSIFICATION COMMUNITY SYSTEM SO FT Sublec oe ri conlraclot or coalract'ro Frnes Up To !5O0 00"' onirinAsb.st or nol. You.r! l.q.rftd to c.llthc Nlton5lEmissbn Sitrdlrds tor Hszardous Ai. PolluranG (NESHAP) sr (919)707-5950 d least 10 days plror to th€ 06rnoliton ol any lrcility or building. Soo A.b€slos W6b Sile hP1]\lvww.epi.3l,3le.rc q/epi/esb€sloCohmg,hlrnl TOTAL PROJECT COST: BUILDING HEIGHT: :j' #OFUNITS: OWNEFYCONTRACTOR Qudhs SIGNATURE IOTAL AREA SQ FT SQ FT PER FLR # OF STORIES: . IOTAL SO FT UNOER ROOF: # OF STRUCTURES ACRES DISTUREED Exsr LAND DrsrunerNc peRr,rrr f-l ves I uo NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: rI WATER SEWER zcFpuA f_jcoMMUNrrY sysTEM fl WELL ECTPUN DCENTRAL SEPTIC LIPRIVATE SEPTIC SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRE ' 'OR ELECI MECH. PLBG, GAS EOUIP P'iEFABS & ]NSERIS - PAY|\,1ENT METHOD: ICeSn I cHEcK (PAYABLE To r.rHc1 [auenrcAN EXPRESS I r,,lcrursa ! orscoven (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:-LH:- RH:- B REVISED DATE 4N1N2 ZONE:_OFFICERApproval:_ City:- DATE:- FLOOO: -- - BFE+2ft AVN Commenl PERMIT FEE: g ,.s.flI APPLICANT'5 NAME: CITY: EREcr NEt,t srRUcruRE ! rlsr rucx f] sHe lr- ! uerrr ! noo ro Exrsr srRUcruRE tIC REC I: - : l1l # OF FLOORS:_ pRopERTy usE: [Orrrcs [Resrlunerur luencerur[e !eouc !aer lcor.roo OTHER: -!! /a ' (/l Comm€nl L7 -3697 .rev4 f;n NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI'IIT APPLI.ATION TYPEi Coi'INERC IAL PLtASt /lfl5tiaR A!,1 QUtSllons APPLI(A!lt t0 toriN P30)t(I "Project RcsponslblIity" APPI.ICATION tluftber APP L ICAIIT'5 NA}IT i o^t t I J:j2!!::2L!_ DE VE toPt R: Livc onk Brrk PHOiIE Il A1]-r95 45/,1 PROItCT AoDRESS: l81r 'ribulon D! OCTUPANI/BUSINTSS NAI'IE I I lvr: o.rk Eank P ROPERTY OHNER, S I,IAI,IE:l,i v. Onk Bar)k CITY i l,tiIflr-iortLon LICE SE lr: 4 3119 CITY: wllnrloqt on PHONE [: 5T 9to'196- | 641 Nc zIP ! 2r,4 ) I 5Tr Nc ZIPi ;,lr4ol PHONE fi PHONE I 9t0- r9l - 8101 a4l 296. 4\14 oi,rNElt'5 AoDnEsS I l?41 f iburon I)! Nr)rt nitll (oustrucLlonCONTRACTOR ADORt55: l EIYAII- AOoRESS I t,rorc€n,ontcrthco com PRO]I TCT CONTACT PERSON i tr Yos, i,Iat w.lt thc Previous Occupan(y Type?Hhat Ir th. New o(.upancy IYPeI A8(lr Dt5t6l.t PttottsSIoNAli l,s lir ll( lit6 lt: I75rl,l /')" ts tood or bovoroooi p(opgrod or ssrvod h thls etrucrlre? flvos INo ls Ths Propoty Locatod ln Tho Floodpltlnt f]vos I ltc' all ollr,l appllt4blo S!!lc Pll;9lo-?91-9901 llC R[6 ,l 9657 INGR OTS I6N PROFT5SIOI,JAL che.lbham & Asaociatat 910 .152-4210 I)L 5( NI PTTON OI I{ORK:Ncr 600 space Precas! Parki { ilrlens ccnEcr, Phan{r(i Llrllruv(l l)lscL^lMERlholoby(oltglhol.lllnlotnollonlnthjsappllcaorr15col'.clI1dallwotlt^,llcom2lyll/ilhlho; ';:;ii:;;; ;;",;i";*;" ino,osurrrrons. rh. NHc l'h*kldnonr sei!*'s corroi Y'lrDo ^ori['d or€oYlj ,,l.lililiii.;,r.i;&ri.onrracicrrirormarlon'"NoTE An/ !Vo,* Po,fo rod WO lnoAorondar.iiiirNrlr r,n.s ul ro35oom"' Sraro Buildi.q Ccde and cnaNes lr' lhe ;corovedwll 6c rr V,olat$ ollhe C OWNEFUCONTRACTOR TOTAI PROJEC ZONE R :4onrerr.r: -.n,Jt u,,'r r SIGNATUFE: {oJd;.) Pth tlln., Nole DsmorB.. r(ilict0o^! 