APRIL 23 2018 BUILD APPS04242018094040;'t,tb - ))cr7 $.r c1 PERMITNEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING APPLICA|ION IYPEI COI'II'IERC IAL i'ril AFFfffATro-N Nuober (offt.o u.o) PLE45E !.IsI,IER AII QUESIIONS APPLICASL€ TO YOUI PROJECI "ProJect Responslblllty" APPLICANT'S N,}lE I j-t+DMAc_ /- t <FN - pNa DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADDREss: 3'?D9 oLEA'uDee DR ExIST CoNSTnUCTIoN; E ALIERAI IoN ll Relocation. ls lhere a NaluralGBs Line on the ur.9nt Sito?r.f:s clIYi NrLMtN6'rDN ZIP | ?gg 01 " OATE q /z/t& 0CCUPANT/BUSItIESS N/'.ilE; pNa EANX PRoPERIY ol,iNER's NAHE r E,N4 REAlJy ,SERVI C€S ol{NER'5 ADORESS : \3q Ar_**.t*O n tr.CITY:RAL-EI6H CoNTRACToR: Tg,pCallahan ConstructioD & Devclopmer)-t LICENSE fr I3900 ADDRESS: 4999 l4r"stern Blvd, Suitc 100 . CITY: pul.i*1., EloIL ADDRESST mikeallen@callahancd.com PRolECT CoNTACT TERSON: 7-H;MA q .,r-qEN (Ct?(k II rh.t &ply) . PHONE f; exorr r: qlq.u 9l,SZj 5T;gg zIP:3799 . 5T: NC ZIP: 27606 FROFE tr 919-7aa 9652 PHotlE f :jl3aff,&.ua NoN€l.l CoNSTRUCTIoN:€RECT N EI{ STRUCIURE TA5T TRACK SIIE L L ACC€5SORY STRUCTURE: E-nro IS BLOG S#,KLEREo'fiBYesf_ 6ENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCAT]ON UPFII ADO TO €XIsT STRUCIUNE RENOVATION Is Elect Pouer on thls Bulldlng fr Yes f. N0 ..... t5 rHIS A CRA}iGE OF OCCUPAXCY UsE?J-: VES X.*0 ..... IF Yes, rhat tras the Prevloui occuPan(y Typ€? - l.lhat 1s thr lew o((upon(y IX8fi roesrc* PnoFEssIoN L L, MAR( LOUORJIILY. AIA Pttt jt2,Sqt.Todo Nc REG to77 G EN6R oEsr6x PRoFEssroNAL. - PH:NC RE6 DESCRIPTI0II 0F lioRK: Lt GrdT- AL-I-Er.AT.],N S ts ,ooc or b0v€ra0es prepared or served in rhis skuclure?f: Yesfl tto ts tne eroperl/ Loc8led ln Tho FlooOptainf- Ve{f tl liscLarMES: I hereby c€,tty lrhrt.! lnlo,msllon ln lhlr sgglicallon ls corroct 6nd sllwork willcomply ltllh lho Sl,sl€ B and lorsllows and ordhanc6! 6nd rcoul6lro.rr. Th6 NHC 0ovoloomont SaMco! Conlq vr bo nolified olBny chonoo o, cniac6 il mnu.clor g! gq!t!sctor lirlomaLhn "'NOTE: Any Work Pcdofinad \{/O lho Apptoprl.l. P€mih v',ll 5o slbtocrio f ,nse r.lo ro 3s00.00'.' (aOf/.lf) !rlding o End ollolhor opp{ic6bh Shrorln{ovod oleos rnd 3o€clftEtion! ol thoNC Sra16 Bld{ Codo sM OWNEF/CONTRACTOR: .q. tlARl' LOLtWnlil!; en SIGNATURE d OF STRUCTUBES: (Ooraid) tPn?{ N!{) co.Eh A!b.!los or nol. Yo{ sr. roqulr.{ lo crt lne N.Uon.l Ernltslon SL.nd.rd,,o. Hazlrdout Nt Polulrnl! (llEStAP).r {919)707.5950.r lellrr 10 dar! pft, lo $6 d66oti!o. ol.ny r.dliry o. Uulldl.g. Soo &ba!uri W.b Sir.: hrlrr ,edr,.pl.llrlo.na,urapus3batlogBh,np,h'fi| s90.000-OIAL PFOJECT COSI: fEE'BUILDING HEIGHI: N/A SO FT PER FLR: . 3q 8!f t/ oF UNITS: N1A NEY/ II,lPERVIOUS AREA ACRES DISTURBED: N/A SO FI Y,/ATE R SEWER SYSTEM tx CFPUA CFPUA COT,,IN,lUNITY SYST CENTRAL SEPTIC T1u/ELL TI ZONTNG USE CTASSTFICAT|ONlnlvntE seprrc S.icotrrruururrv EN,I " SEPAnATT PEnr,!trs fiF:QUtRED FOn EL€Cr. UECr I. PL6C. G S ECUTP, PAEFASS,r ]lrSr'r{rS PA /l,4ENT |,1ETliOD f- cnsx f-, cnecK (nAvABLE To NHc) f. AMERTcAN ExpREss T |"rcl/tsA f-_ orscoveR (FOR OFFTCE USE ON ZONE; Approv SETBACKS: F at: 0L Ciry DATE F LOOD / b oFFrcER; ?tu ',i,&-,* V/ on .da BFd+21t. Commonl cii,'lN:D:clion ReQLtlte.l er0 254"09l}) N PERMIT FEE:I r.H€&3 If UPFIT - The shell Permlt f: TOTAL AREA SO FT 3,LIKS' rorAl so FT UNDEaaoor@ ! OF STORIES: r fl OF FLOORS: I ExsT LAND orsruRanrc eenr,rrrr J{ vEs f No SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: N/A pRopERry usE: EoFFrcE I nesreunerur I uencAlrrrLel-J roucTlAprfL coNDo orHEr NEt,., HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING APPLIcArIotl rYPr; COIlllERC IAL PLE^SI A'ISIIER ALL q.]'5IIOI{5 A'PLICAOLE TO YOUI PRO,.CI 'rProJect Rosponslbl.tlty', 1otb-3)ci7 x8-+0+3 ^EFfffffiIdtrNuflber (offl(o uro) q lz/r{ ztP tgjgj 1t\.7Yt,5773 Nc zrP rJlhrz . 