MAY 7 2018 BUILD APPSFLOOD ZONE )orc -+t,l( NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APP Ll CATTON TY PE: RESTDENTTAL PTEASE ANSWTR ATI- QUESTIONS APPLICAEI-E TO YOUR PROJICT "Prolect R6ponslbllly Applkatlon {oflicc use} AppUcANrs NAMET WALoYtQctJ AUA SLUtlOgl' to ?ROrECf AOORESS| 1lO1 E49T CeEeK EOt 6 petv€ suBDlvtstoN: (lrvg Pot uT PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: I4II,LI 4 H L4CU ULf ( OWNER'SADDRESS: 1,o1 EA5T 4lZ€q< eo&Lr Oarl.(f ctrr Wt Lut uuro.,/ZtP ZD4o t cfiY AlLr4luttTo Date: 4 /A ztP:? ?HuNE * g/o - zbz- 1615 CONTRACTOR: lv;tallk)Ac! auo gl u.1Oaa' .4 ADoREss: Q,o, tSoY I lb1 evtat ao ! Greenhouse (SF) _+oo' CtTt: rLl t Lpft Ulno U 91; tlL 21p, ZOAaL PHoNe. qto - "51 - Qlr ao BTDG LICENSE S t31qL PRorEcr coNTAcr P fi3gN, lZt C'l t l1o \lt4 LD k I tz ctt EXISTING CONSIRUCTIOw: E Alteration dRenovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCIION; D Erect New Residence fl Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation ". PI,EASE CHEC( ANO ANSWER BETOW AII. THAT APPTY TO YOUR PRo,ECT..' essrlr., itp - htQ -ooit ! Att Garage (SF)_D Det Garage (SF)_ n Sunroom (sF)D Pool(sF) c( oeck (Sr) ls the proposed work changinS the existing footprint? E/ yes E tto TOTAT SQ FT UNDEi ROOF lJor proposed wort) Heated: ToTAL PRoJtcT cosT (t-ess rot): $-5g ,44 '* ls the proposed work chansing the number of bedrooms? tl yes E/no / ls any Electrlcal, PlumblnS or Mechanlcal work beinS done to the Accessory Structure U Yes Ef No lftheproiectisa RGlocation. istherea Natura,lGas Line on the current site? O Yes I o ls there Electrical Power on this Building? dVes D tto/ Property Use/ Occupancy: / Sintle Famlly fl ouplex D Totrnhous€ dPorch (sr)144 5f ! Storage Shed (SF) _ Ef otu' (sr)'7o (gtqs ) Unheat€d: 144 24BPR 18 Z rJTPH Des{nptron oi t lroar: tq,/,LL tta) uJztzrdG auD l,uotzAt L od E$s?.tcr Ot91 , .oD *Na' e! d o3T )(06 oe gvq< DISCI,AIMER: I hereby certify th.t all the informatlon in thls appllcatioo i5 corrEct and laws aod ordihan es and reSulations. The NllC oevelopment S€rvlces Gnter \xlll be n information. "'NOTI: Any work oerform€d without the approprLte pelmlls wlll be I' \.-/ArO l<lu(rl auo ,au.,/u,t -t to, Owne/Conlraclor: 'Licensed Quolifiet- SEWER: An(lJ^r\$ I .UaL0rcuzcu sltnaturc: 0. t, , ,,.(,- ts. do/rL^*-\- EQfr.drrr,e- AetD rs rhe property tocated in a ftoodptain? gf ves c no?rc[rmlrrarr4 lG 1L ExistlnS lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft Total Acres Distutbed:,ooo I New lmpervious Area:4-t-Sq Ft Existlnt Land Disturblnt Pemlt: E Ves {no WATER:{ rrr,o n Community System C Private well fl centralwell E Aqua drrruo D Community system ! Private septic fl centralseptic n Aqua 13 Commenti Permit all wort will compt with the State Euildin8 Cod€ and all other applicable State and lo.al otifl€d of any changes in &e approved plans and speaHl@tlonr or chan8e in contncto. n vlolatlon of the NC Statf aug Code and sublect to fines up to SS00.(D"' $(s-- Cify lnspmtion Requreo, 91 0.254.0901 zon",8llD clra""r, AIF setbacks(F)r0' (txt l5' tnxl 15' fgfllruervalrrn (ls60rc-t_ apprwat; \Vz clty: ( I rl,tty'loate:l3 rtood'g,1 \21 tvt _{N} _ BFE+2ft=u_ Plu,r-ry CI^oJ\ef-0 rcr$'Yt, A- ft Vls 1611 Jb{h.LP^r i} *wxwsbl C&Zr[,^V., I I I ,<iii>1;.' rEAscl LOT f: I fi^tir '48 7o1?-Ltst? NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT )g- )33trAPPLICATION ryPE; REstD ENTIAL PLEASE ANSWTR AI-L QUESTIONS APPTICADLT TO YO]tJR PIi0]I ']I- "Proiect Responsibility" ./,2.n//ax /n, )/(//f7/e f o"r" {'/-/3' ztP ZJ'y'/ z- ror r/ 464 6o/7 ..4o" -7 C/tt.t a. ?rrr*r." APPIICANT'S NAME P RO.JTCI ADDR E5S: SUBDIVISION: '//o -73,/- laj /' tr .4" 'y'a 7:l ( {. PROP E RTY OWNER'S NAMEI O frc:'4 flsz- ADD R E55:0 Bov # 3,2-- ?J V pHoNE,, ?clu/T/c-f ctrY [0 / t P llO l'l t PHONE -2,-.Y A,1BLDG CLNST u .,/ ) 'u /u_, L__ st, flp* 4,1',/9C'CI'] Y tMAll, ADoR€SSr T A)Det \^Oqcy'+ e 6/2L.tD)( . z'o/,-.,,'/,1 ;.2O j.-J- "PRO,JTCT CONTACI PERSON -Ta,,,L U)J t, -.',./?7".?_7L tXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ll Alteration fl Rcnovation ! Gcnr.ral Repairs\/,NEW CONSTRUCTION E trect New Resi(lence l l A.lditioI to [:x sring llesid..rcr I I Irr.()(.]Ir,,|, /.!1"' PLEASE CHEC( AND ANSWER OELOW ALL THAT APPLY IO YOI]II PRO]ECT," (1 nu aarase $r1 Z //Y l l SLxrroonr (S[)_ E Dot Ga.al,(,(S[) i I l']ool (S[) ttit ! t t,,t) 3o ',ri r.r|(,Sirra i! .'rl,r r l!i:I Greenhouse (S[) ! Dr(k(s[) l,- lhe propo5cd worl< changrng the exirtil|U Iootl)rint;' L l Ye5 t t,to TOTAL 5Q FT UNDERROOT Uot proposed wo,.k) Heated TOTAT PROJEC'I COST (Less Lor): 5 Z2{s- unl(.nrcdr SOf ls the proposed work chanBinB the nunrber o{ bedrooms? t 1 Ves)S ruo ls any Electrical, Plumbiog or Mechanical work being done to the Arressory Stro.trrre I vr:s N f.t o lf lhe project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas [ine on the current site? I] yes N r\Jo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes []\No Property Use/ Occupancyi { Single ramily fl Duplex ll Townhouse Descrlption of Work;,/Dfu ooo ,nlo..narion "'NOTtr Any worl p€rfornr€d wirhour rhe opp.op.iile permit! witlbf , 30fiPR 18 :j:.tr{:r lawi alld ordinan.es a|d ,eBulationr. The NHC lleveloptrrent Servic(! C!nter wrtt b! n _ 5ignature r,c r.lC'ir lrr itrprovcJ j)liIr rid ,trcr: Ir.nrion5 or ,'.,,,,1,o 'r' . ,., Owner/Co ntaactor:c 1"o e v- ls the property located in a floodplain? fl Yes fl No Existing lmpervious Arear C) Sq Ft Totirl Acres Distlrrbed: ' Z C New lmpervious Area: y'O 3 3 5Or. [xisrrne Land Disturbint] r,crrlrir] yr:s I WATtn: E Cnrrn Saon],r,rnity Syrrern Ll I,rivar(,Wet al C{rnr.. \,/,/c| :t r,|!ir SEWER: T[Ctl,UA l] CommUnilV Sy5rcnr iI Irrvit(.5cpric :l Cenlrirl ScD!!c'IA0r Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks {F) _ (LH) _ (RH) __ (S) App,oval: _ __ Ciry: _ Lrale: _, flood:{A) _ lV) _ (N) ul:i:..ii Comment: CtrY I ' /L OWN E R'S ADDR TSS: CONTRACTOR l "Licensed Quolilier" i, tu$r tflm<E' APPIICANT'S NAM P ROJTCT ADOR ESS SUBDTVTSTON: 2o t?- q. szG )a-)331NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ryPEi RESTDENTTAL PLEASE ANSWER AI,I. QUESTIONS APPLICABL[ 1O YOL]t] PR( J] L C I"Project Respons itl ility" E: CIIY lzt c f - '/*/f-itr ztYt<4o 4eo/t L toru 3z-_ _ c//r, '?.: ,/- '?2 ,// /(-/ ).) / -) -) ) aL/ t ?rr"*r""P ROP E RTY OWNER'S NAME OWN ER'S ADDR E55:o Z"x ?') sz-- ADD RESS:o 12l.>- v ProNE /, CITY /?c7a77 rJ-7f z/'1 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON -T€s,,, k^-blct-'a BLDG LICI N5 T I]* f'(it, -?-J''/1C':'t 1:i ( : JJ (- clrY /t, r c. tMArr. ADDRESS: 1f L)lDEt q OAcl+ e 6/2ttD)L . zc.)/ La P llON[: //ct j-clc' 'rr oNt 77" EXISTING CONSTRUCTIONT Ll AltFrarior'r E Ilenovation Ll G0nr,rit R.,l)afis NEW CONSTRUCTIOru !tr".t New Ilesa(terce fl Acldition ro Ixr5ting Re!]ijer c(, f I ti! o( irli.,:, /'!... PTEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALt THAT APPTY TO YOIJR PROJECT' ' . ^d G.t(ale $n { z/fl Dor Girap. (St) al Irool (SI:) Porrlr {5[) ';lor illlc Sl -, I lr{: I lSl:l n/ t Strrrroo rn (5f ) L I Grceolrouse (S[) ll Dr,.k(Sl ) tthe propo5ed worl( chanpinfl thc oxiitlnI footDrint) | | Yo., t ll.r ToTAt 5Q tT UNDER ROOF Uor p rct)osed workl Heatedt ZZ6 L 6zo TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S ooc/ ls the proposed work changing the nunrber of bedrooms? ! Yes INo ls any Electrical, PlumbinB or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Sr.Lrcrore I yes j] No if the proiect is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas [ine on the ctrrrent sire? 1] yes [X tJo ls there Electrical Poweronthis Building? D Yes\F No Property U5e/ Occupancy:!L Sinste Family ! Duplex ! Townhouse Description of Work:/o€at 40 lJnll{,itr(i : k pe,[ornr€d wilhoul thp apDroDria il5 will br ii v,ol ion of I tre NC 5i liklE Codo:r{l rubtc.t r,) ltnir! up ro 1',5(,rr.00"',nlo(nalion "'NOTt:An Owner/Contra(tor: "Licented Quoliliet" U)e;,.vp{Signattrre ExistinB Land Oisturbirrg eer,.iINew lmpe rvious Area:3/73 Sq Ft Ycs I- l.lo WATERi D Cff'VA y! Conrrunily 5y5lcm L- Private W.,1 Lll Ccnrrir \.r,/r, !l ...1!. SEWER: F CfPUA fl Con\rnunily Syrtem ij Privirtc !cptic rlCcotr.l SL,pr. lArrL, Zone: _ _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) IRH) (B) App.oval: - _ City: Ijater _ llood: (A) (V) (N) iij:a, Comment:P(,rIr I f rc: 5 Datc F CONTRACTOR c 1 ls the property located in a floodplain? ! Yes n No Existing lmpervious nrea: O sq Ft Total Acres Disrurbcd:/y' di* '4Br ZotS-\szq tg- lfiaNEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ryPEi RESTD ENTTAL PLEASE ANSWER ATI QUESTIONS APPLICAOLE TO YOL]N P8O][[T "Project Rcaponsibilitv" APPTICANT'S NAMEI /Zrrtr//tr .lno /?c///t,{f ilz7/z I Dirtc P P ROJECT ADDRESS SUBDIVISION: )o &1 g11v p r.;n roTr, ZZ Z < P ROP ERTY OWNER'5 NAME: OWN T R'S ADDR ESS:o Z,,Y f):tz- A DD RESS:0 8a/ l)32- z2J €t zrt '7,? /- "- 'pHoNE,, //U )J/-J-JJ' Lt, t c ztp J_), ,y'bC ITY CITY - BL,G lrctNsl rr:. 7f //4/t i ! sr. /-L L)'n z'J '/"C' EMAIt ADDRESST J l)bet q OAc/+ e 6 /21-t D)L . zbt.-1 PHONI://ct t)u ';,2 L\ - j..,_r cP ROJECT CONTACT PERSON -Ta ", k,- lJ)or-PHONT {,r, ,r,r:r) _ ZzZ ',r I, riJlc Sl,r 1ll: , ,l rer l\t l 7oo .1-7L €XISTING CONSIRUCTIONT L.l Altcralion fl nenovation ! Gerinrir! tlepnrrs\/,NEW CONSTRUCTION F(trect New nesi(lencc l ] Acldition to Ixr,,r]nU Itesi.lr., ce ft lt,,ii)(jntt.r,, . . ' PIEASE CHECX AN D ANSWER B E LOW ALL THAT AP PLY iO YO I-JR P NOJ ECT' ' fi ntt crraee {st) Zg 7F/-E Det Garar,{,(ST) I Surrroonr (St) __ fl l,r.:ol (S[) t l Greenhouse (SF) ___ - Ll lJeck (SF) l! the proposed work (haneing the ..rirting footprint? 1 1 vcr)f r,r,, TOTA| SQ FT UNDER ROOf (lor p rcpose(l workl Heated: 25 7 tr TOTAL PROIECT COST (Les5 tot)r S U n lr..rtr'.J ls the proposed work chanBing the nunrber of bedrooms? ! Yes S ruo ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the A.cessory Srr ucrLrre I yts'])( tro lf the proiect is a Relocation, is there a NatLrral Gas [ine on the current site? l] yes E(uo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? ! Ves $ ruo Property Use/ Occupancy S SineleFamitv ! Duplex! Townhouse 36BFR 18 3:41,,, Description of Work: laws afid ordinanreq and regulationr TIe NHC Ocv.,loprlenl S€rviras Ccnter will bo ,iorilied ol anv .t,i,n11cr iJr I I'r rr)t)rovc,l r, i,,r n,,d Ip.rL Iinlron! r,, r' , ,,1,r r rnfor tatio^ "'NOTt:Anyworlp€rfornrerlwithoulthe!ppropri.teperrnrtrvritlb. i,v,oJlonotrr,rI,lC Ta* \rC e;? al'-SignrtureOwner/Contra(to.: "Li(ented Quoliliet" ls the property located in a Iloodplain? 5 ves$ lto E x isting lmpervious Area Sq tt New lmperviou5 Area:y'ez r'Sq Ft TotnlAcres Disturbcd: , J Exisring tand Disturl)ing Pcrmir: -\fs I WATER: D CIPUn I{ Co,',',,rrnitv SyeIem E Privarc Well ! Ccntrir] \relt rl A(t!.r SEW€R: YCIPUA E Community System [ ] Privarc Sepri( !l Ccntrirl ScDlic : l A.[ Zonei _ Officer: _ Setbacks ([) _ (r-H) _ (RH)_. (B) App.oval: _ _ City: _ Date: _ tlc.rod: (A) __ (V) _ (N) Comment: CONTRACTOR ooo tJI i -: l] 2--\,:..1. #$' 2o I't-t-lS80 L8-397 r Clear Form Prlnt oMail NEIII HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLtcAfI$tt rYPFr COI{i4ERCIAL PLEASI AXsr.,rE'r ALt QUESTIoI{S APPLICABLE TO YOUR P8O]ECT "PnoJect Responsibility,, APPLICANT'5 NAIIE; (-lrn,.y .. rlr€,ys c()r.:l .,j.1ror (.(, AF-F[ffATmr l'ruflber (offtc€ use) DATE: o2- 08- tri6 DEvE LoPER: c.,:ne r,,r r,Ia.,a - PHOI{E fi 9tn-tG2-267 (---75F;.2n4r2 PHONE d: g1O-7 52-2615 5I: pq ZIP:26.191 STi rta ZIP: 2r,jr j - PtlOl,lE *: 9 \o-392-t2zi) - PHOIIE PRO]ECT A ; 1124 Gallery t,ark BIvd OCCUPANT/8USINE55 NAIIE : OWNER'S ADDR ESS: 1261 cten Meacte Road CO TRACTon: r rancv &I heys Conr;LrucLion C ADDRES5: ;'25U shipyar.t Brvct, suite one ompany - LICENSE #: 23 7 7 CITYi l,l i t.nirrqtonruarr aO0ntSS:.1,1..J 0l{: yi.1r..1 Goodson - Proriect ManaPRO]ECT CONTACT PE I gLo-lgz-szza EXIST CONSTRUCTTON lf Reiocation. is lhere a N .LJ alura ALTERATION I Gas Line on lhe N RENOVATIO TI GENERAL REPAIRS T'-I bdnenr sire? ; 6;-- r.'r" ts BLDG sphll.l No NEW COI'ISIRUCTION: (Che(l A1I Ihlt agoly) ERECT NEI,{ STRUCTURE rAST TRACK SHE LL RELOCATIO'{ KLEREDf, Yesf _ UPFIT AOD TO EXIST STRU(TURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE Is Elect Po er on this Euilding T yes li Ito ***+r rs rHJs a CHANGE oF occup^r{cy usEt r y€s 13. r'ro ,+ ,r IF Yes, Hhat Ha5 the Prevlous Occupancy Type? _ Hhat ls the t{et, Occupancy IvDe? ARCH DESIGN pROFESSIOIAL: D H Archirecls - Bruce BoHrnd . p{iq:o. t62 2bzl NC REG ,:59J1 IN6R DE5I6N PROFESSIONAI";-CBtlF Enginccrs - il..l,n Crrbh Pll 910-791-4000 nc rec *:!lllfi-- DESCRIP TIoN 0F |{ORK: shet.L col)srr.uction of a new office building OWNER/CONTRACTOR: .roe Rlder - pro1ecr !4aoa SIGNATURE SO FT ls food or bov6rages prepared orserved in thls structure?f- Yesl-- No ls The Prop€rty Locared ln The Ftoodplatnf y€{- N0NoOISCL IMFR lhereby cedit, tfar at' nlormaloo tn this appticatron i6conect a1d allwork wil .om0ty wlth the Ststc Buitdrnq Codo dnd aI orh6r alDl(:)trtD S!1ro ;i3:[it!"&";r,.,di8]-Effidi*lfl'#*i:"]e.I8iPffi?.'&r,it8rffi$v,13:iJ[!T#;,is.""J,flil.",1f,,T;";tlfrf,ffiIsgfia"ffii".dru",%s:"jriSubjeello Frfles tlp ro 1500.00"' Noro: D€nDlitlon mrificsUorc & ssbostos rodnvatpsrm r 6ppUcartons do !o bo submitred vsin0 Ub 3pplcaoon ]om (OHHS-37 .onta n Asbgslos or nor. Yoir ar€ rsq! ir ed to call th6 Narionat Entstrn steideds for Hszardous Air Potlut nts (NE S HAp) st 19defiolition of aiy laciliry o, buildin0 Seo Asbeslos W€O S,to: htl ) /A,e1v .,)i ! teti nc ,vlp/.sbosros?nhmD hIml I9)70/-5050.1lc6sl r0 d.ys Dnor ro Ino whclhgriha loortyor buildino wss fo ndto TOTAL PROJECT COST: 55, 996,996 BUILDING HEIGHT: 50 feet # OF UNII S TOTNL AREA SO FT : 64 SQ FT I'E R FLN - 2.L oc0 # OF STORIES: .r .,, ) ,.: TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: 6a 2i2 # OF STRUCTUREST 1 #OFFTOORS: 3 ACRES DISTURBED:ExsT LAND DTSIURBtNc pERt\4tT? r yES r NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA SO F-I EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA PROPERlY IJSE oFFrcE !RESTAURANT flMERCANTLEfI EDUCI Aprfl CONDO OI HEI CE'-6-Ca ar)(_.aO o-idJ!:=<><l)l>ac:o() E.c:WATER SEWER SYSTEM FlCFPUA T-'I COMMUNITY SYS Blcreue flcrurnarseerrc IENl ffi WELL N ZONING USE CLASS vArE SEPTTC fFOMMUNTTY r, rllj. r. ilr 8(, ii,\s FculP Pt{irl.fis }i |NSEH _1 IFICA'IION PAY|\ilFNT MF ZONE Approval OFFICE City.Lr"-IE NrN)BY BFE+2n, f CASH f cHEcK (PAYABLE To NHc) f-AMERTCAN ExpRESs f rrrcrvlsn [*, orscove H (FOR OFFTCE USE O SETBACKS I IComme W,C-1, (*P^* 0v FLOOD l',)(,, F ^n PERMIT FEE q v p PROPERTY OlrlilER'S l,lAfi E ; Carne.on r,ranagenenr, i1,j. CITY; 611'n1,,r1.,u If UPFIT Thc Shell Penmit #: Dtiner laka ou€t Zot?' lo3l ..:..ritJtl i,., iffi;'NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PTEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICASLE TO YOUR PRO.'ECT "Proiect Responsibility'' CITY Number (office use) APPLICANT'S NAME Date PROJECT AODRESS susDtvtstoN: rZ C ztP LOT # PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: PHONE # CITYI ztP CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: BLDG TICENSE f CITY: LJ EMAIT ADDRESS:PHONE: EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration E Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: D Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation ,},},}PTEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALI. THAT APPI-Y TO YOUR PROJECTI'** E Att Garage (5F)E Det Garage (5F)_E Porch (5F) EI Sunroom (SF)I Pool (sF)! Storage Shed (5F)_ sT:iC-ztP,t o E Greenhouse (SF)E Deck (SF)E Other (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes El No TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF lfor proposed work) Heated TOTAL PROIECT COST (Less Lot): $ ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes E No ls any Electrical. Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes D No lf the project is a Relocation, isthere a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: E single Family E DuplexE Townhouse Description of Work: laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Centerwill be notified of anychanges in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. "TNOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State e and subject to fines up to 5500.00'"' Existing lmpervious Area:Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing permit: E yes E No WATERT E CFPUA El Community System E Private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA D CommunitySystem fl Private Septic E Centralseptic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: S ad PROJECI CONTACT PERSoN: -ftkpool,L< T OE-U!L€( fr enorr, 1(O :-q I ? RRt Unheated: owner/contractor: -\-+l€orofl€ S .D€r*lhtEur dE stgnature: "Licensed Quolile/ P nt Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes E No z u EI RECEIVEDAPRlPT}fi NEN HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING APPLICATI0N rvPE: COIIIIERCIAL 2ol?-L{_t?o )8- lrt;APffiA O'I Number (Of{ice us9) Ardrb PERMIT lL t- APPLICA'{T'S A}tE: DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT OCCUPANT /BUS II{ESS IIA}'IE : PROPERTY OI.INER, S NAI'IE : OI.INER, S ADDRESS: PLEAsE Al,lSLlER AtL Qu€STIONS APPLICABLT TO YO{'R PROJECT "Project ResPonsibility" CITY: - LICEiISE S: cIw: (Check Arl That APPrY) PHONE S:11 ''JJ-*tL DM -110PHONE S: ST:zt ,_LL+lZ- 5T: ZlPi t- CONTRACTOR : ADDRESS: ET,IAIL ADDRE PRO]ECT CONTACT PE PHONE S: PHO E #: es *"" REPAIRS T-] RE LOCATION;;;;;;:H-il.;*i,7,,*5 /EXIST CONSTRUCTION: ll Relocation, is there a Natural ALTE RATION Gas Line on lhetrCu REI'IOVATION rrent Site? ff GENERAL ERECT NE}I STRUCTUR FAST TRACK SHE UPFIT tr ADD TO EXIST STRUCTUREtr{ If UPFIT - The SheU Permit l:vIs Elect Pover on this Building fJ Yes NO '*+'* IS THIS A CHAI{GE lF Yes, what xas the Previous Occupancy Type? or occuPA[cY usE? r] YEs l',hat is .Kllex Occupancy Ittfi ?rrtr* PR,FEssro*AL :. PH:^ - ^lNc REG dt]::2)ay TNGR DESIGN PROFESSIOI{AL:-PH:NC REG {: DESCRIPTION OF lllORK: ls food or beverages prepaled or served in rhis structure?l:j Y ls The Property Located In The FloodplainfL Y N8crntura, t rc,ety "rn y that allinlormalion in this application is and wilh the Stale Building Code and all other apPlicable Stale r ans and so€cificalioosl.lc state 8Uq code 8ndlationscCenler will be nolified in the Not{Etl CONSTRUCTION: L_l ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: WATER SEWER SYSTEM CFPUA CFPUA BN PAYMENT METHOD ZONE 0t COMMUNITY SYSTEM CENTRAL SEPTIC l-J "{^ da Exsr LAND DtsrunatHo eenutrz f vrs J-r No T-I WELL T-[ ZONING USE CLAS Hvnre sePrtc E?otvttvturutw cOWNER/CONTRACTOR: (o!difr.4 Nole: Demolalion nolifrcations & asbestos removal appli:alons are to be submined $e applicalion lorm (DHHS-3768)|he lacilly or building was round 10 contain Asbestos or not. You are required lo call lhe Nauonal Emission Standards for HazardousAn Po uranls (NESHAP) al (919)707-5950 al lessl 10 days pnor lo ttle demolition ol any lacilhyol buildino See Asbeslos web Site: hnp:/A/vww.epi.stale.nc.us/epi/asbesloyah'np hhl TOTAL PROJECT COST 4 7z1c - gutuotNc neteHt n # OF UNITS TOTAL AREA SO FT TOTAL SO FT UNDE ACRES DISTURBED SQ FT PER FLR # OF STORIES R ROOF # OF STRUCTURES:# OF FLOORS SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA SQ FT PRoPERTY usE: floFFlcE flnrsreunarur ! MERCANTILE CONDO OTHET SIFICATION .. SEPARATE PERIVITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT. MECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP. PREFABS E INSEFTS f CASH f cHEcK (PAYABLE ro NHC) f AMERtcan exenrss l- (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) ucnrrse f-- otscoven OFFICER SETBACKS: F: LH- RH- B-- nppror"T]-BFE+2tt _AVN PERMIT FEE: :Commenl A'WC, City: DATE- FLOOD: DATE: NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: eoucl-l aerf| AI m Ig\l .Jb 2orc"aS7D )B- lrt;NEI,J HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLTCAIIOTT TYPT I COiIIIERCIAL '1 (/z APF[I6[TI6N ilunber APPLICANI,S [A''tE: DEVELOPER: PRo]ECT ADD OCCUPAiIT/BUSI ESS MfiEl PROPERTY OWNER'5 NA'iE: OI,IiIER'S ADDRESS I c0 TRACTOn I ADDRESS: lF Yes, uhat ,r, att. ,j"ttf Htfi?orsr* PRoFEsstonal: our oc(upancY TYPe? PtfASt allSHEn ALt q,lsrroals PPItc^glt To YO(,l PiOltcT "Project ResPontlbtllty"(orfl( DATI :4 PIoNE ,l Drv PHONE T, st:1 t-?.LL+IL ST:Zlg I PH PH nc tts * (-1sq (" |tt Rt6 I F aIc . LICEI{SE 'ICITY ! E',IAI L ADDR E PRO]ECT COI{TACT P (c[(i ll! lh.t lrrlY) E LOCATIOII Il Relocal,on, is lhere a Nslutal AI-TERATION Gas Llne onlhctrrrent Slte? f} 8 E TIOVAT IOII trYesl$ *' rs GT ERAT RE PAIRS T,I R ,.oc sdml.xleneo{-1.vesffEXIST COTIsTRUCTION:n il8*.orsr*r,rron :fl UNE: ERECT NEW SIRUCTUN rAsr rnAc( D 5HE UPF II n ADD TO EXI5T sIRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCT I Is Elect porer on thls Bulldlng f:i Yes YNO PHoN! sl PHONE 3; .. rs Drrt A cllAllcf 0r oacuPArlcY usErll I'lhat :r.dller occuplncy t ItJ68 DESTG PROTESSIOML L DESCRIPTION OF iDRX:2t' WELL sEtAnATF f'firl.lrIs ntoulnto t oR tLECI, MECh. PiBG, GAS €OU[}. PNTFAES I' INSFRTS ls lood or beveraoes propared or served ln this ttruclulo?f-.i Y lsI Property Locslsd ln lnlorm!lbn in $ls ls Yvih &o Stslo Buldrng Code 6 bc OWNER/CONTRACTOR: (qrd'.gl /lt #a Noio: Oomdirloo not nat0o6s E !3boil'os l.lrwal !pplr.a!6t rl! lo b. lubomd lh6 6p9k ro(| lolm (DHrls.3r68)0D Lduy or bu[dnr! ets lxrid lo co.r6ln A$eab! or nd. Yoir.r. roqul od b clt ul.l.Lud.l Ed3lron StandarG lot Nal.rdous ,rJ. Pofi,ird! IT.TESHAP) 3l (919)?o?-595O ol htsl t O O6ri P.k, ro [E donrolhbn oa.n, Lcilily o. Dtildlto saa Ait arci w.D slb: l ttrilr*v.e9l.3lrb hc,ugopirasbeslov.thp nurl 4 - gurLotNo ttEIGHT fi TOTAL AREA SO FI SQ FT PER FLRI d OF STORIES TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF:, OF STRUCTURESi I OF FLOORS: ---ACRES DISTURBED ot Exsr LANo DtsruRBtNo eenllrrr J-'vrs J- Ho NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA:SO FT EXISTING Ii,IPERVIOUS AFEA:SO FT PRoPERTY usEr gorrrce I RESTAURAN r [-'] r,,rencarurrre I-l eoucl-lt-,nprl-] cottoo olHet WATER SEWER CFPUA CFPUA COMMUNITY SYSTEM CENTRAL SEPTIC D ffiVATE SEPTIC TI ZONING U 3?our.luurw SE CI.ASSIFICATION F SYSIEM Nsl PAYMENT METHOD CASH J- cHEcx (PrYABLE To NHc) f - AMERIcAN ExPRess J- r'lcmsr f- - DlscovER R OFFICE USE ONtY) /RHo B /zoNE:l[lD oF Approval: 0 | FICER: C ity OATE nr BACKS: F: 60 LH 6 BFE+2tt -_._-- PERMIT FEE: I t-l)cCommenl tl^L ll.lO diskta- lFo S FLO lnpclron REureo, gl 0.154,gqU If UPFIr - rhe shell Permlt fl; TOTAL PROJECT COST: I ! OF UNITS: il)l 2ol? \boz LzlZ4 Windewv,^t Ed.\' SU6DrVrSrON: tlJ*:5'-'['",li:iaq ;i - ----o.,".Lj l rlc-'1.'"'5r'\il16i;;..- .r,P..')!iirr\ NEW HANOVER COUNTY EUILOING PERMIT IPPI'C rlOA/ TYPE RESIDENT1ALrrI^!r ^fi5v,/a i rL outtrDnsArP{(r3lt ro yc{li PRorta-I 'Proj..r R.roo.!lbllily" tfi -i7Lt- ffi PiOftnn Ow,'lt R't NAMt: owNtn'3aDDRt5s: coNiFAcroR - Lr.\c,ru. AoDnrst:- .:t rl: -.ila:\.. - O D.l c.ri6e lst)__ i r Poorlsrl I i Por(n(!t).-, _-_* rl Srorrr. Sried (S,)._.. ,.1.( , t'. iCII} tr-\ \l UP. ) l' ,.'arnrr r,*-[/-!:L_ sr' jX- nP,:bfc( _ rM^rr aoDnrle: r- ",,-!_]: [.!'t1=., ^^ .\r.r\-is!!c,..1_r.r-r:, . *- _-- _ -- p]ioN!:: \l-Ia . JnJ ? pBo,rc, conr^cr prf,soN \-,r.".,-(. .G,\1,',,,.' (xltTlN6 COt{5Int,CIrON. : ^lrcrit'o^ | ,/hcnovrl'o. . 6r.rrain.prn\ N tW CONSTnU CI lONr ' I €r.cl Ncw Rllldro(l :J Addirioh 10 txilriiS Rcsidcn.o ll nl]b.atio. ...PLtAst ChtCX AN0 ANSWtl0SLOWArt TfIATAP?IY rO YOUi PROrtCr"' CITY ,ron, /]A't\)!.: 11,,. :l Atr6.,.Eelst) --,*_ 'i slr,oom 151). t J G.o€nnour. (Stl -. __ ir Detk(5r) ,__._. ;'1 Other{la} .r rha p,ooor.d worl( (hJng'n8 the.!trt,.,loorpr,nP -l ,$ 6' No roi L!O,rUilOtBnOOtllo,,,ooo..deott) 8.al.d:, . r lrlll) -- u.r,..,.d,, -,f. ror r Piorrcrco!r {(.ri (o,t, s- rlr..frrc Ir rhe propoe€d wor t( ch..El.E tht .um brr ol bcd,ocmr I I ) Yo r (?'Xo banv al..td..l, Plumblq or M..hr.l.rlwo,t oeinE do.. to tho A.cesiory Slru.lrie L1.3 n No rlthep.oi.<r h. i.lo(.tlo^, i5 therc. .ru,al6ar l,!n. on trre(u(enltitc? i:l Y.r t no rrrh!r. trc.lnc.l Pow.r on thi! 8u,ldi68l1- Y.r :: o orttl rMatr I rr,rtry (c4ny rtn ,l rnt ds,nrird . rht .Ddtrto r.d,.d hd .*,!l *rl rdn ry k{h il. tr.. 8ldllna (d. .,r .b dtu. .pd.dr. 5uL lird h( Ih*rr6ddddE.r.d r.ad,i r }1l. .n( orntoD.*.r n.ri.r C.ir., illl r. idr.d o,.?r rnsa.r d ri..op.o.d errG.^a rr.(rr..u@! d .h.^a.6.6r-d.i o*n.,/conr,..ro,i, f\"-(.P, {a!.t!'- r,r n-..y':).- a. /---'t^."t.do,bnld \ ta' h rlrc prop.rry rocatcd,n o lroodrrainT wt \/a o f rlrtiry lmpeNlolr Area i ._ Sq rt Tor.l A(.c. Olrlu.t.d: . N.e lmp..vlour A,.. | . ___ 5q f t frhri.it.nd Ottto.btq ?..Rtt _ ye. il Xo H,ii fj::::,;:"::::;:;,1":: ,';.,:::l*. :;#lj.li^.-ro.-: xro16 oarnbaxuqpthulrlis .* -(-isoun", P(-L s",u,,r,trt NIA tld)i.)/A raH) ^!/A r8l ,\j/A rpprovat -W_ qny lL!! o"r". t//?f[frr"oo. rnr .tvt _ (N, ), u{.2ft.e"^^,* _ lllgviol vso<v a,l1 no cha41L. ir clir\ e,.^g;;-.,* , T>tV_t{Goz_ alt Date lfi-v6LI e:NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDlNG PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAt PI-EASE ANSWER ALT QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibiliv' ctw APPTICA E: application Number (office use) )o (6 PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDtvtstoN:i.-- d.\ # ztP (PHON€ # CITY*lq4t ctw o- BLDG LICENSE gc{) ztP: iJf,40{ PROPERTY OwNEBS NAMEr OWNER'S ADDRESS: u1CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: C sr: 4{-zP: }8Yry PHONE ql6- 9''1c: -?at >TMAIL ADDRESS: Owner/Contractor: "Licehsed QuoliJier" PHONE 4lo - t1t"- 7"9 /_ EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration {Renovation E General Repairsw- NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Resid€nce E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation ..*PLEASE CHECI( AND ANSWER BETOW ATTTHAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT'" PROJECT CONTACT PERSON tr Att Garage (SF)_E Det Garage (SF)_ D Greenhouse (SF)! Deck (SF) TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): 5 ooo Property Use/ Occupan SinSle F Duplex p T u tr Porch (SF) n Storag€ Shed (SF)_ n Other (SF) ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? fl Yes E/No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure Ef'Yes ! No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? D Yes F., o ls there Electrical Power on this Buildingg/! Ves D no ?{tRPR l8 I r36PliheeryDescription of work: "A*r laws and ordinances and regulatiohs. The NHC Development Services Centerwillbe notified ofanychanges in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information. **+NOTE: any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Bldg Code and subject to fines up to S50O.@..* c0 Co\an"Signature:,-\ ls the property located in a floodplain? a Yes dNo Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: L- Yes n No wAfER: y'CFPUA n Community System ! Private well n Central Well n Aqua SEWER: U/'CFPUA ! Community System n Private Septic n Centralseptic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (l,H) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Dater _ Flood; (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BtE+2ft= _Comment: Permit tee: S qb0- ! Sunroom (SF)! Pool (SF) _ ls the proposed work changing the existinB footprint? tr V", tzltlo TOTAL sQ FT UNDER ROOF llor proposed work) Heated: aDL(D Unheated: O c,zt--- ..1 ,i,. ..,S,'' Clcar Form Prihl 2rY?'qrooY r6-l)U1 Appllcation (oflice use) APPLICANTS TTAME:lnalral'l Ar6c ln.Date: 4/1 '1118 PROJECT ADDRESS:2noc Mi.l.lla Snr rn.l I non R d CITY: Wilminolon ZIP:28411 SUBDlVlSlOl{: C\cean Vipw Harnett LOf fr, 72 PROPERTY OWt{ER'S I{AME: Rnnald * Parrla Sr:ne PHo E$: (919) 624-3747 OWI{ER'S ADDRESS: 7413 Htur<awrcn Plrr:p ctw Flrloiah ztP: 27613 CONTRACTOR: lngram Bros., lnc. BLDG LICENSE #:€&l8O- ADDRESS: 1706 Cestlc Sircet EMAIL ADDRESS: Droiects(ainorambros nel PHoNE: (9101 762-9695 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:D:la Alhranht PHONE: (910) 762 9695 EXEnI{G COI{STRUCnO T E Atteration I Renoyataon D General Repairs NEW€O STnUCnOI{: n Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence ! Relocation ...PI.EASE CHECK A'{D ANSWER BETOW AIL THAT APPTY TO YOUN PROJECT..' ! Aft Garage (SF) _n Det Garase ISF) D Sunroom (sF)_tr Pool (sF) n 6reenhouse (SF)tr Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changinS the existing footprint? n Yes 5a No TOTAI SQ FT UI{DERROOF Aor proposed workl Healedi TOTAL PROJECT CoST (Less Lot): S25J32n0_ Unheated:400 z4flPR l8 I ? r 17Pr1 ls the proposed work changingthe numberof bedrooms? [] Yes El o ls any Ehctrical, Plumbing or MedEnkal work being done to the Accessory Structure E[ Yes I t{o lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? O Yes E No ls there ElectricalPower on this Euilding? El Y6 E No property Use/ Occupancy: 8l Single Famih n Dupler I Torrnhouse Description ot Work: DISCLAIiIER: I h€reby cenifythat allthe intormalion in this application is.orrect and allwork will comply with the State Eutlding Code and ble State and lo.al laws and ordinan.es and reeulations. The NHc Development Services center willbe notified ofany chanSes in the approved plana and information. "'NOTE: Any work pertorhed withoutthe approprlate permlts wlllbe in vlolation ofthe NC State Btds Cod€ and su Oflnerlcontractor: Dale AlhrF.hl Signatute:'LicensedQuoliff Print No/,I,e lsthe propertylocated in a floodplain? ! Ycc D!, t{o €xisung lmpervlous Area: 2223 Sq Pt trle{, lmpervious A.eat 2823 Sq Ft Eristing Land Disturbing Permiti ! Yes n o WATER: E CFPUA E Community System D Private Well n Central Well ! Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA ! Community System E Private Septic D Centralseptic E Aqua Zone; _ Officen _ Setback (f) _ (LH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ ApproEl: _ Ctty: _ Date: _ Flood: {A} _ (V) _ (tU _ BrE+2ft= a Total Acres Disturted :o IComment:Permit Fee: $ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibili$' CITY: Wilmington ST: |lQ_ ZIP: 28403 tr Porch (SF) _ E Storage Shed (SF) 160 E Other (SF) Carport - 440 @ Clear Folm Print t Application (orfice use) NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAI PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECI "Proiect Responsibilit/ AppLtCANfS NAME: Ronnie Cook Date. 4-24-2018 pRorECT A9DRESS: 114 Deerwood Drive C|TY. Wilmington ztP.28/.05 SUBDtVtStON: Brookfield IOT #- 241 pROpERW OryNER,5 pap1g, Robert Hodges pHsitgs.910-619-5187 OWNER'S ADDRESS:CITY ztP CoNTRACT9R: Coastal Living Homes, LLC 611y. Rocky Point BLDG LICENSE f ST: NC 73344 ADDRESS: 103 Spring Chase Lane 4p. 28457 EMAII ADDRESS: ronnie@coastallivinghomesllc.com p116119.910-520-5946 pROJECT CONTACT pgp591. Ronnie Cook pg6xs. 910-520-5946 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration ! Renovation [] General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTIOT{: [] Erect New Residence = Additionto Existing Residence ! Relocation ..JPLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BEI,OW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT**' tr Att Garage (5F)tr Det Garage (sF)_E Porch (SF)322 ! sunroom (sF)tr Pool (SF)E Storage Shed (SF) _ J Greenhouse (SF) TOTAT SQ FT UIiIDERROOF Aor prcposed workl Heated:7 gnhg31edl 322 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 135,000 CFPUA E Community System E Private Well E Central Well E Aqua CFPUA E Community System E Private Septic E Centralseptic E Aqua zgHPl 18 lt:t ?BH lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E lto lsany Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes E No lfthe project is a Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes E No lsthere Electrical Poweronthis Building? E Yes E tto Property Use/ Occupancy: E Single Family E Duplex ! Townhouse Descripti on of Work: An addition of a living room, kitchen, bathroom and screen porch to the rear of the existing home laws and ordinances and re8ulations. The NHC Development Services Centerwillbe notified ofany changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contradorjnformation. "'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits willbe in violation ofthe BldS Code and subiectto fines up to 55m.0O..* Owner/Contractor: Ronnie Cook Signature: "Licensed QuoliJiet'' Print Nome lsthe propertvlocated in afloodplain? E Yes E ttto Existint lmpervious Ar€a: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area: Sq Ft ExistinS Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes E lto \ \ Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tHl _ (RH) _ (Bl _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ WATER: SEWER: Comment:Permit Fee: S qlD 2otY'qt'alO I D- (a'1 f n Deck (sF)_= other (sF) 754 ls the proposed work changing the existin8 footprint? = Yes n No ?at?- v{G te NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT AP PL I CAf ION TY PN RESIDENTIAL PLTAST ANSWIR AI L QUESTIONS APPIICASTE TO YOUR PROJTCI "Proje.t Responslbllity' \g " \ )'14- APPIICANT'S NAME PRO.,ECT ANDRTSS 5UBDIVISION: PROPERTY OWNTR'S NAMI: OWNER'S ADDRESS R"^d Dater o '2ot8 clTY: V.'l-".^ztP: z;j (l Q ,l ,6r; PHON[ ,, ctT.r: b AP:2A \l a'l CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: IMAII- ADDRESS -3aL Br-DG UCENST d: 5T:CITY ztP PHON T PROJTCT CONTACI PERSON C Att Gara8e (Sf) _ a-l Su0room {Sf} fl Greenhouse (St)__ al tXlSTlN6 CONSTRUCIIONT I i Altcr0tion -1lRenovalion L J General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: D ErectNew Residencc [l Addition to Existing Residence D Relocation r..PI.EASf CHTC( AND ANSWER BttOW AI.I.IHAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT" ' D Det Gara8e (Sf )__ Ll Pool{5r) n Porch (5t) I Storage Shed (S[]__ Ll Deck (SF)Ll Other (SF) ls the proposed work chan8in8 the existinS footprint? O Yes F No IOTAT Sq FI UNOER ROOI Uot ptoposed wotkl Heated *_l:G? - Unheatedi '__ TOIAI- pROTECT COST ltess Lot). S - q (_'/ - 19 the proposed work chan8inS the number of bedrooms? 0 Yes F, No ls any Electrlcal, Plu mblnt or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure C yei F No It the project is a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Ga5 Line on the current site? D yes rFf No ls there Electrical Power on thi5 Sulldtng?/! Yes Ll No Property Usc/ Occupancy F Slngle family fl Duplerll Townhoure Des.rlptlon ol Workr ---., l.wt and odanancer and regulatlons, Ihe NHC Oclrlopm€nt S€Ntces Cenl€r wittbe noti,ied ol any chanSe, in lhe.ppro!€d plans and ,pecilkationi o( change in (ont.rclorl.lormarion'..NOIIrAnyworkperformedu/lhoullheapprogrialepe.mjtjwiIbeinviotarionolrheNCstateBtdBCode.ndruble(tor,neruptoS50o.0O... SISnature:11<.-\.-nlOwner/Contractor "Lrcen5c.1 QuoliJie i o ls the propcrty located in a lloodplain? O yes [xlsllnS lmpervioui Area: Sq ft New lmpervlour Area Sq Ft WA]TR f/ creua : comnrunity Syetem Existing l-and DlsturblnS permlt: :, yes -l No ll PrivateWell .j CenlralWell tl Aqua L'l Private Septic a CentralSeptic O Aqua (, r,rl f,w. stwt Zone;5 Approvat;. fl:_ citv, lt!!l_ o"te' PUA :J Comnrunity Syttenr olficer: -812- setback R CF )\#(rH)FrA(RH)^/A (8)NiA ' ln:pxlion freqllrco, g I 0.2i 4.0gA)Flood: {A) {v) -_ {N)8FE+2ft= con,n,ont: {wleYi o( wo{le F lpfl/rf,Pernrlt r"e, 5 ffi A 1 Pxone: I01-99Ll - /71zt- Total A(res Dliturbed: _------ ott^\ NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLTCATION rYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Project Responsibility'' /1 ctw PHONE 8 CITY: CITY PHONE: tr Deck (SF) 2d(?-L{GiL \g - \ )'1& Applicetion Number (office use) APPLICANT'S NAME:Date: () Y 2ol8 ZIP 28 oqPROJECT AODRESS: SUBDIVISION: CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS: f: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWNER'S ADDRESS: -l b8 ztP:2gi01 BLDG LICENSE # ST:ztP EMAIL ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON ar ExlsTlNG CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration P/Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: D Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation '*.PTEASE CHECI( AND ANSWER BELOW AI.I, THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT*T* tr Att Garage (SF)_E Det Garage (SF)_! Porch (SF) n Sunroom (SF)tr Pool (SF) PH}Ne 207-49 4 - /7/, P I Storage Shed (SF)_ tr Other (SF)E Greenhouse (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes F No TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROO! Aor proposed work) Heated:lC1- unheated: TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less lot): $24 L't- lstheproposedworkchanginBthenumberof bedrooms? D Yes E No ls any Electrical, Plumbin8 or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes F No lf the projectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? ! Yes F*ols there Electrical Power on this BuildinB?p Property Use/ Occupancy:F single Family Description of work: Yes ! No n Duplex tr Townhous€ laws and ordinancesand regulations. The NHC Development SeNices Center willbe notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractor information.+*'NOTI:AnyworkperformedwithouttheappropriatepermitswillbeinviolationoftheNCStateBldgCodeandsubjecttofinesupto5500.00'r* Owner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolifier" Signature:.Z F No f,il TotalAcres Disturbed: Existing Land Disturbing Permit: ! Yes E No WATER: SEWER: CFPUA ! Community System ! Private Well ! Central Well E Aqua CFPUA tr CommunitySystem ! PrivateSeptic ! CentralSeptic E Aqua zone: _ ofricer: _ setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (8) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (v) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment: permit Fee: S dz*/n ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft New lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft APPLICANT'S NAME: Zarc-\G (L \g - t I'1& applr(adon PROPERTY OWNTR'S NAMEI owNER',S A00RtSS: PRO,,ECT ADDRESSJ 5UBDlvlSlONl CONTRACTOR ADORESST NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATION TY Pf,: RESIDENTIAI PTEASE ANsWER AI.L QUfSTIONS APPI-ICAOLE IO YOUR PROJEc1 "Prol€ct Responslblllty'' ctw; PHONE li ctw: CITY PHONE: l?l PHONE z0i-q9q'/7bP x Date o,t/z 12otB ztP -t b ztP:2a 9o'l BIOG LICINSE fl: ST: PRO'ECT CONTAO PERSONI EXISIING CONSTRUCIIONT E Alteration EllRenovation 0 GeneralRepairs NEW CONSIRUCTION: ! Erect New Residence D Addltlon to txlstlnS R€sldence O Relo.ation r..PIEAST CHTCX AND ANSWER BEI.OW AI.T THAT APPTYTO YOUR PRO,|ICI"' 0 Att Gara8e (Stl- 0 sunroom {Sf)_ 0 Greenhouse ISF)_ E Det Garage (sfl _tr Porch (5t) tr Pool(St) tMAIL A0DRESS! 0escrlptlon ol Workl Ao,/nr,4A 0 oeck (SF) ls the proposed work chan8lng the existing footprint? E Yer F No TOTAI SQ FT UNDER ROOI lfot ptoposed wort) Heated: TOTAT PROTECT COST lLess Lotl:5 24 L,t- Property Use/ Occupancyi F Slngl€ Famlly D Duplex fl Townhouie ls the proposed work chan8lns the oumber ofbedrooms? D ysi F l{o li any Electrlcal, Plumblng or Mechanlcal work belng done to the Accessory Structure O yes F No lf the proiect ls a Reloaatlon, ls there a Natural Gar une on the current site? E yes rl No ls there Eleqtric.l Power on thls Sulldlnt?p Y€s E tao c-+ E StoraSe Shed {St)_ tr Otherlst) unh€ated OlSCtAlMtR: I hereby(erufythrt allthe lnfo.malon tn tht law! and ordhanaeiand reSulatlon!. TteNHC Oev€lopme lnforma tlon. . .. NOIC: Any wo.k ,adorm€d wlthout the t irpplla ion k (o.r.at and.rlrvork *ilr.ompry with rh€ srare Bufldlng code.nd al o$er apprkabre srate an{, rocarnt Servkes Cenl€r wtllbe nolllled of any ahan8el ln ltE appaovad pt!n3 rnd ,paclltcatlon, or change ln (ont.actorpproprl.l€ permltsrdllbe to vtot.tton o[lh. NCStrte aut€od. and,lbiect to nna$ ur to gS@ 0d... Owner/Contractor 'Uc.nscd Qualilie." SlBnature:'v ls the p.operty located in a floodplain? O yet Irl'llng lmpewlous Area: -- Sq tt New lmpeavlousArea:Sq Ft Exlsting tand Dlstu,blng P€rmlti E yes 0 No WAIER: ,!y'CFPUA O Communitysystem O privatewe tr Ceorralwelt E Aqua F No S EWEnt dl ctfizPUA E Community System D private Septic D Centralsepdc O Aqua )_N0 Ai,hspxlion flequrea,Zone:otttcer: DfG setuack trnt NlArnnr rr/A rsr AdA Approvali Co.nmanti cttyr ILlt{ oater Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N)8Fl+2fr: rmlt iee: S 9t0.254.09a) TotalAcres Dlsturbedl ---#oa m NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P LICATIO N ryPEi RESI DENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUE5TIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project ResponsibilitY' t6, o5 Ft {cYr Cf rcLRJ CITY ?o ts-tAry t6'tooo Applacation Number Ioffice use) Date: B-)6-)ora ZIP: )€\ APPLICANT'S NAME: PROJECT AODRESS: suBDtvtsroN: t( LOT #: PROPERTY OWN€R'S NAME: owNEPs ADDRESS: (64 lk,O To;kn Crcet PHoNE fi: 11O.S{ ) . 3c)\t CITY:kz{'"rra6{.vr zlP: )E\ ll BLDG LICENSE #: ST: Mr-lct. tCONTRACTOR ADDRESS:CITY ZlPl EMAIL AoDRESS: 'A/\A 6l.o lsl trl*trp -roA PHON E PROJECT CONTACT PERSON Irl. Mr+"t t\ PHoNE: ?o s+ 36J\ ExlSTlNG CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration ! Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: n Erect New Residence E Additionto Existing Residence ! Relocation '.,}.}PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT'}* fi Det Garaee (SF)! Porch (SF) n Pool (SF)! Storage Shed (5F)_ E Greenhouse (SF) | Deck (5r) 3?1 sr ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes I No TOrAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF (Jor proposed work) Heated:unheated: TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S fuo ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? fl Yes li No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYeslNo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? n Yes f No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? tr Yes I No Property Use/ Occupancy: ll Single Family tr Duplexf] Townhouse tr Other (SF) 1r:18PFl 1g Br?gBN Description of work: laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Serviceg Centerwill be notified ofany changes in the approved plans and specifications orchange in contractor informarion. +..NOTI: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Bldg Code and subject to fines up to S50O.00'+' 7ru///Signature:Owner/Contractori (:t. fil J-]ltt "Licensed Quolifier" Pint Nome ls the propeny located in a floodplain? El Yes i No ...-- ( Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Areai Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: D Yes ! No WATER: N CFPUA tr Community System ! Private Well n Central well fl Aqua SEWER: ! CFPUA tr Community System N Private Septic fl Centralseptic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: - Setbacks (F) - (tH) - (RH) - (B) -Approvali _ City: - Date: - Flood: (A) - (v) - (N) - BFE+2ft= - \Comment:Permit Fee: S "*tY n Att Garage (SF)- tr Sunroom (SF)_ 1 Clear Fo.m Prlnt sMall NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT AP P LIUTIO N TYPE, RESI0ENTTAL PLEASE ANSWTR ALI- QUISTIONS APPIICASI.E TO YOUR PROJ€CT "Project Re5ponrlblllV' /otf-L-l (a ib {8- BDk (orfi.! ur.) APPI,ICANT'S AMEI Oalei 5.t6 zlP LOT fl gtD6 CTNSE I sr,tc ztp, R343{ 3 PRO.,ECT ADDRESS: suBotvtstoN: ,A/7 crrY: /.,O, /n' PROPERTY OWNER'5 NAMEI o OWNER'S ADDRISSI CONTRACTOR AD0&tss: EMAIt A0DRE55l Ct PHO E 'Ii-?u33? -"(.a,tlc. ztp,Q?,a){ . 5t11ct L CITY:/) CITY 6r,l ./3e <' ON tl PHONE:.{?) //q7-PRO.,TgT CONTACT PERSON (r v < )n (-c>,er €XlSIlt{6 CONSIRUCTION; /Alteration ! Renovation;fi Gencral Repair5 NEW CONSTiUCTION: :l Erect NewRcsldencc O Additlon to €xlsting Resldence n Rclocation ...PLCASE CHECI( AND ANSWER 8TI.OW ATI THAT APPIY TO YOUT PROIECI"' 0 Sunroom (5t)_ lf Att Garage {Sr}-- l_l Greenhouse (SF)_ n Det 6ara8e {St)__tr Porch (Stl__- E Pool {sFl_tr StoraSe Shed (5r)_ I Other (St) ls the proposed wo.k changing the exlsting tootprint? [f Yes L'] No TOTA( 5Q FI UtlDtR ROOF Vor prcposcd wo.k) Heatcd:I8EU t nheated: ToTAI PAorEcT coST (Lesi tot): S lr the proposed wo.k chan8ins the number of b€drooms? n Yei ,Id fio lsanyElectrl(al,PlumblngorMechanlcalworkbelngdonetotheAccessoryStructurenYrsnNo lftheproJecthaBeloaatlon,lsthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentslte?DYerDNo ,s there tlectrical Power on lhls Bulldlng? p Ves O tto Property Use/ Octup Descrlptlon ot Worki anay;SlnSle Famlly E Duplex O Townhols€ tl Deck lst) NCLu) lhe.pproprielc pcrmrlry/illb. h vlol.tlon otlh. NC ( rft 1- .nd rubj.cl to tln.i up to t5m m'r. F lawe.nd ordln.n(€5;nd re(ullllotrs, The NHC D€v€lopm.nt Servcer Cehler willbG nouned of .ny .h.n8a! ln the .pgroved pl.nr and spedic. o.r or.hrnge jD (onrrador "Li.ehted Qudltlcf ls the property located in a floodplain? t-l Ves dlo ExlstlnS lmplrvloui Arca: _ 5q ft TotalAcr.r Olsturbcd: N€w lmpe.vlour AIaa: .-.Sq Ft Erl$thg Land Olstsrblng Permlti :l Y€s C No WATEN:f{ CfrUO A Communlty syltem n Private Well [] CentralWell :l Aqua Owlror/C Approval: Comment; ontlacto, wort pqdo.med without/1,/ 6,14 Slgnaturer srwEir u/cFPUA 0 ,",.,R-) CHRl,'ad,*;:l dftr**rV[ ro dF CommunitySystem 0 P.ivatcSeptic Q CentralSeptac [J Aqua D((, s"tu Cfty: W Date:)- {v}- (N} x Btfr2ft= C:;,'lrrclion Requreo, g j0.:54 ,1101 $ee X 9F"P 1")a'(-o ae\8- 3-36 I NJrt{ge-l,,is- fo (JStce- . : t ., 'affi' I I I l.ll'li! I :r I r..: r-1. Application (offic€ use) Clear Form Print eMail NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APP LICATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAt PLEASE ANSWER ALI. QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PROIECT "Proiect Responsibiliv' {}\ APPLICANT'S NAME Ntl)vn bes.s Date 3.t3.t8 PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDtvlstoN: /Y /7b\CITY LOiLx ztP: V?qrV LOT # PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:o OWNER,S ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR ADORESS: EMAIL ADDRESS:t"l PRO,IECT CONTACT PERSON PHONE #:3 a+ &z Z"s- tle zt*Q?tt){ BLD6 LICENSE d: s1/c zp: a84gg oNt pHoNEt %F), L{?