MARCH 28TH 2018 BUILD APPS?Qr-th * LttJ:.\L^* -4<+;. t"lu/tb NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING APPLIcATIott TYPE: CO}IIIERCIAL PLEASE AT'ISI,IER ALL QUESTIOTIS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "ProJect Responslbilit}/' L7-3878.rev2 PERMIT ?on-e?c APPL CATION Number (office Use) APPLICAI{T'S M}lE: grian Barefoot, Blue Wave Deployment, obo Atnerican Tower LLC DATE: 3/2s/tB DEVELoPER: American Tower LLC _PHO|{E #: 9t9-1'j 2-2594 PROJECT ADDHES-: B5,28 Marker srreer,CITYT wihtngron ZIP i 2s 411 OCCUPAI{T/BUSII{ESS tlAr,lE : American Tower LLC PROPERTY (Mi{ER'S l{AI,lE: sau11otns & 5AUNDERS LLC 0tlNER'5 ADORESS: 821S porters Crossing 1.;ay,CITY! q1l6ingsen CO TRACTOR: wireless Nerwork croup,_ LICEI{SE *i t't 486Inc ADORESS: 220 west pkway,Unit 10 CITY: p6mpsqn p16in.5T: l:.r ZIP: Orqqq _PHO E #: 919-291- 1625EitAIL ADDRESS: Br i an Gb1 ueqavedepl oymenr . com PROJECT COflTACT PERS()II: Brian Barefoor, Bluewave Deploymenc (check A11 lhat Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION lf Relocation. is there a Natural Gas Line on the unent Site?rNo NEW CONSTRUCTION: ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: - PHOlrlE #: gtg-291-1625 GENERAL REPAIRS lf No ls BLDG S tr PRIN RELOCATION KLEREDr , YesJi Is Elect Polrer on this Building f_ Yes r NO rF yes, what *", ,,. p"llill,,"""'"1';,:rtffi: oF occuPANcY "jll* I'i.[-;-ll ,..,r""., TvDe?ANIH WATER: SEWER: SYSTEM trtr CFPUA CFPUA DESI6I{ PROFESSIOMLi Torer Engineering professionals - PH:919-661-6351 NC REG *:C-n9q ENGR DESIGI'I PROFESSIOTIAL :_PH:NC REG #: DESCRIPTION OF I,,JORK Replacing existing antennas ldith new antennas at the same height and location ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure?f_ Yesf-1 No ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainf_ Yefr _ NoDISCLAIMER. I hereby cerl y that all information in this application is @rrec1 and all work will comply with the State Building Code and all other applicable Stateand local laws and ordinances and regulations, The NHC Develooment Services Center u,illt e nolified of anv chanoes in the aDorov€d Dlans and soecrficationsor chanqe in conlraclor or cohtractor iiformation. "'NOTE: Any Work Performod w/O the Appropnate Permils will 6b in Violati6n of the NC State Bldg Code andsubiedro Fin€s up To $500 00"' . '- a.:. r-jgffi,H,-* *OWNER/CONTRACTOR:gr,"" Barefoor SIGNATURE: .a-"- ':* ;**'*;;'; - (ouamod (Prihl N6m€) conlain Asbeslos or not You are required !o call th€ Nst onal Emission Standards lor Hazardous Ajr Pollutants (NESHAP) at (91 9)707-5950 at leasl 1 O days prior to the demolition of any facility or bdlding. See Asbestos Web Site: http/www.epi.slate.nc.us/epi/asb€stos/ahmp.html TOTAL PROJECT COST: BUILDING HEIGHT: # OF UNTTS: TOTAL AREA SO FT SO FT PER FLR # OF STORIES TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF # OF STRUCTURES # OF FLOORS EXST LAND DTSTURBTNG pERMtT? r yES r NO SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA SQ FT IFICATION '' SEPARATE PERI\,IITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT MECH PLBG, GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERIS PAYMENT METHoD: f CASH f- cHecx leavnBlE To NHc) J-_ auenrceru ExeRESS f-_ lrrcnrrse l-_ otscovER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY)ZONE: OFFICER:SETBACKS: F: LH . RH_ B__Approval:_ City:_ DATE_ FLOOD:_ BFE+2ft.AVN Comment PERMIT FEE: : l-l WELL - zONtNG USE CLASS PmvArE SEPTTC D-dOMMUN|TY +DISCLAIMER: SUBMITTING THI S APPLICATION I,.IEANS THAT THE SUBMITTAL CHARGE IS NON.REFUNDABLE PHONE *: ST: Ns ZIP:2s411 ERECr NEr{ STRUCTURE E FASr TRACK E SHELL fl UPFrr E ADD rO Exrsr srRUCruRE If UPFIT - The sheU Permit #: ACRES DISTURBED: NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: pRopERry usE: EoFFtcE I nesrnunN{r ! rvrencerurrr_e[-1 EDUCD AprD CONDO OTHEI E COMMUNITY SYSTEM CENTRAL SEPflC T1 L-l NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATI0N TYPE: COitllERCIAL PLEASE ANSI{ER ALI- QU€STIOIIS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" t7-2a64 . rev2 Zott-8YCQ cz E APPLICAI{T'S MlilE 3 grian Barefoot, Bluewave Deployment obo American Tower DEVELOPER: American Tower, T-Mob11e PROJECT _DATE: 3/2s/tB :5?04 Park Ave . wl lmington - PIO E *: sts-jj2-2594 ZIP :29 49 3 OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAr4E : American Tower PROPERTY Ot{l{ER'S NAIrlE: 51q.. D Hushes _ PHoNE #: 91a-256- 492:, Ot{t{ER' S ADDRESS: s * H.;d.i"o., sr *s1111 COI{TRACTOR: wiretess Network croup, - CITY: j,1;191,65yi 1te Beach ST: NC ZIP: ST: p7 ZIP: 67444 _ PHONE #: 919-291- t625 - PHONE *: 919-291-1625 Inc - LICENSE *t '7'7 4a6 ADDRESS: 220 west pkway,Unit 10 CITYi p66p;6n p1a1n5 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Brian Barefoor, Btuewave Deploymenr (check Al.l That Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION It Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on lhe F-l RENovArro l-l GENERAL REPATRS f]birrenr site? ;- vEdp ruo ts BLDG sP-RrN RELOCATION KLERED?f YesT No NEW CONSTRUCTIOT{: Ll ERECT I{El.l STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: FAST TRACK SHE LL UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE)t+ E 3s o dz If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit #:Is Elect PoYer on this Building f.Yes r NO TvDe,AREH OESI6N PROFESSIONAL: :ower En9:neer rn9 P!ofessionals - PH:919-661-6351 NC REG *ic-1,'t94 ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL;-PH NC REG #; DESCRIPTION 0F WORK: Repraclng existing antennae with nelr antennae at same height and Location in contraclor ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure?f- Yesf-- No ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainf_ YefL NBCUtUen, t n.r.Oy cenily that all informalron in this application is corect and allwork willcomplywith the State Building Code and all olher applicable State and local laws and ordinances and regulalions. The contractor information.'**NHC DeveloDmenl Services Center wlll be notmed of anv chanoes in lhe aDoroved olahs and soecrficettons NOTE: Any Work Pertormed w/O the Appropriate Pormils urilllib in Molati6n ol theNC State Bldg Code andot chanoe Subiectlo Fines Up To 500.00"' ER/CONTRACTOR: e.ian Baref oot $ SIGNATURE: ..