TA18-02 Application Package 1 TEXT AMENDMENT PROPOSAL OBJECTIVE Text Amendment Proposal We would like to add ‘P’ for Kennels in I-2 in the Table of Permitted Uses. The Opportunity  Zoning in and around industrial zoned areas will allow for kennels to be away from residential homes, or businesses where they may prefer a quieter use of business.  Potentially will add more opportunity for business growth to our county  Majority of I-2 property is surrounded by like minded property allowing for kennels to operate without interfering with the quiet enjoyment of a private home. The Solution  Allow I-2 zoning to permit Kennels Rationale  Currently with in the county, Kennels are permitted in B-1, B-2, I-2 and Airport Industrial. With special use allowance in Office & Institution and Rural Agriculture.  Within the county, kennels currently are direct neighbors to residential communities (see Map 1)  Ample I-2 zoned land, adding kennels as a permitted use would not obstruct other business growth which currently required I-2. Current Uses in I-2 Zoning in I-2 currently permits a large range of uses.  Livestock sales  Stables  Manufacturing  Demolition / Landscape Landfill  Small/Large Collection and processing of recycling Within current allowed uses, Kennels would not be an abnormal addition. 2 Benefits  Business growth without hindering current allowed functions  Putting Kennels where this type of business would be a more appropriate neighbor  Where residential is close in proximity, a kennel would be a much better neighbor then many of the already allowed uses. CONCLUSION The Dog Club of Wilmington has been operating in an existing warehouse zones B-2, with a residential neighbor approximately 50’ from the property line. As a business we have always been very respectful of our neighbors and only operate within normal waking hours. We believe adding Kennels as Permitted use would ultimately structure this type of business within the confines of areas where noise will not be a factor. However, as a business we do not leave dogs outside unattended for any length of time, and never outside at night. We always try to be good neighbors. Thank you for your consideration, Dyana Scholz The Dog Club of Wilmington