APRIL 19 2018 BUILD APPSz , a a ? )ctu ^544.N*' rugw HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERTVIIT APPLICATIoN TYPE: COiIIIERCIAL PTEAS€ ANSWER ATL QUESTIONS APPL]CABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECI "Project Responsibility" $FEclrro-rror Number (office Use) APPLICANT'S i.IAT4E : DEVELOPER: Itrg"t-c.*-. 5o,-,-r-o I.rc-.-DATE:2-15- lg PHONE S: PRO]ECT occuPAr'rr/BusrNEss r,tAME: Spr*,ErsAxe Orl C- PROPERTY OWNER'S NAIIE: 5Ter r.t C.Cp. EugAxr Dru 0o. OtdNER' S ADDRES5: lZa 5rl rly Ruvs , CITY: lrltt-wrl N6a!r.l PHONE f: ST: coNrRAcroR: ?grgoue,tyn Soutrnoxts n.tc. -LrcEr,rsE f : 53q5e ADDRESS:CIW: ?ALEIGH EI'IAI L ADDRESS: ST:Nc zIP: Zlbob zrPtZL9.\L il( zIP: Zg*lZ qrq-b05-tq1q qrq-(a1-q(6'z PHONE $: PHONE *:PRO]ECT CONTACT PE NEI,J CONSTRUCTION: ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: (Che(* A1l That Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTIO : m ALTCRATION l, Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the No T-'l RENOVATTON r-'l GENERAL REPAIRS Ebdrrenr Strez 5 vH5 r.ro rs aroc sphir'l RELOCATION KLEREDr_ Yesf trERECT NEW STRUCTURE 6-rrpurnrr- I ANoPY FAsr rRAcK E sHErL ! upFrr E ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #:Is Elect Power on this Euilding f-_r Yes f No l6FEE l.q 12: I lPfi***** rs THIS A CHANGE oF occuPANcY usElf YES ffl rc -.--. IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? _ Ihat ts the Ney Occupancy Tvoe?ARTH DESIGN PROFESSIO AL:NC REG #: ENGR OESI eH enoressroral:- [.-fAa16fl-ffi PH '-]!q:82\:9246 Nc REG r:(oA35 ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure?f- Vesf- No ls The Property Located tn The Ftoooptainf-; y UBCUiUen: t terety certity lhat a inlormalion in thjs appticaton is clrect and allwork willcomply with the Stale Buitding Code and allolher applica Centerwillbe notilledw/O the Appropriate SQ FT the SIGNATURE: (Audine4 (Pd Narc) Nole: Demolilion notificatons E asbeslos removal pemil applica$ons 8re lo be submired using the applicalion form (DHHS-3768)faciliiy or building was conlain Asbeslos or nol. You are required to callthe NatonalEmission Standards for Hazardous Ak Potluranrs (NESHAP)ar (9r9)707 demoliton ofany facility or building, See Asb€slos Web Site: illp:/ ^/ww.epi.slate.nc.usi/epi/asbeslos/ahmp.hlmt ai least l0 days prior to rhe ToTAL PRoJEcr coST: -jIspoo_TOTAL AREA SO Fr, 30 so Fr TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: BUILDING HEIGHT SQ FT PER FLR: f OF STRUCTURES d OF UNITS # OF STORIES # OF FLOORS EXST LAND DTSTURBTNG pERMrr? r ves fi ruOACRES DISTURBED NEW l[itPERVIOUS AREA PROPERry USE N T-I WELL T-1 ZONING UpR1vlre sepr rc 3lcor,rruurtw SE CLASSIFICATION SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA EoFFrcE ! nesreuneur fl MERCANnLEn EDUcTl Apr CONDO OTHE COMMUNITY SYSTEMWATER SEWER SYSTEM CFPUA CFPUA CENTRAL SEPTIC '" SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIREO FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP, PREFABS E INSERTS PAYMENT METHOD f cASH f cHEcK (eAvABLE To NHc) f , AMERTcAN ExeRESS l- ucnrtse [- - otscoven (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:ZONE: OFFICER LH RH B Approvat:- City:- DATE- FLOOD:- BFE+2ft'- AVN PERMIT FEE: : II Comment ca\\,ud q lbaoS4q-] PH: DEscRrPTroN oF woRK: Arorn nr.r .ro trr rslr r.v.. 6.rsu Cn nrnpl ( 6uNs^rror.r C\r.lur\ - OWNER/CONTRACTOR: tB-)b+1 \''.N APPLICANT'S IIA',IE:5o,-.ra,o Iqa. (offl.e tr.) - DATE I Z-15- lg NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERI,IIT AP P L ICAfi 0N rypf ; COl,lltlEf, CIAL PLTASE AIJSIIER ATI QUESIIOIs APPTICAAIE fO Yq,,i Pf,OJECI..project RrspoDslbilitrP 471 OEVELOPER: PROJECT AD zoNE: L\ oF,-tpynui@_c c0 TnAcr0R i ADDRESS: TfiAtL ADDB PRO]ECT COMTAC EXTsT CONSTRUCTIOI,': ll Relocauon. ls lhere s NB - LrcEitsE s:53qsZ CITY r ST t: #: :NC zIPrzlt Obqtq-bos-tq'n qtq-LA1-q{62- PHoNE Sr OCCUPATIT/8U9IHE55 NA}IE : PROPEfiTY ol.'iIER'S NAI'iE I J INAtrA.Eur,a+rr CIu IOWNER'S ADDRESS:CITY: lritr {NG'rb{ 7tt-,2*A PTONE I: ST:U( zIP;Zg+rz ?atr.rc,ut - PHo E PHONE 6ENERAL es NoNo t{El,ll COTSTRUCTIOTI:n ERECT I{EI{ SIRUCTURE IrEr-rN./- |n rAsr rnAcx E sHErr ! upFrr n aDD TO EXrST srRU(rUiE AEIaDYACCESSORY STRUCT URE;( If UPFIT - The Shell Per|'llt ,:Is Elect Poxer on thls Bultdlng [:i y€s f-i NO r...1 IS IliIS A CltAt{cEIF Y€s, xtrot rras the Prev!.ous Ocaupancy lypel II8fi 'orsrc+l pRoFEssroral: or occupAxcy usElfJ lllhat Yts 6i iJo ..i.. is thc tJeu Oaauranay (ah!(t Alt El ALrcRArro't Tl nErovArrou lural cas Line on thecfrront Sit6? f-l nEPArRs Tl rs BrDG sPFil.J REI.OCATIOTI KLEREDif- L yesfL t{rr8 l8 r tr l lP}l - plt:NC RE6 #: NC RE6 r:'i6IF*EIIGR OESIOJ PROTESSIO}UL lE rood or beveraoes prepsted or seryed ln thls structurc ?fJ Yesl'-l No ts Ths proporty Locared In the FtoodplainmyfL lhls apdlcrtbn h cor€an snd rll wofk t tlultlhg Code llld aI olnq 66toNHC iirt€boDofl t ServtcesNOTE ADy Wo P€donned bo OWNER/CONTRACTOR: (ALrrii.4 C"€*,SIGNATURE: No!.: Derohbn noi{biolrs E ssDaltor llmord p€mrlrpdkatblE aro lo E glDrnii€d u.lng rho lpdk tjon rofln (DUBS376E)hcirrv or D0lldh€ 'l"s toud to.!nL h ab€31Oa o. not You aE llqutrad b cslt h6 l{,Iti3lEr lslo.r Stlnd.ds tu H.r.doo3 At, polutanr6 (NESSAP)sr d l..rl 10 day3 !rlo. L $e NoDISCIAIMER: I hqEby .erdty that sI tntsnsr,bn tnsnd loc€l lEk tnd ordlmncsi ad mgursUm!.lnEor cnaryl€ tn onrodor d coa*rdr tntorme M * sublecrlo Fhss up Io 1500 00". d€molitron oa rny lo.Jlhy or buI{n!. S.. A.!o.bs W.b Strli TOTAL PROJECT COsr, $<^^^ rorAlAREAsoFr fiaf'h- TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: BUILDING HEIGHT SQ FT PER FLR: hUp/wrtf-opl-ataL.nc.u!/opl,bsDrsro!/ahmD.htnrt i/ OF UNITS| , OF STORIES: #OF FLOORS: _-# OF STRUCIURES: PAYMENT METHOD: ;-1 CeSn I Ctecr (pAyABtE ro NHc) r_ AMEHTCAN EXPRESS r-(FOR OTFEE USE pRopERry usE: EoFFrcE ! nesrauanrur I uencrurruf[ eoucfJ^pTfi- coNDo WATER: IICFPUA TICOMMUNIry SYSTEM T1WELL T1ZONING USE CLASSIF ..,,"'#fi 'q'*:i,**:,T::i::,T#,F.fl l,fl ili:::"_,?""r,"#:Ii}^*",. ACRES DISTUREED; NEw rMPERvrous AFE;;--EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? J-IYES fi NO SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: SOFT or,rerf,l****- ICATION CER ONLY) , F .So'SETBACKS LH: O RH?2 FLOOD x MCNTSA r- OTSCOVER B !5, BFE;fr;DNT oladhuc lo N PERMIT FEE: I JLA f,t(sd Comment di J_ -q ?lo J dw nor w+t iil'lnspec ,J).vn iton Requrre{, /"k 910-254-09&i p+r,ilEIHZitIE DEscRrPrroN oF wonr: ASEII -o pr rsrrFr. 