2018-05-07 RM ExhibitsExhibit vv Book!= -Page S -10, NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of New Hanover Road(s) Description: Still Pine Drive, Everette Court, and Honeydew Lane located within The Lakes at Johnson Farms Subdivision in New Hanover County (Division File No: 1256 -N) WHEREAS, a petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above described road(s), the location of which has been indicated on a map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the above described road(s) should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the road(s) meets minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described road(s), and to take over the road(s) for maintenance if they meet established standards and criteria. CERTIFICATE The foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover at a meeting on the 7th day of May, 2018. WITNESS my hand and official seal this the 7h day of May, 2018. 0%1NTY. 2 n K&Anberleigh Crowell, Clerk to the Board �2 New Hanover County Board of Commissioners oil H4Cit'ry Form SR -2 Please Note: Forward directly to the District Engineer, Division of Highways. Exhibit��� Book .II Page NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of New Hanover Road(s) Description: Ervin's Place Drive located within the Ervin's Place Subdivision in New Hanover County (Division File No: 1258 -N) WHEREAS, a petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above described road(s), the location of which has been indicated on a map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the above described road(s) should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the road(s) meets minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described road(s), and to take over the road(s) for maintenance if they meet established standards and criteria. CERTIFICATE The foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover at a meeting on the 7th day of May, 2018. WITNESS my hand and official seal this the 7`t' day of May, 2018. �NTY. AV O � n berleigh Crowell, Clerk to the Board ° New Hanover County Board of Commissioners •�TA6L15NEG,� Form SR -2 Please Note: Forward directly to the District Engineer, Division of Highways. Exhibit V c� Book -1 Page a �C NORTH CAROLINA STATE DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION REQUEST FOR ADDITION TO STATE MAINTAINED SECONDARY ROAD SYSTEM North Carolina County of New Hanover Road(s) Description: East Lake Emerald Drive and Castleboro Court located within the Weaver Woods at Lake Emerald Subdivision in New Hanover County (Division File No: 1255 -N) WHEREAS, a petition has been filed with the Board of County Commissioners of the County of New Hanover requesting that the above described road(s), the location of which has been indicated on a map, be added to the Secondary Road System; and WHEREAS, the Board of County Commissioners is of the opinion that the above described road(s) should be added to the Secondary Road System, if the road(s) meets minimum standards and criteria established by the Division of Highways of the Department of Transportation for the addition of roads to the System. NOW, THEREFORE, be it resolved by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover that the Division of Highways is hereby requested to review the above described road(s), and to take over the road(s) for maintenance if they meet established standards and criteria. CERTIFICATE The foregoing resolution was duly adopted by the Board of Commissioners of the County of New Hanover at a meeting on the 7th day of Mav, 2018. WITNESS my hand and official seal this the 7"" day of May, 2018. vNTY. co E O o � n Ky6lberleigh G. 4owell, Clerk to the Board ° New Hanover County Board of Commissioners 3rd �2 is Form SR -2 Please Note: Forward directly to the District Engineer, Division of Highways. Exhibit Book Page_ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION Supporting the Naming of the Cape Fear River Bridge on I -140 in Honor of Louis Bobby Brown WHEREAS, the bridge on Interstate 140 