Agenda 2018 05-07AGENDA NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Assembly Room, New Hanover County Historic Courthouse 24 North Third Street, Room 301 Wilmington, NC WOODY WHITE, CHAIRMAN - SKIP WATKINS, VICE- CHAIRMAN JONATHAN BARFIELD, JR., COMMISSIONER - PATRICIAKUSEK, COMMSSIONER- ROB ZAPPLE, COMMSSIONER ;HRIS COUDRIET, COUNTY MANAGER- WANDACOPLEY, COUNTYATTORNEY- KYMCROWELL, CLERK TO THE BOARD MAY 7, 2018 4:00 P M MEETING CALLED TO ORDER (Chairman Woody White) INVOCATION (Pastor Shawn Blackwelder, St. Paul's United Methodist Church) PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE (Commissioner Rob Zapple) APPROVAL OF CONSENTAGENDA CONSENT AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS 1. Approval of Minutes 2. Approval to Change the Schedule of the Board of Commissioners Meetings in July 2018 3. Adoption of State Road Resolutions 4. Adoption of a Resolution Supporting the Naming of the Cape Fear River Bridge on 1 -140 in Honor of Louis Bobby Brown 5. Adoption of Lupus Awareness Month Proclamation 6. Adoption of Building Safety Month Proclamation 7. Adoption of a Resolution to Dispose of Surplus Property According to Procedures Outlined in North Carolina General Statutes - Chapter 160A Article 12 8. Approval to Submit a 2018 Port Security Grant Application to the Federal Emergency Management Agency 9. Approval of March 2018 Tax Collection Reports 10. Approval of 2017 -2018 Board Of Education Budget Amendment #6 ESTIMATED REGULAR AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS MI NUTES 5 11. Consideration of Elder Abuse Awareness Month Proclamation 5 12. Consideration of National Preservation Month Proclamation 5 13. Consideration of Foster Care Awareness Month Proclamation 10 14. Consideration of the New Hanover County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Funding Recommendation for Fiscal Year 2018 -2019 30 15. Presentation of FY18 -19 Recommended Budget and FY19 -23 Capital Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 Improvement Plan 40 16. Public Hearing Rezoning Request (Z18 -01) — Request by Design Solutions, on Behalf of the Property Owner, Futch Creek Properties LLC, to Rezone Approximately 8 Acres of Land Located at the 8700 Block of Market Street from B -1, Business District, and R -15, Residential District, to (CZD) R -7, Conditional Medium Density Development District, in Order to Construct a Performance Residential Development 40 17. Public Hearing Rezoning Request (Z18 -04) — Request by Design Solutions, on Behalf of the Property Owner, Thelma A. Moore, to Rezone 1.1 Acres of Land Located at 7640 Market Street from R -15, Residential District, to B -2, Highway Business District PUBLIC COMMENTS ON NON- AGENDAITEMS (limitthree minutes ESTIMATED ADDITIONAL AGENDA ITEMS OF BUSINESS MI NUTES 18. Additional Items County Manager County Commissioners Clerk to the Board County Attorney 19. ADJOURN Note: Minutes listed for each item are estimated, and if a preceding item takes less time, the Board will move forward until the agenda is completed. M ission New Hanover County is committed to progressive public policy, superior service, courteous contact, judicious exercise of authority, and sound fiscal management to meet the needs and concerns of our citizens today and tomorrow. Vision A vibrant prosperous, diverse coastal community, committed to building a sustainable future for generations to come. Core Values Integrity -Accountability - Professionalism - Innovation - Stewardship Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: May 7, 2018 .K DEPARMVIFNE Governing Body PRESEVMt(S): Kym Crowell, Clerk to the Board CONTACT(S): Kym Crowell SUBJECT: Approval of Minutes BRIEF SUNP ARY: Approve minutes from the following meeting: Regular Meeting held on April 16, 2018 STRATEGIC PLAN ALICNWIff. Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Keep the public informed on important information RnromlaIy►111y17a:1y1[ erneI11n9 "ji 0 81D17_Tal1rele li Approve minutes. COUNTY MANA(ER'S CON INTNIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) CONVIISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: May 7, 2018 .K DEPARTIVIFNR Governing Body PRESEVMt(S): Kym Crowell, Clerk to the Board CONTACT(S): Kym Crowell SUBJECT: Approval to Change the Schedule of the Board of Commissioners Meetings in July 2018 BRIEF SUNP ARY: The one Commissioners meeting in July was scheduled July 23 with agenda review on July 19. By consensus the Commissioners agreed to change the meeting schedule in July 2018. The schedule was changed to the following: • Agenda Review on Thursday, July 5, 2018 at 4:00 p.m. • Regular Meeting on Monday, July 9, 2018 at 4:00 p.m. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGMIENT- Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Keep the public informed on important information I:79:KO)► %I►% y►`I17yno %IIrolermi17;79 "Ism-1ID17_141 Ice) \g; Approve the change in the meeting schedule for July 2018. COUNTY NIANAGWS C0Nrv1ENB AND RECONW EMATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. CONIN]ISSIONERS' ACHONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 2 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: May 7, 2018 .K DEPARTIVIFNE Governing Body PRESENIFR(S): Kym Crowell, Clerk to the Board CONIACT(S): Kym Crowell SUBJECT: Adoption of State Road Resolutions BRIEF SUMB ARY: NCDOT is considering the addition of the following roads as the roads meet the standards and criteria established by the State and County and requesting the Board to adopt resolutions in support of adding the roads to the state system: East Lake Emerald Drive and Castleboro Court located within the Weaver Woods at Lake Emerald Subdivision in New Hanover County (Division File No: 1255 -N). Still Pine Drive, Everette Court, and Honeydew Lane located within The Lakes at Johnson Farms Subdivision in New Hanover County (Division File No: 1256 -N). Ervin's Place Drive located within the Ervin's Place subdivision in New Hanover County (Division File No: 1258 -N). STRATRAC PLAN ALIGNVE r: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Keep the public informed on important information RECOIVIV MED MOTION AND REQUESTM ACTIOISS: Adopt SR -2 resolutions. ATTACIiMENIS: NCDOT Request Letter and Associated Maps (Weaver Woods) State Road SR -2 Resolution (Weaver Woods) NCDOT Request Letter and Associated Maps (The Lakes) State Road SR -2 Resolution (The Lakes) NCDOT Request Letter and Associated Maps ( Ervin's Place) State Road SR -2 Resolution ( Ervin's Place) COUNTY MANA(WS CONAMENTS AND RECONIVEMATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 3 CONMSSIONFRS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 3 5 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROY COOPER GOVERNOR April 16, 2018 Kym Crowell, Clerk to the Board New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 Wilmington, NC 28403 JAMES H. TROGDON, III SECRETARY RECEIVED APR 1 2018 OOC OFF. Subject: Proposed Addition to the State System of Highways; East Lake Emerald Drive and Castleboro Court located within the Weaver Woods at Lake Emerald subdivision in New Hanover County (Division File No: 1255 -N) Dear Ms. Crowell: This office is considering adding; East Lake Emerald Drive and Castleboro Court located within the Weaver Woods at Lake Emerald Subdivision in New Hanover County to the state system of maintenance. After the Board's consideration, if they concur with our recommendation, please furnish this office with the current county resolution and official road name for our further handling. If I may be of further assistance, please advise. Thank you, oI n Diaz gineering Technician Advanced Attachments: Copy of SR -1 Road Petition request form and locator map State of North Carolina I Dcpartment orTransportation I Division 3, District 3 300 Division Drive, Wilmington, NC 28401 Customer Service: (977) 368 -4968 (910) 398 -9100 Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 3 - 1 - 1 mvw.ncdot.sov North Carolina Department of Transportation Division of Highways Petition for Road Addition ROADWAY INFORMATION: (Please Printfrype) County: New Hanover Road Name: East Emerald Lake Drive and Castleboro Court (Please list additional street names and lengths on the back of this form.) Subdivision Name: Weaver Woods Length (miles): 1,700 feet Number of occupied homes having street frontage: 20 Located (miles): miles N ❑ S ❑ E ❑ W ❑ of the intersection of Route N/A and Route (Check one) (SR, NC, US) (SR, NC, US) We, the undersigned, being property owners and /or developers of N/A in New Hanover County, do hereby request the.Division of Highways to add the above described road. CONTACT PERSON: Name and Address of First Petitioner. (Please Print/Type) Name: Andy Johnson Phone Number: 910- 798 -7565 Street Address: 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 120, Wilmington, NC 28403 Mailing Address: 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 120 PROPERTY OWNERS Name Mailing Address Telephone Form SR -1 (3/2006; Rev 1/2010) Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 3 - 1 - 2 INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING PETITION: 1. Complete Information Section 2. Identify Contact Person (This person serves as spokesperson for petitioner(s)). 3. Attach two (2) copies of recorded subdivision plat or property deeds, which refer to candidate road. 4. Adjoining property owners and/or the developer may submit a petition. Subdivision roads with prior NCDOT review and approval only require the developer's signature. 5. If submitted by the developer, encroachment agreements from all utilities located within the right of way shall be submitted with the petition for Road addition. However, construction plans may not be required at this time. 6. Submit to District Engineer's Office. FOR NCDOT USE ONLY: Please check the appropriate block ❑ Rural Road ❑ Subdivision platted prior to October 1, 1975 Aubdivision platted after September 30, 1975 REQUIREMENTS FOR ADDITION If this road meets the requirements necessary for addition, we agree to grant the Department of Transportation a right -of -way of the necessary width to construct the road to the minimum construction standards of the NCDOT. The right -of -way will extend the entire length of the road that is requested to be added to the state maintained system and will include the necessary areas outside of the right -or -way for cut and fill slopes and drainage. Also, we agree to dedicate additional right -of -way at intersections for sight distance and design purposes and execute said right -of -way agreement forms that will be submitted to us by representatives of the NCDOT. The right -of -way shall be cleared at no expense to the NCDOT, which includes the removal of utilities, fences, other obstructions, etc. General Statute 136 -102.6 states that any subdivision recorded on or after October 1, 1975, must be built in accordance with NCDOT standards in order to be eligible for addition to the State Road System. ROAD NAME HOMES LENGTH i ROAD NAME HOMES LENGTH Form SR -1 (3/2006; Rev 112010) Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 3 - 1 - 3 HE UQ w� Ail Okl it .� J1 � 414 Ili h IRK lit Its al ME �qg Ing lee piq'N 7 hp 24 lkl pit '-- _ Board of Commissioners ' May 7.2O1O Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 3 - 1 - 5 NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of New Hanover Road(s) Description: East Lake Emerald Drive and Castleboro Court located within the Weaver Woods at Lake Emerald Subdivision in New Hanover County (Division File No: 1255 -N) WHEREAS, a petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above described road(s), the location of which has been indicated on a map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the above described road(s) should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the road(s) meets minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described road(s), and to take over the roads) for maintenance if they meet established standards and criteria. CERTIFICATE The foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover at a meeting on the 7th day of May, 2018. WITNESS my hand and official seal this the 7th day of May, 2018. Kymberleigh G. Crowell, Clerk to the Board New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Form SR -2 Please Note: Forward directly to the District Engineer, Division of Highways. Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 3 - 2 - 1 ROY COOPER GOVERNOR �y: N, SYnTf� •• r "7 d t� w, N •,, STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION CETVED April 11, 2018 APP 11 2018 Kym Crowell, Clerk to the Board OFF. New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 Wilmington, NC 28403 JAMES H. TROGDON, III SECRETARY Subject: Proposed Addition to the State System of Highways; Still Pine Drive, Everette Court and Honeydew Lane located within The Lakes at Johnson Farms in New Hanover County (Division File No: 1256 -N) Dear Ms. Crowell: This office is considering adding; Still Pine Drive, Everette Court and Honeydew Lane located within The Lakes at Johnson Farms Subdivision in New Hanover County to the state system of maintenance. After the Board's consideration, if they concur with our recommendation, please furnish this office with the current county resolution and official road name for our further handling. If I may be of further assistance, please advise. Th nk you, J n Diaz E gineering Technician Advanced Attachments: Copy of SR -1 Road Petition request form and locator map State of North Carolina I Department of Transportation I Division 3, District 3 300 Division Drive, Wilmington, NC 294D Customer Service: (877) 368 -4968 (910) 398 -9100 Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 3 - 3 - 1 %viviv.acdot.gov North Carolina Department of Transportation Division of Highwaysrtr,Hl''('(' Petition for Road Addition MAN 06 2018 NC DOT DISTRICT 3 ROADWAY INFORMATION: (Please Print/Type) County: C1-51-c1G e—<- Road Name: S° 1A Pipe- iA?� (Please list additional street names and lengths on the back of this form.) `T1rN-e o-:- Subdivision Name: ZJA--'n S"-1 fit` cv-�S Length (miles): 0b V ca Z-:7A Number of occupied homes having street frontage: miles N ❑ S ❑ E ❑ W ❑ of the intersection of Route (Check one) Located (miles): —�r� and Route tan, rvc, vaf tan, rvt uaf We, the undersigned, being property owners and /or developers of JvA\rsor-� C-CA-('rY1S in {Vey c� lea (-County, do hereby request the Division of Highways to add the above described road. CONTACT PERSON: Name and Address of First Petitioner. (Please Print/Type) Name: Phone Number:Co� l,� z13-- Q 3 \� Street Address: q,, a "K CCC -C-LP-, Mailing Address: LO\ \fY'\ t OC 4.4--1 I f\- � Ql, �s 1� c3 1 Name PROPERTY OWNERS Mailing Address Telephone e rl0,, f "a. off' \A (Pl rye fie a c Form SR -1 (3/2006; Rev 1/2010) Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 3 - 3 - 2 L R141111.VIf)*� MAR d) 6 201n INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING PETITION: tj(;DOT I 1. Complete Information Section 2. Identify Contact Person (This person serves as spokesperson for petitioner(s)). DtS F, [C7` 3. Attach two (2) copies of recorded subdivision plat or property deeds, which refer to candidate road. 4. Adjoining property owners and/or the developer may submit a petition. Subdivision roads with prior NCDOT review and approval only require the developer's signature. 5. If submitted by the developer, encroachment agreements from all utilities located within the right of way shall be submitted with the petition for Road addition. However, construction plans may not be required at this time. 6. Submit to District Engineer's Office, FOR NCDOT USE ONLY: Please check the appropriate block ❑ Rural Road ❑ Subdivision platted prior to October 1, 1975 Wbdivision platted after September 30, 1975 REQUIREMENTS FOR ADDITION If this road meets the requirements necessary for addition, we agree to grant the Department of Transportation a right -of -way of the necessary width to construct the road to the minimum construction standards of the NCDOT. The right -of -way will extend the entire length of the road that is requested to be added to the state maintained system and will include the necessary areas outside of the right -or -way for cut and fill slopes and drainage. Also, we agree to dedicate additional right -of -way at intersections for sight distance and design purposes and execute said right -of -way agreement forms that will be submitted to us by representatives of the NCDOT. The right -of -way shall be cleared at no expense to the NCDOT, which includes the removal of utilities, fences, other obstructions, etc. General Statute 136 -102.6 states that any subdivision recorded on or after October 1, 1975, must be built in accordance with NCDOT standards in order to be eligible for addition to the State Road System. ROAD NAME HOMES LENGTH ' ROAD NAME HOMES LENGTH V eu.) I AA It u.t, Form SR -1 (3/2006; Rev 1/2010) Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 3 - 3 - 3 st,rRs 1 Watt s v ff IYf�1 gas i �� w„ +� f�� °'�-•..o- \ "7 [qqP� F(d3 g �v3 1 It le It " q L SSSCCC 8' ®_ q F F y: ci ® ® _ R ?` r Rill / O ww'K Yn +•m Q __i__.. , /iii iRRAS d. } i k gg F qm Uociooa�do a w'j. Y+ @`0 o00 pnlR�whvl oo o6660066u too v'3,3 °oe S u Wm' Win w y WE ywww W ed�dN �bN" 1 bw � tiw 0 "w.w��mRma�mm "°� "mo A h Vao� Q Y+ @`0 o00 'Q 't'S3 0660 too 4g °oe Wm' Win .dW WE ya W W,d W 4 vs -89L wXw. '� 'wn� !,8 Q3lGF1fYi:3F1 Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 3 - 3 - 4 61) LQ Ic Lvvr cAv Ov rw gl( 81 hj rw menus (14 q6 H ,1-� N Oit Ox /fl 6AR 13 14 1 —4-- `� . , —1 6� 9�p Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 3 - 3 - 5 d d d a d . . oid U o 61) LQ Ic Lvvr cAv Ov rw gl( 81 hj rw menus (14 q6 H ,1-� N Oit Ox /fl 6AR 13 14 1 —4-- `� . , —1 6� 9�p Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 3 - 3 - 5 r� N ny Vile ax1j' N I A -1 i a go lit ugh g�a I h I €Taal � lip - i b P� r� f: OsA® � i w1 ozA m Ali a <„ LL O P #( Ad w n / `r \v R ®- ?� -r _A A i f J R 0000�oo�o�o 5 6 8 O P #( Ad w n / `r \v R ®- ?� -r _A A i Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 3 - 3 - 6 v ^ D u �u u� n �ga � 0. j O Qz z� I 0 LO S�' -Seale r, Hill WIN d 1 CJ , 0000�oo�o�o � �� � 'jJ p Qooa vm Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 3 - 3 - 6 v ^ D u �u u� n �ga � 0. j O Qz z� I 0 LO S�' -Seale r, Hill WIN d Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 3 - 3 - 7 , , United Advent Church NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of New Hanover Road(s) Description: Still Pine Drive, Everette Court, and Honeydew Lane located within The Lakes at Johnson Farms Subdivision in New Hanover County (Division File No: 1256 -N) WHEREAS, a petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above described road(s), the location of which has been indicated on a map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the above described road(s) should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the road(s) meets minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described road(s), and to take over the roads) for maintenance if they meet established standards and criteria. CERTIFICATE The foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover at a meeting on the 7th day of May, 2018. WITNESS my hand and official seal this the 7th day of May, 2018. Kymberleigh G. Crowell, Clerk to the Board New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Form SR -2 Please Note: Forward directly to the District Engineer, Division of Highways. Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 3 - 4 - 1 STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION ROY Coopm GOVERNOR April 24, 2018 Kym Crowell, Clerk to the Board New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 Wilmington, NC 28403 JAMES H. TROGDON, III SECRETARY _ i C LI V D APR 2 4 ZUi8 BOC OFF Subject: Proposed Addition to the State System of Highways; Ervin's Place Drive located within the Ervin's Place subdivision in New Hanover County (Division File No: 1258 -N) Dear Ms. Crowell: This office is considering adding; Ervin's Place Drive located within the Ervin's Place Subdivision in New Hanover County to the state system of maintenance. After the Board's consideration, if they concur with our recommendation, please furnish this office with the current county resolution and official road name for our further handling. If I may be of further assistance, please advise. /Aylk you, e Jh Eneering iaz Technician Advanced Attachments: Copy of SR -1 Road Petition request form and locator map State of North Carolina I Department of Transportation j Division 3, District 3 B0W8fsbbVWh9A1Mft'?'4 W1, 2018 Castoner Service: (877) 368 -4968 (91WRVP- 5 - 1 www.nodot.rov North Carolina Department of Transportation Division of Highways Petition for Road Addition ROADWAY INFORMATION: (Please Printaype) County: 400ve o ad Name: -JE2 V reease fist atldaionat street names and lengths on the back of "s tams) Subdivision Name: 6 A) 15 P - Length (mites): Number of occupied homes having street frontage: Located (rates): mites N Q S ❑ E ❑ W ❑ of the intersection of Route and Route (Check one) SR, 05) (SR, NC, US) We, the undersigned, being property owners anti /or developers of E12U, a � �j�0p, in � do hereby request the Division of Highways to add the above described road. CONTACT PERSON: Nam and Address of First Petilioner, (Please Printfrype) Name: ?� Street Address: Mailing Address: Name _ IM- 00t t t PROPERTY OWNERS Mailing Address �^,., 0411012018 Barbara E Grady 0721 PM EDT Fottn SR-1 (312008; Rev 1/2010) Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 3 - 5 - 2 Telephone INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING PETITION: 1. Complete Information Section 7 Identify Contact person (This person serves as spokesperson for petitioner(s)). 3, Attach two (2) copies of recorded subdivision plat or property deeds, which refer to candidate road. 4. Adjoining property owners and /or the developer may submit a petition. Subdivision roads with prior NCDOT review and approval only require the developer's signature. 5. If submitted by the developer, encroachment agreements from all utilities located within the right of way shall be submitted with the petition for Road addition. However, construction plans may not be required at thistime. 6. Submit to District Eneer's Office. FOR NCDOT USE ONLY: Please check the appropriate block O Rural Road O Subdivision platted prior to October 1, 9975 t4ubdivision platted after September 30, 1975 REQUIREMENTS FOR ADDITION If this road meets the requirements necessary for addition, we agree to grant the Department of Transportation a right -of -way of the necessary width to construct the road to the minimum construction standards of the NCDOT. The right-of-way will extend the entire length of the road that is requested to be added to the state maintained system and will Include the necessary areas outside of the right -or -way for cut and fill slopes and drainage. Also, we agree to dedicate additional right- of-way at intersections for sight distance and design purposes and execute said right-of-way agreement forms that will be submitted to us by representatives of the NCDOT. The right-of-way shall be cleared at no expense to the NCDOT, which Includes the removal of utilities, fences, other obstructions, etc. General Statute 136 - 102.6 states that any subdivision recorded on or after October 1, 1975, must be built in accordance with NCDOT standards in order to be eligible for addition to the State Road System. ROAD NAME HOMES LENGTH !ROAD NAME HOMES LENGTH Form SR -1 (312006, Rev 912010) Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 3 - 5 - 3 V�4fay Stir �oP° € $ PAP N 3° 90 . v4p4 s�o fill a a c a fit Q 1 v$ Mart 4 SBw HIM I I �4`� Y'�f� �� ffi g7ya 3 'wiwnna, Y� y �S� fl.ig8lit ^ j ifs t M "S�yBBtM d o > S MSI, 1. ppCC p fig IND o i (ag 3 BSI V wT Jil A7 k eta M ro C'3 M y! El it oA� s o 3 4 m ��g o a ms' �s N �B-BBt, i M+T 0,0[ �l� _.B,,.AK. zs fig v 04 7% ,0 08 Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 3 - 5 - 4 CN � r ep 11 2 a J I z' 6Y a- 11 lL mil 1 q) I C; Q Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 3 - 5 - 5 Inin! Mal NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of New Hanover Road(s) Description: Ervin's Place Drive located within the Ervin's Place Subdivision in New Hanover County (Division File No: 1258 -N) WHEREAS, a petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above described road(s), the location of which has been indicated on a map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the above described road(s) should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the road(s) meets minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described road(s), and to take over the roads) for maintenance if they meet established standards and criteria. CERTIFICATE The foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover at a meeting on the 7th day of May, 2018. WITNESS my hand and official seal this the 7th day of May, 2018. Kymberleigh G. Crowell, Clerk to the Board New Hanover County Board of Commissioners Form SR -2 Please Note: Forward directly to the District Engineer, Division of Highways. Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 3 - 6 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: May 7, 2018 .K DEPARTIVIFNR County Manager PRESEVMt(S): Commissioner Jonathan Barfield, Jr. CONTACT(S): Chris Coudriet, County Manager and Ruth Smith, Chief Conmmunications Officer SUBJECT: Adoption of a Resolution Supporting the Naming of the Cape Fear River Bridge on I -140 in Honor of Louis Bobby Brown 11.1 S 110f.YlJU 105 M ;�•ii The Town of Navassa adopted a resolution on February 5, 2018 requesting the Wilmington Urban Area Metropolitan Planning Organization (Wilmington MPO) to recommend to the North Carolina Department of Transportation that the Cape Fear River bridge on I -140 in Navassa be named in honor of Louis Bobby Brown. Commissioner Jonathan Barfield, Jr. and Vice- Chairman Ship Watkins serve on the Wilmington MPO and are in support of a resolution joining with other local jurisdictions in support of the request. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGN MEN11`. Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Keep the public informed on important information f 7 �'K�7►L 11I � y►`I 17 y 17►� :�y � [1l► /_�►� 17 ;I9'�1119:� � y 17_[1 � [�)►l`Ia Adopt the resolution. ATTACIFUENIS: Bridge Naming Resolution COUNTY MANAGER'S CONWIFNIS AND RECONWEMATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. CONMSSIONERY ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION Supporting the Naming of the Cape Fear River Bridge on I -140 in Honor of Louis Bobby Brown WHEREAS, the bridge on Interstate 140 that crosses the Cape Fear River from New Hanover County to Brunswick County has recently opened to traffic; and WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department of Transportation has Policy and Procedures for naming roads, bridges and ferries; and WHEREAS, Louis Bobby Brown was one of the pioneers from Brunswick County on the Wilmington MPO and was instrumental in the routing of this section of I -140. Through his work on the MPO, Brown appeared before the North Carolina Board of Transportation at least three times in support of this highway; and WHEREAS, Louis Bobby Brown was the first mayor of the Town of Navassa serving in that role from 1977 until 1999. His tireless efforts on behalf of the people of Brunswick County was recognized with the honor of becoming a member of the Order of the Long Leaf Pine in 1984 and continues today at the age of 88. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners joins with other local jurisdictions in requesting that the Cape Fear River bridge on I -140 be named in honor of Louis Bobby Brown. ADOPTED this the 7th day of May, 2018. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Woody White, Chairman ATTEST: Kymberleigh G. Crowell, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 4 - 1 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: May 7, 2018 .K DEPARMMENI: Governing Body PRESEVMt(S): Chairman Woody White CONUCT(S): Kym Crowell, Clerk to the Board SUBJECT: Adoption of Lupus Awareness Month Proclamation BRIEF SUNP ARY: The Board has been asked by the North Carolina Chapter of the Lupus Foundation of America to adopt a proclamation recognizing May as Lupus Awareness Month. STRATEGIC PLANALIGNINVENE Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Keep the public informed on important information MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt the proclamation. ATI'ACIINIINIS: North Carolina Chapter - Lupus Foundation of America Request Letter Proclamation COUNTY MANAG S COMWN B AND RECONDK%DATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. CONMSSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 5 iRtECEJVF,D MAR 2 6 2018 March 21, 2018 BOC OFF. Help Us Solve The Cruel Mystery New Hanover County Commissioner's Office LUmPUS"A 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 175 FOUNDATION OF AMERICA Wilmington, NC 28403 NORTH CAROLINA CHAPTER Dear Chairman White, We are asking you to join us in our efforts to generate awareness of lupus across the state of North Carolina and the nation. We are requesting a proclamation from you to declare May as Lupus Awareness Month in order to help raise awareness of this disease and show support for those who suffer from its brutal impact. New research has shown that most Americans know little or nothing about lupus and its devastating impact. This May for Lupus Awareness Month, the Lupus Foundation of America, North Carolina Chapter (LFANC) is urging residents of North Carolina to Help Us Solve the Cruel MysteryTM to improve the understanding of lupus, an unpredictable and sometimes fatal disease that affects an estimated 53,000 North Carolina residents, and support those who suffer from this terrible disease. Lupus is a chronic autoimmune disease in which the immune system is unbalanced, causing inflammation and tissue damage to virtually any organ in the body. Lupus can be unpredictable and potentially fatal, yet no satisfactory treatment or cure exists. An estimated 1.5 million Americans and at least five million people worldwide have a form of lupus. Its health effects include heart attacks, strokes, seizures, miscarriages, and organ failure. About the Luaus Foundation of America, North Carolina The Lupus Foundation of America, North Carolina Chapter (LFANC) is a proud member of the LFA National Network, which is comprised of chapters, field offices, support groups, and community representatives. The LFA and its National Network are focused on improving quality of life for people with lupus through programs of research, education, and advocacy. By signing a proclamation for the County of New Hanover you are supporting our efforts to generate awareness of lupus across the state of North Carolina. For more information on Lupus Awareness Month, lupus, or the LFANC, visit www.lupusnc.org or call (704) 716 -5640. Sincerely, Uu � Ally Hunter Patient Services Manager 4530 Park Road, Suite 302 Charlotte, NC 28209 Toll free: 877.849.8271 Main: 704.716.5640 Fax: 704.716.5641 www.lupusac.org Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 5 - 1 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS LUPUS AWARENESS MONTH PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, each year, the Lupus Foundation of America designates May as National Lupus Awareness Month to show support for the estimated 1.5 million Americans who have lupus; and WHEREAS, lupus is an unpredictable and misunderstood autoimmune disease that ravages different parts of the body. It is difficult to diagnose, hard to live with, and a challenge to treat; and WHEREAS, lupus can affect any part of the body, including the skin, lungs, heart, kidneys, and brain. No organ is spared. The disease can cause seizures, strokes, heart attacks, miscarriages, and organ failure; and WHEREAS, lupus can be particularly difficult to diagnose because its symptoms are similar to those of many other illnesses, and major gaps exist in understanding the causes and consequences of lupus. More than half of all people with lupus take four or more years and visit three or more doctors before obtaining a correct diagnosis; and WHEREAS, while lupus strikes mostly women of childbearing age, no one is safe from lupus. African Americans, Hispanics /Latinos, Asians, and Native Americans are two to three times more likely to develop lupus -a disparity that remains unexplained; and WHEREAS, approximately 53,000 North Carolinians are affected by lupus. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that May 2018 will be recognized as "Lupus Awareness Month" in New Hanover County; and BE IT FURTHER PROCLAIMED that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, in recognition of Lupus Awareness Month, urge New Hanover County citizens to observe this month by educating themselves on the symptoms and impact of lupus, and to join with the North Carolina Chapter of the Lupus Foundation of America in supporting programs of research, education, and community service. ADOPTED this the 7th day of May, 2018. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Woody White, Chairman ATTEST: Kymberleigh G. Crowell, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 5 - 2 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: May 7, 2018 .K DEPARTIMFNIc Building Safety PRESENIFR(S): Nicholas Gadzekpo, Building Safety Director CONTACT(S): Tim Burgess, Assistant County Manager SUBJECT: Adoption of Building Safety Month Proclamation BRIEF SUMMARY: 'Building Codes Save Lives" is the theme for Building Safety Month 2018 and encourages all Americans to raise awareness of the importance of building safe and resilient construction, fire prevention, disaster mitigation, and new technologies in the construction industry. Aproclamation is submitted for consideration to recognize May 2018 as Building Safety Month in New Hanover County. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIQVI ENE Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Keep the public informed on important information RECOMMIENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt the proclamation. ATI'ACU MHNIS: Building Safety Month Proclamation COUNTY MANAGI S CONIlVIINIS AND RECOMMIEMATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. CONMSSIOI% �' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 6 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BUILDING SAFETY MONTH PROCLAMATION – MAY 2018 WHEREAS, New Hanover County is committed to recognizing our growth and strength which depends on the safety and economic value of the homes, buildings, and infrastructure that serve our citizens, both in everyday life and in times of natural disaster; and WHEREAS, our confidence in the structural integrity of the buildings that make up our community is derived through the devotion of vigilant guardians— building safety and fire prevention officials, architects, engineers, builders, tradespeople, design professionals, laborers, and others in the construction industry. These vigilant guardians work year -round to ensure the safe construction of buildings; and WHEREAS, a large number of these guardians are dedicated members of the International Code Council (ICC), a U.S.A. based organization, that brings together local, state, and federal officials that are experts in the built environment to create and implement the highest - quality codes to protect us in the buildings where we live, learn, work, worship, and play; and WHEREAS, our nation benefits economically and technologically from using the International Codes® developed by the ICC, a national codes and standards organization with a voluntary consensus process in developing codes. And, that these modern building codes include safeguards to protect the public from natural disasters such as hurricanes, snowstorms, tornadoes, wildland fires, floods, and earthquake; and WHEREAS, Building Safety Month is sponsored by the ICC to remind the public about the critical role of our communities mostly unknown guardians of public safety —our local code officials —who assure us of safe, efficient and livable buildings that are essential to keep America great; and WHEREAS, "Building Codes Save Lives," the theme for Building Safety Month 2018, encourages all Americans to raise awareness of the importance of building safe and resilient construction, fire prevention, disaster mitigation, and new technologies in the construction industry. And, Building Safety Month 2018 encourages appropriate steps everyone can take to ensure that the places where we live, learn, work, worship, and play are safe, and recognizes that the implementation of safety codes by local and state agencies has saved countless lives and property; and WHEREAS, each year in observance of Building Safety Month, Americans are asked to consider commitments to improve building safety and economic investment at home and in the community, and to acknowledge the essential services provided to us by local and state building departments, fire prevention bureaus, and federal agencies in protecting lives and property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that May 2018 will be recognized as "Building Safety Month" in New Hanover County. Accordingly, the Board of Commissioners encourages all citizens to become aware of the safety features required in their homes and other buildings, and join with their communities in participating in Building Safety Month activities. ADOPTED this the 7 t day of May, 2018. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Woody White, Chairman ATTEST: Kymberleigh G. Crowell, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 6 - 1 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: May 7, 2018 13CINXI-K-11 DEPARTMIFNE Finance PRESEVMt(S): Lisa Wurtzbacher, Chief Financial Officer and Jerome Fennell, Property Management Director CONEACT(S): James Derseraux, Equipment Shop Superintendent; Lena Butler, Purchasing Supervisor SUBJECT: Adoption of a Resolution to Dispose of Surplus Property According to Procedures Outlined in North Carolina General Statutes - Chapter 160A Article 12 BRIEF SUMMARY: Chapter 160A- Article 12 of the North Carolina General Statutes governs the sale and disposition of surplus property. Currently, the County has certain supplies, materials, equipment, and apparatus that are surplus to its operations. A complete list of these items including a description is attached as Exhibit "A." Following Board approval, non - profit organizations will have the opportunity to inspect and purchase the property prior to being sold by auction. Afterwards, all remaining property will be disposed of according to the procedures prescribed in Chapter 160A- 270(c) which authorizes the disposal of personal property electronically using an existing private or public electronic auction service. Staff proposes to utilize the services of GovDeals, an online internet based provider servicing governmental entities. Any items not sold electronically will be disposed of by any other method authorized by the Statutes including discarding. STRATRAC PLAN ALIG INIE : Strong Financial Performance • Control costs and manage to the budget I: 79: K1J► LluIyi 17Dno :1i1r11►/_d`Ilas9:/1119:11191 I — I[1 4 Declare property surplus and adopt resolution authorizing the sale of the equipment electronically using GovDeals or disposal by any other method authorized by NC General Statutes including discarding. ATTACIP9INIS: Surplus Property Resolution Exhibit A COUNTY MANA(MVS COMMIENIS AND RECONAIENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 7 CONMSSIONERS' ACIIOM: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 7 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS PROPERTY WHEREAS, New Hanover County owns certain personal property itemized on the attached Exhibit A that is no longer functional for governmental purposes; and WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners is desirous of declaring the property surplus and disposing of the property as authorized by North Carolina General Statute (NCGS) 160A- Article 12; and WHEREAS, following Board's approval, the Board wishes to allow non - profit organizations the opportunity to inspect and purchase the property prior to being sold by public auction; and WHEREAS, all remaining property will be disposed of according to the procedures prescribed in Chapter 160A- 270(c) which authorizes the disposal of personal property electronically using an existing private or public electronic auction service; and WHEREAS, items not sold by electronic public auction will be disposed of using any other method authorized in the NCGS 160A- Article 12 including discarding the items. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners as follows: 1. The personal property itemized on the attached Exhibit A is hereby declared to be surplus property. 2. That the Chief Financial Officer's designated representative, pursuant to the provisions of G.S. 160A -270 (c), is hereby authorized to dispose of the personal property listed by electronic public auction and any property not sold by electronic means may be disposed of using any other method authorized by the NCGS 160A- Article 12, and that said representative be further authorized and directed to execute necessary documents, transfer title, add/delete items from the surplus list, and perform all necessary functions associated with this disposal. 3. All surplus property will be sold "as is," all sales will be final and the acceptable forms of payment are cash, certified check, money order, and Visa or MasterCard. New Hanover County makes no express or implied warranties of merchantability of any surplus property, or part thereof, or its fitness for any particular purpose regardless of any oral statements that may be made concerning the surplus property or any part thereof. 4. A notice summarizing this resolution and the sale of the surplus property shall be advertised on the County's website and/or in the Wilmington Star News at least ten (10) days prior to the electronic public auction. ADOPTED this the 7' day of May, 2018. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Woody White, Chairman ATTEST: Kymberleigh G. Crowell, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 7 - 1 - 1 AUCTION LIST FY 2018 (2) Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 7 - 2 - 1 Auction # FA # Serial # Department Description Mileage Reason for Disposal 531 013232 SN12151 Vector Control 1995 Buffalo Truck ATT Dual N/A Replaced with new 12 x 12 wheels unit. 532 019913 2MEHM75V29X611343 Sheriff Ofc 2009 Mercury Marquis 159,260 High maintenance cost. Replacing with fuel efficient unit. 533 019025 1FMPU16516LA42319 Sheriff Ofc 2006 Ford Expedition 192,262 High maintenance cost. Replacing with fuel efficient unit. 534 019827 1GNET13H662207789 Sheriff Ofc 2006 Chevrolet Trailblazer SS 150,370 High maintenance cost. Replacing with fuel efficient unit. 535 019507 2MEFM75V78X604961 Sheriff Ofc 2008 Mercury Marquis 143,486 High maintenance cost. Replacing with fuel efficient unit. 536 019050 2FAHP71W56X118989 Sheriff Ofc 2006 Ford Crown Vic 157,878 High maintenance cost. Replacing with fuel efficient unit. 537 018565 2G1WF55K549254677 Sheriff Ofc 2004 Chevrolet Impala 146,186 High maintenance cost. Replacing with fuel efficient unit. 538 018859 1GKEK13Z82R281645 Sheriff Ofc 2002 GMC Yukon 118,930 High maintenance cost. Replacing with fuel efficient unit. Excessive engine oil Leakage. 539 016111 1TC720ACHB7020309 Parks & Gardens John Deere 60" Zero Turn Mower 1400 Hrs Engine failure will not Model # Z720A run. Maintenance cost exceeds value of the equipment. 540 018830 1FMNU41S64EA40279 Emer Mgmt 2004 Ford Excursion 4X4 117,395 Replaced with new unit. 541 N/A N/A Sheriff Ofc S/S Table Top Steamers Equipment Replaced. Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 7 - 2 - 1 AUCTION LIST FY 2018 (2) Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 7 - 2 - 2 Sheriff Ofc 72 "x19" S/S small T/T Steamer Equipment Replaced. Sheriff Ofc 48 "x20" Steamer S/S Equipment Replaced. 542 10813 Property Mgmt Walk Behind Blower Repair cost exceeds value of Equipment. 543 Property Mgmt Miscellaneous Wire Left behind by vendors in storage #18 AWG closet. 300'#4 par cat 5, 100', #8 TH H N 40' Coax Cable 100', Telephone wire 150' 544 Property Mgmt Miscellaneous Lamps FB34w /3/ Replaced with LED fixtures. EW 35 ea, F32T8 /TL 74125 ea F25T8/TL735 16 ea, PL -L 18w/835 4p 17 ea, LU 400 12 ea, MH150w 6 ea, F32T8SP35 6 ea, 545 Property Mgmt Baker Scaffolding, Wheels not available, Obsolete 546 Property Mgmt F34CWT12 Lamps 450 ea Replaced with LED fixtures. 547 Property Mgmt Dayton Welder 230 arc Item no longer used. Obsolete 549 Property Mgmt Ready Kerosene Heater Item no longer used. Obsolete 550 Property Mgmt Wet /Dry Vac Porter Cable Item no longer used. Obsolete 551 12164 Property Mgmt Jack Hammer Item no longer used. Broken 554 Property Mgmt Honeywell Hepa Machines Item no longer used. Obsolete 555 Property Mgmt Trailer Ramps Item no longer used. Obsolete 556 Property Mgmt Pull Down Screen Quartet Item no longer used. Obsolete 557 Property Mgmt Attic Fans Item no longer used. 558 Sheriff Ofc GE Washer Machine Replaced with new unit.. Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 7 - 2 - 2 AUCTION LIST FY 2018 (2) Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 7 - 2 - 3 Repairs exceeds equipment value. 560 Sheriff Ofc (2) 4 Drawer File Cabinet Item no longer used. Obsolete Metal 561 Vector Control Desk w /storage cabinet, Item no longer used. Obsolete 563 Vector Control (6) Folding Tables Item no longer used. Obsolete 564 Vector Control (4) Cordless Drills Battery Packs Not available. 565 Sheriff Ofc Misc. sheet pans Assortment. Item replaced with new units. 566 N/A 48- 1431567 & 48 -45666 Sheriff Ofc Kitchen Ovens Vulcan Item replaced with new units. 567 Property Mgmt Misc. Filters, (30) 8x54x1, (12) Items no longer used. Obsolete 9x39x1, (27) 14x25x1, (12) 16x20x1, (15) 17x20x1, (10) 17x 29x1, (12) 18x24x1, (11) 20x 241, (9) 22x22x1 Misc. Belts, (3) 4250, (3) 4440, (5) 5VX1080, (4) 5VX1250, (4) 5X481, (4) 854, (4) 698, (5) BX48, (5) BX79 568 Property Mgmt Misc. wire, 100' Cat 5, 30' Coax Left behind by vendor in storage cable, 8' T -8 fixture, closet. 569 Property Mgmt (18) Ceiling fans 48" Removed from Fire Station 571 N/A Sheriff Ofc Convection Steam Oven Item replaced with new unit. 572 N/A 10585297 Sheriff Ofc Nobles Speed Floor Scrubber Item no longer used. Obsolete 573 Sheriff Ofc Storage Containers No longer used. Obsolete 574 G111382256 Property Mgmt HVAC Unit 460v 3 Phase Item replaced with new unit. 575 Senior Resource (2) Patio chairs No longer used. Obsolete Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 7 - 2 - 3 AUCTION LIST FY 2018 (2) 576 Property Mgmt (4) Tables assortment No longer used. Obsolete 577 1J264C40040 Sheriff Ofc 21" Lowes push mower No longer used. Parts only. 578 113212H20104 Sheriff Ofc 42" 18hp Troy Bilt Riding Mower No longer used. Mowered by Parks & Gardens. 579 019864 2MEFM75V57X639464 Sheriff Ofc 2007 Grand Marquis 111,045 High maintenance cost, replacing with fuel efficient unit. 580 019351 2MEFM74V87X638956 Sheriff Ofc 2007 Grand Marquis 124,097 High maintenance cost, replacing with fuel efficient unit. 581 019078 2FAHP71W66X158790 Sheriff Ofc 2006 Ford Crown Vic 129,933 High maintenance cost, replacing with fuel efficient unit. 582 019052 2FAHP71W16X118990 Sherriff Ofc 2006 Ford Crown Vic 133,410 High maintenance cost, replacing with fuel efficient 583 019051 2FAHP71W36X118991 Sheriff Ofc 2006 Ford Crown Vic 121,348 High maintenance cost, replacing with fuel efficient unit. 587 19396 1FMFU16567LA93814 Sheriff Ofc 2007 Ford Expedition 118,000 High maintenance cost, replacing with fuel efficient unit. 588 19200 1FMPU16526LA97183 Sheriff Ofc 2006 Ford Expedition 160,530 High maintenance cost, replacing with fuel efficient unit. Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 7 - 2 - 4 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: May 7, 2018 13CINXI-R-11 DEPARTIVIFNE Sheriff PRESEVMgS): Chief Deputy Ken Sarvis CONrACT(S): Chief Deputy Ken Sarvis SUBJECT: Approval to Submit a 2018 Port Security Grant Application to the Federal Emergency Management Agency I1.31111BF.YI11010 V .�•ii The Port Security Grant is used to fund equipment for enforcement activity related to the Port of Wilmington and the waterways surrounding New Hanover County. The requests include, K -9 Equipment, Night Vision Monoculars, Dive Equipment and Trailer, Training, Boat Motor and Truck for Marine Unit. The New Hanover County Sheriffs Office will be able to expand the capabilities of the Emergency Response Team to respond to maritime emergencies and tactical operations. The grant amount is $245,786 with a 25% match. Match funds will be paid using Federal Forfeited Property funds set aside for FYI 8/19. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGSaI M: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Increase public safety and crime prevention I: 79: K/]► Ugly i17Dnoai1r /1►` /_\►I17:79: /1119. 1D17_101its) g Approve submittal of the grant application. COUNTY MANAGER'S CONWINE AND RECONVESDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMMISSIONERS' ACHONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 8 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: May 7, 2018 .K DEPARMMENI: Tax PRESEVMgS): Trina Lewis, Collections Supervisor CONUCT(S): Trina Lewis SUBJECT: Approval of March 2018 Tax Collection Reports BRIEF SUNP4ARY: NCGS 105 -350 requires the Tax Collector to submit a report showing the amount of taxes collected. Although the Overall collections for March 2018 is ahead of collections from March 2017, our New Hanover County Real Property collections is a little behind from last year due to increased refunds from appeals. The report for March 2018 in comparison to March 2017 is as follows: New Hanover County March 2018 March 2017 Real Property 98.66% 98.91% Personal Property 95.22% 93.83% Motor Vehicle 100.00% 100.00% Overall Collection Rate 98.45% 98.55% Total Collected YTD $165,803,585.12 $166,197,147.38 New Hanover County Debt Service March 2018 March 2017 Real Property 98.65% 98.68% Personal Property 95.08% 92.26% Motor Vehicle 100.00% 100.00% Overall Collection Rate 98.42% 98.13% Total Collected YTD $21,231,111.62 $20,487,508.88 Grand Total Collected YTD $187,034,696.74 $186,684,656.26 New Hanover County Fire District March 2018 March 2017 Real Property 98.81% 98.71% Personal Property 95.83% 91.14% Motor Vehicle 100.00% 100.00% Overall Collection Rate 98.59% 97.88% Total Collected YTD $9,807,290.96 $8,219,075.75 Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 9 STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGNNI M- Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Keep the public informed on important information RECONIlUENDID MOTION AND REQUFSTFD ACHONS: Approve the reports. ATTACI AIE IIS: New Hanover County Monthly Collection Report for March 2018 New Hanover County Debt Service Monthly Collection Report for March 2018 New Hanover County Fire District Monthly Collection Report for March 2018 COUNTY MANAGMS CON59NIS AND RECONSEMATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. CONMSSIONERS' ACIIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 9 New Hanover County Monthly Collection Report for March 2018 Current Year 2017 -2018 Total 2017 Collections YTD 165,803,585.12 Prior Years 2007 -2016 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll /Billed $ 147,193,052.92 $ 14,064,841.10 $ 8,164,216.21 $ 169,422,110.23 Abatements $ (927,956.34) $ (362,931.16) $ 635,008.55 $ (1,290,887.50) Adjustments $ 12,934.22 $ 35,096.01 $ (122.43) $ 48,030.23 Total Taxes Charged $ 146,278,030.80 $ 13,737,005.95 $ 8,164,216.21 $ 168,179,252.96 Collections to Date $ 145,557,173.56 $ 13,128,288.41 $ 8,164,216.21 $ 166,849,678.18 *Refunds $ 1,235,677.48 $ 48,359.69 $ 11,132.13 $ 1,284,037.17 Write -off $ (174.70) $ (714.84) $ 4,038.26 $ (889.54) Outstanding Balance $ 1,956,360.02 $ 656,362.39 $ - $ 2,612,722.41 Collection Percentage $ 98.66 $ 95.22 $ 100.00 $ 98.45 YTD Interest Collected $ 169,254.25 $ 11,527.02 $ 57,162.84 $ 237,944.11 Total 2017 Collections YTD 165,803,585.12 Prior Years 2007 -2016 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll $ 1,633,147.62 $ 3,628,433.39 $ 635,008.55 $ 5,896,589.56 Abatements $ (20,809.48) $ (134,644.57) $ (122.43) $ (155,576.48) Adjustments $ 522.70 $ 41.52 $ 564.22 Total Levy $ 1,612,860.84 $ 3,493,830.34 $ 634,886.12 $ 5,741,577.30 Collections to Date $ 509,807.67 $ 89,013.22 $ 11,132.13 $ 609,953.02 *Refunds $ 45,906.95 $ 28,769.55 $ 4,038.26 $ 78,714.76 Write -off $ (109.69) $ (288.43) $ (76.47) $ (474.59) Outstanding Balance $ 1,148,850.43 $ 3,433,298.24 $ 627,715.78 $ 5,209,864.45 YTD Interest Collected $ 59,731.01 $ 16,912.24 $ 3,119.13 $ 79,762.38 Total Prior Year Collections YTD 611,000.64 Grand Total All Collections YTD $ 166,414,585.76 * Detailed information for Refunds can be found in the Tax Office NEW HANOVER COUNTY Chairman Clerk to the Board Date Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 9 - 1 - 1 New Hanover County Debt Service Monthly Collection Report for March 2018 Current Year 2017 -2018 Total 2017 Collections YTD $ 21,231,111.62 Prior Years 2007 -2016 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll /Billed $ 18,835,888.83 $ 1,806,926.19 $ 1,036,153.59 $ 21,678,968.61 Abatements $ (118,817.96) $ (47,931.70) $ Abatements $ (166,749.66) Adjustments $ 1,656.09 $ 4,493.76 $ $ $ 6,149.85 Total Taxes Charged $ 18,718,726.96 $ 1,763,488.25 $ 1,036,153.59 $ 21,518,368.80 Collections to Date $ 18,489,852.93 $ 1,677,062.62 $ 1,036,153.59 $ 21,203,069.14 *Refunds $ 23,643.06 $ 377.05 $ 396.60 $ 24,020.11 Write -off $ (26.78) $ (92.77) $ $ $ (119.55) Outstanding Balance $ 252,490.31 $ 86,709.91 $ $ $ 339,200.22 Collection Percentage 3,210.77 98.65 532.65 95.08 $ 100.00 98.42 YTD Interest Collected $ 19,660.84 $ 1,481.23 $ 6,900.41 $ 28,042.48 Total 2017 Collections YTD $ 21,231,111.62 Prior Years 2007 -2016 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll $ 95,984.27 $ 87,277.38 $ $ 183,261.65 Abatements $ (950.90) $ (6,938.36) $ $ (7,889.26) Adjustments $ 65.10 $ 5.17 $ $ 70.27 Total Levy $ 95,098.47 $ 80,344.19 $ $ 175,442.66 Collections to Date $ 44,088.67 $ 3,595.50 $ $ 47,684.17 *Refunds $ 690.77 $ 396.60 $ $ 1,087.37 Write -off $ (23.26) $ (41.77) $ $ (65.03) Outstanding Balance $ 51,677.31 $ 77,103.52 $ $ 128,780.83 YTD Interest Collected $ 3,210.77 $ 532.65 $ $ 3,743.42 Total Prior Year Collections YTD 51,427.59 Grand Total All Collections YTD $ 21,282,539.21 * Detailed information for Refunds can be found in the Tax Office NEW HANOVER COUNTY Chairman Clerk to the Board Date Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 9 - 2 - 1 New Hanover County Fire District Monthly Collection Report for March 2018 Current Year 2017 -2018 Total 2017 Collections YTD 9,807,290.96 Prior Years 2007 -2016 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll /Billed $ 8,451,812.96 $ 972,929.49 $ 567,894.55 $ 9,992,637.00 Abatements $ (40,760.30) $ (35,688.93) $ 35,337.25 $ (76,449.23) Adjustments $ 6,698.05 $ 5,182.22 $ (17.46) $ 11,880.27 Total Taxes Charged $ 8,417,750.71 $ 942,422.78 $ 567,894.55 $ 9,928,068.04 Collections to Date $ 8,322,021.32 $ 903,193.25 $ 567,894.55 $ 9,793,109.12 *Refunds $ 4,593.20 $ 179.00 $ 243.38 $ 4,772.20 Write -off $ (20.46) $ (66.13) $ (86.59) Outstanding Balance $ 100,302.13 $ 39,342.40 $ - $ 139,644.53 Collection Percentage $ 98.81 $ 95.83 $ 100.00 $ 98.59 YTD Interest Collected $ 9,814.78 $ 757.88 $ 3,609.18 $ 14,181.84 Total 2017 Collections YTD 9,807,290.96 Prior Years 2007 -2016 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll $ 89,336.26 $ 186,352.94 $ 35,337.25 $ 311,026.45 Abatements $ (2,684.26) $ (6,698.38) $ (17.46) $ (9,400.10) Adjustments $ - $ - Total Levy $ 86,652.00 $ 179,654.56 $ 35,319.79 $ 301,626.35 Collections to Date $ 26,233.40 $ 3,012.64 $ 243.38 $ 29,489.42 *Refunds $ 1,401.12 $ 524.90 $ 1,926.02 Write -off $ (11.07) $ (23.36) $ (5.52) $ (39.95) Outstanding Balance $ 61,808.65 $ 177,143.46 $ 35,070.89 $ 274,023.00 YTD Interest Collected $ 3,209.76 $ 801.22 $ 140.10 $ 4,151.08 Total Prior Year Collections YTD 33,640.50 Grand Total All Collections YTD $ 9,840,931.46 * Detailed information for Refunds can be found in the Tax Office NEW HANOVER COUNTY Chairman Clerk to the Board Date Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 9 - 3 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: May 7, 2018 CONSENT DEPARTIVIFNE Strategy & Budget PRESINIMS): Mary Hazel Small, CFO NHCS; Elizabeth Schrader, Chief Strategy & Budget Officer CONrACT(S): Elizabeth Schrader SUBJECT. Approval of 2017 -2018 Board Of Education Budget Amendment #6 BRIEF SUMMARY: On April 3, 2018, the New Hanover County Board of Education approved 2017 -2018 Budget Amendment #6, which: 1) Increased classroom teachers' salary budget by $126,637 and made various miscellaneous budget transfers in the General Fund (Current Expense); and 2) Transferred $300,000 from the Bond Fund's contingency line item to the Myrtle Grove renovation project to address costs for the replacement of electrical switchgear, replacement of a kitchen hood exhaust system, and sealing the concrete floor slab prior to installation of new vinyl composition tile flooring. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIG INIINI: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Support programs to improve educational performance • Deliver value for taxpayer money RECONPAE DED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Request approval of 2017 -2018 Board Of Education Budget Amendment #6. ATTACE VIINIS: FYI BOE Budget Amendment #6 COUNTY MANAG WS CONIVIINIS AND RECOM VN:�MATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. CONIMSSIONFRS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 10 APPENDIX G Item: 2017 -18 Budget Amendment #6 Date: April 3, 2018 Department: Finance Division Background /Historical Context: The attached Budget Amendment is needed to record revenue changes and transfers as described in chart below: Fund State Description To record State Revisions #035 - #037 including allotments for Transportation Fuel Adjustment ($91,565), Classroom Teachers NCVPS Sure -up (- $148,608), Summer Reading Camps ($503,971) and Early Grade Reading Proficiency ($81,060), Classroom Teachers' salary budget alignment, School Textbook and miscellaneous budget transfers General To record Classroom Teachers' salary budget alignment and miscellaneous budget transfers Other I Allocate $588,000 from the Medicaid Direct Services Reserve for Special Education Restricted Teacher Assistant Salaries, Staff Development and Contracted Services along with Revenue miscellaneous program budget transfers. Capital Outlay $300,000 transfer from Bond Contingency to Myrtle Grove Renovations to address costs for replacement of electrical switchgear, replacement of kitchen hood exhaust system, and sealing concrete floor slab prior to installation of new vinyl composition ` the (VCT) flooring Recommendation: For Approval Rationale for Recommendation: Approval is needed to record budget changes. Short and Long Term Impact: Required for planning and resource management Supporting Documentation: • Summary by fund and purposelfur•,ction • Individual Funds shown with current and revised totals. • Capital Outlay also shown by Project, including the multi -year budget Board Action: Recommendation Accepted Reco1 f nI ner Idatio l Rejected Tabled for Further Study Other Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 10-1 -1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION Budget Amendment #: Be it resolved by the New Hanover County Board of Education that the following amendments be made to the Budget Resolution for the fiscal year endinq June 30, 2018: Local Current Other Private State Public Expense Fund Federal Grant Restricted Subtotal Capital Outlay Enterprise Purpose Trust School Fund (General) Fund Revenue Fund Operating Fund Fund Fund Total (1) (2) (3) (8) Budget (4) (5) (6) Amendment Purpose /Function: P 4 Instructional services: Regular Instruction $ )502,695) 5 126,637 $ $ $ (376,058) $ $ $ $ (376,058) Special Populations $ 375,927 (53,751) $ 608,000 930,176 $ Fund Balance Appropriations 930,176 Alternative Programs $ 425,445 (76,660) $ 9,328 358,114 $ New Hanover County 358,114 School Leadership $ 53,526 (1,936) $ - 51,589 $ Other Revenues 51,589 Co- Curricular $ - 2,113 $ 2,113 $ State Sources 2,113 School -Based Support $ 36,253 (1,3621 $ (16,311) 18,580 1 542,063 Transfer from Other Funds 18,580 subtotal $ 388,456 $ (4,959) $ $ 601,017 $ 984,514 $ $ $ $ 984,514 System -wide support services: Support and Development $ 2,672 $ $ S $ 2,672 $ $ $ $ 2,672 Special Population Support and Development $ (9,789) 38 $ - (9,752) $ (9,752) Alternative Program Support and Development $ (400) $ 371 (29) $ (29) Technofogy Support $ - $ - - $ Operational Support $ 160,725 4,822 $ (13,388) 152,158 $ 152,158 Financial and Human Resources $ - $ $ - Accountability $ - $ $ System -Wide Pupil Support $ 500 $ 500 $ 500 Policy, Leadership and Public Relations $ $ - $ - subtotal $ 153,607 $ 4,959 $ $ (13,017)[ 145,549 $ $ $ $ 145,549 Ancillary: Community Services I $ I $ - $ I $ I $ I $ I $ I $ l Nutrition Services I$ I I S I I S I$ I$ I I - subtotal k$ I$ IS I$ I$ I$ I$ I$ I$ Capital Outlay: Capital Outlay { $ I $ I $ I $ I $ k $ I $ k $ I $ Non- programmed charges: Payments to Other Governments $ $ $ $ $ $ 5 $ $ Unbudgeted & Indirect Cost $ $ (588,000) (588,000) $ (588,000) Transfer to Other Funds $ $ $ Scholarships $ $ $ subtotal I $ - I $ - $ - $ (588,000) $ (588,000) $ 1 $ - $ - $ (588,000) Total Appropriation $ 542,063 1 $ 1 $ $ 542,063 5 1 $ $ 5 542,063 Revenue SOUfce: Federal Sources $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ $ Food Sales $ $ $ Fund Balance Appropriations $ $ $ New Hanover County $ $ $ Other Revenues $ $ $ State Sources $ $42,063 $ �� 542,0631 542,063 Transfer from Other Funds $ $ $ Total Revenue $ 542,0631 $ $ $ 542,063 $ 1 $ $ $ 542,063 Passed by majority vote of the New Hanover County Board of Education of North Corallna an thr 3rd Dtry of April, 2018. d airman r L p New Hanover County Board of Education New Ft navet Cotmty Board of Education Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 10- 1 - 2 State Fund Cumulative Budget Summary: I Current Budget I Amendment # ii ` $ Revised Budget 1 }WX�A5 @�Fur1�t +Gri: - - Fund Balance Appropriation - - Instructional services: Other Revenues - - Regular Instruction $ 85,627,823 $ (502,695) $ 85,125,129 Special Populations - 26,296,112 $ 151,212,953 375,927 $ 151,755,016 26,672,039 Alternative Programs 4,730,529 425,445 5,155,974 School Leadership 8,632,956 53,526 8,686,482 Co- Curricular - - School -Based Support 8,598,388 36,253 8,634,640 subtotal $ 133,885,807 $ 388,456 $ 134,274,263 System -wide support services: Support and Development $ 125,924 2,672 $ 128,596 Special Population Support and Development 227,008 (9,789) 217,219 Alternative Program Support and Development 191,384 191,384 Technology Support 811,391 - 811,391 Operational Support 14,928,526 160,725 15,089,251 Financial and Human Resources 248,142 - 248,142 Accountability - - System -Wide Pupil Support - - Policy, Leadership and Public Relations 733,423 - 733,423 subtotal $ 17,265,798 $ 153,_607 $ 17,419,405 Ancillary: Community Services Nutrition Services 78,595 - 78,595 subtotal $ 78,595 $ $ 78,595 Capital Outlay: Capital Outlay $ - $ - $ - Non- programmed charges: Payments to Other Governments $ (17,247) $ $ (17,247) Unbudgeted & Indirect Cost - - Transfer to Other Funds - - - Scholarships subtotal $ (17,247) $ - $ (17,247) Total Appropriation $ 151,212,953 1 $ 542,0631$ 151,755,016 Revenue Source: Federal Sources $ - $ $ Food Sales - - Fund Balance Appropriation - - New Hanover County Other Revenues - - - State Sources 151,212,953 542,063 151,755,016 Transfer from Other Funds - - - Total Revenue $ 151,212,953 $ 542,063 $ 151,755,016 Explanation: To record State Revisions #035 - #037 including allotments for Transportation Fuel Adjustment ($91,565), Classroom Teachers NCVPS Sure -up ($148,608), Summer Reading Camps ($503,971) and Early Grade Reading Proficiency ($81,060), Classroom Teachers' salary budget alignment, School Textbook and miscellaneous budget transfers. Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 10- 1 - 3 General Fund Cumulative Budget Summary: Current Budget I Amendment # 6 1 Revised Budget Purpose /Functio"' - Food Sales Instructional services: Fund Balance Appropriation 6,895,837 - 6,895,837 New Hanover County 75,141,652 Regular Instruction $ 22,886,306 $ 126,637 $ 23,012,943 Special Populations - 2,437,454 Transfer from Other funds_ (53,751) 2,383,703 Alternative Programs $ 84,304,985 3,197,921 $ 84,304,985 (76,660) 3,121,261 School Leadership 6,967,127 (1,936) 6,965,190 Co- Curricular 2,022,765 2,113 2,024,879 School -Based Support 8,324,660 (1,362) 8,323,298 subtotal $ 45,836,234 $ (4,959)' $ 45,831,275 System -wide support services: Support and Development $ 2,246,119 - $ 2,246,119 Special Population Support and Development 138,466 38 138,504 Alternative Program Support and Development 679,911 (400) 679,511 Technology Support 5,147,974 - 5,147,974 Operational Support 18,039,138 4,822 18,043,959 Financial and Human Resources 5,288,242 - 5,288,242 . Accountability 384,133 384,133 System -Wide Pupil Support 602,282 500 602,782 Policy, Leadership and Public Relations 1,922,082 - 1,922,082 subtotal $ 34,448,346 $ 4,959 $ 34,453,306 Ancillary: j Community Services $ - $ 1 $ - Nutrition Services 204,405 204,405 subtotal $ 204_,4.05 $ $ 204,405 Capital Outlay: Capital Outlay $ - $ - $ - Non- programmed charges: Payments to Other Governments $ 3,724,0001 $ - $ 3,724,000 Unbudgeted & Indirect Cost - - Transfer to Other Funds - - Scholarships 92,000 92,000 subtotal $ 3,816,000 $ - $ 3,816,000 Total Appropriation $ 84,304,985 1 $ $ 84,304,985 Revenue Source: Federal Sources - Food Sales - Fund Balance Appropriation 6,895,837 - 6,895,837 New Hanover County 75,141,652 - 75,141,652 Other Revenues 2,267,496 2,267,496 State Sources - - - Transfer from Other funds_ - Total Revenue $ 84,304,985 $ - $ 84,304,985 Explanation: To record Classroom Teachers' salary budget alignment and miscellaneous budget transfers Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 10- 1 - 4 Other Restricted Revenue Cumulative Budget Summary. Current Budget I Amendment # 6 1 Revised Budget Pur,posefFunction $ 2,343,611 $ - $ 2,343,611 Food Sales - Instructional services: Fund Balance Appropriation 4,358,078 - 4,3S8,078 New Hanover County - Regular Instruction $ 720,156 $ - $ 720,156 Special Populations - 887,750 $ 608,000 1,495,750 Alternative Programs $ 11,686,512 4,481,726 $ 9,328 4,491,055 School Leadership 3,399 - 3,399 Co- Curricular 678,960 - 1 678,960 School -Based Support 616,843 (16,311) 600,532 subtotal $ 7,388,834 $ 601,017 $ 7,989,851 System -wide support services: Support and Development $ 118,915 - $ 118,915 Special Population Support and Development 298,751 - 298,751 Alternative Program Support and Development 188,832 371 189,202 Technology Support 21,487 - 21,487 Operational Support 1,346,375 (13,388) 1,332,987 Financial and Human Resources - - Accountability - System -Wide Pupil Support - - Policy, leadership and Public Relations 20,343 20,343 subtotal $ 1,994,702 $ (13,017)1 1,981,685 Ancillary: Community Services $ 75,609 $ - $ 75,609 Nutrition Services - subtotal $ 75,609 j $ - j $ 75,609 Capital Outlay: Capital Outlay $ - $ - $ - Non- programmed charges: Payments to Other Governments $ 127,081 $ - $ 127,081 Unbudgeted & Indirect Cost 2,095,786 (588,000) 1,507,786 Transfer to Other Funds 4,500 4,500 Scholarships - - - subtotal $ 2,227,367 $ (588,000) $ 1,639,367 Total Appropriation $ 11,686,512 $ - $ 11,686,512 Revenue Source: Federal Sources $ 2,343,611 $ - $ 2,343,611 Food Sales - - Fund Balance Appropriation 4,358,078 - 4,3S8,078 New Hanover County - - Other Revenues 1,668,591 - 11668,591 State Sources 3,316,231 - 3,316,231 Transfer from Other Funds - - Total Revenue $ 11,686,512 $ - $ 11,686,512 Explanation: Allocate $588,000 from the Medicaid Direct Services Reserve for Special Education Teacher Assistant Salaries, Staff Development and Contracted Services along with miscellaneous program budget transfers. Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 10- 1 - 5 Capital Outlay Cumulative Budget Summary: Current Budget I Amendment # 6 1 Revised Budget Purposef Function: - Food Sales Instructional services: Fund Balance Appropriation 1,366,367 1,366,367 Regular Instruction $ - $ $ - Special Populations State Sources 4,951,248 - Alternative Programs - - - Total Revenue $ 117,401,605 School Leadership $ 117,401,605 - - Co- Curricular - School -Based Support subtotal $ $ $ - System -wide support services: Support and Development $ $ $ - Special Population Support and Development - Alternative Program Support and Development - Technology Support 984,800 984,800 Operational Support 1,579,343 - 1,579,343 Financial and Human Resources - - Accountability - - System -Wide Pupil Support - - Policy, Leadership and Public Relations - subtotal $ 2,564,143 $ - $ 2,564,143 Ancillary: Community Services $ - Nutrition Services - subtotal $ - - Capital Outlay: _ Capital Outlay $ 114,827,504 $ - $ 114,827,504 Non-programmed charges: Payments to Other Governments $ - - Unbudgeted & Indirect Cost 9,959 - 9,959 Transfer to Other Funds - - - Scholarships - - - - subtotal $ 91959 $ - $ 9,959 Total Appropriation $ 117,401,605 $ - $ 117,401,605 Revenue Source: Federal Sources - Food Sales - Fund Balance Appropriation 1,366,367 1,366,367 New Hanover County (includes Bond) 111,083,990 - 111,083,990 Other Revenues - - State Sources 4,951,248 41951,248 Transfer from Other Funds - - - Total Revenue $ 117,401,605 $ $ 117,401,605 Explanation: $300,000 transfer from Bond Contingency to Myrtle Grove Renovations to address costs for replacement of electrical switchgear, replacement of kitchen hood exhaust system, and sealing concrete floor slab prior to installation of new vinyl composition tile (VCT) flooring Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 10- 1 - 6 Bond Program Summary Budget by Funding Source and Project #: Funding Source[ Project Budget Revised Project # Program Project Description (Multi-Year) Budget Amendment #6 Budget PSBCF • Lottery Revenue: 816 IPAD Replacement 156,000 156,000 9158 15 076 Sidbury Road Complex 1,163,569 20,663 20,663 9164 16 076 Fire Alarm Replacement 36,000 32,612 32,612 9169 16 076 Laney RestrGom Renovations 38,250 326,497 326,497 9170 16 076 Bellamy & Murray Traffic Improvements 80,000 69,331 69,331 9172.17 076 Playground Equipment Replacement 100,000 86,813 86,813 917317 076 NHHS - Cafeteria Serving Line Renovation 2B7,500 242,761 242,761 9174 17 076 Brogden Hatt - Floor Tile Abatement 185,000 180,804 180,804 9175 17 076 Laney - Electrical Switchg ear Replacement 315,000 114,213 114,213 9177 17 076 Freeman - Boiier Replacement 125,000 25,700 25,700 9179 17 076 Bellamy - Boiler Replacement 125,000 83,975 83,975 9181 17 076 Access Control System Upgrade 195,500 138,436 138,436 9188 18 077 Bellamy - Data/Voice Cabling 114,000 114,000 114,000 9189.18 078 SeaTech School Design 400,000 400,000 400,000 9190 18 079 Eaton & Codington - Ethernet Cabling 239,000 239,000 239,000 9192 18 080 Veterans Park - Chiller Replacement 870,000 870,000 870,000 9193.18 081 Alderman - Classroom Floor Repairs 240,000 240,000 240,000 9194 18 082 NHHS- Brogden Hall Sound System 40,000 40,000 40,000 9195 18 083 Sunset Park - Bldg A rear entry upgrades 78,000 78,000 78,000 4,631,819 3,302,805 3,302,805 DPI School Bus Revenue: 6550 120 School Bus Leases (DPI) 2,120,161 1,496,443 1,498,443 Local Funding: 8500 801 Capital Outlay Contingency nla 9,959 9,959 640164 801 Laptap Replacement 240,000 240,000 240,000 9187 18 801 Mobile Classroom Replacement 150,000 240,244 240,244 919718 801 Site Assessments 15,162 15,162 15,162 9198 -18 801 Freeman Innovative Classroom Pilot 94,000 94,000 94,000 9137 815 Mobile Classroom Replacement 852,212 103,629 103,629 1,351,374 702,994 702,994 County Capital Appropriation FY 16.17: (Remaining balance included in Fund Balance Appropriation) 9157 B16 Sidbury Road Transportabon 2,436,155 228,754 228,754 9158 816 Sidbury Road Complex 613,845 411,128 411,128 9161 816 Sidbury Road Tree Replacement 50,000 10,568 10,568 9182 816 BOE Center Renovations 88,666 85,166 85,166 3,188,666 735,617 735,617 County Capital Appropriation FY 17.18: 6401 816 IPAD Replacement 156,000 156,000 156,000 6401 816 Laptop Replacement 588,800 588,800 588,800 6550 816 Vehicle Replacement 80,900 80,900 80,900 9182 816 60E Center Renovations 39,300 39,300 39,300 9183 816 Johnson PreK CoolerlFreezer 40,000 40,000 40,000 9184 816 Howe Window Replacement 350,000 350,000 350,000 9185 816 Howe Root Top Unit Replacement 185,000 185,000 185,900 9186 816 Testing Department Upgrades 95,000 95,000 95,000 9187 816 Mobile Classrooms 465,000 465,000 465,000 9196 816 Prek Updgrades for Mosley 100,000 100,000 100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 2,100,000 Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 10- 1 - 7 Funding Sourcel Project # Program Project Description County Interlocal Sales Tax Refund: 9187 817 Mobile Classrooms 2014 Bond Program: 1,672,379 1,672,379 900101 900 Northeast ES 9002,03 900 College Park ES Rplmt 900305 900 Blair ES Rplmt 9004.06 900 Laney HS Addns & Renovns 9005.08 900 Hoggard HS Addns & Renovns 9006.09 900 New Hanover HS Renovns 9007.10 900 Roland Grise MS Renovns 9008.11 900 Noble MS Renovns 9009 12 900 Trask MS Renovns 9010 13 900 Myrile Grove MS Renovns 9011 14 900 Wrightsville Beach FS Addns & Renovns 9012.07 900 Technology -Network Infrastructure 9013,07 900 Technology - Security Cameras 9014.07 900 Technology - VoIP Core lnfrastrlEquip 9015.04 900 Sunset Park Roof Rplmt 9017.04 900 Trask Roof Rpimt 9018.04 goo Laney Roof Rplmt 9019.04 goo Johnson Roof Rplmt 9020.04 goo Hoggard HS Roof Rplmt 9022,04 900 Pine Valley Roof Rplml 9027.04 900 Veterans Park Roof Coating 9028.04 900 Noble AbmUCarpet Rplmt 9029,04 900 Hoggard AbmUCarpet Rplmt 9030.04 900 Laney AbmYCarpt Rplmt 9034.04 900 CoUgton HVAC Imprmts 9035.04 900 Eaton HVAC Imprmts 9036.04 goo Veterans Park HVAC Imprmts 9037.04 goo New Hanover HVAC Imprmts 9038.04 900 Bradley Creek HVAC Imprmts 9039.04 900 Johnson HVAC Imprmts 9040.04 900 HVAC & Controls Imprmts at Var Schools 9041 15 900 Program Management 904216 900 Contingency 9043.04 900 Carolina Beach Roof Rplmt 9044.04 900 Roland Grise Roof Rplmt 9045.04 goo Gregory Roof Rplmt 9046.04 goo NHHS Roof Rplmt Project Budget Revised (Multi-Year) Budget Amendment #6 Budget 77,756 77,756 15,844,699 1,672,379 1,672,379 16,711,381 16,229,057 16,229,057 17,901,381 17,179,335 17,179,335 13,268,050 2;669,254 2,669,254 15,915,489 4,575,150 4,575,150 5,713,381 485,998 485,998 12,002,898 11,962,550 11,962,550 7,906,664 7,856,842 7,856,842 9,953,100 9,953,100 9,953,100 9,507,903 9,461,039 300,000 9,761,039 7,332,492 7,332,492 7,332,492 5,690,014 4,319,263 4,319,263 3,402,276 2,789,565 2,789,565 469,279 132,991 132,991 206,251 1,808,970 1,808,979 1,808,970 426,030 288,132 288,132 6,272 - - 499,722 7,325 7,325 305,470 40,832 40,832 1,226,276 1,226,276 1,226,276 274,907 - - 681,750 606,376 606,376 516,208 223,496 223,498 215,722 171,462 366,320 - 360,459 347,919 347,919 1,317,916 73,920 73,920 1,309,440 61,375 61,375 1,509,314 1,158,142 1,158,142 3,106,796 2,594,687 2,594,687 2,334,113 2,334,113 (300,000) 2,034,113 162,156 17,972 17,972 394,916 394,916 394,916 569,386 569,386 569,386 611,137 611,137 611,137 160,000,000 108,983,990 108,983,990 173,392,020 117,401,605 117,401,605 Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 10- 1 - 8 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: May 7, 2018 DEPARTIVIHNE County Manager PRESEVMt(S): Marianna Stacy,The Cape Fear Elder Abuse Prevention Network CONIACT(S): Chris Coudriet, County Manager SUBJECT: Consideration of Elder Abuse Awareness Month Proclamation 1:3:711IVIN 110V.�•ii June 15, 2018 is World Elder Abuse Awareness Day. The Cape Fear Elder Abuse Prevention Network requests the Board of Commissioners to recognize the period of time between Mother's Day, May 13 and Father's Day, June 17, 2018 as Elder Abuse Awareness Month in New Hanover County. The proclamation will help bring awareness of this problem in our community. Members of The Cape Fear Elder Abuse Prevention Network will attend the meeting to receive the proclamation. STRATEGIC PLAN ALIGMIENE Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Keep the public informed on important information RECOI FORDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt the proclamation. ATTACEINI NTS: Letter of Request Elder Abuse 2018 Proclamation COUNTY MANAGER'S CONIVENB AND RECONMPDAHONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. CONMSSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 11 6 OF VILIINGTON iWmngton's Preferred Continuum of Lf estyle Choices March 13, 2018 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners C/O Susan Wynn, Executive Assistant to the County Manager 23o Government Center, Suite 196 Wilmington, North Carolina 28403 Dear Ms. Wynn and Commissioners: In mid -2oo6, a group of area professionals and volunteers serving the local senior population, formed The Cape Fear Elder Abuse Prevention Network. Our ultimate goal is to STOP abuse of the elderly in our area by raising awareness through community education on the forms of Elder Abuse, ways to identify it, and what can be done to help prevent it. As World Elder Abuse Awareness Day on June 161h, 2018 approaches, we continue our work to raise awareness in our area Our talented "Preventers" are educating by presenting vignettes that depict the forms of elder abuse, neglect and exploitation to the public, to professionals in skilled /assisted living facilities, home health care agencies, and to the local medical and law enforcement communities. In 2013, we held a community event at The New Hanover County Senior Center featuring a keynote speech by an Internationally - acclaimed Financial Elder Abuse expert. In 2014, we presented, "Modern Times Modern Crimes ", an event that educated elders on protecting themselves against Frauds & Scams. In 2015, we trained Law Enforcement and Financial Institutions, and the general public on Elder Abuse and Financial Exploitation, and held Elder Abuse Walk, Stroll & Rolls in New Hanover and surrounding counties. In 2016, we presented "Modern Times, Modern Crimes " and Elder Abuse Awareness Walks at Brightmore of Wilmington on April 22nd and Carolina Bay at Autumn Hall on September 22nd and walks in other counties. In 2017, we continued educating through our Skit Group and held walks in New Hanover and surrounding Counties. In 2018, we host "Modern Times, Modern Crimes" on February 21st in Pender County's and in Brunswick County on April 19th. At the 4 PM May 7th, 2018 Commissioner's Meeting, we are requesting the New Hanover County Commissioners again adopt a resolution proclaiming the period of time between Mother's Day on May 13th and Father's Day on June 17th be declared "Elder Abuse Awareness Month" in New Hanover County ". An updated copy of our resolution is attached with this letter. I, along with other members of our network will attend the Commissioner's meeting to receive the written proclamation upon notice that it is to be adopted. We hope the work of the Cape Fear Elder Abuse Prevention Network makes a significant contribution towards the prevention of Elder Abuse in our area. Thank you again for your support over the past years. We look forward to having you partner with us again in this effort. Sincerely, 9W ar flnna B. Stacy �yW Marianna B. Stacy Community Outreach Educator Brightmore of Wilmington mstacy(&libgrtvseniorliving. com Member of the Pape Fear Elder Abuse Prevention Network (910) 350 -1980 (910) 512 -9948 Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 11-1 -1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ELDER ABUSE PREVENTION AWARENESS MONTH PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, elder abuse is the broad term used to identify mistreatment of elderly and disabled adults; and WHEREAS, abuse and neglect of elderly and disabled adults is one of the most under - recognized and under - reported social problems in this country; and WHEREAS, the magnitude of the problem is likely to increase for several reasons, especially with the increasing rise in the number of elderly population; and WHEREAS, mistreatment can take many forms: physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, neglect by a caregiver, self - neglect, exploitation, and financial exploitation; and WHEREAS, it is estimated that approximately five million people age 60+ suffer elder abuse every year; and WHEREAS, it is estimated that approximately one out of every twenty-four cases of elder abuse is reported; and WHEREAS, abuse of the elderly and disabled is preventable. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that May 13 thru June 17, 2018 be recognized as "Elder Abuse Prevention Awareness Month" in New Hanover County and that all residents and other jurisdictions are encouraged to become more aware of this problem and join in the prevention of elder abuse. ADOPTED this the 7" day of May, 2018. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Woody White, Chairman ATTEST: Kymberleigh G. Crowell, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 11- 2 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: May 7, 2018 DEPARMVI NR County Manager PRESEVMt(S): Beth Rutledge, Executive Director, Historic Wilmington Foundation CONI'ACT(S): Chris Coudriet, County Manager SUBJECT: Consideration of National Preservation Month Proclamation 11.3:1I1IVI0 / IU V:�•ii May is National Preservation Month. Preservation month is a nationally recognized event, sponsored annually with the National Trust for Historic Preservation, honoring and promoting historic preservation across the country. Each year since 1971, the Historic Wilmington Foundation has partnered with the National Trust to celebrate the local people and activities that make preservation a reality in Wilmington and the Lower Cape Fear region. Beth Rutledge will be present to receive the proclamation. STRATRAC PLAN ALIGNAIDM. Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Keep the public informed on important information RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Adopt the proclamation. ATTACIINIEN5: Preservation Month Proclamation COUNTY MANAGER'S CONrYKN S AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. CONMSSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 12 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS NATIONAL PRESERVATION MONTH PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, historic preservation is an effective tool for managing growth and sustainable development, revitalizing neighborhoods, fostering local pride, and maintaining community character while enhancing livability; and WHEREAS, historic preservation is relevant for communities across the nation, both urban and rural, and for Americans of all ages, all walks of life, and all ethnic backgrounds; and WHEREAS, it is important to celebrate the role of history in our lives and the contributions made by dedicated individuals in helping to preserve the tangible aspects of the heritage that has shaped us as a people; and WHEREAS, National Preservation Month 2018 is cosponsored by both the Historic Wilmington Foundation and the National Trust for Historic Preservation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that May 2018 will be recognized as "National Preservation Month" in New Hanover County. The Board calls upon the people of New Hanover County to join their fellow citizens across the United States in recognizing and participating in this special observance. ADOPTED this the 7t' day of May, 2018. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Woody White, Chairman ATTEST: Kymberleigh G. Crowell, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 12- 1 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: May 7, 2018 DEPARTMENT: DSS PRESINIFR(S): Michelle Winstead, Social Services Director and Wanda Marino, Social Services Assistant Director CONTACT(S): Wanda Marino SUBJECT: Consideration of Foster Care Awareness Month Proclamation 11.3 11 11IVI0 l lU /_\ May is Foster Care Awareness Month in North Carolina. The New Hanover County Department of Social Services is submitting a proclamation to recognize May as Foster Care Awareness Month in New Hanover County. STRATEGIC PLAN ALICNNIHNT: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Keep the public informed on important information RECON MENDED MOTION AND REQUESTM ACTIONS: Adopt the proclamation. ATTAC>IlVIINIS: Foster Care Awareness Month Proclamation COUNTY MANACIWS CONrYMNIS AND RECONDIEIDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. CONMSSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 13 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOSTER CARE AWARENESS MONTH PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, in New Hanover County there are approximately 443 children of all ages in custody of the Department of Social Services and of those children, over half reside in foster homes, group homes, hospitals, and with relatives; and WHEREAS, it is the goal of this community to provide these children with safe, stable, and nurturing family environments; and WHEREAS, we turn more and more to the family foster homes of New Hanover County to nurture the bodies and spirits of the children in our charge while our social workers support parents in building on their strengths to provide safe, permanent homes for their children to return to; and WHEREAS, foster parents frequently adopt their foster children, which results in a continual need for more foster families; and WHEREAS, May is singled out as Foster Care Awareness Month to be the one month we publicly recognize the tremendous contribution made by foster parents, numerous individuals and public and private organizations to the child welfare system and to the lives of the young who are somehow entangled in that system. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that May 2018 will be recognized as "Foster Care Awareness Month" in New Hanover County; and BE IT FURTHER PROCLAIMED that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, in recognition of Foster Care Awareness Month, thanks all foster mothers and foster fathers for their commitment of time and talents to these precious children and encourage all citizens to celebrate the contributions of foster parents and child welfare professionals. The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners further encourages the community, businesses, faith -based organizations, and families to participate in efforts to recruit and support foster families in New Hanover County. ADOPTED this the 7"' day of May, 2018. NEW HANOVER COUNTY Woody White, Chairman ATTEST: Kymberleigh G. Crowell, Clerk to the Board Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 13- 1 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: May 7, 2018 REGULAR DEPARTIVIFNR County Manager PRESFNIEWS): The Honorable Judge J. H. Corpening, H, Chair, New Hanover County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council CONEACT(S): Awil Pinder, Deputy County Manager SUBJECT: Consideration of the New Hanover County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Funding Recommendation for Fiscal Year 2018 -2019 BRIEF SUMMARY: At its March 16, 2018 meeting, the New Hanover County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council (JCPC) unanimously recommended that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners allocate $433,344 in State JCPC funding for fiscal year 2018 -2019 as follows: JCPC Administration - $11,543 Youth Empowerment Services - $348,004 Teen Court - $47,025 Systematic Training for Effective Parenting (STEP) - $26,772 The funding recommendation meets the JCPC priorities of Psychological Services, Community Service /Restitution, Teen Court, Parent Skill Building Programs, and Home -Based Family Services. STRATEW PLANALIGVNVIEW: Superior Public Health, Safety and Education • Increase public safety and crime prevention RECOED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Approve the Fiscal Year 2018 -2019 JCPC funding recommendation. AITACYFVFNTS: JCPC County Plan 2018 -2019 JCPC Certification 2018 -2019 COUNTY MANAGER'S CONIlVI NIS AND RECOMMENDATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval. COMNIISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 14 Approved 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 14 a. 1101711 r ; County Plan New Hanover County For FY 2018 -2019 Table of Contents 1. Executive Summary II. County Funding Plan III. Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Organization IV. County Risk and Needs Assessment Summary V. County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Request for Proposals VI. Funding Decisions Summary VII. Funded Programs Descriptions Attachments: Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 14- 1 - 1 Executive Summary The New Hanover County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council (JCPC), in fulfillment of the duties and responsibilities as set forth in the General Statutes of the State of North Carolina, has reviewed and updated the County Plan. The JCPC has identified the issues and factors which have an influence and impact upon delinquent youth, at -risk youth, and their families in New Hanover County. Further, the JCPC has identified the strategies and services most likely to reduce /prevent delinquent behavior. JCPC Action Plan Progress: • To prevent or reduce delinquent behavior in youth • Continue the Community Service /Restitution Program • Continue the Home -Based Family Services Program • Continue the Teen Court Program Priorities for Funding: Through a risk & needs assessment and a resource assessment, the JCPC has determined that the following services are needed to reduce /prevent delinquency in New Hanover County. 1. Psychological Services 2. Community Service /Restitution 3, Teen Court 4. Parent Skill Building Programs 5. Home -Based Family Services Monitoring and Evaluation: Each program funded in the past year by the JCPC has been monitored. The monitoring results and program outcomes evaluations were considered in making funding allocation decisions. The JCPC continues to conduct implementation monitoring of its action plan and its funded programs on a quarterly basis. Please see Attached Monitoring Reports. Funding Recommendations: Having published a Request for Proposals for these needed services for a minimum of thirty (30) days, the JCPC has screened the submitted proposals and has determined which proposals best meet the advertised needed services. As required by statute, the JCPC recommends allocation of the NC Department of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (NC DJJDP) Funds to the following Programs in the amounts specified below for the upcoming fiscal year: (See JCPC Funding Allocations page): 1. Youth Empowerment Services $348,004 2. Teen Court $ 47,025 3. Systematic Training for Effective Parenting (STEP) $26,772 (Please see attached program description pages) Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 14- 1 - 2 The JCPC further recommends that the following amount be allocated from the NC DJJDP funds for the administrative costs of the Council for the upcoming fiscal year: $11,543 Respectfully Submitted, Honorable Judge J.H. Corpening Il Chair, New Hanover County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Date: April 10, 2018 Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 14- 1 - 3 New Hanover County NC DPS - Community Programs - County Funding Plan Available Funds: $ $433,344 Local Match: $ $137,235 Rate: 20% DPS JCPC funds must be committed with a Program Agreement submitted in NC Allies and electronically signed by authorized officials. The above plan was derived through a planning process by the New Hanover County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council and represents the County' lan fnr use these funds in FY 2018 -2019 Amount of Unallocated Funds _ 't' L7- Amount of funds reverted back to DPS Chai ers n, Juv 1 rime r ention Council (Date) Discretionary Funds added check type IJ initial plan LJ update L! f,ra. - - -- -DPS Use Only---- - Reviewed by Area Consultant Date Reviewed by Program Assistant Date Verified by Designated State Office Staff Date Chairperson, Board of County Commissioners (Date) or County Finance Officer Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 14- 1 - 4 ,. I'hogrtgi:PrpvtdCr'.:: TsPS- 3CPC:',Tounty 1 ending WCAL'Fl1ND}NG OTHER. Total: %Non oPsactac Program Nevonues "!aii i.,I:acal:Cash 11><atcti m0ch LocalTw kind StatC ioderal Fund' Administration $11,543 $11,543 a Youth Empowerment Services $348,004 $109,483 $457,487 24% Teen Court $47,025 $15,582 $6,697 $69,304 32% Systematic Training for Effective Parenting (STEP) $26,772 $5,473 $32,245 17 % H 9 10 11 1? 13 IJ f,5 !fi 7T IH TOTALS: $433,344 $15,582 $121,653 1 $570,579 24% The above plan was derived through a planning process by the New Hanover County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council and represents the County' lan fnr use these funds in FY 2018 -2019 Amount of Unallocated Funds _ 't' L7- Amount of funds reverted back to DPS Chai ers n, Juv 1 rime r ention Council (Date) Discretionary Funds added check type IJ initial plan LJ update L! f,ra. - - -- -DPS Use Only---- - Reviewed by Area Consultant Date Reviewed by Program Assistant Date Verified by Designated State Office Staff Date Chairperson, Board of County Commissioners (Date) or County Finance Officer Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 14- 1 - 4 Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Organization Number of 23 members: List meeting dates during the current fiscal year and identify the number of JCPC members in attendance for each. Meeting Date Name Organization Title Not Applicable Honorable J.H. Corpening August 18, 2017 Chief District Court Yes 11 Judge Judge Chairperson Not Applicable No meeting November 17, 2017 15 Yes December 2017 Supervisor, Coastal No meeting Ryan Estes Member At -Large Horizons Vice-Chairperson 15 Yes March 16 2018 14 Yes United Way of the Executive Vice Tommy Taylor Lower Cape Fear Presiden Secretary Not Applicable No meeting United Way of the Executive Vice Treasurer Tommy Taylor Lower Cape Fear President Assessment New Hanover County Committee Wanda Marino Dept of Social Services Assistant Director Chairperson Funding System of Care Committee Amy Horgan Coastal Care Coordinator Chairperson Number of 23 members: List meeting dates during the current fiscal year and identify the number of JCPC members in attendance for each. Meeting Date Number of Members in Attendance Quorum Present? Yes/No July 2017 Not Applicable No meeting August 18, 2017 16 Yes September 15, 2017 18 Yes October 2017 Not Applicable No meeting November 17, 2017 15 Yes December 2017 Not Applicable No meeting January 19, 2018 18 Yes February 16, 2018 15 Yes March 16 2018 14 Yes April 20, 2018 May 18, 2018 June 2018 Not Applicable No meeting Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 14- 1 - 5 SUMMARY REPORT OF THE NEW HANOVER COUNTY RISK AND NEEDS ASSESSMENT COMMITTEE I. Risk Assessment Summary II. Needs Assessment Summary III. Resource Assessment Summary IV. Summary of Gaps and Barriers in the Community Continuum V. Proposed Priority Services for Funding Part I. Risk The Risk and Needs Assessment Committee reviewed data gleaned from the Juvenile Risk Assessment instrument administered by Juvenile Court Counselors after juveniles are referred with a complaint alleging that a delinquent act has occurred and prior to adjudication of the juvenile. The Juvenile Risk Assessment is an instrument used to predict the likelihood of the juvenile being involved in future delinquent behavior. For some youth, some of the individual item ratings may be heavily dependent upon information reported by the juvenile or the parent(s). For these items (represented by percentages which with a star next to them), there is a likelihood of under- reporting the incidence of a particular behavior and the actual incidence may be higher than suggested by these figures. In those cases, the figure should be interpreted as a measure of the minimum level of occurrence. New Hanover County Risk Factor Observations: Data from FY 2015 -2016 • The majority of youth seen at intake have a 27% - 56% risk level for recidivism. These youth can be served in the community. 0 81 % of youth have a medium to high risk level for recidivism. This mirrors the state rate of 80 %. • 30% of adjudicated youth report some involvement with alcohol or drugs and need further assessment or treatment. This mirrors the state rate of 31%. This number is self - reported and most likely under reported. It is an indicator to know a minimum level of involvement with alcohol and drugs. • 70% of adjudicated youth have moderate to severe school behavior problems. While this number is higher, it mirrors the state rate and is down over the previous fiscal year. • More than half of the youth, 56 %, lack positive peer relationships. Part II. Needs The Risk and Needs Assessment Committee also reviewed data gleaned from the Juvenile Needs Assessment instrument administered by Juvenile Court Counselors prior to court disposition of a juvenile. The Juvenile Needs Assessment is an instrument used to examine a youth's needs in the various domains of his life: The Individual Domain, The School Domain, The Peer Domain, and the Community Domain. This instrument was designed to detect service intervention needs as an aid in service planning. As with the Juvenile Risk Assessment, some of the individual item ratings may be heavily dependent upon information reported by the juvenile or the parent(s). For these items (represented by percentages which with a star next to them), there is a likelihood of under - reporting the incidence of a particular behavior and the actual incidence may be higher than suggested by Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 14- 1 - 6 o JC Roe Center (alternative school) o Kids Making It o Lake Forest Academy — Day Treatment o L.I.T.E. Manhood • Misdemeanor Diversion Program (MDP) • NHCSO GREAT program, Community /Outreach programs • OOPS — Non - enrolled Education o PORT © Pride of Carolina o School Based Counseling, School Social Workers o Strategic Behavioral Health — PRTF o Strengthening Families o WHAT o Brigade Boys and Girls Club o Community Boys and Girls Club o YMCA o YWCA o WPD Community /Outreach programs Part IV. Summary of Gaps and Barriers in the Continuum of Services Appropriate intermediate dispositional options are available in New Hanover County through the Community Service, Restitution and Teen Court programs, funded through the JCPC. If funding were to be discontinued for these services, a new gap would exist and adequate intermediate dispositional options would not be available. The need for mental health assessment and treatment services continues to exist and to grow. Without the JCPC funded psychological services programs, a larger gap would exist. New programs in the community have helped to fill in the gaps. Part V. Proposed Priority Services for Funding The committee compared the services needed to address the elevated Juvenile Risk Factors and Juvenile Needs with services currently available in the community. Services which are currently available in the community and sufficient to meet the needs of court involved youth or those youth most at risk for court involvement are not considered as a priority for JCPC funding. The Committee proposes that the following services in ranked order be approved as the funding priorities for FY 2018 -2019 1. Psychological Services 2. Community Services /Restitution 3. Teen Court 4. Parent Skill Building Programs 5, Home -Based Counseling Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 14- 1 - 7 ITEM 14- 1 - 8 a c � a ¢ ¢ a m o z 0 z 0 z 0 z ar a) a+ m CL w o IL d o o� o ro o Z Z Z Z Q > Q > Q m v � a it � V} w N cn N U E a ?_ a a E L N LL g c rn L d cn c ( c ) U Q± E a c O d) c a) a — U — m LL U U i m0 ma of �- � y N N O L m0 ym p -in U tLE4 n w -0 _r_ CD W L a) 2 U a) m 0-0 T a) m 5 O o O. N a10i v iu c v c } m a) U a) c c m li cr 0 � Z a) Co U u C O O C M p O c O C d o L-0 t o -p a N N N V' O N a) N W w f° IL m o IL m L L aJ v a7 i i aJ aJ a5 al a�1 a y y iJ S w a v v v u G v� a> > v a� _u v� v v� _u a� _u CD :3 v (U :3 Y t v� _u v a _u t v _u t v� u'd +� m �' 2 Z �N Z L �Nv ? Z I o .? U In Vi in U7 In Vl c N In [n LA [n V1 [Jf L v] Val N QZ7 L ] m N V7 Va3 UI ZA u) V1 o dj Q C� +.r w > El El l El El > ❑❑ > > ❑❑ > ❑❑ > El El ❑❑ El El ❑❑ ❑❑ ❑ El El (�U')) ❑❑ El El d w i Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 14- 1 - 9 o, c N OC w. N C� u u d C 0 cL 4? L a C a� a •o v v -.o a� U L O 0 ': I I tM: 14- 1 - "I U a 0 v ;> ti jo a� o C Q) 71 O a .„ p v� 5-4 Old Q y tn O 1 0 O 'O p U 40. a U w o e� a o U (Sr o U U ti fs o 4 U U v� O � z xxi� cn a a x z 4Uz U o tn v �A o ll va o� En v Q a Q a=i F' o v u � d Ln o OP a .o rid Q En a'C C7 U tia, U • . °� � � � Q% ce3 � 0 0 \ DO O a o O d .� O CS' •� O b!? Board of mf4iisr@or%rs - May 7, 2018 C'' u I I tM: 14- 1 - "I U U -rs r• w �" . z �, V Ln -I." v v� v' c E~ U U a U U � U O Cd • v o u 0 V r/�� cw z xxH Uu° �a�° zu U� z04 0? 71 CR a =0 C3 o Cd t 0 th �n COO COO UU U cS3 O U �� O Vi 4, U U U 5 � 40 1 U "O �", WU W C4[n CL, CA P. P2 � � U to Board of Com issioWs- May 7, 2018 `Ci m .� �I V1 0 Awy�e/� 'L7 C V 0 Q C L a� C O C O G O C 6 C O C O C O C p C O C O C O C y C O 49 O C 49 C O C O > v a U U U U ij U � U R V R va Rw A _ _ U 2- U a U � ,_G. rn _fl. r�U�r x El 0 fir. El ^}•�U?+� .�r V El OD y W y 6A y 04 y b31 y b0 y u bb bA bCA Ob p by O! 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S 1U. k IUw iU+ FU• U V U U U U R r] U rp p p .0 o a a a Aa , p . a c . a E E Ep E U U U U V U V U o U V -� y z z z z z z z z z z ❑ S, ❑ y❑ v❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ ❑ v L Q.0 q� .20 p� a❑ O O 221 O� a❑ O Q S❑ G O a❑ O� a❑ O Q a❑ C1 L bli C C CQ to C bi b6 to m C C C C C C C C b C 4- A w w w ci s N E� y y ,� EO y v EO N GY Ep y N E y N Ep y EO � G47 E y 6) EO y N Ec5 U ® �❑ _❑ _❑ �❑ _❑ _❑ s❑ �❑ _❑ d❑ ® v® ❑ a❑ n❑ a❑ a❑ o❑ a a c® a a n a sa ❑ a a N% E N E N N E E N N E 0 e ^I Cy r VRi N U Vi tU. N Lam. Uhf L N LU. Vii tom. N 1�. VI I.U. �/i O a 4- o 0 a v 0 0 0 4w 0 0 C 4 0 0 C+ 0 0 7 4. o 0 7 4, 0 0 C 4. 0 0 9 4w 0 0 7 4. 0 0 W � @ � fay � � � O v1 <I-+ n`o a v G.. cn ❑ c 4w an o o L•w ba ro 0 4+ o� a o S.. eu a o 4+ bfl ro o 4w ao c a L•w bfl a o 4+ 4. ao a o tC a o e g ti= c a a a a a a _ is ro a 9 g a 9 9 rs 9 a 9 9 a 3 o o 0 C 4. eb V F, Y w, c3 ,U-. C I., eS 6J G �. N C w [G V C w-, c3 4 w, C I•. +4 F, 4T N V Cam? c C7 c Ur c C7 c C5 c (5 c C7 c 3 c 5 c G c C7 .o .2 .o .0 � , .o Y .a � .a y .0 .o .o 0 u 0 U 0 v 63 rry N N N y N y y rn v rn r,� cn N y 4-, N iU- W I.U. 4w nV'I L 4+ I.U. 4w �. P Saw I.V. Z. I.U. taw � 4w ro 0 0 ro 0 y 'a 0 0 'a 0 u 'o ° v 'o o v '.0 o ro o y •a o y -0 0 y Cb CQ C 4C of} C Sd b0 `C id to C bA C on GG SQ Qty W C Cd a C L� bq � CCY QQ 4a+ G C 4-i L C Z C 'a °c E c E c E °c E c E c E cE t 0 0 o a 4, 2 o© 0 2 o � 4. 2 o p o 0 a 2 0 2 0 o ti) 0 2 a o to as 0 0 �•, bfl 0 0 4. 2 0 C. 1 a Y G Y O. Y 0. C°d y ra3. � y cUC y [Ud � cVd ty � qj cUd pay eVd y R y [°G y ® eCa I���`.(�� IC I end ® I��I� Z ❑ ❑ ❑ cad ❑ cCa ❑ as ❑ <a W d � O Gq za rnm iK6frbr - Ma 7, 2018 II LM: 14 -1 -"IJ i N *C ! 