MAY 4 2018 BUILD APPS6tol6'45t'( ',ffit APPIICANT'5 NAME PROJECT AOOR€SS I SU BD lVlSlONl NEW HANOVER COUIJTY BUIIDING t) [ i] i'.,| i AP PLICATIO N IYPFr RISIDENI'IA.)rf^sl /ir'rs!vEll Alt :lu[5]jut!s Apirii\ l rl I , - . "Proje(t Responsibility"12 t/'_ /24_v4tr._,ry//4 /$,,a,'/ 7/c tC/7 l/aa,,; ,taJ_4- arTr l: tl 1-/ /f Zt-/7 z/c PRoP.RTY o**r^', *orr,. 771a-r/a owNtR'S AOORESST ,';Vi7 ' ,,//z'L?2,,'7-','Pr:Orl[, crrY it,., {ll ir .,._la .i l ..'j.t.-: ?r,,',,^/7 W1a/rLft// T/ rCONTRACTOR A DO RE 55:/o / ./rl ls-cll \'/i..,,j . ;a -., ., _f a-- €MArrADDRrss: a p q!! \ 9t-e4 - 6.tu,,,t .ri,,-,,I t, r)Nt //- i 'tPRO]TCT CON'TACT PERSON 'fi trtr,,,,ty,c1:,ti -,f /7' EXISTIN6 CONSfnllCTlOl,l /^.llprilion i llr'rovnl r,r, I I Gr,, NEW CONSTRUCIION lV lr,,rlN(,w l(r.ti(l\. rr rl n(j(irrll tot,r',lrirt,jif,rrt, i,r./\...pLrAst cHIc( AND ANSy,/[R BEtOtl.r 4LL Ti],it /lp?: "o' -fl(. {,.,,, ,IG ,'.,4 Jct ct !tl E l)r.r (lrr i,", 1'lr Y ) i,,i, ,,r. itl) _ L' ) ,, r., , ,,eu..,. (._r . ,. rl Pr)l,lror,,ij v/|rtr(l)] rl,r l, I , j { , , . ; . I I , I , , I I 1 I I r rLr, ,i l iOTAt 5Q FT UIJDER ROOI lf( : i)t.)ttt) t''i,vLrl rl.nlg(l' 2l'-r :- rr,,i' ::. IOTAi P,toJECT cosT (Lf.-., lr,r) 5._ ./7+a-'.','-. ls th(, propoged work (hanllrnt the rrLrnrber ol t.,{,(lroonrsi' ' Yes\, tro ls any tlectrical, Plumbing or Meclranical work lr(,inU cjor! lo tllo A(.r (.!\ory !ilr Lir t rr(, lf lhe projecl r5 a Relocation, i5 therr a NatLrril Gir,j Linc o llrr,cLr,rr,rl rite) yc9 - ls there Flectrical Power on th r BuildinS) I-l Ycs l lY.No Property Use/ oc(upancy m SinBlc l;rrrrlv i Duplex I ' Iownlrous. Descriplion of Work ,Lr-t. I OI5CLAIMtA: I hell Uy (rrrrly ttrrr rll r r(. ,,rlo' 'rrr{!' ,. I l,rr ,'l,l|(rli!', ,.- ( or L(r i, ,r rawr a"d o,d an(rs J,'d ,eE!l!l'!,\ L'p uHa Urvtl!rrr'r!,'l 5rrytr(e C.,,rU v,'rl !r ,. ,rlo,nrrlru'r "'tOIf Anywo,l0c,{,,r,'r!dwrlltrr,,llr,pJpr)r.p,r.,r!l,rln,r!v/.11,, ' 3Ot' i,,. \ rr,, '1 1.,., t "-4(owner/Co nlra ctor tt.ru\tl (t0otilftr" New lrJrptrvious Ar .vATIfl (ll . SEWER ionei 'otjr ;,(r.r! D', 1 r., , ,l Ixittin]t i arrd i)r, l !,1) ,,l 15 lhc propcrty loairled in ir l(x)dDllIr/ J I Yc5 Ixrslint lmpervious Area: C' 5q Fl Ill1 Comnr{,ll l' N alPt)i ' , t )',! n,rr '., ',,,:'!^ Officer: SetbJ c ll s (l ) C rty Lrit tr: , ,'-lL :. \+0.r0 )4-€r a 2et8 - *;aA m$' NIW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PTNI.4I- AP PLICA|ION IYPE: itESIDENTtAL ptl ASt ANSV./tfi ALL (lU[5flOt.]S Atjl,t at, ttt I .I i,ti ,, ,' l APPTICANT'! NAME P ROJTCI ADORtSS: SUBDlVlSlONi - ) ,/___-J- //!/.,?:.///a/( !121/1J "Pro)ecr nespon!lbill!y",/)Y !b74,'7"v,,'/,'cl .1/ C)rzt _Ezitz /2,/-, D CIIY l- / f ' ,t-,'1'- 3r?/< PROPTRTY OWNEs'S N AII E: OWN T R'5 ADDRTSS /J(--)< &zyryltrrrtr.'L' -CITi' li) cllY La. . llL D6 I rC L r\rS: ll _ ;, /i...:, /7/ ,.,' .t t o CONIRACTOR ADD R ESS:o r r,4ArL AooRrss :T l) 32- 1a,t 1 w' jpc77 €? ( y v1 1i I < 1-..7. , PRO][CT CONTACT PENSON prrLrnlr ',a/ /, , ), tXfSTrlfG CONSTnl,CIlOll' - /.r!i-ritrr , Ir,.,r.!, t,,,, C, ," , , , , NEW CONSTRUCIIOru Y '. ' ii,'.. lir.!rl' ., ,'!r illrr,r,lo r, ' ,,,, rl, ,/\ "'PltASt CltICK AN0 AN5WEft BtLOlV Att it-tAT n,,t _ ,. i1r.r'r]i t, t,i()JF( l -/ f ).,1X ArrC.,,rt/,.(trr -> // E l)cr (,,rr.,.,,. r.,r I ' , 5rrrruollr(',r) | r,r)(,1 {51 I I G,rr(,rllouJL, l5l ) - i), (k l\l l ". lh(, l)ra,t)crtt,(lv/r)rl( ( lranr:rrlt, IIrI, i.rr,.Ir!r,r,)ollrrLlll' v(,.. ' t). rOTAL 5Q fT UNDTR nOOt ttijt t).t,1\t\.t tt,rr)rL) HL.i,red: - Z 76 ? r,,r1,, ,',. I TOrAt PROJECI cosT (Lc!.,. tcr) S 1 <rO <. a' .r thr: propot(.d lvork (hangrng lfre rlrn)llrr of llr,rlroorn5 r' ves ! t.lo 5.rny Eleatri(al. Plumbint or Mechnnical wr)rk boinll dorl,to lha ,\ar(.,,\orv 1,, r, ,,, ,{ ll lhe proiect r5 a Relocalion, i5 thert a Natrrral Gas Linc orrlll(,cUrrclll site) I yrj }.|]c ls there Eleflri.al Power ofi thie BuildrngT [ ] Yes'.'r No Property U!e/ Occupancy I singtc Fanrily [] Dupler I ) Townhouso Descriplion of lvork: /c C lL/f/ar..a-- Ol5(t^lMt8: I hi rtr ..,lrly 1r':,1i I rlr. i,,foi,itrlr,",,i il,,! rlli) L.ir ),r rr,.', r i, :1. . ,, ,rrr ',hwt aid ordrlanfi,\ arid r€B!lJt(i11 IIL( NrlC Uevr.lo,rrrrnl \rrv(r,l Crr'l!r wrll lr.rrir li,,d ol ,rnv I ri1 5 z'c' n Il,,r 'rrDr "'frlJrt ,',,1r /r',I re,lorr,rrd vnllrr,L,r Lhr .rLrrr1,p,,. !T 5illr'.ilu r,owncr/Contrartor: _. 'Lt.trted Orot litt" tthcl)roperly ocnl(d r)n rarurlp lrl) I YL's I N.) Ixisting lmpe.violrs Ar.a, -- C S(1 rt New lnrpervious Area: wATfnr It-rttt y! SEVTER: f t.tti )t I Zone: 0fiicr.r ,\pprovir l: CttY l1l-i'"n, ,,,/Tot;,1 ALrrs D,r t!,I r.ri ' / / txit!in8 LJnrl {) ,,lurl)i,,1 ',, ,'V , C') ,r 1r,)nrl,,, ,l',',_t',rr, L ..r.r.), - r.\ ,,1,.','t,t ' Settrac!! l[) t ) 39 0D )&*::- ,._J33__ : fi.r5: r{tsi AppLrcANT's NAME: 2*t a{r.- 7at '45,?1 /'"/t'. t, 'z s.*t) NEW HANOVER COUNTY TJUILDING PEIi\'II AP P Ll CAT tO N IYPE: REStOETJTtAt- PLfA5[.