that crosses the Cape Fear River from New Hanover County to Brunswick County has recently opened to traffic; and WHEREAS, the North Carolina Department of Transportation has Policy and Procedures for naming roads, bridges and ferries; and WHEREAS, Louis Bobby Brown was one of the pioneers from Brunswick County on the Wilmington MPO and was instrumental in the routing of this section of I -140. Through his work on the MPO, Brown appeared before the North Carolina Board of Transportation at least three times in support of this highway; and WHEREAS, Louis Bobby Brown was the first mayor of the Town of Navassa serving in that role from 1977 until 1999. His tireless efforts on behalf of the people of Brunswick County was recognized with the honor of becoming a member of the Order of the Long Leaf Pine in 1984 and continues today at the age of 88. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED, that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners joins with other local jurisdictions in requesting that the Cape Fear River bridge on I -140 be named in honor of Louis Bobby Brown. ADOPTED this the 7h day of May, 2018. U I Woody White, ATTEST: K.yfibe'rleigh- GLtrowell, Clerk to the Board Vi r Exhibit Book Page go NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS LUPUS AWARENESS MONTH PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, each year, the Lupus Foundation of America designates May as National Lupus Awareness Month to show support for the estimated 1.5 million Americans who have lupus; and WHEREAS, lupus is an unpredictable and misunderstood autoimmune disease that ravages different parts of the body. It is difficult to diagnose, hard to live with, and a challenge to treat; and WHEREAS, lupus can affect any part of the body, including the skin, lungs, heart, kidneys, and brain. No organ is spared. The disease can cause seizures, strokes, heart attacks, miscarriages, and organ failure; and WHEREAS, lupus can be particularly difficult to diagnose because its symptoms are similar to those of many other illnesses, and major gaps exist in understanding the causes and consequences of lupus. More than half of all people with lupus take four or more years and visit three or more doctors before obtaining a correct diagnosis; and WHEREAS, while lupus strikes mostly women of childbearing age, no one is safe from lupus. African Americans, Hispanics/Latinos, Asians, and Native Americans are two to three times more likely to develop lupus -a disparity that remains unexplained; and WHEREAS, approximately 53,000 North Carolinians are affected by lupus. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that May 2018 will be recognized as "Lupus Awareness Month" in New Hanover County; and BE IT FURTHER PROCLAIMED that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, in recognition of Lupus Awareness Month, urge New Hanover County citizens to observe this month by educating themselves on the symptoms and impact of lupus, and to join with the North Carolina Chapter of the Lupus Foundation of America in supporting programs of research, education, and community service. ADOPTED this the 7ch day of May, 201 . N W C Woody White, l�= ATTEST: berleigh rowell, Clerk to the Board `ti Exhibity/? Book Page NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS BUILDING SAFETY MONTH PROCLAMATION — MAY 2018 WHEREAS, New Hanover County is committed to recognizing our growth and strength which depends on the safety and economic value of the homes, buildings, and infrastructure that serve our citizens, both in everyday life and in times of natural disaster; and WHEREAS, our confidence in the structural integrity of the buildings that make up our community is derived through the devotion of vigilant guardians — building safety and fire prevention officials, architects, engineers, builders, tradespeople, design professionals, laborers, and others in the construction industry. These vigilant guardians work year -round to ensure the safe construction of buildings; and WHEREAS, a large number of these