ZBA-927 Application PackagePROPOSED VARIANCE NARRATIVE Subiect Zoning Regulclion, Chcpter ond Seclion: ln the below spoce, pleose provide o norrotive of the opplicotion. (Addítionol poges moy be ottoched to lhe opplicotion if necessory) CRITER,¡A REQUIRED FOR APPROVAL OF A VAR,IANCE The Zoning Boqrd of Adiustment mqy gront o vorionce if it finds thot strict opplicotion of the ordinqnce results in qn unhecessory hordship for the opplicont, ond if the vcricnce is consistent wilh the spirit, purpose, ond intent of the ordinonce. The opplicont must exploin, with reference to olloched plons (where opplicoble), how the proposed use meets these required findings (pleose use oddilionql poges if necessory). l. Unnecesscry hordship would result from shicl cpplicction of the ordinonce. lf sholl nol be necessory lo demonsfrole lhot, in ffie obsence of lhe vorionce, no reosonoble use con be mode of the property. Poge 4 of ó Vorionce Applícolion - Updored 3/2017 This project proposes to to construct an Express Oil Service Station on the above mentioned property. Two buildings are proposed on the site. One is an oil service building and the other is a car service building. There will also be associated parking, drive aisles, lighting, landscaping, utilities, etc. As per Article V, Section 55.4 of the North Hanover County Zoning Code, this lot is subject to a 25 foot building setback from all property lines as it is located in the Special Highway Overlay District. As part of this application we are requesting a variance to reduce the building setback from 25 feet to minimum of 10 feet. ARTICLE V - SECTION 55.4 The requirement of the 25 foot building setback on all property presents a hardship to the property as 50' of the 100' frontage along Market Streets cannot be developed. The contemplated use requires a drive aisle (code minimum width: 22') beside the front building to access the rear of the site. After the 2 - 25' setbacks and 22' drive aisle only 28' of lot width is available for a building. Only a skinny deep building would fit on the lot and this architectural layout does not lend itself to common uses. Most smaller retail spaces are no deeper than 60-70'. Due to the deep skinny geometry of the lot, a drive beside the front building is the most feasible way to access the rear building. The zoning ordinance requirements have reduced the building width which can be constructed by 72%. 2. The hordship results from condilions thot cre peculior to the property, such as locolion, size or topogrcphy. Hordship resulfing from personol circurnsfonces, os well os hordshþ resulling from condifions lhof ore common fo the neighborhood or generol public, moy nol be lhe bosls for gronling o vorionce. 3. The hcrdship did not resull from aclions loken by the oppliccnt or the properly owner. The ocf of purchosrng property with knowledge ilrof circumsfonces exisf thof moy iuslify the gronflng of o vorionce sholl nof be regorded os o self-creofed hordship. 4. The requesled vorionce i¡ consistenl with the spiril, purpose, ond inlent of lhe ordinonce, such thot public sofety is secured, ond subslonticl iustice is ochieved. Poge 5 of ó Vorionce Applicorion - Updoted 3/2017 The building setback hardship impacts the development potential of the lot as the right of way facing portion of the lot is very narrow at 100 wide. 50% of the lot's width is occupied by setbacks. While the lot is deep, it does not afford development potential without a drive aisle as mentioned in item 1. The building setback requirement is an existing condition to the property and is not a result from the applicant rezoning, subdividing, etc. The more stringent SHOD setback requirements are the only reason for this request and the unlying zoning setbacks would be met with this plan. The variance for the building setback reduces the setback from 25 to 10 feet minimum. This reduction does not adversely affect the health and public safety of the area. As stated above, if the SHOD did not touch the property, the 25' setback would not be required. 