MAY 8 2018 BUILD APPSi,2dr Wo 4/as /r c*W r trfi' NEW HANOVER COUNTY EUILDING PERMIT APPUUTON fYPEr RESIOENTIAt lt145r ^N5\!r fi Arr QUESTIOtIS APPIICABI.t TO YOUR PRO,tC r 'Prolect RrtponilblM -__crY/)(, Oalc ..?r'lL o.J--"41 Er{ puoxt r' zl lo - A3}- t CS ? 0rY ZIPA P't1.\ BLDG UC€T{ST f(r,/Il.rr, St: -ttP: iAl? !1 ) xet 4ta-A3 3 - .9)3(. PltoNt 9to ').3 3 '813 L f: 5lorego shed (5F)-- - 5UaorvrstoN: () ,l/". L APPI,I'AIIT'I NAMT PRO'ECI ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR AOORtSS:-D PflOPERIY OWNTR,S NAMT: owNrR's aDo,itss -6utl IMAII AODRTSS PNOJECT COTIIACI PERSON Q'i!\ -A--u) -- Att GarEge (SF)- -,_ -- I Sunroom {5F}- _- i 6reenhout€ (Sf)-- 1- , ,-, {. (-, L Er-L, tXI5n G CONsIRUCIION: I a't.,.t,orr Hcnoval'Jn tsGan'rarR'rT lr3 NtW CONSInUOION - I Erecl NevJ ReJldence ' I Addition to txistln8 Rotldro(e :-l S.localiorr " 'Pr.rast oltcx AND AtlSwth Btl.ow Ar[ THAT APPI'Y T0 YOUR PROttCl"' fl tlet 6arate (Sf)- ' I Pool {SF)-- [ ] Porch (SFl i 0e.k (Sf)t,l Othrr lsfl _...._=- l, th. propotcd worl chrnlln! th. .xlrllnS footprlnt? t I Ye, F( No rOTAI SO FT UNOTR R OOI lJot ptottos.ct wott'l ttraa. ? 8 0 ---- rorAr. PfiorEcr cosr I L.$ torl: SJLL/2JLJL- l, th. proporsd worl (h.ngk,8 th€ numt]er ot b.droomt' . I Yct X tlo li any fl..trlcrl, Plumbl^3 or M.ch.nl..l worl berng done to the lct-eirory strtrctulc LJ Ycl F No Itlheprojecti!.Rclocttloo,&th.,tBN.tur.lGa5lineo^the.urenllil.? ll Yct F:flo l, there tl€ctrlcalPow.r on thlr Euildln3? X Y.. fl o rr lhe propBrly loc.ted ln a tloodplaio? l-l Yci k Ho Frlltln3 lmplrvlou! Arc.r rLLli-L 5q Ft Hcw lmp!rviou! Ataa: ---..-- Sq ft WAIIR unheatcd Stnatur€: Totot A..c! oltturbedi Exlrtln8 l,and Dlttutblnt PHmlt: - Ycr No . 1l:. rrl r ntf,Ot,ner/(4ntrador 'L (cnsct!Quohfrtt' *cfPUA Ll CofitmunltY Sytlem I I Privatew€ll t I c'ntralWell ii Aqua syrt.m i Privete Seplic C'ntr'lSeotic 5€tbe(kt (fl Datel r..rr d/4 r^*rdfi, tulN/jsfwtR lont ApprqYal: t;"t&*l (At -- (v) -- (I X ort.rn' .. V .I'ernrit Ieei$ N 0,I0 na, fltr(ommenl -orb io.l-r', ln.nTtiirn RcCLI'le" -{+-]+3a- /'0 L,-/ / /t D0 a/ 5 f RECEi'r',:' i:r 2l :Cl8 na 0l\-+toB Aptli..rbn (oftrc. u'.) 4/as/r p*,M I ffi NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUI1DING PERMTT APPLIC,4TION TYW: RESloEIlTlAL PLEASI ANSWIR ALI, QUESIIOI{S APPIrISIT TO YOUR PNO.'ECI 'Prolect Rclpontlbflitr clw Date: f:23 t?Lc.-A- ), / APPLICANT'S T{AME: PRO'ECT ADDRESS: suBorvrsroN:Caa- L,^D PROPERTY OWNER'S NAMEI 9terzv Et-hecbe,UE&-pn)nEr: ? to- 23J-/qs? OWNfR'S AODRESS:dv (xI!l: -t*tLa-ZtP? Pe^t^ COI{TRACTOR:L BLDG UCEI{s€ ADDRESS:: ltlt L 5t:-tl 9.5? 9/ \ €MAIL AOORESS:I ta-4.1 z- P)1 C- C ot^ PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:I--)Co L r',u i PHONE:?to-A33-8)3/.o E[sIf C@ tnt,cno ;! Ah.ration D Ranov:tion }(G.n.r!l Rcp.lt! flEW Oq{SmUCnO :E Eract Nalfl R€sUence E Additlon to Exlstilt R.sld.nc. U R.loc.tion ...nEASE O{EO( ArrD AflSl rER BAJOW All II{AT APttY I0 VOUn liOJBCr"' fl Att G.r.rr (SF)- ! Sunroom (5F) - fl Graenhousc (SFl - n D€t Garare (StI tr Pool(sF) ! occk (SF) E Porch (sF) _ D Stora8. Sh.d (SF) - ! othcr (sFl - Ir th. propo..d work chrryint th. .xlsdnt footprint? fl Tl,I f SQ Ff Ur{DEn ^(XX lht prc?o*d wo,*) H..d: ToTA PtOrBCr OOEr [csstotl: SJArlll- ls th! propo!.d work chrnging the number of bedrooms? fl YCr ls .ny Elcclrlcal, Plumblng or iLdunlcal wort b€ing done to the f(.{o Accesso.y strucrura Ll VGa Pxo vcs fllo9go Unhaatcd: lf th. p.oiact k . Llocrdgl, b thcr" . N.tu6l G.s Line on th€ cumnt sit ? tr Yc, ls thcf! Ebctrlcrl Powcr on thls Eulldiry? [ YGa D rao Xno Proporty U*/ Ocarpamy:H cndc r}[g |J|[i}$fr , c / O R e ft ,sa E- m E n7- t u t n o0 a) sDcsrrlrdon of Work: Frnme ruE U-s -f,os OD,I@PE)LI Orsat^lff; I h.r.by c.rdty th.t.ll th.lr orm.tlon ln thb.pdlc.rlon b con.d..d .ll ro.t rfl ...nply wlth th. St tt BulUiq C.d. .rn dl orr! TpXc.ft ,r-.ra ,o., [o ,u/h i^to.r'.t orl. '"NOT[: Arry wort p.rlomcd stho,r th..ppropriric pcrmits lill b. in viohioo ol th! tlc St t Bld3 Co& .ndrbicd to frr.i l'' ro SsO.G..ruEEtb Olner/Conrractor:Si8nrh/re: 'uc.nscd Quclfiei Prina Nomc ls the proporty loc.t.d in e ffoodpl.in? tr Ycs *l llo E rdlg lmFvlous Arr ; afo O iq ft rotrl Acrcc Dliulbcd; Nc{ lmpawlous Ana: - Sq Ft Erkdnt Lrtd Olttrtlit Permtu tr Yc. E} tio WAIEI: E CfPUA [] Communily System E Priv.te Well fl Centrdlwell ! Aqua SEWER: (CfPUA f] Community Synrm n P.ir.tc s.ptic fl Clntr.lscptic fj Aqua z:(fiPR l8 ?r 03P Zgnc fficg; - S.tbd6 (Fl - (tH) - (Rx) - (l) -Apgovel: _ Oty: _ Ot :- flood: lA|-(Vl -(1{} - BfC+& _ Commlnt parmtt Fcc: g $lm-- hy:',n 4 :NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLTCATION TYPEi RESIDENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Proiect ResPonsibilitY" Aaru Lhbba ffi1t pl N (offce use) Date ?-tt r APPLICANTS NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: suBDrVlsloN: PROPERTY OWNER,S NAME: OWNER,S ADDRESS: CONTRACIOR: ADDRESS: EMAIL ADORESS: l4c CITY:7-/ ^,^ZIP n Porch (sF) -.......---.-.- E Storage shed (5F) - n other (sF) ...._- 2rlto? LOT #: PHONE T 3Z-oB zs ctw/t 1, .t . , ./ -' ztrAqA BLDG TICENSE f /,u.sr'LztP. Z?/t3 PHONE:9ta-'7q <-9 S ry PHON -367- /7 b t/ CITY ( PROJECT CONTACT PERSON:ht t/ P EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E Alteration E Renovation D General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence 0 Relocation O Att Garage (sF)...- fl sunroom (5F)._-.- C Greenhouse (sF)- D ER El Det Garage (sF)- B{ootlsrl 4oo YTO n Deck (sF) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes D No TOTAL 5Q FT UNDE RROOF llor proposed work) Heatedt - Unheated: - rOTAL PROJECT COST (tess Loi:542)t aAA-- ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? tr ves I t'lo --a - -. ls any Eledrical, Plumbing or Mechanical work being done to the Accessory Structure Li Yes LJ No lf the pro.iect is a Relocation, isthere a Naturr -Gas Line on the currentsite? tr Ves p ]llo ls there Electrical Poweronthis Building? E Yes E No li HFFi 18 nrBlPH Property Use/ Occu g.ncy, dlingL e.ly Du D Townhouse o Description of Work:I ufl, L tu DISCLAIMER: I hereby certifY that allthe information in this appliaation is correct and all rkwillcomply with the State Building Code and allother applicable State and local \ Iaws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development SeNices information. T"NOTE: Any work performed witholt the apptopriate owner/Contractor:,,tl, "-.h a be notilied of any chan8es in the approved plans and specifi.ations or change in contrador llbe inviolation of the Nc state Bldg code and subjectto fines upto s500.00"t Signature Centerwill p€rmit5 wi 4-1a "Licensed QuoliJiet" Print Nome / ls the property located in a floodplain? tr ves d ruo Existing lmpervious Area: - Sq Ft Total Acres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area:Sq Ft Exlsting Land Disturbing Permit: E Yes E trto WATER: / CFPUA E community Svstem E Private well E central well El Aqua sEWrR: f CFPUA D Community system E Private Septic E Centralseptic E Aqua zone: - offlcer: - setbacks (F) - (tHl - (RH) - (B) -Approval: - city: - Date: - Flood: (Al - (v) - (N) - BFE+2ft= -Comment:Permit Fee: S ?s-' 7 APPLT.ANT,S NAME, Al)DlS ( ttu(lRUcttuN d.PM LLr ffifr1 lpdicdhnt{rrkr (ollica u$) *, tq ltr !r.Q _. NBA/ I.