6 ltb.tlot rcrlDrtl gamlt lgpltdkna rt !o Da rolmnl- urlie U!' '9!lC'!on brln (Ot+l @n,rr.A3b..ro.orr'olYou.r.raqdr..,loarlll,l.l....lot9tE'd.rbnAtll4'dtb'H'!r(btA'Potfur''rt|(ti€STUP) doliroribn ot t./ lei lry a, bllrJing. 8.. Atbotbt ltbb St : l!|p,lrni1/v ort tLl. rE u''''91'ttbt!ba'onmP lxml Snr66) wir.rlr{ r}l. ldllv .. l{lUnC \Ns! lo'Jr1o t^ d (0re)m7.594o ar L6n 10 J!y. p or 10 0l. , OF STORIES: i! iier'r r l SO FT C0NDO OTHER: t,;rrxr;I iL T COST: r/., ,ro! ooo EUILDING HEIGHT: :!:--- C OF UNITSI IO TAL ARI4 SO FT SQ FT PER FLR tOTAt SO FT UNDER ROOF: IS,60.I #OFSTRUCTURES:--- ,t OF FLOORS AL-RES DISTUREED Exsr LANo DrsruRBtNo eenr'rrrz f] ves I ro NEW II.,IPERVIOt/S ARfA SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: WATER: SEWERi J)ill CFPUA CI.PUA COMMUNITYSYSTEM IIWELL f]ZONINGUSECLASSIFICATIONI CF.NTRAL SEPTTC fl pi-vnre srprtc []CoMMUNIT SYSTEM pRopErrTy usE, [ .-loFFlcE [Resreunelr f]ueRcemn e leouc [l l7o*/c 1*\ :lr',\rr rr r'l l{rnlls lrFrufiar}r(yi l-l L:cl fnl'cll.l'tl(i (l^slo('l'r,r'l{llAll:i'lfislr'li' I t5 r tt. DAT 1 PAYMENI MENIOD: ECASH cHEcK (eAvABLE ro Hncl fleuentcrul ExPREss f]Mclr'lse I otscovtn JApproyBl:_ity: i I I trr.l ('t ol 0ltttvt' fQr-8rtl ( ( fitnri( l- Ciil' lnpeclron Raprreo, 9l 0'251'090)II _Lt,'$ li. o lf\'.r,, [t['t tr "no(fl$,rr.gi! I f'dF llll ,.lq') ntrt \-a =/0 lt CITY: i{r Inilqto'r zIP | 2n 1r.: ((h..- all ln.t ^r9ly)ExrSr coNsrRucTroN: E aLrERArroN ! atmvarrol nlSnenna necatns ! RELocATToN r Rotocstloo . r',cr', " \dru,dr Gas Lino on lhe Currenr Siler l-lVos l-lNo lS EtCC SPRINKTERED? Ll vos LJNo N€N co1sTRUcrtoNr fl tnrCr new STRUcTURE IrrSr rnlcr ! SneLL ! urrrr I noo rO Exlsr 5TRUCTURE rf uPtlr - lhr, shell pe.mit llr Is Elect Pouer on this 8u1ldln8 E Yes E uO ..... rs rHrs a clrr./6E ot oc(uPAttcY usEl flvts Eng ""' ( T \, ?t , | -'.' e APPLICANT'S NAIVIE: DEVELOPER: :r'. _ NEt^l HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING APPLICATION TYPE; COITIMERC IAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]E "Project Responsi.bility" ffi PERMTT )n lV .- f+ APPLTCATION Number (O+fice U5e) Monteith Construction DATE:11,20./:011 CITY: wirminot.n PHONE f: 8q3--94 r5rl PROIECT ADDRESS: I8t1 rib,)ron trr OCCUPANT/BUSII{ESS NAr'lE: Lr."e cak Ban,< PROPERTY OWNER'S NAfiE: OWNER'S ADDRESS: rr-4i Live Oak Bank PHONE #: 91:'r-r96-16ir Tiburon Dr CO TRACTOR: MonteiLh const ruction ADDRESS: :r. fJ Fr r:: ri: CITY: l,fi 1mi ngt on sT : r';. zIP : . ..t L ST: NC ZIP: 28qoICITY: wi lminqr,cn EIIIAI L ADDRESS: tq.relamonLeithco com PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: Thomas Gore PHONE #: 91'l-7 9 L-8 r a 1 PHONE #:843-296-1514 (Che.k AII Ihat App]y) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RELOCATION lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site?Eruo IS BLDG SPRINKLERED?Ive' Ir.roYes NElal CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHEL L UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #: IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOiIAL: LI] jI, ***** rs rHrs A cHAr{GE oF