guardians are dedicated members of the International Code Council (ICC), a U.S.A. based organization, that brings together local, state, and federal officials that are experts in the built environment to create and implement the highest - quality codes to protect us in the buildings where we live, learn, work, worship, and play; and WHEREAS, our nation benefits economically and technologically from using the International Codes® developed by the ICC, a national codes and standards organization with a voluntary consensus process in developing codes. And, that these modern building codes include safeguards to protect the public from natural disasters such as hurricanes, snowstorms, tornadoes, wildland fires, floods, and earthquake; and WHEREAS, Building Safety Month is sponsored by the ICC to remind the public about the critical role of our communities mostly unknown guardians of public safety—our local code officials —who assure us of safe, efficient and livable buildings that are essential to keep America great; and WHEREAS, "Building Codes Save Lives," the theme for Building Safety Month 2018, encourages all Americans to raise awareness of the importance of building safe and resilient construction, fire prevention, disaster mitigation, and new technologies in the construction industry. And, Building Safety Month 2018 encourages appropriate steps everyone can take to ensure that the places where we live, learn, work, worship, and play are safe, and recognizes that the implementation of safety codes by local and state agencies has saved countless lives and property; and WHEREAS, each year in observance of Building Safety Month, Americans are asked to consider commitments to improve building safety and economic investment at home and in the community, and to acknowledge the essential services provided to us by local and state building departments, fire prevention bureaus, and federal agencies in protecting lives and property. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that May 2018 will be recognized as "Building Safety Month" in New Hanover County. Accordingly, the Board of Commissioners encourages all citizens to become aware of the safety features required in their homes and other buildings, and join with their communities in participating in Building Safety Month activities. ADOPTED this the 7'h day of May, 2018. r NEW HANOVE C NTY Woody White, AT EST: K berleigh G. o ell, Clerk to the Board t Exhibit Book -�page NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS RESOLUTION DISPOSAL OF SURPLUS PROPERTY WHEREAS, New Hanover County owns certain personal property itemized on the attached Exhibit A that is no longer functional for governmental purposes; and WHEREAS, the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners is desirous of declaring the property surplus and disposing of the property as authorized by North Carolina General Statute (NCGS) 160A- Article 12; and WHEREAS, following Board's approval, the Board wishes to allow non - profit organizations the opportunity to inspect and purchase the property prior to being sold by public auction; and WHEREAS, all remaining property will be disposed of according to the procedures prescribed in Chapter 160A- 270(c) which authorizes the disposal of personal property electronically using an existing private or public electronic auction service; and WHEREAS, items not sold by electronic public auction will be disposed of using any other method authorized in the NCGS 160A- Article 12 including discarding the items. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners as follows: I . The personal property itemized on the attached Exhibit A is hereby declared to be surplus property. 2. That the Chief Financial Officer's designated representative, pursuant to the provisions of G.S. 160A -270 (c), is hereby authorized to dispose of the personal property listed by electronic public auction and any property not sold by electronic means may be disposed of using any other method authorized by the NCGS 160A- Article 12, and that said representative be further authorized and directed to execute necessary documents, transfer title, add /delete items from the surplus list, and perform all necessary functions associated with this disposal. 