6usu Cnr{.,o1 (fruNF^ns.r Dxuv) _ la, ,l\. irly. x zl: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: COHI.IERCIAL PTEASE ANSWER ALT Q{JE5IIONS APPLICABLE TO YOI,,R PRO]ECT "Project ResPonsibility" .l sc 20\g-T1 AFFIitriidN Number (office use) -DATE: J -t \- t?APPLICANT'S tlAt'lE : DEVELOPER: , tlo (^ PHONE S: PRO] ECT OCCUPANT/EUSINESS I,IAME : PRoPERTY O[,NER'S A}tE : zrP:_3s5 I I PHONE *: 7 ST ZIP: 1596 i PHON sr: M zIP: _L&l 16 *i ewne *:36-3.iTtgg ins Wes l-- l N0 l3NHR 18 4rg]Pr,l NC REG *: NC REG #: PERMIT FEE: I /L' -765-oq3l-D +cO}'INER'S ADDRESS: 77 tPt,,,c .35 Slvt z, CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: 6 EMAIL ADDRE PRO]ECT CONTACT PE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: DESCRIPTION OF NORK: ls food or beverages Prepa ALT ERATION Gas Line on the LICEI,ISE f : CITY: Ct- check All That APPIY) es ,.} GE NERAL REPAIRS l-. o EXIST CONSTRUCTION: fl ll Relocation, is there a Natural r--I REiIOVATION bJnent site? J-,[-- 'i *o ls BLDG r-..I RELOCATION seun w x r-e n e o:l-- vesf - - Nt ao*rr*rarroN: l-l EREcr NEv{ srRucruRE E FAsr rRAcx E SBELL @uv.Ij E ADD r0 Exrsr srRUcruRE If UPFIT - The SheU Permit s: *r,r*r Is THIS A C}|ANGE OF IF Yes, Hhat uas the Previous occupancy TyPe? i{Ei' otsror PRoFEssro[AL : ENGR DESIGI'I PROFESSIo AL:- Is E1ect Poler on this Build / occuPAt{cY usE?v YES r '{O *'**' tlhat is thii New occupancy PH: PH: +u red or served in this vesf-4tto ts The Property Located ln The FloodplainfJe{"{ v t €lo e*n+-h07 Comment u LF,"clCZ ,tlo c m lnWctron Reourreo, 9l 0.254.!n),ot,lu\plor dh1 (){ ,(r;'I--t' \&,l NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDTNG PERMIT APPLICAT I ON N/Pfj RESIDENTIAT PLEASE ANSWER ALL OUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROJECl "Project ResponsibllitY'Number (office use) APPLICANT's NAME: PORCH CONVERSION oate:3/25/18 PROPERTY OWNER 's NaME: JEAN BOLTE PHoNE fl:919-314-7423 OWNER,S ADDRESS: 3759 O SAND MINE DRIVE CITY: WILMINGTON 7,tP:28412 CONTRACTOR; PORCH CONVERSION BTDG LICENST fl:7F)L7 ADDRESS:6821 MARKET STREET crrY: wl!M.!N9fQ!_- Sr: NC zlP: 28405 EMAIT ADDRESS:nversion@q mail.com PHONE : 910-777-3363 PROJECT CONTACT PERSO BRIAN WALSH PHONE 910-777-3363 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration f, Renovation I General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCIION: , Erect New Residence D Addition to Existlng Residence ! Relocation ]..,}PI.EASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALLTHAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO.'ECTT** D Att Garage (SF)--- D Sunroom (sF) ---- D Greenhouse (5F) E Det Garage (sF)=--g/eorch (sr)224 I Storage Shed (5F)-=.-_ D Other {sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ves U/uo TOTAT Sq fi UNDER ROOF lfor proposed work) Heatedi Unheated:224 tr Pool (sF) n Deck (sF) TOTAL PRoJECT COST (Less Lot): 56.400 lsthe proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E V.' / r'ro / lsany Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure M Yes fl No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Naturfl Gas Line on the current site? ! Yes d ito ls there Electrical Power on this Building? M Yes D No / Property Use/ occupancy: $ Slngle Family D Duplex E Townhouse Description of work: oISCLAIMIR: I hereby certit thatallthe intormation in this applicatioo is correct and allwork will.omply wlth the state BuildinS code and allother apPlicablestate and local l.wsand ordlnan(es and reSulatiohs Th€ NHC Developmant Services Center willbe notified ofanychan8et in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. "'NOT[: Ahy work pe.tormed without the appropriate permits willbe in vblation ofthe NC ld8 Code subiect es up to S50o.0O"' owner/Contractor: AGENT JEREMY MARTIN slgnature: "Licensed Quolifter" Prlnt None lsthepropertylocatedinafloodplain? D Yes n No Existing lmpervious Area:3.9Q2- sq Ft Approval: Comment: TotaI Acres Disturbed: 0 Existing Land Disturbing Permit: fl Yes I No E Private Well [] Central Well - Aqua n Private Septic [] CentralSeptic E Aqua (r) NA (LH) ryA(RH) lll,/4 (B)&A (vl - (N) V BF€+zft= - citv: JfM oate,Flood: (A) --O Permit Fee: S %$-;q5 LA--*i PROJECT ADDRESSI3759 OLD SAND MINE DRIVE CITY: WILMINGTON ZIP:28412 SUBDIVISION: RIVER LIGHTS AQ PH1 SEC 2 LOTS:119 WATCR: SEWER; Zor8,30ol AFmTfifrdN t{ulllber (offlc! u!o) -DATEt 3-l&2010 NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERit APPL ICArION IYPEr CO}I|4ERCIAL PLEASE lr]SrrR Atr glEsTIoats AppIlcASt€ 1O yOJf, piolEcl dproject Resporslbtltty', T APPLICANT'S NAIIE i 363p6p p61a6s6 DEVELOPER i PRO]ECI 'W,lrdnotoo _ PltotiE r: I\Ft 2ae3 _ PtOtlE f: 763-5111 ST: 66 ZIP:26a93 . STI n" ZIP: 26463 FFOiiE rr 0CCUPAIIT/BUSINESS NA EI Gbbql proca$ Aulornsl,oo PR0PERTY 0 NER'S IIAllE: Norm.r B..ltsrord OI,INER's ADD[Essl Bumi mll buoln6!! m* CONTRACTOR: Nelvrnsn Bros - LICEIISE S: 71s12 ADDRESS: !02 Otd E6stryood rd 82 CITY: 971161,o1on EI{AI L : jn€wnsn@jnowmonbros.aom PROIECI COI'ITACT PERSO!.Ii laspor newmao EXISI CONSTRUCTION: Nlf Relocalion. is thers 8 Nalurg ALTERATION I G6s Lin6 on tha ((h€.k All T-] R ENOVATIOI,I bdnent Site? f-- PAIRS N BLDC SIFIi'I R E TOCAI IOIiI KLEREDI_ YesfS_ . Ptl0llE {: 526.s126 Ihat App]vt CENERAL RE os li- No lS ERECT IiIEI.I STRUCTURE N FASI TRACK E SHILL UPFIl ADD TO EXIST STRUCTUflENtw consrnucrron, I ACCESSORY STRUCTURI: If UPFIT - The Shell Per lt s:2017- t4o Is El€ct poHar on thls BuildLng f-. yes F. N0 ..... rs rHrs A CHA GE 0t o(cuPA cY usElr. YEs li. to r. r tF Yes, uhat ras the Prevlous Occupancy Type? _ lihat t5 the ew Occupancy II8fi ?otsrc* pRoFEssr'[ LI Good,ich Arch*.cruro . PH:343-1667 tlC REG *:7434 ENGR DESIGI{ PROFESSIOIIAI-:-Mcoqlvell Englno€dng PH :210-3147 NC RE6 *| 23033 DEsCft rPrrolit 0F r,,toR( :,pii6ifrI- ls tood or bevoragos prsparsd or sorvod ln thls slructuro?f- Yes|I_ tto ts ttre eroperry Located tn The FtoodptBtnli_ ye{-_ No DISCLAIMER: l horeby clrufy lh8l oll lnlorn o{l ln ond loc6l lrw! ond ordlnancos and .ooulalrons. Th6 oa chanoo 16 conlrEclor oa conuactor lhlormadolr. "'SubJ6.;l1o FIiEE Up To 3500.00"' Bulldie Code Bnd lhe 8ll orior oppllcablo Shro olEnr End so€ciflcaUorlsNc St to BIdo Codo sM .\'"rL.<*OWN€R/CONTRACTOR: 6sper newman ACRES DISTURBED: g_ NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: * SIGNAIURE: lor.li.r) lPrt[Xrr.] tfob: o{itollhn rc{icatloan & a!665loa 'tlnoyal p.arrtt lprlkrlbr€ al' lo ho &Onlgd lJslno dlo r!@0on fo.In (OH wtaulor l}le Ldlly of hI5lr|0 wra loorx, O orllain fub6los oa nol. Yo, t 9 aoqul.