APRIL 10 2018 BUILD APP)o K 7qz? Gt zr--a.-,-. ...', ,, , (i,ffi1,NB/\I I-IAII.IC\/Et@JNTY zuII.DlNG PEFM IT AFHJO{NON TY?E FEIDE.INAL REASEAIIS^TRAI.OJEnoi\SAFHJOqS-E1O\q,Rpm,Egf 'Projed ft*oruibilit)/ o ( 18 - 981 Apllication t*-fib€r use) IY FM.E TADDFESS SJBDVISON: PROFERTYOAiNHSNAM E O\ANE<SADOFFSS @NIRACIOR AODFESS EMALAMREqS Oate: ' OTY Z LOT# l5-.'[J ic.spppa Qto Laq k b1v d-.r OIY: LJ. lttv.' ZP.-zfr I I ,['(O!J OTY: {Jj, UCENE#:Lf gr. tu(Zp Z)1 ( | PIONE 3lt'-r, q l5-/ i(r(tPfu .EUI- @I.IIACT PEFSDT{:Pr{o{E D(SINGONSIFUCnCI,1] tr Aterdion tr FEnovdion tr enerat Fbpairs NBly@NSIRfnON: E Eed f{elv Bidence tr Addition to Ajging Ftsidence tr Fuocation - -'REASEGIEO(ANDAIISA/EIBE0/VAII'tl-ATApFLyTO yOuRpRO,ECr -. {nrq,ry,<*t 4% O &nroom (S)_ tr eeenhouse (S) D od eraSe(S)_ tr tool($) g DBck (SF) erBrch (SF) tr gorqp$6d (gr) tr Oher (SF) - lsthe proposed work dlangtng the ad$ing footprint? O y"s O/tto unlea"o, ?lf TOTAL FRO.EoT @Sf (LesE Lot):oO lsthe propoed work dtanfing the number of bedroorno? n to t/n o /ruo '2ila DS-AMER I hereby ca fy thd a the informaUon in thisspplicatlon is corred and dl work wlll comply with the Sate tuitding Ode ad dt other +p cdte gde sd tocallau6 ad ordinaces trld reluHionE ltte NICoe\dopfi€flt SrvicEs Gnter wil be no fied of ary dlaEes in the +proled da6 and Sedfica orE or dlaEe ln contradorinformation. '' 'NOIE will be in viot lsthe property locat ki$ing tmperuious A,rea: _e R ataon of the NCgate Adg Ode a.d srbjed to flr€s up I o $800.tr. . Sgnature: Tolal Acres Osurbed: L Yes tr No work perfonied withut (Elgploprlte pefmtts3dt h^".t^-ffi Dre tt {)os\4 ed in afloodplain? O Yes g/t'to llevv lmperviousAr€, ?.&o I q A &ising t-and D$urbing Rrmit: tr wnrm y'cmJA tr Grnmunity gdern D Bivate\ /efl tr entrd\,bfl o Aqua Sfvn ,g/CR IA tr Gmmunity q/sern D fti\Ete Sptic O Gntrd &ptic tr Aqua Tnng. _ Off icer: _ Satbacks (D _(LF0 _ (FFI) _(B)_ Approval: _ Oty:_ Date: _ Flood: (A_M_(N)_BFE+2fI Ommenl:Fermit Fae: g t?ctl AFRJ.ANTsMME-_};.,, TOTAL Q Ff UNOER ROOF (for propoeed workl t-teaeo: lh?/- o tr Yestr Yes Property Usd 2cK-3923 NEW HANOVER COUNW BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALt QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibiliy t6-7qo - Application (office use) Stevens Fine Homes Date:\lql$APPLICA]IIT,S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS:611y Wilminglon 21p. 28412 SUBDtVtStON: Round Tree Ridge @r*: 55 PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:Stevens Buildinq Company OwNER,S ADDRESS: 5710 Oleander Drive Suite 200 pHsx6 6. 910-794-8699 CITY:Wilmington aP.2UO3 CONTRACTOR:Stevens Building Company 9196 U6sx5g a. 31626 ADDRESS: 5710 Oleander Drive Suite 200 ctw: Wilmington 51; NC 21p. 28403 EMAIL ADDRESS:snicholson@stevensfinehomes.com p11sNs.910-794-8699 pRoJEcT coNTAcI pgnsol: Staci Nicholson pHsxs.910-332-8515 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration E Renovation E GeneralRepairs tilEw CO STRUCTIO : d Erect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation * * *PI,IASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ATI THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT**' n ltt earaee (sr) { 11 E Det Garage (sF)- tr porch (sF)B1 n Sunroom (SF)! Pool (sF)! storage shed (sF) _ E Greenhouse (SF)tr Deck (SF)tr other (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? tr V", / tlo ToTAt 5Q FT UI{DE R RooF Vor proposea wor*1 tteateA, 141'l- unlr"rt"a,5oi TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 120,000 lstheproposedworkchangingthe numberof bedrooms? E Yes d m ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done tothe Accessory Structure E Yes lf the project is a Relo(ation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? fl v.r d uo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? tr Ves d no :ll druo Property Use/ occupancy: E sintle family El Duplex E Townhouse Description of work:Construct new sinqle familv residence. DISCLAIMER: I hereby certif that allthe information in this application is correEt and allwork willcomply with the State Building Code and allother applicable State and local laws and ordinances and re8ulations. The NHC Oevelopment Services Center will b€ notified ofany changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. "'NoTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits willbe in violation of the NC state subject to fines up to 55OO-0O*.t owner/Contractor:Michael Craig Stevens Sitnature: "Licensed Quolifiel Print Norne ls the property located in a floodplain? tr Yes d 1{o Existing lmpervious Area:t0 ,.'|Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: 1/3 New lmpervious Area:l$,tL 5q Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: tr ves duo WATER: dCFPUA tr Community System D Private Well E Central Welt n Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA fl Community System E Private septic E central Septic dnqua zone: - officer: - Setback {F} - (rHl - (RH} - (B} -Approval: - city: - Date: - Flood: (A| - (V) - {N} - BFE+2ft= -Comment: (Fgu# Permit Fee: I t\1 ALghlqh K,tu Scit.3*- l{Eu, H/ltrovEn 00u1lw ruflDlflc pERMrt APPt/€Atp,,TfiA REsD€raAl ItEtsE AXTWE AUqE noi6 Alpt tlrlr m no(,l tmrET+r.hanear.flf &Atro T f,llntar APPUCAf,B XA E S'brrant IE'ECTAOE: srrBotvtstox: I}te Cr.€t d lrtiict TtASbttnr Fft. Hfil€.Ortr, 3 lflro rr1 xl ltc CITY:Alztof* ProPBlYffirrf,rE fl&gE eero Corpaw Pt{o,lEf:01G784-8@ owt{Ci,s IDOiESS: 5: 10 oland.r DdYc $fr.200 orY:WHnobn ap..2840it ooxrrAE'In $varl.&tEc r.r urc* 31@aDDils3:5/10 Oardar Drlv. &L AXr cllY:ffiroEt ER 28{03!iI: t{C&IAILADOi!I':EM 91G7S1{600 PfiOJTCT corr fI PEnSO . Sbd ltldrolon 'l*: 9't.332{515 all3tffi Offi EnOt tr ,rirdon O irrovrdon tr 6.rd iEfi Ew OOEI frpt, d t.O t- r.*r. O Addrbn b Bri[ r.fd.,r tr idocdo,r / n- .. d ettorerrFfl llu O Dderrgfl_ drrar* lVxffi"_ :3H- :ffi:_ brll.p.lpd$.tdr..|ltftdt6oe,fra? tr Vrr d fro IotAl,tq trlmB rW W prqf,cd n q,tuh,at{0 ,ffi 51h P'og.rty th/ Ocs".nq: D.acrtdon olworlc torA. imEr Gr (r,.s u0: $lpeq__ b th. r.leod n* dr.rrtr| dl. ffnr ot bdu|r? tr rr d ro ;r,l'- l' b rny L.tH, rtrli3 or[Ad nrt bal &r. to fu lcry frrarr tr lt-d Axffi,ijffi:,ffi:.JTJt'.on:roi u !- d n cfty E m g E meeri m g dr*-tE rf,htrr *o'ROW Review a UqI& I h.ayortry rhi dl|. hSIter hoa .ta.rtbr bcdrr...d lEtrl aa4ay tti Oai.flnEl6d. -d .l dta .nadl.5t rd lodbgtr{crdirrartd rurddon fu torcoadellt S]l,b 6rtt-dl L hdad attry.ri.fr hfta drrrrde..Il*rtolhar? tc c6trtrcqrArtlo!... (h.trdoo. ...mG Alrna* pclbrmd drrltt r ryrlrrtE pdnfr'r, t h{otro ddr Coda Cralg Srr,.mOtrt./CoilrrE,:lUadqdV Pdnt l/p,nc Irr hprrlos Arr:2l'l lqft Ctn.t ? ffitLr.lh.tharmre tr rr dro bthr prqrtylootrthrftoql-f tr fr d ID tr5r4rrmrrr 2111 ce I WerA: d CFPUA tr connrmnystefi tr trt rt w.lt El c.fid Wlt tr ACor su* d crpur EI coflrrrn[y'*arr tr prhrrt s.r,tc tr cffid sdc El Aqrr.t^r(.15 o"-t DTf- rd.