3. All surplus property will be sold "as is," all sales will be final and the acceptable forms of payment are cash, certified check, money order, and Visa or MasterCard. New Hanover County makes no express or implied warranties of merchantability of any surplus property, or part thereof, or its fitness for any particular purpose regardless of any oral statements that may be made concerning the surplus property or any part thereof. 4. A notice summarizing this resolution and the sale of the surplus property shall be advertised on the County's website and /or in the Wilmington Star News at least ten (10) days prior to the electronic public auction. ADOPTED this the 7" day of May, 20 AT EST: DA Ky0berleigh G. Cr ell, Clerk to the Board 00 O N N J Z O U D Q Exhibit �- Book XLT Page - 8.,. -1 b 4; 4; 4 �+ N N 4-; c c c c Y C c c O C 3 v a� v Y y Y y ar v 'c a, v 3 u o v U �' c U �', C U c U c U �' C U ,�, C U �' c a - U O c a, m a c c on v c to W e to W e oo v c oo W e oo W e oo ai c 3 c TO v c a .vl t m e •� m e •� m c •� m e •� m e •� m e •� m e •� O> c C Y Y C C C !� C C C C � L N C CL ix v v a, v v v v '5 c 'm a c 'm a c 'm a c 'm a c 'm a c 'm a w c U ° c °� m y a i v v v v y w v w v w v> ai Q) CO °� °� °� °� N m r N E CA a r'- m� � r'- � u m 'oo c axi a, a 'x o Ln 0 0 0 o O O x w c 3 o w w c v cc z 3 L, 3= u 3 2 u 3= v 3= u 3 2 u 3= u 3 w w w u o oc w 1oOO m Ln Ln o a 000 = Q N N M 00 It C M Z Ln Ln � L r -I r�-1 r�-1 r�-I '..I v 3 0 L 3 O N L LA a r Y Q o > ma c c w E m m fa ` 7 m -O H C C N i ( a+ D ~ CL al O Y D C) O X Ln a a) al X w O L U C }^ w O f6 3 O > O > N U N O cN� A- w cy� P m L U U- m 00 C � ~ 01 x 0 O O O O O LA 0) N O O O O O O O p O ri .-I N r4 N N N VI H Y C v O C v � Q U O O O O O O c O Qi 0 40 � o Y y w t t t t t E t i -C Ln N N Vl Vl Ln L Ln m d W Ln a--I 0) Ln cn M 00 01 cn -T M N 14 r-I O 00 tD O Ln w X .-I N 00 N N O Q Q N t. rsl N LD 00 X t0 01 Rt N co W Z al Vl Ln > Ln Ln Y N ^ M ^ N U rN-I ei � M Q O LL Y O O W w s 3 z Z -, Y C7 N .•-I t7 r-1 N t< N N F••' N m Ln I" n O Ln Q1 ci O Q M 1"1 N N O Ln LD Ln rl M N 0) O 00 Ln O Ln 00 rl 00 Z U M 01 0) O1 a) Ol 00 00 LD 00 Q -4 r-1 r-I .--I e-i r-1 r-1 a-1 ­4 -1 Li 0 O O O O O O O O O U ,-I N M v Ln lD I� 00 01 O .-•I C M M M M M M m M M -;t -T N Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Vl Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln U 7 Q 00 .--1 O N N J Z O G Q a, 00 v v a, v a, a, o aYi aYi c 44) a) aa) O 0 Vi Vi O O O y O 75 O O j ' N 7 O O O m O O O C au7 au/ V1 Q @ a) Q) > LLI J M — m Lij J VI O VI 7 N 7 N 7 Vf 7 N 7 Vt 3 IA 7 C CL Q) a () u x > t > t L al L a) L a/ L (D L w L w L w L w r cc cc y Y fa Y '3 00 00 40 h0 00 00 00 OD F' c c V) c c 3 c c c c c c c c c 3 a' a' a' _O _o _0 0 0 0 _O _O E r c � c o 0 0 0 0 0 0 o c s n } v U c c c c c c c c n '� $ a t a E E E E E E E E a OU Y W W � W J d' d' �' Y y �+ Y a+ yam., L M E 3 M �a N Y M N a-1 m O Y a) N LL Vl a I� ro a� 3 O o L a v m H a) Ln E J gyp' .N-1 't O a) N U C 3 O .1 _ v = H M = E m 3 °o �_ N 14 v :a E v c a a v -0 3 o U Z V, 3 M N M fa J �_ y U y = p. U m = a-i 3 LL^ d kp O N \ N a0+ N O a) (� 2 W y d oo N N W 3 OL j -_ L m O r-1 N U N c Y �' E m w 3 O N Svf .r-1 N _ O Q Yt U Q a7 M 00 e 1 p 00 L O >' 2 a) O LL x x Y f6 J N Y > y y '� — N a0 Cc a0 r-1 O O O O O N VUi Ln N J � M f0 M co a) u O L 3 Y W I� G it M e-1 U L W LL d J LL m LL � _ d Q C7 YC G YC C YC C YCC C YC C YC C Y C YC C YC C YC G Yc C Y C YCC C to u Ch L Ctko L Ctko Ly CO Ly Ctko Cy Ctko CO L Cw Ly Cb L Cb L CbD Ly Ly U _u O yL+ yL.