} / / VZ_ ^J ctw ctw 5,i/o L v < ta .)/t\ / EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: U AlLeration ! Renovation iE General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: I Erect New Residence fl Additionto Existing Residence n Relocation T..PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ATL THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT*IT' ! Att Garage (SF)_ ! Sunroom (SF) E Greenhouse (SF) El Det Gara8e (SF)_ ! Pool (SF) D Deck (SF) tr Porch (SF) tr Storage Shed (5F) n other (SF) TOTAI Sq FT UNDERROOF ffor proposed work) Heated:I 8 EU Unheatedi ToTAt PRoJECT coST (Less Lot): S ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ! Yes C No lsanyElectrical,PlumblngorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructurenYesENo lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natura I Gas Lin€ on the current site? E Yes n No lsthere Electrical Poweron this Building? F Yes tr No l4|t8P 1:3 1 {1 : $ Property Use/ Occupancy:Single Famlly n Duplex I Townhouse Descrlption of Work:L EC nd (r mrn U(2(,te- DISCLAIMER: I her€by certirthat allthe information in this application is correct and allwork willcomplywith the State Euilding Code and allother appticabte State and local laws ahd ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Servaces Center will be hotifled of any changes in the approved plans and specificatiohs or change in contractor ( rir information. "'NOTE: An Owner/Contractor: "Licensed QudIiJier" y wo* pgormed /1,1/ without the appropriate permits will be in violation ofthe NC Sitnature:a-/ e and subject to fines up to 5500.00".r ls the property located in a floodplain? fl Yes dNo Existing lmp€rvious Ar€a: _ Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: N€w lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existlng Land Disturbing Permitr n Yes ! No WATER: E/CFPUA n Community System ! private Well fl Central Well E Aqua SEmR: TCFPUA n Community System E Private Septic n Central Septic ! Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Ftood: (Al _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ t QN Permit Fee: IComment: X 5W vc.<--Or&ex- JcltS- aj6 t M-$+ gc- Pr:4 P'is- tc (S5tr<- 7or3-4bib l8- gDt€rffi I ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes n No -<o$LZ EIVE 0 APR 16 ?00 2<>t8 Vbt? \))t^ Clear Form Print eMail NEId HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERIiIIT APPLICATI1N TypE: COIIMERCIAL PL€ASE ANSI./ER ALL QUESTIONS APPL]CABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICANT'S NAI'IE: Norrh American Roofinq D€VELOPER: :l t3-/zc ( AFFITEATTo-N Numben (office Use) DATE:4/19/t8 PRO]ECT ADORE55:210 Eastwood Road CITY: wi t mirgton OCCUPANT/EUSINESS NAr,lE: rionre Decor *3629 PROPERTY ottNER'S NAI'IE: Hrne _ep .L r.5.A., :n: OWNER., CONTRACTOR: Norr.h American Roofing ADDRESS: 1402S Riveredse Drive PHONE +: S ADDRESS: 2455 Paces Ferry Road, Etoor g-9- CITY: ast6116 ST: 6s ZIP:3g33s , Suite 600 LICENSE #: 37.74 CITY:.--^,ST: p1 ZIP: t:e :r -PHONE #: 813-115-l,t7CEl'lAI L ADDRESS: rpere rman6 na roof in9. CCm PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: Ron petelman PHONE f: Bil-115-.14tC EXIST CONSTRUCTION lf Relocation, is there a N No NEW CONSTRUCTToN: E ERECT NEW STRUCTURE EACCESSoRY STRUCTURE: p7s : N ALTERATIoN atural Gas Line on the urrent Site?r.GENERAL REPAIRS lf. No ls BLDG S RE LOCATION KLERED{f _ YesJ- RENOVATION nPRIN (Check A11 rhat Apply) es FAST TRACK SHELL n UPFrT I ADD TO EXIST STRUCTURE If UPFII - The SheLl Permit S: *r.r.*' rs THJS A CIJANGE 0F OCCUPANCY UsE? r: yES lr.IF Yes, what lras the Prevlous Occupancy Type? _ l{hit 15 tha' IXEfi?orrror PR.FESSToNAL r N76 Is Elect Pouer on this Building f Yes r NO NeH 0ccupancy PH NC RE6 #: lC nrc *:-EN€R DESIGI'I PROFESSIONAL i-N/A , PH: DESCRIPTION OF !.JORK: R.iI-u. ..d ,.or"..{24) smokehatches !,rith aLl related curbs and fLashing ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure?l-- vesfi- ruo ls The Prope(y Located ln The Ftoodptainf _ YesJi N8Cutuen, t fr"r"Uy ""rlify that all inlormatioh in rhas applicarion is correct End allwork willcomply wilh the State Euilding Code and allother appljcabls Stateand locallaws and ordinances and regulalions- or chanoe in contrac!or or conlractor in{ormalloSubledlo Frnes Up To 5500.00"' evelogmenl Servic€s Ceoter wAny Work Perlomed W/O rhe Appropriate Peanv cha rmrls willn. "'NOTE and OWNER/CONTRACTOR: Dwishr Marwede SIGNATURE: .ooLain Asboslos o! nol. You ar€ requir.d !o call$e National Emissioo Staodards fo. Hazardous Air Polluranrs (NESHAP)ar (919)7075950 at teas! tO days prio o tho demolalion of any fscilily or buildlng. 566 Asbestos Web Slt€: http:/Arww.epi.star€.nc.uyepi/asb3srovahmp.hhl TOTAL PROJECT COST: 37,464 BUILDING HEIGHT: 25. #oFUNITS: The NHC D TorAL AREA se Fr, ro:Ef- se FT pER FLR ToTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF:19:, re2 # OF STRUCTURES: 1 ACRES DISTURBED NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: ill be nolilled of o{ans and soecificali'NC Srale Bldg Code # OF STORIES: 1 # OF FLOORS: r. EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? TYES T NO SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: r'MERCANTILE EDUcJ-Leerncor.roo OTHEF6erungrg is1 SQ FT PROPERTY USE !oFFrcE ! nrsraunnrr WATER: SEWER: SYSTEM CFPUA CFPUA COMMUNITY SYSTEN,4 oENTRAL SEPIC l--} N WELL NZONING USE CLAS FrFllvATE SEPTTC BTOMMUNTTY SIFICATION .' SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, Ii,4ECH PLBG, GAS EOUIP. PREFABS & INSERTS PAYMENT I\4ETHOD [- clsr l-r criecK (eAvABLE To NHc) f] AMERIcAN ExpRESs l-,_ rvrcnrrse fl_ _ otscovER ZONE: OFFICER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:LH RHApproval:_ City:_ DATE_ FLOOD:_ BFE+2ft,_AVNComment PERMIT FEE: I B Czt(F II PHONE *: ZIP | 2g4c5 c YEO APR 1 NEW 0 ?0t C,e.r Form Prlnt oMrll HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPL ICAIIoN rYPEr C0I4|'1ERCIAL Fla^sE lNst/tR aL( qfsrloxs Aprttcaott l0 yq/R p8orE(r "P!-oJsct Rospon51blllty', 2c>(?Vb i7 Cii" ln:orclion Reourreo, g'10.154 q00 It-/z c q 1-t' v\aEFrIrIITON l,lumbe. (offlc. ur.) rl APPLlCANT'5 llAll€: ri:i!h Anerl(:al1 &ooir.,J .DATE:n/l)/..\ 0EVEL0PER r PHoti€ ll I PffOJECT A i 210 E.s tr{ood Boad 0CCUPAIIT/SUSIIIESS NAr,l€ I ;iohc oeaor tl629 PRoPEnIY ol.lN€n'S A.tlE I Hcre oo C0NTRACTOR: Norrh Anor 1c6o t(ooftng A00R€551 11925 Rlveredsa Drive , sul!e 600 OI'I{ER' 5 AODREsS ! ,455 eaces F€rry Ror.l, Ftoo! C-9.5T:61 ZIPt3g333 - LICTNSE fll ll5?4 CITYr r.rrden 5Tt "L zIP: t36l r g^UM00RESS r PRO'ECT CONTAC WATER SEWER SYSTE[1 eteroan0 ni roo { I I Ron Pc! e r:rao PHONE ':8lt-.tlt-,1,170 PHoNE l; 8t)-lrs-.t1rC ((h..r rll lh.l r9c! rlExISI CoNSIRUCIloft: f]ll Relocalion, 19 there a Nalura ALT€RATION lGas Lino on lhe TI RENOVAIION M6ENERAT REPAIRS T-I NE tri,renr s.rs.r ;-.66. ruo rs eLoG spttt&xr LOCATION ERED{i- Yos[-_ NoNar./ coNsTRUcTroNr n EREcr NEH srRUcruRE EFAsr TnAcK n sHELr ACCESS0RY STAUIIUIE: x71 E uPFrl D ADo To ExrsT sTRUcruRE If UPFIT - The Shell Permit ,:Is Elect PoHer on thls Sulldthg f Y,.t s r uc *... ts THIS A cllaNGE oF occupallcy usEtf yEs li; flo '....L Yer, lJh.t rr.s the Prevlour oc(up.n(y Type? - l{hit lr th. llep o((up.ncy IX8fi lorrrun PRorEssro*Lr N/^PH: EN6R 0€SIGN PROFESSToNAL r-iin Pll HC RE6 {r Na nE6 '. ls rood or bevoragos prepared or3erv6d i,! lhls rtructuro?f' Yosft. No ls Tho Prope(y Locored ln Tho Floodplai^f! Yq{i: DiscLArtlER: lnoroby.onry rh.r arrh,ormarlon in rhlr spollcllon Bco(o.r.nd dl *ork wirl.ompv wllh rho end hral laqt ond odrr.o.t! .nd r.cul3uo.tt. Tho NHC O.voloprtonl SaMcot C.nl0r wiI bt rp[r6d or.riy 9,9".*$ FrT,,r"r"iTgdEB6rcro, h,o.n!xon. r"NorE: Anv Yro,t P'.rorm{d w/o rh. App.oprrors Po nrr Stllr Aurding Coda and a[o$orappt,c{bh Slato olsD3.nd 5Ncincs!o.iNC Srrlo Sldo Cod. r.d OWNERi CONTRACIOR: u',v i,1rrt trar'.rcae SIGNATURE TOTA! PROJeCT COST| 3?,,r6(BUILoINO HEIGHTT 25,I] OF UNITS TOTALAREASQFTi IO]332 SO FT PER FtR rl OF SIORIES: 1 rOIAL SO FT UNDER ROOF:-191"191_ TioFSTRUCIURES: 1 ,/ OF FLOORS Exsr LAND orsruRBrNG pERMrr? J-ryEs f No NEW I1!lPERVIOUS AREA: PROPERTY USE noFFrcE ! nesraunanr ue RcmrteI eouc[,eer[ coroo OTHEtconliro.c iar E COMMUNITY SYSTEN'CFPUA CFPUA oENTRAL SEPTIC I r-I WELL T1 ZONING U Hvere seprrc 5?or,ruuurrv- sltlnATE pEFr{lts tl[ourHE0 Foli H.Ecr, Macfl PLSo,Grs€oljrp PrtErAEsaltsEATs PAYMENT METHOo| ;-,CnSn li;o-rEcK (pAyABLE To NHc) f .AMERrc^N ExpREss f - Mc^/tsA f-. - otscoven FOn OFFTCE rlSE ONI.Y) Nob. o.dloarm.orfiartslr t !rD.rb! rdw.lpddt .pp{..litri rt.lo b. iub.,lt.d !..V LL.9t (!lJo.lor'n l0Htl}3768i rh.lrr.r rr l.ciiv or ur!d.4,a. h,n Io coiorrtalaaro$mr Yos lrl..!uk.d rocr! rho N.UoorlE, ,rio, Srrdj.r(h lo. H!:rdou! & Porurlr (N€SHr\P)r (9le)r07-5950 ar b6n 10 d.y! ri{x b ln. do.ro,loo ol lly odlly or ti/l&{. saa Atbotlot wob sllo: huP/uw..d tr.lo-n rJ!,8pruuoilovihn9 nlfrl SO FT SE CLASSIFICATION zoNE:($ oFFICER App.ovolJ}L- City oacxs: F:tl/A lri!e.e d/A BFE+2f|,OATE Comment o olgr;nt On FLOO lo e,t;efi RH N PERMIT FEE:: IDO -. llP:2s49., - PHoNE #r OESCRIPTION 0F llORK: neiiii-iit-llpr ace t2qr srokehatcncs qtrh ali rcrate,.r curbs ant frarhlns - ACRES OISTURSEO: SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: NEt,l NF PtANlS SUBryrtTfdD -XClearForm Print exail }UTM)VER C(ruilTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIdT TYPE: COlfi ERCIAL PLEASE AI{S}'ER ALL QUESTIOIS APPLICABLE TO YOT,,R PRO]ECT "Project Responsibilitf A Sorruot LLc jdv.Llbzo PEt ff.lLv( E APPLICANT'S tIAfiE: DEVELOPER: ili AFFEGTIo unber (oFfice Use) .DAIZ.1 0q -Zt -Za /y : I ti i SAr+\ C^\le,"t W PHO E *: vrj. \r-,,n,^ ro,' ZlP2 * t I. < _ Prr E s: .it) -545 -311{ OCCUPANT,/BUSII'IESS I,IAIIIE :r(. Lo\,\ ^Ji C\.,b PROPERW (H{ER'S TIAIE: OTd ER'S AIDRESS: $i\w,iaL\^o". G,"\P D,if'rbohr r CITY:ST: zlP. ConITRACTOR ADDRESS: () 3 el itef LL(LICENSE #: EI'IAIL ADDRESS: PROJECT COT{T PERSc[{: v\ a^ dq rDD Lo 'r, \t q(aL- (che.k Al.I rtat Appry) L _ CITY: \///05 SL 2.'/55 G 5T: ZIPi _ Pt|glE *: ,];Li; -LifrI -S t j.3 azhn EXIST Co STRUGTIO : E ALTERATIO lf Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the r-.I GEiIERAL REPAIRS T-1Hp- ro rs BLDG sPhiN REM)VATIOIt RE LOCATIOTT KLEREDf _Yef _urrent Site?r Not{Et{ conlsTrucTlot:EREcr El{ srRUcruRE f] FAsr rRAo( E SHELL E upFrr f] ArD ro Exrsr srRlrcruRE ACCESSORY STRIrcTURE: If UPFIT - The Shell Permit *:Is Elect Pfler on this Building f . Yes f NO *+**. rs rHrs a orar6E (r (xcrrpar{cY rrsE} l- yEs r. ib..'** IF Yes, Iltat Es the Previoss (kcupancy TtDe? _ $!at is the llfl Occupancy ?3BPP 18 I ?? l3P tl Tvoe, ARCH , PH: E'{GR DESIGI{ PROFESSIOML:- DESIG PROFESSIOTIAL: DESCRIPTIOI,I OF WORI(: PROPERW USE PH: \1,,\(a-,+3^4- t-ci-.., r r.t C:.--&.k! SQ FT CONDO OTHEI E CLASSIFICATION aM l6al laws and ordinanc€s and reouliatrons, The NHC DeveloDm6nt Services or chanqe in contraclor or contretor information. "'NOTE: Any WoIk Performed Subredlo Fines Up To 3500.00'" (Olaa{d) {Pri{ ihE) tlole: Ddrfiirt ndittalirls A cbe.C iBnovd p€.mf aprlcalirE aE lo bo slrbitiled udB ,t6 apDacdin fo.nt tDHll$3768) i*|dE Ule 'eclty 6 hl&|g r5 tutrd to contain Asbeslc or not You arE l€qtied b cal tho t{ail|d Edssi,| Stadads fo. tbzardous Air HutanE (}ESrtlAP) at (919)m7-596O at l6t l0 day3 prix 5 the demolilin of y faclly or boilding, See Asbesl6 Web Sle: htp ',ww ..p shle nc us/ep lasbesrosEhrnp.htm ls ,ood or beverages prepared or served in this structure?f Vef , Ho ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainf V*l-_ 88"*ra^, , n-"br.".,rr, lhat a[ infomatiro in t}lis application is conecl and all work wi comply wilh tie State Building Code and all other applicaue Stale Center will b€ nolified of anv chanoes in lh6 aooroved olans and soecificatonsw/O the Appropriate Permfrs will & 'n Moladdn of lhe NC Stale Bhg Code and /; Y- SIGNATURE: TOTAL PROJECT COST: I l t") BUILDING HEIGHT:f OF UNITS SQ FT PER FLR # OF STRUCTURES EXST LAND DISTURBING PERM]T? -r YES T NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: '.) ll. EoFFlcE ! nesraumm I r',rencnr.rrrrel-1 EDUcI-l AprTl WATER: SEWER: SYSTEM TSCFPUA T-I COMMUNITY SYSTEM T''I WELL T-'I ZONING US $creua flcer.rrner sEpnc D hRlvrre seprrc gtorvnaulrrw SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLAG. GAS EOUIP, PREFABS 8 INSERTS PAYMENT METHOD:f cAsH f cHEcK (PAYABLE To NHc) f -AMERTCAN ExpRESs l-_ rucrulse l-_ otscovER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:ZONE: OFFICER LH RH B Approval:_ City: DATE_ FLOOD:_ BFE+2ft_AVNComment PERMIT FEE:: PROJECT PHOatE f: I'tc REG f : NC REG *: TOTAL AREA SQ FT : - TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF._ ACRES DISTURBED: # OF STORIES: # OF FLOORS: SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: Fsffi rt!' '','1', . j Clcar Form Prl t GMEII NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERTIIT AP P L IcAt lall rYPf ; COIt$IERCIAL Pttast ans*tR ALL QUEsiIo'is ipptlcABtt rO ydlR pnolt(T "project Responstbility,, ,\,1 '' ,, \ 'r "",,,., i t L: 25(?'Ll6Zd :', ,l, 'l AFFTTITTdN t{uinbe r (ofri.. Ur.) APPLICAT./T'5 NA},IE DEVELOPER: otfq. t( ( I /; P}IONE r: PRO] ECT ADORE55:clrv: ."1.1*,,", .", ,ZIP I . ) t: OCCUPATI,/BUSIIIESS NA}tE :i,ot"\ !. PROPERTY CITJT€R'5 tUlNE: Oh ER's AIDNESS:C ITY: L ICEiIS E #r CITY: I ,,9! 1l\. t J\- a lr) " !!9 ',:15-:j1t t ZIP i A,i: .;f"1 .5 PHO E T: 5T: COI{TRACTOR: AODRESS: t\ i l. r' rh EHAIL ADORESS: PRO]ECT COI{IACT PEflSO : PHOI,IE T: Plto E r:i{ u, ii,' EXISI CfiSTRUC II0l.l: f-l ALTERATIoT{LIlf Relocalion. is lhere I Nalural Gas Line on lh€ NO urrenl Sile? f-l GENENAL REPAIRS N RELOCAIIOIIH;-. ruo rs groc sphfl xLrnEDfi - yesf-. R ENOVATIOII Nai.r cor'lsrRu(rroa: D EREcr IEH srRucruRE f] FAsr rRAcx ACCESSORY STRIJCTURE: sflEr[ f] upFrr E aDo ro Exrsr srRrJCruRE ((hr.k Al I IhJl apoly) r If UPFIT - Thc Shell Pe.mit f Is Elect Poi€r on this Buildlng f yes T NO ..... rs rHrs A c}{A GC oF occupaltcy us€rr yrs FamIF Yes, Hhat ras the P.evlous Occupancy Typel flhat is tl(e Ley 0ccupency AR(Ti oEsrGti PRorEssroll^r o€SCRIPTIOiI OF I'mRK: Approval PH NC Rt6 8', NC RTG SEIER DEsIGri PRoftSSI0ttAL:-- pH (r+r:i.(,a).\,!L l- r.i .c. r y! C ...-rl.*V r., Noo,SCLAMEn llffeDy cerfiy rrlar ar -lormrton h End k(d l.w! ar|d qdha,x.€s and r6gdal(,ns The or cirr]o€ ln csnlraclo. of conu_irdor rrlormrr,o.r "'Srb,ecrlo Fln6E up To l5O0 00" 6o.ra.r a l .ll work w{ comply wirh rho sr.to B!(dng cod6 and{ S€nicss C€nter wlll bo noufu ol otry charEes n th. sl)mv6dPFlo,mod yro tn6AonronmrA Pnrnfls wit66 in Votatid ot +sol6n! aod soedlElxstN( Srare Abg Cods anrl ls food o. beverages prepared or served in this slruclure?f . Yed'. No ls The Property Loc€ted ln The Floodplaln IOWNER/CONTRACTOR: " ../:.. / \ ,,1 tcr,, r. SIGNATURE /, OF UNITS r ""r(N!