&to ,o'0r0 S' trlo S' pt-i Ch,' lnsp:ctron Requrca, 9'! 0'254'090t) &|,.rrrh nL c&y: /l,/n dJfugaood:l^l-M-00 > !rG+2rr. i LI :.;Jl@rM @ rlantr m,,.'nrt roc $ I "fl lgj *rtd. 1l!l I I i I I I I i I !0 ..^\Bafs"fo t'J zotZ - 3'tt 3f Appll(.tion (ofllc. us.) *., 4lsl A,rr,&il- /r/ NEW HANOVER COUNW BUII"DING PERMIT AP PLI CAf I O N |YPE : R€SIDENTIAt PLIASE ANSWIR AI.I. QUESTIONS APPI.ICAEI-[ TO YOUR PROITCTrP.oicd R6ponslbilM rh CITY: APPLICANT'S NAME: PROJ ECT SUBDrVrSrON:tl E ADDRESS: EMAII. PROJECT CONTACI PERSON.v EXI5TING CONSTRUCTION: -l NEW CONSTRUCTION rect New Res t11 CITY: CITY: PHONT: 0 Renovation D GeneralRepairs idence C Addition to Existing Residence U Relo<.tion PHON *..,/- tst>I ztP SLDG LICENSE #38 ST ztP 2-8 disanPROPfRTY OWNER'S OW TR'S ADDRESS: Att Ga.age ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? fl Yes D No TOTAL Sq FT UNDER ROOF Aot ptoposed wort) tt€ated;AlUo unh.n.d: 62O TOTAL PROTECT COSr (Less Lot): S Owner/Contractor:A Sitnature: ls the proposed work chan8ing the number of bedrooms? D Yrs tr lto ls any Electrk l, Plumblnt or Medr.nkal work b€ing done to the Accessory Structure O ves E tto lftheprojectisaReloc.tlon,istherejy'ilaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?EVesDfo ls there ElectricalPower on this Errl'dina? E Y6 C o./ Propcrty use/ occup"n.y, 6 sr,fk r"ntty tr Duphr tr Townhous€ T'yr, w(hovt the.pgagriala parlhlB w l bc rn Llrn rlit,r^ D other (sF) Exinlnt Lnd OinurbinS Permit El Y6 E o f) Private well E central well 0 Aqua E Private septic C centralseptic El Aqua lsr)tt.r((sf )3<, E stora8e Shed (sF) _ Description of Work: taws end ordinanc.s and reSulatioos The t{HC thwlopment Serviaes Clotar wlll b. notified ol any dranSs in th€ .pprov.d pl.nt and tp.dricrtlons or ch.n8e ia contractor inlormalaon. "'l{OTt: Any worl perlormed volationol the NC st.t€ 8ld to fine3 up to ssm.m'.' "Licented A/,rolificr" Print Nofie ./ ts the property located in a floodplain? D Yes ts"'t{o Erlstint lmpcrvious Ate.: -5q ft Total4.,$ Dkturbed: ew tmpcrvioyr A, "., 1? t't?', Xn wATER: #FruA D CommunitY SYstem sewze: dctPua E communitY system Zone: _- Olficen - s€{b.Gkt (Fl - (tHl - (RH} - (B! -App.ov.l: =- city: -- D.te: --_ Flood: (A) - lvl - (N) - BfE+2ft= -Comment Permit Fee: S aU-.7 < --v-t,/ t€=+€t-t6- 1 Qlo-7t" E sunroom (sF) _ n Greenhous€ (SF) E Det Garag€ (sF) _ D Pool (SF) _ D Ded( (5F) _ a'r 2otK' 3'-{I 18-s18 Print NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLI'ATION IYPE: COMIT'IERCIAL PLEASE ANSI,JER ALL QUESTIONS APPI,ICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility'' z afa E N AP-F[-rcATroN Number (offi.e use) APPLICANT'S NAIIE: p61-1n6", 1n6 _DATE: 2/1s/tB DEVELOP PRO]ECT ER: - ..Inc:2951 orville l,lright way 'l,Jilm1ngton PHONE #: 9ta_j 63_5424 ZIP i 2a 4o5 OCCUPANT/BUSINESS ilAI.lE: Da r -Knox Inc PROPERTY OwNER'S NAfiE: Dat-Knox, inc O,{liER' S ADDRESS:2926 Boundary st - suire 100 crw: vri L.i,rgro,, CONTRACTOR: Dat _Knox I nc _ LICENSE #: qgst z ADDRESS: 2926 Boundary st - suite 1oo clw: wi t.i ngto,, EIIAI L AODRESS: zack6leaganmanagemenr. com PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: zack Reasan (ch€ck A11 rhat Appry) _ PHONE #: 9ta-:, 63-5424 ST: NC ZfP:2840s - ST: NC ZIP: 28405 - PHONE f: 91,0_.7 63_5424 PHONE #: g1a-7 63-5424 EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the urrent Site?rNo I.IEW CONSTRUCTION: ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: T-'I GENERAL REPAIRS T-] RELOCATIONH5 u" rs BLDG sPhiNKLEREDtr Yesf - If UPFIT - The shell Permit #:Is Elect Porer on this Building f. Yes rN0 +**** I5 THIS A CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY USE?T YES J-. ITO ***** IF Yes, uhat xas the Previous occupancy Type? - what ls the New occupancy t) \ TvDe?AftIH DESIGN PROFESSIOML: Mi.hutt" Ginnocchio - PH:91g-342-67 96 NC REG f: I011 ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONALLR; Armstronq, pE - PH:916-g76-6376 NC REG #:25466 DESCRIPTION 0F l,lORK: Erecr 13,200 sq ft office/ftex bui.Idins ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure?f Yesl- t,to ls The Property Located ln The FloodplainT- Yef- all other applicable State olans and sDecifcatronsNc slate Bldq code and OWNER/CONTRACTORi zachary neasan SIGNATURE: (oualfier) Note: Domolilion nolmcatons I asbeslos rcmoval pormil applications are to be submited using lhe applicalion form (DHHS-3768)the facilily or building was found lo conlain Asbesros or not. You are required tocallthe National Emission Standards for Hazardous Air Pollulants (NESHAP) at (91 demolition of any facility or building. See Asbestos Web Site: http://www.ep state. nc. us/epi/asb€sios/a h mp. hlm I 7-5950 at leasl 10 days prior 10 the TOTAL PROJECT COST: 426, 66s BUILDING HEIGHT: r 8 # OF UNITS: : TOTALAREASOFT:t3,20o SQ FT PER FLR: ,T:200 # OF STORIES: r TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 13. 26 # OF STRUCTURES: 1 # OF FLOORS: r s-q. (-,\ =J-6 e$ C,( .< ) 0 ACRES DISTURBED O NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:a2 500 OFFICER: EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? T YES T NO SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: o APT CONDO OTHEI6I Iice / E.Lex - E CLASSIFICATION SQ FT PRoPERTY USE: EOFFTCE ! neSrnUnelr !MERCANTILE EDUC WATER: SEWER: SYSTEIVl CFPUA CFPUA T-'I COMMUNITY SYSTEM T-I WELL Tl ZONING US flceurael seerc f] FRIvATE sEPrtc D-CoMMUNITY.- SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH. PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS A INSERTS PAYMENT METHOD ;- cnsH J-. cxecK (PAYABLE To NHc) f - AMERICAN EXPRESS l-- vcnrrsn J-- olscovER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F: LHr , RH- B-- Approval:- City:- DATE- FLOOD . BFE+2ft, Comment N PERMIT FEE: I t €C( P&A s-t tr{a Clear Form I { ERECr NEW STRUCTURE fl FASr rRAcK E SHELL E uPFrr E ADD rO Exrsr STRUCTURE ZONE: l ffi 4S CITY: 2pr8 Jqr r Applicetion Number (office use) Date: LlAPPLICANT'S NAME: PRO.IECI ADDRESS: € V suBDrvrstoN; \)zto ovt r.laLr<# ZlPl ):) | PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: I C CONTRACTOR:Av Y:- ADDRESS: PHONE#: qIF)Zcro.l-lqqlLlr\nnun,otM\ zre,2g9o4 OL CITY: CITY rY\ r BTDG TICENSE #: 5T zrp.7AQo2. EMAIT ADDRESS:r VtaJ e,bi llrlav cnl{s.laYv'l PHONE:9ro.nqLl PHONE: N\r).35PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:(\-F+-l lJ 5unroom (5F, ! Greenhouse (SF) _ tr Pool (sF)n Storage Shed (SF) _ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! yes fro TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOF Vor proposed wo*l Heated,t t€tn Unheated:12-q TOTAI- PROTECT COST (Less Lot):S q? Property Use/ occupancy, /single Fam tr Du o To use Description of Work: Y') ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E yes Elztrto ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure o_yes Eftrto lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Lilgon the current site? E yes Ct-lo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes ef No v c I I at laws and ordinances and retulations. The NHC Development services centerwillbe notified ofanychanges in the approved plans and specificetionsor change tn contractor lnformation. ..