99 La NC Department of Public Safety Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Certification Fiscal Year: 2018 -2019 County: New Hanover I Date: March 24, 2018 CERTIFICATION STANDARDS STANDARD #1 -Membership A. Have the members of the Juvenile Crime Prevention Council been appointed by county commissioners? Yes B. Is the membership list attached? Yes C. Are members appointed for two year terms and are those terms staggered? Yes D. Is membership reflective of social - economic and racial diversity of the community? Yes E. Does the membership of the Juvenile Crime Prevention Council reflect the required positions as provided by N.C.G.S. §1436 -840? Yes If not, which positions are vacant and why? Form JCPC /OP 002 (a) Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Certification Form structure last revised July 2014 NC Department of Public Safety Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 14- 2 - 1 Page 1 of 3 STANDARD #2 - Organization A. Does the JCPC have written Bylaws? Yes B. Bylaws are ® attached or ❑ on file (Select one.) C. Bylaws contain Conflict of Interest section per JCPC policy and procedure. Yes D. Does the JCPC have written policies and procedures for funding and review? Yes E. These policies and procedures ® attached or ❑ on file. (Select one.) F. Does the JCPC have officers and are they elected annually? Yes JCPC has: ® Chair; ® Vice - Chair; ® Secretary; ® Treasurer. STANDARD #3 - Meetings A. JCPC meetings are considered open and public notice of meetings is provided. Yes B. Is a quorum defined as the majority of membership and required to be present in order to conduct business at JCPC meetings? Yes C. Does the JCPC meet bi- monthly at a minimum? Yes D. Are minutes taken at all official meetings? Yes E. Are minutes distributed prior to or during subsequent meetings? Yes STANDARD #4 - Planning A. Does the JCPC conduct an annual planning process which includes a needs assessment, monitoring of programs and funding allocation process? Yes B. Is this Annual Plan presented to the Board of County Commissioners and to DPS? Yes C. Is the Funding Plan approved by the full council and submitted to Commissioners for their approval? Yes Form JCPC /OP 002 (a) Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Certification Form structure last revised July 2014 NC Department of Public Safety Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 14- 2 - 1 Page 1 of 3 Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Certification (cont'd) STANDARD #5 - Public Awareness A. Does the JCPC communicate the availability of funds to all public and private non- profit agencies which serve children or their families and to other interested community members? (® RFP, distribution list, and article attached) Yes B. Does the JCPC complete an annual needs assessment and make that information available to agencies which serve children or their families, and to interested community members? Yes STANDARD #6 — No Overdue Tax Debt A. As recipient of the county DPS JCPC allocation, does the County certify that it has no overdue tax debts, as defined by N.C.G.S. §105- 243.1, at the Federal, State, or local level? Yes Briefly outline the plan for correcting any areas of standards non - compliance. Having complied with the Standards as documented herein, the Juvenile Crime Prevention Council may use up to $15,500 of its annual Juvenile Crime Prevention fund allocation to cover administrative and related costs of the council. Form JCPC/ OP 002 (b) JCPC Certification Budget Pages detailing the expenditure budget must be attached to this certification. The JCPC Certification must be received by June 30, 2018. JCPC Administrative Funds SOURCES OF REVENUE DPS JCPC Only list requested funds for JCPC Administrative Budget. $11,543 Local -a- Other -a- Total $11,543 (340"'�T ``- Ci. JCPC Ch erson Date Chairman, Board of County Commissioners Date DPS Designated Official Date Form JCPC /OP 002 (a) Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Certification Form structure last revised July 2014 NC Department of Public Safety Board of Commissioners -May 7, 2018 Page 2 of 3 ITEM: 14- 2 - 2 Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Certification (cow'd) New Hanover county FY 2018 -2019 Instructions: N.C.G.S. § 1438 -846 specifies suggested members be appointed by county commissioners to serve on local Juvenile Crime Prevention Councils. In certain categories, a designee may be appointed to serve. Please indicate the person appointed to serve in each category and his /her title. Indicate appointed members who are designees for named positions. Indicate race and gender for all appointments. Specified Members Name Title Designee Race Gender 1) School Superintendent or designee Dr. Rick Deputy W M Holliday Superintendent 2) Chief of Police Melissa Moore Social Worker, ® W F Wilmington PD 3) Local Sheriff or designee Sgt. E. Granda SRO Sgt. ® O M 4) District Attorney or designee Lillian Bright Assistant DA ® W F 5) Chief Court Counselor or designee Robert Speight Chief CC ❑ W M 6) Director, AMH /DD /SA, or designee Amy Horgan SOC ® W F Coordinator 7) Director DSS or designee Wanda Marino DSS Designee ® W F 8) County Manager or designee Avril Pinder Assistant ® B F County Manager 9) Substance Abuse Professional Ryan Estes Treatment W M Operations Director, ❑ Coastal Horizons 10) Member of Faith Community Rev. Clifford Pastor ❑ B M Barnett, Sr. 1 1) County Commissioner Avril Pinder Assistant ® B F County Manager 12) Two Persons under age 18 Drew Vliet Student ❑ W F (State Youth Council Representative, if Joseph Jarrett Student ❑ - B M available) 13) Juvenile Defense Attorney Ashley Michael Attorney ❑ W F 14) Chief District Judge or designee Jay Corpening Chief District ❑ W M Court Jud e 15) Member of Business Community John Dismukes Business W M Development ❑ Mgr., Matthews Motors 16) Local Health Director or designee Maria Turnley NHC School W F Health 0 Supervisor 17) Rep. United Way /other non -profit Tommy Taylor VP Community W M Impact ❑ Coordinator 18) Representative/Parks and Rec. Vacant Form JCPC /OP 002 (a) Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Certification Form structure last revised July 2014 NC Department of Public Safety Board of Commissioners -May 7, 2018 Page 3 of ITEM: 14- 2 - 3 Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Certification (cont'd) Form JCPC /OP 002 (a) Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Certification Form structure last revised July 2014 NC Department of Public Safety Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 Page 4 of ITEM: 14- 2 - 4 1 ❑ Broker 20) County Commissioner appointee Lyana Hunter Attorney, Public B F Defender's ❑ Office 21) County Commissioner appointee Matt Rhodes Business Owner El W M 22) County Commissioner appointee Dianne Retired - ❑ B F Jinwright Government 23) County Commissioner appointee Cary Retired School ❑ W M McCormack Principal 24) County Commissioner appointee Cathy Guidry Business ❑ W F Community 25) County Commissioner appointee Maryann Retired School ❑ W F Nunnall Principal Form JCPC /OP 002 (a) Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Certification Form structure last revised July 2014 NC Department of Public Safety Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 Page 4 of ITEM: 14- 2 - 4 North Carolina Department of Public Safety JCPC Certification Budget Pages SECTION V1 1 BUDGET NARRATIVE New Hanover County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council FY 2018 -2019 Provide justification of each line item entry in the Line Item Budget section. Indicate In -Kind items by YES Item # Justification Expense In-Kind? 190 Clerical Support for the JCPC $25 per hour $6,000 220 Food for 8 Executive Committee mt s. And 8 JCPC mt s - total of 16 mtgs. $3,233 260 Su lies (paper, notebooks, etc. $160 310 Travel & Transportation (Training for JCPC members $2,000 370 Advertising Costs for the RFP in the Wilmington Star News $150 TOTAL $11,543 Section VI (2) For each employee list the following information Job Title Annual or Hourly Wage on s o Employment Form JCPC/OP 002 (b) JCPC Certification Budget P&Mird of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 Form structure last revised July 2014 ITEM: 14- 2 - 5 NC Department of Public safety Page 1 of 1 SECTION VII JCPC Certification Budget Pages Program: New Hanover County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Fiscal Year 2018 -2019 Number of months 12 Cash In -Kind Total I. Personnel Services $6,000 $6,000 120 Salaries & Wages 180 Fringe Benefits 190 Professional Services $6,000 $6,000 II. Supplies & Materials $3,393 $3,393 210 Household & Cleaning 220 Food & Provisions $3,233 $3,233 230 Education & Medical 240 Construction & Repair 250 Vehicle Supplies & Materials 260 Office Supplies & Materials $160 $160 280 Heating & Utility Supplies 290 Other Supplies & Materials III. Current Obligations & Services $2,150 $2,150 310 Travel & Transportation $2,000 $2,000 320 Communications 330 Utilities 340 Printing & Binding 350 Repairs & Maintenance 370 Advertising $150 $150 380 Data Processing 390 Other Services IV. Fixed Charges & Other Expenses 410 Rental of Real Property 430 Equipment Rental 440 Services & Maint. Contracts 450 Insurance & Bonding 490 Other Fixed Charges V. Capital Outlay 510 Office Furniture & Equipment 530 Educational Equipment 540 Motor Vehicle 550 Other Equipment 580 Buildings, Structures & Improv. Total $11,543 $11,5A.41 Form JCPC /OP 002 (b) JCPC Certification Budget Pages Form structure last revised July 2014 Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 IBC Department of Public Safety ITEM: 14- 2 - 6 New Hanover County, NC Juvenile Crime Prevention Council Bylaws ARTICLE I NAME AND PURPOSE 1.1 Name. The name of this JCPC shall be known as the New Hanover County Juvenile Crime Prevention Council (JCPC). 1.2 Purpose. The purpose of the JCPC shall be to: (1) Annually review and assess the needs of juveniles in New Hanover County (County) who are at risk of delinquency or who have been adjudicated undisciplined or delinquent, evaluate the adequacy of resources available to meet those needs, and develop or propose ways to.address .unmet needs, giving particular attention to the needs of status offenders and juvenile.delinquents, and report those findings to the Board of County Commissioners (Board of Commissioners). (2) Assist the County in planning and administering intervention and delinquency prevention programs for court involved and at risk juveniles by providing funds for service for treatment, counseling, or rehabilitation for juveniles and their families. These services may include court- ordered parenting responsibility classes. (3) Evaluate the performance of juvenile services and programs in the community and evaluate each funded program as a condition of continued funding. (4) Increase public awareness of the cause of delinquency and of strategies to reduce the problem. (S) Develop strategies to intervene and appropriately respond to and treat the needs of juveniles at risk of delinquency through appropriate risk assessment instruments. (6) Plan for the establishment of a permanent funding stream for delinquency prevention services. ARTICLE H MEMBERSHIP 2.1 Appointment. 2.1.1 JCPC members shall be approved and appointed by the Board of Commissioners for two year terms. Amended December 15, 2006 and approved by New Hanover Counly Board of Coa:missioners cn January 8, 2007. AmendedSeclion4.1.1 of Arliele1VanAugurl 21, 2009andapprove dbyBoardofCommissionerson .Seprember7.2009. Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 14- 2 - 7 (2) Has such interest in any matter which may be adverse to the public interest and the proper performance of his or her duties as a member. (3) Has an interest in speculative or investment activities that will benefit from use of confidential information obtained as a member. 2.4.2 Personal as distinguished from financial interest includes an interest arising from blood or marriage relationship, by consanguinity or affinity-within and including the third degree. 2.4.3 No member shall vote on any matter in which he/she has a Conflict. ARTICLE 1111 OFFICERS 3.1 Officers. The officers shall include a Chairperson, Vice - Chairperson and Secretary- Treasurer, 3.2 Election. These officers shall be elected by the JCPC membership at the May meeting of each year. New officers will assume office on July 1. 3.3 Term. Officers shall be elected for one year terms and may succeed themselves. ARTICLE IV MEETINGS 4.1. Meetings of Members. 4.1.1 Regular Meetings. The JCPC shall meet at least bimonthly in accordance with a schedule and at a location adopted by the JCPC. Meetings are to be held on the 3rd Friday of the month. 4.L2 Special Meetings. The Chairperson may call such special meetings as deemed necessary to carry out the duties of the JCPC and notice shall be given to all members of the JCPC in writing or by phone at least two (2) days in advance. 4.2 Cancellation. If a meeting must be cancelled, the Chairperson shall notify the JCPC members in writing or by phone at least two (2) days prior to the scheduled meeting. 4.3 Open Meetings. All meetings shall be open to the public. 4.4 Quorum. No official business can be transacted unless a quorum is present. A quorum is a majority of the total members on the JCPC. A majority vote of the quorum is required for passing a motion. 4.5 Minutes. Minutes shall be taken at every meeting and distributed prior to or at subsequent meetings. Amended December 15. 2006 and approved by New Hanover County Board ofCommfssioners on January 8, 2007. Amended Secrion 4.1.1 ofArriale 1V on Augus! 21, 2009 acid approved by Board ofConemissioners on Sepfember 7, 2009, Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 14- 2 - 8 ARTICLE V EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE 53 Composition. The Executive Committee will be composed of all officers and Standing Committee Chairpersons. 5.2 Duties. The Executive Committee shall evaluate the progress of the JCPC and make recommendations as to its direction. 5.3 Meetings. 5.3.1 Biannual. The Executive Committee shall meet no less than twice each fiscal year. 5.3.2 Call. The Chairperson of the JCPC, or two Executive Committee members, may call such meetings as deemed necessary to carry out its duties. 5.3.3 Notice. The membership of the Executive Committee shall be notified of all meetings in writing or by phone at least fourteen (14) days prior to the meeting. ARTICLE VI STANDING COMMITTEES 6.1 Membership. The JCPC Chairperson shall appoint at least three members of the JCPC to each of the following standing committees: (1) Planning Committee (Risk & Needsl, whose purpose shall be to plan and carry out the process of reviewing and assessing the needs of juveniles in the County who are at risk for delinquency or who have been adjudicated undisciplined or delinquent and putting those needs in priority order, determining the resources available to address those needs, proposing ways to address any unmet needs, and report its findings and make recommendations for prioritizing needs for funding to the JCPC. (2) Program Funding Committee, whose purpose shall be to review the grant proposals and make recommendations to the JCPC for the use of DJJDP firnds, or any other funds available to the County that would meet the needs as prioritized by the JCPC and recommend the level of funding to the JCPC. (3) Program Evaluation & Monitoring Committee whose purpose shall be to gather information about JCPC funded programs and monitor the performance of those programs and report to the JCPC. (4) Publiciij and Public Awareness Committee, whose purpose shall be to keep juvenile service agencies, appropriate governmental and community boards, and the general public aware of the causes of delinquency, strategies and services available to reduce the problem and the unmet needs in the community and to Amended December 15. 2006 and approved by Neiv Jlanover County Board of Commissioners on January 8, 2007. Amended Section -0.1.1 of Article IF on August 2J, 2009 and approved by Board of Commissioners on September 7, 2009. Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 14- 2 - 9 report to the JCPC. 6.2 Chairpersons. The JCPC Chairperson of the JCPC shall appoint the Chairpersons of the Standing Committees. 6.3 Additional Committees. The JCPC Chairperson may at his/her discretion, appoint any other committees which he /she deems necessary to carry out the general purposes of the JCPC. ARTICLE VU SELECTION OF PROGRAMS 7.1 Review of Proposals. 7.1.1 All proposals to fund programs submitted to the JCPC will be reviewed by the Program Funding Committee. 7.1.2 Proposals will be presented to the JCPC individually by the Programs Funding Committee and will be scrutinized by the JCPC in terms of its meeting the JCPC prioritized needs, effectiveness, staffing, amount requested and expectations. 7.2 'Funding Vote. The JCPC will vote on each proposal individually to determine if it should be funded at the Ievel recommended by the Program Funding Committee. 7.3 Approval Process. 7.3.1 Proposals approved by the JCPC for funding shall be submitted to the Board of Commissioners for their approval, if approved by the Board of Commissioners, the proposal(s) shall be submitted to the regional consultant for review_ Following review, the proposal(s) is submitted to the DJJDP for final approval. 7.3.2 Proposals not approved for funding shall be notified in writing. 7.4 Evaluation Process. Funded proposals shall be evaluated by the Program Evaluation & Monitoring Committee. ARTICLE VIII GENERAL 8.1 Amendments. The bylaws may be amended or repealed and new bylaws adopted by the affirmative vote of a majority of the membership at any regular or special meeting of the JCPC. 8.2 Policies. Policies shall be fonnulated by the JCPC and revised from time to time as necessary. Anzended December 15, 2006 and approved by New tionover County Board of Commissioners on January S, 2007, Amended Section 4.1.1 ofArticie X on August 21, 2009 and approved by Board of Commissioners on September 7, 2409. Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 14- 2 - 10 a� 8.3 Funded Agencies. .A current copy of the bylaws and policies of the JCPC should be made available to agencies whose program proposal was funded upon request and shall be deemed, acceptable to such funded agencies unless the JCPC is otherwise notified. An effort should be made by the Chairperson to cause a copy of the bylaws and policies to be fnnished to such agencies after each amendment. 8.4 Manuals. Manuals shall be furnished by the JCPC to each of its members at the time of becoming a JCPC member so that such member may be informed fully of JCPC duties and responsibilities. The manual shall contain a current copy of the bylaws and policies adopted by the JCPC. The manual shall contain a description of the programs funded on advice of the JCPC and may contain important procedural documents from funding agencies. As amended and adopted by the JCPC through Au t 21, 20 0000"" Chairperson Attest: Secretary - Treasurer Amended December 15, 2006 and approved by Nea, Hanover County $hard of Cornmissioners on January 8, 2007. Amended Section 4. I.1 of Article lY on August 21, 2009 and approved by Board of Commissioners on September 7, 2009, Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 14- 2 - 11 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: May 7, 2018 DEPARTINFNIc County Manager PRESINIMS): Chris Coudriet, County Manager CONTACT(S): Beth Schrader, Chief Strategy and Budget Officer SUBJECT: Presentation of FY18 -19 Recommended Budget and FY19 -23 Capital Improvement Plan BRIEF SUNP ARY: The County Manager will present the FYI 8-19 New Hanover County Recommended Budget and FYI 9-23 Capital Improvement Plan to the Board of County Commissioners. In addition, representatives from the Non - County Agency Funding Committee will provide a brief presentation about the process it followed, share funding and vendor status recommendations, and provide information about key learnings /next steps. The required public hearings and presentations by a number of organizations are scheduled for June 4, 2018. The adoption of the budget is scheduled for June 18, 2018. STRATEGIC PLANALIQVNIINI: Strong Financial Performance • Control costs and manage to the budget • Understand and act on citizen needs • Deliver value for taxpayer money I :7 9:K /7►L 11% 100111 y 1711 ay 1 [17► /_ \►`I 17:i 9 "/1119:y11 y IZ[WKI) COUNIY NIAM(OV S CONWIFNIS AND RECONWEMATIONS: (only Manager) Hear presentation. CONMSSIONERS' ACTIONS: Heard presentation. Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 15 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: May 7, 2018 DEPARMVIENE Planning PRESEVMgS): Brad Schuler, Current Planner (PB Rep: Ted Shipley) CONrACT(S): Brad Schuler, Current Planner SUBJECT: Public Hearing Rezoning Request (Z18 -01) — Request by Design Solutions, on Behalf of the Property Owner, Futch Creek Properties LLC, to Rezone Approximately 8 Acres of Land Located at the 8700 Block of Market Street from B -1, Business District, and R -15, Residential District, to (CZD) R -7, Conditional Medium Density Development District, in Order to Construct a Performance Residential Development BRIEF SUMMARY: Design Solutions, on behalf of the property owners, Futch Creek Properties, LLC, is requesting to rezone approximately 8 acres of land located at the 8700 block of Market Street from B -1 to (CZD) R -7 in order to construct a performance residential development consisting of 48 townhome units. The proposal of 48 units on the subject property equates to a density of 6 dwelling units per acre. The development is within a parent parcel consisting of approximately 8.75 acres. The residual three - quarter acres, located at the western corner of the parent parcel, is not included in this application and will remain zoned B -1. If the rezoning is approved, the development must be reviewed by the County's Technical Review Committee (TRC). The applicant has provided trip generation numbers for the proposed development. Those numbers illustrate that the proposal is not expected to generate more than 100 peak hour trips and therefore, according to Section 55.3 of the Zoning Ordinance, a Traffic Impact Analysis was not required to be completed. Traffic impacts will be reviewed by NCDOT during the driveway permitting process. However, it is typical that commercial land uses generate more traffic than residential developments and as a result the proposed project would likely result in less vehicle trips than if the site was developed as currently zoned. The 2016 Comprehensive Land Use Plan classifies the subject property as Community Mixed Use. This Place Type promotes small - scale, compact, mixed use development patterns that serve all modes of travel and acts as an attractor for county residents and visitors. Types of appropriate uses include office, retail, mixed use, recreational, commercial, institutional, and multi - family and single - family residential. The proposed project is generally CONSISTENT with the Community Mixed Use place type. It provides housing at densities consistent with what is encouraged in this place type and can serve to transition between the higher intensity uses intended for this place type and existing residential neighborhoods. The Planning Board considered this application at their March 1, 2018 meeting. At the meeting the board discussed the phasing and layout of the development, use and access of the adjacent commercial portion of the property, and the downstream stormwater impacts. Three residents spoke in opposition to the application, citing concerns over traffic, stormwater, home values, and safety impacts to an existing school bus stop. Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 16 The Planning Board recommended approval (4 -0) finding that the application is: 1. Consistent with the purposes and intent of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because the proposal provides housing at densities consistent with what is encouraged in the surrounding area. 2. Reasonable and in the public interest because the proposed development will provide an additional housing type to the area and serve as a transition between higher intensity uses and existing residential neighborhoods. Condition: A 20- foot -wide easement shall be dedicated to the County along Market Street for the purposes of installing a future pedestrian facility in accordance with the Wilmington/NHC Comprehensive Greenway Plan. STRAT RAC PLAN ALI(NNO'iI`. Intelligent Growth and Economic Development • Implement plans for land use, economic development, infrastructure and environmental programs • Understand and act on citizen needs RECOMMENDED MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONS: Staff recommends approval of the application as stated in the Planning Board' s action. Staff concurs with the Planning Board's statements that the application is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and is reasonable and in the public interest, and with the recommended condition. Staff Suggested Motion: Motion to approve, affirming the Planning Board's statements that the application is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and is reasonable and in the public interest, with the condition recommended by the Planning Board. Alternative Motion for Approval/ Denial: Motion to [Approve /Deny], as the Board finds that this application is: 1. [Consistent/Not Consistent] with the purposes and intent of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because [Describe elements of controlling land use plans and how the amendment is or is not consistent]. 2. [Reasonable/ Not Reasonable] and in the public interest because [Briefly explain why. Factors may include public health and safeM character of the area and relationship of uses, applicable plans, or balancing benefits and detrimentsl. Conditions: [List any agreed upon conditions] ATTACfAI NB: Z18 -01 Script for BOC Z18 -01 Staff Summary BOC Z18 -01 Adjacent Properties Map Z18 -01 Zoning Map Z18 -01 Future Land Use Map Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 16 ZA1DSD%' ?nAMtterials �ov r Page p Ica Jon ac age Proposed Site Plan Cover Page Z18 -01 Proposed Site Plan COUNTY N14MC iVS CONWI IIS AND RECONWEMATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval with the condition recommended by the Planning Board and staff. CONMSSIONERS' ACIIONS: Approved with the condition recommended by the Planning Board and staff 5 -0. Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 16 SCRIPT for Conditional Zoning District Application (Z18 -01) Request by Design Solutions, on behalf of the property owner, Futch Creek Properties LLC, to rezone approximately 8 acres of land located at the 8700 block of Market Street from B -1, Business District, and R -15, Residential District, to (CZD) R -7, Conditional Medium Density Development District, in order to construct a performance residential development. 1. This is a public hearing. We will hear a presentation from staff. Then the applicant and any opponents will each be allowed 15 minutes for their presentation and additional 5 minutes for rebuttal. 2. Conduct He a. b. C. d. e. wring, as follows: Staff presentation Applicant' s presentation (up to 15 minutes) Opponent's presentation (up to 15 minutes) Applicant's rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) Opponent's rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) 3. Close the public hearing 4. Board discussion 5. At this time, you may ask to either continue the application to a future meeting, or to proceed with this Board deciding whether to approve or deny the application. What do you wish to do? b. Vote on the application. The motion should include a statement saying how the change is, or is not, consistent with the land use plan and why it is, or is not, reasonable and in the public interest. Staff Suggested Motion: Motion to approve, affirming the Planning Board's statements that the application is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and is reasonable in the public interest, with the conditions recommended by the Planning Board. Alternative Motion for Approval/Denial: Motion to [Approve /Deny], as the Board finds that this application as described is: 1. [Consistent /Not Consistent] with the purposes and intent of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because jDescribe elements of controlling land use plans and how the amendment is or is not consistent]. 