€d lo crll tho b.d Eml$loo SLrfrd. to. Hr:rddn AJ, flllanE (IES}|,AP) !t (0t0)707-5950 rl Lrrl 10 dar! ,.lcr ro u'a d6moftron ol6ny l6dlty o( brildir0. S€a Albcqtoa Wbb 6ita: htlprh,rw.6d.rlrl..rtc(6tcplrlt sbCrhmp.htrll TOTAL PROJECT COST: ,78,ooo BUILoING HEIGHT: .2,ll OF UNITS; r TOTAL AREA SQ FT : rroz x SQ FT PER FLR:.na ll OF STORIES: r TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: 1!676!, f OF STRUCTUBEST i OF FLOORS: i-- EXST LAND DTSTURBTNG PERMTT? Jr yES r NO SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: ia SO FT PROPERry USE:oFFrcE E RESTAUMNT fIMERoANTTLEfJ EDUcfJ Aprf]CONDO OTHEI WATER: SEWER: SYSTEM CFPUA TI COMMUNITY SYSTEM T1WELL TIZONINGUSECLAScFpuA tlCENrRAL SEPrc D pRlvArE SEPIC DToMMUNTTY.. SEPARATE P€NMITS REOUINEO FOR ELECT. MEC}I. PL8G. GAS EOUIP, PREFAAS E NSERTS SIFICATION PAYMENT METHOo: [- CASH HECK (pAyABLE TO NHC) r" AMERTCAN EXPRESS lr_ ncrurse f-_ orsCoven (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) ZONE:t l'I orncrn:ErBAcKs: r:$lA rH QBnx lJlnv B-DE BFE+2ft,-.Approv6l:_ Clty N V:g Commsnt E ,ll"'FLOOD Cfii, tnspction Requtteo, 9l 0-254'0rtrl AuullE)) ; 3333 Joocho Drive u.il.1l0 Wi,olriolon PERMIT FEE: , (%t1-3gcl 181=€4+l NEtl HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERfitIT APPLICATIUT rYPE: C4'IIERCIAL PLEASE ATS}IER ALL qJESIIONS APPI.ICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECT 'ProJect Responsibil.tty" APPLICAT{T' S l{AllE I Jasper Newmen DEVELOPER: PROJ EC I 3333 Joeckle Dnve unit 110 . Wdmington OCCUPA T/BUSIT{ESS l{Ar{E: Gbbsl proc€ss Autoftrslion PROPERTY O${ER'S MltE: Norman Brailsro.c, O,T{ER'5 ADDRESS:Burnl mill businoss pErk CITY: yy1,y,; CO{TRACTOR: N€wmenBros - LICEI{SE $: 71912 ADORESS : 102 Old Eestwood rd 82 CITY: lylknlnston l DlEls:,*E""oi ECT COI{TACT PERSOI|: psper nermren AP-FTTAEAI llumber ((rfi<c u3.) - OATE:3-16-2018 PtOl'lE S: - PllO{E t: 763-5111 Sf : nc ZIPa284o3 EITAI PRO] P}loNE f : PIO E 8: 52q.6126 EXIST CO STRT'CTI().{: It Relocatioo, is there a Na ALTERATIOI{ I Gas Line ofl lhe urrent site?r I-'I REL(TATIOI{ JHll,rxr-eneor- ves6- No NEW co.6TRUCTr(X: E ERECT NEr{ STRUCTURE R EIIOVATIOI{GEI{ERAL REPAIRS li, No lS BLDG s E FAsr rRAcx E sHELr UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE trtura es ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The She1l Permlt s: 2017-11j40 Is Elect Poyer on thls Buildlng f yes l- ito i..r. rs rHrs a cHAllGE oF occuPAricY tsElr YEs Ji. rs rrrrr lF Y€s, rhat uas the Preylous Occupan€y Typ€? _ hthat ls thc taer (kcupancy IXEfi?DESIGa{ PROF€SSIOiUIL i coodncrr Archlecrure - PH:343-1667 *: *: I'lC REG 34 EI{GR OESIGI{ PROFESSIONAL :-Mcoowall Engrnaering - PHizTo-3741 DESCRIPTION OF I.'ORK:upfit for oflice 74 23933RE6NC ls food or beverages prepared or s6rv€d in this structurc?f . vesli- t'to ls The Property Located ln The Floodplsintf _ vef _ Ng"l. ,ua", , *"0, on}ty tl8l all ir o.lnstm in dlls-sppllcaion ls comd srd 8I wort will corlply wl01 tle $sE 8u{dim Cod€ and 6[ ool3r rpdkabh statettd l@l br,E 6rd ordinoncos and .Egrrhtiiros. The t{HC Ogt cloDiEr{ Sorvi:€s Ceitea wIl bo nd'fiod ot ony dE rc h oir aooaot 6d obns snd sD€dncdinsgtrgt Hffi SmFg" ito l'd(,'. -NorE: Arv wo.t Portom.d vr/o t'. Apg.op.btr P.rtt{3 wir 71*rTn" $e EkJo ar. lri, OWNER/CONTRACTOR:iaspcrr.rewrnan SIGNATURE: 2tq.- Q.;^'-.-(O1.rlr, lAn N.nr) tlotar D-mlflbn ioofcadons t !5806 rrno\.r| Faflrtt rrplkrto.ts 8,! L ba rubnfihd rC'lC ,ta lpptl)ldon bn (DH,Jt, *H,", * ;, ulu,,c -" u,m o conbin AsbastG or axn. You a.r EqulrEd b cln th6 $atirEl Er csi'| Siandarda b. Haa6o(,5 Ajr Polki. s (NESIIAP) rl (919)707-5050 al Llal 10 .ls'6 9.br b tha defllol[{on ol any hcillty o. blrlblrE S€e Asb66lG \ Jeb She: htlp:fu,rw.opi.sraro.ra-6rcAu8rbc5ro6/dmp hrrd TOTAL PROJECT COST: 178 oOO TOTAL AREA SQ FT : :rsz v BUILDING HEIGHT: 27 # OF UNITS: r SO FT PER FLR: *s OF STORIES: I TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: rr szs rr { OF STRUCTURES;;- # oF FLooRS ACRES DISTURBED: "a EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? f YES T NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: aoie SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: ^a SO FI PROPERTY USE OFFICE RESTAURANT MERCANTILE EDU APT CONDO OTHET WATER: SEWER: SYSTEM CFPUA CFPUA T''I COMMUNIry SYSTEM T"I WELL T] ZONING U flcenrmseerc f]hilvArEsEprc B?oMMUNrry SE CLASSIFICATION PAYMENT METHOO T cAsH T cHEcK (PAYABLE To NHc} T-AMERICAN EXPRESS Ii MCA/ISA T DISCOVER ZONE: OFFICER AoDroval: Citv: DATE FLOOD BFE+2fi EPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT. MECI"I PLBG,GAS EOUIP, PREFAES E INSERTS Comment 6,1€,,")cZ N PERMIT FEE: (Cn.ck A.ll lhat Apply) ZIP | 2uo3 . ST: n" ZIP: 26a63 (FOR OFFICE USE ONL\') SETBACKS: F: LH- RH- B_- 20L-W. APPLICATION Number (office use) ZIP:28409 PK)NE *: 910 s r s- os89 sT: Jq_ zIP: 2840s sT: J!_ zIP: 2@ 910 599-0428 910 599-0428 DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT AOORESS: SUBDIVISIOiI: 97 Pel ican Point Road CITY: I.Jr IminoLon BLOCK #: LOT *: pROPERTY Ot"lNERrS NAl"lE: wayne PolsLon oUt'lER,S ADDRESS: 9? PeLican Poi.nt Road CONTRACTOR: Cape Fear Solar: systenE ADDRESS: 901 Martin street CfTY: !.lilminqron LICENSE *: 6s67 ? CITY:wilminoton EiIAIL ADDRESS: suppor L@cape fe a rsof arsyst ems . com PRoIECT CONTACT PERSoN: .lason ortiz ExrsrrNc coNsrRucrrorrr: ! alrenarron I rerovarror !cerenal neearns I RELocATToN r'rEr{ coNsTRUcTror: ! rnecr NEu RESTDENCE or f} noorrror To ExrsTrNG RESTDENCE TTPLEASE CHEC( Al'lO Al'lStlER BELol.l ALL THAT APPLY T0 YOUR PRoIECT: tr ! oecr SF OTHE R:SF PHONE *: PHONE #: ATT GARAGE - SF suNRooM _ sF GREENHOUSE SF ToTAL HEATED 5Q FT:_ ToTAL SQ FT UNDER R00F: _ ToTAL AREA SQ FT: _ TOTAL PROIECT COST rr-ess rorr : $* OF STORIES:25 ,925 .OO Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLU|iBIIIG or I.IGCHAIIICAL tJork Being Done to the Accessory Structure? [ V"t I no If the project is a Relocation, is there a Natunal Gas Line on the current Site? flves I uo Is there Electrical Powen on this Building?I ves I ro PROPERTY t]SE / OCCUPANCY:srNoLE FAr'rrLy ! u.rcr-ex ! ror.rnuouse EXISTING IMPERVIOTJS AREA:SQ FT l{Ehl IMPERVIoUS AREA: _ SQ FT and ordinances and regulalions- The NHC Developmenl Servaces Cenler willbe nolilied ol anychanges h t'e approved plans and specilicalions orchange in conLaclor o. DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Installdlion of sglar electric panels upellhe roof itruclure of Mr. wayne's home connacbr inlormalion. "'NOTE AnyWo.k Peftrmed W/O he Appropriale Permilswillbe in Violation olhe NC Slale Bld Code and S(]bjecl b Fines Up To $500.00"' Otr,lNER/CONTRACTOR: Jason ort i2 SIGNATURE: (print N.n€) '}*t*i***i****a*r*i***+*****l*****+,r**i*+*,i* * * ** *,**,r * *,** ** * *,r * )t,* * ,t * ,i,* **,r *,t * )r *,* * rt,t*,r *,r,* '* * * YEs E Ho TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: EXIST LAND OISTURBING PERMIT: N VES I_I UO IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? wlrrn ' f] crnul ! coM!