APRIL 4 2018 BUILD APP_x ElvEDtilAn 23 2013 31?trZ-otP-€!: Clear Form I Print NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICAiION IYPE: COIiIIIERCIAL .a - DATE: or-zz-re L8 -L92 AFFlieITrdN Number (office use) ZIP i 2a4as s -_J Ev2 PLEASE ANSXER ALL QUES]IONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility"I APPLICANT'5 NAI4E: sea;u J6HNST9N DEVELOPER: HARBoUR RETAII, PARTNERS PRO]ECT ADDRE55: 927 MTLTTARy CUTOFF ROAD OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAmE: EARTH FARE & RETATL TENANT sHELr, PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: Harbour Retait partners OWNER'S AODRESS: 3 Keel sr. Unir # 2 _ PHONE *: 3J6-42a-49s1 CIIY i 1411y11161611 -!r Nll 0q\t \rft .{{ D:VQav-aIr PHONE *: 336 - 42o- 49sa coNTRAcroR: Thomas corscrucrion croup 4' WC-' - LICENSE tz stze o /. ADDRESS: #1111 Military curoff Road CIIY: *11.i,.,!*-l- EI{AIL AODRESS: abaEson@thomasconstructiong CITY:611 htsvi.11e Beach STi Nc ZIP:284go )D- 5T: Ng ZIP: 2s495 q PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: 16ur-. B. witliams PHONE f: PHONE #: EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION lf Relocation, is there a Natlra Gas Line on the urrent Sate?r trPRINKLEREDtr_ Yesf GENERAL REPAIRS l-_ tlo lS BLDG S RE LOCATION SHELL UPF IT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE (check AII That Apply) es No NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERE€T NEW STRUCTURE FAST TRACK ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Permit fl: N/A Is Elect Power on this Building l-'. Yes r NO ****r. rs THrs A cHAr'l6E oF occupat'lcy usE? r yEs li. t{o 'r***'* IF Yes, uhat was the Previous Occupancy Type? N/A - l.,hat ls the New occupancy l'1 PH:215-529-1551 NC REG #: 133s5 EN6R DESIGN PROFESSIONAL:-PH:NC RE6 # m ,.._ &tD"q.. ;-, \,N\)i s"{ (\) N ..r-\t\ \t:u*$& DESCRIPTION OF WORK: OWNER CTOR: navia uea HC Develooment Servces Center will be nolifiedoTE:Anv Work P€domed.Wo lh6 Aoqro6flate o"*,' LNuu\u\tLr:NA ts food or beverages prepared or served in this structure?ff- YesJ-- I.,Jo ls The Property Located ln The Floodplain{-- v"{i- NBCrAluen, t n"r"Oy ""nify that all information in this applicauon is correct and allwork will comply with lhe State Building Code and all olher applicable State and local laws and ordi or chanoe in contractorSubjecljo Frnes Up To nances and reoulatons. or contractor i-nf ormatios500.00"' oI anv chanoes in the aooroved Dlans and soeoficalrons Permils wirl b'e in Vioiat,on of rhe|.lC Siale Eldg Code and \. /l|TURE: ,- trr\w L The Nn,.'.N {Pn Nsm6) & asbestos removal permit applicalions are to be submitted using the applicationform (OHHS-3768) whetherthe facility or building wasfound to rOTAL PROJECT COST: $1, e3?,14s BUILDING HEIGHT: 41'-0' '# OF UNITS: N/A TOTALAREASQFT:23.sso SQ FT PER FLR: .23 . sso # OF STORIES: 1 TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: 23.ss0 #OFSIRUCTURES: I # OF FLOORS: 1 ACRES DISTURBED: 5.a EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? Ii YES T NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: s8 883 SF SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: PROPERTY USE: lOrrrCe !RESTAURANT MERCANT]LE EDUC APT CONDO OTHET conbin Asbestos or not. You are required to callthe NaUonal Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Polluiants (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 at least 10 days prior lo the demoliion ofany t6cilityor building. See Asbestos Web Siter htlpl rw.epi.siate.nc.us/epi/asbestos/ahmp hlml J SQ FT WATER SEWER SYSTEM CFPUA CFPUA T'']COMMUNITY SYSTEM T-I WELL T-1 ZONING USE CLASSIF flcenrnnr seerc D FRIvATE sEprc E?oiirMUNrry ICATION EPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT I\TECH PLAG. GAS EOUIP PREFABS & INSERTS PAYN'ENT METHOD:f CASH f . cHEcK (PAYABLE ro NHc) li-AMERTCAN EXPRESS t-- ucnrtsn l-- otscovrn (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) ZON E CD OFFIcER: (,\,t SETBACKS: F,* rH * nn Approval:_U/L_ City, rrlffi-Enri r\zrlrt rr-ooo commentJF s.q; Yl- lirie4 CFt Ct €nr; pk;gl . lfP-,P-- 3 t:l t8 ,orl 'wfff- .1 a IX8fi?oesren pRoFEssroNAL: MArr E. MA,TEED eMail ErvEorrA( 23 201S .{ffiffii*ffi&.'''rir;*' 1W NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUIIDING pERMIT tg-3-92 APPLTCATTON TTPE.' COfiMERCIAL PIEASE ANs}ITR ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE IO YOUS PRO]ECI "ProJect nesponsibiliiy"{bb AFFITaI-rrofl Nunber (offlce ur€) J AppLrcar,rr s NAl,tE r sAru' JolrNsroN DEVELOPERT HARBow R!?ATL pARTNERs PRO]ECT : 92? MrtrrArv cvroF'F RoA, 0CCUPANT/BUSINESS NAlilE: EIUITH pARB & RETATL rENAlrx sltgtl" pROPERTY OWNER,5 NAttE: Ha$our Rotait partners OWNER'S ADDRESS: 3 Keet sr. UniE * 2 aDDRESS: i1111 l,{ilirary curqlf !99i1 EIiAIL AODRESS, abatso[@thoma6cons truct iongroup. co$ PROlfCf COIITACT PliSON: 961133 g. wil-1iams (ahe(r A11 rn.t Apply) -DATE: or-ez-ra WTLMINGTON - PHONE f:335-420-4951 z\P | 2s4os UrJ1 I b \{. br .<-b lrP Ji -Qi) rrJ&ls)-a!e - PIIONE *: 338-420-49st . CITY: ,,Ir.ighssyitte tseach 5T: Nc ZIPI28480 CONTRACIOR: ?hornas construction 6 ,/- WU - rr.r*S. n, ,rr.o /. 5&).0 CITY: wi1*irtg.t PHOl.lE 5T: Nc zIP: 2s4 os EXrST CONSTRUCTTON: n ALTERATTOiI r-'l REI'IOVATTON lf Relocation, is there a NaturalGas Line on thet/unent Sire? [--l*, No NoI'iEw coIsTnucrroH: E] EREcT NEI,I STRUCTURE EFAST TRACK ACCESSORY STRUCTURE; PHONE *: IS BLDG S#'KLEREDtr= Yesf- GEIiIIAL REPATRS RELOCATION UPFIT ADD TO EX:sT STRUCTURESHE LL If UPFIT - The shell Permi.t *i N/A 1s Elect PoHer on thls Buildlng Ycs r NO *'"' IS TI{IS A CHAI{6E OF OCCUPANCY USE?T YES IE,IF Yes, uhat uas the P.evious occupancy Typel N/A - lJhat j.s the TvDelARCH DESIGII PROFESSId{AL: MAT1 E, MA.TEED I{e$ Oaaupancy M . PH:216,526-1551 NC Rt6 il 133g5 EI,IGR DESIGN PROFESSIOiIAL:-PH:NC REG #i I -:1i- ::t'o-lato= i ti\,v ;".\,r o\r+N\ s"{ uY+ t\\\ { _:-F- .+vtrst qJ \D e/ DESCRIPTION OT WORK: ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure?li: YesJ-, t:o ls the nropeny Localed ln Ihe Floodplainf _ Yeqf N8crnrr"rrn' I n.r"uy ".rrify rhar sll lnlormarion in rhls is co ect and all wo.kwill wilh tha Srale Suilding Code and all othe. applicable State and local laws and ordlnancds and olans and soeci,lcalionsNC State BJds Code and Up To s500.00'' OWNE ORi navid Meadoxs IGNATURE t-'NLls.