5I I NC ZIP | 27606 otlE it sS-744 9652 PERII1IT APPLICANI,S NA}IE: DEVE TOPEN I DATE I PRO]ECT ADORgss't .ar;i /), FA'JtlFE f)Q . cIrYaT.JnMiN6;il oCCUPANT/BUSIIIESS N,\}1E: ptua FAN{, . PBoPERTY ol,JNEn''s NAfiE: F,NC RE%Lry SERVIC€So'/iNEn'5 ADDRESSi 95c4 gta*loOO AUe.CITYI p4g61611 P80NE fl: 5T I k-CoNTRACTon: fBrg Callahan Constr r.rctiotr !t Developme n_t LICENSE ll: l39OO AoDRE55 i 4909 Wcsrcrn Bh.d, Suite IOO . CIIYI p.1"i EItAIL ADDflEss | --=tr ikea llen @c a [d!!!]!!!.!e rnpRolEcT coNTAcT le-soNr 7H,2Mng 6L9EN NE OVATION . Pll0lle fl |1t\.7ft3,5773. {(hr(l rlI rhrt rgrly} ExIsT coNsTnu(IIoN: Xl ALTEfi AII0ll llRc,ocollon.ls lhcro o Nalur0l GBs Llno on lho u(cnt Sits?n Xi No IS BLDO SffiKtEREoiXtsYcsf!0s ERECT NEt,I SIRUCTURE FAsT TRACX SIIE L L 6ENERAL REPAIRS RE t.0cATI0ll UPFI T ADD TO EXISI STRUCTUBE No N€I.J COI,ISTRUCTION: ACCESSONY STRUCTU n It UPFII - Ihe Shell Permlt ,li Is t.lect PoNer on thls 0uildlng f, Yes fi lr0 l-t vrs gthtt ls th.ll$a 0((rrpon(y ..... rs Tllls A clultcE 0r occuPANcY usEl IF Yer, what eal tho Prevlous occupancy Typol - l,l 0Esl6rr PRotESSlol&t: L. Map( LOUo&NtLy. AtA . Ptt: jlo.SqLTbM t{C REG {: lO??(,tN6fl 0ESl6li PRoFESSIottll L Pll ilc RE6 l'i trxgfi' olUoIC S ToIAt PFoJEcT cosTi P&t#BUILOING HEIGHII- N /A / oF UNITS: . N/A IOIAL AREA SO FI : 5,./,7 SO FI PER rLRr . 3..l85i I OF STORIES: roTAL so FT UNDER aOor: _3399__ li oF STRUCTURES ,, OF FLOORS: ExsT LANo DrsTURBruc ernl,rrrr Jf ves f-:No SO FT EXISTING II!{PERVIOUS AREA DEsCRrPTIoll0Fl.lofi K:1]-,6,,1aarrErcAnaNs ls,ood or bovcrB0os proj)arod or sorved ln lhls sxucluro?fJ YosR No ls Tho Properly L ocoled tD 7ho Floodplalnfi- Veft l,rrlt Uc6t,on ls 0 ond o! ofior I shto ILU conhh Alboslor or not, You €,€.oqLrl.ad to c.ll Oo ll6lbnrlEmkdon 6!rnd!.dt kvHa&dou! l, polul.nk (r.tSll P) !r (910)707.59!O.r lo r lO diyr oib( lo l,\o dodoliUo. ol .ny frciriiy or bulldli0. S oo futro ! 14r l! . b S ir.: hrlpr,W#.\,,epl, tra ro..ra.(,ro rrr !bo rlorotunp.nLTl so rT SE CLASS ICATION '!' sEP n rr ?En,.!trs ntQUtflEo foo EL€cI, lt€cl, PL0o, o^s toutr, pnErASs 6 J,tslHrs PAYMENT METIlOD l-rcesH l-1 cuecK (PAYABLE To NHc) fr Ar,rERrcAN EXpREss fl r,,lc^/tsA fL DrscovER (FON OFFICE USE ON U/ATE R SEWER SYSTE[I CFPUA CFPUA COI.{MUNITY SYSTEM CENTRAL SEPI|C D ny/ELL n ZONtNc U mvATE sEPTrc E."CoNrMUNrTy ilr/r ',,V/ ^ mE ZONE Approval oFFlcER: O{U DATE SETBACKS: F FLOOD Commonl Cily Cii;'lns t)iclion Re0tl[e0,9r0.254-090) N . PERM)T FEE: : , PlroNE l,: ACnES OISTURBED: N/A NEW llrlPERVloUS AREA: PnopERTY usE: EloFFtcE lnrsraunerur ff MERoANILEn EDUcI-Lanrf] coNDo oTHEr _ NEN HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMI APPLtc tIoN rYPf; COfIIIERCIAL PL€ASE ArlS!/Ei Att qJESTToNS APPLICABLE T0 youR pRoltCT "ProJect Responslbllity" 2D$_31q7 x8-too3 APFTTA?IdN llunber (otflto us6) APPLICANT'S Nlt4E I n+OFtA.a a t_<EN - plNa BAN1(-oarct q fz/ttr DEVELOPER:PK)NE fl: PRO]ECT 3.'Dq ALT^r{n,Fp OR oCCUPANT/BUSINESS tOl4E: prp,^EIANI{ CoNTRACToR: 7.gp - LICENSE flr ADDRESS:cITYi ZTP', EI'IAIL ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSoNT THDM^4 ,rt ,4EN , llena-Dnc, (afi-)rxoxe l: ii4.rr*SZzS If UPFIT - The Shell Permlt S: TOTAL AREA SO FT: t.4*{ TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: g, {,T ACRES OISTURBED: N EXST r.AND DTSTURBTNG PERMrr? -lxyES JJ No NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: N/A pRopERw usE: florrtce ! nesauuNr f]MERCANTILED EDUCI-LAPT CONDO OTHEI ST: s: Exrsr coNslRucrroN: m ALTERATToN n RENJi[itrt"i 'il?rl'lL*u REpArf,s l-l RELocArroN lf Rolocation, Is rhoro a Narir-a Gss Llne on thsfurronr Sits? fl Y6ifi- lto tS BLoG SftTftKLERED?RByes[-! No NEr.l coNsTRucrro : n EREcr NE[i srRUcruRE n FAsr rRAcK f] sHELt f] upFrr L] aDD r0 Exrsr srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE ! Is Elect PoHer on thls 8ulldlng fi Yes 1,,NO r*tr. IS THIS A CltAfiGE OF OCCUpAiICy UStt fl yES flt ilO *..