{JNrry svsrru ! pRrvArE wELL f} cetrnal well sEwER: E crcul ! CENTRAL sEPTrc ! cRrvnre seerrc COMI4UNITY SYSTEM rT. SEPARAIE PERIII]S REQUIRED FOR ELECT, i4ECH, PLBG, GAs EQUIP, PREFAES & INSERTS Ti' payuEitT ritEfttoo: I cas, [c},.cx (payaBLE ro rxcl I ar,rrnrcaN ExPREss E rclrrso E orscoven *,r * * ** * * *,* * rt )* * * 'r,**,* *,* * *,**,r * )** * )**,r * * '* ** )**,* *,t )t* )** )* * ,t ,1* ,t *,t *,* **,t * ,* ,*,* ,*,1 * * *,*,** * * ,* * ,1 * ,1 * ,t ,* * ,I *,r *,t ZONE: OFF ICER: (roR oFFrcE usa o(LY) RavlsED DATa 64/11/12 SETBACKS: F: LH: RH: B: Approval:- City:- DATE:- FLOOD: - BFE+2ft= - AVN Comment: PERMIT FEE: NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLIiATI,I! IyPE: RESIDENTIAL PTEASE ANSI,JER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE I0 YoUR PRoIECT "Project Responsibility"ffi APPLICANT'S NAiIE: Jason orLiz DATE: 28Mar18 PHONE }: ! orr eannoe sr ! eoncH -sF ! eoor- - sr ! sronaee sHEo - sF * APHJOqNTSNqME PRO-ECTADDFB gJBDt\tsoN; o ERSADoFFqS _jl NB^' l-tANc^/ER COUNry zuItDING PEFM IT APf,tlCATlOt l TYTE FEIDENTIAL R6ASEAISVERAl-qJESNONSAFRIOAE.ETO\€I'RPFAECT'ftcl'ed tuspondbilit/ tr.f\o\C Apdicatioo t{u(*rer (ofii.e use) Date'IY Z LOT# p,,syly llo ?av t,b-/ y OIY. LJ,l/v\ z?.-Z-W.l I UCENS#:6\-r)Lf c (0t \. C oty: FFOFERIYOAT.IERSMME oS+\L b (J.c.. @N]RACTOR ADDFTS oJ OTY \},.--g. tutVp Z)!t PHON'IE 'ilr,q l5-1 ,(EMAILADDFM PRO.E T CONIIACI PEFSN:.l tt PI-IONE D(SnNG@NSIRIJCnON: D Aterdion tr Fbnoldion tr Generd Fhpairs NEA, @NSIR.rnON: tr &ed l\,lev, Ftsidence 0 Addition to Aiging Ftsidence tr Fuocdion ,.- REASECHEf,(ANDANSAJE1BEOA'ATI}{ATAFFI.YTO YOJR FM.Er-' {Nrc,ry<st 4\Y tr Det GaraSe ($)_t}'turd(Sr)?ay' ls the proposd work dlanging the number of bedroomd? n vo dZto lsany Eedrical, Humbing or Medranical work being done to the Accessory grudure D Yeso Yee rr{-o r/r',ro e? <r{l Og-AlMER Ihereby certify thd dlthe inforrndion inthisTdicaion is corred and dlv/orkwillcomplywith tlE S€te tuildirE Ode 8rd dlotlE plic*le gde ald tocd larvs tld o(dinanc6 and regulaiions lhe Nrc&dopnEn( Srvices Gnte, will be notifled of ary d\anges in ltE ep.o!,ed daE aE spedficalioos o. daEe in cordrdor infofmdion. '' ' llolE A,ry work perforrned wi 3^-dI: thul QglBproprid.e pemils h^^fl/"will be in viol8 ion of the tlc gate Edg Ode and srbjed to fin6 up to $500.0'' Sgnalure Total Acres Dgurbed . Y,l cEnsd ls the property located in B..e \\ *'Hff\,e a floodplain? O Yes ts/No Exi$ing lmpervious Area: _Q R l,lewlmperviousAro 258 qa &iding Land Udurbing furmit: tr Yes O No WATR s/CrAlA D ommunity g$ern tr Rivdev\Ell tr Gntrd \ Hl tr Aqua gruR g'lcFR-!{ tr Gmmunity qdern tr Rivate sptic tr Gntralsptic tr Aqua bne: _ Off Approval:_ Ccmment: ) icer: _ St backs (D - (tf| - (Rl-| - (B) -Oty: - Date:- Hood: (A) -(V) -(N)- BFEl.fft=- furmit Fee: $ffi?e aa zC9rS ->3L(tffil D $nroom ($) _ D Fcol (g)_ tr gorage Shed (SF) tr oeenhoue (s) o Deck (9 _ D other (sF)_ lsthe proposd work dlandngthe exlging footprint? fl yes g/llo ToTALsFTUNDERFDoF(forproposed*o*y .er"o' l31I unnqdJ, hbo- ToTALPRoETGT(bsst-or), $-IOl P O D Yes Property Usd AppLtcANT,s NAME; Stevens Fine Homes PROJECT ADDRESS: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APP LICATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PTEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABI.E TO YOUR PROJECTdProject Responsibilit/ CITY Wilminglon ->o/3-3Zq( Application (office use) Date:'l s1p. 28412 SUBDIVISION:Round Tree Ridge LOT #: pRopERTy OryNER,5 119p16; Stevens Building Company OWI{ER,S ADDRESS: 5710 Oleander Drive Suite 200 protr* 910-794€699 6py. Wilmington ztP. 28403 CONTRACTOR: Stevens Building Company glDG Ug6t{5g s. 31626 ADDRESS: 5710 Oleander Drive Suite 200 ctw. Wilmington ST: NC 71p;28403 EMAIL ADORESS: snlcholson@stevensf nehomes.com p11sxs. 910-794-8699 pROJECT CONTACT p6p561; Staci Nicholson p69xs.910-332-85'15 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration ! Renovation ! General Repairs NEW COI{STRUCION: d Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation ***PLEISE CHECK ANO AT{sWER BEI.OW AII THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT'' * J 'J14.M Attcarage (5F) 1r? E] Detcarage (sF)_ d porch (sF)t10 E Sunroom (SF) E Greenhouse (SF)n Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Yes ! No bbbTOTAT 5Q FT UNDERROOF lJor proposed work) Heated,:lcb'l Unheated: TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot)120,000 i f,flPR 1r I it 38P ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes d to ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E yes lf the proiect is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes d to ls there Electrical Power on this Building? tr yes d t{o d*o Property Use/ Occupancy: E Single Family D Dupler E Townhouse Desffiption of Work Construct new single family residence. laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Oevelopment Services Centerwillb€ notified ofany changes in the approved plans and specificataons or change in contractor information. *"NOTE: Any work performed withoutthe appropriate permits willbe in violation ofthe NC State subject to fines upto 5500.00.** Owner/Contractor: Michael Craig Stevens Signature: "Licensed Quolifie/' Print Nome lsthe propertylocated in a floodplain? d Yes tr tto Existing tmpervious 1r"", !oU6 sqp New lmpervious Ar .r, frbb ,on Total Acres Disturbed: 'l /3 Existing Land Disturbing Permit: tr ves /tto WAIER: d CFPUA E Community System E Private Well E Central well EI Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E Community System E Private Septic E Central Septic d Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ S€tbacks (Fl _ (rHl _ (RHl _ (Bl _ Agproval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: {Al _ Ul _ (N) _ 8FE+2JL= _ Comment: Permlt Fee: S ZT\ v^2 EtrhiqfMaT tr Pool (sF) _D Storage Shed (SF)_ d o*rer1srl 120 LotS -3b32 -&,. NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP UUTIO N TY PE : BESIDENTIAI PIIASE ANSWER ALL OUESIIONS APPIICABLETO YOUN PRO.'TCT "Proj"Gr Rc.ponrlblllt!