APRIL 27 2018 BUILD APPSffi NEId HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALT QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" .i.or8 4N: IWI APPLICATION Number (office Use) DEVELOPER: rvcAoo-ls t.o. -.. .. CITY: wi lmlnqton PHONE *: 910-reB-3006 ZIP 2 28412PRoIECT ADDRESS: 825 Lea Landinq SUBDIVISION: Lea Landrnq LICENSE f: 6eeo7 CITY: wi lmlnqton LOT #: rl ACCOUNT S: sT : IL zIP: 2!31! BLOCK S: OhINERTS ADDRESSi 6626 c cordon Rd CONTRACToR: McAdams Homes LLC ADDRESS: 6526-c cordon Rd ElitAIL ADDRESS: b i anca@mcadams home s . ne t / t raynor@mcadamshome s . ne t PHONE S: ero-?98 3o06 PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: rim naynor PHONE #: 9ta -5oa 229a EXISTING CON5TRUCTION:ALTE RATION R ENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION NEW CONSTRUCTTOru: I eneCr NEW RESTDENCE or E ADDITION TO EXISTING RESIDENCE I*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSTJER BELOl.l ALL THAT APPLY T0 YOUR PRoIECT: flarr cnnncr 407 sF DET GARAGE - 5F PooL _ sF DECK 5F SUNROOM SF 6REENHOUSE SF TOTAL HEATED 5Q FT : +550-tT(f TOTAL PROIECT COST tress roo : $ PoRcH _1_l?_ SF STORAGE SH ED OTHER: 5F SF ,xe+ TOTAL SQ FT UNDER R00F: :oeg ToTAL AREA 5Q FT:,.oe # OF STORIES: 2 e,.3+ @ 135000 Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUI.aBING or ,IECHANICAL t^Jork Being Done to the Accesso.y Structure? n Yes If the project is a Relocation, is thene a Natural Gas Line on the current Site? [ Is there Electrical Powen on this Building?I Yes f]*o PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY:SINGLE FAI4ILY DUP LEX TO!.]NHOUSE DESCRIPTIoN OF WOR(: Erect 3 BR, 2.5 BA and 2 car qaraq e single family home I No Yes No l:rflpR lE 3 | 46pB T DTSCLATMER: thereby cerljfy hat att inbmaiion in his applicalion is conecl ano al,work willcomply wih ihe Slale Building Code and all oiher applicab and ordinances anO regulalions- The NHC Development Seryices Cenler willbe noijned olany changes in tle approved plans and speci conractor inbrmaiion. ..'NoTE; Any work Performed wo rle Appropriate Permits will be in violation ol the NC siale Bldg code and p ro $500.0cr" OWNER/CONTRACTOR: Adam sosne SIGNATURE: * * *+,i,t +,* + * * * r( * *(P.int {ane) * *r(,i *,t * ++* * r( * * + 1. * * * x * * 1. * + * .t*{, x * + + * i + * *,t* * * * + * * + + * t * } * * rt 't ** '* * )** +* ** 't *" '* IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? T'] YEs I NO TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: -EXIST LAND DTSTURBTNG 'a*rrr, 5 YES E NO EXISTING IMPERVIOUs AREA:SQ FT NEW II'IPERVIOUS AREA: - SQ FT l./AT E R :CF PUA COI4IIUNITY 5Y5TE 14 PRIVATE hELL SEI.IER:CF PUA (FOR OFFICE IJSE ONLY) f] CENTRAL sEPrrc Li PRIVATE sEPrrc CENTRAL WELL \ rFJ COMMUNITY sYsTEM A\'' **+ SEPARAfE PERiIIIS REQUIREO FOR ELICT] $ECH, PLBG, GAs EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *** ,o"rr* ,raroo, E aos, EarraK (PAYABLE ro NBc) EBrLL Accot'Nr E }rclvrsa I orscoven ++***1.*+*+***+*+*)t**,i+x*:r**+***,t+*,}**,})t+***)t*)i,t)*,})**)i)****)t,t+*l*****+**,.)t*)*lt)**)**)t+)*l**)t*tr.,*+* ZONE :OFFlCER: Approval:- CitY:- DATE:- F LOOD: SETBACKS: F:- LH:- RH:- B:- BFE+2ft= Comment: N PERMIT FEE: $ EO DATE O4/7r/12 APPLICANT'S NAII4E: prcAdams Iiomes LLC DATE: 4,/16/18 PRoPERTY o|,,NER'S NAI'{E: McAdams Homes LLC PHONE *: 910 798-1006 CITY: Ifl!f!g!g!__ 5T: I!_ZIP: 28411 I 0- ffi NEI^I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE.. RESIDENTIAL PLEAST ANSI{ER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" )olY-+2sv APPLICANT,,S NAI{E: McAdams Homes LLC DEVELOPER: McAcldms rlomes LLC PHONE #: 910 798-3006 PROIECT ADDRESS: 821 Lea Landins SUBDMSION: Lea Landinq PROPERTY oWNER'S NA,4E: McAdams Homes LLC CITY: wi lminqron ZIP i 14 244\2 LICENSE f; 6eeo7 CITY: wi lminqtson LOT #: PHONE S: 910-798-3006 SF BLOCK #: OIJNER'5 ADDRESSi 5626-c cordon Rd CONTRACToR: McAdams Homes LLC sT: IL zIP: !!l_ll E AIL ADDRESS: bianca@mcadamshomes . net/ t raynor@mcadamshome s . neE PHONE #: 910-?99-3005 PRoIECT CONTACT PERSON: rim Ra),nor PHONE #: 910 so8-2298 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION:ALTE RATION R ENOVATTON GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCAT ION NEW CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEW RESIDENCE oT ADDITION TO EXISTING RESIDENCE **PLEASE CHECK ANO ANSI,IER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: @ nrr eannce l!:- sF PORCH 1r2 SF TOTAL HEATED 5Q FT : ,rs+o- rr(1 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF TOTAL PROIECT COST tress rort : $ DET GARAGE - SF P@L _ SF DECK SF STORAGE SHED ER: 5F SFOTHCta.r&!_LZe+>se-- 135000 # OF STORIES: 2 TOTAL AREA SQ FT: I No Yes I No 1s Any ELECTRICAL, PLUIIBING o. MECHANICAL tio.k Being Done to the Accessony Structure? [ Yes If the project is a Relocation, is thene a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site? [ Is thene Electrical Power on this Building?Yes Eruo PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY:SINGLE FAI"IILY DUPLEX TOWNHOUSE DESCRIPTION OF WORK: Erect 3 BR, 2.5 BA and 2 car qaraq e sinqle family home l7f,PP 1.4 3r48Fli I DISCLAIMER: r her€Dy ceriit har all inbfmailon in his applicalion is conect and altwork will comply wiih ihe slare Euilding code and all olher applic and ordinances and regutations. The NHC Developmenl Services Center will be nolilied ofany changes in ilre approved plans and specilicat To $500.00"'contaclor inbrmarion. '-NOTE: Any Work Perlomed w/O ule Appropria@ PermiGwrllbe in Violalion ollhe NC Stale Eldg Code and Su OWNER/CONTRACTOR: aaam SIGNATURE:Sosne (print Nane))**)***,|***,*+++,*++**)i*r(*i(,t+t+'i,i,**,1***{.