*r IF Yes, Hhat *as the prevlous occupancy fyp6? _ l{hat Is thc NeH occupan(y tr{8fi? ETIGR |::ili iffi ::::ilHl @ ii',3te,'sue @ C REG *r NC REG fI 80 FT PER FLR:. 3qtsf fOFSTORIES: dOFSTRUCTURES: I f OF FLOORS: to77b ls food or bsvcrages prgpared or seryed ln lhb structu.e?n Yes[fr tto le The eroperty Locoted ln Ths Floodplaln 1:i-Y.{& and # oF UNITS: N/A oll olhgr Spplicablo Slale olon3 end 3DecllksdonsNC SlBl,r Sldg Code and (Orr{!r) (Pd.rl Nr".) contstn Albe3to3 or nol You sr6 rcqulrad to c.ll lhq NadoorlEmbslon Sr,sndsda tor Hszsrdous Air Pollulrnl! (iiES&qP) al (91S)707-5S50 at l€a3r lo dsys p,lor to e domoll{on ofany racilily or buildlng. TOTAL PROJECT COST: Sqf b€AbA8b Sho: hrFl,vlM,'r.spl.slrr€.nc.uvoptb3b63lo16hmp.hrrnl trbb- BUTLDTNGHETGHT:. N,/A WATER: SEWER: SYSTEM oENTRAL sEPlc fl T'] WELL T-I ZONING U HverE seplc a'couuuurw CFPUA CFPUA E COMMUNIIY SYSTEM SE CLASSIFICATION RrcAN ExpREss [l- rucnrrsa f]j orscoven t, r./l SQ FT .. SEPARA'TE PEFMITS REOUIRED FOfl ELECT, MECII, PISG, OAS EOUIP, PRETASS 6 'NSERTSI l cHEcK (P cl- DATE Commont ffi Cii:'l 0n ReoulBA 910-254-0q0) N PERMIT FEE: I - PRoPEBTY ol{t{ER'S NAr,lE: p,Ne REALfy, SERVI c6S - PHoNE fl: an7 ?t,574tor{NER's ADoREsst g9c6 aL*ud,oiic_ .crtta_EAEie-___sTrtraztPrgl&tz DEscRrPTroN oF I,loRK: ,l;;-*.ar1rN < PAYMENT METHOD: ZONE: froASH .NlY. 1_ct€ 31qJ LB=+€€3 cz E a c NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERII,IIT APPL IcArIoN IYPE: COI'IIIIERCIAL PLEASE AI{S}IER AI.L qJESTTOIIS APPLICABI.E TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responslbility" APPLICAIIT'S NId/|.EI -IEOt!tt*1 .) 1_SEN - pNC R,A N h1 DEVELOPER: | ?zag aLGArl,P I)F2 0CCUPAI{T/BUSII{ESS ltAr,tE : pNf BA^11I PROPERTY OUNER'S tlA E: p>Ne R EAL?ry .SER.V1 Cg..1icrrY: uALErG'r+ PHONE S: ST: _D^tEt q f z/1tr - PT()NE f : ,.,ILMING-,z,N ztP.zg9g3 olfiER' 5 ADDRESS I q,c6 ^VE at7.z*&.5773 re-zrP:zzolz 1'BD crw:ST: ZTPI E AIL ADORESS:P}IONE *: PHO E S:PRO]ECT COT{TACT PERSON: -,, AAFT 9 aLqEN 7|9..7*8.5773 (Check All lhat Apply) CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS : :fi atural ALTERATION Gas Line on the T-] REM'VATION T-] GENERAL REPAIRS T--'I bdnenrsite? J-.*J;i ruo rsBLDGsPhi RELOCATION KLERED{XBYesf_ NoxErJ cor{sTRucTro : D EREGT r{Er.l srRrrcTURE fl FAST IRACr E SHErL ACCESSORY STRIrcTURE: UPF IT tr ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE LICENSE #: EXIST CONSTRUCTIOI{ lI Relocation, is there a N Is Elect Pow€r on thls Bullding f_ Yes f NO ..*rr rs THrs A clutt{GE oF occrrPANcY usE?r YEs [_ o rrr*+ lF Yes, rhat rias the Prevlous Occupancy Type? _ tlhat ts the taer Occupancy TvDe?anot DESIGI{ PRoFEssIoML, L, HARI I-O1!/DERNIL!-- AtA PH, at2,Srll.-?t O Nc REG #:PH:- Nc REG #: If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #: ENGR DESIGN PROFESSION,/IL oESCRIPTION 0F !{ORK: uet4r A!_iEf.A,naN S to77G The Floodplainf _ Yef,_ and all other appllcable Sbte olSns and so€cificaton s NC Srate Bldq Cod6 sndol (Ou€lrlbr) (ftin Nar'6) Nole: Defrollllon nollfcellons & asb6stos €movd porml! applicafons are lo be submltlod uiing the dpplicadon iorm (OHHS-3768) whslher rh€ hcjlity or butldtno wo3 bund !o co.lt6in Asbestos or nol. You ere requlred to c.ll lh€ N.tlonel Ent$lon Sten(hrds tor Hsz.doss Alr PolutenB (NESHAP) et (919)707-595S st bast 10 days p{ior to tto {remoliton of any f.clir,y oI bui6ln!. See Asb€sto3 W€b Sito: httsy/vww.epi.srate.nc.us/€puasbesrovahmp.html N./ATOTAL PROJECT COST: TBD, BUILDING HEIGHT: TOTAL AREA SQ FT: t,qts' SO FT PER FLR:. TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: 5,# OF STRUCTURES: ACRES DISTURBED. N/A NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: N/A 3.1 EXST LAND DTSTURBTNG pERMtT? _RYES r NO B BFE+2ft. SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: N/r. ftorrtce f]nesmunarurI MERCANTILE EDUC APT CONDO OTHEI SO FT WATER: SEWER: SYSTEM SE CLASSIFICATION ". SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLAG, GAS EQUIP, PREFAAS E INSERIS PAYMENT METHOD f CASH f . cHEcK (PAYABLE To NHc) f_ AMER|CAN EXPRESS [-_ rvrcrutse f-_ otscovER E CFPUA CFPUA T-I COMMUNITY SYSTEM T1 WELL T-] ZONING U flcrxrnar- seelc D pRIvArE sEplc B?oMMUNtw (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:ZONE: OFFICERApproval:_ City: DATE_ FLOOD Comment LH RH N AFFTifiTIOil Number (Offi(. use) PRO]ECT # OF UNITS: #OFSTORIES: r # OF FLOORS: I PROPERry USE: PERMIT FEE: I zo /d-3725{.stq'm NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICArIOtI rYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE Al'/SlrER Al,L QU€STIoi'IS APPLfCABI-E TO YoUR PROJECT "Project Responsibillty" 8a6,, //d,,tz2*r6,< a crw PHONE T: ztP I BLOC( *: LOT s: _ PlOl'lE s: fulczw: ?3*t / APP LI CAI'IT ., DEVELOPER: 5 NA E: PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISTOT,I: l{umber (offi<c Us!) sr:Q!zv: W;,/0 2i) 6/23 LICATION 9to 73, d/2? PROPERTY O{ ER,S tIA'iE: OINER,S ADORESS: CO TRACTOR:Cda-.a/rcr *R<At'/ BaZh/e CITY: ADoREss: {'fz! e aLA;r, *o, -CITY:.14 E ArL ADoREss: C6,'lzQV @ C);;47fr;.th/.Cq4 PTONE T: PloilE s:PROJECT COi{TACT PERSO{: ;t7 6r ^fC ExrsrrNc coNsTRucrro : I llrrRlrroH f] neruwarror f;l e eruenal nrnarns ! RELocATToN NEhl coNSTRUCTrOr'1, f! rnrcr NEl,l RESTDENCE o" fl AOOrtrOr TO EXTSTII{G RESTDE CE +*PLEASE CHECI( AIID AIsUER EELOI{ ALL THAT APPLY TO YOI'R PRO]ECTi I err crnnee - sF ! oer ernaee sF E poRcH -sF I sunnoor,r - sF Inool-sr ! sronncr sHED_ sF ! cnreuousr - sr I orcx - sr OTHER: TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: - TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF: - TOTAL AREA SQ FT: - TOTAL PROI ECT C0Sf (ess t-00 i 3 3J,<tc,a:v-f 0F SToRIES: 4- PROPERTY USE / OCCUP'I CY:tr STNGLE fAMTLY E Ouprsx n TONNHOUSE DESCRIPTIOI{ OF }JoRX:S d.,ntdSol U"/l s OTSCLAIMER: lhereby cetut h.l at inbrmslion ln ftis applicaton b corccl and allwolkwi! comply wih lhe Stale fuilding Cod€ and sll oh6r appkabl€ S!.E .nd locstisws tsnd ordinan.€s snd leguletions. Th€ NHC Developmenl S6rvices ConEr wil be notf€d ofsay chsnges in lhe approved phns ehd sp€cifcrtbns orchsng€ in coniracbr ot Is any ELECTRICAL, PLUI,IBII{6 or IIECHA'IICAL work Eeing Done to the accessory Structure? [ Ver p m If the project is a Relocation, is thene a Natu,nal Gas Line on th€ current site? E yes El Nor*pp, 1,;,,fs there Electrical Powen on this Building? Efv". E lo co.tacttr inbrmabon. "l{OTE O.,NER/CONTRACTOR Any Work Psrlomed w/rC h6 AppropriaE Pc.mits willbe h Violafion ol lhe NC , Ch.q,- b/rsZ /p49/ srcrrtaruRE Sbb Bldg Cod. and SubFcr b Fhes Up To $5q9-0t--, =4Cr * * * *:lr.:l ****:*,rr* **** *** *** * *(Ii'll,Mti * * * *** ** * * **+ r r+* ***:r:*:r* +** *:r **+ !tr.r * **l +,r:r:*.* + + **++:ri IS THE PIOPERW LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAI ? EI YEs E TTO HATER: I cFpuA n cor,lt'luNrry svsrer'l ! PRrvarE hIELL E cerurnal well sEllER: ! cFpuA ! CENTRAL sEPrrc $ enrvert seerrc '! coMMuNrrY sYsTEM **T STPARATE PERI,II]S REQUIRED FOR ELECI, }IECH, PLBG' GAS EQUIP, PREIASS & INSERTS I}* paynErT ngrlor,: EI crsx Et crrrcx (payABLE m rincl I ar,rrarcal{ ExpREss f} .crursr I orscovtn * *,r* +:| ++)i,l* *,t*+tt *:t **+:i**,t *:t* * + 'i * :t *,*,t,* *,* '| *t*,t *.1**)t** +*,***:*:l 'll*:i* **:t **'l:| ** * **)t* ** r* 1, **,t*:*,| EXIST {G Il.tPERVrolrS AnEA: -5Q FT EW TI,IPERVIOI'S AREA: - SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISIURBED: - EXrST LAI{D DtsTURBr{G "*rtft YES E rc ,orr, f/g//9 LICE'{SE *: SF (rol orrlcE usE crtty) REVrsEo DAIE o4lrrlr2 12 ZOI{E: - OFFICER: SETBACKS: F:- LH:- RH:- B:- . /- App roval :- city:- DATE:- FLooD: - - - BFE+2f^ t\ -1'--') \ coment._ - -^'-'- ----' ^- -;- h-r;r, ; + 1/ FLOOD ZONE \lv&t?L NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUI:LDING P APP LICATION TYPEJ COI{MEdCIA L PI.EAS€ AXSI.IER ALI QUTSTIOI.IS APPLTCABLE: T6 YOUR PRO]E "Pnoject Responsiblllty'' ERMIr 1g - 191 'f%.,"tffi] APPLICAI,IT'S I.IA E i J,\I{ES l.lUlLrGAN - oRA ARCITITECTURE PH:919.?51.9924 EXT 104 oATE:01.19.2010 DEVELOPER:T&I T}IENT . DEUELO PHoNE s:910.612.3633 PROIECT AoDRESSi 1540 SOUTH 2ND STREET surrE 110 CrW: wru,,rNGToN Ztpt 2s4ot OCCUPAIIT/SUSINE5S,,IAflE: FoRruNA{E GlAss II CONTRACTORi TRIBUTE coNsTRUcT]oN, INC LICENSE fi: 600T EI'IAIL ADDRESS: 1 retrlbuteconpenles . com PBONE *: PROIECT CoNTACT PERSoN: Mark r.ee Maynald ,l!.PHONE #:9r0 .612. 