/ Homes gny. Wilmington Appllcrthn , MaryAPPLICANTS NAME PROJECT AODRESST { suBDtvtstoN: CleaMaler Date ztP toT {: Clearwater Preserve LLC PHo'{E t. 910-452.7175PROPERTY OWNER'S NAMI: owNER,s ADDRE5S: 60 Gregory Rd cnY: Belville ztr 28451 -/raI cot{TRAcToR: Logan Homes 916611ggpgpg1 34408 69sXES5, 60 Gregory Rd 61n. Belville 91; NC 1p; 28451 EMAIL ADDRESS:ml€an@loganhomes.com p11q1,19; 91 0-452-71 75 PROJECT CONTACTPERSON . Mary Logan pHstiS;910.452-7175 EXlsnNG CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration El Reno\ration E GeneralRepalB NEw coNsTRucTtot{: E Er.ct New Besidenc€ O Additionto Erlnlng Resldence El Relocation .T'PUASE CHEO( AND ANSWES EELOW ArI THAT APPLY TO YOUR }EOJECI..' G att earore (sr) Lt13 E sunroom (sFl - D Greenhoure (sF)- ( Porch (sr)lSa lsthe proposed work chantint the existiht footprint? E Yrl D No ToTAL sQ FI ua{DER Root $ot ptopos.d wot*l x."t.a, !T | 3 untcatcar (o 41 E D€t Gara8e (sF)- D PoollsF) D oed (sF) O storate Shed (sF) _ tr Other (sF) rorAl PiorEcT crrsr ltrss Lotl s jlJStlD2_ ls the proposcd work changlng thc numbcr of bedrooms? E vcs I xo ls any ElGctrk l, PlumblE or MGdr.nlcal work b€ing done to the A;es$ry Structure. E vo fr no f the proiect ls a i.locadon, l! thcre 8 NaturalGas llne on thc curcntrhe? El Yes fi No Ir there Electrlcal Power on thlr Building? tr vcs {. fo Property Ure/ oqiupaDGy: El slnfh Famlly tr Duplcr tr Tounhoutc Des.ription o, work:SFR - n€w conslruction inlorhetion. 'r'NO[: An] vro* perlonDed wi rout rh€ rppropd.t! plmltr rvlll b! h vtoLtbn of dl€ NC s!rt. lldSCod!tubjc.t to lin€t up to SSm.@"' l.ws.nd ordhances.nd r.tulatimr. Th. NXC D€lclopm.nt 5!Me5 centGr wfllbc notl6.d of rny ch.nf.s ln thc tDDrovld phnr rnd spEifiotio.lJ or.hrhte in co rrrtor Owner/Contracto "Licented Qudlifie/ r: O Logan SEn.tsre: ls the prop€rty located in a floodplsin? EI Yca fl no Exlstint lmpervious A.e"; !-- sq rt New lmpcrvious Arca' 31 t 3 sq r't WAftR: E, CFPUA E community System D Priydte W€ll D Centralwell [] Aqqa SEWER: El CFPUA E) Communfty System D Privat€ Septic E Centralseptic trl Aqua zone: _ _ olllcer: _ sctback (t) _ {tlt} _ IRH) _ (B) -Approval: _- ctty: - Date: - f lood: (A) -- (v) - (N) - 8f Erzft= - Total Acres Dlsturbedi .r3 Exlstln! Land Dlrturblnt Permhr D Yes E No _ Permh Fee: $Comment I ')1-* *. ...:.,i' ,i'',..,,.. i#B", NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLTCATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAI PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibilig/' 2e(3 -3535 Application Number (office use) APPLICANT'S NAME: Bell Custom Homes. LLC Datet 02127118 PROJECT ADDRESS: 5045 Dockside Drive CITY: Wilminqton ZlPt 2B4Og SUBDIVISION: Helms Port PROPERTY OWNER'5 NAME:(nnfl X. I qr rrie Hannr rrn OWNER'S ADDRESS: 3600 Owencrott Court PHONE f: 910-297 -87 44 CITY: Wilminoton ZIP: 28409 CONTRACTOR: Bell Custom Homes. LLC BIDG IICENSE S:76096 ADDRESS: PO Box 55 CITY: Rn.ky Poinl ST: _N[]ZIP 2A457 EMAILADORESS: Elizabeth@BellCustomHomes.com PHONE: 910-859-8062 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Douo Thoro PHONE:410-610-s794 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration E Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: ,E Erect New Residence fl Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation *{.,}PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW AI.L THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT*** M/ Att Garage (sF)2701 E Det Garage (SF)_ E Sunroom (5F)n Pool (sF) M/ Deck (sF)E Greenhouse (5F)_418+320=738 ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes n No TOTAT Sq FT UNDERROOE ffor proposed work'l Heated:4970 TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 968,'127.00 lsthe proposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes tr No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure n Yes fl No lf theprojectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No lsthere Electrical Power on th is Building? tr Yes n No Property Use/ Occupancy: @ Single Family ! Duplex ! Townhouse ie>ci'pi'oii oi *oir. laws and ordinances and reSulation5. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified ofany changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. ..*NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State BldS Code and subJect to fines up to 5500.00*** Owner/Contractor: E izabeth Guion signature: z)olrd A,r-o "Licensed Quolifier" Print Name ls the property located in a floodplain? ! Yes g No Existing lmpervious Area: 16 220 Sq Ft New lmpervious Area: 5.583 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: I Yes g No Well n central Well E Aqua Septic n Central Septic ! Aqua rH) - (RH) - (B) -: (A) - (vl - (N) - BFE+2ft= - v- TotalAcres Disturbed: WATER: @ CFPUA tr Community System E Private SEWER: 7 CFPUA tr Community System n Private Zone: - Officer: - Setbacks (Fl - ( Approval: - City: - Date: - Flood Comment:Permit Fee: S \DZZ= LOT fl: 23 I Porch (SF) ans n Storage Shed (sF)_ n Other (SF)_ Unh€ated: 4122 NEId HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPL-I(aTIoN rypE: RESIDENTIAL PTEASE AN5DEN AIL Q{'EsIIONS .CPPLICqBLE TO }1]UR PRO]ECT ..proj ect Res ponsibi-tltjp zerB -33t3 APPLTCAT]ON Nunbe n (oFrtc. Use) APPLIC-ANT'5 IIAI'IE: DEVELOPER: Y PHONE * PRO]ECT ADDRESS SUBDT\[SION: PROPERTY O NFRJS NAI'IE| o{^INER ' S ADDRESS:CITY CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: EI'UTL ADDRESS: rlnPRO]ECT CONTACT PERsON:Bon ft(Y CLn BLOCT( ri: PHONE #: LrcEisE l,: 1*3'7 I ACCouNr $: crryr bl Ond CtTYr STORAGE SHED Z.IP: LOT +:9 sr: A..lC zrP:j8413 ztP:3t*51 pHoNE #: q|0.3?'.qGtq PH0NE *: Ql0'.a131 5F n EXISTIM CONSTRUCION:A LTEFATION R ENOVA]TON GENER,i.L REPA]RS RELOCATION NEW colsTnrJcrroN -. Wiwcr NEll REsTDENCE o" ! eoorrrott ro Egsrrruc RESTDENCE .SPLTA5E CHEC( AND A}'JS ER BELOII ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: ATT GARAGE +8 ff oer crnnor sr [fnoRcH lQ1 s, GREENHO]SE ,SF POOL DECK SF 5F PROPERry USE / oCCUPAl,iCyl SlNG FAI4I LY DUPTE(f] rowmouse DESCRfPTTON 0F iJOR(: ol{NER/C0NTRACTOR : *+ * *+ * + + * ++** * ++***** ***** *(i*l Ji"*']+*+***++***++++i++*++*+**++it**r*:r:r*:r+**+*++*++*++++** I5 THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPUIIN? EXISTTNG TMPERWoUS AREA: _sQ FT NEtl DIPERYToUS AREA: -5Q FT TOTAL ACRES DI5TURBED: UIST LAND DISTURBTTIG PER,fiTT:YE5 Eruo SF OTHER: TOTAL HEATED 'ql"ffiffi TOIAL SQ FT UNDER RoOF:rorAL AREA sq rr, []l-f ToTAL PRolEcT coST (Lsssloo r $# oF sroRfEsr 1.5 Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUIIBING or ,4ECHANICTI Wol.k Being Dohe to the Accessory Structure? [ Ve. f] rc If the pnoject is a Reldcationr is thene a Naturaf 6as Line on the curnent site? flVes Ilto Is there Electrical Pqwer on this Buitding? []'l Yes No 13HPR 1g :: DISC{-AIVEFL lh€rEby c.ri, harB hFrmadon ln ti6 aPP[.aliot b ctmclsnd allvD*t\illconply wlh tls S]rb tulldhg Cod6 and allott€rapptEbla SEb .')d b€l lar E and odhan.ss ed |BgulEdoDs. ThE Nl.lC Ds!