25' B U I L D I N G S E T B A C K ( R E Q U E S T E D T O B E 1 0 ' B U I L D I N G S E T B A C K A S P A R T O F V A R I A N C E ) 25' B U I L D I N G S E T B A C K 50' P A R K I N G S E T B A C K I F H I G H W A Y I S N O T CON T R O L L E D A C C E S S O R I N T E R S T A T E 100' B U I L D I N G S E T B A C K PROPERTY ZONED B-2 PROPERTY ZONED B-2 PROPERTY ZONED I-1 PROPERTY ZONED I-1 PROPERTY ZONED I-1 PROPERTY ZONED I-1 MAR K E T S T R E E T ( N C - 1 7 ) 50' 35' 36.6 ' 9' 18' 8 9 2 9' P R O P O S E D 1 0 ' B U I L D I N G S E T B A C K PR O P O S E D 1 0 ' B U I L D I N G S E T B A C K SIX B A Y O I L S E R V I C E B L D G . 4,01 3 S F 25' B U I L D I N G S E T B A C K ( R E Q U E S T E D T O B E 1 0 ' B U I L D I N G S E T B A C K A S P A R T O F V A R I A N C E ) 22' THR E E B A Y O I L C H A N G E B L D G . 2,25 0 S F 24' CONSTRUCTION NOT APPROVED FOR REVISIONS REV DATE COMMENT BY LOCATION OF SITE FOR PROJECT No.: DRAWN BY: CHECKED BY: DATE: SCALE: CAD I.D.: SHEET NUMBER: SHEET TITLE: PROJECT: H:\2018\NCR182039\DRAWINGS\CONCEPTS\CONCEPT A\NCR182039-CA1.DWG PRINTED BY: WSWARINGEN 5.01.18 @ 4:57 PM LAST SAVED BY: WSWARINGEN NCR182039 ERB WLB 5/1/18 1" = 30' XB0 PROP. SITE PLAN DOCUMENTS CLIENT 8128 MARKET STREET NEW HANOVER COUNTY WILMINGTON, NC 28411 VARIANCE REQUEST CONCEPT CA-1 C A LL BEFOR E Y O U DIG DIG W I T H C.A. R . E . THE FOLLOWING STATES REQUIRE NOTIFICATION BY EXCAVATORS, DESIGNERS, OR ANY PERSON PREPARING TO DISTURB THE EARTH'S SURFACE ANYWHERE IN THE STATE. IN VIRGINIA, MARYLAND, THE DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, AND DELAWARE CALL - 811 (WV 1-800-245-4848) (PA 1-800-242-1776) (DC 1-800-257-7777) (VA 1-800-552-7001) (MD 1-800-257-7777) (DE 1-800-282-8555) TM NCBELS P-1132 4130 PARKLAKE AVENUE, SUITE 130 RALEIGH, NC 27612 Phone:(919) 578-9000 Fax:(919) 703-2665 NC@BohlerEng.com TH E I N F O R M A T I O N , D E S I G N A N D C O N T E N T O F T H I S P L A N A R E P R O P R I E T A R Y A N D S H A L L N O T B E C O P I E D O R U S E D F O R A N Y P U R P O S E W I T H O U T P R I O R W R I T T E N A U T H O R I Z A T I O N FR O M B O H L E R E N G I N E E R I N G . O N L Y A P P R O V E D , S I G N E D A N D S E A L E D P L A N S S H A L L B E U T I L I Z E D F O R C O N S T R U C T I O N P U R P O S E S © NE W E N G L A N D UP S T A T E N E W Y O R K NE W Y O R K , N Y PH I L A D E L P H I A , P A LE H I G H V A L L E Y , P A BA L T I M O R E , M D RE H O B O T H B E A C H , D E WA S H I N G T O N , D C NO R T H E R N V I R G I N I A RA L E I G H , N C CE N T R A L V I R G I N I A SO U T H E R N M A R Y L A N D NO R T H E R N N E W J E R S E Y SO U T H E A S T E R N , P A CH A R L O T T E , N C BO S T O N , M A SO U T H E R N N E W J E R S E Y NE W Y O R K M E T R O TA M P A , F L SO U T H F L O R I D A DA L L A S , T X AT L A N T A , G A PI T T S B U R G H , P A TM SU S T A I N A B L E D E S I G N LA N D S C A P E A R C H I T E C T U R E SI T E C I V I L A N D C O N S U L T I N G E N G I N E E R I N G LA N D S U R V E Y I N G PR O G R A M M A N A G E M E N T PE R M I T T I N G S E R V I C E S TR A N S P O R T A T I O N S E R V I C E S 20 1 8 B O H L E R E N G I N E E R I N G 1"=30' 0 307.51530 LOCATION MAP SCALE: 1"=1000' CONCEPT PLAN GENERAL NOTES 1. THIS PLAN IS BASED ON NEW HANOVER COUNTY GIS INFORMATION. 2. THE CONCEPT REPRESENTED HEREIN IDENTIFIES A DESIGN CONCEPT RESULTING FROM LAYOUT PREFERENCES IDENTIFIED BY OWNER COUPLED WITH A PRELIMINARY REVIEW OF ZONING AND LAND DEVELOPMENT REQUIREMENTS AND ISSUES. THE FEASIBILITY WITH RESPECT TO OBTAINING LOCAL, COUNTY, STATE, AND OTHER APPLICABLE APPROVALS IS NOT WARRANTED AND CAN ONLY BE ASSESSED AFTER FURTHER EXAMINATION AND VERIFICATION OF SAME REQUIREMENTS AND PROCUREMENT OF JURISDICTIONAL APPROVALS. 3. THE CONCEPTUAL PLAN IS PREPARED FOR CONCEPTUAL PRESENTATION PURPOSES ONLY AND IS NOT INTENDED FOR UTILIZATION AS A ZONING AND/OR CONSTRUCTION DOCUMENT. THE EXISTING CONDITIONS SHOWN HEREON ARE BASED UPON INFORMATION THAT WAS SUPPLIED TO BOHLER ENGINEERING AT THE TIME OF PLAN PREPARATION AND MAY BE SUBJECT TO CHANGE UPON AVAILABILITY OF ADDITIONAL INFORMATION.