3633 (Ch.rt ^U lh.t ^pply),ExrsT CON5TRUCTTOX: E ALTERATTON ! nrHOvnrrou fJglleml nrrrrns I RElocArror{ lf Ralocslioo, is flere8 NaturalGas Llne onths Current Slte? LIYoB LtNb , lS BLDG SPRINKLERED? llt Yes [JNo NEt^, CONSTRUCTTOfl: ! raeCr NEt,l STRUCTURE f] rlSr rrACr [ *rr-r. p Urrrr ! ADD TO EXrSr srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCIURE:i.rIf UPFIT - The SheU -t23Penmlt #: 1?-2so 6 Is Elect Poxer on thls suuding El Yes E lo ..... rs THrs A ouflGE or occrpAxcy uSe 1 [veS p rO .,... lF Yes, t{fiat r€s the Prevlous occupancy Type? _ Ulhat ls th€ ilsr{ occupancy Typc I A-2 ARCH DESIGiI PROFESSIOI,IALI OR} ARCHITECTURE PH: 919.75{.992{ },lC REG #i 6685 EIIGR DESIGN PROFESSIOMLI ADDITIONAT ENGR - SEE APPENDIX B PH:Exfficroll.S-FEEIEORR-FoR NEw MEEMNIEAI- NC RE6 *: DESCRIPTIoN OF 9JORK; FULL rNrERroR coMprErrox mr e nsstuiraeNT spAcE - sHELr pRsvrousr,y PERMTTEDN, \sv.Y\ c.- \ \J TOTAL PROJECT BIJI HEIGHT:351 TOTALANEASQ FT PER FLR: TOTAL SQ FT UNOER 2.s31 sp # OF STRUCTURES: t-RE sr.rEl,r- # OF FLOORS:2-RE SHEI,L D<sT LArD DlsruRarHo pennrn lElyES E No SQFT E(STINC IMPERMOUS LflEli: NA SQFr pRopERry usE EoFFrcE Elnesrnunerr [uenceurru Erouc Del,r f]coNoo orHEF:]-2.M 6 B WATER ECFPUA ECOMMUNTTYSYSTEM T'l Ws,L TIZON|NG UgE CTASS|F|CATOI* -- SEUER: EicFpuA I c:rrnet- semc f] P-RMATE sEpflc 5-couuullrw svsra,r!. SE9ARAIE PEAMTA REOUIRED FOA EIECT. MECH. PLB6, GAs EQUIP. PREFAAS A INSERTS f "o*.*u* f]orscorcn (FOR OFFTCE US€!11n2 YAW- ACRES DISTURBED:.!A_- NEIT IMPERVIOUS AREA.x[ zoue:[![f,-orncen:?vp SETBACKS: Approral: of cMSLr_B:DA@[-g_FLooo: Comment N El-B,/lt'n FLooD P Acu r^:oerz m os.r crJn eu! ts/ Ae9.r2, nucu "' So'tt EEiT, H'5'JilH, J:'+,,i' ot--). F,N.{ looal- BBL-ulo Ttt€ e0tyln$peclion Requreo, 9l 0-254-09tt0 PROPERTY OWNER'S N"I,IE: PHONE f; .!939}.:I9L oUNEn's ADoREss: 10 sourH cARprNArJ pR. CIrY: .E!Ig@_- ST: XL zIP:4993- ADORE55: @ cIW: gWIg!_ STTgZIP:3!4E PERMTT FEE: $- 18 {bod or bweraga€ Eapar€{t or ssv6d ln Ul6 aructref flVes I No f;OF UNITS: # OF STORIES: j:s!_g!Eu/_ Lb 2aB3q-t8 (office us€) Na .,.'. :,. l NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIO N TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICABTE TO YOUR PROIECT "Proiect Responsibility'' APPLTCANT'S NAME, Jo.* doron ().nr,*aDate PROJECT ADDRE SUBDIVISION: CITY ztP l./ PROPERTY OWNER'S NAMEi OWNER'S ADDRESS LoT #: 39 PH,NE# qa- L/)t- //o./ ctl\: /r)'/,r,.nA^zp 2a<///u CONTRACTOR ADDRESS:CITY EMAII- ADDRESS: aaran fA) tztoroat . aorrz PHONE PROJECT CONTACT PERSON --=.- /o.on Aornt<PHONE EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: L- Alteration ! Renovation ! General Reparrs Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence I Relocation ,}*,}PI,EASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AI,t THAT APPIY TO YOUR PROJECT'I** BIDG LICENSE f 7869G s: Nt zp 9gq/ I NEW CONSTRUCTION F tr Att Garage (SF) 51A D Sunroom (5F) E Det Garage (SF)_ D Pool (SF) tr Deck (5F)1(,0 tr Porch (SF)Lq./ ! Other (SF) ! Storage Shed (SF)_ n Greenhouse (SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existin8 footprint? E Yes D No Unheated 1fi.a3 TOTA| PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S ls the proposed work changinB the number of bedrooms? tr Yes ENo lsanyEledrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructure!YesnNo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? ! Yes D No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes t] No Property Use/ Occupancy:Ff single Family ! Duplex ! Townhouse l1ffR l8 l:t?P; Description of Work Nle,*i Stro\p Carn, [.