€lopmat I S€ rvlcbs CsnEr \^,illb€ noifsd bfanyciEnge6 h h6 app,Dysd dan6 a,1d 6p€c{ .a8on6 or dtanoB h oonrscbror conlictr hfrrmalion, '-NOTa AnyWolt Ps6m€d lv/o ts Approprlaa Pssnlhwnlb€ ln Vrolauon of$e NC Sbb Elds Cod6 and srbl€.t k Floo6 Lh To $5oo,Or" ST6NATURE:rflAcr--_( YES $0 IATER: ErCFPUA ! co,t,tut'uw svsrru PRIVATE WELL crmRnl urr-r- sEhrER: EftFpuA E crtnml sEPEc f] pRrvATE sEpTrc I coo,lururw sYsra,r 3t! sEPT.?NTE, PEEATTS REqJITIED FOR ELECT,,HECH, PL85J 645 EQUIP' PREFNsS & IIJ5ERT5 *f* PAYHEIIT T,IETHOD:E casH Ecnrcx (IAvABLE ro nxc; f]oru rccorw I ncTvrrl florscovrn*** **** *'**r**************** ********** *+:r+*** t** ZONE: _ OFFICER: (roR ofFrct usE oli SEfBACrc: F Approvaf:_ City,:_ DATEi_ FL00D: N PERflIT FEE: $ €\^r0+er coffne nt :i59 3: ,orr, Ll'l!'lg \41 A f]sur'rnoo't _sF tr n i-I fiFig ,/p ?a$- jga6 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP LICATIO N fYPEi RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUTSTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility'' N N APPLICANT'5 NAME: ct//.z./v//k ,.?.74 e/ArrrrqrrrDr /:zz a z/ cnv /t, /L- D ate / -,/6 '/f zP zf ?/2PROJECT ADDRESS SUBDIVISION: 6 o5 /?z- 7-z) LOT #./67Oh PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME: OWNER,S ADDRESS o Z.* r;3 ''pHoNEr ?lo 33/-333 / ry: Lured(ct -_tI /rar,rr,^ 4n, ./ 6rzzv,ta,rttf BtDG LICENSE 1]7f"/qCONTRACTOR ADORESS I -To *r Zan ctrY: /u r c 5T /.<z+p z#oC pRo,EcrcoNrAcrp, ro* -Ta n, kr- bol'-i?d- EMAII, ADDRESS: ll Sunroom (St) u_, et q1ac e6 o)( .a:Ot-.PHONE PHONF ,/a .5-r.o - {3i< 7ta fd-o-f3_7L EXISTING CONSTRUCTION:D Alteration fl Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTIO[I:V[ rect New Residence D Addition to ExistinS Residence E Relocation7'\***PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW AI"I. THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT*A* @,{tcaragelsrl 62y'E Det Garage (SF)_Y Porch (sF)+N l: Storage Shed (SF)_ Ll Greenhouse (SF) - D Deck (SF ) ls the proposed work chan8ing the existing footprint? ! ves$ ruo TOTAL Sq FT UNDER ROOE lt'or proposed work) Heated 30 / { unheated: 7A O TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot) S Zoa., c>o o ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? I ves flNo ls any Electrical, Plumbingor Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure ! Yes$ No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? ! Yes D<No lsthere Electrical Poweronthis Building? ! Yes'Itr No Property Use/ Occupancy:Fsingle Familv ! Duplex ! Townhouse l6ffPR 1B t 21 zBPlt Description of Work: fOdU,f/2..+e- laws and ordinances and reBulalions. Thp NBC Developmenl Se.vicet Center will be notified of any chan8es in the approved plans and spec licaiions or chanBe in .ont.a.tor inlormarion. "'NOTI:Any work pe.[ormed wilhout lhe appropriate permits willbe Inviolation ofthe Na to Bldg Code and subject ro fines up to S500.00"' Owner/Contractor:Wa h-t tttr / oo4-5ignature "Licensed Quoliliel" Pint Name ts the property located in a floodplain? tr yes M ruo Existing lmpervious Ar"", O sq r,Total Acres Disturbe a, , Zy' New lmpervious Areal s3 zc 5q Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: X Yes : No waTER: n Cf lUa$ Cornrrnity System E Private Well n Central well ! Aqua SEWER: YCTPUA D Community system [f PrivateSeptic E central septic E Aqr]a zone: - Officer: - setbacks (F) - (LH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: __ city: - oate: - Flood: (A)- (v)- (N) - BFE+2ft= - Comment:Permit tee: 5 DD #0, 6B D Pool (sF)_ I Other (SF) _ ';':;1ii;"' i,mi ' :: t:]:t-- Lots - 38r't L8-LL42NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANsWER ALt QUEsTION5 APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility" Applic.tion Numb€r (office usel AppltcANT,s NAME: Sanco Builders Corp e61g 03/ 15/2018 pRotECT ADDRESS: 229 Peiffer Avenue C|Ty. Walmington, NC 71p 28409 SUBDIVISION: NA toT * pRopERTy OWNER,51111y16, Sanco Builders CorP OWNER,S ADDRESS. PO Box 3167 pssNs s, 9'10-791-'1196 Ext. 3 C|Ty. Wilmington, NC aP. 28406 coNTRASToR: Sanco Builders Corp s196 usgxss 6 34520 ADDRESS: PO Box 3167 CtTy. Wilmington sr. NC ztP. 28406 EMAL ADDR€SS: info@sancohomes.com pHONE, 910-791-1196 Ext. 3 pRoJEcT coNTAcT pgp561,1. Candice Alexander ps9xg.910-523-1424 D sunroom (5F)tr Pool (SF)E Storage Shed (5F)_ D cre€nhouse (5F)n Deck (SF)= other (sF)Patiof 100 ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E yes E No TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROO! Aor proposed workl g."1.6. 1320 gnhgsls6;240 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot):146,000.00 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberofbedrooms? E Yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure i lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E N lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No Property Use/ occupancy: E single family E Duplex E Townhouse e{e Eng?rreerroRffi Revhev$ - Description of Work:Building si 16 Family Home WATER: EI CFPUA O Communitysystem El SEwtR: E CFPUA E Community System E zon", ?'15 officer: -Q[a setbacks (F] 0p anJ rAQ, Private Well E Central Well D Aqua Private Septic E central Septic E Aqua,/,flo'[xl lo' taxl lo/ G1 26', lnsprclion Requueo, 91 0-254'09$i 5.00 laws and ordinances and rcgulations. The NHC DeveloF,m ent Services Center willbe notifi€d of eny changes in t approved plan5 and specifications or ge ln contrartor information. '*tNOTE: Any work perform€d without the appropriate perrnitr will be in violation of the NC ldt Eod€ end subject to 0or*. Owner/Contractor: fVA THAN S. SANllFtr-f Signature: "Licensed Qudliliel P nt None ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes 8l no Existing lmpervious Areai ___1" Sq Ft TotalAcresoisturbe O. l 9 New lmpe rvious Area: ft Lo Sq ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes EI No Approval: Comment: CXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteratlon D Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCIION: = Erect New Residence fl Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation T..PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW A1I. THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECIT'' = Att carage (sF) 240 E oet Garage (sF)- E Porch (sF) 36 BFE+2ft= l.