{NSWf,]ALI OUESTIONSAl'lLr( . lilI Iri rl)i;ri,,,,r rr.' : "Projecl Rcspor)siiri ity" /(1'/ r/(.J- PRO][CI ADONESS 5UBOrVrS'ON PROPE']TY OWNIR'S NAME: L! /21t')t) /". "; l!/a a Z2rrrr,rn.c ://c -,...,.../LrL:)G llr l'il\: t ,1 ) ' ! - st 7l'i.;," Z- .i '/u( 'i' '-t OWNIR'5 ADDRESS o {clrY L.l, ' t CONTRACIOR ADDRESS:o { ,l} 32-- /?((!// T/t: _.) tMAlt ADDRISSi ... d-P ,i./-,c.1 ,^ Otc /..t e CITi ,,a.4(. i,i,(rii I fXIST,NGCONSIRUCTION: l. I ^ll.,riliD,r I I llor),J'/;r.iori ll c,r...:Ll lr, rrr:,. NEu./ coNsrRUCT|oN Vr,,,., ru,,*, ,,, '',,, ,. ,. '...1i r,u., r , , . ,,, ,.,../\ ' " PLEASI CHEC( AND ^NSWE,t BIt.OW A Tlt : n I]tJi;- :O ir,i]]ir t)irOilC I PRO.Jf CT CONTACT PERSON \ / -,, -a)A At C:\t,1pr |tt \ /i 9 / d )( ./b/-' -1 ili.t : ... . i,. r'l i :t:, t:,: x i Lrr.rn,rou5r. lil ) , l,r,t1 iri l ", ll r, [)r{jl)(,1i :lv,)r' rlll]r'r,,r,'tr t ' ' . ' ' , I r ' r r ' ' ) . , I | ' ' r r'' t,, V . IOTAT 5Q tT UNDER t\OOl llor rtrorxts,.,t'.,.,'l I Hi,.,t!rl ? I .- f Uj,\' rOTAr PRO.IECT COST (tL,!i Lot) ,- l!9 2?i is ll,e lrropo5cd work (hJllrj.nr: tl'n | ,),r,lrcr (rl r.{,uri)o|,r\ ' . , Yes V ilo :s i,ry Ele(trical, Plunlbint or Mechanical work i)e,r)g tir)a! to tta .iaa, 5i()r,r, ,,!. .il lf lhe projpcl i5 a Relocatlon, is there a Nntriril 6arLinrorrih{,cL.,ri.r:t 9t{,) 'yr,s l5 the.e Ele[irical power ofl this BuildinB? i"] vcs fu to Property Ure/ Occuprncy :!i Single Fanrity I oupler i-i Townhousc Oescrlplion ol Work ,CEa,,1L'7.4: rJwr atd o.dxr.n(e! i,'d rrgutar,onr the r!HC Otvr,tot,lrc,!i 5.,v!((, r !nr.r ,rtt !J. Lr :,t{,C ol rr:, .,.,,i,,i1. .,rlo,rraridr."'NOIt:^flVworktcrl.,nrflJwilh.rl't rh.i)t!r3rdte!rr!nrr,,Iirr- !!tl ,,,, r.::.,.,ra ., q'DC) ', 'Xr,, Yr.r{l OtS(r lMIn: I h.{rt,y.rfr,y lirnt )rl t,'t {,1D,','rro, 'ii I r"e .,trpr(ij(n1l it I or,rrt n,{j ir v/:r,r: f ,r .ij Owner/Coo t,a(tor Lr.It)ttitQuolilit/" :l ,jr .,r.,r, ls tIe properly lO.nted in n Ikr{)(]t)lJllr, I I Ves{ IxigtinB lmp€rvious Arca:5{t ft l.lew lr pervious Are r, -y'4.:''l run, Tot., Aarai 0irtr'.!r"aj lxit:;nl i.a,llj Cl,,t0r Li, j WATTR: : C rnUr, \dt,,.,,,,',,rriy :,.,,r r.,r I :,, v.,!! yr{ r , r,:,,irr.. ..,r.: sEW€n:\{:rFU^l]l-,ol\tilll!v..iylllr,rrr,lI,rir,;ll,,1,..l, :onr: _ Oflicor. sctbi.ls {fl llIl ,i}.' /\p,).ovirl: trty: _ . l-)rlt: - tiooLli i;i) ii ) ii!, , ;C) Y, 55('t'd) t l.' f ,-t usp ,fn- _10,, r * '7q.-'1_ \ ?otg -+ +'( 6'1"frIEN I"IAN'OVEN COUfrITY BIJILDING PERMIT TT0l.l $r llunbe. (ofnc: U:e) APPLrcatiT, s A,rlE: DEYEI.OPER: PROJEIT ADOR SUBDIWsIOI': DAIE! 5: PnoPERTI otJuE[,s il4]1E: CT]NER'5 AODREsSI co TRAC?oI; nDDn[sS: E NIL ADDRESS: CITY I CITYI LfCEilSE Sl CIIY: [-€l P80 E f: !' . LOT *; D- sd $,bloct b Fh.3li To 6s0qc{r- ZIP..at!8BLoC( {i {P[0 E #! tto:]!?Da?3]8 sr: 6!!z'i9, Ar4$t 7331t nrl-.=..-_-_sr'&Ezrpl&ACCoUNT 0: PN,NE *:qD 37rqLfrl a:31 IEI,J to&sTRLt[oi,: ffrarcr lru RESTDE]iEE or 8'pLErsE cHEc(,rs nrstiR BELd,t itl rt{AT tpply loplarr omaor th4 sr fiorr aemee pRo:rcr cotnacl ptxsoit: PHO E *:Qr arsTril6 cor,,srnucEoMr I ALTPAEoN flnanurnoll f]eareirar- negtrrs. I RELOCATToN LI AnDrEoll I0 FjGsEttS RESTDE cE Your p*o:dcrr .-sFEmnm 43Q .rr PML SF I stoR mr snro SFI oicr -...-.- sr orHER: e' fl ruo TorAL HEATED ss fit &YA* rorAl sq m uNDEr noor,373'J rorAl AIEA ,q ,r, 'ly,1a TotAL pnolEcr c0sr6$Lo! : S ,r'HXjO # 0F sronrEsr ;? Is Any ELECT{ICIL, pt-U,.1BIr,JG ot IEC T}ltCllL Uork Beihg Done to.th. A<.essory Struct0.e? E-yIf the project is a ReJ.*ation, is there a Natur.al 6as Li.ne on tte Cd.rent SitelIs there Electrica.l Power on this Building?Yds firo PRoPEnTY UIE / ocl]ptNcy t m E FAMITY I E,pr.p( . flro*mrousr DESCRIPTTOIi OF U]ORT: 0!INER/C0NTRirI0n :S16I&TURE: CitluQe" t3ryfri4gtfx- erfim[trI Y I rrrt**+ +*++*+r+il.'"+*****#f+l iili}*t*{}**+t+*+*r*idi+r* **r*+rra*a**t*t11**rr*ar*r:arrr*r rs mE paopERry LoctrED rl I rroooeLlrul I vrs fr m EXTSTTNG IMpERVIoUS AtUl: '--SQ rT TOIiL.ACRES DIsTUIiBEti: NE[, IHpEnVIoUS ,AnEAr ---_ sq rr g16T LAI\D DI5TUnB$JG nimln, 63 vrs ff ro 3BflPR lS 4:85pfi N^-tEa' Z aFpuA l] cou.rrvrrv svsrra I euvrrr wrLL sE|.tEtu 4 cFp]U^ D crinmr- srprc I rr Arr sPr:c r CA'INAI !|ELT cctf4u&Iry sYsTarl o aPp D(rtrott rypF; IiESf DENEnL ptElsE trsEn nL qJESrIOiS 'irptrctaff ID yout psoltcT '?rcJect [espohsitiltty, I surrnoon --_- srI cnrnrHalst -.=..-- sr PAYlltllr OFFICEE,:n,{,,r, / r,*d**o^"*""o 'ininirw,,,r,vl FLOOD; do, rffil."<ts NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAI PLEASE ANSWER AI-L QUESTIONS APPI"ICABTE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibility'' 7D(& - 45qg Date: 5 ZIP:.-.\ APPLICANT'S NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: Y CITY: suEDlvlstoN:*am c>wen I avc<- PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:b,\\ (lravZ-\*o \ cC l^)rlhn.PHONE f: OWNER'S ADDRE55:o n CITY CONTRACTOR cl vy'- ADDRESS:clw EMAIL ADDRESS;PHONE: PRO'ECT CONTACT PERSON c PHONE: (- l:l uzr'Z?4G'.