^ Re+tolonce laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development servi.es Center will be notified of any chan8es in th€ approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. '+'NOTE A Owner/Contractor "Licensed Quolifier" ny work perfo.med without th , a'.^6 Ooco e NC State Eldg Code and rubre.t to frnes 0 il*";up to S500.00"'e appropnat€ permits wrllbe n vlo N.nir gnature:si ls the property located in a floodplain? a v"r{ Sq Ft No Totat acres Disturbea, o.36 0crpsExisting lmpervious Area: New lmpervious Are"' 5,5OC) So Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: D Yes f t',to WATER: tr CFPUA E Community System F: Private Well D central well D Aqua SEWER: n CFPUA ! Community System X Private Septic E Central Septic D Aqua zone: - officer: - setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: CiW: - Date:- Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - Comment:Permit Fee: S , /qn)cttt-t/a.l TOTAT Sq FT UNDER ROOF {for proposed work) Heated: 3r\(1 I Vrri\v'^ ,,ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION rYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER AI-t QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Prolect Responsibilit/ Arlrur".. [Je A., O h\8-3q9f,ffi Application Number (office use) ,1-{APPLICANT'S NAME: Cl7\: vy' Date 4 ztP 2-PRO.lECT ADDRESSI suBDtvtsloN: IS f Url 4 g o("c n-4zPROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: C IA OWNER,S ADDRESS:4 nd CONTRACTOR ADDRESS:S EMAIL ADDRESS: c 4t 2 tC t(2 PHONE #: CITY:./A i0 LlL (/ zrP:L('/0 71 7r0 t 5 BLDG TICENSE # AtT : V1,/ i \sr: ILzn PHONE ilo L6'L o|it /-t4PROJECT CONTACT PERSON PHONE EXlSTll{G CONSTRUCTION: D Alteration fffenovation gzGeneral Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation A^l,r r.-. D"Aoi o PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWTR BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT'*' E Det Garage (SF)_ €-Porch (SF) ntractori 4^oln^,' he appropriate lAru ! Att Garage (SF)f"-"tf 1r,'rh E Greenhouse (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes tf No ffioTOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF Uot proposed work) Heated:t'>oo Unheated: TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot)sa D , oc'o ls the proposed work changing the numbef ol bedrooms? ! Yes 8/No ls any Electri.al, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork beingdone to the Accessory Structure EfYes D No lf the project is a Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E- Yes ! No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? V Yes fl No Property Us€/ Occupancy: 4-sinsle Family Ll Duplex Ll Townhouse Owner/Co "NOTE: Any work perform€d without t permits willbe in violation ofthe NC State BldgCode and subject up to 5500.m"' Signature: "Licensed Quoliliel Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? tr Yes Ea{o Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq tt Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq ft Existing l-and Disturbing Permit ! Yes tr No WATER: ETCFPUA n Community System E Private Well Ll CentralWell f] Aqua SEWER: 6-CFPUA f] Community System ! Private Septic D Centralseptic E Aqua zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (Bl _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment: Peamit Fee: S l l lrPR tg lor:;gF{ Description of work: o'rorife 1- oISCLAIMER: I hereby cenify that allthe inlormation in this application is correct and allwork willcomply with the State BuildingCode and allother applicable State and local laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Oev€lopment SeNices Center willbe notified ofany chan8es in the approved plans and specifications or chanSe in contractor qto 'ff. c t+1 IlctC4/-.