-o ha?nf Fa ln e,r l,^-IL 2< t',Aq<c x Pr reort4glaY Clear Form APPtICAN?S NAMEr lvev Custom Builders. LLC Print eMail NEW HANOVER COUNW BU]LDING PERMIT AP PU CAIIO N TYPE : RESIDENTIAI PLEASE ANSWER ALLQUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proied Responslbiliv' 7o tB' 38o{ (of{ice us€) Date:4112118 PROJECI ADDRESS: 502 S. 18th Street CITY; Wilmington ltP: 28403 SUBDIVISION: Westbrook Gardens PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: lvev Custom Builders. LLC OWNER'S ADDRESS: 3261 Camden Circle PHoNE #: 91G.6'17-5234 CITYr Wilminoton ZIP: 28403 CONTRACTOR: lvev Custom Builders. LLC BLDG tICENSE flaf2an ADDRESS: 3261 Camden Circle CITY: Wilminqton ST: NC ZIP:28403 EMAIt ADDRESS; ivevdarren6omail.com PHONE: 910-617-5234 PROr€CT CONTACI PERSON: Darren lvev PHONE 910,-617-5234 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION:Alteration D Renovation E General Repairs Erect New Residence O Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation r,*Pt EASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW AU. THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROTTECT+I1 0 Att GardgE (SF, _rt*on 117 ! Sunroom (SF)_ E Gre€$ho\r:€ (S,5) _tr Oeck (S,t) ls the proposed work changing the existin8 footprint? D Yes E No TOTAI SQ FT UNDER ROOF [Jor proposed work)Heated: I456 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): 5 140.000 ls the proposed work changingthe number of bedrooms? E Yes fl ttlo lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureDYesINo eP It SFR tg ?:28Plt lf theprojedisa Relocatlon, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? D Yes n No ls there Eledrical Powet on th2Buildin1? E Yes ! o Property Us€/ Ocflpancy: ff Singh Famlly D Duplex D Townhouse laws and ordlnances and regulations. The NHC Development Servlces C€nter will b€ notifi€d otenychenSes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor inform.tion. "'NOTE:Any worl perfomed without lhe appropriate permhs will be in vlolatlon ofthe NC State BldS Code and subject lo fines up to 550O.m"' I ..-.^. construc{ new sinole familv dwellinq " '-t ' { ( Owner/Contrador: Darran lvey SiSnatur€ "Licensed Quoliliel Pint Nome lsthe property lorated in 3 ftsodptain? C Y€s Existing lmperviousAr"", O sq rt N Total Acres oisturbe at O . / O New lmpervious Area:I go o Sg Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: ! Yes No WATER:PUA D Community System D Private Well D Central Well n Aqua SEWER:CFPUA D System D Private Septic n Centralseptic D Aqua setbacks (F) ZO( (r"x) 9' (nx) r{ ' $ ZO'.zonet&E- ofitce. Approval: - city:!-!-t1 oate:{-lZ-lt Fbod: (A} - (v} - (N} Permit Fee: S tsF8\'nitYr8/-Q 'toV. o l-^Comment: 1 ofr "6 *wtfiJr gr. BFE+2ft= ?,,P % #f,r#./? ,\ (ffi1 LOT S: 6 NEW CONSTRUCTION: O Oet GaragE (sFi - ! Pool(SF)_! Storage Shed {SF)_ tr Othe{ (Sri _ U €ated: L7 citu hr! ,Ii IIii Ra lfla 'rf te lr fer NI t: 0,9!a!g ooa .<,.i1:.,...t. '. ,iI,ffi.,,,,NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIO N |YPE; RESIDENTIAt PTEASE ANSWER ALT QUESTIONS APPI"ICABL€ TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibility" ta - 31qg 18-1141 Application Number loffice use) e3qs 03/15/2018 2o Appt"tcANT,s NAME, Sanco Builders Corp pRoJEcT ADDREss: 225 Peiffer Avenue 611y, Wilmington, NC SUBDIVISION: NA LOT #: pROpERTy OWNER,5 ilatvtg. Sanco Builders Corp OWNER,S ADDR6SS. PO Box 3167 pspxs s. 9'10-791-1'196 Ext. 3 71p. 284OG coNTRAcToR: Sanco Builders Corp s196 U66x5p 6. 34520 ADDRESS: PO Box 3167 6;1y Wilmington sT. NC ztP.28406 CMAtt ADDRESS: inlo@sancohomes.com PHONE. 910-791-1196 Ext. 3 pRoJEcT coNTAST ppx5611. Candice Alexander px6xs.910-523-'1424 TOTAL SQ FT UNDERROOF Vor proposed workl 11""1"6. 1320 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): s 146,000.00 lsthe proposedworkchangin8thenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E No 15anyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYetENo Descripti On of Work: Building single Family Home lf the proiect is a R€location, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? tr Yes E No fl ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No f, Prop€rty Use/ occupancyr E Single Family E DuplexE Townhouse ity Engi ROW R neerln Ievrew g d laws and ordinances and r.8ulations. Thc NHc oevelopm.nt Se.vices center wlllbe notifi€d ofany chanSes in the approved plans and specifi ln contractor information. "'NOTE: Any work performed without thc app.opriate permit5 will be an vaolation of lhe NC dE and 5ubject to to 5500 owner/contractor: NAT H A N .9, tAVD AAf Sitnature: "Licensed Quoliliel Ptiht Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? El Yes E No Eristlng lmpervious Area: a Sq Ft New lmpervious Area: _Q_fp- Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: o.lf ExistinS Land Disturbing Permit: D Yes E No F CFPUA E Community System E CFPUA D Community System Zone:-16 officer: E Private Well D Central Well D Aqua E Private Septic D CentralSeptic E Aqua WATER: SEWER: A a(- city, OfG setuacks {r1 3ol 1rx} lo' (nx} t o' (s} 26l ILIA o"t,tllnh|Ftood:(Al-lv)-(N) X BFE+2ft= ut- 2- tS <^cL reb*.-,c.r.rlPerm it Fee: Sc a6'Aer3nl t/r *Lt i;i:' lnsottion Reoutreo. 9l 0-2sd.Nrrl .u) 2tP.28409 6;1y. Wilmington, NC EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration fl Renovation U General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: = Erect NewResidence D Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation r*'PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AIT THAT APPI-Y TO YOUR PROJECT'" E Att Garage (SF) 240 n Det Garage (SF) - El Porch (sF) 36 E Sunroom (SF)_ tr Pool (SF)_ E Storage Shed (SF)_ E Greenhouse (sF) n Deck (sF)- E other (sF) Patio, 100 ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? U Yes E No gnh93196;240 I I ffi \t- 1 '. 1&-J.04 AFEficAr-foN Number (Office Us€ ) APPLICANT'5 lrlAlilE:,", :r,i..iin,i,, e DATE:3/'',t/t8 DEVELOPER: ..,. PRO] E CT - PHONE *: ? _ )-a4._ t-j,. l: 5210 Soulh Colleqe P.oad ZIP:. r,, -, OCCUPANT/BUSINESS Ar,lE : MeDor,d.Ld' s PROPERTY OIINER'S NAIIE: Leased ro McDor.;t,:1,s conracr c:eg aid 111i Cambridg e Squares surle C -CITY: n1 PHONE f: 4t4- j..-:9 1 ,,t 5T: ::^ ZIP: , - :. s hare!Ea CoNTRACTOR: rED (i i...ec: ADDRESS: E''IAI L ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PE EXIST COT.ISTRUCTION:ALTERATION ICENSE S:ICITY: Af,rlL(,"\D_r:AL zrP:W)B '1to-218:-t:ll)*tu3br:fr,?L PIONE T PHONE # ((hec( All Ihat Apply) E RENovArro Current Site? T 6ENERAL REPAIRS T-I [- No rs BLDG sph/N REIOCATION KLERED4- yeslf _ UPFIT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE lfRelocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Yes No t'rEr,r coNsTRucTIoN:ERECT NEt/ STRUCTURE FAST TRAC(SHELL ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit f: .