**l**+i****a,tt,t**t*****)t)**)**)t*)t***,t * * * * * * + *,t * )i,t * + IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? TI YEs EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT NEtll IIVIPERVIOUS AREA: SQ FT I NO TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT: E YEs T_I No WATER: SEI,JER: CF PUA COIT]I4UNITY SYSTEI.,1 PRIVATE U]ELL CENTRAL WELL CF PUA CENTRAL SEPTIC PRIVATE SE PTIC COI"IMUNITY SYSTEM *** SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, }'IECH, PLB6,GAs EQUIP, PREFABS & INSIRTS '*T PAYiIENT METHOD:tr CASH CHECK (PAYABLE TO NHC)BILL ACCOUNT MClVI5A tr DISCOVERtr +* +* * *,t* ++xr )** *1. *,* )** i<+ + r* )** * * *+ {r * )* )t )i *+:N * * * )t 't + +* ** )t oR oFFlcE usE oNLY) iEVrsEo SETBACKS: F:- LH:- RH:- B:- W, T+ * * * r,t*,t ** * ,i,t ++ )* l. )t* * + r* )k x( *+ * * r* * *,** * * * * ZONE :OFFICER: Appr oval:- CitY:- DATE:- FLoOD (, BF E+ 2ft= N Comment: .#),b ,,J 1+*ts APPLICATION Number (Office Use) DATE i 4/ 16 / tB CITY: ]L!llqi!g!9!__ ST: I!_ zlP:2!3ll_ ACCOUNT f: ADDRESS: 6626 c Gordon Rd ! surunoom _ sF ! cn reruHousr PERMIT F EE: $- I ffi NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Proj ect ResPonsibilitY" l,lilmi BLOCK *: CITY:!.]i lminq t on AotS--YLsYlV7zr, APPLICATION Number (Offlce Use) APPLICA{T'5 NAME: McAdams Homes LLC DATE: 4 t6 18 PHOt'lE #: 910-798 3005DEVELOPER: McAdams Homes LLC PROIECT ADDRESS; 829 Lea Landinq CITY: SUBDMSION: Lea Landinq LOT #: zIPt:E!)2_ t2 PROPERry OWNER'S NME: McAdams Homes LLC PHONE #: LICENSE S: 5eeo7 wi lminqton ST: NC ZIP: 28411 5T: Iq ZIP: 2331! 910-798-3006 2L3 OWNER'S ADDRESs:6626-C Gordon Rd Tim RaYnor EXISTING CONSTRUCTION:ALTE RATION R ENOVATION CONTRACTOR:McAdams Homes LLC ATDRESS: 6626 c Gordon Rd CITY: PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: EIIAIL ADDRESS: bi anca@mcadams home s . ne t / t ravnor@mcadamshome s ' ne t PHONE S: 910-?eB 3o06 NEW CONSTRUCTTOI: E] enecr NE|/\| RESTDENCE o" ! loOtrroru To ExrsrrNc RESTDENCE **PLEASE CHECK ANO ANSI^IER 8ELOI"/ ALL THAT APPLY T0 YoUR PROIECT: finrr cnnacr ao7 sF f] orr canacr - sF STORAGE SHED - SFSUNROOM -SF GREENHOUS E - SF PooL _ sF DECK ! crrueur nenarns I RELocAT]oN PORCH ]I_ sF SFSF OTHER: YroraL sQ Fr ,NDER **rr=E]1 TOTAL AREA SQ FT 59 No Yes Ero TOTAL HEATED SQ FT : -+55€ TOTAL PROIECT COST (ress rotl : $ r:sooo # OF ST0RIES: Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUI'4BIN6 or l'lEcHrNIcAL Work Bej.ng Done to the accessory structure? [ Yes If the project is 3 Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Is there Electrical Power on this Building?ves I Ho PROPERTY USE ,/ OCCUPANCY:SINGLE FATlILY DUP LEX TOWNHOUSE I 7 ffPR l8 3:4iP t,1 Erect 3 BR, 2.5 BA and 2 ca ]e family home I I DESCRIPTION OF WORK: DISCLAIMER: I herebY cerlilY hal all intrrmalion in lllis applicaton is correci and all work will comply wilh ltle Siale Building Code and all and ordnances and regulations. The NHC Deveiopment S€rvices Cenle. willbe notned ofany changes ln the approved plans and coniractor inbrmaton. "'NOTE:AnyWork Performed wo $le Appropriate Permilsw lbe in OWNER/CONTRACTOR: Adam sosne rs rHE pRopERTy LoCATED rN n rloooprnrul l-l ves SQ FT SQ FT SEPARATE PERI.4ITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, v o aton ofthe NC State SIGNATURE: Bldg Code an s Up To S500 00"^ (Print Nane):r**+,**r!*,*,***r!*,t*x******r,****i-{iiI ,[**+*xx*++****r++********,t++,N**r(*r(+*****'******+*****'i* EXISTING II'IPERVIOU5 AREA: NEI.I IMPERVIOUS AREA: NO TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: -EXrST LAND DISTURBING "*rtr, 5 Yrs E uo WATER:CF PUA COMMUNITY SYSTEM PRIVATE I^]ELL CENTRAL I^lE L L sEwER: E crcul ! crrutnar srertc !PRIVATE SEPTIC I colrr'runrrv svsrrlt h*\q u 6 PAYI'IENT HETHOD n cas,CHECK (PAYABLE TO NHC)SILL ACCOUNT I ttc/vrsr n otscovEfftr **)*,***,*,f*)**)t***********,t*+ir***,t+*)**)t,t**+**i(**+**t*****r!*******+**)t***tr(+*)**+*+{'****tr**)i't (FOR OfFICE USE Ol'lLY) REVISED DAT T1ECH, PLBG, GAs EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS *** SETBACKS: F:- LH:- RH:- B:- BF E+2ft=Approval:- CitY:- DATE:- FLOOD: T comment: N PER IT FEE: $ $@tl- ACCOUNT #: PHONE s: 910 so8-2298 ZONE: _ 0F F ICE R: NEI^I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPL]CA8LE IO YOUR PRO]ECT "Pnoj ect Responsibility" SOte . +2JoLW APPLICATION Number (office Use)ffi APPLICANT'S NAME: McAdams Homes LLC DATE: 4/16/tB DEVELOPER: McAdams Hones LLC PHONE fi: 9ro 7e8 loo6 PROIECT ADDRESS: 833 Lea Larrdin.r SUBDIVISI0N: Lea Landinq PROPERTY OI.INER'S NAIIE: McAdams Homes LLC ztP i 23!1L 1l- CONTRACTOR: McAdams Homes LLC ADDRESS: 6626 c cordon Rd LICENSE *: 69e07 CITY: wi lmrngton PHONE S: e1o-798-3006 ST: NC ZIP: 28411 ACCOUNT f: CITY: wi lminston ST: NC ZIP: 2 8411 E,AIL ADDRESS : bianca@mcadamshomes. net/traFor@mcadamshomes. net PHoNE #: 910-798-ioo5 PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: rin navncr PHONE #: 97a 5og 2298 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION:A LTE RATIO N R ENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS R E LOCATION NEW CONSTRUCTION:Z ERECT NEt^/ RESIDENCE or ADDITION TO EXISTING RESIDENCE! **PLEASE CHECK AND ANSI,{ER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: ATT GARAGE 4a.I suNRooM _ sF GRE ENHOUS E DET GARAGE - SF PooL _ sF DECK SF SF SF PoRCH }l2_ sF STORAGE SHED 5F OTHE R:2a3'{SF ToTAL AREA SQ FT: 2o6e No Yes I No Is thene Electrical Powen on this Buildlng? PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCYT I SrlrOrr rnUrrV DESCRIPTIoN 0F WoRK: Erect 3 BR, 2.s BA and 2 car qaraqe si nqle family home DISCLAIMER lhereby ceriify tlai all inbmation in his applicatjon is correcr and allworkwirrcomprywirh llle Srare Buitding Code and and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Developmenl Services Cenler wil!be notried otany changes in he approved plans and conEaclor inbrmaton. "'NOTErAny Work Perlomed W/O lie Appropriale Permits will be in Violaton ol ihe NC Staie Bldg Code OWNER/CONTRACTOR i adam sos,re SIGNATURE: (Print Nane) + *+,r,t+ * * * +,t * **,* + + * {< +,i(* + * *,t tr(,t * tr( )i + * *,t ,"En_-=- TOTAL PROIECT COST lress rory : $ r:sooo Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUI1BING or iIECHAIIICAL l^Jork Being Done to the Accessory Structu.e? n Yes If the project is a Relocation, is thene a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site? fl I ve s [=-'l ruo DUP LEX 10t^/NH0us E l?Rpt l8 t:44P1! ble SlaE and local aws change in conlracloror Up To $500.00" *,t * **,t * ** * ** * * *r(,t * * r( t * * r( * * * * ** ** * * * *,*,** **,t* * * * * + +* +,*+ IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN?l-l vrs I NO EXISTING II'IPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURB ED: NEh, ImPERVIOUS AREA: _ SQ FT EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT:l--l ves l-_"l ruo 11 v (/0 **t,f***,*******)***i*****)t)****)***,****,****++*+*,***+***,t*,i*)i+**,t*,tl(****r()***t*)t****,t***,*** ZONE: _ oFFICER: (FoR oFFIcE ,sE .NLY) RH: B: -t*tt$"1";051, SETBACKS: F:_ LH:_ Approval:_ City:_ DATE:_ FLoOD: _ BFE+2ft= _AVN I comment: cITY: r,r i I mi nor.n _ BLoCK #: _ LOT f: OI.JNER'S ADDRESSi 6626-c Gordon Rd TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: *+.S+ I]If TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: # OF STORIES: 2 !,rATER: I creul ! coMMUNrTy svsrelr ! pRrvarE WELL ! crrrnar wrll IAW sEuER: ! creua ! CENTRAL sEprrc ! enrvnrr srcrrc ! coMr,ruNrry sysrEM "1 S,*} SEPARATE PERMITS REQU]RED FOR ELECT, I4ECHJ PLEG' CAS EQUIP' PREFASS & INSERTS **} payilENT ilETHoD: I cosr, flcrecK (PAYABLE ro r'rnc) EBrLL AcccrrNT E r.rclvrsl florscovrn PERMIT FEE: $ ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSIiJER ALL QUESTIoNS APPLICABLE T0 YoUR PROIECT "Pnoject Responsibility" Aotr-4u APPLICATION Number (Office Use) APPLICANT'5 NAME: IscAdams Homes LLC DATE: 4/t6 / tB DEVELOPER: McAdams Homes LLC PHONE S: 910 ?98 3006 PROIECT ADDRESS: 841 Lea Landinq SUBDIVISION:Lea Landinq PROPERTY OWNER'S NAIiIE: McAdams Homes LLC CITY: wi lmioqton zlP: zS!]L LICENSE S: .eeo7 CITY: wi fminqton LOT $: e PHONE S: 910-798 3oo6 5T: NC ZIP: 2 8411 ACCOUNT *: BLOCK *: OWNER'S ADDRESSi 6626-c Gordon Rd CONTRACTOR:McAdams Homes LLC CITY: wr lminqton ADORESS: 5625-c cordon Rd ST: Iq ZIP: 28411 PHONE f: 910-798-3006 PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: Tim Ral,nor PHONE S: 9ro so8 2298 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION:ALTE RATION R ENOVATION 6ENERAL REPAlRS RE LOCATION NEW CONSTRUCTTOru: I rnrCr NE]l RESTDENCE o" ! nOOrrrOH TO EXTSTTNG RESTDENCE I.{.PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL T}IAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: ATT GARAGE 407 5F suNRooM _5F DET GARAGE - 5F POOL 5F PoRcH _11:_ SF STORAGE SHED - SF SF TOTAL HEATED SQ FT:-+S:+I?{f TOTAL 5Q FT UNDER ROOF:5t TOTAL AREA SQ FT: TOTAL PROJECT C05T tress rort : $# OF STORIES:135000 DESCRIPTIoN 0F WORK: Erect 3 BR , 2.5 BA and 2 car qaraq e sinqle family home. -'Lz3'lz\e e Is Any ELEcTRIcaLT PLUIiIBTNG or mECHANICAL t,Jork Being Done to the Accesso.y Structure? n Yes No If the project is a Relocation, is thene a Natural Gas Line on the cunnent site? [ ves I NO Is there Electrical Powen on this Building?I ves l-l to PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY:SINGLE FAI'IILY DUPLEX TOWNHOUSE l:rttPP l8 3:42 i: i' T DISoLAIMER: lhereby ceniry ihai all inbrmarion in his applicailon is correct and allwork will comply wirh he stare BuiLding code and all olher applica SlaE and local laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Seruices Cen@r wiLbe noflied ofany changes in lhe approved plans and speci con[acti]r inb.marion. "'NOTE:Any Work Perlomed W/O the Appropriare Permirs wIl be in Violal on o,lhe NC Stale Bldg Code and Su Up To $500.00"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR I aaam sosne SI6NATURE : tl NO TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: ,* * * * *,* * *,* * * * * * *,t *,t * * *,t )i *,* + ;* * ;* * * * * ** *,* *,t *,t *,t t ** * * {<+ * )r,*;r,* *,* ,t ;* ,* * ,* * * * * ***,i*,t**r(******++)i) IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? EXISTING IITPERVIOUS AREA: -SQ FT YES NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT EXIST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT:YES NO WATER:CF PUA COI4MTJNTTY SYSTE I,,1 PRIVATE WELL CENTRAL WELL sEwER: I crnua ! CENTRAL SEprrc I enrvnre srcrrc I copll'luNrrY SYsrEl4 E n h,,IY Sqqt, 0**+ SEPARAIE PERIiIITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, INECH, PLBG, 6A5 EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS +*' PAYIIENT I,IETHOD:tr tr CHECK (PAYABLE TO NHC )BI LL ACCOUNT MC/VISA tr OISCOVERCASH ++**********+*+++*,**,***)i)******,f++,**,*********r(*****{.1.