- gr.oc uceNser, ZU SBLp sr:$lzte: ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes d}to ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes ffNo lf the proiect is a Reloetion, is there a Natural Gas Line-on the current site? E ves Eldo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? A Ves Vtno Property Use/ occupancy: E/single rami tr Duplex E Town use Description of Work: h olsclAlMER: lherebycenih/ that allthe information ln this application iscorrectand allwork willcomplywith th€state BuildinS code and allother apdrcable State and local law!.nd ordinances and regulations- The NHC Development Servic4s Center will be notified ofany changes in lhe approved plans and specificationi orch.nge in contractor E Greenhouse (sF)8/5,n"r1sr1 ?arho'?o ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? tr Ves E/tlo Unheated: 1Z-l TOTAT PROTEO COST (Less Lot): S information. "'NOTE: Anywork pcrformed without the appaoprlrte permits will be in violation of the NC State gldg and iubjectto tines upto 5500.00.'. owner/con r.oo. D{L\yln<:,t U1l.l Signature: "Ucensed Qudlilier"AiN.,* ls the property located in a floodplain? tr ves ts(o Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed:lZ= New lmpervious Ar "", Z\O?n sqrt Existing Land Disturbing Permit: tr yes t'ruo,,/WATER: E CFPUA E community System E Private Well fl Centralwell E Aqua SEWERT y'cFPUA E Community System fl Private septic D Centralseptic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tHl _ (RHl _ (Bl _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (Al _ (Vl _ (Nl _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: S l. t,a, oa 18-1358 Application Number (office uie) I O(STING CONSTRUCTION; tr Alteration EI Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSIRUCnON: EilErea New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation ., . 'TPLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEIOW Att THAT APPTY TO VOUR PROTECI.** 4.y^-L - la2_ drtt earage 1sr; LJLI fl Det Garase (sF) - d eorcr 1sr1 !,,p\1!qjl' lT.i E Sunroom (SF)- tr Pool(SF)- D Storage Shed (SF)_ C Deck (sF)- TOTAL SQ FI UNDER ROOF (Jor ptoposed wort) Heated: I ,5l al APPUCANT'S NAME: NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPUCAfl ON TrPE: RESIDENT| At PLEASE ANSWER A[ QU€STIONS APPLICABTI TO YOUR PROJECT.proi.ct Rriponslbiliy ?o.-u tL..tLC ? o\0 4523 Jfu4 Application lotfice us.) 4ln/tDate: PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVISION: fll OW: u.\,--,-.*.,3Ltrz*ut<M 5.tr",,v,fLl.J*t4 LOTfi: 1 PROPERW OWNEtrS '{AME:OW ERS ADDRESS: 1*-.",,^"D.:..p*.cr, . r-u<-PYgNll; ^to.K7.1,kob\o< &<*-o<0L 44'1<CITY: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: Q-"- 6 14.Lan J I tv.- ar*r+.. - ^J c ZlD: 2d467 5d<o aETDG LICf,NSE T:&to5 o (L. s",1L 2>r CffY: ti ST:.!L zt? 291 o \EMAIL ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: O\J A ol pHONE: Oro 4e. r4rc PHONE:o EXISTING CONSfRUCIION: O Alteration fl Renovation D General Repairs NEW coNsrRucrlol{: /Erea New Residence D Addition to Exisflng Residenc€ D Rerocation ...PLEASE CHECTAND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO,€CT... E Att Garage (SF) E Sunroom (SF) _ fi Greenhouse (SF) _ El Det Garaee (SF) ,4lQ n Porch (SF)ztL ! Storage Shed (SF)_ ! Other (SF) ls the proposed work changinS the existing footprint? ! yes fl No TOTAI Sq FT UNDER ROOF llor proposed workl Heatcd: Zooo Unheated: bLA TOTAL PROJECT COST (tess Lot): S tb ooo.- n Pool(SF) tl De€k (sF) ls the proposed work changin8 the number of bedrooms? D yes ! No ls any Elecricel, Plumbirg or ltiaclrenh.l work b"ing done to the Accessory Structure D ycs E olftheproiectisaReloc.dor,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?EyesCNo ls there Electrical Power on this BuildinS? E yGs D No Property Us€/ Occupancy:Sinila Fam n Dupl€x CDescription of Work:0 9*Atn &'&t cop,<< DISCI.AIMER: I hereby c€nifythat allth€ information in thrr applitation is corrcct and allwork willcompv with the State guilding Code and all other applicable State and locatlaws and ordinancesand regulationl. The NHC Oevelopment Scrvrcas C-ehter will b€ notifi€d of eny changes in the and specific.tions or chanS€ in contractorinformation. ...tlOTE: Any work pcrformed without th. .ppropriete permitswillbe in violation ot the NC State to lincs up to SSm.q)... Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolifi...Sign.ture: ls the property located in a floodplain? ! yG, D No Existing lmpcrvious Arta: _ Sq Ft Tot l Acres Distuab€d: Ncw lmparviou5 AEa: _ Sq Ft CxistinB L.nd Disturbing pcrmit U y.s fl No WAfER: /CFPUA tr Community System E private Well D Central Well E Agua SEWER:{*PUA E Community System I private Septic D ttrfia].Septic fl AquaOltrccr:- Sltbacks(R_(tHl (RH;'-":6L I Approv.l: _ CrV: _ Dltci _ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _(Nl _ BFE+2ft=Commcnt:Permit Fee: .t *^NEW HATIOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPUCATION fYpE: RES|OENTiAT PI.IASC ANSWER ATI QIJESTIONS APPLICABTI TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Rcsponsltrllff t[".... Appli(ataon (office use) APPUCANTS TAME:tA1 PROJECI ADD*ESS: suBDtvtstol{: .L CITY: Date: ZIP:z jLctt*bl< tq 1JJ".i,e a*J*.