occupANcy usE? EyEs fiNg ***** Is Elect Power on this Building E Yes E rc tlhat is the New Occupancy Type? PH: 910-791-9901 NC REG *: 965" PHi 914- 452- 4214 DESCRIPTION 0F WORK: New 600 space precast parking garage and 3 story E ls food or beverages prepared or served in this struclure? Eves f] lo ls The Property DISCLAIMER: I hereby certlfy thal all informalion in thrs application rs correcl and all work willcomply with the and local laws and ord nan( es and reqJlalrons The NHC Develoomenl Servrces Center will be notified ol anvor chanqe rn contraclor or corlraclor riformatron. "'NOTE Any Wo.k Performed w/O the Appropriale PermiisSubjeclio Fines Up To $500 00"' Located ln The Ftoodptainz I ves ft ruo Slate Building Code and all other applicable State changes in the approved wrll be in Violation of lhe and lions nd OWNEF/CONTRAQIQ|I; rhomas Gore, t4on.eith construc SIGNATURE: contain Asb€stos or not. You aro requlrcd to csll the Natonal Emlssion Standsrds tor Hezardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 at least 10 days p.ior to the demolilion of any facility or building. S€e Asb€sto6 Wob Site: http:/hrviw.efi.stata.nc.6/epi/asb€stosy'ahmp.htmt TOTAL PROJECT COST: :r,- BUILDING HEIGHT: r:'# OF UNITS TOTAL AREA SQ FT : 2 0 !r , 5 c s SO FT PER FLR 4 deck, -r f, TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 13,' 4 #OF STRUCTURES: Exsr LAND DtSTuRBtNG pERMtr? f] yES El NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: WATER: ECFPUA SEWER: 17 CFPUA -'SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG. GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS -' PAYMENT METHOO: ECASH CHECK (PAYABLE TO NHC) EAMERTCAN EXPRESS I UCnrrSn ! OrSCoven # OF STORIES # OF FLOORS: ECoMMUNTTY SYSTEM flwELL fIZON|NG USE CLASSTFTCAION:E CENTRAL SEPTTC L_l PR|VATE SEpTtC fICOMMUN|TY SYSTEM REVISED DATE 4N 1/12(FOR OFFICE USE ONLY)ZONE: OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:_LH:_ RH:_ B:Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: __ _ BFE+2ft=AVN I PERMIT FEE: $ ZIP:.841: LICENSE #: ,,i,' ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIoML: aheat,ham { Associates NC REG #: ': , .E! ACRES DISTURBED: SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: SQ FT pRopERTy USE: [orrrce lnesreunnrur ll,lenceruIle leouc !ner lcoruoo orH ER:j::j:]::r___:_:E Comment /0,rf *tlrq^tu ntl !a*+9o t?- t+ tZ--3SS+-.=ev+- NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERM APPL IcAf IoN IyPEI COI'IMERCIAL PLEASE AIISHER ATL QUISTIOIIS APPI,ICABI,E TO YOUS PRO]TCT "Project Responslblllty" APPTICATION Number (offl(e use) APPLICANT,S NAIIE; T4onLcILh ConsETuc!loIT DATEt 11120/201? ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: NEN CONSTRUCTTON, [l rnrCr NE!,r srRUcruRE !rasr rracx E sHeLL ! ulrrr AOO TO EXIST STRUCIURE If UPFIT - The Shell Permlt l,:Is Elect PoHer on thls BulIdin8 flves Eno r.rrr Is rxrs A cHANG€ oF occupArcy usel Ivrs IHo...