****+****)*********)tr(,t*,t+,l.,ti.,ti.++ (FOR OFFICE UsE ONLY) REVI5 ZONE :OFFICER:SETBACKS: F: LH: RH: B: Appnoval:- City:- DATE:- FLoOD: - BFE+2ft= AVN Comnent: PERfiIT FEE: $ I ;s\q 5U /72 EIitAIL ADDRESS: btanca@mcadamshome s . ne E / t ra ynor@mcada ms home s . ne t ! cneerurouse - sr ! oecx SF OTHER: 2 NEI^I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEA5E ANSI{ER ATL QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" }otl -rl?I!S 1P-#5 APPLICATION Number (Office Use) APPLICANT'5 NAIi'lE: r.rcadams Homes LLC DATE: 4/ t6 / ta DEVELOPER: McAdams Homes LLC PHONE #: 910,798-3006 PROIECT ADDRESS: 837 Lea Landins 284t2 SUBDIVISION: Lea Landinq BLOCK *:LOT #: PRoPERTY O!'INER'S NAI,IE: McAdams Homes LLC PHONE fi: 910-798-3006 OWNER'5 ADDRESSi 6626-c cordon Rd CITY: wi lmlnqton ST: qZIP: 28411 CONTRACTOR: McAdams Homes LLC LICENSE S: 69907 ACCOUNT #: ATDRESS: 6626-c cordon Rd CITY: wl lminqton sT: IL zIP: 2!3_1I E}oIL ADDRESS: bi anca@mcadams home s . ne t / t ra),nor@mcadamshome s . ne t PHONE S: e1o-79s-3005 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: rim naynor PHONE #: 910 so8 2298 EXISTIN6 CONSTRUCTION:ALTE RATION R ENOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS RE LOCATION NElt CoNSTRUCTTOU: I enrCr NEW RESTDENCE or E ADDITION TO EXISTING RESIDENCE ,I'iPLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: I arr cnuor 407 sF ! otr cnnncr - sF PORCH 112 SF SUNROOIVI SF STORAGE SH ED 5F SF CITY: wi lminqron ztP I 10 SF GRE ENHOUS E SF SF OTHE R: PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY:SINGLE FAI,]ILY DUP LEX TOlnNHOUSE DESCRIPTION 0F WoRK: Erect 3 BR, 2.s BA and 2 car sarase sinqle family home POOL DECK TOTAL HEATED SQ FT: +l:ell l5 ToTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF:l"r TOTAL AREA SQ FT: T0TAL PROIECT COST 1r"ss rorl : $ r:sooo * 0F STORIES: 2 1s Any ELECTRICAL, PLUIIBING o. Ii'IECHANICAL work Being Done to the Accessory Structunei I Yes If the pnoject is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Cunnent Site? f! No Yes NO Is there Electrical Power on this Euilding?I v"r I lto *z3q l7ftPR r8 3t4xr- | T T DTSCLATMEFL thereby ce.tit rlai alt inbrmalion in tris apphcation is conecl and all work will comply wih he Stae Auibing Code and allolie, applrcable and ordinances and regutalions. The NHC Development Services Cenler willbe nolilied otany changes in tre approved plans and speci conracbr iflbrmaton. .-NoTE:Any Work Perfomed wo he Appropnaie Permits will be in violaiion ofihe Nc sGG aEg code and su OWNER/CONTRACTOR i ldam sosne SIGNATURE: (Print Name) {. *)x x x,r **,** * * * ** 1.* +* * ** x* 1. + i++ {, * * * *,i** * ** + * ** *,t)t,t,t )i(,t,*,* ** * )t r( 't * + * + )t* '** ** r(************,* $500.ocr" IS THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: -5Q FT NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: -SQ FT T NO TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: _ EXIST LAND DISTURBING """ ' N VES I_"'I T'TO E YES tiATER:CF PUA ! communrrv svsrem I PRIVATE h]ELL CENTRAL I^JE L L SEWER:! creun ! crurnrr seerrc !PRIVATE 5E PTIC CoI.1MUNITY SYSTEI'I *** SEPARATE PERI'4ITS REQU IRED FOR SLECT, IIECH, PLBG, GAS EQUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS I\-$1 1U UO PAYII1ENT II1ETHOD:n CASH I crecx (PAYABLE To NHc)tr BILL ACCOUNT ilC,/VI SA DISCOVE **,*****i(,*tr(,******,*rt***,t+xr**,t)i******+****r(*,t,*****,*,t+**:k*,t,t,**)**,t***,t**)i*+x()**)t**+*+)***'t* (FOR OFFICE I]SE OIT LY)REVISED OAT ZONE :OFFICER:SETBACKS: F:B: $\osb Comment : LH:RH: Appnoval:- City:- DATE:- FLOOD: - BFE+2ft= - AVN PERMIT FEE: $- ,/tr ^ct8 +ruQrir dt, '4Br )+ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERNIlT AP PLICATI O N TYPET RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPIICA0LE I C yOUR pl0rECT "Project Respon5ibiliry" U//7/41APPTICANT'S NAME:/lrtrl)ite sr : 7t i r-+r e -Z-,J' c/1 (' P ROIECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: z4 ,* ,-oh PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWN ER'S ADDR ESS:,/o Z"x CONTRACTOR ADDRESS:0 Bov ?,432- cfiY: d//c ___2, 2TlZt LoTr, 2& -?-2 / -?.-2 - ,')J/-,rJ./ --fi =iv6' BLDG:,.ENSE ,, Z!78 tlJ v PHONE ri: 7lo CITY] LL / ( l? c747, clrY: //L' i ' a/d EMA . ADDRESST J l) U-tel \"Oaclt e 1$ 71,1 7.1,17 .267.