� O tO 'L 1. ai d a) L al L W L W L aJ a) L a) w w ` w L w �t: a a a a a a a a s a a a a v v 0 0 o O O O o 0 0 0 0 0 o v N N L d L d L d L d L d L d L d L d L d L d L d L d L d .c N m l0 00 O N N M -;r N l0 1- M O r-1 et N l0 1, 00 T � -t �-* 1* � N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N 00 a--1 O N } LL N J z O b Q 3 O O O C C ON O C C O C 0) E N O V) O %n O _� 3 7 ai 0 O 0 > a�i c c d O N a3i c o ) c o v a a �_ �_ v acri vii 3 0 3 3 +r Z 3 3 > LL 3 i 3 L L L d 00 -0 a D 00)) 00 O0 00 V 0) 0) O 0) W O N N O X O O O m m m c M _O L M L V) O O O �. y y L O 00 v tW L C C C L L H N O L C O L O CL E E E y� t.' E E E �^ E E E E Y 0 �•+ i+ m N �+ J�� J :Ll N Z Y Z X C ei X 00 V 0) �`' o N }+ E t ri X X M C H C ON v O m > aj > L U f�0 Q V X 00 X to O N r4 vOj N X X � N d - 00 O L O 0) u N 3 > p X r� � X > U 3 E O N m m w •� C M a .--1 N N � � O X C N LL p H LL. L w cLO o m e vi r-I V1 00 N O Co rte. N N C @ 3 0 tl0 C N N > O N N ate+ v N V1 O) H 00 O O. O U �n O) X CO m X OO 3 O) U N H a) C = O N U t m Q U > a y H u Q1 O X X Ln Q N C° cvvi CvV_i C6 c� U '� V) C O G Y C Ol .�-� N N C G U Z 2 .N•. O O O E E E E" L L L L rjo w tko O w w w N O O U O U O U 0 0� O O O; s 0 0 0� w a, (D a, o L u 'i t'i a`, a`) 0 0 O v aL� a`) p 'c > > > vii vii a` a a` vii V) vii a` vii Ln Ln v Ln ry N N 06 00 m O ei t0 r-4 .1-i C7 m v ri 00 v Q Q Q z z z O -4 M ct V1 tD I- W Q1 ei N M -:r Vl tD t0 t0 tD tD tD tD tD lD Il n n n n U1 Vl Vl Ln Ln Ln u1 V1 Ln Ln Vl Vl Ln V1 �_q, 00 ri O N } 6L N J Z O G D Q Y a T c c c c °� T v v v v v v +' c •V aci •U 'U 'U aci 'U 'U O w Y Y Y 4- y.: 4- .2 y.? ° '^ O� o� o� o� o W o W o� � o o u 0 u v u u O u u 0 u 0 O a a1 v a1 v a, v v v v v a a a c La c m c ro c m 4- c m w c m w c m w �; 3 3 c � 3 c � •3 c � 41 •3 c � •3 c � •3 c � •3 ` m 'ca aco M 0co M 0c0 •M 0c0 •M 0c0 •M 0c0 •M 0co 0°10 c c t o c v E 'u E 'v E 'u E 'u E 'v E 'v E 'v o O O N f0 N r0 c0 N t6 L0 O O o �% L 4D O_ Y C L 00 G Y C L 00 G_ L UO O. L 00 O. L w CL L OO G Z Z Z OAS Z d 7= 7 2 I "= I L! _ W" = d= N O� M M RT O M O O Cl � M O Ln 1-4 ' tt Cl ' m rl 00' ' O 11 N N M N r-1 L0 rl rl ri ri ri ri rl 3 0 0co a, O u '7 V1 u u u c O c O N 7 > i i L m N m d d ON j T O O O CL p p U U U X w X w N CL cc 'C -0 '6 "O .Q 30 00 (j (,7 LL, l Li- 1 L i- L L LL m � N - iVj O O O O O N O O O O O O O N E Oq u u u O O O O O O O O O Q) Q C v a1 v v w v v v v d L V1 L In L N L N L H L N L N L N L N Ln O n O r1 om, O m 0m1 0m1 p.-Ip --10 g g U 2 n 00 w LD W 3 3 3 N ^' m � Lo '-' 2 2 D WC _ _ = LL LL C o cc G C CW L LLLL LLLL LL N N N N N -4 rl Kt -4 00 N ri 00 m O O O On O rn r4 r-1 —1-I eV -I r�-I r-i cn Ql O O O O O r-I r I Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Ln Exhibit // Book, �Page c' bo60- New Hanover County Monthly Collection Report for March 2018 Current Year 2017 -2018 Scroll /Billed Abatements Adjustments Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined $ 147,193,052.92 $ (927,956.34) $ 12,934.22 $ 14,064,841.10 $ (362,931.16) $ 35,096.01 $ 8,164,216.21 $ $ $ 169,422,110.23 (1,290,887.50) 48,030.23 Total Taxes Charged Collections to Date *Refunds Write -off $ $ $ $ 146,278,030.80 145,557,173.56 1,235,677.48 (174.70) $ $ $ $ 13,737,005.95 13,128,288.41 48,359.69 (714.84) $ $ 8,164,216.21 8,164,216.21 $ $ $ $ 168,179,252.96 166,849,678.18 1,284,037.17 (889.54) Outstanding Balance $ 1,956,360.02 $ 656,362.39 $ - $ 2,612,72271 Collection Percentage 98.66 564.22 95.22 $ 100.00 $ 98.45 YTD Interest Collected $ 169,254.25 $ 11,527.02 $ 57,162.84 $ 237,944.11 $ 11,132.13 $ 609,953.02 *Refunds $ 45,906.95 $ 28,769.55 Total 2017 Collections YTD 165,803,585.12 Prior Years 2007 -2016 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll $ 1,633,147.62 $ 3,628,433.39 $ 635,008.55 $ 5,896,589.56 Abatements $ (20,809.48) $ (134,644.57) $ (122.43) $ (155,576.48) Adjustments $ 522.70 $ 41.52 $ 564.22 Total Levy $ 1,612,860.84 $ 3,493,830.34 $ 634,886.12 $ 5,741,577.30 Collections to Date $ 509,807.67 $ 89,013.22 $ 11,132.13 $ 609,953.02 *Refunds $ 45,906.95 $ 28,769.55 $ 4,038.26 $ 78,714.76 Write -off $ (109.69) $ (288.43) $ (76.47) $ (474.59) Outstanding Balance $ 1,148,850.43 $ 3,433,298.24 $ 627,715.78 $ 5,209,864.45 YTD Interest Collected $ 59,731.01 $ 16,912.24 $ 3,119.13 $ 79,762.38 Total Prior Year Collections YTD 611,000.64 Grand Total All Ci©tlk ons; -YW $,1<66A14;385:75 ' Detailed information for Refunds can be found in the Tax Office IL W H VEC