2. [Reasonable /Not Reasonable] and in the public interest because [Briefly explain why. Factors may include public health and safety, character of the area and relationship of uses, applicable plans, or balancing benefits and detrimentsl. Conditions: [List any agreed upon conditions] STAFF SUMMARY OF Z1 8-01 CONDITIONAL ZONING DISTRICT APPLICATION APPLICATION SUMMARY Case Number: Z18 -01 Request: Conditional R -7 Zoning District in order to construct a performance residential development Applicant: Property Owner(s): Cindee Wolf of Design Solutions Futch Creek Properties, LLC Location: Acreage: 8700 Block Market Street 7.97 PID(s): Comp Plan Place Type: R02900- 003 - 097 -000 Community Mixed Use Existing Land Use: Proposed Land Use: Undeveloped Performance residential development Current Zoning: Proposed Zoning: B -1 & R -15 (CZD) R -7 SURROUNDING AREA LAND USE ZONING North Single- family dwellings, undeveloped R -15 East Single- family dwellings R -15 South Undeveloped, single - family dwellings B -1, R -15 West Hardware store, undeveloped B -1 Z18 -01 Staff Summary BOC 5.7.2018 Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 16- 2 - 1 Page 1 of 8 ZONING HISTORY July 6, 1971 Initially zoned R -15 (Area 5) May 5, 2003 Rezoned to B -1 (Z -761) COMMUNITY SERVICES Water /Sewer CFPUA water and sewer services are available Fire Protection New Hanover County Fire Services, New Hanover County Northern Fire Archaeological District, New Hanover County Porters Neck Station Schools Blair Elementary, Eaton Elementary, Holly Shelter Middle, and Laney High Schools Recreation Ogden Park CONSERVATION, HISTORIC, & ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES Conservation No known conservation resources Historic No known historic resources Archaeological No known archaeological resources Proposed Site Plan • This application proposes to construct a performance residential development consisting of 48 townhomes. • The proposal of 48 units on the 7.97 -acre property equates to 6 dwelling units per acre. • The development is within a parent parcel consisting of approximately 8.75 acres. The residual three - quarter acres, located at the western corner of the parent parcel, is not included in this application and will remain zoned B -1. Z18 -01 Staff Summary BOC 5.7.2018 Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 16- 2 - 2 Page 2 of 8 ~ If the rezoning approved, the development must be reviewed by the Technical Review Committee (7R[). Proposed Site Plan w Access is provided hz the subject property by Market Street, u state-maintained road (SR Trip Generation LAND USE (ITE Code) INTENSITY AM PEAK PM PEAK Residential Townhome (230) 48 units 21 26 Z1 8-01 Staff Summary 8O[ 5.7.2018 Page 3 of 8 Board of Commissioners ' May 7.2010 ITEM: 1O'2 3 • According to Section 55.3 of the Zoning Ordinance, Traffic Impact Analyses (TIA) are required to be completed for conditional rezoning applications that will generate more than 100 peak hour trips in either the AM or PM peak hours. A TIA is not required for this project due to the projected peak hour trip generation figures being below the threshold. Traffic Counts Road Location Volume Capacity V/C LOS Market Street 8200 -8300 Block 42,512 57,008 0.75 D Nearby Planned Transportation Improvements and Traffic Impact Analyses Traffic Impact Analyses Approved Under Review Scotts Hill NHRMC _ TIA Approved Under Draft Scotts Hill ; Charter School �°- TIA Approved NCDOT Project -F 44238 ♦�t� E� Wave Bus Stop I r� 1 Mile Radius Scotts Hill Village TIA Approved ®w oe 3 C ►� 0 /tf. Z11 8-01 � o �o Q 1� I� P i PORTERS NFCW Greenway Plan Recommendations Bicycle Lane Greenway �0� Sharrow Z18 -01 Staff Summary BOC 5.7.2018 Page 4 of 8 Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 16- 2 - 4 Regional Transportation Plans: • NCDOT Project 44238 o Proposal for roadway improvements at the Market Street/1-140 interchange. Preliminary plans propose to realign the 1 -140 Market Street exit so that it connects directly into Porters Neck Road, and to widen existing ramps to and from Highway 17. This project is currently unfunded. • The NHC/City of Wilmington Greenway Plan recommends that a greenway network be installed in the surrounding area, including along Market Street. Nearby Traffic Impact Analyses: Traffic Impact Analyses are completed in accordance with the WMPO and NCDOT standards. Approved analyses will expire if the proposed development is not completed by the build out date established within the TIA. Proposed Land Use /Intensity TIA Status Development • Phase 1 (2016 -2017) — 490 students • Phase 2 (2018 -2019) — 587 1. Scotts Hill Charter students Approved January 1 1, 2017 School • Phase 3 (2019 -2020) — 664 students • Phase 4 (2020 -2021) — 731 students The TIA required improvements be completed at certain intersections in the area. The major improvements consisted of: • Extension of the existing northbound left/u -turn lane at US 17 and Sidbury Road • Modification of signal timing at certain traffic lights in the area The following improvements were recommended: • Driveway improvements at the site's access with Pandion Drive • Installation of a left turn lane into the site • Installation of dual westbound right -turn lands on Scotts Hill Loop Road at the US 17 intersection Per NCDOT, the improvements required at this time have been installed in accordance with their standards. Nearby Proposed Developments included within the TIA: • Blake Farm • New Hanover Regional Medical Center • Scotts Hill Village Development Status: Building Completed Z18 -01 Staff Summary BOC 5.7.2018 Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 16- 2 - 5 Page 5 of 8 2. Scotts Hill Village • TIA approved February 4, New Hanover • 64,000 sf of medical offices • TIA Approved April 8, 2014 Regional • 200,000 sf hospital • 2018 Full Build Out Year Emergency Facility improvements consist of: • Installation of an eastbound right turn lane at Scotts Hill Loop Road and the site access The TIA required improvements be completed at certain intersections in the area. The major improvements consist of: • Installation of a northbound u -turn lane, left -turn crossover lane, and westbound right -turn lanes at the intersection of US 17 and Scotts Hill Medical Drive • Installation of a u -turn lane at on US 17 at Scotts Hill Loop Road Per NCDOT, the improvements required at this time have been installed in accordance with their standards. Additional improvements will be required to be installed when future phases of the development are completed. Nearby Proposed Developments included within the TIA: • Scotts Hill Village • Stevens Point Apartments • Vineyard West Development Status: Partially Completed ENVIRONMENTAL • The property does not contain any Special Flood Hazard Areas or Natural Heritage Areas. A wetland delineation will be performed during the permitting process. • The subject property is within the Futch Creek (SA;HQW) watershed. • Per the Classification of Soils in New Hanover County for Septic Tank Suitability, soils on the property consist of Class III (severe limitation) soils. Z1 8 -01 Staff Summary BOC 5.7.2018 Page 6 of 8 Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 16- 2 - 6 • TIA approved February 4, 3. Scotts Hill Village • 226 Single - Family Homes 2014 • 2018 Build Out Year The TIA required improvements be completed at certain intersections in the area. The major improvements consist of: • Installation of an eastbound right turn lane at Scotts Hill Loop Road and the site access Per NCDOT, the improvements required at this time have been installed in accordance with their standards. Nearby Proposed Developments included within the TIA: • Vineyard West • Stevens Point Apartments • Scotts Hill Medical Center Development Status: Under construction, two phases have been platted consisting of 68 lots ENVIRONMENTAL • The property does not contain any Special Flood Hazard Areas or Natural Heritage Areas. A wetland delineation will be performed during the permitting process. • The subject property is within the Futch Creek (SA;HQW) watershed. • Per the Classification of Soils in New Hanover County for Septic Tank Suitability, soils on the property consist of Class III (severe limitation) soils. Z1 8 -01 Staff Summary BOC 5.7.2018 Page 6 of 8 Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 16- 2 - 6 12016 COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN I The New Hanover County Future Land Use Map provides a general representation of the vision for New Hanover County's future land use, as designated by place types describing the character and function of the different types of development that make up the community. Specific goals of the Comprehensive Plan are designated to be promoted in each place type, and other goals may be relevant for particular properties. Future Land Use Map Place Type Community Mixed Use Focuses on small - scale, compact, mixed use development patterns that serve Place Type all modes of travel and act as an attractor for county residents and visitors. Description Types of appropriate uses include office, retail, mixed use, recreational, commercial, institutional, and multi - family and single - family residential. The subject property is located in an area near a growth node that has been designated as Community Mixed Use and directly abuts an established residential neighborhood. New development in this place type is intended to incorporate a mix of office, retail, and housing at densities Analysis higher than the existing residential development pattern. The 6 units per acre Plantation Landing Townhomes project is on the low end of approximately 8 units per acre recommended for this place type. This project could provide an appropriate transition between the higher- intensity uses intended for the Community Mixed Use place type and adjacent residential neighborhood. Z18 -01 Staff Summary BOC 5.7.2018 Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 16- 2 - 7 Page 7 of 8 The proposed Plantation Landing Townhomes project is generally Consistency CONSISTENT with the Community Mixed Use place type. It provides Recommendation housing at densities consistent with what is encouraged in this place type and can serve to transition between the higher intensity uses intended for this place type and existing residential neighborhoods. PLANNING BOARD ACTION The Planning Board considered this application at their March 1, 2018 meeting. At the meeting the board discussed the phasing and layout of the development, use and access of the adjacent commercial portion of the property, and the downstream stormwater impacts. Three residents spoke in opposition to the application, citing concerns over traffic, stormwater, home values, and safety impacts to an existing school bus stop. The Planning Board recommended approval (4 -0) finding that the application is: 1 . Consistent with the purposes and intent of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because the proposal provides housing at densities consistent with what is encouraged in the surrounding area. 2. Reasonable and in the public interest because the proposed development will provide an additional housing type to the area and serve as a transition between higher intensity uses and existing residential neighborhoods. The Board recommended the following condition be added to the proposed development: 1. A 20- foot -wide easement shall be dedicated to the County along Market Street for the purposes of installing a future pedestrian facility in accordance with the Wilmington/NHC Comprehensive Greenway Plan. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the application as stated in the Planning Board's action. Staff concurs with the Planning Boards statements that the application is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and is reasonable and in the public interest, and with the recommended conditions. Z18 -01 Staff Summary BOC 5.7.2018 Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 16- 2 - 8 Page 8 of 8 OONT �y Case: Site Address: Existing Zoning/Use: Proposed Zoning/Request: 3y z Z18 -01 8700 block B -1 & R -15/ (CZD) R -7/ 2 Market St Undeveloped Performance Residential ''TquisHEO � 0 Neighboring Parcels (within 500 feet) OCase Site • 8651 yF�'s 8651 • 8651 • 8651 • 8651 8651 • 8651 • 8651 8651 • • 8651 8651, 8651 • • 8651 8651 • • /�� ,000 Feet Board of Commisl \ x \ \ aI ITEM V� Tai I - �P/ �F� 8779 • 878799 / < /8814 • 8804 8802 � V 4 / SSOO 8759 • 8 • �� 87391 741 • 8735 • 8651 8 •1 �� • 878 Z 18_0 1 8919 • • z Q 8762 i i� • 89151 • i 8909- J • • 8905 r 8790 89 8916 1 �� • �� 8919 9 8910 89 • • i 06 511 i • 8915 / 503 / • 890-9 8905 0 8712 _ \ • CZD 8916 0 901 8908 W, 408 8915A• 8904 • C • 8900 8879 \ 08716 •890` •/ j /•�` 89011 8878 8905 P • 8874 4A. • • • 8870 8879 8720 0/8871 • 887/ L' tiAq� . �O / 'P 13-1 Parcels within 500 Feet of Case Site 1/�� 8704 • S V 0, i Z NF O Addresses 8802 MARKET ST 8908 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8735 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8916 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8651 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8906 NEW FOREST DR 8651 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8651 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8651 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8716 MARKET ST 8879 NEW FOREST DR 8912 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8786 MARKET ST 8879 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8651 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 503 SAGEWOOD DR 8905 TILBURY DR 8916 NEW FOREST DR 8651 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8712 MARKET ST 8651 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8799 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8737 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 511 SAGEWOOD DR 8909 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8731 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8883 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8915 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8919 TILBURY DR 8904 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8909 NEW FOREST DR 8651 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8762 MARKET ST 8915 NEW FOREST DR 8905 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8878 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8651 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 408 SAGEWOOD DR 8651 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8779 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8741 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8651 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8901 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8919 NEW FOREST DR 8800 MARKET ST 8704 MARKET ST 8651 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8814 MARKET ST 8915 TILBURY DR 8790 MARKET ST 8739 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8905 NEW FOREST DR 8900 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8870 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8920 NEW FOREST DR 8804 MARKET ST 8909 TILBURY DR 8875 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8651 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8651 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8651 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8874 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8871 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8910 NEW FOREST DR 8720 MARKET ST 8883 NEW FOREST DR 8759 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8901 NEW FOREST DR 8651 STEPHENS CHURCH RD /B D & CZ 0 I CUD -1 R -15 0 Z Q CZD B -1 FF.f- 4 -- CUDO &I - 0 Ali O� G G' i A, ti B -2 z18 -o1 J"D o� R -20 � j V 0, i Z NF O Addresses 8802 MARKET ST 8908 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8735 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8916 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8651 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8906 NEW FOREST DR 8651 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8651 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8651 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8716 MARKET ST 8879 NEW FOREST DR 8912 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8786 MARKET ST 8879 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8651 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 503 SAGEWOOD DR 8905 TILBURY DR 8916 NEW FOREST DR 8651 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8712 MARKET ST 8651 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8799 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8737 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 511 SAGEWOOD DR 8909 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8731 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8883 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8915 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8919 TILBURY DR 8904 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8909 NEW FOREST DR 8651 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8762 MARKET ST 8915 NEW FOREST DR 8905 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8878 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8651 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 408 SAGEWOOD DR 8651 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8779 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8741 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8651 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8901 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8919 NEW FOREST DR 8800 MARKET ST 8704 MARKET ST 8651 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8814 MARKET ST 8915 TILBURY DR 8790 MARKET ST 8739 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8905 NEW FOREST DR 8900 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8870 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8920 NEW FOREST DR 8804 MARKET ST 8909 TILBURY DR 8875 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8651 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8651 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8651 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8874 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8871 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8910 NEW FOREST DR 8720 MARKET ST 8883 NEW FOREST DR 8759 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8901 NEW FOREST DR 8651 STEPHENS CHURCH RD GOONT Case: Site Address: z A 3y z Z 18-01 8700 block Z a Market St R115* -- - CUD 0&1� o A /. Existina Zonina /Use: B -1 & R -15/ Undeveloped Proposed Zoning/Request: (CZD) R -7/ Performance Residential O o ® ®� XL V �1;000'Fef / /ail i "'Aw cia - IV 6 -4 -1 Z 18-01 x °ou or oR I Zoning Districts N A -I EDZD PD R -20S SC S�\�S% ❑ AR 1 -1 R -10 ❑ R -7 GP B -1 1 -2 R -15 RA B -2 ❑ 0&1 R -20 RFMU Indicates Conditional Use District (CUD) Indicates Conditional Zoning District (CZD) =CT° COD See Section 55.1 of the Zoning Ordinance 2018 \\ j� Incorporated Areas 17:p SHOD AUNTY. yZ a2 Case: Site Address: Z 18-01 8700 block Market St .'n ti Olt Existina Zonina/Use: B-1 & R-15/ Undeveloped 17 Proposed Zoning/Request: (CZD) R-7/ Performance Residential # I IF 1p� �p COMMUNITY MIXED USE '1 Z18 -01 A, Tot— wk NV 1,000-Feet ard of Commissioners- M 2018 6- 5 - 1, rt I a -a A '0 01 0— GENERAL' RESIDENT z X Place Types Commerce Zone Employment Center General Residential Urban Mixed Use Community Mixed Use Rural Residential Conservation CT- APPLICANT MATERIALS Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 16- 6 - 1 NEW HANOVER COUNTY DEPARTMENT OF PLANNING & LAND USE 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 1 10 j Wilmington, North Carolina I Telephone (910) 798 -7165 FAX (910) 798 -7053 planningdevelopment.nhcg ov.com \. CONDITIONAL ZONING DISTRICT Application Applicant /Agent Information Property Owner(s) if different than ApplicantlAgent Name Owner Name CINDEE WOLF FUTCH CREEK PROPERTIES, L.L.C. Company Owner Name 2 DESIGN SOLUTIONS RAIFORD G. TRASK, III - MEMBER /MANAGER Address Address PO BOX 7221 1202 EASTWOOD ROAD City, State, Zip City, State, Zip WILMINGTON, NC 28406 WILMINGTON Phone Phone 910- 620 -2374 910- 799 -8755 Email Email CWOLF @LOBODEMAR.BIZ Subject Property Information Address /Location 8740 MARKET STREET Parcel Identification Number(s) 32601 2.95.3441 Total Parcel(s) Acreage 7.97 AC. +/- Existing Zoning and Use(s) VACANT Future Land Use Classification COMMUNITY MIXED -USE Application Tracking In• a Case Number Date/Time received: Received by: 7/9 -0 Z11 2013 _j�,5 Page 3 of 7 Board of Commissioners - 6WiTi4gll $oning District Application — Updated 5/2017 ITEM: 16- 7 - 1 Proposed Zoning, Use(s), & Narrative Proposed Conditional Zoning District: --R-7 _ Total Acreage of Proposed District: 7.97 ac. Only uses allowed by right in the corresponding General Use District are eligible for con side ration within a Conditional Zoning District. Please list the uses that will be allowed within the proposed Conditional Zoning District, the purpose of the district, and a project narrative (please provide additional pages if needed). The purpose of the R -7 district is to encourage medium density development where adequate services are already available. It allows a greater variety of housing types provided that environmental impacts are minimized and adequate open space is provided. The proposed townhome development is an acceptable transition between the busy highway corridor and the more established single - family housing beyond the rear boundary of the tract. Proposed Condition(s) Within a Conditional Zoning District, additional conditions and requirements which represent greater restrictions on the development and use of the property than the corresponding General Use District regulations may be added. These conditions may assist in mitigating the impacts the proposed development may have on the surrounding community. Please list any conditions proposed to be placed on the Conditional Zoning District below. Staff, the Planning Board, and Board of Commissioners may propose additional conditions during the review process. Reference attached site plan for layout and improvements. Exhibits of the building styles and general materials are included in the submittal. The developer is working with the adjacent community association to identify additional provisions that can mitigate any impacts to the existing neighborhood. A Memorandum of Understanding will be presented during the approval process to document those concessions. Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 Page 4 of 7 ITEM: 16- 7 - conditional Zoning District Application — Updated 5/2017 Traffic Impact Please provide the estimated number of trips generated forth e proposed use based off the most recent version of the Institute of Transportation Engineers (ITE) Trip Generation Manual. AT raffic Impact Analysis (TIA) must be completed for all proposed developments that generate more than 100 peak hour trips, and the TIA must be included with this application. ITE Land Use: Residential Townhome ( ITE - 230) Trip Generation Use and Variable (gross floor area, dwelling units, etc.): 48 Units AM Peak Hour Trips: 21 PM Peak Hour Trips: 26 CONSIDERATION OF A CONDITIONAL ZONING DISTRICT The Conditional Zoning District procedure is established to address situations where a particular land use would be consistent with the New Hanover County Land Use Plan and the Zoning Ordinance objective and where only a specific use or uses is proposed. The procedure is intended primarily for use with transitions between zoning districts of very dissimilar character where a particular use or uses, with restrictive conditions to safeguard adjacent land uses, can create a more orderly transition benefiting all affected parties and the community -at- large. The applicant must explain, with reference to attached plans (where applicable), how the proposed Conditional Use Zoning District meets the following criteria. 1. How would the requested change be consistent with the County's policies for growth and development? (For example: the Comprehensive Plan and applicable small area plans) The policies for growth and development encourage safe and affordable housing to be available to every citizen. Sustainability of the County depends on sensible in -fill and maximizing use of lands already accessible to urban services. More density not only increases tax base, but makes better use of the existing infrastructure. 2. How would the requested Conditional Zoning District be consistent with the property's classification on the Future Land Use Map located within the Comprehensive Plan? The tract has been identified in the Comprehensive Land Use Plan as a Community Mixed -use place type. The plan suggests higher densities to support the small - scale, compact development patterns the the place type promotes. 3. What significant neighborhood changes have occurred to make the original zoning inappropriate, or how is the land involved unsuitable for the uses permitted under the existing zoning? The property was rezoned for business uses back in the past before the highway was improved and this portion of Market Street became more of a service road. That has made many business uses less than viable for this location. Rezoning this property for moderate density residential development is a more logical transition to the adjacent single - family development. Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 Page 5 of 7 ITEM: 16- 7 - conditional Zoning District Application — Updated 5/2017 APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS Staff will use the following checklist to determine the completeness of your application. Please verify all of the listed items are included and confirm by initialing under "Applicant Initial'. If an item is not applicable, mark as "N /A". Applications must be complete in order to process for further review. Required Information Applicant Staff Initial Initial 1 Complete Conditional Zoning District application. CAW 95 2 Application fee — ($600 for 5 acres or less, $700 for more than 5 acres. An additional $300 fee must be provided for applications requiring TRC review). CAW �s 3 Community meeting written summary. CAW p 4 Traffic impact analysis (for uses that generate more than 100 peak hour trips). N/A N /� 5 Legal description (by metes and bounds) or recorded survey Map Book and Page CAW reference of the property requested for rezoning. 6 Site Plan including the following elements: • Tract boundaries and total area, location of adjoining parcels and roads. • Proposed use of land, structures and other improvements. For residential uses, this shall include number, height and type of units and area to be occupied by each structure and /or subdivided boundaries. For non- residential uses, this shall include approximate square footage and height of each structure, an outline of the area it will occupy and the specific purpose for which it will be used. • Development schedule including proposed phasing. • Traffic and Parking Plan to include a statement of impact concerning local traffic near the tract, proposed right -of -way dedication, plans for access to and from the tract, location, width and right -of -way for internal streets CAW 5 and location, arrangement and access provision for parking areas. • All existing and proposed easements, reservations, required setbacks, rights -of -way, buffering and signage. • The one hundred (100) year floodplain line, if applicable. • Location and sizing of trees required to be protected under Section 62 of the Zoning Ordinance. • Any additional conditions and requirements, which represent greater restrictions on development and use of the tract than the corresponding General Use District regulations or other limitations on land which may be regulated by State law or Local Ordinance. • Any other information that will facilitate review of the proposed change Ref. Article VII, as applicable). 