-- (Pri.r Na,no) & asbestG removal permit arrllctijons aro to be subnited using lfis appltalon 106 {OHHS-3768) whelher lhe laolily or buildino was tound lo contain Asbeslos oi nor. You are required ro cnllrhe N.rion6l E l*io$ $aid.fds lor Hszardous Air Pollurants {NESHAP}.i i9l9}707-5950 ar r.as! 10daysp,jo,roli€ demolirion olany racilily or bliuing. SGs Asbe3lo3 Web SiGr n$/*lrw..pi.s1al€.o..ureprasbestotahn'p hl6l ToTAL PRoJECT COST' jL:lfr-]jj_ BUILDING HEIGHT: 41'-0 # OF UNITS: N/A TOTAL AREA SQ FT : 23 , 5so gO FT PER FLR:2-?.550 #OFSTORIES:1 , UI- I-LUUHsJ 1IOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 23. sso #OF STRUCTURES: r ACRES DISTUBBED: 6 .4 EXST LANO DISTURaTTC eenr,trtZ rIVES r NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: 5s 883 SF SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: "'SEPARA:E PENMITS FEOUIREO TOR ELECT. MECh. fLAG, GAS EOU]P. PREFABS & INSERTS PAYMENT METHOD: l-, CASH [*; CHrCr lenVnOlE TO NHC) r]- AMERICAN EXPRESS I-- MCA/ISA r* DISCOVER {FOROFFICE USE ONIY) zoNEC6(Cg) oFFTCER: (f,^SETBACKS: F: )k LH XnH B_*_ BFE+2fl,Approval:_$.-city, dffi-5IiES3-ruooo Comment SQ FT pRopERry usE; noFFrcE I nesraunerur trI MERCANILEI-1 EDUC APT CONDO OTHEI WATER: SEWER: SYSTEM CFPUA CFPUA -co[rMUNrrY sYSrEi,,r TlWELL rl ZOt\rNG USE CLASSI TCATTO E CENTRAL sEprrc fI PmvArE sEprc n-foMvuNtry **__s c6o.- oN) rJ! . ff,a?, Lnu rl.;r{-. Cfp,r* , I3z3r8 N PERMIT FE \a,I Bdl ),+ Zq(Zzo t l I I I a. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P LI CAT I O N TY PE.. RESIDENTIAT PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Prolect Responsibility" 1r ,t*-72= <L-- i "'18-937 Application l{umber (office use) PROJECT ADDRESS: 3624 Old Sand Mine Drive cry: Wilmington 719. 2M12 SUBD|VtstON: Del Webb Riverlights 161s1 01103 pRopERTy owNER,g p41y15; Pulte Homes pHoNE #: 843-353-5119 coNTRAST9R: Pulle Homes g1p6 11ggit5g 6. 1931 1 ADDRESS: 3504 Faringdon Courl ctTy: Myrtle Beach St: SC Ztp: 29579 EMAtt ADDRESS: Tiffany.Dunn@Pulte.com pxorue: 843-353-5119 pRoJEcT coNTAcT prnsolt: Tiffany Dunn pxorur: 843-353-51 '19 EXISTING CONSTRUCTIO :tr Alteration I Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTIOX: Qt{rea New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation I*PLEASE CHECX AT{D ANSWER EELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTT*'./ &/ntt earage 1sr) 579 E oet .arage (sF) O,6ch (sF)22? E Sunroom (SF)tr Pool(SF)E storage shed (sF) _ ! Greenhouse (SF)_tr Deck (sF)n other (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existinS footprint? ! Yes ! No TOTAT Sq FT UNDERROOF Aor proposed workl Hg3gg6; 1651 Unheated:741 TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot)S 'l 'l 1553 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Ves E lto ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structu re E Yes fl No lf the project isa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes D No lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E tto -'Property Use/ Occupancy: Q/Single Family E Duplex E Townhouse Description of work: Steel Creek Elev LCIB with lofl and screened porch laws and ordinances aod regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any chan8es in the approved plans and spe.ification s or change in contractor information. "rNOTEi Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC Stat€ BldS Code and rubject to fines up to 5500-00". Owner/Contractor: Tiffany D Dunn Sitnature: 'Liceosed Quolifiet" Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes Exlstint lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft {no Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Atea:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturblng Permit: E Yes E No WATER: fl CFPUA tr Community System E private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E CommunitySystem E private Septic E Centralseptic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approvali _ City: _ Date:_ Flood: (Al _ (Vl _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ comment: permit Fee: S AppgcANT,s NAME: Pulle Homes oate: 3-21-18 owNER,S ADDRESS: 3504 Faringdon Court c|Ty: Myrtle Beach 21p. 29579 a NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI CATION TYPEi RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALI. QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Proiect Responslbility'' 3)35 (ofiic€ use) AppUCANrS NAME: Pulte Homes Dater 3-21-18 pRoJECTADDRESST 3624 Old Sand Mine Drlve CtTyr Wilmlngton ztP 28412 suEDtvtstoN:Del Webb Riverliqhts pROpERTy OWNER,S 1,141y9; Pulte Homes PHONE f; 843-353-5119 OWNER,S ADDRESS:3504 Farinodon Court CITY Myrtle Beach 217 29579 coNTRA6T6R: Pulte Homes s195 u66t'l5s s, 19311 EMATL ADDRESS: Tiffany.Dunn@Pulte.com pHoNE. 843-353-5119 pRoJEcr coNTA6T pgp56s; Tiffany Dunn pxorue: 843-353-51'19 ! sunroom (SF)D Storage Shed (5F)_ D Greenhouse (SF) _D Deck (sF) ls the proposed wo.k changing the existing footprint? D Yes E No TOTAL SQ FT UNDER AOOF Uor p.oposed workl 6E31s61 1651 Unheated:741 l.w5 and ordinaocet and regol.tions. The NHC Development Servicet Cente. wlllbe notlfied ofBny chnflge5ln the approved plans and specific.tjont or change i. .onva.iorirformetior. "'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropri.te permttr witt be in viotation ot the NC Stite BtdB bjelt to tiner up to S500.m'.. Owner/Contractor: Tiffany D Dunn Signature: "Licensed Quolilier" Pint Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? D yes 6o Exlstlng lmpervious Areal 5q Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:59 Ft Exlsting Land Dlsturblng Permiti E Ves D f,to WATERT i CFPUA D Community System D prjvate Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA D ,onu, P-7(eDJo,,",'setbacks Gl / 0 (fl 6/ lan) 5 ' B) communitysystem U private Septic E Centralseptic D Aqua loodr (A) _ (v)(Nl J< arc+zftApproval: Comment:Permit Fee: S/0 ctty: ll-J/14 oate: 4trutclt,'vq CilylnspeclionREurreo,gl0.254.0gftl t26- [oT l: 01103 ADDRESS: 3504 Faringdon Court ctTyr Myrtls Beach sT: Sg ztp: 29579 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION; E Alteration [] Renovation D General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E,fect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence Relocatlon , . **PLEASE CHEC( AND ANSWER BEI.OW AIT THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT' *I YAtt Garage (SF) 579 E Det Garage {sF) - ffi* 611 222 ! Pool (sF)_ D other {sF)_ TOTAL PROJECT COST (less Lot): S 111553 ls