- PROJECT CONTACT PERSON -Ta k,,-lbct-^?"c\ pfoNE: i//d ) d-L f 3_7LPHONE ' i * PLEASE CH EC( AND ANSWER BETOW AtL THAT APPLY TO YOT]R PROJECT I i* /7. €XISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alleration D Renovation ! General Ref).rirs NEW CONSTRUCTIOT \1tro,, New nesi(lence D Adclirion ro Ixisring ttesiden(e :] ltetocir.,/\ rAtt Garage (SF){L D Det Garage (Sf) _ fl Pool (5[) ,{ '', ,r, tst) 3!lo Sunroom (SF)_- Stora8c Shcd (5[), '. Other (S[] _i-l Greenhouse (5f )___ ll Ueck (SF) ls lhe propo5ed work (hanging the exieting footprint? n yes \rr'to TOTAT 5Q tT UNDTR ROOF Uor proposed work) Heated 226 L unhrited dzt TOTAT PROJEC'T COST (l-ess tot): S eeo ls the proposed work changinB the nunrber of bedrooms? ! Ves M ruo ls any Electrical, Plurnbing or Mechanical work beinB done to the Accessory Strucrure - t yes tYu o tf the project is a Relocalion, is there a Natural Gas [ine on the current site? ! yes i]\o lsthere Electrical PoweronthisBuildinB? ! Yes ft:pe I9FPR l8 2:56 p.1, Prope.ty Use/ Occupancy:Single Family D Duplex ! Townhouse Description of work: /)C u- /1-,.-_< information "'NOTt: Any worl p€rfo,nted viilho!t the appropriat€ permits will bc rn violalion oI theNCil tc 0ldp Codc and 5ub c.r ro lines L,e 1. 5500.00"'-},- U;e'-QoJL-SignatureOwner/Contractor "Licensed Quolilier" ls the property located in a floodplain? ! Yes Existing lmpervious 1r"r' 6 sq rt New lmperviou5 Areai )y?) sq.. 6 No Existing Land Distr.r rbif g Pernrll: WATER: E Cf PUa S Con,,r,rnity System fl Private Well fl Central Weil .- n,rro (- Yes \zflo t"st *"^ a*J 4,..-' SEWER: \/Cf PUA C CommunilY System D Private Septic f I Ce ntrnl sept c fl ALrrr.r zone: - Officen - Setbacks (F) - (LH) - {RH) - (S) . App.oval: --- Cityi - oater - l-lood: (A) -- (V) - (N) - B['a-]ir= - '*\Lbt - Commenl:lrr ll Fcc: i ry'Total Acres Disturbed: 7 c)tu-4tUZ 1 8:=a005NEW HATUOVER COUNW BUILDIITIG pERfirT ,,|PLrcAr]ro't n?f .' CoII,IERCIAL PLEASE A}TSXCR AIT q,ESIIOII9 A}"I'ICAELT IO YOJN PTO]ECI 'Project Rcsponslbili$f . DATE:2 lFlErflnrdx $rnber (offl.e ur.) .\ e.Z-l-Ea>.J APPLICA T'S MI4E: DEVE LOPER: l4 *z/ lieu< PHO E T: PRO]ECT occrrPAilI/BUSrNESS t{A}tE : PROPEBTY G$IER'S t'El'lE: O{NER, S ADDRESS: COT{TRACTOR: ADDRE55: EI.IAIL PROIECI COIiITACT Lc{P}ONE S: PHONE $: sr'7&ztP: ST t:o zv'AgLf+3L crw: I ,/ Exrsr corsr8ucrror; k1 ALrERArro tl Relocation, is lhere a NaturalGas Uoe on ihe r-] dENERAL REPAIRS T-T RE LOCATIO},I ,,#J-i "o ts amc sPHtnxueneoffv"E-p (Chcr* A.ll That .pply) REiIOVAIIOi{ she? fjtt .o*r*r.rr*' ;1 ACCESSORY STRITTUiE: EnEcr NEr{ srRucrt RE n FAsr rRAcx D sHEtt - ,Prrr E AnD ro Exrsr srRt crnE If tPfL - The Sh€lI Pernit : Is Clect Po er on this Building r.*1r Js rHJs a clrAlt6G or otct pAflcv usE?fl YEs }(* ""' IF Yes, r$at ras the Previous Occup.ncy Type? - Hh-ft ts tliE an occupancy #"' rrNo $6R DESI6t\l pROFESSIOi{AL Il6i?orsro, nnorrssrout, 7ft4 fr4tt{1Ad 6 0 . et9ras 2zrp t'lC fte r: ,14 '71e PH C RE6 S; DESCRIPTION OF I'IORK:/6.- ls ,ood or beverages preprred or served ln Uris struclure?f- I Yesfffro ts fne eroperty Locsted ln The Floodpl6in!&Y{L Buiding rh. faci*ry o{ butlding tffis huttd aoi.lol€l oernolilon ndiktons t' ssDestos re'irpYal 9€rYr*i apcrclilon3 ers ro bs subrnh€d u6k€ lhe appl{alion lom cor{eln Ast6los o/ ,lol, You stl tDguitao to cel the llslbnll Eds5lon Sendards for Hezafirous Air PollrLds (NESHAP)sr (91OP6r-5&g) tr h.rt l0 dsv3 prtr lo tE thrndi{on ., 6try l6dey o. bu{dhg. See Asbo61o6 Wab Sile: hlDvtwv|r'epl sbE ncu6'ePl'bsbesb6"hmp'hul' TOTAL PROJECT COST:BuILDING HEIGHT:.r'd C OF TJNITS: fr Exsr LAND DlsruRBlNG PERMF? f'YEs NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: O SOFT EX|ST|NG TMPERVIOUS AREA ."--so FT PROPERTY USE ffirace f] nesraunarvr f] ue ncarurtu [-1 rouc[ nnr[CONDO OTHEf ctAsSIFICATION TOTAL AREA SQ FT : TOTAL SQ FT UNDER R@F: SEWER: dcdcFPUA E COMMUNITY SYSTEM oENTRAL SEPIC [-1 WATER:FPUA SYSTEM .., SEPARATE PERMI'IS REOUIRE PAYMENT METHOD CASH [- CHTCX ZONE:OFFICER:nmrwJ]- SQ FT PER FLR: #OF STORIES; #oF srRUcruBES-- r oF FLooRS: 1r-*o r-.I WELL N ZONING USE Hvnre seprtc a?out'lulltw D fOR ELECT, MECH, PIBG, GAS EOUIP. PREFABS T INSERTS (nAvABLE ro Nt'tc) f - AMERICAN Exeness f* .uca;tsa,[-- otscoven (FOR OFFICE USE ONTY) SETBACKS: F: LH RH-_ B-- BFE+2ft Comment City: DATE- FL N PERMIT FEE: : oc ACRES DISTURBED: dt, '4Sr $ OWNER'S ADDRESS:() NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P LICATI O N TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ATL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PR(] ECT "Project Responsibility" cnv bt< O/a zrJ PHONE I/ Dilte y'-t-,tt' _lp 2t- l/2- LoI : CO 7lo -73,/-J33 / ;4.ol LotA-QoPlffi APPLICANT'S NAME PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION r o PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME: CITY: tL / L ZP /rrorrr,, /rl.r., ./ &ntvrt r,rtrJ '2,-'2;4!BLDG tlcENsE l, - /" |.'!---CONTRACTOR ADDRESS:--74 @* :retZ-crrYr /u r c sr: z44zp rMA[ ADoREss: J p tDcry qos/+ $ vr-r o)( . zb:-'t /. J O't6 1K 4-lJ)c t -i?oe|l- P]]ONE ?/,) ;2a - :;-3:7< 7ta l-d-b- rajLPROJECT CONTACT PERSON +"TPLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOU R PROJECT''" fxlSTlNG CONSTRUCfION: ! Alteration ! Renovation D General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTTOru Vf rect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocatiorr/\ MnttGaraee(sr) {L ! Sunroom {St)_ ll Greenhouse {St) _ El Det Garase (SF) _ D Deck iSF) D Por.h (sF) -.,o O n Stora8c 5he(l (5F) Ot her (Sl:l _ ls the proposed work (hanginS the existing footprint? D Yes ! No TOTAI- 5Q FT UNDER ROO! $or ptoposed work)aeatea. ZZI ?