--' # OF UNITS l&..&r..botF|d SQ FT ' (ot'slifEr) Pnnt tratr'o) contain Asbeslos ot not. Yoo are requlred to callthe Nali,onal Emissioo Standards ror Haziardous Ar Pollutants (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 at least 10 d6ys pdor lo the demoliton of any facjlily or boilding. Se6 Asbostos Web Site: http:/ ^,ww.epi.state.nc.uyepi/asbestovahmp.html BUILDING HEIGHT SQ FT PER FLR: TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF # OF STRUCTURES ACRES DISTURBED EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? -l- YES T NO CONDO OTHEI WATER SEWER SYSTEM trtr CFPUA CFPUA SE CLASSIFICATION '. SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP. PREFABS 8 INSERTS PAYI\,4ENT METHOD f CASH l- cxecx lenvaBLE To NHc) f - AMERTCAN EXPRESS l-_ r!,tcnrrse f-_ otscovER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:LH RH BApproval:_ City:_ DATE_ FLOOD:_ BFE+2ft,- AVNComment PERMIT FEE: I E COMMUNITY SYSTE[/I CENTRAL SEPTIC T1 WELL T1 ZONING U I'Rlvare sEPrc D'CoMtuluNrrY AFFIIEITI6iI l{umber (Office Ure) Er,lAIL ADDRESS : BrianGbluewavedeploymenr . com **..* rs THrs a CHANGE OF OCCUpAt{Cy USE?r yES l-- t{O **r** IF Yes, lrhat i,as the Previous Occupancy Type? _ t{hat is the l{e}, Occupancy TOTAL PROJECT COST: TOTAL AREA SQ FT : NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: pRopERry usE: EoFFrcE ! Resrnunnrur ! raeacer.ir[ef[ eoucf[eerI # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS: ZONE: OFFICER: if tA. {)z{L p*f L7-24G3.rev2 2or)-W 13 o c, 1, z I 7 NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT f Itm- C/r,ly*ffucAudt rypE: coml{ERcrALl-/" 0 ,rr*, AN'T.JER ALL QuEsrro*s appLrca'LE To youR pRolEcr RECEIVED |'lAR 2 3 ?010 "Project Responslbilitld' APPLICANT'S l{AllE: erian Barefoot, Bluewave Deployment obo Ametican Tower _DATE: 3/25/tB DEVEL0PER: .Ameri can Tower, T-Mobite _PHO E $: sts-1'i 2-2s9 4 PROJECT ADDRE55: 5765 Castte Hayne RD LI I Y! castle Hayne Rd ZIP t2sa2s OCCUPANT/BUSINESS l{A}lE: American rowe r PROPERTY OhlNER'S NAIIE: s..ri.a6 Tower LLc _ PHONE S: s7a-256- 4s2'7 OhINER'S ADDRESS: l0 presrcienEia: way COI{TRACTOR: t{iretess Network Group, ADDRESS: 220 pest pkway,CITY: pqmps6n p 16ing ST: Nt ZIP: oraqq - PHONE *: sr9-29 t-1625 - CITY: w6gugn ST: Nr\ ZIP: 018 01 - LICENSE li 't'7 4s6 Unit 10 EIIAIL ADDRESS: Briancbluewavedeployment. com PROJECT COI{TACT PERSON: Brlan Barefoor, Bluewave Deploymen! EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION l, Relocation. is lhere a Natural Gas Line on the urrent Site?t-trPRIN KLERED{-_ YesJ-_ GENERAL REPAIRS lf No ls BLDG S RELOCATION SHELL UPFIT ADO TO EXIST STRUCTURE NoNEll CoNSTRUCTIOT{: LI ERECT t{E}l STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: (Check A11 Ihat Apply) FAST TRACK If UPFIT - The SheII Permit #:Is Elect Polrer on this Building f. Yes r NO r**** rs THrs A CHANGE OF OCCUpAtitCy USE? r yEs l-. r,rO ***.* IF Yes, Hhat uas the Previous Occupancy Type? IXtEtrrttun pRoFEssror.aL : rower Ensineerrns _ what is the ilet{ Occupancy Professionals _ PH:919-661-6351 NC REG S:C-1794 ENGR DESIGN PROF ESSIOI,IAL :-PH DESCRIPTION 0F UORK: nep.racinq existing antennae with new antennae at same height and location NobtSCLAtMER: I hereby certfy that all information in this applicatjon is conect and allwork willcomplywith the State Building Code and allothor applicable State and locallaws and ordinance6 and re,gulations. The NHC Development Servrc€s Cenlerwillb€ notified of any changes rn lhe approved plang and specilcalions 6r chanqe in conlractor or contractor i-nformalion. "'NOTE: Any Work Pedormed w/O lhe Appropriate Permils will6e in Violation ot theNC State Bldg Code andSubiedlo Fines Up To $500.00"' -._ -;. H,*#"**j*-* OWNER/CONTRACTOR:g.ia. Bareroot SIGNATURE: :?*- /'-7*. E::-;Y- ls lood or beverages prepared or served in this structure?f- Yes[- No ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainf - Ye{i- (o!ari6.0 (Pd Nams) conlaan Asbestos or nol. You are required to callthe Natlonal Emission SlaMards for Hazardous Ajr Pollulanls (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 at least 10 days prior to lhe demolition of any facility or building. Sec Ast estos Web Site: httpj/w] Yv-epi.state.nc.us/epi/asbestosi/ahmp.html TOTAL PROJECT COST: BUILDING HEIGHT: # OF UNITS: TOTAL AREA SO FT SQ FT PER FLR # OF STORIES TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF f OF STRUCTURES # OF FLOORS NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FT pRopERry usE: floFFrcE ! nesrnunnrur I,,4ERCANTILE EDUC APT CONDO OTHET WATER SEWER SYSTEM trtr CFPUA CFPUA T-'I COMMUNITY SYSTEM T"I WELL T-I ZONING USE CLAS I cenrnel seerc n FRIvATE sEprc D'CoMNruNrry SIFICATION '" SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT. MECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP. PREFABS & INSERTS PAYMENT METHOD f cAsH f- cnecr leavnBLE ro NHc) f- AMER|CAN EXPRESS f-- rvrcnrtse f-- otscovER ZONE: OFFICER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:LH RH B Approval:_ City:- DATE- FLOOD:- BFE+2ft'- AVNComment PERMIT FEE: I /(p A-PPLrcATroN Number (office use) 1nc. - PHOI{E *: s!s-291-1625 2+f =F NC REG *: ACRES DISTURBED:EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? T YES T NO ftot Cf\cL ,o,NEl"l Lrprr-z--aln1Z Cc,>w7-r.r HANOVER COUNT c1'r-r- Y BUILDING L7 -27 68 . rev2 2ot t -?bPERMIT RECEI\.lEDt'iAR 23 APPLICATTON TYPE: COIIi'IERCIAL PI-EASE ANSIIER ALL QUESTIOiIS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibllity'' APPLICAT{T'S J{A}IE: grian Barefoot, BLue ltave Deployment, obo American Tower. LLC _DATE: 3/25/78 DEVELOPER: American Tower LLC PRO] ECT 3 8528 Market street,. wi lminot on _PHO E #: gt9-1'12- 259 4 ZIP:2s411 PROPERTY O{i{ER'S NA}IE i 5ng1.1psp5 & SAUNDERS LLC O NER'5 ADDRESS: 8215 porrers Crossing way.CITY: s11p1ns16n CO TRACTOR: 14ireless Network Group,_ LICENSE #i tj 486 5T: Nq ZIP:2g411 Inc ADDRESS: 220 pesr pkway,Unit 10 - PHO E #: 9L9-297-t625 urrent Site?r