NTY L- th Date Exhibit Book _X� page New Hanover County Debt Service Monthly Collection Report for March 2018 Current Year 2017 -2018 gta1,20i7Cflleidns'x][3 = ' S= r'21t23:1jb3 Prior Years 2007 -2016 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll /Billed $ 18,835,888.83 $ 1,806,926.19 $ 1,036,153.59 $ 21,678,968.61 Abatements $ (118,817.96) $ (47,931.70) $ - $ (166,749.66) Adjustments $ 1,656.09 $ 4,493.76 $ - $ 6,149.85 Total Taxes Charged $ 18,718,726.96 $ 1,763,488.25 $ 1,036,153.59 $ 21,518,368.80 Collections to Date $ 18,489,852.93 $ 1,677,062.62 $ 1,036,153.59 $ 21,203,069.14 *Refunds $ 23,643.06 $ 377.05 $ 396.60 $ 24,020.11 Write -off $ (26.78) $ (92.77) $ - $ (119.55) Outstanding Balance $ 252,490.31 $ 86,709.91 $ - $ 339,200.22 Collection Percentage 3,210.77 98.65 532.65 95.08 $ 100.00 98.42 YTD Interest Collected $ 19,660.84 $ 1,481.23 $ 6,900.41 $ 28,042.48 gta1,20i7Cflleidns'x][3 = ' S= r'21t23:1jb3 Prior Years 2007 -2016 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll $ 95,984.27 $ 87,277.38 $ - $ 183,261.65 Abatements $ (950.90) $ (6,938.36) $ - $ (7,889.26) Adjustments $ 65.10 $ 5.17 $ - $ 70.27 Total Levy $ 95,098.47 $ 80,344.19 $ - $ 175,442.66 Collections to Date $ 44,088.67 $ 3,595.50 $ - $ 47,684.17 *Refunds $ 690.77 $ 396.60 $ - $ 1,087.37 Write -off $ (23.26) $ (41.77) $ - $ (65.03) Outstanding Balance $ 51,677.31 $ 77,103.52 $ - $ 128,780.83 YTD Interest Collected $ 3,210.77 $ 532.65 $ - $ 3,743.42 Total Prior Year Collections YTD 51,427.59 Grand Total All C6Ilections YTI) _ $ 21,282;539,21 * Detailed information for Refun c rnn be found in the Tax Office i Date C NTY Exhibit Book XLT Page New Hanover County Fire District Monthly Collection Report for March 2018 Current Year 2017 -2018 Scroll /Billed Abatements Adjustments Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined $ 8,451,812.96 $ (40,760.30) $ 6,698.05 $ 972,929.49 $ (35,688.93) $ 5,182.22 $ 567,894.55 $ $ $ 9,992,637.00 (76,449.23) 11,880.27 Total Taxes Charged Collections to Date *Refunds Write -off $ $ $ $ 8,417,750.71 8,322,021.32 4,593.20 (20.46) $ $ $ $ 942,422.78 903,193.25 179.00 (66.13) $ $ 567,894.55 567,894.55 $ $ $ $ 9,928,068.04 9,793,109.12 4,772.20 (86.59) Outstanding Balance $ 100,302.13 $ 39,342.40 $ - $ 139,644.53 Collection Percentage 98.81 - 95.83 $ 100.00 $ 98.59 YTD Interest Collected $ 9,814.78 $ 757.88 $ 3,609.18 $ 14,181.84 $ 243.38 $ 29,489.42 *Refunds $ 1,401.12 $ 524.90 Total 2017 Collections YTD 9,807,290.96 Prior Years 2007 -2016 Real Estate Personal Property Motor Vehicles Combined Scroll $ 89,336.26 $ 186,352.94 $ 35,337.25 $ 311,026.45 Abatements $ (2,684.26) $ (6,698.38) $ (17.46) $ (9,400.10) Adjustments $ - $ - Total Levy $ 86,652.00 $ 179,654.56 $ 35,319.79 $ 301,626.35 Collections to Date $ 26,233.40 $ 3,012.64 $ 243.38 $ 29,489.42 *Refunds $ 1,401.12 $ 524.90 $ 1,926.02 Write -off $ (11.07) $ (23.36) $ (5.52) $ (39.95) Outstanding Balance $ 61,808.65 $ 177,143.46 $ 35,070.89 $ 274,023.00 YTD Interest Collected $ 3,209.76 $ 801.22 $ 140.10 $ 4,151.08 Total Prior Year Collections YTD 33,640.50 GjaridTota171!! {olllections,YTfl $. 9,890,931.46 *Detailed information for Refunds can be found in the Tax Office ,I Exhibit �/�--� LL Book _^ Page NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS ELDER ABUSE PREVENTION AWARENESS MONTH PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, elder abuse is the broad term used to identify mistreatment of elderly and disabled adults; and WHEREAS, abuse and neglect of elderly and disabled adults is one of the most under - recognized and under - reported social problems in this country; and WHEREAS, the magnitude of the problem is likely to increase for several reasons, especially with the increasing rise in the number of elderly population; and WHEREAS, mistreatment can take many forms: physical abuse, emotional abuse, sexual abuse, neglect by a caregiver, self - neglect, exploitation, and financial exploitation; and WHEREAS, it is estimated that approximately five million people age 60+ suffer elder abuse every year; and WHEREAS, it is estimated that approximately one out of every twenty -four cases of elder abuse is reported; and WHEREAS, abuse of the elderly and disabled is preventable. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that May 13 thru June 17, 2018 be recognized as "Elder Abuse Prevention Awareness Month" in New Hanover County and that all residents and other jurisdictions are encouraged to become more aware of this problem and join in the prevention of elder abuse. ADOPTED this the 7' day of May, 2018. NEW HANOVER C Woody White, ATTEST: KVbe'rleigh GWrowell, Clerk to the Board Exhibit Book LT Page NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS NATIONAL PRESERVATION MONTH PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, historic preservation is an effective tool for managing growth and sustainable development, revitalizing neighborhoods, fostering local pride, and maintaining community character while enhancing livability; and WHEREAS, historic preservation is relevant for communities across the nation, both urban and rural, and for Americans of all ages, all walks of life, and all ethnic backgrounds; and WHEREAS, it is important to celebrate the role of history in our lives and the contributions made by dedicated individuals in helping to preserve the tangible aspects of the heritage that has shaped us as a people; and WHEREAS, National Preservation Month 2018 is cosponsored by both the Historic Wilmington Foundation and the National Trust for Historic Preservation. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that May 2018 will be recognized as "National Preservation Month" in New Hanover County. The Board calls upon the people of New Hanover County to join their fellow citizens across the United States in recognizing and participating in this special observance. ADOPTED this the 7"' day of May, 2018. NEW Woody White, ATTEST: berleigh Crowell, Clerk to the Board rZ It 2 Exhibit Book L?' Page )� NEW HANOVER COUNTY BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS FOSTER CARE AWARENESS MONTH PROCLAMATION WHEREAS, in New Hanover County there are approximately 443 children of all ages in custody of the Department of Social Services and of those children, over half reside in foster homes, group homes, hospitals, and with relatives; and WHEREAS, it is the goal of this community to provide these children with safe, stable, and nurturing family environments; and WHEREAS, we turn more and more to the family foster homes of New Hanover County to nurture the bodies and spirits of the children in our charge while our social workers support parents in building on their strengths to provide safe, permanent homes for their children to return to; and WHEREAS, foster parents frequently adopt their foster children, which results in a continual need for more foster families; and WHEREAS, May is singled out as Foster Care Awareness Month to be the one month we publicly recognize the tremendous contribution made by foster parents, numerous individuals and public and private organizations to the child welfare system and to the lives of the young who are somehow entangled in that system. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT PROCLAIMED by the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners that May 2018 will be recognized as "Foster Care Awareness Month' in New Hanover County; and BE IT FURTHER PROCLAIMED that the New Hanover County Board of Commissioners, in recognition of Foster Care Awareness Month, thanks all foster mothers and foster fathers for their commitment of time and talents to these precious children and encourage all citizens to celebrate the contributions of foster parents and child welfare professionals. The New Hanover County Board of Commissioners further encourages the community, businesses, faith -based organizations, and families to participate in efforts to recruit and support foster families in New Hanover County. ADOPTED this the 7th day of May, 2018. t HANOVE CO Woody White, ATTEST: mberleig . Crowell, Clerk to the Board it-