-appr'caOte Srnt6- ro,rtrs) (Prvr xiE) @rain Asb€r6 u.d. Y@ o rtqulrd b cal li. Nslssl €flsff Stdldads rs Harrrrdr. Aj. thaiarls (NES}i,AP| al (9!9)707-5950ar 16r.r l0daF p*b. to tho deooliio., ol Dny,adly d hrld.O Soo as!616 W€b St6: ' .... TOTAL PROJECT COSTi TOTAL AREA SO FT : BUILDING HEIGHT SO FT PER FLR: IOIAL SO FT UNDER ROOF # OF STRUCTURES ACRES DISTURBEI)Exsr LAND DISTI RB|NG pERMtT? T yEs f No NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA SO TT EXISTING IMPERVIOI]S AttfA FM PAYMENT METHOO: T CASH T CBECK (PAYABLE TO NHC) T A'ERICAN EXPRESS J- UCNTISA I- DECOVER iFOR OFFICE USE ONLY) ZONE OFFICER: d OF STORIES ,, OF FLOORS: ,r/A LH N/A nH A1A-aNA SOFI CONDO OTI]EI WATER TECFPUA T"I COMMUNI.I Y SYST sr-wFR: ldcFPtrn H cErurRnr srpttc SYSTE tv! Lj LJ n WELL T1 ZONTNG USE CLASS|FIC^flON I'RlVATE sEPTrc rr-CoMMUNTTYLJ SETBACKS: F FLOOD:__ X BFE+2ft Commeot 6 City DATE N ERMIT FEEI: ST: zfP: pRopERTy usE: [oFFrcE ! nesraunalr f] Mencnutrs[ eouC APT! i, t.a. )or?'31ec" NEhI HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT aPPLIcarIoN TYPE: COIIIiERCIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Pnoject Responsibility" L8-7 28 AFF TCATIo-IoN Number (office Use) c: I 7 7 tN APPLICANT'S NAIIE i nicardo pulido (LTTTLE Diverslfied Archirecrurat ConsuLring)DATE::-ls-zotg DEVELOPER:PHONE S: PRO] ECT ZIP:2g4i2: 3625 s. college Road ; igilminqton, sc OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAIIE: cvs phar,nacv srore No. 4622 PROPERTY OIINER'S NA}'!E: 2p No 4s LLC-cMpL3r3e OblNER' S ADDRESS: 111 princess street ADDRESS: EI,IAI L ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: pis6566 py1166 (Existing) _ PHONE #: srat 63- 466s CITY:61161n91s6 ST: p6 ZIP:26a11 ST: ZIP'- LICENSE #: CITY: . PHONE #: - PHOlrlE #: '7 a A-56t- 349 4 If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #:Is Elect Power on this Building li.Yes r NO ***** rs THrs A CHANGE OF OCCUPANCY USEIr YEs li. NO ***** IF Yes, Hhat was the Previous Occupancy Type? _ I.lhat is the New Occupancy TvDe?ARTH DESIGN PROFESSIOI{AL: Jeff Roa rk - PH:764-561-3494 NC REG f:5717 ENGR DESIGN PROF ESSIOI,IAL :-Tim pAyne NC REG #:022106 COMMUNIry SYSTEM CENTRAL SEPIC l-J "' SEPARATE PERMITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH. PLAG GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS PAYMENT METHOD f cAsH l-. cnecx leeveBLE ro NHc) |_ AMER|CAN EXPRESS l-_ vcnrrsn l- DtscovER (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY) ZON E OFFICER - PH:704-334-?363 DESCRIPTION OF I^JORK : ADA Fixes Inside the store and accessibfe parking spaces and photo-lab remodel_ ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure?f- YesJ-_ No ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainf _ yesr_ NoDlSCLAltt4ER: I hereby cenity thal.all rnformation in lhrs application is correct and all work will comply with the Slate Buitding Code and all oth€r applicable Stateand.local laws and ordinances and regulalions. The NHC Development Services Center will be nolified of any chanoes in th; aDoroved olans and soecfficjtionsor chanoe jn conlractor or conrracror inlormalion. "'NOTE: Any Work Performed W/O lhe Appropriate eermits iti &iinVi6tari,Sr[bi1-ne ftC Stii; B'fd;6&;ilSubiectlo Fines Up To $500.00"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR:ISo STGNATURE: WATER SEWER SYSTEM (O@lilte4 (Pnnt Name) conlain Asbestos or not. You arc required to call the National Emission Slandards for Hazardous Air Pollutants (NESHAP) at (9t9)707-5950 at teasl lO days prior to thedemolilion of any facility or building- See Asbestos Web Sile: http://www.epi.state.nc.us/epi/asbestos/ahmp.html TOTAL PROJECT COST: g60,ooo.oo BUILDING HETGHT: #OFUN|TS: # OF STORIES: ITOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF # OF FLOORS ACRES DISTURBED:Exsr LAND D|STURB|NG pERMtT? r yES r NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA SO FT CONDO OTHEI trtr CFPUA CFPUA E TIWELL nzoNlNG u PRIVATE SEPIC DTOMMUNTTY SE CLASSIFICATION Approval:_ City Comment BFE+2ft,DATE- FLOOD N CONTRACTOR: rBD (ch€ck A1l rhat Apply) EXIST CONSTRUCTIoN: E ALTERATION E RENoVATION E GENERAL REPAIRS E RELocATIoN lf Relocation. is there a Natlra-l Gas Line on theefrrent Site? l_ YE- l- No lS BLDG SP-RTNKLERED?r _ yesf No NEI{ CoNSTRUCTION: E ERECT NEr{ STRUCTURE E FASr TRACK f] SHELL E upFrr E ADD TO ExrST STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: TOTAL AREA SQ FT : 11 , s6s SQ FT PER FLR: . # OF STRUCTURESII-- pRopERry usE: noFFtcE ! nesrnunnur @ uencnruflleI eouc[ nerf] SETBACKS: F: LH . RH B - PERMIT FEE: : o )ot?' jY ob NEt^l HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT aPPLIcarIoN rYPr.: COIIMERCIAL PLEASE ANSI.JER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" a a 2 E 7 Lg-7 28 APPL-TEIiiION Number (Offlce Use) N c)-, APPLICANT'S NAIIE i Ricaralo pul.ido (LTTTLE Dlversified Architecrural Consulting)_DATE::-os-zote DEVELOPER:PHONE #: a /ta PRO]ECT : 3625 s. college Road i wi fmin ton, sC ZIP:26412 OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NA E: cvs pharmacy srore No. 4622 (Exisrins) PROPERTY OWNER'S NAIIIE: 2p No 48 LLC-cMpr3r3e OhlNER'S ADDRESS: 111 pr.incess streer CITY: j1i 1m1n91q. CONTRACTOR: 1se - LICENSE #: ADDRESS:CITY: EI,IAI L ADDRESS: PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: Ricardo putido . PHOITIE #: .t a4-561- 3 49 4 ST: Ns ZIP:2 s 411 ST: ZIP: PHONE *: If UPFIT - The Shell Permit #:Is Elect Pouer on this Building F Yes r NO rF yes, rhat was the prllllls':.:ffi":r'ii[:oF occuPANcY "_'il It.F-::;:.:;** TvDe? AREH DESIGN PROFESSIONAL: JeIr Roark - PH:?04-561-3494 NC REG #:5717 Ei{GR DESIGN PROFESSIONAL:-Tim pAyne , PH:104-334-7363 NC REG #:022106 DESCRIPTION OF I{ORK: ADA Fixes Inside rhe store and accessible parking spaces and photo-lab remodel - ls food or beverages prepared or served in this structure?f- Yesf-_ No ls The Property Located ln The Floodplainf Yef,.- NoDISCLAIMER I hereby cerlity that allinformation in this application is conect and allwork willcomplywith the Slate Building Code and all other applicable State ahd local laws and ordinances and regulatrcns. The NHC DeveloDmenl Services Cenler will be notiftd of anv chanoes in th; aoDroved olans and soecificarionsorchanqe in conlraclor or conlractor informatron. "'NOTE: Any Work Performed w/O the Appropriate Permils willSe in Violalioi of lhe l.lc Stale Bldg Code andSubjedlo Fines Up To $500.00"' OWNER/CONTRACTOR:rao SIGNATURE: WATER SEWER SYSTEM trtr CFPUA CFPUA E COMMUNITY SYST CENTRAL SEPTIC T1 WELL lrRlvnre spprrc TI ZONING US ?olaru,tururrv (oualirer) (Pihr N6me) conlain Asbeslos or not. You are required to call lhe National Emission Standards for Hazardous Ak Pollutants (NESHAP) al (9'19)707-5950 at teast 1O days prior lo the demolilion ol any facility or building. See Asbestos Web Sile: hUpT/$1 /w.epi.state.nc. us/epi/asb€stos/a h m p. hrm t TOTAL PROJECT COST: 560,OOO,OO BUILDING HEIGHT: #OFUNITS: TOTAL AREA SQ FT : 1 1 , 5 65 SQ FT PER FLR # OF STORIES: 1 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF;# OF STRUCTURES: r # OF FLOORS: ACRES DISTURBED:EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? -r YES T NO SQ FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA:SQ FT PROPERTY USE:OFFICE RESTAURANT MERCANTILE EDUC APT CONDO OTHEI Et\,4 E CLASSIFICATION *, SEPARATE PERI\,1ITS REQUIRED FOR ELECT IVECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP. PREFABS A INSERTS PAYMENT METHOD f CASH f- cHecx lenvnBLE To NHc) f - AMER|CAN EXPRESS f McA/tsA l-_ orscoven (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) SETBACKS: F:Approval:_ City: DATE_ FLOOD BFE+2ft, ZONE: OFFICER B Comment LH RH N PERII/|T FEE: I Voo o(> _ PHOI{E #: sta-'7 63- 4669 (check All lhat Apply)Exlsr coNsTRUcrIoN: E ALTERATIoN 17 RENovATIoN - GENERAL REPAIRS l-l RELocATIoN tf Retocation, is there a NatiEt cas Line on thedrrent Site? f vEi[. ruo ts BLDG Spt--JRTNKLERED{- - yes[- NoNEr{ CoNSrRUcrroN: E EREcr NEr{ STRUCTURE E FASr rRAcK E SHELL n UpFrT E ADD ro Exrsr STRUCTURE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: ii :,,l ./ tri:. . i!l NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUIL APPL,cAfIo ryP6; coItI.IE RcIAL Pttl9a lNStEi atL Qlalttor{s lrprtcaaLE To yout prort(i "Proj!<t Rc!ponrlbll1ty,, Z0l? 3.?OG 18-728 ArPffftrYlo*r tl0nlbea (0f,!r. ur. ) T PROJ€fT : -16a5 s c.,I !eqc Rodd : gr r Ini nqc on, sc ZID rrs{ l, ,-rgi/\'' )\l(" I i4ir OCCUPA T/EUSIiIESS llAlll : r.vs ?ira riLa. ! ,ii ( , . t. 1.:))(er: s( r ngl ol,lfl ER 'S A00RES9: 1II pr!^cess Streer PHO E ti 9lo-r6l-,r669 CITY: }]l tnrrgrrn 5T : nc ZIP:284l L ST: G/l ZIP: 30lOl C0 TnACToR: Vr s r o,, ci.., r -rc r.. s 95 o:::!t r r Hx, ;: e E LICENSE T: CITY: j. EI.IAIL AODRESS:(amlei j.rl s<ong( (onr PHOI,JE l: 776- 763-aa1 PllOtlE l:794-551-319qPRO] ECT COIITAC : Rr iar lo i,-::.1o ((h.<r ^ll lh.r ^poly)EXIST CONSTRUCTION:ALTERATION RENOVATION IRelocalion. is lhere a NaturalGas Line on the rurrenl Srle?es G€NERAL REPAIRS T-I RELO<AIIOiI I- ruo rs BLoc sPhtxLEREDf.. Yesf- No NEI,t CoIISTRUCTtON: ACCESSONY STRUCTU n ER€cr NE!, sTRUcruRE ! rAsT TRAcx ERE: sHErr I uPFrr ! Aoo ro €xrsl 5TRUCTURC If UPFIT - The Shell Permlt 6: 1s El a CNAtl6€ 0F oCCUpAXCY USEIf Ye5, rhat ras the P.avlous o.cupa'lcy lyp.? ivo!lA[tH oEStGri PROFESSIOI{AI : Je t.cd I , Etl6i 0E5l6li PROf€55lot{Al :-T r m pAyne PH:10{-3lt-ll6l lrc REc r:n-l!ffi-- O€SCRIPT]ON OF }/ORXl eoe rrxes ra:.--.:,the s.oi. a.a dccessrD:e par(rng spaces .nd photo-l.b relnodel _ ect Porer on thls 8u1]dlng l-'. Yes f. 0 r f YEs J-r tro ""'{h.t li tha il.r oaaupan(y Prt:ro<-551-l{e{ *c *,oll]- ls lood o. beyerages paepaaod o.servsd rn NoOISCLATMEA.I ha6r..rtt 'n r arr hlordl,&,^ and loc.l L'. aodord,n6nc.. andr.g!laUon.. Th.o, ch.no. n.!.[r.clo. or conr,acro. inlo.mllbn "Sur{edlo FiE. t p To t5O0 00"' WATER SEWER SYSTEM thrs Etrucrure?f. Yes[i- No ts Tne eropeny Locsted tn The Ftoodphin:r- y€4-_ 'li. app{clton . co.r.r! .^d .n wt e! c(b9ry ,rth th. slrl. Eudd,no cod. and .[ orlcl eoo.c.Db srrt! I59E?fr",f tr#:r#i:: g,nifl rl&:i$'iif"eJ,ilr"p,t&T.tBi,J$i?,* ftHf ;ffi g*:Ti OWNER/CONTRACIOR rer-:yl'.cc'T:6r SIGNATUR tPad rl.ft) llo:. Cr.db&t .r.EtL(ris6 t rib..to. r.@v.l prnt 6o0'ti..ho.r! .ra !o b. ruo.tult.a 6nC ,. .9prc.&d td6 {O 5.316l) *r\.tr, 0!. ,.or,ry d Uild.g w. br5 !o. lrt rb..!oi c rEL You ... r.a!r.d to c.I th. Nrtirrdt Edtrs St..rdrd! h. xa!r,&tq! lr Fdrjr.nt' (NES dmoiiuo.r ol.q Ldrly .. bul&o. S& A.b.!t6 W.b $.. nltpr/M..d tr.r. .c.18/.or!.b.tlo.r!n6o ht rl ).'llt!)ro7.3e5a.r b.n t0dry.asIolh. TOTAL PROJECT COST: s60, ,oo r,.o TOTAL AREA SO FT : i I,565 TOTAL SO FT UNOER ROOF , OF STRUCTURES, ; ACRES DISTURBED ExsT LANO OTSTURETNG pERMtr? J- veS l- r.ro NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA SO FT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA f OF STORIES: rI OF FLOORS: E CFPUA CFPUA E COMMUNITY SYST CENTRAL SEPTIC fl WELL Tl ZONING USE CLASS|F|CATIONPtlvATE SEPTTC B-UOMMUNITY EUILOING HEIGHT , OF UNITS SO FT PER FLR E r!4 _ SEPARAIE PEAMTI S AT O\)ltl6rr r .')rr t:rt(:. tra(:rr rlLSci (iasEolxc rRtFAas a u\/seHrs B SO FI PAYMENTMETHOO f cAsH f cHEcK (pAyAaLE To NHc) f , AMER|CAN ExpREss f - Mcn/sA f_ otscovER OFFICER (FOA OFFTCE USE Or{tY) SETBACKSI F:ZONE:_ Aooroval: Cilv: OATE FLOoD Commenl N /),--<.a^'€> nERr,ur FEE...'fl!!4f,2 BFE+2fi LH RH q6b :t APPaICAI{T'S l{A}lE: P)c.!.do pu,1io (:-11T,-I cr!erri.fr!o,irch!!ec(iiral consulrrrq) DAIE; j-05-20:s f: -PROPERTY OtltlER'5 tlAllE; zp rC 4e :_:.r--!fii.l 'j\ AODR€55: pRopERry usE. floFFrcE lnesreunnr.[ [ MERCANILEI Eoucl-lAprD coNoo orHEr ___- NEW HANOVER COUNry BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICATION ryPEi RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility" hn Do, U, o CONTRACTOR ADDRESS:b EMAIL ADDRESS:bce fiftrqg 2ot8-Zt7 3 Itr-t 86 (otfice use) APPTICANT'S NAME: PRO.IECT AODRESS: DISCLAIMER Owner/Contractor: "Licensed QuoliJier" CITYI Date,islon ztp: 2 SUBOtVtStON:OUJ A }V lu, PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME J;4,^ Do oWNER'S ADDRESS t i 2' o Dql YI tl/ A A"b 6q+- J ahx hz ,Ge, FTLrI</-, Btp t ss W;t^,;1 2-SIzte: 29'/S i BLDG TICENSE #7q1br srt NL z?t 7S'6q PHoNE !1)-Z)1 'lZd PHONE 4tQ -Zi 1- ?? zs PHONE #i CITY CITY PROJ ECT CONTACT PERSON EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration ft Renovation E General Repairs NEWCONSTRUCTION:EErectNewResidencelAdditiontoExistingResidenceERelocation ***PIEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ALL THAT APPLY YOUR PROJECT* ** n Att Garage (sF)n Porch (sF) L^ E Det Garage (5F)_ E Sunroom (sF)_ ! Greenhouse (SF) D Pool (SF) ! Deck (sF) ! Storage Shed (SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes D No TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF Vor proposed work) Heated:l6se unheated: ti> TOTAL PROJECT CosT (Less Lot): S 85,ooo ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes Etr No ls a ny Electrical, Plu mbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure L Yes E No lf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? ! Yes A rc lt/tl ls there Electrical Power on this Building? [l Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy:ft'sin le Family E Duplex n Townhouse Description of Work:e<e 4L C1 f(t, *, L 'f4.0 ^V e(AW J n other (SF) ( - loq l beao 1..) illfii, ig I!3iflt] e [-, u s.; Signature <-4'. al the state Building Code and allother app icable state and local law! and ordinancesand r€gulations. The NHc Developmenl services centerwillbe notified ofanychangesin the approved plantand specifications or cha infornration. *1'NOTET Any work perform€d without the appropriate permits will be in violation of th€00+1r rtity lsthepropertylocatedinafloodplain? ! yes E Uo Existing lmpervious a,r.", 11 1& sq.t Total Acres Disturbe a: O New lmpervious Area: O Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: n Ves B tto WATER: BCFPUA E CommunitySystem D prjvateWell n central We ! Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA n Communitysystem n private septic n Central septic E Aqua zone: - officer: __ setbacks (F) f. 5 ( LHI 7. I lRil I ,4 @l Z o Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Floodr (A)_ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: S rtY'qqff NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT AP PLICATIO N N'PE RESIDENTIAT PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROIECT "Project Responsibilit/' (/A/ & No P\ans 4(zo/8 -VSI) application (oftice use) Date: (APPLICANT,S NAME:,l PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDrvrstoN: CITII l,i ,/r / A t fzv'ztP I A ^.r.- /) a/L) ,//a LOT # PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:/y\+PHONE #312-Z{\ r owNER'S ADDRESS, 1v)-\ aro^4tzr-[ Dr'CITY: L"J zt?:7Y| U1 /t\O /Jc, CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: r\st lo nt4 )-tt u,ttl,Ttw.rLrQGC BLDG TICENSE H: ctr}r lJ A/"\Tr.ef {t //LztP: 7\ \{\1(r'l A,'Lp EMAIL ADDRESS:tt en*ers c r,' .-s*. / <.t <-* t urt r r- c--@, a ,\,^-t I PHONE /- ro -r (-u c, PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: ..- ,-€L,€()rr.n.rt,PHON E Q/r./ E Att Garage (SF)_D Det Garage (SF) _! Porch (SF) fl Sunroom {SF)! Pool(SF)tr Storage Shed (SF) E Greenhouse {5F)tr Deck (SF)n Other (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? D Yes d No Unheated: .