theproposedworkchangingthe numberof bedrooms? E yes E ruo lsanyElectrlsal,PlumbingorMechanlcalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesDNo lfthepro.iectisaRelocatlon,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?!yesENo ls there Electrical Poweronthis Building? E Yes fl No Property Use/ occupanry: ft/single famlly E Duplex E Townhouse Descrlptlon of workr Stsol Creek Elev LCl B with loft and screened porch I (r 5z3b 18 -598 lollrce u,€) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUIIDING PERMIT AP P L ICAT lO N TY PE: RESIDENTIAL PLTASE ANSWIR ALL QUESTIONS APPI,ICAEIT TO YOUR PRO'€CT "Prolect nesponslblllty'' APPI"ICANT'S NAME:JASON WALKER oate:0212812018 PROJECT ADDRESST 6225 CHALI-ONT CIRCLE clTY:WLMINGTON ztP:284Q5 sUBDlvlsloN: PARKSIDE AT MAYFAIRE PROPERTY OWNER,S NAM€: WLLIAM & MICHELLE LEONARD PHONE ,: OWNER's ADDRESS: 6225 CHALFONT Crnc LE clrY: WLMINGTON ztPt28405 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: J/rSON WALKEft PHONE:9'10-755€411 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration fl Renovation Ll General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: t-l Erect Nclv ncsi(1.'r.o fl nclclition to Existing Residence Ll Relocation 3\A trY\rv\rn:) f'x' *.i (PI.EASE CHECK AN D ANsWEN BELOW AI.L THAT APPLY TO YOUN PROJECTT''I n Att Garage (SF) -- U Sunroom (sr)_.. [] Greenhouse (sF] _-.,_-_,,. ls the proposed work changing tl E Dcl Garage (St)_D Porch (SF) fl Storase Shed {5F) E orher (sF)515 concrete fl"'\ oacr X Pool (sr) f-l Deck (5F) 525 r0 existing footprint? rJ Ye5 fi/ No TOTAI PROJECT COST (tess Lotlr " Unheatedi 0 C5 lstheproposedworkchanginglhcnlrnb("roII).i]r.,l il I Ycs X No ls any Electrlcal, Plumblng or Mechanicalwork beilg (too,t lo I'ro Accessory Struclure fi/ yes E No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on lhe (urrent site? D yes g No ls there ElectricalPower on thi5 iJLrildil]B? X Yes {,1 tJo Property Use/Occupancy:9 5:.11c firrily I Duplex O Townhouse Description of Work: - ,.f |o in violation ot rhe NCStrte at Cod subic(t to liner up ro S500.0O'r' owner/Contractori Jason W! ,,Lr _ Signaturel 'LicetBed Quotilier" OISCIAIMER: lhereby(erliryrharallth., / r,.,) r,, i,,,r,r1 idr)ti.,)rnb laws and ordinances and rcSillatlon!,. I r'! i,r L! !1,!,",,,, . r,l ,!r, icct C inrorma tion. .. i NOT[: Any work pedorr!.n v/irr:. ,l rt,. trfr,h.,ti,,-. i! r.,n-rl ind all work willromply wilh the statc ouildi.t Code and allotlar appli(able Srrte and tocnt(rre, wlll be noti,ied of any(haogel ln the approved planr and rpe(illcaltonr oa (han8e ln (ontr.ctor ls the property located in a floo(irrliin? t-l yes iX No Exlrtlng lmpervlous Area: 3310 s1 rr Total Acres Dlsturbed: Ncw lmpervious Area: 51 5 WATER: fi CFPUA fl con),, SEWIR: ff CFPTJA fJ Conrrrl 5. ft Sctbn.ks {F} Exist,ng land Oisturbing Permlti fl Ye5 [-- No Ll,..,i ,\,.', i il CentralWell fl Aqua ' i CcntralSeptic fl Aqua 91s2$4'm$) Approvali OL city: -.plll orto comment:r(-ll aSsoc icr ). , zone: f,,[f,- orrce,, I3 rtoorl: (n) .- (V){N)Y BrE+2ft= o'l,1nrr1,r/_101--]30'Ciq\nw&mn[o$$eo \.Jur,L N Permit Fee: Siuv$ b t<ncx--ka##i 3a 0Y Zonlo4 d rot4phlar\f slrle t l\.r.rpt PermiHcd p!,(.1 afid ul* rt 1endltt, lOT,l:30 coNIRAcroR: CAROLINA CREATIONS LANDSCAPES, INC stDG UcENsE fl 71io5 ADDRESSI POBOX2327 CIYI SHALLOTTE SI:NC ZIP: 28459 EMA|L ADDRESS: JWALKER@C,SQLINAQBEA'IIQIIS=B|Z pHoNE: 910-766{41 'l TOTAT Sq tf UNDER ROOF llar No\scd work) lle.tcd:0 _ tnstallingjjlS x 35: ib-etg!?ss nool 5'15 sfofconcrete poot deck; and pool NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P LICATION TYPE, RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALI. QUESTIONS APPLICAETE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project ResponsibilitY' Zot tr-32=C 18-598 Application Number (office use) APPLICANT,S NAME: JASON WALKER Date:0212812018 PRoJEcr ADDRESS: 6225 CHALFONT CIRCLE clw:WLMINGTON ztP 28405 LoT f:30 PROPERTY owNER'S NAME: WILLIAM & IVIICHELLE LEONARD owNER's ADDRESS: 6225 CHALFONT CIRCLE PHONE f clrY: WILMINGTON ztP:28405 CONTRACTOR: CAROLINA CREATIONS LANDSCAPES INC BI.DG LICENSE C 73105 AoDRESS: PO BOX 2327 clTY: SHALLOTTE sT: NC ztP: 28459 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration I Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCrION: ! Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation 5\,! r,Y\n^rn :) f (x) rI*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEI.OW AI.T THAT APPTY TO YOUR PRO.IECT*T' E Att Garage (SF)_E Det Garage (SF)tr Porch (SF) ! Sunroom {SF}E Pool (sr) tr oeck (SF)! Greenhouse (SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? tr Yes E No TOTAT 5Q FT UNDERROOF Aor proposed workl Heated: 0 Unheated:0 TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot):s65 70 0.00 lsthe proposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure I Yes n No lf the pro.iectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? D Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? F Yes n No Property Use/ Occupancy:S Single Family f] Ouplex ! Townhouse 525 ! Storage Shed (SF)_ E Other (SF)515 concrete f"\ decr Oescription of Work: lnstallinq a 15' x 35' flberqlass oool , 515 sf of concrete pool deck; and pool code fencinq laws and ordinan.es and regulation3. The NHC Development Services Center willbe notified ofany (hanges in the approved plnns and rp€cifi(ations or (han8e in contractor information. '*'NOTti Any work performed without lhe appropriate permits will be in violalion of the NC state Bldg Code ubj€cl lo fines up to 5500.00" + owner/contractor: Jason Walker Signature: "Licensed Quoliliet" ls the property located in a floodplain? ! Yes F No Existing lmpervious Area:310 Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area: 5'15 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: t l Yes t l No WATER: Ef CFPUA f] Community System ! private Well D Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA f] CommunitySystem D PrivateSeptic ! Centralseptic n Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (I) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval:_ city: _ Dare: _ Flood: (A)_ (V) _ (N)_ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: S sUBDlvlsloN: PARKSIDE AT MAYFAIRE EMAII. ADDRESS: JWALKER@CAROLINACREATIONS.BIZ PHONE: 9'I0.766641 1 PRO.,ECT CONTACT PERSON: JASON WALKER PHONE: 910-755641 1 ci+.1 NEhI nnruovff cE8{5fut.e1;1t8ffe PERMIT AP P LTC,.TTON IYPE.