+NOTE: Anywork per{ormed without the appropriate permits wlll be in viol n - I ' owner/contractor' OOt,tf trzlZ../ P,a ty't sig "Licensed Quolifiet" Pint Nome ation of the NC St.te BldS Code and subjecr to fines up to S5OO.OO... n"ru,", Wt i,uM) A-ArrJllF ls the property located in a floodplain? tr V", E{o Existing lmpervious Area, -- sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed:D lq[/ New lmpervious A rea, 2,61b sqn Exlsting Land Disturbing Permit: tl Ves E/no' '-------f-------- WATER: E{FPUA D community system E Private Well [1 central well E Aqua sEwER: ETZFPUA E community system E Private septic EI central septic E Aqua zone: - Officer: - Setbacks (Fl - (tHl - (RHl - (B) -Approval: - City: - Date: - Flood: (Al - (V) - (Nl- BFE+2ft= - .,L) Comment:Permit Fee: S NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAt PTEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility" EXISIING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCIIO]u: /trect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation -/ , **TPLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BET OW Att THAT Apply TO YOUR pROJECT*r.6,o^1- _ t 5 2 9/att carage 1sr1 {L+O D Detcarase (sF) /p".n priK<..d- fZ.l tr Deck (SF)_O/ottr"rlsrlPaho- qO NEtd HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMITNPLI@TTON 7YPE,. RESIDENTIAL PLEASE AN5HER ALL qJESTIOTiS APPLTCTALE TO YOUR PRO]ECTcPlroject Res pons ibl,Iiqf ?etg 341\ GTET13 APPLICANT'S MHE: DEVELOPER;DATE; APPLTCATTON Nutrben (OFff.e Use) PROJECT ADDRESS:PIIONE *: CITYSUBDTWSXON: PROPERTY Ot,JiIER'S NAI'I E: OhINER}S ADDRESS: COI\TTRACTOR ADDRESS: E'IAIL ADDRESS: pRolEqr couracr ptRsoNr BLOCK *:7JP I_ LOT #: * CITY: LrcEilsE *: CITY: PTIONE *: ST a-z:;Pt Z/'r4/ ACCOUNT #: 5T: _ aP: _- PHONE *: PncttrE *.: 9/o -iio/",4 SF h4 EXISTIIG CONS TRUCTION ---zJ:Al alrennrron fl nEr\ovATroN I oalenaL neearns I RELOCATToN NEW CONS TRIJCTIOiI ,,N ERECT NEN RESroEilcE or I aoorrrw TO ECTSTJI,Ic RESIDENCE*IPLEASE CHEC( A D AT.IsI{ER BELOI{ ILL IHAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO'€CT:I err eaaooe SF f| orr oanaoe SF fl ponor _ sFSUNROOYSFPOOLSFf] sronaee sHeoF;L] GREENHOJSE SF DECK ..- SF OTHER:5F TorAL sQ FT UNDER noor: Zz y ToTAL PROIECT COST 1r-ssuoq $ Jy'zz-rt # OF STORTES: /Is Any ELECTRTCAL, pLUttBING or MECHA$ICAL Hol^k BeLng Done to the Accessory st.uctu.e? ffiV", [ ruoIf the project is a Relocatl.on, is there a Natura] 6as Line on the Curnent Site?tr Yes I)7[ ruo/-fIs thene Electrical pevjer on this Building?pv"s Eruo PROPERW USE / OCCUPANCY: DESCRTPTION OF I.{ORK: SINGLE FAITILY f] Nrnux fl ro,*wrse,o aaiT' Dls€I3&uER I hsoby cenjt haral snd ordinancss and rcgulatons Th6cont cbr in6m€ton, -NOTEi Ary in ttia spplcafoo Ir c!a,,icr and dl yDrk \iill coirdywih ho SlEte Buidhg 6de and s[ o*oraPP[cabl€ SEa 6.1d loc.] Ia',,eltNIJCDs\,rbprD6nr SeMrc€s C6nEr wilt b6 no!tu ota')y cllarg€G h h6 sppoved pl€ns and o. c*range h conEEOr orWprk P€darm€d WrO tte Appop{hb p6rmi6w D€in Vlohrion of&e NC SAb Btdg C.d€! b FIn6e (, lo 95OOOO- SIGMTURE:dk ONNER/CONTRACTOR: :r** ++r* x* * * **+,r **** *** ** **JISiJir*? ** IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIIiI} EXTSTING IiIPERVIOUS AREA: --SQ FTNE IJ4PERWOUS AREA: -._.-_ SQ FT SETB.ACKS I Fnppnoval: f)lC clty.:_l_Ury\_DAIE: lllzzltT FL@DI \a- ci Ckr5tr **$r*:r*+ ***:r*** *+** **:a *+**:!*+* +*+* *+:p +*+*:F++ * +*****nves ftro TOTAL ACRES DTSTURBED: E<lsr LAro DrsruRgrr{G prmrr: F-l yes III lprarrnip creua L_J cofr4uNrry svsreu l_-l pRrvATE I{ELL I canrml wellseli,rr.fi crvue El ceturnal srnrrc ffi PRIVATE SEPTTC I coa,rururw svsra.r ZONE:(-OFFICER:Oru , # ur-:L _ (foR oFFtCE u5! c,rly) ],R,t SEPAPATE PET'IITS*,15v-15rn30,-'E;,tri.iff-[:,$:,*,ii';-;n'*IIlff#*'fi ffi;:'*'fi,;;.*+f**** x **t***+***#1***i'********************** **fi*i* **** *n*******f* *t+f, i(r* **:a* *:!**:r**+** REyISED OATE O4l11/t2'# ar i( )( BFE+2ft= _tl PERT{IT FEE3 *va..\er in -a:c..ea-, 1.^1tt\e- .JiAa S,"'{c...:'a"- conrnent r i( Cili, lrpecliorr Roqurreo, gl &2S4S0l RH: rorAl HEATED saF.tt //r TOTAL AREA sQ FTI. 72P a ,/-\. n IL v ;$Zotq.TqSq ?vzt [ 1s1 A-PpLrcATroN Numbe r (office use)$ ClearForm Print eMall NEt^l HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMfT APPLTCATION TYPE : CO}II,IERCIAL PLEASE Al{slilER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Project Responsibility" REss: 1520 Physicians Drive ExIsT CoNSTRUCTION: E ALTERATION lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on lhe APPLICANT'S NAIIE: W3t1.r pete Avery-McKin1ey Buildin g Corporation DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADO . DATE:3- 15- 18 \ \) \ t/ PHONE $: crrY: wir*ington ZIP 2 2}4ol 0CCUPANT/BUSINESS NAME: Hanover cr Endoscopy PROPERTY OUIIIER'S tlA E: New Hanover Regional Medical cente!- PHONE #: 9rO-G6't -26'16 OIINER'S ADDRESS: 2131 s. 1?rh Srreer , CfTY: jqilrningl6n 5T: x6 ZfP:256461 CONTRACTOR: McKirtey Buildinq Corporation ADDRESS: 380? peachtree Avenue, suite 20o - CITY:Ir)ilmingLon STr x6 ZIP: 26463 E AIL ADDRESS: p?ver.y0mck int eybu i lding . c9m,snlnncmcki n leybu i 1di ng . com -PHONE $: 910-395-6036 PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: stephen nunn and/or lqr€ AveJy _ PHONE #:9tO-395-6036 ((he<k All rh.t apply) No NEU CONSTRUCTTON: E ERECT NEr{ STRUCTURE EFAST ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: [-l GENERAL REPATRS - RELOCATToNr6il[- r'ro rs BLDG sptr-tNKLEREDr _ veslf,_ TRACK n SHELr f] upFrr E AoD rO EXrST srRUcruRE RENOVAT]ON rrent Sile?r r.,*r.,** rs THrs A CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY USE? r yES ff. rc l}-l!.