- unheated roTAt PRoJEcr coST (Less Lot) 5 / {, ea o ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ! Yes !. No ls any Electrical, Plurnbing or Mechanicalwork beingdonetothe Accessory Structure D Yes lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? D ves $ ruo ls there Elecrrical Power on this Building? ! Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy X sincle ramily C Duplex! Townhouse Description of work: ileu l/o.ro e- d4! Bto l?RP[ 18 2r58Pl1 laws and ordinanc€s and ,egulation!. TIe NHC Developnlent Services C€nter will be notified ol any changes informarion "'NOTE:Any work performed wilhout the appropriate p€rmits will be rn violation ol the NC tc approved plans ond specif c.tions or.hanSe ,n tuitn.ror Sldg Cod! itnd subjecl Irr fines up to 5500.00"' Jiln U.,"ff o&owner/contractor "Licensed Quolilier" SiBnature N ls the propertv located in a floodplain? I ves$ r',ro Existing lmpeJvious Area:o Sq tt New lmpervious Area 3 173 Sq Ft Existing tand Disturbing Permit:jYes ! No WATER: E ctnun flco-,t,rnity system E Privatewell D central well ! Aqua -(--Q Le-.lt-ZtOt-ql Sr-.- l. SEWER: ykf PUA E Commlrnity System fl Private Septic D Central Septic E Aqlri Zone: _ Officer: - Setbacks (F) - (LH) - (RH) - (B) Approval: Cityr Dater - tlood: (A)- (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - J Comment Permlt Fee:5 ,.J-.-!- ) ,_ zt:/lc PHONE: D Pool (S[) _ ,,J Total Acres Disturbedt ' / / -?-cb - q'r66 tu NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPL|CAT tON TY P Ei REStDENT|At PLEAST ANSWFN ATL QUESTIONs APPI IC!8LE TO YOUR PRO]Ec- "Projecr Responiibitir/ APPLICANT'S NAME:fia/N St'tu Peaenies./LC ,rr".4 t8 CITY Uj I r,M I).TQTDAJ tp Z LOr * ',La PRoPERTY owNER'sN^ME: ,-ftl4/ S o^/ &ao[e471 "S tl PHONE*:7O-d a-t 33b owNER'S ADDRESS: )2 I tAt4A_Az-L.ClfY : /t t t csl U/ l-74 u ztp s87 t \ CONTRACTOR $.try1 lo,v C Qe o Pez r)eg BLDG I.ICENSI t]>3-b 7 bAooREss: )2 /fi *t *r cfi't: l//.4(,'{O7oJo^/ ( >€ EM.^|L AooREs, ldi4___Et!/k. ? PRoJEcr coNrAcr p ,*ron, /ft lC .,*{,aoA _PHONE. -.?t_A-a)q_- r3> b PHoN€i 7/0-a2* b33 b .{3 ! Pool (sr)J Storage Shcd {SF)_ . i Greenhouse (sr j - M/oecr< (srl I \ ? /orn* $rl 93O 15 thc proposed work changrng the existin8 tootprintl I yes (No TOTAL sQ FT UNDER ROO1 llor propot?d wort) xeated: I l9RO _ unheatcd: lLlr; ToTAL PROTECT COST {t-er! tot): S_ ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? O yes {no ls any tlectrical, Plumbing or Mechrnical work being donc ro the Aacessory Stru.turn n Vet /wo lf the project r! a Relocation, i5 the,c n Natu ral Gds Ltne on thc curlent site? E yes E) No lsthere Electrlcal Power on this BuildrnB? C Vs E tto Property Use/ OGCupnncy:Single Family. D oupler C Townhou Oe5c.ip!ion of Work:0-\CoS Ir/ t,formarion fi lhrs eppl|cerron rr (orrecr rod :ittwort erll(ompv with the Sr Buildint Code and rrloths.r T1 t>tlnCY ExtsTlNG CONSTRUCTIoN: I Atterarron daenovation iglGenerat Repairs NEW CONSfRUCIIOI{: ii €rcct New Residencc l-l Addition to Errsring Rcsiderrce E Relocntion ..tPIEASI CHECr ANO ANsWER BELOW ALL THAT Appty_TO YOUR PROJEq... I Att Garagp (SF) - - {oer Ca,ate $rl lO'?-5 dporch lSr) : j Sunroom (SF)_ - iw. and o.da.i^(+r )nd reEUliljons !hc 'l{C [,evelopme^t ServresCantcr wrlt be nolrfi€d ol .ny (tiJr,irj, ixlo,mdtion ''^i!01I An) -ort perlormed w(hour lho rpproprl:rte pe,m,U w,ltbc ln viot tio. otthe trc "L;rcused Qu!lil,c!" ls the property located in a ftoodplarn? fI yes Eristing lmpervioug Area; _ Sq ft New lmpervious Araa: ._ Sq Ft Existint land Distu.bing Pe.mit: A Vcs O t'to ommunity System B Privnte well E Centrnl Wcl D Aqua nily system D Privite Scptic fl Central Septic D lqua owner/contrrctor: {7€/e >J:44 _ Signature: Permir Fee: $ {*. TotalAcrcr Disturbed: wArER: g4FPuA tr c sEwEe: {LrP}^ A c zone, p1 l0 ofr'.",,setbacks (F) NIA (rH) pl6:lRn) pFA (B)pJA Approval: - city: $t(ffA oate:!:Ztl$ Flood: (A) _ {v) - (N)BFE+2tt= Comment:$o nspio reo, 910.254.090i 6ro PRorrcrroonEss: lOlD "t l5s_5f. suBor vrsroN :,lDt-6 u)1 LD f tr7"y97*" NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERI'IIT applrcarrol rvpr; RESIDENTIAL fLZ PLEASE ANSl,tltR ALL oUISIIONS APPLICABLE T0 YOUR PROIICT *Project Responsibility'' DET GARAGE SF E PORCH -SF POOL s76 SF I SrOnaee SHED _ SF zo/3 - l/7/ APP L I CATIOI{ Number (office Use) APPLICANT,S T.IA E:Greg Moole DATE: 04 20 18 DEVELOPER:PHONE *: PROIECT AIDRESS: 1813 Trey ct CITY: wilmingron SUBDMSION: oak villaqe at Airfie BLOC( #:LOT *: 6R PROPERTY OINER'S tlAltE: Paul & Lestie carofolo PHOI{E S: 919 CONTRACTOR: EG3 consErucE iorr LICENSE #: 6515e ADORESS: 6110 Lydden Rd CITY: wllllmgton sr: I!