- RESIDEIITIAL PLEISE AIIS0ER ALt qJESTION5 ADPLICiBLT Tt) rcUR pROf,ECT aPrcJect Eesponslhr r*tf 2c>l?jzsq- ){-13 APPLICATION NtrmbeF (Offiqe Use) APPLIC,AIIT's MiIE: DEVELOPER:D,rE; 0?-0.'- 19 PRO3ECT ADDRESS: SUBDIYISIONs crw:Ptls{E #: %i 1to-ttlr- lt?g zlPz 2ll[l_ PROPERW ON{NER'S MME: OhINER'S ADERESS 3 COTIITRACTOR, ADDRESS: EfiATL ADDRESS: PROJECT COI,JIACT PERSON: I arr enneae _ sF l--l swnooru <E I enreuore _ sr I orr oneseI nool_ srI oecr _ sr sr Drpne -sF ffsronacr sHED _ sF BLOCK #i _ LOT *: PHOiIE *:1t0-^2r- sT: C zrp: t9{0t ACCoUNT +:sr'lleEi@ PHor,rE *: 1ro-q1l-L7R? rrg CITY: LrcEl,lsE *: CITY: s DClSTrlrG @!6rRUCTro!r: I arrenarrou I naovarroru f] earn+ neearns I RELocArroN EW CONSTRrcrIO{: L] FNECI EhI RESXDEiICE O" ! AOOTTTOU TO DCTSTErc RESIDENCE+tPLE{5E CHEC( IiD ATEXER BELOI ALL TMT AIPLY TO YOUR PRO]ETT! TOTAL HEATED 5Q FT: - T0TAL SQ TOTAL PROIECT C0ST(lessr.oo : S f0K OTHER:SF FT UNDER Rq)F: - ToTAL AREA sQ FT: - # OF STORTES ! rs Any ELEcrRlcaL, pur'lBril. or ltEcHANtcAL tlork BeLng Done to the Accessory structure? E yesIf the project is a Relocation, is there a NaturaL Gas /.ine on the Curnent Sit"l EIs thene Electrical pgwer on this Building? [ v". pfr,fo pRopERw lrsE / ocq,pA sy , gt*r, FAMTLY n iuem< [ ro,rurouse DESCTEIPITON 0F trrtoRlK: d*. ves ffruo :-ri'1frt t8 4 r E4Pfi +*:.+**+*:r++ri!r*****n***n*** *(iffi JS?********** **+**++_ri*rs rHE pRopERw LocATED rN A FlooDprArm n yEs dw V7r,,o(crnu, **+:r*+***+*+:r*+**:l**f +**++*+++t*** DCISTITIG IMPERWOUS NE},I E,IPER.\fiOUS I'IATER:tr SEI,IER: AIEA i -sQ FT TorAL AcREs DTsTURBED: ARrEq: -sQ Fr Exrsr LAra Drsnnar!re eemrrr, f= yes lf Ho c$4quNrTy SysTEN E pRrvATE r,rELL I cerrner_ uer-l cBITRAL sEprrc I nuvare srprrc il.oolurura, ,"rr**"+ SEpAiarE pER{rrs REquTRED FOn ELECT, AECB, pLE6, GAS EqUIp, PREFAaS & trasERTS .*.o"*y.IT":o: Ica"n ficnecf lflyaBlE r ;*i-iiJ.ii *;;;-'d;;;;'*E'"ro*.******:i*{.+*tr***:F******************,***+*tlr*******i-****ii******trt**:Frts*:ts+***t****{.*li*:tsihrtt;t;B zoNE: - oFFrcER: "f#:',;: T', t _ *,_- *,APPnoval:- cjtyi:_ DATE:_ FLOoD: _ REVISEO DATE O4l11l12 B FE+2ft= N PERI.IIT FEE: g conment:A I o$NER/CONTRACTOR: PtloNE #: 1t0- y 3l- 1199 5TGNATURE: ar$ ri\ L'ry 1,6*-- +D )qr-T sQ3 ?uz t?- Svo Sicz I I Hl'i clAllSlu NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT AP PLiCATION rYPE; RESIDENTIAL PIEASE ANSWCR ALI" QUESTIOIIS APPLICAOI.E IO YOUR PROJECI "Prolect n€rportlhlllty'' ty'71( PftO'ECI AODRESS: suSDrvrsroN: APPLICANT'S NAMf:rest t0 Cr,r\ CtW: trt i\ i^^ V]&,. a-ac- It iri,.3.tqrr '--lratrt',^ff* l,lll,Nl t:l tb-q Dg' sDof zl,'Lgt! 6LD6 IICENSE ,,:{Ll5 I sf: /\/( ap, _- cfrY: CONTRACTOII:Slrrtvrr K.o:r.ti\r ADOIESST !tl (-) i L CITY:tlt c i.( PROJf CT CONIACT P[NSON:-h,,'a l' \v\^t'ik .,piii,{r .iro . r/d.j _ [2,] l_ U Storage Shed (SF) _ if Other (sr) tXtSflNG CO,{SnUCTIOI{: n Aheratioo D Renovation fl General8eprlrs NEW COI{STRUCIION: C Erect Nelv R€sidence C Additlon to fulsting Residence Relocatlon T..PLEAS€ CHECI( AND AtrSWER BELOW ^l.I T *r. E Att Gsr.3€ (5F)- El Det G.rl8c (sF)_ E porch (sFl E Sunroom {SF) _ol(SF) n Greeohotlse (Sf] _D Deck {5t) ls the proposed work charSint the exlsttnt footprhlt? 0 v"r(uo TOTAL 5Q iT UNDIR AOoF llot proposed workl Hcrrcdr [rhhesled: 'TOTAL PIIOJECT COSI {Less tot}i S lsthe proposed work chan8lngthe number of bedrooms? [.] yes Il No Isa,ryElectrlcal,PlumblngorMerhrokrlworkbelngdonetotheAccessoryStructureEyesBtto lf the prorect ls a l,llocatloo,ls there a NaturalGas l-lne on tho currcnt slte? E yer EI No ls there Electrlcal Poweron thls Bulldlng? E y6s D No Propsrly Use/ Occupancy\strute ramtty D ouphx tl townhouso Oe[crlptloll ot work: 1lLl,O.l';'-<) DlSCtAlMtf,r I herebvcertify that.llthe tnformalton tfi lhis aoptiration la(orract and all work r;tl conmiy w h th€ State Butld gCodsandailo er apDlt..b:e St ste ard toaallar'r5 and ordlnrn.ej and rlgolatloor. Txe NHC D€relopment Servjces Center y/Il[nr noltj€d ofanyahan8lr ln the approy.d planr.rd rpac;{iaalioni oi(htn8e t,r(o,rtnrdorioformatloo. "-tloT€r ,/tny uork performsd B,ithoutthe appropriate pgrmlG willbe t v;orat,on o, the ilcSlate Code and subje.l to fices up ro 55C0 C0 " ., -:I)r,r,"1p- l( .)=.,ti'\J- l\ r(\()( Shllsturo:Ownar/Cont.sctor: "Llcensed ouolillet't ls the property lorared h) a ftoodplain? E V", S ffo txlstlog lmpervlous Arca: ----.5q ft Totd Acro$ Dbturbedl New lmlrervlour Arco; __ sq Ft €xl$ln! L6nd olrtorunt pGrmlt E ye. D No tvarrn' \ cFpUA n Comountty Systern ll private Wefi fJ CentralWell [1 Aqua stWER: Yl CfPUA E Community Systcnr U private Septic fl Cenrralseptic [f Aqua Zo[c: _=-- Orllc.E _ Serb.r!.. (F] _-_{L}t} _ (RH} _ (Bl __ Approvali. _---_- Clty: -.--. DGt€: _*.,_ ftood; lA) =--{V} -__ (Nr_-_ AtE+zft. _-- -conthe,it: ----,--* __.-__ pernlt fee: $ PR.PERW.*NE.,sNAME: \tf f At*\,. owNEfl ,sADDnEss:__G}s{r.]ffiin-_.I- t\a APPI"ICANT'S AMII rcs+{)a.\ PRO,IECT ADDRTSS: suBDrvrsroN: c^t[,^ RECEIVEDIIAT2O2OlS NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLTCAT ION TYPE : RESIDENTIAI PLEASE ANSWCR AI,L QUESTIOIE APPLICASI.E TO YOUN PROJEO' "ProJect ie$omlblllty" %rs D3s \t.go Appll(.llorl o",. j- lt- tg alPl DXqr f- t ( CIIY: CITY hi 703-q)4 - s81?PHON Slvivri. i(.o:.ni\t.BLD€uc.rs'rr: {Ll51t '^ sI: /V(zlP:a(rl(r..ADonESsr E tr CONTRACTOR crw ).l1 - TIROJECI CONIACI PTNSON:PHONfI IXISTING COil$IUCflOll: E Alteratlon I Renovation n General Repalrs NEWCO $nucflOil: fl Er€ct Nee, ficddence D Additlon to Exkting Resldence n Rebcatlon ",i ra [: Att Garsge (SF] - El Dctc!r'rc(sF)- !] porch (sF, (sr)111 ralr \!\t&': n oeck (SI)zr/6 ls the proposed work durllinE th. existlot fodprinr?XYes D No b 1-1 TOTAI Sq FT UNOER AOOI Uot proposed votk) Hertedr unheot€d: roral" PRoJECT cosr (Les rotl: g Qi ,e()D ls the proposed work chantlng th6 numlrer of bedroofis? ff Yet D o ls any Elsotrlc.l, PlumbftU or t €charbd work beln8 dooe to the Accessory Stnlcture E Ys. D ,lo lftheprolectk.Lloctdoo,lsthar€!t{!tur.lGlsUnsonthscurGntrlte?EYarEt{o lsthere Ehctrlcal Pow€ronthllBulldlng? E Vcs D alo occuprncy:! sf4te Famlly n Duphx n Townhouse worl: '.T,r O .r'r.<) Total Acres Distrrbed: '1lp'?d1 -lA'1 l- tr Storage Shed (SF) __ Ll other (Sr)---____ fl Sunroorn (SF)_ [J ereenhouse (SF)-- Proporty Ure/ Doifflptlorl ot .