-. rF ves, what was the Prevlous occupanay Type?what is the tlew occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: I,S]P Plt:91o-791-990r HC REG f: 965? ENGR DESIGN PROFES SIoNAL ! cheatham & As6ocialea PHi 91O-45"-42t0 NC RtG lli 17593, 1?65: DESCRIPTION 0F l/lORK: New 600 space precast parklnq garaqe and 3 story fit-neas center.Phared Lul'rlove ls lood or bovoragos p(oprrod or soryod ln thlo atructrreZ f]vu" I No ls Tho Proporty Localod ln The Roodplstnt E yos E ruo allolh€r appllcoblo Slaro EXIST CONsrRUcrrON: f] ALTERATTOI I arrcVlrroN ! ctlrant neelrns It Ralocauon, istherea NaturalGas Lino on lh€ Curred Sile? l-lYos l-lNo ISBLDGSPR IN RELOCAIION rleneor I vos Itto DISCtAIMEn: lh€r6bv c6ofv thsl Blllnro.m0llon ln lhls appllcallon 13 corrscl d 6llurglk willcomply wilh lho and local laws and ordinanc6'9 aft, r€oula ons, t ho NHC beveloDmenl SeMcos C€nter will bo nolln6d ol snY;i';d;;ili;;;i;";i; ;;j\G;ioirift-;;iid.. r"ijd ie1rirf -Woiii Forloi;nil'wo iho APpropd6ro Psrmils srDle(tlo tlnos Up To 3500.00"' Slalo Bulldlno Code 6nd chaftres ln lho aoorovcdwill 6e inViola$on ol llre contato A.b..tor or not. yoo .r. r.qdr.d to catl tie t$loial Emb.loo $and.rdt b. HlEt&ira Arr Polldaru (NES}IAP) it (€ 10)7lr.5960 3l h.n 10 dayt p.lo. lo Ub donbthlon ol .ny faclllty o, bulldloc. soa Attatbt l4bb sltD: hnp://tYt t egl.sl,tls rE uraPt/.lballoJ3hnp.fiml DEVELOPERT Ltve oak Bank PHOI'IE fl : 841-296-4s?4 PROJECT AoDRESs: l8r1 Tibul-orr Dr CITY! }li lminqLon ZIP I z\4r2 oCCUpANT/EUSINESS NAIIE: Live oak Bank PROPERTY otlNER'5 NAIEl Live oak Eank ot4l,lER'S ADDRESST 1r41 'f iburorl Dr CONTRACTOn I llolrteith conotruction LICENSE {l 4 3119 AooRESS: 12 N Front sr CfTY: }lllnridqLon EMAIL ADDRESS; tqorc@monteithco.com PRO] ECI CONTACT PERSON:Thonaa Core ((he.t Arl lt.t ApplY) TOTAT PROJECT COST: r4,000,0o0 BUILDING HEIGHT: as' TOTAL AREA SO FT : 200, 505 f OF STORIES: a deck I f 1l IOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: -p,-q!3- # OF STRUCTURES:# OF FLOORS: ACRES OISTURBED: - Exsr rAND Drsrunsrlo peRl,ttrz T-lves fl r'ro NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: -p-1,-2fl- SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT WATER: ACFPUA SEWER; Z]CFPUA ''' sLt,Ali^t L ,,UtMtl s REoulRlD ron ELlcr,lr[cli, PLI]G. cAS EO(nP. Pnt:l AJ,S A lNSl:llrS "' PAVIIENT MEIHOD: ECASH cHEcK (pAyABtE To Httcy fleuentcm exrnrss I ucrusl E otscoven (FOROFFTCE USE REMSED DATE 11IlI2 OWNEFYCONTRACTOR : Thonas Core, lvlonleith Constructl SIGNATURE:(O!.rib) fdrnlbn.) Noto: D6mol[on nollicrlhN e laDartoa ,tfiovol pclt lt 6pdbatlon! !r to ta allinltod trrl.p lr..9dlceton lorm(O}}IS{7e{) Yrn $.r lt hdllv or bddho w.! lbuM lo ZONE: & TlcoMMUNtrY SYSTEM TIWEIL TIZONINC USE CLASSIFICATIONI cenrml seerrc f] e=nvlre srRTlc EcoMMUNlry sYsrEM ONL$ \,r: 'rtlH e00royat: Commsnt 1n B Il,Jr.'i 00. 0P(hv Fn flkr (tr[ 0ti,-r ' J.^u,rr. cl ftrr,nt $el, tuu5 9, ?trt( lqr-8rtlrf C[\rqrf( tJ I * lfiurr lf\ui ffQtto,.,.,o,a-i"o (dc,tsiq I /on, 0rt I , -,, r r * -,ciH hWeclion Requreo' 91s254'090) t.,ffir PlotrE s: -919::E!]9!_ PHoNE fir 8{3-296-4s?4 PHoi{E fr elo-7e6-164? clrYr 4]gl!98!__ sI: Ig- zIP: i!11?