_ zIP: jlLSlz EiIAI L AIDRESS: qmdzrm@hotmalf. com PKrl'lE *: sto 622 -t965 PROIECT CONTACT PERSO : Greq Moore PHONE #: 9L0 622-L9G6 EXISTIT'IG CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION I neuovarrou ! ernrRal ReRlrns RE LOCATION NElt coNsTRUCTIOt: ! rneCr NEH RESIDENCE o" I AOOrrrOt TO EXISTIT{G RESIDET{CE .T*PLEASE CHECI( AI{D ANSWER BELO{ ALL TTIAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: ! arr came r _ sF ! suunoou - sF ! car rurous r SF ! orcr SF OTHER:SF ToTAL HEATED sQ FT: _ ToTAL 5Q FT UNDER RooF: _ ToTAL AREA sQ FT: _ TOTAL PROIECT COST 1r."" roo : $o # OF STORIES: Is Any ELECTRICAL, PLUlrtBIl{G or IECHA,IICAL Work B€ing Done to the Accessory Structune?I ve. I Ho If the project is a Retocation, is thene a tlatural Gas Line on the Current Site? [Ves IUo rs thene Electrical Power on this Building? l-lyes l--'l Ho PROPERW UsE / OCCUPA CY:SINGLE FAMILY f] ouer-rx ! rouHnousr DESCRIPTIOT{ OF hIORK: rnstafl concrete Dool approx 16,w x 36,1 (3i - 6,)d conlrtrbr lnbrmaton. ",{OTErAny Work Perfonned w/O llle Appropriaie Pemirswillbe in Violaton ofrhe NC Slab and Slbjecl b Fines t p To $5OO.O0." OI{NER/CONTRACTOR: C..r AqG A{ oorl..SIG ATURE:'L--(p.i.t [am€,l )t:i )t *+rt,i+,t * + +,i+ +++ + r ** *** + *** * *,r r. ** * +i * + * +*,f *,** * *,f ,t * )t* *:i ** +*,t *,f r*** )t *:',t *:f,f :i * *,i jN + ji(:t i + ,i,f *,t I5 THE PROPERTY LOCATED IN A FLOODPLAIN? I_I YES I NO EXISTIiIG IIiIPERVIOUS AREA :5Q FT TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: NEv'r rrnPERvlot s AREA: f!!__ SQ FT EXIST LAiD DISTURBIIIG PERI{IT:!-l vts E no .fr#ffiH{ 238PR 18 !:3zPt{ OSCTAER lherebyceftryUial a[ intrrmalion in his applacElion 6 coned and dl wort wil comply witr lle Siai€ Buihing Coda and al ott€r applaable StaE and bcat laws and ordinances and reoulaions. The NHC Dev€lopmenl Services CenEr wil be noified ofanychanges ifl he approved plans and specifcarions or change tn conl|.acrrr or ) I{ATER: SE[,IER: CFPUA CFPUA cofr4utrry sysrEu E pRrvATE wELL cErrRAL sEprrc l-l pnrvarr seprrc I crHrRar wrrr E commururw svsrrm Itt: I nx,lD *+T SEPAITATE PERIiIITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, I'IECH, PL8G, GAs EQUIP, PREFAES & INSIRTS *T* I casx cHECt( ( PAYABLE TO t{t{C)tr ATTERICAN EXPRESS tr itc/vrsA tr DISCOVER IPAYIiEMT IETHOO: ,(,i rt*,t*r( **,t,f ** *+ +***,t ZONE : + r!+* + +t,t *,f * * ** *+ ++* + +t*,t,i** *,t* * )tt rt*+++,t,t*,1*** * ** ri *+*+*,i )t,i ** tr1l oFFrcER: rfoR offtcF usE dtll Yl ,rrroa*r, r,iJlA Appnoval;_ City: REVTSED oArE 04l11l12 e: IO BF E+ 2ft= P $Corment: orre :\-20'8 FLOOD:-T[[-;dr,l} ( ")II 0ir',r, t) ZIP i 284a3 Olr{ER's ADORESS: L CITY: Iilgilglg!_ ST: Jg_ ZIP:2!3!f_ L)i:l l:1\\ ,lt-' .. , . fi& 6S NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLTCATION TY PE, RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE IO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility'' 2p/3 - (il68 3-21-lg AP@- APPLICANT'S NAME:a,v<tc M oS<,V- PROJECT ADDRESS SUBDIVISION: 22 Date w PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME J'a.*.,, i c- OWNER'S ADDRESS: coNrRAcToR: 6t e enV t C PHONE #410 -68r- 535s CITY a.t4/,-fD^ztP,ZZ G LICENSE H /toz, DQzp 27858'ADDRESS: 7 EMAIi- ADDRESS: a CITY esr t^4 ' ao Lt1 PHONEi 1lo '1 o - /'75q PHON E 4 to - tl70-/q 5fl 1to-317-371 2- t nr14 lr2^-.1 Co t-'" PROJECT CONTACT PERSON EXISTING CONSTRUCTIONT ! Alteration E Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence ! Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation **.PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AtL THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECI'I" E Det Garage (5F)_! Porch (sF) 7t6{eoor (sr) >4eck(sF) ! Storage Shed (SF)_ tr other (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? tr Yes tr No TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF lJor proposed work) Heated TOTAT PROJECT COST (tess Lot): S ooo ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? n ves;(f,lo ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure D Yes ! No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? D Yes f No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? XYes tr No Property Use/ occupancy: {single Family E Duplex I l Townhouse Description of work Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolifier" t4414 / t4L"t ^cre/e /".*,e Existing Land Disturbint Permiti [] Yes ! No ls the property located in a floodplain? ! Yes ! No Existing lmpervious Area:Sq Ft New lmpervious Area:Sg Ft *l u)t-L1 4- f!<t t "a++t-tt information. t'*NOTE:Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State 8ld biect to fines up to 5500.00"' laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Dev€lopment Services Centerwillbe notified of any €hantes in the approved plans and specifications orchange in contractor Signature TotalA.res Disturbed ,9WATER: Ef CFPUA D Community System D Private well ! Central well E Aqua SEWER: XCTPUA D Community System fl Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua zone: - officer: - setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (s) -Approval: - city: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - Comm€nt:Permit Fee: S \5 ctw tol #: ! Att Gara8e (SF)_ n sunroom (SF)_ n Greenhouse (SF)_ Unheated: \ ffi$o*x(\? I ffi;iL-W)= APPLTCATION IYPf: RIS IDINTIAL PLtA5E Al!S!/tR AIL QtJESIlOllSAP,'1i(AElt IOYO!lR PROllCl "Project Responsibility" APPLICANT'5 NAMt: .. ' L r a/ U4:a /.Da le L ziFPRorEcT ADDRESS,. jl-<., .tl::''- PROP€ RTY OWNTR'S NA lr4 t: OWN€R'S AODRTSS: ,, ] : SUBOIVISION ._ i...* . . ,LOt r: CONI RACTOR .i ):,i.. i"' l::.i*r..... , ' al:- PHoNE ' ' 1,' BLDG IICTNSE ! ,// 5* {!.?c {_ ADDR€SSI - /-./' TMAIT ADDRISS: '., /-': -L- ' ',.. 1..-:--. . !--!::,-I l Pool {5t) l.l o PROI t CT CONTACI PfRSON -., ,L EX IST ING CONSTRUCIION NEW CONSTR UCTION f-lAlterataon i Rtnovnlion 11 Getrera! Reparrs Irr(l llev,'Resrdence I Acdrlron lo E]Lltrng Actrderr(r' II k{,locatrort ...PI FASF CHIC( AND ANsWER B[[OW ALI.THAI APPLY TO YOUR PRO.'ECT.'