*- PROPERTY OWNEPS NAME: OWNER'S ADORESS: &***.*, LV-pltONE S: 4r o 4tL.tb\o< oL<*nrla- 6L CITY: CONInACTOR: ADDRESST ?r-.- 6^+<1rl-L) | L.LC c|/..4dn t y'L llP:2d4ot 5d<o,BT.DG LICTNSE I:btol O6/.'rt $L 4111- 2o\CITY: drr^u*t-ST: P!ZNoEMAIL ADDNESS:ou 4 wl PRO.IECT CONTACT PERSON: EXISTING CONSTRUCTTON: E Atteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEw conlsTnLlcrD,{: /Erect New Residence I Addition to Gxistin8 Residence ! Rerocation ..IPIIASE CHECT AND ANSWER BELOW AIL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO'ECT"' fl Att Garage (SF) D Sunroom (SF) _ E Greenhouse (SF) _ E Det Garage (SF) ,+lk D Porch (SF)ztL E Storage Shed (SF)_ fl Other (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D yes f] No TOTAL Sq FI UNDER ROOF (Jor proposed workl Heated: Zooo Unhe.ted: b70 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S tb o@.P Propcrty Usc/ Occup.ncy;house A{*u,ro br A!.K rrAt^Desc.iption ot Wo.k: PHONE: Ata 4(t- t4o PHON€: 4to zKz ' t4to C Pool (sF) n Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changinSthe oumber of Hrooms? D yes fl tlrolsanyElec$cd,PlumHnsorMGGlEnic.lworkb€ingdonetotheAccessoryStructurenyesDNo lf the project is a RGlocadon, is there a Natural Gas Une on the current site? E y6 D Nolsthere ElectdcalPoweronthis Building? E Ves O No , t tu,e5.\ LD ,L WAL Lc,pt..f lews and ordinan€es and reSutations. The NHC Developrnent Selices Gnter will be notirbd of any chanae3 in the"NOTE: Any work p€rformed withoutthe appropriate permats witt b€ in viohtion of the NC St.te DlSa:lAlMCXr lhereby cenify th.t allth. inform.tion in this application is correct aod altwort willcompv with the Building Code and allother applicable Slate and lo{al and specifications or chante in co.tr.dor subject to fi nes up to S5fl).@.. . Signature: it;D YGs E No FE+2ft= Owner/Contr.ctor: 'Licensed Quolifr.r- Q,.,*,Q*,il h" ls the property located in a floodplain? n yes D No Existing lmpervious Arc.: _ Sq Ft Tot.l Acres Disturbed: New lmp.rvious Ara.: --- sq ft Gxining Land Disturbing perm WATER: B/CFPUA a Community System ! private We[ D Centrat We f] Aqua SEWERT E/CFPUA f] Community System fl private Septic O emtnfseptic D Aqua zone: offccr: ri _tj^;r,!JsE4 setb.d6 (R _ (t-H) _ (RHl _ (Bt _ Approval: _ Gty: _ D.te: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ B Comment:Pe.mit Fee:s Zot$49,,,8 lfl+a+ LOT* IL ! ,Aa ai,r z I 1 DEVELOPER: NEI., HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLIcATIott rYPE: COl,ll4E RC IAL PLEASE Atst ER A!t- gJESTIoatS APPTIC SLE TO YOUR PROIECI "ProJect Responsibility" Qol{,44t7 L9*+243- AFFfTA?Ial l{umber (Offlcc Use) APPIICAI{T'S l{AllE : y3s1s6 Netrork solutions . DATE:04/17 /t8 PHOiIE Sr ' 5517 CaroLina Beach Road ZIP: 2g412 OCCUPAiIT/BI SII{ESS tlA E: Ar&r Mobiliry corp PROPERTY OtflER'S tlAl,tE: us cer.lu.rar PHOilE #: Olrl{ER's ADDRESS: 84ro w BRYN MAWR AvE - CIW: 661q696 . 5T: p6 ZIP: 27513 PK,I{E S:919-6?4-5846 COflTRACTOR: Mastec Network solutions ADDRESS: 1o oo cenrre Suite 300 EIITAIL ADDR ! va]ma. wood8maslec. con LICENSE #:'t003'7 CfTY: so., PRO]ECT Col{TAC I Ptll)(,nl : va1 wood - PIO E f:9i9-57a-56a5 (Cn..r ^ll Th.t Apply) EXIST COTSTRUCTI(x{: It Relocation, is there a Na [7 aLTERATTOT{ 17 R Er{OVArrOr{ {dl Gas Line on ttretiunent Site? t-.n GENERAT REPATRS - REL(rcATr(X rEl-_ r.lo rs BLDG sp'FIftKLERED[_ yesJ- _No '{EH COflSTRUCTIOTI:ERECT NEt{ STRUCTURE D FAsr rRAcx E sHErr E upFrr fl ADD To Exrsr srRrrcruRE ACCEsSORY STRUCTURE: DESTGI PROFESSIOIIAL: Is El.ct Poyep on this Building li'. Yes f NO t.*.r rs THrs A cHA GE OF OCCIPA Cy USEIr YES l-. ito:*rer IF Yes, yhit r.as the Previous Occupancy Typcl _ Ihat ls the er Occspancy Tvocl ATTH . PH: EIGR OESIGI{ PROFESSIOI{AL PH t{C REG f : l,lC REG r:- DESCRIPTIoN oF l.loRK : upil]IlilTEiui,i nq cel.-Lular equipmenL on exi st j.ng tower OWNER/CONTRACTOR: r"l"^ry s---rrjsr6tr. NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA SIGNATURE: d.ftolrbn ol rny b<{ity or bdlding. S.. A5b.3to3 W.b Sib: hnp r/M{w epj state n€ us/epi/asbaslos/ahmp hlml TOTAL PROJECT COST: s2o, ooo BUILDING HEIGHT 150 # OF UNITS TOTAL AREA SQ FT SQ FT PER FLR: . # OF STRUCTURE_-r OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS:TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF ACRES DISTURBED:EXST LAND DISTUREING PERMIT? .rr YES T NO SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: PROPEBTy USE: EOFFTCE I neSreunarur I MERCANTTLED EDUCE APTECONDO OTHE' ce]] ?ower SQ FT WATER: SEWER: SYSTEM E3FEUiE33$+iXt'$;3"&fr ,Xi!...,,rctr-Bofio#rli,?vsEcLAss ."STPARATEPERMIISRFOUIFEOFOFIEIECT MECI] PLTl(, GASEOUIP PREFASSE INSERTS IFICATION PAYMENT METHOD f CASH f .cHEcK (PAYABLE ro NHc) f_AMERtcAN ExpRESs l-_ ucryrsr J-_ otscovER ZONE OFFICER (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY-) SETBACKS: F:LH RH Approval:_ City: DATE_ FLOOD BFE+2fr, B Comment N - PERMIT FEE: I )3 PRO]ECT Lrlr: wj-lnington, Nc ST: 11 ZIP:56531 If UPFIT - The Shell Permit *: ls food or beverages prepsred o, served in this stnrcture?f . vedf - ruo ts The Properry Located tn The Ftoodptsinf _ vefr_ APPLICANT'S NAME: PRO.,ECT ADDRESS: Dc- fiaeffitctGm, )ot\ -y|-Z Applicataon Numt€r (office us€) s/s/t{z*lVbT: t 1rl '7 F E eNNOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERM APPLICATTON TYPE; RESIDENTIAI PI-EASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPUCABLE TO YOUR PROJECT . 