- ST: NC ZIP: ?,84 O 1 # OF UNITS: SO FT PER FLR: pRopERTy USE: EOFFTCE EnesreUnelr lUrRCemtle DeoUC Eapr ECOHOO OTHEFT parklns, r,it,x 5*\ DAT I i li, ..." i '. ..l}'NEW HAilOVEN COUI{TY BUIIoIIIG PERMIT APPl.NAtlof{ ffPE: RESlDEifIlAl P[Asl AtiSWEn A![ qullTtot{s IPPUCAIU IO YOUi PIoJICI 'Ffol.ct i.tonlbllly Aoltr - zl LL{ l,t .-l atruc l{rs trtat:WLLIAM DAVIS y6' 2-|*?o1t PloiEcI ADmESeglDlYISlOtt t r rt Pholcn..._w omf,Fs tur{t:ANNE SCHLEINING ?tlor Et: 010'A4O{5rg (IXTENS ADDfiTSS:TlOr Eddle. Clde orY;WILMINOTON u;Ean ltE1.1 ct! TTACTOR;WLLIAM DAVIS 81DG UCEI'5E *521L AEnEs: 5.2a OVERBROOK ROAD cry,!l!Wl9!_ sr: i& a2 ?a4@ ETATL ADORESS:WDAVtS2l 1 2@Gt/tArL.COM William Davis Pl(,l{E 91GruQN ql'nf,G outsnlrcrx,II I0 Nbntton D Rmoy:tlon fl 6rncr.t Rcpdn ElX O(Ilsfll,cn : E ErrctN. R.r&tanca E Mdhion to Exkdn! Rrsid.rlc! D Rdoc.don ...,IIAISE OGCT AflD ATIs*tN BEU'W AlI T}IAT APPLV TO YOUR PiO'ECIt.' D Att G.ngG (SF) _ ! $nroolll (sR U5 Fl Drt Garar.lsFl D Pool(sr)- D Pod (SFl _ Cl stont! 5H lsn - tr @r.r (sR - IOTAL Sq rT UIDEn ROOf Uor roposcd Fprt) Hc.tcd: [rrAL 9nOrEET OGr (l'!t' tot]: S r 4,000.00 irElall 1 6x6 tor beam al cornor ol dl6d rcol. lnstal ,an 05at lE: I tEr.6y ..drt rhn .l ft. lnton tbn h lH. .pdl..tbr b corr.ct rld .l Uo(I rall cqnply ulth th. St t. lradq Cod. ..n .I othcr .pgtobt 5a.b nd h..t brr r, o.dlt .E . ..d rnlLtioo.. Th! iaHC Cffi llll b. lbdfu d .ny ch.Il.. In th. .rprovd pL.u .d rp.dn diru o. .tEt h rEi-rE D.rmltr wit b. h vbhrbn oa lhc tlc 9.r. !5t Cod. .id tubFcr ro nrE lp ro SS{II(D...Hdri.r! .r "'loltr A^v wott O,trlC,,fr&f,.ltudOtdlEt' Saannurc: 8 th. prceo!.d mrt drndnt thc numh.r ot badroon$? A la Wfb ./ E Iy EtdH, Irhn$ftt or M-h.nt l wott bcina don. to thc Acclssory Strudur. E Y.. tr o ,tlE prpi1'd is. ldo.rdon, k thdc. .tur.l9.s Lin on lhr curcnt sh.? tr Y6 En.o E 6lcra g!ffi| Pow.r oo thk &illdlnt? {a O V ttlFl, t r./ Oalf rfr S4tnftr femry tr DupLr D fownhour o..rrtdon ot luort quts sH 'od s& h.^k ol $datng ho3n', trr lnlo aFt'ng ,oon.g, ta-'r Ed ic.ran h i I It ! II b 0|. Dror.rty bca.d h I ioodpbln? tr Yr tr ,{o ffil|ll!Flh,'^!I:-tqh Tot lA.r.a Dfutlrt d: If XDrrhr&-: -5{ tt ErH'| bnd DLtu6l]| PIlt t tr 1.. D t5 WAtEi: E CfruA C) Communlty Sy.tfir D Pdvltc W.ll D Cmtr.lw.l E Aqu. SEWEn: O CFruA C Communlty Synrm tr Priv.t. S.Ptlc tr CGntnlsapdc D Aqut t,,t ; - Oien: - id.cb lfl - ltfl) _lrHl _l!l _ ApplDf,l: .- Oty - O.tG - rbod: lAt _ lvl _ lt{l _ !}E+2t, _Corltrnrnt: Pormlf Fer: $$rs- q^.rnna/l h., a"- s^.--^. 71(x Fdd.r Chdc ofl: Wlfl*Elon enotE.:91o284,W- Dnot8cr co tacr Dfisotr: D eccnhur. (SF)_ O DGd (sFl _ E ll|a propor.d wort d.ntirl! thc erkdtt iootpdnt? tr Yls E tlo 0 unffi;C :L;41- I) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPL,CAT,O N TYPE: RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALT QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Proiect Responsibiliv' tt-U2+ Application Number (office use) APPLICANTS NAME:l,u ,, , PRO'ECT ADDRESS: suBDtvlStoN: Lt kcv (^ !-.( < L,l ,-s clTY: &J Date: CZ .L ztP t LOT S l"sr:N.L zrP: ?-8'.tos T BLDG LICE SE r:- (.[1s r at^ h,ll PROPERTY OWNER'5 NAME:LJtll, o OWNER'S ADDRESS: PHONE #:q10 523 0.1.