}* Del Gara8e {SF)ltsA'. i /\ Gar,.rflc {Sf )- ..,..-___ - . 5uttroc,tll (-\Fl i".l Porch (SF) " : i Storage Shed (SF),,-, _- - I ol hrr (SF)l Grcenlr{)1r1,(,(Sf) - .- L Deck {SF) r\ lnr IJropa \{'rt vi(rrh ( ndrrl-lrrf. the ( vr5t,r,, lootf,rrr'l) . v{'' TOTAI- SQ fT UNDTR ROOF {,icl ptPpased wotkJ Aeared TOTAL PROJECT COST (Les5 ror). s /6 -9>C:o '-'- l! the proposed vJorL (hangrng the number of berlrooms) ! Yes f] No ls aflv fleclrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work beinB done to the Accesso.y Structure fl yes ! No lf th., prol€r.l rs a Relocation, is tlrere a Nalural Gas Irne on the currenl site? C Yes 0 No rs there flc(t cal Powrr on lhis Buildrng? ! Yes C No s le fam !ou plex [J Townhouse Description ol Work Unh€ated D15c!alME8: Ih..cby.(.rlily lhal.;rltlr. inlormat.on thisitppl,cationr!(olreclandallworlwill(oflplv 6u., .nd o,d,..,n.e! t.a '( iulr!,oii: ThE !'lHa Delelop,iPnt sclvi(e! Cenl€' will be notifi'd o{ aav thang rnlo!r'irl,orr "'lrOTI /.r,reerlprrlo.drt'delrhoullhPapproprralepermrl!$/!llbeilrviol';r'o'atlh'N t, lhr Slalr llurldi.tj Code and all thr approved plan5 and plicablr Slala ard lo("1 or (h.nflr '. (rn!rd.lct ,/' 1.j fl.,t -. Signature 4,Ow n e r/C o nt r a cto r l- ,a ( 1,\r'o \),,1t, l,i' ls 1rir. prc,trrrit iac.rtr d i. a il!cittlirrnT I Eristing lmpervious Area: _" Sq ft l\lew lmpervious Aree: -, Sq tt \(lil tR Ye5 r Ito Total Acres Disturbed: ExistinB lsnd DislutbinB Permit i:i Prrvatc ylrll [--] Cenira! l^/ell Ll AqLrii i I ves l-..1 tto y/ t ;tttt' : (onrrlr:l! s!-s1( i StWLRl :I CFt.U/' I {,r,n,niiriii1y Systrl|; /Prr!ai{,5{rptr( [ Cer]ll;l 5eptrt X /rqua _ (LH) _ IRH) tB) tlood: (A) {v) ._ (N) ._ Btta2lt: Zoner Approval: Comment setba.ks (F) D ate: - Of f icer C ity Pe.mit tee:5 C 'TY PHON I II C ITY Property U5e/ Occupancy:S il a.NEhJ HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: COMMERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANT'S NAME: DEVELOPER: ZA 12lS Lu* P4/h. z , PRO]ECT AD rc ." S.org .CI4? APPLICATION Number (Office Use) - DATE :n u 2z S o,-, T PHONE *: V-lLA4/ /\4,,,u,-zrp: .?gY/Z oc cupaNl/ BUs r N E s s NA|YE :UMT ltL/ PROPERTY OWNERJ S NAME: OWNERJ S ADDRESS : PHONE #: ST:ztP :CITY: CONTRACTOR: < o^.,STav<_Tlv{ A.ttt-Ott"4,bu7 CENSE #:6-?-? o,>ADDRESS:4e)z A*so,^- <,z,to Lu'P Rb EMAIL ADDRESS: PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON: EXIST CONSTRUCTION: lf Relocation, is there a Natural <'l 14 rz t \ .1, u c.^ P crrY: b-t t-wr t rt-.t-t-.t* . sr ONE #: H ,A I t,ezrP| z oQ,sy ?.L-;ni'g;,tL( r, (Che.k A1l That Apply) No NEI,{ CONSTRUCTION: ES ERECT NEt^l STRUCTUR E FAST TRACK ALTERATION TVRENOVATION cas Line on theffirrent Site? l-- GENERAL RE PAIRS l- No tS BLDG s RE LOCATION KLERED1,|-_ yesf_ l-l SHELL JV upFrr J-l ADD ro Exrsr srRUcruRE'-r-ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: Is Elect Pohrer on thi.s Building f> Yes f N0 ***i'* rs THrs A CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY USE?r yES ffi. NO "-.--IF Yes, what was the Previous Occupancy Type? _ What is t/e Neur Occupancy Tvoe?ARTH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL:.PH NC REG #: NC REG #:ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL:-PH: DESCRIPTION 0F WORK: ,?L ST-huftnu r ul t't T T l9/i li O u/trt)/ixtsT/*X- 7ga,-*'/T ls food or beverages prepared or served NoDISCLAIMtR I hereby certify thal all informatron and local laws and ordinances and requlations. T or chanoe in contlaclor or contractor ritformation.Subiect'lo Fines LJp To 5500 00"' tn in he this structure?ty'Yesl-- tto ls The Property Located tn The Ftoodptainl:g- ye{-i;bd this application is correct and all work will comply with the State B!ilding Code and all other applicable State NHC Devel oDmenl Servlces Center wrllbe notfiedw/O the Appropriale ofanv chanoes rn the ann Permi{s wll 5e rn Vrolation roved s and onsolan'NC Bldq codeNE:Any OWNER/CONTRACTOR (Oualilier) See Asbeslos Web S te CHr<6 L.t*t Pt( 4..'^ SIGNATURE State and SO FT conlain Asbestos or nol. You are required to calllhe National Emission Standards for Hazardous Arr Pollutants (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 at teast 1O days prior to the demolition ofany facility or build ng TOTAL PROJECT COST: TOTAL AREA SQ FT : # OF UNITSo TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: ) -t o ACRES DISTURBED EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? T YES T NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA SQ FT EXISTING IIVPERVIOUS AREA PROPERTY USE CONDO OTHEI WATER SEWER SYSTEI\,1 CFPUA CFPUAE ry CON,lI\,4UNITY SYSTEM CENTRAL SEPTIC R WELL VATE SEPTIC TI ZONING U ?our,,,tunrv SE CLASSIFICATION .. SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP, PREFABS E INSERTS PAYI\,4ENT METHOD f cASH l- cHecx leavaBLE To NHC) [* nvenrceru EXeRESS l- nrcrursn l- DtscovER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:tH RH BZONE: OFFICERApproval:_ City: DATE_ FLOOD:_ BFE+2ft, AVNComment pERMIT FEE: I rlr If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit #: : htlp:/l^rww,epi.state.nc,us/epi/asbestos/ahmp.html tBUILDING HEIGHT: /J ' SQ FT PER FLR: . 3.re o #OF STRUCTURES: 7 #OF STORIES: I # OF FLOORS: noFFtcE ! Resreunnrtr ! urncnnrlrefl EDUCfI AprD