Ii No lS BLDG S trPRINKLEREDr Yesli CITY: p66p16n p 16qng EIIAIL ADDRESS: Brian6btuewavedeploymenr. com PROIECT COI{TACT PERSOIT: Brian Barefoor, Bluewave Deploymenr (Check All That Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the ERECT NEI{ STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHE LL 6ENERAL REPAIRS RELOCATION UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE If UPFIT - The Shell Permit *:Is Elect Pouer on this Building f. Yes f N0 ***** rs THIS A CHAiIGE OF OCCUPANCY USE? r YES r. I{O **r** IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? _ What is the NeH Occupancy TvDe?ANtH DESIGN PROFESSIOIIAL: Tower Engineeriog professionals _ PH:919-G61-G351 NC REG *iC-t194 ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL:-PH: DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Bg lacin existin antennas wlth new antennas at the same height and locatlon demolition ol any Iacility or building- See Asbestos Web Site: htlpr/www.epi state.nc.us/epi/asbeslos/ahmp.hlml TOTAL PROJECT COST: BUILDING HEIGHT'. # OF UNITS ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure?f YesJi- No ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainf _ YeEi_ NoDISCLAIMER: I hereby cen y that allintormation in this applicalion is conect and allwork willcomply with the State Buildino Code and all other applicabl€ State and local laws and ordhances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notmed of any changes in the approved plans and specifcations or change in contrac(or 9! C4ntlactor ihformation. "'NOTE: Any Work Performed w/O the Approp.iate Permns will 5e ih Violathn of the NC Strale Bldg Code and subiec'tro Fines up To $500 00-' , - . ,/; , r*gi&H"H:-..,q-* -OWNER/CONTRACTOR:g, i.n Bareroot SIGNATURE: .-" - -:"' #;:ffi-* (ousmor) (Pnnr N8h€) conlain Asbeslos or not. You are required to callthe Nalional Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollulanls (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 at leasl 10 days prior to lhe TOTAL AREA SQ FT TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: ACRES DISTURBED SO FT PER FLR # OF STRUCTURES NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS: SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: CONDO OTHET BFE+2ft._ SO FT Dtr CFPUA CFPUA COMMUNITY SYST CENTRAL SEPTIC EM T1 WELLlnlvnre seprrc T"I ZONING USE CLASSIFICATION ?olauurrrv -'SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, I\4ECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS PAYMENT METHOD r CASH l- Cnecr lenvaBLE To NHC) l-_ eueRrcnN EXPRESS l-_ UCnflsn J-- olscovER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) ZONE Approval:-City:- DATE- FLOOD IDDN PERMIT FEE: : I! Comment-r'ri.l^iri A-PPLrcATroN Number (office use) OCCUPANT/BUSINESS Ar,lE: American Tower LLC . PHO E #: - ST:5s ZIP: 67444 _ PHO E *: gt9-2st-t625 NoNEti CoNSTRUCTION: | | ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: trYes ?\)\\-d..-J NC RE6 *: =tC, \ >k EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? T YES T NO pRopERrY usE: floFFlcE ! nesraunerr ! rrilencnNrrr-e[J EDUCI-L APrfJ WATER: SEWER: SYSTEM OFFICER:SETBACKS: F: LH . RH-. B-- IS NON - RE FUNDABLE l\YzBt e<Qc). CV\q-nqA- C(-*J.l- Niw:iano-vER- couniY BUr LDrNG APPLIoATI(N TYPE: CO4I|IERCIAL fluk L7-2476.rev2PERMrrAll4sbT APPLICATION Number (office Use) 2 IV ED I{AR 2 3 E ANSI./ER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility'' APPLICAI{T'S lo}lE: erian Barefoor, Bluewave Deployment obo American Tower _DATE: 3/25/tg DEVELOPER: .American Tower, T-Mobi Ie _PHO E #: gr9-j't 2- 259 4 PROJECT ADDRE55:5536 carollna Beach Rd CITY:6itm.ington ZIP z 2s 412 CONTRACTOR: TSc Consr rucr ion LLC OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAr,lE : American rower PROPERTY O{NER'S NAIiE: 63.611n6 Tetephone & Telegraph Oirl ER'S ADDRESS: 1OO Cenrurytink Dr _PHO E f: 318-330-6613 CITY: y6n16g ST: s ZIP:712 6 3 _ LICENSE fi: r5619 . ST: 1,1y ZIP: 137 96 _ PHO E *: st9-291-1625 - PHO E #: s19-2st-7625 nt Site? f lf No IS BLDG S tr PRINKLEREDI- Yesf GENERAL REPAIRS RELOCATION UPFIT ADD TO EXIsT STRUCTURE ADDRESS: 129 Brown srreer,_ CITY: "166n566 6ily EIIAIL ADDRESS : Br i anlabt uewavedept oymenr . com PROJECT CONTACT PERSO : Brian Barefoor. Btuewave Depfoymenr (Check A1l. Ihat Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION: tf Relocation. is lhere a Natural Gas Line on the es ERECT NEt{ STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHELL -)D -I? _9 ***.* rs THrs A CHAIGE 0F (rCUpAt{Cy USE?r yES r- ilO **.** IF Yes, ljhat Has the Previous Occupancy Typ€? _ t{hat is the er Occupancy TOTAL PROJECT COST TOTAL AREA SQ FT : BUILDING HEIGHT SQ FT PER FLR: If UPFIT - The Shell Permit *: Tvoe?ANIH DESIGN PROFESSIOML: 1ews1 Engineerinq professionafs - PH:919-661-6351 NC REG *iC-l'194 ENGR OESIGN PROFESSIONAL:.PH:NC REG #: DESCRIPTION 0F trORK: Replacing existing antennae with new antennae at same herght and location NoDISCLAIMER: I hereby cen y that allinlormation in this application is conecl and allwork willcomply with th€ Stat€ Building Code and all other applicable State and local laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Cenler will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifrcatons or change in contraclor o! Cqatlactor i-nformation. "'NOTE: Any Work Performed w/O the Appropdale Permils will & in Violatiori oftheNC Siale Eldg Code andsubiedlo Fhes up To $500.00"' ,,,, .- . ffi*:r."}ff,ltr_* OWNER/CONTRACTOR: e.',.n BarerooL SIGNATURE: .