'Proiect Responsibiliv ?,c42<) *st /)/ CITY Date SUBDIVISION PROPERTY OWNER S NAMT:q OWNER'S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: CITY LOT * fl:5€/-rgb-3587w:2R{/2...-, BIDG LICENSE,:e?ezb sr//3_a?,8/y'/? PronE 9/b--s24-5/A3 '5 t- CITY TMAIL ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON PHONT EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration f Renovation E General Repairs NEwCONSTRUCTION:!ErectNewResidenceEAdditiontoExistingResidenceDRelocation .*.PTIASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW AI.L THAT APPI-Y TO YOUR PROJECT**. n Det Garaee (SF)! Porch (SF) ! Pool(SF)I Storage Shed (SF)_ tr Other (SF)! Greenhouse (SF)D Deck (SF) ls the proposed work chan8ing the existing footprint? tr Ves I f'fo TOTAL 5q FT UNDER ROOF (jor proposed work) Heated: rorAr- pRoJEcr cosr ttess rotl S /4 &o 600 lJnheated: ls the proposed work chan8ing the number of bedrooms? D Yes X o ls any Electrkal, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure n Yes E No lftheprojectisaRelocation,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?!YesENo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? 6 Yes ! No *v d?"as a t;1 Property Use/ Occupancy:.5Description bf wo*:q laws and ordinances and regulations, The NHC Development Services Centerwillbe notmed ofany chenges in the approved plans and speaifications or change in contraclor information. "'NOTE: Any work pe griate p€rmits O,vlrer/Contractor: 'Licensed Quolifier" ls the property located in a floodplain? Ves D tto S/a Existing lmpervious Area:5q Ft Total New lmpervious Area:D Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit; fl Yes JE No WATER: tr CFPUA [] Community System E Private Well ! Central Well E Aqua SEWER: tr CFPUA n Community System D Private Septic n CentralSeptic D Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (r) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (v) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Ba/ & -_.ta Comment:Permit fee: 5 tr Att Garage (SF) _ E Sunroom (SF)_ h5 0 1p q K oL-OLI*/ AppLtcANfs NAMg; Parker Construction Group, LLC Print NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P LICATI ON TYPE,. RESIDENTIAL PTEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Prorect Responsibilit/ hu 1S -t{tl"O Application Number (office use) p31g. 4/18/18 pROJEST ADDRE55: 266 Beach Road North 6;1y. Wilmington 71p.28411 sUBDtvtstoN: Figure Eight lsland pRopERTy owNER,s NAME: Stephen & Julie Williams owNER,s ADDRESS: 266 Beach Road North pHoNE f: 336-927-3345 611y. Wilminglon 7p.28411 CONTRACTOR: Parker Construction Group, LLC BtDG I.ICENSE #65883 ADDRESS: PO Box 925 TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOF Vor proposed workl 11""gs6.2,256 q1y. Wrightsville Beach ST; NC Ztp PHONE; 910-256-4229 . 28480 EMAIt ADDRESS: robert@ parkerconstructiongroup.com pRoJEcT coNTAST pgxg6p. Robert Jarman p116xs 919-771-8531 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: fl Alteration ! Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: fl Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation ***PTEASE CHECX AND ANSWER BETOW ALT THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT*'* tr Att Garage (SF)E Det Garage (SF)E Porch (sF)664 n Sunroom (SF)n Pool (sF) @ Deck (sF) n Storage Shed (SF)_ I Greenhouse (SF)_463 A Other (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes E No 7b{)g1[gs1g{;3,383 TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot)s 5O,O0O /T lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? n Yes U No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructurenYesENo lf the project isa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? ! Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? O Yes ! No Property Use/ Occupancy: E Single Family E Duplex fl Townhouse Description of Work: - Replace e)derior railings to make code compliant, repair leaking rools, replace window, paint wallsllloors, renovate baths laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development services Center will be notified ofany changes in the approved plans and specifications or chan8e in contrrctor information. ra"NOTE: Any work perrormed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Bldg Code and subject to fines up to SSOO-00... owner/contractor: Robert Jarman "Licensed Quolifier" lsthepropertylocated inafloodplain? A Yes ! No Existint lmpervious 4193; 4,343 5q pt TotalAcres Disturbed: 0 New lmpgrvi6us 41s3; 4,343 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: n yes A No WATER: E CFPUA A Community System n Private Well n Central Well E Aqua SEWER: tr CFPUA tr Community System U privateSepticnCentralsepticnAqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tHl _ {RH} _ (B} _ Approval: _ City:_ Date:_ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Sitnature: Z 2 sComment:Permit Fee: 191 g1 266 1 )TC y, 0*,v WnKows),- NEW HANOVERCOUNTY BU]LDING PERMIT APPLICATION |YPE : RESIDENTIAI PLEASE AflSWE R AU. qUESTIO}IS APP UCABLE TO YOUR PROJECT 'PtoJa.t RllPontlblIv e t1/\ ct PHONE f: TY: V u CITY: PHONE: u:"(\znr PHONE: 20)g (ofice us.) _,""s/)Dq&a":AIA!-- +st1 APPUCI'{T,S IIAME: CITY ,aPROIECT ADDRESST a(( SUBDIVISIO : LoT I ?r.6q CONTRACIOR: ADDRESS: tlAr/^r\2 PROPERTY OWNER'S t{AME: OWNER'S ADDRTSS: EMAIL ADDRESSI PROJECT CONTACI PERSON: Oescriptior 5* Owner/contra ctol: "Llcensed QuolA..' BLDG TICENSE #: ZIP:z sr,AL zr.) 8(aS lo -7afc EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: fl Alteration El Rgnovation D GeneralRepairs1,,/ NEW cO SIRUCTIoN: E Erect New Residence D Additlonto ExistinB Residence E Relocatlon ...PIEASE O{EO( AiID ANSU'ER SELotA' AU THAT APPLY TO YOi.|R PROJECT..' T'l Att GaraEe lSFl E Sunroom (St) - E Greenhouse (SF)- D D€t Garage (SF)- C Pool(SF) a Deck (SF) ls th€ propG€d work dlanglngthe eristiq footprint? O Yes E No TOTAT SQ FT U NDER ROOI W ptoPosed wo*) He.ted:) ?rc-,Unheated:7o TOTAT PROIECT CoST (Less Lotlr S Is the proposed uork charBint the number of bedrooms? tr Yes D No lsanyElectric.l,PlumbirEorMechallcalwor*belngdonetotheAccessorystruduretrY6trNo lf the project ls a Relocation,ls there a Natural Ga5 Une on the current s,te? D Yes tr No ls there Electrlcal Power on thls Bullding? E Ye5D o Property Us€/ Occupancy; E-8rule Famlly tr Dupl€r D Townhouse of wo,k:h| hui(t}..\a ?q" J, laws and ond.nencB and r€gulations, The NHC Devdopmcnt seryksCentE wjllba notlflld of any ch!n8a5 ln the approv€d phns. nd specliaauont or chan8e ln conlractor I nform rtlon, r"Nqrt: Any vrort p.rfornred wltho$lle 3p are permlts wlll be ln vlolatlon of lhe NC State BldS Code and $bi€d to flnc5 up to Ssm m"' Slgnatur€: n ]I zh S. ls the prop€rty located in a floodplain? tr Yes E No Existing lmpervlous Ar€a: =-- Sq Ft Total Acres Dislurbed: New lmpervlous Area: - Sq R Erlstlng Land Dlsturblng Pe/mlh E Yes E No WATER: E CFPUA El Community slrstem El Prlvate Well E Centralwell D Aqua SnrEk tr CFPUA E Communlty System fl Private Septic E Cent alseptic D Aqua zone: - otficer: - se$acks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approval: -- Cltyr- Date: - Flood! (A)-(v)-(N)-8FE+2fts- Commenti P€rmit F€e: S $rs tr Porch (SF) _-- E Storage Shed (sF) - tr Other (SF) -- %l\VVI3FLPQ.p 4ONq ( l1 otY Wlfir Nl/!- lof d lf+15r 1 )) ty/tt, ;l i,/ ( '/ !,r, /,, ,, I Ltrl (., L lbrdr (5I ) -- i r Slrrra-? $trxl (ffJ r i (Iher (S) L oMriil NB/V I1ANOVB MJNry zuIIDING PEFM IT APFI.JCAIIONI TIFE FH DENTIAL I tlA<l Al rSrEB Ar(,IIESICnA ATTOAIi"ETO \o,fi r f()l.Ur'Bojod Blqxn$biirly' Vi r,, ,. t)t, | ,i,,,, LJ(.^{ f1 l(l\lfsNA|ltt N rrr UCr ntlrr r lr,'' 1elllr{:lit.{}vsr} ].,1 r,, ,, _. rrcFERlYowNtrls rar'/l r: -D]ar}l--P.j &rce Ir(}{8, (ll,l" t/i1 - /t[)/l oN lillrni,Ylir t At' lY,/41 o-rwnqcrcnt!;'i" lSUr't|,il,lut Arnftrs Jt(/ ^[ L *t lUz*rl f|.t tMArl ALtf,ES r t ttJl t ! rLIbJii.Wr !ltt t f ffuiT cCrvIAcrI{fs)N, -- /^Stfj]_ +k-.Vl - rr-DGr,c[N$: u, ?Ul <,5 ow 11.1,161ru1lUt s lY(.zP.i't 1t -,Ftc..fr X5) 4'll tL./c, tlct t .lt fir-NL'..j.7 ) ),1I /()/., E)(SnMiml\gf1jcnctl:{llAterdion 11 lhrnratim 1 Cclgd ftpars NUW Cfr\BIFlJCnON. it tied l.la,v FHjd€rm L/Addition to Aiiing fbCd€rE a FHoceiton ' ' 'i1.B\SOE(ANO A]\IS/V8 E&OW All,IttATArpLy IO \(xJfi tfIf.EI. " r: Alt &raap(l}) n oel Bry($) .. g/Srrxixrrr ts't .tr,I//- i r tuol (9') --. r . ()es)housr (s) ..-. ., ,/ fE k (fl AZ 0 ls tha p.opod work ctlargrg the exisling lootprint ? n/\ts r.r tb i'cnAl. si ff lr.lriFB rmF {f', r,a: J)*--. ----. w*a,, .AiiQ. ]UTAL PFO.ECTGT (L(BS IDI} ls lh6 propos, work drar(ing Iho nurnber o, t€droomY1 I :SJlffirh,tfLooD zoNE ls6ry Bedricd, gumbingor M€dunicd wo(k bdrg done to lha Lffirygrudurs /Ym t, tto ll ths proiod isa Hocation, lsthsssllatu.d es Une on the Grrart dte? p1 Y6.!( ttc tsthoroBa:tricd tuwsontisB.itdim? n/yes 0 ruo ! l;,'ln0p.^C,lon [egt]iieo, giu-25{.0g0, lrope{ty t e/ fto.,paDpy: rr gngls Frnily / D"dex: t, Tp}ynhous ti*rpr,-,rw"*'. Rca;jlir-triluu', tilliuiiutnq tud,' Ji(l-, /trltttt.l Lt/L(*: ,r I !- , !tgn:urlti rtwi.?-.t Jullt, tltU:y- c<if.-ukr.rcr lr trrt'l ,/k,t >. ,trlrf- P.,rr,.,i P,-,lie.| l.bw lrrrperyious A/oa, .80 -q ft Bising Land Dsurtingrurmil WATm r,/'Ot)U 1 omrninity $:lern it tlivato Well I Qntrd Wdl u Aqua gvgt urtmta r; Ommurity grdern ;, Pivdo gptir] r: Gntrd $ptic 1; A4ua z,nr, &:40- crticxr:LVt srba*strtSLJ nnr l5l rro tl $t?