- IF Yes, what was th€ Previous Occupancy Type? _ tlhat ls tfd New Occupancy If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #: TvDelAQTHDESIGN PROFESSIoNAL; s\,rings61s-qi(]h Beale ENGR DESIGN pROFESSIONAL t-Cheatham[Assoc , -Malk C].arrocca DESCRIPTION OF WORK Is Elect Pouer on this Building x Yes r.No - PH:919-334-6234 NC REG #: 9997 PH t9r4O-452-4210 NC REG S:1?593 : Renovating 667OSE of existi.ng qedical building that is 1594OSF in total area (o!.iff€.) (Pdnl u.mr) conrain Asbe{os or not. You are requked lo callth6 Natonal Emission St6ndards for Hazardous Air Pollutanrs (NESHAP) ar (919)707-5950 6l le3st l0 days pdor to ths d6moli0on oI any facllity or buildlrE. S€s Asbeslos Web Slte: hxp:/ rww-epi.slate.nc-ovepi/asbeslos/ahmp.hlrnl OWNER/CONTRACTOR: warter a9gq4y91y, l.{cKinrey Brd SIGNATURE TOTAL PROJECT COST: $1.6 Mrr,LroN BUILDING HEIGHT: 2e FEEr ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure?f- Yesli- tto BBCUtt,ten' t fr"..Uy ""rury that all information in this applicatloo is correct and allwork and local laws and ordinances and regulalions. The NHC Developme orchanqe in contraclor or conlraclor informalion. "'NOTE:Any WorkSuuectio Fines Up To $500.00"' rorAl AREA sQ Fr :;.*a-s-Qi ftl SQ FT PER FLR:.1s940 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF; 1se4o # OF STRUCTURES: 1 ACRES DISTURBED: NoNE NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: NoNs ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainti_ Yef _ will comply with the State Bullding Codo and all oth6r applicablB Stare nt Services Centerwill be nolilled andPerformed w/O lhe Appropriate Permils will b-e ln and # OF UNITS: 1 # OF STORIES: r # OF FLOORS: 1 EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? T YES T N As lar as I know, yes EXISTING IIVPERVIOUS AREA SQ FT PROPERTY USE:oFFrcE E RESTAURANT I IVERCANTILE EDU l--l COIOO OTHEF yedrca. Hanover EndoscopyL-J- . (JUl-DalreTI se vrce5 SE CLASSIFICATION on (ciry ot witminsto0I APT WATER SEWER SYSTEM CFPUA CFPUA E COMMUNITY SYSTEM CENTRAL SEPIC J--} Tl WELL T-l ZONING U lrRlvlrr srprrc r-'r'CoMMUNTTYL_r... SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT. MECH, PLBG, GAS EOUJP. PREFAES & INSERTS PAYMENT METHOD l- cesn l-. cnecK (PAYABLE To NHc) f- AMER|CAN EXPRESS J-_ rr,rcnrrsn f-_ orscovER ZONE: OFFICER: (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:tH RH B Approval:_ City:_ DATE_ FLOOD:_ BFE+2ft,AVNComment PERMIT FEE: i No site work required Cc tcl- |bl 5b \t{oS- _ LICENSE : :osge SQFI ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIO N TYPE : RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER AI-L QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility'' CITY: Zo/b -J f55 Applicataon Number (office use) q/qDate #. 2:Z-.a APPLICANTS NAME: PROJECT ADORESS: Y D ztP: Z9qol SUBDlVlsloN: +Vu n nri)La,\V<= PROPERTY OWNER's NAME:, Il OWNER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR 0 AV ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: r'14!ONE #: PHONE:4\o.ga zrp, ?AQO3 NLN .ll L.tn crw: V{r\ryrrv^rr'$Or^ zrP:l-OiQ] BIDGLlcENsEf: eqSBV sr:NLY IV( ,lM'o(L CITY a,rA PHoNE: al 10.=60. I.]Llq 6,r>nl -?32 {Porchgr a(id- rvt ! Storage Shed (SF)_ EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration E Renovation El General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION:/trect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation PIEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW AtT THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT'T1 {anear:ace lsrl 68 E Det Garage (SF) ! Greenhouse (SF)_! oeck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? tr Ves /uo TOTAT Sq FT UNDERROOF Vor proposed workl neateo: ZObl unheated: o1O I TOTAI PRoJECT CoST (Less Lot): S lZLl 11\-.15 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr Ves E/ito ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E yes g/no lf the project is a Relocatlon, is there a Natural cas Lingon the current site? D Ves t'Uo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E-No Property Use/ Occup Desffiption of Work: ancy: #ingle Fami tr house ,{NS laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of anychanges in the.pproved plans and specifications or change in contractor informetjon. "'NOTE: Any work performed without the approprlate permits will be in violation T:::!:";::;:;" 0rr vlrh^{#%arn ofthe Nc state Bldg code .nd subject to fines up to 55(D-00"' ,", N\NJn^.-{\/hi ",Signatu --\=_ls the property located in a floodplain? tr V"s E/ttto Existing lmpervious Area: .- SqFt TotalAcres Disturbed:.l'bl New lmperviousArea:7,\L\ sqFt Existing Land Disturbing Permit: tr ve, E/trto WATER: y'cFPUA E community system E Private well E central well E Aqua .,.. SEWER: trCFPUA E Community system E Private septic E central Septic E Aqua Zone: - officer: - setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (Bl -Approval: - City: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= -Comment:Permit Fee: S 7 )'+>ct zO :-1R-999 E Sunroom (SF) _tr Pool (SF)- g/ott ", (sr) Paio - lzfr n I ,l\. ta Nl v. a 1 ar: 2or ? ZqS? PERr4rr PEe l%-.rtto7NEId HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING APPLICATI0N TYPE; COI4 ERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALI QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project ResPonsibility" r-t n AFP-ileET-i-oN Number (ofti.e Use) -DATE: j Irl^l tottAPPLICAIT'S ttA'4E: DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT - PHONE S: ci 1o \C 'l ,S') crw: j.\^^, - LICENSE *: CITY: J.'lr* N IP: 1 <J..a - PBot{E $: .\\O -l.i t-q195zrP:..rucc 3 ST: _ ZIP: 2g,ho5 $t "l to sryo qot6 qcl-ti- OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAITE : PROPERTY OI'INER'S NA|'1E : a- l.^ OUINER,S ADDRESS: }1\ CONTRACTOR: C(, ADDRESS : EiIAIL ADDRES a Q L. sr: (- PHONE S: Fxrsr coNsrRucrroN: Tr ALTE' (ch€'k arr rhat APPrv) rr n"n"ution. is there a Nai'iir Ga. ffJ::L"H':H[l'fl, JFfffif. f f;f'ERPRINK ELOCATION LEREDfl; Yesfi- N8, aonrr*ratto : Tl EREcr NEt'l srRucruRE E FAsr rRAcx fl sHELt f] uPFrr fl ADD ro Exrsr srRUcruRE PRO]ECT COIITACT PE IXEfi?rrsro'. PR'FEssro aL: ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #: If Yes, what lras thc Previous occupancy Type? **** IS THIS A CHANGE OF OCCUPAI{CY USE}fl YEs flhat is the PH: !l Is Elect Po[er on this Building f-l ',!11n*[ln*0r,,=",, lle}J Occupancy PH: NC REG $: NC REG #: ! 9c,n* ro"r*\tcoEI{GR DESIG PROFESSIOTIAL:-vu9C.l'' # OF UNITS DESCRIPTION OF WORK ls lood or beverag€s prepared or served in this struclure?f- ', YesB' No ls The Property Localed ln The Floodplain1-lv"fi OWNER/CONTRACTOR: (Ouarilier) Note: Demolilion nolifrcatons & asbesios ,enbval perml applicalions are rc be submined using lhe aPplicaion contain Asbeslos or not You are required b call lhe Nalaonal Emission Standads for Hazardous At Poll'rtanls demolition of any facilily or building. See Asbeslos http:/lwww.ePi.