-- a*1 S:::,:=*- ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure?f, YesJ-- No ls The Property Localed ln The Floodplainf_ Ye{-_ TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF # OF STRUCTURES ACRES DISTURBED EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? T YES T NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: CONDO OTHET # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS: trtr CFPUA CFPUA COMMUNITY SYSTEM T.1 WELL Tl ZONING USE CLASSIFICATION CENTRAL SEPTTC a I'RlVere seerlc D-CoMMUNITY # OF UNITS "'SEPARAIE PERI\4lTS REOUIRED FOR ELECT tvIECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP, PREFABS E INSERTS SQ FT WATER SEWER SYSTEM PAYMENT METHoD; f CASH J- cxecx leevnBLE To NHc) f - AMERICAN EXPRESS [-- r',lcrurse f-- olscovER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) ZONE OFFICER SETBACKS: F: LH-- RH-- B-- Approru-|1-BFE+2ft, AVN PERMIT FEE: I II Comment City:- DATE- FLoOD NoNEli CONSTRUCTION: | | ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: ALTERATION RENOVATIONI b \ s o\y )+ Is Elect Power on this Building f_ Yes f N0 (Ouali664 (P.inl Nam) Note: Demolfion notifcations & asbostos romovalp€mit applicalions are !o bo submned using the applicalion form (DHHS-3768) whsthor lhe faolity or building was found lo conlain Asbestos or not. You are requted to callth. National Emission Slandards lor HazErdous Air Pollulanls (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 al leasl 10 days prior lo lhe demolition ofany facility or building. S€e Asbestos Web Site: hflp://$rdw.epi slate.nc.us/epilasbeslosi/ahmp.html pRopERw usE: floFFlcE ! nesrnuneur f| rvrencnr'rrrr-eJ-l EDUCI-1 APrD AlL'pt Lrp'd LYU{\qp ccr^"tr NEhI HANOVER C(xf,{TY BUILDIilG APPLrcATrdt rype: COi$IERCIAL L7 -2462 . rev2 RECEIVEDt'iAR 23201$PERilTT 1,t,a c (/0?r'q /-t1 I )AFflIAl?OTEcr rnber (OffIcc u..) PTEAST ANsTER ALI, QUESTIOXS APPI"ICAELE TO YOUR PRO] 'Proj€ct Responslbillty" APPLICAI{I'S IIAllE : 91i66 Barefoor-,BlueUave Dep.Loynent obo American lower DEVELOPER: AmericaD TowerpRolECT ADDIESST;:-6 carorrna Beach Rd . Erflffiilffi OCCUPAI{T/BIrSIiIESS rulIE : tune.ican Touer _DATE:3123119 PROPERTY flIIER, S O};IER, S ADORESS:: ni lmingtoD - Pl{QlE f: s!s-112-25s4 ZlP. 2847? PHOTE f,: ST: xs ZIP:2 646 9 l{AllE: 1",r".g,.,ou h lNC 6?36 Carolina Beach RD C111ITRAST6R: Wireless Network Group, lnc. aDoncss: ?70 west Pkwav. tlnit 1o EltarL aDoREss: Brianiahtrewavadeolovment-com LICE SE tr: 77486crfl: ; Pompton Plains . sT:.@*:.NJ zIP: 07444 979-297-7625 PRoJECT COirrACT trEFff-rian Barefoot PFO E T: If UPFIT - Ihe Shell Permit S:Is El.ct Pffer on thts Bullding f_ Yes l-' t'to IF Ye5, rdret H.s the Prevlous (kcupancy Tlp€? TvoelAnEH DESIGX PROFESSIOJ L: To!,er Engineerir.g ..... ts rHrs a ctlAxGE oF occupAtlcy usE?f yEs lrth! Professionals tl6l Occupancy 919-661-6351 tlC REG *:6-1794 C ReG *:- Hh.t is E'I6R DESIGII PROFESSIOTAL PH PH DESCRIPTIO|I OF I{ORX: n"l[!iii-E]."tins anrennas rrrh nen anrennae at the sane height and location - contain Asbosb6 or not. Yolr r! €qulod b c8[ ttE Natonal Emidon Sran&r& fo. lb2ardors An FdfutatB (NESH,IP] d (919P07-5&P at L*l l0 6rys p,ir bd€ darndilbn ol any factity or building, S.e AskrDs w6 Siloi httsJ t'rrw.epi.st 1€nc.us/opuasbeatorahmp.hllnl TOTAL PROJECT COST: ry BUILDING HEIGHT TOTAL AREA SQ FT : SQ FT PER FLR:" f OF UNITS: TOTAL SO FT UNOER ROOF: _ { OF STRUCTURES ACRES DISTURBEO: NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT # OF STORIES: fl OF FLOORS: EXST I-AND DISTURBING PERM|T? T YES T NO EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: OTHE[6g11 1o]rg1 SQ FT pRopERrY USE: iloFFlcE I aesreunelrr I uenmr.rrruel-] EDUcf-LAPrf-l coNDo ncFPUA r-1 coMMUNrrY SYSTEM Tl WELL r-I ZON|NG USE CLASSI flcreua fl cet+rnrl seenc E l'RlvArE SEPrlc .-uoMMUNlw .- SEPARATF PERMITS REQLIIRE D T Oq ELECT MECH. PLBG' GAS EOIJIP PREFABSS INSERTS pAyMEr.rr METHoD: f cAsH tf cxecx (pnvaelE To NHc) f AMERICAN EXPRESS f - Mc/vlsA f-- otscoven (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) WATER: SEWER: SYSTEM ZONE:OFFICER:nppmrrT]-City:- DATE- FLOOD Comment FICATION SETBACKS: F: LH-RH-B---. BFE+M lDbPERMIT FEE: .DISC R TT APPLICATI cft EANS L CHARG E N IS NOII. REFUNDABLE (Chcck Arr lh.t .pply) ErrsT co sTRlrcTror{: E aLTERATIet E REov^rrot{ t] 6Er{ERAr REPATRS r] RELoCArrq{ tt Retocstion, is therc a Nat{.tra-t Gas Une on rhe?tunsnt Sfts? f- G-f _ No ts BLDG SCHIftKLEREDtr _ y6l-_ NoilEt{ colisrRucTro : E ERECr E}r sTRt cruRE E FAsr rR^cx E sxErr E uprrr E ADD ro Exrsr srRlrcTlnE ACCESSOf,Y STRUCTURE: Jq/Y \ SIGNATURE: E! lo Oe srbrnitbd uEirT lh rPlic iq) tonn {OHHS376!) nh6OE ho f^- lrD clear Form _l i/t/ED PLEASE ANS}IER ALt QUESTIONS APPLICAELE IO YOUR PRO]€CT l,An Z 3 :j "Project Responsibility'' NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMI APPLICATION IYPEr COi1I{ERCIAL ?-ot (2b13 ,bt L8 -2sL APPLICATION umber (office Use )N p',; qos:G re a-d d E-o APPLICANTJ S NAIIE: tom George - DATE :ol -22- ).4 DEVEL0PER: Harbour Retair ParEners PRO] ECT ' 929 ui.litlry Cutoff , OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAI'1E: wesE Marine PROPERTY OWNER'S NAi4E: Harbour ReraiI partnels CONTRACTOR: thomas Constructj.on cloup ADDRESS: #1111 Milirary curoff Road EII'IAIL ADDRESS: abatson@thomasconsttucti PRO]ECT CONTACT PER Ni L.r." B. u,i1l. iams (Ch€ck A1I That Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION lf Relocation, is there a Natuta Gas Line on the urrent Site?r CS No NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEI{ STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHELL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: PHONE #: : flilmington ZIP t2a4os PHO E *: 336-420-49s1 CITY: s119566y111e Beach ST: Ng ZIP:26as6 _ TICENSE $: stzeo CITY: s11r1,,rso',ST: NC ZIP: 28405 PHOIIE f : PHONE s: 9to-799-229s trPRIN KLERED'4-- Yeslf , GENERAT REPAIRS l- ruo lS BLoG S RE LOCATION UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE Jo go If UPFIT - The Shell Permit f:Is Elect Power on this Building T Yes r NO r**** rS THrS A CHANGE OF OccUpANcy USE?f yEs li'. NO ,|'i'',r* IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? _ What is the New occupancy IXtfi'rrrron pRoFEssroirAL: Ma* E Majeed and local taws and ordrnances and regulations. Th6 NHC Development Servrcos or chanqe in coniraclor or contractor rnformalion, "'NOTE: Any Work Performed Subjecr'io Fines Up To $500 00"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR: David Meadows (oua i,ier) (Pi'lN3me) €onlain Asbestos or not. You are rcquirod to c6llthe Natonal Emission Standards tor Hazardous Air Pollulants (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 5t least l0 days prior to