// zq ls the proposed work nging the number of bedrooms? tr Yes /No ls any Electrica or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure E Yes n No lf the project is a is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? ! YesPNo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? PYes E No Property Use/ Occupancy:a Single Family [] Duplex ! Townhouse ?irnPFr l8 irusP[ OtDescription of Work: l<ot*, o*e /-yJ .1,)<..Arn L",..- Lr,t<h-t!.1/.{o DISCIAIM€B: I hereby certify that all the information in this application correct and allwork wilicomply with the State Building Code and allother applicable State and local laws and ordinances and regulationr. The NHC Development Sewices Center will be notified of any changes in the a plans and specifications or change in contractor information. "'NoTt: Any work performed without the ap lbe in violation ofthe NC State Code and sub up to 9500.m"'propriatE p€rmit5 wiloUrorznOwner/Contractor: "Licensed Quolifier" Pdnt Nofie lsthepropertylocatedinafloodplain? n Yes D No Existing lmpervious Areai _ Sq Ft New lmpervious Area Sq Ft Signature: Total Acres Disturbed Existing Land Disturbing Permit: ! Yes f] No WATER: \ CFPUA n Community System ! Private Well E Central Well f] AquaI SEWER: I CFPUA tr Communitysystem E PrivateSeptic ! Centralseptic E Aqua\-zone: ' Officer: Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ {B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (v) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment: Permit Fee: mbin EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration ! Renovation ^21' General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: ! Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation '"PLEASE CHECX AND ANSWER EEIOW ALL THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT*** TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF Vor proposed work) Heated: _ rorAr- PRoJECT cosr (Less Lot): 5 1 + - iqoao I t/a \ \i\.\ \U\ NEW HANOVER COUNW BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATTON TYPE: RESIDENTIA[ PLEASE ANSWER ALt QUESTIONS APPLICAETE TO YOUR PROJECT CITY PHONE 8i ctw 1-atfr -\5 rL Application Number use)i ,,Date:1A6APPLICANTS NAME, \iO d le ltcz- PROJECT ADDRESST SUBDIVISION: PROPERW OWNETt,S NAME:/.t^4rJ (o,1 OWNER'S ADDRESS:?,ffi -fuaTo -VL.c.- CONTRACTOR: ADDRESS; A/J 4om" 1m7rot.1/<BLDG LICENSE # ctTY: /.1);, u'7rot) sT :lf- at.?8YO f NE: 7/o 771 /16{ PHONE:7b ?<e Gfts toT # ztP: s-o? s:r6( ztP?<8{/< A-)r Av< EMAIL ADDRESS: J"A^, 'fi7-,ro- EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration ! Renovation (General Repairs NEWCONSTRUCTION:EErectNewResidencenAdditiontoExistingResidenceERelocation ,!**PIEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW AI-t IHAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT**'} ! Att Garage (SF)_E Det Garage (SF)_! Porch {SF) n Sunroom (SF)tr Pool (sF) PROJECT CONTACT PERSON ! Greenhouse (SF)n Deck (SF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? ! Yes E No ToTAt sQ FT UNDER ROOF (Jor proposed work) Heated:>< TOTAT PROJECT COST (Less Lot): $Sdb.oo tr Storage Shed {sF)_ ! Other (SF) Unheated: lsthe proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? I Yes F- No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structu re n Yes [f lo lfthe project is a Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? fl YesE(No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? F:Yes fl No Property Use/ Occupancy:! Single family n Duplex Ll Townhouse rDescription of work: /oc-r.r)da' (y, ")^r DTSCLAIMER: I hereby certifythat allthe information in this application is correct and allwork willcomply with the State Building Code and allother pplicable State and local laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Oevelopment Services Ceflter will be notified of any changes in the a specificati or change in contractor information. *t*NOTE: Any work perform the ap permits wili be in violation ofthe NC to 5500.00*** Orflner/Contrador: "Licensed Quolifier" Signature: ls the property located in a floodplain? I Ves{no Existing lmpervious Areal Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: U Yes [] No WATERT tr CFPUA n Community System E Private Well E Central Well n Aqua SEWER: n CFPUA tr Community System E Private Septic ! Central Septic I Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ ,f Comment:Permit Fee: S "Proiect Responsibilit/' RECEIVED APR 27 2018 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BU]LDING PERM]T AP PL,CAT DN rYPE: RESIDENTIAI PLEASE ANSWER A[ qU ESTIONS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROJ ECt "Projcct Responslbllhyr Appll@tlon Number (oflke us€) APPIICANT'S NAME: Renovo Fl,omos lnc. Date: 4-26-2018 PRorEcT ADDRESS;326 Pemberton Dr,CIW: Wilminoton 24412 SUBDIVISION; Pine Vallev LOT Xi E Att Garag€ (SF)El Det Garage (SF) _tr Porch (SF) E sunroom (SF)tr Pool (SF)' tr Storace Shed (SF) D Greenhouse (SF)-tr Deck (sF)- ls the proposed work changing the existlng footprint? n yn ffio TOTAT Sq FT UNDER ROOI {fot proposed workl Heatedr 2961 TOIAI PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 24.544 ls the proposed work changlngthe number of bedrooms? El Ves trzd'o ls any Elec{xlcal, Plumblngor Medrarlcalwork being done to the A{cessory Structure tr 9s ts'No lfthe project ls a Relocatlon, istherea NaturalGas line on the q.rrrent slte? E Yes E4(o lsthere Electrical Poweronthls Bullding? E/Yes El No Property Use/ Occuparry, g4ingl" f"rlly E Duplex E Tou.nhouse Descdptlon of Work work. No chaooe to exisllno nt. lawr and ordhancE6 and regubtlonr. The ltHC Development Selvlcr. Center wlll be nomed of any and spedflcatbns or cll.nge In contractor lntormatbn. ... OTt: Any worl pedonned wlthout the approprlate pe..nlts wlll be ln vtolatk n of to flil€s up to ssmrrc.4r owner/Conractor: "Llcensed Quolifef Signature: ls the property located in a floodplaln? E yes El,,t{-o- Existlnt lmpervious Areai New lmperylous Areai /tfl rJ/e Sq Ft Sq Ft Existlng Land Disturbing Permit: D Yes D No WATERT zJ CFPUA E Communitysystem E Privatewell O Centralwell E Aqua SEWER: E/CFPUA E Communfty System E Private Septic E Centratseptic O Aqua zone: _ offlceri _ Setback lF) _(Ltl) _ (RH) _(B) _ Approval; _ Cltyt_ Date:_ Floodr (A) _ (vl_ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permlt Fee: $ Prlnt df ?e0--?5n@rs PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: Ranorc Hornes lnc. _PHONE#:910-473-6035 OWNER'S ADDRESS: 321 N. Front St. CffV, Wtlrntngion ZlP, 284di. COiITTRACIOR: Benovo HomBs lnc BI,,DG IICENSE fl:- ADDRESS: 321 N. Front St CITY| Wilmington STr NL ZIP: 28zl0l EMAII ADDRESS: jarry@r6no\ro-homes-com PHONE: 910-473"6035 PRoTECI CONTACI PERSON: Tommy PHONE; 14434685842 EXISTING CONSTRUCnON: O Alteration q{enovation D General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCnON: E Erect New Residence E Addltlon to ExlstlnS Residence E Relocatlon ..'PT"EASE CHECK At{D ANSWER BETOW AU THAT APPLY TO YO tr other (sF) _ Unheaud; d TotalAcres Dlsturbed , ? rt RECEtv-l ,,P? 1 .0 2018!,?eD-Y tfr Appli..tim Clear Form Print eMail NEW HANOVER COUNW BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATTON TYPE: RESI DENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ATI- QUESTIOI.IS APPLICAELE TO YOUR PROIECI "Project Rcsponslbilitlrffi PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME:Ga^r6e Del i<le PHoNE *t 703-217 -7 599 OWNER'S ADDRESS: 1906 Summer Sands Place C[Y: Wilminoton Ap: 28405 PROJECT CONTACI PERSON:PHONE:910-799-3022 O(|ST|NG CONSTRUCnO :D Alteration E Renovatlon E GeneralRepairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: D Erect New Residence E Addltlonto Existlng Resldence E Relocation i..PLEAIiE CHECI( AND A'{SWER BEI,OW AI.I THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT"T tr Att Garage (SF)_D Det Garage (SF)_ 49F, D Porch (SF)_ E Storage Shed (SF)_D Sunroom (SF) tr Greenhouse (SF)_ 15 the proposed work changing E Pool (sF) )4Decr (sF)616 pi.otrerlsqaz'T-avr,ri 1€/3,the existint footprint? D Yes tr No TOTAL Sq FT UNDER ROOF Aot proposed work) Heated: TOTAL PROJECT COST {Less Lot): S59 145 00 Owner/Contractor: "Ucehscd Auoltiet' Unheated: ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? g vcs 6(to ls any Electrical, Plumblng or Medtanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure g[ Ves tr to lf the proiect is a Rclocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the cunent site? tr yer & No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? ,(Yes E No Prop€rty Us€/ Occupancy:flSlnge family tr Duphx D Townhouse Dcscdptlon of Work lnstall a 34'2'x 14'6' inomund fiberolass pool and lo'5" x 7'10'ianning ledoe with sppmx 616 sg f€€t of Travertine Decidng informrtlon. "'NorE: anY wo* P€rfor.ned wlthout the.pprogriat€ p.rmitr wlll be in vtolatton of th€ Nc sr.te Bt* codc snd subFa io tn€5 up to Ssoo.m... lhuio\r\ari.qSignatur€: Isthe prop€rtylocated in afloodplain? E yes n No Exirting hperyious A ,..,,1 j 6\Xo TotatA.rcs Dkrlrb€d: O New lmpeMous Area: . , . - .d Ft El|nitu l,and Disturting permlt: E y€, E o wArERr EL CFpuA E Community System E prtvate Well tr Centralwell E Aqua SEWERT E|-CFPUA fl Communitysystem E private Septic E Centratseptic E Aqua Zone: _ Offrcer: _ Setb.d6 (Fl _ (Utl _(RH, _ {Bl _ Approval: _ Ctty: _ Dst€: _ Flood:(A)_M_(Nl_BFE+2ft=_ Commentl Permit Fee: S APPUCANrS NAME: Ocaan BIue Pools and Soas of NC Dare 411712018 PROJECT AITDRESS: 1906 Summer Sands Plac6 CITY: Wlmlngton ZIP-.ZUO1 SUBDIVISIO : Lendfell IOT#:4oR CO TRACTOR: Ocean Blue Pools and Spas of NC B1DG UGTlsE #:737@-- ADDRESS: 30 Covil Avenue C|TY: Wtmington 5I: l(e_ Ztp: 28403 EMAIL ADDRESS: oceanblue{.rilmingtonl @gmail .om PfiOIE: 91G.79S3022 i\ll, i I\) Cisar Form P,lnl oMail NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUII.DING PERMIT A P P U CAn O N TYP E : RES,DEtTTtA! PLTAS€ ANSWTR ALL QUESNONSATPI.ICASLT ]O YOUR PNO]TCI 'Projsst Responslbll,t]r zplfr- t/528 ?R3 t. APPLICANT'S l'rAMt: Oc€an Bkr6 Po6b end Spas of NC Oete 411712018 PROIECT AOORESS: 1908 Summor Sands Pl6cs CITY: Whingtnn _ ZlP.-29495 -lor #: 40R PROPTRTY OWNTR'S NAME: Gooroa Delisle AD0RESS: 30 Co]/il Ayenue TMAIL ADDRESS: CITY: Wil.nington 5T: ffi, ZIP: 28403 PHo E; 9l&799-3022 PROI€CI COl.tIACT PERSONi Arin Ke.veski PBoNET 910-799-3022 txlSTlN6 CONSTRUCTIO'IT al Alter.tlon Ll npnovallon 0 GeneralRepalrs NEw COI{STRUCTION| D [rect New Relldence E Addltlon to txlrtlnt nesidence [l neiocatlon .T'PLEA5E CHECI( ANO ANSWTR EELOW AIL THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJ€CI'++ ,f, Deck (5t)616 t footpranl? *l Ye5 fl No TOTAL PROJTCT COST (Lesr tot): S59.145 ls lhe propos.d work changlng the number of bed.ooms? [,] Ye5 (No Ir any tlectriaal, plurnblnt oa Mechsnlaal work beint done to the Ac.essory Stro.ture & Yc! D llo lf the projed is a Relo..doo ls ihere I Natursl GBs Llne on the current site? C Y.t& tlo l3 ther6 Eledricalpower o^ thl! Buildinr?8LYer fl ,lo Prop€rty Uiel Oc.up6nq,: A slnlle Flmlly tj Oupl.r tl Townhoue! Owner/Contraotofl K6vin Dunn6 _slgneturel "Uc.Dted Quolilica P,nt Nom. :l Att Gorage (SF)___-- : I Sun.oom (SF)___ f j 6r€enhouse (SF)___ It ihe proposed v/ork chantlnt the exjrtin TOTAL SQ FT UiIDER ROOI Uot pt(,9osed is rhe p.operty located in e lloodplain? f Erhrtns rmp.rviour are "'1 !fr'!;on New lmpeNloui Araa jq Ft n D€t 6ar6!e lstl X[ Pool {sr} 4s6 tr Storate Shed {SF}_ S-other (sr)!z -]4;61,r t, B Por.h {SF)-- Permit Fee )--_ (i I' u/ork) Heoted: _ -__ UnhEatedr OescIlptlon ol Wo,*: --l-oslallai4z.x 14'6' ingIound fiborgla86 pool 8nd 10'5' x 710' lsnnlog ladq! wlth approx E16 80 feet o,f Travertin6 Deckino '.,r . ^d ord^.oc.r .nd r.rrl.tlo.!. Th{ IHC Orv.lorm.it ic.W.r C.ntu *'trI b. noillLd ol rny.lr.lt.. h th. .prroed ,t nr !.n D.dfario oi d.r. t. cont,rdo,.rdmlrion .' . ^ OIa. A^y {,l p"rlonnld whhod th. .pprorrr.t. FrF ttr wll br l. vtot tbn or th. tC St t. StdA Cod. .M rlbied to n..i up ro sS@.d. ,. YuuixUr-rgtJ\q ,"sKn. TotalAc.es Oisturbed Exlrtlnt Land Dllturtint permtri l_ yo, [: No WATER: R cl,PUA r.l Com unttySyslenr it prryarc WetJ [l CentratWell U Aqua Zonc Officer City: tR Il cF LM- CommunltySysrcm f,l Pnvatesepllc Ll C.ntr.tSeptaE D Aqu. fi(2 setoacrs 1r1 $ tLtrl o"", {l($,/dorr gq!*rrra' rurrd lood: (a) _ _ lV) {N)XB {{av a*r 5iJz ?(0?e 1 l;nr-s ,-1ii,' insprciion xequrreo, 9l ri.i5q.0yurj 5U E0lvlSlOlt r IaodLdL- ___ pHoitE dt 703-217_7599 Owl,JgR'S AoDRESS:190[SlJOOeLSaOdiP_lace __ CtW: Wllmlngton ZPl 28405 CO TRACTORT Oce6n Blu6 Pools and Spas of NC EIDG UCENSE d:73?8O-. ?-e/8 t+sz H NEtnl HANOVER C0UNTY BUILDfNG PERIIIT aPPLT@TIoN rypE; RESIDENTIAL PIEASE ANsI,]ER,[IL QUESTIONS IPPIICIILE TO YOUR PNO]ECT ..pmj ect Res ponsibi-Iiqd t CI TY: BLOCI( ti: : PooL_ sF DECK 5F APPLTCAIION Ntmlren (offtcc Uie) DATE: P}IONE #; ztP:AE4G LoT *: lO PHONE *: 5T : !l!rrc: sT; NC zrp:.rtr+S/ nHotue *: Qto.3?1.9@tl PHINE *. qJA;,]fi_. A:/3 I RE LOCATION APPLICJIW'S T{AflE: DEVELOP€R: I PRO]ECT ADDRESs; SUBDIVISfONT PROPERTY OI^NER)5 },!A}4E: PROJECT CONIACT PER5ON STSTING CONSTRUCEON: O{"NER'5 ADDRESS;(CITY; CONTRACTOR:LTCENsr *: ?337l ACCOUNT }: ADDRESS:crrvr {-p INrfl EHATL ADDRES5:ru ,VA n ?.v.n ff\nn ! nlrrearrotr I nrlovnrroru [ erruenar Rrer:rc NEI^I COI\STRUCTION, El-EnrCr NEN RE5IDENCE o" ! aoorrrolt To DgsTrNG RESIDEI{CE -.PLEASE CHECK AND IiIS!]ER BELOI,I ALL THAT APPTY TO YOUR PRO]ECT: [f arr ennace 545 sr I orr crnnor sr fl noncH lQ1 t SUNROO4 5TOBACE SHED f] eRrrrwo.rse _5F O]HER: PRoPERTY usE / occuPANcvr Ef-sr DUP IEX DESCRIPTTON OF hJORK:19 4I5F,1. 1 DlSd-AUEFt lhorEby c-odt har.I hlFma!'on l, hiE apPlcabn b co,lEcl &,td all $ork hill coopry win tls Sr.ts EUIldhg Cods ad aI oh€rapp[.€bto SED lnd b€] ja^rs dfi odhancas snd IsgulBtbns. TI}g MJC Os,,€bplrloql9€ rvlci,6 CBntsr v/ill b€ ooi66d of an y cisnges h fis apprDv€d pla.i6 and e6clr.auoh6 oa d)ang€ h contscbror ooohactcr ln6rm3[on, '"NOTE, tuy Wo* P€rbm6d IV/o hE Approprlaa Pe1nltswfllb€ In Vroladon olfi6 NC Sbb Elds C.ds 6nd S]bj€,ct b Flnss Q To 0500,0c.- OI{NER/CONIRACTOR:Y srcr{,qruRE : "{f?O--."_- r5 THE PROPERry LOCAIED IN A FLOODPLATN? EXISTTNG IMPERVIOUS AREA: -SQ FT NEU,I I,{PERuToUs AREA: -sQ FT YE5 lto TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED: PGST LAND DI5TI,RBING PERfiIT: I--:l YEs NO hIATER; SEhIER: CFPUA CCM',1UNIry SYSTEI4 I enrvnrr wrr-r- n crurheL wrLL CFPUA D CENTRAL sEPEc f] cRrvarr srntrc *!* sEPA.!TTE, PERXTT5 REqUrI'ED FOR ELECT, ,AECHJ Col,ll,4UNITY SYSTEM cAs ECprP; PREFT3S & rI$EATS .+r accdllrr I r.Tvrsl fforscoven PL86, PAYHEMT ITETHODI Es*,cHEcK (pAyaBLE ro uHc; fl arll***t*** *****+*+***!*f ******+****ti* ZoNE: OFFICER: *+*+**********ir+****:l*+t+***+**************+****a*t+* (foR oFFrcE usE OtLy) tt\15t oATe 04,j1112 SErBACKS: F:_ LH: gH:_ B:_f Approval:_ City;:_ DATE:_ FLOOD: _ BFE+2ft=lavNcorr|eht: pERt,tff FEE: g h1 O \^lhislronn tr rorAl HEATED sq rrr 3Q3t rorAL sQ Fr UNDER noor, 1.i7(l rorAl AREA sq Ff, ll3l2 TorAL pRolEcT cosT{rssslo$ , sAbSUX) # oF sToRrEs: 1.5 Is Any ELECTRICAL, PuJI{BI-NG or ITECHANICA! lrork Beihg Done to the Accessory Structure? [ Ver ff, ltoIf the project is a Re1cication., is there a Natura] Gas Line on the cuprent Site? [Ves f]ruoIs there Electrica] Power on this Building? flves f] r,fo mrulv I . I rortnruouse NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IYPE: RESIOENTIAL PI-EASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIOI,IS APPLICABI.E TO YOUR PRO]ECT Project Res pons ibifj.ty" APPLI CATION Number (office Use) APPLfCANT'S NArilE:he ,n^-ier.