***T IS THIS A CIIAflGE IF Yes, yhat uas the Previous Occupancy Type? TvoelANtH DESIGN PROFESSIOTTAL: Is Elect Power on this Building |i yes f NO oF occuPANcY usE?r YEs Ii' fto '..** - What is the Nel{ O<cupancy NC REG #:-Payton W. Craddock PH 919-?03-4i63 NC REG s 43111) Remodel Existing Lobby and Restroom for Updated Finishes and Decor ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL DESCRIPTION OF |.,/ORK: ls food or beverages prepared or served in this slructure?Ji Yes[-- No ls The Property Located tn The Ftoodptainf_ ve{-NoDISCLAIMER: I hsreby cortrly thal a I rnlormation in this spplicallon s correcl and all work will comply with the stete Buitd,ng cocte and a[ other apptrcabt€ slateand.local laws and ordrnances and reguiatons. The NHC Oeveroomeni Servrc€s Cenrer w, be nott,iO^ot any cnanges ,n rti" "ppi"*,t pr".. "." "uecrtrcdt o,rs 3:BIEJI!: il":'l'fJ+T tlfftfilor rntom)ar'on " NorE Anv wo,r Pedo-eo wrolne appropfarp pc.m,ls wr rib l. vior;r,5f;;rl;; l.ic 5;i;dEiiCi;;ij OWNER/CONTRACTOR: (o!alm€r) Nole oemolrlron nolifications E asbeslos NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: r.r ze SIGNATURE: alplicalion lorm (DHconlain Asbestos or not You are required lo calllhe National Ehirslon Srandards lor Hazardous Ai, polrnanG (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 at least t0 days prior to ihe removal p€rmil appljcations sro to be submined usiog th€ demolilion o, any facility or building See Asbenos Web Sjle: hup //ww{ e p, slare nc us/eprasb€stos/ahmp TOTAL PROJECT COST: s:oc,r,ir0.t. BU|LD|NG HETGHT: Iro ci:ar:qe TOT roTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF g .'han,;s f OF STRUCTURES: r ACRES DISTURBED r. ,r ALAREASOFT.l,r .larse l{1i SQ FTpER FLR: tio (h.ijrqe # OF UNITSi . # OF STORTES: 1 EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? .r YES JiJ NO SO FT EXISTING IMPERVTOUS AREA: rii A B BFE+2tt, HS-3768)rths tacrl[y or buitding was tound to SQ FT CONDO OTHEf WATER SEWER SYSTEM CFPUA CFPUA COMMUNITY SYSTEM ffi WELL VATE SEPTIC ZONING USE CLASS]FICATIONCENTRAL SEPTIC i :F,:,,r ri ir ._L ri I OMMUN Y PAYMENT METHOD T CASH T CHECK (PAYABLE TO NHC) T. AMERICAN EXPRESS T- MC^/ISA T DISCOVER ZONE:_ OFFICER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:RHApproval:_ Ciry:_ DATE_ FLOOD Comment LH N PERMIT FEE: : 1r NEtd HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLIcAtIott IYPE: COII}IERCIAL PLEAS€ AI{S!]ER ATL QUESTIONS APPLICASLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" OWNER'S ADDRESS: PH: # OF FLOORS pRopERry usE: EoFFlcE I nesraunanr f] vencar.rrrr_e J--l EDUCI-I AprD i, /-\i a A\g-3lrcL8=fO4 AFFff.arro-CATION Number (office use) oz E NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATI0N TYPE: COi'IIIERCIAL PLEASE ANSI,JER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANT'S l,lA!'lE: ggn Ba zemore - DATE: 3 /'7 / t8 DEVELOPER: N/A _ PHOflE *:919-341-198? PROJECT Wi fmi ngton ZIP 2 28472 OCCUPANT/BUSII{E55 AfiE : McDonald, s PROPERTY Ot{t{ER'S NAIIE: 1sa5g4 ro McDonaId's - Contact Greg chapman - PHONE #: 4a4 3a9 4754 O{NER'S ADDRESS: 1111 cambridge s CITY: n1o1,.."11.5T: cA ZIP:3ooo9 : 5210 South ColLeqe Road qua!es, Suite C CONTRACTOR: TBD (prolect Belng Bid) ADDRESS: LICENSE #: crw:. sT:ZIP I ETIAIL ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTAC PE PHONE #: PHONE #: (check A1r Ihat appry) EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION T-'l RENOVATTON T-'l GENERAL REPAIRS Ebdrrenr site? ;- *J;- r'r" ts BLDG sp-RlN RELOCATION KLEREDtr_Yeslflf Relocation. is there a Natural Gas Line on lhe No ItIEW CONSTRUCTI0N:ERECT NEhI STRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHELLtr ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: UPFIT tr ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE If UPFIT - The Shell Penmi.t #: TvDelANtHDESIGN PROFESSIOI{AL: ***** rs rHrs A CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY UsE?r yES li'.IF Yes, yhat was the Prevlous Occupancy Type? _ What is the Is E1ect Power on this Building li Yes rN0 Neu Occupancy . PH:NC REG #: NC REG #:43770ENGR DESIGN PROF ESSIOI,IAL:-p6y1qn w. Craddock - PH:919-763-4163 DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Remodef Existing Lobby and Restroom for Updated Finishes and Decor ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure?li, Yesf-- No ls The Property Located ln The Floodptainf_ yeEi_ NoDISCLAIMER: I hereby certify that all intormalion in lhis application is conect and all work will comply with the State Building Code and all other applicable Stateand local taws and ordinances and reoulalions. The NHC Development seNices Center will be notified of anv chanoes in thi aooroved otans and snecffi.-tionsor chanoe in conlrador or contraclor informalion "'NOTE: Any Work Pedormed w/O the Appropriare Permils wi bie in Viotati6n ol the NC State Bldg Coae ,ndSubjectlo Frnes Up To $500.00"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR: SIGNATURE: (Ou6lifi€4 (Pn Nare) contain Asbeslos or not. You are required tocalllhe National Emission Standardsfor Hazardous Air Pollulants (NESHAP)at (919)707-5950 al least 10 days prior lo th€demolilion olany facility or building. See Asbeslos Web Sire: http://www.epi.staie.nc.us/epi/asbestos/ahmp.hrmt TOTAL PROJECT COST: S20o,00o.oo BUILD|NG HEIGHT: No chanse #OFUN|TS: 1 TOTAL AREA SQ FT : No chanse f{{\SQ FT PER FLR: .No chanse # OF STORIES: 1TOTAL SA FT UNDER ROOF: No chanse # OF STRUCTURES: r # OF FLOO RS: 1 ACRES DISTURBED: N/A NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: L17n SQ FT PROPERry USE: fIOFF|CE RESTAURANT MERCANTILE ED APT CONDO OTHEI EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? T YES J- NO SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVTOUS AREA: N/A WATER: SEWER: SYSTEM CFPUA CFPUA T''I COMMUNITY SYSTEM - WELL E CENTRAL sEPflc fl pRlvArE SEPIC T-1 ZONING US'Cotltvturutrv E CLASSIFICATION '" SEPARATE PERI\.4lTS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, t!4ECH. PLBG, GAS EOUtp. pREFAaS & INSERTS PAYMENT METHOD f cAsH l-. cnecr leavnBlE ro NHc) f_AMERIcAN EXeRESS f_ McA/tsA l-_ orscoven ZONE: OFFICER (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:RH BApproval:_ City: DATE_FLOOD:BFE+2ft, Comment €,'c I €*r:.o LH No ,rtth I N . PERMIT FEE: :5r\.00