lhe demolition ofanylacality orbuilding. See Asb6slos Web SiE: niDr//www.epi.state.nc.us/epi/asbosto9ahmp.html ToTAL PROJECT COST: S1,137,80?BUILDING HEIGHT: 31,# OF UNITS: 1 TOTAL AREA SQ FT : 14250 SO FT PER FLR: .14256 #OFSTORIES:1 TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: 14250 # OF STRUCTURES: 1 # OF FLOORS: 1 ACRES DISTURBED: 6 .4 EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? _I,- YES T NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: sa 883 SF SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: o SO FT PROPERTY USE: EOFFTCE I neSreUnrHl MERCANTILE ED APT CONDO OTHEI SE CLASSIFICATION ce (co) _ PH:(21s)s2o-1ss1 NC REG #:1338s ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL:-PH:NC REG #: DESCRIPTION 0F L'JORK:€,:u^ 2tLa, , ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure?f- Yesli- No ls The Property Located in The Floodplainli vefl-Ilr- NrBCuf uen, f i,u."Uy "erriry that all inromation in lhis application is conecl and all woft willcomply with the State Building Code and all other applicable State Cenlerwrllbe nolrlled of anv chanoes in the aooroved olans and sDecrficationsw/O the Appropnato Permrls will 6e in Violation of lhellC Slare Bldg Code and SIGNATURE: WATER SEWER SYSTEM CFPUA CFPUA T-] COMMUNITY SYSTEM T-I WELL T'1 ZONING U I cer'trnel srenc D FR{vATE seerrc 3?out'lutttw zore:cts(o\ sP#FICER: {tzt SETBACKS: F: }L LH * RH * BI&-- . Approval:Joll-city, rrlG-TIE{a III-FLOOD: { BFtnvN , .- SEPARATE PERIVITS REOUIRED FOR ELECI,ll,IECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP PREFAES & INSERTS PAYI,IENr METHOD r CASH l- CHECK (PAYABLE TO NHC) lr- AMERICAN EXPRESS l-- rvrCnrrsr l- DISCoVER (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) E+ztl sJFcrro.l - PERMIT F 3[z{rs b 4v corrnentf g.1g r. ft&1F.Ne 3.$€DAr.l. R(L6\seb G.r SAqj- Print eMail OWNER'S ADDRESS: 3 KeeI sL unj.r #2 a lar /_\al r! LoK YroS l&'1211 C,L Application Number (office use) z,/,y'Y I N1-\C' Datel PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDtvtstoN: l.f CITY ztP 3,r?o1).- /. Y )el PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: I PHONT #3eo-3,so CttY: 1,-:) / ,,, ) *c'la..t ZtP 4 8'/o f s4 /1,ZtP:?!/o 3 TOTAI, SQ FT UNDTR ROOF Aor proposed work) Heated: C o..-7 lo 3t -85 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON E Greenhouse (SF)! Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changinB the existing footprint? n yes E,- tto PH}NE: g/o ^23):qj'/q ! Storage Shed (SF) _ z'otn", 611 V ", I l< L, . o ,J 1 Lr+Unheated: ,-n A l2ltRR l8 3 | 32Pt! TOTAI PROJECT COST (Less Lot)a) ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes EF t,to ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure E yesElNo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes EI No lsthere Electrical Power on this Bu ilding? EI. Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: I single ramily E Duplex E Townhouse 7-- s(i s // ^. t ' y- rr>o ' li-ILL,..J laws end ordinances and reSulations. The NHC Developmenl Serviaes Centerwillb€ notlfied of anychanges in the approved plans and specifications or chanSe in contractor information. "'NOTE: Any work performed wilhout the appropriale p€rmits will be in violation of the NC State Bldg Code and subject to fines up to 5500.00"' Owner/Contractor "Licensed Quolifier" Signatu re:) ls the property located in a floodplain? p Ves tr Itto Existing lmpervious Arear _ Sq tt New lmpervious Area:Sq tt Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes E No WATERT ts CFPUA tr Community System D Private Well E central well E Aqua SEWER: ,6-CFPUA E Community System E Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua zone: - Officer: - Setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - City: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (v) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - TotalAcresDisturbed; O Permit Fee: S 7{ NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPL' CAT'ON N'PE RESIDENTIAL PTEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibilitl/' LOT fl BLDG LICENSE f: CITY:t,: /ST: A, ( APPLICANT'S NAME: EMAII- ADDRESS:PHONE: EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration E Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: ! Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence ! Retocation I "LLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AI,I THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT'T* n Attcarage (SF)_ tr Detcarage(SF)_ fl porch {SF) E Sunroom (SF)_tr Pool (SF)_ Description of Work: 931!tiiIl )0rc-ar4PrinteMail NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITD!NG PERMIT APPLICATION |YPE : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibilit/' ,'i:' l-:'i;. i,-ffi,. Clear Form tX - 8as Applic.tion (office use) APPLICANT'S NAME:N;/li"* Aa:,s Oate PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: C1\l: l/Ji ztP: LOT $ PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:(o.Cr OWNER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR lnc - CITY CITY:U PHONE ' gtaT ztP 4 D BLDG LICENSE #:to STIUL AP 2 r42s PHONEI qD. '/?>. /l4A PH ON E:/D 3)/,7 ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: PRO.IECT CONTACT PERSON: ! Greenhouse (SF) €a EXISTING CONSTRU61191,1; g/ALeration E Renovation ffieneral Repairs* an- NEW CONSTRUCTION: I Erect New Residence n Additionto Existing Residence ! Relocation **IPLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW Att THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT..' n Att Garage (SF)_l-1 Det Garare lSFl n Sunroom (5F)! Pool (SF) E Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Yes ! No TOTAT Sq FT UNDERRooF llor proposed work) Heatedl llco Unheated: TOTAT PROJECT CoST (Less Lot): S L9,w lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes ! No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructurenYesENo lf the proiect is a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No lsthere Electrical Power on thisBuilding? i Yes ! No t 4I1AR lg 1gr€1.:jfiti Property Use/ Occupancy, d single Family n Duplex ! Townhouse Desfilptlon of Work:u I i^r € rno0e ,'r.t'6.11]."