|ANOVB @UNTY BJII.D{T{G PMj tT APflI@.NmITIPEEDBINAL REASAAISIB AICT,E;TIC^SA[f1joqS.ETO \q-F FMET 'P.oJect RerponslblllM PMTTADORESS SrElMgor,t: r\L PROPIRIY OWNEN'5 TAME: OWNIR'SADOE offraacroft H t9rcrc qtl SI'ALADOFM *A llu D t acL,tv'te. A\l r,orY iv i lm in 6 fln z,P.7Lq!3---_r lI,t#:fr r ruc 0n M nqle* l- H{ONE -q E.oGUCBISE# a n c q (,1l- dJ __- _orY_i!ilnrr$ll zP,UqPL. __Ltn 'Ly n00 c,t r{\ Pm.rrcorrr/a5Tl,BfDil, B ro o I(J Arirlis lt'Lvlb c E(SnNG @llSIFliCnO :0 At€(dion I mrcutton !.@rerd @irs NB,t/ CONSIR. CnO.J: D Bed lt+i Be*idmo6 0 Addition to Eiding Rxjdslco D FHoca on " ;RslEom<lttop,tgvmee-oul ttnrelepeyrotq;R mrcr.. n At Garago(sF)--- ! Det Garry(s) ____ n Rrdl ($) r tuol($)-tr goreB $ed ($) -- tr crha ($) LNLI'tw,,nr rllo'tlsz-lbb) o lt a tr Srnroom (SF) --..-- n Oe€nhous ($) _.--C} oeck ($) lsthe proposed work drarE{ng tho ei$ing lootprint? D lb".{ M IUfArmtTGr(b6s Lot): E ')2 1 A0l u*nstea: 0 tl ls tho p(oposed work cfidEing ths numb€r ol b€droomy/ E fcu n m tsarySearul, RurUngor M€da{€d work king dono to th€ AccNry gruduro ff ft" O *t ll tho projod isa tblocatlo.r, is thse a ^ldural Gas Uno on tho orrrefit dto? tr \6s X No lsth€re Eedricd Fcwer on this tullding? ( fta n no Boperty l,ld d' snd" anfly tr qcox tr Tov/ntnn l(tV(lo,rd w._tu ofi l,i It tl$-t/t mI oby g,,kl il tr lf'trc6lrdt I I v .v l<.tLdrYilloomdy a<4\ twilhitn0 a s l&vs fld o{dna1@ md rooril€alo.E ItE }}cosrdogiqi $.!'lc6h a wlll be ndllid d $y he Fflo€d rE rd $dli(diorBot 6g,)00 in slo o"d loo(oolrdor llllormdlon. '' ' I\OIE Arry wo.k pE'lqrn€d wllhod ttp Sprotxld€ pe,orits will b6 in lidd ioo ol I lro e AdS alX€d to lirE6 up lo fS@.tr . . orr-6-tai)- 'LkentedQmf ggndre:'tl, ftlttlle,np ls the pop€rty locd6d in a lloodpldn? tr \bo X m adralng lmorvlous lre" ' lL4Q- q a Totalllrca durbod: 0 Ngw lnpoivlotra Arca:1,100 qR Eddlru Led OrtuUngrunr{tt O \bo R No WATER d CFRIA ! Ommunilyqdem tr ftivdowbll D Gntrd WeJl u fuua gt/q dcmJA D arr, [-'.tD - orrc.',Dtu uuo*e' N/t lur^L orr illA rqdA r-ii;'lnsptlion t{equreo, 910-254-f90 Ornmunlly g/d€rn tr Ri te $ptic fl Omtrai $ptic E Aqua IL twwet-01*crrvt .'!!, ryJ. u", J6 ilt w, rul M (N)l---mren. unrlrt,*lakvit-4aL-AoA*u-n4srs-h; () y'o e-lieli n q+(ri^+- q ehanfl$_ hrntt ho: $ I I ,(A TUTALQ Ff UNDER W(lu prqbsdwor4 fSaeO: I.O?,4; 16 1 t1o\ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIoN TYPE: COII|ME RCIAL PL€ASE ANSI.JER ALL QUESTIoNS APPLICABLE TO YoUR PRoIECT "Project Responsibility" APPLICATION Number (office use) APPLIcANT,sNAE:owqe].(AoR)AgentDATE:13Apr18 DEVELOPER: crete Hotdrnss,LLC CITY: witnrrnqton, NC PHONE *: 91a i26 1595 PROIECT ADDRESS: 239 Rateaqh srreer OCCUPANT/BUSINESS NAr,lE: Concrete Batchinq Plant office Buildrn q PROPERTY OhINER'S NAI'IE: Crete Holdinss, LLC ollNER'S ADDRESS: 2005 Easrwood Road Sui.re 2oo CoIIITRACTOR : Hatcher: Burlderj]_Lll_LICENSE #: GC 54943 ACCOUNT #: ADDRESS: Fa Box :ll CITY: Chrnquaprn ST: NC ZIP: 28s21 PHONE #: 97a -28 9- t29t PROIECT CONTACT PERSON: cyndi Hatcher PHONE #: 509-3131 AoR cocla cav:ew co'1racr : I\4:chaei saieed, (.+"1tXlI?r:J?yrifir {AoR) Agenr ) : rsa-eedGdesiqne_e. com EXrST CONSTRUCTTON: ! ALTERATTON ! neruOVlrrOru ! CrtrUl neeArns l, Relocation, is there a Natural Gas Line on the Current Site? E YeaE No lS BLDG S RELOCATION KLERED? [ v". fiuoPRIN NE CONSTRUCTION:ERECT NEhl STRUCTURE ! rasr rRAcK E SHELL E upFrT E ADD ro Exrsr srRUcruRE ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: N,/A If UPFIT - The SheU Penmit *:Is Elect PoHer on this Bullding E Yes E ruo *r+** rs rHrs A cHAt{GE oF occupANcy usE? EyEs It{o...**IF Yes, L'hat was the Prevlous Occupancy Type? ARCH DESIGN PROFESSIOML: Michael Saieed (aka Mirchell)(AOR)PH PH :910-509-3131 NC REG #: i 970-21A-3141 NC REG #: WArER: ZCFPUA fl COMMUNITY SYSTEM flwELLSEWER: @ CFPUA E CENTRAL SEPTIC L] PRIVATE SEPTIC t.lhat is the New occupancy Type ? Business DISCLAIMER: I hereby cerlify lhat all information and local laws and ordinances and reoulations. T or chanoe rn contraclor or contractor iiformation.Subiect'io Fines Up To $500.00"' in this application is correct and all work willcomply with the Slate Building Code and he NHC Develoomenl Services Center will be nolified of anv ch6noes in the aooroved"'NOTE: Any Work Perlormed w/O lhe Appropnate Permils will 6b in ViolalDn of the all other applicable Slate olans and soecificalions NC State Bldg Code and olony'en db,H(h..rr5:d rtab DN .n-Mkha.r L $r..d, I (:ri M(.h€ru, R.<'4.G'Emq,Gd.d.]9n r.o4eus 8 713 ENGR DESIGN PROFESSIOTAL: Greq McDowell 2393 3 DESCRIPTIoN 0F WORK: Concrete Batchinq Plant office Buildino as new St lucture OWNERYCONTRACTOR:Michael Saleed, AoR lOwner Aqenr SIGNATURE: (OtEln€d Not6: Demollton notific€tions & asb€stoa r€moval pemh applbadorlB alg b bo Bubmitod usinO th€ applicatbn form wh6th6r the facility or building was found to cootaln Asb€stos or not. You are rbqulled lo call th6 Natooal Ehissloo $andsds ior Hizrrdous Alr Pollutanb (NESHAP) at (919)707-5950 st losst 10 d6F prioa ro th6 de.nolilbn of any fadlity or buildlng. S@ Asbesbs Web Sito: htFJ nww.epi.state.nc.us/epi/asb€stos/shmp.htrnt TOTAL PROJECT COST: ESt, 5250 K BUILDING HEIGHT: ESt r7 fCCt # OF UNITS:N/A TOTAL AREA SQ FT:1,600 SQ FT PER FLR: 1, 600 # OF STORIES: one TOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF: 1, 6OO # OF STRUCTURES: one # OF FLOORS: one ACRES DISTURBED: ref civil EXST LAND DISTURBING PERMIT? l-l YES EJ NO NEW IMPERVIOUS AREA: rer civir aw,rs SQFT EXISTING IMPERVIOUS AREA: ref civit dwqs SO FT pRopERry usE: EloFFtcE EResrnunaNr luenceHlle leouc laer CONDO OTHER: f]ZONING USE CLASSIFICATION: rND Heavyrndus fl coMMUNrrY SYSTEM ", SEPARATE PERI\4ITS REOUIRED FOR ELECT, MECH, PLBG, GAS EOUIP, PREFABS & INSERTS'" (FOR OFFTCE USE ONLY-)REVISED DATE 4/11/12ZONE: OFFICER SETBACKS: F:_LH:_ RH:_ B:Approval:_ City:_ DATE: FLOOD: __ _ BFE+2fr AVN Comment PERMIT FEE: .-.fi?i\ ZIP: zB aal PHONE f: 970 -"/ 26- 7 695 CITY: !]l!f!g!9!_ 5T: NC ZIP: 28403 Et'lAI L ADDRESS: hatcherhomes4uGqmail. com ls iood or beversges prepared or served in this sln clure? E ves [l no ls The Property Locatod tn The Ftoodptsinz I ves [l No PAYMENT METHOD: ECASH [CneCX lelVmLE TO NHC) [erU ACCOUUT EMCA/|SA [OrSCOVen ! # da NEt, lOl{Ot/BO,.ilTY BrllIIl{G PHtllT MDmq{TIPEFGIIIEIInAL RBSEAI{TTVB AI-Q.EIIOiEAFRJOAEETO\CLn m.Er 'PI1or€t nciponrlbllM ,f'4didltl-.rE (ofKB rE) AppUcArs AM.,ADD|t (tN(tRUctl0tV \t Pl/l LLL IXc:(/qlr olt R}ETADME SEMSOI{: vll-u I Dt \l v't ? AJc OW'{ER'SADTESEI a/f oIIIBACI()R t9 ruc AI'DEE ,L AIALADTEB oTv l,,f *. norer I-g-11 -t4 q ort WrlfYrrndrl,n *.UUl:J EIEUCETIE#:n cnvlalrlrnrn 0 bh s:N rap.)*4Lffiqr!'Us2-t,b) q (,' tllt - Zv)fi L ql'- t{52-l\eb)0 D slorDshd ($) tr olher(S urr"r.c 94 ac ZP L4 (t1 PNOPERTY OW EN'S AME:r 6 n tttl n4 -1ol b 0 c, E{C{E ilglfG@HgEEtlqi&tr Atsatlon I nrnvaton tr &rerdBpdrs ilgy @igf,rcnOa: tr Ed tevyfuddsE tr Addirton to Eisling Bddgl@ n Rdocation N.BSEC}EXAf,}A'{Ei'BEIIY ALITATAT+LYil)'IqJRM.ET T' n He{E(sF) D hrch(Str AtGrry(S tr $nroom (g tr tuol(q tr ft*(sr)tr &srhous (SF) lsth€ proposd work cha{ing ths odglrE footprint? tr \t" d frb IOTAL$ Ff UMH R* (tot pr@ wor& tHod:o7 TOTALPmtTGf (Le€s Lot))2 001 ls the propo€d work dlaEing th€ numb€r ol bdr@ms? EfUO rc ls,ly Esctdcd, Pxrrt rtgor llcdrdcd work bdrE don€to th6 Amry grudure d ftr O tto I tha proid isa BloctloG islhsea ilaturd .5c l-ine on theoJrrmt Ste? tr \b X ib lsthEe Edricd Fbus on thisarildirE0 { tb O m hqerty t d X*rO"rmv o artqtr Tilmrup IEqlptbnol y! l'00 rlfl8 t\l ^.1 u h 1( b fir,eM -w, .w h"Lhwa!