{t CrY: 1rJrlw,.,L^q4o.^ZtP:48\CSLt CONTRACTOR drl ADDRESS: t I c'7 EMAIL ADDRESS: 6- I i t I !-.. CITY: [.n r.+,-Co PHON Qto C 7 ? c11?-ll-uu^).>-PROjECT CONTACT PERSON l.d'llI a]!-^1 -(PHONE (to rz ,. ExlSTll{G CONSTRUCTION: ofAlteration ! Renovation f General Repairs t{EW CONSTRUCIION: ! Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation I*'PLEASE CHECX AND ANSWTR BETOW AI,t THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJEcT..* D Att Garage (SF)_E Det Gara8e (SF)_tr Porch (SF) tr Sunroom (SF) ! Greenhouse (SF)tr Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes fl No Sq FT UNDER RoOF Vor prcposed workl tteateO, Affi ,-l ' E Storage Shed (SF) - ! Other (SF) TOTAL Y,o'o,. unheated: PRoJEcr cosr (tess Loit S 6 '? lL."\^'./ o?"lroorr,rr.,r," K, o no l4lf R 18 I g:49fi1',1 t oitke "4-ls the proposed work chanBing the number of bedrooms? ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Descriptio lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Naturgr6as Line on the current site? tr Yes F No ls there Electrical Power on this BuildinB? [trr Yes E No /'Property Use/ Occupancy: V' Sintle famlly f: DuplexE Townhouse n (ta (,,n 'lO Lt"o-.^* ..*d '{ \6"{q laws and ordinances and regulations, The NHC Oevelopment Services Centerwillbe notified of anychangeJ in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. "'NOTE: Any vrork med without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Eldg Code and subiect to fines up to S50O.m"'r+' 4)t ll,uu^5 llr'ro,^J.--Owner/Contractor:Signature: "Licensed Quolifier" Print Nofie ls the property located in a floodplain? D Yes E( No Existintlmperviousar"3; l4oc sqFt TotalAcresDisturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: D Yes D No WAr:n: \ CFPUA ! Communitysystem E Privatewell D Centralwell ! Aqua SEWER: \ CFPUA n Community System ! Private Septic E CentralSeptic L] Aqua Zone: - Officer: - Setbacks (F) - (tH) - (Rlll - (B) -Approval: - City; - Date: -. Flood: (A) - (v) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - Comment:Permit Fee: S $VOo--- ! Pool (SF) - ,/, Clear Form AppLtcANls NAME: William Johnston t P.int ffi 09 212( Application Number (office use) oate: 311212018 pRoJEcr ADDREss: 1307 Woodfield Ct crw, Wilminqton, NC tp,284OS suBDtvtstoN: Tyndall Subdivision tor # pRopERw owNER,s t'tlmr: Rovinson PHoNE s: 910-262-0902 owNER,s ADDRESs' 1307 Woodfield Ct.61n. Wilminoton zlP: NC coNrRAcroR: William Johnston sroc ucrNsr *, 64987 ADDRESS: PO Box 47 47 crry: Wilmin ton sr: NC zrp EMATL ADDREss: Johnston32l @qmail.com PHoNE: 910-262-0902 pRolEcr coNrAcr pensot, Billy Johnston pxoue: 9'10-262-0902 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: - Alteration fl Renovation I General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: n Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation ...PLEASE CHECX AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT'" n Att Garage (SF)I Det Garage (sF] _n Porch (SF) D Sunroom (SF)n Pool(SF)n Storage Shed (5F)_ 28406 Existing lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Total