[,{vRS?,I-* '" formation in this application is correct and allwork will comply with the State EuildingCode and allothcr applicable Statc and local laws ahd ordinances ahd reSulatlons. The NHC Development Services Centerwillbe notified of any chanSes ln the approved plans and specificatiohs or chanSe in contractor nd subject to tines up to Ssm.m"'inform.tion. "'NoTE: Anywork performed rrithout the appropriate pernits will be in violation ofthe Nc State BldB;/Br<s SEnature:Ownet/Contractor: "Licensed Qudlifier" ls the property located in a floodplain? ! Yes F, No Existing lmpervious Ar€a: - Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: N€w lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: I Yes n No WATER: g/cFPUA n community system n Private well D central well ! Aqua sEwER: U/CFPUA D Community system [] Private septic E centralseptic E Aqua zone: - Officer: - Setbacks (Fl - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - City: - Date: - flood: (A) - (Vl - {N) - BFE+2ft= - Permit Fee: SComment: n Porch {sF)_ E Storage Shed (5F) _ ! other (sF)_ .rv)NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATI(N TVPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSIIER ALI qJESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Re bi 1i lk'b)0 <A {v APPLICATION Number (Offic€ Use) /rt c D^rE, 3-/ql & tu fr'Ef?b spon5i t),luPl^,1^,lA ,ilr,,+oAPPLICANT,S NAME: DEVELOPER:PHONE #: PRO]ECT ADDRESS:CITY:zrP 2 I SUBOIVISION:BLOCK #:LOT $: PRoPERTY O4INER' S OI,INERJ S ADDRESS : 7"Itt), aiil .t r'b/J,,J ILCi,tAr.lE:.-qfi a) P|n E *: A71-^?38 Srl.k uPt2ty'O LICENSE #;7l)-ACCOUNT 3: CITY; , (o/4 PHONE r ADDRESS: Ei4AIL ADDRESS:Ayl ttlO Q b /O he AppDpriats Permals willbe in .I sr,[zn'-@/ *: J2?-2?)rl' PRO]ECT COffTACT PERSON:/4/y', EXTSTTM cot{srRucrroN: I alrrnarron fl nrnovanor ! crnrnrl nrearns fl RELocArroN NEW CONSTRUCTION:M ERECT NEW RESIDENCE O" f] AOOTTTOH TO EXISTING RESIDENCE '*PLEASE CHECX AI{D ANSI,ICR BELOH ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: flrrr eamcr - sF I orr crnaet - sr f]t4 I surnoou -sF f| poor.SF STORAGE SHED sr GREEI'JHOUSE 5F DECK SF OTHER: Pxtr{E r: )7?'2fiF PORCH SF t7/ 5F * ,1o69Qul_ za1 11 lb sj-,'TOTAL AREA SQ FT:TOTAL HEATED SQ n, /4ll 5Q FT UNDER ROOF: PROPERry USE / OCCUPANCY:INGLE FAMILY L/,t 6/q) TOTAL PROIECT COST tress roo : $ TOTAL s-0 &ed * OF STORIES:)- Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUI.IBING or mECHANICAL Work Being Done to the Accessory Structure? If the project is a Relocation, is thene a Natural Gas Line on the current S rs there Electrical Power on this BuildinS? [-'1v"t ffiuo 6s DUPLEX TOI{NHOUSE /-/,. -"/ I ves fif Ho ite? [ves ffi r'ro x: t)w cB,/li!,DESCRIPTI conlrac@r inbrmadon '-NOTE An O}INER/CONTRACTOR: o[ hroRLIL DISC MER: lnereby cedity hal an inbrmalbn in his applicston is conect and allwork willcomplywih he State Code.nd all otler applt able StaE and bcallaws and regul.ra'ns The NHC Devobpmenl Servaes CenEr willbe notfied ofany chanqes in he and speciications orchange in conlracloror IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? E YES ELT'TO ***t,* *)*,t*** * * !*,* *** * +** **rt* EXISTITG IHPERVIOTS AREA: -SQ FT NEhi TITPERVIOUS AREA: -SQ FT ,b cc rVl t p0 a*** ** * *+ ** *+t* +* +,t *,** *+++ *,t,*,t,t ,* * TOTAL ACRES DISTU D e and Sublect o SsOo.o0r" *** *,a** +*r<*,t:** **** !t*** *,t BFE+2ft= _ N PERMIT FEE: $ $ L SIGNATU N HATER: SE ER: F-cr pua M- crpur EXIST LAND DISTURB]PERIiIIT:l-'i ves l-l rc ! commurrw svsrem I pRrvArE ttELL I ceurnal wrll I ceurml sEprrc D pRrvarE sEPTrc I comluurw svsreu *** SEPAITATE PER}IITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, i'IECH, PLBG, GAs EQUIP, ?REFAES & INSERTS '}' pAyrlErrr rlErHoo: E cosr E c*.c( (payaBLE ro NHc) EBrLL aCCOUIT ! nclvrsl I orscoven *** * *** |i.*** **)t* ***l* **:*,**t* a*** *** *+** **** i.+ * * * * * * * ** )*,()e)e * *+ *,t !. ***)t,* * **,t )*,t * ++*lt,i,f l** *,}** ** ZONE: - oF FICER: (foR oFFrcE usE cilLY) iEvrSED OATC 04111/12 SETBACKS: F:- LH:- RH:- B:- Approval:- CitY:- DATE:- FLOOD: - AV Conunent: La , /C/?ttk CONTRACTOR: CITY; tLltl.r' l6o 1- l'11'7utr D NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPHCAfl ON TYPE: RESIDEI{ilAL PLEN€ A'{SWER AI.L QUESNO S APPUCABIf TO YOUR PROJECT 'Proiect nespomibnff 2cr?.'bt a- l8 -Qsa Application lYumber (orfice u!e) APPUCAIYfS IIAME: WII|AM K. HAIE PRO.IECT ADDRESS: 1245 Arboretum Drive ctTY: Wlminaton Irate:6 March 20't8 ztP:28405-5242 suBDlvlslo : Landfall, Block 2 PROPERTY OWl{EtrS AME: WIIiAM K. HAIE owl{ER',s ADORESS: same as oroiect PHol{E #: 9l0-509-2778 CffY: Same as above ZIP: Same CONTRACTOR: Owner/contractor t r.) 1LcrfiA K . dnLE BLDG LICENSE $.- ADDRESS: Same as above CrY: Same as above 5T; NC zlP: Same EMAIT ADDRESS:hillhalelAec rr crlm PHoNE: 910-509-2778 PRoJEcT cor{TAcT PERSoN: Dennis Nardulli PHONE:910-262-10/'4 tXlSTlt{G CO'{STRUCflON: fl Alteration El Renovation E General Repairs l{EWCONSTnUCTIO:nErectNewResidence!AddationtoExistin8ResidencenRelocation I"PI.IAsE CHECI( AND AI{SWER BELOW ATT THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROECT"' E Att Garage (sF) 575 n D€t Garare (SFl n Porch (sF) D Sunroom (SF)n Pool (sF)! Storage Shed (SF) _ ! Greenhouse (SF)_n Deck (SF)X other (sF)See attached ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes El No TOTAT SQ FT UNOERROOT Uor proposed work) Healed:Unheated: TOTAT PROJECT COSr (Less Lot): S'18 000 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes E o ls any Electrlcal, Plumbint or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure .E. Yes n No lftheprojectisaRelocatlon,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?EYesDNo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes n t{o 6NffR 18 ttt2TFt't Property Use/ Occupancy:.