(0 g 1 a u 0n( trCl thb At (v .v N,r t4u{ldriii 6[p$J g€la rE lc 4t in ctrdc tn (,'t€darddl with l&ssd ddnrBrd r€gddi(E The t*CDdofrrE $.viceshq will b6 noa ir onnAion, '"'l€lE Any wqk F.lo.nEd wnhcut the epropriate psmilswill bo in Pint |vE,tle bthe propdy located in a fl@dpldn? tr !b.X lb EdClng lr?ervhrAre:il0 qR TotdAcre0erfiod: 0 l5w lrpstt lortsAr€a:1,100 qR HdkElrrdllrtutlrgEnrlt: tr YBR fb WATEt d CH.IA tr Ommunityqdsn D RildeuJell D Gntrd\rJdl tr Aqua ffi DlCFPLA tr ornmunityqdm tr Fti\ate$tric tr Gntrd$ptic D Agua &,r,t - (Ifl€r: - $r*(A-(D0 -(R, - (S -,pg/vdt_=- otf -- Ee:-- 8od:(4-M-(trl)---ffi+afi= M: Y] R L I +I h 'Lkensed Quo $YI0- hrrtt Rs: $ ,/PT'i'ir.W \$ Date 3 zlP Appllcation (ofrice use) L4 h' ,t z-L NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLT CATTON fY PE : RESIDENTIAL PI-EASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECI "Prolect Responslbilitt/ CITY tL suBDtvrsloN: PROPERTY OWNER'S NAMI: OWNER'S ADDRESS: APPLICANTS NAME: PROJECT ADDRESS: CONTRACTOR ADDRESS: AD rA PHONE #tL 6 CITY IOT I q ZlPl S6LFStDG UCENSE 'ST: L CITY EMAIL ADDRESS:PHONE PROJECI CONTACT PERSON;-T)e.O ttz A 11 llJA PHONE:o EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: E -Alteration E Renovation D General Repairs NEWCONSTRUCIION:!ErectNewResidenceEAdditiontoEristingResidenceERelocation ..'PLEASf CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW ALI. THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECTI .. n Att Gara8e (SF)-n Det Garace {SF}D Porch (SF) ! Sunroom (SF)D Pool(SF)D Stora8e Shed (5t) - D Greenhouse (SF)-tr Deck (SF)1qL I Other (SF] ls the proposed work chanBint the existing footprint? E Yes E No TOTAT Sq FT UNDTR ROOF Vot ptoposed work) Heated: ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? D Yes E No lsanyElectrlcal,PlumbinsorMechanlcalwo*bein8donetotheAccessoryStructureDYesENo lftheprojectisaRelocatlon,isthereaNatural6asLineonth€currentsite?DYesENo ls there Electrical Power on this BuildinB? D Yes ! No P.operty use/ occupancy: S-SIngte ramlly ! Duplex tr Townhous€urc-r'()) N Desdiption ot Worll + te BuildinS code and allother applicable state and local and specifiaations or chanSe in contrador ect to fin€s up to S5m.0O"' API e TotalAcres Disturbed: New lmpervious Area: =--- Sq Ft Exinln8 Land Dlsturbing P€rmitr tr Yes D' lio -'' WATER: ll CTPUA O Community System D Private well E Central Well Alqua sEwER:EcFPUA!commUnitysystemEPrivatesepticaCentralSepticp{qua zone: - ofrlcer: -- setbacks(F)-(IH)-(RH)-(B)-- 'r Approval: - CitYr - Daler -- Flood: (A) - (V) - (N) - Btt*'n= -r"rrn ,"", , Commenti / ( Unheated: _ rorAL PRorEcT cosT Ges rotf: S ( 4 ,{D "Licensed Quolifiet" Print Nome ls the property located in a {loodOlain? f, Yes E No Existing lmpervious Areai -- sq Ft a"c { (" RECEIVED APR 2? 2018 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILD]NG PERMIT APP Ll CATI ON TYPE : RESI DENTIAL PLEASE ANSWER ALt QUESTIONS APPLICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT 'Project Responsibility' Appllcation (oflice use) APPLICANT'S NAME: JASON WALKER oate:27 APRIL 2018 PRoJEcr ADDRESS:4828 BIG GUM ROAD clw:WLMINGTON ZIP:28411 suBDlvlsloN: CLEARWATER PRESERVE LOT#:18 PROPERTY owNER's NAME: GREGORY & JAl\illE THOMPSON OWNER'S ADDRESS:4828 BIG GUM ROAD PHONE #: cnY: WLMINGTON ZIP:28411 PROJECT CONTACT PERSoN: JASON WALKER E sunroom (sF)_ E Greenhouse (SF) W De.k lsFl b|E Con6J2+e ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes E No PHoNE: 910-7556411 EXlSTlt{G CONSTRUCIION: n Aheration n Renovation E GeneralRepairs NEWCONSTtUCrIO: E Erect New Residence E Addition to Existing Residence E Relocation ..TPLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW Al.l THAT APPLY TO YOUR PROJECT**' n Att Garage (SF)_n Det GaraEe (SF)! Porch (SF) 6 Pool(sF)330 ! Storage Shed (SF)_ ! Other (SF) ToTAI sq FT UNDEBROOF Vot proposed workl Heated: 0 Unheated:0 TOTAI PROJECI COST (Less Lot):221 .00 ls the proposed work changing the number of bedrooms? E Yes E No ls any Electrlcal, Plumblng or Mechanlcal work being done to the Accessory Structure B Yes E No lftheproiectisaRelocation,isthereaNatumlGasLineonthecurrentsite?!YesENo ls there Electrical Power on this Building? E Yes fl No Properw use/ occupancy: El Slngle Famlly D Diplex ! Townhouse na..,i^+i^h ^l rrr^'1, lnstalling a 13')49' fiberglass pool, 878sf of concrete pool patio, home has existing 6' privacy fence that meets pool code. laws and ordinances and regulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notlfied of any changes in the approv€d plans and specifiaations orchange ln.o ractor information. "*NOTE: Any work performed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of tle NC State Eldg Code and subiecl to ffnes up to SSm.m"' ownery'Contractor; JASON WALKER Signature: "Licensed Quolifiel P nt Ndne ls the property located in a floodplain? E Yes E No Exlsdng lmpervious Area:2483_ Sq Ft Total Acr€s Dlsturbed: 0 New lmpervious Area: 878 Sq Ft Extstlng Land Disturbint Permit: tr Yes E No WATTR; E CFPUA D Communlty System E Prlvate Well E Central well . Aqua SEWER: E CFPUA E Community System E PrivatesepticECentralsepticEAqua zone: -- offlcer: _ setback(F)_(tH)_(RH)_(8)_ Approval: _ Cltyr _ Date: _ Flood: (A) _ (V) _ (N) _ BFE+zft- _Comm€nt: Permit Fee: S & zots- 4ol ttr-rta;- CONTRACTOR; CAROLINA CREATIONS LANDSCAPE. INC BLDG TICETISE #:73105- ADDRESS: PO BOX 2327 CIrY: SHALLOTTE ST: _ZrP:28459 EMAttADDRESS: JWALKER@CAROLINACREATIONS.BIZ PHoNE:910-755€411 I I l"i b70 trji:lfl |'{IAI\IOVER COUNTV BUll"DtNG PEi{MtI' lif'P Ll CATI ON TV PE : RESIDENTIAt PT(AsE ANSWEN AU, QUESTIONS APPL|CAOIE TO YOUR PROJFCI '1r.ol€ct RcspoE!lhlilty" (1 l{, r i ll X r"r- .r.L ,'C.- {13q r z- iir,( 9{,^, .,K\^^j\ ir,.J 1, I lll so 9t 'l('it;' CONTBACTORi._-. a. -) {v ClTYr.J-,-i BrD6 uctf,tsE #, 5 ll-1)n,i 6 \.', r/pROJIiCT CONTACT PEBSON: __-_. :,. ::--___l!J:pxor,ui, 'i i(l 'y'(l')L7 EXISTING {ONSTRUCTIOiI: D Alteratton I Reoov.rtion i_l GentralRepairs i.lf!'J (OttliRtrCTlON: [] [rcLi Ne\.J ltesi{lence i_- Aridi ol] to f)listinf llesi(ienc. ] llclo('atloD '.""8!tasg_q{ejL$La Auw_En Bllovll Arll[aISeeLy.IqJQl,8rBqE(I""" ir r\tt Garage {SF) *---_ LI Det Garaae (sF) .- --____ fr por.h {sf}.-- , .- ;-:.." i 1r{isr . )r'rrrrjLirn {i! /: i-- Greet\llol(se (Sll. ,_, -- rr ..-r ( c,- 'J ' l,rci: (!1,) ':,'-'' I,rgpcrty Use./ 0csrrlptlo0 ot (Jurncr/Cont..ctorj .l iC.(tji.:il Uidli,: lJ jirai jr-4i-t:iiv i!)r.ai(:(l ill el:irtlfi I lorperuiou' Af ea: o..ufrn"v,\ Slntte l.anrily i-.1 r)(lrlex L i lorynho|,so {rior na i!a i r, 'loi'[: , rov r:;ori: nerrorm]:d !,.,;thoUt ti: r anlvo or|'tte r.:! n n its r!itl bp l,t v:orrlio.l of I hr I:CilateBilECodp,lnd3r,irlorttotr?J LlntoSICO{:u."' )( i, t](,{}(it)lai!l fxirthB tand Olrturbln[ Pcrmlt: [-l .Iei f] No CfPUr\ i:: Conlnn{rity Systenr rlJ l}r'i.ratc lvell fl CentralWell fl Aqua ,A I:i coDrfixrnity Svst{ritl fl l,r;vat€Sr:pli( [J CeDtralSepti. l^.1 .,\(lui' isn€: - - ---* Ofllcer: -.- Setbr.L. (F) ------ ltL) =__ {R}t} *-* {B) _ * &tlpr.iveh , Cltyr .-._ -_._-" . [rat]:..... , flolttr {A) -_. -_._{V}__- _{N) _, .-_ ftl:Fj.r2ii,,, Cornriir.i,?r x l.oruli liror i \1 "\t t.I,t RECETVED APR 26 2018 .-\ ,I r,:l ,,\ i \ -:1 '\/\ lt)\: )L\ ' -.i 1 i . 