-\I (-l <)C) RESS: PROPERTY OWNER' 5 OWNER'5 ADDRESS: DEVELOPER: PRO]ECT ADD SUBDIVISION CONTRACTOR: AOORESS: CITY: BLOCK S: CITY: LT LICENSE S CIrY: L! -7 S'o DATE: PHONE S: ZIP .. LOT S: ,J PHONE f:i,3- 35 ] ,t IN+T' E : /,, rl 8o-v- Lr a 3)-I sr: (.zre: sr,lK :-rp,23^.! o( PHONE S: PHONE f:{20- 3 5*? /'€-',.<r-:1 ElltAIL ADDRESS: O. tl.^ >\') \ ur l--,b.-(a At*o'). C s.---,., PRO]ECT CONTACT PERSON:) o,^..J 4,.'..-L.:el.^-6e-64.. EXISTTNG CONSTRUCTION:ALTE RATION R ENOVATION ! crHennr- REpArRs E RELocArroN \ L. F o* t ,;/. ,"6 NEW CONSTRUCTION: ''PLEASE CHECK AND ERECT NEW RESIDENCE or ADDITION TO EXISTING RES IDENCE ANSWE BEI-O}.' ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT: ATT GARAGE c)<)SF SUNROOM SF DET GARAGE - 5F PooL _ SF DECK SF PORCH .2A(s sr STORAGE SHED OTHER:df l:t r[: TOTAL AREA 5Q FT: Ja:rt.'a-) SF SFGR E ENHOUS E SF rorAL HEATED sq er:2.f 78 TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: TOTAL PROIECT C05T lress ror) :s l3a,oa.># OF STORI ES : rs Any ELEcrRrcAL, plufiBrNG or l,iEcHA rcAL work Being Done to the Accessory structu.e? [ v", [ ruo PROPERTY USE / OCCUPANCY , @"'N'U FAMILY f]DUP LEX TOt,]NHOUS E No t iB'/ l8 1? ?I5P E /:'/] DESCRIPTION OF WORK:v^A lL(.r E -'/< {.,'/e..., E{^< DISCI-AiVER: lh€reby corlit h6rall inb.marion in his appticalion is conect and altworkw complywih hs St te Buitding Cod€ and aI ofler appticabt€ StaE and tocat lawsand ordinanc€s and regulat|ons The Conlor willbe notfsd ol6ny changes in ho Bpproved ptans and sconlretcr inbmalion. "'NOTEI Any riaie Pormiiswillbe in Violalion olthe NC State OWNER/CONTRACTOR :tq C^. c-t SIGNATURE )r* * )r,* ++ ***,r )r* * * * * * * *** ** * * *(I l'li Jil"J * * ** ** * ** * )k,* * +,r ,r * * * EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: NEW II'IPERVIOUS AREA: c(sQ FT ToTAL ACRES DISTURBED: . lf + *** * * * * * )i * +,t,t * *+,t)N)t * * ** *,fi * REVI5ED DATE 04l 11l12 B SQ FT ! cor'rnrurrw sysrEm n pRrvATE wELL CENTRAL WELLWATER : SEUER :cFpuA E CENTRAL sEpTrc ! eRrvarr srerrc ! coNr,rurrw svsr em '*a SEPARATE PERl4rrs- REQUTnED FoR ELEcr, t'tEcH, PLBG, GAs EQurp, pREFABS I rNsEnrs rra payrrEirr Ergooi Icrsn f] orecK (pAyaBLE ro,r.1 [orr*r.o,.**ri, tr."rri^ -lorscor.^ ,**)*++***,t*,t*)*)t**,i++!t**)**,*+++*,t)t)t)**,t*,1!t,t*)*++,i)t*,i**,t*)t*,*****)*,**)*,***,*+***,t*)t*)t)t,**)t)i,i,t)t***,r*,p ZONE OFFICER: (F0R 0rFtcE u5E or.tLY) SETBACKS: F: LH: RH ,,Approval:_ C j.ty:_ DATE:_ FLOOD AVNComnent: pER!1IT FE E: g BF E+2ft l. ",,ffi:,'' \?p/, - lluffi rf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the cunrent site? ! ves IIs there Electrical power on this BuiLding? [-'] v"s l-"1 ruo tr Lr<1 rs rHE pRopERTy LocarED rN l rloooplarrl l-''l yrs EXrST LAND DTSTURBTNG penmrr: l-l vrs [--l ruo ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP LICATIoN TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALI- QUESTIONS APPTICASTE TO YOUR PRO]ECT "Project Responsibility'' CITY zolf - q60o, Application Number (offce use) ,",",Q /zo/rBAPPLICANT'S NAME:L/L PRO.lECT ADDRESS:42?.o rAar l-aVc SUBDIVISION:AOVT / Lalv-tg PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: OWN€R'S ADDRESS:Su Lol CONTRACTOR Y\/1t V\) ADDRESS: I ve EMAIL ADDRESS:n (), Vritl \r,tv V-homc<,f V)rar PHoNE$; 4lO.ZA. n qq c zlPztB ( CITY CITY: \A\ r \ zre' ZB9ol BrD6 r-tcENSE f sr: N!f,zrp, 28.JO3 PHONE: PHONE:toPRO.,ECT CONTACT PERSON:(rf) EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration E Renovation n GeneralRepairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E/Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation ts/att earace (sr) *'*PLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPIY TO YOUR PRO.,ECTT"}' E Det Garage (sF)- Ellporch (sFl ?vvtts: LfllDvu(A'l1t E sunroom (sF) C Greenhouse (SF)tr Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? tr Ves E/No TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOI (for proposed workl Heated: I %)unheated: %-1 TOTAL PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S tr ves /ruo to the Accessory Structure E Y", E/lto the current site? EI ves ts/trlo t Nome ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done lf the project is a Relocation, i5 there a Natural Gas Line on ls there Electrical Poweron this Building? tr Ves E/tlo Property Use/ Occupancy;dringle Family tr Du D Townh hrn,lDescription of Work: laws and ordinanc* and regulations. The NHC oev.lopment Services Center willbe notified ofanychante5 in the approved phns.nd specificationt orchanSe in contactor informatlon. "'NOTE: Any vro.l performed $/ithout the appropriate permits willbe in violation ofthe NCState gldg Code and subiect to flnes up to 5500.00... Owner/Contractor: "Licented Quolilie/ Signature: ls the property located in a floodplain? tr Yes /frfo Existing lmpervious Area: ]_ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New tmpervious Ar u",3 ,Z60 sqrt Existing Land Disturbing permtt: tr Ves E/no WAIER: E/CFPUA D Community System E Private Well E Centralwell E Aqua_/ SEWER: EfCFPUA E community System E Private septic E Centralseptic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (Bl _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (Al _ (V) _ (N) _ BFEr2ft= _ -D1. Comment:Permit Fee: \th1 tr Pool (sF)_E Storage Shed (SF)_ ttrr",tsrl?a\o- lZ-D o. \qol / 9NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER AI-t QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT 'Project Responsibilitya "-elfl Appl Number (omce use) AppLlcANT,s NAM6, McKee Homes, LLC P21s; 5/?18 pRolEcI ADDRESS: 7004 cameron Trace Drive ctw: Wilmin y1p.28411n sUBDtvtstoN: Cameron Trace owNER'S ADDRESS: 109 Hay Sl., Ste 301 CtTy: Fayetteville 21p 28301 coNTRACT6R: GML Development stoc trcrNsr *. 63970 ADDRESS:'109 Hay St., Ste 301 ctTY: Fayetteville sr: NC ztp. 28301 EMAtt ADDRESS: krivera@mCkeehOmeSnC.COm pxOtr: 91 0-475-7100,727 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: KEN Jones puorrrr: 9 1 0-475-7 1 00,721 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: ! Alteration n Renovation E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: X Erect New Residence D Addition to Existing Residence n Relocation *I.*PIEASE CHECX AND ANSWER BETOW ATI THAT APPIY TO YOUR PRO'ECT*'* ! Att Garage (SF) 436 E Det Garage (sF) tr Porch (sF)270 n sunroom (sF)n Pool (sF)E Storage Shed (SF)_ E Greenhouse (SF)_D Deck (SF)tr other (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Yes E No TOTAL Sq FT UNDERROOF lfor proposed workl 11sa1s61 2225 TOTAI PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 111,250 ls the proposed work changing the nu mber of bedrooms? fl Yes E t{o lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesENo lfthepro.iectisaRelocation,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?EYesENo lsthere Electrical Power on this Bu ilding? E Yes E No laws and ordinances and re8ulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified of any changes in the approved plans and specifications orchange in contractor information. "'NOTET Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State BldS Code and rubject to fines up to $5Oo.OO',. Owner/Contractor:Kelsey Rivera Signature. Kelsey Rivera Digir, y 3'9nd by xd$y u6a "Licensed Quolifier" Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes m No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft TotalAcres Disturb"6r -17 A New lmpe rvisus qlg3; 2931 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: El Yes ! No WATER: I CFPUA E Community System E Private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA ! Community System E Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RHl _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ {N) _ BFE+2ft= _ ri Comment:Permit Fee: S fr ,9 {fi"'..-,. nm,; tOT #: 96 pROpERTy OWNER,5layg; McKee Homes, LLC pygxg 6. 910-475-7100,727 g16gs1g6;706 Property Use/ Occupancy: E Sintle Family E ouplex E Townhouse Description of work: New Construction, Sinqle Family Home Lotg,r]Ulr(L8-L392NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE; RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect Responsibilitl/' Application Number {offace use) AppgcANT,s NAM5; McKee Homes LLC 9s121 51218 pROJECT ADDRESS: 421 Middle Grove Lane ctTy. Wilmington yp.28411 suBDtvtstoN: clay crossing LOT #: 5 pRopERTy owNER,s NIME: McKee Homes, LLC pHONE s: 91 0-47 5-7 1 00,7 27 OWNER'S ADDRESS: 109 Ha St.. Ste 301 61ry' Fayetteville 21p 28301 CONTRACTOR:GML Development sloe rrceNse r. 63970 ADDRESS: 109 Hay St., Ste 301 Ctw: Fayetteville st: NC ztp:28301 EMATL ADDREss: krivera@mckeehomesnc.com PHONE: 91 0-475-7100,727 pRoJEcT coNTACT pERsoN; Justin Phillips pxorur: 91 0-475-7 1 00,739 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Ateration n Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence n Addition to Existing Residence I Relocation *..PI"EAsE CHECK AND ANSWER BETOW ATt THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT'TI E Att Garage (sF) 440 E Porch (5F)295 n sunroom (sF)! Storage shed (sF)_ E Greenhouse (5F)_n Deck (SF)tr other (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes ! trlo TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOF lJor proposed workl 1.g96g96;2389 TOTAT PROTECT COST (Less Lot): 5 1 19,450 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E No lsanyElectrical,PlumbintorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesnNo lfthepro.iectisaRelocation,isthereaNaturalGasLineonthecurrentsite?EYesENo lsthere Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes C No laws and ordinances and.e8ulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified ofany changes in the approved plans and specilications or change in contractor information. "'NOTE : Any work performed without the a ppropriate perm its will be in violation of the NC State Bldg Code and au bject to fines u p to 5500.00. . . Owner/contractor: Kelsey Rivera lor McKee Homes Sign"1rr". Kelsey Bivera "Licensed QuoliJiel Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes E No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Affes Disturbed: New lmperviousArea:3094 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes E No WATER; El CFPUA tr Community System E Private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA ! Community System E Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua zone: - Officer: - Setbacks (F) - (tH) - {RH} - {B}- Approval: _ Cityr - Date:- Flood: (A) - (v) - (N) - 8FE+2ft= -Comment:Permit Fee: S \qq4 OD \) E E Det Garage (sF) n Pool (sF) _ gnh""1g6;735 Property Use/ Occupancy: E Single Family E Duplex D Townhouse Description of work: New Construction. Sinqle Familv Home Ld2fu?,ffQ Application Number (office use) ?7 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P Ll CATIO N rYPEi RESI DENTIAL PTEASE ANSWER ALT QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibilit1/' AppgcANT,s NAM6; McKee Homes, LLC s71q 5/218 pRoJEcT ADDRESs: 413 Middle Grove Lane 611y. Wilmington 2p. 28411 SUgOtVtStON: Cla C rossin pROpERTy OwNER,s NAME: McKee Homes, LLC LOT S: 3 pHoNE f : 9'10-475-7 100,727 OWNER'5 ADDRESS:109 Hay St., Ste 301 CtTy. Fayetteville 21p.28301 CONTRACTOR . GML Development s196 U6sx5s 6. 63970 ADDRESS:'109 Hay St., Ste 301 ctw: Fayetteville ST: NC ZIP 28301 CMA . ADDRESS: krivera@mckeehomesnc.com pHONt 91 0 -47 5 -7 1 00,7 27 PROJECT CONTACT PERSON: JUStiN PhiIIi PHoNE: 91 0-475-71 00,739 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: n Alteration ! Renovation ! General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation r.*PLEASE CHECX AND ANSWER BELOW ALL THAT APPLY TO YOUR PRO.ICCT**'T E Att Garage (sF) 436 E Det Garage (sF) tr Porch (SF)265 E Sunroom (SF)! Storage Shed (SF)_ E Greenhouse (sF)_tr Deck (sF)E other (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? n Yes E No TOTAT SQ FT UNDERROOF Uor proposed workl Heated:2226 unhg2lgd;701 TOTAI PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 111,300 ls the proposed work changing the nu mber of bedrooms? El Yes E No lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEYesENo lf theproiectisa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E Yes ! No ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes E No Property Use/ Occupancy: E Single Family E Duplex E Townhouse Oescription of work: New Construction, Sinqle Family Home lau/s and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center willbe notified oJ any changes in the approved plans and specifications orchange in contractor information- "'NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State Bldg Code and subject to fines up to S5OO.OO... Owner/Contractor:Kelsey Rivera for McKee Homes Sign"1ur". Kelsey Rivera DDid y sEned by xor$y ar* "Licensed Quolifie/' Print Nome ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes E No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervisu5 4rs3; 2927 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes E No WATER: E CFPUA tr Community System E Private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA tr Community System E Private Septic E Central Septic E Aqua Zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) _ (B) _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood: (Al _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: S t\Be 00 n Pool (SF) _ NEW I{ANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION IYPE: RESIDENTIAI- PTEAS€ ANSWER AI-TQUESTIONS APPI-ICABTT TO YOUR PRO,IECT "Project Responsibillty'' 18-1307 Appllcatloo Number lotflce u5e) R\/t.169 AppUcANT's NAME: H & H Constructors of Fa lle, LLC PROJECT ADDRESS: 4837 Waves Pointe Date;02/16/2018 CtTy: Wilmington ztP: 28412 suBDtvtstoN: Riverlights tOT n: 169 OWNTR'S ADDRESS; 8209 Market Street Suite C CtTy: Wilmlngton aP:28411 ADDRESS: 8209 i,4arket Street, Suile C qTy: Wlmlngton sT: NC zlP 28411 PRO,IECT CONTACT PERSON: JJ BTENNiN PHONE;910.219.1485 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteratlon E Renovatlon E General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCIION; A Erect New Residenc€ E Addltion to Exlstlng Residence E Relocaflon X'*PLEASE CHECK AND AN T" E Att Garage (sF) 523 tr Detcarage(sF)- El porch (sF) tr Poot (sF)tr Storage shed (sF)_ E Greenhouse (sF)_tr Deck (SF)o other (sF)Patio 199 sq. ft. TOTAT PROJECT COST (tess [ot): S 120,97 4 ls the proposed work changlng the number of bedrooms? E yes El lto ls any Electrlcal, Plumbing or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure E lf the project ls a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes E t,t ls there Electrical Poweron thls Bulldlng? E Yes D No Property Use/ Occupancyr E single Famlly E ouplex E Townhouse D€scrlptlo n of worki SINGLE FAN/ILY DWELLING *.,THE PLAN - RILEY, C ELEVATION'* lawsand ordkBoces and reSulatlong. The NHC Davelopment SeNlces Centerrptltbe nottfted of any ch.nges ln the approved plens Bnd rpectltcathnr or change haontra(tor lnformatlon. "'NOTEi Any wo* perfo(m€d wilhout the approprlate permltr wlll be ln vlolatlon of the NC Slate BldB Code and iublect to tlnei up to $5m.0O... 183 :Ltty Engineerin ROW Review g d Owner/Contractor:JJ Brennlng "Licensed Quoliliet" Pllnt Nome lsthepropertylocatedinafloodplaln? O Yes E No Exlstlng lmpervlous Area: _ Sq Ft Signature:fNLWJ TotalAcresDisturbedr .11 New lmperulsu5 4yg3; 325'1 Sq ft Existlng Land Disturblng Permiti El Yes E No WATIR: @ CFPTJA E Community System D Private Well E CentralWell E Aqua zon., R.7 2nP LH) * tnx) * (s) 5/ SEWER: @ CFP Community System E Private Septic E Central Septlc D Aqua setuact<s(r)l()/1 oate:{!!1]! rrooaApproval .