( sin8le Famlly E Duplex D Townhouse Descriptlon or Work: accoustic droo ceilino. n€w laminate floor. and new qaraqe door laws and ordinances and re8ulations. The I{HC Development Services Center will be notitied of anv ahanges in the approved plans and specifiaations or change in lontractor information. ...NOTE: Any work perfohed without the appropriate p€rmits will be in vlolation of the NC State Bldg Code and $.rbject to fines up to $5m.m"' ownrr/Contractor: "Licensed Quoliliet" Wlliam K. Hale ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes E ttlo Exlstlng lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft Total Acres Dlsturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existlng Land OisturbinS Permit: ! Yes n No WATER: K CFPUA ! Community System n Private well n central well D Aqua SEWER: I CFPUA tr Community system E Private Septic n centralseptic n Aqua zone: - Offlcer: - setbacks (Fl- (tH) -(RH) - (B) -Approval: - Clty: - DatG: - flood: {Al - (v}- {il) - BFE+zft= -Comment:Pelmit Fee: S LOT f: 16 srrnarurr: 441,n' * ,7 /wrL NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP LICAT I O N TY PE : RESI DENTIAL PLEASI ANSWIR AU QUESTIOI{S APPLICAAll TO YOUR PNOJECT 'Prolect R6ponsibllv ?AIv-vo't>- l8 -Q5a Applicnior {ofli.. urel APPUCANTS AME: Wlliam K. Hale Date:6 March 2018 PRolEcT ADDRESS: 1245 Arboretum Drive CrY: VMlminoton zP:2840$5?42 SUBDIVISION: Landtiall. Block 2 LOT #: 16 PRoPERTY owNEtrs I{AME: Wlliam K. Hale PHol{t f: 91G509-2778 OWNER'S ADDRESS: Same as Droiect CITY:Same as a zlP: Same CONTRACTOR:Owner/contrac-tor yt) 1t-t-rfrm K . t/n LE BLEIG tlCEt{SE }:- ADDRESS: Same as above CflV: Same as above 5T: NC aP: Same EMAIT AODRESS:billhale(Aec rr.com PHONE : 910-509-2778 D(lSn G COIISTRUCnOiT: fl Alteration R Renovation I General Repairs I{€WCOI{STRUCnO:aErectNewResidenceEAddltiortoExistlngResidenceCAelocation ...PI"CAsE CHEC( Ai'D AI{SWER BELOW AII THAT APPIY TO YOUR PROJ€CT"' EI Att Garase ISF) 575 E Sunroom (SF)_ E Greenhouse (SF) E Det Gara8e (Sfl_ D Pool (SF) tl Deck (SF) i Porch (SF) ! Storage Shed (SF) _ E other (SF)See attached ls the proposed work changing the existing footprlnt? ! Yes El No TOTAI. SQ FT UNDER ROOF {Jor proposed wor*) Heated:Unheated: TOTAI PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S18,000 ls the proposed work changing th€ number of bedrooms? fl Y€! EI ,{o ls any Electrlcal, Plumbing or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure I Ycs C] No lftheproiectisalalocatlon,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?DY"!at{o ls there Electrlcal Power on this Building? E Y6 ! o {:,{RE 1g I I r27Ff Property Ure/ Octupancy: E Slnde Famlly D Dupler i Townhousa Descrlptlon of Wo*: accoustic droo ceilino. new laminate floor, and new qaraoe door laws and ordir.nces and reSulations. The NHC Osrelogm.nt scrvices Ce6te. willbe not{led ofany (han8e3 jn the epproved ptan!.nd sg.Gifice ons o, ch.ngc in contractor information. "'NOTI: Any vror* perforrned wlthout lhe appropri.t. permiti will b. in vlolation of the IJC St.r! Bldt Code and 3ubiett to ftn€s up to 55m.m. .. Owncr/Contrador:Wlliam K Hale "Licensed Quolilier" lsthe property located in a floodplain? EI Yes D No Exlstlnt lmpcrvlous Area: _ & Ft Total Acr6 Olsturbcd: ,{ew lmpervlous Area Sq Ft Exlstlng Land Dlsturbing Permlt; I Yes n No WATER: & CFPUA n Community System I Private Well I Centralwell E Aqua sEW€R: E CFPUA tr Community System E Private Septic E Central Septic D Aqua zon!: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (rl _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ Clty: _ Dat.: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (t{) _ AfE+zft: _ srrn.turc: 40U' *,r'a' ./W. ,'S' PRoJECT CONTACT PERSON: Dennis Nardulli PHONE; 910-282-1044 Comment: permlt Fee: S .?,2 tr -*51> t8 -Q5'' (orli. uL, NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PdRMIT APP LICATI oN rY PEj RESIDEnTIAI,puAs€ /\fisw€* Atr qu6nlo{g AppUcaau To youe pRoJtcr 'P,ole<t R.rpooilblllty. APPUCANTS NAMt: William K. Hale oarc:6 Marti 2018 PROJECT AOORESS:1215 tum CIrYr Wlminoton ztq;28405.5242su0DtvrSroN:Landlall. Block 2 IOT fli 16 PROPERTY OWiIER'S NAME: Wlliam (. llale OwNER'5 AODR[55: SBms as orolecl clTY: Samo as above Ztp: Sam€ CONTSACIOR r Owne lractor u r /11 LC 0to6l.tcE sE, AOORESS:Same 8bov6 €MAU. ADORtSST pRo,rEc? coftrAcr pERSoNi oennls Nardufl -.-- pHoNE: 910.262-1044 _ txlm[G CONST8UCIIO'* f] Alteratlon & Renovaloo C Gene,al Repat, NEW COIISIRUCIIOfl: O tr€ct New Reitdrnce O Addltlon to ErtJ ng nestdence fl Relocatton ...PI.TASE CHTC( ANO ANTWIi BETOW Ar[ IHAT APpLY TO YOUR pROrrcr... E Att Garr8e (SF)675 D Sunroom (St)-- O Greenhou5! (Sf, - O Det Gar.ge {5t)_ ls lhe propo5ed yro,k (hanglng lhe exlstl^g footprtnlT Ll ye9 E No TOTA! 5Q FT UNDER ROOI Uot ptoposed \yo*) teltedi Unheated; 575 TOTAT PROTtCT CO5T {t ess tot): 51€,000 0 Por(h lst) D Pooll5rl O Doct (5Fl 5 Stora8e Shed (5F)_ Bl Orher (SF,Soo Bttachod ls the propored worlchanglrSthe numbc, olbedToomr? O y.r EI f,to lr any €,rctrlcrl, PlumblnS or Mqdtrr crl work betng done to the Accestory Structurc B yrt [J Nolfthc pror?ct ls . Rcloc.llon, ts there a NaturalGar [Jne on lhe cu.rent iitc? O yet O o ls there Electrlc.lPowc. on thlr Bu ding? I yct Cl No P.opc.ty Ursl OG.Up.IG$X[ gntle frmlly 0 Duplrx O Townhou3e r. iu i3 I lr2;Fl! ree*ao€o{oo+r--Oescrlptlon ot Wort: stio drop ce nq,lami fl and qa o door O.5clllutir riaraby(a(ly lh.l alt tha l^ro.m. oa ln thll.pp[callo,n B (orrcal,nd allworl plI (onptyl.wrr6d ordhrfter.nd rrtultoon. li. ltc O?v!roe-., iirr,..rC*w *ii;;;;;;:;;..hro,m.rbn. "'NOtt: lrtr wo.l !.rro"n d wrrrro.,l ri. .eqop.,.,. ,.,iii, *ii i;;il;:li,l,. ,llh-th.sl.tc BurUDt Cod.:M rI olh!.rprLtkalra St.t..nd ba,l il:;:l?"T::.'lJ;y,,,,".,:l?lfi ::lr#:.T.*".,,".n stsnztwc; r'lf fi[|4 ,,1. ./WL Owncr/Contr.clor: 'Li..nt.d Quolittcr' H 6o.€?'<tL.)<\d o.I==tf-d)o< o:E<)Itr :_ -t -'-'q) ls the propcrty locatrd t.. floodptatn? El yes D o Edrtlnt lmparylout Areai .....- Sq tt New l'rlpervlost Area: wAr[R: K crpuA C] sEwrR: E CFPU^ 0 co Ity System ! Zon!Olllccr:Sctbaclr (tl apprcvali D.t _SCtt txlrtlnt tand Oltturbln8 p.,mtti [] yes E oCommunltysyrtem C pdvile WeI O Cent.alWe[ L] Aqur e Septl( D CentralJlo ,n41,^rt(r4 TotalAc.6 0bturbed: Psrmlt Fe.: Commcnt cirv ./ ,2,2 . llood:AJ a 4oc :.. i: ,.,.ffi,, PxoNt l:010.509-2778 cnY: $aoo as abovs sT: Nc , aPr samo PHOilt: 91G609.2778 .