1.,., i;1 , 4 - tt,-18 ) i "|'-ot I SLiq {t ,ro w6-//66fiffiL "\tti'i 8,, i,' ,lt &V- .i-,, .-\ (- \.-., \ ;5 ...a.j'v uJ -6 '3S,lrc t \4 NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE : RESIDENTIAL PI.EASE ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS APPTICABLE TO YOUR PROJECT "Project Responsibilitl/' APPLICANT'S NAME: MCKEE HOMES, LLC oate. 512/18 2or*- 4azp18-1403 Application Number (ofiice use) pRorEcT ADDRESS: 1621 Pointing Griffon Place 61ry' Wilminoton 71p. 28411 sUBDtvtStON: Cameron Trace LOT#:106 pRopERTy owNER,5 114y9; McKee Homes, LLC PHONE #: 91 0-47 5-7 1 00,7 27 OWNER'S ADDRESS:109 Hay St., Ste 30'1 ctTy: Fayetleville zt 28301 CONTRACTOR: GML Development s1s6 U6sxgs s. 63970 ADDRESS:109 Hay St., Ste 301 6lly Fayetteville Sr: NC 2tp.28301 E Greenhouse (SF)_n Deck (5F) ls the proposed work changing the existing footprint? E Yes I No TOTAT Sq FT UNDERROOF lfor proposed workl 11s21s6. 2225 TOTAT PROJECI COST (Less Lot): S 111 250 lstheproposedworkchangingthenumberof bedrooms? E Yes E tto lsanyElectrical,PlumbingorMechanicalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureEyesENo lf the project isa Relocation, istherea Natural Gas Line on the current site? E yes ! No lsthere Electrical Power on th is Bu ilding? E Yes E No Property Use/ occupancy: ! Single Family E Duplex E Townhouse Oescription of work: New Construction , Sinqle Family Home laws and ordinances and reSulations. The NHC Development Services Center will be notified ofany changes in the approved plans and specifications or change in contractorinformation- '*'NOTE: Any work p€rformed without the appropriate permits will be in violation of the NC State BldS Code and subject to fines up to $500.00... Owner/Co11;261e1; Kelsey Rivera Sign"1rr". Kelsey Rivera D{i.rt sn€d bY k rq RMn "Licensed QuoliJier" ls the property located in a floodplain? ! Yes E No Existing lmpervious Area: _ Sq Ft Total Acres Disturb"6t .18 A New lmpervioLrs 4193; 2931 Sq Ft Existing Land Disturbing Permiti E) Yes E tto WATER: E CFPUA E Community System E Private Well E Central Well E Aqua SEWER: El CFPUA E Community System ! Private Septic D Central Septic ! Aqua zone: _ Officer: _ Setbacks (F) _ (tHl_ (RH) _ (Bl _ Approval: _ City: _ Date: _ Flood; (A) _ {V} _ (N} _ BFE+Zft= _ Comment:Permit Fee: S .o) i*'i;'t,l;., (ffi; rnaafL ADDRESS: krivera@mckeehomesnc.com IHONE: 9jO-475-7100,727 pROJECI CONTACT psp5gp. KennyJones pHONE: Q10-475-7100,721 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: tr Alteration n Renovation n General Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION: N ErectNew Residence n Additionto Existing Residence E Relocation **TPLEASE CHECK AND ANSWER BELOW Att THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PROJECT*'I' D Att Garage (SF)]!!!- tr Detcarage(SF) tr porch (SF) 270 n Sunroom (SF) _ n Pool (SF) _ n Storage Shed (SF)_ n other (sF)_ g,1hg61g6;706 1n A. NEW HANOVER COLINTY DEPARTMENT OF BUILDING SAFETY 230 GOVERNMENT CENTER DRIVE - SUITE 170 WILMINGTON, NORTH CAROLINA 28403 Telephone: 910.798.7308 Fax: 910.798.781 I I nte rne t : www. nhc gov. c o m I I, 4 to 7 WORKING DAYS TURNAROUND TIME FOR PERMIT ISSUANCE STATEMENT OF UNDERSTANDING Kel Rivera am submitting an application for a residential building permit to New Hanover County. And, as the applicant or person submitting the application, I check the box/boxes below to acknowledge that: I have attached an official CFPUA receipt or document that has acknowledged an approval of the payment made to CFPUA. I have atta ched an official proof of a Zoning sign-off from the City of Wilmington, for this work that will be done in the City of Wilmington. tr I have attached an official proof of an approval granted by the New Hanover County Environmental Health Department, for this work that requires an approval from Environmental Health. Kelsey Rivera DEil.ly rgned by Kekey R v.ra Dare:20t3.05 02 1017:40 {4oo Kelsey Rivera s/2/18 Signature Printed Name 1621 Pointing Griffon PlaceAddress for the proposed residential work: Date !f the application is correct and complete with the required drawings, and if there are no corrections or revisions to plans and drawings' and if there are no further clarifications required by New Hanover Gounty; New Hanover County can guarantee that the building permit will be issued within 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days after the official submittal date/time (the stamped date/time notation made by the Building Safety Department on the application or submittal document). ! understand that the 4 (four) to 7 (seven) working days only begins when the application is submitted prior to 4:30 pm on any working'day. Signed in acknowledgment: \4\ \r\ /r/ ffi Clear forrn I ._:., -, u ,) 14 ,-i. Prlnl eM ail NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUITDING PERMIT AP P LICATIO N TY PE.' RESIDENTIAT PltASt A'!SWTRAll Qt]tSITONS APplraAEtt IOyOUR PROJa(l "Project RerponrlbllltY' &tx- Llblb ,, tt't'r' ll APPI.ICANT'S NAME PRO'fCT ADNRFSS: SUBDlVlSloNr cnv -. L,,,-'Ln zti 1,.')/. / ) toT rl PROPERTY OWNE8,5 NAME OWN€R's aoDREssr ,/'1:i./ / *c,'1. -i!L4e-j:lt-cm Ni 2tp CONTRACIOR 15i.v.-t,i' ' _ i ,r,- J-i-r-,-i-r1c--, 1. ci'+ EMAII-AoDREssr -.': .j-l>rJ!\-t t' j llllil- y p /:c., rl groc LtcrNse e, j',1./t ' ADDllESSl PROITTT CONTACT PTRSON i . Sunroonr (5f) __- --,-, Property Use/ O(cupan(Y De5.rlptlon ot Wotl: cnfiJi;;;j srM'L zr,' ?)?4 )s /;oxt, 9?i z/73_U:L.i_* PIIONE l/1t.tl 7\ txltTlNG CONSTnUCTION:7 A lc'dt;o,, tu"u""r'u" / Crrrrral RtrLrir, NEW CONSTRUCTION fTect New Rcsidcncc l. I Addilion to Existing Residen(c l Rclocalion ...PIEASE CHECI( ANO ANSWTR EEtOW AII. THAT APPI,Y IO YOUR PRO'tCT"1 El Det Cara8e (St) - l,ool (5F) r_j Porch {SFl :l 5torage shed 1sr)-- -l Other {St) __ _ _L G,eenhouse (stl --- L- Dcck (SF).-- It the proposed work c\anBrng the erittrn8 foolprint? .l Yes il No IoTAL 5Q FT UtlDIR ROOF Uor prcposcd woll) Heatedl Unheatedi rorAr. PRor€cr coST lless tot) 9- ll@ - ls rhr proposed work cran8jns the number ol bedrooms? . ves;1 No l5 a y Eleatri(a,, PlumblnS or Mechanlcal work beinS done to lhe Acceslory Slructure i : Yes tf the proiect js a Relocatlon, is there a Natural Gas Lrne on the turrent slte? a Yes :] flo ls there tle(trL(al Power on this Surldins? F Yes i.l No iSEU Slnglefamlly' I Duplexl I Townhou5e il No r^r.,mir;oa "'NoTt: ry work p_e{ t",+'ca[c Owner/Contraclor -1,.?nsPd Ouallitt' 5tw€ Zone: approval: 0l- Itlrri ni (, t1 i Ut't"irl -t-I!-\- -CLrJdi lo,mcd wilhout lhe rppropri.re rcrm(1\trllo. n vlobtion o,lh€ NC 51.lltt Code and slbjen ra linc' up ro 5sm 0o"'i///)/<-/ ls the property lo.aled rn a lloodplarn? t ' Ves ef No Erlstin8 lmpervlout Area: - - - 5q Fr N.w lmoPrviour Area: Sq Fl Sigrlature TotalA(rer Dlglurbed: _ -_-__ Eristlnt tand Disturbint Permit: I Yes i - No * Vac R.7:#ffi), DG., t",oacrs g) N/fl sblt/.,t* ruu (/lr: rntlil/[, - (B] A# ,n, lf,fff o^,", sr *rl onl1l fint1€xftn CFPUA r I Community Svstem FPtIA fonlnrLtnttYsYstcm I privilt. Well . j Central Well i Aqua , Privatc Scplic -. CentralScptrc i'l Aqua N,ll ' h:'rrclion Requreo gi 0.:1,j,)!i0!l dr (A) -,,(Vl-- ..-(N).X .-. Br[+2ft" ..-, It feer S lL.ii- .,It-,i,,io-- t" iJS ti.lConrntenti ,Y 91"r, ({/',, r' L)' .i:,qi::?::,tw*ia 0'r.. r, ti [1 L Alt GneSe lstl--'.- -- CrorrForm Prlnr .l6.il NTW HANOVER COUNTY SUILDIN6 PTRMIT APPUCAnO N TYPE: RESIjIENI IAL PrEAt ArisWB AtL OUESIIOIS rPltar{llt 10 YOln PnoJaCT?rC.Et iartor8lu,ty Ril]:i\:::tr lii 1;2[]l &,9-tt*l t_\ p-(t77 .i &iid eJ D.l!: Apnl 16,2018LIc xTS ,IAMET Ocean Blue Pools fnd Sres ol NC FRO]ICTAOORElS:t iry]'L -su!0tvlsloti:IOT {: 1g CoMfRAcroSl Oc€rn Atu€ Pooi! and SDas of NC Bt06 tlclNll dIZ3ZSO-- lJs: 30 CovilAven're 5-rrNP_rrP: 28403_ __ EMArt A 00EtS5: or:anbluowilmi.dtDn 1 flromsil 6m PrOXE:91t!79$3022 PSolEcr CoNTAcr PaiSONl ttloNE:910-799302, EXlsnflG CON'mUCnOX: tr Aller.llon O S.novrlion tr Grn.r.lSsp.lrt Itw coN'lxumoil: E frecl New n?lldeic€ n Addltunro t nln! 8€rld.nca E 8rlo.i on ... PtEAtE CHICr( AXO AXSwttr g€tOW A[ r]tAT AIPIY TO 10Ui PnOECr. " C An 6rr.re (sll- n sunloom{5r,-- FpoollsE)3rF tr srout.sh.d lsr}--- tr Gre.nhoue. (sF)- d.o".r tsr, eo" C] orher(sF)- R tn. propoi.d wolt dr.qlnt$.€dnhgiootpr{nt? O Ye! O No rcIll, Sq aT UXOEi f,OOf (ro. pnoot.cl vo.kl H..tsd: _-- Uni!n.d: ---ToIAI PsOlgCT ro$ tt $ tot): 54{120- B th. propor.d m* Eh.n8lni th. numblr ot b.drcoF ? tr Y., AXolr.ny d.cirl..l, HuhBnfo. U.6ink lwbrt!!lntdon.toth./i..e!!!ryStuctur.6Y.r n Xo I tn. proJ.ct li . i.lo..do., lr thlr! ! N.t rll Gis une o,1 ti. rur..6t .lt.? D Y.! E.I{o L ttxr6 Eledri..lrow.. on thlr 8u,Hln!? F Yor D Xo Php.rry ur!/ 9..up.ncr Ksht c f.mltv O o{rLr E roxhiosr l.llrll " 26'r J25' indrornd fibeml.s D6lwllh aoDrox 602 h ..n.r.]. d..klnd,^d E lsd .lon6 Drlh rn,o'fud.i. i !.nolt: Aiy 8rl 9.noF.d *xh.ur rh.nI bn ln vdlrLo.1L,r lva t !. rqa.d..ii rlbl.d b itn up t6SSaO.mn! oEcufirle Ii.r\ d.rt anlr rrrrh. h.rrrd.n li dir.rp!a!oi B on(l.id,lr dt wf, oirpry rlnr rtu ltt tdldlrt c.d. rnd.I.in.r.9rrlrbk se.nd hol rr*! rhd o.nlEnq t id r!l.rLd. rh. irHc &!r,ore$r s.r!6 c.nl.! Rtl h. !.dndol .ny drit$ ln rrr ryrto*d Pld ..d 9.d,!e!E ( du{.li .orrddor lithe propertylo..ted in a noodp,sln? D Y.r ILXo lrldlns lmp€.vlous Arcer 20qi- 5q tl t.v hp.rvlous ar.a: 2700 -Sq Ft PUA tr communltysyn.m Ll l*llni lrnd Olnsrun! P.rnlt: n Y.r f.l No t,rtX* waltR: FICFPUA tr c!'nmunltysyn€nr F Prlv.re w.ll O c€nrlalwell i Aq'/. sEwEei d(.r z.*,li-'15 ,(h 5.pli. D C.ntrels.Ptlc O Aqur ,rt ld s,tll-lpt.1o1 lhub t be 7t {v) cL l0 5t ,-.:.:.. i:t .i:; ..'t.ffii piOPliTY OWN[85 IiAME: Lsu rl. Whell^ pHrr{r l: 010{31.1 742 owllrPs ^oDltss: l202cqlrrlyl]tu[30.d-,- - " . - qrYr llrj8bdqL- zl.il@!- n Pofth {sF)_ Cirl insprclion REureo, 9l 0.254.0901 /r*slw re<r \;\ P80.'tcT AOORr 15: ea$-LiW (\ it)-lLLLl Lt ,ap-jSottt aP.--)A.bgld- st: NL.zo,38 7O 9 ,..f \' rr.is.i N€W HANOVER COUNTY EUII"DIIIG PERMIT APPI,CATO,V IYPE] RESIDENTIAT ptaAsF rlswta at Qt ltnor\rt AtPlr,rlu to Yoll * ,iortcl.pr.l,n rerF@Cbtlht, . -,-,-- ctTY: oTp. PiOPERIYOWNIR'5 NAME: ownr*reooarss, l12 [ CONIRACIOi aooFl15 tMAlLAOOiES5i t5p+u- )<{L PHOiJE' (lTY 11 i l n, r$1"; - ----6..Ni z "Juo"tt' 7Drs-Bo atoNr, h the Frornl.d sork .hengrna i he numlre' ul l,Gd, oomr ? tl Yer d tro .r,n, !lBn&.|, Aln ,Lra dM..h..k lwdt b.'nl dorr t"rh' f,..e.v s!ru@'. O YE Al Xo il th! pror.cl tr ! R.L.atlm, Btfiero. Ndur.l Gar Lin€ oh{B curr.dt ritoT n Y.. P, io kth.re El.rlrkil Powrr oo this Su,ldhS? 0 Y.t LJ No Pfl Ortcr coNtAcT taSsotl:o a-ck[o o lxrlnflG (oi sr8uclro|t: LJ att"ratloh O Renoenk)a ff Ge?r.lR.pl 13 NEw COr.SInlCnoil: n Ere.t New,te(dehce tl Additlbn t., [risnsr nodden(e [] neb.ntion ...Prra5€ cllEcr AtrD Atisllr€f, oEtow Atl lll r l?PtY ro Youn Pro.,EcT"' !l Atl ot,..s(5r) -,---- Cl o.ts.oEe {srl--- i:l sunroom (sr) .--- D pool(5F)--- C 6r..nho!rc (3rl_ D o..k lgt)---- k tha oropord *ork chr..lnx tho .xistihl lootDrl ^l? PJ Ye n {o tolAr. sO Ff U Dln no{,f Uot aroposctl wotkl tl.!t d; ---* t nhe.ie*a-^^ &rfiA! tloJrcr @5r (!.Jr ttll, 1--J9!!!-:-:- ***r, 3-L!: d9,!:*8/"1L E 'rord, (9r)-- iJ Storrec sh.d l5r) - -, ,nno,.., [hr-*?eX@ wg$n.,o1!ft 6l/l *operty Uts/ otlrrp.nct:d $lrb f"-ny O ords D rowrnoss. .,tt"tZ. on uBu! ' Lnht ..61v r's ,[ ri. rnr6,tke! h rr! r,!nr.,bn k ?** .rlrl ,i rdt ,!l rnh dt Slrtc Suildlr* <rd. rnd ,l dh.t.!dau. ,lxi. e! l@l b* tid qltr.iG..d r.ru.tdE lrx lllrC D. ropturn J.ivks €tntr;ll b. mtai.d 6l h,d*nrE h rlt rrred DLd r^d ,rd&irroq u du.t! h .dn,krd nlmrtd,'r'l{rll.r\it a.Dlllr ,lll b. i. vd.rLi olrh. {t g!t{ trd. cd. .4d r*t ro fi{r !, to 3l@,@'* ls ti. pmn.ny lo.rre.,,n afloodplain? tl Y.l [, tlo tx,rtlnr lopewlo!, Arr:-...-. soR Tot l^.trt DinurH: -_-- tacw ImDont ur Arf.: -,. - -- !{ fi f,xi.tln8 Land ol(url'int P"rnlt: n Y3! I l No wAr'!i: Ul clrrr^ D Conmurily 5trt.,n ll Priv.icw.lr D c.nt'!lw''r !l aqu' communtysyn(lm O r,ivite seplit i':l cenktlsaplc O Aqua Zonc:€ (s"D),,U 5 t^I,,tv) _., tx, ria,l iil,' lrl"nttnn o{," 3r qll 211 lill cr,*1. Forrn iil.tJ,lt.:- r .,ll .r.[ EW HANOVER COUflW AUITDIITG PERMIT A?PUANOfl TTPf: TESIDENI IALplltatlAlsv/tBA(qutsnors/tPflJt ButOlsrtproJ'ry.prol..r is.F.ilitfiM a$_qy1 L\ i0-:P't APPI]CAiII'S HA'l/lE: tuaon nor: PNOPERIYOWNET9 TAMI: a-oNTR CIO[. EMA'I. DOEEJS: PnOJECI Collt alrtiSONl .- qTYt -*ltF CITVI PHONE li .6!IrGUCEtttE'fra r'44 ar PfiOtfi: D -;-19 -o(?t D<i h L, 6-* r'nrc COl|3IXUCnOllr c] Alhrafon E rcnayalon y' eener:t ncpotn iiwd)iastnucno : E €rprt rlerv f,6ld.nc! E .Addhbn ro Eli3tng R.rdanae D Relo.:Uon ...Dual*olla(t o arGltlE !!!ow Au rt/tT Aprly Io youi pio,Ecr... O Atr Grzlp (ir) -- B D.r c.r.a.6a, _ tr s!6room{$l_ tr Poot lsF) -..- O €r.enn ut FF)_ tr Occr ISR__ k the propor€d wdrl.h.orhttt .tlilng rootp.h? O Y.. I! No I9T ttqFTU DEA n(xrr !fot ptopoted so*l HiLdr _ t nh..a.d: ror.L r.or..r oorr (t .. r'r, s-8p00.2 tr ,a'ti l5r)_ _ n sb..rr Snod lsfl __ E o&.'(s8_ _ lrgl:tur!:dan--yryw- l3tha proDo!.d ro* ch.nalryrh. oumtErofb.droorflr? n y.r m o,(i^yEt*r,ldl.e6:f,,lEdrL-t.n&-dEl.(l'.lngrlm.r"tf,.**rt.vSr^.to.pV.ndlo lf lh. prcl.d b. i.lo.r!to., ts ttE.c r flrrulrlCrt rha on rhe arnrnt.tie] g V.f gl il! ' 6 r,reE tlediel P*.ron thir Durtdtnr? !h yaa O ,to ,rop€ay Ura/ Oqrlpanqi F.sfd"t rfy O o!d.r O rounho!.. +/1 ol9o-Ox* I idtt6rrt dn r, r,t.IrLhgoi L thb rpC€rrb i! d.d r.d * wt *fl66Dlt${nr $. st t Bl Jil{ crJ..dd rt.lh.tq,,ndrdi]t d,ld ralrL.b i. llxc Dal.rrld s{vh.r cdi.r edt !. iodtfta ot rry dr.,ts h rio.#.ov.d pbB e, gkfioloB9l!qm.tl6, '6fionr Any E* p.rrnrd i$.{t$*p.miil* b.hvlolhr.lrh.Est bsldaa.d...d ll th. rrolsrty lo.rled in ! ,oodplalfi? 0 Y6;f, o s€WEn: I_t CfPU n Cornm B Privn W.'l O (.nr6l w.ll o Aa6 cil,unltysyn..n O sdEr. s.ptir D Centrrls€p . al,-",8J5-onr*, o(G rrnr Nf A ronr I/A tul -I(zA .v.r Erltl9ElmFa t 6Ar.li_ 3q R '..r lmlrnlirn t61: --- 3.t Ft ur^lf& n aTPUA Cl (omou.lty SrRt€n loEl A.ri. otrtub.d; _ tirdl|| trmd gl}llrths Prmltt o ltr n ilo Cltyi M 0t)6rE+aft= in:D"r1iln Qrrt|rril o)01:l ?o,xl '4{_pnnrr rm: S ffi &$- \ttclN\,' ClTl: l-) l9 V ctct pplkation (o,,l.e utel '/ -2(- l(ip-TZZEL () /,L I APPTICANT'5 NAME CONTRACTON ffi NEW HANOVER COUNry BUILDING PERMIT APPLICATIO N TYPE; RESIDENTtAt PIIAST ANSWIRALI QUTS]IONSAPPI.ICAELE TO YOUR PROJTCI "Proje(t Responribllity'' 6'o t^Z- ty'Date PRotEct ADDRESS: -21b 6 sUBDIVrsloN: 4rrir@, <.- ,cfi L// __-Bt b€",t(-. toT g PHONE ,,65a- 750 15 /'./PROPERTY OWNER'S N OWNER'5 ADDRESSI AMT: 6:vee r'v,ll, P". I .L/'ztp 75"1c!;' n lri- tU t \,/l^-rai I ,co/y ctft . ('r€. {t lk>J6tctN5t,,:..,v A,Lz l'lt a>{AOORE5s: EMAIL AODRESS:*ow,d1_0 4lprr_f#L pnoln. ,llo- L/'1 o !:l:r1 7 /o Vq r' 7 c147 PRO,ECI CONTACT P€R5Oi/l,"t EXISIING CONSIRUCTION: Lj nltcration f.l Renovation tl cencral Repairs NEW CONSTRUCTION l.l tre.t New nesidence i_l Addition to ExiitinB Residence [_] Relocalion +.TPT€A5E CHECK ANO ANSWTR BEI.OW ATI. THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJ€CT+T* l I Att Gara8e (St)__ : j SunroorD {St} O Det Gara8e (St)__rJ Porch (SF) 1 l Storagc Shed (5F) _5/O Ll Greenhouse (S[] -. ---- [-] Deck (Sr) - ls the proposed work.han8in8 the existin8 footprint? . Yer ! No Property Use/ Oc(upan(y X sin8leFEmily [J Duplexl] Townhouse Dcscripti :l Other (St)_ lJnheatedi Ir rhc propoied work chanBing thc number ol bedroonrsl i ) Ycrr(No ls any Electrlcal, Plumblng or Mechanicalwork beinE done to the Ac&ssory Structr,rre ! Yes [] No ll the proicct is a Relocation, is there a Naturnl Gas Linc on thc current site? E Yes n No ls there €lectrical Power on this Buildin8? C Ye5 fl No /.t ,/'14L1 oo inlo'mar,on "'NOlt Anyworl perlormed wrthoul the appropriarc rcrh,tr wrll be iov olalon ofrhe tlc Sl.lc BldgCode end tubjerl ro liner up lo S50O Clo... O wner/Con tra ator 'Lt\ristd Qoolir(i' lJ rlre t)roperly lo(ated in a f loodplain? :,1 Yer XNo €xisting lnpervious Area: _, 5q Ff New Impervious Area 5q tt wnlrn: f,1 CTPUA rJ Communiry sy5rem Slgnaturei Iotal Acre5 Dirturbed: Exi!lint Land Disturbing Pefinit: I r Ye5 No LLI ,a L^ unity SysteI]l [] Private Well *l Central Well :l Aqua ! Private Septic I l CentralSeptic JI AquaSEWE Zoner [.s:',?H ,l c aerl setba.ks {r)-N-16(rx1-10' 1nx) tO' 1e) tO' Cii;, ln:prcfion Requren, 9l 0.154 !E:rl Approv.ll: -,-- citv: hllg$ oatc, -{1!'[tp1oo6: (A]----- -{v) conrn,enr: N. De,'hton a^- Oo"! of OgWartoal -N-ll' pr,,Yql/ ',", o\ba4co -'in _ (Nl _{ orE+2ft= Stttclvtw Permit tee; S L"/a c,t^d.t2 n*i'.r^*. IOrAt Sq fT UNDER ROO! (for Noposcd wark) Heated: roTAr. PRo,Ecr cosT ltess tort, 5 lf !-O.Q9- XPool(sF) O0l4d -tott, L \ T.-_-_- lLllgl_:l_l Prlnl NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT APP Lt CATION fyPE RESTDENTTAI PIIAST ANSWIR ALL QUTSTIONS APPTICABLT TO YOUR PROJICI "Prorect Responrlblllty'' LL CITY: PHONE H: CITY: CITY fl Poor(sF)-- zo: ,7€*oa 8r-DG r.rcENSE f.3b qa{ srttlt zP. a*4t1 PHONE At).'lxi.nbez) eMall @-rk;5 ldfke ute) APPI-ICANT'S NAMT PROJECT ADDRESSI SUBDTVtSTON: oate: 4 -10 -/ trAt J, g rl0l,H PROPTRTY OWNER'S NAMT: OWNIR'S ADDRISS: CONTRACTOR ADDRtSST EMAII. AODRTSS: t 5 PROJTCT CONTACT PIRSON PTIONE EXISTING CONSTRUCTIONT D Alteratlon f Renovation 6TdeneralRepaks ,{EW COI{STIUCTION: ] Erect New Residence D Addation to Exlstlng Residence Ll Relocation rTIP[EASE CHECK AND ANSWER 8EI.OW ALT THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PRO.IECT.. ' O Att Garage (SF)_D Det Garage (5F)-_C Porch ISF) O Sunroom {St)O StoraSe Shed (SF)_ D OtheI (Sr) _Lj Greenhouse (Sf)n oeck (SF) ls the proposed work chan8in8 the exlsting footprint? D Yes 0 No TOTAT SQ FT UNDTR ROOq Uor prcposed wor*) Heated:Unheated: l08P[ l8 ?r 4 3P]. ls the proposed work changin8 the number o, bedrooms? rl Yes n No lsanyElectrlcal,PlumblngorMechanlcalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureDyestrNo lfthe project ls a Relocatlon, istherea NaturalGas tine on the current slte? tr YGs E o ls there flectrical Power on lhis Buildin8? [_] Yes - No Property Use/ Occupan D Sintlc Famlly 3 Duplex [4ownhouse 9tiDescrlptlon of Wo.k: OISCIAIMtI: I heteby.eniry th.l alllhe inform.lion ln lhlrapplicalion ii.orrecl rnd all work wlll.omply wth tha Slale &ritdinsCodoand alother applk.ble Stale and locallaws ,od ordin anaer and re8ul.lbnr. The NHC Oeveloprnent SelvkerCenl.r wtttba notiffed ofany.h.nt i in the app{oved planrand tpe(ilia.liofl9 orchange to rontrrctotlnlorm.tbn. "'lOIt: Any wort perrormed wilhoul the.pp.oprbte permitt wttt b. in vtola0on or lfte itc e 8l,BCode.nd tubje(l lolln€r up to 55@&... Owne/Cont.ador: "Llcented Quolifier" ls the property located in a floodplain? ! ye! [B/zNo Exlstlng lmp€rvlous Arear _ Sq Ft Total Acres Dlsturbed: ew lmpervlous A.ea: __ 5q Ft ErlsllnS tand Dlsturblnt Permltr : ye5 O o WAfER: Q/'CFPUA D Community System LJ prlvate Well O CentralWell ! Aqua SEWEn: aeltfPuA [-] Community System Ll private Septic U Centralseptic fl Aqua w"b'thu-o, C:,; iit:priion Requiiec, 9l l':il'10?0t. AI;SiSnature: zon",{ff,- oftcer: 0f G setuac*s 1 r.l/A r,rr dlAr.rr N/A r.r tppro"at, lL aty,(Nt 5 Comment: Oate:Flood; (A)(v) t x tp^u") | )5)-)ql-/o/o -n TOTAT PRoJECT cos111"r, 1o11 5]- ldO o. \,, \) "Project Responsibility" ,, \ Ayr,t t L7o^-r r/ yw-3-118 I p lib&PPLICATION Number (ofllce use)#r NEld HANOVER COUNTY BUTLDING PERMIT APPLICATION TYPE: RESIDENTTAL Pu,^58 ArislrtR AtL QUESTIOTaS ApptICASLE IO y(nrR pROlfCT APPLTC4NT'5 AfiE:Ssrc tt DATE OevtloPgn: N Enrz ll-r-l0 D krt > '7', ) A-/E-P PHONE fi;4 to-1Vz- laZ o PROJECT ADDRESS: SUBDIVI5IOT'I: PROPERIY O#'IER'S llA}'E: Oi{NER'S ADDRESS : 57o.> feo T)au:*, CII.Yt d t ,(t. nt . *t A /o*- BLOCK tr: LOT fI ':*q PHonE #: fu ?Cz:flfl srr44ztP.@-@-1 Os CONTRACTOR: ADDRESs: E'4ATL ADoRESS: ATT GARA6E _ SF SUNROOI,I 5F r c-c,z CITY: LICEI{sE II CITY; DET 6ARA6E - SF P@L _ SF u./tt.a t.at y',s*srtV-:lp,Zt{a1 mm,rc *t9to-7?2- lL2 o pHoNE fl: 9t*?/2- l0Ze poRcH _ sF STORAGE SHED SF PRO]ECT CCI'ITACI PERSON: EXISIING CONSTRIJCTION:ALTERATION @{ruovarror I 6EtIERAL REPAIRS RELOCATION NEtr coNsrRucrror, f-l enrcr NEr RESTDENCE o" I-l aootrrol To ExrsTrNG REsrDEt{cE '*PLEASE CIIEC|( AND AllSl.lER 8ELO.I ALL THAT APPTY TO YOUfl PROIECI: 6REENIi0USE _ SF Qoecx 7uD SF OTHER:5F ToTAL HEATED 5Q FT: _ TOTAL SQ FT UlloER RoOF I _ TOTAL AREA SQ FT:50 TOTAL PR0JECT COST oessrol : $\-' * oF sroRrEs : Bclng Done to the Accessory Str.rcture) p Ves pffiIs Any ELECTRICAL, PLUftBItlG or ECHAr{I h,ork If the project ls a Relocation, ls there a Natural Gas Llne on the Cur.ent Site? pves pfuo rs there Electrical Powen on this Bulldlog? ffivet (] lo pRopERry usE / occupANcy , {rrroru nnnrLv [ ruptrx l-l rouNrouse :RFi 13 t2rriTtrtj DESCRIPTIOiI OF l,lORK:y'nn.tl/^ n. ,i,Ut aF,He r'J*.A - OBCLAfiER thercby ccdfy hrr aI hk mauon h 'lls Egptcaton b conocl and at t\orkwlll comply wlh ,ro S6!s &ildln0 Code md sI ohcr spp'tclble Srrb o.d bc.-r lav/s conqacbr hbrmsion. "'NOTE: Any lYol,t Pod)flned wO tle Approprbre Permjl5 wlllbo &l Vlolatun ot t}'o NC Slats tl]dg codo and Subjecr E rhos th To tsm.Of " OHNER/CONTRACTOR:!".pr tla,,xt t-z7ox:SI r* !. rr*,1i***r+ t ** r, *,n "** * JliT ! fiTJ * t . *, * * * ', a I I ' . * i * rrtrr rs rHE pRopERTy LocrrED rN a rloooprarrl F) ves Gl--ruo ,a1a r * r1ja, ** t * 1)r EXISTING IHPERVIOUS AREAI -SQ FI NEIJ IT4PERVIOUS AREA: - SQ FT SEIiER: fA*pue -,14*pua tlI comrulrrv svsrrN I PRIVAIE wELL CEI,ITRAL SEPTIC I,IATER: TOTAL ACRES DISTURBED r EXIST LAND DISTURBING PER'4IT: IC) YCS K)I TO CENTRAL Il,ELL PRIVATE SEPTIC l-J coum.rlrrrv svsrrm X BF E+2ft= ' :. , : .. ..,':",. : : i: 1..., lr'11., ', ^'.. ".; :rl, i . '.: ;i " pAyfiErfi r,lETHOOi 0a*n 0anr,( (pAy^BLE ro Huc; fi arenrc^N EXpRESS Q nc/vtsa 0 (foR ofal(6 ust qltY) seroncxs' r, N{A r-rr: ID sa,l5'u'2S- DrscovEn )t+*tl,i*+at,t*lt,t|*r*'ri*it**)t'a)t't*+*l,*tr1+t+t*++ll*+)t+'i*+*+**t**+11**ttirlt''ltlt*l*i*1tt*rtt{' r&r5ro D rr 0!/r1lt? ZONE a.OFFICER: ADDtoval: 5 .r.rNlun4 oArE: tl-lr'lt F LOOO : Cti;' inspr6fl6p Requrreo, g1 0.254.0g0j i I I ^nv- Cloar Form APPTICANT'S NAME l/ ct ett)e ili ch ESS: t29 .ua)l 1'- ckt o, QPRO,IECT ADDR suE0rvlsloN:P)a c y'alla,, Prlnt oMail NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUIIDING PERMIT AP P Ll CATION TYPE; RESIDENTIAL PI.€A5t AN5WfR ALT OUTSTIONS APPLICAEIE TO YOUR PRO]TCI "Project Rerponslbllity" 1ot$ - 3@3 g -;vI \e, A &.9^z/Ls/2t / I ztP ffi r)t. clTY PROPERTY OWNIR'5 NAME owNER's ADDRESS: 21 8B Shttr..Bod.ta.y' CONTRACTO R '-----17- Loc^n fi^ck^eu . EZctc Scoul hd;)Jc ooo^rtt, _-9j t .l- Ao.-\ /Pt oNE H: n t o '?-?-!_Q zg I "__ Ctt't: Lt))l*iactou l*Lt!!3 T't BtOG I"ICENSE lii-;,T O C ITY .A\ST EMAll, ADoRtSS: -Lc 2-ooo PHoNEt 7 lO a_.:A_ *3.11 PROTECT CoNTACT PERsoN: __--*Q!ukt-.-.Gto pHONE: ?/ o 7.lt O747 EXISTING CONSTRUCTION: fl Alteration i-l Renovation D{ Generalfiepairt NEW CONSTRUCIION: f:l ErectNew Residence fl Addition to ExistinS Rcsidence [l Rclocation r. +PI.EASE CHECX ANO ANSWER STI.OW AI,I. THAT APPTY TO YOUR PROJECT' T* E Det GaraBe (St)_D Porch (5F) ,4Lztp:28 | tl [-] Att GaraSe (5t) -I J 6reenhouse (5F) _ n Pool(SF) l!! Dcck lsr) D Storate Shed (5F)- l5 thc proposed wo.k chanBlnB thc cxistlng footprint? iJ Yes [l No TOTAT SQ FT UNOER R OOF llot ptoposed wolk) Heatedi-- O -ToTAL PROJtcT COST ltcss lot): S ls the propoJed workchanging the numberof bedroom5? ;-,.1 Yer [Ii No ls any flectrlcal, Plumblnt or Mechanical work being donc to the A.cessory Structure a Yes El No lf the project is a Relocatio., is there.l Natural Gas Line on the current siteT [].1 Yes !0 No ls there Electical Power on this 0uildin8? ! Yes E/No ?l]i€B ir.i I:51fl{ P.opcrty Use/ Occupancy: B 5ingle Fam ily f Ouplex ! Tow house Description of Work: ,,1 'TilAFA L.AETKL-Signaturc: e4n fc*ovel , T\i drtormation....NOIt A,ly work p€.tomeJ wirhout the appropriare permrB wr Ibe,n viot.tron ol the NC 5r lnws nnd ordinah(ctand rc*utJrions Thc NHC Oclelopment Scrviccs Ccntcrwillbe nolrlicdolany€h.h8et in the.pprovcdpli.i ond gpeoficalion3 or chrn8e i. (oflrrclor cr ro fincrup u45oo oo"'7/^/4Owner/Contractor "lrcented Quoh/jet" ts thc propcrty locatcd in a floodplain? i I Yes NNo Exlstint lmperviout Arear --- Sq Ft Total A(res Dllturbed: New lmpervlout Area: -- Sq Ft ^Inmunit v sy5tem fl Priv crty: lU4f ,u"S;ftfr8,," \.,rro n . I CfPUA n Community System D PrivateWel! a CehtralWell n Aqua Existing Land Dlrturbln8 Permit: n Ye5 :l No eSeptic C C€ntralSeptic Il Aqua Setbacks {F) ?(rH)/D (RH) /, (8)2< at Ciii' lnspeclion Roqurreo, 9l S254't|9&6_Otticerl le (v) __, (N) x BFE+2ft= _ WATER: SEWER: ,on", f Approvali Commenti u6L a/+nltn r tht ( t/t'\ odrJn) ta -t 5e tQll ermit Fee: S E Sunroo,n (5t)_- o other (sF) _ Unheated: O -- \r\$ Ir,llW tlAl{OVEn COUltlTy BUltDtr{G pEBMtT APPUA| bN W?E; nE8tDt UIlAt lr r^\t Atrsw€n At!, o0Esft)fls /lpprK/vttE Io vouR rfo.,[cr1,mr!ct n0rpolr.lbll lfr 2o t g- 2gt5 RECEIVED II.I,R 14 ?rl1fr o,," 3.: l)-fi ctrv, r,.rr l-i,-.Ate.\-. iip,' 3X +aq _- K?- Q:llr L FRoPEBTY owNE['s NAM!; tvar^ + owNtn's AoDitss; -Z ( ?-l I u" . ;, cor,rr.Acron: Slvit it (o..r,ri ls tlrc t)roira(y loroted II a lloodplaln? [.1 ExlrthS lml!ru,ou,Areat __, Sq ft ilfr-,l rlilr'rlo jAr{,x: ttll:i APPLICAiIT'S NAMGI ?NO,lECT ADDNESS: SUADIVGTONI Pre,s-*78 ,')1. {)a..,[).,'tbi,t bEabr\.tol ti PHOrr,l,rr 6r -1O1.lcl Jf 0[D6r|CCNTEd:{\5 l. I (r,1, .i ctrY;_-!^5 zrp, .'8tp-1l iiI i It, ,j ADDnEss: 5?b S. Cr,iU.,, ,'rr\ EMAlL Aoof,Est: 1>' , l : ';4.0 {. : i' ) .\ SII f{.zrp,J::, . PTOI{E: D Por.h (Sr, -_-- i Storuge Shed (SF, *.*. | . Other (Sr, Totsl ncros Ir{r(,lrcrli lilitlDt tsnd Olrlurblng Psrirlt! E yor E! No Irtic [-r(b[trsl Seotlc .//rnutfi'pt PAO.,tCY CONTAcI P6i50fl | ExlSflNO COllflnUCIIONI 0 Altera0on E Rcnov.tlon O Gencral nopElrt NEWCO STru$lON: g Ercct Nev Rerkl€nce tr Add;tton to Edsrh8 l€rldeocs Ll Rololatlon ..rPLEASE OtCC.t( AIUD AI{9WER 8Et r^l.tfi .'. E Att Gar.lc (sFl _ E sunroorn (Sf).- E cre€rlltoure {5F} .- \etiL,. ls thc proposed r,/ork ahin8ing the existiag footprlnt? Xyer B No IOTAL Sq FT UNoER iOOl Aot ptottoscd utotkl lLttadt Unh.ltcd:r) < (.r,\ tOTAl. PROJECI (!SI (l^t!c Lotl:3 J J rJ UU ls thr proposedwork changhg the nun$erof bndroom5T B yor E ilo lionyClcctrlctl,PlumllrltorMeahrnlsalworklreln8don.totlt€Acc€rsorySkuctureEyorEr{o ll lhe prorecl l3a ialoEa oo,Irth.ro r NaturulGas tlnc on ths sunont.tts? O yar lJ flo h tlrere Ele.t.lc.l Power on tlttt 0utldtng? E Ycr EJ t'ro P.oporty U5o/Occuprn(yrx 5lo8lo Frnrlly I Dnplex E townltouro Osrcrltrtlon ol Worllt ____: T,rr ^.,2 9 .1 ,1 .3; \,.,.r\\1"..\,.fs,., .,r. I . \,owner/contra.tort . ' t)(r,\Q-. \, . ,\ (\t\A- ittnrtu,o:. _ A I "l h:c tcd^nltttt' tthtt tkun/, iJ' alo w^l l:lu \-l CFl,Un E Co[rnnrnlty $ystcfl Pri!,,rtc l,Vcll fl (icntrslWcll f] Aqua r,,\ [i r eSa fJ Aqq ///d Zoncl lllca ":''y*trH) (vl Ciit inop'- -0, REtrirco, 9 i 0-2rq.riv&l ,rons, 'ittl 4dj1 $2'l i l, - O Dlt G!r.8clsF) - )(r-,orr.l34If De.t (st ) I, v NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P Ll CAT lO N rYPEi RESIDENTIAL ILtAST ^N5WTR ALt QUTSIIONS APPTIO\BtI TO YOUR PROJTC I "ProJecr Responslbllli/' C ITY &tg-4t> l?, ' \L\'t (olf(e !1tI oat:3-/2-/YAPPTICANI'S NAME PRO'ECI ADORESS: SUBDIVISIONI o 1o/n Zl?t - rk PROPERIY OWNIR'S NAMEI owN*'s aooaess: (.1/- CO NT RAC TO d c PHON| :2 L CITY: 17$oontss:}\tMAII AD ctT't Btoc Ltc PttoNE: ?/D -O /t'3s3 t- rN;. a Zlg 79 sr.tllLup,AI/J9 PRO.,ECI CONTACT PERSON EXISTING CONSTRUCTIONT []Altcration ff Renovalion D GeneralRepairs -./.NEW CONSIRUCIION: [l trect New Residcncc A-Addrtlon toExistlnB Residence D Relocation ...PTEASE CHTCK AND ANSWER BTI-OW AI-I. THAT APPI.Y TO YOUR PRO]ECT"I DRt55l n Det 6ara8e (Sf)_ D Pool (5t) [.] Greenhouse (SF)_ t] Deck(Sf)_ ls the proposad work chanSin8 the existlnB footprlnt? 84s 0 No TOTAI Sq FT UNDTR ROOI llor proposed worl) Heated TOTAL PnoJECT COST (Iess Lot): S, - 12rAA0-- zto fl Att Gara8e (Sf)_n Porch (St) D Storage Shed (5F)- t I Other (5t) Unhcated: __ ,nr ,- ccessory structure dY", q *o ent 5ite? [ Ves E/No t;r'fltlF lg I 1t ?7rill ls the proposed work chan8ing the number of b edrooms? D Yes ls any tlectrlcal, Plumbing or Mechanlaalwork beirl8 done to the n ll the proiect is a Relocatlon, is there a Natura,gas [ine on lhe (urr ls there Electrical Power on this Building? [fYes L] No ,,, Property Use/ Oc(upan(y: [r/Sln8le Famlly f] Oupl€xD Townhouse ehc/r,ra/, H|AC oes(riptlon o, Work :1,olnr l. lntormation....NoTt:A.yworlp.rorntedwithoutrheappropriatepermltrwiltbeinvtolalionoltheNcsral.0tdScodei.druble(rtoftn.5!pto5500.m... owner/contraclori -J.,sL k15 Signatu.e: "licensed Quoliref Print Non. ls the property located in a lloodplain? O Yes L6d [xlstinS lmpervlous Area: -- Sq fl TotalAc.es Dlilurbed: _.-'-,.'----. New lmpervious Area: -- - Sq ft Exlstlng tand Dlsturbln8 Permlt: I i Yes L.] No WAIER: \ CfPUA Ll Co nrunitYSystem L.l PtivateWell t"l CentralWell fl Aqua zon., ("',8- CFP cScpt'c I j CentralSeptic I I AquasrwtR: (Lx) | 1'' (nr)--,lD /)Lt(B) c5o,.C''-rrr)cvo o. ctd) =:=ae C"ooa'c)_cApproval:_-.. x E+2rt= _ Comnrent (h',", ,r,t^t*t ( d:(Al . (v) -,- 1*1 , / r,lg.&rh rr,..-r ):lrt tur Pcrmit tee: S C-\ $B L ztP: pnont, f 10-//b'15)t V{unroomg 2SO L] v\t!:FLOOD ZONE @tr-nx1 (NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT aPPLICATION |YPE; COlill'tERCIAL PLfASt Arlst,lE8 ALI qJES',IIONS APPItCAS!t TO YOJP P',lO)t(r "Project ResPonslblIltY" t8-r 3U Ap'Ffiftrfi--oN I'lunber (offlce ure) -OAlEt ?.L )-ltAPPIICANT,S IIAME: OEVE LOPER I c PHONE fl: ztP'lts-!-o sPRO]ECT OCCUPAN]/BUSINESS t,IAfiE : PROPERTY OWNER'S NA'4E: ONNER, S ADDRESS: )r LICENSE I: CITY: PHOT,IE fl: ST: o CITY: zIP I SI I NLztPl zii 01ORi DR ss: PRO] ECT CONTACT ERSON: EXIST CONSTBUCTION: ll Relocation, is lhete a Na CONIRACT ADDRE5S: EIIAI L AD ilt, ,orrrrr.tro*' I PHONT I: PHONE N: ALT ERAT ION GENERAL REPAIRS ralGas Line on thc U ERECT NEW SIRUCTURE FAST TRACK SHTLL uPrrr fj ADD TO Exrsr STRUCTUR€ h.(t All lh.t IPPIY ) RENOVAT ION rrenl Silc? fi mYes l-1 No IS BLI]G S RE LOCATION xleneofi vesf-1trPRIN ACCESSORY STRUCTURE: If UPrII - The Shell Permit #:Is Elect PoHer on thls BuildinS fl Yes f NO .r..t I5 TllI5 A CHAME rF Yes, l,hat tras the Previous o.(upancy Typc? or occuPANcY usE? fl YEs fI No ""' tJh;t 1s the NeH 0c(upancy I[Efi ?orrro* PRoFEssroNAL : Ti.IGR DESI6N PNOFESSIONAL: DESCRIPTION OF I,JORK: Pli PH:q b.)liL.1ct3<l ,.1 ls lood oI bevcraoes prepaled or served in lhis slructule?fr YesF-i- No ls The Proporty Located ln The Floodpla NC RE6 {: NC REG T: l) !Y.f! he OWNER/CONTRACTOR: Note: Demolition nolhca tions t ssbsstos rernova!p€mril aqpl'caions lro b€ submillcd usinolhe apPlicolloo lorm (OHHS-3768) whehel lhe la(ililv o, blildinowas lound lo co.raln asbeslos o( rDl Yo.,6re ,equiro{, lo cs! lh6 Nauxlal €mlsslon Sla nd6ds,or Hazardous Alr PolluLnl9 (NEstl-AP)ar {919)707-5950sl learl l0davs prior lo rr' denroliion o{6ny laclhy or bulrdhg See Asbesl,rs VJeb Sile: hllp:/l**{ cPI sraG nc us/epuasbosbYahmP hlml a) ]OTAL PROJECT COST 00 BUILDING I]EIGHT 3€f OF UNITS TOTAL AREA SQ FT SO FT PER FLR ,/ OT STORIES IOTAL SO FT UNDER ROOF f OF STRUCTURE , OF FLOORS: EXST IAND DISTU G PERMIT?l-ves fiy' Ho ACRES DISTURBED: SQ FT EXISTING IMPERV AREANEW IMPERVIOUS AREA PRoPERTY usE: f]oFFlcE f| nesrrrunenr t\,IERCANTlLE EDU CFPUA COMMUNITY SYSTEM CFPUA RBIN IOUS APT CENTRAL sEPrlc D T-l WELL T-'I ZONING U Hvere sePr tc Sicol'lr'^unttv 5tr:tvl '7,x t:{:li,r /ir SO FT CONDO OTHEI SE CLASSIFICATION AE t3 tlf l(,t tr'rt rt r WATER: SEWER: SYSTEM PAYMENT E /\r I r,l r .1r|5 llt o(rrlrl r, , CR t I {-CT, l'1{ Cl1, l']t 8G G'\S tOUlr' Pntt ^us ' lN d L) t( MEIHOD: f CASH [- cHecr lnavnalE To NHc) f. AMERIcAN ExPRESS f McA/lsA DISCOVER (FOR OfflcE usE oNLY) r ZONE OFFICER SETBACKS: F,d t Approval City:Jd lr rn DATE d FLOOD '.L un Nln aall* a!!7 BFE+2fl''lh N iCommenl uirkl"5t,lt /)LI .t t nf A)o €.c. fr Ciiy lnsprciion REuxeo, 9 I 0-254-0901 PERMIT FEE: : N8"..o,uun NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUILDING PERMIT AP P LtUtlO N TYP E: RESIDENTIAt PLIA!E ANSWIR AI-L QU E SIIOT{ S APPTICABTT IO YOUN PRO]TCT "Prolect Rerponslbillty'' Do"" y$_21t13 ApPlk.llon Numbcr (orrl(eure) - Date: 7 - zt'?.ol{ ztq: Zgtl 0 I LOT 'PTL 1 )/' \-'..,. )l' ", .,;&,' APPI"ICANT'S NAMI PRO.,ECIADDRTSSi SUBDIVISION: h 914 D.,c. k s.l-'Y- t, a,v ClrY: lV CITY: )owt iur"^ lV ,'1"'-,,i, PnoPEnTY owNER'S NAME| 'J7 h OWNER,S ADORESSI a 9,! lv il. Wa PIJONT I'5 tPzg:1; I fo '[?r, DrLernn,"^etCONTRACTOR AOORESS: _ _-,. stDG ucflrst f CITY: TMAIL AODRESSI .co P[O)tCT CONTACT P[RSON PHONI EXlSrlNG CONSTRUCTIONT D Alteration N Renovation 8l GeneralRepalrl NEWCONSTRUCTION:EfrectNewResidenceOAddltlontoExlrtlngRosldencenRelocation T.IPTEASE CHEC( AND ANSU'Ii BELOW ALI. THAT APPIYTO YOUR PRO'IECT'I' O Det Garage (St)_tr Porch (sF) ST: _ZlPr fl Att Gara8e (SF) __ C Sunroom (st)*.- O Greenhouse {SF)_ n Pool(SF) tf Deck (sF) [:] stora8e Shed {st)- ls the proposed wo.k chan8ing the e)(isting lootprint? C Yes F No ToTAt sq UNDER ROoF Uor prcposetl wol() Heated:t65 O unh€ated: l( L TOTAT PROJECT COST {Lesr Lot): $85,o oi) lr the proposed workchanging the number ot bedrooms? n Yes IE No lsanyElectrl.al,PlumbhSorMechanlcalworkbeingdonetotheAccessoryStructureDYcsENo lf the project is a Relo.atlon, ls there a Natural Gas l-ine on the current site? D les n No /U/A ls there flectrical Power on this guildinS? E Yei fl No Property Use/ Occup Drscrlptlon of Worki an N Slnglefamlly [] Ouplexn Townhou$e (L a ol5clAlM[R; I hcrebyccn ,yt pl n8 and all olhe. applkat'le 51.te and loaal law! andordinrncetand raBulatlons Thc NHC Development Serviaas Cenler 1lril be nolifi€d ol aay.hanSeg ln th€ approved plan5 and spe.incition! or chrnge in (oniraclor hlo.ma!ion. "'NOTt: Any work perlo pe.mit!$/illbe ln vlolalion ol ihe NCstalc aldS code and subled ro liner upto Ssoo.oo"' Signature: Rrs oa? ed in a floodplain? E Y at't2 txistlng lmpervlous Are",1Z9-.,L sq rt TotalAcre! Dhturb€d: O New lmpervious Alea:o Sq ft Exlttlng Land Dlsturblng Permit: L.l Yes X No wATtR: B:CFPUA D CommunitySystem E Private lvell Ll Centralwell Ll Aqua SEwtSr E'CIPUA ! CommunitYsystem n Private Septic Ll CentralSeptic Ll Aqua Owner/Contractor: "LlceBed Quolifre." is the property Io.at J-dt q Ciiy inPmlion Requma, ?l r2i'i'u'iil zon",L{D- E or,..r,DIG s"16 rx) r. i (nx) 1.'i le) Approval:0k clty;-l[LlX- oatcl ,. o {A)- (v)- (N) X stE+2tt= - tvD l'Pe.mlt tae: SCommenti N ill re,uirz Cer {;.oY<o€or(\o.Veoeq-sa?prooQ t8.58tp PHO N E: n Other ISF)_ NEW HANOVER COUNTY BUIIDING PERMIT APPLICAT|p.N TYPE : RESID€NTIAI PI,EASI ANSWTR AILQUESTIONS APPLICAS!€ TO YOUR PROJTCf "Project ReiponrlblllV' "t turc- aqzd $ - 58a- (olnceutc, -; tni. 't ,ii, dtir 'il '\i;.ffi" APPI-ICANT'S IVAME: PROIECT ADDNISS;CITY: lJ Date: 2 ztPv suSolvlsloN: PROPENW OWN€B'S NAMII OWNER'S ADDRISS:t CITY: PHONE ":ltP 0 7trl-/ ^sT PHONE -7 - c,s-g pHoNE, .z/-r-.- {? I ^ a.s rl 7 ICONIFACTOR ADDRISS:o crTv SLOG LICINsI { ll t ztp'.-L V '!Jl z.- EMAIT ADORTSS: DeJc.lptlon of Work: PROJTCTCONIACT PERTON: IXISTING CONSIRUCTIONT D Alteratlon 0 Renovatlon 0 General Sepalrs NEW CONSTRUCIIONT O Erett New Resldence O Addiiion to txistlng Reslden.e E Reiocatloh ".PI.TAST CHICI( AND ANSWER SIIOW ATI. THAT APPIY IO YOUR PRO'Ecr..T f} Att Gar.te {Sf)_ D DetcaraSe(SF)--- E Sun.oom (Sr)__ n Poot(Sr)_*== fl Greenhouse lsf) - E Deck{SFl- It the p.oposed work changlnS the exigtln8 footp.int? O Y.s E No TOTAT 5q Ff UNDEn ROOI Aot ptopotcd wo*) Heated:_ Unheatedi .n) Property Use/ Occupancyr EI Slngle tamlly D Duplex 0 Townhoute TOTAI PnO.,ECT cosT (Le5t l"ot): S Ir the proposed work changlnE the oumbe. ot bedrooms? n Yei R No is any Electrlcal, PlumblnS or Mechanlcalwork beln8 done to the Accesrory Structure D Yes &i No It the projert ls a Reloc.tlon, is lhere a Natural Gas [ine on the current site? [] Yes f] No ls there flectrical Power on this gutldlnS? O Ye' D No ?*ltF l3 9r l,8I /{ t z/ )", k ,, i/ L-.nu J.., e i1' orSCLAlMln: I herebyc€nily lhat alllhe lon In lhl! applic.llo.l, corleal and illworl *'ll(onrply wililhe Stale Sulldtng Coda and alloller rppll(rbte Sriti and to{al Inlomalion. 'r'NOI E: Any worl pcdormedwilhout th. rpprop ait!€lmilswi[ be lnvlolallon ofthellcStaie BldBCodeand robjcll to linetu9to 55m@". Rt,, fi"orl ls the propeny lo(ated ln a floodplaln? D Yes DlNo [xlsllnt lmpervlour Area: -*-_ 5q Fi Total Acre! olslu.bed: Owne./Contracto,l "Llcensed Qoolfle." Zonc I | ' P.tnr Nom. SiEnatuaer b ^-,-l New lmpervlous Area: ____ 5q ft Erlitlng l,and Dlrtlrblng Perm[: f:] Yer n No StWE R: CfPUA fl Comrnunity System O Private W.ll 0 CentralWell 0 Aqu. CTPUA O CommunilySystem D Privat€ Septi. O CentralSeptlc ll & & \t5 WATER: otttcer l2lll2 0! /a $ to tst /s Ciii inW*iion Requrco' 9l &254'B'fi1 aryt I LIV\ scrba*t $l3O I o"r",3ltllittood: (a)_ (v)Approval: Comrnent:,t-5 (N).} glt+zft= Permlt tee: S I toT,r; O Porch {Sn _ f) Storase Shed ISF)_ 0 other lsr) r.., ao J /c,, < e