7 1 hard copy of ALL documents AND 8 hard copies of the site plan. Additional hard [j copies may be required by staff depending on the size of the document site plan. CAW �8_ 1 PDF digital copy of ALL documents AND plans. CAW B Page 6 of 7 Board of Commissioners - N,�D9i7io4l1oning District Application — Updated 5/2017 ITEM: 16- 7 - 4 ACKNOWLEDGEMENT AND SIGNATURES By my signature below, I understand and accept all of the conditions, limitations and obligations of the Conditional Zoning District zoning for which is being applied. I understand that the existing official zoning map is presumed to be correct. I understand that I have the burden of proving why this requested change is in the public interest. i certify that this application is complete and that all information presented in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. If applicable, I also appoint the applicant /agent as listed on this application to represent me and make decisions on my behalf regarding this application during the review process. The applicant /agent is hereby authorized on my behalf to: 1. Submit an application including all required supplemental information and materials; 2. Appear at public hearings to esentation and commitments; and 3. Act on my behalf without I' Rations with regard to any and all things directly or indirectly connected with or arising out of this applic ' n. RAIFORD G. TRASK / MEMBER / MANAGER Sign of Pro ty © ner Print Name( s) C `mil CYNTHIA WOLF - APPLICANT / AGENT Signal re of Applicant /Agent Print Name y !MOTE: Form must be signed by the owner(s) of record. If there are multiple property owners a signature is required for each owner of record. J an applicant requests delay of consideration from the Planning Board or Board of County Commissioners before notice has been sent to the newspaper (approximately 2 -3 weeks before the hearing), the item will be calendared for the next meeting and no fee will be required. If delay is requested after notice has been sent to the newspaper, the Board will act on the request at the scheduled meeting and are under no obligation to grant the continuance. If the continuance is granted, a fee in accordance with the adopted fee schedule as published on the New Hanover County Planning website will be required. I � J� U f 7 �2 'V) N I V . A, j i O y A d /Z/ ��SI I�i Page 7 of 7 Board of Commissioners - N&4MhA07oninq District Application — Updated 5/2017 ITEM: 16- 7 - 5 UDVO&I ry cy (CZD) B"wi �ft� Legal Description for Conditional District Rezoning of 8.00 acres at 8740 Market Street From B -1 to CZD / R -7 Beginning at a point in the eastern boundary of Market Street, a variable width public right -of- way, with the southern boundary of Plantation Landing Drive, a 60' private access & utility easement; and running thence: North 53 016'42" East, 92.25 feet to a point; thence North 58 019'03" East, 114.71 feet to a point; thence South 49 048'37" East, 239.65 feet to a point; thence North 42 030'31" East, 172.03 feet to a point; thence South 49 044'56" East, 286.80 feet to a point; thence South 49 012'22" East, 172.20 feet to a point; thence South 40 011'10" West, 206.20 feet to a point; thence South 49 044'56" East, 81.99 feet to a point; thence South 40 015'04" West, 136.82 feet to a point; thence South 49 041'47" East, 65.00 feet to a point; thence South 22 018'41" west, 132.37 feet to a point; thence South 36 004'20" West, 46.00 feet to a point; thence North 49 048'44" West, 739.02 feet to a point; thence North 40 011'16" East, 147.00 feet to a point; thence North 49 048'44" West, 213.95 feet to the point and place of beginning, containing 7.97 acres, more or less. Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 16- 7 - 7 REPORT OF COMMUNITY MEETING REQUIRED BY NEW HANOVER COUNTY ZONING ORIDINANCE FOR CONDITIONAL DISTRICT REZONINGS Location: 8740 Market Street Proposed Zoning: B -1 to (CZD) R -7 The undersigned hereby certifies that written notice of a community meeting on the above zoning application was given to the adjacent property owners set forth on the attached list by first class mail, and provided to the Planning Department for notice of the Sunshine List on January 18, 2018 . A copy of the written notice is also attached. The meeting was held at the following time and place: Wednesday, January 31, 2018; 6:00 a.m.: Plantation Landina Communitv Clubhouse, 342 Gaskins Lane. The persons in attendance at the meeting were: Reference attached sign -in List The following issues were discussed at the meeting: A brief synopsis of the proposed development and of the conditional district rezoning process was given. Questions were answered concerning stormwater management, housing product & value, and potential construction schedule. Primary concerns were over the number of driveways accessed directly from Plantation Landing Drive. As a result of the meeting, the following changes were made to the rezoning petition: Changes were made to the site plan submitted to address the concerns. Date: January 31, 2018 Applicant: Design Solutions By: Cindee Wolf Boara ot Commissioners - May 1, 2U 16 ITEM: 16- 7 - 8 Community Information Meeting Plantation Landing Townhomes Wednesday, January 31, 2018 Name Address Email (Optional) P & A'- Z11aleAWX$7! 9 cf dMJ S sbmn 'v RIU A,44 75 �S' LA&"tA 2r 4m, q Y M L4 /-Oe -I Fee?marrf 7D1u Gt J^ a c I---- 9 Y ;arm vif-cihov) �rf OrA44z. VA4-;—x Bll 1 Q AEW TDR:F�T T�R. ©mdrvc*le ON � g91 Nntc�toc� Lfind l c ou rd r►, 1i, CC1n Mom, rfi� %U'�- , Lo Q-A r A5L' C° r� %Ayfc�� r i11 `f ' wxSUq gtOr e f ` -' �� i Y) OL C44 ` `� �zt(" C ( ,c?� � �j �� � li/f r,�+� �j�Fi✓j� �`� !i� � I � � � � � � Q t �"�C7c l �r -�. ALL " u f� 6 )—Bo f� 'tsdbners - -,41/lay 7, 2018 ITEM: 16- 7 - 9 .A Community Information Meeting Plantation Landing Townhomes Wednesday, January 31, 2018 Name Address Email (Optional) 4 li,�' Ct ` 45q�"LIRL- �"o-r",ez-T 66-rOE W U �i U v Vd W Ix v -6,0dIL,11 C44 o GS , N-LA -- (1 vc2 ,r-s "ii-, COK. �vi 1 • �� P in � � �� lv ✓'Ir.S �7/ i�vl/ cX &ark 91e v) Lj #h a togs, � • �'' et . r r, c vir) bll� Ilt �, Sa',Zeb0 @cal, Ca�I 01v u —� ')Beard;of Co rr�is '�ne�fs - YY7, 2018 ,/ 17 16-1 -110 ����o✓cl Gfm .✓ G eorcke ^Su��n Cxirnb le FY Fi // L G b qto-- St S 4531 Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 16- 7 - 11 Y10410 4 . gruu �X fa` I, r i c-li a ri C. ✓ry f L� cr oo, �- �� � � .'7 r'�.J✓r e � � � ��. !'may Aw- Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 16- 7 - 12 to too ui ILI n- tLJ>< ZU) tam =7 r-g N F C3 IX z JY I,- C) 1-4 cr 0 OZ C -.:t -4r LO LL,4( 4 1.1 Ln Ul LU 0 or N < (III M U z 00 r4 LU N r, T: 0- CC 0 U Z .4 LU Z rr U*) 0 CD to P-4 N z U-) < 00 Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 16- 7 - 12 Board of Commissioners - May 7.2O18 ( ) `�—/ / \ / \ .~ 0 OWN1 ANDERSON DAVID BEVERLY AUGUSTIN STEPHEN CHARLES SHERRY BARNHILL JOHN F BOAHN ANTHONY W LINDA M BROWN ARNOLD ETAL COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ASSN OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT ASSN OF COSLEY ELMA ETAL CRESS JOANNE CURBO DAVID M KELLI E FIRST BAPTIST CHURCH TRUSTEES GOTTSCHALK BERNARD J ETAL GREEN DANIEL LEE DELPHINE RENA GREENE WYONNE H BARBARA GUNTER JERENY HEATHER HALL WILLIAM EDWARD JODIE BUTLER HERRING JESSICA ETAL HEUER MICHAEL R LAURA A HSU WARREN MEGAN JAMES JASON P MEGAN L KEZIAH RAY JODY B KIRST JESSICA LATTER GERALD M PAMELA S MARTINEZ LORENZO LEA BARTOLOME MATTOCKS WILLIE MAE MCMILLIAN ANNIE L REDDICK ETAL MORRIS ALAN SONIA MURRAY GEORGE L HENRIETTA PADULA ROBERT M LORA B PALESE MATTHEW KATHLEEN PAUN MIHAI NELA RAWLINGS KATHY I REDDICK DORIS G REDDICK HERBERT JR ETAL RIDGEWOOD GARDEN HEALTH INVESTORS LLC ROMANO NICHOLAS LANA B SATTERFIELD ANTHONY R DIANE S SCHUMAN ZACHARY ASHLEY H SMITH EDWARD L LUCI M ST STEPHENS AME CHURCH STEIN DOUGLAS J MICHELLE D STEPHENS POINT LLC TALTON CHARLES C THORNE RONALD G ELIZABETH W TWOMEY EDWARD A SR EILEEN VALE MILENE OMAR M WESSEL STEVEN F SUZANNE T WHITLEY CHARLES J ASHLEY B YOUKER DAVID OWNER_STR 8916 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8905 TILBURY DR 130 WEST POINTE RD 8901 NEW FOREST DR 8763 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8737 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8737 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8739 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8879 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8909 PLANTATION LANDING DR PO BOX 751 8920 NEW FOREST DR 8762 MARKET ST 300 BUCKHURST DR 8883 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8905 NEW FOREST DR 8871 PLANTATION LANDING DR 503 SAGEWOOD DR 8879 NEW FOREST DR 8847 PLANTATION DR 8900 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8912 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8915 NEW FOREST DR 5412 MARINA CLUB DR 8720 MARKET ST 1912 ANN ST 8915 TILBURY DR 8759 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8919 TILBURY DR 8905 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8878 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8910 NEW FOREST DR 8802 MARKET ST 8802 MARKET ST 2334 41ST ST S 511 SAGEWOOD DR 8904 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8909 TILBURY DR 8909 NEW FOREST DR 8799 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8875 PLANTATION LANDING DR PO BOX 56607 8883 NEW FOREST DR 8906 NEW FOREST DR 17 GREEN HILLS RD 8916 NEW FOREST DR 8901 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8919 NEW FOREST DR 8915 PLANTATION LANDING DR OWN-CITY-ST WILMINGTON NC 28411 WILMINGTON NC 28411 ROCKY POINT NC 28457 WILMINGTON NC 28411 WILMINGTON NC 28411 WILMINGTON NC 28411 WILMINGTON NC 28411 WILMINGTON NC 28405 WILMINGTON NC 28411 WILMINGTON NC 28411 WILMINGTON NC 28402 WILMINGTON NC 28411 WILMINGTON NC 28411 WILMINGTON NC 28411 WILMINGTON NC 28411 WILMINGTON NC 28411 WILMINGTON NC 28411 WILMINGTON NC 28411 WILMINGTON NC 28411 WILMINGTON NC 28411 WILMINGTON NC 28411 WILMINGTON NC 28411 WILMINGTON NC 28411 WILMINGTON NC 28409 WILMINGTON NC 28405 WILMINGTON NC 28403 WILMINGTON NC 28411 WILMINGTON NC 28405 WILMINGTON NC 28411 WILMINGTON NC 28405 WILMINGTON NC 28411 WILMINGTON NC 28411 WILMINGTON NC 28405 WILMINGTON NC 28405 WILMINGTON NC 28403 WILMINGTON NC 28411 WILMINGTON NC 28411 WILMINGTON NC 28411 WILMINGTON NC 28411 WILMINGTON NC 28405 WILMINGTON NC 28411 ATLANTA GA 30343 WILMINGTON NC 28411 WILMINGTON NC 28411 LONG VALLEY NJ 07853 WILMINGTON NC 28411 WILMINGTON NC 28411 WILMINGTON NC 28411 WILMINGTON NC 28411 Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 16- 7 - 14 PHYS_ADDR 8916 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8905 TILBURY DR 8712 MARKET ST 8901 NEW FOREST DR 8779 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8735 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8737 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8739 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8879 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8909 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8800 MARKET ST 8920 NEW FOREST DR 8762 MARKET ST 8786 MARKET ST 8883 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8905 NEW FOREST DR 8871 PLANTATION LANDING DR 503 SAGEWOOD DR 8879 NEW FOREST DR 8874 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8900 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8912 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8915 NEW FOREST DR 8790 MARKET ST 8720 MARKET ST 8814 MARKET ST 8915 TILBURY DR 8759 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8919 TILBURY DR 8905 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8878 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8910 NEW FOREST DR 8802 MARKET ST 8804 MARKET ST 8704 MARKET ST 511 SAGEWOOD DR 8904 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8909 TILBURY DR 8909 NEW FOREST DR 8799 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 8875 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8651 STEPHENS CHURCH RD 408 SAGEWOOD DR 8906 NEW FOREST DR 8908 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8916 NEW FOREST DR 8901 PLANTATION LANDING DR 8919 NEW FOREST DR 8915 PLANTATION LANDING DR Desigv� Soiutior�s Transmittal January 18, 2018 To: Adjacent Property Owners From: Cindee Wolf Re: Plantation Landing Townhomes The owner of the property at the intersection of Plantation Landing Drive with Market Street is interested in developing a townhome community. This tract is within 500 feet of your property. This proposal would require approval from New Hanover County because the land is currently zoned for business uses rather than residential homes. A Conditional District allows particular uses to be established only in accordance with specific standards and conditions pertaining to each individual development project. Essentially, this means that only that use, structures and layout of an approved proposal can be developed. The County requires that the developer hold a meeting for all property owners within 500 feet of the tract boundary, and any and all other interested parties. This provides neighbors with an opportunity for explanation of the proposal and for questions to be answered concerning project improvements, benefits and impacts. A meeting will be held on Wednesday, January 31St, at the Plantation Landing Community Clubhouse, 342 Gaskins Lane, 6:00 p.m. If you cannot attend, you are also welcome to contact me at telephone # 620 -2374, or email cwolf @lobodemar.biz with comments and /or questions. We appreciate your interest in the project and look forward to being a good neighbor and an asset to the community. P.O. Box 7221, WilKniKgtovt, NC 28406 * Telepkovte: 910 -62-0 -2374 * EKAoil: cwolf @lobodemar.biz Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 16- 7 - 15 , !� ti VFW ? ;. G M � 1 I.� V'R, 4, VA y . r ti. t '� 1 , - _ .,y� "!, ,r,.•'F.r.`._.. - . - .. '�' - - - `- •. • tilt �`", � .. _'�.1 � J •. ��� Plantation Landing Townhome.5 "A' 1st floor Plan W Ind FWar Plan Bethpage =19 Floor "In 'A' 2nd Hear Plan I nvernes5 M a u S m a r t Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 16- 7 - 17 "A' 1 eC Floor Plan "A "2nd Floor Wan Andrews "A" lot Haar Pan L� r� L ar...Q �eivr�w tiI1011Q III A' Zed Fleur Plr Mulrfleld ITEM: 16- 7 - 19 PROPOSED SITE PLAN Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 16- 8 - 1 r on m74y a v� ' O F= / 41 / w 41 / ;� / Prvvate Driveway / w N � N J a% N O w I b vl O F - nnmi0` Sz v a o O' m `2� r on m74y a v� ' O F= / 41 / w 41 / ;� / Prvvate Driveway / w N � N J a% N O w I I F - I v a o m `2� o � r on m74y a v� ' O F= / 41 / w 41 / ;� / Prvvate Driveway / w N � N J a% N O w I I o I v aG� o � \ O � O O Z x Cl cn � v � N N � n Q \ , cN-r O ,Lrt O v, N N O v � � O � O s � Z � D = N_ n � � � � O Q � O Cb V � 0 w 6e moo 0 2n` L� Sd9 \ oo�Oh \ °61 8In / a \ S \\ c \ c� F Al 6� N Al w ro o N J Q O ➢➢ � r. 3 � O - Y_ cn Z Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 16- 9 - 1 / / X17 � b C � aG� o � \ _ - m � N � o o Q t9 Q O ➢➢ � r. 3 � O - Y_ cn Z Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 16- 9 - 1 / / X17 � b o � \ M F � N o R 3 N C - o _ A81 w° Aoa FX a3 c_ RRd Ida ad ou '� ^R NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS REQUEST FOR BOARD ACTION MEETING DATE: May 7, 2018 DEPARMVIENR Planning PRESEVMgS): Ben Andrea, Current Planning and Zoning Supervisor (PB Rep: Ted Shipley) CONFACT(S): Ben Andrea and Ken Vafier, Planning Manager SUBJECT: Public Hearing Rezoning Request (Z18 -04) — Request by Design Solutions, on Behalf of the Property Owner, Thelma A. Moore, to Rezone 1.1 Acres of Land Located at 7640 Market Street from R -15, Residential District, to B -2, Highway Business District BRIEF SUMMARY: Design Solutions, on behalf of the property owner, Thelma A. Moore, is requesting to rezone 1.1 acres of land located at 7640 Market Street from R -15, Residential District, to B -2, Highway Business District. The request would expand an existing B -2 zoning district area that currently consists of 12 parcels and 17.5 acres, some of which has been zoned B -2 since zoning was applied to this area of the county in 1971. Because this is a general map amendment and not a conditional rezoning, uses that would be allowed on the property are those allowed by right or by Special Use Permit in the B -2 district based on the Table of Permitted Uses in the Zoning Ordinance. Any proposed use would be reviewed for zoning compliance prior to development. The Zoning Ordinance has requirements for building setbacks, buffering, and lighting that must be complied with and are intended to mitigate the impacts from a non - residential use adjacent to a residential use. No site plan or proposed use accompany this rezoning request, and no conditions may be added to the approval. Traffic impacts will be analyzed at the time a development is proposed. Any use that exceeds 100 AM or PM peak hour trips will be required to have an approved TIA prior to development. Even if a TIA is not required, improvements may be required when any proposed use is reviewed by NCDOT during the driveway permitting process. In general, the uses allowed in the requested B -2 zoning can generate more trips than the uses allowed in the existing R -15 zoning. The 2016 Comprehensive Land Use Plan classifies the subject property as Community Mixed Use. This Place Type focuses on small - scale, compact, mixed use development patterns that serve all modes of travel and act as an attractor for county residents and visitors. Types of appropriate uses include office, retail, mixed use, recreational, commercial, institutional, and multi - family and single - family residential. Staff concludes that the proposed B -2 rezoning is generally CONSISTENT with this place type because it allows the types of services for nearby residents recommended in the comprehensive plan. The commercial uses permitted in the B -2 zoning district are appropriate on the subject property due to its location off a major arterial in a transitional area between major intersections and higher density Urban Mixed Use areas. Development regulations would require landscaping buffers along residential properties, visually separating and mitigating effects for the adjacent neighborhood. The Planning Board considered this application at their April 5, 2018 meeting. At the meeting, four members from the public spoke in opposition to the request, citing various concerns about noise, lighting, safety, and reduction in property values. Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 17 The Board recommended approval (5 -2) of the application, finding that it is: Consistent with the purposes and intent of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because the commercial uses permitted in the B -2 zoning district are appropriate on the subject property due to its location off a major arterial in a transitional area between major intersections and higher density Urban Mixed Use areas. 2. Reasonable and in the public interest because the rezoning provides a reasonable extension to an existing B -2 zoning district while protecting adjacent residential areas through Zoning Ordinance site design requirements for any use proposed in the district. STRATEGIC PLAN AUCMIENr- Intelligent Growth and Economic Development • Attract and retain new and expanding businesses • Implement plans for land use, economic development, infrastructure and environmental programs • Understand and act on citizen needs MOTION AND REQUESTED ACTIONIS: Staff recommends approval of the application and recommends the following motion: Motion to approve, affirming the Planning Board's statements that the application is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and is reasonable and in the public interest. ATI]ACIINIENTS: Z18 -04 Script Z18 -04 Staff Summary Z18 -04 Adjacent Properties Map Z18 -04 Zoning Map Z18 -04 Future Land Use Map Applicant Materials Cover Page Z18 -04 Application Package COUNTY MANAGER'S CON11VIENIS AND RECOl WEMATIONS: (only Manager) Recommend approval as presented by staff. CONINIISSIONERS' ACTIONS: Approved 3 -2, Chairman White and Commissioner Zapple dissenting. Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 17 SCRIPT for Zoning Map Amendment Application (Z18 -04) Request by Design Solutions, on behalf of the property owner, Thelma A. Moore, to rezone 1.1 acres of land located at the 7640 Market Street from R -15, Residential District, to B -2, Highway Business District. 1. This is a public hearing. We will hear a presentation from staff. Then the applicant and any opponents will each be allowed 15 minutes for their presentation and additional 5 minutes for rebuttal. 2. Conduct He a. b. C. d. e. wring, as follows: Staff presentation Applicant' s presentation (up to 15 minutes) Opponent's presentation (up to 15 minutes) Applicant's rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) Opponent's rebuttal (up to 5 minutes) 3. Close the public hearing 4. Board discussion 5. At this time, you may ask to either continue the application to a future meeting, or to proceed with this Board deciding whether to approve or deny the application. What do you wish to do? 6. Vote on the application. The motion should include a statement saying how the change is, or is not, consistent with the land use plan and why it is, or is not, reasonable and in the public interest. Staff Suggested Motion: Motion to approve, affirming the Planning Board's statements that the application is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and is reasonable and in the public interest. Alternative Motion for Approval /Denial: Motion to [Approve /Deny], as the Board finds that this request for a zoning map amendment of 1.1 acres from R -15, Residential District, to a B -2, Highway Business District, as described is: 1. [Consistent /Not Consistent] with the purposes and intent of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because (Describe elements of controlling land use plans and how the amendment is or is not consistentl. 2. [Reasonable /Not Reasonable] and in the public interest because [Briefly explain why. Factors may include public health and safety, character of the area and relationship of uses, applicable plans, or balancing benefits and detrimentsl. STAFF SUMMARY OF Z1 8-04 ZONING MAP AMENDMENT APPLICATION APPLICATION SUMMARY Case Number: Z18 -04 Request: Zoning Map Amendment to rezone 1.1 acres from R -15 to B -2 Applicant: Property Owner(s): Cindee Wolf of Design Solutions Thelma A. Moore Location: Acreage: 7640 Market Street 1.1 PID: Comp Plan Place Type: R03600- 005 - 038 -000 Community Mixed Use Existing Land Use: Proposed Land Use: N/A — B -2 Permitted Uses Subject to Undeveloped Appropriate Approval Process Current Zoning: Proposed Zoning: R -15 B -2 SURROUNDING AREA LAND USE ZONING North Boat Repair, Small Engine Repair, Flex Space B -2 East Landscaping and Plumbing Contractor Offices B -2 South Undeveloped; Single Family Detached Residential R -15 West Automotive Sales B -2 Zl 8 -04 Staff Summary BOC 5.7.2018 Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 17- 2 - 1 Page 1 of 9 ZONING HISTORY July 6, 1971 Initially zoned R -15 (Area 3) COMMUNITY SERVICES Water /Sewer CFPUA water and sewer services are available Fire Protection New Hanover County Fire Services Schools Ogden Elementary, Eaton Elementary, Noble Middle, and Laney High Schools Recreation Ogden Park CONSERVATION, HISTORIC, & ARCHAEOLOGICAL RESOURCES Conservation No known conservation resources Historic No known historic resources Archaeological No known archaeological resources ZONING ORDINANCE CONSIDERATIONS • The purpose of the B -2, Highway Business zoning district is to provide for the proper grouping and development of roadside business uses which will best accommodate the needs of the motoring public and businesses demanding high volume traffic. The district's principal means of ingress and egress shall be along collector roads, minor arterials, and /or major arterials as designated on the County's Thoroughfare Classification Plan. • B -2 zoning districts must be at least 5 acres in size; this rezoning would be an expansion of an already established B -2 zoning district that includes 12 parcels and 17.5 acres. • Because this is a general map amendment and not a conditional rezoning, uses that would be allowed on the property are those allowed by right or by Special Use Permit in the B -2 district based on the Table of Permitted Uses in the Zoning Ordinance Zl 8 -04 Staff Summary BOC 5.7.2018 Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 17- 2 - 2 Page 2of9 • Although the applicant currently plans to use this property to extend the existing auto sales use, the range of commercial uses permitted in the B -2 zoning district are appropriate on the subject property due to its location off a major arterial in a transitional area between major intersections and higher density Urban Mixed Use areas. Development regulations would require landscaping buffers along residential properties, visually separating and mitigating effects for the adjacent neighborhood. • The property is located within a Special Highway Overlay District (SHOD) that extends 500' from the right -of -way of Market Street. Ares of parcels within the SHOD, including the entirety of the subject parcel, are subject to additional regulations for site design per Section 55.4 of the Zoning Ordinance, including a minimum building setback of 25' from the northern and eastern property lines, limitation on signage to 6' in height and 150 sq. ft. in area, and lot coverage limit for buildings of 50 %. • The building setback required along the southern property line that is adjacent to R -15 zoning would be a minimum of 30' or 2.75 x Building Height, whichever is greater. • The buffer required along the southern property line that is adjacent to R -15 zoning would be a minimum of 20' wide and must provide 100% opacity using vegetation, vegetation with fencing, or vegetation with a berm. • All lights must be shielded in a manner so that light from the fixture does not directly radiate into adjacent property. TRANSPORTATION • Access is currently provided by a dirt driveway from Market Street across the property adjacent to the south. • Traffic impacts will be analyzed at the time a development is proposed. Any use that exceeds 100 AM or PM peak hour trips will be required to have an approved TIA prior to development. Even if a TIA is not required, improvements may be required when any proposed use is reviewed by NCDOT during the driveway permitting process. Nearby Planned Transportation Improvements and Traffic Impact Analyses Regional Transportation Plans: • STIP Project U -4751 o Extension of Military Cutoff Road from Market Street to 1 -140. Construction began this year for this project. • STIP Project U -4902D o Installation of a center median on Market Street from Middle Sound Road to Marsh Oaks Drive. Also includes the installation of a sidewalk on the western side of Market Street and a multi -use path on the eastern side. Construction is expected to begin in early 2019. • The NHC/City of Wilmington Greenway Plan recommends that a greenway along the western side of Market Street; STIP Project U -4902D will install a multi -use path on the southeastern side of Market Street and sidewalk along the northwestern side of Market Street near the subject site. Z18 -04 Staff Summary BOC 5.7.2018 Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 17- 2 - 3 Page 3 of 9 1 Mile Radius Traffic Impact Analyses `moo Market Street Approved ti Retail Center ' �6 TIA Approved ,-, Under Review � F L '} 1- Under Draft TIA Approved f 2.i arF�. ^o` ,��� � r7 � TIA Approved %,? Amberleiah Shores Phase 2 - TIA Approved STIP Project ° 1 „ o U -4751 day \\ • STIP Project _ - �.