^<, lovsind ord;n,nae, and ioiormattoD. "-NoT[:A O$rn i/Contractar: t€8ulatlotu, rhe ltHC Devalopmlnt Serulce5 cenler talll be oo0ied ot nny (hanSat In the rpprorsd plant dfld rpeai(crtloos or chrnge In .ontraator ny rrork pe.torm€d w;tholt tho appropriale p?rmtt5 iyill bc h y:olrtron of the t{C St6te gldS Codp and snb,!.t to {nes up to 95C0.CS". sLh.turo:(--J"Llcensed Atolulet' pi No V ls the property located in a tloodplaln? n y", [f Erlithg rmpcrvbus Area: -- Sq ft I ' New trlr€wlour Arc!: _ SqR Edrtlq L.nd OBtwblnt pcrmlu E Ves D t{o WATFR: \ CfPUA lf Communtry System [J private Wa[ L] Ce$tralwefl E Aqua SEWER: \ CTPUA D Commurritv System [] priyar€ Sep c n Centralseptic fl Aqrla zonGr --- ofrL.r: _ s.rbr.t i (F) __ (LH) _ (Rltl _ (Br__. Approyolr -_._^-.. ctlyr _--- Date: --.-- rbod!lA)_-'{v}-_-(fl)-- sIE+2fto Comrrcnll _* Pcrmh Fls I -- * '(1,/,/ PRoPfnTY owNGR's NaYg, $r.v \CvQ owN[R's ADDRtss: -:O\@E t EMAtt AODRESS: Dici \i,i0-l S..t-c NJY 7attr -32j7 RECEIVED t.tAR 2I 2[i}P€+ t[ -3t11NEVr, HANOVER COUNTV BUILDING PERMIT AP PL,CAT'O N TY PE' RESIDE'IITIAL PIEASE ANSWER ATI qUESTIOTS APPI"ICASI.E TO YOUN PROJ€Ci "Prole.t Rosponslhlllty" i 1'16 {),ir\<APPTICANT,S NAMI,I i(. r)L,^.ctTv:L 3.10 ,18 " t1PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDrvtsroN: PROPIiRTY OWNTIT'S NAMTI A.\.aa S t.,PHO E I';1rD- Aar- trs sl clTY:. t,rr\lr^' tFl,^+ -*.. -- zrp:tt$]| CONIRA(TOB; ADDRrssr.-5 EMAII ADORESS --1}t!a \irtiyri L-r_i ..r aB (-n:u' Di -f* PROIICI CoNIACT PERSONT .t,, ( r4,.: \i]\^tl',(c,,,:i- L- Srorage Shed (5F).__ _-,._ , il othor {s[] -*. 8LD6 IKI SE f ;5 Ll5 Crr: l-J, l'1 l\!( zr..: ,) i,i \x r,,q.i 1lt l'-r-c:i"v(:'r ).( EXISrING CONSTRUCIIO, !n Alteration I ftenovatlon D General Rep8irs |UEW COI{STRUCTION: n fr€ct Ne\.J R€sidence I Addition to ExistinE Rcsidence il Reloration *".I!EASSjX8E(SNDA IWE&DEL(,tfl At L THA! ApPr.y TO yOUB piorCq+i. l:l Attcarag€ (SF)-..--- E Det clrrse (SF)- E porch (sF] E sunroo'n (sF)-.-.___ l._r Greerrhouse (SF) -__- itD-)(poor tsrt i.-l Deck (5f ) ls the proposed v,/ork TOTAT Sq TT UNOEN PJop6rty use/ Dc6rlptlo[ ol Ownar/Conthctort "l k'cn*d Qnntilio it rrt: Approval:. , CotInr.,rit: [,] No Unheatedi ls the proposed r",/ork chanSing the,rumber of bedroonrs'/ [-] Y€s Ll o lsany Electricsl, plumblry or MerhaDkal work being done to the Acaessory Struclure E Ves F o lf tll€ prored L! irloc$loo,ls thare I Natural Ga5 Llne on the curr€lt Jlte? EI Ye3 E No ls ther€ Electrlral Power on this Build,ng? El Yer fl No rorAL prorEcr cosr (t ess torl: I --1-310-00 occupency:! smglo ramfly ! t plex L j 'l ownhouso wort: 1,*,o .;':-.)).-cr , \ nrior,n?llorl.'-UOTE:,iiys,or?,ertorrned!,,,;thouttirr,,ppToonatep€rmlt5r,rillbctnv:or.tro!otlhel,'CStateBld8Codaandrn bje.ttol,.er upto95C0C,J " ') (,,'\t-'SlSnatrra f )\ Ne\y lmlrervloug Area: Sqft Exb nt Lrnd Olrtllrblry permltr E yes E No\-- wltl Flt: \]l r-f PUA ill (:otiurrnit,i. Syster I:l pr;vare lvell fl Central Wcll [1 Aqua r':r:w!E: tl (ll.Pl,A [-..1 Lomrnilr]iti Systent ii l,rivatc Sertic E Cet]traiseltir [:] Aqua 'r-otal Arres Dlsturhed ot lcer! --- setb&L. (F) _,* (rH) __lnH, ___ (s) *__ Clty;__'. Osl.-.:...--- * ri&od: {A) .,_, * (V) ,-_, -. . (frl .-- _--_ BFE+Zfi. ir,irotlt Feet $ I .5 4 ,x ':rij::,: 2Ctq TZ\D "* T* *orrorr* JJ,],*r, Bur.DrNG rr*ilil PEL l s - V T g APPUAfl ON fW* RESIDEINIAL ptE sE AtGwER Atr euEsnoi6 Appuca8E To youR pRoEcr aDo,ctdon .l,rii1cc ncrponrlurrty . ,H1, SUBDIVISION: Ancho/s Bend PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: Dave Rowland PHONE #t 240-2814792 OWNER'S AITDRESS: 7513 Aloff Wav CrfY: Wilmiooton ZtP: 28411 coNTRAcToR: Ocean Blue Pools and Soas of NC BIDG UCENSE #:.73750- ADDRESS: 30 Covil Avenue OTY: Wlminoton ST: NC_ ZIP: 2E4Q3 EMAIL ADDRESS:o.eenbhre-wilmindtdn 1 laomail PHONE: 91G7gg-3022 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Arin Kervesh PHOI{E: 910-7993022 O(lmNG CONSTRUCno :E Aheration E Renovation E GeneralRepairs NEWCO STRUCflON: El Ered New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence El Relocation ...PIIASE CHECT AND ANSWER BETI'W AI.I TI{AT APPLY TO YOUR PR(),ECT..' tr Att GaraSe (SF)_El Det Garage (SF) _tr Porch (sF) L.l Sunroom l5F)F Pool (sF)435 tr Storage shed (SF)_ E Greenhouse (SF)_,{ Deck (sF}554 tr Other (SF) ls the proposed work changinS th€ erisdng footprint? n Yes Y No TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF lJor proposed wo.t) H€ated:Unheated: TOTA PROJECT COST {Less Lot):$44. 15 thc proposed work chenging the number of bcdrooms? tr Vos gi-lo ls any Ehctrlc.l, Plunbini or MedEniGrl work b€ing done to the Accessory Structure $ Y6 E o lf the project is a nelocatbn, is there a NaturalGas Une onthecummsite? E Yr' F- o ls there €lectrical Power on this Building? EL Yes tr lto trDFrty usc/ ocsrpancIlxJ sftEL Famlly tr ouplcx tr Townhous. Descrlptlon of Wort: lnstall a 2qX15 fbe oool with aoomx 554 so leet of concrete larfs and ordinancas 8nd reguhfons. The NHc D6,eloprn€nt Sorvkra Cam€a w0l ba ndifed of afy dian$s in the appaoted plans and specifrcatbrr3 or dlaBe in contracior lnform.tlon. "'NOTE: AnY wo* p€riormed rt!fioul the.pp.oprLt. p.rmllr willbe ln vlolarbn otthe ilcStrt Sldg C.d. eDd tl6lec! to fin€s up to S5m.0... OmEr/ConEactor: Ke\rin Dunne SEEtulr: Ucensd Quollflct' Pdr'rt Nome \ ls th€ property located in a floodplain? O Vcs yffo Existint lmp€rvlous Area: 362[_ Sq Ft Total Arr€s Disturbed:0 New lmpewious Ateat 4228 Sq Ft Erlsting l,and Disturtitu Permh: C Yer E No WATERT F CFPUA E Community System El Private Well E Centralwell E AquE SEWER: ts CFPI.JA E Crmmunity System E Private Septic fl Centralseptis E Aqua zonei _ Ofnc€n _ s.tb.cks (Fl _ (Lfil _ (RHl _ (Bl _ Approtr.l: _ Oty: _ Ilate: _ Fbod: (A)_ (Vf _( ,_BfE+2ftE_ sCommcnt:Permit Fee: ,. ApPUCAl{rS NAME: Ocean Blue Pools and Spas of NC Date: 0906/2018 PRoJEcr ADDRESS: oTY: lililmio$oo- zP| 2U11- LOT #: N clearForm R[CEl'IEtsti'li:22?018 ..il NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPU ATION TYPE : RESIDEMIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALLqUESNONS APPUCABIf TO YOUR PROJECT 'Proiect Rrsponsibiliq/ 2 otu-i2 ?vblr''U"o Applkation (office u5€l APPUCANTS NAME:ocean Blue Pools and Soas of NC Date: March 20th 2018 PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:.lirir& Theresa Hoffman PHoNE s: 480$9t295 OWNER,S ADDRESS:25OG Roval Palm Lane CITY: Wilminoton ztP: 28409 CONTRACTOR Ocean Blue Pools nd Soas of NC BLDG UCENSE f :73260- ADDREsS:30 Covil Avenue CITY: Wilminoton ST: NC_ ZIP:2MO3 EMAIt ADDRESSi ocnanbl rewilminolontAomail riom PHONE: Sl G799-3O22 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:Susan Rowland PHONE:910-799-3022 D(lSflNG CONSIRUCIION: fl Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEwco STRUCTIoN: ! Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation ...PLEASE CHECK AND AT{SWER BETOW ALt THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT"' tr Att Garate (SF)-n Det GaraEe lSFl tr Porch (5F) ! Sunroom (SF)APool (sF)525 tr Storage Shed (SF)_ E Greenhouse (5F)_ ls the proposed work changing p Deck(sF)120 tr Other (5F)_ the existing footprint? E Yes E No TOTAT sq FT UI{DERROO! Vor proposed work) Heated:Unheated: TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot):47 .877 .99 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? fl Yes d No ls any Electrlcal, Plumblnt or Mechankalwort being done to the Accessory Structure B Yes D No lf the project is a Reloc.tlon, istherea Natural Gas Lineon the errent site? tr Yesr( o ls there Electrical Power on this Buildingt €f Ves tr to Property U3€/ occupanq:El slngl€ Famlly E Duplex E Torf,nhouse Description of Work: lstall a 35' X 15'5" inoround fiberolass oool with 120 so ft of concrete deckino laws.nd ordlnanc€s and regulations. The NHc Development SeMces Center wlll be notlfrad of any changes in the epprored phns and 5pedf,€6ons or chanSe in comractor infonn.tion. "'NOTE: Any wort pertorrEd whhout the appropriate permits will be ln vtol.don of th. NC Stete Eldg Code and subject to fine5 up to $500.00... owner/contractor: Kevin Dunne 'Ucensed Quolifiet' Print Nome ls the property located in a ffoodplain? tr YesII No Existint lmpervious Area: l[-156_ Sq Ft l'\tli,-, \..'^g1Signature: Total Acres Disturbed: 0 New lmpervious Arez: 4.276 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: ! Yes E No WAIER: }( CFPUA ! Community System E Private Well tr Central Well E Aqua SEWER: d-CFPUA E Community System E Private Septic E Centralseptic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ SetbedG (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (Bl _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (Al _ (V) _ (t{) _ BFE+2fr= _ Comment:Permit Fee: 5 PROj ECT ADDRESS: 25OB Royel Palm Lane dTY: Wilmington AP; 284.09- SUBDIVISION: lof *:Z- ?s- ffi "-9 /g--) ? t ntr [*t*t* NEW HANOVER COUNW BUITDING PERMIT APPtI CATION TYPE : RE5I0ENTIAL PLEASE ANSW€R ATL QUES]IONS APPTICASIE TO YOUR PROJ€ "Proiect Respon!iblllt/ a"rr,"*-E; (ofic. ulo APPUCANT'S iIAME: atl\I h*t 1aJ L^nt*- i Date )l,cl t f @ ?r;L L-.L *' "l 0-CllY. t^-/, ln.4U L{'1)fPROJECT AOORESS: susotvtsloN:A te*l ntt LOT B zlP)1 fuu.l PHONE f Z\L JISLPROPERTY OWNER,S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS:L--uu--l D CITY: L-i lat,rt /.J ztP:1.Nr]- ctot/,t nh) A.-/-h^ a sloc r.rcENsEf: L rnfCONTRACTOR ADDRESS:drz *t Ur,l lY CITY PHON E stt gLaPt l-h)f-t/r-/o.t)EMAIL ADDRES5: ()w l,t 2 qaAe. os>9ra EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration - Renovation D General Repair5 NEW coNSTRUCTION:_E Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existang Residence D Relocation I ' I.PTIASE CHTCK ANq ANSIATES qE!q!U4ILIEAT APPLY TO YOU R PROJ ECTI I ' Garage fi oet earage 1sr; ZYO ls the p.oposed work chanSinS the existinS lootprint? fl Yes D No TOTAI, 5Q FT UNDER ROOF Vor proposed work) Heated -l}va-- Unheated: tJl$- TOTAI" PROTEO COST iLess Lot); 5 ht, olc fl Sunroom (sF)- D Greenhouse (SF)_ Property use/ occupancy{(single Family tr Pool (sF)_ d^h^lJ tM. ! Deck (sF) trD E Townhouse Irthe proposed work chan8ins the number ofbedrooms? tr Yes,( ruo l5 any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanlcalwork being done to the Accessory Structure E ves [, ruo lf the project is a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Ga5 Line on the current site? tr ves( ruo ls there ElectricalPower on this Building? tr Y€s&t{o Descrlption of Work: OISCIAIMEi: lhereby ce.tit th.t .ll the inform.tlon in thi3.pplicitlon rs co.rect and allwork willcomplywith theState Euilding law!.nd ordinrnces.nd reaulatio.t lhe NHC Oevelopmont Services Cente. will be .olified orafly changer in the approved pl. bj€.rinfomation. "'NOTI: Any woa perform€d wilhout the Bpp.opriate pe.mili willbe in violatjon ofth€ NC State Sldg Code and Owner/Cgnt.actori LIJ- d'ttu''t.*Sitraturer "Licensed Qrolilier" Print Nome lsth€ property located in a floodplain? E Yes B No Existlot lmpervloui Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acr$ Disturbed: New lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft / Existint Land DirturbinS Permtt: tr Ves fl ruo WATER: tr ,FPUA O Community System dPrivate well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: /CFPUA O Commun,ty Syrtem E Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua zone: _ ofticer: - setbacks (F) - {tH} - (RH) _ (8} _ Approval: _ City: _ Oat€:_ Floodr (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ 8FE+2ft= _ and allolher applicable State and lo.al rpeclficrti6ne or ch.n8e in coo!rado. to liner upro 3500 0O"' Commenti Permit Fee: S Clear Form PROJECT CONTACI PERSON. PAONE: / / q. /OJ1 tr Porch {sF)_ D Sto.age Shed (SF)_ O other (sF)_ Qtsts VzI7 APPLICANT'S NAME: Clear Form Print eMa il 5R-es ! 3c-<c.- l8-grrl Date: B'aG +- \B\1OC .'r\'(- 9's.CITY. \-r;!(. i.- ! c' P Zfp: 2 6\ e \PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:5 a-n (s<'-o €-E gWNER,S ADDRE55: \q O C o o. <- 9s. . PHONE #-)r\- ?-}s -'1]\S CITY \rJ llFl!'r c' e zlP:?-'6\ 0 \ tr\ os-ra G-F GC (- p s5 s-'. <:= g,1q4a1CONTRACTORBtDG TICENSE #: ADDRE5S: L1 O , EMAIL ADDRESS 5 BA. t-4- 4- r^ 6(L.r-4-(i€<. <--o F-PHONE: d\ \ G PROJECT CONTACT PERSON 3 o'"-et Bp,.r€.G-PHONE EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration ,fi-Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: ! ErectNew Residence ! Additionto Existing Residence n Relocation I.**PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALI. THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT**l, f Att Garage (SF)D Det Garage (SF)_n Porch (SF) D Sunroom (SF)D Pool (SF)n Storage Shed (SF)_ ! Deck (sF)T, other (sF)\ *.f ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? tr Yes }iNo TOTAL SQ FI UNDER ROOF Aor prcposed work) Heated:\ Lt "( unheated: TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 2 5stl-s c c e9< cG c-4-e E F LJ , CtW. \^r:v!-(.'!