-5 oanor/oorr.xlor Ati-:u It t[LV,Jr1tr sq,rur6: (i, *.r- t?, nl'u(rEedoErifrq' Frn Jadb - _, lF I I fln lim,f f rs r 116 proper r y r ocar od i. a roodprain ? / -AE i'# { t't ry ),i,: t)t ii ry &icinglmp6{viousAr"",-?lc]f qn lrrt 1Utkl(ffi-pn|sDsuruoo: .. O Ygs i. - Nl \o -t4 &lt-s,tzLos, =6yo4 ,?Arr"! -j$ x -nri h d9-_{,d toJ}Jt+ 6! p B EA1rr.v;d !k- r:ry QlUrfltrrro tllao[1trr,,,r rn, l3' ,r,r i*, nl,r,l lt)'ttl(,,,lru,t o,',.r,,,, rf\lor A 5urs5TriNll F.{- trnePDv6rvr€ltx- 'lO t C, Rrrr.uire^a,TF rr.rl,rirrtt: $toor]. saopL c+tftN ttf 5TT 45r Bg est t6rD€D q c-tw zttr n9e fi\uJt rrncrt s4+t 4c1as r- b( ro}lslw,*cdt Clear Form i I RECEIVEDt'4AYOl2OIS NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLIUTION TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSW€R AI,T QUESTIONS APPI.ICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Proiect Responslbllitlr 4:t s ffi Application APPLICANT'5 t{AME: Crane Buildillq Conogany-lr]9,Date: 1 115/17 PROPERTY OWIT€R,S NAME: DENiSE HUNt PHoNE l:910-297-5727 OWNER'S ADDRESS: 6236 Teal Street CITY:Wriohtsvill6 Zt?:28480ch PHONE: 910-477-1546PROJECT CONTACT PERSoN: Thomas Waldkirch ExlsTlt{G coNsTRUcIlo :E Alteration D Renovataon fl General Repairs if, Co-Plete 'ocA'V- NEw coNsTRUcfloN: V Erect New Rer,*.S O ooon"n,o ,ro na *"r,0** O Relocation tffi} ovr-l h< r *.XPLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ALt THAT APPTY TO YOUR PRoJECT*'T X Att Garage (SF) rr(58 O Sunroom (SF)_ E Greenhouse (SF)- fi Det Garare lsF| tr Pool (SF) tr Deck (SF) E Porch (SF)Gt(, Cl Storage Shed (SF)_ g other (sr) Ba.l rol-/ 3Ot ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes E No Unheated:2,482 TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S175,000.00 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? D Yes g No ls any Electdc.l, Plumblng or Medranlcalwork belnS doneto the Accessory Strusture tr Yes D No rJ/A lf the projedisa Relocitlon, isthereaNatural Gas Line on the current site? tr YesE No ls ther€ Electrical Power on this BuildinS? E Yes tr No Property Us€/ occupancy: [ $ngle Famlly tr Duplex i Townhouse Descrlptlon ot Work: Finish New Sinals Familv Residence Started bv anolher contractor. laws .nd ord inance, and re8lladons. The t{HC Drvelopment S€.vlcca Cent r wlll be notified ot a ny chanSes in lhe approv€d plan5 and speclricelions or change ln cont a(tor inform.tloo. ...NOTE: any work performed without the.ppropriale permita wlll be in vlolation otth€ NC State Eldg Code and rubiect to fines up to S5O0.0O"' Owner/Contractor: Georqe W. Crane Signature: 'Licensed Quollfiel Prlnt Name ls the property located in a floodplain? tl Yes E.No Exlstlng lmpGrylous Ar€a: q,ZqO SqFt TotalAcres Dlsturbed: New lmp€rvlous Area: q Z"tO 5q Ft Exlstlng Land Dlsturbint Permlt: El Yes f] No WATER: Er CFPUA rj Community System D Private Well fl Centralwell n Aqua SEWERT ECFPUA E Community System E Private Septlc E Centralseptic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setback (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Oate: _ Flood; (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ .\o Commenti Permlt tee: S PROJECT ADDRESST 1328 Heron Run Drive CtW: Wilminoton ztP:28403 SUBDIVISION: Heron Run tOT f:'14 CoNTRACTOR: cran6 Buildino companv. lnc. BLDG ucEt{SE #:44655-- ADDRESS; CITY: Sg4hg)d- 5I: NC zlP: 28461 EMAIL ADDRESST PHO E: 91&36H070 TOTAL Sq FT UNDER ROOI lJor proposed workl fleet3dl 2.774 zra (r"*(- i Zotv-q sy? c NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUTLDING PERMIT aPPLICATI0N rYPE: COIII{ERCIAL PLEASE ATISI,IER ALL QUESTIONS APPL]CAALE TO YOt'R PRO]ECI "ProJect Responsibilit!/' 18-1250 AFFETMFI6il NumbeP (offtc. u3.) APPLICANT'S NA}IE : Mcess coRpoRArroN . DATE: DEVELOPER: spRrNcER E{TBANK PIENE *: PRO]ECT : 123 8HTPYARD BLVD WILMING"ON ZIP t2Ba72 OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NA|4E: SPRTNGBR orI, PROPERTY 0WNER'S ttAr,lE: 5pRTNGER Et BAI{K cjq4pA}ry PHONE *: ST: Ns ZIP:2g412 CONTRACTOR: MCGEE g9RpORATION - TICENSE *z tzstt ADDRESS: 12701 E TNDEpENDENeE BrrvD _ CITY: y;111Hgwg EI4AIL ADDRESS : canatace. boyce@mcgeecorp. com _ PHotrlE *: 704-s93-3r69 PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: s6n66gs 9.r.., PHONE *! 704-as3 -3j 69 SHELL ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: rn'tatl (1) 10. aquare ateel colunn for addition to existing canopy (ch.(t AU n.t apply) ExIsT CoNSTRUCTION: n ALTERATION T-] REttlovATIot{ l-'l GENERAL REPAIRS T-l RELoCATIoN It Retocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on theHunent Site? ;-. H;-- u" lS BLDG SPhINKLEREDtr- Yesf -NoiriEw corsrnucrroN: n EREcr NEt{ srRucTURE E FAsr rRAcx f] If UPFIT - The SheL1 Permlt f:Is Elect Power on thls BuUdlng f. Yes f No ***** r5 THrS A CHAi|GE OF OCCUPANCY USE? r. yES l-. O **.*' IF Yes, what uas the Prevlous occupancy Type? - What ls the I{e}, occupancy TvDe? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOilAL: No DISCLAIMER: I hereby cerlity th8t 6ll inlormallon ln this applicalibn is con ct and all worl will comply $,ilh lhe and local laws and ordinEnces and.€oulalions, The NHC DeveloDment Servic6s Cantorwillbe nodfed ot6nygr drange ln contraclor !,I @rlGdor lhformalion, _'NOTE: Any Work Pedormed WO lhe Appopdate Pemns Subjoct'lo Flnes Up To $500.00"' EI'IGR DESIGN PROFESSIOiIAL DESCRIPTION OF I.,ORK: OWNER/CONTRACTOR: uowano roDD MceEE (O@rif er) SIGNATURE: Srate Euilding Code and olher6pplic6ble Slate and and # OF UNITS coot3ln A$a3los or nol Ycl/ aro Gqulred !o @lllhe ll6lidtalErnisrlon SEndad! fu. tLzlrdou3 A, Polubnb (NESHAP) !l (919)707€050 6l leagt 10 days Fbr to lle demolldon ol any hciity or buldlng. Soo Asbeltoo Wbb Shr: h@/trlvw.epl.slrlg,ncurapurlb6slorahmp.hhl TOTAL PROJECT COST: 23G68 . oo ToTAL AREA sQ FT ' - BUILDING HEIGHT: SO FT PER FLR]# OF STORIES: f OF FLOORS: WATER SEWER SYSTEM CFPUA CFPUA -'sE -COMMUNITYSYSTEM T-IWELL T.l ZONING USE CLASS EICENTRAL sEpTlc f]PRlvArE sEpTlc D?OMMUN|ry PARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PTBG, GAS EOUIP. PREFABS & INSERTS TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF # OF STRUCTURES SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: PROPERTY USE: [Orrrce I RESTAURANT MERCANTILE EDUC APT CONDO OTHET SO FT IFICATION PAYMENT METHOD [- casn l-. cxecK (eAvABLE To NHc) f- AMERIcAN ExpRESs t-_ ucnrrse l-_ otscovER (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) ZONE: OFFICER SETBACKS: F: LH RH BApproval:_ City: DATE_ FLOOD BFE+2ft, Comment N - PERMIT FEE: : Otll{ER' S ADDRESS: 123 sn - ST:Nq ZIP: 29195 E UPFIT E] PH: NC REG *:PH:- tc nr6 *:- ls tood or b€verages prepared or served in this structure?f- Vesl-- tto ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainf- Ve{-- ACRES DISTURBED:EXSr LAND DTSTURBTNG pERMtr? r yES r NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: *Pne- 6^ad;. * W^e ad<tt 2tt?'2t9\ )r: t?' Y sv9 1_8-1250 :, "- APPLICANT'S NAI4E : uccas coRpoRArroN NEI^I HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATI9N IYPf; COI1MERC IAL PLEnSE AriSfiEa ALL QlraSII0N5 APP!IC,\8LE T0 Y0U8 2iO)ECI "Project Responsibility" aFEffftrTIoN Number (0fflce us.) _DATEi DEVELoPER: spRTNGER Elra^NK PHONE S: PRO] ECT ADDRE55; t2l sHIpyARD tlLvl)CITY i j;11,y11161611 21P,,r84lz oCCUPANT,/ BUSIN E SS NAtlE: spnrNcrix orl PR0PERTY OHNER'5 NAiIE: gpxln6sR EUl34Nx cogpANy OWNER'5 ADDRESS: 121 sHrpyARD gLvD ADDRESS: 12761 E IMDEPENDENCE Br,VD _ LICENSE 8l +zsr r CITY: wrr,urlcrot PHONE #i 5T I NC ZIP : zg,t la ST: NC ZIP: 28106 - PHONE fli ?os-s93-l?69 . PH0NE lt: 704-89t -3?6e . CITY: Mq11H6i,tg El,lAIL ADDRESS i PRO] ECT CONIAC 0N: q6n63ss gsygg ((hr(k all thrt apply) EX I5T TONSTRUCTION I ALTERATION l{ Relocation. is therc a Na raalGas Line on the N RENOVATION T-1 GENERAL REPAIRS T-1 Hnenr sirce ;- *J1 . u" rs BLDC sPht R E LOC AT ION KLERED?f - Yesf FAST TRACK SHELL UPF IT ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURT ar6 steel colunm for addtEion Eo exi€iing canopy Noiial,, coNsTRUcrroN: ! EREcr NEl,, sTRUcruRE n ACCESS0RY STRUCTURE: rnsrall (1) to,, 6qu If UPTIT - The shell Penflit i: OWNER/CONTRACTOR:r.rotrmn roDD MccEIl SIGNATURE: 23658 _ 00 ll OF UNITS CENTRAL SEPTIC Is Elect Power on this Bui.ld1 g T. Yes f. N0 **.** rs THrs A cHANcE 0F occupailcy usE?T yEs fi. No ...'. If Yes, trhat Has the Prcvlous occlpancy Typel - tlhat i5 the\Ne o<cupancy IXtfi rrrsrcr PRoFEssroNAr I Pu NC RT6 'NC RE6 SEN6R DESIGN PROFESSIONAI: oEscRrPTroN oF !,JoRK i -57--IGv. ls {ood or beverages prepared or served in lhis slructure?f-. YesJ-- ruo ls The Properly Located ln The Flqodplainf - ""4$.[ONoDISCLAIUERIlna s500.00"' this applicalion is co(ecl and sllwor NHc Develoumenr Se^ices CenldrNOIE AnvV/url, Pcrlo.med w/O lh k wilcomply wrrh rhs Slate Surrding Code and ll olhsr applicatlle Slrle conr.rn Asbesros or nol You are requted to calllhe Nnionalgmrs.ro. Slrndrrds lorHdradous ak Polhrlsnls INESIlal') ai {919)707-5950.1lossl l0doys piior ro rho demolLronolany lacilrryar blllding Sro Asbosros Web Slls: hrlD//\e*vep',slale...,us/epyasb(slos/ahn), hInl TOTAL PROJECI COST TOTAL AREA SO FT BUILDING HEIGHT SQ FT PER FLR:# OF STORIES /, OF FLOORSI WATER SEWER SYSTEM CFPUA CFPUA T-] WELL N ZONING USE CLASHvere se prrc B'CoMNIuNITY TOTNL SO FT UNDER ROOF /i OF STRUCTURES ACRES DISTURBED EXST LAND DrsruRBrNG pERMtr? -[- yEs f No NEW ltvlPERVlOUS AREA SO I.T EXIS TING IMPERVIOUS AREA PROPERTY USf ornc t RfSTAURANT MIRCANTILE EDUC CONDO OTIlFI COMMUNITY SYSTET\4 SO FT str-lcAnoN PAYI,|ENT [4ETr.rOD] r CASH r CHECK (PAYABLE TO NHC) T- AMERICAN EXPRESS l-. rvrCrVrSn l- . DISCOVER {FOR O[FtCE USE ON ZoNE L\ oF epp.o,ai]-78- lk{'-,, ,'*, -ZZ,_O-FICER: Olb SETBACKS: F City: lUnA DATE i.l PERtvllT FEECommenl af +12 U &islrc*,iu60. ,it'0 t6 'ueiinboil uoll0r"olirl , +ri ..., ,:. , . C0NTRACT0R: MCcEg CoRpoRATroN FLOODi X BFE+2ft,WD.