2018-03-29 Agenda Review NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 34 AGENDA REVIEW MEETING, MARCH 29, 2018 PAGE 55 ASSEMBLY The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners met for Agenda Review on Thursday, March 29, 2018 at 4:05 p.m. in the Harrell Conference Room at the New Hanover County Government Center, 230 Government Center Drive, Wilmington, North Carolina. Members present: Chairman Woody White, Commissioner Jonathan Barfield, Jr.; Commissioner Kusek; and Commissioner Rob Zapple. Vice-Chairman Skip Watkins was absent. Staff present: County Manager Chris Coudriet; County Attorney Wanda M. Copley; and Clerk to the Board Kymberleigh G. Crowell. Chairman White called the Agenda Review meeting to order and announced that the purpose of the meeting is to review and discuss the agenda items for the April 2, 2018 Regular Meeting with discussions as noted: Consent Item 2. Approval of Sirchie as a Sole Source Vendor for the Purchase of TacCommander Riot Control Suits. In response to Board questions, County Manager Coudriet stated the suits needed are for everyone on patrol and the actual number needed for purchase could be provided at the Board Meeting on Monday. Consent Item 3. Approval of Remotec, Inc. as a Sole Source Vendor for the Upgrade of ANDROS Robots and Accessories. In response to Board questions, County Manager Coudriet stated he does not believe there would be an annual fee and they hadn’t discussed the cost of maintenance. This agenda item is modification for existing robot technology and the Sheriff’s budget includes preventative maintenance already. County Manager Coudriet doesn’t believe the annual cost of maintenance would come near $75,000 for cost of acquisition. He also stated Chief Deputy Ken Sarvis would be at the Board meeting and could explain the power hawk system. Chairman White requested that Chief Deputy Sarvis call Commissioner Zapple to answer his questions. Consent Item 5. Adoption of a Resolution to Approve the Donation of Mine Safety Appliances (MSA) Fire Hawk Self Contained Breathing Apparatus (SCBA) to Autryville Fire Department. Commissioner Zapple stated he wanted to call attention to the letter written by Autryville Fire Chief Andrew Hawkins. He is impressed by Chief Hawkins’ letter and in his role as a public servant, and wishes we could give him as much as possible. Regular Item 11. Stormwater Utility Feasibility Study. In response to Board questions regarding funding scenarios to pay for the project, County Manager Coudriet stated that the equivalent residential unit would ultimately be the proposed option. He stated there is a preferred scenario, which is option 2A, that would be addressed during the presentation at the Board meeting on Monday. County Manager Coudriet clarified and stated staff is not requesting to go forward with that option, but is proposing that the Board consider and allow staff to study it in more detail to provide an operational deployment plan. Regular Item 12. Consideration of New Hanover Regional Medical Center Fifth Amendment to the Letter of Credit and Reimbursement Agreement. In response to Board questions regarding security of the letter of credit, Chief Financial Officer Lisa Wurtzbacher stated the letter of credit is the hospital’s, not the County’s. She stated that anytime there are variable rate bonds, because they are a variable rate and the interest rate changes periodically, they are essentially remarketed or resold so there has to be some type of security in case they cannot all be sold. The County does not have a letter of credit as the hospital does, but instead, we have a standby bond purchase agreement for our security. In response to Board questions, Ms. Wurtzbacher stated that $32 million is the outstanding amount. The outstanding commitment is essentially the amount that the hospital can use for the letter of credit since that is the amount that can cover the principal and the interest. Regular Item 13. Second Public Hearing and Continuation of Consideration of Economic Development Incentive Grant Pursuant to G.S. 158-7.1. County Manager Coudriet stated that there are two proposed staff actions, one of which is to recommend the Board proceed with the incentive agreement with National Gypsum. Then if approved, the second recommendation is for the Board to approve a resolution of support that NCDOT requested from the County for making onsite and offsite improvements to effectively support National Gypsum. NCDOT does not want to make a commitment unless the County supports NCDOT and it is not a financial request. Chairman White stated that the comment portion of the public hearing would be limited to 30 minutes, with 15 minutes for those who want to speak in favor of and 15 minutes for those who want to speak in opposition. Two minutes would be allowed for each person and it would alternate between those in favor and those in opposition. Chairman White also requested a copy of the speaker sign in sheet from the prior hearing, so that those who had not spoken yet had priority over those who had already spoken. If there were a lot of speakers for either side and the time frame goes beyond 30 minutes, then he would determine what to do at that time in the meeting. After a brief discussion about the public comment portion of item, the Board by general consensus agreed with this plan. In response to Board questions, County Manager Coudriet stated the NCDOT improvements would include the railroad and there could be other road improvements as well. Regular Item 14. Public Hearing Rezoning Request (Z18-02) – Request by Design Solutions, on Behalf of the Property Owner, Yosef, Inc., to Rezone Approximately 1.8 Acres of Land Located at the 7900 Block of Market Street from O&I, Office and Institutional District, to (CZD) B-2, Conditional Highway Business District, in Order to Develop a Retail and Office Center. In response to Board questions regarding a U-turn on NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BOOK 34 AGENDA REVIEW MEETING, MARCH 29, 2018 PAGE 56 Market Street, Current Planner Brad Schuler stated the U-turn would be installed regardless of this rezoning request since it was part of the Market Street Median Project. In response to Board questions, Mr. Schuler stated that the Planning Board had concerns about the allowed use, under the indoor recreation classification, of indoor shooting ranges for this development. The question was proposed by the Planning Board and was agreed upon by the applicant that that specific type of indoor recreation would not be allowed in the proposed development. He does not have an opinion on it. Again, it was a request by the Planning Board and agreed upon with the applicant. ADJOURNMENT There being no further business, Chairman White adjourned the meeting at 4:21 p.m. Respectfully submitted, Kymberleigh G. Crowell Clerk to the Board Please note that the above minutes are not a verbatim of the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners meeting.