$ate nc.us/e BUILDING HEIGHT: pvasbesros/ahmp himl all other aPPlicable Slate Dlans and sDecifi calionsIC Stale Bldg Cod€ aod lorm { DHHS_3768) whelher lhe tacilitv or buildrng was lound lo Ir.rcsirep) "t (gtg)loz_:gy) al leasl 10 oavs prior lolh€ rorAL PRoJEcr coST: ;ff1L.9g1 TOTAL AREA SQ FT SO FT PER FLR # OF STORIES # OF FLOORS TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF:--d OF STRUCTURES: ACRES DISTURBED EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? T YES l-*o NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: SQ FT w uSE: l--lOFFlcE l-l ResuuRnrur I-l tvteRcrnrtle l-1 EDU APT CONOO OTHET PROPER WATER: SEWER: SYSTEM PAYMEN HsrBii T METHOD:J- cesn l-cHEcK (PAYABLE To Nncl l- COMMUNITY SYSTEM ATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH' PLBG' GA CENTRAL SEPTIC [-J r-'t WELLHvlre seprtc r-.I ZONING USE CLASSIFICATIONrrtouuuutwt---l S EOUIP. PREFAES E INSEBTS AMERTcAN EXPRESS f Mc^/lsA f - DlscovE (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F: LH- RH- B--ZONE OFFICER Approur-i]-City:- DATE-IDBF E+2ft \ €i,'. Comment FLOOD: N PERMIT FEE: I I SIGNATURE: L*#3" a'Ja'4'---- cn )ot? 3Ll GLl NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMTT 18- 941 APPLICATt ON TypE : RESTDENTTAL PLEASE ANSWER ALt QUESTIONS APPIICAEI-E TO YOUR PRO]ECT"project Responsibility', Application Number {office use) APPLICANT'S NAME;PORCH CONVERSION Date:3/25118 PROJECT ADDRESS; 4048 PASSERINE AVE CITY:WILMINGTON ZIP:28412 SUEOlVl5lON: RIV LIGHTS A PH1 SEC 2 PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME: JE Y&STROUD PHoNE #: 336-466-1387owNER'S ADDRESS;4048 PASSERINF AVE clrY: WILMINGTON zlP 28412 cONTRACToR: PORCH CONVERST ON BLDG LTCENSE #.74147ADDRESS:6821 MARKET STREET clTY: WILMINGTON sT: NC ztP;28405EMAIL ADDRESSi oorchconversion omail.co PROJEcT CONTACT PERSON: BRIAN WALSH ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! yes d ruo TOTAT sQ FT UNDER ROO! Uor proposed work) Heated: DISCLAIMER: thereby cenifythat altthe info lawsand ordlnences and regulatlons, The NH info.mation. 'r'NOTE: Any wor& performed Owner/Contractor: AGE NT "Licensed Quolilie/ ls the property located in a ftoodptain? n yes Existinglmpervious Area:4,272 SqFl New lmpervious Area: 0 5O p,Existing Land Disturbing permit: Private Well fl Central Well n AquaCommunity System ! Communjty System E Private Septic E CentralSeptic r'l Aqua setbacks (F)snlN/A 6t0/W@tl/A apsrouat: DL cityt lu/l\ Date PHoNEi 910-777-3363 PHoNE: 910-777-3363 EXISTING CONSTRUCTTON: E Alteration d Aeno"ation ! ceneral Repairs NIW CONSTRUCTTON: D Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation ***PUAST CHECK AND AIISWER BETOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*** D Att Garage {SF)-'-D Det Garage ISF) _/porcn (sr)208 I Sunroom (5F)D Pool(SF)n Storage Shed (5F)_ I Greenhouse (SF)! Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? g yes /trto ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure pfves 3 olf the project is a Reloca on, is there a Na tu rrl Gas Lineon thecurrentslte? fl yes E/Nols there Electrical Power on this Building? flf yes E trto Property Use/ Occupancy fingle ramity n Dupl€x D Townhouse Description of Work: rmalion in this application 6 correct and a workwillcompty with the State Buildin 8 Code and allother applicabt€ state and localC Dev€loprne S€rvices Cent€r without the appropriate permit JEREMY MARTIN willbe notified ofanychanges in the approved plans and tions or€henge in contractors willbe in vjolation ofthe NCState Code and Si8nature: E Other (SF) {n, Total Acres Disturbed: 0 wrrtx: g/greun 5 szwn: {c;wn n ,"*,DJ7c@oL,Z, lYesUNo +2ft: Comment: ood: (A)_ (v)_ (N) V err Fee:5 LOr *77 Unheated:208 TOTAT PROJECT COST (ress r_ot): 98.586 trlj, 7 I U-JJ{. k{' Clear Form Print errlail NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPL,CATI ON TYPE : RESIDENTIAI PI,EASE ANSWTR ALI. QUESTIONS APPLICABTE TO YOUR PROJECT 'Proiect Responsibllft !f 5 o )oN .3otQLo i( ' q3+ Application Number (office use) APPLICANfS NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: Date ->g-t& &CITY ZIP 7 .la\- SUBDlVlslOt{: :Fa-r vn ', nq J.eeJ SezlF-oa I qro- a3a-5r5o PROPERTY OWNERS NAME: L HONE f ra-111 -al OWNER'S ADDRESS:c.CITY:zlP:z?Ya!- CONTRACTOR .t BLDG TICENSE f:7/77 2 ADDRESS: 4 cttt: Q n-ku ?o,,* PH6NE A/D 2- 5T: /ltj zt?:ZZ*|Z- 7t7 {EMAIL ADDRESS: rir h.r*rd <ds6.\04wc-,eorn?lea*<. Ceft+a-d ho+rm) I . Com .^ L: -44- F*a.rrc-lsqt1b@ PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:A PHONE ! Att Garage (SF)_rtorchgrl t€, E Sunroom (5F)E Storage Shed (SF)_ rl Greenhouse (SF)! oeck (SF)tl other (sF) \-.;he proposed work changing the existing footprint? dYes n No ??[nP trr I l:49fr$ TOTAI SQ FI UNDERROOF Vor proposed wotk) Heatedi wili,try*.r, t( LOTC:21 3/- -7t ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? D Yes {* {".ls any Electrical, Plumbint or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure ! Yes lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natugl Gas Line on the current site? fl Ves E/No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? EJ Yes fl lto./Property UsG/ Occupancy; d Sinde tamlly tr Dupler E Tounhouse Description of work: nl t^co 4+"2 ,9+ laws and ordinances and reSulations- The NHC Development Servlces Centerwill be notlfied ot ahy chanSes ln the appmved plans and specifications orchanSe ln contractor information- r''NoTE r Any work performed without the appro it! will be ln violation ofthe NCstete Sldg code and subiectto fines up to S50O.00"' signature: -fu* -l QrrL-,^al.s-4 4-/.LJ.Own€r/Contractor: "Licensed Quolifier' ls the property located in a floodplain? n vo dm Existint lmpeMous Area: - sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: , ExlstinS Land Dlsturbing Permit: I Yes I No d Private Well ! Central well E Aqua U/privateSeptic D Centralseptic E Aqua Zone: - officer: - setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (81 -Approyal: - city: .- Date: - Flood: (A) - (V) - {Nl - BFE+zft= -Comment:Permit Fe€: S ? EXISTING CONSTRUCT|ON: ! Alteration [] Renovation Ll General Repairs NEW OONSTRUCTIOI{: fl Erect New Re sidence V(Addition to Existing Resid€nce [-] Relocation ...PLEAsE CHECT AND ANSWER BETOW ATI THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT*TT D Det Garage (SF) _ ! Pool (5F)_ TOTAT PROJECT COST (tess t-ot): S 43d O unlreatea: 216 I{ew lmp€rvlous Area: - Sq Ft WATERi tr CFPUA I Community SYstem ..!