( z4 NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI,IITAPPLIafio TyPE.. RESTDENTI,AL PLEASE ANS}IER ALL QI'ESTTOT{S ADPLICABLE IO YOUR PROf,ECT u 'Pro3ect Resporsihrr..typRECE|VED FEB 2 i !(}l8 APPLTCAIIOII tlr.Eber (Office Use) DATE Z'22't y' PflOT{E *:,i:"7D4fet- bfl71 .{c zIP: ZtYo > BLOCK *: _ LOT *: PHONE T:sf.M re:z7,ro.r APPLICA T'S tlAI{E: DEVELOPER: PROtrECT ADDRESS: SUBDTWSION: PROPERTY OUIIIER,5 !,IA}IE: ,L,-Y O.INER}S ADDBESS: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: 2o16- Ut L#lb LL!./h.r, t t CTry! , C[ry3 LTCENE *: CITYI 7B1it ST: _ ZIP: _ AC@UNT S: EIIUTIL ADDRESS:PHONE *: oclsnr'tc coN,tsTRUCEOit:A LTERATTON I nanvarrou cENEML REpArRs I ner_ocarroru NEN consTnt[rlot, I tnrcr EH RESTDEIEE oF ADDTIIOIiI TO T5IIT{6 RESIDEI{CE *+PLEASE cllEc( AtO AIJSIER BELOtt ALL THAT Apply TO YOUR pROJ6Cr! I arr aannse _ sF I-l su^tnm,a <F D oEr eaa,qae sr ! eonfl eoor- _ srI cRrenncr.rsr _ sr DECK PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: Is there Electrical po$,er on th PROPERW UsE / o56gp416y' DESCRIPTION OF hIORK: zlvf I o UJPLE(! roururouse r *, ?4.-972')3ri- 3tz'.ll*,reqnllnz OTHER TOTAL HEATED SQ FT:L SQ FT UNDER R@F: TOTAL PROJECT CoST1LsLos | $ ryoad # OF STORIES: / Is Any ELECTRICAL, pu,ltlBING or IECH$|fCAL Hork Being Oone to the Accessory StructuFe?If the prcject is a Relocation, is 111rot'e -in SF SF 7 -71 AREA SQ FT:*e-? 6,EHo ves ft6there a Natulg,L Gas Line on the Curr€nt Site? [ Buil.dins? pl'v"r f] Ho SII{GLE FAI'1i ') i7aA -2 x"l.t 1-A u, SHED DISC{"AnER I h.€by cs.dt }EtaI ald ordhancr€ ard E€ulslorB. Th€ cont-&!r inbm€tm, ENoTEI Any h his applcatoo b co.rect.nd dl vDrkell.omplywifi 6e SEE Erildtlg Cod€ srd sll oher spp!.ablo SEb lrd local la4eS€rvi6 o8oEr will b€ nonted ofanych{ges h 't€ app@y€d ptsn6 snd Ep€cifc€lioG or diange h conusDr or Z t P6nni6wII b€ ln VloLtm of fio NC SAb (toR oFFICE Ust Ofi! SETBACKS: F: FLOOD: D FIn€6 lJp To e50q0e_ t+** *+ + :l+++ **:t:t :i:t ** :i* Ng< '/, pE 4rr FEE: 'i+*+*3:r *** ***++** ** ** *** ** *(IHlJffi,I** * *** **** ***:r*++:r*** *** *******:a rs rHE pRopERw LocATED rN a rlooopuur l--l ves D.6 OCTSTIT,IG TITPERWOUS AEEA ,/578,9 Sq I TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: or,JNER/CONTRACTOR: .*r, ?- \5 oFFrcER: epprovat: lL city, E 4^?4 YEs 6 Y) REVIS@ OATt O4l11/,23o' u.-I!p-Nt: lo' Bt23 X BFFl2ft= _ let / NEId D1PERWOTIS AREA:Efl-2-se n EGST LA}O DISTURBU'IG PE$ITT: E cq,uquurw svsrem ! pRrvATE r{EtL I canml wruHATER: SEhIER:creul I cENTRAL sEprrc I nnrvare senrrc I co,uuNrry sysrEm .'t sEparalE pERxITs REqurfo FoR ELECT, AECli, pLA6, 6As EgUIp, pREFAas & $sERTS 'spAyHEHr nErHoD: I ca"x [.xro< (PAYABLE ro r,*y flerLi ,""-ni '[ rc/wra I orscorcn*it***:a:t *'tf * **:i )* ** #)* i* it:l'i * **,1;t*:t:tra ** **,t *,t*:t;t:t*,art* * **:**{.:* 't:trt;t:a!t* * **ra* t*** **t,t*** *:t**:i*:r*,t:F YCof ft* negL.)o€ pr;mor1 * alditiort) tnuel provi.t<_ Connent: Z cYJrn o(€-a fue<+ parl.;r7 5fr,ccs. Crty lrrpeclion Regureo, gl e251{g0l STG ATURE: $*\t R[CEIVED I,IAR O 8 2OI8 2016- ,5 5 € $raiIiO-a)e? {b*- ,...,,!:- 0 !€rrr! rlr rorii( ,,ri( 31t-l,-, - . -rluara: 7: rH: i- . l_{,r CO .l i-'r Qteary- nal'tY Le?(r k "d\ {o. q,c\rlc "q I eot,e - rQtnnrr qb @ €- @ AarYrrrcz- u)Wt- v 0[4od LOt* Q,o) 6{ 7qD-olw ^oltr- 2WoNEhI HAI'IOyER COUNTY BUTLDING PERHIT APPEIQTIaN TyPE; RESIDENTIAL PTEASE AI{S{ER ALL QiJE5]-IO S AppLIclaLE TO ydJR pROlECr APPLICAITIT, s 'lAiIE:DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADDRESS: SUEDTVEION: PROPERTY Oh ER's MfiE: Oh,!IER'S ADDRESS: COiITRACTOR: ADDRESS: EI{ATL ADDRESS: PRO]ECT COIIACT PERSON: DCISNIrc @IETNUCrIO : @/ of tt.L t t A LTEMTION I narwarroru YC o P Pllot{E 7rn BLOCK *: - LOT *: PltoNlE *: APPLICATTO l&rber (Offt.c t se) sT.rtt &:27/o.r 5T: AP I cPtorect Responsthr I rB'! Atu,rnn t RECE|VED FEB 2i 20[ CTTY: clw: LTCENE $: CITY: 78-ttt ACqD T *: P}IONE *: NE!{ CONSTRtrcrIOfl: I rnrcr Ehl RESIDEITE or +TPLEASE C}IEC( ffA ATSHER BELOH AI-L TTIAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJBCT:I arr ennase _ sF ! orr eannse sr D poeqr _sFtrsuNRoo,ll _ sF f]pmr _sF tl STORAGE SHEDI oneeutcuse q I rouuiouse *:9c 472'?3rf GENERAL REpArRs I Relocarrolr TO *tsrJ 6 RESIDENCE SF 5F TOTAL AREA SQ FT: _ sF oTHER3 TOTAL HEATED m TOTAL PROJECT COST 6*u9 $ 71 ooo # oF STORIES: / sF ^ l-l oecr ,rn:l*n\tr'#*$nsq rr uruorn noof: Naturr]r W"t ,51q *r--7-j Is ADr El,l6RIcAL, PLU EI G or ItECtU ICAL t,lork B€lng Done to th. Accessory Structure?tr NoIf the pnoject i.s a Relocationr is there a Gas Line on the Curr€nt Site?flves ftffiIs thene El.ectricaL powen PSoPERTY USE / ocqpAt{Cy3 on this Build ing?Eruo SII{GLE FAI.TI UJPLD( DESCRIPTIOI{ I rh DISCLAIER I hetgby cartt &arall b coargct*ld CluDd(,ril @nplywth tle Sbb Brldhg Ode erd €{ ohoraPpocablr SED ar'd lo.al larlst€lulalirns Th€S€rtLB O.rbr wil be norted ot cllJl!€s h ho sppot€d phn6 ed Gpadlh€lioar6 or aheE€ h aonueDr orcont_eE inbfinaton, ."NOTEr &ry Vrohdon otfte NC SEb b Fhss LF To 8soO,OCr- 6, CONTRACTOR:Z *+**t**a++*:i**a!r STGIiATURE: IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPI.{ ? N YEs +++*t ++:!i+:l** ***D-6 DCISTIIIC DTPERYIOIE AREA : t{Elt, I PE6TTO15 AREA 3 ,1<?fr9 sq fi TorAL AcREs 91e7spssp1 z&a / ,*. ?4 ESZ2_se n Ecrsr LAID DrsnRBrrrrc pr*rr,_E n 6 }lATER: SE ER: tr cor4\4wrry svsrell ! pRrvArE wELL fl canrml wrr-l cEI\nML sEprrc I nuvlre sEprrc E co&rJN]Ty sysrEM *,t** **+:t *+*:t*+ . rEws@ 0a1E o4lltlr2 CF PUA ZONE:a-5 oFFICER: _TtrT-S ETBACKS:F: 5D u: lO PJl: lO (roR OFETCE UsE OiLY) Approval:city:iT,(t ?hz/!S FL@D: ... SEPA&ATE PEPATTS REqUIEED FOR ELECT, AECH, PLEGJ 5A:; EQUIP, PREFAAS & IT|SERTS '*'or:,T.ll'":r: Ecrsn Ecxeq( llAyaBLE ," ;*t-tr;;; ;;;-'E-,,I^i]o'*E'0r."*r*,a* *:1. ** a:i ri rt*** ** '.**,t:!* +:iii *** *,**:t:ht !t* ++ i +:*t:! * rt* **Ii*** *t** *** ***:t:*:i rt*,*,i * * a**,t*,i:* rBa:t* srrt *:a A e s<./. er 25 x BFEr2ft= N PEMTT FEE: ' ..7>r/ I Cofirent: Z 4 h"6e- \v", otl -6ke<+ parp-;n1 5pa ,,:o"r1 * a.Q; +i ort ) tyt ,'s.l prov il eccs ' Crty lnpecliton hqureo, gl&254{g0j 4P: Zfucs > DATE: 2.22'I J.