(-.rJ ST:\P<-.Ztp: 2-tL\G \-7< ) . "2-GL nrs- r--1 6S-\6t? ! Greenhouse (SF)_ ?SHRR tA ?:44p1ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? I yesr,h lto ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structu re Ff Yes ! No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? ! Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? FYes tr No Property Use/ occupancv X Single Family E Duplex ! Townhouse Description of Work: Kt.atle,J $e-rooc- u- - t'O f eo< f C-!cr -r 1t-'.p-'6C- information. ***NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation ofthe NC State Eldg toS 00 laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of anychanges in the approved plans and specifications or change an contractor Owner/Contractor 5eseJ t- \)6re-c-Signature: TotalAcres Disturbed: Existing Land Disturbing Permit: D Yes ! No WATER: g"CFPUA n Community System ! Private Well ! Central Well D Aqua SEWER: F CFPUA ! Community System n Private Septic I CentralSeptic f] Aqua Zonei _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: - City: _ Date:_ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: S Vto NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P LICATIO N TY PE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESIIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibilit/' LOT #: "Licensed Quolfie/' Ptint Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? tl Yes EP No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft New lmpervious Area; _ Sq Ft \fn )ore-32V,515 ?t1tsl'.-l ct ' "" ffi NEW HANOVER COUNW BUITDING PERMIT AP P LICAT IO N TY PE RESI DENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLI'-AELETO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responstblllty, ([- 7+: (offlce use) Oate:03/15/2018APP[ICANT'S NAME: F.S. LLC dba Ram Jack PRoJEcT ADDRESS: 1939 PRESTWICK LN CITY: Wilminolon ztP 28405 SuBDlvlsloN:'l 8 PRESTWI CK AT LANDFALL: PARID : R057'1 tOT #: 18 PRoPERTY owNER's NAME: BELTON RICHARD CAROL __PHONE#: (910) 398-3380 owNER'S AODRESST 215 ALAMANCERD CllY: Wilminoton ZtP 272'15 CONTRACTORi F.S. LLC dba Ram Jack ELDG I.ICENSE #:q?,779, AODRESS 4122 Ben Memorial Dr.. Su 304 elTY: Durham ST:!Q ztp:27705 PHONE: 919-309-9727EMAIL ADDRESS: betsv(A miackusa.com PRO,ECT CONTACT P€RSON: Betsv Tate PIIONE: 9'19-309-972 7 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration E Renoyation denerat Repairs (O*n l4A k(; f NEW COiISTRUCTION: f] Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation .*TPITAsE CHECI( AND AI{SWER BELOW ALt THATAPPTY TO YOUR PROJECT'r' D Sunroom (SF)_ D Att Garage (SF)_E Det Garage (SF)_ tr Pool{SF) f) Porch (SF) tr Storage Shed (SFl_ tr Other (SF)D G.eenhouse (sF) _tr oeck (SF) ls the proposed work chan8ins the existing footprint? 0 yes Fto TOTAI Sq FT UNDER ROOF lJor p.oposed work) Heated TOTAI PROJECT COSf {Less Lot}.00 ler O Townhouse Unheat€d: ls the proposed work chanting the number of b€drooms? A yes Z(xo ls any Electrlcal PlumblnS or Mechaoicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure tr yesldNo lf the pro.iect is a Relocadon, is there a Natural Gas tine on the current site? Ll yesp No lnstall helical peirs to stabilize fou ndation of privacy wall as desiqned by structual enqlneer. DISCIAIMER: lherebycenify rhat allthe tnform.tion inthts appticario.is corred and altworkwi[comply withthe State Su diq Code.nd a otherappltcable State and tocatbws and o.dlnances and regulatlons, the NHC D€velopment Servicas Centerwillbe notified of in the app,oved plans and specifrca!ion9 chan8€ in contractorNOTE:Any vrort pertormed whhour the appropriate permltswifl be tnviolaiion ot th ,actor Betsv Tale Sltnature: e NC State s Owne./Cont "Licensed Quolifier" print Nofie lsthepropenylocated in afloodplaln? E y€s E No ErlstinS lmpervlous Area: _ Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed New lmp€ruious Arca:Sq Ft Exiiting Land Disturting permit: D yes E No WATER: E CFPUA E Community System fl private Well E Centralwelt E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA O Community System D private Septic D Centralseptic E Aqua Zon€: _ Oflicer: _ Setbacks (F) _ {t-Hl _ (iH) -- (B} _ Approval: _ Ciryr -- Dare: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (Nl_ BFE+2ft.= Comment:Permit Fee: )0rc Ito--: - )'( ffi Pu.(tr. ++5NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITOING PERMIT APP LrcAnO N fY P E: RESIDENTIAL PIfA5' AN5WER ATL QUfsIION5 APPI,ICAEIE-IO YOUR PRO'E(T "P.ojcct Re.ponslblllly, CIIY:Wilrnilgton Aprtk,rtio6 trunrb.r Io,{ke u!el Date:03/15/2018 ap: zgaoi APPIICA I'S NAMfr F.S LLC dl)ir Rurr.lack PROJECI AoDntSS: 1939 PRESTWICK I N ADDRrss: {1?? B9at9! lUS.OSri4l Dr., Suiro 304 PRoPtRTY owNER's NAME: BfLIQN EICHARD CAROl owNER's AD0t{€ssi 215 A|AMANQE B0 su0DrvrsloN: 1B PRESMICK nT LANDFALLj PARIDi 805710_-009-004-000 LOT l,: 1B PlloriE l:. (910)3.98-3380 * CITY: Wlminqlqn -_ltP 21215 TMAIT ADDRESS: bO kus PRorEcT coNTACT PtRSoN: B:ql_sj AlLc PHoNE, 919'309-9727 EXlSTlt{G CONSIRUCTION: J Altcra(ion [ ] Rcnovotion J,]deneral Repoirr (*,rl'l'," 0+(;' NtW CONSIRUCTION: I i trcct Ncw Rcsidcnce L I Additlon to txisting Residence I_] Relocatio .. 'PtEAST CH€CI( AND AN5WER BTTOW ALT THAT APPI.Y TO YOUII PROJ€CI" ' Jl Att GaraSe (5f)__ _, . l sr/rrroom (Sf)___ -___ n Det Geraqe lsfl Ll Pool lSFl_._ Ll oe.k (sF)[-] Greenhouee (Sf)_ ls the propored work changing the cxirting foolprintT t-l Yer/EaNo TOTAT Sq fr UNDtn f,OOf Uot p@posed wort) tleated: , - Unheated: -- _ ToTAt PRorEcT COSI (less tot,: 5?.750.00 .--. - 15 the proposed work changin8 the number ol bedrooms? tl Yet ZfNo l5 any tfectrlcal, PlumblnS or Me.h.nlcalwork beinS dore to thc Accetlory Structure I i 'let,,,tNo l, the project rs a Relocatlon, i5 there a NaturalGaS tine on the (uraenl iite? i I Yrt,u} ,v0 Ir llrrv{r tlt(lri( nl Porter on lhit Buil.linS? -l.yas | 1 No./ Propprly U5e/ o.(up.ncy. / slnSle fnmily i , Dtrplex , Doi(iiDllonofWork:. ' - fownhousc ,rw, r.d ord han(er .nd .r8r,lrttonr the 'JHC LrE$:bprnenr !e.vi(.i Cer(?r wlllbe notined oi anycbanlot lo lhr rpp.oved pl..r rnd rperrt(rtignr o, (hin8c i. (onrLxror tn(orma(or. ...ito.tt: Anv wo,r p.rlormed wtthoot thc.rproprirt€ ptlmti wilt bc t. viol lon ol rhc NC StariBB lnstall holical peirs to tabllizq lqundalio!1q( p1lyggylqll as d. eglgtred by structuql eng(rsgI - owocr/contraclor: Ilclsy Ta16 "t I rn\etl tlro)tft t ' l! rhe ,roperty lo(ated in a floodplain? [,.] Y€5 Erlitlng lmpe,vlout A,ea: ._ 59 ft New l lpervlous Area; sq Ft Sltnature: -._ _ Tot.lA(re5 Dlsturbedi wLi 4d" txlrtlng tand Dieturblnt Permlt: Ll Ycr E No WAITR: :' CIPUA [-l Conrn]unrty Sytteoi (-) Privale Weil O CentralWell D Aqua 5IWER: t CFPHA\I r Cor,]lnu rty Sytle r PrivdteSeptic llCeotralSePti. ll Alluai) ^ l.YU,l,on",'f-lo 'I,il", Xl sctuart (r).