- tr ER: tr CFPUA fl Community System NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICAELE TO YOUR PROJECI "Prorect Responsibllit/ CITY 1AK.3q"b7 rc-sqq Application (offi€€ use) APPTICANT,S NAME;Date: 3 ztPROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:(,k OwNER'SADDRESS: 3/Cc oroi.,{ PHONE #: t 4/, 1t( CITY ZlP. CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: e BLDG LICENSE # CITY EMAIL ADDRESS:PHONE 1/6 (? PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:PHoNiltL 6?rztsc ExlsTlNG CONSTRUCTION:5] Alteration n Renovation D General R€pairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: D Erect New Residence ! Additionto Existing Residence ! Relocation l,.PTEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT**' ! Att Garage (SF) _rl Oet GaraEe ISF)E Porch (SF) tr storage Shed (sF) {, Ottsf L ToTAt SQ FT UNDER ROOF lfor proposed work) Heated:Unheated: TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot)s qJcr^oO lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? ! Yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure n Yes 6 No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? - Yes Fl No ls there Electrical Power on this Euilding? B Yes fl No Property Use/ Occupancy: q Single Fami[ n Duplex ! Townhouse 1lfiP l8 I I r? jfft'l 'lec €,U. laws and ordinances and re8 The NHC Development SeNices Centerwillbe notified ofany chan8es in the approved plans and specifiaations orchange in contractor information. "'NOTE: Any wo e and subjed to flnes upto 5500.00"' Description of W olu,k dd hout the appropriatebermits C. u/t,{< willbe in violation of the N B Owner/contractor: "Licensed Quolifrer" e Signaturei ls the property located in a floodplain? ! Yes El No Existing lmpervious Arear Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: n Yes n No WATER: F CFPUA n Community System ! Privatewell ! Centralwell n Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA tr Community System I Private Septic ! Centralseptic ! Aqua zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (8) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (v) _ (N) _ BFf+2lt= _ Comment: Permit Fee: S .''Ft,u\ il*ffi8 toT #: ! Other (SF)_ E Sunroom (SF)_ tr Pool(SF)- D Greenhouse(sF) A o"rxtsel 29 fdlitfti ts the proposed wo* changing the existing footprint? ! Yes n No -nitt rO; v' PROITCT ADDRTSS: SUBDIVISIONT CO NTRACIO R ADDRESS: tY-341o7 APPI-ICANT'5 NAME: PROPERTY OWNTR'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: 3l Co ofuL,{ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT A P P Ll CAT lO N ryPE: REStDENTtAT PITASt ANSWTR AtL QUESTIONS APPTICABI€ TO YOUR PRO'ECT "Prolect Responrlblllt/, ctry Je cl rc-sc\q (otticeurc) 0at€ l sl,l,r rn t-ol lr n*w /6 Bl-DG t-tcaNsE fl ztP t, x,l/=-zp,2l'/ IMAII ADDRTSS:PHONE.1/6 (?t).?: PROJTCI CONTACT PTRSON ,*oni t L 6? t Zt stt EXISTING CONSTRUCTION|^E Alt€ration D RenovaUon fl ceneral Repairs N€W CONSTRUCIION: Ll Erect New Residence D Addition to Eristing Residence L-l Retocation ... PLEASI CHfcl( AND ANSWTR BTLOW AI.L THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT" ' O Att GaraSe (SF)_E Det Garage (SF)_F Porch (St) rl StoraSe Sh tr Other lsr) JtJ'r( fl Sunroom (5F)--tJ Pool(Sr) K Deck (5f) ed (sF)k O Greenhoure (5F)_zQ kll,hn {, ls thc proposcd work changing the existing footprint ? D yes D No tWilrtS TOTAT SQ FT UND€R ROOF Vor prcposed worl) Heared Unheat€d: TOTAI- PRO,IECI COST (1.e5! Lot): $4,tc..a) lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? C y€r B No ls any Electrlcal, Plumblng or M€chanlcal work bein8 dona to the Accessory Structure D yes 6 No lf the p.oiect ls a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Une on the current site? O yer e No ls there Electrical Power on this Bullding? E Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: q Slngl€ famlly fl Ouplex Ll Townhoure De5.rlp llon of Work: , iflR l8 I I :2 jrlt,t o{et.k d/P,u./,i lrwgand ordinan(e5 and,t. The llHc oev€lopnrenl krvl(et cenler willbe nol iried of ary (ha nger in the app,oved planr and rp?(tkallon3 or chaoge tn contracto.iolo.rtralio..'''NOTt: Any ithour Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolifret" e Signaturer ls the property located an a floodplain? C Yes I No txlitlnS lmpervlous Arear _ Sq ft Total Arres Dlsturbed: New lmpervlous Area: _ _ Sq tt €xlrtlng l-and Dlstu,blng Permitr t I Yes L-l No WATER: F CFPUA D Co,nmunity System [-] Private Well L.l Central Well {J Aqua lhe epfloplr.leP€ - Nh"!( rnrirr will be in violalion ol l)re lD and rubjecr !o liner tlp lo t500.m"' sEwt Zone r R: L trl CFPUA Ll Community Systenr L-l Private Septi( D C€ntralSeptic D Aqua 15 ofike,, t)fU setbacki {r)(tH)(RH)/o'(B)clli \rrspootonRosttoo' 9iu254ss] oarc,$full { rrood: (A} --- (v} -- (N)stEl2tt= _ _//,nsCommeht: -0 t'/- 1g <!tshict- Permlt fee: I ?{--approvd: 0L - cft" lLm fltcElvIu ll/'I2 0 zolB NEW HANOVER COUNW BUITOING PERMIT APPUCATToN rypE : REStDENIlAI PLEAST ANSWER Att qUESTIONS APPUCASIT TO YOUR PRO.,fCI-prolect na5ponstblllV, )oig.)14'12- 6-8)6 (ollkau,€, APPTICANT'S NAME; PROJECT AoDnEss: d Datet 312012019 CIIY: Witmlnglon Zp.A!g_ LOT H: PHONE T; 910.278.6862 CITY; Oak nd ZIP: 28465_ sLoG LICINSE fi suSDtvtStoN: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAMTI OWNER'S ADDRTSS; CONTRACTOR:To ADDRESS:6260 llon Ocean Hwv Wesl rMAtI AODntSS: PROTtCT CONIACT pERSON; Brooks Evefi EXISTING CONSTRUCITON: e Att€r.tton O Renovatior Ep Generst Repatrs NEW CONSTRUCTION: D Erect New Restdenc€ e Addltlon to ExlstlnS Resldenca D Retocatlon I ' TP[TA5E CHECK AND ANSWER BEI.OW ATT THAT APPLYIO YOUR PSOJ[CT"I E Att Gar.t€ (5F) !24 E Sunroom (5t) -....- D Greenhouse {Sf}-- CIW: Ocoan tsl6 Beach SI; NC 2tp20469 PHONE:910.712,3963 PHONT: 910.712-3963/ gt0-579.4980 O Porch (SF)_---- n Stora8e Shsd (SF)__--_ O Other (SF) ls the propossd work chrnglng the extsting tootprint? D yes O No TOIAI Sq fT UNDEfi ROOF Uor proposed wort) Heatad: Property Urs/ Occupancy; n Slngte Fam y ! Ouplex To wn ho use Isthepropored,r,/orkchangtngthenumberofbedrooms? ! yes E NolsanyElectrlca[ptumblngorMech8nlratworkbohgdonetotheAccesroryStructureOyesANo lftheprojectlraRelocatlon,tJthcreINaturolGasLlneonthocurran,,t,ai6yer!No ls there Electrlcal power on thls Bulldlng? O yei E] No D€s(rlptlon of Worki oltclAlMtR: Iherlbyccntty th!t.I th. inform.tlon ln lhl,appli(e tlon lt ro(e{l tnd rllworl wilt.omplywjth thr Strt.oulldlnS Codr lnd.ll oth.r.pplhbtr Sht€.nd to(rrItws.nd odin,nr.! a4d raguli onr. Thc NCoavclopman( Scrvir .r C.nl.rwltlDc notjl,cd or.ny(tliUe,ln thi.PProved Dldnr !nd spacii(ttioh! or (hrn8! ln (onlrictorlntormatlon. .ItNOT[: Any work pirrorln.d wlthout thc appaoprie lr p.rmltrwlltb. hvt0lrlton ot lhe NCSiata 8td!CoderDd subJact toliiErup Io $5O0rO..r ?ff ,'/,1,)ii1}:" % srenar,, u, ffifi/fi ts the property located in a ftoodplalni C Ves |\ ruo Exiillng lmpervlous Area: ___ Sq Ft TotalAcres Dlslurbed: New lmpenlour Area: .