( lPermit Fee:))oq:(A)-(v)- 1ru1- X err+2ft=0o 0 $ tadit\D ' lnsp:clion Requrreo, gl 0.154-0901 Commen UA E] Cc.D')oflicer: cl ComFl1 U)\ Ctuut,,1,Mruisre" R6u JorS-qW pRopERTyoWNER,s NAME: H & H Constructors of Fayetteville, LLC pnorue l: 910.219.1485 coNTRrAcIoR: H & H Conskuctors of Fayetteville, LLC gLD611g6t!59 g. 74158 EMATLADDRESS: jullcafferly@hhhomes.corn/ lerrybrenning@hhhomes.com pHoNE: 910.2'19.1485 E Sunroom (SF)_ ls the proposed work changing the exlsting footprlnt? E Yes E No TOTAI Sq FT UNDIR ROOF lJot proposed work) Heated:2010 Untlssgsd; 706 &otr -.,Vr_l4zNE!'l HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERilIT APPLZCATr(N n?E.. coilltERcf AL PLEASE A{${ER ALL QIESTIOIS APPI.ICASLE TO YOtn PROJECT -ProJect Responstbllltf aFFEfdtEl urber ((ff1c. tR.) APPLICAI{T' DEVELOPER: S llAllE: g61rn Davldson, Davidaon Architecture r EngrneerJ-ng TEI n.-,' ,-, o Chad Pet ' .Et i -i -*^- - PHoflE ! q1r-/l''r -.qqnztP:PNOJECT 3 5135 crrolina Beach Ro.d ( Wallnut ) OCCUPATT/BUSIXESS tulttlE 3 D-. ,^ PflOPERTY OTIER'S UIITE : O{ En'S AII)RESS: orr o O0{TRACTOR: irr!.s scott construction ,oc. AIDRESS : 2{20 Auord Dr. EIIAIL : roberte aDeagcottconatruction. con PRolECr Cor{rAci : .ranea scott (Ch..k AIl ]h.t Arply) EXIST COTSTRITCTTO f Rglocation, ls lher€ a N :I atural ALTERATION Gas Line on the r 23Jl)2- _ PH(XE *:208.8?0.6566 ST ZIP:IIL t16r 6 . ST: Nc ZIP: 28409 PHO E rf: . Ptl(XE f: e 10.538. {oos CITY: 1,7i11,ir1ngo. Hil osrnrrro, g eccEssmY STRlrcnnE 3 RETIOVATION GENERAL REPAIRS l-_ r'ro rs BLDG s RELOCATION urreni Site?vesf-_ ERECr NEl,r SrRr.,cruRE I rasr rRAcx E SHELL n upFrr f] ADo ro ExrsT STRUCITRE If UPFIT - The Shell Penmit *:Is E1ect Pouer on this Bullding f. Yes r.N0..r" IS THIS A CrB GE OF OCCUPAI{CY USE?r YES fr. tO.,$. lF Ycs, Hhat rrs the Prevlous Occupancy type? _ xhat ls the tr Occupancy Itffi ?oarro pnoFEssro{AL: .r6h. h,vi.r.^n . PH:913. {51.9390 I H: I:,",,--ET{GR DESICT{ PROFESSIOI{AI PH: DESCRIPTION OF T''ORK: ls food or beverages F€parod or s€rved in this slructuro?f, Vefl- tlo ls The Property Located ln The Floodplalnf_ vef_ the StaE Bu OWNER/COiITRACTOR: chad ronsaoa retrg SIGNATURE: ((Ir$irt (Rit t&r'.)t{ : Dsno&ion.Elificalir!6 & aob€aD6 r€nlov8lpofmn apdicalions are b bg subniuad usino th€ spplication bm co.rtlh Arbaaaa o. iot You ar6 raquiEd b call the Nalixlal Emigsion Sr6nd6rds for H6zrrdors Aa Pdlutants (N hErt|vv{v{.€d.slab.rEu!/orurst €ib.,/.fmD.hhl nwiil ESHAP) at (91 9) Ell ottEr rpplcable SlaEDlsdc.ld roGdfcatbrBIJC 6tate Bkh Cti<le and(.- ',rndlo lh€ hdhy or bulldirlg w6s hrnd b 707-5950 ar leo3t '10 days pdd to rh. ddfiretdl .a any h.Ity o. b.rldiry TOTAL PROJECT COST:# OF UNITS: rur__f OF STORIES: * /" B r-1WELL I-IZON|NG US FHIVATE SEPTTC E-COMMUNTTY # OF FLOORS: 560 Asbeslos Web SitB: "rSD k BUILDING HEIGHT: .,,. E E COMMUNIrySYSTEM CENTRAL SEPTIC WATER: SEII/ER: SYSTEM CFPUA CFPUA PAYMENT METHOD: ZONE: OFFICER: E CLASSIFICATION SETBACKS: F: LH: .RH B BFE+zft - SEPARATE PERMITS REOUIREO FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS f cAsH f-. cnecx lenveeLE ro NHc) l-_ AMER|CAN ExpREss [-_ n,lwrsa f-- otscovER (FOR OFFICE USE ONLY) Approval:-City: DATE- FLOOD xtdwD n Comment N - PERMIT FEE: I _ LICENSE S: sselo 15m Zo E6".- + TOTAL AREA SO FT i -c.r3__ SQFTPERFLR:..,,. TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF: .,," #OF STRUCTURES: ,,,n. AcREsD|sTURBED:-ExsTLANDDlsTURBlNGPERMlT?JaYEsrNoNEwlMPERvlot,sAREA.-SQFTExlsTlNGlMPERVloUSAREA:-sQFT PRopERry USE: f]oFFrcE lnesreunerr f] mencmllef[ eoucf]_eerE coNDo orHEr-rjror_ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILOTNG PERMIT A P PLI CATIO N TYPE.. RESIDENTIAT PTEASE ANSWER ALL qUESTIONS APPLICABTT TO YOUR PROJ€CT "Proiect Responsibllity,, ,2c,t9'' U3d118-1309 Appii.ation Numb€r (office u5e) APPLICANT,S NAME: JANET FuTT 921s 4123118 PROJECT ADDRESS: 1 16 FATMhoUSe Road clTY: Casue Hayne 71p. 28429 SUBDIVISION: Rivendell Bay tOT S: 29 PROPERTY OWNER'5 11ay6; D.R. Horton OWNER'S ADDRTSS; 131 Racine Drive Suite 201 pxoNt s: 910-821-8557 CtTy. Wilm ington ztp: 28403 CONTRACTOR: D.R. Horton AODRESS: 131 Racine Drive Suite 201 CITY: Wilminqton EMAIL ADDRESS: jfurr@drhorton.com PRoJEcr coNTACT pERsoN: Jeff Jones EXISTING CONSTRUCTTON: I Alteration E Renovation ! General Repairs NEw coNsrRucrol{: '$-Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence Ll Rerocation **.PtEASE CHECK AND ANSWTR ETOW ALT T APPLY TO YOUR P ECT. * * Srqtt Garase (SF) 417 D Sunroom (SF)_ E Greenhouse (SF) E oet Garage (SF)_(.eor.t 1sr1 48 ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? p-{es E No TOTAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF lfot proposed work) tteated:1618 g1s6 U6pttgs 6. 29676 sT: NC zrp, 28403 PHONE:910-821-8557 pHONE:910-585-9833 tr Pool (SF) tr oeck (SF) Unheated:561 IOTAI PROJECT COSr (Less Lot);g 103665 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr Ves d-ffo ls any Electricar, prumbinS or Mechanicar work being done to the Accessory structure & yes D Nolf the project is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the curr€nt site? El yes ts-lo ls there Electrical power on this BuildingZ EI Ves {_No Property Use/ (kcupancy:p-single family E Duptex E Townhouse Description of Work: New Sinqle Familv Residence OISCIAIMER: thereby laws and ordinan.es a inform.tron'.rNOTI te Eldg d subiecl to fines up to S50O.0O... owner/Contractor: Janet Fun "liccnsed Quolifier" ls the property located in a ftoodplain? D yes El t{o Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft TotalAcresDisturbed;.42 New lmpervious Ars2; 3054 Sq Ft Existint Land DisturbinS permit: E yes E ruo Urfn: ( CFPUA E Community System El private We E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: (CFPUA E Community System El private Septic D Central Septic E Aqua zone: _ Ofticer: -- Setbacks (F) _ (tH) _ (RH) -- {B) --Approval: -- City: _ Date:_ Ftood: (A) -.- (V) _ (N) _ 8FE+2ft= cerlfy that allthe informatrcn in this apptj.ation i5 core.t and altu/ork wi comply with the State BuildinS Code and allother applicabl€ State and localhd reSulaliong The NHC Development ServjcesCenter wi| b€ notitied of a cha s in lhe approved pla^s and speaitiration5 or Change in contra(torAny work performed without rhe appropriate permits wafl be in vaolation Signatu eNC Comment:Permit Fee: S a) ! Storage Shed (SF) -. (ottrer (sr) 96 NEW HANOVER COUNry BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE : REStDENTtAt PLEASE ANSWER AtI- QUESTIONS APPTICABI-T TO YOUR PROJECT "Proj€ct Respon5ibility,, 2ol('13ttq 18-1315 Application Number (office use) APPLICANT'S NAME: Janet Furr oate:4123118 PROJECT ADDRESS: 7927 Huron Drive Ctw: Wilmington 71p. 28412 SUBDIVISION: Bass Lake tOT 8: 265 PROPERTY OWNER'S NAME: D.R. Horton OWNER'S ADDRESS: '131 Racine Drive Suite 201 pHoNE #: 910-821-8557 CONTRACToR: D.R. Horton 9195 11gsx56 s. 29676 clTY: Wilmington ST: NC 2;P 24403 EMAIL ADDRESS:ifu rhorton.com PROJECT CONTACT PERSoN: Ryan Willis IXISTING CONSTRUCTTON: ! Alteration ! Renovation ! General Repairs l{EW CONSTRUCITON: P Erect New Residence n Addition to txistlng Residence U Relocation PHONE:910-821-8557 pHONE:9'10-465-1906 ECH ND RB L ! Pool (5F) -..-- APPI.OU PdAtt Garage (SF) _ ! Sunroom (5F) D Greenhouse (SF) ! Deck (Sf)_ ls the proposed work changin8 the existing footprint? tr ves $ Ho IOTAI Sq FT UNDER ROOF llor proposed workl 11ss1s6; 2799 tr oet Garate (SF)--Slrorch (SF) n Storage Shed (SF)-- 6 otnu, (sr)130 gnhg31g6; 155 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E yes.El No ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicarwork being done to the Accessory structure syes E Nolf theproiedisa Rerocation, istherea Naturar Gas Line on the current site? E y", druo ls there Electrical power on this Building? E yes 6 ruo ToTAI PROJECT COST (tess rot): 5 134480 Property Use/ occupancyaElsingle Family E Duplex E Townhouse Description of Work: New Sinqle Family Residence orsclArMER: r herebyae(ity that allthe information in rhis application i3 co(ect and ellworr( willcomlawsand ordinances and regulations. The NHC oevetopmenr Services Center wrttOe noittieO ofany rfrainlormation. .,.NOTI: Any work performed wirhout the appropriate permits wjltbe in viol;tion of the ply with thestate BuildinB Code nges in lhe approved plans and NC Bldg Code and s and allother applicable State and local specifiaataons or ahange in contractor to fines up lo 5500 oo'.. Owner/Contractor: Janet Fun 'Licensed Quolifier" W ls the property tocated in a floodplain? tr Ves f no Existing lmpervious Area: -- Sq ft TotalAcres Disturbed: .16 New tmpervious A196; 3179 5qp1 ExistinS Land Disturbing permit:tyes E No WATER: (CFPUA E Communjty System E private Well E Central Welt O AquaI SEWER: ftFpUA D Community System E private Septic E Central Septic fI Aqua Zone: -.- Offtcer: -- serbacks (F) _ (tHl --_ (RH) -- (B) _ Approval: -- City;_ Date:_ Ftood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+2ft= Signalure: Comment:Permit Fee: S @ _1. ffi CITY: Vvilmington Z,p] 28403 ADDRESS; '131 Racine Drive Suite 201 ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION ryPE RESIDENTIAL PLIAST ANSWER ALL QUTSTIONS APPL|CAEIF TO YOUR PHO]TCI "Proiect Responsibilaty,, ClTy Wilmrnoton Zo\8 - 93.ps lE -13 t! APPLICANT,S NAME: Janet FUrr D (of{,.c Lrsol ate:4/23118 PRorEcr ADDRESS: 4?L!rpl Plyg SUBDIVISION: BASS LaKe PRoPERTY owNER'S NAME: D R Horton OWNER's ADDRESS: 131 Racine Drive Surte 201 1p 28412 LOI lt: 267 PHoNr 1r 91q-821-B557 CtTy: Wilmington_ 2p. 28403 crrY Wilmington EMAIL ADDRESS:,furr@drhorton.com PRoJEcT coNTAcr prnsoru R an Willis 9196 1166x96 6 29676 sr NC 21p 28403 I Sunroom {SF).,, Stora8e Shed (5F) _ .4other (sF) 120. Greenhouse (5f) _ . J Deck (SF)_-.- ls lhe proposed work changinS the existing footprint? I yes '_ No IOIAT SQ FT UNDER ROOF Uor proposed wotkl Heated 2258 Unhcated:573 TOTAI PROJECT coST {Less Lot). S 133125 is lhe propo5eo work (hanBrnB the number of bedrooms? u Ves S. No l5 any Electrical, plumbinB or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure S. yes fl Nolf the prolect is a Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the current srte? E Ves S ruo ls (here tlectricat power on this Building? E yes Efruo OISCI-AIMtR: r hereby rerl'ry that ail thc , lorm.lor in this appticarron .! aorrecl and altwork wrtlcomlrw\ and ordtrrdnres ard reSuralrons. rhe NH€ ceverop^rcnt servrces cenler w,r b€ norificd o, a.y €haLnlormetl.,r ".NoTE. Any wo,k per{onned wiihout rhe appropflate permrts wlt be rn vrotation of the owner/contractor: Janet Furr ''Liceased Quolilie/', Signature: ply w(h the Sldre Surtdrne Code rnct a othef app|..blc State and tocal n8e! rn the approved ptan\ aod soe.!Ii.atron: or ci.n t{xt to frne\ 0p l0 5-500 00' " ls the property locatect in a floodplain? E Ves druo Existing lmpervious Area: Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: 17 New lmpervious Are ", ?.ao sq Ft Exirtint r-and Disturbing permitrp WArER: S\CFPUA E Comrnunrty System fl private We D Central Well El Aqua SEWER: d-CFpUA fl Community Sysrem E private Septic E Central Septic E Aqr_ra Zone: __ Officer: _ Setbacks {F) _ (tH} _ (RH) _ (B) _ Yes ! No City: Date: Ftood: (A) . (V) (N) gFE+2ft=Approval: Comment Permit Fee: S OO CONTRACTO R : _D_E:!9!9N ADDRESS: 131 Racine Drive Suite 20i -- PHONE: 910-821-8557_ PHONE: 910465-'1906 EXISTING CONSTRUCTTON: -- Aireration . Renovatjon General Reparrs NEW CONSTRUCTIOru, $ frect New Resrdence - I Addrtion ro Existrng Residence Retocation " *PLTASI CHECK AND ANSWER BEIOW AI.L THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECI'* * F-Att Garage {sr) 432 tr Det Garage {sF) _ * 14 porch isF) 21 a Pool (SF) __ Propeny Use/ Occupancy: E Single Family U Duplex D Townhouse oescription ot work: _N9yys!l1g,!9lql0itv Residence NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATION fYPE: RESTDENTTAL l,r lA5F ANSWIH Atl (]Ut S ITONS Appt t( ABti To you,1 pROtLC I "Project Responsibility" J0t( -q%!q tB-13l7 APPLICANT'S NAME: ]anet F-urr /oiLt p .r\.i galq 4l23l19 pfiOJECT ADDRE55T 642 Granile Lane SUBDIV|S|ON: Rivendell Bay C|TY: Castletlayne tOT #: 34 zP. 28429 pROpERTy OWNER,S NAME: D R. Horton OWNER's ADDRESS: 1ll1 Racrne Drive Surte 201 CONTRACTOR D.R Horton PHoNr fr 9r10€213557 CtTy. Wilminqton 71p 284O3 - BIDG 1169156 p 29676 ADDRESS; 131 Racine Drive Suite 201 C ITY l!rl-inqton NC zrp 284035T tMArL ADDRt55: ]!!@d rhorton com PHoNE 910-821-8557 pR6JECT CONTA6T pERSON Jeff Jones - PHONE 910-585-9833 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: _ Alreration Renovation Gener,lt Repar!-5 NtW CONSIRUCTION: Y- Erect New Resrdence - Addrtion to Exrsting Residence Relocation ir'PttAsE cHECK AND ANSW ER BELOW ATt THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT} i + $ Att Garagc (sF) 416 I Sunroom (SF) O Det Garage (SF)_ J Pool {St)_--.- ! Deck {5F) 5(.Porch (sF) lq -l Storage Shed {5F) X other {sr) 88G.eeI.house (Stl ls the proposed work changing the exjsting footprint? $Ves J tto TOTAL SQ FT UNDER ROOF Uor prcposed work) Healed: 1774 Unheated:522 ToTAt PROJECT COST (Less Lot): S 108540 ls the proposed work chan8ing the number of bedrooms? ! yes $-J{o ls any Electrical, Plumbing or Mechanicalwork being done to the Accessory Structure EL yes fl No l{ the prolect is a Relocation, js there a Natural Gas [ine on the current site? E yes gl_ No Js ihere Ele.tflcai Power on this Burtding? O Ves ( lto Property Use/ Occupancy: S-Single Family E Duplex fl Townhouse Description ot Work: New Sinqle Fami lv Resrdence Dl5CtAlMERi I he'clry cenriy thal arl the I ldwi dnd ordlnanae5;nd regutatrons lhc rnfcr.raiioo. r'tNOTi Ary wort per{Orm owner/contractor: Janet Furr nformat,cn ,I lhrs.pplr(atron ,s correcr .rnd dll work wi romply wnh the St.rte Bu,l.jrn8 CNHC Development Servrces Cenrer wilt be notifred o{ any ch.,ng€, rn the approvec, ,rlans i ed wrthort thc .rppropaate pC.m(5 wr be rn violdion of th ode and all otl,or dpplcabJe St!te ;nd toin Signature:'Lt.ensed Quol)lter" 1.. the propertt, o.aied in a iloociplain? ! Ves ( lo Exist;ng lmpervious Area 5q Ft Total Acres Disturbed: .33 New rmpervious Area: 3109--, _ sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing permit: fl yes E t,io WAIER; S. CFPUA U Community System E private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: UfIFPUA E CommunrrySystem D private Scptrc E Centr.rt Septc O Aqud zone:. , ofrice.: _ setbacfts(F) _ (!H) (RH) _ (B) __ Approval: City: Date: _ Ftood: (A) (V) . (N) BFE+2ft= Comment Permit Feet S loe3,'o