[(*r1 -1!' 1ax1-r!' 141 2J' Approvnl:.0!. citv' VlqL. o.,", .{?,{l! flood: (A) - -trt. - .-t"t[.- -0rE+2rt= conrmc,,r: r{\r1 f\€t ttr'"lrrrru'\F J61gMv fgquri\tM^}f5 Pcrmlt fcc: 5 , 0rio chcvrq4 'b a'sh{6 5>SSDv,,"d Cii.., lnncclion lleourreo 91 0.25d.09tt+) D Porch (Sr)_-_*__ f) Storage Shed (SF)_ D Other (Stl__.-_.__ coNrRAcroR. f-.q ILC qla Balllyrec!BIDG LICEI{SE fl:5371&- -srY:oMtqL _.-_- sT: NE ztq 27705 - . PHonE; 9]&3-q9-9227 7 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLI CATION rYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICASI.E TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility" b Oate: 3-19-18 t,i - 177 v18 - 933 Application N!mber (office use) AppgcANfs NAME: Pulte Homes pRoJEcT ADDREssT 720 Broomsedge Tenace CtW: Wilmington 4p. 28412 sUBDtvtstoN: Del Webb Riverlights LOr *: 02212 pROpER1y OWNER,5 1111y9; Pulte Homes pHoNE #: 843-353-51 19 owNER,s ADDREss: 3504 Faringdon Courl CITY: M e Beach y1p. 29579 CONTRACTOR: Pulte Homes glgG 116sx5s s, 1931 1 AoDRESS: 3504 Faringdon Court ctTy Myrtle Beach sr: SC ztp: 29579 51Y1411 1PPX555; Tiffa .Dunn Pulte.com pHo E: 843-353-51 19 pRorEcT coNTAcT p5xg6p; Tiffany Dunn pHsx6. 843-353-51 '19 CxlSTlI{G CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration E Renovation n General Repairs/ NEW COI{STRUCTION: V Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation .*.PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER B€IOW ALL THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT*** t!/orch (sF)222/6n Garase (st y'sunroom {sr) F) 519 150 E Storage Shed (SF)_ ! other {sF)E Greenhouse (sF) _ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes [] No TOTAT Sq FT UNDER ROOF (Jor proposed work)11gsgg6; 2080 g6hs31g6;741 TOTAT PROTECT COST (Less Lot): 5 1 35148 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E No lsanyElectrical,PlumblngorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesENo Iftheproject isa Relocation, isthere a Natural Gas Lineon thecurrentsite? El Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No / Property Us€/ occupancy: 7 Sintle Family D DuplexE Townhouse Description of work: Steel Creek Elev LC3G with loft w/ bed/bath , sunroom, qarage extension and covered porch lews end ordinances and IeSulation5. The NHC Development Services Center wiil be notified of any chanSes in the approved plan5 and sperification! or change in contractor information. r"NOTEr Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation ot the NC State Bldg Code and su to fines up to 9500 00"' Owner/Contractor: Tiffany D Dunn slgnature: "Licensed Quolifiet" Ptint Nome / ls the property located in a floodplain? E Ves B/I{o Exigting lmpervious Area:Sq Ft TotalAcres Oisturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Exlsting Land Disturbing Permit: D Yes E t'to WATER: E CFPUA tr Community System E Private well D Central well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E Community System E Private Septic E CentralSeptic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ {tH) _ (RH) _ (B} _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (v) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: S \3\5 ,', \e\ Elt E Oet Garage (SF) tr Pool (SF)_ tr oeck (SF)_ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUIIDING PERMIT AP PLI CAT ION TY PE; RESIDENTIAt PLEAS€ ANSWIR ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility" 2c tk- 3Lzv App!tCANT,S NAME: Pulte Homes p31E 3-19-18 pRoJEcT ADDREssT 720 Broornsed ge Terrace CtTy Wilmington 4p1 28412 SUBDtVtstoN: Del Webb Riverlights 191 s102212 pROpERTy OWNER,S NAME: Pulte Homes pHoNE fl: 843-353-51 19 coNTRAcToR: Pulte l-lomes BIDG C€NS€ l,: '19311 ADDRESS: 3504 Farinodon Courl ctTY:$4!e q€ach sT: SC ztp EMAIL ADDRESS:Tiffany.Dunn @Pulle.conl pROTECT CONTAcT prnsolt. Tiffany Dunn EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: - Alteration D Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTIoN: \zy'frect New nestdence D Addition to Existing Residence U Relocation }i*PLEASE CHECI( A D ANSWER BETOW AIL THAT APPTY TO YOUR PRO,IECT*17 LIIPorch (5F),,, 0 Pool (SF) tr Deck (sF) ! Storage Shed (St)_ U other {sF) pHoNE: 843-353-5'119 pHoNEr 843-353-5119 97tt GaraBe (sF ) 519 M Sunroom {sF) 150 ! Greenhouse {5F)_ tr Det Garage (5F)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? C ves U No TOTAI SQ FT UNDER ROOF (for proposed workj 11g3gs6;2080 Unheated:74'1 TOTAL PROJTCT COST {Less Lot)5 135148 ls the proposed work changinB the number o[ bedrooms? E Yes D No is any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Sructure E yes E No lf the project is a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? D Ves fl tto ls there ElectricalPower on this Building? E yes E No Property use/ occup ,nry /stngtu sr tly D ouplex E Townhouse Description of Work: Steel Creek Elev LC3G with loft w/ bed/balh , sunroom, qaraoe extension and covered oorch inlormalion r"NOTI:Any work pe.formed withour the appropriate perm lr wittbe in viotalion o, the NC State DIScLAIMER: I helebv cartify tha t all lhe informallon in llrir.pplicarion is correcl and allwo.k wittcomply wlh the ttsle ouitdj.8 Code and allother.ipplicablestrle rnd tocallawtandordinan.e!andragular,ons.TheNHCDevelopmentservicerCcnierwillbenoritiedotrnychrn8esinrtrea pproved p,an5 and spe.ilkations or chante in contra(to,gldS Code and ru t ro lanet up io S500.00.'. own er/contractor: Tiffany D Dunn Signature: "Licensed Quoliliet" Print Nome ls the property located in n floodpldin? O Yes Elltto Existing lmp€rvious Areai __ _-. Sq tt New lmpe.vious Area: .- Sq Ft TotaJAcres Disturbed ExistinS land Disturbing Permit: I yes E No WATERT E CFPUA ! Communitvsystem 0 privateWe E CentratWelt D Aqua SEWER: tr CFPUA?)! Conlmunity Systenl E privatesepttc D Centratseptic D Aqua Zon e:ol nce r DrG _ Setbacks (F A/L wtNJLo^tdfLotN/A Ap p rova I DL c*y: lLlA Date:(N) Y BFE+zft co,,r"nt, ffl ^)0Yl-0?.r'- Q-t(c rmit Feei S b eL.,,..r"er't 6 lvvrcl uYe t Flood: (A)(v) Ciii Insp..ciron Rqureo, 9l 0-254-0it!l owNER's ADDRESS: 3504 Faringdon Court C|Ty: Myrtle Beach 71p' 29579