-.. U ! Sunroom (SF)_! Pool (SF)_ ! Deck (sF)_ ! Storage Shed (SF) _ n Other (SF)_ A/>.4,4-r*'?--r1-,<- NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPI.ICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Prorect Responsibilit'/' 1t ,t Q. - zdn 2/(a"-t2/5 t' Application Number lof{ice use) APPLICANTS NAME: PROJECI ADDRESS: 4 12 A SUBDIVISION: \k PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR:i\\ c\a/Y- ADDRESS: EMAIL ADDRESS: crrY:\Nr\rv\\n^tha\ zrP:a8rn, b Oate; I C\ol PHONE #:o zrP:2B9CB BI.DG LICENSE #: sr:\!P zrp, ZBt{cB, PHONE:4W.ZqO. t-tlLl PHoNE:q\O,3€O. \1qq ttt pr'5r.,; - llQ {porch(sF)Scv<.n - \gt E Storage Shed (SF)- E/ottrel. 1Sr1 ?aho- \o-1 Scvvtc-r-p461- 1qp PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: E Det Garage (sF) tr Pool (SF) ! Greenhouse (SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes ts'fto ToTAt SQ FT UNDERRo/C,F lJor proposed work) Heated: 2. \1cS TOTAI- PROJECI COST (Less Lot): S \1 CB<- Property Use/ occup D€scription of Work: OYvL S \AV /singte ram D Duplex E ctw: CITY: gn1r"3sg6. 19 \ E'no YAI V<1.9.J ( EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration ! Renovation E General Repairs/ NEw coNsTRUcfloN: MErect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation . 'PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW AtI. THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT {att earage 1sr1 9=o ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes El/lo ls any El$trical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas LiDg on the current site? E Ves dt,to ls there Electrical Power on this Buildine? E Yes (^lo a ouse laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Oevelopment Services Center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifiaations orchange ln contractor informatlon. "'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Bldg Code and subied to fines up to S50O.00... Cet,t',M6rt Da,.l Signature:nlrt Nr-" / ls the property located in a floodplain? E Ves E lto Existing lmpervious Area: - SqFt TotalAcres Disturbed: }a\ffi\,/#nfi^LOwner/Contractor: "Licensed QuaIilier"U- 0 New lmpervious Ar"", 3,\O5 5qP1 Existint Lend Disturbint Permlt: El Yes O No WATER: ts/cFPUA tl community System E Private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: EIICFPUA E Community System E Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (Fl _ (tH) _ (RH) _ {B} _ Approval: _ City: _ Oate: _ Flood: (A) _ (Vl _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _O Comment:Permit Fee: S J .fiio,qs E Sunroom (SF) - tr oeck (5F)- ::. ffi APPTICANTS NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILD]NG PERMIT APPLICATIO N TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER Att QUESTIONS APPTICAELE TO YOUR PROJECT "Prorect Responsibility' ?8'Srt/l Application Number (orfice u.e) Date crrv: !\ r \ rvrrf!flts-rA ztP:zelloalsis: lOSUBDIVISION; PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: PHONE #: crrY: \N r\ vrrn4tc>-r aP;2.$]b? Y --_ EtoG UCENSE S:CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: I CITY EMAIL ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: E sunroom (sF) E Greenhouse (SF) _ C Deck(SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? tr yes / TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOF (for proposed workl tteate& 2-ffi L Unheated: TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot) zo 3{=Av sr:NU zrp: ?91]03 PHON 4ro.3ro. \-tcN PHONE:a1\(-)nqq do.t".1sr1 g^\e- l2o nr EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration ! Renovation E General Repairs ,/ NEW CONSTRUCTION: Ef Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation .**PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ALt THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT*** 6,o.,1 _ l5B M Att Garage (SF)qa\ No S+D'"a<p -zD\-l ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to lfthe project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on th ls there Electrical Power on this Building? fl Yes dro Property Use/ Occupancy:/single ramily O Duptex E Description of Work: Y", dto the Accessory structr." E Y", druo e current site? E ves dlrlo house laws and ordinances and retulations. The NHC Development Services Centerwillbe notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications orchange in contractor information. 'r+NOT€: Any work perlormed withoutthe appropriate permits will be ln violation Owner/contractor; "Licensed Quoliliet" Signatu Print Nome of the Nc state BldE codeand subject to fine. up to 5500.00"* t\ *, C(l,\ ^I,vrMfi^/r4 -\-_ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes Existlng lmpervlous Area: -] sq Ft /*o TotalAcrcs Disturb ea: O,ZO New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Dlsturbing Permit: tr ves /rrto WATER: El CFPUA tr community System E Private well E central well 0 Aqua SEWER: dCFPUA E Community system E Private Septic E Centralseptic E Aqua Zone: - offlcer: - Setbacks (Fl - (LH) - (RHl- (Bl -Approval: - City: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (V) - (Nl- BFE+2ft= -Comment: Permit Fee: S )go I OU n Det Garage (sF) D Pool (SF) - E/porctr (sr) Lrwtvtd - 229 n Storage Shed (SF)_ 3qq+Clear Form Prlnl NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP Ll CATIO N TY P E : RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSW€R ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECI "Ptolect Responsibilitl/m Application {ofiice use) APPLICAT{T'S NAME:Michael Hogan Date: PnoEcT ADoiEss; au'9 Uweetg UI,ow. wflmrnglon 24412zt?, suBDtvlstot{toT #: Carina Hill 910-274-4607PROPERTY Ovyl{ER'S OWNER'S ADDRESS: I{AME: 8009 UI,sweelgrass zt?l Michael Hogan ADDRESS: EMAII ADDRESS: mnou[t(9ou ooK,com pRoJEcr corracr paa*n. Michael Hogan ! Greenhouse (SF)_ tr Deck (SF) _ ls the proposed work chanting the existing footprint? El Yes I No BI,DG '2v41:z CITY:P: PHONE: 910-262-1700 150 PHONE EXlSnr{G CONSInUCnO :n Aheration 3 Renovation ! GefleralRepaiB I{EW COI{STRUCnON: fl Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation .I'PTEASE CHECT A'{D AT{sWEN SELOW AI THAT APPTY TO YOUN PROECTT'T E Att Garage (SF)_ . Det Gara8e (SF)_ El porch (SF) n Sunroom (SF)tl Poot(Sr) TOTAI SQ Ff UNOER ?OOF (Jot proposed worr() Hcated:Unheated: 1S ls the propos€d work changingthe numberof b€drooms? El Ves I lo ls any Electrk l, Plumbingor Medrankal work bein8 done totheAccessory Structure El Ves I lto lfthe prolect isa Relo(rtlon, is there a NaturalGas Line on the current site? El Yes I o lsthereElectrical Poweronthis Building? I yes E lo i I8PE l8 9:49fii'1 PropertY u!e/ Desc ptlon of ocorpatcT E Slnsle famil, El Dupler El Townhouse wolk Enoo$ng an exrsung porcn. laws and o.dinancei and reSulations. The NHC Oevelopmem Servlces Cedter willbe notiffed ofany chanSes in the approved plans and or chaage ln contractor inlormation. "'NOTE: Any work p€rrormed withoul th€ appropriate p€rmitswillbe in viotation ofth€ C State BldS uP to Owne/Contr.ctor:Michael Hogan SEnatur€: "Ucensed Qwlirier' Pdnt llome ls the property located in a floodplain? E Y$ I ]{o Eristlnt lmpe bus Ar€a: _ Sq ft New lmp€rvi,ous Aroa:Sq Ft Existlng Land Dlsturblng Permh: EI Yes El t{o wAIEn: I CFPUA n Community System E Privae well E Cental Well E Aqua Sfwfn: il CFPUA O community System Et Private septic E centralseptlc E Aqua zone: _ oficer: - setb.d6 (r) - (tHl - (RH) - (B) -Approyal: - Cltf - Oater - Flood: (A) - (v) - (tll - BFE+2'F -Catnmcit Pprmh Fee:3 Total Acres Disturbed; 41912018 n StoraSe Shed (SF) _ tr other (SF)_ TOIAL pf,OrEGT CGT 1t-ess t"ot): S 2'ffi'@