Acres Dlsturbed: 0 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Proied Responsibilitl/' ! Greenhouse (SF) U Deck(SF)_ ls the proposed work changin8 the existing footprint? D Yes E No ! other (SF)_ ToTAt5QFTUNDERRooFUorproposedwork)Heated:-Unheated:- TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less rot): S 9,000.00 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes I No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYeslNo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes I No lsthere Electrical Poweronthis Building? I Yes E tto Property Use/ Occupancy: - single Family El Duplex E Townhouse Description of work: Reoair and/or reolace damaoed oirder. Reolace and/or reoair damaoed floor ioists. laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Oevelopment Services Center willbe notified ofany changes in the approved plans and rpecifications orchanSe in contractor information. "'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropraate permi$ will be in violation of the NC State Bldg Code and subject to fines up to 9500.00... owner/contractor: William Johnston stgnature: "Licensed Quoliliet" Print Nome lsthepropertylocated inafloodplain? E Yes I No New lmperviousArea: _Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes I No WATER: E CTPUA tr Community System E Private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: I CFPUA tr Community System E Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tHl _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N)_ BtE+zft= _ Comment: Permit Fee: S _ ,o)t L1L( ApplcANT,s NAM6: William Johnston pRor€cT ADDR€ss: 1307 Woodfield Ct,crrv: Wilminqton, l,l9_ _ zrp tol d: oare:3/1 212018 28409 suBDtvtstoN: Tyndall Subdivision pgopERTy owNER,s N4tvlgl Rovinson psonr a: 910-262-090 clrY: Wlminqton 64987 owNER,s AoDnrssr 1 307 Woodfield Ct. coNTRAcToR: William Johnston ADDREss: PO Box 47 47 crry: Wilmington 5Tr N zrp, 28406 EMAL ADoR€ss: Johnston32l @Ctmail.cont pnor,re: 910-262-0 PROJTCT coNTAcT prRsoNi Billy Johnston pxor'rr. 9 10-262-09 2 txlSIlNG CONSIRUCTION:: Alteration [-] Renovation I General Repairt NEW CONSTRUCTION: fl Erect New Residence [] Addition to Exirting Residence Ll Relocation ...PI.TASE CHECK ANO ANSW€R BEI.OW AI.t TI]ATAPPIY IO YOUR PRO'ECI"' f l Att Garage (5F) _ C Det Garage (5F) - :l Porch (Sf) D Sunroom [Sf)- D Greenhouse (5F)- D Pool{SF) C Deck (5F) ls the proposed work chan8ing the existinS footprlnt? -l Yes D No IOTA[ Sq FI UNDER ROoF Uot ptopoted wolt) Heated:unheated: TOTAT PROTECT COST (tes5 tot)i 5 9,000.00 lstheproposedworkchan8iogthenumberof bedrooms? E Yet I No tsany€lectrical,pl!mblngorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccetsoryStructureOYcslNo ll the project is a R€location, as there a Natural Gas line on the current site? O Yes ! No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? I ves D wo Property U5e/ occupancy: I sintle Famlly D DuplexD Townhouse Description of Worr: Reoair and/or reolace dam ir r n lor r ir damaoed or ioists OtsctAtMtR: r hereby cerlly rhat .llihe lnform.rron rn rhir.pp[c.tion ri.orrecl rnd allworl will(omply wlth lhe Sl.le 8uildl68 code aod allothe app r.rb e Srate and lo.a tawr nnd orrjinancer and regulatioo, Tha NHC Developmenl 9ervic es Center willbc notined ofany(han8a5 in lha approled plant rnd i9e(lll(ation or (ia 8e,n.onlra(tor rnlo.mation...NOI[:nnyyrortperlormedwtrhoulrhe.ppropaetepe nrtswlllbeinvlol.lronoftheNCS!.leBldtCodeaodruble[tlofinesup 9sm 0o'.. ownerlcont.actori ]ry!!G!