`•% �s�P�Ny Ear' •' U -4902D Starbucks ' .PQ, I ' BRIGN7 LEAF;9t♦ TIA Under Review Q /. i -�y' M•ddl e S o —4 ♦� PP�K �„ i u . �, 5 Market Place .z 0 Wave Bus Stop TIA A roved I p p r' `-I I rT I 1 `v EFm STIP Project ©��ooPs ,�,r "�•�" City of Wilmington Greenway Plan Recommendations wE Miles w° 0 0.25 0.5 Bicycle Lane --- Greenway - SMarrow s Nearby Traffic Impact Analyses: Traffic Impact Analyses are completed in accordance with the WMPO and NCDOT standards. Approved analyses will expire if the proposed development is not completed by the build out date established within the TIA. Proposed Land Use /Intensity TIA Status Development 1. Ogden Starbucks ' 2.200 sq. ft. coffee shop with • Under Review drive through • 2019 Build Out Year Zl 8 -04 Staff Summary BOC 5.7.2018 Page 4 of 9 Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 17- 2 - 4 The TIA recommends improvements be completed at certain intersections in the area. The major improvements consisted of: • Convert existing eastbound through lane on eastbound Lendire Road to a through /right turn lane • Extend existing right -turn lane on southbound Market Street The improvements required for the project may include additional improvements since the TIA approval is still pending. Nearby Proposed Developments included within the TIA: • None Development Status: Pending application after TIA approval. Proposed Land Use /Intensity TIA Status Development • Commercial center with • TIA approved February 20, 2. Bailey Shoppes 14,800 sq. ft. for office, 2018 retail, and restaurant uses • 2018 Build Out Year The TIA required improvements be completed at certain intersections in the area. The major improvements consisted of: • Installation of southbound right -turn lane on Market Street • Signalization of future U -turn at Market Street as part of U -4902D project The improvements have not been completed at this time. Nearby Proposed Developments included within the TIA: • Aldi at Marsh Oaks • Amberleigh Shores Apartments Development Status: Rezoning heard at 4/2/2018 Board of Commissioners meeting (after press date for this staff summary) Proposed Land Use /Intensity TIA Status Development • 18,900 square foot discount 3. Aldi at Marsh Oaks • TIA approved July 6, 2016 supermarket The TIA required improvements be completed at certain intersections in the area. The major improvements consisted of: • Installation of an eastbound right turn lane on Marsh Oaks Drive to a site access Per NCDOT, the improvements required at this time have been installed in accordance with their standards. Nearby Proposed Developments included within the TIA: • US 17 retail — Walmart Shopping Center (accounted for in annual growth rate) Z18 -04 Staff Summary BOC 5.7.201 Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 17- 2 - 5 Page 5 of 9 Development Status: Completed 4. Amberleigh Shores • TIA Approved November 3, — Phase 2 • 288 apartment units 2016 • 2018 Build Out Year The TIA required improvements be completed at certain intersections in the area. The major improvements consist of: • Installation of a southbound left turn lane on Market Street to Marsh Oaks Drive • Installation of an eastbound right turn lane on Marsh Oaks Drive to a site access • Extension of an existing right -turn lane on Market street to serve an existing site access In addition, improvements will be made with STIP Project U -4902D (Market Street median) that will support the traffic generated by the development. Construction of the development and required transportation improvements have not started at this time. Nearby Proposed Developments included within the TIA: • None Development Status: No construction has started at this time Proposed Land Use /Intensity TIA Status Development 5. Middle Sound • 32,830 sq. ft. of retail, • TIA Approved February 16, Market Place 49,100 sq. ft. supermarket, 2015 720 sq. ft. fast food (Publix) • 2019 Build Out Year restaurant The TIA required improvements be completed at certain intersections in the area. The major improvements consisted of: • Continuous right -turn lane on northbound Market Street • Realignment of Lendire Road intersection at Market Street with Middle Sound Loop Road • Extend left -turn lane on southbound Market Street • Extend right -turn lane on southbound Market Street • Extend existing dual -left turn lane on westbound Middle Sound Loop Road • Restriping of eastbound Middle Sound Loop Road for left -turn lane, thru lane, and right - turn lane • Construct an additional thru -lane on southbound Market Street Some improvements have been completed at this time and some improvements will occur with the U -4751 TIP project. Nearby Proposed Developments included within the TIA: • None Development Status: Partially built -out. Z18 -04 Staff Summary BOC 5.7.2018 Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 17- 2 - 6 Page 6 of 9 ENVIRONMENTAL • The property does not lie within any Special Flood Hazard Area or CAMA Area of Environmental Concern. • Soils on the property consist of Murville fine sand and Leon sand. • The subject property is within the Pages Creek (SA; HQW) watershed. 2016 COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN I The New Hanover County Future Land Use Map provides a general representation of the vision for New Hanover County's future land use, as designated by place types describing the character and function of the different types of development that make up the community. Specific goals of the Comprehensive Plan are designated to be promoted in each place type, and other goals may be relevant for particular properties. Z18 -04 Staff Summary BOC 5.7.2018 Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 17- 2 - 7 Page 7 of 9 • 245,500 square feet retail space • Drive -in bank with 5 drive - 6. Market Street Retail thru lanes • TIA approved May 2, 2013 Center (Wal -Mart) • 4,000 square feet fast food • 2015 Build Out Year restaurant w/ drive -thru • 4,000 square feet fast food restaurant w drive -thru The TIA required improvements be completed at certain intersections in the area. The major improvements consisted of: • Installation of center median on Market Street from Marsh Oaks Drive to site's main access (Hays Lane), and continuing the median to the existing concrete median to the north. • Installation of a traffic signal at the site's main access on Market Street (Hays Lane). • Installation of multiple turn lanes at the site access points along Market Street. Per NCDOT, the improvements required at this time have been installed in accordance with their standards. Nearby Proposed Developments included within the TIA: • Amberleigh Shores Apartments Development Status: Completed ENVIRONMENTAL • The property does not lie within any Special Flood Hazard Area or CAMA Area of Environmental Concern. • Soils on the property consist of Murville fine sand and Leon sand. • The subject property is within the Pages Creek (SA; HQW) watershed. 2016 COMPREHENSIVE LAND USE PLAN I The New Hanover County Future Land Use Map provides a general representation of the vision for New Hanover County's future land use, as designated by place types describing the character and function of the different types of development that make up the community. Specific goals of the Comprehensive Plan are designated to be promoted in each place type, and other goals may be relevant for particular properties. Z18 -04 Staff Summary BOC 5.7.2018 Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 17- 2 - 7 Page 7 of 9 Future Land Use Community Mixed Use Map Place Type Focuses on small - scale, compact, mixed use development patterns that serve Place Type all modes of travel and act as an attractor for county residents and visitors. Description Types of appropriate uses include office, retail, mixed use, recreational, commercial, institutional, and multi - family and single - family residential. Community Mixed Use areas are generally intended to include a mixture of uses. The subject property is located near the intersection of Market St. and Alexander Rd., immediately adjacent to both existing auto - oriented businesses and a residential neighborhood. It is located in a transitional area between two Urban Mixed Use areas where higher densities are encouraged. Ideal uses for this property would provide for the needs of Analysis adjacent residential neighborhoods and /or provide higher density residential housing to transition to the adjacent lower density residential areas. Because of the size of the property and its lack of direct access to Market St., use of the property for higher density residential is unlikely. As a result, an extension of the existing commercial area is appropriate. The requested B -2 zoning district would allow for the types of lower- intensity commercial services appropriate for a transitional Community Mixed Use area. The proposed B -2 rezoning is generally CONSISTENT with this place type because the B -2 district allows for the types of services for nearby residents recommended in the comprehensive plan. Although the applicant currently plans to use this property to extend the existing auto sales use, the range Consistency of commercial uses permitted in the B -2 zoning district are appropriate on Recommendation the subject property due to its location off a major arterial in a transitional area between major intersections and higher density Urban Mixed Use areas. Development regulations would require landscaping buffers along residential properties, visually separating and mitigating effects for the adjacent neighborhood. Z18 -04 Staff Summary BOC 5.7.201 Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 17- 2 - 8 Page 8 of 9 PLANNING BOARD ACTION The Planning Board considered this application at their April 5, 2018 meeting. At the meeting, four members from the public spoke in opposition to the request, citing various concerns about noise, lighting, safety, and reduction in property values. The Board recommended approval (5 -2) of the application, finding that it is: 1. Consistent with the purposes and intent of the 2016 Comprehensive Plan because the commercial uses permitted in the B -2 zoning district are appropriate on the subject property due to its location off a major arterial in a transitional area between major intersections and higher density Urban Mixed Use areas. 2. Reasonable and in the public interest because the rezoning provides a reasonable extension to an existing B -2 zoning district while protecting adjacent residential areas through Zoning Ordinance site design requirements for any use proposed in the district. STAFF RECOMMENDATION Staff recommends approval of the application as stated in the Planning Board's action. Staff concurs with the Planning Board's statements that the application is consistent with the Comprehensive Plan and is reasonable and in the public interest. Z18 -04 Staff Summary BOC 5.7.2018 Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 17- 2 - 9 Page 9 of 9 Case:. Z1 8-04 Neighboring Parcels (within 500 feet) ,Case Site Site Address: Existing Zoning/Use: 7640 Market St R -15/ Single - Family Dwelling 7740 • Proposed Zoning- B-2 7 • 115 �-< 7718, • n. 4� • 7721 5o �� \ 7710 1`755 7655 0/ 106 • • 7706 mO • 7658 • 165 7650 • 102 0 7649 • 7656 • 7643 7654 C`s�F • 7644 7648 76621 7680 �F� • 7627 •7640 • • O,p 7517 7664 / �A 1716.4v 1,000 F E99t of Z 18-04 7625 7627 7701 7703 7623' • • • 7705 • 7600 • \ •' • 7709 7621 oners - fly 7, A< Parcels within 500 Feet of Case Site / N W E S p�L 125 \ • 124 • 136 • 155 • 135 • 145 • Gl i`�LF'D Addresses Nro W-11 7721 �� O§'� , , � • RD 7704 LOST TREE RD 7740 ALEXANDER RD 7705 LOST TREE RD 145 s DR 7709 o' RD 124 AMARYLLIS DR 7517 •� VIII♦ ST 136 _ ®.� DR 7600 'a ST 135 135 • 145 • Gl i`�LF'D Addresses 7721 ALEXANDER RD 7704 LOST TREE RD 7740 ALEXANDER RD 7705 LOST TREE RD 145 AMARYLLIS DR 7709 LOST TREE RD 124 AMARYLLIS DR 7517 MARKET ST 136 AMARYLLIS DR 7600 MARKET ST 135 AMARYLLIS DR 7627 MARKET ST 125 AMARYLLIS DR 7640 MARKET ST 165 AMARYLLIS DR 7643 MARKET ST 155 AMARYLLIS DR 7644 MARKET ST 115 AMARYLLIS DR 7648 MARKET ST 175 AMARYLLIS DR 7649 MARKET ST 7609 LOST TREE RD 7650 MARKET ST 7612 LOST TREE RD 7654 MARKET ST 7613 LOST TREE RD 7655 MARKET ST 7616 LOST TREE RD 7656 MARKET ST 7617 LOST TREE RD 7658 MARKET ST 7620 LOST TREE RD 7662 MARKET ST 7621 LOST TREE RD 7664 MARKET ST 7623 LOST TREE RD 7680 MARKET ST 7624 LOST TREE RD 7706 MARKET ST 7625 LOST TREE RD 7710 MARKET ST 7627 LOST TREE RD 7718 MARKET ST 7700 LOST TREE RD 102 MARSHALL CT 7701 LOST TREE RD 106 MARSHALL CT 7703 LOST TREE RD 'Wf 1z CO,NT F Case: Site Address: Existing Zoning/Use: Proposed Zoning- 0 3 718 -04 7640 Market St R -15/ B -2 Single - Family Dwelling CU 7'` CITY CUD'R -10' CUD O &I ^ R � Z 18-04 r CZ D, Bm 1 r . c x r K. F r� :T�RC ��� Fig-* Co rs -May 71 2 18 I N® OS z I l RD AMBERLEIGM4 R-1/5 Sewer Collector Water Distribution Main Zoning Districts o g A -1 EDZD PD R -20S SC AR I -1 R -10 ❑ R -7 B -1 1 -2 R -15 RA E B -2 ❑ O &1 R -20 RFMU ® Indicates Conditional Use District (CUD) Indicates Conditional Zoning District (CZD) CI ODl See Section 55.1 of the Zoning Ordinance ❑ Incorporated Areas 17:p SHOD GNU N \ Y •''p ,ter Ry Case: Site Address: Existing Zoning/Use: Proposed Zoning- Z1 8-04 7640 Market St R -15/ B -2 Z a Single - Family Dwellin • A C� • w ...L... s R F F L . AMBER EAR "," GH )R AiR i 5� j .. r. f/r , n G 'r �J. 1,000--FA Commis rs - May 7, 2 18 - a J COMMUNITY MIXED USE' f" f C. }^q° Z 18-04 Place Types Commerce Zone �+ Employment Center GENERAL'RESIDENTIAL�� \ General Residential Urban Mixed Use frrW1 \ Community Mixed Use z i W/NDSONG• Rural Residential RDA. R' Conservation k +f APPLICANT MATERIALS Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 17- 6 - 1 ,w4; Y'tio�., NEW HANOVER COUNTY z PLANNING & LAND USE � r AZ Application for ZONING MAP AMENDMENT Print Form 230 Government Center Drive Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 9I0- 798 -7165 phone 910 - 798 -7053 fax www.nhegov.com Petitioner Information Property Owner(s) If different than Petitioner Subject Property Name Owner Name Address CINDEE WOLF THELMA A MOORE 7640 MARKET ST Company Owner Name 2 Parcel ID(s) DESIGN SOLUTIONS 316909.06.2270 Address Address Area PO BOX 7221 7640 MARKET ST 1. 10 AC. +/- City, State, Zip City, State, Zip Existing Zoning and Use WILMINGTON, NC 28406 WILMINGTON, NC 28411 R -151 RESIDENTIAL Phone Phone Proposed Zoning and Use 910 -620 -2374 910 -686 -7762 B -2 /AUTO SALES Email Email Land Classification CWOLF @LOBODEMAR.BIZ (NONE) COMMUNITY MIXED USE Case Number DatefFime rec 'ved: _5 Zo I APPLICATION OVERVIEW Received by- In order to assist petitioners through the rezoning process, petitioners are highly encouraged to attend a pre- application conference prior to application submittal. Petitioners are requested to review the sections of the Zoning Ordinance specific to zoning amendments prior to submission, and advised to contact Planning Staff with any questions. The following sections of the Zoning Ordinance pertain specifically to zoning amendments: • Section 110: Amending the Ordinance • Section I11: Petitions • Section 112: Approval Process Applications for zoning amendments must first be considered by the New Hanover County Planning Board at a public hearing. The Planning Board will make a recommendation to the County Commissioners which will take final action on the permit application in a quasi-judicial public hearing. Attendance at all public hearings is required. The public hearings will allow staff, the applicant, proponents and opponents to testify in regards to the request. Unless otherwise published or announced, Planning Board meetings are held on the first Thursday of each month at 6:OOPM in the Commissioner's Assembly Room at the Historic County Courthouse located at Third and Princess Streets, Wilmington, North Carolina. All meeting dates and application deadlines are published on the New Hanover County Planning website. Page 1 of 3 Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 04114 ITEM: 17- 7 - 1 APPLICATION REQUIREMENTS In order to assist petitioners through the rezoning process, petitioners are highly encouraged to attend a pre - application conference prior to application submittal. Applications must be reviewed by Planning Staff for completeness prior to being officially accepted. Applications must be submitted to Planning Staff at least twenty (20) working days before the Planning Board meeting at which the application is to be considered. In order to allow time to process, fees and review for completeness, applications will not be accepted after 5:00 PM on the deadline day. Once accepted, the Planning Board will consider the application at the assigned meeting unless the applicant requests a continuance. For all proposals, in addition to this application, the following supplemental information and materials are required: Required Information Applicant Staff Initial Initial Copy of the New Hanover County Tax Map, which delineates the property requested for rezoning. Legal description by metes and bounds of property requested for rezoning. y Copy of the subdivision map or recorded plat which delineates the roe . Any special requirements of the Ordinance (for example, Section 54.2 for Planned Development District, Section 54.1 for Exceptional Design Zoning District, or Section 54.3 for Riverfront Mixed Use District) A report of the required public information meeting outlined in Section 111 -2.1 (if jn applicable) N -Authority for Appointmentof Agent Form if applicable) Fee - For petitions involving 5 acres or less, $500. For petitions involving greater than 5 acres, $600 ® y l7 CRITERIA REQUIRED FOR APPROVAL OF A CHANGE OF ZONING Requests for general rezonings do not consider a particular land use but rather all of the uses permitted in the zoning district which is being requested for the subject property. Rezoning requests must be consistent with the New Hanover County Land Use Plan and the Zoning Ordinance, and the applicant has the burden of proving that the request is not consistent with the county's adopted land use plan, zoning ordinance, reasonable, and in the public's interest. The applicant should explain, with reference to attached plans (where applicable), how the proposed zoning district satisfies these requirements. The applicant has the burden of proof and must provide sufficient evidence in order for the required findings to be met. You must explain in the space below how your request satisfies each of the following requirements (attach additional sheets if necessary): 1. How would the requested change be consistent with the County's Policies for Growth and Development? -ICIES FOR GROWTH ENCOURAGE CONTINUED EFFORTS TO ATTRACT AND RETAIN BUSINESSES. THE AUTO SALES FERPRISE IN FRONT OF THE SUBJECT TRACT HAS BEEN OPERATING FOR MANY YEARS, AND ONLY SEEKS TO EXPAND BECAUSE LOSING LAND AREA BEING ACQUIRED FOR FRONTAGE ROAD IMPROVEMENTS. THE "COMMUNITY MIXED -USE" PLACE -TYPE 3GESTS THAT MODERATE RETAIL USES ARE APPROPRIATE. Page 2 of 3 Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 04114 ITEM: 17- 7 - 2 2. How would the requested zone change be consistent with the property's classification on the Land Classification Mari? E 2006 LAMA PLAN APPLIED A "TRANSITION" LAND CLASSIFICATION ALONG THIS CORRIDOR OF MARKET STREET. ITS RPOSE WAS TO PROVIDE TRANSITIONAL USES BETWEEN BUSY COMMERCIAL CORRIDORS AND MORE ESTABLISHED 31DENTIAL NEIGHBORHOODS BEYOND. 3. What significant neighborhood changes have occurred to make the original zoning inappropriate, or how is the land involved unsuitable for the uses permitted under the existina zoning? IE SUBJECT PARCEL IS A REMNANT NOTCH OF RESIDENTIAL ZONING ALMOST SURROUNDED BYTHE HIGHWAY COMMERCIAL STRICT. HAVING ONLY A PRIVATE EASEMENT FOR ACCESS, IT IS NOT VIABLE FOR ANY KIND OF RESIDENTIAL INFILL :VELOPMENT. THE HIGHEST AND BEST USE WOULD APPEAR TO BE TO THE PROPERTY OWNER BETWEEN THE TRACT AND THE )AD CORRIDOR. 4. How will this change of zoning serve the public interest? TONING FOR A BUSINESS USE WOULD BE CONSISTENT WITH THE STRATEGY OF INFILL OF VACANT PROPERTY FOR BETTER ICIENCY OF LAND USE. IT WOULD BE REASONABLE BECAUSE THE LANDS ARE NOT ATTRACTIVE FOR RESIDENTIAL USE BASED THIER PROXIMITY TO OTHER COMMERCIAL USES. If an applicant requests delay of consideration from the Planning Board or Board of County Commissioners before notice has been sent to the newspaper, the item will be calendared for the next meeting and no fee will be required. If delay is requested after notice has been sent to the newspaper, the Board will act on the request at the scheduled meeting and are under no obligation to grant the continuance. If the continuance is granted, a fee in accordance with the adopted fee schedule as published on the New Hanover County Planning website will be required. By my signature below, I understand and accept all of the conditions, limitations and obligations of the zoning district for which I am applying. I understand that the existing official zoning map is presumed to be correct. I understand that I have the burden of proving why this requested change is in the public interest. I certify that this application is complete and that all information presented in this application is accurate to the best of my knowledge, information, and belief. V'V', o310- b Signature of Petition e rn&4J r-- P- o-pe -- e � Print Name Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 04114 ITEM: 17- 7 - 3 Mrit Form NEW HANOVER COUNTY 230 Government Center Drive PLANNING & INSPECTIONS Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 910 -798 -7165 phone AUTHORITY FOR 910- 798 -7053 fax APPOINTMENT OFAGENT www.nhcgov.com Please note that for quasi-judicial proceedings, either the land owner or an attorney must be present for the case at the public hearing. The undersigned owner does hereby appoint an authorized the agent described herein as their exclusive agent for the purpose of petitioning New Hanover County for a variance, special use permit, rezoning request, and/or an appeal of Staff decisions applicable to the property described in the attached petition. The Agent is hereby authorized to, on behalf of the property owner: 1. Submit a proper petition and the required supplemental information and materials 2. Appeal at public meetings to give representation and commitments on behalf of the property owner 3. Act on the property owner's behalf without limitations with regard to any and all things directly or indirectly connected with or arising out of any petition applicable to the New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance. Agent Information Property Owner(s), Subject Property Name Owner Name Address Cindee Wolf Thelma A Moore 7640 Market Street Company Owner Name 2 City, State, Zip Design Solutions Wilmington, NC Address Address Parcel ID P.O. Box 7221 7640 Market St 316909.06.2270 City, State, Zip City, State, Zip Wilmington, NC 28406 Wilmington, NC 28411 Phone Phone 910 -620 -2374 910- 686 -7762 Email Email cwolf@lobodemar.biz jay @stillwellcpa.com (Jay Stillwell) Case Number Reference: Date/T* a received: Received by: �1 �7 ` � ��% I � 7 5th March 18 This document was willfully executed on the - day of --� e7le ' Owner 1 Signature Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 17- 7 - 4 , 20 04114 sms 771 via STATE 'OF NORTH - CAROLINA ° } COUNTY OF NEW HANOVEYt WARRANTY DEED THIS INDENTURE, made and entered into this the day of August, 1865, by and between JOHN AUTREY and wife, 4a1"C , of New Hatt ver County, North Carolina, parttea 0/he first part, acid HARVEY S. MOORE and wife, THELMA A. MOORE, of New llanover County, North Carolina, parties of the second part; WYTNESSETiit 4 The parties of the first part, for and In consideration of the aura of ONE HUNDRED DOLLARS, and other valuable considerations, to them in hand paid by the parties of the second part, the receipt where- of is hereby acknowledged, have given, granted, bargained and sold, aliened, and conveyed, and by these presents do hereby give, grant, bargain and sell, alten, convey, and confirm unto the parties of the second part, and unto their heirs and assigns forever, all of that certain lot of land, situate, lying and being in Unrnett Township, New Hanover County, North Carolina, more particularly described an follows; Beginning at the Southeastern (i.e., the southernmost) corner of that tract conveyed to J. V. Duckett and wife, by deed recorded in the New Hanover County Registry in Book 775 at Page 521; running thence South 74 degrees 20 minutes East 300 feet; thence North 46 degrees 26 minutes 30 seconds East 185.26 feet; thence North 74 degrees 20 minutes West 300 feet to the Northeastern corner of Bald Duckett tract; thence South 46 degrees 26 minutes 30 seconds West along the Eastern line of said Duckett tract, 165.26 feet to the beginntng, being a portion of that tract conveyed to John Autrey and wife by deed recorded to said Registry in Book 775 at Page 502. Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 17- 7 - 5 Legal Description for Conventional Rezoning of 7640 Market Street from R -15 to B -2 Beginning at a point at the northwestern corner of "Lot 14 — Bayshore Estates / Section 14," recorded on a plat among the land records of the New Hanover County Registry in Map Book 29, at Page 22; and running thence: North 78 126'52" West, 254.10 feet to a point; thence North 42 119'38" East, 185.26 feet to a point; thence South 78 126'52" East, 300.00 feet to a point; thence South 42 119'38" West, 185.26 feet to a point; thence North 78 °26'52" West, 45.90 feet to the point and place of beginning, containing 1.10 acres, more or less. Being the same property deeded to Harvey S. Moore and Thelma A. Moore in Deed Book 771, at Page 6. Board of Commissioners - May 7, 2018 ITEM: 17- 7 - 6 y _ Jo. sVi I mr lad - .. `.. al Aw s .. I u !�'` * • M Sr - i� 1 1 may!/ 1 ry r � F z -> v i �r7 a' ti o WA 10 me N, Board of'�Cbm -4m issioners -May 7, 2018 ITEM: 17- 7 - 8