-.............-* sq ft rrlrtrnt Land Dlsturbrng permltr o ves o No WATER: E CFpUA D Communttysystem E prtvate We 0 Centr0lwe 0 Aqua €,t.1 SEWER: O CFPUA D CO nity Syst€nt O P/lvate Septic C Centrslseptic fl Aqua zor", P-I5 om.",, npprou"t,R'l{ ciry, serbaEks lr) NI ls ((x) rJ lfttnH}N+E_(B} NIQ (vl__{N) x 8[[+2ft= Permlt Feel s Commrnl: oate: tl- Z-ltrooa: (A) uril' rn:prlon Requtreo, 9l 0.254.ofl)l D Det GaraSe (SF)_ O Pool (Stl_ 0 D€ck (sF) _ IOIAI PROJECT COST (tess tot)r glf( Unheatedr 4BB ,i\?6tK fut>-RtCEIVEi l'll.'l I C :llA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICATION Tf P E : RESt DENTTAL PLEA5E ANSWE( ALL QIJESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECI "prolect R€sponsiblltV, 6 _838 APPliE.tion ilumber (olllce use) APPLICANI"S NAME: Brooks rt- Proiect lra Dare:3/20/2018 PROJECT ADDRESS: 48OI Colleoe Ares Driv6 CIW: Wilminolon zlP: 28403 SUEDIVISION: N/A PROPERW OWNER'5 NAME: Dennis & Deborah Micahel PHONE #: S10-279.6962 OWNER'5 ADDRESS;PO BoY '120?CITY: Oak lsland ZIP: 28465 CONTT(AgTOR:Back To Normal Re Servi LLC BLDG LICENSE fl;TSOAn ADDRESS:6260 Hwv West CIW: Oc6an lsle Beach sT: NC ZIP:20469 EMAIL ADDRTSS:backlonormalrestoration. PROJECT CONTACT PER5ON: BTOOKS PHONE:910.7.1 pHoNE: 910-712-3963/ 910-579.4989 EXISYING @NSTRUCTION: ! Alteralien D Renovatioh E! Generat Repairs NEW CONSTRUCIION: E Erect New Residence El Addition to Existlng Residence E Relocation '**PTEASE CHECKANDANSWER BEU'W AI-T THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT',7 E Att Garage (SF) 324 O Det GaraSe (SF) _tr Porch (sF) _ E Sunroom (5F)D Pool (sF)C Stordge Shed (SF)_ E Greenhouse (SF) tr Deck(SF)_ ls the prcposed work chDngihg the existing footprint? E yes D No ! Other (SF) -=- TOTAL Sq tT UNDER ROOF llor proposed wo.k) Heated: TOTAT PRO,ECTCOST (Less tot): S 17K Is the proposed work changlng the number of bedrooms? E yes fl No isanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanlcalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureOyesANo lf the project is a Relocatlon, ls there a Natural Gas Lihe on the current slte? tr yes n No ls there Electrical Power on this Bu ilding? D ves tr No Property Use,/ Ocrupancy: E Slngle Famlly tr Duplex ! Townhouse Descrlptlon of Workt I+a T\jq + Informanon. t'*NorE: Anywo* pcrfonned wlthou}thc appropriab plrmlts wlll br h rrtolEtion or the cst t Bldg code a;d subred;fine! up to S50o-00... lsthe propertylocated in afloodplain? E yts tr No E,(istinB lmperulous Arear _ Sq Ft TotalAcres Dlsturbedr New lmpervlous Area: _ Sq Ft Eiirtlng Land Disturbing permlt: E yEs tr No WATER: E CFPUA tr Communitysystem E prtvatewe D Centralwe fl Aqua SEWER: ! CFPUA ! CommunirySystem n prlvateSeptic E Centratseptic E Aqua zone: _ offtcer: _ setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (B) --*Approval: _ city:_ Datei_ Flood: (A)_ (v) _ (N)_ BFE+2ft= ComfiEnt: o\,- .-a) N,Pta,rrs subrw.t€A p,*h {a-r . Permlt Fee:s LOTd: Unheated:4BB (ffi CbffForm Prfi sMall NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERM]T APPUCATTaN TfP E : RESIDENTIAL PTEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPI.JCABIf TOYOUR FRoJECTdProl€ct Re5Pondbiliy ? o/?-3.-t?Y 13-t'tt? Applbtlo{! Numb€r -e(tretEAPPUCAITs NAME: PROIECT ADDRESS:CITYI ztP suaDMSlOIrl:# +PflONE f:U- BI-DG UCE SE f:lSss8 sn",N0 zt?:ab 4?8 pH(x{E: o**., Q/D -D-qq * Dlq8 MOPERTY OWT{ER5 NAME: owIrER'S ADoREss:5lJ ol CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESs: OTY: D (JlY: PROJECT CONTACT PEnSOilr OcKSDn ExEn GCO STftUcno :El Aheration E Renoration Yi General Reeairs NEw COI{STRUCTIOiI: |:l Erect ttlew Residence E Addition tD Existing Residence D Relocatio?r .A'FEA!iE CHECX AiIO AT{STf,EN EETOW fiT N T APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT.. )erme gAPt t€, (rft.ilE Prop€ity Ute/ ol worl$ t- 'Ltcenr.4 QrJolilel Prittt Not E ls the property located ln a fwPlain? D Yes Existins ltnPrrvlouE A7€a: - Sq Ft t{eu, f rflFervinui AtPe. -34 ft Tdtd A.rcs Dlsturt€dr - F No ErirtinG l,rnd DHurbing Pcrmlt E Yet D o WATttt: L-l LFPUA ! Communtty System E PtiY.(e Well E Centrrl Wcll O AquE SEWER: U CFPUA D Commufiity System E Pri!.ara Sefik E Centrelseptic [:] Aqua ton€i - of6cEr: - s€ttadc (Fl - {tHl - (RH} - (Bl -Approv.l: _- Oty: - Date: - Flood:(A)-M-( l -- BFE+2ft= Commentl -p"n-',t Faa, s tt- u Att Garrga (sFl _ E ortcarage (5O El r'orch (sFl - D Sunruom (sFl_ E Pool (SF) .- D storage shed (5F)- E Greenhouse (SF) _ E Deck (SFl .- tr Other (Sfl -- l( rhc Fror'orcd work d|anging the exlstlng lqotprinta fi Ves p tto Toru SO Ff UIDEI raOF $or WoPed wonk, Headl - Unlrretd: _.- TsrAtPftorEToo n 1r*or;l, 1,S 3), 400'9 lr the prap$ed wo* changing lhe number of bedrooms? E YeE El No E any AGGElctl, Itlumbint l,r Mcr|l.nl..l wert beint don"tothe Accessory Structurc E Ves El Ho lf tfie proiect is a ncbEitton, is there 3 iletural Gas Une on the curcnt she? E Yls E tao ls there Electrical Pqw€t on this Building? El' ve3 E xo ?otvz'l{(t t{EH HAT'OVER C(X'ITY BUILDI'{G PERfiTTpPllcatrcx nar; nESII,CXTIA| PLE Sr rrsl*i att QttsrIG ApptICrSL[ m tIIr pto)fcr "ProJGGt Rcrpon3 lldug/ APPLIC{T'S "N, y', If",C /1,t (aa t%/coDEYELOER:,lrc t-O aL PnolEcr AoorEsS:ol a CIW:t a1-)1.,st.mlyrslol:BL()(I ':PTOPEITY fiffEI'S 'I^IIT I P lalD /6 to'qact, s ^DotEss: o OY 01 crw:4 ccaritaTor:L ICEIIS EADOiESS: s . +PLtttf-cHEct !4[rrr cmae e W- q^5 rFIiffi l.-cr (Ofttc. t r.) olgfe: i'26'16, IEL(T ALL THAT ADPIY TO Y(l,N PMJACT: rurAL Se fT 7tP : LOT I: PIflE *: a/u str(L ztP: 7?,1 & ST;ZIP:gt// wy PIII|E,:t orr.r e9h-a. $f t-b Io asoo.of .. 1 CIIY:Erlltl ADOf,ESS:o Plfrtc r: PiO]ECT CO TACT PERSOII:P}{NE T: EXISYIM CqETIrrrIfl ATIENATIOII u R€ISVATIOII fJerxur nrrrrns ft RErocarroir EL cotragTrfi,cTrott:€iEcT xEL tEsIoffE o" I mrrra To Extsnre tEsrDcrcE PORCHt]sunoor _ sFfl onrrnro.rsr _ sr f]orcx _ sF orltrn: 5F sTonr6,E s}lED SF 5F / /t\ ^, rIECT IOF: :-.\-; rOIAl. AIEA 5Q Fr: * of srmGs: )- Lork getrg Do.f, to thr A.c.s on drrrrelr rertrrv I LEX f] romouse I oer auee _ sF Eflaor_ sr D TOTAL T|EATED SO FT TOTAL PIO'ECT COSr Ir Aay tLECTtrCAr, pLUf,IX o.. PxpfrrY usE / OCCUPX{CY DESCRIPTIOI of IOM(: DSCI^XE* I hci6y cirtfy 't.t .llld on frrra. rld ltodlao.t. nrconrs. h6nrdon. .-raorEr Arry (xrEt./cilTruEl0n: E)(rSTI'6 II?EMIIq,S I*GA: tffi u?Enylqrs AREA 1 \J htnn.&n h frb lDlacdon tr co.nad,ld a rort irl co.ypay rll' rB S!.I|*|C Oar*D.raor tbwIaa C..!r d b,mfr{, or-yarr{- h a).Wort ftdqnlrd WrO a-F..m: rrl b. h \4oHoi ot tr.rc SQ FT SQ FT @) If th€ prorect is a Reloc.tlon,ls th€re a ta.turalIs there Elcctnlcal pmr on thts aullding?I-l vos Gas LrD€ EI-* sory structurr, f] vcs [fx"thc currcrrt Srter I ver ft6 3 r 4,lPl'l .