-JqU9l9!-- sEratu,e: - "Licented Quolifict" Prinl Notue l! the property lo.ated in a floodplain ? D Ye3 lNo fxirtlnE lmpervious Area:sq tt Total Acres Dl5turbed: 0 New lmpervlout Alea:Sq Ft Exlsting l-and Disturblnt Permit: 0 Ye5 I No WATER: il CFPUA D Communitysystem D Private wcll D Ccntralwell fl Aqua STWTR: I CFPUA C lone A'tn Offlcer $rsysystcm D Privateseptic E centralSeptic E Aqua ut ( n^tL-p Approvali Comment lv ,)v, Clty setba.ks (F flood:(A) Permlt F--Cir,rllEp',ttOn ,9i0.;54.0vtil ) ffi Claar Forn PINEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICATIO N ryPf; RESIOENTIAL PTTAST ANSWTR ATI- QUTSTIONS APPTICABT€ TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Prolect Responslblllty'' ZIP: NC BLDG UCTNSI ri: Il Storage Shed (5F) Ll other (Sfl I )ot K 4Q>t18-863 APPLICANT,S NAME: PRO,IECf ADDiESS: SUBDIVISIONT PROPERTY OW'TEfi5 IAMEI OW ERT ADDRESSI CONTRACTOR: EMAIL AOOitslt. PTOJECT CONTACT PERSON: E Gr.Enhourc lSFl_ ts thG propos€d ryort ch.nSlna th. cllsdn8 fDotprlnt? El ,o dtU rorAl sq FI UNDEi lOOr 0br Dt0a; r I turG to PXO E: txow, Litl-QD-flM3 OfSnfG COfSnUcTlOtl: E Ah€r.tlon E nenovt on E 6.n r.l iapalrs rwco $iuclloil: {*cattew tcstdlnc. O Addttbn to Enrttni nrCdencc tr nlbc.tton ffi*,*ttl .PEAI'E C ECT AND AI{sW€I ICLOW Al.l TATAPPI,Y IO YOI,'R PiOJECT"' E oct 6rr.g. (SFl_WlorchFrl 14 E Sunmom (SFl _tr Pool {Sfl _El Storlr $!d (Sfl _ tr Oh.r (sfl Unh.ttad: ls th! proposcd vyorkchrnglng tlte number of b.droomr? O Y.t Vftao lr any Electrlcsr, Plumblna or Mednnlc.l work b€try dono U, tha Acc83ory Struchrr! tr yqt E. ,{o lf the prorect is a iohc.don, 13 th.re. Naturarcas Un€ on th€ current slts? E V., OrtlonE ls th€re gactrlcsl Power on thls Sulldlng? E/Yar O ilo TOTrt ,lo,Ecf COSI (1.$ Lotl Pto!,'njt Va.l O.t<dptlon ot Wort: \lY\iYV a a2; [\AYrtvluiJr l(rodS . C:l'lnl;:t:trcn pequron ?10 tj1 i?il) O OccL (sFl _ NEW HANOVER COUITTY BUIIDII'IG PERM]T APPUUflON nm: nEStDE tru PLEAJE lr{Sry€i ^lt quEsnoiE Arpuc 0tETo ttt i ptoJEct ?rol..t i..tonrlulltr ^prt6,l""llunbar (otnaa ul., CITY: ollcr lMltr r h.ob, ca.tlry ttat.[ th! htonnafon In thlr .ppllrtlon witt llu tltac lar93 tnd oft,lntnc!! tnd lltulrtlon!.br lntormallo.r.pcnnltr Of,'nrr/Gootractoc 'i.l(t]at d Quol\lct' SEnatu.!: 15 th€ grope.ty locrtcd ln a O r* S'6S Crlnlna lmp!rvlo6 Ar!.i 5q ft fot l Acrlr Olttu6.d:.pl l{aw lmprolout Ara.:5q Ft Exlnlnt t rd Dltturtl{ P.Erh!o vcs g/no WATER:{oruu E] Communlty Synem O Prlv.te Well E Centrat Wafl El Aqua sEWER:d,,ro tr CommunltysFtem O P,ly.tGSGpUc E Contralscptlc 0 Aqur locrl zmt t:5-- otact ,(r{\r'Irrum 3c(0ACvs) 8tE+2lt fcc: I 4((o.odegpro,rd: 0E oty: