Halyburton Park Digital CopyHTLLMAN Ynres & TISDALE ATTT]RNEYS AND COUNSELBRs¡ AT LAW JONATHAN L. YATES DTRECT VOICE A43 414-9754 J LY@H ELLMANYATES. coM HELLMAN YATES & TISDALE, PA I05 BROAD STREET, THIRÞ FLOOR CHARLESToN, SoUTH CARoLINA 294C)I v 443 266-9099 F 443 266-9 I aa May 4, zorS VIA FBDERAL EXPRE,SS Ben Andrea,CZA, AICP Current Planning &, Zoning Supervisor Planning & Inspections- Planning &. Zoning New Hanover County 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington, NC 28403 (910) 7e8-7s7r Re: Proposed 140-foot monopole-style wireless communications facility to be located off of Halyburton Memorial Parkway, Wilmington, NC 28412 by Milestone Communications. Dear Ben, We are pleased to present this application on behalf of Milestone Communications for a proposed 14O-foot monopole-style wireless communications facility to be located off of Halyburton Memorial Parkway, Wilmington, NC 28412. The underlying property is owned by New Hanover County and is designated as New Hanover County tax map # R08100-006-026- 000. The property is zoned R-15, The facility is desperately needed in order to provide adequate voice and advanced data coverage and capacity to the surrounding area. We have taken the liberty of recasting the relevant sections of the New Hanover County Zoning Ordinance below with our response to the relevant section in bold. As you will see from the following, all of the New Hanover County requirements have been met. Section 63.5-1: Telecommunication Communication Facilities, Cellular and Related Towers These f¿cilities may be located by right in the I-1 and I-2 Districts and by special use permit in all other zoning districts. In addition, these facilities shall be subject to the following: (A) Except for amateur radio antenna up to 90 feet, any tower, antenna or related structure in any zoning district shall set back from any existing residential property line or residential May 4, zorS Page z zoning district boundary a distance equal to the height of the tower as measured from the base of the tower. In no case shall the setback for any tower, antenna or related structure be less than 50 feet. As shown on Sheet Vl of the Site Plans and Drawings, attached hereto as Exhibit "l" and incorporated herein by reference, the proposed wireless telecommunications facility is more than 421feet from any residential zoning district, and at least 50 feet from all property lies, thereby complying with this requirements. Furthermore, the fall zone for the proposed monopole-style communications tower has been certified at less than 140 feet, as shown in the ANSU Fall Zone Certification by North Carolina Professional Engineer Keith J. Tindall' attached hereto as Exhibit oo7" ^ndincorporated herein by reference. (B) Where Special Use Permits are required, all of the following standards shall be applied, and all requirements must be met. Additional conditions may be determined to be necessary to mitigate negative impacts, and the permit should be approved only if all negative impacts can be mitigated. No reductions in setbacks may be granted for this use under Section 62.1- 4 of this ordinance. The minimum distance between the tower and any other adjoining parcel of land or road must be equal to the minimum setback described above, plus any additional distance necessary to ensure that the tower, as designed, will fall within the tower site The fall zone for the proposed monopole-style wireless communications tower has been certified at less than 140 feet, as shown in Exhibit "7", thus fully contained on the New Hanover County property. The applicant shall provide simulated photographic evidence of the proposed appearance of the tower from four (4) vantage points and a statement as to the potential visual and aesthetic impacts on all adjacent residential zoning districts. The simulation shall include overall height; configuration; physical location; mass and scale; materials and color (including proposals for stealth structures); and illumination. Photo simulations for the proposed monopole-style communications facility are attached hereto as Exhibit "S" and incorporated herein by reference. Concealed (stealth) or camouflaged facilities are encouraged when the method of concealment is appropriate to the proposed location. Auached stealth facilities may include but are not limited to: painted antenna and feed lines to match the color of a building or structure, faux windows, dormers, or other architectural features that blend with an existing or proposed building or structure. Freestanding stealth facilities typically have a secondary, obvious function such as church steeple, windmill, silo, light standard, flagpole, bell/clock tower, water tower, or tree. There is no appropriate method of concealment for this facility on the New Hanover County property. We are deploying the monopole deign, as it has been T 2. 3 May4, zorS Page 3 found to be the most innocuous and visibly-pleasing to the surrounding area by the United States Fish and Wildlife Service, 4. The proposed appearance of concealed or non-concealed facilities shall be evaluated for compatibility with the surrounding community prior to submission of the special use application. Applicants shall meet with Planning and Land Use staff for a preliminary review of proposed appearance in order to assure each facility will impose the least obtrusive visual impact. The Applicants accept and acknowledge this provision. (C) A landscaped buffer with a base width not less than21 feet and providing 100% opacity shall be required within the tower site to screen the exterior of protective fencing or walls. The base of the tower and each guy wire anchor must be surrounded by a fence or wall not less than 8 feet in height. As shown on Sheet 22 of Exhibit'01", the proposed facility will be enclosed by an eight-foot chain-linked fence with a green-slat privacy screen. Also, as shown on Sheet 7ß of Exhibit 'ol"rtb,e proposed facility will have a 25' landscape buffer consisting of 34 Nellie R. Stevens Holly's which will be at least 6-feet high at time of planting. (D) All applicants seeking approval for the construction of any new towers, antennas, and related structures shall submit written evidence in the form of a report to demonstrate that collocation on any existing tower, antenna or usable structure in the search area for the new tower is not reasonable or possible. Technical data in the report shall include certification by a Registered Professional Engineer licensed in the State of North Carolina or other qualihed professional, whose qualifications shall be included, regarding service gaps or service expansions that are addressed by the proposed telecommunication tower and accompanying maps and calculations demonstrating the need for the proposed tower. A map showing the search ring and an inventory of all structures investigated for co-location shall be included as well as a radio frequency analysis indicating the coverage of existing wireless communications sites, coverage prediction, and design radius, together with a certification from the applicant's radio frequency (RF) engineer that the proposed network design is intended to improve coverage or capacity potential or reduce interference and the proposed facility cannot be achieved by any higher ranked altemative such as a concealed (stealth) facility, attached facility, replacement facility, co-location, or new antenna support structure. Please see the letter by Zlatko Bibic of Verizon \ilireless and Coverage Analysis, which are attached hereto as Exhibit oo9" and incorporated herein by reference. (E) All towers shall be constructed to accommodate collocation. Towers over 150 feet in height shall be engineered to accommodate at a minimum two additional providers. Towers 150 feet or less in height shall be engineered to accommodate at a minimum one additional provider. As shown of Sheet 22 of F,x}nibit "l", the proposed facility has been designed for Verizon Wireless and at least four (4) other wireless carrierso thereby complying with this requirement. May 4, zorS Page 4 (F) All applicants seeking approval shall also submit a written affidavit from a qualified person or persons, including evidence of their qualifications, certiffing that the construction or placement of such structures meets the provisions of the Telecommunications Act of 1996, the National Environmental Policy Act of 1969, FCC Rules Sections 1.1311, l.l3l2,1.1307 and all other applicable federal, state and local laws. The statement must certifr that radio frequency emissions from the antenna anay(s) comply with the FCC standards. The statement shall also certify that both individually and cumulatively the proposed facilities located on or adjacent to the proposed facility will comply with current FCC standards. In accordance with NCGS I53A-349.52(a),the County cannot base its permitting decision on public safety implications of radio frequency emissions of wireless facilities. Please see the NEPA and FCC Standards Compliance Letter by Jason Los' of EBI Consulting, attached hereto as Exhibit o'11" and incorporated herein by reference. (G) Any tower and associated equipment which was lawfully constructed under the terms of the Ordinance, which is now considered a nonconforming improvement, may continue or be reconstructed as a conforming improvement even through the tower and associated equipment may not conform with the provisions of this Ordinance for the district in which it is located. Towers and associated equipment may only be enlarged and/or relocated if the enlarged or relocated tower eliminates the need for an additional tower, provides additional collocation opportunities on the tower, or provides additional antenna space on the tower; and provided further that the enlargement and/or relocation shall be in conformance with the following regulations and design limitations : 1. Tower height may not be increased by more than l5o/o of the originally constructed tower height. Increases in height greater than 15o/o will require a variance from the Board of Adjustment. 2. A tower shall be allowed to be reconstructed and relocated within the boundaries of the property on which it is located so long as the decrease in the setback does not exceed 15% of the originally constructed tower height and the relocated tower is sited to minimize any increase in the existing nonconformity. Any request to reconstruct and relocate the tower where the resulting decrease in setback exceeds 15% of the originally constructed tower height shall require a variance from the Board of Adjustment. (814197) This provision is not applicable, as this is an application for a new tower. (H) Cellular and PCS antennas attached to existing structures shall not add more than six feet to the overall height ofa structure. (10/02) This provision is not applicable, as this is an application for a new tower. (I) Signage: 1. Attaching commercial messages for off-site or on-site advertising shall be prohibited. 9 May 4, zorS Page 5 2 The only signage that is permitted upon a tower, antenna support structure, equipment cabinet, or fence shall be informational, and for the pulpose of identiffing (1) the antenna support structure (such as ASR registration number); (2) the party responsible for the operation and maintenance of the facility; (3) its current address and telephone number; (4) security or safety signs; (5) properfy manager signs for the tower (if applicable); and (6) signage appropriate to warn the general public as to the use of the facility for radi ofrequency transmissions. Milestone Communications and all other users of the proposed communications facility will only place the federally-required site identification and emergency signage on the proposed facility, as shown on Sheet 24 of Exhibit "1,'. (J) Equipment Compound l. Shall not be used for the storage of any equipment or hazardous waste (e.g., discarded batteries) or materials not needed for the operation. No outdoor storage yards shall be allowed in a tower equipment compound. The Applicants accept and acknowledge this provision. 2. Shall not be used as habitable space The Applicants accept and acknowledge this provision. (K) Outside Experts and Disputes 1. Siting of telecommunications facilities may involve complex technical issues that require review and input by outside experts. Staff may require the applicant to pay the reasonable costs of a third-party technical study of a proposed facility. Selection of expert(s) to review the proposal shall be at the sole discretion of the decision-making body. The Applicants accept and acknowledge this provision. 2.If anapplicant for a telecommunications facility claims that one (l) or more standards of this Ordinance are inconsistent with federal law as applied to a particular property, or would prohibit the effective provision of wireless communications within the relevant market area, the decision-making body may require that the application be reviewed by a qualified engineer for a determination of the accuracy of such claims. Any costs shall be charged to the applicant. The Applicants accept and acknowledge this provision. (L) The applicant shall submit Form 7460 to the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) to assure compliance with all FAA standards and to resolve issues of concem, including required lighting, possible transmission interference or other conflicts when the proposed tower site is located within ten thousand (10,000) feet of an airport or within any runway approach zone. May 4, zorS Page 6 Please see the FAA Filing & Letter of Ken Patterson of Ken Patterson Airspace Consultingo Inc., attached hereto as Exhibit'010" and incorporated herein by reference. In addition, we have also enclosed the following documents: 1. Copy of Current Tax Map, attached hereto as Exhibit "2" artd incorporated herein by reference;2. Site Survey, attached hereto as Exhibit "3" and incorporated herein by reference; 3. Adjacent Property Owners and Uses, attached hereto as Exhibit "4" aîd incorporated herein by reference;4. Traffic Impact Worksheet, attached hereto as Exhibit'05" and incorporated herein by reference; 5. Authority for Appointment of Agent, attached hereto as Exhibit o'6" and incorporated herein by reference; and Once you have a chance to review the enclosed documents, please let us know if there are any outstanding materials or fees needed for this submittal. I can be reached at 843-414-9756. We would respectfully request that this application be placed on the Planning Board's Agenda for their June 7, 2018 meeting. Thank you so much for taking a look and for all your help with this. With warmest regards,I am Yours very truly, J L/' Jonathan L. JLY:jlc Enclosures Index to Exhibits 1.) Site Plans & Drawings; 2.) Copy of Current Tax Map; 3.) Site Survey; 4.) Adjacent Property Owners and Uses; 5.) Traffic Impact Worksheet; 6.) Authority for Appointment of Agent; 7.) ANSI/ Fall Zone letter; 8.) Photo Simulations; 9.) Carrier Coverage Analysis and Search Ring; 10.) FAA Filing & Letter of Ken Patterson Airspace Consulting, Inc.; and 11.) Compliance Letter by Jason Los of EBI Consulting. Exhibit 1 Subject Property Photos SITE SURVEY V1 SITE VICINITY MAP (NTS) SANDERS SURVEYING & MAPPING SERVICES, INC. HA L Y B U R T O N M E M O R I A L P A R K W A Y WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 2 NE W H A N O V E R C O U N T Y SI T E N A M E : H A L Y B U R T O N P A R K 18214.001 NO R T H C A R O L I N A 3 Marcus DriveGreenville, SC 29615Ph. (864) 288-0553Fax. (864) 288-0559 NC FIRM LICENSE NUMBER: C - 2484 BA S E T R A N S C E I V E R S I T E SANDERS SURVEYING & MAPPING SERVICES, INC. HA L Y B U R T O N M E M O R I A L P A R K W A Y WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 2 NE W H A N O V E R C O U N T Y SI T E N A M E : H A L Y B U R T O N P A R K 18214.001 NO R T H C A R O L I N A 3 Marcus DriveGreenville, SC 29615Ph. (864) 288-0553Fax. (864) 288-0559 NC FIRM LICENSE NUMBER: C - 2484 BA S E T R A N S C E I V E R S I T E SITE SURVEY V2 SITE SURVEY V3 SANDERS SURVEYING & MAPPING SERVICES, INC. HA L Y B U R T O N M E M O R I A L P A R K W A Y WI L M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 2 NE W H A N O V E R C O U N T Y SI T E N A M E : H A L Y B U R T O N P A R K 18214.001 NO R T H C A R O L I N A 3 Marcus DriveGreenville, SC 29615Ph. (864) 288-0553Fax. (864) 288-0559 NC FIRM LICENSE NUMBER: C - 2484 BA S E T R A N S C E I V E R S I T E Exhibit 2 Site Plans and Drawings Exhibit 3 Coordination Letters SITE SURVEY V1 SITE VICINITY MAP (NTS) SANDERS SURVEYING &MAPPING SERVICES, INC. HA L Y B U R T O N M E M O R I A L P A R K W A Y WIL M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 2 NE W H A N O V E R C O U N T Y SI T E N A M E : H A L Y B U R T O N P A R K 18214.001 NO R T H C A R O L I N A 3 Marcus DriveGreenville, SC 29615Ph. (864) 288-0553Fax. (864) 288-0559 NC FIRM LICENSE NUMBER: C - 2484 BA S E T R A N S C E I V E R S I T E Exhibit 4 Conceptual Drawings SITE SURVEY V1 SITE VICINITY MAP (NTS) SANDERS SURVEYING &MAPPING SERVICES, INC. HA L Y B U R T O N M E M O R I A L P A R K W A Y WIL M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 2 NE W H A N O V E R C O U N T Y SI T E N A M E : H A L Y B U R T O N P A R K 18214.001 NO R T H C A R O L I N A 3 Marcus DriveGreenville, SC 29615Ph. (864) 288-0553Fax. (864) 288-0559 NC FIRM LICENSE NUMBER: C - 2484 BA S E T R A N S C E I V E R S I T E SANDERS SURVEYING &MAPPING SERVICES, INC. HA L Y B U R T O N M E M O R I A L P A R K W A Y WIL M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 2 NE W H A N O V E R C O U N T Y SI T E N A M E : H A L Y B U R T O N P A R K 18214.001 NO R T H C A R O L I N A 3 Marcus DriveGreenville, SC 29615Ph. (864) 288-0553Fax. (864) 288-0559 NC FIRM LICENSE NUMBER: C - 2484 BA S E T R A N S C E I V E R S I T E SITE SURVEY V2 SITE SURVEY V3 SANDERS SURVEYING &MAPPING SERVICES, INC. HA L Y B U R T O N M E M O R I A L P A R K W A Y WIL M I N G T O N , N C 2 8 4 1 2 NE W H A N O V E R C O U N T Y SI T E N A M E : H A L Y B U R T O N P A R K 18214.001 NO R T H C A R O L I N A 3 Marcus DriveGreenville, SC 29615Ph. (864) 288-0553Fax. (864) 288-0559 NC FIRM LICENSE NUMBER: C - 2484 BA S E T R A N S C E I V E R S I T E Exhibit 5 Memorandum of Community Meeting Exhibit 6 Site Aerial Exhibit 7 Visual Impact & Photo Simulations April 26, 2018 Chris Harold Milestone Communications 12110 Sunset Hill Road, Suite 100 Reston, VA 20190 RE: Proposed 140’ (extendible to 150’) Monopole for Halyburton Park, NC (Sabre #18-7045-JDS) Dear Chris, As shown in our Structural Design Report #18-7045-JDS dated April 24, 2018, the above referenced monopole has been designed for a Basic Wind Speed of 115 mph (148 mph ultimate) with no ice and 30 mph with 1/4” radial ice, Structure Class II, Exposure Category C and Topographic Category 1 in accordance with the Telecommunications Industry Association Standard ANSI/TIA-222-G, “Structural Standard for Antenna Supporting Structures and Antennas”. When designed according to this standard, the wind pressures and steel strength capacities include several safety factors, resulting in an overall minimum safety factor of 25%. Therefore, it is highly unlikely that the monopole will fail structurally in a wind event where the design wind speed is exceeded within the range of the built-in safety factors. Should the wind speed increase beyond the capacity of the built-in safety factors, to the point of failure of one or more structural elements, the most likely location of the failure would be within one of the upper sections of the monopole shaft. Assuming that the wind pressure profile is similar to that used to design the monopole, the monopole will buckle at the location of the highest combined stress ratio within one of the upper sections. This is likely to result in the portion of the monopole above leaning over and remaining in a permanently deformed condition. Please note that this letter only applies to the above referenced monopole designed and manufactured by Sabre Towers & Poles. The fall radius for the monopole design described above is less than 140 feet. Sincerely, Keith J. Tindall, P.E. Vice President of Engineering Exhibit 8 Search Ring HALYBURTON PARK SITE 146FT. BALLOON TEST SITE PHOTOGRAPHY MAP Site Photograph Site 1 2 3 4 5 146ft. Balloon Test HALYBURTON PARKHalyburton Memorial Pkwy, Wilmington, NC 28412146ft. MONOPOLESIMULATION View #1 from park propertyapproximately 960ft. northwest of site 146ft. Balloon Test HALYBURTON PARKHalyburton Memorial Pkwy, Wilmington, NC 28412146ft. MONOPOLESIMULATION View #2 from park propertyapproximately 785ft. north of site 146ft. Balloon Test HALYBURTON PARKHalyburton Memorial Pkwy, Wilmington, NC 28412146ft. MONOPOLESIMULATION View #3 from high school carpool laneapproximately 1,550ft. west of site 146ft. Balloon Test HALYBURTON PARKHalyburton Memorial Pkwy, Wilmington, NC 28412146ft. MONOPOLESIMULATION View #4 from Burroughs Driveapproximately 585ft. south of site 146ft. Balloon Test HALYBURTON PARKHalyburton Memorial Pkwy, Wilmington, NC 28412146ft. MONOPOLESIMULATION View #5 from Sago Bay Driveapprox. 990ft. east-northeast of site Exhibit 9 South Carolina Historical & Architectural Survey Benjamin Andrea Current Planning and Zoning Supervisor 230 Government Center Drive, Suite 110 Wilmington NC 28403 Verizon has 2 existing sites that surround the proposed new site “Eugene Ashley”. Those sites are: Penders Point , located at 6124 Carolina Beach Road, Wilmington, NC 28412 Pilots Ridge, located at 6736 Carolina Beach Road, Wilmington, NC 28412 We are experiencing capacity issues at both of these 2 sites, and the Eugene Ashley site is needed to offload traffic from both of them. On the top of that it will provide an excellent coverage for the Eugene Ashley High School. Verizon RF Engineer Zlatko Bibic Exhibit 10 Wetlands & Waters Letter « OE/AAA Add a new Case Off Airport - Desk Reference Guide V_2017.4.0 Add a New Case Off Airport for Wind Turbines - Met Towers - Desk Reference Guide V_2017.4.0 Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration - Off Airport Project Name:MILES-000465416-18 Sponsor:Milestone Communications Details for Case : Halyburton Park Show Project Summary Case Status ASN:2018-ASO-8415-OE Status:Accepted Public Comments:None Date Accepted:04/25/2018 Date Determined: Letters:None Documents:04/25/2018 HALYBURTON PARK -... Project Documents:None Construction / Alteration Information Structure Summary Notice Of:Construction Duration:Permanent if Temporary :Months: Days: Work Schedule - Start: Work Schedule - End: *For temporary cranes-Does the permanent structure require separate notice to the FAA?To find out, use the Notice Criteria Tool. If separate notice is required, please ensure it is filed.If it is not filed, please state the reason in the Description of Proposal. State Filing: Structure Type:Antenna Tower Structure Name:Halyburton Park FDC NOTAM: NOTAM Number: FCC Number: Prior ASN: Structure Details Proposed Frequency Bands Latitude:34° 5' 56.84'' N Longitude:77° 54' 20.55'' W Horizontal Datum:NAD83 Site Elevation (SE):24 (nearest foot) PASSED Structure Height (AGL):146 (nearest foot) Current Height (AGL): * For notice of alteration or existing provide the currentAGL height of the existing structure. Include details in the Description of Proposal (nearest foot) Minimum Operating Height (AGL): * For aeronautical study of a crane or construction equipment the maximum height should be listed above as the Structure Height (AGL). Additionally, provide the minimumoperating height to avoid delays if impacts are identified thatrequire negotiation to a reduced height. If the Structure Height and minimum operating height are the same enter the same value in both fields. (nearest foot) Requested Marking/Lighting:None Other : Recommended Marking/Lighting: Current Marking/Lighting:N/A Proposed Structure Other : Nearest City:Wilmington Nearest State:North Carolina Description of Location:On the Project Summary page upload any certified survey.520' North of the jeep trail. Description of Proposal:Proposed tower Select any combination of the applicable frequencies/powers identified in the Colo Void Clause Coalition, Antenna System Co-Location, Voluntary Best Practices, effective 21 Nov 2007, to be evaluated by the FAA with your filing. If not within one of the frequency bands listed below, manually input your proposed frequency(ies) and power using the Add Specific Frequency link. Add Specific Frequency Low FreqHigh FreqFreq UnitERPERP Unit67GHz55dBW67GHz42dBW1011.7GHz55dBW1011.7GHz42dBW17.719.7GHz55dBW17.719.7GHz42dBW21.223.6GHz55dBW21.223.6GHz42dBW614698MHz1000W614698MHz2000W698806MHz1000W806901MHz500W806824MHz500W824849MHz500W851866MHz500W869894MHz500W896901MHz500W901902MHz7W929932MHz3500W930931MHz3500W931932MHz3500W932932.5MHz17dBW935940MHz1000W940941MHz3500W16701675MHz500W17101755MHz500W18501910MHz1640W18501990MHz1640W19301990MHz1640W19902025MHz500W21102200MHz500W23052360MHz2000W23052310MHz2000W23452360MHz2000W24962690MHz500W Previous Back to Search Result Next Page 1of 2Notice of Proposed Construction or Alteration -Off Airport 4/25/2018https://oeaaa.faa.gov/oeaaa/external/eFiling/locationAction.jsp?action=showLocationForm... 141 Massengale Road, Brooks, GA 30205 (770) 461-0563 kpac0@bellsouth.net Site ID: Halyburton ParkApril 24, 2018 To Whom It May Concern: On April 24, 2018, I personally conducted an evaluation of a proposed telecommunications site for AC&S Engineering and Surveying, Inc. The study was to determine if the proposed structure would create any adverse effect on navigable airspace. The site is located near Wilmington, North Carolina at 34° 05’ 56.84” North and 77° 54’ 20.55” West (NAD 83). The site elevation is 24’ above mean sea level (AMSL). The proposed structure height is 146’ above ground level (AGL) or 170’ AMSL. Part 77 of the Federal Air Regulations and Part 17 of the FCC Rules and Regulations were used as the primary reference for this evaluation. The closest public use landing surface is Runway 06 at Wilmington International Airport. The distance to the runway is 9.75 nautical miles on a true bearing of 178.66° from the runway end. Pilot’s Ridge private use airport is located approximately 1,800’ north of the proposed site. At the proposed site, the stucture would have no adverse impact on this private use airport. The proposed 146’ AGL (170’ AMSL) structure would not exceed any FAR Part 77 or FCC Part 17 notice requirement and, therefore, notice to the FAA is not required for this structure. If filed, the proposed 146’ AGL structure should be approved by the FAA. Normally, structures that do not require notice to the FAA do not require marking and/or lighting. AM broadcast stations are not a factor for this site. For additional information or questions about this study, contact my office anytime. Sincerely, Ken Patterson KP 15681 Pilots Ridge Private Use Airport 00615 00304 Exhibit 11 Community Meeting Memorandum from Planning Commission Chair 21 B Street Burlington, MA 01803 Tel: (781) 273-2500 www.ebiconsulting.com ENVIROBUSINESS, INC. LOCATIONS | ATLANTA, GA | BALTIMORE, MD | BURLINGTON, MA | CHICAGO, IL DALLAS, TX | DENVER, CO | HOUSTON, TX | LONG BEACH, CA | NEW YORK, NY | PHOENIX, AZ PORTLAND, OR | RICHMOND, VA | SAN FRANCISCO, CA | SEATTLE, WA | YORK, PA April 30, 2018 Mr. David Goldsmith Milestone Communications 12110 Sunset Hills Road; Suite 100 Reston, Virginia 20140 Subject: Preliminary NEPA Findings Letter - Halyburton Park Proposed 140-foot Monopole 555 Halyburton Memorial Parkway Wilmington, NC 28403 Dear Mr. Goldsmith, EBI Consulting (EBI) is pleased to provide you with this Preliminary National Environmental Policy Act (NEPA) Findings Letter (Letter) for the proposed communications installation at the address noted above (the Subject Property). The purpose of this Letter is to provide the findings of EBI’s preliminary evaluation of the proposed communications installation upon Federal Communications Commission (FCC) rules implementing NEPA (47 CFR §1.1307). As of the date of this Letter, Milestone Communications proposes to construct a 140-foot monopole tower at the Subject Property. Based upon the results of EBI’s initial assessment, the proposed installation will not result in a significant environmental effect per the criteria outlined in §1.1307(a), Item (1), Item (2), Item (3), and Items (6) through (8). As such the preparation of an Environmental Assessment (EA) for these criteria is not required. Please note that the Natural Resources review, State Historic Preservation office (SHPO), review, and Tribal consultation process, Item (3), Item (4), and Item (5) respectively, are ongoing. However, EBI does not anticipate that the proposed undertaking will have an Adverse Effect upon natural, historic, or cultural resources. Thank you for the opportunity to prepare this Letter, and assist you with this project. Please call us if you have any questions, or if we may be of further assistance. Respectfully Submitted, Jason Los Account Executive – Mid-Atlantic and Southeast Regions