*t+ rtr.*rr rr,t+r a*rr....**rJllIljf]*r *..rr*ar... r++,r +.r.r itt * ** aa ll+ ta l,t:r aa*a 4a a* *a a, {.aIS T T PiOET?Y LOCATCO ti A F r f-l vrs *tzr,Z-crgn E comnrw s\6rErl I nnrvarr wr.r_ fJ cElrnar HELrs*n3 LkfFpuA [cerrur- seerrc [pRrvATE s€prrc flcoruuw wsrgr..r SEprtrTt pEn {rT5 ryg!*Eo foa EtECr, ,rfcH, p186, 6 S Eqrlp, PIEFAaS I IEETTS ...pAtr*r -rD: Elr,o,, Dfu (xvx.E ...r tr.*;;;"'[T*;; fiorscomri'iir*ri+trt+ri* l++r +r+ ltt+er+* t+r,!arlia. raarr*ii+aa aaarla* i+r*a*rrrar,tai{ tara a+arrrr**l (toi ofFrcc u'f orlv) TEWTFO t,ifa a/:r1/r2ZolE ! _ OFFICER; SEIBACrS: F: LH: n {: B: rOTAI- ACRES DISTUNEED: EXIST LI,o DISNNTIiE PETIIT, Apprtoval:- ctty:- DATE;- FL@o: _ -,- EFE+Zf-t- I I Cod. Q7 ves fiffi U Clear Form Print eMail NElil HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING APPLICATIo rypE: COIII4ERCIAL otBZ4lx PE?IE - IbU /;/-/ lr '( PERMIT PTEASE ANsWER AIL QUEsTIONS APPLICABIE TO YOUR PRO]ECT..project Responsibility,, AFFIicA'fro-N Number (office Use ) APPLICANT'S NAI1E: J1m 5g6ng DATE:OEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADD J Stone Pro erties LLC PHONE f; 916' 165 Porter' Neck Road trnir 120 - 4 43-7660 z Pi zaqttWilmington0ccuPANT/BUSINESS NAIIE; rutt Media cro,lp Inc PROPERTY OI{NER,S NAfiE: J stsone properties LLCOWNER'S ADDRESS:- PHONE #: 910-443-166r)201 Marsh Fietd Dr CITY 'Wilmington ST: NC zrP: ." ^. . CONTRACTOR: stone Devetopment & Restoration LLC _ LICENSE *; seszgADDRE5S:201 Marsh Field Dr CITY 'Wilmington p6 ZfP:2s411 910-443-1660 ST:EMAI L ADDRESS:j ins!Qsdandr. com PHONE S: PHONE #: PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON : Byron Stone 910-443-3619 (che.k A1t That Apply)EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRSlf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the urrent Site? f Yes l-_ r,lo ts BNo NEW CONSTRUCTION: ACCESSORY STRUCTU LDG SP RELOCATION KLERED'4- YesJii_ i:;:t,;ii I ..r FAST TRACK sHELL UPFrT n aDD To ExrsT srRUcruRE S r :,i:: :l n EREcr NE srRUcruRE [-l RE: If UPFIT - The Shell penmit f;Is Elect power on this Building lir cY usE? l- yEs lI.. ruo r,*,*,r,r _ what is the Net{ Occupan cy 2011-1A61 fF Yes, uhat lras the previous Occupancy Type? I[tfi 'r.rru, pRoFEssrorraL : Il.*** IS THIS A CHANGE OF OCCUPAN Yes rNo NC REG $: NC REe #:_- PH:EN6R DESIGN PROFESS IoNAL:_ DESCRIPTION OF IiORK;zan10b8 ls food or beverages prepared or in this structure?f Yeslf No ls The property Located ln The Floodplainf_ y"fr_ PH:._.-- in this application is correct end a work willcomply with the BLrilding Code and ajtother plicable Stalehe NHC DeveloDme nt Services CWo the Ap olified oI wll'"NOT in lhe aDDroved otanViolaton of rheNC ifications Code anc, NoDISCLAIMER: thereby cenit that a[ informaronand,local laws and ordinances and regulations. T 3f i:".11: il#J',j",1T Ei0cdtt6esto'I i;rorma,'on B OWNER/CONTRACTOR: Jim stone S IGNATURE: Noie: Demolition noiifications A asbeslos lhe applicalion torm (Dcontain Asbestos or not. You are requked removalperml appticarjons are to be submitted using to callthe NationatEmission Srandards lor Hazardou 5-3768)wherher rhsfacitiry or buitding was tound ro at (919)707-59s0 ar teasi to days pn;rto rhedemoliiion ofany lacitiry or buitdinq. See Asbeslos Web Siler hripJ/www.epi.state.nc.us/epi/as TOTAL PROJECT COST 6G<-t BUILDING HEIGHT (Pnnr Nanre) # OF UNITS: ITOTAL AREA SQ FT IOTAL SQ FT UNDE ACRES DISTURBED R ROOF PUA COMMUNITY SYSTEM CENTRAL SEPTIC f-} SQ FT PER FI-R #OFSTORTES: I# OF STRUCTURESI-# OF FLOORS WELL ZONING USE CLASSIFICATIONVATE SEPTIC OM[,lUNITY EXsr LAND DtsruRBtNG pERMtr? ,|- ves J- r,ro SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA FICE RESTAURANT MERCANTILE EDUC APT CONDO OTHET SQ FT WATER SEWER SYSTEM F -'SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSEIiIS PAYMENT I\,IETHOD f cASH f.cHECK (eAvABLE ro NHC) f_AMERIcAN ExeRESS l- ucr,rrsn f_ orscoveR ZONE: OFFICER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:BApproval:_ City: DATE_ FLOOD BFE+2ft Comment 6(Qtt|(tra LH RH '(o_o- I PROPERTY USE: N _ PERMIT FEE: I ri,.) PROIECT ADDRESS: suBDrvrsroN: a0tK-3.1q-t APPLICANT'S NAME: NEW HANOVER COUNW BUIIDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIOENTIAt PTEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO,IECT "Proiect Resporsibillv' l1<o CITY Application Number (office use) Date L() # ztP Arrn< Kr.trr hrPROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER,S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS:{Y\{/\ PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: CITY PHONE PHONE: PHONE: A)/+BLDG LICE ST ZlPl CITY ;&n I Au l. o EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: miteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEw CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence E-iidition to Existing Residence D Relocation r.I*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*Tt* E Det Garage (5F) _! Porch (SF) D Pool (SF) ! Greenhouse (SF)n Deck (5F) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E-Yes n No TOTAL Sq FT UNDER ROOF Vor proposed work) Heated:zSQ unheated: TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot)r S ! Storage Shed (SF)_ ! Other (SF) ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? D ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on th Yes 6 No .a the Accessory Structure d Yes D No ecurrentsite?!YestrNo lii flR lB Il'8gfln lsthere Electrical Poweronthis Building? dYes E No,/Property Use/ Occupancy: / Single Family I Duplex D Townhouse Description of Work: ,'tdin t S*r @\^,oa( Nf b laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Centerwillbe notified ofany chenges in the approved plans and ifications or chanSe in contractor information.'*'NOTE: An Owner/Contraclor: "Licensed Quolifret" out the appropriate willbe in violation o{the NC Signature: and subj s up to 5500.00'*' t1€ permits l)o {*o TotalAcres Disturbed: Existing Land Disturbing Permit: D Yes tr No WATER: b CFPUA tr Community System n Private Well n Centralwell ! Aqua SEWER: h CFPUA ! Community System n Private Septic E Central Septic ! Aqua zone: _ Ofticeri - Setbacks (F) - (LH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: _ City: _ Date: - Flood: (A) - (v) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - Comment:Permit Fee: S Db hi-9/;7 t8-161 n Att Garage (SF)_ ! Sunroom (SF)_ ls the property located in a floodplain? f] Yes Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft New lmpervious Area: _ 5q Ft